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硬币相关 #decentralized-application

币名 细节
Ethereum (eth)
以太坊是一个智能合约平台,使开发人员能够构建代币和去中心化应用程序dapp。. ETH是以太坊平台的原生货币,也是以太坊网络上矿工的交易费用。以太坊是基于区块链的智能合约的先驱。. 智能合约本质上是一种完全按照编程运行的计算机代码,没有任何停机、审查、欺诈或第三方干扰的可能性。. 它可以促进金钱、内容、财产、股票或任何有价值的东西的交换。. 当在区块链上运行时,智能合约变得像一个自操作的计算机程序,在满足特定条件时自动执行。以太坊允许程序员运行能够进行任何自定义的完成智能合约。. 以太坊不是提供一组有限的操作,而是允许开发人员完全控制其智能合约的定制,使开发人员能够构建独特和创新的应用程序。以太坊是第一个基于区块链的智能合约平台,它们已经获得了很大的普及,导致新的竞争对手争夺市场份额。.
Ethereum is a smart contract platform that enables developers to build tokens and decentralized applications dapps. ETH is the native currency for the Ethereum platform and also works as the transaction fees to miners on the Ethereum network.Ethereum is the pioneer for blockchain based smart contracts. Smart contract is essentially a computer code that runs exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or thirdparty
The Graph (grt)
Graph 是一种索引协议和全局 API,用于组织区块链数据并使其易于使用 GraphQL 访问。. 开发人员可以使用 Graph 资源管理器来搜索、查找和发布构建去中心化应用程序所需的所有公共数据。. 图形网络使构建完全在公共基础设施上运行的无服务器dApp成为可能。GRT 是用于协调工作的网络的本机令牌。. GRT是ERC20代币。. 节点操作员(称为索引器)质押并赚取 GRT 来处理查询。. 任何人都可以将 GRT 委托给索引器,以保护网络并获得奖励。.
The Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications. The Graph Network makes it possible to build serverless dApps that run entirely on public infrastructure.GRT is the native token of the network that’s used to coordinate work. GRT is an ERC20 to
TRON (trx)
TronTrons的使命是建立一个真正去中心化的互联网,旨在成为世界上最大的基于区块链的操作系统,称为TRON协议。. TRON协议将提供高可扩展性、高可用性和高吞吐量计算,通过智能合约为去中心化应用程序提供服务。. 基于以太坊EVM的智能合约将兼容并可部署在TRON网络上,因此Solidity开发人员不必重写他们的应用程序。为什么选择Tron由于TRON协议不依赖于工作量证明或挖矿,而是由位于世界各地的节点管理,它是去中心化的,同时为区块链上的交易提供高吞吐量。. 这适用于需要高速交易的dapp,尤其是游戏。. TRON网络上已经发行了许多代币,去中心化交易所TRX.market已经推出。2018年7月24日,TRON收购了BitTorrent,这是最大的P2P文件共享协议之一。. 作为收
What is TronTrons mission is to build a truly decentralized internet and aims to be the largest blockchainbased operating system in the world, known as the TRON protocol. The TRON protocol will offer high scalability, high availability, and high throughput computing to serve decentralized applications via smart contracts. Ethereum EVMbased smart contracts will be compatible and deployable on the TRON network as such Solidity developers do not hav
Kyber Network Crystal (knc)
什么是凯伯网络 KNCKyber 网络是流动性协议的中心,它聚合了来自各种来源的流动性,以在任何去中心化应用程序 DApp 上提供安全和即时的交易。. Kyber 网络的主要目标是使 DeFi DApp、去中心化交易所 DEX 和其他用户能够轻松访问提供最优惠利率的流动性池。Kyber 上的所有交易都在链上,这意味着可以使用任何以太坊区块浏览器轻松验证它们。. 项目可以建立在 Kyber 之上,以利用协议提供的所有服务,例如代币的即时结算、流动性聚合和可定制的商业模式。Kyber 希望通过允许开发人员构建产品和服务而不必担心不同需求的流动性来解决去中心化金融 DeFi 行业的流动性问题。. Kyber Network Crystal KNC 代币是一种实用代币,是连接 Kybers 生态系统
What Is Kyber Network KNCKyber Network is a hub of liquidity protocols that aggregates liquidity from various sources to provide secure and instant transactions on any decentralized application DApp. The main goal of Kyber Network is to enable DeFi DApps, decentralized exchanges DEXs and other users easy access to liquidity pools that provide the best rates.All transactions on Kyber are onchain, which means they can be easily verified using any E
Status (snt)
Status是一个移动操作系统,它将彻底改变世界与以太坊网络交互的方式。. Status设计为去中心化浏览器和私人信使,可让您在手掌中连接到整个以太坊网络。. 状态使您可以通过智能手机上的应用程序访问以太坊的所有去中心化应用程序dapps。. 它通过瞄准世界上增长最快的计算机细分市场——智能手机用户,为大规模采用以太坊dapps打开了大门。Status背后的创造者正在努力使去中心化的世界栩栩如生。. Status本质上结合了信使和浏览器,允许日常智能手机用户使用分散的应用程序,也称为dapps。. 状态在安卓和iOS上均可用。.
Status is a mobile operating system that will completely change the way the world interacts with the Ethereum network. Designed as a decentralized browser and private messenger, Status allows you to connect to the entire Ethereum network right in the palm of your hand. Status provides you access to all of Ethereum’s decentralized applications dapps through an app on your smartphone. It opens the door to mass adoption of Ethereum dapps by targeti
Holo (hot)
Holochain支持分布式网络,其用户自治直接内置于其架构和协议中。. 数据是关于记住我们的生活和共享经历。. 分配数据的存储和处理可以改变我们的协调和交互方式。. 通过用户控制下的数字集成,Holochain将我们的在线生活从企业对我们的选择和信息的控制中解放出来。Holochain是一个节能的后区块链分类账系统和去中心化应用平台,它使用点对点网络来处理用户之间以代理为中心的协议和共识系统。Holochain使任何设备都可以拥有自己的基于链的分类账系统。. 通过使用全息模型进行数据存储和传输,开发人员现在可以创建分散的应用程序,这些应用程序可以跨网络的多个维度进行扩展,确保它们真正分布式。. 这使得网络上的每个设备都能独立运行,并且只需要在必要时或用户同意时才需要同步数据。.
Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information.Holochain is an energy efficient postblockchain l
Arcblock (abt)
ArcBlock 项目的创建是为了创建世界上第一个区块链生态系统。. 根据目标开发和开发去中心化应用程序DApp。. ArcBlock,2018年初出现的ICO项目之一。. 2018 年 3 月 1 日刚刚推出的 ArcBlock 迅速吸引了科技界和投资者的关注。. ArcBlock 带来了巨大的技术进步,将开启第三代区块链应用。通过弥合不同区块链及其各自生态系统之间的差距来弥补Arcblock的工作并不容易。. 有一些解决方案试图解决这个问题,但很明显,在这方面有很大的竞争空间。.
The ArcBlock project was created to create the first Blockchain ecosystem in the world. Develop and develop decentralized applications DApp according to objectives. ArcBlock, one of the ICO projects emerging in early 2018. Just launched on 3/1/2018, ArcBlock has quickly attracted the attention of technology as well as investors. ArcBlock brings great technological advancements that will open the third generation of blockchain applications.Arcbloc
DigiByte (dgb)
什么是DigiByteDigiByte不仅仅是一种更快的数字货币。. 它是一种创新的区块链,可用于数字资产、智能合约、去中心化应用程序和安全身份验证。是什么让DigiByte比其他区块链更强大DigiByte是一个快速增长的开源区块链,创建于2013年底,并于2014年初发布。. 经过6年的前瞻性思维发展,DigiByte已成为现存最安全,最快,最长和最分散的UTXO区块链之一。True Decentralized.DigiByte从未通过ICO或大量预挖硬币获得资金。. 没有首席执行官或公司控制DigiByte区块链。. 这是一个以志愿者为基础的全球社区驱动的项目。更安全。DigiByte使用5种加密算法和实时难度调整,防止恶意挖矿中心化和算力波动。. 其中之一是Odocrypt,它每10
What is DigiByteDigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication.What makes DigiByte stronger than othersDigiByte is a rapidly growing opensource blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and
Dymension (dym)
Dymension Portal 应用程序是一个应用程序,允许用户访问与 Dymension 生态系统相关的各种特性和功能。. 其中一些功能包括旋转轮子和赢得大奖、玩纸牌大战和铸造独特的 Pixelbeans 艺术的能力。. 该应用程序还提供对 RollApps 的访问,RollApps 是 Dymension 网络上列出的去中心化应用程序 (dApp)。. 用户可以探索这些dApp并与之互动,这些dApp涵盖了游戏和金融等各个类别。. 该应用程序还提供有关 RollApps 中锁定总价值 (TVL)、IBC 转账总数和活动地址总数的信息。. 此外,该应用程序还提供了一个连接到其他网络和访问流动性的桥梁。.
