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硬币相关 #Blockchain

币名 细节
Polygon (matic)
Polygon 以前 Matic Network 是第一个结构良好、易于使用的平台,用于以太坊扩展和基础设施开发。. 它的核心组件是Polygon SDK,这是一个模块化的灵活框架,支持构建多种类型的应用程序。使用多边形,可以创建乐观汇总链、ZK 汇总链、独立链或开发人员所需的任何其他类型的基础设施。. Polygon有效地将以太坊转变为一个成熟的多链系统,即区块链互联网。. 这个多链系统类似于其他系统,如Polkadot,Cosmos,Avalanche等,具有以太坊的安全性,充满活力的生态系统和开放性的优势。建立在PlasmaPOS链上的现有生态系统不会改变。. 借助 Polygon,正在围绕现有的成熟技术构建新功能,以扩展满足开发人员生态系统多样化需求的能力。. Polygon将继续开
Polygon Previously Matic Network is the first wellstructured, easytouse platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types of applications.Using Polygon, one can create Optimistic Rollup chains, ZK Rollup chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the developer. Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a ful
Decentraland (mana)
Decentraland是一个以太坊驱动的虚拟现实平台。. 在这个虚拟世界中,您购买了几块土地,以后可以遍历、建造和货币化。. 您可以做的事情没有限制。. 这是第一个完全由用户拥有的数字平台。. 与《天际》和《辐射》等游戏类似,Decentraland是一个全沉浸式的虚拟宇宙。. 但是,您不是在二维屏幕上播放,而是参与三维世界。.
Decentraland is an Ethereumpowered virtual reality platform. In this virtual world, you purchase plots of land that you can later traverse, build upon, and monetize. There’s no limit to what you can do. It’s the first digital platform that’s completely owned by its users. Similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout, Decentraland is an allimmersive virtual universe. However, instead of playing on a 2dimensional screen, you participate in a 3dimension
EOS (eos)
由EOS社区构建和运营的区块链。. EOSIO核心开发现在掌握在社区手中: 关于EOS支持:是一个由社区成员发起的组织,作为礼宾员,为使用EOS网络的客户提供用户和技术支持.EOS支持团队提供新的服务,例如曼德尔共识升级的协调工作,知识库,技术支持,以及EOS网络的更多支持。资料来源:EOS网络基金会2022年第一季度报告:13:。.
Blockchain built and run by the EOS Community. The EOSIO core development is now in the hands of the community: About EOS Support: is an organisation started by community members that serves as a concierge for providing user and technical support for customers who use the EOS Network.EOS Support team offers new services such as coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade,knowledge base,technical support,and many more for the EOS networ
Qtum (qtum)
Qtum是一个去中心化的开源智能合约平台和价值转移协议。. Qtum使用权益证明共识,这意味着节点运营商因验证交易而获得奖励。. 它是一个DGP管理的区块链,社区参与者可以投票更改某些网络参数。. Qtum建立在比特币核心分叉上,但该基金会在几个关键工具的帮助下创建了自己的混合区块链。. 该硬币使用比特币的链,因为它简单而稳定,使基金会更容易建立起来。由于QTUM项目是比特币和以太坊的混合体,其团队由来自比特币和以太坊社区的成员组成。. 他们还有曾经与腾讯、阿里巴巴、纳斯达克等合作过的团队成员。.
Qtum is a decentralized and opensource smart contracts platform and value transfer protocol. Qtum uses proofofstake consensus, meaning node operators are rewarded for validating transactions. It is a DGP governed blockchain where community participants can vote to change certain network parameters. Qtum is built on a bitcoin core fork, but the foundation has created its own hybrid blockchain with the help of several key tools. The coin uses bitco
Toncoin (ton)
1 区块链,包括原生钱包 沙盒dapp环境和大量开发工具可帮助您入门了解更多 Ton是一个开放的网络,旨在帮助数十亿人使用互联网。. 它有一个 50,000 美元的奖池,以帮助人们了解智能合约的工作原理,您可以通过质押 Ton 来获利。. 您还可以在网络之间转移 Ton,购买用户友好的名称,阅读 Ton 的概念并成为验证者。. 有很多工具可用于探索 Ton 生态系统,您可以通过设置自己的活动或查找错误以获得奖励来参与其中。.
1 Blockchains Including A Native Wallet Sandboxed Dapp Environmentsand Tons Of Development Tools To Help You Get Startedlearn More Ton is an open network that is designed to help billions of people use the internet. It has a prize pool of $50,000 to help people learn how smart contracts work and you can make a profit by staking Ton. You can also transfer Ton between networks,buy user-friendly names,read about the concept of Ton and become a valid
Chromia (chr)
区块链技术中的难题是如何以一种既安全又可访问的方式存储数据 我们采用关系数据库并将其与加密相结合,使数据既安全又可访问 这是区块链技术未解之谜的解决方案 铬亚徽标主页 什么是Upup 代币质押开发人员路线图博客 元界拨款创新实验室白皮书 Chromia 是一个区块链平台,使人们可以轻松构建去中心化应用程序。. 它帮助人们玩游戏,拥有虚拟岛屿并解决难题。. 它还具有供企业安全跟踪信息的工具。. Chromia就像一个拼图,可以用来让世界变得更美好!.
olved Puzzle In Blockchain Tech Is How To Store Data In A Waythat Is Both Secure And Accessible We Take Relational Databases Andcombine It With Cryptography That Makes The Data Both Secure Andaccessible Together This Is The Solution To The Unsolved Puzzle Ofblockchain Tech Chromia Logo Home Whats Upup Token Staking Developers Roadmap Blog Metaverse Grant Innovation Lab Whitepaper Chromia is a blockchain platform that makes it easy for people to b
IOTA (miota)
IOTA是物联网的分布式账本。. 第一个具有微交易免费以及安全数据传输的分类账。. 量子证明。. IOTA是一个突破性的新的开源分布式账本,不使用区块链。. 其创新的新型量子证明协议,称为Tangle,产生了独特的新功能,如零费用,无限可扩展性,快速交易,安全数据传输等等。. IOTA最初专注于充当物联网物联网的骨干.IOTA是一种加密货币,没有交易费用,不需要矿工来处理交易。.
IOTA is a distributed ledger for the Internet of Things. The first ledger with microtransactions without fees as well as secure data transfer. Quantum proof. IOTA is a ground breaking new opensource distributed ledger that does not use a blockchain. Its innovative new quantumproof protocol, known as the Tangle, gives rise to unique new features like zero fees, infinite scalability, fast transactions, secure data transfer and many others. IOTA is
aelf (elf)
Aelf是一个多功能的商业区块链平台,由云计算和企业的中枢神经系统提供支持,改变了他们提供服务的方式。. 通过布局基本的区块链基础设施,Aelf使企业能够专注于以最小的努力在自己的链上构建自己的dapp。. 作为万能钥匙,Aelf 利用跨链效率释放了业务间通信和协作的潜力。. Aelf融合了云节点和并行处理等现代技术,是实现商业规模安全交易的区块链系统。Aelf 是在其大规模商业采用计划之后吸引加密爱好者的加密货币之一。. 该硬币似乎在技术方面处于领先地位,具有更高的区块链效率,这就是为什么它也有望成为区块链的Linux。. AELF是区块链的操作系统,可以由各自的用户定制。.
Aelf is the versatile business blockchain platform powered by cloud computing and the central nervous system for businesses, transforming the way they deliver their services. By laying out the fundamental blockchain infrastructure, Aelf enables businesses to focus on building up their own dapps on their own chains with minimum effort. Acting as the master key, Aelf unlocks the potential for interbusiness communication and collaboration using cros
Bitcoin SV (bsv)
什么是比特币SV BSV 比特币SV BSV是在2018年比特币现金BCH区块链硬分叉之后出现的,而比特币现金BCH区块链又在一年前从BTC区块链分叉而来。. 比特币SV的目标是实现中本聪白皮书、早期比特币客户端软件和已知的中本聪著作中描述的比特币协议和设计的最初愿景。. BSV旨在提供符合比特币作为点对点电子现金系统的原始描述的可扩展性和稳定性,并提供一个可以支持企业级高级区块链应用的分布式数据网络。. 为此,它取消了人为的区块大小限制,并重新启用了脚本命令和其他技术功能,这些功能在历史上一直被BTC区块链的协议开发人员禁用或限制。. 这使得网络每秒可以处理数万笔交易,同时保持极低的小额支付交易费用,此外还提供代币、智能合约、计算和其他数据用例等高级功能。. BSV网络的独特之处在于其无限
What Is Bitcoin SV BSV Bitcoin SV BSV emerged following a hard fork of the Bitcoin Cash BCH blockchain in 2018, which had in turn forked from the BTC blockchain a year earlier. The goal of Bitcoin SV is to fulfil the original vision of the Bitcoin protocol and design as described in Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, early Bitcoin client software and known Satoshi writings. BSV aims to offer scalability and stability in line with the original desc
10 DGB
DigiByte (dgb)
什么是DigiByteDigiByte不仅仅是一种更快的数字货币。. 它是一种创新的区块链,可用于数字资产、智能合约、去中心化应用程序和安全身份验证。是什么让DigiByte比其他区块链更强大DigiByte是一个快速增长的开源区块链,创建于2013年底,并于2014年初发布。. 经过6年的前瞻性思维发展,DigiByte已成为现存最安全,最快,最长和最分散的UTXO区块链之一。True Decentralized.DigiByte从未通过ICO或大量预挖硬币获得资金。. 没有首席执行官或公司控制DigiByte区块链。. 这是一个以志愿者为基础的全球社区驱动的项目。更安全。DigiByte使用5种加密算法和实时难度调整,防止恶意挖矿中心化和算力波动。. 其中之一是Odocrypt,它每10
What is DigiByteDigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication.What makes DigiByte stronger than othersDigiByte is a rapidly growing opensource blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and
11 XDC
XDC Network (xdc)
XDC网络是一家企业就绪的混合区块链技术公司,针对国际贸易和金融进行了优化。. XDC网络由称为XDC的原生硬币提供支持。. XDC协议的架构支持智能合约,2000TPS,2秒交易时间,KYC到主节点验证器节点。. XDC链XinFin数字合约使用XinFin委托权益证明XDPoS,旨在创建一个“高度可扩展,安全,许可和商业级”的区块链网络。. XinFin主网代币XDC还创造了利用XinFin真实世界用例(如 TradeFinex.org)的机会,帮助中小型企业或机构以数字化,完全结构化的方式发起自己的财务需求,以便他们可以使用通用的分配标准将其分发给银行或非银行出资者自己。.
