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硬币相关 #NFTs

币名 细节
ImmutableX (imx)
不可变的 X 是一个平台,您可以在其中玩 web3 游戏、铸造和交易不可替代代币 (NFT)。. 您可以使用它快速轻松地构建自己的游戏。. 它也是安全的,碳中和和无气体的!.
Immutable X is a platform where you can play web3 games,mint and trade Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). You can use it to build your own game quickly and easily. It's also secure,carbon neutral and gas free!
VeChain (vet)
VeChain基金会于2015年作为私人联盟网络推出,继续开发VeChainThor公共区块链,这是一个完全可编程的EVM兼容L1智能合约平台,可适应广泛的现实世界需求。. 供应链、可持续性、碳排放、可持续发展目标、DeFi、NFT 等等,VeChainThor 无缝处理这一切。独特的双代币模型确保了低而稳定的交易成本,而先进的 ProofOfAuthority 共识机制以最小的能耗保证了高吞吐量、可扩展性和安全性,最终在连续运行 3+ 年后网络零停机时间。唯链科技继续在全球开拓现实世界的区块链应用,在中国、新加坡、卢森堡、日本、法国、圣马力诺和美国设有办事处,强大的自主开发能力,加上战略合作伙伴普华永道和DNV GL的专业合规指导,使唯链能够与沃尔玛中国、拜耳中国、宝马集团、 比亚迪汽车、
Launched in 2015 as a private consortium network, the VeChain Foundation went on to develop the VeChainThor public blockchain, a fully programmable EVM compatible L1 smart contract platform that is adaptable to wideranging realworld needs. Supply chain, sustainability, carbon emissions, SDGs, DeFi, NFTs and more, VeChainThor seamlessly handles it all.A unique twotoken model ensures low and stable transaction costs while an advanced ProofOfAuthori
STEPN (gmt)
什么是STEPN GMTGMT是STEPN的治理代币,限量供应60亿个代币。. 我应该什么时候购买 STEPN GMTPlayers 购买 GMT 在 STEPN 应用程序中刻录,以便访问 STEPN 提供的功能,例如薄荷高品质运动鞋、升级高品质宝石和参与治理投票。什么是STEPNSTEPN是一个具有SocialFi和GameFi元素的Web3生活方式应用程序。. 配备 NFT 运动鞋的用户——在户外散步、慢跑或跑步以赚取代币和 NFT。. STEPN 有一个双代币系统,用户可以赚取 GSTPlayer 可以选择在应用内市场上租赁或交易他们的 NFT 运动鞋,用户的收入存储在应用内钱包中,该钱包具有内置的交换功能。谁是STEPNSTEPN的幕后黑手,由澳大利亚金融科技工作室Find Sato
What is STEPN GMTGMT is the governance token of STEPN with a limited supply of 6 billion tokens. When should I buy STEPN GMTPlayers buy GMTs to burn in the STEPN app in order to access features provided by STEPN, such as mint highquality Sneakers, upgrade highquality Gems and participate governance voting.What is STEPNSTEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with SocialFi and GameFi elements. Users equipped with NFT Sneakers – walk, jog or run outdoors to e
Yield Guild Games (ygg)
收益公会游戏 YGG 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,用于投资虚拟世界和基于区块链的游戏中使用的不可替代代币 NFT。. 该组织的使命是创建最大的虚拟世界经济,优化其社区拥有的资产以实现最大的效用,并与其代币持有者分享其利润。.
Yield Guild Games YGG is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO for investing in non fungible tokens NFTs used in virtual worlds and blockchainbased games. The organisation’s mission is to create the biggest virtual world economy, optimizing its communityowned assets for maximum utility and sharing its profits with its token holders.
Bounce (auction)
Bounce为拍卖产品生态系统提供支持。. 跨多个区块链构建、设计、连接、收集和交易各种资产、代币和 NFT。.
Bounce powers an ecosystem of products for auctions. Build, design, connect, collect and trade all kinds of assets, tokens and NFTs across multiple blockchains.
Bluzelle (blz)
Bluzelle是创作者经济的去中心化存储网络。Bluzelle 提供高安全性、无与伦比的可用性,并且具有抗审查性。. 无论您是艺术家、音乐家、科学家、出版商还是开发者,Bluzelle 都能保护所有创作者的知识产权。. Bluzelle 是数据存储、文件存储、预言机,专门用于 NFT 和 DeFi。.
Bluzelle is a decentralized storage network for the creator economy.Bluzelle delivers high security, unmatched availability, and is censorship resistant. Whether you are an artist, musician, scientist, publisher, or developer, Bluzelle protects the intellectual property of all creators. Bluzelle is data storage, file storage, oracles and specifically for NFTs and DeFi.
Heroes of Mavia (mavia)
Heroes of Mavia 是一款由 Skrice Studios 开发的移动 Web3 MMO 策略游戏。. 游戏发生在一个名为Mavia的奇幻主题岛屿上,玩家在土地上建立基地,并与邻近的基地和军队作战,以获得游戏中的资源,如Ruby。. Ruby 可用于制作和交易传奇物品 NFT,例如皮肤、雕像、消耗品等。.
Heroes of Mavia is a mobile Web3 MMO Strategy game developed by Skrice Studios. The game takes place in a fantasythemed island called Mavia,where players build bases on plots of land and battle neighboring bases and armies to earn ingame resources,such as Ruby. Ruby can be used to craft and trade Legendary Items NFTs such as skins,statues,consumables and more.
Magic (magic)
Treasure 是去中心化的视频游戏机,通过想象力、魔法和 NFT 将游戏和社区连接在一起。.
Treasure is the decentralized video game console connecting games and communities together through imagination, MAGIC, and NFTs.
APENFT (nft)
APENFT 基金诞生的使命是将世界级艺术品注册为链上的 NFT。. 它建立在世界三大公链之一的TRON之上,由全球最大的分布式数据存储系统BitTorrent提供支持.就像区块链如何以前所未有的方式使金融民主化一样,APENFT通过将顶级艺术家和艺术品变成NFT,不仅升级了艺术品的托管方式,而且还将它们从精英专属物品转变为真正属于人民并反映他们愿望的东西。. APENFT是每个人的艺术。.
APENFT Fund was born with the mission to register worldclass artworks as NFTs onchain. It is built on top of TRON, one of the worlds top three public chains, and is powered by the worlds largest distributed data storage system BitTorrent.Like how blockchain democratizes finance like never before, APENFT, by turning top artists and art pieces into NFTs, not only upgrades the way artworks are hosted but also transforms them from being eliteexclusiv
10 DAR
Mines of Dalarnia (dar)
达拉尼亚矿山是一款动作冒险游戏,在币安智能链 BSC 上程序生成关卡。. 玩家挖掘和收集各种游戏内物品,即. 矿物,稀有文物和文物,提高他们的技能和装备,以解开达拉尼亚宇宙的秘密。. 在探索达拉尼亚世界的这些稀有资源时,可以探索不同地形的不同矿山和征服的怪物。该游戏旨在吸引更广泛的玩家受众,特别是那些在加密方面几乎没有经验的玩家,并弥合与传统游戏行业的差距。通过将游戏内资产作为 NFT 发行,玩家可以通过在游戏内或外部市场上进行交易来拥有他们的游戏体验并从中获利。. 通过治理流程,玩家能够影响游戏开发,并拥有游戏的所有权。Playtoearn:DAR 代币经济学设计包括玩家在游戏中赚钱的各种激励措施。. 根据每个玩家的策略,他们可以通过主动玩游戏、在比赛中获胜或通过将他们的地块出租给其他用户
Mines of Dalarnia is an actionadventure game with procedurally generated levels on Binance Smart Chain BSC. Players mine and collect various ingame items i.e. minerals, rare relics and artifacts, improve their skills and gear to unlock the secrets of the Dalarnia universe. There are different mines with varying terrains to be explored and monsters to conquer in the quest for these rare resources of the Dalarnian world.The game aims to engage the
Reef (reef)
Reef 的目标是成为 DeFi、NFT 和游戏的未来区块链。. 我们的第 1 层区块链快速、可扩展、交易成本低且不浪费挖矿。. Reef采用下一代区块链技术,利用指定权益证明,可扩展EVM,链上可升级性,libp2p网络和最先进的加密技术。.
Reef aims to be the future blockchain for DeFi, NFTs, and gaming. Our layer 1 blockchain is fast, scalable, has low transaction costs and does no wasteful mining. Reef features nextgen blockchain technology, utilizing Nominated Proof of Stake, extensible EVM, onchain upgradability, libp2p networking and state of the art cryptography.
ApeX (apex)
ApeX 协议 APEX — 去中心化衍生品协议 APEX 是 ApeX 协议的原生代币,有助于为任何代币对创建永久交换市场。. ApeX 协议的主要功能包括: 无需许可的加密货币 杠杆永续合约交易 弹性自动做市商 eAMM 协议 受控价值 PCVApeX 使用户能够在 ApeX 协议上创建任何代币对,只要它们在去中心化交易所(如 Uniswap 和 SushiSwap)上得到支持。 用户可以通过参与流动性挖矿来赚取 APEX 代币, NFT 交易、AMA、漏洞赏金等。. 通过在协议上质押 APEX 代币,APEX 持有者可以参与协议治理或赚取额外的 APEX 代币、交易费用、交易费折扣和其他福利。ApeX NFT 的持有者可以玩 ApeX 游戏并获得 APEX 代币或分配、交易费现金返还和
ApeX Protocol APEX — Decentralized Derivatives ProtocolAPEX is the native token of the ApeX protocol, which facilitates the creation of perpetual swap markets for any token pair. Key features of the ApeX protocol include: Permissionless cryptocurrency perpetual contract trading with leverage Elastic Automated Market Maker eAMM Protocol Controlled Value PCVApeX enables users to create any token pairs on ApeX Protocol as long as they are supported
Dego Finance (dego)
Dego.finance创建了一个跨链NFT + DeFi协议和基础设施,以及一个开放的NFT生态系统,任何人都可以在其中铸造NFT,发起NFT挖矿,拍卖和交易。. Dego.finance还提供跨链基础设施,使区块链项目能够扩大用户群,分发代币并开发各种应用程序。. DEGO正在通过Substrate构建平行链,实现跨链NFT资产转移,结合应用程序和底层协议。.
