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硬币相关 #real-estate

币名 细节
NEO (neo)
NEO是下一代智能经济平台,前身为蚂蚁金服,也是中国第一个开源区块链,成立于2014年,通常被称为“中国的以太坊”。. 什么是NEONEO使用智能经济方法来实施其分布式网络概念。. 其主要目标是使用区块链技术和数字身份的分散网络将资产数字化。Neo的主要目标是成为“智能经济”的分布式网络。. 正如他们的网站所述:数字资产+数字身份+智能合约=智能经济。. Neo由总部位于上海的区块链研发公司“OnChain”开发,由两个众筹资助:2015年10月的第一次众筹以55万美元的价格出售了1750万个NEO代币,第二次众筹以450万美元的价格出售了剩余的2250万个NEO代币。那么,为什么 NEO 平台上的 NEOsset 数字化和身份本质上为资产登记、发行和流通创造了一种新颖的方式。. 这意味着房
NEO is a next generation smart economy platform formerly Antshares and Chinas first open source blockchain that was founded in 2014, is often known as the “Ethereum of China”. What is NEONEO uses a smart economy approach to implement its distributed network concept. Its main objective is to digitize assets using the decentralized network of blockchain technology and digital identity.Neo’s main aim is to be the distributed network for “smart econo
DigiByte (dgb)
什么是DigiByteDigiByte不仅仅是一种更快的数字货币。. 它是一种创新的区块链,可用于数字资产、智能合约、去中心化应用程序和安全身份验证。是什么让DigiByte比其他区块链更强大DigiByte是一个快速增长的开源区块链,创建于2013年底,并于2014年初发布。. 经过6年的前瞻性思维发展,DigiByte已成为现存最安全,最快,最长和最分散的UTXO区块链之一。True Decentralized.DigiByte从未通过ICO或大量预挖硬币获得资金。. 没有首席执行官或公司控制DigiByte区块链。. 这是一个以志愿者为基础的全球社区驱动的项目。更安全。DigiByte使用5种加密算法和实时难度调整,防止恶意挖矿中心化和算力波动。. 其中之一是Odocrypt,它每10
What is DigiByteDigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication.What makes DigiByte stronger than othersDigiByte is a rapidly growing opensource blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and
Mines of Dalarnia (dar)
达拉尼亚矿山是一款动作冒险游戏,在币安智能链 BSC 上程序生成关卡。. 玩家挖掘和收集各种游戏内物品,即. 矿物,稀有文物和文物,提高他们的技能和装备,以解开达拉尼亚宇宙的秘密。. 在探索达拉尼亚世界的这些稀有资源时,可以探索不同地形的不同矿山和征服的怪物。该游戏旨在吸引更广泛的玩家受众,特别是那些在加密方面几乎没有经验的玩家,并弥合与传统游戏行业的差距。通过将游戏内资产作为 NFT 发行,玩家可以通过在游戏内或外部市场上进行交易来拥有他们的游戏体验并从中获利。. 通过治理流程,玩家能够影响游戏开发,并拥有游戏的所有权。Playtoearn:DAR 代币经济学设计包括玩家在游戏中赚钱的各种激励措施。. 根据每个玩家的策略,他们可以通过主动玩游戏、在比赛中获胜或通过将他们的地块出租给其他用户
Mines of Dalarnia is an actionadventure game with procedurally generated levels on Binance Smart Chain BSC. Players mine and collect various ingame items i.e. minerals, rare relics and artifacts, improve their skills and gear to unlock the secrets of the Dalarnia universe. There are different mines with varying terrains to be explored and monsters to conquer in the quest for these rare resources of the Dalarnian world.The game aims to engage the
Realio Network (rio)
Realio是一个数字发行,投资和点对点交易平台,利用专有的分布式网络来发行和互连分散的生态系统。. 该平台利用许可和无许可架构来满足严格的证券监管需求,同时允许对通常为特定机构投资者保留的投资产品进行独特的民主化访问。. 我们在许多资产类别中寻找投资机会,重点是房地产私募股权,我们还为第三方发行人提供工具,以数字化其资产并在网络内筹集资金,或使用我们的技术堆栈作为私人白标解决方案。我们的网络架构是模块化的,可扩展的,并支持内置的流动性,同时在私人和安全的独立参与者网络中分配以前高度集中的活动,例如发行和监管合规。.
Realio is a digital issuance, investment and peertopeer trading platform that utilizes a proprietary distributed network for issuingon and interconnecting decentralized ecosystems. The platform leverages both a permissioned and permissionless architecture to satisfy the need for stringent securities regulations while allowing uniquely democratized access to investment products normally reserved for a select subset of institutional investors. We s
Blocksquare (bst)
Blocksquare令牌是Blocksquare的defi令牌。. 它是房地产Defi平台的奖励和治理代币 Oceanpoint.fi Blocksquare自2018年以来一直为公司提供代币化解决方案,以允许房地产资产的代币化。. Oceanpoint允许房地产公司使用其代币化资产进入Defi世界。.
Blocksquare token is the defi token for Blocksquare. It is a reward and governance token for the real estate defi platform Oceanpoint.fi Blocksquare have been providing companies tokenisation solutions to allow tokenisation of real estate assets since 2018. Oceanpoint allows real estate companies to use their tokenised assets to access the world of defi.
Bloktopia (blok)
Bloktopia是一座摩天大楼,由21个级别组成,以2100万比特币支付认可。. 代币持有者将被称为Bloktopians。. 它将作为一个中心枢纽,欢迎所有级别的加密体验。. 有史以来第一次,用户将可以在一个地方访问加密信息和沉浸式内容。. Bloktopians将能够通过房地产所有权,广告收入,玩游戏,建立网络等等来赚取收入。. 通过使用世界上最先进的实时3D创作引擎,Bloktopia将利用这项技术来创建令人惊叹的可视化和用户体验。.