The Dymension Portal App is an application that allows users to access various features and functions related to the Dymension ecosystem. Some of the features include the ability to spin a wheel and win jackpots,play card wars,and mint unique Pixelbeans art. The app also provides access to RollApps,which are listed decentralized applications (dApps) on the Dymension network. Users can explore and interact with these dApps,which cover various cate
10 RLC
iExec RLC (rlc)
iExec是一个开源的,分散的云计算平台,运行在以太坊区块链上。. iExec允许分散的应用程序dApp按需访问iExec云上的计算资源和技术。. iExec建立了一个区块链网络,dApp可以利用具有成本效益和高性能的资源,如服务器,数据库,SaaS应用程序,网络托管和计算机农场。. iExec的原生加密货币 — RLC令牌是用于访问iExec基础设施中服务的主要资产。. RLC是“在大量计算机上运行”的缩写。iExec总部位于法国里昂。. 它由Gilles Fedak和Haiwu He创立,他们分别担任iExec的首席执行官和亚太区负责人。.
iExec is an opensource, decentralized cloud computing platform, running on Ethereum blockchain. iExec allows decentralized applications dApps an ondemand access to computing resources and technologies on iExec cloud. iExec has built a blockchain network where dApps can take advantage of cost effective and highperformance resources such as servers, databases, SaaS applications, web hosting and computer farms. iExec’s native cryptocurrency — The RL
11 TRB
Tellor (trb)
以太坊上的智能合约是完全独立的,任何信息或对链下数据的访问都受到限制。. Tellor通过创建一个系统来解决这个问题,在这个系统中,各方可以请求链下数据点的价值,例如. ETH/USD和矿工竞相将此价值添加到链上数据库,所有以太坊智能合约都可以访问该数据库。. 数据系列的输入由质押矿工网络保护。. 主要的Tellor智能合约为每个请求的数据序列创建一个时间序列,旨在成为去中心化应用程序高价值数据的标准来源。. 这个预言机“Tellor”通过发行Tellor的代币Tributes,利用与其他加密货币系统类似的激励机制,用于向矿工请求特定的数据系列。.
Smart contracts on Ethereum are fully self contained and any information or access to offchain data is restricted. Tellor solves this problem by creating a system where parties can request the value of an offchain data point e.g. ETH/USD and miners compete to add this value to an onchain data bank, accessible by all Ethereum smart contracts. Inputs to a data series are secured by a network of staked miners. The main Tellor smart contract create
Hifi Finance (hifi)
大型机是去中心化应用程序的平台。. 大型机网络可抵抗审查、监视和中断,使任何应用程序都能发送数据、存储文件、管理付款、运行任务等。. 除了灾难性的小行星事件或侵略性的外星人入侵之外,大型机网络简直是不可阻挡的。. 我们以五项基本原则为指导。大型机网络是新 Web 的消息传递层。. 这超出了人与人之间的消息传递。. 有许多用例和应用程序可以通过大型机对等网络可靠、私密和安全地路由数据包。.
Mainframe is the platform for decentralized applications. Resistant to censorship,surveillance,and disruption,the Mainframe network enables any application to send data,store files,manage payments,run tasks,and more. With the exception of a catastrophic asteroid event or an aggressive alien invasion,the Mainframe network is simply unstoppable. We build with five fundamental principles as our guide.The Mainframe network is the messaging layer for
13 KMD
Komodo (kmd)
Komodo是一家端到端区块链基础设施解决方案提供商。. Komodo一直被公认为世界上最具创新性的区块链项目之一,正在开发区块链行业前沿的技术。. 实际上,今天的大多数区块链平台只是一个单一的区块链,为智能合约和去中心化应用程序提供支持。. 这种模式迫使所有项目共享相同的基础设施,导致拥堵、交易费用增加和增长受阻。. 其他区块链平台采用单一的共享区块链模型,而Komodo的联合多链架构为每个外部项目提供了独立的基础设施和专用区块链。. 这种多链设计使Komodo在区块链平台中独树一帜。.
Komodo is an endtoend blockchain infrastructure solutions provider. Consistently recognized as one of the world’s most innovative blockchain projects, Komodo is developing technologies at the cuttingedge of the blockchain industry. In reality, most blockchain platforms today are but a single blockchain that offers support for smart contracts and decentralized applications. This model forces all projects to share the same infrastructure, leading t
Streamr (data)
Streamr正在为实时数据构建分散的基础设施。. 我们的目标是使数据能够在没有中介的情况下安全、可扩展地传输、共享和货币化。. 通过促进新型数据管道和生态系统,我们支持并加速了Web 3.0的诞生,其中分散的应用程序可以安全地交换数据和价值。.
Streamr is building decentralized infrastructure for realtime data. Our goal is to enable data to be transported, shared, and monetised securely and scalably without intermediaries. By facilitating new types of data pipelines and ecosystems, we support and accelerate the birth of the Web 3.0, in which decentralized applications can securely exchange data and value.
Alephium (alph)
Alephium is the first operational sharded blockchain bringing scalability, ETHinspired smart contracts, and dApps capabilities to Bitcoins proven core technologies while ensuring better performance and improved energy efficiency.From its technical design to its interfaces, Alephium has been created to address the challenges of accessibility, scalability, and security encountered by decentralized applications today.
Serenity Shield (sersh)
Serenity Shield SERSH 是一个去中心化的应用平台,它为我们最敏感的数据提供了一种创新的、革命性的加密继承和安全存储解决方案。.
Serenity Shield SERSH is a decentralized application platform that offers an innovative,revolutionary approach to crypto inheritance and secure storage solutions for our most sensitive data.
17 VR
Victoria VR (vr)
Victoria VR是第一款基于区块链的虚拟现实MMORPG,其逼真的图形基于虚幻引擎构建,由用户创建和拥有。. Victoria VR旨在创建一个多维互动的新元宇宙,用户将能够沉浸在永无止境的数字内容中。整个世界被构建为所有虚拟现实、游戏和去中心化应用程序的通用平台,共同创建一个元宇宙——一个共享的虚拟领域,即 3D 互联网。. 维多利亚VR元宇宙将成为人们工作,休息,学习,娱乐并最终生活的地方。.
Victoria VR is the first blockchainbased MMORPG in virtual reality with realistic graphics built on the Unreal Engine, created and owned by its users. Victoria VR aims to create a new Metaverse of multidimensional interactions where users will be able to immerse themselves interactively with neverending digital content.The whole world is built to be a universal platform for all virtual realities, games, and decentralized applications, collectivel
Zeus Network (zeus)
Zeus Network 的目标是让下一个 10 亿用户加入 Web3。. 在快速兴起的 Web3 生态系统中,每天都有新的区块链被部署和运营。. 其中一个关键挑战是区块链的互操作性。. Zeus Network 旨在通过利用世界上最快、最实惠、性能最高的区块链 Solana 来构建跨链基础设施。. 这是通过开发 Zeus Layer 来实现的,Zeus Layer 是 Solana 虚拟机 SVM 上的可插拔和可编程节点网络。. Zeus Network 设想了一个未来,开发人员可以在无桥跨链基础设施之上构建去中心化应用程序 dApp,无需许可。.