Dego.finance created a crosschain NFT+DeFi Protocol & Infrastructure, and an open NFT ecosystem where anyone can mint NFTs, initiate NFT mining, auctions and trading. Dego.finance also offers a crosschain infrastructure to enable Blockchain projects to grow user base, distribute tokens, and develop diverse applications. DEGO is building a Parachain through Substrate, enabling crosschain NFT asset transfers, combining applications and underlying
Decentralized Social (deso)
DeSo 是从头开始构建的一个新的第 1 层区块链,旨在为数十亿用户分散社交媒体。我们相信授权一个由创建者、用户拥有并向全球数百万开发人员开放的互联网,以相互构建。今天,只有少数几家大型科技公司拥有并控制我们在网上消费的所有信息。DeSo将所有权交还给用户,而不是平台。. 您的身份,您的个人资料,内容和社交图谱现在可以以完全抗审查的方式归您所有。创作者现在可以以前所未有的方式自由获利。. 借助新的加密原生货币化工具,如社交代币、社交 DAO、社交 NFT、社交小费等——创作者可以通过做自己喜欢的事情来将他们的热情货币化并谋生。开发人员可以在一个无气、无许可和透明的环境中构建,在这个环境中,一切都是开放和链上的,以实现最终的可访问性和可组合性。. DeSo 旨在支持存储密集型或无限状态的应用程
DeSo is a new layer1 blockchain built from the ground up to decentralize social media for billions of users.We believe in empowering an internet that’s creatorled, userowned, and open to millions of developers around the world to build off one another.Today, there’s only a handful of bigtech companies that own and control all the information we consume online.DeSo puts the ownership back in the hands of users, not platforms. Your identity, your p
15 EDU
Open Campus (edu)
项目是关于什么的开放校园协议是面向教育工作者、内容创建者、家长、学生和联合出版商的去中心化解决方案,旨在解决当今教育领域的主要挑战。. 尽管教育工作者在塑造下一代方面发挥着关键作用,但他们往往被低估和报酬过低。. 此外,父母经常无法控制孩子的教育内容。是什么让您的项目独一无二我们是第一个使教师生态系统能够创建、拥有、共享和销售其教育内容的教育协议。. 我们将创建一个 EDU 基金会,使内容创作者能够在联合出版商的财务支持下利用 NFT 技术将他们的创作货币化。项目的历史记录。开放校园始于 2023 年,得到了 Animoca 品牌、沙盒、TinyTap 等各种发布合作伙伴的支持。. 协议主要 NFT 出版物 发布者 NFT 被 TinyTap 采用,并在去年进行了拍卖,销售额为 243 ET
What is the project aboutThe Open Campus Protocol is a decentralized solution for educators,content creators,parents,students,and copublishers designed to address the major challenges in education today. Despite the critical role of educators in shaping the future generation,they are often undervalued and underpaid. Additionally,parents frequently lack control over their childrens educational content.What makes your project uniqueWe are the first
16 ERN
Ethernity Chain (ern)
Ethernity Chain 是一个面向社区的平台,生产限量版认证的 NFT 和交易卡,由您最喜欢的艺术家创建并由知名人士认可。. 它建立在以太坊网络上,旨在建立最大的ANFT图书馆,奖励其创建者并为慈善事业永远筹集资金。. 其独特的DEFI应用程序允许ERN代币持有者种植稀有的ANFT,并对修改以太坊链生态系统的提案进行投票。.
Ethernity Chain is a communityoriented platform that produces limited edition authenticated NFTs and trading cards created by your favorite artists and endorsed by notable figures. Built on the Ethereum Network, it aims to build the biggest ANFT library, reward its creators and raise funds for charitable causes forever. Its unique DEFI applications allow ERN token holders to farm rare ANFTs and vote on proposals that will amend the Ethernity Chai
Lazio Fan Token (lazio)
拉齐奥球迷令牌是一种 BEP20 实用令牌,旨在彻底改变所有 SS 的球迷体验。. 拉齐奥球迷。令牌赋予 SS 权力. 拉齐奥球迷参与球队投票民意调查、寻找数字收藏品、购买 NFT 并享受与粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏化功能。拉齐奥球迷代币旨在重塑SS之间的关系。. 拉齐奥和俱乐部球迷通过利用币安粉丝令牌平台提供加密驱动的一站式参与和治理解决方案。. 拉齐奥球迷通过为球迷提供令人兴奋和革命性的方式来与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长。该俱乐部还能够将实用代币纳入其生态系统,实现投票、捐赠、电子商务、NFT 等。.
The Lazio Fan Token is a BEP20 utility token designed to revolutionize the fan experience for all S.S. Lazio supporters.The token empowers S.S. Lazio fans to participate in team voting polls, hunt digital collectibles, purchase NFTs, and enjoy gamification features that are tied with fan rewards or great experiences.The LAZIO fan tokens aim to reshape the relationship between S.S. Lazio and the clubs fans by providing cryptopowered onestop engage
VIDT DAO (vidt)
Vidt Dao是一种技术,可帮助人们保护其宝贵的数字资产,如证书,NFT,传感器数据和固件。. 这是一个开源项目,确保数据和文档的真实性。. Vidt Dao意识团队由志愿者组成,他们帮助人们使用该技术。.
Vidt Dao is a technology that helps people secure and protect their valuable digital assets like certificates,NFTs,sensor data,and firmware. It is an open source project that makes sure data and documents are authentic. The Vidt Dao Awareness Team is made of volunteers who help people use the technology.
Voxies (voxel)
Voxies是一款免费的3D回合制区块链战术RPG游戏。. Voxies的主要游戏玩法类似于传统的RPG和战术游戏,但它由区块链技术提供支持,所有权是游戏核心概念的核心。. 作为一款基于团队的战术游戏,玩家可以控制游戏中的多个角色,每个角色都可以由直接拥有的 NFT 的 Voxies 表示,也可以由游戏为免费玩家提供。VOXEL是Voxies原生实用代币,将用作Voxie Tactics游戏中的货币,并将用于所有游戏内功能,例如购买要在游戏中使用的新武器,盔甲或物品。. VOXEL 代币也可以通过玩游戏和执行某些任务来获得——例如,在每场战斗之后,您将获得 VOXEL 代币和潜在更稀有的 NFT 物品奖励,具体取决于战斗的成功。. 探索模式还将提供“寻找”和收集VOXEL代币的方法,帮助世界
Voxies is a freetoplay, 3D turnbased tactical RPG game on blockchain. The main gameplay of Voxies is similar to a traditional RPG and tactical game, but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As a teambased tactical game, players can control multiple characters in the game and each character can be represented by Voxies that are directly owned as NFTs, or provided by the game for freetopl
WAX (waxp)
WAX是一种专门构建的区块链和协议令牌,旨在使所有参与者的电子商务交易更快,更轻松,更安全。. WAX区块链使用委托权益证明DPoS作为其共识机制,并与EOS完全向后兼容。. WAX开发的自定义功能和激励机制旨在优化区块链在电子商务中的可用性,并鼓励对公会和提案进行投票。WAX 创建了一套基于区块链的工具,在此基础上构建了 dApp、市场和原生不可替代代币 NFT。. 这些工具包括支持电子商务运营的服务,例如WAX云钱包,SSO和OAUTH,本机RNG服务和开发人员门户。. 据报道,由此产生的技术代表了一种具有500毫秒区块时间的区块链架构,对客户来说是免费的,并利用投票奖励来激励参与选择区块生产者和提案。.
