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硬币相关 #Security

币名 细节
DUSK Network (dusk)
黄昏网络是一个高吞吐量的无许可区块链,旨在提供隐私、可编程性和可审计性。Dusk Network目前处于测试网阶段,是一种区块链协议,可轻松部署可编程零知识dApp,从而成为开放,无许可和全球隐私导向的dApp生态系统的支柱。黄昏网络旨在消除破坏安全代币主流发行和交易的技术障碍。. 合规性、可审计性和隐私性内置于开放、无需许可的机密安全令牌标准 XSC 中。.
Dusk Network is a high throughput permissionless blockchain aimed at providing privacy, programmability and auditability.Dusk Network is currently in the Testnet phase and is a blockchain protocol for easy deployment of programmable zeroknowledge dApps, thus becoming the backbone of an open, permissionless and global privacyoriented dApp ecosystem.Dusk Network aims to remove technical barriers that have undermined mainstream issuance and trading
Neutron (ntrn)
项目内容简介Neutron是最安全的跨链智能合约平台。. 它通过质押资本化将前 10 名区块链的安全性与前沿的跨链基础设施相结合,使 DeFi 应用程序能够在不断增长的 51+ 互连区块链网络中安全扩展。是什么让你的项目与众不同Neutron是一个用Tendermint和Cosmos SDK构建的无许可智能合约平台。. 它使安全跨链应用程序的开发更容易、更有利可图。. 通过链间安全,Neutron为开发人员提供了Cosmos Hub的完整权益证明安全性,Cosmos Hub是现存十大最安全的区块链之一,而成本仅为运行应用链的一小部分。. Neutron上的智能合约可以用Rust编写并在CosmWasm上运行,这可以保护它们免受针对Solidity/EVM dApp的主要攻击媒介的攻击。. N
What is the project aboutNeutron is the most secure crosschain smartcontracting platform. It combines the security of a top 10 blockchain by staked capitalization with bleedingedge crosschain infrastructure to enable DeFi applications to securely scale across a growing network of 51+ interconnected blockchains.What makes your project uniqueNeutron is a permissionless smartcontract platform built with Tendermint and the Cosmos SDK. It makes develo
Ark (ark)
ARK为用户、开发人员和初创公司提供创新的区块链技术。. 他们的目标是创建一个完整的链接链生态系统和一个包含无穷无尽用例的虚拟蜘蛛网,使 ARK 具有高度的灵活性、适应性和可扩展性。. ARK是一个专为大规模采用而设计的安全平台,将提供消费者和开发人员需要的服务。. 它是快速的、分散的、可扩展的、协作的、桥接的和开源的。. ARK桌面钱包是为所有主要操作系统原生构建的。. ARK钱包连接到完全同步的网络对等体,无需下载完整的区块链。ARK使用委托权益证明DPoS共识算法进行操作。.
ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. They aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless usecases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need. It is fast, decentralized, scalable, collaborative, bridging and opensource. The ARK
Shentu (ctk)
A CrossChain Protocol with Security Scoring and Decentralized Reimbursements for Building Secure dApps.
Blendr Network (blendr)
彻底改变 GPU 计算:释放可扩展性、安全性和效率.使用 Blendr 提升您的 AI、渲染和模拟。. 告别昂贵的集中式农场,迎接可扩展、安全的计算。使用 Blendr 提升您的 AI、渲染和模拟。. 告别昂贵的集中式农场,迎接可扩展、安全的计算。对于 AI、渲染和模拟,Blendr 提供高性能计算,没有集中成本和可扩展性限制。. 优化资源利用,最小化开支,保持不间断的生产力。.
Revolutionizing GPU Computing: Unleashing Scalability,Security,and Efficiency.Elevate your AI,rendering,and simulations with Blendr. Say goodbye to pricey centralized farms and hello to scalable,secure computing.Elevate your AI,rendering,and simulations with Blendr. Say goodbye to pricey centralized farms and hello to scalable,secure computing.For AI,rendering,and simulations,Blendr offers highperformance computing sans centralized costs and scal
Brickken (bkn)
Brickken正在创建一个dApp去中心化应用程序,该应用程序为个人和企业提供了使用stateoftheart区块链技术在世界任何地方发行自己的安全令牌所需的工具,而无需中介。. Brickken的愿景是创建一个自我维持,自我治理,自筹资金的生态系统,专注于安全令牌产品STO,这将使个人和企业能够在世界任何地方以自己的方式标记任何资产。.
Brickken is creating a dApp decentralized application which provides the tools needed for individuals and businesses to issue their own Security Tokens,anywhere in the world using stateoftheart blockchain technology,without intermediaries. Brickken’s vision is to create a selfsustained,selfgoverned,selffunded ecosystem focused on Security Token Offerings STOs which will enable individuals and businesses to tokenize any asset within their own mean
cLFi (clfi)
## 什么是 cLFi cLFi 是 LFi 生态系统中的实用代币,cLFi 的主要功能是使用户能够激活单位许可证,允许他们参与代币铸造过程.## 什么是 cLFi 的价值和使命 愿景:一个去中心化、可持续和公平的全球经济,每个人都有机会实现财务独立并参与财富创造。使命:通过由 DAO 社区驱动的去中心化、透明和安全的平台提供可访问的金融机会,使个人能够控制自己的财富。价值观:可访问性 我们为用户创建工具以利用机会,无论加密知识,财富或经验如何。. 透明度 我们通过社区驱动的治理和透明的流程共同构建,以确保我们的用户了解我们的共同目标。. 安全性 我们的首要任务是创建多层安全性,为我们的用户、合作伙伴和整个社区的资金提供最大的安全性。. ## 什么是cLFi安全的价值主张:在LFi,我们优先
## What is cLFi cLFi is serving as the utility token within the LFi ecosystem,the primary function of cLFi is to enable users to activate the Unit license,allowing them to partake in the token minting process.## What is value and mission of cLFi Vision: A decentralized,sustainable,and fair global economy where everyone has the chance to achieve financial independence and participate in wealth creation.Mission: To empower individuals to take contr
Locus Chain (locus)
什么是LOCUS CHAIN轨迹LocusChain旨在成为使用最广泛的下一代第1层公共区块链协议,同时实现完全去中心化和可扩展性。. 作为基于专利技术的去中心化可扩展一层链,轨迹链旨在通过成为最可靠、安全、低成本和高性能的 1 层公共区块链平台,支持各种 Defi、GameFi、元界、智慧城市、CBDC 中央银行数字货币项目。. Locus Chain声称是第一个去中心化的第1层公共区块链,解决了去中心化的区块链三难困境。. 可扩展性和安全性.LOCUS代币主网之前的当前Locus代币类型是基于以太坊的ERC20代币,由Locus Chain Foundation发行智能合约。. 但是,鉴于公共以太坊网络上的代币不能直接在轨迹链上使用,我们将利用散列时间锁定合约来允许 Locus 代币从以
What Is LOCUS CHAIN LOCUSLocus Chain aims to be the most widely used Next Generation Layer 1 Public Blockchain Protocol, which achieves both full decentralization and scalability simultaneously. As a decentralized scalable layer 1 chain based on patented technologies, Locus Chain aims to support various Defi, GameFi, Metaverse, Smart City, CBDCCentral Bank Digital Currency projects by being the most reliable, secure, low cost and high performance
Moonwell Artemis (well)
Moonwell Artemis使用来自Moonwell Apollo协议的经过实战测试的代码来提供开放的,非托管的借贷DeFi协议。. 虽然Apollo是一个具有创新功能的社区驱动协议,但Artemis用户将享受具有更快交易时间的精美功能,同时仍保持相同级别的安全性。Moonwell的目标是成为生态系统中最用户友好,快速和安全的DeFi协议。. 考虑到这一点,重点是具有高标准的安全性。. 该协议使用的所有智能合约都实施了多重签名系统,Halborn Security的专家网络安全团队在部署之前审核所有合约。. 此外,通过与ImmuneFi值得信赖的团队合作,还有一个慷慨的赏金计划,允许安全研究人员提交他们的发现以供审查,并获得发现安全漏洞的赏金。.
Moonwell Artemis uses battle tested code from the Moonwell Apollo protocol to provide an open, noncustodial lending and borrowing DeFi protocol. While Apollo is a community driven protocol with innovative features, Artemis users will enjoy polished features with faster transaction times, while still preserving the same level of security.Moonwell’s goal is to be the most userfriendly, fast, and secure DeFi protocol in the ecosystem. With this in m
10 0X1
0x1.tools: AI Multi-tool (0x1)
该项目是关于什么由一群有远见的开发人员团队发起的0x1 Token是一个创新的智能合约平台,利用人工智能AI的力量彻底改变区块链格局。. 这个尖端平台提供了一套全面的AI驱动的工具和功能,使开发人员和用户能够释放去中心化应用程序dApps的全部潜力0x1。. 通过利用人工智能的功能,开发人员可以快速有效地生成智能合约,无需深入编码知识。. 平台的高级算法分析合同的要求,允许安全、可靠且针对特定项目需求量身定制的自动化代码生成。项目的历史记录。安全性和可靠性在0x1生态系统中至关重要。. 该平台结合了先进的审计工具,以确保智能合约没有漏洞和潜在的骗局。. 开发人员可以彻底分析他们的合同,在部署之前识别任何潜在的弱点或安全风险。.