Bloktopia is a Skyscraper made up of 21 levels to pay recognition to 21 million Bitcoin. Token holders will be known as Bloktopians. It will act as a central hub and welcome all levels of crypto experience. For the first time ever, users will have access to crypto information and immersive content all in one place. Bloktopians will be able to earn revenue through real estate ownership, advertising revenue, play games, build networks and much more
BXN (bxn)
BlackFort 是一个创新的区块链平台,具有顶级区块链所需的所有属性。. 它是一个第 1 层区块链,与 EVM 兼容、快速、可扩展、安全、高效,并使用 POSA 共识算法,易于访问成为委托人。. BlackFort 还在为他们的用户开发 360 度加密经济,为名为 BXN 的原生第 1 层代币添加越来越多的实用性。. BlackFort 第 1 层区块链于 2023 年 1 月上线,出块时间为 5 秒,可以处理 100k trx/s。. 到目前为止,区块链处理了超过 660 万个区块和超过 1.000.000 笔交易,没有任何错误。Blackfort 自己的客户端钱包已从应用程序和 android 商店下载超过 110.000 次。. 首批受监管的代币化房地产项目即将启动。Blackfo
BlackFort is an innovative blockchain platform that has all the attributes needed for a top–tier blockchain. It is a Layer 1 blockchain that is EVM compatible,fast,scalable,secure,efficient,and uses the POSA consens algotithm with easy access to become a delegator. BlackFort is also developing a 360 degree crypto economy for their users to add more and more utility to the native layer 1 Token called BXN. The BlackFort layer 1 blockchain went live
LABS Group (labs)
Labs正在通过世界上第一个端到端房地产投资生态系统,通过将房地产投资分割化,颠覆最大资产类别的房地产投资。. 由 LABS 生态系统代币通过去中心化金融 DeFi 和治理提供支持。实验室代币是G.A.I.N.S.的实用代币。. 模式,即治理、项目准入、激励、提名权和质押奖励。.
Labs is disrupting real estate investments in the largest asset class through the world’s first end to end real estate investment ecosystem by fractionalizing real estate investments. Powered by the LABS ecosystem token through decentralized finance DeFi and governance.LABS tokens are utility tokens with the G.A.I.N.S. model, namely governance, access to projects, Incentives, nomination rights and staking for rewards.
Locus Chain (locus)
什么是LOCUS CHAIN轨迹LocusChain旨在成为使用最广泛的下一代第1层公共区块链协议,同时实现完全去中心化和可扩展性。. 作为基于专利技术的去中心化可扩展一层链,轨迹链旨在通过成为最可靠、安全、低成本和高性能的 1 层公共区块链平台,支持各种 Defi、GameFi、元界、智慧城市、CBDC 中央银行数字货币项目。. Locus Chain声称是第一个去中心化的第1层公共区块链,解决了去中心化的区块链三难困境。. 可扩展性和安全性.LOCUS代币主网之前的当前Locus代币类型是基于以太坊的ERC20代币,由Locus Chain Foundation发行智能合约。. 但是,鉴于公共以太坊网络上的代币不能直接在轨迹链上使用,我们将利用散列时间锁定合约来允许 Locus 代币从以
What Is LOCUS CHAIN LOCUSLocus Chain aims to be the most widely used Next Generation Layer 1 Public Blockchain Protocol, which achieves both full decentralization and scalability simultaneously. As a decentralized scalable layer 1 chain based on patented technologies, Locus Chain aims to support various Defi, GameFi, Metaverse, Smart City, CBDCCentral Bank Digital Currency projects by being the most reliable, secure, low cost and high performance
Propbase (props)
Propbase 是东南亚的代币化房地产投资市场,允许您以低至 100 美元的价格投资高质量、有弹性的房地产资产,并拥有部分所有权,赚取租金收益,并随时随地出售。.
Propbase,a tokenized real estate investment marketplace in South East Asia,allows you to invest in high quality resilient real estate assets for as little as $100 with fractional ownership,earn rental yield,and sell whenever you like from anywhere.
11 SIN
Sinverse (sin)
《罪恶之城》是一款基于区块链技术的元宇宙多人游戏,支持跨链技术。. 游戏的背景基于世界上最有争议的地区,在那里可以购买数字房地产。. 用户可以购买这片土地来发展和建立他们的帝国。. 游戏的目的是成为终极主销。. 这将是一个高度以社交为导向的平台,您可以在其中为您的朋友建立俱乐部,举办在线活动,甚至参加黑社会活动以赢得游戏内奖励。罪恶之城也是一个全宇宙,并将在元宇宙的生态系统中托管各种有限合伙人及其 NFT 和游戏项目。.
‘Sin City’ is a Metaverse multiplayer game built on Blockchain Technology, which supports crosschain technology. The background of the game is based on the most controversial districts in the world, where digital real estate is available to be purchased. Users can buy this land to develop and build their empire. The aim of the game is to become the ultimate Kingpin. This will be a highly social orientated platform, where you can build clubs for y
StarLink (starl)
通过 STARL 元宇宙进入虚拟空间的新前沿。. 独自或与他人一起在宇宙中冒险,发现空间站,在那里您可以结识人、交易物品和 NFT、访问各种游戏体验和娱乐、修改您的宇宙飞船、学习、制作和创造。. $STARL代币将是您在元宇宙中一切的关键。. 它是第一个真正去中心化的元界项目的货币:100% 解锁、放弃和社区驱动。. STARL 元界项目是第一个加入 AAA 游戏设计和开发团队的加密项目,该团队拥有超过二十年的经验,包括在 PlayStation、迪士尼、狮门娱乐、卢卡斯影业、皮克斯和乐高集团工作。. STARL将成为专业游戏行业和加密货币之间的桥梁。STARL 元宇宙将作为游戏启动板,第一款游戏 Warp Nexus 由 Wyrmbite Studios 改编和开发。.
Launch into the new frontier of virtual space with the STARL Metaverse. Adventure through the cosmos alone or with others and discover space stations where you can meet people, trade items and NFTs, access various gaming experiences and entertainment, modify your spaceship, learn, craft, and create. The $STARL token will be your key to everything in the metaverse. It is the currency for the first truly decentralized metaverse project: 100% unlock
UBXS (ubxs)
我们这个项目的目标是通过融化在同一个房地产市场和区块链、Web 3.0、元界、代币经济学、NFT 技术中,将物理世界和虚拟世界元宇宙统一起来。.
Our goal with this project is to unite the physical world and the virtual world metaverse by melting in the same pot of real estate market which has a market volume of 100 trillion dollars and blockchain, web 3.0, metaverse, tokenomics, NFT technologies.
14 WFT
Windfall (wft)
Windfall aspires to become one of the leading virtual real estate medium to provide exposure to the burgeoning virtual real estate industry through virtual real estate portal.
15 VCK
28VCK (vck)
28基金会构建了一个基于28VC区块链精确设计的平台,以解决现有医疗领域的问题,使个人信息可以存储在医院服务器和患者自己的设备中,处于应用区块链技术无法伪造的状态。. 此外,对于与医疗设备,医疗产品和药品等分销相关的信息,经用户同意,它会自动传输到移动设备,以便有关用于治疗的产品等的信息。. 可以在移动设备上轻松检查。. 28VC区块链是一种通过在区块链中添加时空概念来提高安全性的技术,并增加吞吐量以实现更快的处理。. 28VC区块链的主网目前正在开发中,在移动环境中得到支持,目的是将区块链集成到现实生活中。. 28基金会的创新共识算法ProofofGroupStake不仅可以在移动环境中进行挖矿,还可以通过各种性能开发安全实用的基于区块链的智能手机应用程序。.
