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硬币相关 #medicine

币名 细节
28VCK (vck)
28基金会构建了一个基于28VC区块链精确设计的平台,以解决现有医疗领域的问题,使个人信息可以存储在医院服务器和患者自己的设备中,处于应用区块链技术无法伪造的状态。. 此外,对于与医疗设备,医疗产品和药品等分销相关的信息,经用户同意,它会自动传输到移动设备,以便有关用于治疗的产品等的信息。. 可以在移动设备上轻松检查。. 28VC区块链是一种通过在区块链中添加时空概念来提高安全性的技术,并增加吞吐量以实现更快的处理。. 28VC区块链的主网目前正在开发中,在移动环境中得到支持,目的是将区块链集成到现实生活中。. 28基金会的创新共识算法ProofofGroupStake不仅可以在移动环境中进行挖矿,还可以通过各种性能开发安全实用的基于区块链的智能手机应用程序。.
28 Foundation builds a platform designed precisely based on the 28VC blockchain to solve the problems of the existing medical field so that personal information can be stored in the hospital server and patient’s own device in a state that cannot be forged altered by applying blockchain technology. Also, in the case of information related to distribution such as medical devices, medical products, and medicines, it is automatically transmitted to a
Agoras: Currency of Tau (agrs)
Agoras是TauChain上的应用程序,首先是一种智能货币,提供可预测和可验证的合约,并将提供多个市场。AGORAS CODEFORMONEY MARKET解决程序员和雇用他们的实体之间的信任问题。. 可以发布一个智能合约,无论谁提供代码并证明其符合给定要求,都会自动赢得硬币。. 多亏了Tau语言,这样的证明是可信的。计算资源市场每个人都将能够出租他们的计算资源CPU,GPU,磁盘并获得报酬。. 缺乏许多计算机是许多领域的主要瓶颈,尤其是医学设计和云/超级计算公司无法与家用计算机可以提供的更高数量和更低成本竞争。去中心化智能搜索引擎足够大的网络,Tau可以在一夜之间抓取网络。. 我们将拥有一个自我激励的搜索引擎,以便每个人都共享数据,并支持节点获得报酬。Agoras将允许智能合约,您可以
Agoras is an application over TauChain, being first and foremost a smart currency offering predictable and verifiable contracts, and will offer several markets.AGORAS CODEFORMONEY MARKETEliminating the trust problem between programmers and entities who hire them. Can publish a smart contract that whoever supplies a code with a proof that it meets given requirements, wins coins automatically. Thanks to Tau language, such proofs can be trusted.COMP
ClinTex CTi (cti)
临床试验情报CTi是为临床试验构建的可扩展区块链平台,可作为临床试验和制药行业的单一事实来源,旨在被生态系统的利益相关者广泛采用。. CTi旨在通过应用预测分析,机器学习以及在临床试验中新颖使用区块链技术和智能合约来改变药物开发行业。.
Clinical Trials Intelligence CTi is a scalable blockchain platform built for clinical trials, to serve as a single source of truth for the clinical trial and pharma industry and designed for wide adoption by the stakeholders of the ecosystem. CTi has been designed to transform the medicine development industry through the application of predictive analytics, machine learning, and the novel use of blockchain technology and smart contracts in clini
Stem Cell Coin (scc)
干细胞项目团队创造了一种特殊技术,可以快速准确地生产用于批处理的干细胞。. 通过进一步扩展这项技术并优化干细胞治疗的成本,SCC的目标是创造一个环境,让真正需要再生医学的人可以在平等的基础上接受这种治疗。.
The STEM CELL PROJECT team created a special technology to quickly and accurately produce STEM cells for batch processing. By further expanding this technology and optimizing the cost of stem cell therapy, SCC’s goal is to create an environment where people who really need regenerative medicine can receive this treatment on an equal footing.
