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硬币相关 #Rewards

币名 细节
Tezos (xtz)
Tezos是由前摩根士丹利分析师Arthur Breitman创造的硬币。. 它是一个智能合约平台,不涉及挖掘Tezos硬币。. 它是一种在自我修正和链上治理的主要思想上宣传自己的硬币。. 它是一个类似以太坊的区块链,托管智能合约。. 它允许社区投票并改善其缺陷。. 任何代币持有者都可以将其投票权委托给网络中的其他人。.
Tezos is a coin created by a former Morgan Stanley analyst, Arthur Breitman. It is a smart contract platform which is does not involve in mining Tezos coins. It is a coin that promotes themselves on major ideas of selfamendment and onchain governance. It is an Ethereumlike blockchain that hosts smart contracts. It allows the community to vote and improve its flaws. Any token holder may delegate their voting rights to others in the network. The co
2 G3
GAM3S.GG (g3)
GAM3S.GG 是一个 web3 游戏超级应用程序,它策划和创建内容以聚焦顶级游戏并展示评论、指南、新闻、任务、年度奖项等。拥有超过 180,000 名用户,GAM3S。GG的增长不言而喻。. 该平台拥有 350 多种不同类型的游戏库,确保每个人都能找到适合自己的东西。. 一个充满活力的社区在社交平台上蓬勃发展,以一年一度的 GAM3 大奖为主,自 2023 年夏季 2022.In 以来,迅速确立了自己作为首屈一指的 web3 游戏盛会的地位,GAM3S。GG 获得了由 Mechanism Capital 领投的 200 万美元种子轮融资,其他主要风险投资和天使投资人也大量参与,包括 Polygon Ventures、Double Peak、ArkStream Capital、LD Cap
GAM3S.GG is a web3 gaming superapp that curates and creates content to spotlight the top games and showcases reviews,guides,news,quests,annual awards,and more.With over 180,000 users,GAM3S.GGs growth speaks for itself. The platform boasts a library of over 350 games across various genres,ensuring theres something for everyone. A vibrant community has flourished across social platforms,anchored by the annual GAM3 Awards,quickly establishing itself
ScottyTheAi (scotty)
Scotty AI 是一个以 AI 为中心的创新加密项目。. 它将先进的人工智能与对区块链技术的深刻理解相结合,作为加密宇宙中秘密的守护者和保护者。. Scotty Chat 人工智能驱动的加密货币伴侣 讨论加密货币,获取市场见解,探索数字资产的世界。. 质押功能让您的 Scotty 代币在我们的平台上工作并赚取收益。. ScottyAI 代币奖励将以每个 ETH 区块 82.5 $SCOTTY的比率分配给用户。. 奖励将在 3 年内支付,由您在质押池中的份额和年回报率百分比决定。.
Scotty AI is an innovative crypto project centered around AI. It combines advanced artificial intelligence with a deep understanding of blockchain technology to serve as a guardian and protector of the secrets within the crypto universe. Scotty Chat The AIpowered crypto companion Discuss cryptocurrencies,get market insights,and explore the world of digital assets. Staking Feature put your Scotty tokens to work and earn on our Platform. ScottyAI t
Suiswap (sswp)
Suiswap是一个建立在SUI区块链上的去中心化加密货币交易所,旨在为用户提供一个安全、高效和用户友好的平台来交易他们的加密货币。. 其目的是通过利用区块链技术的力量来促进点对点交易,从而克服传统中心化交易所的局限性。Suiswap平台使用SSWP代币运行,在Suiswap生态系统中提供多种功能和实用程序。. SSWP令牌的主要功能包括:1.. 治理:SSWP 代币持有者有权通过参与与平台运营和发展相关的各种提案的治理投票来影响 Suiswap 平台的方向.2.. 流动性提供奖励:向Suiswap平台提供流动性的用户将获得SSWP代币奖励。. 这鼓励更多用户参与提供流动性,从而通过减少滑点和改善价格发现来增强平台上的整体交易体验.3..
