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硬币相关 #carbon-credit

币名 细节
PERL.eco (perl)
代币化现实世界生态资产Perlin的最新项目PERL.eco,行星生态系统注册账本将通过代币化碳信用额和生物多样性,NFT和分散的DeFi奖励,将区块链技术用于现实世界的生态资产。PERL.eco专注于代币化,并实现生态相关资产的广泛采用,如代币化碳资产,基因组生物多样性等。PERL允许代币持有者在确定激励系统,建立广泛的利益相关者基础以及促进网络中的经济价值流动方面发挥关键作用。. PERL持有者可以对这种费用模式和分配以及其他重要决定进行投票。PERL.eco 专注于以下关键领域:1.. 碳我们正在标记碳信用额,用户可能能够抵消他们的排放并参与碳的未来增长.2.. 生物多样性我们希望创建一个将生物多样性价值的供需联系起来的市场。. 这将鼓励保护生物多样性,这是随着气候变化恶化而迫切需要的
Tokenized realworld ecological assetsPerlin’s latest project PERL.eco, the Planetary Ecosystem Registration Ledger will use blockchain technologies for realworld ecological assets through tokenizing carbon credits and biodiversity, NFTs and decentralised DeFi rewards.PERL.eco focuses on tokenization and achieving broader adoption of ecologicalrelated assets like tokenized carbon assets, genomic biodiversity and more.PERL allows token holders to p
BetaCarbon (bcau)
BCAU代币代表1公斤澳大利亚碳信用单位ACCU。. ACCU是由澳大利亚政府清洁能源监管机构颁发的碳信用额。. BCAU代币是唯一由ACCU支持的代币,专注于保持高完整性碳。. 它的创建是为了允许公众购买ACCU作为投资机会,从而在批发客户之外开放访问权限。BetaCarbon由Guy Dickinson于2021年11月创立,他曾担任汇丰澳大利亚的全球市场主管和财务主管。. 看到碳交易的机会,Guy离开了汇丰银行并建立了BetaCarbon.拥有BCAU代币提供了双重好处。. 首先,它提供了以前受限制的资产类别的投资机会。.
BCAU token represents 1kg of Australian Carbon Credit Units ACCUs. ACCUs are carbon credits issued by the Clean Energy Regulator of the Australian Government. The BCAU token is the only token backed by ACCUs and is focused on maintaining high integrity carbon. It was created to allow the public to purchase ACCUs as an investment opportunity,opening up access beyond wholesale clients.BetaCarbon was founded by Guy Dickinson in November 2021,who pre
Brokoli (brkl)
布罗科利是一个有影响力的 NFT 树元宇宙。. 在这里,每个 DeFi 功能都是对气候有益的,用户无需额外费用。. 用户可以通过使用Brokolis绿色DeFi产品来创造,拥有和交易他们所产生的积极影响。. Brokolis核心平台:代币交换、借贷和流动性挖矿的绿色聚合器。. 它使每笔 DeFi 交易环境都变得积极,而无需用户支付额外费用。. API:任何 GameFi 和 DeFi 平台都可以实施 Brokoli API,使其交易环境积极,为 Brokoli 带来更多收入、品牌知名度和用户。.
Brokoli is an impacttoearn NFT tree metaverse. Here, every DeFi function is climate positive at no extra cost for the user. Users can make, own, and trade the positive impact they make by using Brokolis green DeFi products. Brokolis core platform: a green aggregator for token swaps, lending and yield farming. It makes every DeFi transaction climate positive at no extra cost for the user. API: Any GameFi and DeFi platform can implement the Brokoli
C+Charge (cchg)
我们的使命是用区块链技术改变世界 C+Charge旨在通过使电动汽车司机能够获得以前为大公司和实体保留的这些奖励,使碳信用行业民主化。. C+Charge 是一个区块链驱动的网络,是第一个链上或链下平台,允许电动汽车司机只需驾驶和充电他们的车辆即可获得碳信用额。. 成为电动汽车充电站的通用支付解决方案,利用区块链技术的力量与去中心化金融相结合,为大众带来碳信用的可持续性。C+Charge认为,快速过渡到电动汽车对于建设可持续的未来至关重要。. 我们的使命是创建一个利用区块链技术的平台,促进所有人员和货物的电力流动。. 我们努力通过在全球范围内投资、部署和与世界一流的电动汽车充电解决方案合作,建立世界领先的电动汽车充电加密支付网络。. C+Charge用户被分配了单独的电子钱包,可以通过C +
Our Mission is to change the world with blockchain technology C+Charge aims to democratize the carbon credit industry by enabling EV drivers the ability to earn these rewards that have previously been reserved for large corporations and entities. C+Charge is a blockchainpowered network that is the first onchain or offchain platform that allows EV drivers to earn carbon credits simply by driving and charging their vehicles. on to become the univer
Carbon Credit (cct)
碳信用代币CCT是一种由受监管的碳信用支持的加密货币。. 每个CCT代表1公斤欧盟配额EUA——世界上交易量最大的碳信用额。. 通过购买和持有CCT,您可以对一些世界上最大的污染者开展业务的方式产生影响。. 碳配额的价格升值将有助于激励碳排放公司从更环保的来源获取能源。通过彻底改变消费者进入碳市场的方式,CCT使每个人都比以往任何时候都更容易参与应对气候变化的斗争。.