28 Foundation builds a platform designed precisely based on the 28VC blockchain to solve the problems of the existing medical field so that personal information can be stored in the hospital server and patient’s own device in a state that cannot be forged altered by applying blockchain technology. Also, in the case of information related to distribution such as medical devices, medical products, and medicines, it is automatically transmitted to a
AssetLink (aset)
AssetLink是一个将房地产投资与区块链技术相结合的开创性平台。. 它使房地产资产的代币化成为可能,为全球房地产的部分所有权和投资提供了独特的机会。. $ASET,AssetLinks的主要实用代币代表了各种房地产资产的股份,使用户在投资有形房产的同时,可以从区块链技术的流动性和可访问性中受益。. 人工智能平台集成增强了投资决策,使AssetLink成为房地产投资民主化的先驱,并为全球投资者开辟了新的机会。. AssetLinks 对安全性、透明度和社区参与的承诺使其成为不断发展的房地产代币化领域的领导者。.
AssetLink is a groundbreaking platform that merges real estate investment with blockchain technology. It enables the tokenization of real estate assets,offering a unique opportunity for fractional ownership and investment in properties worldwide. AssetLinks main utility token,$ASET,represents a stake in various real estate assets,allowing users to benefit from the liquidity and accessibility of blockchain technology while investing in tangible pr
AssetMantle (mntl)
AssetMantle 是一个多租户 NFT 市场框架,使创作者和收藏家能够在其快速终结区块链上安全地铸造、拥有和交易数字资产。AssetMantle nocode 工具集使创作者能够以无需许可的方式创建自定义资产和市场。收藏家可以在一个单一的钱包中拥有在这些市场和兼容链上铸造的资产,该钱包可以用最少的汽油和更低的碳足迹进行交易。AssetMantle 基于 interNFT 标准构建,实现了开源模块化工具的端到端堆栈,开发人员可以对其进行修改以适应高级用例。AssetMantle 的目标是提供一个平台,使各种 NFT 用例能够超越艺术和收藏品,并有可能改变房地产和其他商品等现实世界资产的权利和所有权的表示。Mantle MNTL是AssetMantle生态系统的代币。.
AssetMantle is a multitenant NFT marketplace framework that enables creators and collectors to securely mint, own, and trade digital assets on its fastfinality blockchain.The AssetMantle nocode toolset enables creators to create customized assets and marketplaces in a permissionless manner.Collectors can own the assets minted across these marketplaces and compatible chains in a singular wallet that can be transacted with minimal gas and a lower c
18 ASX
ASX Capital (asx)
ASX是一个通过单一的收益代币提供对多种资产类别的敞口的项目。. 它提供对各种链上和链下资产类别的访问,包括现实世界的资产、有收益的 DeFi 投资和风险投资。. 通过持有 ASX 代币,投资者可以从多个流动性池产生的收入流、旗舰基金利润的回购以及链上的流动性挖矿中受益。. 该项目旨在简化 Web3 和现实世界资产的管理,让投资者更容易参与 DeFi 并获得 USDC 奖励。. ASX认为,现实世界资产的代币化、DeFi的收益以及获得风险资本投资将在短期和长期内提供增长机会。. ASX背后的团队拥有商业和多户房地产的背景,这使他们在代币化领域具有优势。.
ASX is a project that offers exposure to multiple asset classes through a single yield-bearing token. It provides access to various on and off-chain asset classes,including real world assets,yield-bearing DeFi investments,and venture capital investments. By holding the ASX token,investors can benefit from revenue streams generated by multiple liquidity pools,buybacks from the Flagship Fund's profits,and yield farming on the chain. The project aim
azit (azit)
Azit是一个基于区块链的点集成平台,用于房地产和住宅服务。. Azit与Dabang和WeMatch Daisa等公司合作,但事实并非如此。. 1 韩国的房地产和搬家服务。. 合作伙伴与Azit DAPP互锁,用户可以将他们的里程积分与AZIT Token交换,以使用需要的适当住宅服务。AZIT 是用于 1 的本机实用程序令牌。. 将合作伙伴公司的里程积分与AZIT代币交换.2.. 将里程转换为AZIT代币并兑换法定货币[Azit生态系统] Azit联盟正在形成一个生态系统,用户可以在使用房地产,搬家,清洁,房屋设计,洗衣,宠物,房屋保险等时受益。.
Azit is a blockchainbased, point integration platform for real estate and residential services. Azit partners with companies like Dabang and WeMatch Daisa which are no. 1 real estate and moving service in Korea. Partners are interlocked with Azit DAPP where users can exchange their mileage point against AZIT Token to use the proper residential service in need.AZIT is the native utility token that is used for1. Exchanging Partner Company’s mileage
20 BTL
Battle Saga (btl)
战斗传奇是一款受部落冲突启发的去中心化 EarnWithoutPlayingEWP 战略元界游戏,实施创新的 DAO 系统以获得最佳用户体验和适应性 游戏方面包括虚拟房地产以及战斗系统,玩家可以通过攻击或防御来赚取利润。. 玩家可以升级建筑物,增加他们在市场上的价值,也可以在不玩游戏的防御胜利方面的情况下赚钱!!!️战斗!️传奇在其上具有原生$BTL代币的功能,该代币被交换为游戏中的代币$GOLD然后可用于训练部队,升级建筑物,繁殖英雄等等市场允许在繁殖后出售他们的英雄或为自己购买新英雄。.
Battle Saga is a Clash of Clan inspired decentralized EarnWithoutPlayingEWP strategic metaverse game implementing innovative DAO system for the best user experience and adaptability The gaming aspects include virtual real estate along with a battle system where players can earn profit by attacking or defending. Players can upgrade buildings increase their value on the marketplace and can also earn also without playing with the defense victory asp
21 BB
Brick Block (bb)
由区块链驱动的房地产投资,用于部分所有权和被动收入。BrickBlock 实现了房地产价值和收入流的数字化。. 通过利用区块链技术,我们将传统的产权转化为可交易的代币NFT或可替代的投资代币。. 这开启了新的可能性:部分所有权允许以较低的资本投资高价值的房产,而租金或转售利润等收入流可以自动分配给代币持有者,为投资者和业主创造一个透明和高效的系统。.