Collective Care (cct)
Collective Care是一家由USBased资助的医疗保健初创公司,利用区块链和AI技术为全球用户提供个性化的健康体验。. 我们的平台与您的初级保健医生建立全面和个性化的关系,并随时随地直接访问您的医疗数据,而不会延迟。. 我们为不断变化的医学世界提供替代方案,以确保您今天得到照顾,而不是明天。我们的使命很简单,通过区块链和人工智能技术的力量,让每个人都能负担得起和快速获得医疗保健,无论收入和地位水平如何。.
Collective Care is a healthcare USBased funded startup that provides a personalized wellness experience for users around the world utilizing blockchain and AI technology. Our platform offers a comprehensive and individualized relationship with your primary care physician,and direct access to your medical data when and whenever you need it without delay. We offer an alternative to the changing world of medicine to ensure that you are taken care of
FutureCoin (future)
FutureCoin的目标是在全球范围内启动项目并持有大部分细分市场,到2030年,这些细分市场的总价值估计将超过4万亿美元。. TRADELINK将成为FutureCoin背后的技术。. 从币安区块链迁移后,它将进入TRADELINK生态系统,一个新的区块链,其效率比比特币区块链高1000倍,并将在互联网上拥有更高和更广泛的使用。. 该项目诞生于2020年,并且每天都在继续增长。. 在团队的紧张准备下,这枚硬币于 2021 年推出,真正开始栩栩如生。. FutureCoin为普通问题提供全球解决方案,为人类的快速技术发展和进步提供解决方案。.
FutureCoin aims to launch worldwide projects on and hold a substantial part of market segments, which in total are estimated to be valued at over 4 trillion dollars by 2030. TRADELINK will be the technology behind FutureCoin. After the migration from Binance blockchain, it will enter the TRADELINK ecosystem a new blockchain with efficiency 1000 times higher than that of BITCOIN blockchain and will have a higher and wider use on the INTERNET. The
GenomesDAO (gene)
我们相信你应该拥有自己的基因组,是什么造就了你,所以我们建立了 Genomes.io。. Genomes.io 是一个私有且安全的 DNA 数据库,利用 AMD SVSES Vault 和区块链技术,让您重新掌控自己的基因组。. 通过解决DNA测试和共享的隐私,安全和所有权问题,我们正在建立世界上最大的用户拥有的基因组数据库,以确保个性化医疗的未来。GENE是一种通货紧缩的实用代币,制药公司和研究机构用它来为用户提供查询其数据的机会。. Genomes.io 代理查询,是否要批准此查询取决于个人。. GENE是以太坊区块链上的ERC20代币。数据买家例如。. 制药公司和研究机构将能够为每个查询设置他们为人们提供的价格。.
We believe you should own your own genome, the DNA blueprint of what makes you who you are, so we built Genomes.io. Genomes.io is a private and secure DNA data bank that puts you back in control of your genome utilising AMD SVSES Vault and blockchain technology. By addressing privacy, security and ownership concerns of DNA testing and sharing, we are building the world’s largest userowned genomic data bank to secure the future of personalised me
GNOME (gnome)
我们相信你应该拥有自己的基因组,是什么造就了你,所以我们建立了GenomesDAO。. GenomesDAO 是一个私有且安全的 DNA 数据库,利用 AMD SVSES Vault 和区块链技术,让您重新掌控自己的基因组。. 通过解决DNA测试和共享的隐私,安全和所有权问题,我们正在建立世界上最大的用户拥有的基因组数据库,以确保个性化医疗的未来$GNOME。. 持有者可以影响有关项目的决策,例如提出或决定新功能提案,甚至改变治理系统本身。.
We believe you should own your own genome, the DNA blueprint of what makes you who you are, so we built GenomesDAO. GenomesDAO is a private and secure DNA data bank that puts you back in control of your genome utilising AMD SVSES Vault and blockchain technology. By addressing privacy, security and ownership concerns of DNA testing and sharing, we are building the world’s largest userowned genomic data bank to secure the future of personalised me
种植药用植物的项目 泰国传统医学中西医结合在HERBCOIN生态系统中拥有市场系统,POS质押系统以及为支持使用而开发的应用程序钱包Finnext Wallet。.
