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硬币相关 #NFT-Marketplace

币名 细节
BakerySwap (bake)
BakerySwap 是一个多合一的 DeFi 平台,在一个地方提供 AMM 和 NFT 市场解决方案。. 用户可以交换代币,提供流动性,参与流动性耕作,还可以铸造NFT并进行交易。.
BakerySwap is the all-in-one DeFi platform that provides both AMM and NFT Marketplace solutions in one place. Users can exchange tokens, provide liquidity, participate in liquidity farming, and also mint NFT and trade them.
Art de Finance (adf)
[项目内容]Art de Finance 是一个用于数字艺术/NFT 和物理艺术的 Web 3.0 艺术平台。. Art de Finance提供NFT市场,区块链社交平台,NFT真实性证明,艺术品存储的实体艺术和艺术融资服务。[是什么让您的项目与众不同]ADF 不仅是一个 NFT 市场,而且还建立了一个 web3.0 社交策展项目、实体艺术推广和存储服务。. 每项服务都有其支持艺术家和 NFT 市场并有助于流动性的特点。ADF平台包含4个相互连接的专用平台.1ADF主平台提供DeFiNFTFi,DAO和治理.2Artiside是ADF的社交策展平台。. 艺术家可以通过平台铸造作品,通过服务与粉丝交流并形成同人圈。. Artiside支持“播种”,这是一种独特的质押系统,可以将新兴艺术家与社
[What is the project about]Art de Finance is a Web 3.0 Art Platform for Digital Arts/NFT & Physical Arts. Art de Finance Provides NFT Marketplace,Blockchain Social Platform,NFT Proof of Authenticity,Art Storage for Physical Arts & Art Financing Service.[What makes your project unique]ADF is not only an NFT marketplace but also establishing a web3.0 social curation project,physical art promotion & storage service. Each service has its characterist
NvirWorld (nvir)
NvirWorld 是一个第 2 层混合去中心化 NFT 平台,既提供独特数字艺术品的公开市场交易,也为经过验证的艺术家提供自己的策展服务的高级艺术类别。. NvirWorld的核心是Nvir实用代币,这是一种基于以太坊区块链的ERC20,用于具有治理功能的生态系统中。. NvirWorld提供了一个全面的环境,其中各种好处将得到奖励并分配给其功能的用户,形成一个多维的数字领域。. 除了 NFT 市场,NvirWorld 的目标是稍后将服务扩展到 NHub DeFi 合成资产交易所和 Nvirland 元界游戏。.
NvirWorld is a Layer 2, Hybrid Decentralized NFT Platform that offers both open market trading for unique digital artworks, and a premium art category featuring its own curation service for verified artists. Central to NvirWorld is the Nvir utility token, an ERC20 based on the Ethereum blockchain, which is used in the ecosystem with governance functions. NvirWorld provides a comprehensive environment in which various benefits will be rewarded and
4 8BIT
8BITEARN (8bit)
$8Bit是8BitEARN生态系统的超通货紧缩,BEP20原生代币,它打开了几个被动收入流和福利门户,以激励$8Bit代币持有者。. $8Bit 在我们的 Launchpad ProPAD 提供 BTC 反射、质押奖励、每月钻石手奖励、季度收入分配、BUSD 信贷设施和投资保险、多链 Defi 交易所 ProDEX 的农业和现金返还池、在我们的 NFT 市场上为 8Bit NFT 持有者提供多项 DeFi 福利,并提供令人难以置信的 NFT 交易体验 我们通过 DAO 治理促进绝对透明度和决策权。 8BITEARN POWER NFT DAPP PRODEX & PROPAD.2 礼物 预付卡和下一代 DeFi Exchange3 拥有一个生态系统,配备多种行业领先的 DeFi 产品,并为
$8Bit is a hyperdeflationary,BEP20 native token of the 8BitEARN Ecosystem that opens several passive income streams & benefit portals to incentivize $8Bit token holders. $8Bit Offers perks such as BTC Reflections,Staking Rewards,Monthly Diamond Hand Rewards,Quarterly Revenue Distributions,a BUSD Credit Facility and Investment Insurance at our Launchpad ProPAD,Farming & Cashback Pools at our multichain Defi Exchange ProDEX,several DeFi benefits to
Alpha Shares V2 (alpha)
阿尔法股份是第一个由其 NFT 和代币持有者社区驱动的 NFT 市场。. 今天在 AlphaShares 上体验交易、铸造、购买、出售和学习 NFT 收藏品.......
Alpha Shares is the first NFT Marketplace driven by its community of NFT and token holders. Experience trading, minting, buying, selling and learning about NFT collectibles on the AlphaShares today.
Amateras (amt)
AMATERAS 集 NFT×DeFi×GameFi/NFT 市场、NFT 扭蛋、NFT 质押、掉期、农场池于一体。. 目之所及,有一个世界。. AMATERAS 旨在为 NFT×DeFi 提供解决方案。. 例如,通过在 AMATERA 上质押 NFT,您可以获得$AMT。. 该代币可用于常规流动性挖矿,也可以兑换其他代币。.
AMATERAS is NFT×DeFi×GameFi/ NFT Marketplace, NFT Gacha, NFT Staking, Swap, Farming pool all in one. There is a world as far as the eye can see. AMATERAS aims to provide a solution for NFT× DeFi. For example, by staking NFTs on AMATERAS, you can get $AMT. This token can be used for regular liquidity mining and can also be exchanged for other tokens.