What is the project aboutLaunched by a team of visionary developers,0x1 Token is an innovative smart contract platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence AI to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. This cuttingedge platform offers a comprehensive suite of AIpowered tools and functionalities,empowering developers and users to unlock the full potential of decentralized applications dApps.What makes your project uniqueAt its core,
11 0XG
0xGPU.ai (0xg)
0xGPU:人工智能和加密货币融合的平台0xGPU是一个促进人工智能人工智能和加密货币交叉创新的平台。. 它通过利用图形处理单元、GPU 的巨大计算能力并集成来自加密货币世界的激励机制来实现这一目标。. 这种共生关系使用户能够加速人工智能的进步,同时受益于去中心化的治理结构。0xGPU 的核心功能: GPUCentric AI 加速: 0xGPU 利用 GPU 的并行处理能力显著加快 AI 训练和推理过程。. 这种促进可以更快地产生人工智能研究和开发的见解和突破。. 通过质押分享收入:该平台实施了激励参与的收入分享模式。. 用户可以通过质押代币来赚取被动收入,为 0xGPU 生态系统的整体计算能力做出贡献。.
0xGPU : A Platform for AI and Cryptocurrency Convergence0xGPU is a platform that fosters innovation at the intersection of artificial intelligence AI and cryptocurrency. It achieves this by harnessing the immense computational power of graphics processing units GPUs and integrating incentive mechanisms from the world of cryptocurrency. This symbiotic relationship empowers users to accelerate AI advancements while benefiting from a decentralized g
12 1LONG
1LONG (1long)
$1LONG 是 Bitcoin Dragon 生态系统的原生代币,最初刻在比特币上,部分桥接到硬币安全链,以利用 DeFi 和 AI 基础设施。.
$1LONG is the native token of the Bitcoin Dragon ecosystem,originally engraved on Bitcoin and partially bridged to the Coin Security Chain to leverage DeFi and AI infrastructure.
Aave v3 1INCH (a1inch)
Aave 是一种流动性协议,可帮助人们赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 它由社区管理,拥有超过 163,000 名代币持有者。. 安全性是重中之重,该协议由价值超过 3 亿美元的 Aave 代币保护。. 您可以在 Aave 上与 8 个网络和 15 个市场进行交互。. 您还可以提交在 Aave 生态系统中部署新市场的提案。.
Aave is a Liquidity Protocol that helps people earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. It is governed by the community,with over 163,000 token holders. Security is a top priority and the protocol is secured by over $300 million worth of Aave tokens. There are 8 networks and 15 markets that you can interact with on Aave. You can also submit proposals to deploy new markets in the Aave ecosystem.
Aave v3 SUSHI (asushi)
Aave 是一种开源流动性协议,允许人们借贷数字资产。. 它还允许人们赚取利息或构建应用程序。. 人们可以将他们的资产提供给协议并看着它们成长,或者以较低的成本借入不同的资产。. 有一个由代币持有者管理的社区,他们决定协议的运作方式。. 安全性对 Aave 来说非常重要,因此它由安全公司审查,并在破产时提供担保。. 如果您发现任何错误或漏洞,您可以通过漏洞赏金计划提交。.
Aave is an open source liquidity protocol that allows people to lend and borrow digital assets. It also lets people earn interest or build applications. People can supply their assets into the protocol and watch them grow,or borrow different assets at a lower cost. There is a community governed by token holders that decide how the protocol works. Security is very important to Aave,so it's reviewed by security firms and secured with a backstop for
Aegis Ai (aegis)
通过AIEnabled审计解决方案开创区块链安全。. 我们的使命是使智能合约安全民主化,使个人和企业无论其技术专长如何,都能确保区块链交易的完整性和可靠性。.
Pioneering Blockchain Security with AIEnabled Audit Solutions. Our mission is to democratize smart contract security,empowering individuals and businesses,regardless of their technical expertise,to ensure the integrity and reliability of blockchain transactions.
AEONODEX (aeonodex)
Aeonodex 超越了典型区块链项目的范围。. 它将自己设想为一股变革力量,弥合元宇宙、去中心化金融、DeFi、Web3、PlaytoEarn P2E 和人工智能 AI 领域的碎片化格局。. 其雄心勃勃的使命是:构建涵盖整个错综复杂的生态系统的综合解决方案,推动突破性创新、强大的安全性和所有利益相关者的包容性参与。想象一下数字全景图: 可扩展性是无限的:Aeonodex 拥有高度弹性的基础设施,可以毫不费力地适应这些快速发展的领域中固有的指数级交易量和日益加剧的复杂性。. 网络拥塞和交易缓慢已成为过去的遗物。. 互操作性至高无上:Aeonodex 促进了协议、平台和应用程序之间的无缝通信。. 数据和价值自由流动,打破孤岛,打造真正互联互通的生态系统。.
Aeonodex transcends the confines of a typical blockchain project. It envisions itself as a transformative force,bridging the fragmented landscape of the Metaverse,Decentralized Finance DeFi,Web3,PlaytoEarn P2E,and Artificial Intelligence AI sectors. Its ambitious mission: to architect comprehensive solutions that encompass the entirety of this intricate ecosystem,driving groundbreaking innovation,robust security,and inclusive participation for al
17 ALY
AiLayer (aly)
AiLayer 代币:推动 AIPowered 区块链创新AiLayer 是一个区块链平台,与传统区块链网络相比,它利用人工智能 AI 的力量显着提高性能、效率和安全性。. 其原生代币 AiLayer 在为平台提供各种功能和激励参与方面发挥着至关重要的作用。AiLayer 的核心是其独特的人工智能证明 PoAI 共识算法,该算法利用 AI 为网络选择验证者。. 这种新颖的方法具有几个关键优势:提高性能:更快的交易处理:PoAI 比 ProofofWork PoW 等传统共识算法能够更快地处理交易,从而带来更高效、更简化的用户体验。. 降低交易费用:PoAI的高效特性导致交易费用降低,使网络更容易访问,对更广泛的用户群更具吸引力。增强的安全性:人工智能驱动的验证者选择:人工智能算法仔细分析潜在
AiLayer Token: Fueling AIPowered Blockchain InnovationAiLayer is a blockchain platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence AI to significantly enhance performance,efficiency,and security compared to conventional blockchain networks. Its native token,AiLayer,plays a crucial role in powering the platforms various functions and incentivizing participation.At the heart of AiLayer lies its unique Proof of Artificial Intelligence PoAI c
AltCTRL (ctrl)
AltCTRL 不仅仅是一个平台,更是朝着去中心化、包容和安全的金融未来迈进。. 我们的精神围绕着: 赋权:提供工具和资源,使我们的用户能够控制他们的财务未来。. 安全:将用户的安全和利益放在首位,采取最先进的安全措施。. 创新:不断突破DeFi的极限,确保我们的社区保持领先地位。社区:建立一个由社区塑造并为社区服务的平台,营造一个协作和共同成长的环境。在这里使加密空间可访问、安全和社区驱动,确保每个用户都有充实的旅程。.
AltCTRL is more than just a platform; its a movement towards a decentralized,inclusive,and secure financial future. Our ethos revolves around: Empowerment: Providing tools and resources that empower our users to take control of their financial future. Security: Prioritizing the safety and protection of our users interests,with stateoftheart security measures. Innovation: Continuously pushing the boundaries of whats possible in DeFi,ensuring that
Alterna Network (altn)
这个项目是关于一个新的革命性的区块链。是什么让您的项目独一无二高安全性,闪电般的交易和便宜的汽油费计划轻松构建DAPP创建器。项目的历史记录。我们目前仍在早期旅程中。您的项目的下一步计划并计划成为一个具有许多功能的革命性区块链,并将完全管理区块链生态系统中使用的所有工具。您的代币可以用于什么我们的代币将管理我们第 2 层区块链的主要流动性。.