Carbon Credit Token CCT is a cryptocurrency that is backed by regulated carbon credit. Each CCT represents 1 kilogram of European Union Allowance EUA – the most traded carbon credits in the world. Through buying and holding CCTs you have an impact on how some of the worlds largest polluters do business. Price appreciation in Carbon Allowances will help incentivise Carbon Emitting firms to acquire energy from more environmentally friendly sources.
Carbon Neutrality Blockchain (cnb)
CNB是在碳中和项目投资的基础上发行的数字代币。. CNB的一个单位与向公众出售的碳信用单位相关联。.
CNB are digital token issued on the basis of investments in carbon neutral projects. A unit of CNB is associated with a unit of carbon credit sold to public.
CRISP Scored Mangroves (crisp-m)
每个人都希望看到高质量的气候行动,但融资方式具有挑战性。. 碳项目开发商,例如恢复退化红树林的组织,遇到了自愿碳市场VCM追溯给予他们碳信用额的主要障碍。. 尽管如此,前期成本仍然很高,必须来自某个地方。. 一般来说,这是通过远向融资解决的,但这个行业是不可进入和不透明的,降低了愿意参与的数量,限制了资本的获取。. 其结果是高质量的气候行动被放慢,限制了这些项目在应对气候变化方面的影响。CRISPM是Solid Worlds的代币,允许红树林恢复项目开发商以折扣价转发他们即将推出的碳信用额。. 积分离交货越远,折扣就越大。.
Everyone wants to see quality climate action but the way this is financed is challenging. Carbon project developers,such as organizations that restore degraded mangroves,run into a major roadblock the Voluntary Carbon Market VCM gives them carbon credits retroactively. Still,the upfront costs are significant and have to come from somewhere. Generally,this is solved via forward financing,but this industry is inaccessible and opaque,lowering the nu
EcoCREDIT (eco)
EcoCREDIT使个人和企业更容易获得部分碳补偿,从而使自愿碳信用市场的准入民主化。. 通过首次对自愿碳补偿进行仓储、代币化和标准化,EcoCREDIT解决了目前进入自愿碳抵消市场的障碍。. 这种方法使任何人都可以轻松应对气候变化。. 代币化碳补偿允许开发人员轻松调用代币化碳补偿的数量,从而实现可持续的软件应用。. EcoCREDIT的API允许企业在销售点向其客户提供碳补偿,从而消除了当前的资本要求,为客户提供可持续的抵消。. EcoCREDIT以这些方式使可持续生活变得更加轻松。.
EcoCREDIT democratizes access to the voluntary carbon credit market by making it easy for individuals and businesses to access fractionalized carbon offsets. By warehousing, tokenizing, and standardizing voluntary carbon offsets for the first time, EcoCREDIT solves the current barriers to entry in the voluntary carbon offset market. This approach makes it possible for anyone to fight against climate change easily. Tokenized carbon offsets allow d
goBTC (gobtc)
比特币>< Algorand。. goBTC完全以原生BTC为抵押,使BTC拥有Algorand区块链的全部功能,包括其碳中和。. 对于每个发行的goBTC,还会发放碳信用额,以抵消其以前的碳足迹。. 要了解更多信息,请访问或开始将BTC桥接到Algorand,请访问。.