XDC Network is an enterpriseready hybrid Blockchain technology company optimized for international trade and finance. The XDC Network is powered by the native coin called XDC. The XDC protocol is architected to support smart contracts, 2000TPS, 2seconds transaction time, KYC to Masternodes Validator Nodes. The XDC Chain XinFin Digital Contract uses XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake XDPoS, with the intending to create a ‘highlyscalable, secure, perm
12 ABT
Arcblock (abt)
ArcBlock 项目的创建是为了创建世界上第一个区块链生态系统。. 根据目标开发和开发去中心化应用程序DApp。. ArcBlock,2018年初出现的ICO项目之一。. 2018 年 3 月 1 日刚刚推出的 ArcBlock 迅速吸引了科技界和投资者的关注。. ArcBlock 带来了巨大的技术进步,将开启第三代区块链应用。通过弥合不同区块链及其各自生态系统之间的差距来弥补Arcblock的工作并不容易。. 有一些解决方案试图解决这个问题,但很明显,在这方面有很大的竞争空间。.
The ArcBlock project was created to create the first Blockchain ecosystem in the world. Develop and develop decentralized applications DApp according to objectives. ArcBlock, one of the ICO projects emerging in early 2018. Just launched on 3/1/2018, ArcBlock has quickly attracted the attention of technology as well as investors. ArcBlock brings great technological advancements that will open the third generation of blockchain applications.Arcbloc
Loom Network (NEW) (loom)
以太坊的下一代区块链应用平台.Loom Network的DPoS侧链允许真正可扩展的区块链游戏和DApps,并具有以太坊主网的安全性。. 就像以太坊上的EOS一样,什么是织机网络织机网络是以太坊的第2层扩展解决方案,正在生产中。. 它是一个DPoS侧链网络,允许高度可扩展的游戏和面向用户的DApp,同时仍然由生产中 Ethereum.Live 的安全性提供支持织机网络自2018年3月以来一直在生产中。. 开发人员,今天就开始在 Loom 上构建。高度可扩展的侧链被称为“以太坊上的EOS”,Loom的DPoS侧链提供了与EOS等替代平台相同的高可扩展性和吞吐量,同时仍然完全兼容以太坊和安全。在以太坊的支持下,我们构建了世界上第一个等离子现金实施,允许基于以太坊的代币在织机侧链上使用,并具有以太
The NextGeneration Blockchain Application Platform for Ethereum.Loom Network’s DPoS sidechains allow for truly scalable blockchain games and DApps with the security of Ethereum mainnet. Like EOS on Ethereum.What is Loom NetworkLoom Network is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that is live in production. It is a network of DPoS sidechains, which allows for highlyscalable games and userfacing DApps while still being backed by the security of
Seedify.fund (sfund)
Seedify 是一个区块链游戏孵化器和启动板,成立于 2021 年 2 月,旨在通过游戏赚取收入模式来重新定义区块链游戏环境,通过为游戏项目提供最好的启动板和孵化平台来赚取收入模式,并通过 IGO 初始游戏产品将这些项目推向社区。. Seedify为社区带来了在BSC,Polygon和Solana网络上开发的最令人兴奋的区块链游戏计划。. 最近,Seedify一直在加强其孵化方面,为早期的区块链游戏提供更强大的支持,并帮助他们在通过IGO进入市场时充分发挥潜力。Seedify得到了Elrond,Polygon和Chainling等主要区块链公司的大力支持,此外还有许多大型风险投资,为Seedify的增长提供了所需的基础。Seedify的生态系统基于5个支柱:Launchpad,Incuba
Seedify is a Blockchain Gaming Incubator and Launchpad founded in February 2021 that aims to redefine the blockchain gaming environment by empowering lives through playtoearn revenue models by providing the best Launchpad and Incubation platform to gaming projects and, launchings these projects to the community via the IGOs Initial Gaming Offering. Seedify brings to the community the most exciting Blockchain Games initiatives developed on BSC, Po
Solidus Ai Tech (aitech)
AITECH全球首个通货紧缩人工智能实用代币Solidus已成功构建了一个占地超过8,000平方英尺的环保意识,高性能计算HPC数据中心。. 该设施地理位置优越,位于高度安全的欧洲位置。. 结合这一非凡的成就,Solidus准备推出世界上开创性的通货紧缩人工智能代币,称为AITECH。. 该令牌将用作许可人工智能即服务 AIaaS、区块链即服务 BaaS 以及通过其基础设施即服务 IaaS 平台访问 HPC 资源的支付网关。. 此外,Solidus打算建立一个迎合软件开发人员的独家市场,使他们能够推出人工智能软件应用程序供最终用户许可。. 通过这一创新举措,开发商将参与利润分享模式,从而获得可观的利益。.
AITECH The worlds first deflationary artificial intelligence utility token Solidus has successfully constructed an environmentally conscious,stateoftheart HighPerformance Computing HPC Data Centre spanning over 8,000 square feet. This facility is strategically situated in a highly secure European location. In conjunction with this remarkable achievement,Solidus is poised to unveil the worlds pioneering deflationary Artificial Intelligence token,k
16 SYS
Syscoin (sys)
系统币提供快速、低成本的代币、资产和由比特币自己的哈希算力、去中心化共识模型和抗审查性保护的部分 NFT。. 由2700个独立的全节点支持,这些节点目前参与系统币的去中心化网络,所有这些节点都进行存档和验证。. 它们共同构成了系统币ZDAG协议正在申请专利所使用的高吞吐量中继网络。. 该平台提供了许可的L2智能合约功能,即系统币公证,这对于大规模监管合规等非常有用。. 其雄心勃勃的路线图旨在定义下一代去中心化账本技术,利用零知识证明在协调和可扩展的Web 3.0平台中提供比特币和以太坊的最佳特征。. 系统币与Binance,Blockchain Foundry,Klever,TrustToken,Komodo,Decentralized Identity Foundation DIF,Mic
Syscoin offers fast, lowcost tokens, assets, and fractional NFT’s secured by Bitcoin’s own hash power, decentralized consensus model, and censorship resistance. Backed by 2700 independent full nodes which participate in Syscoin’s decentralized network at present, all of which archive and validate. Together they form the highthroughput relay network used by Syscoin’s ZDAG Protocol patent pending. The platform offers the option of a permissioned L2
Venom (venom)
什么是毒液毒液是一个多区块链网络,是 DeFi 和全球支付市场中可扩展 Web3 应用程序的基础。. 区块链提供了最佳的交易可扩展性解决方案和经济可扩展性。毒液架构被设计为具有动态分片的异构多区块链平台。. 毒液主链是0层区块链,负责协调工作链、分片链等所有协议实体。. 主链状态存储网络配置、有关一组验证者的信息、它们的赌注和选举轮次。. 毒液最多支持 2^32 个工作链。毒液提供了一个虚拟机,可以在毒液区块链上执行智能合约代码。. 它是图灵完备虚拟机。.
What Is VenomVenom is a multiblockchain network being a basis for scalable Web3 applications in the DeFi and Global Payments markets. Blockchain provides the best transactional scalability solution and economic scalability.Venom architecture is designed as a heterogeneous multiblockchain platform with dynamic sharding. Venom masterchain is layer0 blockchain,which is responsible for coordinating all the protocol entities such as workchains and sha
COCOS BCX (cocos)
Cocos 区块链探险是一个 DAO,旨在通过去中心化技术和 MetaFi 实现未来的元宇宙。. 我们目前正在为 NFT、游戏Fi、IGO 等开发各种基础设施。. 我们的使命是成为全栈工具箱,帮助开发人员和用户拥抱加密经济。.
Cocos Blockchain Expedition is a DAO to enable the future Metaverse with decentralization technology and MetaFi. We currently develop various infrastructures for NFT, GameFi, IGO and more. Our mission is to become the fullstack toolbox to help developers and users embrace the crypto economy.
19 CCD
Concordium (ccd)
Concordium 提供了一个值得信赖的科学解决方案,在协议级别具有自我主权识别,并使用零知识证明加密技术进行机密性。Concordium Blockchain旨在提供一个分布式执行平台,支持金融科技和其他行业的监管合规。. 以欧元计算,网络费用低廉、可预测且稳定。Concordium提出了最值得信赖的科学解决方案,在协议级别具有自我主权识别,并且由于ZKP密码学而具有机密性。.
Concordium offers a trustable stateofthescience solution with selfsovereign identification at the protocol level and confidentiality using Zero Knowledge Proof cryptography.Concordium Blockchain is designed and built to provide a distributed execution platform that supports regulatory compliance for Fintech and other industries. Network fees are low, predictable and stable in Euro terms.Concordium proposes the most trustable stateofthescience sol
Dego Finance (dego)
Dego.finance创建了一个跨链NFT + DeFi协议和基础设施,以及一个开放的NFT生态系统,任何人都可以在其中铸造NFT,发起NFT挖矿,拍卖和交易。. Dego.finance还提供跨链基础设施,使区块链项目能够扩大用户群,分发代币并开发各种应用程序。. DEGO正在通过Substrate构建平行链,实现跨链NFT资产转移,结合应用程序和底层协议。.
