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硬币相关 #Ethereum-blockchain

币名 细节
Uniswap (uni)
UNI是Uniswap的治理代币,Uniswap是以太坊区块链上的自动市场标记DEX。. UNI代币允许代币持有者参与协议的治理。. 关键决策,如国库的使用或未来的升级,可以通过治理投票来决定。.
UNI is the governance token for Uniswap, an Automated Market Marker DEX on the Ethereum blockchain. The UNI token allows token holders to participate in the governance of the protocol. Key decisions such as usage of the treasury or future upgrades can be decided through a governance vote.
The Sandbox (sand)
沙盒是一个社区驱动的平台,创作者可以在区块链上通过体素资产和游戏体验获利。SAND 是整个沙盒生态系统中使用的实用代币,作为交易和交互的基础。. 它是建立在以太坊区块链上的ERC20实用代币。. 有3,000,000,000沙子的有限供应。.
The Sandbox is a communitydriven platform where creators can monetize voxel ASSETS and gaming experiences on the blockchain.SAND is the utility token used throughout The Sandbox ecosystem as the basis of transactions and interactions. It is an ERC20 utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain. There is a finite supply of 3,000,000,000 SAND.
Decentraland (mana)
Decentraland是一个以太坊驱动的虚拟现实平台。. 在这个虚拟世界中,您购买了几块土地,以后可以遍历、建造和货币化。. 您可以做的事情没有限制。. 这是第一个完全由用户拥有的数字平台。. 与《天际》和《辐射》等游戏类似,Decentraland是一个全沉浸式的虚拟宇宙。. 但是,您不是在二维屏幕上播放,而是参与三维世界。.
Decentraland is an Ethereumpowered virtual reality platform. In this virtual world, you purchase plots of land that you can later traverse, build upon, and monetize. There’s no limit to what you can do. It’s the first digital platform that’s completely owned by its users. Similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout, Decentraland is an allimmersive virtual universe. However, instead of playing on a 2dimensional screen, you participate in a 3dimension
Maker (mkr)
MKR 是一种被描述为智能合约平台的加密货币,与 Dai 币一起工作,旨在充当对冲货币,为交易者提供目前市场上大多数硬币的稳定替代品。. Maker提供了一个透明的稳定币系统,该系统可以在以太坊区块链上完全检查。. MakerDao成立于近三年前,由其首席执行官兼创始人Rune Christensen领导。. Maker的MKR硬币是最近进入市场的,并不是一个众所周知的项目。. 然而,在今天之后,在爆炸40%之后,它将被更多的人知道,它是在最近的高峰和低谷中崛起的硬币之一。经过MakerDAO团队的开发,Maker Dai于2017年12月18日正式上线。. Dai 是一种价格稳定的硬币,适用于支付、储蓄或抵押品,并为加密货币交易者提供有关开仓和平仓的更多选择。.
MKR is a cryptocurrency depicted as a smart contract platform and works alongside the Dai coin and aims to act as a hedge currency that provides traders with a stable alternative to the majority of coins currently available on the market. Maker offers a transparent stablecoin system that is fully inspectable on the Ethereum blockchain. Founded almost three years ago, MakerDao is lead by Rune Christensen, its CEO and founder. Maker’s MKR coin is a
Ethereum Name Service (ens)
以太坊名称服务 ENS 是一个基于以太坊区块链的分布式、开放且可扩展的命名系统。ENS的工作是将人类可读的名称(如“alice.eth”)映射到机器可读的标识符,例如以太坊地址,其他加密货币地址,内容哈希和元数据。. ENS 还支持“反向解析”,可以将元数据(如规范名称或接口描述)与以太坊地址相关联。ENS与互联网域名服务DNS的目标相似,但由于以太坊区块链提供的功能和限制,其架构明显不同。. 与 DNS 一样,ENS 在称为域的点分隔层次结构名称系统上运行,域的所有者可以完全控制子域。顶级域名,如“.eth”和“.test”,由称为注册商的智能合约拥有,这些合约规定了管理其子域名分配的规则。. 任何人都可以通过遵循这些注册商合同规定的规则,获得域名的所有权供自己使用。. ENS 还支持导入
The Ethereum Name Service ENS is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain.ENS’s job is to map humanreadable names like ‘alice.eth’ to machinereadable identifiers such as Ethereum addresses, other cryptocurrency addresses, content hashes, and metadata. ENS also supports ‘reverse resolution’, making it possible to associate metadata such as canonical names or interface descriptions with Ethereum addresses.E
yearn.finance (yfi)
Yearn Finance 是去中心化金融 DeFi 中的一套产品,在以太坊区块链上提供贷款聚合、收益生成和保险。. 该协议由各种独立开发人员维护,并由YFI持有者管理。它最初是Andre Cronje的一个激情项目,旨在自动化在贷款平台之间转换资金的过程,以寻求提供的最佳收益率,因为贷款收益率是浮动利率而不是固定利率。. 随着这些协议之间的利率变化,资金会自动在 dYdX、AAVE 和复合之间转移。提供的服务包括主要的美元代币,如 DAI、USDT、USDC 和 TUSD。. 例如,如果用户将 DAI 存入 yearn.finance,则用户将收到 yDAI 代币作为回报,这是一个产生收益的 DAI 代币。后来,它与Curve Finance合作发布了一个收益率美元代币池,其中包括四个yt
Yearn Finance is a suite of products in Decentralized Finance DeFi that provides lending aggregation, yield generation, and insurance on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is maintained by various independent developers and is governed by YFI holders.It started out as a passion project by Andre Cronje to automate the process of switching capital between lending platforms in search of the best yield offered, as the lending yield is a floating r
Loopring (lrc)
路印是一个去中心化交易所DEX,建立在以太坊第2层L2解决方案上,称为zkRollup。. 它有基于自动做市商AMM和基于订单簿的交易所。zkRollup 是一种以太坊 L2 扩展解决方案,可将计算从区块链中迁移出来。. 路印协议仅使用底层以太坊区块链作为数据层和验证层。. 因此,路印的吞吐量高达每秒2,025笔交易,而以太坊目前的吞吐量为每秒15笔交易。. 结果是每个交易结算的成本低至0.00015美元.路印的性能足以让专业交易者和做市商部署算法策略和其他自动交易机器人。. 这在以前在任何 DEX 上都是不可能的,因为它非常慢且昂贵。.