Real estate investment powered by blockchain for fractionalownership and passive income.BrickBlock empowers the digitization of real estate value and revenue streams. By leveraging blockchain technology,we transform traditional property ownership into tradable tokens NFTs or fungible investment tokens. This unlocks new possibilities: fractional ownership allows investment in highvalue properties with lower capital,while revenue streams like rent
Brick (brick)
BRICK是建立在BSC BEP20网络上的Bricksestate的原生代币。. BRICKSEstate是一个社区区块链项目,允许投资者通过部分所有权访问各种房地产和拥有全部或部分资产的房产,并成为不断增长的房地产行业的一部分。BricksEstate 旨在为客户提供可验证的财产数据记录,使各方能够完成通常互不认识的交易,并通过区块链不可变分类账和 NFT 所有权证书的使用相信卖方实际上拥有该财产的真正所有权。.
BRICK is the native token of Bricksestate built on the BSC BEP20 network. BRICK is designed to empower the connection of real estates and properties through a fully transparent, communityowned platform on Binance Smart Chain.BricksEstate is a community blockchain project that will allow investors access to a variety of real estates and properties owning full or parts of these assets through fractional ownership and be part of the evergrowing real
23 BRX
Bricks Exchange (brx)
Bricks是一个房地产投资代币化和交易平台。. 房地产是一种非流动性资产,具有许多挑战和进入壁垒,该项目旨在解决这些问题。.
Bricks is a real estate investment tokenization and trading platform. Real estate is an illiquid asset with many challenges and barriers to entry which this project aims to solve.
Catge Coin (catge)
CATGE是启动令牌启动板交换项目背后的实用代币。. 它将用于支付佣金,获得奖励和交易代币化资产。STL正在与初创公司和房地产公司合作,以获得其股权/财产的百分比,并推出由其支持的代币。. 股息,收购利润和月收益率由STL逐次收集,转换为CATGE并分配给代币持有者。像这样,由于资产代币化,STL将突破风险投资行业和房地产投资行业。.
CATGE is the Utility Token behind the Startup Token Launchpad exchange project. Its going to be used to pay commission, get rewards and trade against the tokenized assets.STL is partnering with startups and real estates in order to acquire a % of their equity/property and launch tokens backed by it. Dividends, acquisition profits and monthly yields are collected time by time by STL, converted in CATGE and distributed to the token holders.Like thi
Cicca Network (cicca)
1.Cicca Metaverse 和 web3 游戏和高质押奖励币玩家可以赚取 P2E 加密货币或其他数字代币作为其游戏内活动的奖励。. 这些奖励可能是可观的,玩家可以选择持有、交易或将这些代币转换为现实世界的货币。玩家可以通过社交、交易、竞争和协作等多种方式与虚拟世界和其他玩家互动。. 这些互动往往会塑造游戏的叙事和环境 在我们的元宇宙游戏中,玩家可以通过创建、购买、出售和交易虚拟资产来参与虚拟经济。. 这可以包括从虚拟房地产到数字服装和配饰的所有内容。为角色、物品、土地或任何其他数字收藏品等游戏内资产铸造 NFT。. 这些 NFT 代表所有权,可以在游戏和区块链技术中交易或使用。. 在我们的元宇宙游戏中,人工智能控制的游戏大师监督和调节玩家互动、事件和挑战。.
1.Cicca Metaverse and web3 Game and High staking award coinPlayers can earn P2E cryptocurrency or other digital tokens as rewards for their ingame activities. These rewards can be significant,and players can choose to hold,trade,or convert these tokens into realworld currency.Players can interact with the virtual world and other players in various ways,such as socializing,trading,competing,and collaborating. These interactions often shape the gam
CitaDAO (knight)
CitaDAO 是一个去中心化金融 DeFi 平台,用于在以太坊生态系统上对房地产进行链上代币化。. CitaDAO 旨在通过创建与在以太坊协议上运行的其他 DeFi 应用程序/原语的互操作性来解决现有房地产生态系统中缺乏流动性、访问限制和缺乏可组合性的问题。. 房地产代币允许社区在链上使其投资组合多样化,通过通过 AMM 具有恒定流动性的真实世界资产产生稳定的收益。. 我们正在构建一个平台,为社区创造更轻松、无边界、透明和可扩展的房地产访问。. 通过在链上标记化和交易房地产,我们的目标是解决困扰现有房地产世界的流动性不足、访问限制和缺乏可组合性的问题。. 随着DeFi在过去几年中越来越受欢迎,生态系统需要除借贷协议和交易费用之外的替代收益来源。.
CitaDAO is a Decentralized Finance DeFi platform for Real Estate to be tokenized onchain, built on the Ethereum ecosystem. CitaDAO aims to solve the lack of liquidity, access limitation, and lack of composability in the existing real estate ecosystem by creating interoperability with other DeFi applications/primitives that operate on the Ethereum protocol. Real estate token allows the community to diversify their portfolio onchain to generate sta
Contracoin (ctcn)
由澳大利亚的一个团队于05 / 06 / 2018推出,以解决使用Contracoin CTCN令牌作为付款方式的全球房地产买卖问题。.
Launched on the 05/06/2018 by a team based in Australia to address the problems with the sale and purchase of real estate globally using the Contracoin CTCN Token as the method of payment.
Corgidoge (corgi)
柯基狗是一个房地产投资应用程序,电子商务平台,加密货币交易所旨在最大化CORGI硬币的利益。. 以长期发展为导向的CORGI将成为广泛使用的硬币之一,并取代现有的硬币。. 生态系统CORGI货币使用区块链来转移加密货币持有者的价值和利益。. 柯基犬加密货币交易所允许交易和存储加密货币。. 此外,它还向持有CORGI加密货币的投资者支付利润。. CorgiR房地产投资应用程序允许人们通过使用CORGI加密货币付款来投资全球房地产。.