Dego.finance created a crosschain NFT+DeFi Protocol & Infrastructure, and an open NFT ecosystem where anyone can mint NFTs, initiate NFT mining, auctions and trading. Dego.finance also offers a crosschain infrastructure to enable Blockchain projects to grow user base, distribute tokens, and develop diverse applications. DEGO is building a Parachain through Substrate, enabling crosschain NFT asset transfers, combining applications and underlying
21 OKB
OKB (okb)
按交易量计算,OKEx是第二大最受欢迎的加密货币交易所,今天推出了其平台代币“OKB”,其中包含10个交易对。. 在其官方支持页面上,OKEx描述OKB是由OK区块链基金会发行的全球实用代币。. OKB的总可用供应量将为10亿个代币1,000,000,000,分配60%的供应量,分配给OKEx客户,用于社区建设和营销活动。. 据OKEx称,该公司本月早些时候正式发布了ERC20协议的OKB。. 该公司否认ICO首次代币发行和公开筹款。. 据报道,该公司曾表示将很快将代币转移到其官方OK链上,随后它不仅将应用于OKEx的平台,还将应用于其他相关项目。.
OKEx, the 2nd most popular cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, launched its platform token ‘OKB‘ today with 10 trading pairs. On its official support page, OKEx describes OKB is a global utility token issued by the OK Blockchain Foundation. The total available supply of OKB will be one billion tokens 1,000,000,000, with a distribution model that allocates 60% of the supply will be given out to OKEx customers for community building and duri
Steem (steem)
Steem是一种加密货币,通过为他人发布和投票有价值的内容来奖励用户进行社区建设。. Steem受到Reddit成功的启发,社区帮助股东致富。. Steem旨在帮助将奖励分配给最初帮助创建社区的社区成员。. Steem旨在为其成员提供各种服务,例如策划新闻,问答,工作委员会等来源。. Steem的创始人来自BitShares,Dan Larimer也参与其中。Steem的主要平台称为Steemit,是一个建立在Steem区块链之上的社交媒体网络。. Steemit类似于Reddit和Medium等流行的内容驱动社交网络,但它会奖励用户的参与加密货币。.
Steem is a cryptocurrency that rewards users for community building by posting and upvoting valuable content for others. Steem was inspired from the success of Reddit where the community helped enrich the shareholders. Steem aims to help distribute the rewards to the community members who help create the community in the first place. Steem aims to provide various services to its members such as a source of curated news, Q&A, job boards etc. The f
Stratis (strax)
Stratis是一个强大而灵活的区块链开发平台,专为现实世界的金融服务企业和其他希望在区块链上开发,测试和部署应用程序的组织的需求而设计。. Stratis大大简化了创建区块链应用程序的开发过程,并加快了区块链开发项目的生命周期。. Stratis私有链允许企业部署自己的定制区块链,而无需运行自己的区块链网络基础设施。Stratis平台的愿景是成为所有区块链事物的一站式商店,主要是成为blockchainasaservice BAAS平台。. 从技术上讲,它是比特币核心代码的克隆,具有一些增强功能,并用C#语言而不是C++语言编写。该团队总部设在英国,但有一个分散的结构,成员遍布世界各地。. 他们的管理团队中的几个人精通使用 .NET 和 C# 进行企业软件开发——考虑到这是项目的两种主要语
Stratis is a powerful and flexible Blockchain Development Platform designed for the needs of the real world financial services businesses and other organisations that want to develop, test and deploy apps on the blockchain. Stratis significantly simplifies the development process for creating Blockchain applications and accelerates the lifecycle for Blockchain development projects. Stratis private chain allows businesses to deploy their own custo
WAX (waxp)
WAX是一种专门构建的区块链和协议令牌,旨在使所有参与者的电子商务交易更快,更轻松,更安全。. WAX区块链使用委托权益证明DPoS作为其共识机制,并与EOS完全向后兼容。. WAX开发的自定义功能和激励机制旨在优化区块链在电子商务中的可用性,并鼓励对公会和提案进行投票。WAX 创建了一套基于区块链的工具,在此基础上构建了 dApp、市场和原生不可替代代币 NFT。. 这些工具包括支持电子商务运营的服务,例如WAX云钱包,SSO和OAUTH,本机RNG服务和开发人员门户。. 据报道,由此产生的技术代表了一种具有500毫秒区块时间的区块链架构,对客户来说是免费的,并利用投票奖励来激励参与选择区块生产者和提案。.
WAX is a purposebuilt blockchain and protocol token designed to make ecommerce transactions faster, easier, and safer for all participants. The WAX Blockchain uses Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS as its consensus mechanism and is fully backward compatible with EOS. The custom features and incentive mechanisms developed by WAX are designed to optimize the blockchains usability in ecommerce, and encourage voting on guilds and proposals.WAX has create
25 ZEN
Horizen (zen)
Horizen 是一个零知识区块链网络,由业内最大的节点基础设施提供支持。. 区块链互操作性由 Zendoo 协议实现,该协议使用 SNARKverification 并允许在侧链类型、共识、速度和隐私方面具有完全的灵活性。. 网络链的加密验证提供了巨大的规模,该网络目前支持多达 10,000 条侧链,吞吐量限制为 10,000,000 TPS。Zendoo使Horizen成为一个无需许可的区块链网络。. 开发人员可以使用各种SDK在生态系统中部署他们的区块链。. 第一套SDK,Blaze和Latus,部署基于IOHK的区块链,可证明安全的Ouroboros权益证明协议。. Blaze提供高速链,声明自己的认证者,可以运行高达1,000 TPS,而Latus使用递归SNARK组合实现完全去中
Horizen is a zeroknowledgeenabled network of blockchains powered by the largest node infrastructure in the industry. Blockchain interoperability is enabled by the Zendoo protocol, which uses SNARKverification and allows for complete flexibility in sidechain type, consensus, speed, and privacy. Cryptographic verification of networked chains offers massive scale, and the network currently supports up to 10,000 sidechains with a throughput limit of
26 ACT
Achain (act)
Achain是一个公共区块链平台,使各级开发人员能够发行代币并创建智能合约,去中心化应用程序和区块链系统。. Achain致力于构建信息交换和价值交易的全球区块链网络。. 与比特币或以太坊不同,Achain利用DPoS的修改版本——RDPoS结果委托权益证明来建立节点共识。. 不久,DPoS建议所有硬币持有者投票支持将产生下一个区块的验证者节点。在项目网站上,只列出了有关首席执行官Tony Cui的信息。. 崔永元取得了一些重大成就,包括获得中关村联盟未来之星奖,并入选著名风险投资杂志CYZONE的30位30岁以下精英。. LinkedIn,Achain有51名员工被列为员工。.
Achain is a public blockchain platform that enables developers of all levels to issue tokens and create smart contracts, decentralized applications, and blockchain systems. Achain is committed to building a global blockchain network for information exchange and value transactions. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, Achain utilizes a modified version of DPoS — RDPoS Resultdelegated Proof of Stake to establish node consensus. Shortly, DPoS suggests that a
27 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
Areon Network (area)
Areon Network 是下一代区块链技术,旨在开发自己的区域证明区块链技术,提供更快、更可靠的 NFT 交换、更真实的元宇宙体验,并通过忠诚度计划奖励用户。. 它的目标是让加密人员拥有更安全、更快、更实惠的加密体验。. Areon Network Properties,PoA AreonChain Blockchain EcosystemmetAREON NFT MarketplaceAreonCity MetauniverseAreon AcademyAREA 是第一个使用区域证明 POA 协议的加密货币。. Areon Network是Area Proof of Area POA的创建者。面积证明是作为比特币工作量证明协议的替代品出现的,是一种考虑数字资产所有权的协议,而不是基于计
Areon Network is a nextgeneration blockchain technology that aims to develop its own Proof of Area blockchain technology,providing faster and more reliable NFT exchange,a more real metaverse experience,and rewarding its users with loyalty programs. Its goal is for crypto people to have a safer,faster and more affordable crypto experience. Areon Network Properties;PoA AreonChain Blockchain EcosystemmetAREON NFT MarketplaceAreonCity MetauniverseAre
29 ADF
Art de Finance (adf)
[项目内容]Art de Finance 是一个用于数字艺术/NFT 和物理艺术的 Web 3.0 艺术平台。. Art de Finance提供NFT市场,区块链社交平台,NFT真实性证明,艺术品存储的实体艺术和艺术融资服务。[是什么让您的项目与众不同]ADF 不仅是一个 NFT 市场,而且还建立了一个 web3.0 社交策展项目、实体艺术推广和存储服务。. 每项服务都有其支持艺术家和 NFT 市场并有助于流动性的特点。ADF平台包含4个相互连接的专用平台.1ADF主平台提供DeFiNFTFi,DAO和治理.2Artiside是ADF的社交策展平台。. 艺术家可以通过平台铸造作品,通过服务与粉丝交流并形成同人圈。. Artiside支持“播种”,这是一种独特的质押系统,可以将新兴艺术家与社
[What is the project about]Art de Finance is a Web 3.0 Art Platform for Digital Arts/NFT & Physical Arts. Art de Finance Provides NFT Marketplace,Blockchain Social Platform,NFT Proof of Authenticity,Art Storage for Physical Arts & Art Financing Service.[What makes your project unique]ADF is not only an NFT marketplace but also establishing a web3.0 social curation project,physical art promotion & storage service. Each service has its characterist
30 ATR
Artrade (atr)
Artrade 应用程序为 NFT 创建者和 NFT 投资者提供了一个简化、用户友好的应用程序,消除了当前 NFT 市场的高额铸造费、高昂的佣金、社会脱节和环境影响。. Artrade 是第一个致力于 NFT 的生态责任应用程序。. 它允许其用户以最简单、最快的方式查看、参考、保留、购买和创建自己的 NFT。. 此外,还将提供许多独家功能,例如 NFT Live 和 NFT Real,以及实用代币:ATR 在平台降低成本、参与决策等方面具有许多优势。在 Artrade 上,用户可以:进行交易:购买、出售、以法定货币或加密货币出价, 创建:使用 NFT Live,现在可以直接从您的智能手机创建 NFT, 显示:在个性化的虚拟画廊中, 获得奖励:通过在画廊中分享或展示艺术家作品, 发现:喜欢、分
The Artrade app provides NFT creators and NFT investors with a streamlined, userfriendly app that eliminates the high minting fees, exorbitant commissions, social disconnect, and environmental impact of the current NFT marketplace. Artrade is the first ecoresponsible application dedicated to NFT. It allows its users to view, reference, keep, buy and create their own NFTs in the simplest and fastest possible way. In addition, many exclusive featur
31 BAD
Bad Idea AI (bad)
从机器人个人助理到自动驾驶汽车,人工智能技术已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面,让我们既敬畏又焦虑。. 人工智能是我们的救世主还是我们的垮台 为了回答这个问题,我们创建了$BAD,一个分散的实验,将区块链、人工智能和DAO结合在一个有风险的、模因的混合物中。. 我们已经将规划和更多工作交给了人工智能和社区,并希望得到最好的结果。. 把$BAD想象成人类的冰雹玛丽通行证,这是在一个人工智能威胁要发号施令的世界中确保我们未来的最后努力。.