Zeus Network aims to onboard the next billion users to Web3. In the rapidly emerging Web3 ecosystem,new blockchains are deployed and operated everyday. One of the key challenges is the interoperability of blockchains. Zeus Network seeks to build a crosschain infrastructure by utilizing the worlds fastest,most affordable,and highestperforming blockchain,Solana. This is achieved by developing Zeus Layer,a pluggable and programmable network of nodes
0VM (zerovm)
0VM 是一个第 2 层平台,旨在促进去中心化应用程序 DApp 的创建和部署,这些应用程序不仅具有可扩展性,而且具有高度通用性。. 这些 0VM DApp 是通过结合区块链和链下域的元素构建的。. 链下组件在 0VM 节点内执行,每个节点都代表着各个 DApp 用户的兴趣和需求。在 0VM 节点领域,DApp 开发人员可以访问能够容纳大规模可验证计算的可重现零虚拟机 0VM。. 这些计算可以无缝集成到智能合约中,利用强大的原语提供实质性的冲突解决保证。. 更具体地说,任何关于在零虚拟机中执行的计算结果可能出现的争议都可以在区块链上以最小的费用公正有效地解决。此外,0VM 节点为 DApp 开发人员提供了执行原生代码的机会,使他们能够利用节点的全部处理能力,包括任何可用的 GPU。. 无论这
0VM stands as a layer2 platform designed to facilitate the creation and deployment of decentralized applications DApps that are not only scalable but also highly versatile. These 0VM DApps are constructed by combining elements from both blockchain and offchain domains. The offchain components are executed within 0VM Nodes,each of which represents the interests and needs of individual DApp users.Within the realm of 0VM Nodes,DApp developers gain a
20 0X1
0x1.tools: AI Multi-tool (0x1)
该项目是关于什么由一群有远见的开发人员团队发起的0x1 Token是一个创新的智能合约平台,利用人工智能AI的力量彻底改变区块链格局。. 这个尖端平台提供了一套全面的AI驱动的工具和功能,使开发人员和用户能够释放去中心化应用程序dApps的全部潜力0x1。. 通过利用人工智能的功能,开发人员可以快速有效地生成智能合约,无需深入编码知识。. 平台的高级算法分析合同的要求,允许安全、可靠且针对特定项目需求量身定制的自动化代码生成。项目的历史记录。安全性和可靠性在0x1生态系统中至关重要。. 该平台结合了先进的审计工具,以确保智能合约没有漏洞和潜在的骗局。. 开发人员可以彻底分析他们的合同,在部署之前识别任何潜在的弱点或安全风险。.
What is the project aboutLaunched by a team of visionary developers,0x1 Token is an innovative smart contract platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence AI to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. This cuttingedge platform offers a comprehensive suite of AIpowered tools and functionalities,empowering developers and users to unlock the full potential of decentralized applications dApps.What makes your project uniqueAt its core,
0xScans (scan)
0xScans 是一个人工智能驱动的智能合约审计平台,旨在增强去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 的安全性和信任度。. 它使用先进的机器学习算法和自然语言处理来自动检查软件源代码,模拟各种场景对合同进行压力测试,并实时生成全面的审计报告。. 平台提供灵活的集成选项,包括API集成和定制开发,确保业务发展顺利进行。. 0xScans 可以应用于各种用例,例如去中心化金融 (DeFi)、供应链管理和身份管理。. 该路线图包括代币发布、工具发布、战略合作伙伴关系、用户增长和创收等阶段。. 此外,本文还讨论了使用电子邮件 API 以编程方式管理电子邮件的常见问题解答和好处。.
0xScans is an AI-powered smart contract auditing platform that aims to enhance security and trust in decentralized applications (dApps). It uses advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to automate the examination of software source code,simulates diverse scenarios to stress-test contracts,and generates comprehensive audit reports in real-time. The platform offers flexible integration options,including API integration
Abey (abey)
ABEYCHAIN是一个功能齐全的多层可编程区块链,用于大批量交易。. 区块链提供了一个分散的存储生态系统,在业内首屈一指。. 同时支持使用分片和 ABEY 虚拟机 AVM 的大容量事务。. 简而言之,ABEYCHAIN在以太坊之前到达那里,大多数区块链使用单一的共识机制,如工作证明或权益证明。. ABEYCHAIN区块链通过实现安全工作量证明和委托权益证明混合共识,使用双重共识机制。. 这种杂交有助于解决通常被称为“不可能三角”的问题。三角形由高度的去中心化、安全性和效率组成。ABEYCHAIN为区块链用户提供了解决方案。.
ABEYCHAIN is a fully functioning multilayered, programmable blockchain for highvolume transactions. The blockchain provides a decentralized storage ecosystem that is second to none in the industry. While supporting highvolume transactions using sharding and the ABEY Virtual Machine AVM. Simply put, ABEYCHAIN got there before Ethereum.Most blockchains use single consensual mechanisms like proof of work or proof of stake. ABEYCHAIN blockchain uses
23 ACT
Achain (act)
Achain是一个公共区块链平台,使各级开发人员能够发行代币并创建智能合约,去中心化应用程序和区块链系统。. Achain致力于构建信息交换和价值交易的全球区块链网络。. 与比特币或以太坊不同,Achain利用DPoS的修改版本——RDPoS结果委托权益证明来建立节点共识。. 不久,DPoS建议所有硬币持有者投票支持将产生下一个区块的验证者节点。在项目网站上,只列出了有关首席执行官Tony Cui的信息。. 崔永元取得了一些重大成就,包括获得中关村联盟未来之星奖,并入选著名风险投资杂志CYZONE的30位30岁以下精英。. LinkedIn,Achain有51名员工被列为员工。.
Achain is a public blockchain platform that enables developers of all levels to issue tokens and create smart contracts, decentralized applications, and blockchain systems. Achain is committed to building a global blockchain network for information exchange and value transactions. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, Achain utilizes a modified version of DPoS — RDPoS Resultdelegated Proof of Stake to establish node consensus. Shortly, DPoS suggests that a
24 AE
Aeternity (ae)
Æternity是一种公共的开源区块链协议,可为具有高可扩展性的下一代去中心化应用程序提供平台。. 它的核心组件是用函数式编程语言Erlang编写的,其智能合约语言Sophia也是函数式的。. æternity拥有一支优秀的开发团队,包括Erlang的Robert Virding联合创建者,Haskell的John Hughes联合设计师和Agda编程语言的Ulf Norell联合设计师,用于形式验证。与其他区块链平台不同,æternity协议本身包含许多基本技术功能。. 用于链下扩展的状态通道、用于真实世界信息的预言机以及用于提高用户友好性的命名系统都在第 1 层实现。. æternity还具有Javascript,GO,Phyton,Java中的SDK,以及简化智能合约开发的中间件和开发
æternity is a public, opensource blockchain protocol that enables a platform for nextgeneration decentralized applications with high scalability. Its core components are written in the functional programming language Erlang and its smart contract language Sophia is also functional. æternity has a stellar team of developers including Robert Virding cocreator of Erlang, John Hughes codesigner of Haskell, and Ulf Norell codesigner of the Agda p
AmpereChain (ampere)
AmpereChain是全球公认的最快的区块链,由去中心化社区支持。. 它由尖端的去中心化QBFT DQBFT共识算法推动,提升了AmpereChain AMPERE加密货币。. AmpereChain作为具有隐私保护节点的开创性EVM公链,为各种去中心化应用提供了一个弹性平台。. 凭借无与伦比的速度、效率、隐私和区块链世界中最高的每秒交易 TPS,它引领了去中心化技术的发展。.