Project to grow medical medicinal plants Thai traditional medicine Integrative medicine has a Marketplace system in the HERBCOIN ecosystem,a POS Staking system,and an Application wallet Finnext Wallet developed to support use.
Indian Shiba Inu (indshib)
印度Shiba是印度发展最快的加密社区。. 通过结合模因和慈善的力量,印度Shiba旨在成为不仅在印度,而且在世界上最知名和最常用的加密货币。. 印度Shiba令牌建立在币安智能链BSC上,具有智能代码,可以安全投资。. 印度柴犬代币没有得到印度政府和印度储备银行的帮助。该项目的目的源于医学背景,因为我们的创始人来自该行业,印度Shiba旨在为医疗保健提供财政支持。印度Shibas的核心愿景是组织和支持各种项目,包括但不限于■献血营■眼科营■血液检测■远程医疗■为弱势群体提供基本医疗保健设施。印度Shiba的功能还旨在为贫困社区提供免费和更好的教育。. 在不久的将来,我们计划致力于 NFT 市场、去中心化交易所等。.
Indian Shiba is the fastest growing crypto community in India. By combining the power of memes and charitability, Indian Shiba aims to be the most known and most used cryptocurrency not just in India, but in the world. Indian Shiba token is built on Binance Smart Chain BSC with a smart code that makes it safe to invest. Indian Shiba Inu tokens are not aided by the government of India and RBI.The purpose of the project has roots to the medical bac
MDsquare (tmed)
MDsquare团队将第四次工业革命的核心区块链技术与远程医疗平台相结合,将自我医疗管理工具与远程健康监测服务、AI医疗聊天机器人服务和翻译解决方案相结合,使其更加方便、安全和经济。. 它支持全球医疗服务,使患者能够在跨越时间、身体和语言障碍的远程医疗保健平台内与医疗保健提供者会面并以更低的成本接受医疗保健。还可以保持平台内注册或生成的个人健康信息数据的高度安全性,并检查健康数据的完整性,以解决伪造或黑客攻击等问题,从而提高数据的可靠性。TMED远程医疗平台将使医疗机构能够有效利用医疗资源,提供超越时间、物理距离限制的医疗服务。. 这具有扩大医疗市场的作用。. 医疗保健提供者将能够在诊所之外进行医疗活动,从而扩大其活动范围并增加其活动自由,导致当前高度集中的系统部分分散。. 它还改善了集中在
The MDsquare team combines the block chain technologies that are central to the fourth industrial revolution with the remote health care platform, and connects the selfhealthcare management tools with the remote health monitoring service, AI medical chatbot service and translation solution to make it more convenient, safe and economical. It enables Global medical services, which allow patients to meet with healthcare providers and receive health
12 MED
Medibloc (med)
MediBloc的医疗保健信息平台是一个基于区块链技术的患者,提供者和研究人员的个人数据生态系统。. 我们的使命是通过重新分配个人医疗保健数据所有权背后的价值,为患者、提供者和研究人员简化医疗流程。通过MediBloc,您可以有效地拥有您的医疗数据,提供者可以消除冗余以提供更好的护理,您的宝贵数据可以帮助研究人员比以往更快地推动医学进步。.
MediBloc’s healthcare information platform is a personal data ecosystem for patients, providers and researchers, built on blockchain technology. Our mission is to streamline medicine for patients, providers and researchers by redistributing value behind personal healthcare data ownership.Through MediBloc, you can effectively own your medical data, providers can remove redundancies to provide better care, and your valuable data can help researcher
13 MTN
Medicalchain (mtn)
医疗链使用区块链技术来安全地存储健康记录并维护单一版本的事实。. 医生、医院、实验室、药剂师和健康保险公司等不同组织可以请求访问患者记录的权限,以达到他们的目的,并在分布式账本上记录交易。. 医疗链为当今的健康记录问题提供解决方案。. 该平台旨在安全地存储和共享电子健康记录。. 通过数字化健康记录并赋予用户权力,我们可以利用无数的行业协同效应。医疗链正在建立一个平台,用于在区块链上安全存储和使用电子健康记录。. 该公司还在建立一个远程医疗平台,允许用户直接与医疗保健专业人员联系,分享他们的记录,并通过安全渠道在线获得咨询和第二意见。该公司最初成立于2016年2月,旨在为医院内部提供软件解决方案。.