Loopring is a Decentralized Exchange DEX built on an Ethereum Layer2 L2 solution called zkRollup. It has both Automated Market Maker AMMbased and orderbookbased exchanges. zkRollup is an Ethereum L2 scaling solution that migrates computations off the blockchain. Loopring protocol only uses the underlying Ethereum blockchain as a data layer and a verification layer. As a result, Looprings throughput is as high as 2,025 trades per second compared t
Kyber Network Crystal (knc)
什么是凯伯网络 KNCKyber 网络是流动性协议的中心,它聚合了来自各种来源的流动性,以在任何去中心化应用程序 DApp 上提供安全和即时的交易。. Kyber 网络的主要目标是使 DeFi DApp、去中心化交易所 DEX 和其他用户能够轻松访问提供最优惠利率的流动性池。Kyber 上的所有交易都在链上,这意味着可以使用任何以太坊区块浏览器轻松验证它们。. 项目可以建立在 Kyber 之上,以利用协议提供的所有服务,例如代币的即时结算、流动性聚合和可定制的商业模式。Kyber 希望通过允许开发人员构建产品和服务而不必担心不同需求的流动性来解决去中心化金融 DeFi 行业的流动性问题。. Kyber Network Crystal KNC 代币是一种实用代币,是连接 Kybers 生态系统
What Is Kyber Network KNCKyber Network is a hub of liquidity protocols that aggregates liquidity from various sources to provide secure and instant transactions on any decentralized application DApp. The main goal of Kyber Network is to enable DeFi DApps, decentralized exchanges DEXs and other users easy access to liquidity pools that provide the best rates.All transactions on Kyber are onchain, which means they can be easily verified using any E
Cortex (ctxc)
Cortex建立在一个名为Cortex的新公共链上。. 该链包括支持智能合约的AI算法,这意味着任何人都可以使用Cortex将AI添加到他们的智能合约中。. 它还为集体协作创建了一个激励机制,允许任何人在Cortex中提交和优化模型,而模型贡献者也可以获得奖励。. 根据白皮书,Cortex的最终结果是创造了“通用人工智能”或AGI,“诞生于Cortex上”。. Cortex于2018年2月/ 3月完成了其CTXC代币的私人代币销售。. 该轮融资由Bitmain和FBG Capital以及加密货币领域的其他知名投资者领投。将人工智能系统放在区块链上并不是一个简单的过程。.
Cortex is built on a new public chain called Cortex. The chain includes AI algorithms that support smart contracts, which means anyone can use Cortex to add AI to their smart contracts. It also creates an incentive mechanism for collective collaboration, allowing anyone to submit and optimize models in Cortex, while model contributors can also be rewarded. The end result of Cortex, according to the whitepaper, is the creation of “artificial gener
Qtum (qtum)
Qtum是一个去中心化的开源智能合约平台和价值转移协议。. Qtum使用权益证明共识,这意味着节点运营商因验证交易而获得奖励。. 它是一个DGP管理的区块链,社区参与者可以投票更改某些网络参数。. Qtum建立在比特币核心分叉上,但该基金会在几个关键工具的帮助下创建了自己的混合区块链。. 该硬币使用比特币的链,因为它简单而稳定,使基金会更容易建立起来。由于QTUM项目是比特币和以太坊的混合体,其团队由来自比特币和以太坊社区的成员组成。. 他们还有曾经与腾讯、阿里巴巴、纳斯达克等合作过的团队成员。.
Qtum is a decentralized and opensource smart contracts platform and value transfer protocol. Qtum uses proofofstake consensus, meaning node operators are rewarded for validating transactions. It is a DGP governed blockchain where community participants can vote to change certain network parameters. Qtum is built on a bitcoin core fork, but the foundation has created its own hybrid blockchain with the help of several key tools. The coin uses bitco
11 AMP
Amp (amp)
什么是AmpAmp被描述为新的数字抵押代币,为任何类型的价值转移提供即时,可验证的保证。. 使用 Amp,像 Flexa 这样的网络可以快速、不可逆地保护各种资产相关用例的交易。Amp 如何工作Amp 声称通过抵押品分区和抵押品管理器系统为可验证的抵押品提供了一个简单但多功能的界面。. 抵押品分区可以指定为抵押任何账户、应用程序甚至交易,并携带可在以太坊区块链上直接验证的余额,抵押品管理器是智能合约,可以根据需要锁定、释放和重定向这些分区中的抵押品,以支持价值转移活动。. Amp 支持各种抵押用例,还引入了预定义分区策略的概念,它可以启用特殊功能,例如抵押模型,通过这些模型可以在不离开其原始地址的情况下质押代币。.
What is AmpAmp is described as the new digital collateral token offering instant, verifiable assurances for any kind of value transfer. Using Amp, networks like Flexa can quickly and irreversibly secure transactions for a wide variety of assetrelated use cases.How does Amp workAmp claims to offer a straightforward but versatile interface for verifiable collateralization through a system of collateral partitions and collateral managers. Where coll
12 SNT
Status (snt)
Status是一个移动操作系统,它将彻底改变世界与以太坊网络交互的方式。. Status设计为去中心化浏览器和私人信使,可让您在手掌中连接到整个以太坊网络。. 状态使您可以通过智能手机上的应用程序访问以太坊的所有去中心化应用程序dapps。. 它通过瞄准世界上增长最快的计算机细分市场——智能手机用户,为大规模采用以太坊dapps打开了大门。Status背后的创造者正在努力使去中心化的世界栩栩如生。. Status本质上结合了信使和浏览器,允许日常智能手机用户使用分散的应用程序,也称为dapps。. 状态在安卓和iOS上均可用。.
Status is a mobile operating system that will completely change the way the world interacts with the Ethereum network. Designed as a decentralized browser and private messenger, Status allows you to connect to the entire Ethereum network right in the palm of your hand. Status provides you access to all of Ethereum’s decentralized applications dapps through an app on your smartphone. It opens the door to mass adoption of Ethereum dapps by targeti
13 ADX
Ambire AdEx (adx)
Ambire AdEx ADX,以前称为AdEx Network,开发新一代数字广告解决方案和DeFifocus加密钱包。. 在2017年成功的众筹活动之后,Ambire是第一家在2018年发布去中心化广告开源协议的初创公司,也是第一个在以太坊区块链上处理支付的广告网络。. 通过使用支付渠道,Ambire AdEx确保所有相关方的完全透明。. 此外,Ambire 正在使用自己的名为 OUTPACE 的第 2 层扩展解决方案来促进其广告商和发布商之间的每次展示小额支付,每天处理超过 250 万笔交易。. 在成功的 beta 测试之后,该团队于 2020 年发布了 Ambire AdEx 平台,并将其扩展到 16,000 家注册广告商和发布商,每月产生超过 8000 万次展示。. 2020 年
Ambire AdEx ADX, previously known as AdEx Network, developing a newgeneration solution for digital advertising and a DeFifocused crypto wallet. After a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2017, Ambire was the first startup to release an opensource protocol for decentralized advertising in 2018 and the first ad network processing payments on the Ethereum blockchain. By using payment channels, Ambire AdEx ensures full transparency for all involved
Dent (dent)
Our vision is to create a global exchange using Ethereum blockchain, where everyone on this planet has the opportunity to buy and sell mobile bandwidth in any country just like you buy foreign currencies on FOREX.
15 RLC
iExec RLC (rlc)
iExec是一个开源的,分散的云计算平台,运行在以太坊区块链上。. iExec允许分散的应用程序dApp按需访问iExec云上的计算资源和技术。. iExec建立了一个区块链网络,dApp可以利用具有成本效益和高性能的资源,如服务器,数据库,SaaS应用程序,网络托管和计算机农场。. iExec的原生加密货币 — RLC令牌是用于访问iExec基础设施中服务的主要资产。. RLC是“在大量计算机上运行”的缩写。iExec总部位于法国里昂。. 它由Gilles Fedak和Haiwu He创立,他们分别担任iExec的首席执行官和亚太区负责人。.
iExec is an opensource, decentralized cloud computing platform, running on Ethereum blockchain. iExec allows decentralized applications dApps an ondemand access to computing resources and technologies on iExec cloud. iExec has built a blockchain network where dApps can take advantage of cost effective and highperformance resources such as servers, databases, SaaS applications, web hosting and computer farms. iExec’s native cryptocurrency — The RL
Tether Gold (xaut)
每个 XAU₮ 代币代表特定金条上一金衡盎司实物黄金的所有权。. XAU₮ 在以太坊区块链上可作为 ERC20 代币使用,在 TRON 区块链上作为 TRC20 代币,可以从购买者的 Tether 钱包转移到任何链上地址。. 此外,Tether Gold XAU₮ 是竞争对手中唯一提供零托管费并直接控制实物黄金存储的产品,安全地保存在瑞士金库中,采用一流的安全和防威胁措施。. 今天,泰达币黄金XAU₮是持有黄金的最佳方式。.