From robotic personal assistants to selfdriving cars,AI technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives,leaving us both awestruck and anxious. Will AI be our savior or our downfall To answer that question,weve created $BAD,a decentralized experiment that combines Blockchain,AI,and DAOs in a risky,memeworthy concoction. We’ve handed the planning and more to AI & the community and are hoping for the best outcome. Think of $BAD as humanitys Hai
ChainGPT (cgpt)
通过 ChainGPT 释放区块链 AI 的力量。. ChainGPT 是专为区块链技术和加密相关主题设计的高级 AI 模型。. 它使用最新的算法和高速计算能力来解决区块链和加密领域的挑战性问题。. 使用ChainGPT,用户可以快速获得他们需要的任何知识和信息。. 凭借为个人、开发人员和企业设计的许多其他独特功能,ChainGPT 是区块链领域所有人的必备工具。其独特功能包括:区块链和加密信息,nocode智能合约生成器,智能合约审计师,代码调试器,codetowords,文档创建者,图表分析和技术分析,AML功能,区块链分析,链上实时数据,新闻来源等等。. 通过创建最先进的AI模型,我们为用户提供了可以应用ChainGPT的无限用例。.
Unleash the power of Blockchain AI with ChainGPT. ChainGPT is an advanced AI model explicitly designed for Blockchain Technology and Cryptorelated topics. It uses the latest algorithms and highspeed computing capabilities to address challenging issues in the Blockchain and Crypto space. Using ChainGPT,users may quickly obtain whatever knowledge and information they require. With many other unique features designed for individuals,developers,and b
Ternoa (caps)
记忆是我们身份的重要组成部分。. 如果记忆在塑造我们方面起着至关重要的作用,那么事实是,记忆本质上是一种部分的东西,只有图像、声音和文本等媒体才能让我们保留和记住我们的过去。. 这些支持还使我们能够将记忆传递给后代,以便他们能够继续庆祝那些离开的人的记忆。. 因此,记忆是我们必须能够这样对待的宝贵商品。. 过去几十年的悖论是,由于数字技术,内存的生产几乎以无限的方式成功实现了民主化,同时未能提供随着时间的推移保存它们的解决方案。. 事实上,以安全可靠的方式存储我们创建的所有生活数据变得越来越困难。.
Memories are an essential part of who we are. If memory plays an essential role in shaping us, then the truth is that memory is by its very nature a partial thing, and only media such as images, sound and texts enable us to keep and remember our past. These supports also allow us to transmit memories to succeeding generations so that they can continue to celebrate the memory of those who have left. Memories are therefore precious goods that we mu
34 DAG
Constellation (dag)
什么是DAGI在更传统的区块链中,主持人为这个聚会提供食物/饮料,即资源。. 当客人到达时,资源量只能容纳这么多人,份量很小,然后一切都用完了,派对结束了。. 把星座DAG想象成一个聚餐派对,每个人都会带食物/饮料。. 随着网络每增加一个访客节点,参与方必须继续运行的资源就越多。. 这就是Constellation的本质,这是一个水平扩展的分布式系统。星座是区块链不完全是。. 尽管受到去中心化原则的启发,但比特币和以太坊等许多标准区块链都面临着可扩展性问题。.
What is DAGIn more traditional blockchains, the host provides the food/drinks i.e resources for this party. And when the guests arrive, the amount of resources can only accommodate so many people, the portions are small and then everything eventually runs out and the party ends. Think Constellation DAG like a potluck a party where everyone brings food/drinks. With every added guest node to the network, the more resources the party has to keep goi
DeRace (derc)
DeRace 是一个基于区块链构建并由 DERC 提供支持的虚拟 NFT 赛马世界 DeRace 是一个完整的 NFT 赛马生态系统,您可以在其中参与赛马、培育具有独特特征的 NFT 马匹、建造自己的 NFT 竞技场、投注比赛并在这样做的同时赚取 DERC。. DeRace 正在静态 NFT 市场中注入新的活力,让玩家能够与富含 DNA 的 NFT 马充分互动,并完全控制他们的竞技场。. 区块链技术允许透明的赛马结果,这使得DeRace平台上的赌注可靠和安全。.
DeRace is a virtual NFT horse racing universe built on blockchain and powered by DERC DeRace is a complete NFT horse racing ecosystem where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, build your own NFT hippodrome, bet on the races, and earn DERC while doing it. DeRace is breathing new life in the static NFT market allowing players to fully interact with their DNA enriched NFT horses and have total control ov
36 FRM
Ferrum Network (frm)
福莱姆网络是开创互操作性 2.0 时代的先驱。. 在量子门户的支持下,福莱姆网络的主网节点和相关基础设施将为行业内的每一条链带来价值、数据和功能互操作性。. 利用福莱姆网络,任何人都可以在一个网络上构建和部署解决方案,并立即启用多链功能,而无需为其 dApp 和项目管理多链基础设施带来的负担或技术债务。福莱姆还专门从事多链区块链即服务DeFi公司,为整个加密领域的项目添加通货紧缩机制、代币实用程序和咨询服务。福莱姆的使命是打破大规模采用的障碍,通过减少摩擦并使初创公司和已建立的网络更紧密地联系在一起,为行业提供支持。.
Ferrum Network is a pioneer in ushering in the era of Interoperability 2.0. Powered by the Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet nodes and related infrastructure will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry. Utilizing the Ferrum Network, anyone can build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a mult
37 MV
GensoKishi Metaverse (mv)
GENSOKISHI Online是屡获殊荣的任天堂Switch/PS4游戏“元素骑士”的新GameFi版本,该游戏已经大力播放了13年,在全球累计下载量达到800万次。. GensoKishi 已经拥有一款拥有活跃用户的 3DMMORPG 游戏,具有功能齐全的 3D 元宇宙,可以同时连接来自世界各地的用户,无论是智能手机、PC 还是视频游戏机。. 开发背后的开发团队拥有辉煌的记录,开发了19年的在线游戏和著名的MMORPG游戏。. 我们的元宇宙已有 13 年的历史。. 在过去的13年里,我们允许用户进来并生成自己的皮肤,角色,地图和武器。. 现在,在这个 GameFi 版本中,所有这些物品现在都将在区块链上注册,以作为 NFT 进行转让、出售和购买。.
GENSOKISHI Online, is the new GameFi version of an award winning Nintendo Switch/PS4 game called “Elemental Knights”, that has been vigorously played for 13 years and has accumulated a total of 8 million downloads worldwide. GensoKishi already has a 3DMMORPG game with active users, with a fullyfunctioning 3D metaverse, that simultaneously connects users from around the world, be it smartphones, PCs, or video game consoles. The development team b
HyperGPT (hgpt)
这个项目是关于什么的HyperGPT是一个Web3 AI市场,它使用区块链来克服传统AI应用程序中的挑战。. 它提供对多个应用程序的集中访问,节省时间并简化管理。. 开发人员可以从标准化的 API 中受益,从而降低成本并让用户轻松切换应用程序。. 用户可以通过加密货币支付安全地管理订阅。是什么让您的项目独一无二HyperGPT 结合了 AI 和区块链,提供了一个具有 AI 驱动的搜索、智能合约、用户反馈、隐私和 Web3 互操作性的去中心化市场。. 它是第一个具有用于无缝AI集成的SDK的AI市场。. SDK允许开发人员将所有AI解决方案集成到与其dApps/应用程序的单个集成中。项目的历史记录。HyperGPT 通过集成 AI 和区块链创建了一个去中心化、透明和安全的 AI 市场。.