What is the project aboutA new revolutionary blockchain.What makes your project uniqueHigh Security,Lightningfast Transaction and Cheap Gas Fee.Planned to build a DAPP Creator with ease.History of your project.We are currently still on the early journey.What’s next for your projectPlanned and scheduled to be a revolutionary blockchain with many features and will totally manage all the tools which are used in a blockchain ecosystem.What can your t
Ambit Finance (ambt)
Ambit Finance 是一个 DeFi 平台,为用户提供赚取、借贷和发展其数字投资组合的能力。. 该平台具有稳定币存款收益创造、货币市场借贷和以投资组合为中心的投资等功能。. 用户可以通过各种策略赚取 USDT 存款的收益,并利用他们的投资组合进行高效借贷。. Ambit Finance 得到了 Binance Labs 和 Emirates Consortium 等投资者的支持。. 该平台有一个路线图,包括种子资金、测试网启动、Paladin Security 和 Guardian Audits 的审计、主网启动和代币启动。. 安全是Ambit Finance的重中之重,他们与DeFi领域的领先审计师合作,包括Paladin Security和Guardian Audits。.
Ambit Finance is a DeFi platform that offers users the ability to earn,borrow,and grow their digital portfolios. The platform has features such as yield creation on stablecoin deposits,money market lending,and portfolio-centric investing. Users can earn a yield on their USDT deposits through various strategies and leverage their portfolios for efficient lending. Ambit Finance is backed by investors such as Binance Labs and Emirates Consortium. Th
Ante Casino (chance)
Ante Casino是一个完全去中心化的游戏中心Ante将在线游戏与区块链安全性和可证明的公平随机化联系起来。. 不要犹豫,立即尝试在快速发展的在线游戏世界中,信任和透明度至关重要。安特赌场旨在通过利用区块链技术的潜力来解决这些问题,链链可验证随机函数VRF.$CHANCE是安特赌场内部彩票的主要货币。每笔涉及$CHANCE代币的交易都会累积2.5%的买卖税,用于运营透明的彩票基金。为了保证获胜者的有效性并防止任何恶意活动,采用了链链可验证的随机函数VRF。$CHANCE代币的持有者可以质押它们并以 1:1 的比例获得$RAISE代币,从而显着增加他们赢得奖池的机会。$RAISE代币的持有者也将有资格参加我们的赌场收入分成计划通过质押$RAISE代币,用户可以赚取$STREAK代币。.
Ante Casino is a Fully Decentralized Gaming HubAnte Bridging Online Gaming with Blockchain Security and Provably Fair Randomization. Do not hesitate and try it right nowIn the rapidly evolving world of online gaming,trust and transparency are paramount.Ante Casino aims to address these concerns by harnessing the potential of blockchain technology and Chainlinks Verifiable Random Function VRF.$CHANCE is the primary currency for Ante Casinos inhous
Armour Wallet (armour)
Armour Wallet是一个非托管的多链加密钱包,它利用尖端的AI技术为用户提供管理其各种加密资产的新便利。Armour钱包是一个革命性的多链加密钱包,为用户提供高水平的便利性,安全性和性能。. 其高级功能由尖端的人工智能技术提供支持,允许用户在单个用户友好的界面中管理各种区块链网络中的数字资产。. Armour钱包的主要优势之一是其多链支持。. 钱包支持一系列区块链网络,包括以太坊、币安智能链、多边形等。. 这意味着用户可以在一个地方管理他们持有的各种加密货币,而无需多个钱包或复杂的程序。. 钱包界面允许用户在不同的链之间轻松切换,并以清晰有序的方式查看其资产余额、交易历史和其他相关信息。.
Armour Wallet is a noncustodial,multichain crypto wallet that utilizes cuttingedge AI technology to provide users with a new level of convenience in managing their diverse crypto holdings.Armour Wallet is a revolutionary multichain crypto wallet that offers users a high level of convenience,security,and performance. Its advanced features are powered by cuttingedge AI technology,which allows users to manage their digital assets across various bloc
Bark Gas Token (bark)
$BARK是新 #shibarmys L2链的gas代币,其燃烧$SHIB约为shibarium #shibariumThe 新的Layer 2区块链的1,000倍再见$BONE,你好$BARK.flationary EcosystemGas费用将用于销毁$SHIB,销毁$BARK和奖励验证者。Security$BARK 代币是安全的,流动性在 Unicrypt 上锁定 1 年,确保开发人员的灵活性和用户信心.layer 2 区块链作为$SHIB生态系统的一部分,$BARK gas 费用为 Shibarium 生态系统带来了更高的效率.dogpad 认证$DOGPAD是生态系统的一部分,并通过 launchpad、bridge、deployer、locker 和其他产品被烧毁。.
$BARK is the gas token of the new #shibarmys L2 chain,which burns around 1,000 times more $SHIB than #shibariumThe new layer 2 blockchain of shibariumGood bye $BONE,hello $BARK.flationary EcosystemGas fees will be used to burn $SHIB,burn $BARK & reward validators.Security$BARK token is secured and liquidity is locked on Unicrypt for 1 year,ensuring developer flexibility and user confidence .layer 2 blockchainAs apart of the $SHIB ecosystem,$BARK
Bingo (catbingolo)
欢迎来到宾果游戏,模因币与创新相遇的地方。. 我们的项目由对公平、透明和社区赋权的承诺驱动。BINGO不仅仅是一种加密货币,它是创新的区块链技术和异想天开的模因世界的融合。BINGO旨在吸引和参与,将币安智能链的力量与数字资产的有趣方法相结合。. 凭借其独特的社区驱动计划、模因文化以及对培养充满活力的生态系统的承诺,BINGO 为加密货币世界中有趣而有益的旅程奠定了基础零税,All Fun:告别税收困境 Bingo 致力于 0% 的税收政策,确保社区保留更多他们辛苦赚来的代币。. 这不仅仅是一项投资,更是一次没有税收头痛的欢乐之旅。安全透明:安全是我们的首要任务。. Bingo在以透明和完整性构建的区块链基础上运行。. 请放心,您的资产受到尖端技术的保护,并致力于加密领域的最佳实践。.
Welcome to Bingo,where memecoin meets innovation. Our project is driven by a commitment to fairness,transparency,and community empowerment.BINGO is not just a cryptocurrency; its a fusion of innovative blockchain technology and the whimsical world of memes.Designed to captivate and engage,BINGO merges the power of the Binance Smart Chain with a playful approach to digital assets. With its unique blend of communitydriven initiatives,meme culture,a
BitcoinZ (btcz)
atum协议使其不易通货膨胀,并且从长远来看更具可持续性去中心化BTCZ是一种真正去中心化的加密货币,因为它是100个社区驱动的,没有首席执行官或所有权 治理加密货币旨在由所有参与者控制,而不是由任何单一实体控制 公平启动Bitcoinz项目为每个人提供了公平的启动 Nopremine 没有Instamine没有ICO销售,也没有开发税收不可变的最大供应量与大多数其他项目不同 Bitcoinz有一个不可变的 永远无法改变的最大供应 抗ASIC的抗ASIC挖矿算法被证明具有抗ASIC性,保证矿工不会被强大的ASIC机器取代 可扩展它使用Zhash算法,与原始比特币网络相比提供更好的可扩展性 零成本交易比特币Z提供几乎零成本的交易,即使是小额交易 快速的区块时间网络的区块时间为2分钟,使其比传统
atum Protocolsthat Make It Less Prone To Inflation And More Sustainable In The Longtermdecentralizedbtcz Is A Truly Decentralized Cryptocurrency As It Is 100 Communitydriven With No Ceo Or Ownership Governancecryptocurrencies Are Designed To Be Controlled By All Participants Andnot By Any Single Entity Fair Launchthe Bitcoinz Project Had A Fair Launch For Everyone With Nopremine No Instamine No Ico Sales And No Dev Taxesimmutable Maximum Supplyun
Bitpanda Ecosystem (best)
我和金钱 福利和奖励 比特熊猫卡和卡福利 最佳奖励 质押 学习 比特熊猫学院 比特熊猫博客 适合所有人的业务 API 白标加密上市申请 对于机构 比特熊猫专业版 比特熊猫托管公司 关于安全 新闻 职业帮助 如何开始 谁可以使用比特熊猫 付款方式和限制 隐私政策 帮助台登录 注册 Bitpanda 是一个投资平台,可让您购买,出售和交换比特币、以太坊和链链等加密货币。. 它还可以让您以零佣金投资股票、24/7 ETF、世界上第一个真正的加密指数、黄金和白银等贵金属以及小麦和大豆等商品。. 您可以在平台上进行的每笔交易获得奖励。. 有很多功能可以帮助您在投资时节省时间和金钱。.
me & money Benefits & Rewards Bitpanda Card & card benefits BEST rewards Staking Learn Bitpanda Academy Bitpanda Blog Business API for everyone White Label Crypto Listing Application For institutionals Bitpanda Pro Bitpanda Custody Company About Security Press Careers Help How to get started Who can use Bitpanda Payment methods and limits Privacy policy Helpdesk Log in Sign-up Bitpanda is an investment platform that lets you buy,sell,and swap cry
BlockBox (bbox)
Block Box 揭示在区块链上存储文件的好处 增强安全性,确保持久性,并在数字文件管理的新时代体验无与伦比的便利性。探索创新的存储解决方案,使我们的区块链平台与众不同,确保安全性、效率和无与伦比的可访问性。IPFS支持存储利用分散式IPFS技术实现更快、可靠和全局的文件访问。无缝共享和下载毫不费力地与同行共享文件,并随时体验闪电般的下载速度。无与伦比的安全层先进的加密协议与区块链相结合,确保您的数据具有最大的安全性。不可变的数据完整性具有区块链的可信度,每个文件都保持不变且可验证,保证了其原创性。直观的用户体验以用户为中心设计,导航和文件管理是无缝的。区块链全球网络受益于全球分散的系统,确保一致和无边界的数据访问。.