Each XAU₮ token represents ownership of one troy fine ounce of physical gold on a specific gold bar. XAU₮, which is available as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and as a TRC20 token on the TRON blockchain, can be transferred to any onchain address from the purchasers’ Tether wallet. Furthermore, Tether Gold XAU₮ is the only product among the competition that offers zero custody fees and has direct control over the physical gold storage,
TomoChain (tomo)
Tomochain是以太坊区块链可扩展性问题的创新解决方案。. Tomochain计划通过添加更多与以太坊集成的具有良好性能的第二层区块链来支持水平扩展,以进行备份和原子跨链传输。Tomochain被设想为一个支持即时确认和接近零交易费用的链网络,这将是小型和大型企业的去中心化应用程序,代币发行和代币集成的理想解决方案。.
Tomochain is an innovative solution to the scalability problem with the Ethereum blockchain. Tomochain plans to support horizontal scaling via adding more second layer blockchains with good performance integrated with Ethereum for backup and atomic crosschain transfer.Tomochain is envisioned to be a network of chains that supports instant confirmation, and near zero transaction fee which will be an ideal solution for decentralized apps, token iss
VeThor (vtho)
VeChain也是一个双令牌系统,由VeChain Token VET和VeThor Token THOR组成。. 网络用户持有前者时会获得后者的奖励,NEO & GAS 也是如此。. 唯链代币可用于在平台上部署应用程序,因为VeThor可用于支付网络上的应用程序和其他交易。. VeChain声称,这种经济模式比其他区块链(如以太坊和比特币)更适合企业,后者更高的使用率推动了实用代币的成本,从而推动了协议中的部署和运营成本。在今年早些时候的一篇官方博客文章中,该基金会宣布其“宏伟的愿望是使金融服务业成为我们发展计划的主要重点之一”。. 他们还宣布与北京百盛科技有限公司的子公司房地产抵押贷款提供商 Fanghuwang.com 合作。. 他们还报告了与宝马,雷诺集团和DNV GL的合作伙伴关系
VeChain is also a dual token system consisting of VeChain Token VET and VeThor Token THOR. Network users are rewarded with the latter when they hold the former, which is also the case with NEO & GAS. The VeChain Token can be used to deploy applications on the platform where as VeThor can be used to pay for applications and other transactions over the network. VeChain claims that this economic model is better suited for enterprises than the one in
19 XEN
XEN Crypto (xen)
XEN 是建立在以太坊区块链上的 ERC20 代币。. 它基于加密货币的首要原则,如去中心化、自我托管、透明度和通过共识的信任。. XEN智能合约是不可变的,它没有管理密钥,而且它是开源的。.
XEN is an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s based on the first principles of crypto like decentralization, selfcustody, transparency, and trust through consensus. The XEN smart contract is immutable, it has no admin keys, and it’s open source.
20 ANT
Aragon (ant)
Aragon是以太坊区块链上的去中心化应用程序dApp,允许任何人创建和管理去中心化组织。. 阿拉贡项目是开源的,由阿拉贡基金会领导。. 它还包括一个代币ANT,它授予投票权来决定未来的发展方向。. 最终,阿拉贡希望成为一个完全去中心化的自治组织和dApp,这是一个中立的司法管辖区,任何人都可以在区块链上创建一个组织。. 在开发的早期,该项目依靠非营利性阿拉贡基金会在项目启动时提供指导和支持。. 然而,这个想法是随着社区支持的增长,最终解散、缩减或改变基金会的性质。.
Aragon is a decentralized app dApp on the Ethereum blockchain that allows anyone to create and manage a decentralized organization. The Aragon project is open source and led by the Aragon Foundation. It also includes a token, ANT, that grants voting rights to make decisions about the direction of future development. Eventually, Aragon hopes to be a fully decentralized autonomous organization and dApp that’s a neutral jurisdiction for anyone to cr
StormX (stmx)
STORM是一种符合ERC20标准的代币,在以太坊区块链上运行。. 首席执行官兼联合创始人Simon Yu从一个名为BitMaker的应用程序发展了这种数字货币,他和联合创始人Calvin Hsieh在2014年合作。. BitMaker允许用户在没有交易费用的情况下汇款,这是该应用程序经历高增长量的主要原因。. 引入了一个名为BitTask的新功能,允许用户花费时间和精力来尝试新产品,以换取比特币或以太坊。. 此功能现在是STORM Play应用程序,自2017年2月推出以来经历了巨大的增长.创始人对STORM的愿景不仅仅是一种普通的加密货币。. 他们的目标是为去中心化市场创建一个被称为“风暴市场”的任务市场。.
STORM is an ERC20compliant token which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. CEO, and cofounder, Simon Yu, evolved this digital currency from an app called BitMaker, he and cofounder, Calvin Hsieh, worked on in 2014. BitMaker allowed users to send money without transaction fees which was the main reason this app experienced high growth volumes. A new feature called BitTask was introduced which allowed users to trade their time and effort for tryin
chrono.tech (time)
What is ChronotechChrono.tech 为招聘、人力资源和支付流程提供基于区块链的解决方案,减少在全球劳动力市场上安全转移工作的障碍。. 该项目的服务套件和原生治理代币TIME托管在多个区块链上,包括 LaborX.com,点对点自由职业者市场,TimeX.io,基于等离子体的加密货币交易所,AUDT,澳元支持的稳定币和PaymentX,加密发票和工资解决方案。TIME 代币TIME 代币是 Chrono.tech 生态系统的原生代币,可以在其产品中使用,例如. 确保高级帐户状态,以及在TimeWarp.finance上质押TIME,以获得所有服务产生的收入。. 2020 年 11 月,原始 TIME 代币升级到新的 ERC677 标准,使其能够与其他 DeFi 协议集成
What is ChronotechChrono.tech provides blockchainbased solutions for recruitment, HR and payment processes, reducing the barriers to accessing work and transferring funds securely in the global labor marketplace. The project’s suite of services and native governance token TIME are hosted on multiple blockchains and include LaborX.com, a peertopeer freelancer marketplace, TimeX.io, a Plasmabased cryptocurrency exchange; AUDT, an Australian dolla
23 GTO
Gifto (gto)
Gifto作为一种网络协议,是亚洲创新集团AIG联合创始人兼首席执行官Andy Tian的心血结晶。. AIG的团队由加密技术和区块链爱好者组成。Andy看到了设计一个由以太坊区块链驱动的去中心化网络的潜力,可以用更好的模型修复当前破碎的内容货币化模型。. 大多数接触全球内容行业的人都会发现当前模式存在以下问题: Gifto 网络于 2017 年 12 月推出,并与 AIG 的旗舰产品 Uplive 一起进行了测试。. Uplive是一个拥有超过2000万用户的实时流媒体移动应用程序。2018年2月的一份官方Gifto报告指出,Gifto在交易量排名前10位的加密货币中名列前茅。. 基于区块链的通用虚拟礼物协议不仅弥合了内容创作者和观众之间的差距,而且还引入了一种认可和奖励内容创作者的方式。
Gifto as a network protocol, is a brainchild of Andy Tian, the cofounder and CEO of Asia Innovations Group AIG. The team at AIG comprises of cryptotechnology and blockchain enthusiasts.Andy saw potential in designing a decentralized network powered by the Ethereum blockchain to fix the current broken content monetization model with a better model. Most people introduced to the global content industry will identify the following problems with the
24 GMT
GMT Token (gmt)
由真实资产支持的代币,每日收入以比特币BTC支付给其所有者。. 每个 GMT 都由通过 SHA256 协议的实际计算能力单位 0,001177TH/s 提供支持。. 通过购买 1GMT,您可以获得我们已经在挖掘 BTC 的设备群的 0,001177TH/s 的实际计算能力,从而获得每日采矿收入。. 与设备不同,代币是一种高流动性资产。. 它的销售只需几分钟,同时它不受磨损,也不需要额外的投资。. 代币的发布是通过智能合约和以太坊区块链平台进行的。.