AmpereChain is globally acknowledged as the fastest blockchain,backed by a decentralized community. Its fueled by the cuttingedge Decentralized QBFT DQBFT consensus algorithm,elevating the AmpereChain AMPERE cryptocurrency. As the pioneering EVM public chain with privacyprotected nodes,AmpereChain serves as a resilient platform for diverse decentralized applications. With unparalleled speed,efficiency,privacy,and the highest Transactions Per Seco
AnimalFam (totofo)
这个项目是关于什么的AnimalFam TOTOFO是以太坊网络上的模因代币。是什么让您的项目独一无二无税,LP 锁定 1 年,放弃。. AnimalFam出现并拯救了动物物种模因硬币,就像第二个诺亚方舟,上面有数字224今天,明天,永远的历史你的项目。开发团队在加密货币市场拥有丰富的经验。您的项目的下一步已经记录了为memecoin项目部署营销和构建用于空投的分散式应用程序。您的代币可以用于什么总供应量:1,000,000,000,000 TOTOFO• 776,000,000,000 TOTOFO 在市场上公平推出• 224,000,000,000 TOTOFO 将被空投到顶级模因项目中。. 第一轮将空投112,000,000,000 TOTOFO给7个代币的前500个钱包持有者:SHI
What is the project aboutAnimalFam TOTOFO is a meme token on the Ethereum network.What makes your project uniqueNo tax,LP locked for 1 year,Renounced. AnimalFam appeared and rescued the animal species meme coins,like a second Noahs Ark bearing the number 224 Today,Tomorrow,ForeverHistory of your project.The development team has a lot of experience in the cryptocurrency market.What’s next for your projectDeploying marketing and building decentrali
AntNetworX (antx)
AntNetworX 旨在通过为下一代提供无缝且可访问的 dApp 来帮助区块链、Web3 和 DeFi 实现大规模采用。. 我们涵盖了广泛的解决方案,例如无缝 Web3 UI、无钥匙智能钱包、去中心化通信和区块链演出。. AntNetworX拥有首创的利润分享模式,包括收入和公用事业。使命我们的使命可以提炼为三个组成部分:创建高度可扩展的去中心化应用程序,为整个加密行业提供价值。通过改进当前的 Web2.0 应用程序并将其过渡到 Web3.0 和区块链,帮助促进全球加密采用,为那些寻求适合接收加密货币付款的工作机会的人创造新的收入途径。. Vision被公认为一个全球值得信赖的品牌,负责监督一套高度可访问的去中心化应用程序——每个应用程序都旨在简化和加快加密货币的采用。帮助实现加密货币经济
AntNetworX aims to help blockchain, Web3 and DeFi achieve mass adoption by providing seamless and accessible dApps for the next generation. We cover a vast range of solutions such as seamless Web3 UI, keyless smart wallet, Decentralised communication and blockchain gigs. AntNetworX has a first of its kind profit sharing model, with revenue and utility burns.MissionOur mission can be distilled into three constituent parts:Create highly scalable de
28 ABN
Antofy (abn)
项目是关于什么的Antofy是一个从头开始设计的区块链,旨在解决现有区块链当前面临的问题。. 我们重新构想了技术的各个方面,从代币经济学到共识,以创建一个全新的分布式系统。. 本文档是 Antofy 架构的唯一可靠来源。. 我们仍在完善系统的细微差别,因此文档会不断更新和补充。是什么让您的项目独一无二安拓平台是基于技术、流量、生态资源的统一基础设施平台,将逐步向区块链行业开放。. 它将使去中心化应用的建设更加高效和具有成本效益,并在推广、流量和资源方面提供全面的赋能。. Antofy平台是一个EVM兼容的区块链,解决了Dapp行业最大的问题,交易费用为0%。.
What is the project aboutAntofy is a blockchain designed from the ground up to solve the current problems faced by existing blockchains. We have reimagined every aspect of the technology,from tokenomics to consensus,to create a fundamentally new distributed system. This documentation is the only reliable source of the Antofy architecture. We are still polishing the systems nuances,so the documentation is constantly updated and supplemented.What m
29 APT
Apidae (apt)
Apidae 代币是一种代币,允许通过投资收集到养蜂设备的资金来保护蜜蜂,以促进蜂群的增加,并使业余爱好者更容易进入养蜂世界。. Apidae代币的目标是在区块链上实现一个具有去中心化应用程序的项目。用Apidae代币收集的资金将用于繁殖,维护下一个殖民地和牲畜,生产蜂蜜以及生产可以出售给其他养蜂人的蜂群,以弥补他们的年度损失。除此之外,Apidae代币还将促进那些既没有技术能力,时间也没有空间为这一行动做出贡献的人的参与和影响。.
Apidae Token is a token allowing the preservation of bees by investing the funds collected in beekeeping equipment to promote the increase of colonies and make it easier for amateurs to enter the world of beekeeping. The goal of the Apidae token is to realize a project with decentralized applications on blockchain.The funds collected with the Apidae token will allow the breeding, the maintenance of the next coloniesand livestock, the production o
Archive AI (archai)
档案 AI 是一个 web3 去中心化应用程序,致力于使人工智能更加可靠。. 我们有一个有助于提高准确性的验证系统,我们的平台包括用于构建人工智能驱动的应用程序的工具。. 您还可以使用ChatGPT在我们的存档中搜索答案或提出问题。.
Archive AI is a web3 decentralized application that is working to make artificial intelligence more reliable. We have a system of validation that helps improve accuracy and our platform includes tools for building AI-powered applications. You can also search through our Archive for answers or ask questions using ChatGPT.
AVME (avme)
AVME 是一种去中心化的安全协议,用于恶意内容检测和恶意软件防护。. AVME通过结合两种可以与区块链集成的技术来实现这一点,以提供零信任和完全去中心化的应用程序。. 其中包括沙盒节点和通过人工智能/机器学习 AI/ML 进行病毒检测。.
AVME is a decentralized security protocol for malicious content detection and protection against malware. AVME accomplishes this by combining two technologies that can be integrated with blockchain to deliver zerotrust and fully decentralized applications. These include sandbox nodes and virus detection through artificial intelligence/machine learning AI/ML.
BaseSafe (safe)
Base Safe $SAFE 代币项目引入了一个以 $SAFE 代币和 BaseSafe DApp 为中心的新颖加密货币生态系统。. 该项目的目的是通过创新的代币经济学和套利机制为用户提供可持续且潜在盈利的投资机会。该项目的主要特点包括:$SAFE 代币:一种在基础链上运行的加密货币,具有随着时间的推移增加其价值的独特方法。BaseSafe DApp:一个去中心化的应用程序,充当数字存钱罐,从掉期税中收取 ETH。. $SAFE代币的价值是通过将 DApp 中的总 ETH 除以流通中的$SAFE代币数量来确定的。代币销毁和 ETH 返还:将 $SAFE 代币出售给 DApp 会导致代币销毁和 ETH 支付,从而可能保持或增加每个代币的价值。套利机会:Uniswap 和 DApp 之间的价格
The Base Safe $SAFE token project introduces a novel cryptocurrency ecosystem centered around the $SAFE token and the BaseSafe DApp. The purpose of the project is to provide a sustainable and potentially profitable investment opportunity for users through innovative tokenomics and arbitrage mechanisms.Key features of the project include:$SAFE Token: A cryptocurrency operating on the Base Chain with a unique approach to increasing its value over t
Beebox (xbbc)
什么是XBBCBeebox是一个代表言论自由社区的项目,为新闻自由而战,应用区块链技术,对用户信息和数据绝对保密。XBBC代表了去中心化金融的一场革命。. 该项目完全基于Polygon网络的Dapp,这是一个由Binance和Coinbase支持的Layer 2扩展解决方案,是什么让XBBC与众不同这不仅仅是一种加密货币,它是一个完全去中心化的金融生态系统,你可以参与其中而不必担心审查或第三方的干扰。XBBC的历史。我们利用区块链技术构建分散的应用程序Dapps,旨在抵制第三方审查,确保透明度,并为所有参与者提供自由。.
What is XBBCBeebox is a project representing the free speech community,fighting for press freedom,applying Blockchain technology with absolute confidentiality of user information and data.XBBC represents a revolution in decentralized finance. The project is entirely based on the Dapp of the Polygon network,a Layer 2 scaling solution with support from Binance and Coinbase.What makes XBBC uniqueThis is not just a cryptocurrency; its a fully decentr
BeeChat (chat)
BeeChat是一个分散的应用程序,在OpenChat提供的协议框架下运行。. BeeChat使用经济激励措施,以通信和钱包的形式将其他数字服务和应用程序带入去中心化的OpenChat生态系统。. OpenChat奖励引擎将提供ChatCoin作为数字服务提供商的自然激励。. 除了确保内容和交易的共同道德和合法性外,生态系统不会对货币化策略施加任何不必要的限制或收费,这反过来又鼓励新的合作伙伴加入该计划。. BeeChat目前在全球拥有数亿用户,BeeChat致力于为OpenChat的发展提供全面支持,OpenChat将继续利用BeeChats的支持进行全方位的去中心化研究。.