WAX is a purposebuilt blockchain and protocol token designed to make ecommerce transactions faster, easier, and safer for all participants. The WAX Blockchain uses Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS as its consensus mechanism and is fully backward compatible with EOS. The custom features and incentive mechanisms developed by WAX are designed to optimize the blockchains usability in ecommerce, and encourage voting on guilds and proposals.WAX has create
21 ALI
Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ali)
Alethea AI 正在构建一个去中心化的协议,以创建一个由交互式和智能 NFT iNFT 居住的智能元宇宙。. 作为 iNFT 标准的鼻祖,Alethea AI 处于将 AI 动画、交互和生成 AI 功能嵌入 NFT 的最前沿。. 开发人员可以使用 iNFT 协议在世界上第一个被称为诺亚方舟的智能元宇宙中创建、训练和赚取他们的 iNFT.诺亚方舟有一个大胆的目标:保护和进化人类物种的文化、故事和集体智慧。NFT 生态系统正在见证创新和创造力的寒武纪爆炸式增长,以头像为中心的社区以我们从未想过的规模和速度推出。. 新的知识产权是自下而上创造的,没有大型企业工作室或大量预算的参与。. 创作者和社区将很快要求用他们的 NFT 做更多的事情,而 Alethea AI 团队将诺亚方舟智能元宇宙视为
Alethea AI is building a decentralized protocol to create an Intelligent Metaverse inhabited by interactive and intelligent NFTs iNFTs. As originators of the iNFT standard, Alethea AI is on the cutting edge of embedding AI animation, interaction and generative AI capabilities into NFTs. Developers can use the iNFT protocol to Create, Train and Earn from their iNFTs in the world’s first Intelligent Metaverse known as Noah’s Ark.Noahs Ark has a bol
22 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
23 ALT
ArchLoot (alt)
项目是关于什么的ArchLoot 是一款 UGC 用户生成的内容 NFT 游戏,具有战利品风格的可组合性和可玩性。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二建立在 BNB 链上,ArchLoot 提供了业内首个交互式 NFT 游戏玩法,完全实现了可升级角色/道具 NFT 的链上实现,并释放了其可玩性和用户生成内容健壮性的潜力。. 该技术是通过我们独特的协议 EIP 4985 和 BEP 129 实现的。. 这两个创新协议允许用户在链上登录游戏中的修改。在交互式 NFT 技术的支持下,所有 NFT 身体部位都不仅仅是静态的 jpeg,而是“活”的部分,它们的元数据可以通过国库合同进行更改和保护,以释放其长期价值。. 项目的历史记录。ArchLoot于2022年推出,汇集了来自世界领先游戏发行商,区块链项目和
What is the project aboutArchLoot is a UGC usergenerated content NFT game with lootstyle composability and playability. What makes your project uniqueBuilt on BNB Chain,ArchLoot provides the first interactive NFTgameplay in the industry,which fully enables onchain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs and unleashes its potential for playability and usergenerated content robustness. The technology is made possible by our unique proto
24 ADF
Art de Finance (adf)
[项目内容]Art de Finance 是一个用于数字艺术/NFT 和物理艺术的 Web 3.0 艺术平台。. Art de Finance提供NFT市场,区块链社交平台,NFT真实性证明,艺术品存储的实体艺术和艺术融资服务。[是什么让您的项目与众不同]ADF 不仅是一个 NFT 市场,而且还建立了一个 web3.0 社交策展项目、实体艺术推广和存储服务。. 每项服务都有其支持艺术家和 NFT 市场并有助于流动性的特点。ADF平台包含4个相互连接的专用平台.1ADF主平台提供DeFiNFTFi,DAO和治理.2Artiside是ADF的社交策展平台。. 艺术家可以通过平台铸造作品,通过服务与粉丝交流并形成同人圈。. Artiside支持“播种”,这是一种独特的质押系统,可以将新兴艺术家与社
[What is the project about]Art de Finance is a Web 3.0 Art Platform for Digital Arts/NFT & Physical Arts. Art de Finance Provides NFT Marketplace,Blockchain Social Platform,NFT Proof of Authenticity,Art Storage for Physical Arts & Art Financing Service.[What makes your project unique]ADF is not only an NFT marketplace but also establishing a web3.0 social curation project,physical art promotion & storage service. Each service has its characterist
25 ATR
Artrade (atr)
Artrade 应用程序为 NFT 创建者和 NFT 投资者提供了一个简化、用户友好的应用程序,消除了当前 NFT 市场的高额铸造费、高昂的佣金、社会脱节和环境影响。. Artrade 是第一个致力于 NFT 的生态责任应用程序。. 它允许其用户以最简单、最快的方式查看、参考、保留、购买和创建自己的 NFT。. 此外,还将提供许多独家功能,例如 NFT Live 和 NFT Real,以及实用代币:ATR 在平台降低成本、参与决策等方面具有许多优势。在 Artrade 上,用户可以:进行交易:购买、出售、以法定货币或加密货币出价, 创建:使用 NFT Live,现在可以直接从您的智能手机创建 NFT, 显示:在个性化的虚拟画廊中, 获得奖励:通过在画廊中分享或展示艺术家作品, 发现:喜欢、分
The Artrade app provides NFT creators and NFT investors with a streamlined, userfriendly app that eliminates the high minting fees, exorbitant commissions, social disconnect, and environmental impact of the current NFT marketplace. Artrade is the first ecoresponsible application dedicated to NFT. It allows its users to view, reference, keep, buy and create their own NFTs in the simplest and fastest possible way. In addition, many exclusive featur
BOBO Coin (bobo)
波波币是一种基于熊波波的模因ERC20代币。. 熊波波是一个与看跌市场相关的模因角色,经常发布在 4chans /biz/ 板上。. 它起源于 2018 年,此后已获得超过 40,000 次提及。. Bobo通常与Apu Apustaja和Pepe the Frog模因一起分享,以讽刺糟糕的投资选择并表达金融市场的悲观情绪。熊波波是一个与看跌市场相关的模因角色。. Bobo的设计基于Apu Apustaja,有时基于青蛙Pepe。. 波波这个名字是在2018年6月选择的,并已成为该角色的正式名称。.
Bobo Coin is a meme ERC20 token based off of Bobo the Bear. Bobo the Bear is a meme character associated with bearish markets and is often posted on 4chans /biz/ board. It originated in 2018 and has since gained popularity with over 40,000 mentions. Bobo is commonly shared alongside Apu Apustaja and Pepe the Frog memes to satirize poor investment choices and express pessimism in financial markets.Bobo the Bear is a meme character associated with
Catboy (catboy)
我们的使命是提供高质量的产品,成为一个全球品牌,并带来新的独特方式,使NFT更有价值,并为代币带来现实生活价值猫仔。. 激发并建立一个人们重视动物的社区,通过将动漫世界连接到加密空间来加强人类动物的纽带。在提供创新和尖端的技术和产品方面,我们努力保持领先地位。. 通过团队协作和奉献精神,我们坚定不移。我们的承诺很明确:在任何时候,在质量、服务、可靠性和成本方面,都能满足或超越您的期望。. 我们承诺将尽一切努力加强社区关系,不断寻求新的方法来应对、满足当前的需求以及预测明天的需求。Bene,Catboy 的创始人。. 早在 2021 年,受到加密货币和动漫的启发,他发起了 Catboy,组建了一支致力于该项目的朋友团队。. 在过去的两年里,他们一直在孜孜不倦地工作。.
Our mission is to provide highquality products,to become a worldwide brand and bring new unique ways to make NFTs more valuable and bringing real life value for the token Catboy.Not only do we want that,our goal is also to advocate and protect animals in need. To inspire and to build a community where people value animals to strenghten the humananimal bond with connecting the Anime world into the crypto space.We strive to stay ahead of the curve
Catgirl (catgirl)
Catgirlio 是一个创新项目,它将加密货币和 NFT 的潜力结合到一种互动体验中。. 您可以购买猫女¢、收集 NFT、玩游戏、参加活动、将您的猫女送到农场以获得更多猫女¢、在市场上买卖并创建以您收藏中您最喜欢的猫女为特色的官方服装。. 注意与智能合约相关的风险。.
Catgirlio is an innovative project that combines the potential of crypto and NFTs into one interactive experience. You can buy Catgirl¢,collect NFTs,play games,participate in events,send your Catgirls to the farm to obtain more Catgirl¢,buy and sell in the marketplace and create official apparel featuring your favorite catgirls from your collection. Be aware of risks associated with smart contracts.
Charged Particles (ionx)
带电粒子是非托管 NFT,所有者可以随时放电,从代币中收取利息。. 就像任何 NFT 一样,它们是您的交易、转让、出售等。. 它们也可以被熔化烧毁,以完全回收底层 DAI + 利息,从而销毁代币。带电粒子是用资产代币铸造的,即。. DAI并通过利息代币(即)产生利息。. 柴给令牌一个收费。. 从代币赚取的利息金额代表代币粒子积累的费用。.
Charged Particles are noncustodial NFTs that can be discharged at any time by the owner, collecting the interest from the token. And just like any NFT, they are yours trade, transfer, sell, etc. They can also be burned melted to reclaim the underlying DAI + interest in full, destroying the token.Charged Particles are minted with an Asset Token ie. DAI and accrue interest via an InterestToken ie. CHAI giving the Token a Charge. The amount of inter
Creo Engine (creo)
什么是 Creo Engine CREO 来自 Creo Engine 的单词 Creo 取自拉丁词 creo,意思是创建。. 这也意味着相信西班牙语。. 从本质上讲,Creo Engine 旨在通过为全球用户提供具有丰富视觉效果和声音的高质量视频游戏、必不可少的 playtoearn 系统以及用户使用区块链平台买卖数字资产的安全市场来创建最好的加密游戏平台。首先,Creo Engine 是一个游戏平台,开发人员可以在其中向 Creo Engine 用户群发布他们的游戏。. 这意味着 Creo Engine 支持开发者以多种方式将游戏货币化,通过为 Creo Engine 生态系统社区提供高质量服务,创造有趣的赚钱可能性。Creo Engine 团队资助并建立了一个内部游戏工作室,以启动他们
What is Creo Engine CREOThe word Creo from Creo Engine is taken from the Latin word creo, which means create. It also means believe in Spanish. In essence, Creo Engine aims to create the best crypto gaming platform by providing users worldwide with highquality video games with rich visuals and sound, an essential playtoearn system, and a safe and secure marketplace for users to buy and sell digital assets utilizing a blockchain platform.Primarily
Degen Zoo (dzoo)
德根动物园是一款关于濒危动物的在线游戏。. 玩家可以收集和交易不同种类的动物 NFT,并帮助为慈善机构筹集资金。. 游戏的目标是了解人类的贪婪如何通过燃烧 NFT 来影响野生动物,将收藏品推向灭绝。.