Areon Network (area)
Areon Network 是下一代区块链技术,旨在开发自己的区域证明区块链技术,提供更快、更可靠的 NFT 交换、更真实的元宇宙体验,并通过忠诚度计划奖励用户。. 它的目标是让加密人员拥有更安全、更快、更实惠的加密体验。. Areon Network Properties,PoA AreonChain Blockchain EcosystemmetAREON NFT MarketplaceAreonCity MetauniverseAreon AcademyAREA 是第一个使用区域证明 POA 协议的加密货币。. Areon Network是Area Proof of Area POA的创建者。面积证明是作为比特币工作量证明协议的替代品出现的,是一种考虑数字资产所有权的协议,而不是基于计
Areon Network is a nextgeneration blockchain technology that aims to develop its own Proof of Area blockchain technology,providing faster and more reliable NFT exchange,a more real metaverse experience,and rewarding its users with loyalty programs. Its goal is for crypto people to have a safer,faster and more affordable crypto experience. Areon Network Properties;PoA AreonChain Blockchain EcosystemmetAREON NFT MarketplaceAreonCity MetauniverseAre
Ari Swap (ari)
Ari Swap Corp 是一个建立在 Celo 生态系统(净零碳区块链)上的社交区块链 NFT 市场。. 我们的目的是为社会公益和所有人的繁荣带来社会乐趣。. 我们努力通过艺术和娱乐将社区聚集在一起,同时为创作者的成长和成功铺平道路。. 无论您是区块链和加密货币的初学者还是专家,我们都在为您构建一个出类拔萃的环境。此外,我们一直在寻找符合我们目标的社会事业。. 作为一个组织,我们承认我们为帮助社会而采取的每一步都有助于创造一个更美好的世界。NFT 市场于 11 月 18 日向公众推出。. 您现在可以以较低的汽油费发现、收集、出售和创建令人难以置信的 NFT。.
Ari Swap Corp is a social blockchain NFT Marketplace built on the Celo Ecosystem, a net carbon zero blockchain. Our purpose is to bring social fun for social good and prosperity for all. We strive to bring communities together through art and entertainment while paving a path for creators to grow and succeed. Whether you’re a firsttimer or an expert in blockchain and cryptocurrencies, we are building an environment for you to excel.Moreover, we a
ASIX (asix)
Asix 代币旨在邀请加密资产投资者构建我们的大型项目:P2E 游戏、Asix NFT 市场和努桑塔拉土地元界ASIX 代币也是一个基础强大的社区,拥有许多实用程序,例如 :P 2E 游戏 • Congklak 游戏• 贝克尔游戏• 拉扬甘战场游戏• 科莫多链游戏• 我们是巴布亚游戏*NFT 市场元界 / 努桑塔拉宇宙• 元界是一个虚拟世界,可让您像在现实生活中一样进行各种活动,例如会议, 使用增强现实AR和虚拟现实VR技术与其他用户进行工作,娱乐和交易。.
Asix Token is intended to invite crypto asset investors to build our big projects: P2E Games, Asix NFT Marketplace and Nusantara Land MetaverseASIX Token is also a strongbased community with a lot of utilities, such as :P2E Games • Congklak game• Bekel game• Layangan Battlefield game• Komodochain game• We Are Papua game*NFT MarketplaceMetaverse / Nusantaraverse• Metaverse is a virtual world that allows you to carry out various activities like in
10 ABB
Astro Babies (abb)
天文代币$ABB标志着阿童木宝宝 NFT 生态系统的新篇章。. 在品牌成立一周年之际,Astro Babies 开创了 Solana NFT 的实用之路,现在正在寻求在许多网络中实现多样化,以扩展平台作为区块链不可知生态系统的可访问性。. Astro 代币游戏在每个 Astro Babies 冒险中都扮演着重要角色,这些冒险围绕着最近推出的 Astro 画廊 NFT 市场和 Astro 赌场元界体验。. 在 Astro 画廊中,$ABB将用于以回扣方式向未来具有更多集成的用户购买和出售 NFT。. Astro Babies 在 NFT 领域因当前开发基于虚幻引擎 5 平台 Project Keprar 构建的 Astro Club 元界而广为人知。. Astro Galleries 集成到元
Astro Token $ABB marks a new chapter for Astro Babies NFT ecosystem. Coming up on the brands one year anniversary, Astro Babies have pioneered the path of utility for Solana NFTs and now are looking to diversify across many networks to expand the platforms accessibility as a blockchain agnostic ecosystem. Astro Token play’s a major role in each of the Astro Babies ventures which revolve around the recently launch Astro Gallery NFT marketplace and
Baby Aptos (baptos)
这个项目是关于什么的Baby Aptos旨在成为Aptos的多网络支持代币,具有bAptos反射,低税收,为持有者提供良好的被动收入,一个无法被团队更改或操纵的证券化智能合约。. Baby Aptos由加密货币专家团队维护,他们非常了解营销,项目开发和社区管理。未来的公用事业,婴儿阿普托斯交换德克斯和 DEFI 婴儿阿普托斯支付 用你的阿普托斯和婴儿阿普托斯购买一些真实的产品宝贝阿普托斯 NFT 市场在多个网络上购买、交易和交换您的 NFT 婴儿阿普托斯商品购买一些婴儿阿普托斯商品以资助宝贝阿普托斯生态系统的营销和发展婴儿阿普托斯钱包将您的加密货币存储在宝贝阿普托斯钱包桥上,币安智能链将是第一个可用于该代币的网络。. Baby Aptos将被桥接到Aptos网络,随后被桥接到Aptos已经桥
What is the project aboutBaby Aptos is aimed to be a multinetwork supportive token for Aptos with its bAptos reflection,low tax,a good passive income for holders,a securized smart contract that cant be changed or manipulated by the team. Baby Aptos is maintained by a team of experts in cryptocurrency that knows perfectly about marketing,project development and community management.Future utilities;Baby Aptos Swap Dex and DEFI Baby Aptos Pay Buy s
12 BKN
Baskonia Fan Token (bkn)
