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硬币相关 #DAO

币名 细节
ApeCoin (ape)
ApeCoin 是一种 ERC20 治理和实用代币,用于 APE 生态系统,旨在增强 web3 前沿的去中心化社区建设。作为生态系统的开源协议层,ApeCoin有几个目的:治理ApeCoin是生态系统的治理代币,允许ApeCoin持有者参与ApeCoin DAO。统一支出 ApeCoin 是生态系统的实用代币,为其所有参与者提供一种共享和开放的货币,无需中心化中介即可使用。访问 ApeCoin 提供对生态系统中某些不可用部分的访问,例如独家游戏、商品、活动和服务。激励 ApeCoin 是第三方开发人员通过将 APE 整合到服务、游戏和其他项目中来参与生态系统的工具。.
ApeCoin is an ERC20 governance and utility token used within the APE ecosystem to empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3.As the opensource protocol layer of the ecosystem, ApeCoin serves several purposes:Governance ApeCoin is the ecosystem’s governance token, allowing ApeCoin holders to participate in ApeCoin DAO.Unification of Spend ApeCoin is the ecosystem’s utility token, giving all its participants a shared and
Curve DAO (crv)
与Uniswap类似,Curve Finance是基于AMM的自动做市商去中心化交易所DEX。. 与Uniswap不同,它的主要重点只是在应该具有相同价值的资产之间进行交换。. 这在 DeFi 生态系统中很有用,因为有大量包装的代币和合成代币旨在模仿真实标的资产的价格。例如,最大的池之一是 3CRV,它是一个由 DAI、USDT 和 USDC 组成的稳定币池。. 他们在池中的比例将基于市场的供求关系。. 以较低的比率存入硬币将为用户提供较高比例的池。. 因此,当比率严重倾斜到其中一个硬币时,它可能是一个很好的套利机会。曲线金融还支持收益代币。.
Similar to Uniswap, Curve Finance is an Automated Market Maker AMM based Decentralised Exchange DEX. Unlike Uniswap, its main focus is only to swap between assets that are supposed to have the same value. This is useful in the DeFi ecosystem as there are plenty of wrapped tokens and synthetic tokens that aim to mimic the price of the real underlying asset. For example, one of the biggest pools is 3CRV, which is a stablecoin pool consisting of DAI
Maker (mkr)
MKR 是一种被描述为智能合约平台的加密货币,与 Dai 币一起工作,旨在充当对冲货币,为交易者提供目前市场上大多数硬币的稳定替代品。. Maker提供了一个透明的稳定币系统,该系统可以在以太坊区块链上完全检查。. MakerDao成立于近三年前,由其首席执行官兼创始人Rune Christensen领导。. Maker的MKR硬币是最近进入市场的,并不是一个众所周知的项目。. 然而,在今天之后,在爆炸40%之后,它将被更多的人知道,它是在最近的高峰和低谷中崛起的硬币之一。经过MakerDAO团队的开发,Maker Dai于2017年12月18日正式上线。. Dai 是一种价格稳定的硬币,适用于支付、储蓄或抵押品,并为加密货币交易者提供有关开仓和平仓的更多选择。.
MKR is a cryptocurrency depicted as a smart contract platform and works alongside the Dai coin and aims to act as a hedge currency that provides traders with a stable alternative to the majority of coins currently available on the market. Maker offers a transparent stablecoin system that is fully inspectable on the Ethereum blockchain. Founded almost three years ago, MakerDao is lead by Rune Christensen, its CEO and founder. Maker’s MKR coin is a
Shiba Inu (shib)
柴犬 SHIB 是一种模因代币,最初是一种有趣的货币,现在已经转变为一个去中心化的生态系统。. 在最初推出期间,50%的供应量被分配到Vitalik Buterins以太坊钱包中。. 因此,Vitalik 继续将其持有的 10% 的 SHIB 捐赠给印度的 COVID19 救济工作,其余 40% 将永远烧毁。. 当时这笔捐款价值约10亿美元,使其成为世界上最大的捐款之一。柴犬社区现在在做什么 柴犬团队推出了一个名为 Shibaswap 的去中心化交易所,其中包含 2 种新代币,皮带和 BONE。. 皮带是一种稀缺的供应代币,用于在 Shibaswap 上提供激励。. BONE是持有者对狗狗DAO提案进行投票的治理代币。.
Shiba Inu SHIB is a meme token which began as a fun currency and has now transformed into a decentralized ecosystem. During the initial launch, 50% of the supply was allocated into Vitalik Buterins ethereum wallet. As a result of that, Vitalik proceeded to donate 10% of his SHIB holdings to a COVID19 relief effort in India and the remaining 40% is burnt forever. That donation was worth about $1 billion at that time, which makes it one of the larg
Dai (dai)
MakerDAO推出了Multicollateral DAI MCD。. 此令牌是指由多个资产组合的新 DAI。.
MakerDAO has launched Multicollateral DAI MCD. This token refers to the new DAI that is collaterized by multiple assets.
Lido DAO (ldo)
被黑客入侵或滥用 Lido 是一种流动质押解决方案,可让人们质押他们的 ETH,而无需锁定资产或维护基础设施。. 它通过使其更具流动性和可访问性来帮助解决初始信标链质押的问题。. 质押者可以获得STETH代币,这些代币在其初始质押中发行11个,可以像普通ETH一样用于赚取奖励,并且每天更新。. 质押涉及一些风险,包括智能合约安全性、与信标链相关的技术风险、信标链的采用风险以及密钥管理风险。.
being Hacked Or Misused Lido is a liquid staking solution that lets people stake their ETH without having to lock up assets or maintain infrastructure. It helps with the problems of initial Beacon Chain staking by making it more liquid and accessible. Stakers can receive STETH tokens which are issued 11 to their initial stake and can be used like regular ETH to earn rewards,and are updated daily. There are some risks involved with staking,includi
Alpha Venture DAO (alpha)
阿尔法金融实验室专注于去中心化金融DeFi领域的研究和建设。. Alpha Lending是Alpha Finance Lab构建的第一个产品,是一种去中心化的借贷协议,基于币安智能链构建算法调整利率。.
Alpha Finance Lab is focused on researching and building in the Decentralized Finance DeFi space. Alpha Lending, the first product built by Alpha Finance Lab, is a decentralized lending protocol with algorithmically adjusted interest rates built on Binance Smart Chain.
Kyber Network Crystal (knc)
什么是凯伯网络 KNCKyber 网络是流动性协议的中心,它聚合了来自各种来源的流动性,以在任何去中心化应用程序 DApp 上提供安全和即时的交易。. Kyber 网络的主要目标是使 DeFi DApp、去中心化交易所 DEX 和其他用户能够轻松访问提供最优惠利率的流动性池。Kyber 上的所有交易都在链上,这意味着可以使用任何以太坊区块浏览器轻松验证它们。. 项目可以建立在 Kyber 之上,以利用协议提供的所有服务,例如代币的即时结算、流动性聚合和可定制的商业模式。Kyber 希望通过允许开发人员构建产品和服务而不必担心不同需求的流动性来解决去中心化金融 DeFi 行业的流动性问题。. Kyber Network Crystal KNC 代币是一种实用代币,是连接 Kybers 生态系统
What Is Kyber Network KNCKyber Network is a hub of liquidity protocols that aggregates liquidity from various sources to provide secure and instant transactions on any decentralized application DApp. The main goal of Kyber Network is to enable DeFi DApps, decentralized exchanges DEXs and other users easy access to liquidity pools that provide the best rates.All transactions on Kyber are onchain, which means they can be easily verified using any E
Yield Guild Games (ygg)
收益公会游戏 YGG 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,用于投资虚拟世界和基于区块链的游戏中使用的不可替代代币 NFT。. 该组织的使命是创建最大的虚拟世界经济,优化其社区拥有的资产以实现最大的效用,并与其代币持有者分享其利润。.
Yield Guild Games YGG is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO for investing in non fungible tokens NFTs used in virtual worlds and blockchainbased games. The organisation’s mission is to create the biggest virtual world economy, optimizing its communityowned assets for maximum utility and sharing its profits with its token holders.
ConstitutionDAO (people)
向宪法道项目捐款的人现在可以拿回他们的钱了。. 他们有两个选择:索取或赎回。. 领取意味着将人民代币存入您的钱包,赎回意味着以每百万人民代币 1 个以太坊的汇率将其兑换为以太坊。. 无论您决定做什么,请务必先进行自己的研究!.