Degen Zoo is an online game about endangered animals. Players can collect and trade different kinds of animal NFTs and help raise money for charities. The goal of the game is to learn about how human greed affects wildlife by burning NFTs,pushing the collection to extinction.
DOSE (dose)
DOSE是购买,效用和行动的象征,是OliveX游戏化健身生态系统的核心。. 玩家将获得 DOSE 代币,用于在 Dustland Runner 和其他体验中完成基于锻炼的游戏玩法。. 这些代币可用于解锁物品、购买 NFT 以及参与特殊活动和游戏模式。Dustland Runner 是世界上第一款锻炼证明音频游戏,在现实世界中跑步可以推进叙事并为您赢得虚拟奖励 NFT / DOSE 代币,您可以使用这些代币来升级和推进您的冒险。Dustland Runner由OliveX在Six to Start的协助下构建,设计在成功的僵尸,运行游戏引擎和在线平台之上,是在不同设备上提供音频跑步冒险和跟踪玩家健身目标和进度的最佳选择。. Dustland Runner还利用了Zombies,Run提供的强
DOSE is the token of purchase, utility and action and is at the heart of the OliveX gamified fitness ecosystem. Players will receive DOSE tokens for completing workout based gameplay in Dustland Runner and other experiences. These tokens can be used to unlock items, purchase NFTs and participate in special events and game modes.Dustland Runner is the world’s first Proof of Workout audio game, where going on runs in the real world progresses the n
GG MetaGame (ggmt)
GG MetaGame is GreenGrey Holdings most ambitious venture yet—a revolutionary gaming ecosystem that amalgamates a number of game titles. It promises players not just games,but experiences backed by unique rewards,NFT assets,and exclusive monetization opportunities. This is all executed under the vast and reputable umbrella of GreenGrey Holding.About GreenGrey HoldingGreenGrey Holding is an international technology firm with a strong specialization
GOLCOIN (golc)
GolCoin 是推动完整生态系统的主要关键,包括投资质押平台、开创易所、革命性的元界、挖矿促进平台和下一代 NFT 市场。作为一种多链代币,GolCoin确保代币持有者可以轻松访问他们的资产,并且不会错过不同网络上的任何机会。这个生态系统的每个部分都向加密世界展示了许多创新。. Agharta,元宇宙:名为Agharta的元宇宙提供了一个伟大的元宇宙,其图形比任何其他基于区块链的元宇宙都要强大得多,以及下面提到的不同子平台。MetaGol:一款创新的VR游戏是一系列社交技术的完美进化。MetaNow:一个跨平台的消息传递和呼叫应用程序,专注于速度、隐私和安全性。. MetaNow 用户可以安全地交换具有高加密功能的消息,包括任何类型和格式的照片、视频和文档,并且与全息图技术兼容。MetaC
GolCoin is the main key powering a complete ecosystem including an investment staking platform, a pioneering exchange, a revolutionary Metaverse, a mining facilitation platform, and the next generation of NFT marketplaces.As a multichain token, GolCoin makes sure that the token holders can access their assets easily and dont miss any opportunities on different networks.Each part of this ecosystem has lots of innovations presented to the crypto wo
JPEG'd (jpeg)
JPEG'd是一个帮助人们使用以太坊区块链的网站。. 您可以将称为 NFT 的特殊硬币存入金库,然后您可以将它们变成称为 pETH 的东西。. 向网站提供流动性(例如将pETH交易为其他硬币)的人可以赚钱。. 使用本网站时有很多风险,因此请确保您在进入之前了解它们。.
JPEG'd is a website that helps people use the Ethereum blockchain. You can deposit special coins called NFTs into a vault,and then you can turn them into something called pETH. People who provide liquidity to the website (like trading pETH for other coins) can earn money. There are lots of risks when using this website,so make sure you understand them before entering it.
36 KCT
Konnect (kct)
Konnect 将虚拟与现实联系起来。. Konnect 使用加密货币和 NFT 区块链技术将现实世界中的传统业务领域与元宇宙联系起来,这是未来变革的中心。. 这是一个会员项目,旨在更快,更方便地接近面向未来的社会的生活方式。Konnect 基于全球分销、旅行、旅游和文化基础设施完成生活方式会员资格。. 连接用户和战略合作伙伴为用户提供创新的价格和一系列优质产品和服务,并促进便捷的分销系统和虚拟资产整合以及合作伙伴在全球B2B和B2C市场的用户获取。. Konnect是虚拟和现实之间的中心点。您可以通过 KCT 代币质押加入 Konnect 会员资格,订阅者将获得每个级别的会员福利,未来还将提供会员卡和 NFT。. 会员订阅者将获得 Konnect Worlds NFT 的额外好处,以及一系
Konnect bridges virtual with reality. Konnect bridges traditional business areas in the real world with metaverse using cryptocurrency and NFTs blockchain technology at the center of future change. It is a membership project for a lifestyle that approaches a futureoriented society faster and more conveniently.Konnect completes lifestyle membership based on global distribution, travel, tourism, and cultural infrastructure. Connecting users and str
KStarNFT (knft)
KStarNFT 是一家具有全球影响力的 Kpop 媒体实体,拥有 930 万用户群,利用尖端的人工智能技术来策划各种内容,包括娱乐和教育。. 此外,我们通过 NFT 利用我们的专有 IP 来生产和销售一系列产品,例如商品,同时积极与我们的忠实粉丝群互动,以培育一个蓬勃发展的生态系统。. 持有我们 NFT 的粉丝将受益于与这个独特 IP 相关的版权使用费。. 展望未来,KStarNFT 致力于更积极地采用人工智能技术来彻底改变 Kpop 领域的各个方面,包括歌曲创作、作曲和虚拟偶像的创作。. 通过这些努力,我们渴望弥合Kpop爱好者和艺术家之间的差距,提供一系列引人入胜的内容,并进一步扩大韩流浪潮的影响力和影响力。.
KStarNFT,a globally influential Kpop media entity boasting a subscriber base of 9.3 million,leverages cuttingedge AI technology to curate a diverse array of content,encompassing entertainment and education. Furthermore,we harness our proprietary IP through NFTs to produce and market an array of products,such as merchandise,while actively engaging with our dedicated fanbase to foster a thriving ecosystem. Fans who hold our NFTs stand to benefit fr
neversol (never)
$NEVER 是一个开创性的项目,它将模因的力量带入 Solana 网络,彻底改变了我们感知和与数字资产互动的方式。. $NEVER建立在 Solana 区块链上,利用 Solana 的速度和可扩展性来创造一个充满活力和动态的模因经济。主要特点:Solana 上的 Meme NFT:$NEVER 在 Solana 区块链上引入了一系列独特的受 meme 启发的不可替代代币 NFT。. 这些 NFT 抓住了互联网文化的精髓,使用户能够在去中心化和安全的环境中拥有、交易和展示他们最喜欢的模因。社区驱动的治理:$NEVER不仅仅是一个模因的集合,它是一个社区驱动的项目,用户积极参与治理决策。. $NEVER代币的持有者有权对平台的更改提出建议和投票,确保一个民主和包容的生态系统。流动性池和质押:用
$NEVER is a groundbreaking project that brings the power of memes to the Solana network,revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with digital assets. Built on the Solana blockchain,$NEVER leverages the speed and scalability of Solana to create a vibrant and dynamic meme economy.Key Features:Meme NFTs on Solana: $NEVER introduces a unique collection of memeinspired nonfungible tokens NFTs on the Solana blockchain. These NFTs capture the es
NovaX (novax)
该项目是关于什么的NovaX是您通往尖端健身体验的门户,它将区块链技术的力量与您的积极生活方式相结合。. 在挖掘区块链代币时拥抱健身的未来,与志同道合的人建立联系,并在蓬勃发展的健身爱好者社区中实现您的健康目标。使用NovaX,您不仅可以跟踪您的锻炼情况,还可以通过自己的努力获得奖励,并与充满活力的健身社区建立联系。. 发现一种保持动力的新方法,实现您的健身愿望,并释放您积极生活方式的全部潜力。是什么让您的项目独一无二NovaX体现了一个全面的健身和社交生态系统,通过游戏化元素和虚拟和真实字桥将其提升为健身元宇宙。. 我们的平台还集成了各种技术应用程序,以增强用户体验,参与度和繁荣。. 新兴技术正在重塑健康体验,需要一个统一的平台。. NovaX提供了一个区块链中心,该中心集成了创新,满足了
What is the project aboutNovaX is your gateway to a cuttingedge fitness experience that combines the power of blockchain technology with your active lifestyle. Embrace the future of fitness as you mine blockchain tokens,connect with likeminded individuals,and achieve your wellness goals in a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts.With NovaX,youre not just tracking your workouts; youre earning rewards for your efforts and connecting with a dyna
PERL.eco (perl)
代币化现实世界生态资产Perlin的最新项目PERL.eco,行星生态系统注册账本将通过代币化碳信用额和生物多样性,NFT和分散的DeFi奖励,将区块链技术用于现实世界的生态资产。PERL.eco专注于代币化,并实现生态相关资产的广泛采用,如代币化碳资产,基因组生物多样性等。PERL允许代币持有者在确定激励系统,建立广泛的利益相关者基础以及促进网络中的经济价值流动方面发挥关键作用。. PERL持有者可以对这种费用模式和分配以及其他重要决定进行投票。PERL.eco 专注于以下关键领域:1.. 碳我们正在标记碳信用额,用户可能能够抵消他们的排放并参与碳的未来增长.2.. 生物多样性我们希望创建一个将生物多样性价值的供需联系起来的市场。. 这将鼓励保护生物多样性,这是随着气候变化恶化而迫切需要的
Tokenized realworld ecological assetsPerlin’s latest project PERL.eco, the Planetary Ecosystem Registration Ledger will use blockchain technologies for realworld ecological assets through tokenizing carbon credits and biodiversity, NFTs and decentralised DeFi rewards.PERL.eco focuses on tokenization and achieving broader adoption of ecologicalrelated assets like tokenized carbon assets, genomic biodiversity and more.PERL allows token holders to p
Reality Metaverse (rltm)
RLTM 是现实元界项目的象征。. 现实元界将世界著名的地点代币化为 NFT,并在数百万玩家玩的游戏中使用这些资产,从旗舰手机游戏 Landlord GO 开始。. 每个 NFT 对应于现实世界的位置、著名地标、最著名的城市和国家之一,并提供 Web2 游戏的版税和 NFT 交易费用。RLTM代币是一个完整的实用代币,在项目开发过程中,它的使用将不断扩大,为其动态经济增加更多的效用。. 我们预计该代币将由许多投资者和公众持有,因为通过消耗性实用程序创造价值,不断将更多游戏添加到我们的路线图和愿景中,而不仅仅是游戏生态系统。. 该项目的主要收入来源是通过 NFT 销售,由于它提供的通过我们的市场获取这些 NFT 的实用程序、与其他项目的合作、3D 模型的 IP 协作以及支付游戏版税和 NFT
RLTM is a token of Reality Metaverse project. Reality Metaverse tokenizes worldfamous locations into NFTs and uses these assets in games played by millions of players,starting with the flagship mobile game Landlord GO. Each NFT corresponds to one of the realworld locations,famous landmarks,the most prominent cities and countries,and offers royalties from Web2 games and NFT trading fees.The RLTM token is a complete utility token,and its usage will
42 ROG
ROGin AI (rog)
培训交易者在我们的元界沙盒中优先考虑风险缓解。. 使全球用户通过集体智慧策略拥有良好的投资思维。. 通过 NFT 拥有每个认证策略的所有权来保护知识产权。.