Bitci Baskonia Token BKN 是一个建立在 Bitcichain.BKN 代币上的 BRC20 智能合约,为其粉丝提供参与调查和活动、享受与数字收藏品、NFT 购买、粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务的机会。BKN令牌通过在未来被纳入Bitci Baskonia的潜在生态系统来提供电子商务机会。它支持投票、捐赠、独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链框架的亮点:Bitci Baskonia代币建立在Bitcichain上,作为原生BRC20代币。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币效用:Bitci Baskonia 代币提供各种粉丝参与选项,包括有限的收藏
Bitci Baskonia Token BKN is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.BKN Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.BKN Token provides ECommerce opportunity by being included in the potential ecosystem of Bitci Baskonia in the future.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Videos and more.Bitci Fan Tokens streng
BeamSwap (glint)
什么是Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap是一个DeFi中心,也是第一个带有自动做市商AMM的去中心化交易所DEX,提供流动性和点对点交易,建立在Moonbeam网络上。为什么选择Moonbeam波卡点平行链筹集了最多资金和最高捐款将以太坊的易用性与Polkadot的强大功能相结合从其他以太坊虚拟机EVM链无缝过渡Beamswap具有先发优势与人们已经使用并熟悉Metamask,Remix,Hardhat,Truffle等的工具兼容跨链集成链上治理低gas价格可扩展性是什么使Beamswap独一无二的产品和功能经过策划 考虑到初学者和有经验的用户。. Beamswap的目标是为用户提供一套工具,直接在我们的平台上满足他们的所有需求。EVM的集成桥收益农业糖浆池DEX和AMMNFT市
What Is Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap is a DeFi Hub and the first Decentralized exchange DEX with an automated market maker AMM, providing liquidity and peertopeer transactions, built on the Moonbeam network.Why MoonbeamMost funds raised and highest number of contributions for a polkadot parachainCombines Ethereums simplicity of use with the power of PolkadotSeamless transition form other Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM chainsBeamswap has the firstmovers
14 BFK
$BFK展示了一个简单而专业的游戏生态系统,其中我们的原生代币将被用作我们的 P2E 射击游戏和 NFT 市场的货币。. 我们正在设计一个互动市场,我们的 NFT 将作为游戏内可玩角色,可用于在多种游戏模式下赚取代币。. 挑战你的游戏伙伴进行 1v1,或在地牢风格的游戏中联手打倒老板。.
$BFK is presenting a simple yet specialized gaming ecosystem in which our native token will be used as the currency for our P2E shooter and our NFT Marketplace. We are designing an interactive marketplace where our NFTs will feature as ingame playable characters that can be used to earn tokens in multiple game modes. Challenge your gaming buddies to 1v1, or join forces to take down bosses in dungeon style gameplay
BitCone (cone)
BitCone CONE 是由 Cones 为 Cones 制作的社区实用代币。. 创建了 6080 亿个代币,以与 608 个 Cone Head Reddit 收藏头像平行。. 代币是民主管理的,因此每个决定都通过Conemunity民意调查进行投票。. BitCones可以通过Avatar Airdrops,Community Events和BitCone Mining获得,BitCone Mining是一个革命性的自动化内容货币化平台,可以激励用户参与r / ConeHeads和其他参与的子Reddits.BitCones也可以用于在我们自己的NFT市场 Avatarmate.xyz 上交易和列出Reddit收藏头像NFT。.
BitCone CONE is a community utility token made by Cones,for Cones. 608 Billion tokens were created to parallel the 608 Cone Head Reddit Collectible Avatars. The token is governed democratically,so every decision is voted on via Conemunity Polls. BitCones can be earned through Avatar Airdrops,Community Events and BitCone Mining,a revolutionary automated content monetization platform,that incentivizes user engagement in r/ConeHeads and other partic
BitValley (bitv)
什么是BitvalleyBitvalley的想法是成为加密中最大的生态系统。. 这意味着我们将开发很多产品,但所有产品都将使用相同的令牌,即BitV。. 通过投资Bitvalley,您投资了所有这些项目。. 我们将如何开始建立这个生态系统 嗯,我们已经有了。. 我们已经开发了第一个和第二个产品,即Bitdash和NFT市场,还有我们的第三个平台Bitvalley移动应用程序,这是我们的主要产品已经在进行中,它将有多个产品。我们的产品:Bitdash 已经开发 NFT 市场已经开发Bitvalley 移动应用程序开发正在进行中关于 BitdashBitvalley 仪表板是我们持有者的 allinone 仪表板。. 您需要做的就是连接您喜欢的钱包,瞧,一切都会弹出并供您使用。.
What is BitvalleyThe Bitvalley idea is to be the biggest ecosystem in Crypto. What does that mean It means that we will develop a lot of products but all the products will use the same token which is BitV. By investing in Bitvalley you invest in all of these projects. How will we start to build this ecosystem Well, we already have. We have our first and second product already developed which are Bitdash and NFT Marketplace, also our third platfor
17 BLS
BlueSale (bls)
这个项目是关于BlueSale的:一个分散的启动板,允许用户毫不费力地启动他们的代币并托管初始代币销售。. 使用BlueSale,你不需要知道如何编码。. 转到我们的终端,只需点击几下即可设计您的代币.2.. 是什么让您的项目独一无二BlueSale具有许多功能,可以更轻松地启动代币,例如在任何DEX,LP锁定选项上自动上市,并为您的代币提供归属期。BlueSale与其他去中心化启动板的不同之处在于投资者的安全。. 严格的KYC流程确保任何可疑行为都无法进入BlueSale生态系统。.