Bitcoin >< Algorand. goBTC are fully collateralised with native BTC, giving BTC the full power of the Algorand blockchain including its carbon neutrality. For each goBTC issued a carbon credit is also issued to neutralise its previous carbon footprint. To learn more visit or to start bridging BTC to Algorand visit
Green Foundation (tripx)
项目是关于什么绿色基金会是REFI项目 再生金融,通常称为ReFi,是指将生态系统,社区和地球的复原力和健康置于个人财务收益之上的金融系统。它标志着与传统金融的突破,传统金融因优先考虑短期收益而不是长期而受到批评这使您的项目独一无二选择绿色基金会项目的原因很简单。. 我们的使命是以可持续的方式促进清洁和可再生能源的使用。. 为了实现这一目标,我们资助造林项目,这些项目产生碳信用额并维持我们的生态系统。从 10 四月,2023 开始您的项目的下一步开始将我们的目标扩展到 Web3 空间是通过 ReFi,这是一个面向全球个人的平台,使用区块链技术奖励保护环境的贡献者。您的代币可以用来做什么◉ 授权人们捐赠 TripX 用于碳补偿, ◉ 改进和分散绿色基金会 Refi 生态系统◉ 使用 TripX
What is the project aboutGreen foundation is REFI project Regenerative finance,often known as ReFi,refers to a financial system that puts the resilience and health of ecosystems,communities,and the planet ahead of personal financial gain.It marks a break from conventional finance,which has been criticized for prioritizing shortterm gains over longtermWhat makes your project uniqueThe reason behind selecting the Green Foundation project is straigh
IMPT (impt)
IMPT将用户与世界各地数百个有影响力的环境项目联系起来,旨在减少碳排放并帮助我们的星球。. IMPT还与数千个最大的零售品牌合作,这些品牌为环境项目分配了特定百分比的销售利润。. 它以 IMPT 代币的形式累积在用户的帐户中。. 用户积累这些代币,直到他们达到他们选择的必要碳信用额。. 因此,用户可以继续正常购物,同时帮助地球。.
IMPT connects users with hundreds of impactful environmental projects around the world with the purpose to reduce carbon emissions and help our planet. IMPT also engages thousands of the largest retail brands that allocate a specific percentage of sale margin for environmental projects. It is accumulated in users’ accounts in the form of IMPT tokens. The users accumulate these tokens till they reach the necessary amount of the carbon credit of th
12 RBT
Rubix (rbt)
Rubix是一个L1区块链协议,由数千个证明链组成,这些证明链始终组成一个全局状态,而无需集中的协调器。. 该架构是模块化的,应用程序/企业可以在使用一个 swarm 键在公共链上构建、合并、分离子网。. 这种具有多线程的模块化架构可实现并行性和超高的可扩展性。. 它还有助于实现零汽油费。. Rubix是唯一一个从头开始构建去中心化身份的L1。. Rubix还解决了其他链中的状态存储问题,Rubix具有很高的存储效率,因此非常适合Web3应用程序。.
Rubix is an L1 blockchain protocol consisting of thousands of proofchains that always compose to one global state without needing centralized coordinators. The architecture is modular where apps/enterprises can build subnets, merge them, detach them, all on a public chain with one swarm key. This modular architecture with multithreading results in parallelism & ultra high scalability. It also helps in achieving zero gas fees. Rubix is the onl
13 SMC
通过与Water Reuse Water Saving Opportunities开展联合项目,我们旨在创造一个生态系统环境,通过smc币进行自愿碳信用交易,从而产生持续的需求。.
By conducting a joint project with Water Reuse Water Saving Opportunities,we aim to create an ecosystem environment where voluntary carbon credits transactions are traded through smc coins,resulting in ongoing demand.
14 SFC
Solar Full Cycle (sfc)
Solar Full Cycle SFC是一个面向投资者和行业的代币化公用事业平台,致力于在太阳能行业建立面板废物的回收利用。. 虽然目前安装的太阳能电池板数量是对抗全球变暖和气候变化的可喜举措,但太阳能趋势也将看到太阳能电池板废物的产生,这将构成最大的可预测环境灾难之一。在这种背景下,SFC通过区块链流程带来了系统的网络存在,这将迫使太阳能电池板生产商和发电厂所有者负责任地回收他们的太阳能电池板,这一驱动力也将看到新一代回收太阳能电池板出现在市场上。此外,Solar Full Cycle将因其回收太阳能电池板的工作而获得碳信用额,并将通过区块链技术以可验证和透明的方式提供给消费者。. 该团队在他们之间有几十年的经验。.