What is the project aboutHyperGPT is a Web3 AI marketplace that uses blockchain to overcome challenges in traditional AI applications. It offers centralized access to multiple applications,saving time and simplifying management. Developers benefit from a standardized API,reducing costs and enabling easy application switching for users. Users can manage subscriptions securely with cryptocurrency payments.What makes your project uniqueHyperGPT comb
Locus Chain (locus)
什么是LOCUS CHAIN轨迹LocusChain旨在成为使用最广泛的下一代第1层公共区块链协议,同时实现完全去中心化和可扩展性。. 作为基于专利技术的去中心化可扩展一层链,轨迹链旨在通过成为最可靠、安全、低成本和高性能的 1 层公共区块链平台,支持各种 Defi、GameFi、元界、智慧城市、CBDC 中央银行数字货币项目。. Locus Chain声称是第一个去中心化的第1层公共区块链,解决了去中心化的区块链三难困境。. 可扩展性和安全性.LOCUS代币主网之前的当前Locus代币类型是基于以太坊的ERC20代币,由Locus Chain Foundation发行智能合约。. 但是,鉴于公共以太坊网络上的代币不能直接在轨迹链上使用,我们将利用散列时间锁定合约来允许 Locus 代币从以
What Is LOCUS CHAIN LOCUSLocus Chain aims to be the most widely used Next Generation Layer 1 Public Blockchain Protocol, which achieves both full decentralization and scalability simultaneously. As a decentralized scalable layer 1 chain based on patented technologies, Locus Chain aims to support various Defi, GameFi, Metaverse, Smart City, CBDCCentral Bank Digital Currency projects by being the most reliable, secure, low cost and high performance
Lumishare (lumi)
项目内容简介LumiShare是一个由$LUMI驱动的金融区块链生态系统,用于标记和分割现实世界的资产,从可再生能源资产开始。经过验证的可再生能源项目将有更多机会从个人和机构投资者那里获得资金LumiShare推出了信托代币,$LUMI,该代币由三个不相关的资产支持:实物黄金,回收基金现金储备和技术稳定算法$LUMI代币不是一种稳定的硬币,它是一种独特的代币,下行空间有限,上涨空间无限,其底价将始终与其历史最高市值相关。每创下历史新高市值,LumiShare都会增加黄金和现金储备,底价也会相应增加。$LUMI代币的主要用途将是作为LumiPlace的投资手段,并通过我们的平台从可再生能源资产投资中获得回报。. 在不久的将来,将有可能在某些网站和商店使用$LUMI付款。LumiPlace,Lu
What is the project aboutLumiShare is a financial blockchain ecosystem powered by $LUMI to tokenize and fractionalize realworld assets.starting with renewable energy assets.Verified renewable energy projects will have greater access to funding from both individual and institutional investorsLumiShare has launched the Trust token,$LUMI,which is backed by three uncorrelated assets:Physical gold,the recovery fund the cash reserve,and Technology the
Masa Network (masa)
Masa 被描述为重视隐私的领先 ZK-Data 市场和网络。. 该平台使用 cookie 来增强浏览体验、提供个性化广告和分析流量。. Masa 旨在为 AI 时代创建一个去中心化的谷歌,促进开放、激励和注重隐私的个人数据经济。. 该网络提供增长活动、分析和开发人员工具等服务。. 用户可以通过由实用代币 MASA 提供支持的 Masa 平台获得奖励、质押个人数据并与全球社区互动。. Masa Network 具有 zkSBT、zkOracle 和 Masa 区块链等技术。.
Masa is described as the leading ZK-Data marketplace and network that values privacy. The platform uses cookies for enhancing browsing experiences,serving personalized ads,and analyzing traffic. Masa aims to create a decentralized Google for the AI era,promoting an open,incentivized,and privacy-focused economy for personal data. The network offers services such as growth campaigns,analytics,and developer tools. Users can earn rewards,stake person
42 MAN
Matrix AI Network (man)
MATRIX AI网络MAN是一个全球开源、公共、智能的基于区块链的分布式计算平台和操作系统,结合了人工智能和区块链。. 创建MATRIX的目的是使区块链更快,更灵活,更安全,更智能。除了拥有令人印象深刻的每秒 50.000 笔交易外,还有一些功能使 Matrix AI 网络从竞争对手中脱颖而出。矩阵采用混合PoS+PoW共识机制,而不是传统的哈希计算。. 该机制通过使用马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛MCMC计算来利用增值计算。. 此计算集将用作工作量证明协议。. 这使得挖矿过程不仅可以生成MAN代币,还可以用于为现实世界的应用程序提供动力。. 目前正与北京肿瘤研究医院合作,以提高癌症诊断的速度和准确性。虽然该项目似乎雄心勃勃,在很多领域集成了工作人工智能,但人工智能部分已经完成。.
MATRIX AI Network MAN is a global opensource, public, intelligent blockchainbased distributed computing platform and operating system that combines artificial intelligence AI and blockchain. MATRIX was created to make blockchains faster, more flexible, more secure, and more intelligent.Besides boasting an impressive 50.000 transactions per second, there are a couple of features which makes Matrix AI Network stand out from its competitors.Matrix a
43 MTS
Metastrike (mts)
Metastrike 是一个元界 FPS 区块链游戏项目,其中包含射击游戏的许多基本和高级功能,具有 VR 功能游戏玩法和在视觉和游戏玩法方面的高努力投资。特别是,我们允许玩家自由自定义形状、颜色,并使用我们的游戏内货币/代币通过各种方式和事件在游戏中根据每个玩家的喜好升级武器、装备和服装。.
Metastrike is a Metaverse FPS Blockchain Game project that includes many essential and advanced features of a shooting game, with VR feature gameplay and high effort investment in both visuals and gameplay.In particular, we allow players to freely customize the shape, color as well as upgrade weapons, equipment, and costumes to the liking of each player through various ways and events ingame with our ingame currency/token.
Myria (myria)
Myria 是以太坊第 2 层扩展解决方案,旨在扩展 NFT、区块链游戏等。. Myrias 扩展解决方案与 StarkWare 合作构建,提供即时交易确认,铸造和交易 NFT 时零 gas 费用,而不会影响用户资产的安全性。. Myrias L2使用StarkWares STARK证明器开发,利用ZeroKnowledge Rollup ZKRollup技术将大量传输捆绑到单个事务中,以促进每个部分TPS多达9,000个事务。提高区块链可用性 简化的入职体验,让消费者和构建者只需点击几下即可开始 由小狐狸钱包提供支持 基于浏览器的以太坊钱包 以太坊第 2 层交易体验,使玩家、消费者和构建者能够大规模互动,包括存款、取款、铸造和转账等核心功能 能够通过易于使用的市场体验连接消费者和建设者 让
Myria is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution,purpose built to scale NFTs,blockchain gaming and more. Myrias scaling solution,built in partnership with StarkWare,offers instant trade confirmation,zero gas fee when minting and trading NFTs without compromising the security of users assets. Myrias L2,developed using StarkWares STARK prover,utilizes ZeroKnowledge Rollup ZKRollup technology to bundle large numbers of transfers into a single transacti
45 NIM
Nimiq (nim)
Nimiq旨在使加密货币易于每个人使用,而不会影响去中心化。. Nimiq是唯一一个用户默认直接参与的区块链。. 与比特币和以太坊等相比,默认是使用第三方节点连接到网络。. 了解更多:Nimiq发明了Nimiq OASIS,DeFi加密法币桥 NIM和BTC ETH等加密货币之间的原子交换即将推出,接下来是没有个人信息的欧元等法定货币,现在可以。. 赚取的掉期费将转换为NIM并持有以创造稀缺性。. 看看它是如何工作的:创建了信天翁,一种新的、超快的 ProofofStake 共识算法,将于 2021 年与 Nimiq 2.0(Nimiq 区块链的下一个版本)一起推出。.
Nimiq is designed to make cryptocurrencies easy to use for everyone without compromising decentralization. Nimiq is the only blockchain where users always participate directly by default. In comparison to the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum where the default is to use a thirdparty node to connect to the network. Learn more: Nimiq invented Nimiq OASIS, the DeFi cryptofiat bridge Atomic swaps between crypto like NIM and BTC E
Nord Finance (nord)
Nord 金融是一个去中心化的金融生态系统,旨在通过将传统金融的关键功能引入 DeFi 生态系统来简化 DeFi 投资。. Nord Finance建立在以太坊网络上。. Nord Finance的多链互操作性为大量的金融原语提供支持,这些原语构成了储蓄,咨询,针对加密资产的贷款,投资和基金管理。. Nord Finance正在为每个人创造创新的方式,通过区块链技术创造财富。.
Nord Finance is a Decentralized Financial Ecosystem designed to simplify DeFi investing by bringing key features of traditional finance to the DeFi ecosystem. Nord Finance is built on Ethereum Network. Multichain interoperability of Nord Finance powers a plethora of financial primitives, which constitute Savings, Advisory, Loans against crypto assets, Investment and Fund management. Nord Finance is creating innovative ways for everyone to generat
Omax (omax)
什么是 OMAX 代币 OMAXOMAX 是一种社区驱动的代币,于 2021 年 11 月 3 日在币安网络中推出,旨在拥有自己的区块链来教育下一代投资者,并使加密货币对每个人来说都简单和安全。OMAX是增长最快的项目之一,它正在从BEP20转移到他们自己的网络区块链OMX20,这也是EVM兼容的。. 它远远领先于路线图,区块链已经在测试网上,并以67K TPS开放公开测试,主网上估计为85K + TPS。. Omax 测试网于 2022 年 4 月 3 日启动。. OMAX主网计划于7月底推出,2022.It 进一步计划在Twitter上开展营销活动,以提高知名度并覆盖100,000名持有者。. 这可能会与他们的区块链的推出齐头并进。OMAX在纽约时代广场刊登广告,名人在全球范围内推广。.