People who donated money to the ConstitutionDao project can now get their money back. They have two choices: claiming or redeeming. Claiming means depositing a People Token into your wallet,and redeeming means exchanging it for Ethereum at a rate of 1 Ethereum for every million People Tokens. Whatever you decide to do,make sure to do your own research first!
11 CVX
Convex Finance (cvx)
凸是一种简化曲线提升体验以最大限度地提高产量的协议。. Convex允许曲线流动性提供商赚取交易费用并要求提高CRV,而无需自己锁定CRV。. 流动性提供者可以毫不费力地获得增强的 CRV 和流动性挖矿奖励。如果您想质押 CRV,Convex 允许用户获得交易费用以及流动性提供商收到的提升 CRV 份额。. 这样可以在流动性提供者和CRV质押者之间取得更好的平衡,并提高资本效率。曲线流动性提供商可以将他们的 LP 代币存入 Convex,以更有效的提升来最大化他们的 CRV 收益。曲线DAO代币质押者将能够通过协议获得额外的增强CRV和CVX代币。.
Convex is a protocol that simplifies Curve boosting experience in order to maximize yields. Convex allows Curve liquidity providers to earn trading fees and claim boosted CRV without locking CRV themselves. Liquidity providers can receive boosted CRV and liquidity mining rewards with minimal effort.If you would like to stake CRV, Convex lets users receive trading fees as well as a share of boosted CRV received by liquidity providers. This allows
12 OM
MANTRA是首个垂直整合且符合监管要求的区块链生态系统。. MANTRA OMniverse包括DAO,MANTRA节点:区块链基础设施服务业务,包括零售质押,机构委托,节点管理和白标验证者操作,MANTRA链:Cosmos生态系统受监管资产的协议,以及MANTRA Finance:一个全球监管的DeFi平台,将DeFi的速度和透明度带入传统金融世界。.
MANTRA is a first of its kind, verticallyintegrated and regulatory compliant blockchain ecosystem. The MANTRA OMniverse encompasses the DAO; MANTRA Nodes: a blockchain infrastructureasaservice business that includes retail staking, institutional delegation, node management and whitelabel validator operations; MANTRA Chain: a protocol for regulated assets for the Cosmos ecosystem; and MANTRA Finance: a globallyregulated DeFi platform that brings t
Badger DAO (badger)
Badger DAO 旨在创建一个 DeFi 产品生态系统,最终目标是将比特币引入以太坊。. 这是第一个选择将BTC作为主要储备资产而不是使用ETH的DeFi项目。在发布过程中,有两个主要产品,Sett和DIGG。..
Badger DAO aims to create an ecosystem of DeFi products with the ultimate goal of bringing Bitcoin into Ethereum. It is the first DeFi project that chose to focus on BTC as the main reserve asset rather than using ETH. During launch, there are two main products, Sett and DIGG. 
Beam (beam)
$BEAM 代币是 Beam 网络的原生加密资产,Beam 网络是由 Merit Circle DAO 授权的游戏网络。. Beam 是一个生态系统,游戏玩家和开发者聚集在一起,共同塑造游戏行业的未来。. 其核心组件之一是 Beam SDK,这是一个灵活的软件开发工具包,使游戏开发人员能够在各种工具之间进行选择,这些工具可用于为其游戏内区块链元素提供动力和构建。要与 Beam 交互,需要$BEAM。. 这是 Beam 网络中用于支付交易的原生加密资产。. 这不仅包括资产转移,还涉及与Beam网络上智能合约的所有交互,从而促进无缝的沉浸式游戏体验。除了作为为 Beam 网络提供燃料的 gas 代币外,$BEAM 还是 Merit Circle DAO 治理的核心。. 这个去中心化的自治组织 D
The $BEAM token serves as the native crypto asset for the Beam network,a gaming network empowered by the Merit Circle DAO. Beam is an ecosystem where gamers and developers come together to shape the future of the gaming industry. One of its core components is the Beam SDK,which is a flexible software development kit that enables game developers to choose between a variety of tools that can be used to fuel and structure their ingame blockchain ele
15 DAO
DAO Maker (dao)
DAO Maker 代币是建立在以太坊上的 DAO Maker 生态系统的治理代币,允许持有者治理生态系统。. 自 2020 年底以来,DAO Maker 举办了一系列动态硬币发行,筹集了超过 800 万美元。. DAO Maker Token旨在创建一个去中心化的生态系统,为投资股权和代币的零售风险投资提供一个goto平台。.
DAO Maker Token is the governance token of the DAO Maker Ecosystem built on Ethereum, allowing holders to govern the ecosystem. DAO Maker held a series of Dynamic Coin Offerings since late 2020, raising over 8 million USD. The DAO Maker Token aims to create a decentralized ecosystem, enabling a goto platform for retail venture investing in equity and tokens.
16 AMB
AirDAO (amb)
Ambrosus生态系统为全球经济中物理流程的数字化提供了一个工业级区块链和物联网平台。. Ambrosus专为企业和企业家打造,提供尖端的物联网设备,以及强大的区块链云基础设施,旨在全面保护和管理从现实世界收集的数据。.
The Ambrosus Ecosystem provides an industrial grade blockchain and IoT platform for the digitization of physical processes across the global economy. Built for both enterprises and entrepreneurs, Ambrosus offers cutting edge IoT devices, alongside a robust blockchaincloud infrastructure designed to holistically secure and manage data collected from the real world.
17 MAV
Maverick Protocol (mav)
项目内容简介Maverick Protocol是下一代DeFi基础设施,专注于提高行业效率,由Maverick AMM提供支持。是什么让您的项目独一无二Maverick AMM通过让用户选择一种移动模式来为他们移动流动性,从而消除了这种复杂性。. Maverick AMM 的其他一些创新功能包括: 定制流动性分配费用 自动复利流动性整形使用提升头寸 具有价格跟踪功能和协议支持的原生 LST 支持。您的项目历史。. Maverick筹集了3轮融资,共筹集了1800万美元。. 投资者包括Founders Fund,Pantera Capital,Coinbase Ventures,Binance Labs,Circle Ventures,Gemini等。. Maverick 于 2023 年 3
What is the project aboutMaverick Protocol is a nextgeneration DeFi infrastructure focused on increasing industry efficiency,powered by Maverick AMM.What makes your project uniqueMaverick AMM eliminates this complexity by letting users select a movement mode that will move their liquidity for them. Some other innovative features of Maverick AMM are: Customized Liquidity Distributions Fee Autocompounding Liquidity Shaping Using Boosted Positions N
18 MTL
Metal DAO (mtl)
Metal MTL是一个区块链项目,希望简化加密货币并使其更容易被公众使用。. Metal 旨在让用户只需一个电话号码即可在全球范围内即时转账。. 每次消费或购买均可赚取奖励。. 抛弃银行,走向数字化。查看CoinBureau以获取对Metal的完整评论。.
Metal MTL is a blockchain project that wants to simplify cryptocurrencies and make them more accessible to the general public. Metal aims to allow users to transfer money instantly around the globe with nothing more than a phone number. Earn rewards every time you spend or make a purchase. Ditch the bank and go digital.Check out CoinBureau for the full review of Metal.
Radiant Capital (rdnt)
DeFiCapital的新中央银行在DeFi中跨链极其分散,数十个不同的货币市场证明了这一点,每个货币市场都有自己的流动性。. 瑞淀的目标是成为第一个全链货币市场,用户可以在任何主要链上存入任何主要资产,并在多个链上借入各种支持的资产。向瑞淀提供流动性的贷款人将从其存入的资产中获得被动收入。借款人可以提取抵押资金,以便在不出售资产和平仓的情况下获得流动性营运资金。新的DeFi原语Radiant已经酝酿了八个月,因为我们正在努力发明一种新的但非常必要的DeFi原语。因此,鉴于alt L1的当前状态,Radiant将在我们认为最安全和去中心化的区块链上推出v1 - Arbitrum.Radiant的跨链互操作性将建立在Layer Zero之上,v1利用Stargate稳定的路由器接口。. 希望收
The New Central Bank of DeFiCapital in DeFi is extremely fragmented across chains, evidenced by the dozens of different money markets, all with their own liquidity. Radiant aims to be the first omnichain money market, where users can deposit any major asset on any major chain and borrow a variety of supported assets across multiple chains.Lenders who provide liquidity to Radiant will earn a passive income on the assets they deposit.Borrowers are
STP (stpt)
STP 是一个针对 DAO 优化的生态系统。. 它推出了 Verse Network,这是一整套原生工具和基础设施,为用户、社区和组织提供高效的去中心化决策,以简化 DAO 的创建和管理。. 通过Verse Network,用户可以访问一套nocode DAO工具,在一系列区块链上启动和管理他们的DAO。.