BeeChat is a decentralized application that runs under the protocol framework provided by OpenChat. BeeChat uses financial incentives to bring other digital services and applications into the decentralized OpenChat ecosystem in the form of communications & wallets. The OpenChat Reward Engine will provide ChatCoin as a natural incentive for digital service providers. In addition to ensuring common ethics and legitimacy of content and transactions,
35 BIS
Bismuth (bis)
Bismuth,一个数字分布式自我调节数据库系统,其主要应用是货币,其第一个应用是挖矿。. 它带有一组开箱即用的DAPP。. 铋不是基于BTC的代码或其任何衍生品,它只是受到中本聪BitCoin,Sunny King Peercoin,NXT和ETH开发人员提出的一些想法的启发。. Bismuth不会从其他存储库中提取任何代码,相反,它以自己的方式对加密货币代码进行改革,使其易于阅读,在所有平台上兼容,最容易地集成到业务解决方案中,最重要的是通过其简单性向广大公众开放开发,同时最大限度地降低自定义代码实现的安全风险。. Bismuth是一个专注于模块化和开源方法的去中心化交易平台。. 它带有开箱即用的默认去中心化应用程序和工具,不仅可以供所有人使用,还可以由任何人托管。.
Bismuth, a digital distributed selfregulating database system whose primary application is currency, and its first application is mining. It comes with a set of DAPPs outofthebox. Bismuth is not based on the code of BTC or any of its derivates, it is only inspired by some ideas laid down by Satoshi Nakamoto BitCoin, Sunny King Peercoin, NXT and ETH developers. Bismuth does not draw any code from other repositories, instead, it reformulates the cr
36 BTC2.0
Bitcoin 2.0 (btc2.0)
以太坊链上的BTC 2.0代币代表了一种将比特币的价值和熟悉度与以太坊生态系统的多功能性和功能相结合的新方法。. 该代币旨在弥合两种主要加密货币之间的差距,为用户提供两个世界的好处。通过利用以太坊区块链,BTC 2.0代币继承了比特币闻名的安全性和去中心化。. 它确保透明和不可变的交易,同时使用户能够在以太坊网络中持有和转移价值。. 这种集成还允许BTC 2.0代币持有者利用以太坊充满活力的生态系统,包括智能合约和去中心化应用程序。.
BTC 2.0 token on the Ethereum chain represents a novel approach to combining the value and familiarity of Bitcoin with the versatility and functionality of the Ethereum ecosystem. This token aims to bridge the gap between the two leading cryptocurrencies,offering users the benefits of both worlds.By leveraging the Ethereum blockchain,BTC 2.0 token inherits the security and decentralization that Bitcoin is renowned for. It ensures transparent and
37 BLX
BlocX (blx)
项目内容BlocX是一种第1层区块链技术,专注于速度,低汽油费和网络的安全性。. 该技术旨在满足不同EVM区块链网络之间日益增长的互操作性需求,随着区块链网络和应用程序数量的持续增长,这一点变得越来越重要。. 该机制设计为高度可扩展,允许快速有效地处理大量事务。. BlocX的主要特点之一是它能够与其他EVM区块链网络无缝集成,允许用户轻松地在不同区块链之间传输资产和数据。. 这是通过使用智能合约来实现的,智能合约允许自动透明地执行复杂的交易。. BlocX的另一个重要特征是它对安全性的关注。.
What is the project aboutBlocX is a Layer 1 blockchain technology that focuses on Speed,Low gas fee and The secureness of the network. The technology has been designed to address the growing need for interoperability between different EVM blockchain networks,which is becoming increasingly important as the number of blockchain networks and applications continues to grow. This mechanism is designed to be highly scalable,allowing for large numbers o
Blox SDK (blox)
BLOX是一个软件开发工具包,旨在帮助视频游戏开发人员将区块链集成到他们的应用程序中。. 开发去中心化应用程序需要大量区块链技术知识,例如钱包、交易 GAS 费用、智能合约等。BLOX SDK旨在为用户和开发人员简化区块链,提供流畅的网站构建器般的体验。.
BLOX is a software development kit which aims at assisting video game developers with integrating the blockchain into their applications. Developing a decentralized application requires a lot of knowledge of blockchain technology such as wallets, transaction GAS fees, smart contracts et cetera.The BLOX SDK aims to simplify the blockchain for both users and developers, providing a smooth websitebuilder like experience.
Boost (boost)
BOOST是一个分散的应用程序平台,旨在通过增加其功能并使其更加健壮来增强当前工具的体验。. BOOST 是原生实用代币,用于解锁高级和可升级功能、治理活动中的未来投票以及未来产品功能的支付处理。. 即将推出的 BOOST 产品包括 BoostSWAP、BoostFARM 和 BoostNFT。. 这些创新产品将改进现有的DeFi基础设施,并有助于扩大去中心化的互联网社区。. BOOST Coin于2021年8月9日推出,流通量为10亿个代币。. Boost目前可以在Uniswap上交易,并将很快在BoostSwap上推出。.
BOOST is a decentralized application platform designed to enhance the experience of current tools by adding to their functionality and making them more robust. BOOST is the native utility token that is used for unlocking advanced and upgradeable features, future voting in governance activities, and payment processing for future product features. Upcoming BOOST products include BoostSWAP, BoostFARM, and BoostNFT. These innovative products will imp
40 BRC
Bracelet (brc)
什么是手镯,为什么我们是独一无二的,以及我们项目的历史Bracelèt网络是一个去中心化的网络,其目标是开发一套可扩展的,用户友好的dApp和现实世界的实用程序,以加速全球加密货币的采用。. Bracelet Network提供了一个千载难逢的机会,以更民主的方式重新构想关键应用程序,赋予个人用户权力:Web 2.0应用程序是严格集中的,而Web 3.0应用程序的功能是在保护用户隐私和自主权的同时分散权力。Bracelet Network通过创建基本工具的Web 3.0迭代,旨在以庆祝Web 3.0精神的方式重新构想这些实用程序应用程序:一种寻求赋予用户权力的精神。使命我们将改进当前的 Web2.0 应用程序并将其过渡到 Web3.0 和区块链,以帮助全球采用加密货币。. 创建高度可扩展的去
Whats Bracelet abou,why we are unique,and history of our projectBracelèt Network is a decentralized network with the goal of developing a suite of scalable,userfriendly dApps and realworld utilities to accelerate global crypto adoption. Bracelet Network offers a onceinalifetime opportunity to reimagine critical applications in a way that more democratically empowers individual users: whereas Web 2.0 applications are strictly centralized,Web 3.0 a
41 BKN
Brickken (bkn)
Brickken正在创建一个dApp去中心化应用程序,该应用程序为个人和企业提供了使用stateoftheart区块链技术在世界任何地方发行自己的安全令牌所需的工具,而无需中介。. Brickken的愿景是创建一个自我维持,自我治理,自筹资金的生态系统,专注于安全令牌产品STO,这将使个人和企业能够在世界任何地方以自己的方式标记任何资产。.
Brickken is creating a dApp decentralized application which provides the tools needed for individuals and businesses to issue their own Security Tokens,anywhere in the world using stateoftheart blockchain technology,without intermediaries. Brickken’s vision is to create a selfsustained,selfgoverned,selffunded ecosystem focused on Security Token Offerings STOs which will enable individuals and businesses to tokenize any asset within their own mean
Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (TON Bridge) (jwbtc)
什么是关于jWBTC的项目是TON区块链上的一个代币,通过 bridge.ton.org 从以太坊转移来,代表包装的比特币。. 每个jWBTC都以包装比特币1:1支持。. jWBTC允许比特币转账在TON区块链上更快地进行,并为BTC在TON生态系统中使用开辟了可能性。jWBTC背后的想法是将比特币的流动性和功能引入TON生态系统,在那里它可以用于去中心化应用程序DApp,智能合约和其他基于TON的平台。TON是一个去中心化,超稳定,用户友好的下一代区块链,交易费用低,最初由Telegram构建,面向数十亿用户。.