Suiswap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange built on the SUI blockchain,with the aim of providing a platform that is secure,efficient,and userfriendly for users to trade their cryptocurrencies. Its purpose is to overcome the limitations of traditional centralized exchanges by leveraging the power of blockchain technology to facilitate peertopeer transactions.The Suiswap platform operates with the SSWP token,serving multiple functions and u
5 0XB
0xBlack (0xb)
0xBlack 代币0XB是一种实用代币,为 0xBlack 奖励计划提供动力。. 0XB旨在帮助奖励 0xBlack 持卡人的忠诚度以及由 0xBlack Rewards 计划提供支持的所有 0xBlack Partnership 标签品牌。. 0xBlack 客户每次在店内或在线使用 0xBlack 卡时,0XB最多可获得 5.5% 的返还,或者通过储蓄奖金功能,他们的 0XB 账户余额每年最多可赚取 7.5% 的返还。. 0XB代币也可以被质押,以解锁Netflix和Spotify等平台上的免费订阅范围。.
The 0xBlack Token 0XB is a utility token the powers the 0xBlack Rewards program. 0XB is designed to both help reward 0xBlack card holders for their loyalty and all 0xBlack Partnership label brands powered by the 0xBlack Rewards program. 0xBlack customers can earn up to 5.5% back in 0XB every time they use their 0xBlack cards instore or online,or up to 7.5% annually on the balance of their 0XB accounts with the savings bonus feature. 0XB tokens ca
6 8BIT
8BITEARN (8bit)
$8Bit是8BitEARN生态系统的超通货紧缩,BEP20原生代币,它打开了几个被动收入流和福利门户,以激励$8Bit代币持有者。. $8Bit 在我们的 Launchpad ProPAD 提供 BTC 反射、质押奖励、每月钻石手奖励、季度收入分配、BUSD 信贷设施和投资保险、多链 Defi 交易所 ProDEX 的农业和现金返还池、在我们的 NFT 市场上为 8Bit NFT 持有者提供多项 DeFi 福利,并提供令人难以置信的 NFT 交易体验 我们通过 DAO 治理促进绝对透明度和决策权。 8BITEARN POWER NFT DAPP PRODEX & PROPAD.2 礼物 预付卡和下一代 DeFi Exchange3 拥有一个生态系统,配备多种行业领先的 DeFi 产品,并为
$8Bit is a hyperdeflationary,BEP20 native token of the 8BitEARN Ecosystem that opens several passive income streams & benefit portals to incentivize $8Bit token holders. $8Bit Offers perks such as BTC Reflections,Staking Rewards,Monthly Diamond Hand Rewards,Quarterly Revenue Distributions,a BUSD Credit Facility and Investment Insurance at our Launchpad ProPAD,Farming & Cashback Pools at our multichain Defi Exchange ProDEX,several DeFi benefits to
ADAcash (adacash)
????Crypt2Date 开发????质押平台发布????卡谢蒙释放??现金节白皮书??Adacash 白皮书 2022 年第 3 季度现金之年??财富现金代币????的发展财富现金白皮书??索尔卡什白皮书??阿达卡什审计??Cashverse Pitchdeckq4 2022被动收入的未来对我们的持有者来说是光明的 我们一直在努力确保我们为您提供最好的奖励和最多的用例来产生被动收入您所要做的就是持有并享受您赚取的涨跌,即使市场上涨或下跌,只要确保每日交易量增加以解锁更多奖励。. Cashverse是一家提供多种代币的公司,可用于赚取被动收入。. 通过持有他们的一个代币,您将每 60 分钟获得一次代币的反射(金钱)奖励,具体取决于 24 小时交易量。. 他们还提供质押、NFT 游戏和更多
???? Crypt2Date Development ???? Staking Platform Released ???? Cashemon Release ?? Cashverse Whitepaper ?? Adacash Whitepaper Q3 2022The Year Of The Cashverse?? Development Of Fortunecash Token ???? Fortunecash Whitepaper ?? Solcash Whitepaper ?? Adacash Audit ?? Cashverse Pitchdeckq4 2022The Future Of Passive Incomethe Future Is Bright For Our Holders We Are Always Working To Make Surewe Give You The Best Rewards And The Most Use Cases To Gener
AGA Carbon Rewards (acar)
AGA 将通过计算和审计他们的碳足迹并向他们出售碳去除代币 CRT 来帮助矿工实现碳中和。. 动态 NFT 将用于静态纸质证书的地方,并将与链下碳排放数据和链上 CRT 余额相关联。. 矿工将质押我们的 CRT 并将其绑定到动态 NFT 上,以证明其持续合规。作为该试点的一部分,我们正在铸造AGAc实用程序和AGAcr治理代币:AGAc将是一个实用代币,用于代表一公斤碳去除量,或1,000 AGAc将等于一个碳去除公吨.AGAcr将作为AGA碳项目的治理代币。.