STP is an ecosystem optimzed for DAOs. It launched Verse Network, a full suite of native tools and infrastructures facilitating efficient decentralized decisionmaking for users, communities and organizations to streamline the creation and management of DAOs. Through Verse Network, users can access a suite of nocode DAO tools to launch and manage their DAOs on a range of blockchains.
Unifi Protocol DAO (unfi)
Unifi Protocol DAO is a group of noncustodial, interoperable multichain smart contracts that aims to provide the tools for Decentralized Finance DeFi product development.
VIDT DAO (vidt)
Vidt Dao是一种技术,可帮助人们保护其宝贵的数字资产,如证书,NFT,传感器数据和固件。. 这是一个开源项目,确保数据和文档的真实性。. Vidt Dao意识团队由志愿者组成,他们帮助人们使用该技术。.
Vidt Dao is a technology that helps people secure and protect their valuable digital assets like certificates,NFTs,sensor data,and firmware. It is an open source project that makes sure data and documents are authentic. The Vidt Dao Awareness Team is made of volunteers who help people use the technology.
Aavegotchi (ghst)
GHST是Aavegotchi的生态治理代币。. 使用GHST购买Aavegotchi宇宙中的各种数字资产,例如Aavegotchi门户和可穿戴设备。. 持有 GHST,以便您的 Aavegotchi 可以参与 DAO 治理,并通过在 Aavegotchi 稀有度农业方面表现出色来赚取 GHST。.
GHST is the ecogovernance token of Aavegotchi. Use GHST to purchase various digital assets within the Aavegotchi universe, such as Aavegotchi portals & wearables. Hold GHST so your Aavegotchi can participate in DAO governance, and earn GHST by excelling at Aavegotchi rarity farming.
24 BNX
BinaryX (bnx)
BinaryX是一个在币安和 Gate.io 上列出的加密游戏平台。. 目前,BinaryX正在运行一款名为CyberDragon的游戏,这是我们从头开始开发的,BinaryX是BNB Chain上的大型链上在线游戏平台。. 截至 2021 年 11 月,链上持有的地址超过 10 万个,代币总供应量为 2100 万个,目前流通市值为 5.4 亿美元。. CyberDragon是目前全球最受欢迎的P2E PlaytoEarn游戏之一,为我们的大多数忠实玩家带来了巨大的回报。. 游戏玩法包括采矿,PVP,PVE,我们最近才推出我们的去中心化自治组织DAO系统。. BinaryX是全球第一款推出DAO的游戏,玩家有权投票并决定游戏的未来道路和发展。.
BinaryX is a crypto game platform listed on Binance and Gate.io. Currently,BinaryX is running a game called CyberDragon which we have developed from scratch BinaryX is a large onchain online game platform on BNB Chain. As of November 2021,there were more than 100k addresses held on the chain,a total supply of 21 million tokens,and a current circulating market cap of $540 million. CyberDragon is currently one of the most popular P2E PlaytoEarn ga
COCOS BCX (cocos)
Cocos 区块链探险是一个 DAO,旨在通过去中心化技术和 MetaFi 实现未来的元宇宙。. 我们目前正在为 NFT、游戏Fi、IGO 等开发各种基础设施。. 我们的使命是成为全栈工具箱,帮助开发人员和用户拥抱加密经济。.
Cocos Blockchain Expedition is a DAO to enable the future Metaverse with decentralization technology and MetaFi. We currently develop various infrastructures for NFT, GameFi, IGO and more. Our mission is to become the fullstack toolbox to help developers and users embrace the crypto economy.
Decentralized Social (deso)
DeSo 是从头开始构建的一个新的第 1 层区块链,旨在为数十亿用户分散社交媒体。我们相信授权一个由创建者、用户拥有并向全球数百万开发人员开放的互联网,以相互构建。今天,只有少数几家大型科技公司拥有并控制我们在网上消费的所有信息。DeSo将所有权交还给用户,而不是平台。. 您的身份,您的个人资料,内容和社交图谱现在可以以完全抗审查的方式归您所有。创作者现在可以以前所未有的方式自由获利。. 借助新的加密原生货币化工具,如社交代币、社交 DAO、社交 NFT、社交小费等——创作者可以通过做自己喜欢的事情来将他们的热情货币化并谋生。开发人员可以在一个无气、无许可和透明的环境中构建,在这个环境中,一切都是开放和链上的,以实现最终的可访问性和可组合性。. DeSo 旨在支持存储密集型或无限状态的应用程
DeSo is a new layer1 blockchain built from the ground up to decentralize social media for billions of users.We believe in empowering an internet that’s creatorled, userowned, and open to millions of developers around the world to build off one another.Today, there’s only a handful of bigtech companies that own and control all the information we consume online.DeSo puts the ownership back in the hands of users, not platforms. Your identity, your p
27 DF
dForce (df)
dForce 倡导构建一整套涵盖资产、借贷、交易、质押和桥接的 DeFi 协议,作为 Web3 中的 DeFi 基础设施。. dForce DAO是一个社区驱动的项目,主要协议变更由社区驱动,并由DF代币持有者通过治理共同决定。. 稳定币USXUSX是dForce协议矩阵中最重要的DeFi原语。. 作为一种去中心化和算法化的稳定币,USX实施基于池和基于金库的双模型,具有混合利率政策,使其高效灵活地孤立地支持不同风险状况的抵押品。. USX由协议控制的流动性提供支持,以促进协议到协议的集成,以及跨链桥,允许用户在支持的区块链上移动USX,零滑点和无上限限制。. dForce Lending dForce Lending 是一种基于池的多边借贷协议,通过市场驱动的动态利率模型支持多个抵押品。.
dForce is advocating for building a full suite of DeFi protocols covering assets, lending, trading, staking, and bridge, serving as DeFi infrastructure in Web3. dForce DAO is a communitydriven project, with major protocol changes driven by the community and jointly decided by DF token holders through governance. Stablecoin USXUSX is the most important DeFi primitive within dForce’s protocol matrix. As a decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin, U
28 OAX
OAX (oax)
OAX is an ERC20 token developed to fuel an opensource decentralized exchange platform “openANX” which provides an aggregated order book to increase liquidity; holds collateral for asset gateways to reduce credit risk; and features an offchain, predetermined dispute resolution system governed by the Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationDAO to maximize consumer protection.
PIVX (pivx)
PIVX是一个面向用户数据保护的尖端区块链项目和加密货币,于2015年11月25日宣布,并于2016年1月30日发布。. 在基于夸克工作量证明算法推出时,它没有ICO,没有instamine或永久开发者预制。PIVX于2016年8月17日切换到权益证明算法,并从那时起开创了权益证明以及用户数据保护协议。. 其用户数据保护来自SHIELD,这是一种高度定制的匿名协议,基于集成到权益证明中的zkSNARKs树苗。. PIVX是一个分散的开源区块链/加密货币项目,由社区驱动的去中心化自治组织DAO管理,开发,治理和管理。. 它是一种权益证明PoS协议,使用自己定制开发的PoS共识引擎和本地加密货币,称为“PIV”。. PIVX集成了其他功能,包括通过主节点网络提供的第二层功能,该网络提供了分散的投
PIVX, a cutting edge User Data Protection oriented blockchain project and cryptocurrency, announced on November 25th 2015 and fairlaunched on January 30th 2016. Upon its launch based on the quark Proof of Work algorithm, it had no ICO, no instamine or perpetual developer premine.PIVX switched to a Proof of Stake algorithm on August 17th 2016 and has pioneered Proof of Stake as well as User Data Protection protocols ever since. Its user data prote
Wing Finance (wing)
永安金融是由本体背后的团队构建的去中心化金融DeFi平台,支持各种协议之间的跨链交互。. Wing团队创建了一个创新的信用估值方法,旨在支持其基于信用的贷款并提高透明度。. 该项目旨在通过去中心化治理和自身的风险控制机制,在借款人、债权人和担保人之间建立公平、协同的关系,为平台上可访问和实施的更多DeFi项目打开大门。. Wing 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,允许用户参与决策、产品设计和运营。.