Solar Full Cycle SFC is a tokenized utility platform for investors and the industry, dedicated to establishing the recycling of panel waste in the solar industry. While the number of solar panels currently being installed is a welcome move in the battle against global warming and climate change, the solar trend shall also see solar panel waste being generated that will pose one of the largest predictable environmental disasters.In this backdrop,
15 BCT
Toucan Protocol: Base Carbon Tonne (bct)
基础碳吨BCT是一个参考代币,代表2008年或之后Verra验证碳单位VCU注册表中的一吨碳,由巨嘴鸟协议桥接。. Verra是主要的自愿碳信用额发行人,在其登记册中铸造的每个VCU都代表了项目的实际减排量,该项目已由独立的第三方进行测量和审计。. 巨嘴鸟桥是第一个允许任何用户将其 VCU 桥接到加密货币的桥接器,并且因为它是一种可替代的 ERC 20 代币,它可以直接集成到任何 DeFi 应用程序中。. BCT 是实现开放式再生金融生态系统的基础构建块。.
Base Carbon Tonnes BCT is a reference token representing one tonne of carbon from the Verra Verified Carbon Unit VCU registry from 2008 or later, bridged by the Toucan Protocol. Verra is the dominant voluntary carbon credit issuer and each VCU minted in their registry represents a real emissions saving from a project, that has been measured and audited by independent third parties. The Toucan Bridge is the first to allow any user to bridge their
16 VRD
Viridis Network (vrd)
Viridis.Network 是一种旨在促进碳去中心化金融的代币,它将成为即将推出的 Viridis.Network L2 的 gas 代币,可从 ETH 桥接到专用的低气链上。. 至关重要的是,当 Viridis 入口建成时,每个 Viridis 代币代表 1 吨碳,用户可以将经过验证的碳信用额兑换为 Viridis,探索碳驱动 DeFI 的完整生态系统。. Viridis的最终目标是为碳市场带来更大的金融利益和交易量,并赋予这个不断增长的市场去中心化金融应用的便利和增长。.
Viridis.Network is a token built to facilitate decentralized finance for carbon it will be the gas token of the upcoming Viridis.Network L2,bridgable from ETH onto a dedicated,lowgas chain. Crucially,each Viridis token is made to represent 1 tonne of carbon when the Viridis onramp is built,users can exchange verified carbon credits for Viridis and explore a full ecosystem of carbondriven DeFI. The ultimate aim of Viridis is to bring greater finan
XELS (xels)
XELS是一个具有生态意识的区块链平台,使公司和个人能够通过购买代币化的碳抵消信用额来轻松透明地抵消其碳足迹。自从《京都议定书》和《巴黎协定》之后碳抵消市场诞生以来,欺诈一直是一个严重的问题。. 众所周知,不良行为者出售虚假或过期的碳信用额,信用“回收”欺诈可能导致未退休碳信用额的双重支出,请参阅此处查看打击碳信用额的最大欺诈案件之一的示例,该案件甚至陷入了德意志银行。. 区块链的分布式账本技术是碳信用额的完美用例,因为它不能被改变、逆转或双重花费。. 数字资产也可以被“烧毁”,以及证明相关信用已永久停用的交易哈希。. 我们最初推出同名XELS代币作为“平台代币”,以访问与各种行业标准自愿碳抵消信用额1:1挂钩的未来稳定代币套件 - 将这些视为碳信用额的“USDT”。.