Corgidoge is a real estate investment application, eCommerce platform, the cryptocurrency exchange is designed to maximize the benefit of CORGI coin. The longterm developmentoriented CORGI will become one of the used coins widely and replace existing coins. The ecosystems CORGI currency uses blockchain to transfer the value and benefits of cryptocurrency holders. CorgiS cryptocurrency exchange allows trading and storing cryptocurrencies. In addit
29 CRE
Crypto Real Estate (cre)
什么是关于加密房地产是一家公司,通过我们的移动应用程序和现实世界的商业企业(包括加密酒店和咖啡馆)弥合房地产行业和加密货币之间的差距。是什么让您的项目独一无二这将是第一个支持房地产交易和提供加密货币支付服务的平台,而无需第三方经纪人,并将房地产行业寻找工作的人或寻找员工的公司联系起来。项目的历史记录。该项目背后的公司加密房地产已于 2022 年在迪拜注册。. CRE代币计划于2023年4月在币安智能链上推出。. 我们的目标是实现这一目标的方法之一是拥有创新的实用程序和完全安全的产品,从智能合约到应用程序。. 在代币发布之前,至少要完全注册,人肉搜索,审计公司,并拥有我们的第一个公用事业房地产移动应用程序。. 发布后,我们将开始扩展到我们的其他目标,建立世界上第一家加密酒店,然后扩展业务。您的
What is the project aboutCrypto Real Estate is a company bridging the gap between the real estate industry and cryptocurrencies through our mobile app and real world business ventures including a crypto hotel and cafes.What makes your project uniqueIt will be the first platform that supports trading real estate and offering services with payment in cryptocurrencies without the need for a third party broker,and connecting people in the real estate
30 DOM
Dominium (dom)
Dominium是第一个由现实世界资产支持的加密货币。. 商业单位、Airbnb、黄金、矿工、公司等构成了Dominium资产篮子。. 上个世纪已经表明,虽然货币可能会演变和变化,但真正的所有权永远是王道。. 谁拥有土地、房地产和商品,谁就拥有实权。. 在接下来的几十年里,Dominium将继续积累一个不仅能抵抗通货膨胀和货币变化的国库,而且能产生收入的国库。. 这笔收入将支付数十年。.
Dominium is the first cryptocurrency backed by real world assets. Commercial units, Airbnbs, gold, miners, companies and more make up the Dominium basket of assets. The last century has shown that while currencies may evolve and change, real ownership is always king. He who owns the land, real estate, and commodities holds the real power. Over the coming decades, Dominium will continue to amass a treasury that not only is resistent to inflation a
Ecoreal Estate (ecoreal)
随着资本市场的全球化,尽管海外投资带来了困难,但房地产市场也不例外。. 任何投资者都不能忽视潜在的国际投资是如何坚持的。. 这就需要一种新的去中心化解决方案来利用这种潜力。我们的目标是将加密货币引入这个过度监管和缓慢的市场,以促进全球范围内的投资和交易。. 我们计划通过利用区块链的核心原则来实现这一目标,即公平、可访问性、透明度和信任,同时将它们应用于已经存在和全面运营的资产。. 西班牙,葡萄牙和希腊的完全许可的乡村旅游胜地 位于德国最佳地点之一的商业建筑。. 南亚的医疗保健。.
As capital markets are becoming global, real estate markets are no exception despite the difficulties posed by overseas investments. No investor can overlook how the potential international investments hold out. This establishes the need for a new decentralized solution to capitalize this potential.Our Objective is to introduce cryptocurrencies into this overly regulated and slow market to facilitate investments and transactions on a global scale
32 EL
ELYSIAEL是为房地产的便利性而构建的,是一个连接买卖双方的P2P房地产数字联合投资平台。. ELYSIA生态系统通过利用区块链技术增加了房地产投资者和买家的可访问性以及其清晰度和稳定性。. 此外,通过在他们的平台上为用户提供自助钱包服务,它的可能性和利用率得到了高度评价。.
Constructed for a development of real estate’s convenience, ELYSIAEL is a P2P digital joint investment platform for real estate which connects between seller and buyer. ELYSIA ecosystem increases real estate investors and buyers’ accessibility as well as its’ clarity and stability by utilizing blockchain technology. In addition, it’s possibility and utilization is highly rated by providing users with self wallet service on their platform.
33 ESX
EstateX (esx)
EstateX不仅仅是一个平台,更是房地产行业的一场革命。. 我们独特的代币化方法使房地产投资的渠道民主化,让您享受更高的流动性、更低的投资最低限度以及前所未有的多样化投资组合的自由。.
EstateX is more than a platform its a revolution in the real estate industry. Our unique approach to tokenization democratizes access to real estate investments,allowing you to enjoy increased liquidity,lower investment minimums,and the freedom to diversify your portfolio like never before.
Everlodge (eldg)
Everlodge创造了一种开创性的商业模式,旨在重新构想度假屋的景观。. Everlodge的平台是投资者购买部分产品的理想市场,包括纽约价值数百万美元的酒店、伦敦的AirBNB和马尔代夫的别墅。. Everlodge 的市场只需不到 250 美元即可开始使用,并且仅使用加密货币购买,在 3 个参数内运行,完全去中心化、即时购买和完全匿名。Everlodge平台的用户都可以获得房地产投资者的优势,例如,资产价值升值每月付款形式的被动收入能够决定他们想要投资哪些房产和开发项目 我们的愿景是让全球投资者无论其来源如何都能进入房地产市场,国家,或信用评分,具有由现实世界财产支持的全球去中心化房地产 NFT 市场。. 享受房地产 NFT 投资,无需银行、隐藏费用或地理限制。.
Everlodge have created a groundbreaking business model which aims to reimagine the holiday home landscape. Everlodge’s platform is the ideal marketplace for investors to buy fractions of; a multimillion dollar hotel in New York,an AirBNB in London and a villa in the Maldives. Requiring less than $250 to get started and purchased solely with cryptocurrency,Everlodge’s marketplace operates within 3 parameters; complete decentralization,instantaneou
35 FOG
FOGnet (fog)
项目是关于什么基于区块链的房地产平台什么让您的项目独一无二FOGNET平台是基于以太坊区块链网络的房地产NFT内容平台,可以作为NFT发行和交易执行和销售房地产开发项目的权利。. 可以说是以NFT为中介的房地产开发金融新概念。. 通过利用NFT,任何人都可以参与实施项目,降低房地产投资的准入门槛,并期望在非法和非法逃税普遍存在的情况下,使房地产实施项目透明和公平。您的项目历史.2022.4Q 市场和钱包开发2023.1Q 帝国 NFT 销售,LBank 和 MEXC 上市您的项目的下一步我们希望通过发现可商业化的 NFT 内容来创建一个基于真实资产的健康 NFT 交易生态系统,我们计划通过 FOGNET 平台的进步和稳定阶段扩展我们的服务和业务领域。您的代币可以用于什么FOGNET平台的关键
What is the project aboutBlockchain Based Real Estate PlatformWhat makes your project uniqueThe FOGNET platform is a real estate NFT content platform based on the Ethereum blockchain network that can issue and trade the right to execute and sell real estate development projects as NFT. It can be said to be a new concept of real estate development finance mediated by NFT. By utilizing NFT,anyone can participate in the implementation project,loweri
Foho Coin (foho)
FOHO正在建设共享房地产的未来。FOHO允许使用区块链共享房地产。. 参与者使用FOHO硬币参与。. 今天的部分所有权和分时度假解决方案由开发人员驱动,问责制较低,取决于系统的偿付能力。. 客户在收益、未来潜力等方面受到各种承诺的追求。. 但不能组织起来共同讨论和努力处理此类交易,也无法要求问责。. 实际购买后,房产的使用和由此产生的收入是不透明的,需要广泛的规划,违背了拥有第二套房子的前提。.