Wing Finance is a decentralized finance DeFi platform built by the team behind Ontology that supports crosschain interactions between various protocols. The Wing team created an innovative credit valuation method designed to support its creditbased lending and to increase transparency. The project aims to create a fair and synergistic relationship between borrowers, creditors, and guarantors through decentralized governance and its own risk contr
Work X (work)
Work X 旨在创造一个没有商业中介的就业经济,传统上收取 3040% 的费用。. 这种去中心化意味着求职者、自由职业者和雇主可以更直接、更有效地互动。Work X旨在促进零边际成本的平台经济,使零工和自由职业者受益。. 这种方法旨在有效地将求职者和自由职业者与他们的理想雇主相匹配。通过消除商业费用,Work X可以最大限度地降低劳动力成本并优化用户的工资。. Work X 在实现这一目标的同时,确保用户只需为运行平台所需的基本服务付费。用户可以在Work X上发布他们的才能或职位空缺,促进求职者或自由职业者与雇主之间的匹配。. 去中心化平台允许用户展示他们经过验证的技能和公司详细信息,增加他们找到合适工作或候选人的机会。Work X 由实用代币 $WORK提供支持,并由去中心化自治组织
Work X is designed to create a job economy without commercial intermediaries,which traditionally take 3040% fees. This decentralization means jobseekers,freelancers,and employers can interact more directly and efficiently.Work X aims to facilitate a zero marginal cost platform economy,which benefits gig workers and freelancers. This approach is designed to efficiently match jobseekers and freelancers with their ideal employers​.By eliminating com
32 BAD
Bad Idea AI (bad)
从机器人个人助理到自动驾驶汽车,人工智能技术已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面,让我们既敬畏又焦虑。. 人工智能是我们的救世主还是我们的垮台 为了回答这个问题,我们创建了$BAD,一个分散的实验,将区块链、人工智能和DAO结合在一个有风险的、模因的混合物中。. 我们已经将规划和更多工作交给了人工智能和社区,并希望得到最好的结果。. 把$BAD想象成人类的冰雹玛丽通行证,这是在一个人工智能威胁要发号施令的世界中确保我们未来的最后努力。.
From robotic personal assistants to selfdriving cars,AI technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives,leaving us both awestruck and anxious. Will AI be our savior or our downfall To answer that question,weve created $BAD,a decentralized experiment that combines Blockchain,AI,and DAOs in a risky,memeworthy concoction. We’ve handed the planning and more to AI & the community and are hoping for the best outcome. Think of $BAD as humanitys Hai
BendDAO (bend)
弯曲是一种 NFT 流动性和借贷协议,具有用于 NFT 金融化的无功利率。. 本德正在为快速增长的市场带来 NFT 池贷款,为 Web3 用户提供通往 DeFi 的门户。.
Bend is an NFT liquidity and lending protocol with reactive interest rates for NFT financialization. Bend is bringing NFT pool lending to the fastgrowing market, providing a gateway to DeFi for Web3 users.
BobaCat (psps)
这个项目是关于BobaCat的 PSPS是一种加密货币代币,旨在向狗狗币联合创始人比利·马库斯(Billy Marcus)收养的猫Boba Cat致敬。. 我们相信,分享有关我们工作的明确信息是将我们的加密社区聚集在一起并使其强大的原因。项目的历史记录。BobaCat最近从之前在币安智能链BSC上的存在过渡到以太坊ETH网络。. 在这次迁移过程中,该项目与选定的宠物收容所建立了几个有意义的合作伙伴关系,加强了对动物福利的承诺。. 此外,BobaCat还培养了一个充满活力和参与度的支持者社区,并成功地将自己确立为法律认可的非营利组织。您的项目的下一步我们的使命是教育非营利组织采用加密货币和区块链技术,以提高透明度,降低交易成本并消除第三方。您的代币可以用于什么治理:代币持有者可以参与治理决策,
What is the project aboutBobaCat PSPS is a cryptocurrency token created as an homage to Boba Cat,the adopted cat of Dogecoin cofounder Billy Marcus.What makes your project uniqueTransparencyAt BobaCat,were all about being open and honest. We believe that sharing clear information about what we do is what brings our crypto community together and makes it strong.History of your project.BobaCat has recently transitioned to the Ethereum ETH network f
Bullieverse (bull)
Bullieverse是为玩家和创作者社区开发的开放元宇宙。. 它是为Web 3.0公民构建的,以拥有身临其境的环境。. 因此,游戏玩家享受到超凡脱俗的体验,以及透明和公平的货币化机制,这是支撑我们游戏和收益经济的基础。. 此外,它由易于构建的低代码平台提供支持,供社区成员创建和发布游戏。. 结果是一个高质量的游戏平台,用户可以在这里玩游戏和赚钱,但更重要的是,体验它。本着去中心化自治组织DAO的精神,Bullieverse将演变成社区拥有的元宇宙。. 随着玩家和游戏创作者开始获得 Bull 代币,这将实现。.
Bullieverse is an Open Metaverse developed for the community of players and creators. It is built for the Web 3.0 citizen to have an immersive environment. As a result, gamers enjoy an outoftheworld experience combined with a transparent and fair monetization mechanism that underpins our playandearn economy. Furthermore, it is powered by an easytobuild low code platform for community members creating and publishing games. The result is a highqual
CatCoin.com (catcoin)
CATCOINCAT是唯一为社区构建的项目,将由 DAO.Cat 爱好者管理,用户可以通过投资和贡献项目来获得CATCOIN只需在您的钱包中持有代币即可在每笔交易中赚取奖励。.
CATCOINCAT is the only project that is build for community and will be managed by DAO.Cat lover and Users can get CATCOIN by investing and Contributing to projectEarn Reward on every Transaction just by Hodling Token in your wallet.
37 CHO
Choise.com (cho)
Choise.com 是世界上第一个结合了CeFi Crypterium服务和Charism DeFi生态系统所有优势的MetaFi平台。. MetaFi 生态系统简化了 DeFi 产品的使用,使该过程变得简单、可靠且万无一失。. Choise.com 的核心是一个名为Charism的内部DeFi生态系统,其赚钱产品旨在将佣金降低多达50倍,并为超过1亿CeFi加密用户解锁跨链高收益。. 生态系统将由基于 CHO 代币运营的 DAO 管理。CHO是原生实用代币,用于: 质押投票促销 汽油费 ..
Choise.com is the worlds first MetaFi platform that combines all the benefits of CeFi Crypterium services and the Charism DeFi ecosystem. The MetaFi ecosystem simplifies the use of DeFi products, making the process easy, reliable, and foolproof. At the heart of Choise.com is an inhouse DeFi ecosystem called Charism with its earn products that aim to reduce commissions up to 50 times and unlock crosschain high yield for over 100 million CeFi crypt
cLFi (clfi)
## 什么是 cLFi cLFi 是 LFi 生态系统中的实用代币,cLFi 的主要功能是使用户能够激活单位许可证,允许他们参与代币铸造过程.## 什么是 cLFi 的价值和使命 愿景:一个去中心化、可持续和公平的全球经济,每个人都有机会实现财务独立并参与财富创造。使命:通过由 DAO 社区驱动的去中心化、透明和安全的平台提供可访问的金融机会,使个人能够控制自己的财富。价值观:可访问性 我们为用户创建工具以利用机会,无论加密知识,财富或经验如何。. 透明度 我们通过社区驱动的治理和透明的流程共同构建,以确保我们的用户了解我们的共同目标。. 安全性 我们的首要任务是创建多层安全性,为我们的用户、合作伙伴和整个社区的资金提供最大的安全性。. ## 什么是cLFi安全的价值主张:在LFi,我们优先
## What is cLFi cLFi is serving as the utility token within the LFi ecosystem,the primary function of cLFi is to enable users to activate the Unit license,allowing them to partake in the token minting process.## What is value and mission of cLFi Vision: A decentralized,sustainable,and fair global economy where everyone has the chance to achieve financial independence and participate in wealth creation.Mission: To empower individuals to take contr
Collab.Land (collab)
什么是Collab.Land tokenCOLLAB令牌主要用于Collab.Land生态系统内的治理和使用。. 去中心化是我们的核心价值观之一,今天我们为您打开社区管理的大门。. 如果您选择加入我们,我们将作为Collab.Land DAO共同治理。. 我们将对功能请求进行投票,提供赏金,策划市场等等。代币索赔将于 2023 年 2 月 23 日在 wagmi.collab.land 上开始。.