1. What is the project aboutBlueSale: a decentralized launchpad that allows users to launch their tokens and host initial token sales effortlessly. With BlueSale,you dont need to know how to code. Go to our terminal and design your token with a few clicks.2. What makes your project uniqueBlueSale has many features that make it easier to launch a token,such as automatic listing on any DEX,LP lock options,and giving your tokens a vesting period.Wha
BlueSparrow (bluesparrow)
BlueSparrow是一家制造一种名为BlueSparrow Token的特殊代币的公司。. 它可以帮助人们进行金融交易,如股票和商品。. 它还有一个叫做 NFT 市场的东西,人们可以在其中购买特殊的数字物品。. BlueSparrow令牌帮助人们使用BlueBit交易所及其iOS应用程序进行交易和用钱做其他事情。.
BlueSparrow is a company that makes a special token called BlueSparrow Token. It helps people with financial trading,like stocks and commodities. It also has something called an NFT Marketplace,where people can buy special digital items. The BlueSparrow Token helps people use the BlueBit Exchange and its iOS App to trade and do other things with money.
BODA (bodav2)
BODA V2是币安智能链上的通货紧缩DeFi代币。. 允许持有者仅通过持有 BODA V2 自动获得高达 19% 的 BUSD 奖励,每次购买即可直接向持有者返还 6% $BUSD奖励,每个卖出订单可直接返还 13% 的$BUSD奖励。. BODA 提供了一个易于使用的仪表板,用于跟踪 BUSD 股息奖励。. 请注意:至少需要 30 亿个代币才能开始赚取$BUSD奖励,以确保代币系统不会纵或利用。. 作为股息奖励系统,您持有的代币越多,您将获得的收益就越多.每笔交易的 2% 是自动销毁的。. 使BODA V2代币成为超通货紧缩代币。.
BODA V2 is a deflationary DeFi token on the Binance Smart Chain. Allowing holders to automatically earn up to 19% in BUSD rewards just for holding BODA V2 gives 6% $BUSD rewards directly back to holders from every buy, and a huge 13% in $BUSD Rewards from every sell order. BODA offers an easytouse dashboard for tracking BUSD dividend rewards. Please Note: A Minimum of 3 Billion tokens is required to start earning $BUSD rewa
20 BTR
BTRIPS (btr)
BTRIPS项目于2021年2月在韩国启动,核心成员包括韩国O2O初创公司Global Order.LTD.BTRIPS开发了NFT市场平台,该平台可以通过NFT协助奢侈品,并实现拍卖,销售和抽奖。. 未来,随着 NFT 技术的使用,希望 BTRIPS 以及 BPR 代币的使用可以帮助提供更安全的奢侈品交易机会,NFT 合约作为所交易商品真实性的保证,也更容易在社区内外接触到这种奢侈品。.
The BTRIPS project started in February 2021 based in Korea, and the core members consist of Korean O2O startup Global Order.LTD.BTRIPS developed the NFT Marketplace platform that can assist luxury products with NFT and enable auctions, sales and prize draws. In the future, with the use of NFT technology, it is hoped that BTRIPS and also the use of BPR tokens can help provide opportunities for luxury product transactions to be safer with the NFT c
Cardanum (carda)
卡达那 区块链最好的 在一个去中心化的超级应用程序去中心化交易所:没有表格,没有自拍。. 随时轻松交易加密货币。NFT 市场:Cardanum 为您提供了一种简单的方法,可以将您所有独特的 ERC721 和 ERC1155 加密 NFT 和游戏资产保存在一个地方。. 爱你的加密 NFT 我们也爱他们。. 将它们全部存储在您的CARDA钱包中:硬币质押为货币持有者提供了网络上的一些决策权。. 通过质押硬币,您可以获得投票和产生收入的能力。. 这与某人在银行账户中持有资金或将其交给银行进行投资而获得利息的方式非常相似。关于 : $CARDA 是Cardanum & CARDA WALLET的治理代币。安全:高质量的代码,彻底的测试,安全审计等。.