Block Box Uncover The Benefits Of Storing Your Files On The Blockchain Enhance security,ensure permanence,and experience unparalleled ease in a new era of digital file management.Discover the innovative storage solutions that set our blockchain platform apart,ensuring security,efficiency,and unparalleled accessibility.IPFSPowered StorageLeverage decentralized IPFS technology for faster,reliable,and global file access.Share & Download SeamlesslySh
BLOCX. (blocx)
项目简介BLOCX被概念化为allinone计算机管理器,它提供了一个无缝和集成的解决方案来解决已识别的挑战。. 平台将各种功能和服务结合在一个统一的界面下,为用户提供全面、安全、高效的计算体验。. BLOCX提供一系列旨在简化和保护您的数字生活的功能: 恶意软件保护云服务和保护互联网安全驱动程序扫描仪和更新密钥和密码保管库远程访问系统调整安全钱包是什么让您的项目独一无二您不再需要依赖多种软件解决方案来管理和保护您的数字生活。. 我们的目标是成为一站式解决方案,提供全面的功能和服务,以简化和保护您的计算体验。项目的历史记录。始于 2022 年的一个想法。. 想法的实施始于 2023 年初,Coin 于 2023 年 7 月 20 日公开发布您的项目的下一步初始阶段的重点是推出 BLOCX 平
What is the project aboutBLOCX was conceptualized as an allinone computermanager that offers a seamless and integrated solutionto address the identified challenges. The platformcombines various features and services under a unifiedinterface,providing users with a comprehensive,secure andefficient computing experience. BLOCX offers a rangeof features designed to simplify and secure your digitallife: Malware ProtectionCloud Services & ProtectionInt
Bonk Grok (bonkgrok)
Bonk Grok 是一种独特的加密货币,旨在为用户提供简单性、安全性和社区驱动功能的融合。. Bonk Grok在可靠的区块链平台上运营,促进了简单和安全的交易,使其成为数字货币世界的新手和经验丰富的投资者的理想选择。Bonk Grok 的一个突出特点在于其创新的代币经济学。. 通过结合自动销毁机制和质押奖励,该代币随着时间的推移促进了稀缺性和价值升值。. 这意味着持有Bonk Grok不仅提供了潜在的财务回报,而且还为其生态系统的发展做出了积极贡献。Bonk Grok 非常重视社区参与和治理。. 代币持有者有机会参与决策过程,确保平台朝着符合其用户群的集体利益和价值观的方向发展。安全性是Bonk Grok设计的另一个基石。. 该平台实施严格的安全措施,优先考虑保护用户资产和数据,促进社区
Bonk Grok is a unique cryptocurrency designed to offer users a blend of simplicity,security,and communitydriven features. Operating on a reliable blockchain platform,Bonk Grok facilitates easy and secure transactions,making it an ideal choice for both newcomers and seasoned investors in the world of digital currencies.A standout characteristic of Bonk Grok lies in its innovative tokenomics. By incorporating automatic burn mechanisms and staking r
BSC Station (bscs)
BSC Station BSCS 旨在通过币安智能链上的 NFT 拍卖构建全栈 DEFI。. 它将成为由币安智能链提供支持的DeFi和NFT的经济基础设施.BSC Station为解决上述问题提供了一个终极平台。. BSC Station的架构包括以下主要两个组件:BSC DeFi:掉期,启动池和启动器 BSC NFT:拍卖,BSC智能安全BSCSS,加密算法,财政部.BSCS代币经济学模型引入了会员系统和费用共享机制。. 除了治理功能外,BSCS 还为持有者提供交易费、IDO 参与分配、NFT 拍卖、启动池等。. 该系统的持有者有权获得交易费股息和会员奖励,以及BSCS持有者的利益。.
BSC Station BSCS aims to build a FullStack DEFI with NFT Auction on the Binance Smart Chain. It will become economy infrastructure for DeFi and NFT powered by Binance Smart Chain.BSC Station provides a ultimate platform to solve the above problems. The architecture of BSC Station includes the below major twocomponents: BSC DeFi: Swap, Startpools and Starter BSC NFT: Auction, BSC Smart Security BSCSS, Encryption algorithm, Treasury.The BSCS token
31 CLO
Callisto Network (clo)
自从以太坊联邦以太坊经典的开发人员推出以来,Callisto网络将注意力集中在加密货币领域的弱点上,即安全性。我们致力于保护智能合约环境。. 迄今为止,我们已经审计了不少于350个智能合约,使我们成为行业领导者。凭借这些经验,我们成立了Calisto Enterprise,这是一家专注于区块链技术企业应用的分公司。. 来自中欧和东欧的几家主要公共交通公司也加入了我们的行列。特点: • 第一个冷质押币。. • 智能合约审计。. • 智能合约迁移。. • BaaS Calisto Enterprise ..
Blockchain as seen by Security Experts.Since its launch by the developers of Ethereum Commonwealth Ethereum Classic, Callisto Network focused its attention on the weakness of the cryptocurrency space, namely the security.We have dedicated ourselves to securing the smart contract environment. To date, we have audited no less than 350 smart contracts, making us the industry leader.With this experience, we have established Callisto Enterprise, a bra
Chinese NY Dragon (cnyd)
随着烟花照亮天空,标志着农历新年的开始,我们很高兴地推出农历新年龙币CNYD,这是一种革命性的数字货币,其灵感来自中国新年的丰富传统和充满活力的庆祝活动。以动物龙为代表的年份,2024。. 🎮 GameFi 元素:中国 NY Dragon 项目将有一个已经准备好玩的 GameFi 元素。. 您可以在此处阅读有关 GameFi 元素和所有规则的更多信息。. 📣 营销:该项目由雷霆的顶级营销人员拥有。. 一个值得信赖的 DEV,已经有很多好的发布。. 这将不是孵化项目,但它归雷霆本人所有。 🔒 技术卓越与安全:该项目与Coinsult密切合作,进行大部分技术开发。.
As the fireworks light up the sky,marking the beginning of a new lunar year,we are thrilled to introduce the Chinese New Year Dragon Coin CNYD a revolutionary digital currency inspired by the rich traditions and vibrant festivities of the Chinese New Year.Meme projects are centered on a different hype narritive and that is why this crypto project is focused on the Chinese New Year and the Chinses Zodiac a 12year cycle with each year represented b
Cloudbric (clbk)
Cloudbric最初是Penta Security Systems,Inc.的内部合资企业,韩国没有。. 1 家企业 Web 和数据安全供应商,目前保护近 10,000 名成员、50+ 全球合作伙伴,并在全球拥有超过 25 个数据中心。. Cloudbric希望通过这个项目弥合网络安全和人工智能之间的差距。.
Cloudbric started as an inhouse venture of Penta Security Systems, Inc., South Koreas no. 1 enterprise web and data security vendor, and currently protects close to 10,000 members, 50+ global partners, and features over 25 data centers around the world. Cloudbric looks to bridge the gap between cybersecurity and artificial intelligence through this project.