Token backed by real assets, with the daily income payment in Bitcoin BTC to its owner. Each GMT is backed by an actual unit of computing power of 0,001177TH/s via SHA256 protocol. By purchasing 1GMT, you acquire 0,001177TH/s of actual computing power of our fleet of devices that are already mining BTC, enabling you daily mining income. Unlike the equipment, the token is a highly liquid asset. Its sale takes only a few minutes and at the same tim
JPEG'd (jpeg)
JPEG'd是一个帮助人们使用以太坊区块链的网站。. 您可以将称为 NFT 的特殊硬币存入金库,然后您可以将它们变成称为 pETH 的东西。. 向网站提供流动性(例如将pETH交易为其他硬币)的人可以赚钱。. 使用本网站时有很多风险,因此请确保您在进入之前了解它们。.
JPEG'd is a website that helps people use the Ethereum blockchain. You can deposit special coins called NFTs into a vault,and then you can turn them into something called pETH. People who provide liquidity to the website (like trading pETH for other coins) can earn money. There are lots of risks when using this website,so make sure you understand them before entering it.
NvirWorld (nvir)
NvirWorld 是一个第 2 层混合去中心化 NFT 平台,既提供独特数字艺术品的公开市场交易,也为经过验证的艺术家提供自己的策展服务的高级艺术类别。. NvirWorld的核心是Nvir实用代币,这是一种基于以太坊区块链的ERC20,用于具有治理功能的生态系统中。. NvirWorld提供了一个全面的环境,其中各种好处将得到奖励并分配给其功能的用户,形成一个多维的数字领域。. 除了 NFT 市场,NvirWorld 的目标是稍后将服务扩展到 NHub DeFi 合成资产交易所和 Nvirland 元界游戏。.
NvirWorld is a Layer 2, Hybrid Decentralized NFT Platform that offers both open market trading for unique digital artworks, and a premium art category featuring its own curation service for verified artists. Central to NvirWorld is the Nvir utility token, an ERC20 based on the Ethereum blockchain, which is used in the ecosystem with governance functions. NvirWorld provides a comprehensive environment in which various benefits will be rewarded and
Roobee (roobee)
Roobee将自己描述为一个基于区块链的投资平台,允许人们从10美元开始进行投资。. Roobee 使用人工智能和区块链为其用户提供透明的记录和个性化的投资产品选择。. Roobee区块链基础设施由以太坊区块链和基于HyperLedger的许可区块链Roobeechain提供支持,目标是在不影响透明度和安全性的情况下为用户提供数据隐私。. 有关详细信息,请参见。.
Roobee describes itself as a blockchainbased investment platform that allows people to make investments starting from $10. Roobee uses AI and blockchain to provide its users with transparent records and personalized investment product choices. Roobee blockchain infrastructure is powered by Ethereum blockchain and Roobeechain a permissioned blockchain based on HyperLedger, with the goal of providing users with data privacy without compromising t
Script Network (scpt)
Script Network 是一个基于视频的区块链协议,专注于协议级别的去中心化存储、直播编程和视频 NFT。. Script Networks的核心产品之一是Script TV,这是一个免费播出的24/7电视平台,建立在Script区块链上。. 作为为电视和电影行业规模而构建的网络,Script Networks 产品包括 Script TV 和 Script Video NFT,以及多个其他 dApp 在链上构建。. 核心产品剧本电视,拥有30+频道,拥有来自电影、体育、纪录片等领域的多样化制作内容。. 通过Script Networks协议,用户可以通过简单地看电视在链上和链下获得奖励,同时通过成为节点参与网络。. Script Network 具有双重代币,一个作为公司的核心资产,
Script Network is a video based blockchain protocol,focused on decentralised storage,live programming and video NFTs at protocol level. One of Script Networks core products is Script TV a free to air,24/7 television platform,built on Script blockchain. Being a network built for scale within the TV and Film industry,Script Networks products include Script TV and Script Video NFTs,alongside multiple other dApps being built on chain. The core produc
29 TEL
Telcoin (tel)
Telcoin is a new cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain that will be distributed by your national telecom operator and made available to everyone anywhere by tapping into synergies between the reach of mobile telecoms and the fast, borderless nature of blockchain technology.
30 TKX
Tokenize Xchange (tkx)
Tokenize Xchange是一个完全集成的加密货币交易所,为个人和机构投资者提供无摩擦和简单的用户体验。. 该平台不仅将作为一种金融工具,还将作为一种教育和公共工具,传播区块链必须提供的价值观和想法。. TKX代币可用于支付平台上任何交易的交易费用,这样做将大大降低费用。TKX 代币是基于以太坊区块链的 ERC20 代币。.
Tokenize Xchange is a fully integrated cryptocurrency exchange that offers both individuals and institutional investors a frictionless and unsophisticated user experience. The platform will serve as not only a financial tool but also as an educational and communal instrument in proliferating the values and ideas that the blockchain has to offer. The TKX token can be used to pay transaction fees for any trades on the platform, doing so will allow
Wilder World (wild)
Wilder World是一个身临其境的3D宇宙,完全由 NFTs.In 与 Zero.Space 合作提供支持,Wilder World实现了多层次,逼真的混合现实世界,Wilders可以自由漫游,获得虚拟土地并通过独特的头像,装饰资产和时尚配饰来表达自己。. Wilder World完全由其社区拥有和管理 - 创作者,玩家和粉丝都可以通过以太坊区块链上的Wilder DAO参与。.
Wilder World is an Immersive 3D Universe powered entirely by NFTs.In collaboration with Zero.Space, Wilder World enables multileveled, photorealistic and mixed reality worlds where Wilders roam freely, acquire virtual land and express themselves through unique avatars, decorative assets and fashionable accessories. Wilder World is fully owned and governed by its community — creators, players and fans alike are enabled to participate via the Wilde
Wrapped Minima (wminima)
Minima于2018年在伦敦成立。. 它创建了一个超精简的区块链协议,可以在移动或物联网设备上完全运行,允许每个用户运行构建和验证节点。. 通过采用这种方法,Minima能够建立一个完全去中心化的网络,一个可扩展和包容的网络,同时保持安全和弹性。Minima的公开预售将用于Wrapped Minima $WMINIMA.100%的Native Minima 1,000,000,000$MINIMA币将在代币生成活动中铸造,其中12.5%的代币将作为ERC20代币125,000,000$WMINIMA币包装在以太坊区块链上,以便Wrapped Minima可以在活动结束后不久在交易所进行交易。.