AGA will assist miners in becoming Carbon Neutral, by calculating and auditing their carbon footprint and selling them Carbon Removal Tokens CRTs. Dynamic NFTs will be used in a place of staticpaper certificates and will be tied to offchain carbon emissions data and onchain CRT balance. Miners will stake our CRTs and tie them to the dynamic NFT to prove their ongoing compliance.As part of this pilot we are minting AGAc utility and AGAcr governanc
Delphi (adel)
💥 赚取储蓄和流动性提供奖励(正在进行中)- GitHub - akropolisio/delphi:💥赚取储蓄和流动性提供奖励(正在进行中)。.
💥 Earn Rewards for Saving and Liquidity Provision (work in progress) - GitHub - akropolisio/delphi: 💥 Earn Rewards for Saving and Liquidity Provision (work in progress)
10 AMO
Amino (amo)
Amino Rewards 是一项尖端的代币化客户忠诚度计划,旨在鼓励和奖励更健康的生活方式。. Amino Rewards 是一项尖端的代币化客户忠诚度计划,旨在鼓励和奖励更健康的生活方式。. 作为 Amino 会员,您可以享受一系列独家福利,包括在改善健康的同时获得$AMO奖励。. 最重要的是,会员资格是完全免费的您的会员资格可以完全访问 Amino Rewards 生态系统,包括 Amino Move,您可以在其中获得健身活动奖励、Amino Shop(提供现金返还和来自我们零售合作伙伴的独家优惠)以及 Amino Catalog,您可以在其中兑换您应得的奖励。.
Amino Rewards is a cuttingedge,tokenized customer loyalty program designed to encourage and reward a healthier lifestyle. Amino Rewards is a cuttingedge,tokenized customer loyalty program designed to encourage and reward a healthier lifestyle. As an Amino member,you gain access to a world of exclusive benefits,including the ability to earn $AMO rewards while improving your health. Best of all,membership is completely freeYour membership provides
ArbiPad (arbi)
## 什么是 ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Good Games Guild 的下一代基于 ArbitrumzkSync 的启动板。. ArbiPad是最好的加密项目与全球社区之间的桥梁,尤其是加密领域的投资者和社区,具有透明度和公平的分配系统。ARBI是用于以下用途的原生实用代币: 为了保护ArbiPad上的IDO分配,用户必须质押他们的$ARBI。. 参加ArbiPad特别活动 - 免费薄荷和独家团体。. 通过举办社区激励奖励计划$ARBI释放更多好处## 流通中有多少 ARBI 代币在总供应量的 10,000,000,000,000 ARBI 的流通量中将有 1,080,000,000 ARBI。. ### 谁是ARBIPAD的创始人ArbiPad由Good Games
## What Is ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Next generation ArbitrumzkSync based launchpad by Good Games Guild. ArbiPad is constructed as a bridge between the best crypto project and the global community,especially investors and community in the crypto sphere with transparency and a fair distribution system.ARBI is the native utility token that is used for: To secure the IDO Allocation on ArbiPad,users have to stake their $ARBI. Participating in ArbiPad Spe
12 ARX
Arbidex (arx)
Arbitrum Exchange是最早的去中心化交易所DEX之一,在Arbitrum上拥有自动做市商AMM。. 与竞争对手相比,Arbitrum Exchange允许以最低的费用交换加密资产 流动性挖矿的奖励是整个Arbitrum中最有利可图的奖励之一。. 此外,Arbitrum Exchange提供了一个独特的功能,允许用户质押$ARX并获得100%的协议收入。. 不仅如此,Arbitrum Exchange没有套利机器人,为您提供最优惠的价格。.