34 CNB
Coinsbit Token (cnb)
Coinsbit is a new trading platform that provides businesses and individual traders with Low commissions, Multi-Support, Strong Security, and Open API
CORE MultiChain (cmcx)
CORE MultiChain 加密对象资源引擎是一个 PoS 区块链 3.0 框架,专注于互操作性、可扩展性、可用性和隐私性.CORE MultiChain 比现有和传统区块链具有优势,例如分片、简单的区块链创建和实现、跨链功能和高交易吞吐量。CORE 创建了一个去中心化的邻居选择协议,该协议不断努力创建最佳对等连接以减少确认延迟。. 该协议通过不断分析和学习节点如何与邻居交互来实现这一目标。CORE协议如何吸引人•轻量级•与每个对等方的自身利益兼容,或选择最佳邻居的能力•对对抗性行为具有鲁棒性:CORE对等方不需要有关候选邻居的所有详细信息来决定是否连接•激励对等方迅速中继块。 当前和未来的区块链,以实现无缝扩展和通信。. CORE 由于其分片、互操作性和中心算法,在区块链领域提供了多种
CORE MultiChain Cryptographic Object Resource Engine is a PoS blockchain 3.0 framework focused on Interoperability, Scalability, and Usability and Privacy.CORE MultiChain provides advantages over existing and legacy blockchains such as sharding, simplistic blockchain creation and implementation, crosschain capabilities, and high transaction throughput.CORE created a decentralized neighbor selection protocol that continuously strives to create opt
36 CRU
Crust Network (cru)
什么是Crust NetworkCrust Network为Web 3.0和Web 2.0生态系统提供了一个分散的存储网络和云解决方案,并建立在Polkadot的Substrate框架之上。. 它为IPFS协议提供了独特的激励层,并利用区块链技术来增强数据的安全性,隐私性,性能和所有权。路线图是什么样的主网于 2021 年 9 月 1 日启动,目前拥有约 2,300 PB 的存储容量,由 7,000 多个单独的节点提供。Crust Network已经与许多区块链集成,并为以太坊,BSC,Polygon,Solana,Near,Elrond,Heco等提供了完全去中心化的存储层。. 未来,Crust将为更多网络实施其存储服务,以便为每个生态系统提供存储解决方案。. 一些最大的区块链项目已经使用
What is Crust NetworkCrust Network provides a decentralized storage network and cloud solutions for both, the Web 3.0 as well as Web 2.0 ecosystem and is build on Polkadot’s Substrate framework. It provides an unique incentive layer for the IPFS protocol and utilizes blockchain technology to enhancesecurity, privacy, performance and ownership of data.How does the roadmap look likeThe mainnet launched on the 1st of September 2021 and currently hol
37 CGT
Curio Governance (cgt)
Curio 治理由瑞士的一个团队于 2020 年 12 月 25 日推出,Curio 治理是 Curio StableСoin 协议的一部分,允许 CGT 代币持有者参与协议的治理和改进。. 治理基于 DAO 模型,支持 2 种类型的投票:CGT持有者的直接协议控制和社区服务民意调查。. Curio StableCoin协议允许人们使用安全代币支持的Curio Car Tokens作为抵押品来生成Curio StableCoin,也可以向Curio StableCoin存款以产生被动收入。.
Curio Governance launched in 25/12/2020 by a team based in Switzerland, Curio Governance is part of the Curio StableСoin Protocol and allows CGT token holders to participate in the governance and improvement of the protocol. Governance is based on the DAO model and supports 2 types of votes: direct protocol control by CGTholders and community service polls. Curio StableCoin Protocol allows people to use Security Tokens supported Curio Car Tokens
Cybria (cyba)
项目是关于什么Cybria是一个新的第2层区块链项目。Cybria建立在以太坊网络之上。. 它旨在提高以太坊生态系统内的可扩展性、交易速度和安全性,同时利用网络安全和人工智能人工智能技术来确保网络安全并提高性能。. CYBRIA 旨在通过提供可扩展、安全和高效的第 2 层解决方案来解决以太坊网络的局限性。. 通过利用第 2 层扩展技术,CYBRIA 旨在降低交易成本并提高以太坊网络的吞吐量。是什么让您的项目独一无二Cybria是第一个与AI集成的第2层区块链。. 人工智能在增强CYBRIA的各个方面起着至关重要的作用。. AI技术用于威胁检测,分析可疑交易行为,并提供智能监控和网络管理。项目的历史记录。Cybria 1个月前刚刚推出。.
What is the project aboutCybria is a new Layer 2 Blockchain project.Cybria built on top of the Ethereum network. It aims to enhance scalability,transaction speed,and security within the Ethereum ecosystem while leveraging Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence AI technologies to ensure network safety and improve performance. CYBRIA is designed to address the limitations of the Ethereum network by providing a scalable,secure,and efficient Layer
DecentraCloud (dcloud)
简介:DecentraCloud是走在去中心化存储革命前沿的开创性项目。. DecentraCloud 专注于安全性、可访问性和用户授权,旨在重新定义我们在数字时代存储、访问和管理数据的方式。愿景:我们的愿景是创建一个去中心化的存储生态系统,使个人和组织能够控制他们的数据。. 通过利用区块链技术和创新协议,DecentraCloud 寻求为传统的集中式存储解决方案提供安全、透明和以用户为中心的替代方案。主要特点:去中心化:DecentraCloud利用去中心化存储协议来确保数据分布在节点网络上,消除单点故障并增强安全性。安全性:通过端到端加密和强大的安全措施,DecentraCloud 确保您的数据始终保持安全和机密。可访问性:DecentraCloud 可以从世界任何地方无缝访问您的数据,
Introduction:DecentraCloud is a pioneering project at the forefront of the decentralized storage revolution. With a focus on security,accessibility,and user empowerment,DecentraCloud aims to redefine the way we store,access,and manage data in the digital age.Vision:Our vision is to create a decentralized storage ecosystem that empowers individuals and organizations to take control of their data. By leveraging blockchain technology and innovative
DeFi Pool Share (dpst)
项目简介:DeFi 池份额是以太坊上的去中心化金融 DeFi 借贷协议,使流动性提供者能够将其 Uniswap V3 LP NFT 借给借款人。. 它通过贷款费用为LP提供可预测的回报,同时允许借款人获得这些头寸索赔费用。. 该平台旨在增强DeFi借贷,利用Uniswap V3流动性和风险缓解功能。亮点: 交易者可以借用 LP NFT 来获取交易策略的流动性。. 收益农民可以使用借来的资产进行流动性挖掘。. LP 可以通过借出他们的 LP NFT 来赚取可预测的收入.是什么让您的项目独一无二当然,这里有一个简明的 DeFi 池独特功能列表 分享:1.. Uniswap V3 集成2..
What is the project aboutIntroduction:DeFi Pool Share is a decentralized finance DeFi lending protocol on Ethereum that enables liquidity providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to borrowers. It offers predictable returns for LPs through lending fees while allowing borrowers to access these positions claim fees. This platform aims to enhance DeFi lending and borrowing,leveraging Uniswap V3 liquidity with risk mitigation features.Highlights: Tr
DogeTools (dtools)
opment • 白皮书 • 启动狗狗工具提示机器人 • 启动狗狗工具安全 第 2 阶段 • 启动狗狗拱门 • 铸币厂 2023 年纪念 NFT 第 3 阶段 • 质押平台 狗狗工具是一套迎合狗狗链的实用程序。. 它包括 Tipbot、质押平台、安全服务等工具!加入他们,成为连锁店最大的帮手。.
opment • Whitepaper • Launch DogeTools Tipbot • Launch DogeTools Security  PHASE 2 • Launch DogeArch  • Mint 2023 Commemorative NFTs  PHASE 3 • Staking Platform    DogeTools is a suite of utilities to cater to the Doge Chain. It includes tools like the Tipbot,Staking Platform,Security Services,and more! Join them as they become the chain's biggest helper.