To train traders to prioritize risk mitigation in our Metaverse sandbox. To enable global users to have a sound investment mindset with collective intelligence strategies. To protect Intellectual Property with ownership of every certified strategy through NFTs.
Scotty Beam (scotty)
Scotty Beam 是一个平台,允许您在不同的区块链上购买和传送 NFT(不可替代代币)。. 可以购买供应有限的特殊 NFT,还有一个 4 层投资系统,可为您提供特殊奖励,例如彩票、折扣和获得 INO 分配。. 您还可以通过跨链 NFT 画廊探索您的整个 NFT 收藏。.
Scotty Beam is a platform that allows you to buy and teleport NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) across different blockchains. There are special NFTs with limited supplies that can be bought and there is also a 4-Tier Investing system which gives you special rewards like lottery tickets,discounts,and access to INO allocations. You can also explore your whole collection of NFTs through the cross-chain NFT gallery.
SoonSwap (soon)
项目是关于什么的SoonSwap 是第一个具有限价订单和 AMM 池模型和农场的 NFT 市场,以使更多 NFT 能够实时流通。是什么让您的项目独一无二独家限价订单和 AMM 池模型和农场使更多的 NFT 能够实时流通并为 NFT 市场提供流动性。项目的历史记录。Q1 20231.. 完成所有研发工作.2.. 社区发展.3.. 伙伴关系发展.4.. 以太坊测试网上的 WL 测试.5.. 种子轮融资。您的项目Q2 20231的下一步是什么。.
What is the project aboutSoonSwap is the first NFT marketplace with Limit order & AMM pool model & Farm to enable more NFTs to circulate in realtime.What makes your project uniqueThe exclusive Limit order & AMM pool model & Farm enable more NFTs to circulate in realtime and provide liquidity to the NFT market.History of your project.Q1 20231. Complete all the R&D work.2. Community development.3. Partnership development.4. WL test on Ethereum test
SpaceFalcon (fcon)
星际 SOLANA 元宇宙,以经典的太空射击游戏和来自宇宙及其他领域的优质科幻 NFT 为特色。猎鹰元宇宙:太空猎鹰通过引入行星、宇宙飞船和星系,使虚拟资产更进一步。. 游戏内物品的 NFT 意味着玩家实际上拥有并控制他们购买、赚取或制作的东西。. 这不仅仅是证明物品的稀有性,它还为无限的可扩展性打开了大门。猎鹰任务:太空猎鹰以3D形式重新创建了经典的太空射击游戏,以便在浏览器中运行,通过集成区块链奖励系统来激励玩家。. 我们各种可定制的资产集合使游戏体验极具吸引力。Falcon MetaGround:猎鹰船员聚集在一个名为MetaGround的中立星球,与其他玩家社交并交易关键任务资产猎鹰VR:完全身临其境的VR体验,带您踏上穿越星系的惊险冒险。. 玩家可以与其他玩家互动以建立和争夺资源。
Intergalactic SOLANA metaverse featuring the classic space shooter game and premium SciFi NFTs from cosmos and beyond.Falcon Metaverse: Space Falcon takes virtual assets a step further with the introduction of planets, spaceships, and galaxies. NFTs for ingame items means players literally own and control what they buy, earn, or craft. This goes beyond having to prove the item’s rarity, it opens the door to infinite scalability.Falcon Mission: Sp
46 SNS
Synesis One (sns)
Synesis One是一个DAO,它提供了一个playtoearn系统,该系统开发游戏来激励用户创建训练AI的数据集。. Synesis One将开发和推出各种Playtoearn游戏,从超休闲游戏到中核游戏,吸引所有人口统计的游戏玩家。为了参与这些游戏并获得奖励,游戏玩家必须质押 Kanon NFT。. 生态系统生成和验证的数据将存储在 Solana 区块链上,所有人都可以访问,使数据民主化 AI.In 此外,Kanon NFT 所有者也将通过拥有 Kanon NFT 获得可领取的被动收益。. 每个 NFT 将代表一个单词,当 AI 客户端访问/使用该单词时,例如. 注意AI,那么NFT的持有者将获得AI客户支付的部分费用。.
Synesis One, a DAO, provides a playtoearn system that develops games to incentivize users to create datasets that train AI. Synesis One will develop and launch various playtoearn games ranging from hypercasual to midcore games, that attract gamers of all demographics.In order to participate in these games and earn rewards, the gamers must stake Kanon NFTs. The data generated and validated by the ecosystem will be stored on the Solana blockchain a
47 TEM
TemDAO (tem)
作为世界遗产保护和发展 DAO 去中心化自治组织加速器,TemDAO 通过 DAO 在一系列领域和基础设施项目上工作,资助和支持未来的世界遗产去中心化建设者。. TemDAO为DAO提供了一个启动板,资源,指导,一个共享网络以及一套法律和智能合约.我们的目标是使所有世界遗产和其他旅游景点能够利用IPNFT在全球范围内资助,治理和发展知识产权,催化数字IP资产的寒武纪爆炸。.
A world heritage protection and development DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization accelerator,TemDAO funds and supports future builders in world heritage decentralized through DAOs working on a range of areas and infrastructure projects. TemDAO provides a launchpad,resources,mentorship,a shared network,and a suite of legal and smart contracts for DAOs.Our goal is to enable all world heritage and other tourism attractions to utilize IPNFTs to
Vita Inu (vinu)
Vita Inu VINU是VINU生态系统的治理代币,是Vite DAG链的原生代币。. VINU 创建于 2021 年,是世界上第一款具有高 TPS 和智能合约的快速、无费和厚颜无耻的狗主题硬币。Vita Inus的理念是玩得开心,结交新朋友,并了解我们一生中最伟大的技术革命 - 在一个引人入胜的,有时是病毒式的生态系统中的加密货币。. VINU 生态系统正在开发中,将包括 VinuSwap Dapp、NFT 和 Merch 等。.
Vita Inu VINU is the governance token of the VINU Ecosystem, and is native to the Vite DAG chain. Created in 2021, VINU is the world’s first fast, feeless and cheeky dogthemed coin with high TPS and smart contracts.Vita Inus philosophy to have fun, make new friends, and learn all about the greatest technological revolution of our lifetimes – cryptocurrency within an engaging, sometimes viral, ecosystem. The VINU Ecosystem is under development, a
49 WRT
WingRiders (wrt)
WingRiders是一家自动化做市商AMM去中心化交易所DEX,位于主链上的卡尔达诺eUTxO模型之上。. 项目代码库由VacuumLabs提供支持,VacuumLabs从一开始就是卡尔达诺领域最受尊敬的开发人员之一。. 它是卡尔达诺上唯一拥有稳定币的 DeFi Eco 卡尔达诺上近 100% 的 USDC 和 USDT 都在 Wing Riders 智能合约上。. 净额正在以每周60%的速度快速增长。. Wing Riders 正在利用这个机会成为卡尔达诺的完整 DeFi 中心,这是一个 $15B+ 经济体。. WingRiders是第一个将稳定币引入卡尔达诺生态系统的平台。.