What is the Collab.Land tokenCOLLAB token is primarily for governance and use within the Collab.Land ecosystem. Decentralization is one of our core values,and today we open the gates of community stewardship to you. If you choose to join us,we will govern together as the Collab.Land DAO. We will vote on feature requests,offer bounties,curate the Marketplace,and more.The token claim will begin on February 23,2023 on wagmi.collab.land.
40 DFC
DeFinder Capital (dfc)
The first integral social DAO/FANtoken on the TON blockchain with open functionality and without guaranteed economic value
41 EPK
EpiK Protocol (epk)
EpiK 协议设想使用区块链技术构建一个去中心化的 KG,以扩大当今人工智能技术的视野,利用源自 Filecoin、独特设计的代币经济(确保公平激励)、去中心化自治组织 DAO 以确保可信治理,以及去中心化金融技术 DeFi 以获得可靠的财务能力。. 因此,创建一个受信任的多方协作平台,所有受信任的贡献者都会得到公平的奖励。.
EpiK Protocol envisions building a decentralized KG using blockchain technology to expand the horizons of todays AI technology, tapping on the decentralized storage technology which originated from Filecoin, uniquely designed Token Economy which ensures fair incentives, Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO to ensure trusted governance, and Decentralized Financial Technology DeFi for reliable financial capabilities. Thus, creating a trusted,
42 H2O
H2O Dao (h2o)
H2O DAO是世界上第一个去中心化的社区组织,致力于为社区成员提供最新,最受欢迎的区块链行业信息和行业利益。H2O是世界上第一个去中心化的社区组织,致力于为社区成员提供最新和最受欢迎的区块链信息以及行业利益。. 由社区成员主动成立,帮助他人享受行业发展红利,传播去中心化精神,塑造品牌价值,助力区块链空间成长。.
H2O DAO is the worlds first decentralized community organization dedicated to providing community members with the latest and most popular blockchain industry information and industry benefits.H2O is the worlds first decentralized community organization dedicated to providing community members with the latest and most popular blockchain information as well as industry benefits. Established by community members on their own initiative to help othe
43 HC
HyperCash (hc)
Hcash是一种新的加密货币,旨在允许区块链之间以及区块链与无块加密货币之间的价值转移。. 此外,Hcash将支持私人交易、DAO治理和量子抵抗。由于Hcash希望成为包括隐私币在内的许多不同加密货币的侧链,因此它需要实施隐私功能来掩盖用户如何转移资金。. 为了解决这个问题,Hcash将提供两种类型的钱包:白色和黑色。. 虽然白色地址将公开可见,但黑色地址将保持私密。. 为了实现这种隐私,Hcash将实施零知识证明。. 正如Zcash的区块链所证明的那样,该系统涉及通过使用先进的密码学来验证交易,而不与矿工共享有关交易的信息,从而掩盖发送者和接收者的身份。.
Hcash is a new cryptocurrency designed to allow value transfer among blockchains and between blockchains and blockless cryptocurrencies. In addition, Hcash will support private transactions, DAO governance, and quantum resistance.Since Hcash hopes to be a side chain for many different cryptocurrencies, including privacy coins, it will need to implement privacy features to mask how users are moving their funds. To address this issue, Hcash will co
44 HTX
HTX DAO (htx)
HTX 是 HTX DAO 的治理代币,HTX DAO 是一个去中心化的自治组织,依赖于 HTX 代币持有者的集体自治。. HTX持有者拥有对提案的投票权,并可以在决策过程中自由委托和行使投票权。.
HTX is the governance token of HTX DAO,a decentralized autonomous organization relying on the collective autonomy of HTX token holders. HTX holders possess the right to vote on proposals and can freely delegate and exercise their voting rights in the decisionmaking process.
iMe Lab (lime)
什么是iMe LabiMe是一个生态系统,其中包含基于电报的信使,加密钱包和DeFi工具及其原生实用代币LIME。. 该应用程序允许通过几次点击发送加密货币,使加密货币交易快速、安全和无忧。. 任何用户都可以在几秒钟内通过他们的电报句柄将他们持有的 iMe 钱包中的加密货币发送给他们的任何联系人。. 凭借集成到信使Uniswap,BNB Chain,Ethereum,PancakeSwap,Polygon中的强大DeFi功能,iMe的使命是使DeFi更容易被更广泛的人群所接受。. iMe是第一个将币安功能添加到消息传递生态系统中的公司,以在币安上交换加密货币,从iMe钱包向币安账户存款,发送请求付款并进行零费用交易等等。. iMe通过iMe LabLIME令牌ERC20,BEP20,Poly
What is iMe LabiMe is an ecosystem with the Telegrambased messenger, Crypto Wallet, and DeFi tools and its native utility token LIME. The app allows sending crypto in a few clicks, making crypto transactions fast, secure and hasslefree. Any user can send cryptocurrencies they hold in their iMe wallet to any of their contacts via their Telegram handles, in a matter of seconds. With robust DeFi capabilities integrated into the messenger Uniswap, BN
K9 Finance DAO (knine)
K9 Finance 是一个基于 Shibarium 的 LSD 平台,提供核心 DeFi 服务并充当官方验证者。. 它以区块验证$BONE奖励$KNINE持有者,旨在通过管理财务和路线图决策的 Dogs DAO 圆桌会议推动 DeFi 的采用。.
K9 Finance,a Shibariumbased LSD platform,offers core DeFi services and acts as an official validator. Rewarding $KNINE holders with $BONE for block validation,it aims to drive DeFi adoption via the Roundtable of Dogs DAO,which governs treasury and roadmap decisions.
Kelp DAO Restaked ETH (rseth)
rsETH 是由 Kelp DAO 发行的流动性 Resaked 代币 LRT,旨在为存入 EigenLayer 等质押平台的非流动性资产提供流动性。. 它旨在解决当前提供质押带来的风险和挑战。.
rsETH is a Liquid Restaked Token LRT issued by Kelp DAO designed to offer liquidity to illiquid assets deposited into restaking platforms,such as EigenLayer. It aims to address the risks and challenges posed by the current offering of restaking
Lido Staked SOL (stsol)
“Lido for Solana ”是 LidoDAO 管理的 Solana 区块链流动性质押协议。. 任何在 Lido 质押其 SOL 代币的人都将获得与 Lido 验证器一起质押 SOL 头寸的链上表示,称为 stSOL。. 这将允许 Solana 代币持有者从他们的质押资产中获得流动性,然后可以进行交易,或进一步用作 DeFi 产品的抵押品.stSOL 是代表您在 Lido 存入的总 SOL 池中的份额的流动代币。. 一旦您委托到池中,您就会收到新铸造的 stSOL。. 随着时间的推移,随着您的 SOL 委派获得奖励,您的 stSOL 的价值也会升值。. 接收stSOL令牌没有等待时间。.
‘Lido for Solana’ is a LidoDAO governed liquid staking protocol for the Solana blockchain. Anyone who stakes their SOL tokens with Lido will be issued an onchain representation of SOL staking position with Lido validators, called stSOL. This will allow Solana token holders to get liquidity on their staked assets which can then be traded, or further utilized as collateral in DeFi products.stSOL is the liquid token that represents your share of the
MahaDAO (maha)
MahaDAO是一个分散的组织,旨在彻底改变货币。. MahaDAO是一个以社区为中心的DeFi项目,使数十亿人能够通过世界上第一个价值币ARTH代币创造永恒的价值。.
The MahaDAO is a decentralised organisation that aims to revolutionizing money. MahaDAO is a community focused DeFi project empowering billions to create timeless value through the ARTH token, the worlds first valuecoin.
MarsDAO (mdao)
MarsDAO 代币持有者社区开发的产品旨在解决 3 个主要任务:1.. 为代币持有者在加密货币市场带来透明的利润2。. 促进与快速发展的市场的互动3。. 用MarsDAO通货紧缩模型解决通货膨胀问题。.