What Is OMAX TOKEN OMAXOMAX is a communitydriven token which was launched on 3rd of November 2021 in binance network with theintention to have its own blockchain to educate the nextgeneration of investors and make crypto simple and safe for everyone.OMAX is one of the fastest growing projects which ismoving from BEP20 to their own network blockchainOMX20 which is also a EVM compatible. It is way ahead of the roadmaps and the blockchain is alread
Oraichain (orai)
关于OraichainOraichain是一个数据预言机平台,它将人工智能API聚合并连接到智能合约,作为利用AI技术创建新Dapps的基础。. Oraichain是世界上第一个人工智能驱动的预言机,旨在彻底改变AI,DeFi和区块链行业。与使用原始数据的常规预言机不同,Oraichain的AI预言机独特地使用AI API通过智能合约上的虚拟机即时消费或创建数据。. 通过使用测试用例,数据质量、可靠性和安全性得到增强,这有助于避免中介,增加信任并开放前所未有的应用程序功能。. AI驱动的预言机是新一代的智能合约。除了数据预言机之外,Oraichain还互连了人工智能和区块链技术。. 以AI为基石,Oraichain生态系统包含AI API市场,数据和请求中心,发布者服务,培训服务和Dapp
About OraichainOraichain is a data oracle platform that aggregates and connects Artificial Intelligence APIs to smart contracts, serving as a foundational base for the creation of new Dapps leveraging AI technologies. Oraichain is the world’s first AIpowered oracle aiming to revolutionize the AI, DeFi, and Blockchain industries.Unlike regular oracles that use raw data, Oraichain’s AI oracle uniquely uses AI APIs to consume or create data onthefly
49 MPC
Partisia Blockchain (mpc)
Partisia Blockchain is a web 3.0 blockchain built for trust, transparency, privacy, and speed of light finalization by combining secure multiparty computation MPC and blockchain.Partisia Blockchain Privacy Preserving Technologies is solving for the worlds largest problems in line with the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDG’sUsing MPC, Partisia Blockchain adds a layer of encryption to transactions on the blockchain, allowing users to provide
PERL.eco (perl)
代币化现实世界生态资产Perlin的最新项目PERL.eco,行星生态系统注册账本将通过代币化碳信用额和生物多样性,NFT和分散的DeFi奖励,将区块链技术用于现实世界的生态资产。PERL.eco专注于代币化,并实现生态相关资产的广泛采用,如代币化碳资产,基因组生物多样性等。PERL允许代币持有者在确定激励系统,建立广泛的利益相关者基础以及促进网络中的经济价值流动方面发挥关键作用。. PERL持有者可以对这种费用模式和分配以及其他重要决定进行投票。PERL.eco 专注于以下关键领域:1.. 碳我们正在标记碳信用额,用户可能能够抵消他们的排放并参与碳的未来增长.2.. 生物多样性我们希望创建一个将生物多样性价值的供需联系起来的市场。. 这将鼓励保护生物多样性,这是随着气候变化恶化而迫切需要的
Tokenized realworld ecological assetsPerlin’s latest project PERL.eco, the Planetary Ecosystem Registration Ledger will use blockchain technologies for realworld ecological assets through tokenizing carbon credits and biodiversity, NFTs and decentralised DeFi rewards.PERL.eco focuses on tokenization and achieving broader adoption of ecologicalrelated assets like tokenized carbon assets, genomic biodiversity and more.PERL allows token holders to p
51 PLA
PlayDapp (pla)
PlayDapp 代币 PLA 是一种数字资产,用于在游戏内以及与全球 C2C 市场 playdapp.com 购买和交易 NFT 物品。.
PlayDapp token PLA is a digital asset used within the PlayDapp Blockchain gaming ecosystem to purchase and trade NFT items within games and with the global C2C marketplace playdapp.com.
52 PEL
Propel PEL (pel)
Propel为全球合作伙伴提供服务,是一家无与伦比的区块链基础设施提供商。. 我们的基础设施包括MaaS元界即服务和DaaS DeFi即服务以及SaaS质押即服务生态系统。.
Serving partners worldwide, Propel is an unparalleled Blockchain Infrastructure Provider. Our Infrastructure include MaaS Metaverse as a Service & DaaS DeFi as a Service along with SaaS Staking as a Service ecosystem.
53 RWN
Rowan Coin (rwn)
罗文能源区块链是世界上第一个社区支持的绿色能源区块链。. 我们的区块链基于低功率的权威证明共识机制,我们的每个成员都扮演一个角色,要么验证能源交易,要么产生可再生电力并将其卖回社区。.
Rowan Energy Blockchain is the worlds first community supported Green Energy Blockchain. Our blockchain is based on the low powered Proof of Authority consensus mechanism, Where each of our members takes a role either validating the energy transactions or generating renewable electricity and selling it back to the community.
Project SEED SHILL (shill)
SEED 项目是一个 AAA 游戏工作室,构建专注于移动的区块链游戏生态系统,利用多区块链并集成治理、游戏Fi 和 NFT。为了将区块链大规模采用为使命,SEED 项目专注于制作高质量的手机游戏,让传统游戏和加密玩家都能轻松访问和喜爱。SHILL代币是SEED项目生态系统的GameFi引擎货币,具有从游戏到区块链相关事项的多种用例。. 玩家使用 SHILL 代币在市场上交易游戏资产、租用物品、投票、保持地牢活跃、铸造设备。. 此外,玩家可以在各种游戏内福利中获得 SHILL,例如随机空投、P2P 任务板等等。.
Project SEED is a AAA Game Studio building mobile focused blockchain gaming ecosystem that utilizes Multi Blockchain and integrates Governance, GameFi, and NFT.Working toward a mission of bringing blockchain to mass adoption, Project SEED focuses on making high quality mobile games that easily accessed and loved by both traditional gaming and crypto players.SHILL token is the GameFi Engine Currency of Project SEED Ecosystem with multiple use case
55 SIN
Sinverse (sin)
《罪恶之城》是一款基于区块链技术的元宇宙多人游戏,支持跨链技术。. 游戏的背景基于世界上最有争议的地区,在那里可以购买数字房地产。. 用户可以购买这片土地来发展和建立他们的帝国。. 游戏的目的是成为终极主销。. 这将是一个高度以社交为导向的平台,您可以在其中为您的朋友建立俱乐部,举办在线活动,甚至参加黑社会活动以赢得游戏内奖励。罪恶之城也是一个全宇宙,并将在元宇宙的生态系统中托管各种有限合伙人及其 NFT 和游戏项目。.
‘Sin City’ is a Metaverse multiplayer game built on Blockchain Technology, which supports crosschain technology. The background of the game is based on the most controversial districts in the world, where digital real estate is available to be purchased. Users can buy this land to develop and build their empire. The aim of the game is to become the ultimate Kingpin. This will be a highly social orientated platform, where you can build clubs for y
Skey Network (skey)
Skey Network旨在通过区块链或事物桥将物理数据库与区块链数据库连接起来。.
Skey Network aims to connect the physical with blockchain database via a Blockchain or Things bridge.
SWFTCOIN (swftc)
SWFT区块链是一个跨链交换聚合器,而SWFTC是SWFT区块链的原生代币。. SWFT区块链专注于DeFi,Gamefi,元界等的跨链交换。. SWFTC的一个重要功能是用作所有SWFT区块链产品的会员资格。. 持有后,用户有权享受交易费用折扣、社区治理等权益。SWFT区块链 www.swft.pro 于2017年在硅谷成立。. 它是链上和链下 DEX/CEX/NFT 市场的跨链交换聚合器。. 结合区块链和人工智能技术,它现在支持所有主要的公链,包括BTC,ETH,Polygon,Arbitrum,Polkadot,BSC,Heco,Solana,Terra,Fantom,Tron,OkexChain,XRP和400+加密货币,以及主流NFT交易平台和NFT项目。.
SWFT Blockchain is a crosschain swap aggregator, while SWFTC is the native token of SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain focuses on crosschain swap of DeFi, Gamefi, Metaverse, etcetera. One important function of SWFTC is to be used as membership for all SWFT Blockchain products. Upon holding, users are entitled to transaction fee discounts, community governance, and other rights and interests.SWFT Blockchain www.swft.pro was established in Silicon Va
Ultima (ultima)
Ultima ULTIMA是Ultima生态系统的基础设施代币。. 这种加密货币基于易于扩展的智能区块链,该区块链在DPoS委托权益证明共识算法上运行。智能区块链网络以其独特的吞吐量而闻名——它每秒可以进行多达 2000 笔交易。. 此外,网络每三秒创建一个新区块,交易成本低。. 所有这些因素使ULTIMA成为在全球范围内进行日常交易的完美数字货币。目前,Ultima生态系统包括许多创新的区块链产品,例如DeFiU,一种允许用户在Ultima代币中获得质押奖励的技术,以及一个市场。Ultima技术团队在区块链行业拥有超过20年的经验,正在积极致力于推出实体加密借记卡,加密交换以及旅行和众筹平台。. ULTIMA 于 2023 年 3 月首次推出。. 目前,项目社区已覆盖来自120个国家的28
Ultima ULTIMA is the infrastructure token of the Ultima ecosystem. This cryptocurrency is based on an easily scalable Smart Blockchain that runs on the DPoS Delegated Proof of Stake consensus algorithm.The Smart Blockchain network is known by its unique throughput — it can conduct up to 2000 transactions per second. Moreover,the network creates a new block every three seconds and has low transaction costs. All these factors make ULTIMA a perfect
WETH (weth)
WETH 是包装的 ETH,但让我们从介绍玩家开始。. 首先,有以太币。. 以太币或ETH是建立在以太坊区块链上的原生货币。其次,有替代令牌。. 当dApp去中心化应用程序建立在以太坊区块链之上时,它通常会实现自己的代币形式。. 想想Augur的REP代币,或Bancors BNT代币。. 最后是ERC20标准。.