FOHO is building the future of shared real estate.FOHO allows sharing of real estate using blockchain. Participants use FOHO Coins to participate. Today’s fractional ownership and timeshare solutions are developer driven and accountability is low and dependent on the solvency of the system. Customers are courted with various promises on yield, future potential etc. but cannot organise themselves to discuss and diligence such deals together and ha
37 IUX
GeniuX (iux)
什么是GeniuX IUX 生态系统由GeniuX支撑,GeniuX是基于Polygon标准的实用代币。. 它将用于支持现实世界资产的代币化,涵盖广泛的领域,包括房地产、交通、体育和艺术。谁是GeniuX Genius Assets Marketplace的创始人 我们成立于2018年,建立了世界上第一个也是最大,最安全的数字资产市场。. 该项目归Genius Assets公司所有。. 它由克劳迪乌·布达(Claudiu Buda)创立,在此之前,在过去的13年里,他的职业生涯一直专注于销售。. Claudiu 建立了一个庞大而庞大的社区,在 17 个国家/地区拥有超过 200.000 名客户,销售额超过 7500 万欧元。. Genius Assets 于 2021 年首次推出,并于 20
What is GeniuX IUX The ecosystem is underpinned by GeniuX, a utility token based on the Polygon standard. It will be used to support the tokenization of realworld assets, with a wide range of sectors covered including real estate, transportation, sports, and arts.Who is the Founder of GeniuX Genius Assets Marketplace Founded in 2018, we built the first and biggest, secure digital assets marketplace in the world. The project is owned by the compan
get rich with meme (memememe)
基本上,已经多次证明,在当今的金融流动中,许多人在一起可以产生很大的不同,而少数人可以改变很多。. 无论是在这里,贪婪之初的偶像都是好时机,戈登·壁虎或华尔街之狼已经在 80 年代证明了这一点。. 90 年代后期的互联网泡沫也有很多赢家,或者 2008 年房地产泡沫的破灭主要有利于银行它总是关于大钱......现在在华尔街赌注的鼓舞下,永不停止加密货币的繁荣和无限互联网的奇妙世界及其取之不尽用之不竭的可能性,是时候再次书写历史了你有没有致富甚至比现在更富有的野心它很简单,它的全部内容都是关于介绍这段短文....... 再次,要记住.... 这已经被多次证明。.
Basically,it has been proven several times that many together can make a big difference and a few canmove a lot in todays financial flows. Whether here the icons from the beginning of the greed is good timeas gordon Gecko or The Wolf of Wallstreet already proved in the 80s. The dot com bubble in the late 90swhich also had many winners,or the bursting of the real estate bubble in 2008 mainly in favor of the banksIt was always about the big money..
GhaCoin (ghacoin)
Gha Coin是一个创新的部分房地产平台,它集成了区块链技术,重新定义了房地产投资和所有权。. 该平台为用户提供了一个独特的机会来积累资金购买房产,同时也提供了一种从现有房产中释放股权的机制。.
Gha Coin is an innovative fractional property platform that integrates blockchain technology to redefine real estate investment and ownership. This platform offers a unique opportunity for users to accumulate funds towards purchasing property,while also providing a mechanism for releasing equity from their existing properties.
Homeunity (hrpt)
Homeunity是一个去中心化的,基于区块链的房地产投资合作社。. 它专门从事房地产的分割和代币化,同时也是一家物业管理公司。.
Homeunity is a decentralized,blockchainbased real estate investment cooperative. It specializes in fractionalizing and tokenizing real estate while also serving as a property management company.
41 HWL
Howl City (hwl)
HowlCity 是一款元宇宙游戏,用户可以在其中参加赛车摩托车比赛、结交新朋友并设计自己的世界。. 玩家不仅可以参加 3D Playtoearn 摩托车赛车游戏、赢得游戏、获得奖励,还可以加入元宇宙城市、与其他玩家互动并满足他们的创造力。. HowlCity游戏目前可以在桌面浏览器,网站和下一阶段的移动设备上播放。第一阶段的HowlCity基本上是一款赛车游戏。. 对于想要测试刺激、在赛道上奔跑并在每一公里上相互竞争的业余爱好者来说,这将是一个完美的选择。. 进入 HowlCity 世界时,用户将扮演赛车手的身份,尝试与对手竞争,并获得有价值的奖励,例如代币、NFT 和积分。. 随着发展方向成为元宇宙和多游戏游戏,HowlCity也将尝试模拟现实生活场景的图像。.
HowlCity is a metaverse game where users compete in racing motorbikes, make new friends and design their own world. Players will not only participate in a 3D Playtoearn Motorcycle racing game, win the game, get rewards but also can join a Metaverse city, interact with other players and satisfy their creativity. The HowlCity game is currently playable on desktop browsers, website and next stage on mobile.HowlCity in phase 1 is basically a racing g
42 IMO
IMO (imo)
IMO是一种简单,现代和直观的房地产投资方式。该项目旨在使个人能够从被动的月收入中受益,无论投资金额如何,也无需提供自己的资金。. IMO加密货币的民主化和扩张正在促进公司的增长,其拥有的资产以及由此支付的收入。.
IMO is a simple, modern and intuitive way to invest in real estate.The project aims to enable individuals to benefit from passive monthly income, regardless of the amount invested and without having to provide their own funds. The democratization and expansion of IMOs cryptomoney is contributing to the growth of the company, the assets it owns and thus the income it pays out.