Medicalchain uses blockchain technology to securely store health records and maintain a single version of the truth. The different organizations such as doctors, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacists and health insurers can request permission to access a patient’s record to serve their purpose and record transactions on the distributed ledger. Medicalchain provides solutions to today’s health record problems. The platform is built to securely stor
14 MPG
Medping (mpg)
Medping是有史以来第一个利用区块链技术解决发展中国家和整个世界医疗保健系统面临的现实问题的去中心化医疗保健生态系统。. 医疗之于医学,就像Airbnb之于房地产。. 我们还没有医疗保健设施,我们可以让您只需一次ping即可获得医疗服务。. Medping 是一个医疗保健生态系统,专为标准医疗实践而构建,包括远程医疗、去中心化健康记录、去中心化金融、医疗 NFT、去中心化医疗保险、仅限健康的去中心化市场和智能医疗保健。.
Medping is the firstever decentralized healthcare ecosystem leveraging blockchain technology to solve reallife problems facing the healthcare systems in developing countries and the entire world. Medping is to Medicine what Airbnb is to real estate. We own no healthcare facility yet, we can let you access Medical Care WITH JUST ONE PING. Medping is a healthcare ecosystem built for standard medical practices with telemedicine, decentralized health
Space Dog Solana (laika)
莱卡被发现是一只在莫斯科街头徘徊的流浪狗,苏联科学家选择使用莫斯科流浪狗,因为他们认为这些动物已经学会了忍受极度寒冷和饥饿的条件。为了让她习惯太空飞行,她被关在越来越小的笼子里。. 然后,他们将其放入离心机中,该离心机模拟火箭在起飞过程中的加速度,并使其受到模仿航天器内部的噪音发射前,其中一位任务科学家将莱卡带回家与他的孩子们一起玩。. 弗拉基米尔·亚兹多夫斯基(Vladimir Yazdovsky)在一本记录苏联太空医学故事的书中写道,莱卡安静而迷人....... 我想为她做点好事:她剩下的时间太少了。.
Laika was found as a stray wandering the streets of Moscow.Soviet scientists chose to use Moscow strays since they assumed that such animals had already learned to endure conditions of extreme cold and hunger.To get her used to spaceflight,she was kept in smaller and smaller cages. They then put it into a centrifuge that simulated the acceleration of a rocket during takeoff and subjected it to noises that mimicked the interior of a spacecraftBefo
16 SDT
Stabledoc (sdt)
StableDoc 结合了基于区块链和人工智能驱动的远程医疗、家庭健康和标准医院服务,为世界各地的患者提供循证的“Doctor Anywhere”医疗保健服务。. 集成产品的一个关键部分是我们创新和革命性地使用 NFT 不可替代代币来捕获患者数字身份的个人控制和定向医疗主患者索引 MPI,通过智能合约为医学研究机构创建对患者数据的自我主权许可访问,为我们的患者创造收入。. 我们与世界各地的医院,实验室,健康管理组织,国家健康保险计划合作。.