XELS is an ecoconscious blockchain platform enabling corporations and individuals alike the ability to easily and transparently offset their carbon footprint by purchasing tokenized carbon offset credits.Since the birth of carbon offset markets in the wake of the Kyoto and Paris agreements, fraud has been a serious problem. Bad actors have been known to sell fake or expired carbon credits, and credit “recycling” fraud can lead to double spending


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 61,467.91 3,134,033,199.84
2 ARS title=ARS 1,057.20 1,774,138,296.90
3 ETH title=ETH 2,988.65 1,505,006,834.30
4 SOL title=SOL 132.09 1,300,906,203.49
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 328,499,071.25
6 OMNI title=OMNI 25.90 318,367,484.17
7 ENA title=ENA 0.92 300,050,017.97
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 254,138,692.44
9 XRP title=XRP 0.49 245,735,071.89
10 BOME title=BOME <0.01 222,853,156.02
11 WIF title=WIF 2.40 212,336,727.52
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.35 121,952,139.87
13 WLD title=WLD 4.73 121,633,966.75
14 RUNE title=RUNE 4.64 110,161,322.78
15 AVAX title=AVAX 33.48 103,921,390.90
16 SUI title=SUI 1.24 100,238,273.53
17 ORDI title=ORDI 42.13 97,812,504.37
18 RNDR title=RNDR 7.64 91,419,478.24
19 ADA title=ADA 0.44 84,069,622.41
20 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.52 77,201,073.69
21 INJ title=INJ 25.72 70,020,834.25
22 TIA title=TIA 9.84 69,467,697.51
23 FTM title=FTM 0.67 67,526,632.22
24 LINK title=LINK 13.11 65,097,591.58
25 FIL title=FIL 5.84 60,423,950.82
26 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.02 60,278,474.51
27 BCH title=BCH 462.80 59,403,739.16
28 MATIC title=MATIC 0.67 58,650,014.42


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Omni Network title=OMNI 25.90
2 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.41 +14.42
3 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME <0.01 +6.98
4 Jito title=JTO 2.76 +4.54
5 Waves title=WAVES 2.44 +4.27
6 Mobox title=MBOX 0.30 +4.05
7 NULS title=NULS 0.67 +3.80
8 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.28 +3.54
9 Cream title=CREAM 49.49 +2.38
10 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 2.87 +2.24
11 Injective title=INJ 25.72 +2.19
12 Axelar title=AXL 1.13 +2.15
13 Unifi Protocol DAO title=UNFI 3.51 +2.13
14 Nano title=XNO 1.05 +1.65
15 Open Campus title=EDU 0.57 +1.34
16 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.11 +1.25
17 Sui title=SUI 1.24 +0.84
18 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +0.66
19 Mines of Dalarnia title=DAR 0.15 +0.54
20 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.90 +0.33
21 Ardor title=ARDR 0.10 +0.30
22 Fusionist title=ACE 5.51 +0.24
23 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.17
24 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.04 +0.16


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.45 -18.52
2 Saga title=SAGA 3.41 -15.74
3 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.28 -15.21
4 Celestia title=TIA 9.84 -13.53
5 Contentos title=COS 0.01 -11.72
6 NEO title=NEO 16.95 -11.53
7 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.40 -11.16
8 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.08 -10.90
9 MANTRA title=OM 0.69 -10.88
10 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -10.72
11 Galxe title=GAL 3.54 -10.67
12 Amp title=AMP <0.01 -10.56
13 Orion title=ORN 1.39 -10.53
14 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 -10.29
15 Streamr title=DATA 0.05 -10.19
16 THORChain title=RUNE 4.64 -9.35
17 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.37 -8.94
18 Bittensor title=TAO 459.90 -8.80
19 Vite title=VITE 0.02 -8.67
20 Ethena title=ENA 0.92 -8.62
21 W 0.56 -8.59
22 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.52 -8.51
23 Manta Network title=MANTA 1.80 -8.43
24 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -8.22
25 LTO Network title=LTO 0.20 -7.75
26 Render title=RNDR 7.64 -7.72
27 Illuvium title=ILV 86.92 -7.49
28 BinaryX title=BNX 0.69 -7.45
29 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.73 -7.38
30 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -7.28

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


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4 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
5 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
6 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
7 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
8 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
9 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
10 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
11 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