43 FON
INOFi (fon)
项目是关于什么的Inovation Finance INOFi是为基于区块链NFT的股票,债券和房地产等金融资产的管理和交易而创建的NFT股权平台。INOFi平台的设计基于三个原则来解决现有平台系统的问题。. 使用具有可靠商业模式的 FON 代币来创建有价值的 NFT 发行和现有的 NFT。. 此外,用户提供了一个可以利用 NFT、DeFi、代币等的便捷平台。. 在一个平台内。创建有价值的 NFT 并使现有 NFT 更有价值具有适用于任何 DeFi Porotol 的坚实商业模式的令牌渗透专注于提供用户友好的界面和可以利用 NFT、DeFi、代币使用的便捷平台让您的项目独一无二INOFi 是一个集成的 NFT 股权平台,旨在管理和交易股票等金融资产,基于区块链NFT的债券和房地产。. 在IN
What is the project aboutInovation Finance INOFi is a NFT equity platform created for blockchain NFTbased management and transactions of financial assets such as stocks,bonds,and real estate.The INOFi platform is designed based on three principles to solve the problems of the existing platform system. Using FON Token,which has a solid business model,is used to create valuable NFT issuance and existing NFTs. In addition,the user provides a conveni
Intelly (intl)
什么是Intelly国际是一家基于区块链的房地产公司,正在创建一个易于使用,可靠的投资平台和一个流动性的房地产市场,可以存储财富并收集收益。在区块链技术的帮助下,Intelly通过智能合约和代币化使房地产交易变得更加简单和快捷。. Intelly令牌INTL将引导投资者在Intelly平台上通过各种投资可能性获得房地产盈利能力。. 这将主要用于全球的房地产投资。在房地产领域,随着投资规模的扩大,投资的盈利能力呈指数级增长。. 通过结合其社区的资金能力,Intelly允许投资者进行小额高收益投资。.
What Is Intelly INTLIntelly is a blockchainbased real estate company that is creating an easytouse,reliable investment platform and a liquid real estate marketplace where wealth can be stored,and yields can be collected.With the help of Blockchain technology,Intelly shapes real estate transactions to be much simpler and faster with smart contracts and tokenization. The Intelly token INTL will lead investors to obtain real estate profitability wit
45 JTS
Jetset (jts)
为不断增长的奢侈品、旅游和健康行业提供动力。. $JTS将用于豪华房屋租赁、异国情调的汽车租赁、旅行、健康计划,甚至元界房地产交易 Jetset 不仅仅是一种代币,而是一种生活方式。.
Fuel the evergrowing industries of Luxury, Travel and Wellness. $JTS will be used for luxury home rentals, exotic car rentals, travel, wellness programs and even Metaverse real estate transactions Jetset isnt just a token, its a lifestyle.
JovJou (jovjou)
JovJou是一个革命性的房地产投资平台,利用区块链技术使每个人都能进行房地产投资。. 它简化了物业管理,让用户从一平方米开始他们的投资之旅。. 该项目提供每月租金收入,并为再投资或战略规划提供灵活性。. 作为JovJou社区的一部分,用户可以获得独家、透明的投资机会和独特的生活福利。. 这种创新方法旨在使房地产投资的渠道民主化,绕过传统障碍。. JovJous使用区块链消除了直接物业管理的需要,简化了运营。.
JovJou is a revolutionary real estate investment platform leveraging blockchain technology to make property investment accessible to everyone. It simplifies property management,allowing users to start their investment journey from just one square meter. The project offers monthly rental income and provides flexibility for reinvestment or strategic planning. As part of the JovJou community,users gain access to exclusive,transparent investment oppo
Keys (keys)
想象一下这样一个世界,购买房地产和无数其他奢侈品资产就像收到钥匙一样容易。. KEYS将通过提高速度和透明度来改变房地产和奢侈品资产的交换方式,同时通过围绕代币构建的革命性产品生态系统降低成本和摩擦。我们的使命是创建革命性的区块链产品,围绕元宇宙和物理世界中的奢侈品交换而构建,这是KEYS代币持有者独有的。. 通过持有KEYS,您将能够:在元宇宙和物理世界中买卖房地产和奢侈品资产,获得独家投资机会和活动,并成为强大网络的一部分。.
Imagine a world where buying real estate and countless other luxury assets is as easy as receiving a key. KEYS will transform the way real estate and luxury assets are exchanged by increasing speed and transparency while reducing costs and friction through the revolutionary product ecosystem that will be built around the token.Our mission is to create revolutionary blockchain products built around the exchange of luxury assets in both the metaver
Landshare (land)
Landshare 是币安智能链上的一个 DeFi 平台,为传统房地产投资提供了一种无忧的替代方案。. Landshare 以基于资产的稳定币金库、实用代币、房屋翻转池和治理协议为特色,提供了一个基于美国房地产资产的完整 DeFi 平台。. 只需将您的稳定币质押在我们的财产库中,即可根据租金价值和资产升值赚取收益,或投资于我们的房屋翻转池以赚取一次性支付。. 该平台的实用代币是土地共享代币。. 该代币是作为在财产库中质押的奖励而获得的,并且需要访问所有平台功能。. 该代币具有几个价格稳定要素,例如有限铸造、回购、预售归属、代币销毁和供应上限。.
Landshare is a DeFi platform on the Binance Smart Chain offering a hasslefree alternative to traditional real estate investments. Featuring assetbased stablecoin vaults, a utility token, house flipping pools and a governance protocol, Landshare offers a full fledged DeFi platform based on US real estate assets. Simply stake your stablecoins in our Property Vault to earn yields based on the rental value and appreciation of assets, or invest in our
49 LA
LA (la)
LATOKEN是一个区块链协议和平台,用于创建和交易资产代币。. LATOKEN协议改变了对资本的访问,并通过使真实资产在加密货币中可交易,使加密货币能够在实体经济中广泛使用。. 它允许加密持有者通过访问与实物资产价格挂钩的代币来使其投资组合多样化。. LAToken 使资产所有者能够通过创建和销售其资产代币来释放资产的价值。. LAToken 是一个市值 #1 资产代币化项目,从 1600+ 加密持有者那里筹集了超过 9000 万美元。. 该平台已经投入运营:它允许通过加密货币交易苹果、特斯拉、谷歌和其他蓝筹股的代币化股票,以及黄金、石油和房地产 ETF。.
LATOKEN is a blockchain protocol and platform for creating and trading asset tokens. The LATOKEN protocol transforms access to capital, and enables cryptocurrencies to be widely used in the real economy by making real assets tradable in crypto. It allows cryptoholders to diversify their portfolio by getting access to tokens linked to the price of real assets. LAToken enables asset owners to unlock the value of assets by creating and selling their
Leaxcoin (leax)
抛开所有房地产交易问题 世界上的强势货币 Leaxcoin是一种去中心化的全球货币,采用以太坊区块链技术,是智能合约演进的领导者。. Leaxcoin平台为房地产交易的所有问题提供了解决方案,无论是在购买,出租,租赁和房地产启动中,还是在财产登记中。Leaxcoin平台的成功将完全通过一个由房地产专家和经验丰富的开发人员组成的全球社区来实现,他们将创建必要的工具来连接所有房地产流程和区块链的财产登记监管机构,一切都符合每个国家,州和城市的无数司法管辖区。.