The MarsDAO token holder community develops products that are designed to solve 3 main tasks:1. Bring transparent profit in the cryptocurrency market for token holders2. Facilitate interaction with a market that is rapidly developing3. Solve the inflation issue with the MarsDAO deflationary model
Melos Studio (melos)
先锋音乐家的天堂 在线伍德斯托克,音乐创作者的乌托邦。. 音乐是传播灵感最无拘无束的方式。. 我们致力于为先锋音乐创造一个自我维持和解放的生态系统。. 我们的DAO治理确保每个创作者都得到公平对待,他们的音乐灵感可以增长。.
A paradise for pioneering musicians Online Woodstock, Utopia for music creators. Music is the most unrestrained way to propagate inspiration. We are committed to creating a selfsustaining and liberated ecosystem for pioneer music. Our DAO governance makes sure every creator is treated fairly and their music inspiration can grow.
52 MM
MetaMecha (mm)
MechaverseDAO是一个去中心化的娱乐平台,旨在创建一个日本机甲世界。机甲娱乐元界旨在成为日本领先的去中心化娱乐平台,打造日本机甲元宇宙。. 它将打开通往web3机甲元宇宙世界的大门,吸引更多的日本IP,机甲IP和gamefi项目。. 生态系统的原生代币是MM,生态系统内的每个项目都可以发行自己的子代币,比如MC.我们正在构建机甲元宇宙的概念,设想一个日本的机械化战争世界。. 《机甲道》是《机甲道》下首款游戏。. 未来,MechaverseDao MMDAO将开发更多游戏,扩展元宇宙内的沉浸式体验。.
MechaverseDAO is a decentralized entertainment platform to create a Japanese mecha universe.Mechaverse Entertainment Metaverse aims to become the leading decentralized entertainment platform in Japan,creating a Japanese mecha metaverse. It will open the gateway to the web3 mecha metaverse world,attracting more Japanese IPs,mecha IPs,and gamefi projects. The native token of the ecosystem is MM,and each project within the ecosystem can issue its ow
Metaplex (mplx)
Metaplex 是一种去中心化协议,用于在 Solana 区块链上创建、交易和使用数字资产。. Metaplex 提供包、融合、“纠缠”和加密 NFT 等实用程序。. 像Gumdrop和Hydra这样的程序促进了代币的分发。Metaplex 协议有四个组件.1.. 数字资产标准定义了不可替代代币 NFT 的元数据结构,实现了 Solana NFT 生态系统中所有参与者的互操作性,包括 NFT 项目、个人 NFT、钱包、市场、dApp 和其他协议.2 Metaplex 程序库 MPL 包括多个基础设施协议,为创建、销售、购买或交易 NFT 提供链上功能.3.. 高级开发人员工具和SDK简化了Metaplex的工作,抽象化了使许多人无法访问区块链开发的复杂性。. 这是 Metaplex 成为许
Metaplex is a decentralized protocol for the creation, commerce and use of digital assets on the Solana blockchain. Metaplex provides utility programs like Packs, Fusion, “Entangled” and Encrypted NFTs. Programs like Gumdrop and Hydra facilitate the distribution of tokens.The Metaplex protocol has four components.1. The Digital Asset Standard defines the metadata structure for nonfungible tokens NFTs, enabling interoperability across all particip
NovaX (novax)
该项目是关于什么的NovaX是您通往尖端健身体验的门户,它将区块链技术的力量与您的积极生活方式相结合。. 在挖掘区块链代币时拥抱健身的未来,与志同道合的人建立联系,并在蓬勃发展的健身爱好者社区中实现您的健康目标。使用NovaX,您不仅可以跟踪您的锻炼情况,还可以通过自己的努力获得奖励,并与充满活力的健身社区建立联系。. 发现一种保持动力的新方法,实现您的健身愿望,并释放您积极生活方式的全部潜力。是什么让您的项目独一无二NovaX体现了一个全面的健身和社交生态系统,通过游戏化元素和虚拟和真实字桥将其提升为健身元宇宙。. 我们的平台还集成了各种技术应用程序,以增强用户体验,参与度和繁荣。. 新兴技术正在重塑健康体验,需要一个统一的平台。. NovaX提供了一个区块链中心,该中心集成了创新,满足了
What is the project aboutNovaX is your gateway to a cuttingedge fitness experience that combines the power of blockchain technology with your active lifestyle. Embrace the future of fitness as you mine blockchain tokens,connect with likeminded individuals,and achieve your wellness goals in a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts.With NovaX,youre not just tracking your workouts; youre earning rewards for your efforts and connecting with a dyna
55 OCH
OCH (och)
OCH 是基于 Oraichain 的 CW20 标准的 Orchai 低代码 DeFi 平台的实用代币。. Orchai 代币用于 4 个主要目标:1 CoHarvest、2 奖励、3 支付、4 DAO 治理。.
OCH is the utility token of the Orchai lowcode DeFi platform that is based on Oraichain’s CW20 standard. Orchai token is used with 4 main objectives: 1 CoHarvest,2 Reward,3 Payment,4 DAO Governance.
SingularityDAO (sdao)
SingularityDAO是一个分散的,基于区块链的组织,其主要目标是管理DynaSets,由AI动态管理的多元化加密货币资产篮子。. SingularityDAO的投票权由SingularityDAO代币SDAO授予。SingularityDAO使用SingularityNET卓越的AI技术,将AI管理基金的复杂风险管理策略引入DeFi。.
SingularityDAO is a decentralised, blockchainbased organisation with the main goal of governing DynaSets, diversified baskets of cryptocurrency assets dynamically managed by AI. Voting power in SingularityDAO is granted by the SingularityDAO token SDAO.SingularityDAO brings the sophisticated riskmanagement strategies of AImanaged funds to DeFi, using SingularityNET’s superior AI technology.
Spool DAO (spool)
Spool 是一个无需许可的 DeFi 中间件“工具包”,允许用户通过单笔存款创建完全定制、自动化和多样化的流动性挖矿投资组合。从支持的协议列表中选择您最喜欢的收益生成器,并根据您的个人风险偏好创建多元化的投资组合......所有这些都可以通过一个存款地址访问。存款后,Spool 会自动管理存款,以在存入资金的给定期限内优化个人用户的风险/回报——Spool 定期在产生收益的 DeFi 协议之间重新平衡流动性,同时考虑个人用户的风险承受能力和一系列选定的策略。Spool 代表了以太坊上 DeFi 的下一个进化步骤,它允许通过缓冲系统和交易批处理以可承受的 gas 价格实现多样化、复利和再平衡。它使拼搭者能够轻松访问和组合现有和新的 DeFi 乐高积木,为新颖的面向用户的产品创造可能性,这些产
Spool is a permissionless DeFi middleware ‘toolkit’ that allows users to create fully customised, automated, and diversified yield farming portfolios with a single deposit.Select your favourite yield generators from a list of supported protocols and create a diversified portfolio based on your individual risk appetite… All accessible through a single deposit address.After depositing, Spool automatically manages deposits to optimize risk/reward fo
Stader ETHx (ethx)
项目是关于什么Stader液体质押代币ETHx是一个新的去中心化流动性质押ETH。. Stader 使任何人都可以操作并成为拥有 4 ETH 的节点运营商。. 更多细节可以在使您的项目独一无二中找到我们是一个多链流动性质押协议,在 MATIC、BNB、FTM、HBAR 等方面拥有 ~1 亿美元的资产。项目的历史记录。Stader最初是Terra 1.0上的质押协议,在扩展到其他链之前获得了10亿美元的TVL。. Staders 团队遍布世界各地,并作为 DAO 运营。您的项目的下一步是什么您的代币可以用于什么ETHx可以跨平衡器,AAVE,曲线,CIAN和许多其他DeFi协议使用。.