ELON DRAGON (elondragon)
与 ELON DRAGON 一起踏上非凡的旅程,这是一个传奇的模因币项目,它体现了创新精神、韧性和加密宇宙🌟的无限冒险,$ELONDRAGON从炽热的想象力深处涌现出来,灵感来自神秘的埃隆马斯克和龙的神话魅力。. 在突破界限的炽热热情的推动下,我们的硬币囊括了大胆的探索精神和激动人心的、不断发展的加密货币世界。 这就是ELON DRAGON在星空中脱颖而出的原因:社区驱动:在$ELONDRAGON的核心,一个充满活力和激情的社区,因翱翔到新高度的愿景而团结在一起。 🔥. 我们一起为这个奇幻的旅程注入了活力,营造了一个让每个声音都能产生共鸣的空间。创新实用性:除了其迷人的概念之外,ELON DRAGON 不仅仅是一个模因。. 通过战略合作伙伴关系和突破性的公用事业,ELON DRAGON旨在超
Embark on an extraordinary journey with ELON DRAGON,a legendary meme coin project that encapsulates the spirit of innovation,resilience,and the boundless adventures of the crypto universe 🌟$ELONDRAGON emerges from the fiery depths of imagination,inspired by the enigmatic Elon Musk and the mythical allure of dragons. Fueled by a fiery passion for pushing the boundaries,our coin encapsulates the audacious spirit of exploration and the thrilling,eve
43 ELS
Ethlas (els)
项目内容 Ethlas 是一家游戏风险工作室,旨在将下一个十亿用户从 Web2 加入 Web3。. Ethlas 使用 Web2 和 Web3 技术来创建可在移动设备、浏览器和区块链上玩的迷人游戏。. 我们技术娴熟的开发人员和设计师团队突破了游戏行业的极限,为玩家提供独特而令人兴奋的体验。. 著名的投资者包括红杉,蜻蜓资本和创客基金是什么使您的项目独一无二核心团队由技术领导者组成,他们在谷歌,Facebook,微软,Grab,SEA Group,Airbnb,摩根大通,Okta和DBS领导团队的经验。. 他们带来了人工智能/机器学习、产品管理、区块链工程、游戏开发、设计、NFT 智能合约、加密安全和增长黑客项目历史方面的各种专业知识。Ethlas Studios成立于2022年,是一家Gam
What is the project aboutEthlas is a gaming venture studio with the aim to onboard the next billion users from Web2 onto Web3. Ethlas uses Web2 and Web3 tech to create captivating games playable on mobile,browsers,and blockchains. Our team of skilled developers and designers push the limits of the gaming industry to deliver unique and exciting experiences for players. Notable investors include Sequoia,Dragonfly Capital,and Makers FundWhat makes y
44 FXF
FINXFLO 是一家一流的加密经纪公司,通过深度流动性为交易生态系统提供动力。. 我们整合了不断壮大的合作伙伴网络,始终为您提供最优惠的价格。. 1个帐户,1个KYC,1个钱包忘记多个帐户和登录的麻烦。. 使用1个账户,1个KYC,1个钱包查看和交易所有市场深度流动性 通过深度流动性获得最佳可用价格 在不断增长的合作伙伴网络中整合始终定价 我们的网络保持在线,并确保您在波动的市场条件下获得最佳可用价格,这要归功于流动性提供商的路由技术一键交易功能快速安全地执行订单, 只需单击一下 资产安全 通过我们值得信赖的合作伙伴托管人安全地将您的数字资产存储在链下监管与合规 安心交易,因为我们致力于最高的监管标准来保护您的利益独特的回扣计划 赚取有吸引力的、首创的回扣。. 您交易的越多,您赚的就越多。
FINXFLO is a bestinclass crypto brokerage that powers a trading ecosystem through deep liquidity. We consolidated across our growing network of partners to give you best available prices, always. 1 Account, 1 KYC, 1 WalletForget the hassle of multiple accounts and logins. See and trade all markets with 1 Account, 1 KYC, 1 WalletDeep Liquidity Access best available prices through deep liquidity consolidated across a growing network of partnersAlw
Fluid (fluid)
目的:Fluid解决了加密货币交易者面临的几个痛点和挑战,主要目标是简化和改善交易体验。它通过提供一系列功能和解决方案来实现这一目标,包括:流体机器人提供:快速交易:在 10 秒内执行订单,包括限价和市价订单、阶段触发限制和实时订单编辑。标准交易:限价单和市价单的用户友好界面。风险管理:设置止损、止盈和追踪止损。账户安全:通过用户控制的智能钱包增强安全性。资产管理:轻松在区块链之间架起资产桥梁并自定义交易设置。实时分析:访问绩效指标、实时市场数据和投资组合概览。通知警报:交易执行、价格变化等的即时警报。社交分享:与交易者合作,参与排行榜,并分享见解。互动投票和讨论:发起有关市场趋势和交易主题的讨论。实用工具:Fluid Bot 通过使加密货币交易更快、更易于访问、对用户更有回报来增强加密货币
Purpose: Fluid addresses several pain points and challenges faced by cryptocurrency traders,with the primary goal of streamlining and improving the trading experience.It achieves this by providing a range of features and solutions,including:Fluid Bot offers:Quick Trades: Execute orders in under 10 seconds,including limit and market orders,stagetriggered limits,and realtime order editing.Standard Trades: Userfriendly interface for limit and market
Fusion Ai (fusion)
Fusion AI 代表了人工智能领域的一种突破性方法,将多模态 AI 系统与先进的大型语言模型 LLM 集成在一起,为各个领域提供动态、全面的解决方案。. Fusion AI 是一种新的人工智能方法,它结合了多种强大的技术来提供广泛的解决方案。. 以下是其关键方面的细分:目的:通过将不同的数据类型文本、图像、声音与先进的人工智能技术相结合来应对复杂的挑战。. 为各行各业提供适应性强、安全的人工智能解决方案。功能:集成多模态AI、大型语言模型LLM和区块链技术。. 使用 LLM 来理解和生成类似人类的文本,以实现更好的交互。. 利用区块链实现数据安全和防篡改操作。应用:内容创作文章、社交媒体帖子等.
Fusion AI represents a groundbreaking approach in the realm of artificial intelligence,integrating multimodal AI systems with advanced Large Language Models LLMs to offer dynamic,comprehensive solutions across various domains. Fusion AI is a new approach to artificial intelligence that combines several powerful technologies to offer a wide range of solutions. Heres a breakdown of its key aspects:Purpose: To address complex challenges by combining
47 GNT
Genit Chain (gnt)
Genit Chain 是区块链 L1,依赖于 PoA 共识系统,该系统可以支持较短的区块时间和较低的费用。. 质押最绑定的验证者候选者将成为验证者并产生区块。. 双符号检测和其他斜杠逻辑保证了安全性、稳定性和链终结性。改进系统去中心化:Genit Chain经过数千个节点的验证,这些节点彼此独立运行,确保您的数据保持安全,抗审查保证安全性和稳定性。目的:创建一个高度可扩展、节能和去中心化的区块链平台,以解决当前区块链技术的局限性。为各种应用提供安全且可持续的基础设施,包括金融、供应链、游戏等。功能:Layer 1 Blockchain:作为基础区块链网络运行,支持去中心化应用程序和服务的开发。ProofofAuthority Consensus:依靠可信验证者系统来保护网络和处理交易,确保
Genit Chain is Blockchain L1 to relies on a system of PoA consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The doublesign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security,stability,and chain finality.Improving the SystemDecentralized: Genit Chain is validated by thousands of nodes that operate independently of each other,ensuring your data r
GEURO (geuro)
项目简介是什么GEURO是一种与欧元挂钩的稳定代币,由存储在智能合约中的币安币BNB支持。. 用户可以通过铸币功能提供 BNB 抵押品来铸造 GEURO 代币,还可以赎回他们的 GEURO 代币,而不会面临高提款最低要求。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二 GEURO 项目利用区块链技术和智能合约来创建去中心化和透明的金融工具,为用户提供稳定性、安全性和可访问性。. 其主要特点是: • 去中心化支持资产:GEUROs 抵押品存储在智能合约中,确保透明度和安全性。. • 灵活的铸造和赎回:用户可以轻松铸造和赎回 GEURO 代币,而不会面临高提款最低要求,从而更好地控制他们的资产。. • 智能合约安全:GEORO 的智能合约设计有强大的安全功能,以保护用户资金并确保平台的完整性。项目的历史记录。GE
What is the project aboutGEURO is a stabletoken pegged to the Euro and is backed by Binance Coin BNB stored in a smart contract. Users can mint GEURO tokens by providing BNB collateral through the mint function and can also redeem their GEURO tokens without facing high withdrawal minimums. What makes your project uniqueThe GEURO project leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to create a decentralized and transparent financial instrum
Good Old Fashioned Un Registered Security (gofurs)
GOFURS Del Sol是一个加密货币项目,由一群有远见的人领导,每个人都在推动公司的成功方面发挥着独特的作用。. 该项目涉及推出 GOFURS,这是 Solana 区块链上的一种模因币,旨在为其社区成员实现显着增长和繁荣。. 团队成员包括首席执行官 Neon “Flash Drive” Glowpaw、首席财务官 Minty “Big Bank” Burrower、首席运营官 Rusty “The Engine” Digwell、首席技术官 Gizmo “Mega Byte” Furnandez、首席营销官 Skyler “Buzzword” Whiskerton 和 CSO Camo “Lockdown” McTunnel,带来了他们在财务、运营、技术、营销和安全等各个领域的专业知识
GOFURS Del Sol is a cryptocurrency project led by a team of visionary individuals,each with a unique role in driving the company's success. The project involves the launch of GOFURS,a meme coin on the Solana blockchain,aiming to achieve significant growth and prosperity for its community members. The team members,including CEO Neon "Flash Drive" Glowpaw,CFO Minty "Big Bank" Burrower,COO Rusty "The Engine" Digwell,CTO Gizmo "Mega Byte" Furnandez,C
gotEM (gotem)
用于调查、私人保安和人道主义任务的去中心化众包平台 鉴于政治气候和世界的发展方向,必须有一个透明度和全球福利的出路。. 这需要一个去中心化的平台,不能被任何当局或特殊利益集团关闭。. gotEMs平台将这一需求变为现实。. 凭借其分散的众包 DeFi 平台,可以为私人调查、私人安全和人道主义任务提供众包和众筹。. 我们正处于人们如何看待政府、安全、金钱、资源和我们物种方向的全球转变的风口浪尖。. 一个完全工作的原型准备在本月推出。.