Minima was founded in London in 2018. It has created an ultralean blockchain protocol that runs in full on a mobile or IoT device,allowing every user to run a constructing and validating node. By adopting this approach,Minima has enabled a completely decentralized network to be built,one that is scalable and inclusive,while remaining secure and resilient.Minima’s Public Presale will be for Wrapped Minima $WMINIMA.100% of Native Minima 1,000,000,0
0xFreelance (0xfree)
0xFreelance是一个尖端的加密货币自由职业者平台,由0xFree代币提供支持。. 在这个创新的生态系统中,区块链行业的自由职业者和招聘人员都可以使用托管中的加密货币支付、经过验证的用户资料和最低的交易费用安全地连接——所有这些都不需要披露个人信息。. 该平台通过提供带托管的安全支付系统使买家受益,确保自由职业者仅在项目完成后收到付款。. 另一方面,自由职业者享受较低的服务费和声誉建设审查系统。. 更重要的是,0xFree 代币持有者从平台上的每笔交易中获利,有机会影响项目方向并享受独家福利。. 每周有超过 700 个以太坊区块链项目寻求人才,0xFreelance 旨在成为这个蓬勃发展市场的首选中心。.
0xFreelance is a cuttingedge cryptocurrency freelancer platform empowered by the 0xFree token. In this innovative ecosystem,both freelancers and recruiters within the blockchain industry can securely connect using cryptocurrency payments held in escrow,verified user profiles,and minimal transaction fees – all without the need to disclose personal information. The platform benefits buyers by providing a secure payment system with escrow,ensuring t
34 1MIL
1MillionNFTs (1mil)
1MlnNFTs.com 是以太坊区块链上基于智能合约的 web3 平台,具有 1 000 000 个 NFT 和 10000x10000 像素网格。. 每个 100 像素都是一个 ERC-721 NFT 代币及其位置。. 用户有机会购买,出售,出租和绘制它们,以创建任何带有任何链接和信息的内容。.
1MlnNFTs.com is a smartcontract based web3 platform on Ethereum blockchain with 1 000 000 NFTs and 10000x10000 pixels grid. Each 100 pixels is an ERC-721 NFT token with its location. Users have an opportunity to buy, sell, rent, and paint them to create any picture with any link and information inside.
35 AI
AICoin (ai)
AICoin是一个建立在以太坊区块链上的去中心化自治组织DAO,旨在彻底改变投资基金的管理方式。. 该项目旨在通过为个人投资者提供一个平台来增强他们的能力,该平台可以利用人群的智慧做出更好的投资决策。AICoins独特的方法结合了人工智能AI和区块链技术,创建了一个透明高效的投资基金管理系统。. 项目AI驱动的算法分析来自多个来源的数据,以识别潜在的投资机会并做出数据驱动的决策。AICoin在兑现承诺方面有着悠久的历史,于2017年成功推出了ICO,并筹集了超过1000万美元。. 此后,该项目不断开发其平台,并于2020年推出了其专有的AI交易系统,该系统在现实世界的交易场景中表现出了强劲的性能。AICoins开发的下一阶段将侧重于扩大其平台和用户群。. 该项目计划与多个加密货币交易所整合,
AICoin is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO built on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to revolutionize the way investment funds are managed. The project seeks to empower individual investors by providing them with a platform that leverages the wisdom of the crowd to make better investment decisions.AICoins unique approach combines artificial intelligence AI and blockchain technology to create a transparent and efficient system for mana
Aion (aion)
Aion是一个革命性的多层区块链平台,旨在解决现有区块链之间可操作性有限的紧迫问题,同时仍然能够处理自己的应用程序。. 它支持自定义区块链架构,并提供跨链互操作性。. Aion项目出现在一个非常合适的时期,在这个时代,区块链的数量不断增加。因此,互操作性比以往任何时候都更加重要。. 互操作性将扩大多个其他区块链平台的视野,更不用说面向企业的公司的视野了。该项目由Nuco首席执行官兼欧洲经济区董事会成员Matthew Spoke领导。. 其他知名人士包括Nuco的首席技术官Jin Tu,他在企业工程方面拥有超过15年的经验,在区块链行业拥有超过四年的经验,以及共同创立比特币基金会的Peter Vessenes。. 它用于保护网络,创建新的区块链,以及将链间桥梁货币化。.
Aion is a revolutionary multitier blockchain platform that has been created to solve the pressing issue of limited operability between existing blockchains while still remaining capable of handling its own applications. It supports custom blockchain architectures, and it provides crosschain interoperability. The Aion project comes at a very appropriate period, in a time where there’s an evergrowing number of blockchains.Thus, interoperability is
Aktionariat Boss Info AG Tokenized Shares (boss)
Aktionariat通过为其股票创建市场,使公司更容易筹集资金。. 人们可以投资这些公司,并获得公司的股份作为奖励。. Aktionariat还使投资者更容易买卖这些公司的股票。. 所有这些都是由以太坊区块链驱动的!.
Aktionariat makes it easier for companies to raise money by creating a market for their shares. People can invest in these companies,and get shares of the company as rewards. Aktionariat also makes it easier for investors to buy and sell shares in these companies. All of this is powered by the Ethereum blockchain!
All In (allin)
ALL IN是一种以太坊区块链代币,其中心是将人们团结在一个热情和支持的社区中。. 该团队通过引入实用程序功能,并允许直接访问项目开发人员以及利益相关者,为用户构建了以参与为中心的体验。.
ALL IN is an Ethereum blockchain token centered on uniting people in a welcoming and supportive community. The team have built an engagementcentric experience for users by introducing utility features,and allowing direct access to the project developer,as well as stakeholders.
项目是关于什么Omikami,灵感来自太阳女神和宇宙,是以太坊区块链上的去中心化企业。. 它将古老的神灵光环与创新的区块链解决方案相结合,以提高透明度和效率。是什么让您的项目独一无二大上将天体视觉与尖端技术融合在一起。. 凭借Kami burnbot,Apollo Buy bot和OmiAI机器人等实用程序,以及kami借记卡和主题商品等产品,Omikami作为一种体验脱颖而出,而不仅仅是一种代币。项目的历史记录。自一年前推出以来,Omikami已经从一个愿景发展成为加密领域公认的实体。. 我们的旅程包括积极的 SolidProof 审计和公用事业开发,并通过我们在主要公关文章中的存在进一步扩大。您的项目的下一步是开发我们自己的交换平台并探索慈善途径。. 此外,专注于增强我们现有的公用事业,
What is the project aboutOmikami,inspired by the Sun Goddess and the Universe,is a decentralized venture on the Ethereum blockchain. It combines ancient divinitys aura with innovative blockchain solutions for enhanced transparency and efficiency.What makes your project uniqueOmikami fuses celestial vision with cuttingedge technology. With utilities like Kami burn bot,Apollo buy bot,and OmiAI bot,and offerings like kami debit cards and thematic me
40 ANB
Angryb (anb)
Angryb ANB是以太坊区块链上的ERC20代币。. 它是用于激励和奖励代币持有者执行社区发起任务操作的原生代币。. Angryb是一种通货紧缩的加密货币资产,具有首创的零风险半价预订机制。. 成功的交易资金归功于智能合约,并将为社区开源。. 经济模式将回购并摧毁通货膨胀高度收缩的Angryb。. 公平的代币属性和资产保护机制将帮助Angryb社区建立强大的共识和庞大的社区成员基础。.