What is the project aboutStader liquid staking token ETHx is a new decentralized liquid staked ETH. Stader enables anyone to operate and become a node operator with 4 ETH. More details can be found at makes your project uniqueWe are a multichain liquid staking protocol with ~$100M in assets across MATIC,BNB,FTM,HBAR,etc.History of your project.Stader started as a staking protocol on Terra 1.0,attaining a $1B TVL before expanding onto other chain
59 SGT
Suzuverse (sgt)
什么是Suzuverse15年前,Suzuverse团队开始了互联网业务,希望和热情使世界更紧密地联系在一起,让人们更富有。. 15 年过去了,Suzuverse 团队告诉人们互联网成为 Web3 去中心化。. 互联网、区块链、数字资产和元宇宙只是达到目的的手段。. 创造力、好奇心、想象力、自由和透明是更有价值的特质。. Suzuverse将提供非凡的MR技术和体验,以帮助您最大限度地释放虚拟世界和元宇宙的潜力。什么是SGT代币实用程序它必须基于DAO与Suzuwalk开发公司之间的协议 用于购买Suzuverse的重要权利和资产 用于质押以获得投票权xSGT 对于获得税费/费用折扣:使用$SGT付款将享受25%的税费/费用折扣 升级:用户需要与$SZT和$SGT支付一定的升级费用。. 用于
What is Suzuverse15years ago Suzuverse team started internet businesses with the hope and passion of bringing the world closer together and getting people richer. 15 year on,Suzuverse team tell people internet becomes Web3 decentralization. Internet,blockchain,digital assets and metaverse are just means to an end. Creativeness,curiosity,imagination,freedom and transparency are far more valuable traits. Suzuverse will provide an extraordinary MR t
Swell Ethereum (sweth)
教程航行膨胀是一种ETH液体质押协议。. 它可以帮助您通过在钱包中质押 ETH 并在 DeFi 中最大化您的回报来获得奖励。. 加入航程,成为 Swell DAO 的公民,帮助塑造协议的未来!.
TutorialsVoyage Swell is an ETH liquid staking protocol. It helps you earn rewards for staking ETH in your wallet and maximizing your returns in DeFi. Join the Voyage to become a citizen of the Swell DAO and help shape the future of the protocol!
61 SNS
Synesis One (sns)
Synesis One是一个DAO,它提供了一个playtoearn系统,该系统开发游戏来激励用户创建训练AI的数据集。. Synesis One将开发和推出各种Playtoearn游戏,从超休闲游戏到中核游戏,吸引所有人口统计的游戏玩家。为了参与这些游戏并获得奖励,游戏玩家必须质押 Kanon NFT。. 生态系统生成和验证的数据将存储在 Solana 区块链上,所有人都可以访问,使数据民主化 AI.In 此外,Kanon NFT 所有者也将通过拥有 Kanon NFT 获得可领取的被动收益。. 每个 NFT 将代表一个单词,当 AI 客户端访问/使用该单词时,例如. 注意AI,那么NFT的持有者将获得AI客户支付的部分费用。.
Synesis One, a DAO, provides a playtoearn system that develops games to incentivize users to create datasets that train AI. Synesis One will develop and launch various playtoearn games ranging from hypercasual to midcore games, that attract gamers of all demographics.In order to participate in these games and earn rewards, the gamers must stake Kanon NFTs. The data generated and validated by the ecosystem will be stored on the Solana blockchain a
62 TEM
TemDAO (tem)
作为世界遗产保护和发展 DAO 去中心化自治组织加速器,TemDAO 通过 DAO 在一系列领域和基础设施项目上工作,资助和支持未来的世界遗产去中心化建设者。. TemDAO为DAO提供了一个启动板,资源,指导,一个共享网络以及一套法律和智能合约.我们的目标是使所有世界遗产和其他旅游景点能够利用IPNFT在全球范围内资助,治理和发展知识产权,催化数字IP资产的寒武纪爆炸。.
A world heritage protection and development DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization accelerator,TemDAO funds and supports future builders in world heritage decentralized through DAOs working on a range of areas and infrastructure projects. TemDAO provides a launchpad,resources,mentorship,a shared network,and a suite of legal and smart contracts for DAOs.Our goal is to enable all world heritage and other tourism attractions to utilize IPNFTs to
USDD (usdd)
Decentralized StableCoin USDD on TRONThe TRON DAO Reserve manages USDD and guarantees its price stability
Wilder World (wild)
Wilder World是一个身临其境的3D宇宙,完全由 NFTs.In 与 Zero.Space 合作提供支持,Wilder World实现了多层次,逼真的混合现实世界,Wilders可以自由漫游,获得虚拟土地并通过独特的头像,装饰资产和时尚配饰来表达自己。. Wilder World完全由其社区拥有和管理 - 创作者,玩家和粉丝都可以通过以太坊区块链上的Wilder DAO参与。.
Wilder World is an Immersive 3D Universe powered entirely by NFTs.In collaboration with Zero.Space, Wilder World enables multileveled, photorealistic and mixed reality worlds where Wilders roam freely, acquire virtual land and express themselves through unique avatars, decorative assets and fashionable accessories. Wilder World is fully owned and governed by its community — creators, players and fans alike are enabled to participate via the Wilde
xHashtag (xtag)
在Solana的基础上,xHashtag是FutureOfWork的DAO,通过参与Play2Earn来帮助社区发展。. 项目可以利用社区人才来加速社区发展,方法是奖励自己代币中的有价值的行为,并可选择归属以平衡销售压力。. 从用户的角度来看,xHashtag 提供了一种通过完成一系列链上和链下活动来获得加密奖励的方法,而对于该项目来说,它提供了一种通过代币化奖励每天有效增加链下和链上参与度的方法。使用xHashtag,用户可以开始以零投资和风险赚取加密货币,质押XTAG增强了用户的盈利潜力。.
Building on Solana, xHashtag is a DAO for the FutureOfWork that helps Communities grow by engaging in Play2Earn. Projects can leverage community talent to accelerate community growth by rewarding valuable actions in their own tokens with optional vesting to balance sell pressure. From a users perspective, xHashtag offers a way to earn crypto rewards for completing an array of onchain and offchain activities, while for the project, it presents a w
66 OXD
0xDAO (oxd)
Fantom是一家用爱建造事物的公司。. 他们有一个名为SOLID Lock 0OXD V2的东西,售价0.00美元,TVL为0美元。. 您可以从中赚钱,并且必须连接到Fantom链才能使用它。. 您可以在他们的网站上找到更多信息,Medium,Twitter和Discord。.
Fantom is a company that builds things with love. They have something called SOLID Locked 0OXD V2 that costs $0.00 and has a TVL of $0. You can earn money from it and you have to connect to Fantom chain to use it. You can find out more information on their website,Medium,Twitter,and Discord.
67 16DAO
16DAO (16dao)
$16DAO 是 DZ Labs 的治理代币。. DZ Labs 是一家以 Web3 组织结构运营的 IP 运营和管理集团。. 业务涵盖知识产权储备、加密支付、内容IP化、投资等,以小说为知识产权储备的起点。.
$16DAO is the governance token of DZ Labs. DZ Labs is an IP operation and management group that operates on a Web3 organizational structure. Its business covers IP reserves,encrypted payments,content IPification,and investment,with novels as the starting point of its IP reserve.
68 W8BIT
8Bit Chain (w8bit)
什么是8Bit Chain8Bit Chain项目是一个Layer 1区块链协议和一个全面的DeFi生态系统。. 它包括其启动板、DeFi 交易所、通货紧缩 NFT、NFT 市场、KYC/审计协议、DAO 治理等。. 所有这些组件都已作为项目的一部分推出。是什么让 8Bit Chain 与众不同我们的项目脱颖而出,成为第一个提供完整 DeFi 产品和服务的 DeFi 计划,从第一天起就在 BSC、ETH 和我们的专用区块链上运行。该项目有着悠久的历史,在过去两年半的时间里,涉及众多平台的开发。. 在此期间,我们成功推出了我们的 BSC 和 ETH 对。8Bit Chain的下一步随着我们的测试网和超过8个Dapp的推出,以及我们活跃的BSC和ETH对,我们项目的下一步包括推出我们的主网和原生
What is the 8Bit ChainThe 8Bit Chain Project is a layer 1 blockchain protocol and a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem. It encompasses its launchpad,DeFi exchange,deflationary NFTs,NFT marketplace,KYC/audit protocol,DAO governance,and more. All these components have already been rolled out as part of the project.What makes 8Bit Chain uniqueOur project stands out as the first DeFi initiative that offers a complete range of DeFi products and services,all
69 8BIT
8BITEARN (8bit)
$8Bit是8BitEARN生态系统的超通货紧缩,BEP20原生代币,它打开了几个被动收入流和福利门户,以激励$8Bit代币持有者。. $8Bit 在我们的 Launchpad ProPAD 提供 BTC 反射、质押奖励、每月钻石手奖励、季度收入分配、BUSD 信贷设施和投资保险、多链 Defi 交易所 ProDEX 的农业和现金返还池、在我们的 NFT 市场上为 8Bit NFT 持有者提供多项 DeFi 福利,并提供令人难以置信的 NFT 交易体验 我们通过 DAO 治理促进绝对透明度和决策权。 8BITEARN POWER NFT DAPP PRODEX & PROPAD.2 礼物 预付卡和下一代 DeFi Exchange3 拥有一个生态系统,配备多种行业领先的 DeFi 产品,并为
$8Bit is a hyperdeflationary,BEP20 native token of the 8BitEARN Ecosystem that opens several passive income streams & benefit portals to incentivize $8Bit token holders. $8Bit Offers perks such as BTC Reflections,Staking Rewards,Monthly Diamond Hand Rewards,Quarterly Revenue Distributions,a BUSD Credit Facility and Investment Insurance at our Launchpad ProPAD,Farming & Cashback Pools at our multichain Defi Exchange ProDEX,several DeFi benefits to
Aave stkGHO (stkgho)
Aave 是一个开源的流动性协议,允许用户赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 它是一个由社区管理的去中心化协议,拥有超过 165,601 名代币持有者。. Aave 最初部署在以太坊网络上,但已扩展到其他网络,例如 Polygon、Avalanche、Arbitrum、Optimism、Base、Gnosis、Metis 和 Centrifuge RWABridge。. 该协议由领先的安全公司进行审计,并具有一个安全模块,以防止协议破产。. Aave 金库由 AAVE 代币和金库收集者组成,他们从各种来源赚取费用。. 用户可以通过提交提案、创建快照和对提案进行投票来参与治理。.