Decentralized Crowdsourcing Platform for Investigations, Private Security and Humanitarian Missions In light of the political climate and the direction the world is taking, it is imperative that there is an outlet for transparency and global welfare. This requires a decentralized platform that cannot be shut down by any authority or special interest group. gotEMs platform brings this demand to reality. With its decentralized crowdsourcing DeFi p
51 G
GRN Grid (g)
GRN是GRID Blockchain的原生代币,主要用作EXNode的链上治理,交易费用支付和链上流动性.The Grid是一个第1层区块链,其构建重点是五个支柱:安全性,可持续性,速度,可扩展性和稳定性.Grid旨在在安全性和可扩展性方面树立榜样,同时采取可持续性优先的方法。. 网格是利用一种新的权益证明方法构建的,具有对数加权股权投票权和锁定的安全池。. 加权导致验证奖励的累进支付,是行业首创。. 选择这些方法来抵消基于PoS共识的两个主要缺点,即权力下放和顶级持有者积累财富。网格与区块链行业中的现有库广泛互操作,同时还实现了关键功能,以便更轻松地从其他去中心化技术过渡。. 这些功能包括集成的支付和托管系统、交换池和加密通信。. 下面列出了这些功能:.
GRN is the indigenous token of the GRID Blockchain and serves primarily as onchain governance, payment for transaction fees and onchain liquidity for EXNode.The Grid is a layer 1 blockchain that is built with focus on five pillars: Security, Sustainability, Speed, Scalability and Stability.Grid aims to set an example in safety and scalability while taking a sustainability first approach. The Grid is built utilising a novel approach to Proof of St
52 HM
Horizon Blockchain (hm)
Horizon与生态系统中的其他独立技术或应用程序类似,拥有自己的资金和运营框架。. 它的开发和部署独立于现有营销策略的广泛性。我们坚信,开展广泛的营销活动是一项关键而恰当的任务。. 这一举措预计将将现有产品提升到全球规模,获得新的合作伙伴关系,扩大应用范围,吸引大量用户群,建立熟练的营销团队,加快开发步伐,并实现其他各种成果。成功的营销策略的实施,加上多年发展所取得的成就,预计将显着增加整个生态系统的市场价值。. 预计这种价值的激增将提高网络内商业活动的营业额,从而为投资者创造利润。. 此外,生态系统的放大市场价值与投资者在固定资产中的份额价值的增加直接相关。该资产的框架旨在随着营销活动获得牵引力而升值。. 随着对Horizon Security区块链的需求激增,Horizon Marke
Horizon,similar to other independent technologies or applications within the ecosystem,possesses its own funding and operational framework. Its development and deployment are pursued independently of the extensiveness of marketing strategies in place.It is our conviction that launching an extensive marketing campaign is a critical and opportune undertaking. This initiative is projected to elevate the existing product to a global scale,procure new
53 HUS
Husky.AI (hus)
什么是项目 aboutHusky.AI 是第一个人工智能模因硬币 它是一个完整的平台,提供安全钱包、快速交换和全球即时交易等高级功能。. 此外,集成的人工智能使我们能够提供有关市场的宝贵见解,并帮助用户做出更明智的决策。. 我们的使命是使每个人都可以使用加密货币,同时提供尖端的安全和隐私功能。是什么让您的项目独一无二的状态技术一种基于国家人工智能技术的加密货币。. 这确保了它的快速、高效和高度安全。去中心化去中心化加密货币,这意味着它不受全球金融市场波动的影响,不依赖于中央金融机构。有前途的投资企业和投资者对 Husky.ai 的创新技术和越来越多的采用使这种加密货币成为未来投资的有前途的选择。所有已执行交易的流动性4%将分配给流动性并保持锁定状态,以确保稳固性和稳定性。. 这项措施旨在加强
What is the project aboutHusky.AI is the first artificial intelligence meme coin It is a complete platform that offers advanced features such as secure wallets,fast exchanges,and instant transactions worldwide. Additionally,the integrated artificial intelligence allows us to provide valuable insights about the market and help users make more informed decisions. Our mission is to make cryptocurrencies accessible and easy to use for everyone,while
54 HID
Hypersign Identity (hid)
Hypersign is a decentralised Identity & Access Management Security solution that is simple to use and stores user data in a manner that is ONLY accessible by the owner and its intended recipients.
55 IRT
Infinity Rocket (irt)
KE 彭博本津加财经 雅虎数字杂志和其他一些媒体宣布新的无限火箭发射台亲爱的朋友们今天我们很高兴在这里见到你 我们的启动板现已上线并准备好接受您的项目 无限火箭是一个多功能平台,可让您简化区块链上任何项目的启动和推广。. 它提供独特的IT和营销服务,例如项目创意和管理,推出任何代币NFT,品牌徽标样式和网站,钱包列表,安全隐私和匿名性。. 他们与ListingHelp Service和Cryptomax集团交易员建立了合作伙伴关系。. 他们已经完成了500万个IRT代币的销毁,并宣布了1年的伟大成就。. 他们还有一个漏洞赏金计划,奖金为 100000 irt 代币。.
ke Bloomberg Benzinga Finance Yahoo Digital Journal And Some Other Media Announced The New Infinity Rocket Launchpaddear Friends Today We Are Glad To See You Here Our Launchpad Is Nowonline And Ready To Accept Your Project Infinity Rocket Is A Multipurpose Platform That Allows You To Simplify The Launch And Promotion Of Any Projects On The Blockchain. It Provides Unique IT And Marketing Services,Such As Project Idea and Management,Launching Any T
56 IFV
INFLIV (ifv)
INFLIV旨在为我们的客户提供快速和安全的交易体验,包括BTC,ETH,USDT和IFV交易选项。. Infliv通过要求用户使用Google身份验证器或U2F安全密钥启用2FA来优先考虑资金和用户信息的安全性。. 为了保护资金安全,大多数系统资金都存储在冷钱包中,只有大约。. 0.5%的加密资产可以在热钱包中访问,用于Daytoday平台操作。 Infliv令牌IFV是使用基于以太坊区块链技术的ERC20令牌构建的。. 这项技术为用户带来了可扩展性和安全性,并将很快进入市场,并有望彻底改变交易所的定义。. 代币持有者将获得独家优惠,例如每月订阅费的累进折扣。.
INFLIV aim to provide a fast and secured trading experience to our customers in BTC, ETH, USDT and IFV trading options. Infliv prioritizes security of funds and user information by requiring users to enable 2FA using Google Authenticator, or a U2F Security Key. To protect security of funds, majority of system funds are stored in cold wallets and only approx. 0.5% of crypto assets are accessible in hot wallets for daytoday platform operations. T
Innova DeFi (innova)
Innova开启DeFi新时代在我们的数字世界中,信任、安全和效率至关重要。我们的目标为用户和开发者开启DeFi应用的新时代链上安全:使用最先进合约的链上平台。UX/UI:简单无绒毛的平台,易于使用。去中心化:服务器上没有存储可被利用的私钥。透明度和沟通:使用INNOVASIGHT让项目所有者和开发人员承担责任。我们的安全与透明度INNOVASIGHT是一份最先进的合同,可以管理所有从税收中计入的资金。当团队提取资金时,必须提供任何聊天的原因、收件人、地址、金额、电报和 IPFS 图像。. 社区可以随时在 dapp 中查看此内容。消失的 DevsNFT 集合 一个用被动 ETH 和 INNOVA 反射烘焙的 socialFi 实验。.
Innova Starting A New Era Of DeFiIn our digital world,trust,security,and efficiency are vital.Our GoalsInitiating in a new era of DeFi applications for users and developers alikeOnchain Security:On chain platforms using state of the art contracts.UX/UI:Simple no fluff platforms for ease of use.Decentralization:No private keys stored on servers that can be exploited.Transparency & communication:Hold project owners and developers accountable using
58 JEX
JEXchange (jex)
JEX旨在成为一个去中心化的交易所,允许用户之间安全地交换Elrond生态系统代币。目标是提供一个简单直观的平台,通过与智能合约交互来创建代币交换报价,以受益于Elrond区块链的高度安全性。许多新项目及其代币几乎每天都会出现。. 我们认为为用户提供一种简单安全的方式来在点对点之间交换这些代币非常重要。在这些需要第三方作为完整性保证和防止欺诈的交易所中,安全性非常重要。JEX交易所声称是Maiar交易所的补充,通过使用智能合约作为值得信赖的第三方提出点对点交换。.