What is the project aboutjWBTC is a token on the TON blockchain transferred from Ethereum via bridge.ton.org and representing Wrapped Bitcoin. Each jWBTC is backed 1:1 with Wrapped Bitcoin. jWBTC allows for Bitcoin transfers to be conducted quicker on the TON blockchain and opens up the possibility for BTC to be used in the TON ecosystem.The idea behind jWBTC is to bring the liquidity and functionality of Bitcoin to the TON ecosystem,where it can
BSC FAIR (fair)
BSC Fair 是一个创新的区块链平台,旨在彻底改变开发人员、企业和用户与去中心化应用程序 dApp 交互的方式。. 它旨在为数字未来创建一个安全、透明和去中心化的生态系统。.
BSC Fair is an innovative blockchain platform designed to revolutionize the way developers,businesses,and users interact with decentralized applications dApps. It aims to create a secure,transparent,and decentralized ecosystem for the digital future.
44 BP
BunnyPark (bp)
部署在币安智能链BSC上的BunnyPark是一个新颖安全的去中心化应用程序,充满了机会和乐趣。. BunnyPark的开发者友好性和开放性使其能够与主流和创新的DeFi产品兼容。. 它不仅支持DEX,预言机,NFT,流动性工作量证明,贷款和保险以及其他常见功能,而且还允许通过通用开发人员协议快速构建和灵活组装任何形式的分布式应用程序Dapp。BunnyPark平台作为唯一以NFT替代代币作为治理权的区块链平台,通过销毁BP代币获得独家版权NFT,并将其应用于生态系统建设。. 开放网络将支持基于金融、游戏、影视、音乐、电子竞技和流媒体等传统和创新 DeFi 内容的定制 NFT 的创建和分发。. 这将是NFT在区块链中应用的完美呈现。.
Deployed on Binance Smart Chain BSC, BunnyPark is an novel and secure decentralized application ,full of opportunities and enjoyments. The developer friendliness and openness of BunnyPark enables it be compatible with mainstream and innovative DeFi products. It supports more than DEX, oracle machines, NFTs, liquidity proof of work, loan and insurance among other common features, but as well allows to quickly build and flexibly assemble distribute
45 CEX
ChainEx (cex)
ChainEx是一个尖端的区块链基础设施平台,专注于通过账户抽象来改善用户体验。. 利用ERC4337和账户抽象,ChainEx提供了一个智能合约钱包解决方案,为用户简化了交易和钱包管理。. 这使得与去中心化应用程序dApp的交互更加无缝,降低了通常与区块链技术相关的复杂性和学习曲线。. ERC4337标准为以太坊网络引入了一个名为“UserOperation”的新对象,从而实现了智能钱包的功能。. 当用户发起UserOperation时,“更高层的伪交易对象”被发送到一个单独的内存池,专门用于处理ERC4337交易,这与以太坊主网络的内存池不同。EIP4337提出了一个新颖的概念,称为UserOperation,它本质上是对用户预期事务的详细描述。. 这些 UserOperations 收
ChainEx is a cuttingedge blockchain infrastructure platform that focuses on improving user experience through account abstraction. Utilizing ERC4337 and account abstraction,ChainEx provides a smart contract wallet solution that simplifies transactions and wallet management for users. This enables a more seamless interaction with decentralized applications dApps,reducing the complexity and learning curve typically associated with blockchain techno
Cherry Network (cher)
Cherry 项目是一个去中心化的自治组织,开发针对数据操作优化的第一层区块链网络。. Cherry 是处理数据的去中心化应用程序的特定用途基础设施。. 它建立在Substrate上,实现了stateoftheart加密标准,以提供第二层可扩展性zkSNARKs,并具有节点级IPFS集成,允许Cherry虚拟机与索引可查询数据存储和引用工具进行本机接口。. 这种新颖的原生节点到IPFS通信机制允许智能合约在运行时与更新的数据状态进行交互。. 这些高级功能预构建在我们的核心中,可以通过Cherry的互操作性通道在其他区块链上访问。. 建立在Cherry或许多最著名的去中心化网络上的去中心化应用程序现在可以利用Cherry的功能来增强他们的dApp。.
The Cherry Project is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization developing a layer one blockchain network optimized for data operations. Cherry serves as a purposespecific infrastructure for decentralized applications handling data. Built on Substrate, it implements stateoftheart cryptographic standards to provide for second layer scalability zkSNARKs and features a nodelevel IPFS integration that allows the Cherry Virtual Machine to natively inter
47 CLV
Clevernode (clv)
Clevernodes原生代币CLV在其生态系统中充当挖矿奖励代币。. Clevernode 作为 Xahau 账本上 Evernode 去中心化应用程序 dApp 的托管平台,该账本作为 XRPL XRP 账本的侧链运行。. 用户有机会租用 Evernode 主机并获得$EVR代币奖励。.
Clevernodes native token,CLV,acts as the mining reward token within its ecosystem. Clevernode serves as the hosting platform for Evernode decentralized applications dApps on the Xahau ledger,which operates as a sidechain of the XRPL XRP Ledger. Users have the opportunity to rent an Evernode host and earn rewards in $EVR tokens.
48 CST
Coast CST (cst)
Coast Stablecoin 是一种法币支持的稳定币,是 PRC20,以 1:1 的抵押品持有美元,是新用户直接加入 PulseChain 的途径。. 用户可以从其数字银行账户的余额中以自我托管的方式直接在链上铸造 CST。. 这是在 app.0xcoast.com 执行的。. CST 始终可以通过销毁在我们的去中心化应用程序中兑换 1 美元的美元,并且可以在 app.0xcoast.com/analytics 处获得实时储备证明。. 目前,Phux 和 PulseX v2 上的流动性池中有 >2M 美元的 TVL。.
Coast Stablecoin is a Fiatbacked stablecoin a PRC20 with 1:1 collateral held as USD and functions as an avenue for onboarding new users directly onto PulseChain. Users are able to mint CST directly onchain in a selfcustodial manner from the balance of their digital bank account. This is performed at app.0xcoast.com. CST is always redeemable for $1 of USD at our decentralized application via burning and live proof of reserves are available at app.
49 CPU
ComputingAi (cpu)
通过 ComputingAI 开创性的去中心化应用程序 DApp,体验 DeFi 领域的范式转变,为云存储和计算服务设定新标准。. 借助 ComputingAI,用户可以解锁前所未有的机会来出租和出租计算资源,从而开创一个高效和盈利的新时代。在ComputingAI,我们重新定义了云存储和计算的概念,使用户能够无缝地出租他们的闲置算力和存储容量。. 想象一下,有闲置的电脑躺在周围——现在,这些资产不再积灰,而是可以成为有利可图的被动收入来源。. 我们直观的平台允许用户毫不费力地列出他们的闲置计算机,使他们能够轻松开始赚取额外的现金。. 随着 ComputingAI 处理所有技术方面,设置和管理这些租赁变得轻而易举。.