Arbitrum Exchange is one of the first decentralized exchanges DEX with an automated marketmaker AMM on the Arbitrum . Compared to its competitors,Arbitrum Exchange allows the swapping of crypto assets with the lowest fees Rewards from Yield Farming are among the most lucrative in the entire Arbitrum. Additionally,Arbitrum Exchange offers a unique feature that allows users to stake $ARX and earn 100% of the protocol revenue generated. And not only
AsgardX (odin)
AsgardX 一个专注于通过去中心化交易所、启动板和 AI 农业✅获得实际收益的生态系统 真正的收益收益:用户可以从协议收入✅中赚取 ETH/BNB AI Farming:使用 AI 快速安全地找到有利可图的池,增加用户利润 ✅ AsgardX Launchpad:专为 Arbitrum ✅ AsgardX DEX 上的公开销售而设计的基础设施: 掉期/AMM /赚取实际收益奖励通✅货紧缩基金:协议收益的一部分用于回购和销毁代币$ODIN。.
AsgardX An Ecosystem Focused On Real Yield Earning Through Decentralized Exchange,Launchpad,And AI Farming ✅ RealYield Earning: Users can earn ETH/ BNB from the protocols revenue ✅ AI Farming: Using AI to find profitable pools fast and safely,increasing user profits ✅ AsgardX Launchpad: Infrastructure specifically designed for public sales on Arbitrum ✅ AsgardX DEX: Swap / AMM / Earn Real Yield Rewards ✅ Deflationary Fund: A share of the protocol
Astra DAO (astradao)
项目简介Astra DAO 是一个建立在以太坊上的去中心化和非托管自动化加密资产分配器。. Astra DAO 提供方便实用的以加密为导向的投资策略。. Astra DAO 的用例包括提供各种投资产品/指数、参与单位市场、用户质押、收获投资策略利润、零费用用户参与模式以及使用 DAO 管理的金库的改进文化。. 而且,对于投资者来说,建立一个多元化的加密货币投资组合既复杂又昂贵。我们正在通过提供一个去中心化的指数平台来解决这个问题,该平台通过所有参与者的积极参与、治理和管理价值聚合来鼓励可持续的回报。项目历史记录。2022 年 8 月 VI 日推出,内容如下:●添加用户创建者的新定制产品 ●质押分数 ●增加人性化管理产品投资经理 ●退出费用递进式减免机制 ●质押和锁仓 ●质押冷却期 ●iTok
What is the project aboutAstra DAO is a decentralized and noncustodial automated crypto asset allocator built on Ethereum. Astra DAO provides convenient and practical access to cryptooriented investment strategies. Astra DAO’s use case includes providing various investment products/indices,participation units marketplace,user staking,harvesting investment strategies profits,zerofees user participation model,and an improvement culture using the DA
AstroSpaces.io (spaces)
AstroSpaces.ioAstroSpaces.io 是为所有加密社区构建一个 Web3 集成社交网络 该平台分为两个主要产品:硬币空间和社区平台。. 硬币空间是信息板房间,用户可以在其中实时聊天,查找有关特定硬币和这些硬币背后的团队的信息。. 社区平台持有SPACES为持有者增加的好处与任何社交网络平台一样,该平台将从广告,列表,帐户升级等方面产生收入。. 在AstroSpaces上,任何和所有交易的货币都绑定到SPACES代币,因此直接反映在代币经济学中。. 由于代币利用奖励机制来奖励BNB中的持有者,随着平台活动和参与度的增长,持有者应该会继续获得越来越多的奖励。在 Web3 兼容钱包中持有$SPACES的持有者将能够升级他们的账户、删除广告并启用独特的持有者功能,包括在硬币空间中
What is AstroSpaces.ioAstroSpaces.io is building a Web3 integrated social network for all crypto communities The platform is split into two main products: Coin spaces and community platform. Coin spaces are information board rooms where users are able to chat live with each other, find information about the specific coins and the teams behind those coins. The community platformWhat benefits does holding SPACES add to holdersAs with any social net