JEX aims at being a decentralized exchange that allows safe exchange of Elrond ecosystem tokens between users.The goal is to provide a simple and intuitive platform to create tokens exchange offers by interacting with a smart contract to benefit from the high level of security of Elrond blockchain.Many new projects and their token appear almost everyday. We think it is important to provide a simple and secure way for users to exchange these token
59 KOT
kotia (kot)
Kotia KOT:速度和安全性的结合Kotia KOT 站在加密货币世界创新的最前沿,提供 ProofofStake PoS 和 ProofofWork PoW 共识机制的独特融合。. 这种动态组合确保了速度和安全性,使Kotia成为数字货币领域的佼佼者。主要特点:1.. Swift Transactions:Kotia 专为速度而设计,让用户体验快速的交易处理。. PoS的集成提高了网络的效率,确保了快速无缝的交易.2.. 强大的安全性:安全性至关重要,Kotia 绝不妥协。. PoW 的加入为网络增加了一层额外的保护,使其能够抵御潜在的威胁和攻击.3..
Kotia KOT: A Blend of Speed and SecurityKotia KOT stands at the forefront of innovation in the world of cryptocurrencies,offering a unique fusion of ProofofStake PoS and ProofofWork PoW consensus mechanisms. This dynamic combination ensures both speed and security,making Kotia a standout player in the digital currency landscape.Key Features:1. Swift Transactions: Kotia is engineered for speed,allowing users to experience rapid transaction process
60 L1X
Layer One X (l1x)
第一层 X L1X 是第一层区块链,可在以前不兼容的链之间实现无桥连接。. 实现代币、NFT和逻辑的无缝交换,赋能智能合约协作,跨链。. L1X在西澳大利亚大学的研究人员和同行的帮助下在西澳大利亚州珀斯成立。. 这是同类产品中第一个真正去中心化、可互操作和安全的账本解决方案。. L1X通过提供区块链四重奏打破了大规模采用的障碍:互操作性、去中心化、可扩展性、安全性,而不影响完整性。. L1X采用不同的共识机制和标准,实现区块链之间的无缝交易。.
Layer One X L1X is a layer one blockchain enabling bridgeless connectivity between previously incompatible chains. Enabling the seamless exchange of tokens,NFTs and logic,empowering smart contract collaboration,crosschain. L1X was founded in Perth,Western Australia with the help of researchers and peers at the University of Western Australia. The first of its kind as a truly decentralised,interoperable,and secure ledger solution. L1X has broken d
61 LFI
LFi (lfi)
什么是LFi LFi是一个分散的网络,专注于塑造价值创造和经济创新的未来。. 它在自己的区块链上运行,由DAO驱动的生态系统指导LFi生态系统提供与其主要区块链紧密集成的去中心化解决方案。. 这种集成确保了流畅和用户友好的体验,强调了开源,去中心化平台的好处。LFiVision的愿景和使命是什么:一个分散,可持续和公平的全球经济,每个人都有机会实现财务独立并参与财富创造。使命:通过由 DAO 社区驱动的去中心化、透明和安全的平台提供可访问的金融机会,使个人能够控制自己的财富。什么是LFi Security的价值主张:在LFi,项目团队优先考虑其用户资产的安全性,并努力通过尖端技术和实践确保最高级别的安全性。用户体验:LFi团队了解易用性对于加密货币的广泛采用至关重要,因此,团队致力于为所有类
What is LFi LFi is a decentralized network focused on shaping the future of value creation and economic innovation. It operates on its own blockchain,guided by a DAOdriven ecosystemThe LFi Ecosystem offers decentralized solutions that are tightly integrated with its primary blockchain. This integration ensures a smooth and userfriendly experience,emphasizing the benefits of opensource,decentralized platforms.What is vision and mission of LFiVisio
LOGIC (logic)
LOGIC是一个智能合约BSC BEP20和加密货币平台,分散了全球贸易和运输业务代币。. 它将优化贸易商、货运代理、船东、订舱代理、公路、铁路、航空和物流支付提供商以及参与国际贸易的其他各方之间的互动。. 借助该平台,用户将可以访问基于尖端加密安全性和无摩擦交互的平衡生态系统。. 其目的是以低成本实时促进贸易和货物文件以及付款方式的无缝交换。. 安全性、透明度、问责制和可追溯性是平台架构的支柱。. 当您选择LOGIC作为付款期限时,您可以非常轻松地知道货物的实时位置。.
LOGIC is a smart contract BSC BEP20 & crypto currency platform that decentralizes global trade and transportationBusiness token. It will optimize interactions between traders,freight forwarders,ship owners,booking agents,road,rail,air and logistics payment providers,as well as other parties involved in international trade. With the platform,users will have access to a wellbalanced ecosystem based on cutting edge crypto security and frictionless i


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,426.93 4,237,464,688.27
2 ETH title=ETH 3,080.88 1,832,010,406.18
3 ARS title=ARS 1,050.10 1,769,832,608.60
4 SOL title=SOL 143.29 1,621,999,113.94
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 465,385,026.03
6 XRP title=XRP 0.50 289,504,998.85
7 ENA title=ENA 0.94 280,343,461.25
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 279,460,572.44
9 WIF title=WIF 2.69 273,751,430.36
10 RUNE title=RUNE 5.07 173,849,981.42
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 162,033,326.99
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.71 133,581,981.75
13 AVAX title=AVAX 35.25 124,314,900.01
14 ORDI title=ORDI 43.08 105,427,841.91
15 OMNI title=OMNI 24.71 92,924,580.29
16 WLD title=WLD 4.87 92,693,690.96
17 ADA title=ADA 0.46 86,640,841.74
18 SUI title=SUI 1.26 75,873,743.89
19 MATIC title=MATIC 0.67 75,718,538.88
20 TIA title=TIA 11.23 75,343,527.26
21 LTC title=LTC 80.87 74,863,205.02
22 TRX title=TRX 0.11 74,819,008.68
23 FTM title=FTM 0.70 74,566,309.80
24 LINK title=LINK 13.59 74,314,365.32
25 FIL title=FIL 6.07 70,621,578.02
26 INJ title=INJ 27.92 67,911,214.38
27 RNDR title=RNDR 7.90 65,988,845.42


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.67
2 Jito title=JTO 3.52 +29.05
3 Lisk title=LSK 1.72 +22.65
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.64 +22.11
5 Celestia title=TIA 11.23 +18.46
6 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.69 +18.40
7 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 +16.70
8 Bounce title=AUCTION 17.84 +16.22
9 Automata title=ATA 0.15 +16.15
10 NEO title=NEO 19.13 +16.01
11 OAX title=OAX 0.22 +15.36
12 THORChain title=RUNE 5.07 +15.06
13 Gas title=GAS 5.60 +14.78
14 Qtum title=QTUM 4.14 +14.65
15 GALA title=GALA 0.05 +13.67
16 Ethena title=ENA 0.94 +13.33
17 Saga title=SAGA 3.53 +12.93
18 Dusk title=DUSK 0.38 +12.57
19 Synapse title=SYN 1.09 +12.04
20 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.10 +11.99
21 Arkham title=ARKM 1.69 +11.53
22 Injective title=INJ 27.92 +11.46
23 1inch title=1INCH 0.42 +11.37
24 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +11.02
25 Internet Computer title=ICP 13.13 +10.94
26 Tensor title=TNSR 0.86 +10.89
27 Celer Network title=CELR 0.03 +10.70
28 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +10.31
29 Immutable title=IMX 2.05 +10.30
30 Unifi Protocol DAO title=UNFI 3.79 +10.20


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Acala title=ACA 0.11 -10.46
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.72 -3.23
3 Maker title=MKR 3,020.00 -2.83
4 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.19 -2.22
5 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 5.92 -1.69
6 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.21 -1.67
7 Convex Finance title=CVX 2.48 -1.51
8 Sun Token title=SUN 0.01 -1.45
9 TRON title=TRX 0.11 -1.01
10 AVA title=AVA 0.63 -0.97
11 Waves title=WAVES 2.51 -0.71
12 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.11 -0.62
13 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.91 -0.48
14 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.36 -0.09
15 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 -0.03

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving 2024-04-19
2 OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence 2024-04-19
3 Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash 2024-04-19
4 China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express 2024-04-19
5 Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches 2024-04-19
6 Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip 2024-04-19
7 Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis 2024-04-19
8 Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter 2024-04-19
9 Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem 2024-04-19
10 Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue 2024-04-19
11 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
12 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
13 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
14 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
15 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
16 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
17 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
18 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
19 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
20 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
21 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
22 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
23 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
24 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
25 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
26 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
27 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
28 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
29 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
30 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
31 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
32 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
33 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
34 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
35 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
36 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
37 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
38 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
39 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
40 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
41 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
42 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
(Bitcoin drops below 60K as analyst says zero spot Bitcoin ETF inflows very normal)
43 以色列央行官员表示,CBDC与银行的竞争有利于经济
(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
44 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
45 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
46 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
47 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
48 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
49 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
50 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)


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Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Web3 #Metaverse #climate #CeFi #GameFi #virtual world #cloud #carbon-credit #real estate #solar energy


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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