StableDoc combines Blockchainbased and AIdriven telemedicine, inhome health and standard hospital services to deliver evidencebased “Doctor Anywhere” healthcare services to our patients all around the world. A key part of the integrated offering is our innovative and revolutionary use of NFT NonFungible Token to capture personcontrolled and directed medical Master Patient Index MPI for patient digital identities, with smart contracts that create
Stroke-Prevention GenomicDAO (pcsp)
GenomicDAO GStroke是GenomicDAO的AIPowered生态系统下的子DAO,旨在启动研发和建立对中风的认识.GenomicDAO是一个AI驱动的分散式科学平台,用于利用亚洲人的精准医学.$PCSP是GenomicDAO GStroke的效用和治理代币。. $PCSP用于奖励用户,投票权和治理权,交换应用于最终产品的代金券,以及质押。. GenomicDAO是一个人工智能驱动的去中心化科学平台,旨在为亚洲人利用精准医疗。. GenomicDAO由东南亚地区领先的生物技术公司Genetica建立,其使命是使数十亿人能够联手推动精准医学的发展.Genetica和GenomicDAO的核心技术,它进行测试,建立在三个关键支柱上 - 基因解码芯片,人工智能和区块链。Genomi
GenomicDAO GStroke is a subDAO under the GenomicDAO’s AIPowered ecosystem to initiate R&D & build awareness for Stroke.GenomicDAO is an AIpowered decentralized science platform to leverage Precision Medicine for Asians.$PCSP is the utility and governance token of GenomicDAO GStroke. $PCSP is used to reward users,for voting & govern rights,to exchange for vouchers applied on endproducts,and for staking. GenomicDAO is an AIpowered decentralized sci
18 TRL
Triall (trl)
Triall将Web 3.0技术引入临床试验 - 测试新药是否对人类安全有效的医学研究。. 众所周知,临床试验过程成本高昂且效率低下。. 它们需要很多年,并且涉及越来越多的系统和数据。. 其结果是缺乏监督,并且不确定收集的研究数据的完整性和真实性。. 这一切都推动了新药开发的成本,降低了安全性和可靠性。自2018年初以来,Triall一直与临床试验专业人员合作解决这些问题。. Triall开发了与区块链技术集成的软件解决方案。.
Triall brings web 3.0 technology to clinical trials—medical research studies that test whether new medicines are safe and effective for humans. Clinical trial processes are notoriously costly and inefficient. They take many years, and involve increasing amounts of systems and data. The result is a lack of oversight, and uncertainty the integrity and authenticity of collected research data. It all drives the costs and reduces safety and reliabilit
XRP Healthcare (xrph)
XRP 医疗保健 XRPH 是一家 Web3 可扩展解决方案提供商,专注于制药和医疗保健行业。. XRPH打算通过简化和创建市场参与者之间的快速支付/交易来做到这一点,并通过跟踪药品从“开始到消费者”来打击数十亿美元的假药行业,并通过我们的移动和网络应用程序在消费者和医疗保健服务提供商之间进行互动的界面。是什么让 XRP 医疗保健独一无二• 第一个建立在 XRP 分类账上的制药和医疗保健平台• 制药和医疗保健服务的去中心化市场• 消费者和医疗保健提供者之间的互动互动• 跟踪药品从开始到消费者XRP 医疗保健的历史:XRP 医疗保健项目由创始人兼董事 Kain Roomes 于 2022 年 9 月 13 日构思,旨在让所有人都能负担得起医疗保健产品和服务,并帮助支持我们所知道的失败的制药和医
XRP Healthcare XRPH is a Web3 scalable solutions provider,focused on the Pharma and Healthcare industry. XRPH intends to do this by simplifying and creating fast payments/transactions between market participants,and by bringing transparency by way of tracking pharmaceuticals from “inception to the consumer” combating the multibillion dollar counterfeit medicine industry,with an interface for interactive engagement between consumers and healthcare


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,303.80 1,664,484,603.20
2 BTC title=BTC 64,303.27 1,261,618,436.95
3 ETH title=ETH 3,494.33 870,125,196.02
4 COP title=COP 4,073.00 840,438,674.00
5 SOL title=SOL 134.12 353,142,789.02
6 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 265,875,039.31
7 WIF title=WIF 1.78 163,609,065.88
8 LISTA title=LISTA 0.63 129,850,679.52
9 XRP title=XRP 0.49 104,117,379.62