WingRiders is an Automated market maker AMM decentralized exchange DEX on top of the Cardano eUTxO model live on the main chain. The projects code base is powered by VacuumLabs, one of the most widely respected developers in the Cardano space from its inception. It is the only DeFi Eco on Cardano with Stablecoins Nearly 100% of the USDC and USDT on Cardano is on Wing Riders smart contracts. The net amount is growing rapidly, at a pace of 60% each
Witch Token (witch)
WITCH 是一家多 NFT 服务提供商,旨在通过用户友好的以 NFT 为中心的社交媒体、拍卖和市场平台大规模采用 NFT。. WITCH 是用于以下用途的实用代币:* 铸造 NFT 和参与各自平台上的拍卖的费用。 * 用于 NFT链接的 DeFi 产品的质押/耕种。 用于治理投票以确定我们 NFT 产品的想法。.
WITCH is a multi NFT service provider aiming for massadoption of NFTs through userfriendly NFTfocused social media, auction and marketplace platforms. WITCH is the utility token that is used for:* Fees for minting NFTs and participating in auctions on respective platforms.* Used for staking/farming for NFTlinked DeFi products.* Used for governance votes to determine ideas for our NFT products.
51 SOL
Wrapped Solana (sol)
Solana是一个强大的网络,适用于开发人员和所有人。. 它帮助人们使用区块链技术并构建强大的工具和体验。. Solana 社区有数百万人,他们已经制作了超过 2.19 亿个 NFT(不可替代代币)。. 它快速,节能,每秒可以处理数千笔交易。. 来自世界各地的人们都在 Solana 上构建 NFT、支付、游戏等。. 他们还有特别的活动,如黑客之家,开发人员聚集在一起学习和构建Solana。.
Solana is a powerful network for developers and everyone. It helps people use blockchain technology and build powerful tools and experiences. There are millions of people in the Solana community,and they have already made over 219 million NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). It is fast,energy efficient,and can handle thousands of transactions per second. People from all over the world are building on Solana for things like NFTs,payments,gaming,and more. T
52 OME
O-MEE (ome)
我们正在进入一个新时代,一个不断变化的时代。. 从元宇宙到 NFT,一切都是新的,而且它正在迅速向我们袭来。. Web 2.0 开始看起来像一个遥远的记忆,我们仍然在为心灵和喜欢的人提供艺术。. 是时候重塑了。. 与阴暗的算法不同,取消关注广告,与典型的社交提要解除好友关系。. OMEE 正在归还您的独立性和公平性,以便您可以进行实验、创作和创新什么是 OMEE OME OMEE 是一个社交网络和 NFT 市场,通过为品牌、企业和用户创造免费和独家内容铺平道路来促进创作者经济。.
We’re entering a new era, an everchanging era. From the metaverse to NFTs, everything is new and it’s coming at us fast. Web 2.0 is starting to seem like a distant memory where we’re still giving away art for hearts and likes. It’s time to reinvent. Unfriend the typical social feeds, unlike shady algorithms, unfollow ads. OMEE are giving you your independence and equity back so you can experiment, compose and innovateWhat is OMEE OME OMEE is a so
53 1000SHIB
1000SHIB (1000shib)
版权所有 Shiba Inu 是一种数字货币,可用于在线购买商品。. 它有三种不同的代币:SHIB、BONE 和 LEASH。. 您可以在 SHIBASWAP 上购买并在 Coingecko 上查看它们。. 还有一个特别的收藏,其中包含 10,000 个独特的 Shiba Inu NFT,您可以在 Opensea 上购买。. 您还可以质押 BONE 代币来支持网络并获得奖励。. Shib 杂志有关于所有这些事情的信息。.
All Rights Reserved Shiba Inu is a digital currency that can be used to buy things online. It has three different tokens: SHIB,BONE and LEASH. You can buy them on SHIBASWAP and view them on Coingecko. There is also a special collection of 10,000 unique Shiba Inu NFTs that you can buy on Opensea. You can also stake BONE tokens to support the network and earn rewards. The Shib Magazine has information about all these things.
54 1MIL
1MillionNFTs (1mil)
1MlnNFTs.com 是以太坊区块链上基于智能合约的 web3 平台,具有 1 000 000 个 NFT 和 10000x10000 像素网格。. 每个 100 像素都是一个 ERC-721 NFT 代币及其位置。. 用户有机会购买,出售,出租和绘制它们,以创建任何带有任何链接和信息的内容。.
1MlnNFTs.com is a smartcontract based web3 platform on Ethereum blockchain with 1 000 000 NFTs and 10000x10000 pixels grid. Each 100 pixels is an ERC-721 NFT token with its location. Users have an opportunity to buy, sell, rent, and paint them to create any picture with any link and information inside.
1SAFU (safu)
我们希望在 Solana 上建立一个平台,用户可以在其中作为单个交易发送和接收消息、SOL 和 NFT。.
We want to build a platform on Solana where users will be able to send and receive messages, SOL, and NFTs as a single transaction.
56 2024
2024 (2024)
🐉 欢迎来到 2024 年最激动人心的模因币,我们在这里以龙的力量驾驭加密世界的浪潮 当我们步入龙年时,2024 美元将为您带来财富、乐趣和大量喷火的兴奋。为什么是 2024 年 因为 2024 年不仅仅是一年,更是庆祝龙年所拥有的神秘、传奇和无限可能性。. 我们的代币不仅仅是一种货币,它是繁荣、力量和好运的象征。 点燃您的投资组合:投资 2024 美元,加入我们充满欢笑、惊喜和难忘时刻的旅程。 🔥. 我们充满活力的社区体现了龙的精神,坚信 2024 年将是与众不同的一年。 CommunityDriven:$2024 不仅仅是一个象征,它是一场由人民推动的运动。 🌐. 与我们充满激情的社区互动,分享您的想法,让我们一起创造传奇的遗产。. 龙的力量在于团结,我们的力量也是如此。 登月和模因:当
🐉 Welcome to the most exciting meme coin of 2024,where we ride the waves of the crypto world with the power of the dragon As we step into the Year of the Dragon,$2024 is here to bring you fortune,fun,and a whole lot of firebreathing excitement.Why $2024 Because 2024 is not just a year; its a celebration A celebration of the mystical,the legendary,and the boundless possibilities that the Year of the Dragon holds. Our token is not just a currency;
57 3KM
3 Kingdoms Multiverse (3km)
什么是3KM3KM正在演变成一种治理代币,它是各种共存的多游戏平台生态系统的基础。. 第一款游戏《三国多元宇宙》将发布并提供服务。. 随着时间的推移,我们的生态系统将不断扩大。. 我们正在通过与ISKRA的协议建立一个基于Klaytn的生态系统,并愿意与参与ISKRA和Klaytn基金会的各种合作伙伴建立联系。我们的团队希望接受改变世界的挑战。. 相信“玩赚钱”不仅仅是通过游戏赚钱。. 但是关于通过与生态系统的所有成员合作来建立一个自给自足的生态系统。.
What is 3KM3KM is evolving into a governance token that is the basis of a multigame platform ecosystem where various coexist. The first game,Three Kingdoms Multiverse,will be published and serviced. Our Ecosystem will be expanded as time goes. We are building a Klaytnbased ecosystem through an agreement with ISKRA and are open to linking with various partners participating in ISKRA and Klaytn foundation.Our team wants to take on the challenge of
58 404A
404Aliens (404a)
404Aliens 是一个由 10,000 个独特设计的外星人 NFT 组成的神秘合奏,超越了加密世界 DN404 的传统界限。. ERC404型。.
404Aliens is a mystifying ensemble of 10,000 uniquely designed alien NFTs that transcended the conventional boundaries of the cryptoverse DN404. ERC404
59 4INT
4INT (4int)
Forint Finance 是一个权威平台,允许您购买和交换加密货币、启动您的项目 IDO、为您的纳税义务提供支持,以及在专用市场上创建和交易 NFT、商品和服务。. 4INT是我们生态系统的加密货币,它是整个福林金融项目的动力。.