Aave is an open-source liquidity protocol that allows users to earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. It is a decentralized protocol governed by the community with over 165,601 token holders. Aave was first deployed on the Ethereum network but has expanded to other networks such as Polygon,Avalanche,Arbitrum,Optimism,Base,Gnosis,Metis,and Centrifuge RWABridge. The protocol is audited by leading security firms and has a safety module
Aave v3 UNI (auni)
Aave 是一种允许人们赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序的协议。. 它由社区管理,在 8,766,135,182.67 个网络和超过 15 个市场中锁定了 8 美元的流动性。. 人们可以向协议提供资产以增加他们的资金,或者从协议中借款并获得奖励。. 他们还可以对在 Aave 生态系统中部署新市场的提案进行投票,并申请 Aave Grants DAO 的资助。. 该协议通过安全的支持进行保护,并且有一个漏洞赏金计划来帮助查找任何错误或漏洞。.
Aave is a protocol that allows people to earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. It is managed by the community and has $ 8,766,135,182.67 of liquidity locked in across 8 networks and over 15 markets. People can supply assets into the protocol to grow their money or borrow from it with rewards for doing so. They can also vote on proposals to deploy new markets in the Aave ecosystem and apply for grants from the Aave Grants DAO. The pr
72 ACN
Acorn Protocol (acn)
项目内容简介Acorn Protocol是一种分散的、无需信任的和自动化的解决方案,用于基于去中心化自治组织DAO模型的大规模劳动力组织,目标是创建一个全球劳动力市场,实现无缝协作,不受地点或时间限制.2.. 是什么让您的项目独一无二Acorn协议以其战略性区块链应用脱颖而出,促进全球协作。. 它展示了广泛的任务处理能力,从事各种任务,如自动驾驶相关的数据处理/收集/分类,目标识别,验证码和项目推广3。. 您的项目历史自 2019 年初以来,Acorn 协议取得了重大进展,推出了专为数据收集和注释而设计的钱包 Acorn Box。. 该平台不断增强其特性和功能。.
1. What is the project aboutAcorn Protocol is a decentralized,trustless and automated solution for organizing largescale labor forces based on a Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO model,with the goal of creating a global labor market,enabling seamless collaboration regardless of location or time.2. What makes your project uniqueAcorn Protocol stands apart with its strategic blockchain application,fostering global collaboration. It has demo
73 ADS
Adshares (ads)
Adshares 是元界货币化空间的 Web3 协议.Adserver 平台允许用户租用元界、区块链游戏、NFT 展览和网站内部的空间。. 从2017年开始,该团队提供了一个现在高度可扩展的协议。. Adshares是一个伞形项目,维护一个分散的网络。. ADS协议背后的想法是通过DAO风格的治理将网络提供给社区。. 在Adshares中,任何人都可以通过在越来越多的领域实施开源区块链工具来制作自己的Adserver。. 这一突破性的概念使$ADS持有者可以从协议的货币化中获利。.
Adshares is a Web3 protocol for monetization space in the Metaverse.Adserver platforms allow users to rent space inside Metaverse, blockchain games, NFT exhibitions and websites. Starting in 2017, the team delivered a protocol that is now highly scalable. Adshares is an umbrella project, maintaining a decentralized network. The idea behind the ADS protocol is to give the network to the community with DAOstyle governance. In Adshares, anyone can m


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,478.72 2,201,841,150.67
2 ARS title=ARS 1,044.50 1,582,297,679.60
3 ETH title=ETH 3,161.89 1,281,410,584.13
4 SOL title=SOL 148.37 999,975,891.53
5 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 651,169,636.07
6 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 605,623,908.84
7 WIF title=WIF 3.05 423,671,132.90
8 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 288,269,949.22
9 XRP title=XRP 0.53 230,837,508.52
10 BOME title=BOME 0.01 208,274,275.04
11 BONK title=BONK <0.01 207,163,148.07
12 ENA title=ENA 0.87 185,364,110.16
13 NEAR title=NEAR 6.96 157,735,693.93
14 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 121,458,886.43
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.39 98,880,162.84
16 ALGO title=ALGO 0.21 96,182,345.49
17 WLD title=WLD 4.92 89,513,005.50
18 AVAX title=AVAX 36.47 86,298,747.51
19 LTC title=LTC 83.30 82,893,213.82
20 COS title=COS 0.02 80,081,275.56
21 ADA title=ADA 0.48 77,195,173.11
22 ORDI title=ORDI 44.86 68,980,720.04
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.50 64,775,758.58
24 LINK title=LINK 14.59 61,707,384.44
25 MATIC title=MATIC 0.71 61,632,955.21
26 YGG title=YGG 0.94 60,560,729.53
27 FTM title=FTM 0.74 58,989,334.25


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +27.74
2 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.33 +14.26
3 NULS title=NULS 0.74 +11.17
4 Automata title=ATA 0.25 +7.78
5 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +5.66
6 SSV Network title=SSV 46.39 +5.07
7 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.29 +3.98
8 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +2.46
9 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +2.10
10 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.77 +1.80
11 Algorand title=ALGO 0.21 +1.62
12 TRON title=TRX 0.11 +1.13
13 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.30 +0.91
14 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.05 +0.43
15 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.51 +0.02


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 -22.52
2 Marlin title=POND 0.02 -12.22
3 Gnosis title=GNO 338.90 -11.35
4 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.16 -11.24
5 Voyager title=VGX 0.08 -10.95
6 QuarkChain title=QKC 0.01 -10.85
7 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.92 -10.54
8 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -10.41
9 FIO Protocol title=FIO 0.04 -10.38
10 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.08 -10.17
11 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -10.12
12 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.81 -9.99
13 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 -9.91
14 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -9.88
15 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.41 -9.77
16 Bittensor title=TAO 454.30 -9.72
17 Bonfida title=FIDA 0.33 -9.56
18 Tensor title=TNSR 1.04 -9.43
19 Mobox title=MBOX 0.35 -9.38
20 Celestia title=TIA 10.99 -9.32
21 Portal title=PORTAL 0.95 -9.28
22 W 0.55 -9.17
23 Kusama title=KSM 29.53 -9.17
24 Zilliqa title=ZIL 0.03 -9.16
25 Starknet title=STRK 1.21 -9.13
26 Vite title=VITE 0.03 -9.03
27 Ardor title=ARDR 0.11 -9.02
28 Aevo title=AEVO 1.53 -9.02
29 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -8.95
30 Dusk title=DUSK 0.36 -8.91

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
2 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
3 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
4 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
5 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
6 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
7 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
8 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
9 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
10 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
11 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
12 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
13 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
14 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
15 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
16 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
17 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
18 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
19 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
20 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
21 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
22 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
23 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
24 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
25 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
26 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
27 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
28 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
29 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
30 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
31 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
32 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
33 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
34 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
35 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
36 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
37 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
38 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
39 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
40 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
41 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
42 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
43 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
44 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
45 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
46 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
47 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
48 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
49 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
50 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
2 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
3 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
4 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
7 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
8 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
9 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
10 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
11 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
12 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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