Angryb ANB is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the native token used to incentivise and reward token holders for executing the actions of communityinitiated tasks. Angryb is a deflationary cryptocurrency asset, with a firstofitskind, zerorisk, halfprice reservation mechanism. The successful transaction funds are attributed to smart contract and will be open source for the community. The economic model will repurchase and destroy A
Apollo Token (apollo)
一种名为Apollo Token的数字资产基于以太坊区块链系统。. 在不使用首次公开募股IPO的情况下,这些代币是通过公平发布进行分配的。. 阿波罗代币是去中心化如何利用对加密货币的接受来促进特定想法或事业的光辉例证。. 在这种情况下,阿波罗代币致力于帮助SpaceX的最新创造,一只名叫阿波罗的AI狗。. SpaceX目前正在其Starbase创建的波士顿动态机器狗正在用阿波罗令牌来纪念和庆祝.阿波罗令牌的发布不仅是为了纪念SpaceX的惊人发明,也是为了筹集资金并为其进一步发展争取支持。. 投资者现在有机会通过购买阿波罗代币(一种高潜力资产)来参与这项尖端技术的创建。Apollo Token为投资者提供了一个参与蓬勃发展的加密货币行业的独特机会,同时为他们关心的事业提供支持。.
A digital asset called Apollo Token is based on the Ethereum blockchain system. Without using an initial public offering IPO,these tokens were distributed through a fair launch. The Apollo Token is a shining illustration of how decentralization may use the acceptance of cryptocurrencies to promote a specific idea or cause. The Apollo Token in this instance is committed to helping SpaceXs most recent creation,an AI dog named Apollo. The Boston Dyn
ArcadeFi (arcade)
ArcadeFis 的目标是通过利用以太坊区块链为游戏玩家提供有效的实用程序,为投资者和游戏玩家提供安全、公平和去中心化的 RNG 体验。.
ArcadeFis goal is to promote a safe,fair and decentralized RNG experience for investors and gamers by leveraging the Ethereum blockchain to provide working gamer utility.
43 ASD
AscendEx (asd)
BitMax BTMX的原生数字加密保护实用代币是BitMax生态系统的主要组成部分,旨在仅用作平台上的主要代币。. BTMX最初将由分销商作为以太坊区块链上符合ERC20标准的数字代币发行。BTMX是一种不可退还的功能实用代币,将用作BitMax参与者之间的交换单位。. 引入BTMX的目标是在BitMax生态系统内互动的参与者之间提供一种方便、安全的支付和结算方式。. BTMX不以任何方式代表基金会、分销商、其关联公司或任何其他公司、企业或企业的任何股份、参与、权利、所有权或利益,BMAX也不赋予代币持有者任何费用、股息、收入、利润或投资回报的承诺,也不打算在新加坡或任何相关司法管辖区构成证券。. BTMX只能在BitMax上使用,BTMX的所有权不附带任何明示或暗示的权利,除了使用BTM
The native digital cryptographicallysecured utility token of BitMax BTMX is a major component of the ecosystem on BitMax, and is designed to be used solely as the primary token on the platform. BTMX will initially be issued by the Distributor as ERC20 standard compliant digital tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.BTMX is a nonrefundable functional utility token which will be used as the unit of exchange between participants on BitMax. The goal of i
Crafted on the Ethereum blockchain with the precision of the BEP20 standard,AstroBits is not just a token; its the epitome of seamless,secure,and interoperable transactions in the vast universe of decentralized finance,promising a cosmic journey through the limitless potential of blockchain technology.
45 AWC
Atomic Wallet Coin (awc)
我们团队的主要思想是创建一个具有许多特定功能的完整生态系统,在去中心化交易所的基础上运作。. 这就是为什么我们发行了自己的代币,它也将用作可交易的资产.ur代币被称为AWC原子钱包币。. 将创建 100 000 000 AWC 的严格限制,永远不会增加。. AWC将使用ERC20在以太坊区块链上原生运行,并以分散和平等的方式发布以规范原子钱包服务价格。. 原子钱包硬币是一种通用的支付方式,用于在原子钱包中列出加密货币,货币促销或掉期订单接口放置。AWC代币将用于支付原子钱包平台上的不同费用,包括但不限于:1。. 在原子钱包中列出新资产 每种加密货币,基金会或代币将能够购买AWCtokens的原子钱包内的集成。.
The main idea of our team is creating a full ecosystem with a lot of specific features, functioning on the decentralized exchange basis. That’s why we issued our own token, which will be used also as tradable asset.ur token is called AWC Atomic Wallet Coin. A strict limit of 100 000 000 AWC will be created, never to be increased. AWC will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC20 and issued to regulate Atomic Wallet service prices in a d
Audify (audi)
Audify 推出了一种创新的 NFT 流媒体混合体,它利用以太坊区块链上的级联智能合约交互,将 NFT 和跨平台内容的流媒体活动无缝集成。.
Audify introduces an innovative NFT Streaming hybrid that leverages concatenated smart contract interactions on the Ethereum blockchain,seamlessly integrating NFT and streaming activities across the platforms content
47 AVT
Aventus (avt)
一种第 2 层区块链协议,可为以太坊交易带来可扩展性、更低的成本和速度。以太坊存在可扩展性问题,使其成为自身成功的受害者。. 作为大多数企业选择的区块链网络,其最大交易吞吐量远远不足以满足需求。. 因此,供需经济学使交易费用飙升,使其昂贵得令人望而却步。Aventus网络AvN通过让企业使用Aventus的第二层协议在以太坊网络之上构建来解决这个问题。. 使用AvN,应用程序可以轻松地与任何其他有前途的区块链技术,跨链,通过插入Polkadot生态系统,建立在Substrate上.AventusScale的好处Aventus网络AvN理论上可以扩展到每秒2,000笔交易。. 这是以太坊的133倍.PriceAventus网络上的平均交易成本将从AVT支付的0.01美元开始,并随着时间的推移而
A layer2 blockchain protocol that brings scalability, lower costs, and speed to Ethereum transactions.Ethereum has scalability issues that make it a victim of its own success. As the blockchain network of choice for most businesses, its maximum transaction throughput is wildly insufficient in meeting demand. The economics of supply and demand have thus skyrocketed transaction fees making them prohibitively expensive.The Aventus Network AvN solves
Bazed Games (bazed)
Bazed 是一个杰出的在线赌场和玩家对玩家 PvP 平台,由 web3 技术提供支持。. 通过为全球参与者提供引人入胜的深入体验,我们强调社区参与。. 我们服务的持续发展受到用户群的见解和要求的重大影响。. 游戏DAO,一个利用以太坊区块链创新技术的杰出赌博平台。我们以提供广泛的游戏冒险而自豪,包括五款专有游戏,由我们的专业团队设计。. 这些独家的Bazed Originals,即硬币翻转,累积奖金,梦想塔和崩溃,旨在提供无与伦比的刺激。. 此外,我们的游戏产品通过添加来自主要供应商的各种老虎机和桌面游戏而丰富。所有Bazed原创游戏都经过严格的审查,以保持最高标准的安全性,完整性和公平性。Bazed 致力于优先考虑玩家体验,这使其与众不同。.
Bazed is a distinguished online casino and playerversusplayer PvP platform empowered by web3 technology. By delivering an enthralling and indepth experience for global players,we emphasize community engagement. The ongoing development of our services is significantly influenced by the insights and requirements of our user base. Games DAO,a distinguished Gambling Platform utilizing the innovative technology of the Ethereum blockchain.We take pride
BBCGoldCoin (bbcg)
BBCGoldcoin是一种创新的ERC20代币,建立在以太坊区块链上,基于黄金资产。. 几个世纪以来,黄金一直是一种经过验证的价值储存手段,是一种安全的投资选择,可以抵御通货膨胀和货币波动。.