Cardanum The best of Blockchain In one Decentralized super AppDecentralized Exchanges : No forms,no selfies. Trade crypto anytime with ease.NFT Marketplace : Cardanum offers you an easy way to keep all your unique ERC721 and ERC1155 crypto NFTs and game assets in one place. Love your crypto NFTs We love them too. Store them all in your CARDA WALLETSTAKING : Coin staking gives currency holders some decision power on the network. By staking coins,y
22 CAT
Catcoin BSC (cat)
关于CAT的项目是什么 硬币是一个分散的模因项目,旨在帮助人们采用加密货币和救援有需要的狗。是什么让您的项目与众不同作为首批在其网站上提供实时去中心化交换的模因币之一,CAT Coin 也是首批接受加密货币信用卡支付的币种之一。项目的历史记录。一个有目的的去中心化模因项目,CAT Coin 于 2022 年 12 月 1 日创建.您的项目的下一步是什么CAT Coin 的未来项目包括其 Paw 钱包,它将让用户跟踪他们的奖励来自反射、钱包余额、硬币估值等,以及它的 NFT 市场,用户可以在其中创建和购买/拍卖自己的 NFT,同时将收益的 3% 捐赠给帮助救援狗。. 他们还打算开一家商店,猫所有者可以在公共场合展示他们对自己喜欢的模因的支持。您的代币可以用于什么 CAT 币可用于在 CAT C
What is the project aboutCAT Coin is a decentralized meme project that aims to both help people adopt cryptocurrencies and rescue dogs in need.What makes your project uniqueOne of the first meme coins to emerge with a live decentralized swap available on its website,CAT Coin is also among the first to accept credit card payments for cryptocurrencies.History of your project.A decentralized meme project with a purpose,CAT Coin was created on Decemb
CloudBase (cloud)
项目是关于什么的CloudBase是BASE上最先进的DEX,供用户交易,赚钱和游戏。. 享受低廉的交换费用,有利可图的功能和多类型推荐计划。CloudBase是BASE上开创性的去中心化交易所之一,其使命是为每个人提供一个简单易用的去中心化交易平台2。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二CloudBase的目标是成为BASE上的AllinOne平台。. 我们平台上具有 10+ 功能: 交易/掉期 由 Axelar 提供支持的跨链掉期解决方案 质押和耕作 NFT 质押 启动板 启动池 AMM NFT 市场二元期权永续桥我们的用户可以使用他们需要的任何 DeFi 功能,而不必移动到任何其他 dApp.3。. 项目的历史记录。我们正在BASE上构建我们的DEX,这是我们想要启动项目代币的第一个链和我们的
1. What is the project aboutCloudBase is the most progressive DEX on BASE for users to trade,earn,and games. Enjoy the low exchange fees,profitable features & Multitype referral program.CloudBase is one of the pioneering decentralized exchanges on BASE,with a mission to provide a simple and accessible platform for decentralized trading to everyone.2. What makes your project uniqueCloudBase aim to become the AllinOne Platform on BASE. With 10+ fea
CloudCoin Finance (ccfi)
什么是云币金融 CCFICloudCoin Finance是下一代跨链和多链去中心化金融,做市商,交易和流动性提供商DAO由CCFI驱动的TOKENCCFI是用于以下用途的原生实用代币:*令牌支付,CloudCoin Finance拥有自己的支付系统,可以添加到任何网站。 通过质押CCFI代币在网络上运行验证器节点。 项目强大的商业案例,包括物联网,人工智能,以及由氢驱动的绿色能源。. * 用于治理投票,以确定如何分配网络资源。CCFI 功能包括: * 治理* 启动板* 质押* 流动性提供* 耕种* NFT 市场* 桥接超过 18 个区块链 NULS、ETH、HECO、OKC、ONE、POLYGON、KCC、TRON、CRO、AVAX、AETH、FTM、Metis、IoTex、Optimis
What Is CloudCoin Finance CCFICloudCoin Finance is the nextgeneration crosschain & multichain decentralized finance,market maker,trading,and liquidity provider DAO driven powered by CCFI TokenCCFI is the native utility token that is used for:* Token payments,CloudCoin Finance has its own payment system that can be added to any website.* Running validator nodes on the network via staking CCFI tokens.* The projects strong business cases including I
Curate (xcur)
Curate是一个零费用和无气的市场生态系统。. 作为世界上第一个 NFT 市场应用程序,我们让购买、销售和铸造 NFT 变得简单而免费。.
Curate is a zero fees and gasless marketplace ecosystem. As the world’s first-ever NFT Marketplace APP we make buying, selling, and minting NFTs simple and free.
Cyberpunk City (cyber)
赛博朋克城市是世界上第一个基于虚幻引擎 5 构建的正常运行的元宇宙之一。. 它通过各种活动提供身临其境且独特的游戏体验,例如大逃杀、团队死亡竞赛和科幻赛车游戏,并拥有令人印象深刻的 10,000 个可定制的游戏内 NFT 角色。. 此外,赛博朋克城由MultiversX区块链提供支持,并通过其WalletConnect登录系统为用户提供无与伦比的安全性。. 此外,赛博朋克城为其所有用户提供了一个统一的平台,使他们能够从内部访问他们的社交媒体、DeFi、GameFi 和 NFT 市场账户,而无需单独登录。. 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,赛博朋克城市的氛围非常适合社交和举办活动,使其成为整个社区加入的理想场所。.
Cyberpunk City is one of the worlds first functioning metaverses built on Unreal Engine 5. It offers an immersive and unique gaming experience with various activities,such as battle royale,team deathmatch,and scifi car racing games,with an impressive selection of 10,000 customizable ingame NFT characters. In addition,Cyberpunk City is powered by MultiversX blockchain and provides users unparalleled security through its WalletConnect login system.
DeeLance (dlance)
这个项目是关于什么的DeeLance是一个去中心化的平台,彻底改变了自由职业者与元界潜在雇主的联系方式。. DeeLances主要关注虚拟世界,用户可以在其中社交,工作和赚钱。. 元宇宙、NFT 市场、招聘和无缝自由职业者平台为用户创造了终极生态系统。. DeeLance突破性方法的核心是将自由职业者工作产品代币化为NFT,允许安全可靠地将工作所有权转移给招聘人员使您的项目独一无二DeeLance因其在元宇宙中的微社区概念,去中心化方法以及通过NFT,元界和NFT市场的内容所有权而独一无二。. 在自由职业者平台中,佣金低,即时提款,任务大小无限制,可扩展的争议系统和简单的注册过程。项目的历史记录。最初的项目计划由迪兰斯的 Dommetti 首席执行官于 2022 年第四季度构思。. 然后白皮
What is the project aboutDeeLance is a decentralized platform revolutionizing how freelancers connect with potential employers in Metaverse. DeeLances main focus is on the virtual world where users can Socialize,Work and Earn. The Metaverse,NFT marketplace,recruitment,and seamless freelancing platform create the ultimate ecosystem for the users. At the core of DeeLances groundbreaking approach is the tokenization of freelance work products into N
Digital Files (difi)
项目简介DIFI是一个100%去中心化的电子文档交易平台,您可以在其中使用DIFI代币进行交易,出售视频,代码,音频,图片,游戏,数据库等。是什么让您的项目独一无二第一世界 100% 数字文件市场在 web3 和 IPFS 中。项目的历史记录。诞生于一个想法,让每个人都可以轻松,快速,安全地出售他们的作品。您的项目的下一步是什么去中心化市场出售任何类型的文件,使用小狐狸钱包并且没有任何风险您的代币可以用于什么DIFI用于在我们的市场上购买文件,并在DIFI NFT市场上购买NFT。.