Forint Finance is the Definitive Platform that allows you to buy and to swap Cryptocurrencies, to launch your projects IDOs, to provide support on your tax obligations, and to create and trade NFTs, Goods, and Services on a dedicated Marketplace. 4INT is the cryptocurrency of our Ecosystem and it is what fuels the whole Forint Finance project
60 W8BIT
8Bit Chain (w8bit)
什么是8Bit Chain8Bit Chain项目是一个Layer 1区块链协议和一个全面的DeFi生态系统。. 它包括其启动板、DeFi 交易所、通货紧缩 NFT、NFT 市场、KYC/审计协议、DAO 治理等。. 所有这些组件都已作为项目的一部分推出。是什么让 8Bit Chain 与众不同我们的项目脱颖而出,成为第一个提供完整 DeFi 产品和服务的 DeFi 计划,从第一天起就在 BSC、ETH 和我们的专用区块链上运行。该项目有着悠久的历史,在过去两年半的时间里,涉及众多平台的开发。. 在此期间,我们成功推出了我们的 BSC 和 ETH 对。8Bit Chain的下一步随着我们的测试网和超过8个Dapp的推出,以及我们活跃的BSC和ETH对,我们项目的下一步包括推出我们的主网和原生
What is the 8Bit ChainThe 8Bit Chain Project is a layer 1 blockchain protocol and a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem. It encompasses its launchpad,DeFi exchange,deflationary NFTs,NFT marketplace,KYC/audit protocol,DAO governance,and more. All these components have already been rolled out as part of the project.What makes 8Bit Chain uniqueOur project stands out as the first DeFi initiative that offers a complete range of DeFi products and services,all
61 8BIT
8BITEARN (8bit)
$8Bit是8BitEARN生态系统的超通货紧缩,BEP20原生代币,它打开了几个被动收入流和福利门户,以激励$8Bit代币持有者。. $8Bit 在我们的 Launchpad ProPAD 提供 BTC 反射、质押奖励、每月钻石手奖励、季度收入分配、BUSD 信贷设施和投资保险、多链 Defi 交易所 ProDEX 的农业和现金返还池、在我们的 NFT 市场上为 8Bit NFT 持有者提供多项 DeFi 福利,并提供令人难以置信的 NFT 交易体验 我们通过 DAO 治理促进绝对透明度和决策权。 8BITEARN POWER NFT DAPP PRODEX & PROPAD.2 礼物 预付卡和下一代 DeFi Exchange3 拥有一个生态系统,配备多种行业领先的 DeFi 产品,并为
$8Bit is a hyperdeflationary,BEP20 native token of the 8BitEARN Ecosystem that opens several passive income streams & benefit portals to incentivize $8Bit token holders. $8Bit Offers perks such as BTC Reflections,Staking Rewards,Monthly Diamond Hand Rewards,Quarterly Revenue Distributions,a BUSD Credit Facility and Investment Insurance at our Launchpad ProPAD,Farming & Cashback Pools at our multichain Defi Exchange ProDEX,several DeFi benefits to
achi (achi)
Achi:释放加密货币的乐趣 加入 Achi 社区,这是一个独特的模因项目,灵感来自 dogwifhat 中心爱的狗。. Achi 为加密领域带来了幽默和创造力,将区块链的力量与俏皮而引人入胜的吉祥物相结合。. 探索 Achi 模因的世界,交易限量版 NFT,并成为欢笑与去中心化金融相遇的充满活力的社区的一部分。. 与 Achi 一起拥抱加密货币更轻松的一面——每个模因都有一个代币经济学故事。.
Achi: Unleashing the Fun in Crypto Join the Achi community,a unique meme project inspired by the beloved dog in dogwifhat. Achi brings humor and creativity to the crypto space,combining the power of blockchain with a playful and engaging mascot. Explore the world of Achi memes,trade limited edition NFTs,and be part of a vibrant community where laughter meets decentralized finance. Embrace the lighter side of crypto with Achi – where every meme ha
63 ACK
AcknoLedger (ack)
AcknoLedger 渴望成为一个全球联盟,在所有元界和游戏 NFT 上无缝映射、货币化和分发 Web 3.0 数字资产AcknoLedger 设想成为 WEB 3.0 数字资产的神经系统.AcknoLedger 在 M2D 模型上工作。. Mapp 货币化分布式映射资产索引来自游戏、元界和市场的所有 NFT,以便收藏家可以利用见解并做出信息丰富的决策。资产货币化 帮助现有的 WEB2.0 和 WEB3.0 内容平台通过我们的渠道和 API 将内容和 NFT 货币化通过跟踪映射互操作性在多个元界中分发资产营销和分发内容,并为企业和零售商探索交易机会。AcknoLedger是WEB3.0游戏和元界的门户。.
AcknoLedger aspires to be a Global Consortium that maps, monetize, and distributes Web 3.0 Digital Assets Seamlessly across all the Metaverses and Gaming NFTsAcknoLedger envision to be the nervous system of WEB 3.0 Digital Assets.AcknoLedger works on M2D Model. Mapp Monetize DistributeMapping Assets Index all the NFTs from Gaming, Metaverses and Marketplaces so that collectors can leverage insights and take informative decision makings.Monetiz
FREN Token (fren)
ADA Peepos & $FREN Token 是一个 NFT 集合,其中包含一个名为 Peepo 的模因青蛙角色。. 该系列开始流行,并形成了一个社区。. 社区决定创建一个名为 $FREN 的代币,它具有模因潜力。. $FREN 代币具有各种效用和分配百分比。. 用户可以在卡尔达诺区块链上使用DEX平台购买$FREN。. 还可以选择耕种$FREN和执行跨链交换。.
ADA Peepos & $FREN Token is a collection of NFTs featuring a meme frog character called Peepo. The collection became popular and a community was formed. The community decided to create a token called $FREN,which has meme potential. The $FREN token has various utilities and distribution percentages. Users can buy $FREN using DEX platforms on the Cardano blockchain. There are also options to farm $FREN and perform cross-chain swaps. Stake and swap
Adanaspor Fan Token (adana)
Adanaspor 粉丝代币是 BRC20 智能合约,旨在彻底改变粉丝体验。. 借助 Token,Adanaspor 为粉丝提供了参与特殊调查和活动、创建数字收藏、购买 NFT 的机会,享受与粉丝奖励、任务和出色体验相关的游戏化和任务功能。.
Adanaspor Fan Token is the BRC20 smart contract designed to revolutionize fan experiences. With Token, Adanaspor provides fans with the opportunity to participate in special surveys and events, create digital collections, purchase NFTs, enjoy gamification and mission features related to fan rewards, missions and great experiences.
66 AEG
Aether Games (aeg)
Aether Games 是一家创新的跨媒体开发工作室,为 web2 和 web3 受众创造身临其境的游戏和娱乐体验。. 我们的使命是建立一个全面的游戏特许经营权,无缝集成传统游戏、区块链技术和各种媒体格式的引人入胜的叙事内容。经过一年多的开发,Aether Games 有两款游戏正在筹备中:公开测试版的《以太卡》和推出 2023 年 EOY 的《以太之门》自动战斗游戏。. 我们的项目得到了受人尊敬的投资者的支持,包括Polygon Ventures,GSR,Polkastarter,Ultra,Icetea Labs,Magic Eden和Mystenlabs.我们的跨媒体产品阵容包括:Cards of Ethernity CoE:一款数字收藏的竞技卡牌游戏,为游戏玩家和收藏家提供引人入胜
Aether Games is an innovative transmedia development studio that creates immersive gaming and entertainment experiences for both web2 and web3 audiences. Our mission is to build a comprehensive gaming franchise that seamlessly integrates traditional gaming,blockchain technology,and engaging narrative content across various media formats.With over a year of development under our belt,Aether Games has two gaming titles in the pipeline: Cards of Eth
Aevum (aevum)
Aevum是用于在Vivaion中制作的资源。. Vivaion是下一代大逃杀和开放世界MMORPG。. 玩家可以探索,战斗,制作,升级和收集散落在宇宙中的稀有物品。该项目成立于2021年12月。. 它由Bifrost Inc.开发和发布。. 一家专门从事人工智能和量子计算等下一代技术的美国科技公司。该游戏已在微软商店发布,并随着赛季的开始而逐步发布大逃杀模式。Aevum Ore 被玩家烧毁以制作独特的化妆品,这些化妆品可以桥接到 Solana 并变成 NFT。.
Aevum is a resource that is used for crafting in Vivaion. Vivaion is a nextgeneration battle royale & openworld MMORPG. Players can explore,fight,craft,level up & collect rare items scattered across the universe.The project was founded in December of 2021. It is developed and published by Bifrost Inc. A US tech company that specializes in AI and next generation tech like quantum computing.The game has been released on the microsoft store and is r
68 AFK
AFKDAO (afk)
AFKDAO 是用于公用事业 NFT 的 DeFi 基础设施。. 我们认为,实用 NFT 的价值来自于此类 NFT 的高利用率,包括会员通行证、游戏 NFT 等。. 为了最大限度地提高 NFT 利用率,我们需要使 NFT 可出租并可供 NFT 特定 DeFi 服务访问,以使其成为真正的资产类别,而不是被绑定到游戏中唯一的中心化实用程序。.
AFKDAO is a DeFi infrastructure for utility NFTs. We believe that the value of utility NFTs comes from the high utilization rate of such NFTs including membership pass, game NFTs etc. To maximize the NFT utilization rate, we need to make NFTs rentable and accessible to NFTspecific DeFi services to make them a real asset class rather than being tied up to sole centralized utilities within a game.
69 UBU
Africarare (ubu)
人工智能的未来为混合现实提供支持。. Africarare 有一个大胆的愿景,即为超过 10 亿人提供服务,并通过利用人工智能和混合现实的力量打破障碍。. Africarare 专注于非洲和全球社区,旨在创建一个包容性平台,通过结合人工智能和混合现实技术,使个人、品牌和社区能够释放他们的潜力,Africarare 提供超越地理界限的沉浸式互动体验。. 该平台使用户能够在动态的数字环境中连接、协作和探索新的可能性。. Africarare 已经通过他们的 NFT 实现了成功的销售,加入了超过 34 个 B2B 和 B2C 品牌,包括 MTN、NEDBANK 等拥有超过 250M+ 用户,该团队由南非著名的机构之一运营,已服务超过 3000 个项目。. 与奇点大学建立战略合作伙伴关系,拥有超过
The future of Ai powered mixed reality. Africarare has a bold vision to serve over a billion people and break barriers by leveraging the power of AI and mixed reality. With a focus on Africa and communities worldwide,Africarare aims to create an inclusive platform that empowers individuals,brands,and communities to unleash their potential by combining AI and mixed reality technologies,Africarare provides an immersive and interactive experience th
Afyonspor Fan Token (afyon)
Ayfonspor 粉丝代币是 BRC20 智能合约,旨在彻底改变粉丝体验。. 借助 Token,Bitci Baskonia 为粉丝提供了参与特别调查和活动、创建数字收藏、购买 NFT 的机会,享受与粉丝奖励、任务和出色体验相关的游戏化和任务功能。.