Experience a paradigm shift in the DeFi landscape with ComputingAIs groundbreaking decentralized application DApp,setting new standards in cloud storage and computing services. With ComputingAI,users unlock unparalleled opportunities to both rent and lease out computing resources like never before,ushering in a new era of efficiency and profitability.At ComputingAI,weve redefined the concept of cloud storage and computing,empowering users to seam
50 0XDEV
Contract Dev AI (0xdev)
AIPowered Solidity 合约生成该项目针对 Solidity 合约生成的常见问题提出了创新的解决方案。关于我们倘谈未来 随着AI在当今的数字时代,区块链技术已成为创建安全透明的去中心化应用程序的强大工具。. 然而,使用以太坊区块链使用最广泛的编程语言 Solidity 开发智能合约可能是一个复杂且耗时的过程,需要专业知识和专业知识。为了应对这一挑战,我们开发了一个编写 Solidity 合约的 AI 机器人,为希望开发基于区块链的应用程序的公司提供快速、可靠且具有成本效益的解决方案。. 我们的机器人使用先进的机器学习算法自动生成 Solidity 代码,简化流程并降低出错风险。. 通过这种方式,我们的目标是使区块链技术的访问民主化,使各种规模的公司能够利用其优势并创建创新的应用
AIPowered Solidity Contract GenerationThis project presents an innovative solution to the common problem of Solidity contract generation.ABOUT USShaping The Future With AIIn today’s digital age,blockchain technology has emerged as a powerful tool for creating secure and transparent decentralized applications. However,developing smart contracts using Solidity,the most widely used programming language for Ethereum blockchain,can be a complex and ti
CORE MultiChain (cmcx)
CORE MultiChain 加密对象资源引擎是一个 PoS 区块链 3.0 框架,专注于互操作性、可扩展性、可用性和隐私性.CORE MultiChain 比现有和传统区块链具有优势,例如分片、简单的区块链创建和实现、跨链功能和高交易吞吐量。CORE 创建了一个去中心化的邻居选择协议,该协议不断努力创建最佳对等连接以减少确认延迟。. 该协议通过不断分析和学习节点如何与邻居交互来实现这一目标。CORE协议如何吸引人•轻量级•与每个对等方的自身利益兼容,或选择最佳邻居的能力•对对抗性行为具有鲁棒性:CORE对等方不需要有关候选邻居的所有详细信息来决定是否连接•激励对等方迅速中继块。 当前和未来的区块链,以实现无缝扩展和通信。. CORE 由于其分片、互操作性和中心算法,在区块链领域提供了多种
CORE MultiChain Cryptographic Object Resource Engine is a PoS blockchain 3.0 framework focused on Interoperability, Scalability, and Usability and Privacy.CORE MultiChain provides advantages over existing and legacy blockchains such as sharding, simplistic blockchain creation and implementation, crosschain capabilities, and high transaction throughput.CORE created a decentralized neighbor selection protocol that continuously strives to create opt
52 CTN
Core Token (ctn)
一种资源丰富的实用代币,用于交换价值或支付由受监管的合规智能合约执行的运营服务。. 核心代币平台是核心区块链网络上所有智能合约的托管人,服务于Ylem智能合约平台。 核心代币CTN通过智能合约将区块链与政府,企业和公众连接起来。• 它建立在企业和人们在日常生活中轻松采用区块链的机会均等的理念之上。 核心代币有 18 位小数来管理高需求和有限供应的便利。.
A resourceful utility token to exchange value or pay for operational services executed by regulated compliant Smart Contracts. The Core Token Platform is the custodial of all Smart Contracts on the Core Blockchain Network serving the Ylem Smart Contract Platform.• Core Token CTN connects Blockchain to governments,businesses,and the general public through Smart Contracts.• It’s a utility token that can be used for payments,exchanging value and ser
CoreAI (core)
CoreAI 是一家旨在通过提供可扩展且安全的虚拟云基础设施来改变区块链上的去中心化应用程序的公司。. 他们利用以太坊智能合约来提供对服务、数据集和高性能计算的轻松访问。. CoreAI 允许用户建立自己的云基础设施,将未使用的资源货币化,并从他人那里购买云资源。. 与传统云服务相比,他们的超级云网络能够以更低的成本实现快速扩展和全球服务访问。. CoreAI还专注于人工智能开发的去中心化和透明度,旨在建立符合社会需求的透明和道德的人工智能模型。. 他们通过实现用户和提供商之间的直接连接来优先考虑数据安全和隐私,从而消除中介机构。.
CoreAI is a company that aims to transform decentralized applications on the blockchain by providing scalable and secure virtual cloud infrastructure. They utilize Ethereum smart contracts to offer easy access to services,data-sets,and high-performance computing. CoreAI allows users to set up their own cloud infrastructure,monetize unused resources,and purchase cloud resources from others. Their Supercloud network enables rapid scaling and global
Cryptiq WEB3 (cryptq)
项目是关于什么的Cryptiq Web3浏览器是一个革命性的网络浏览器,优先考虑去中心化,隐私和安全。. 它为用户提供了一种无缝且高效的方式来访问去中心化网络、与区块链网络交互、管理数字资产以及与去中心化应用程序 dApp 和去中心化金融 DeFi 平台互动。. 该浏览器旨在通过让个人控制他们的数据和在线交互来增强个人的能力,确保隐私并保护他们免受侵入性跟踪和恶意行为者的侵害。是什么让您的项目与众不同Cryptiq Web3浏览器与众不同的是它集成了Web3技术,可以与区块链网络直接交互。. 这意味着用户可以无缝导航快速增长的 Web3 生态系统,管理他们的数字资产,参与智能合约交易,甚至参与去中心化治理。. 浏览器对用户隐私的承诺,以及专注于提供快速高效的浏览性能,进一步将其与传统网络浏览
What is the project aboutCryptiq Web3 Browser is a revolutionary web browser that prioritizes decentralization,privacy,and security. It offers users a seamless and efficient way to access the decentralized web,interact with blockchain networks,manage digital assets,and engage with decentralized applications dApps and decentralized finance DeFi platforms. The browser is designed to empower individuals by giving them control over their data and onl
Cybria (cyba)
项目是关于什么Cybria是一个新的第2层区块链项目。Cybria建立在以太坊网络之上。. 它旨在提高以太坊生态系统内的可扩展性、交易速度和安全性,同时利用网络安全和人工智能人工智能技术来确保网络安全并提高性能。. CYBRIA 旨在通过提供可扩展、安全和高效的第 2 层解决方案来解决以太坊网络的局限性。. 通过利用第 2 层扩展技术,CYBRIA 旨在降低交易成本并提高以太坊网络的吞吐量。是什么让您的项目独一无二Cybria是第一个与AI集成的第2层区块链。. 人工智能在增强CYBRIA的各个方面起着至关重要的作用。. AI技术用于威胁检测,分析可疑交易行为,并提供智能监控和网络管理。项目的历史记录。Cybria 1个月前刚刚推出。.
What is the project aboutCybria is a new Layer 2 Blockchain project.Cybria built on top of the Ethereum network. It aims to enhance scalability,transaction speed,and security within the Ethereum ecosystem while leveraging Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence AI technologies to ensure network safety and improve performance. CYBRIA is designed to address the limitations of the Ethereum network by providing a scalable,secure,and efficient Layer
56 GEN
DAOstack (gen)
DAOstack 是 DAO 的运营堆栈,是用于大规模去中心化协作的综合工具包。. 它提供了集体围绕共同目标和利益自我组织所需的治理和经济框架。. DAOstack基于完全开放,模块化和可升级的架构。DAO 是开放的、自组织的集体,由经济激励和自我执行的代码协调,围绕共同目标进行合作。. 在网络效应的支持下,DAO 为生产开放、可共享的资源(如开源代码和音乐文件)提供了一种收入模式和激励。. 随着更多开放资源的创建,DAO将能够无限扩展,同时保持其敏捷性和一致性,并且在许多情况下与现有的公司结构竞争。. DAO 吸引了区块链领域的顶尖人才,有望实现更高效、更有弹性的组织。.
DAOstack is an operational stack for DAOs, a comprehensive toolkit for decentralized collaboration at scale. It provides the governance and economic framework needed for collectives to selforganize around shared goals and interests. DAOstack is based on a fully open, modular and upgradable architecture.DAOs are open, selforganized collectives coordinated by economic incentives and selfexecuting code, cooperating around shared goals. Powered by th
LiquidApps (dapp)
LiquidApps’ mission is to promote the adoption of decentralized applications dApps at scale by introducing a new ecosystem that aims to make developing on blockchains substantially easier & more affordable.
DappRadar (radar)
Worlds Dapp Store跟踪和排名所有协议和垂直领域的所有去中心化应用程序。.
The Worlds Dapp Store tracking and ranking all decentralized applications, across all protocols and verticals.
59 DMC
Datamall Coin (dmc)
项目是关于什么分散式存储什么使您的项目独一无二真实数据 Storag.确定数据所有权的能力。纳什共识。存储市场在竞争中将趋向于动态平衡,为用户和矿工提供激励。. 在激励存储空间的同时,也激励需求。存储可用且易于使用。支持存储应用服务。您的项目历史一年半您的项目下一步是什么第一步是扩展存储空间,提高存储容量和存储效率。第二步是利用DMC网络吸引业务用户数据和个人用户数据。第三步是建立和支持基于dmc存储的大规模去中心化应用的运行。您的代币可以用于什么用途1。. 用户使用 DMC 购买存储空间2。. 矿工抵押DMC作为存储押金3。. 治理4.. 用户和开发者使用DMC购买和体验DMC生态应用。.