What is the project aboutDIFI is a 100% decentralized electronic document trading platform,where you can sell videos,codes,audios,pictures,games,databases,etc.,using DIFI tokens for transactions.What makes your project uniqueFirst World 100% Digital Files marketplace buil in web3 and IPFS.History of your project.Born from an idea to allow everyone to sell their work easily,quickly and safely.What’s next for your projectDecentralized MarketPlace t
Digiverse是世界上第一个也是唯一一个创造虚拟现实感知的数字元宇宙。. 它是实例化元宇宙环境的最成功和获得专利的例子。Digiverse是一个创新的区块链项目,它将虚拟世界和现实世界融合在一起,安全、快速地将其实施到物理世界中。. 这不仅仅是一个概念,更是一个现实,在传奇之地占地5000平方米,在参观后受到世界知名人士的称赞。Digiverse 的核心由几个主要组件组成,包括 Metaverse、数字身份、加密交易所中心化和 DigiTravel。. 它通过支持功能补充了这些主要组件,例如 NFT 市场、数字 NFT 拍卖、项目孵化器、Launchpad、质押功能和去中心化加密交易所 DEX。Digiverses Metaverse 是一个平台,为不同地区的人们提供身临其境的体验,每个
Digiverse is the worlds first and only digital metaverse that creates the perception of virtual reality. It is the single most successful and patented example of instantiating Metaverse environments.Digiverse is an innovative blockchain project that merges virtual and real world,implementing it into the physical world securely and expeditiously. It is not just a concept; its a reality,occupying 5000 square meters in the Land of Legends and commen
30 DOS
DOS Chain (dos)
什么是DOS链 DOSDOS链是由DOS Labs与Avalanche合作开发的快速,零汽油费和三步入职区块链网络,使用其子网技术。. DOS Chain由10多个游戏工作室和拥有20K +成员的游戏开发者社区提供支持。DOS 子网旨在将数十亿 Web2 玩家带入 Web3 游戏。. 目标是为玩家提供流畅有趣的 Web2 游戏体验以及 Web3 的所有权、去中心化和透明度。. DOS Labs花了8个月的时间自定义子网,添加零gas费用功能,为DOS构建整个生态系统,例如用户友好的钱包,NFT市场等。谁是DOS ChainDOS链的创始人由DOS Labs发起,由格洛斯特郡大学MBA的Anh “JOY” Le和Quang Nguyen创立。. 现任首席运营官Anh是游戏行业的资深人士,拥有超
What is DOS Chain DOSDOS Chain is the fast,zero gas fee and threesteps onboarding blockchain network developed by DOS Labs in partnership with Avalanche using their Subnet technology. DOS Chain is supported by more than 10 game studios and a game developer community with 20K+ members.The DOS Subnet aims to bring billions of Web2 players into Web3 gaming. The goal is to provide the players with a smooth and fun gaming experience of Web2 together w
E.C. Vitoria Fan Token (vtra)
什么是维多利亚代币Esporte Clube Vitória代币 VITORIA是一个建立在Bitcichain上的BRC20智能合约.VITORIA代币为其粉丝提供了参与调查和活动的机会,享受与数字收藏品,NFT购买,粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务。维多利亚代币将在未来被纳入维多利亚电子竞技俱乐部的潜在生态系统中,提供 ECommerce.It 投票、捐赠、独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链框架的亮点:Esporte Clube Vitória代币建立在Bitcichain上,作为原生BRC20代币。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币效用:Esporte Club
What is VITORIA TokenEsporte Clube Vitória Token VITORIA is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.VITORIA Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.VITORIA Token will be included in the potential ecosystem of Esporte Clube Vitória in the future, providing ECommerce.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Vid
EbisusBay Fortune (frtn)
项目是关于什么的$FRTN是 EbisusBay.com 专有的平台实用代币,旨在为Ryoshi王朝的游戏化DAO体验提供动力,奖励NFT持有者并为NFT生态系统带来新的交易量是什么使您的项目独一无二财富代币是EbisusBay平台的关键部分,EbisusBay平台是Cronos网络上的顶级NFT市场。. 它是一种创新的加密货币,不仅为平台功能提供支持,还为 NFT 社区提供令人兴奋和动态的游戏式环境。项目的历史记录。Ebisus Bay 是 Cronos 上第一个也是最大的 NFT 市场,拥有独特的 GameFi DAO 奖励系统。. Ebisus Bay 被选为 Cronos 社区最值得信赖的 Web3 平台,允许用户以快速、安全和用户友好的方式创建、购买、出售、交易 NFT。您的 pr
What is the project about$FRTN is EbisusBay.com proprietary platform utility token,designed to fuel the Ryoshi Dynasties gamified DAO experience,reward NFT holders and drive new volumes to the NFT ecosystemsWhat makes your project uniqueFortune Token is a pivotal part of the EbisusBay platform,a toptier NFT marketplace on the Cronos network. Its an innovative cryptocurrency that not only powers the platforms functions but also fuels an exciting a
Epiko (epiko)
项目简介EPIKO是一个在区块链上运行的开创性的GameFi平台,彻底改变了Web3.0游戏生态系统。. 其主要目标是通过将区块链技术、playtoearn 机制和不可替代代币 NFT 无缝集成到其游戏世界中来提供无与伦比的游戏体验。是什么让您的项目与众不同让 EPIKO 与众不同的是它能够无缝结合游戏、去中心化金融 DeFi 和区块链技术。. 通过实施Playtoearn模型,玩家可以通过参与游戏和比赛获得奖励,从而培养引人入胜且身临其境的游戏体验。. NFT 的整合通过使玩家能够拥有和交易游戏内资产,赋予他们在游戏世界中真正的所有权和价值,从而进一步增强了生态系统。项目的历史记录。Epiko项目开始了它的旅程,其愿景是通过将迷人的游戏世界与区块链技术的变革潜力相结合来重新定义游戏格局。.