Ayfonspor Fan Token is the BRC20 smart contract designed to revolutionize fan experiences. With Token, Bitci Baskonia provides fans with the opportunity to participate in special surveys and events, create digital collections, purchase NFTs, enjoy gamification and mission features related to fan rewards, missions and great experiences.
AGA Carbon Credit (agac)
AGA 将通过计算和审计他们的碳足迹并向他们出售碳去除代币 CRT 来帮助矿工实现碳中和。. 动态 NFT 将用于静态纸质证书的地方,并将与链下碳排放数据和链上 CRT 余额相关联。. 矿工将质押我们的 CRT 并将其绑定到动态 NFT 上,以证明其持续合规。作为该试点的一部分,我们正在铸造AGAc实用程序和AGAcr治理代币:AGAc将是一个实用代币,用于代表一公斤碳去除量,或1,000 AGAc将等于一个碳去除公吨.AGAcr将作为AGA碳项目的治理代币。.
AGA will assist miners in becoming Carbon Neutral, by calculating and auditing their carbon footprint and selling them Carbon Removal Tokens CRTs. Dynamic NFTs will be used in a place of staticpaper certificates and will be tied to offchain carbon emissions data and onchain CRT balance. Miners will stake our CRTs and tie them to the dynamic NFT to prove their ongoing compliance.As part of this pilot we are minting AGAc utility and AGAcr governanc
AGA Carbon Rewards (acar)
AGA 将通过计算和审计他们的碳足迹并向他们出售碳去除代币 CRT 来帮助矿工实现碳中和。. 动态 NFT 将用于静态纸质证书的地方,并将与链下碳排放数据和链上 CRT 余额相关联。. 矿工将质押我们的 CRT 并将其绑定到动态 NFT 上,以证明其持续合规。作为该试点的一部分,我们正在铸造AGAc实用程序和AGAcr治理代币:AGAc将是一个实用代币,用于代表一公斤碳去除量,或1,000 AGAc将等于一个碳去除公吨.AGAcr将作为AGA碳项目的治理代币。.
AGA will assist miners in becoming Carbon Neutral, by calculating and auditing their carbon footprint and selling them Carbon Removal Tokens CRTs. Dynamic NFTs will be used in a place of staticpaper certificates and will be tied to offchain carbon emissions data and onchain CRT balance. Miners will stake our CRTs and tie them to the dynamic NFT to prove their ongoing compliance.As part of this pilot we are minting AGAc utility and AGAcr governanc


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,065.90 2,054,441,177.40
2 BTC title=BTC 63,881.26 1,861,461,935.64
3 ETH title=ETH 3,138.13 808,141,621.25
4 SOL title=SOL 142.92 583,621,265.46
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 379,516,758.19
6 WIF title=WIF 2.97 198,888,081.46
7 XRP title=XRP 0.53 184,643,930.69
8 BONK title=BONK <0.01 179,858,513.18
9 NEAR title=NEAR 7.00 169,118,786.38
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 142,762,095.65
11 ENA title=ENA 0.84 126,141,429.74
12 COS title=COS 0.03 102,257,537.06
13 BOME title=BOME 0.01 90,311,160.85
14 LTC title=LTC 88.32 86,948,808.36
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.42 83,772,631.46
16 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 75,913,898.89
17 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 71,121,881.43
18 FTM title=FTM 0.72 62,820,208.59
19 AVAX title=AVAX 34.97 58,787,249.95
20 WLD title=WLD 4.72 57,107,013.91
21 TRX title=TRX 0.12 47,924,192.60
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.71 47,110,296.86
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.20 44,237,159.10
24 AR title=AR 31.05 43,369,507.79
25 SEI title=SEI 0.60 43,150,194.75
26 ORDI title=ORDI 42.79 40,937,204.29
27 LINK title=LINK 14.71 40,254,207.09


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.03 +42.42
2 BinaryX title=BNX 1.05 +19.17
3 Civic title=CVC 0.19 +18.19
4 REI Network title=REI 0.10 +12.96
5 NEO title=NEO 18.87 +5.89
6 BTTC <0.01 +5.51
7 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +5.33
8 ApeCoin title=APE 1.35 +5.31
9 Litecoin title=LTC 88.32 +4.20
10 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.76 +3.89
11 Ethereum Classic title=ETC 27.66 +3.52
12 Galxe title=GAL 4.45 +3.35
13 Sun Token title=SUN 0.02 +2.83
14 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +2.65
15 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +2.61
16 Maker title=MKR 2,931.00 +2.55
17 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.37 +2.50
18 Dymension title=DYM 3.71 +2.09
19 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.69 +1.99
20 TerraClassicUSD title=USTC 0.02 +1.87
21 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 488.20 +1.75
22 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.67 +1.65
23 Fusionist title=ACE 5.80 +1.36
24 aelf title=ELF 0.61 +1.16
25 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,343.00 +0.77
26 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.00 +0.68
27 MultiversX title=EGLD 42.85 +0.49
28 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.28 +0.42
29 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +0.25
30 SSV Network title=SSV 45.53 +0.24


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Lisk title=LSK 1.76 -14.93
2 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.17 -13.05
3 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.44 -10.11
4 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.27 -9.91
5 W 0.60 -9.65
6 Automata title=ATA 0.20 -9.32
7 DeXe title=DEXE 12.57 -8.98
8 Tensor title=TNSR 0.95 -8.35
9 Wanchain title=WAN 0.27 -8.18
10 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -8.09
11 Arweave title=AR 31.05 -8.08
12 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -8.03
13 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.97 -8.02
14 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.20 -7.96
15 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.41 -7.71
16 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -7.57
17 Conflux title=CFX 0.24 -7.40
18 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -7.38
19 Sei title=SEI 0.60 -7.27
20 Bittensor title=TAO 432.50 -7.25
21 Decred title=DCR 21.18 -7.07
22 Marlin title=POND 0.02 -7.05
23 Prosper title=PROS 0.38 -6.89
24 Request title=REQ 0.13 -6.86
25 Fantom title=FTM 0.72 -6.54
26 Synapse title=SYN 0.99 -6.42
27 Portal title=PORTAL 0.90 -6.37
28 RONIN 2.83 -6.35
29 Steem title=STEEM 0.29 -6.34
30 Pixels title=PIXEL 0.43 -6.32

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 CryptoQuant 首席执行官表示,加密货币混合不是犯罪
(Crypto mixing is not a crime says CryptoQuant CEO)
2 英伟达支持的人工智能初创公司发布表达人类情感的头像
(Nvidia backed AI startup releases avatars that express human emotion)
3 元宇宙是否需要在区块链上 高管们的权衡
(Does the metaverse need to be on the blockchain Execs weigh in)
4 比特币每日交易量创历史新高
(Bitcoins daily transactions reach new record high)
5 英国警方有权在不逮捕的情况下扣押犯罪加密货币
(UK police authorized to seize criminal crypto holdings without arrests)
6 Q Day 临近:以太坊能否在量子紧急情况下幸存下来
(Q Day approaching Can Ethereum survive a quantum emergency)
7 中国大陆投资者将无法购买香港比特币ETF
(Mainland China investors wont be able to buy Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs)
8 欧盟吹捧元宇宙中儿童的健康益处,尽管存在风险
(EU touts health benefits for children in the metaverse despite risks)
9 财富眷顾某些东西 Eminem 从 Matt Damon 手中接过 Cryptocom 的衣钵
(Fortune favors something Eminem takes Cryptocom mantle from Matt Damon)
10 比特币图表牛市旗帜是 039 强势看涨设置039 分析师
(Bitcoin chart bull flag is a 039strong bullish setup039 Analyst)
11 狗狗币会在比特币减半 7 个月后再次飙升吗
(Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again)
12 Stripe 这次用稳定币带回了加密支付
(Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin)
13 即使比特币价格下跌,BONK POPCAT 和 Solana 模因币也保持绿色
(BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops)
14 反加密 SEC 委员任期还有 41 天 她会被取代吗
(Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced)
15 6B骗局在法庭上被指控香港比特币ETF亚洲快车的中国漏洞
(6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express)
16 039Epic sat039 从第四个比特币减半区块开采,售价为 21M
(039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M)
17 戈登·戈纳 (Gordon Goner) 谈他戏剧性的健康斗争和无聊猿 3 岁
(Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3)
18 比特币矿商 Marathon 将 2024 年的哈希率目标提高到 50 EH
(Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs)
19 美国联邦调查局(FBI)对加密货币发送器的警告似乎是针对混合器的
(FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers)
20 Solana 看到机构投资组合 CoinShares 大幅增加
(Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares)
21 巨型买入信号加密鲸鱼将 13B 转移到 Coinbase
(Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase)
22 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
23 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
24 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
25 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
26 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
27 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
28 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
29 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
30 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
31 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
32 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
33 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
34 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
35 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
36 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
37 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
38 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
39 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
40 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
41 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
42 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
43 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
44 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
45 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
46 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
47 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
48 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
49 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
50 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)


Smart Finance (smrt) GlobalBoost (bsty) Market Ledger (ml) NitroEX (ntx) Endpoint Cex Fan Token (endcex) ABC Floor Index (abc) Cola (cola) AiONE (aione) CryptoArt.Ai (cart) XQuake (xqk)


Angry Bulls Club (abc)JUST Stablecoin (usdj)Traxx (traxx)GeoLeaf (OLD) (glt)NOSTALGIA (nos)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Metaverse #lending #carbon emission #wellness #DAO #digital economy #digital currency #financial services #solar energy #green energy


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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