Atlas Navi (navi)
Atlas Navi是第一个使用人工智能的Drive to Earn导航应用程序。. 和智能手机摄像头通过检测路况封闭、道路工作、坑洼、事故、每条车道的交通、可用停车位、警车和改道司机来避免交通。. 它具有获得许可的 3D NFT 车辆和赚取动力机制,每行驶一英里奖励用户。Atlas Navi是一款免费的iPhone和Android移动应用程序。. 阿特拉斯导航 导航令牌实用程序:1 阿特拉斯导航驱动器 2 赚取应用程序的高级功能:用户可以免费使用导航,具有一些高级可选功能.2 驱动器 2 赚取奖励:如果用户想为他们驾驶的每一英里赚取奖励,他们必须$NAVI购买车辆 NFT。. 3 奖励以行驶里程计算,作为应用程序中的积分。. 根据当天可用的最优惠$NAVI价格,可以随时在应用程序内兑换$N
Atlas Navi is the first Drive to Earn navigation app that uses A.I. and the smartphone camera to avoid traffic by detecting road conditions closures,road work,potholes,accidents,traffic in each lane,available parking spaces,police vehicles and rerouting drivers. It features licensed 3D NFT vehicles and a Drive to Earn mechanism rewarding users for each mile driven.Atlas Navi is a free iPhone and Android mobile app. Atlas Navi NAVI token utilities
17 AVT
Aventus (avt)
一种第 2 层区块链协议,可为以太坊交易带来可扩展性、更低的成本和速度。以太坊存在可扩展性问题,使其成为自身成功的受害者。. 作为大多数企业选择的区块链网络,其最大交易吞吐量远远不足以满足需求。. 因此,供需经济学使交易费用飙升,使其昂贵得令人望而却步。Aventus网络AvN通过让企业使用Aventus的第二层协议在以太坊网络之上构建来解决这个问题。. 使用AvN,应用程序可以轻松地与任何其他有前途的区块链技术,跨链,通过插入Polkadot生态系统,建立在Substrate上.AventusScale的好处Aventus网络AvN理论上可以扩展到每秒2,000笔交易。. 这是以太坊的133倍.PriceAventus网络上的平均交易成本将从AVT支付的0.01美元开始,并随着时间的推移而
A layer2 blockchain protocol that brings scalability, lower costs, and speed to Ethereum transactions.Ethereum has scalability issues that make it a victim of its own success. As the blockchain network of choice for most businesses, its maximum transaction throughput is wildly insufficient in meeting demand. The economics of supply and demand have thus skyrocketed transaction fees making them prohibitively expensive.The Aventus Network AvN solves
Baby Arbitrum (barb)
什么是Baby ArbitrumBARB Baby Arbitrum由美国的一个团队于2023年3月22日推出,是一个加密货币项目,只需持有BARB即可提供Arbitrum代币奖励。. Baby Arbitrum 的总供应量为 10 亿个代币,其生态系统还提供奖励仪表板、Arbitrum 投资组合跟踪器、LP 储物柜和自定义 Baby Arbitrum NFT。. Baby Arbitrum奖励仪表板跟踪器允许代币持有者在一个地方查看他们当前的代币余额,收到的奖励和奖励的价值。. BARB投资组合跟踪器是一种用户友好的方式,用户可以查看每个Arbitrum代币对交易的关键方面。.
What is Baby ArbitrumBARB Launched in 22/03/2023 by a team based in United States of America,Baby Arbitrum is a cryptocurrency project offering Arbitrum token rewards by simply holding BARB. Baby Arbitrum has a total supply of 1 billion tokens and its ecosystem also offers a Rewards Dashboard,Arbitrum Portfolio Tracker,LP Locker and Custom Baby Arbitrum NFTs. The Baby Arbitrum Rewards Dashboard Tracker allows token holders to view their current t
Bank BTC (bankbtc)
Bank BTC 是一种建立在以太坊上的去中心化 ERC 实用代币。. 它旨在为持有者提供每笔交易的比特币静态奖励。. 该代币采用专有方法运行,对每笔交易的买入/卖出征税,并在安全金库中向其持有者返还 10% 的股息,以$WBTC支付给其持有者,旨在提供可扩展性,并支持比特币的增长。这是一个终极的购买和持有代币,无论价格上涨还是下跌,它都能提供被动收入。AntiBot Measures:创新的反机器人技术,可防止狙击机器人和抢跑机器人。.