What is the project aboutDecentralized StorageWhat makes your project uniqueReal data Storag.Ability to determine data ownership.Nash consensus.The storage market will tend to be dynamically balanced in the competitionGive incentives to both users and miners. While incentivizing storage space,it also incentivizes demand.Storage is available and easy to use.Support storage application service.History of your project.one and half yearsWhat’s next f
60 DCE
Decentra Ecosystem (dce)
Decentra Ecosystem是一个开创性的基于区块链的平台,有望彻底改变去中心化金融、DeFi和数字资产管理的各个方面。. Decentra 的核心是促进一个由去中心化应用程序、dApp、智能合约和金融工具组成的互联网络,旨在使用户能够更好地控制、透明和高效地控制他们的数字资产。Decentra 生态系统的关键支柱之一是其全面的 DeFi 解决方案套件。. 这些解决方案包括去中心化交易所 DEX、借贷协议、流动性挖矿机会和流动性提供机制等。. 通过这些DeFi工具,用户可以安全、无缝地参与无数的金融活动,如交易、借贷和赚取被动收入,而不需要传统的中介机构。Decentra 生态系统优先考虑互操作性和跨链兼容性,允许用户访问各种区块链网络和资产。. 这种互操作性不仅增强了平台的多功能性
Decentra Ecosystem emerges as a pioneering blockchainbased platform poised to revolutionize various facets of decentralized finance DeFi and digital asset management. At its core,Decentra fosters an interconnected network of decentralized applications dApps,smart contracts,and financial instruments designed to empower users with greater control,transparency,and efficiency over their digital assets.One of the key pillars of the Decentra Ecosystem
DegenMasters AI (dmai)
DegenMasters 是一个创新平台,旨在彻底改变交易者和投资者参与去中心化金融 DeFi 生态系统的方式。. 利用先进的人工智能人工智能,DegenMasters 旨在揭开加密交易和分析的神秘面纱,让经验丰富的交易者和新手都能访问并获利。. 该平台提供了一套工具和功能,包括:代币和钱包的人工智能驱动分析,为用户提供深入的市场洞察力和预测趋势。. 自动交易机器人,根据实时数据和用户偏好执行策略。. 拥有全面交易历史的投资组合经理,可跟踪业绩并优化策略。. 社区驱动的收益分享,奖励DegenMasters代币持有者分享平台利润。新平台将以其可访问性而脱颖而出,最初在 Telegram 上推出,以实现易用性和广泛的覆盖范围,随后是去中心化的应用程序以扩展其产品。DegenMasters 引入
DegenMasters is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the way traders and investors engage with the decentralized finance DeFi ecosystem. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence AI,DegenMasters aims to demystify crypto trading and analytics,making it accessible and profitable for both seasoned traders and newcomers alike. The platform offers a suite of tools and features,including: AIdriven analytics for tokens and wallets,providing


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,068.90 1,995,824,257.80
2 BTC title=BTC 63,519.18 1,993,587,794.51
3 ETH title=ETH 3,113.55 879,603,958.84
4 SOL title=SOL 142.51 672,557,839.34
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 427,152,748.62
6 WIF title=WIF 2.92 256,447,143.53
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 220,211,670.33
8 XRP title=XRP 0.52 182,836,801.28
9 NEAR title=NEAR 6.92 179,238,426.12
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 158,167,690.48
11 ENA title=ENA 0.83 136,886,455.46
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 105,374,093.77
13 COS title=COS 0.03 88,125,166.20
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.36 88,048,245.98
15 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 85,706,869.44
16 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 82,369,621.10
17 LTC title=LTC 86.68 81,567,935.14
18 FTM title=FTM 0.73 68,468,822.75
19 AVAX title=AVAX 35.09 62,476,066.37
20 WLD title=WLD 4.69 61,096,351.50
21 SEI title=SEI 0.59 49,760,789.19
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.71 49,690,739.36
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.20 47,441,134.39
24 TRX title=TRX 0.12 47,322,066.92
25 AR title=AR 31.44 45,290,956.37
26 ADA title=ADA 0.47 41,983,305.47
27 ORDI title=ORDI 42.62 41,369,022.20


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.03 +42.82
2 Civic title=CVC 0.19 +20.45
3 REI Network title=REI 0.09 +9.19
4 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +4.32
5 NEO title=NEO 18.55 +4.27
6 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.58 +3.68
7 Litecoin title=LTC 86.68 +3.61
8 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.69 +3.27
9 BTTC <0.01 +3.13
10 Ethereum Classic title=ETC 27.06 +2.66
11 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.72 +2.63
12 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +2.41
13 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +2.38
14 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +2.29
15 ApeCoin title=APE 1.31 +2.03
16 Harvest Finance title=FARM 85.43 +1.90
17 Galxe title=GAL 4.32 +1.72
18 Sun Token title=SUN 0.02 +1.48
19 SafePal title=SFP 0.84 +1.32
20 Fusionist title=ACE 5.66 +1.00
21 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 482.00 +0.96
22 Gas title=GAS 5.43 +0.69
23 ICON title=ICX 0.24 +0.67
24 MultiversX title=EGLD 42.52 +0.64
25 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.30 +0.63
26 Orion title=ORN 1.57 +0.61
27 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +0.52
28 MANTRA title=OM 0.70 +0.33
29 TerraClassicUSD title=USTC 0.02 +0.24
30 Storj title=STORJ 0.54 +0.11


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -9.04
2 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -8.78
3 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -8.65
4 DeXe title=DEXE 12.42 -8.51
5 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.23 -8.45
6 RONIN 2.85 -8.37
7 Hedera title=HBAR 0.11 -8.24
8 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.92 -7.99
9 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 -7.83
10 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.19 -7.82
11 Decred title=DCR 20.90 -7.81
12 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 -7.79
13 Wanchain title=WAN 0.26 -7.66
14 Conflux title=CFX 0.24 -7.54
15 Marlin title=POND 0.02 -7.52
16 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.55 -7.46
17 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.41 -7.45
18 Tensor title=TNSR 0.96 -7.25
19 Firo title=FIRO 1.59 -7.22
20 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.08 -7.21
21 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.19 -7.16
22 W 0.59 -7.05
23 Cream title=CREAM 43.66 -6.99
24 Axelar title=AXL 1.05 -6.98
25 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.88 -6.87
26 Prosper title=PROS 0.38 -6.78
27 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -6.71
28 Ocean Protocol title=OCEAN 0.91 -6.49
29 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.47 -6.47
30 Portal title=PORTAL 0.90 -6.40

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 狗狗币会在比特币减半 7 个月后再次飙升吗
(Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again)
2 Stripe 这次用稳定币带回了加密支付
(Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin)
3 即使比特币价格下跌,BONK POPCAT 和 Solana 模因币也保持绿色
(BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops)
4 反加密 SEC 委员任期还有 41 天 她会被取代吗
(Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced)
5 6B骗局在法庭上被指控香港比特币ETF亚洲快车的中国漏洞
(6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express)
6 039Epic sat039 从第四个比特币减半区块开采,售价为 21M
(039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M)
7 戈登·戈纳 (Gordon Goner) 谈他戏剧性的健康斗争和无聊猿 3 岁
(Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3)
8 比特币矿商 Marathon 将 2024 年的哈希率目标提高到 50 EH
(Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs)
9 美国联邦调查局(FBI)对加密货币发送器的警告似乎是针对混合器的
(FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers)
10 Solana 看到机构投资组合 CoinShares 大幅增加
(Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares)
11 巨型买入信号加密鲸鱼将 13B 转移到 Coinbase
(Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase)
12 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
13 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
14 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
15 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
16 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
17 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
18 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
19 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
20 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
21 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
22 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
23 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
24 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
25 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
26 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
27 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
28 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
29 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
30 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
31 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
32 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
33 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
34 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
35 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
36 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
37 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
38 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
39 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
40 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
41 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
42 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
43 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
44 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
45 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
46 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
47 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
48 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
49 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
50 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


Verasaw Plant (vrs) Chains of War (mira) Kikswap (kik) Slime Royale Cupid Essence (sce) iBG Finance (BSC) (ibg) Wallet Defi (wdf) Fishing Tuna (tuna) Gold Guaranteed Coin (ggcm) TemDAO (tem) RocketFi (rocketfi)


Autonolas (olas)King of Legends (kol)Wrapped OAS (woas)NEAT (neat)TrustPad (tpad)

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