What is the project aboutEPIKO is a groundbreaking GameFi platform that operates on the blockchain,revolutionizing the Web3.0 gaming ecosystem. Its primary objective is to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience by seamlessly integrating blockchain technology,playtoearn mechanics,and nonfungible tokens NFTs into its gaming universe.What makes your project uniqueWhat sets EPIKO apart is its ability to combine gaming,decentralized finance DeFi,an
Fatih Karagümrük SK Fan Token (fksk)
Fatih Karagümrük SK Token FKSK 是一个建立在 Bitcichain.FKSK 代币上的 BRC20 智能合约,为其粉丝提供参与调查和活动、享受与数字收藏品、NFT 购买、粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务的机会。FKSK代币通过在未来被纳入Fatih Karagümrük SK的潜在生态系统来提供电子商务机会。它支持投票、捐赠、独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链基础设施的亮点:Fatih Karagümrük SK令牌是在Bitcichain上作为原生BRC20令牌创建的。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币实用程序:法提赫卡拉古姆鲁克 SK
Fatih Karagümrük SK Token FKSK is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.FKSK Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.FKSK Token provides ECommerce opportunity by being included in the potential ecosystem of Fatih Karagümrük SK in the future.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Videos and more.Bitci Fan
FC Sion Fan Token (sion)
FC Sion Token SION 是一个基于 Bitcichain.SION 代币构建的 BRC20 智能合约,为其粉丝提供参与调查和活动、享受与数字收藏品、NFT 购买、粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务的机会。SION Token将在未来被纳入FC Sions的潜在生态系统,提供 ECommerce.It 投票,捐赠,独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链框架的亮点:FC Sion令牌建立在Bitcichain上,作为原生BRC20令牌。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币实用程序:FC Sion 代币提供各种粉丝参与选项,包括有限的收藏和与 Bitci NFT 市场
FC Sion Token SION is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.SION Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.SION Token will be included in FC Sions potential ecosystem in the future, providing ECommerce.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Videos and more.Bitci Fan Tokens strengthen the bond between team a
FoxGirl (foxgirl)
FoxGirl 是一种了不起的实用代币,它为投资者带来了令人兴奋的新功能、庞大的 NFT 市场、加密视频游戏、代币列表、经过验证的代币开发人员、接受加密货币的企业,当然还有 FoxGirl Waifus!.
FoxGirl is an amazing utility token that brings investors exciting new features, a massive NFT Marketplace, crypto video games, token listings, verified token devs, businesses that accept crypto, and of course FoxGirl Waifus!
Genesys (gsys)
关于Genesys网络的项目是什么,这是一个将所有区块链服务统一在一个平台上的生态系统。我们的平台将DeFiBlockchain技术与社区驱动的解决方案相结合,为加密货币交易和NFT创建最快,最具可扩展性和低消耗的产品和服务。. 致力于为我们的客户提供无缝的用户体验,提供一套全面的去中心化特性和功能,将他们的加密市场体验提升到一个新的水平。是什么让您的项目独一无二为社区量身定制的经济实惠的 Dapp 和平台的组合,单一网络下的所有服务,Genesys 生态系统结合了以下应用程序:Genesys View 应用程序,这是一个硬币手表、启动板、P2P 交换和分析平台、蓝色 NFT 市场的创世纪,艺术家和创作者的财产权受到保护,BlueHosting 网络、域、AI 和托管服务,Genesys P
What is the project aboutGenesys Network,the ecosystem where all Blockchain services are unified on a single platform.Our platform combines DeFiBlockchain technology with communitydriven solutions to create the fastest,most scalable,and lowconsumption products and services for cryptocurrency transactions and NFT’s. Were committed to providing a seamless user experience for our customers,offering a comprehensive suite of decentralized features and


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,118.00 4,275,464,818.92
2 ARS title=ARS 1,043.40 2,171,510,244.60
3 ETH title=ETH 3,079.25 1,767,864,558.54
4 SOL title=SOL 143.73 1,546,525,523.83
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 387,812,850.44
6 WIF title=WIF 2.94 311,888,978.49
7 XRP title=XRP 0.51 309,787,709.95
8 ENA title=ENA 0.97 301,154,112.72
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 293,615,319.69
10 BOME title=BOME 0.01 208,614,086.23
11 RUNE title=RUNE 5.43 179,177,603.79
12 ORDI title=ORDI 45.14 122,382,071.36
13 WLD title=WLD 4.95 119,338,868.55
14 NEAR title=NEAR 5.64 115,097,841.88
15 SAGA title=SAGA 4.25 112,565,513.71
16 AVAX title=AVAX 34.99 109,001,482.38
17 ADA title=ADA 0.47 93,503,435.75
18 TIA title=TIA 10.69 88,891,485.30
19 SUI title=SUI 1.34 86,855,447.60
20 MATIC title=MATIC 0.68 80,191,250.72
21 LINK title=LINK 13.99 79,826,469.97
22 FTM title=FTM 0.70 73,186,958.28
23 JTO title=JTO 3.64 73,174,851.72
24 OMNI title=OMNI 25.36 72,488,485.55
25 FIL title=FIL 6.19 69,761,780.86
26 RNDR title=RNDR 7.97 69,514,749.53
27 TRX title=TRX 0.11 66,539,350.25


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.73 +30.78
2 Saga title=SAGA 4.25 +24.33
3 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.94 +13.57
4 Jito title=JTO 3.64 +12.32
5 THORChain title=RUNE 5.43 +10.64
6 Internet Computer title=ICP 14.05 +9.80
7 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +9.63
8 Arweave title=AR 27.64 +9.37
9 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.75 +9.13
10 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.47 +8.07
11 Dymension title=DYM 4.02 +7.96
12 Galxe title=GAL 3.69 +7.73
13 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +7.37
14 Wanchain title=WAN 0.28 +6.99
15 Sui title=SUI 1.34 +6.76
16 Vite title=VITE 0.02 +6.76
17 Automata title=ATA 0.16 +6.59
18 Celestia title=TIA 10.69 +6.58
19 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.41 +6.45
20 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.66 +6.43