Bank BTC is a decentralized ERC utility token built on Ethereum. It is designed to provide holders with Static Rewards in Bitcoin from every transaction. The token runs on a proprietary method that taxes each transaction on Buys/Sells and returns a 10% Dividend Paid in $WBTC to its holders in a secure vault,which aims to offer scalability,as well as supporting Bitcoin in its growth.This is an ultimate buy & hodl token that provides passive income
20 BHO
BHO Network (bho)
什么是BHO网络 BHO网络建立在BHO链BHC20之上,BHC20是BHO网络的基础和关键组成部分,旨在开发基于区块链技术的完整生态系统。. 我们的区块链平台的使命是不仅要从具有突破性想法的新项目中实现创新,还要支持任何将区块链视为解决方案的公司,以实现当前运营的丰厚利润。. 此外,我们的目标是将这种支持带到所有垂直领域,包括供应链、媒体和娱乐、身份和凭证、医疗保健、贸易融资、金融服务、政府、数字资产、零售等等。. 最后,BHO网络不仅包括自己的应用程序,还包括在BHO链上开发的所有其他应用程序。我们的愿景、使命和核心价值观是什么 愿景:BHO Network旨在成为一个全球开放的区块链生态系统,从东南亚市场开始。. BHO网络将是一个灵活的平台,为简单实用的区块链应用提供解决方案。. 使
What is BHO Network BHO Network is built on BHO Chain BHC20 a foundational and critical component of the BHO Network in enabling the development of a complete ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Our blockchain platform’s mission is to enable innovations from not only new projects with breakthrough ideas in this space but also support any companies who see blockchain as a solution to achieve intensive margin from current operations. Additio
21 BTB
Bitball (btb)
BitBall BTB BitBall BTB多合一去中心化加密货币.#NoFakePromisesA独特的多用途数字货币,具有无限的可能性和奖励,在世界各地的数字货币,交易所和客户之间架起桥梁。. 我们的主要目标是通过用户友好的界面与全球交易有关,使各个级别的每个人都可以访问它。. #NoFakePromises.It 将有两部分,1.. 具有社交媒体资料的人之间交换#Cryptocurrency.2.. #Ebarter系统基于加密货币的人与人之间的历史易货贸易。. #NoFakePromises...
BitBall BTB BitBall BTB All in One Decentralized Cryptocurrency.#NoFakePromisesA unique Multipurpose Digital currency with Endless Possibilities and Rewards Building Bridge between Digital currencies, Exchanges & Clients all over the world. Our main goals are related to transactions across the globe with a user friendly interface, making it accessible to everyone at every level.. #NoFakePromises.It will have 2 parts,1. Exchange of #Cryptocurre
22 BTC20
Bitcoin20 (btc20)
关于BTC20的项目是建立在以太坊区块链上的比特币的权益证明PoS ERC20版本,重现了2011年比特币区块链和代币供应的状态,当时只有605万BTC在流通,价格为1美元。. 随着每个原始比特币区块确认,许多$BTC 20个代币将被释放,并通过符合比特币发布时间表的经过验证的质押合约分发给质押者。. 预售后,$BTC 20名持有者可以质押他们的代币以获得一部分质押奖励。. 一个人质押的 $BTC 20 代币越多,他们将获得的奖励就越高。是什么让您的项目独一无二在比特币发布机制的基础上,即工作量证明 PoW,BTC20 引入了能耗较低的权益证明 PoS 模型,该模型按参与者的质押代币比例奖励参与者。. 通过这种机制,BTC20为个人提供了一个独特的机会,可以获得通过基于以太坊的质押合约释放的
What is the project aboutBTC20 is a ProofofStake PoS ERC20 version of Bitcoin built on the Ethereum blockchain,recreating the state of the Bitcoin blockchain and token supply from 2011,when there were only 6.05 million BTC in circulation and the price was $1. With every original Bitcoin block confirmation,a number of $BTC20 tokens will be released and distributed to stakers via a verified staking contract in line with the Bitcoin release schedule
BitcoinV (btcv)
具有可变区块奖励VBR功能的比特币。. 矿工决定他们希望每个区块奖励多少,然后尝试挖掘一个区块。. 区块奖励越高,挖矿就越难。. 此功能自然而然地变成了51%的攻击威慑算法。.
Bitcoin with Variable Block Rewards VBR feature. Miners decide how much they want each block reward to be and then try and mine a block. The higher the block rewards, the harder it is to mine. This feature naturally turns into a 51% Attack Deterrent Algorithm.