(Bitcoin drops below 60K as analyst says zero spot Bitcoin ETF inflows very normal)
12 以色列央行官员表示,CBDC与银行的竞争有利于经济
(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
13 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
14 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
15 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
16 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
17 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
18 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
19 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)
20 为什么零流量的比特币ETF并不意味着你的想法
(Why Bitcoin ETFs with zero flows dont mean what you think)
21 分析师:比特币矿商股因利润减半后未经证实而下跌
(Bitcoin miner stocks drop on unsubstantiated post halving profit fears Analyst)
22 比特币下跌,因为美元在预期降息的情况下创下 14 个月来的最佳 5 天涨势
(Bitcoin drops as dollar eyes best 5 day run in 14 months on expected rate cut hold)
23 韩元成为全球加密货币交易商交易量最大的法定货币 报告
(Korean won becomes worlds most traded fiat for crypto traders Report)
24 ICPs Schnorr 集成迎来了比特币 DeFi 时代
(ICPs Schnorr integration ushers in Bitcoin DeFi era)
25 比特币供应将在 9 个月内耗尽 Bybit
(Bitcoin supply to run out on exchanges in 9 months Bybit)
26 加密货币的历史:严重的通货膨胀、不断上升的债务和不断发展的加密货币格局
(History of Crypto Crippling inflation rising debt and the evolving crypto landscape)
27 比特币鲸鱼拒绝出售,而 BTC 价格放弃了 70K 的欣快感
(Bitcoin whales refuse to sell while BTC price ditches 70K euphoria)
28 揭示减半对比特币通胀率和价值储存主张的影响
(Uncovering the halvings impact on Bitcoins inflation rate and store of value proposition)
29 前纽约联储主席加入币安美国董事会
(Former NY Fed chief joins BinanceUS board)
30 Avalanche 住房贷款代币化协议在 A 轮融资中筹集了 1000 万
(Avalanche home loan tokenization protocol raises 10M in Series A)
31 比特币供应减半冲击将撼动采矿业
(Bitcoin halving supply shock set to shake up mining sector)
32 以太坊价格数据对 3K 对 ETH 的支持强度产生怀疑
(Ethereum price data casts doubt on the strength of ETHs support at 3K)
33 比特币现货价格走势对BTC期权交易者几乎没有什么影响
(Bitcoins spot price action does little to spook BTC options traders)
34 Ethenas 稳定币模型的真正风险不是你想象的
(The real risks to Ethenas stablecoin model are not the ones you think)
35 给 Kieren James Lubin 的 6 个问题,他希望我们对奶奶达成共识
(6 Questions for Kieren James Lubin who wants us to get on the same page about grandma)
36 尽快禁用 iMessages 以避免加密零日漏洞利用 Trust Wallet
(Disable iMessages ASAP to avoid crypto zero day exploit Trust Wallet)
37 香港以太币ETF将幸运获得5亿
(Hong Kongs Ether Bitcoin ETFs will be lucky to get 500m)
38 加密劫持者从云公司骗取了 3500 万美元来挖掘加密货币联邦调查局声称
(Cryptojacker conned 35M from cloud firms to mine crypto feds allege)
39 欧易交易所推出以太坊第 2 层网络,以降低费用和互操作性
(OKX launches Ethereum layer 2 network for lower fees amp interoperability)
40 马斯克向新的 X 用户收取发帖费用,但有人说它不会 039 阻止机器人
(Musk to charge new X users to post but some say it won039t stop the bots)
41 贝莱德比特币ETF是自上周五以来唯一有资金流入的基金
(BlackRocks Bitcoin ETF is the only fund with inflows since Friday)
42 美国国家安全局接管互联网几天后警告爱德华·斯诺登
(NSA just days from taking over the internet warns Edward Snowden)
43 Bored Ape NFT 底价触及两年半以来的最低点
(Bored Ape NFT floor price hits lowest point in over two and a half years)
44 香港批准首批比特币和以太币ETF
(Hong Kong approves first Bitcoin and Ether ETFs)
45 挪威通过数据中心立法,标志着对比特币矿工的更多审查
(Norway passes data center legislation signaling more scrutiny for Bitcoin miners)
46 南非交易所 VALR 赢得双重加密牌照
(South African exchange VALR wins dual crypto licenses)
47 加密 NFT 狂热和数字所有权的历史
(History of Crypto NFT mania and digital ownership)
48 比特币吞噬了新的出价流动性,因为 BTC 价格争夺 65K
(Bitcoin eats up fresh bid liquidity as BTC price fights for 65K)
49 ETH 价格接近 3 年低点与比特币 以太坊 ETF 能否阻止潮流
(ETH price nears 3 year lows vs Bitcoin Will an Ethereum ETF stem the tide)
50 购买比特币,因为你的财富正在消失 Unchained 报告
(Buy Bitcoin because your wealth is melting away Unchained report)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 报告概述了美国各地区的经济和金融状况。 (Beige Book) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 02:00
2 投资流向国外和美国以外 (TIC Long-Term Purchases) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 04:00
3 美联储成员 (Loretta J. Mester) 声明 (FOMC Member Mester Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 05:30
4 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
5 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
6 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
7 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
8 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
9 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
10 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
11 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
12 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
13 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
14 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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