BBCGoldcoin is an innovative ERC20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain and based on gold assets. Gold has been a proven store of value for centuries and is a safe investment option that protects against inflation and currency fluctuations.
Belifex (befx)
BELIFEX区块链是一个区块链数据库,支持和鼓励社区建设和社交互动。. BELIFEX区块链创建了一个大规模采用的平台,该平台结合了社交媒体,广告和人工智能的所有概念。. BELIFEX还在建立一个平台,允许所有基于以太坊的代币进行交易。. 去中心化交易平台是基于以太坊区块链的0%交易费,无需额外的存款和取款,也无需注册。.
BELIFEX blockchain is a blockchain database that supports and encourages community building and social interaction. BELIFEX blockchain creates a platform for mass adoption which combines all concepts from social media, advertisement and artificial intelligence. BELIFEX is also building a platform that allows all tokens that are Ethereum based to be traded. The Decentralized Exchange platform is a 0% tradingfee based on the Ethereum blockchain wit
51 BTC2.0
Bitcoin 2.0 (btc2.0)
以太坊链上的BTC 2.0代币代表了一种将比特币的价值和熟悉度与以太坊生态系统的多功能性和功能相结合的新方法。. 该代币旨在弥合两种主要加密货币之间的差距,为用户提供两个世界的好处。通过利用以太坊区块链,BTC 2.0代币继承了比特币闻名的安全性和去中心化。. 它确保透明和不可变的交易,同时使用户能够在以太坊网络中持有和转移价值。. 这种集成还允许BTC 2.0代币持有者利用以太坊充满活力的生态系统,包括智能合约和去中心化应用程序。.
BTC 2.0 token on the Ethereum chain represents a novel approach to combining the value and familiarity of Bitcoin with the versatility and functionality of the Ethereum ecosystem. This token aims to bridge the gap between the two leading cryptocurrencies,offering users the benefits of both worlds.By leveraging the Ethereum blockchain,BTC 2.0 token inherits the security and decentralization that Bitcoin is renowned for. It ensures transparent and
Bitcoin Asia (btca)
BTCA是一种ERC20代币。. BTCA是构成Bitcoinasia生态系统支柱的实用代币。. BTCA代币将基于以太坊区块链。. 它的总供应量为10亿,它是用于旅行和旅游业的分散式点对点加密货币。. 代币持有者将获得旅行和旅游产品的各种好处。. BTCA可用于为亚洲大陆预订整个加密货币假期。.
BTCA is an ERC20 token. BTCA is the utility token forming the backbone of Bitcoinasias ecosystem. BTCA token will be based on Ethereum blockchain. Its total supply is 1 Billion.Its a decentralized peer to peer cryptocurrency for Travel And Tourism Industry. The token holders will be rewarded with various benefits on travel and tourism products. BTCA can be used to book an entire vacation with cryptocurrency for Asia Continent.
53 BTC20
Bitcoin20 (btc20)
关于BTC20的项目是建立在以太坊区块链上的比特币的权益证明PoS ERC20版本,重现了2011年比特币区块链和代币供应的状态,当时只有605万BTC在流通,价格为1美元。. 随着每个原始比特币区块确认,许多$BTC 20个代币将被释放,并通过符合比特币发布时间表的经过验证的质押合约分发给质押者。. 预售后,$BTC 20名持有者可以质押他们的代币以获得一部分质押奖励。. 一个人质押的 $BTC 20 代币越多,他们将获得的奖励就越高。是什么让您的项目独一无二在比特币发布机制的基础上,即工作量证明 PoW,BTC20 引入了能耗较低的权益证明 PoS 模型,该模型按参与者的质押代币比例奖励参与者。. 通过这种机制,BTC20为个人提供了一个独特的机会,可以获得通过基于以太坊的质押合约释放的
What is the project aboutBTC20 is a ProofofStake PoS ERC20 version of Bitcoin built on the Ethereum blockchain,recreating the state of the Bitcoin blockchain and token supply from 2011,when there were only 6.05 million BTC in circulation and the price was $1. With every original Bitcoin block confirmation,a number of $BTC20 tokens will be released and distributed to stakers via a verified staking contract in line with the Bitcoin release schedule
Blocksport (bspt)
BSPT是Blocksport基于NFT平台发行的实用型代币,是交易和互动的基础,可用于购买NFT资产、粉丝代币,参与平台的功能和服务。. Blocksport开发的NFT平台建立在以太坊区块链和币安智能链BSC之上,具有体育NFT资产发行/拍卖/竞价、粉丝代币发行/拍卖、NFT挖矿等核心功能。. Blocksport致力于为体育和电竞爱好者构建一个集游戏、体育NFT收藏、粉丝社区管理于一体的生态圈,在加密的世界中为体育产业垂直领域搭建服务平台。.
BSPT is a utility token issued by Blocksport based on the NFT platform, which is the basis for transactions and interaction; it can be used to purchase NFT assets, fan tokens, and participate in the functions and services of the platform. The NFT platform developed by Blocksport is built on the Ethereum blockchain and Binance Smart Chain BSC, with core functions such as sports NFT asset issuance/auction/bidding, fan token issuance/auction, and NF
BTEX (btex)
BTEX 是一种 ERC20 代币,遵守以太坊区块链上的完全透明标准。. 根据爱沙尼亚法律,它在法律上被归类为支付代币/虚拟货币,是Blocktrade生态系统的核心。. BTEX旨在提升平台上的用户体验,通过基于级别的系统运行的游戏化奖励计划提供各种福利和福利。. BTEX也将在Blocktrade平台之外发挥作用。. 该代币将作为Blocktrade之外的游戏内货币,并作为Blocktrade合作伙伴生态系统内的支付选项。.
BTEX is an ERC20 token that adheres to full transparency standards on the Ethereum blockchain. Legally classified as a payment token/virtual currency under Estonian law,it is the core of the Blocktrade ecosystem. Designed to elevate user experience on the platform,BTEX offers various perks and benefits through a gamified Rewards Program that operates on a levelbased system. BTEX will also play a role outside of the Blocktrade platform. The token
Bridged Dai Stablecoin (TON Bridge) (jdai)
jDAI是TON区块链上的一种代币,通过 bridge.ton.org 从以太坊区块链桥接。. 桥接 DAI TON 桥允许在 TON 区块链上更快地进行 DAI 转移,并为 DAI 在 TON 生态系统中使用开辟了可能性。. Dai 是原生的 MKR,也是它的第一个稳定币迭代,称为单一抵押品 Dai SAI,它使用以太币作为抵押品。. 两年后的2019年,基金会发布了多抵押品DAI DAI,逐步淘汰了SAI。. 该平台已被广泛采用,是最大的去中心化借贷平台,截至 2020 年 12 月,锁定 TVL 的总价值约为 25.8 亿美元。.
jDAI is a token on the TON blockchain bridged from the Ethereum blockchain via bridge.ton.org. Bridged DAI TON Bridge allows for DAI transfers to be conducted quicker on the TON blockchain and opens up the possibility for DAI to be used in the TON ecosystem. Dai is the native MKR and its first stablecoin iteration known as the Single Collateral Dai SAI,which used Ether ETH as collateral. Two years later in 2019,the Foundation released the MultiCo
Bridged USD Coin (Scroll) (usdc)
Scroll 是以太坊的第 2 层网络,它允许开发人员构建比以太坊主区块链更快、安全且更便宜的应用程序。. 它使用先进的零知识证明技术和 EVM 兼容性,让开发人员能够在不牺牲安全性的情况下扩展他们的应用程序。.