10 AVAX title=AVAX 25.19 86,967,921.87
11 ZRO title=ZRO 3.07 80,648,856.16
12 LUNC title=LUNC <0.01 74,662,179.88
13 DOGE title=DOGE 0.12 63,438,836.76
14 NEAR title=NEAR 5.27 54,678,343.94
15 ZK title=ZK 0.18 54,511,034.52
16 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 52,078,483.39
17 IO title=IO 3.79 51,914,554.73
18 BAKE title=BAKE 0.40 48,059,304.09
19 ORDI title=ORDI 40.96 47,381,860.43
20 WLD title=WLD 3.02 43,945,940.21
21 BOME title=BOME <0.01 36,798,471.30
22 LINK title=LINK 13.60 35,742,338.73
23 PEOPLE title=PEOPLE 0.08 34,583,460.45
24 BONK title=BONK <0.01 34,333,772.70
25 RUNE title=RUNE 4.18 34,309,415.97
26 TRX title=TRX 0.12 32,764,861.10
27 JASMY title=JASMY 0.03 32,680,135.25


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 BakerySwap title=BAKE 0.40 +18.49
2 Hive title=HIVE 0.24 +14.21
3 Convex Finance title=CVX 3.44 +9.97
4 Arweave title=AR 27.82 +6.56
5 Shentu title=CTK 0.82 +5.91
6 JasmyCoin title=JASMY 0.03 +4.43
7 Stratis title=STRAX 0.05 +4.19
8 Arkham title=ARKM 1.91 +3.86
9 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.15 +3.52
10 ORDI title=ORDI 40.96 +3.49
11 BTTC <0.01 +3.45
12 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.39 +3.37
13 ConstitutionDAO title=PEOPLE 0.08 +2.43
14 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.07 +2.37
15 Jito title=JTO 2.45 +2.13
16 Litecoin title=LTC 74.45 +2.13
17 Axelar title=AXL 0.63 +2.05
18 Unifi Protocol DAO title=UNFI 4.29 +1.85
19 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +1.71
20 BurgerCities title=BURGER 0.52 +1.64
21 MANTRA title=OM 0.70 +1.52
22 Maker title=MKR 2,473.00 +1.48
23 Solana title=SOL 134.12 +1.39
24 Sun Token title=SUN 0.01 +1.38
25 REI Network title=REI 0.05 +0.96
26 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +0.92
27 SSV Network title=SSV 40.14 +0.88
28 Stacks title=STX 1.66 +0.85
29 io.net title=IO 3.79 +0.85
30 Raydium title=RAY 1.53 +0.77


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 -16.29
2 Lista DAO title=LISTA 0.63 -14.09
3 Avalanche title=AVAX 25.19 -9.26
4 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.12 -9.08
5 TerraClassicUSD title=USTC 0.02 -7.40
6 Chromia title=CHR 0.24 -7.19
7 Neutron title=NTRN 0.48 -7.08
8 Clover Finance title=CLV 0.05 -6.92
9 COMBO title=COMBO 0.68 -6.91
10 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.24 -6.75
11 Terra title=LUNA 0.41 -6.73
12 Gas title=GAS 3.66 -6.49
13 Chainlink title=LINK 13.60 -6.46
14 Ethereum Name Service title=ENS 25.43 -6.37
15 PIVX title=PIVX 0.25 -6.32
16 SKALE title=SKL 0.05 -6.09
17 Aave title=AAVE 79.97 -5.83
18 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 3.08 -5.79
19 Illuvium title=ILV 66.97 -5.56
20 Syscoin title=SYS 0.12 -5.56
21 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 2.24 -5.44
22 CYBER title=CYBER 5.20 -5.20
23 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.14 -5.14
24 Orion title=ORN 1.67 -5.09
25 dogwifhat title=WIF 1.78 -5.07
26 PHALA title=PHA 0.13 -5.06
27 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 -5.03
28 Moonbeam title=GLMR 0.20 -5.00
29 Celestia title=TIA 6.27 -4.86
30 Biconomy title=BICO 0.38 -4.75

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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