21 DIA title=DIA 0.51 +6.33
22 Lisk title=LSK 1.75 +6.05
23 PIVX title=PIVX 0.38 +5.68
24 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.19 +5.66
25 Ethena title=ENA 0.97 +5.65
26 FIO Protocol title=FIO 0.04 +5.62
27 MANTRA title=OM 0.71 +5.54
28 Shentu title=CTK 0.74 +5.34
29 Marlin title=POND 0.02 +5.33
30 IRISnet title=IRIS 0.03 +5.28


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 BinaryX title=BNX 0.70 -13.31
2 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.40 -7.07
3 Bittensor title=TAO 437.90 -6.59
4 OAX title=OAX 0.22 -6.15
5 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 -6.14
6 Harvest Finance title=FARM 69.69 -5.91
7 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.17 -4.38
8 Aevo title=AEVO 1.53 -4.38
9 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.37 -3.68
10 Synapse title=SYN 1.07 -3.62
11 Cream title=CREAM 47.62 -3.47
12 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.75 -3.22
13 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.64 -3.16
14 Maker title=MKR 2,957.00 -2.95
15 Starknet title=STRK 1.22 -2.78
16 Sushi title=SUSHI 0.95 -2.67
17 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.79 -2.62
18 Kadena title=KDA 0.88 -2.56
19 GMX title=GMX 28.67 -2.35
20 ApeCoin title=APE 1.23 -2.23
21 Reserve Rights title=RSR <0.01 -2.13
22 Hedera title=HBAR 0.08 -2.06
23 Liquity title=LQTY 1.01 -2.03
24 Waves title=WAVES 2.51 -1.96
25 Contentos title=COS 0.01 -1.88
26 Fusionist title=ACE 5.39 -1.83
27 Axie Infinity title=AXS 6.98 -1.80
28 Stargate Finance title=STG 0.51 -1.78
29 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.95 -1.75
30 Gitcoin title=GTC 1.18 -1.74

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
2 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
3 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)
4 USDT 旨在为受通胀影响的国家提供生命线 Tether 首席执行官
(USDT aims to offer a lifeline to inflation stricken nations Tether CEO)
5 加密社区战胜 Token2049 与会者勇敢地度过迪拜风暴
(Crypto community triumphs Token2049 attendees brave Dubai storms)
6 DeFi 平台 Hedgey Finance 受到 4400 万漏洞利用的打击
(DeFi platform Hedgey Finance hit by 44 million exploit)
7 比特币减半将重点放在加密教育计划上
(Bitcoin halving puts focus on crypto education initiatives)
8 Telegram 承诺 TON 区块链计划支持代币化表情符号和贴纸 NFT
(Telegram commits to TON blockchain plans to support tokenized emojis and stickers NFTs)
9 什么是 EigenLayer 以太坊质押协议解释
(What is EigenLayer Ethereums restaking protocol explained)
10 加密货币的历史:加密货币交易所的未来:监管斗争和治理
(History of Crypto The future of crypto exchanges regulatory battles and governance)
11 Runes 协议将在减半后点燃比特币的新赛季
(The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving)
12 OneCoin律师获得保释,等待定罪和10年徒刑的上诉
(OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence)
13 比特币负期货融资利率是即将到来的BTC价格崩盘的迹象吗
(Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash)
14 中国和加密 ETF 泰国 NFT 音乐节 KuCoins 13M 新机器人 亚洲快车
(China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express)
15 随着减半的临近,比特币费用连续 3 天位居以太坊之首
(Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches)
16 比特币持有者在 BTC 下跌期间将 17B 转移到积累钱包中
(Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip)
17 在中东危机恶化的报道中,比特币短暂跌破 60K
(Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis)
18 以太坊流动性质押在第一季度推动 DeFi TVL 达到 100B
(Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter)
19 Degen Chain L3 现在在以太坊生态系统的 TPS 排行榜上名列前茅
(Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem)
20 随着 DeFi 推动第一季度收入,以太坊有望实现 1B 年度利润
(Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue)
21 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
22 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
23 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
24 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
25 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
26 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
27 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
28 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
29 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
30 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
31 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
32 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
33 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
34 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
35 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
36 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
37 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
38 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
39 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
40 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
41 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
42 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
43 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
44 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
45 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
46 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
47 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
48 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
49 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
50 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)


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