Scroll is a Layer 2 network for Ethereum that allows developers to build apps that are fast,secure,and cheaper than on the main Ethereum blockchain. It uses advanced zero knowledge proof technology and EVM compatibility to let developers scale up their apps without sacrificing security.
Bridged USD Coin (TON Bridge) (jusdc)
jUSDC是TON区块链上的一种代币,通过 bridge.ton.org 从以太坊区块链桥接。. 桥接的USDC TON桥允许在TON区块链上更快地进行USDC转账,并为USC在TON生态系统中使用开辟了可能性。. USDC是一种完全抵押的美元稳定币。. USDC是美元与加密货币交易所交易之间的桥梁。CENTRE背后的技术使得在个人,企业和金融机构之间交换价值成为可能,就像邮件服务之间的电子邮件和SMS提供商之间的文本一样。. 我们相信,通过消除人为的经济边界,我们可以创造一个更具包容性的全球经济。.
jUSDC is a token on the TON blockchain bridged from the Ethereum blockchain via bridge.ton.org. Bridged USDC TON Bridge allows for USDC transfers to be conducted quicker on the TON blockchain and opens up the possibility for USC to be used in the TON ecosystem. USDC is a fully collateralized US dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges.The technology behind CENTRE makes it possible to exchange v
Bridged Wrapped BTC (Lightlink) (wbtc.e)
是一种加密货币,旨在使在以太坊区块链上使用比特币变得更加容易。. 包装比特币是一种可以在互联网上使用的特殊类型的货币。. 它就像普通货币一样,但它只存在于网上,并由真正的比特币支持。.
is a cryptocurrency designed to make it easier to use Bitcoin on the Ethereum blockchain. Wrapped Bitcoin is a special type of money that can be used on the Internet. It is like regular money,but it exists only online and is backed up by real Bitcoin.
CellMates (cell)
CellMates 是一个实验项目,结合了 ERC-20 和 ERC-721 代币的功能。. ERC-20 代币是以太坊区块链上具有可互换价值的标准代币,而 ERC-721 代币是代表特定物品或资产所有权的唯一代币。. CellMates旨在创造一种同时具有ERC-20和ERC-721特性的代币,为其持有者提供可替代性和唯一性。.
CellMates is an experimental project that combines the features of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens. ERC-20 tokens are standard tokens on the Ethereum blockchain that have interchangeable value,while ERC-721 tokens are unique tokens that represent ownership of a particular item or asset. CellMates aims to create a token that possesses characteristics of both ERC-20 and ERC-721,providing both fungibility and uniqueness to its holders.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,366.01 2,056,782,687.69
2 ARS title=ARS 1,058.10 1,738,690,851.80
3 ETH title=ETH 3,143.60 1,071,224,673.44
4 SOL title=SOL 143.55 803,857,908.07
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 535,973,306.78
6 WIF title=WIF 3.01 332,992,333.05
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 217,930,741.40
8 XRP title=XRP 0.53 192,237,319.51
9 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 181,395,907.94
10 NEAR title=NEAR 7.37 168,888,344.69
11 BOME title=BOME 0.01 149,889,894.94
12 ENA title=ENA 0.85 139,559,102.49
13 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 135,104,291.96
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.46 102,337,190.19
15 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 102,078,526.86
16 WLD title=WLD 4.78 91,390,687.32
17 FTM title=FTM 0.76 80,558,202.27
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.54 77,239,684.49
19 LTC title=LTC 84.96 62,284,982.43
20 SEI title=SEI 0.62 54,849,847.11
21 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 54,217,483.38
22 LINK title=LINK 14.64 52,121,534.52
23 ORDI title=ORDI 41.78 50,622,541.69
24 RNDR title=RNDR 8.57 49,601,535.68
25 COS title=COS 0.02 48,986,768.59
26 TRX title=TRX 0.12 48,377,676.55


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Orion title=ORN 1.75 +20.26
2 W 0.62 +13.89
3 Harvest Finance title=FARM 86.41 +13.21
4 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.82 +13.19
5 Lisk title=LSK 1.83 +12.88
6 MANTRA title=OM 0.71 +9.64
7 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.37 +8.89
8 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +8.84
9 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +8.75
10 Civic title=CVC 0.17 +8.55
11 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.17 +7.04
12 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +7.00
13 Theta Network title=THETA 2.42 +5.44
14 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.27 +5.28
15 Fantom title=FTM 0.76 +5.13
16 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.38 +4.98
17 Mobox title=MBOX 0.36 +4.78
18 BTTC <0.01 +4.76
19 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +4.74
20 Sei title=SEI 0.62 +4.62
21 Arweave title=AR 33.70 +4.58
22 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.91 +4.57
23 Request title=REQ 0.14 +4.56
24 Conflux title=CFX 0.25 +4.54
25 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.02 +4.49
26 Synthetix Network title=SNX 2.94 +4.48
27 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +4.23
28 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.01 +4.20
29 Ravencoin title=RVN 0.03 +4.19
30 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 +3.97


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 EOS title=EOS 0.82 -11.87
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.86 -10.85
3 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.03 -9.05
4 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -8.84
5 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.59 -8.17
6 Axelar title=AXL 1.08 -7.77
7 Cream title=CREAM 44.76 -7.73
8 RONIN 2.98 -7.09
9 NULS title=NULS 0.68 -6.77
10 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.73 -6.18
11 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 73.93 -5.83
12 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.45 -5.07
13 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.10 -4.74
14 Galxe title=GAL 4.30 -4.67
15 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -4.51
16 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.78 -4.41
17 Immutable title=IMX 2.09 -4.32
18 ORDI title=ORDI 41.78 -4.15
19 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.63 -4.10
20 Phala title=PHA 0.20 -4.02
21 Stacks title=STX 2.64 -3.73
22 Neutron title=NTRN 0.76 -3.64
23 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.57 -3.47
24 Dusk title=DUSK 0.34 -3.35
25 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.20 -3.17
26 PancakeSwap title=CAKE 2.79 -3.13
27 Tensor title=TNSR 0.98 -3.00
28 Sui title=SUI 1.19 -2.91
29 SKALE title=SKL 0.09 -2.85
30 NEM title=XEM 0.04 -2.78

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
2 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
3 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
4 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
5 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
6 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
7 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
8 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
9 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
10 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
11 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
12 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
13 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
14 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
15 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
16 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
17 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
18 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
19 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
20 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
21 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
22 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
23 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
24 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
25 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
26 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
27 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
28 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
29 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
30 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
31 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
32 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
33 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
34 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
35 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
36 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
37 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
38 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
39 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
40 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
41 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
42 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
43 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
44 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
45 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
46 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
47 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
48 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
49 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
50 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


AIOZ Network (aioz) Kubic (kubic) 50Cent (50c) PW-GOLD (pwg) 5G-CASH (vgc) Unidef (u) Coin Gabbar Token (cgt) DeFi Land Gold (goldy) unwa (unwa) Ginza Network (ginza)


Dolan Duck (dolan)Forj (bondly)Mech Master (mech)Dentacoin (dcn)SaTT (satt)

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