WETH is wrapped ETH but lets start by introducing the players. First, theres Ether token. Ether or ETH is the native currency built on the Ethereum blockchain.Second, there are alt tokens. When a dApp decentralized app is built off of the Ethereum Blockchain it usually implements it’s own form of Token. Think Augur’s REP Token, or Bancors BNT Token. Finally the ERC20 standard. ERC20 is a standard developed after the release of ETH that defines ho
60 ZTX
Zetrix (ztx)
Zetrix 是第 1 层公共许可区块链,可促进智能合约并提供隐私、安全性和可扩展性。. Zetrix 中的加密基础设施可以引入多个行业,因为它为所有企业的采用创建了一个更加透明、安全和高效的流程。. Zetrix链使用DPOS委托权益证明和zBFT Zetrix拜占庭容错作为其共识机制来支持高速交易。. 使用此结构,它能够提供每秒 10,000 个事务的吞吐量。. 这使得链可以在不牺牲安全性的情况下保持高交易速度。欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的白皮书 zetrix.comZetrix成立于2021年,区块链作为一个公共区块链智能合约平台存在,旨在服务于中国以外的所有国际市场。. 在MYEG服务有限公司的带领下,这家东南亚公司还与中国信息通信研究院工业互联网与物联网研究所合作,实施Zetrix
Zetrix is a layer1 public permissioned blockchain that facilitates smart contracts and delivers privacy, security and scalability. The cryptographic infrastructure in Zetrix can be introduced in multiple industries as it creates a more transparent, secure and efficient process for the adoption of all enterprises. The Zetrix chain uses the DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake and zBFT Zetrix Byzantine Fault Tolerance as its consensus mechanism to support
61 OXL
0x Leverage (oxl)
0x杠杆 是一个突破性的allinone defi交易机器人,只能通过电报访问。. 机器人功能在该领域是无与伦比的,因为用户将有能力利用他们的购买力并以前所未有的方式扩大他们的潜在利润。让我们把它说清楚。. 在交易时使用杠杆是借入额外的资本来放大收益,但也使您面临更高的机会,即不变性损失您的投资。优点是它为交易者提供了使用较小的初始投资获得更高回报的机会。. 然而,较高的回报潜力会带来更高的风险,因为这些借入的资金必须偿还。当您出售获利或价格跌至在开仓前呈现给投资者的清算水平时,这些借入的资金都会得到偿还。您选择的杠杆越高,您的清算价格就越接近您的初始价格,当资产价格下跌时,特别是如果该资产的流动性较低,则几乎没有空间。我们的杠杆系统如何在区块链上工作当用户在我们的机器人的杠杆菜单上时,他们
0xLeverage is a ground breaking allinone defi trading bot,accessible exclusively on telegram. The bots capabilities are unparalleled in the space as users will have the power to leverage their buying power and amplify their potential profits like never before.Let’s make it plain. Using leverage when trading is borrowing additional capital to magnify gains but also exposes you to a higher chance of immutability losing your investment.The advantage
62 0XOS
0xOS AI (0xos)
0xOS AI 是一个去中心化的基于 AI 的区块链合约 DeAI 库和服务平台。. 我们的目标是简化对区块链合约和数据的访问,从 ERC20.At 0xOS AI 开始,我们的目标是通过注入 AI 的去中心化库和服务平台,将自己确立为区块链领域及其他领域的主要利益相关者。. 我们的平台旨在弥合技术鸿沟,为开发人员和普通用户提供与区块链技术交互的无与伦比的体验。简化区块链可访问性我们的平台不仅仅是一个存储库,而是一个创新的跳板,使用户能够在各个领域探索、定制和应用区块链解决方案。通过揭开区块链技术的神秘面纱,我们正在培养一个知识渊博的社区,以充分利用区块链技术的潜力。0xOS AI的愿景和平台目标我们认识到区块链世界固有的复杂性和碎片化的性质.0xOS AI通过提供一个统一的、人工智能增强的
0xOS AI is a decentralized AIbased DeAI library and service platform for blockchain contracts. Our objective is to simplify access to blockchain contracts and data,starting with ERC20.At 0xOS AI,our goal is to establish ourself as a major stakeholder in the blockchain space and beyond,with an AIinfused,decentralized library and service platform. Our platforms are engineered to bridge the technological divide,offering both developers and general u
63 2DAI
2DAI.io (2dai)
2DAI是未来的AIaaS AI即服务平台,由AI专家和云工程师团队开发,帮助您释放创造力。. 具有以下尖端功能: 可在 Telegram 和 Discord 上获得用户友好的体验 开发人员友好的 SDK,可与您当前的工作流程进行交互 区块链和 NFT 集成 dApp 新近可用于发现最新创作2DAI 正在彻底改变我们处理 AI 的方式。. 无论您是创意专业人士还是只是想探索自己的艺术方面,2DAI 都能满足您的一切需求,以释放您的真正潜力。.
2DAI is the AIaaS AI as a service platform of the future,developed by a team of AI experts and cloud engineers to help unleash your creativity. With cuttingedge features like: Available on Telegram & Discord for a userfriendly experience Developer friendly SDK to interact with your current workflow Blockchain & NFT Integration dApp newly available to discover latest creations2DAI is revolutionizing the way we approach AI. Whether youre a creative
64 AIG
A.I Genesis (aig)
Ai Genesis Token不仅仅是一个令牌。这是一个大胆的生态系统,将人工智能人工智能、区块链和智能合约融合成一个最大信任的进化平台。. AiG Token是CryptoWorld和智能数据连接的未来。Ai GENESIS Token是下一代Ai + Blockchain.AiG Token提供基于区块链和人工智能的去中心化体验,我们推动技术创新。我们通过先进和安全的解决方案加强各个行业。. 借助人工智能的力量,优化流程,提高效率并确保在不断变化的数字世界中具有竞争优势。.
Ai Genesis Token is much more than a token.It is a bold ecosystem that fuses artificial intelligence Ai,Blockchain and Smart Contracts into an evolutionary platform of maximum trust. AiG Token is the future of the CryptoWorld and smart data connectivity.Ai GENESIS Token is the next generation of Ai + Blockchain.AiG Token provides a decentralised experience based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.We promote technological innovation.We stre
Abelian (abel)
这个项目是关于什么的阿贝尔是一个第1层区块链系统,该系统具有抗量子性和隐私保护性。. 通过抗量子,Abelian的密码系统可以防御未来强大的量子计算机发起的攻击。. 通过隐私保护,Abelian拥有隐私币ABEL,可以完全隐私使用,隐私与责任,或匿名级别的隐私。是什么让您的项目独一无二这是世界上第一个既是后量子又保护隐私的区块链系统。. 此外,Abelian的安全和隐私保证在数学上都被证明是安全的。. 这也是世界上第一个可证明安全的区块链系统,其安全性和隐私性在数学上都简化为一些众所周知的抗量子难题。Abelian基于晶格的后量子密码系统基于CRYSTALSDilithium和Kyber,均被美国国家标准与技术研究院NIST选为首批后量子密码PQcrypto国家标准。. 这象征着联邦机构和世
What is the project aboutAbelian is a Layer 1 Blockchain system which is quantum resistant and privacy preserving. By quantum resistant,Abelian’s cryptographic systems can defend against attacks launched by the future powerful quantum computers. By privacy preserving,Abelian has the privacy coin ABEL,which can be used with full privacy,privacy with accountability,or privacy in the pseudonymous level.What makes your project uniqueThis is the world
66 AST
Absolute Sync (ast)
绝对同步令牌 与我们一起更安全 DigitallyAST 是一种安全令牌,代表外部资产或组织的股份,并在许可的区块链上发行。在为证券型代币产品开发全新的资产时,公司可以朝着两个方向发展。. 第一种方法是发行现实生活中的证券,并通过各种平台使用分布式网络作为所有交易的存储库对其进行标记。. 区块链不会让有关证券的信息变得具有误导性,并将为其提供安全和高速的操作。随着行业对这些资产和支持它们的技术的广泛接受,AST认为,行业参与者和监管机构之间的更多对话将有助于扩大安全令牌市场并采用支持它们的技术。.
Absolute Sync Token Get more Secure with us DigitallyAST is security token is a oneofakind token that represents a stake in an external asset or organisation and is issued on a permissioned blockchain.A company can move in two directions when developing a brand new asset for the security token offering. The first way is to issue reallife securities and tokenize them via various platforms by using the distributed network as a repository for all th
67 ACQ
Acquire.Fi (acq)
世界上第一个加密,区块链和Web3公司和IP的并购市场。通过 NFT 引入众筹收购和部分所有权,以及基于智能合约的完全去中心化的收购生态系统,开创并购的新时代。.
The Worlds FIRST M&A Marketplace for Crypto, Blockchain and Web3 companies and IP.Ushering in a new era of M&A by introducing crowdfunded acquisitions and fractionalized ownership through NFTization, plus a fullydecentralized acquisitions ecosystem based on smart contracts.
68 ACU
Acurast (acu)
Acurast 是一个去中心化的无服务器云平台,允许用户构建由去中心化云保护的 web2 和 web3 应用程序。. 该平台提供计算、爬网、数据馈送和数据按需等产品。. 用户可以申请成为处理器,只需3分钟即可用手机提供计算,并在此过程中获得奖励。. Acurast区块链作为去中心化计算的编排层,具有透明和自动化的计费功能。. 该平台旨在打破由美国大型科技巨头控制的云计算寡头垄断。. 通过利用移动硬件,Acurast将设备变成强大的计算设备,提供更具成本效益和分散的解决方案。.
Acurast is a decentralized serverless cloud platform that allows users to build web2 and web3 applications secured by a decentralized cloud. The platform offers products such as compute,crawl,data feed,and data on-demand. Users can apply to become a processor and provide compute with their mobile phones in just 3 minutes,earning rewards in the process. The Acurast Blockchain serves as the orchestration layer for decentralized compute with transpa
69 ADA
ADA the Dog (ada)
狗 |版权所有 ADA 是属于 Anatoly Yakovenko 和 Laura Skelton 的一只特殊狗。. 他们在 Solana 区块链上创建了一个名为 ADA 的应用程序和加密货币。. 人们可以在 Raydium 或 Jupiter 等去中心化交易所购买和出售 ADA,而无需缴税。. 目标是让更多人对 Solana 生态系统感兴趣。.
the Dog | All Rights Reserved ADA is a special dog that belongs to Anatoly Yakovenko and Laura Skelton. They created an app and a cryptocurrency called ADA on the Solana Blockchain. People can buy and sell ADA with no taxes on decentralized exchanges like Raydium or Jupiter. The goal is to get more people interested in the Solana ecosystem.
Adadex (adex)
Adadex ADEX是一个分散的AI服务网络,可通过区块链基础设施访问。. 开发人员和开发人员可以在 Adadex 元界区域发布他们的服务,在那里任何有互联网连接的人都可以使用它们。. 开发人员可以使用本机ADEX令牌通过使用其服务来赚钱。.
Adadex ADEX is a decentralized network of AI services accessible through Blockchain infrastructure. Developers and developers can publish their services in the Adadex metaverse area,where they can be used by anyone with an internet connection. Developers can earn money for the use of their services using the native ADEX token.