Away with all the real estate transaction problems A strong currency in the world Leaxcoin is a decentralized global currency that adopts the Ethereum blockchain technology,the leader in the smart contract evolution. The Leaxcoin platform comes up with the solution to all the problems with real estate transactions,either in the purchase,rent,lease and real estate launch or in the property registry.The success of the Leaxcoin platform will be tota
LEOX (leox)
LEOX 是伽利略协议生态系统中的一种实用代币,是一个多链点对点平台,可让品牌、所有者和客户发现、浏览、购买和创建与房地产、豪华手表和汽车等现实世界资产相关的实物不可替代代币 pNFT。伽利略协议旨在打击伪造,增强流动性,并使加密货币能够投资于实物资产。. LEOX令牌促进交易,作为平台服务的交换媒介,并为用户提供治理权利。. 通过提供真正的资产支持 pNFT,伽利略协议确保了资产的真实性,并使更广泛的投资者更容易获得它们。.
LEOX is a utility token within the Galileo Protocol ecosystem,a multichain peertopeer platform that lets brands,owners,and customers discover,browse,purchase,and create physical NonFungible Tokens pNFTs tied to realworld assets like real estate,luxury watches,and cars.Galileo Protocol aims to combat counterfeiting,enhance liquidity,and enable cryptocurrency investment in physical assets. LEOX Token facilitates transactions,serves as a medium of e
Limestone Network (limex)
我们认为,要建设智慧城市,首先需要了解城市。. 它首先拥有一个数字生态系统,允许实时分析生活和移动数据。. 最终结果是通过优化能源生产实现更绿色的城市,通过分布式账本技术增强安全性,以及提供效率和简单性的城市文明。通过团队的专业知识及其在行业中的网络,Limestone Technology旨在为东南亚的房地产开发和基础设施建立一个智慧城市生态系统这将通过开发区块链基础设施 - Limestone Network来实现城市的数字化。 房地产开发商和物业管理服务提供商。. 当石灰石网络实施到房地产项目或现有基础设施中时,我们允许将设施管理提升到更简单但更安全的水平。. 企业、零售商店、建筑设施、消费者、游客和日常游客将能够以更智能、更有效的方式相互互动,以提供有意义的智慧城市体验。Limest
We believe that to build a smart and efficient city, the city first needs to be understood. It starts by having a digital ecosystem that allows real time analysis of living and moving data. The end result is a greener city through optimal energy production, enhanced security via distributed ledger technology and an urban civilization that provides efficiency yet with simplicity.Through the expertise of the team and their network in the industry,


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,666.09 2,043,447,407.85
2 ARS title=ARS 1,053.80 1,680,736,933.50
3 ETH title=ETH 3,168.48 1,144,914,090.12
4 SOL title=SOL 146.15 813,113,286.77
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 530,351,388.49
6 WIF title=WIF 3.19 358,301,183.74
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 198,296,606.52
8 XRP title=XRP 0.53 197,924,695.13
9 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 185,371,812.34
10 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 157,249,809.17
11 BOME title=BOME 0.01 148,598,764.01
12 NEAR title=NEAR 7.16 145,799,125.10
13 ENA title=ENA 0.88 145,614,112.75
14 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 106,089,739.06
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.54 102,965,921.71
16 WLD title=WLD 4.93 95,181,711.46
17 AVAX title=AVAX 35.95 78,861,107.66
18 EOS title=EOS 0.85 75,554,133.39
19 FTM title=FTM 0.77 71,625,187.98
20 LTC title=LTC 84.37 62,455,277.90
21 COS title=COS 0.02 62,297,197.57
22 LINK title=LINK 14.70 54,206,652.33
23 TRX title=TRX 0.12 51,945,064.01
24 SEI title=SEI 0.65 51,055,327.87
25 RNDR title=RNDR 8.74 50,278,541.05
26 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 50,021,514.53


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 W 0.66 +18.45
2 Lisk title=LSK 1.95 +16.32
3 Orion title=ORN 1.73 +15.69
4 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +12.35
5 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.56 +10.24
6 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +9.83
7 Arweave title=AR 36.59 +8.50
8 Harvest Finance title=FARM 84.74 +7.80
9 Sei title=SEI 0.65 +7.77
10 MANTRA title=OM 0.73 +7.63
11 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +6.91
12 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.18 +6.89
13 Fantom title=FTM 0.77 +6.36
14 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +5.59
15 Theta Network title=THETA 2.45 +5.05
16 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.09 +4.84
17 Liquity title=LQTY 1.11 +4.83
18 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +4.73
19 Request title=REQ 0.14 +4.69
20 Conflux title=CFX 0.26 +4.14
21 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +4.09
22 Mobox title=MBOX 0.37 +3.92
23 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.27 +3.65
24 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +3.50
25 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +3.38
26 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.04 +3.08
27 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +3.07
28 Steem title=STEEM 0.30 +3.04
29 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +3.01
30 Ooki title=OOKI <0.01 +3.01


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Automata title=ATA 0.23 -13.74
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.86 -13.43
3 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 75.06 -7.16
4 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -7.11
5 Galxe title=GAL 4.35 -7.01
6 Axelar title=AXL 1.12 -6.94
7 RONIN 3.04 -6.67
8 Algorand title=ALGO 0.20 -6.08
9 Contentos title=COS 0.02 -5.95
10 Immutable title=IMX 2.13 -5.79
11 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.81 -5.45
12 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.65 -4.88
13 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.92 -4.77
14 PancakeSwap title=CAKE 2.82 -4.44
15 NULS title=NULS 0.69 -4.38
16 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.20 -3.85
17 ORDI title=ORDI 43.56 -3.74
18 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 -3.53
19 LTO Network title=LTO 0.19 -3.50
20 Tensor title=TNSR 1.02 -3.42
21 Portal title=PORTAL 0.95 -3.38
22 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -3.38
23 Phala title=PHA 0.21 -3.37
24 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.03 -3.35
25 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.12 -3.32
26 Cream title=CREAM 46.50 -3.27
27 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.67 -3.20
28 Biconomy title=BICO 0.51 -3.15
29 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 -3.12
30 Rocket Pool title=RPL 22.07 -3.07

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
2 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
3 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
4 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
5 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
6 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
7 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
8 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
9 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
10 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
11 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
12 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
13 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
14 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
15 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
16 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
17 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
18 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
19 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
20 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
21 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
22 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
23 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
24 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
25 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
26 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
27 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
28 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
29 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
30 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
31 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
32 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
33 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
34 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
35 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
36 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
37 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
38 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
39 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
40 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
41 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
42 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
43 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
44 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
45 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
46 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
47 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
48 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
49 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
50 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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