71 ADM
ADAMANT Messenger (adm)
ADAMANT是一个真正的区块链信使,独立于政府,公司甚至开发人员。. 这是可能的,因为分散的网络基础设施,完全开源并由用户运行。ADM是一种支持去中心化ADAMANT Messenger基础设施的实用代币。区块链提供卓越的安全性和隐私性,不适用于典型的P2P和集中式信使。. 此外,区块链提供了新的可能性。. 用户可以在完全控制私钥的情况下存储和传输加密货币InChat,使用ADAMANT作为2FA等。在ADAMANT中,没有人可以控制,阻止,停用,限制或审查帐户。. 用户对内容,消息,媒体以及使用Messenger.ADAMANT的目标和意图承担全部责任,利用2018年中期开发的公平委托权益证明共识。. 最初的开发步骤是由在爱尔兰注册的ADAMANT TECH LABS LP进行的。.
ADAMANT is a true Blockchain messenger, independent from governments, corporations and even developers. It is possible due to a decentralized network infrastructure, fully open source and run by users.ADM is a utilitytoken supporting decentralized ADAMANT Messenger infrastructure.Blockchain offers superior security and privacy, not available for typical P2P and centralized messengers. Also, Blockchain provides new possibilities. Users can store a
Aegis Ai (aegis)
通过AIEnabled审计解决方案开创区块链安全。. 我们的使命是使智能合约安全民主化,使个人和企业无论其技术专长如何,都能确保区块链交易的完整性和可靠性。.
Pioneering Blockchain Security with AIEnabled Audit Solutions. Our mission is to democratize smart contract security,empowering individuals and businesses,regardless of their technical expertise,to ensure the integrity and reliability of blockchain transactions.
AePos Network (aepos)
AePos 是开创性的第 2 层区块链,利用其开创性的 AI 增强权益证明 AePoS 机制重新定义区块链技术,提高效率、安全性和可扩展性,以实现智能、去中心化的未来。.
AePos stands as the pioneering Layer 2 Blockchain,leveraging its groundbreaking AIEnhanced Proof of Stake AePoS mechanism to redefine blockchain technology,enhancing efficiency,security,and scalability for an intelligent,decentralized tomorrow.
Aerovek Aviation (aero)
Aerovek Aviation是一个社会经济平台SEP,旨在使用区块链和智能合约技术提升私人航空业。. 我们提供包机,航空市场和社交休息室,利用在Elrond区块链上开发的AERO令牌。. Aerovek dapp的用户还可以发送和接收即时付款,费用可以忽略不计,因为Elrond权益证明和状态分片架构。. Aerovek 由 AeroDAO 管理,AeroDAO 是一个拥有 1700 多名用户的去中心化组织,我们的飞行员大使计划 PAP 由当前和过去的航空专业人士组成,他们通过 AeroDAO 帮助塑造 Aerovek 基金会的方向。. 我们为 AERO 代币提供有竞争力的质押奖励,以及通过 Aerovek dapp 安排航班的会员奖励。.
Aerovek Aviation is a social economic platform SEP that aims to elevate the private aviation industry using blockchain and smart contract technology. We offer flight charters, aviation marketplace and social lounge utilizing the AERO token developed on the Elrond Blockchain. Users of the Aerovek dapp can also send and receive instant payments with negligible fees because of the Elrond proof of Stake and State Sharding Architecture. Aerovek is gov
AFEN Blockchain (afen)
AFEN 区块链是第一个政府支持的 NFT 平台,专注于艺术、链接房地产和教育。. 质押、艺术和 NFT、房地产、教育内容.......
AFEN Blockchain is the first Government backed NFT Platform that focuses on Art, Linking Real Estate, and Education. Staking, Art & NFT, Real Estate, Educational Content.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 63,302.77 3,429,314,072.19
2 ETH title=ETH 3,079.89 1,835,262,267.72
3 ARS title=ARS 1,056.30 1,735,870,809.70
4 SOL title=SOL 135.96 1,276,215,697.86
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 608,658,030.72
6 ENA title=ENA 1.03 412,668,506.09
7 WIF title=WIF 2.59 322,217,548.43
8 XRP title=XRP 0.49 320,053,919.21
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 285,751,096.89
10 AVAX title=AVAX 35.13 154,284,524.58
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 139,167,177.96
12 ORDI title=ORDI 42.63 138,678,782.09
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.17 133,241,691.91
14 BCH title=BCH 485.30 132,763,655.10
15 NEAR title=NEAR 5.08 124,797,124.04
16 WLD title=WLD 4.98 112,341,933.23
17 ADA title=ADA 0.47 107,917,092.44
18 RNDR title=RNDR 8.44 107,517,805.73
19 FTM title=FTM 0.68 101,254,639.31
20 FIL title=FIL 6.02 98,572,180.50
21 LINK title=LINK 13.52 93,796,052.23
22 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.09 92,438,346.07
23 SAGA title=SAGA 4.05 87,460,384.45
24 SUI title=SUI 1.19 86,706,961.57
25 LTC title=LTC 78.72 84,516,155.28
26 OP title=OP 2.22 81,548,756.82
27 TIA title=TIA 10.19 77,288,431.93
28 TRX title=TRX 0.11 77,046,964.91


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.09 +19.51
2 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.99 +16.75
3 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 5.90 +9.35
4 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.60 +6.03
5 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 4.38 +4.87
6 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 3.34 +4.80
7 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.63 +4.28
8 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.55 +3.54
9 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.38 +2.67
10 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.71 +2.40
11 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 2.81 +1.92
12 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,396.00 +1.87
13 GMX title=GMX 29.05 +0.97
14 Alpine F1 Team Fan Token title=ALPINE 2.01 +0.35
15 Celestia title=TIA 10.19 +0.30
16 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.04


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.32 -16.48
2 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.59 -15.13
3 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -14.20
4 Jito title=JTO 2.60 -13.90
5 NEO title=NEO 19.39 -13.63
6 Prom title=PROM 9.73 -13.20
7 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 485.30 -13.08
8 Aevo title=AEVO 1.60 -13.04
9 Harvest Finance title=FARM 75.06 -12.92
10 Synapse title=SYN 1.03 -12.76
11 Immutable title=IMX 1.95 -12.68
12 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -12.65
13 ORDI title=ORDI 42.63 -12.43
14 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.55 -12.31
15 Chromia title=CHR 0.31 -12.18
16 Starknet title=STRK 1.30 -11.96
17 Solana title=SOL 135.96 -11.91
18 Phala title=PHA 0.21 -11.64
19 Qtum title=QTUM 3.99 -11.60
20 BurgerCities title=BURGER 0.51 -11.51
21 Ethena title=ENA 1.03 -11.41
22 Sei title=SEI 0.49 -11.38
23 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 5.08 -11.32
24 Bittensor title=TAO 500.70 -11.19
25 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.23 -11.03
26 Automata title=ATA 0.14 -10.99
27 Raydium title=RAY 1.49 -10.94
28 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 -10.88
29 Waves title=WAVES 2.33 -10.78
30 Stafi title=FIS 0.54 -10.55

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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38 Bitcoin039s 039正常下跌039导致256M多头清算分析师
(Bitcoin039s 039normal drop039 leads to 256M longs liquidated analysts)
39 Winklevoss双胞胎成为比特币足球俱乐部的共同所有者,注入4500万BTC
(Winklevoss twins become co owners of Bitcoin soccer club inject 45M of BTC)
40 Coinbase要求就SEC的控制问题提出中间上诉
(Coinbase requests interlocutory appeal over SECs controlling question)
41 好莱坞工会与音乐巨头达成协议,防止人工智能的使用
(Hollywood union deal with music giants guards against AI use)
42 什么是重新质押以及如何重新质押以太坊以提高奖励
(What is restaking and how to restake Ethereum to boost rewards)
43 GBTC看到16600万资金流出,尽管CEO们都表示平衡
(GBTC sees 166M outflow despite CEOs equilibrium remark)
44 比特币主导地位创下 3 年新高,因为 BTC 价格下跌给山寨币带来压力
(Bitcoin dominance hits 3 year high as BTC price dip pressures altcoins)
45 Binance Labs 将重点转移到比特币 DeFi MarginFi 看到 2 亿资金流出 重新定义金融
(Binance Labs shifts focus to Bitcoin DeFi MarginFi sees 200M of outflows Finance Redefined)
46 BingX交易所公开支持伊朗用户藐视制裁
(BingX exchange openly supports Iranian users defying sanctions)
47 比特币跌至新低,股市修正 有什么东西坏了吗
(Bitcoin falls to new lows as stock markets correct Did something break)
48 比特币价格跌至 65K,因为 400M 加密市场清算震撼了 BTC 和山寨币
(Bitcoin price falls to 65K as 400M crypto market liquidation rocks BTC and altcoins)
49 Crypto Biz 代币化飙升、SEC 延迟、比特币 ETF 期权等
(Crypto Biz Tokenization spikes SEC delays Bitcoin ETF options and more)
50 VeChain宣布与UFC社区合作推出代币化手套
(VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC community responds)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 房屋建筑许可报告 (Building Permits) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
2 报告房屋开工数量。 (Housing Starts) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
3 美联储成员(杰斐逊)声明 (FOMC Member Jefferson Speaks) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:00
4 工业生产报告 (Industrial Production m/m) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:15
5 利用率 (Capacity Utilization Rate) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:15
6 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 00:30
7 FOMC Member Barkin Speaks (FOMC Member Barkin Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:00
8 美联储主席(杰罗姆鲍威尔)声明 (Fed Chair Powell Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:15
9 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 22:30
10 报告概述了美国各地区的经济和金融状况。 (Beige Book) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 02:00
11 投资流向国外和美国以外 (TIC Long-Term Purchases) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 04:00
12 美联储成员 (Loretta J. Mester) 声明 (FOMC Member Mester Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 05:30
13 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
14 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
15 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
16 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
17 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
18 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
19 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
20 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
21 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
22 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
23 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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