Bitpanda Ecosystem (best)
我和金钱 福利和奖励 比特熊猫卡和卡福利 最佳奖励 质押 学习 比特熊猫学院 比特熊猫博客 适合所有人的业务 API 白标加密上市申请 对于机构 比特熊猫专业版 比特熊猫托管公司 关于安全 新闻 职业帮助 如何开始 谁可以使用比特熊猫 付款方式和限制 隐私政策 帮助台登录 注册 Bitpanda 是一个投资平台,可让您购买,出售和交换比特币、以太坊和链链等加密货币。. 它还可以让您以零佣金投资股票、24/7 ETF、世界上第一个真正的加密指数、黄金和白银等贵金属以及小麦和大豆等商品。. 您可以在平台上进行的每笔交易获得奖励。. 有很多功能可以帮助您在投资时节省时间和金钱。.
me & money Benefits & Rewards Bitpanda Card & card benefits BEST rewards Staking Learn Bitpanda Academy Bitpanda Blog Business API for everyone White Label Crypto Listing Application For institutionals Bitpanda Pro Bitpanda Custody Company About Security Press Careers Help How to get started Who can use Bitpanda Payment methods and limits Privacy policy Helpdesk Log in Sign-up Bitpanda is an investment platform that lets you buy,sell,and swap cry
BTEX (btex)
BTEX 是一种 ERC20 代币,遵守以太坊区块链上的完全透明标准。. 根据爱沙尼亚法律,它在法律上被归类为支付代币/虚拟货币,是Blocktrade生态系统的核心。. BTEX旨在提升平台上的用户体验,通过基于级别的系统运行的游戏化奖励计划提供各种福利和福利。. BTEX也将在Blocktrade平台之外发挥作用。. 该代币将作为Blocktrade之外的游戏内货币,并作为Blocktrade合作伙伴生态系统内的支付选项。.
BTEX is an ERC20 token that adheres to full transparency standards on the Ethereum blockchain. Legally classified as a payment token/virtual currency under Estonian law,it is the core of the Blocktrade ecosystem. Designed to elevate user experience on the platform,BTEX offers various perks and benefits through a gamified Rewards Program that operates on a levelbased system. BTEX will also play a role outside of the Blocktrade platform. The token
Blueprint oBLUE (oblue)
内容提到了与Blueprint代币相关的各种特性和功能,例如Swap,Liquidity Lock,Voting Rewards,以及连接钱包以访问和管理Token。. 它还提供有关用户当前余额、投票权以及有关解锁代币的详细信息的信息。.
The content mentions various features and functions related to the Blueprint token,such as Swap,Liquidity Lock,Voting Rewards,and connecting a wallet to access and manage the token. It also gives information about the user's current balance,voting power,and details about unlocking the tokens.
27 BMT
BMCHAIN为基于区块链技术的活跃参与者提供了一个去中心化的平台。. 该系统的每个参与者都可以将积累的知识和经验转化为数字资产,并有可能使用它来购买日常生活中的商品和服务。. 该系统的计量经济学模型是在Biznes Molodost受众,俄罗斯和独联体最大的商业社区上开发的,这将使利用区块链技术的所有优势成为可能。实施的功能将允许成千上万的人和企业家通过撰写帖子、投票和评论来分享他们的经验、资源、能力和知识,从而获得以系统数字代币表达的真实价值,轻松转换为其他类型的数字资产和法定货币。. 奖励不仅可以由表现出有用活动的参与者获得,还可以由那些估计其贡献的人获得。该项目的主要思想是衡量,保存和货币化在人与人之间的沟通过程中产生的价值收益,并表示为声誉系数的变化。. 保持有关通信的信息并监控生
BMCHAIN presents a decentralized platform for active participants based on blockchain technologies. Each participant of the system can convert the accumulated knowledge and experience into a digital property with the possibility of using it to purchase goods and services in everyday life. An econometric model of the system was developed on the Biznes Molodost audience, the largest business community of Russia and the CIS, which will make it possi
BODA (bodav2)
BODA V2是币安智能链上的通货紧缩DeFi代币。. 允许持有者仅通过持有 BODA V2 自动获得高达 19% 的 BUSD 奖励,每次购买即可直接向持有者返还 6% $BUSD奖励,每个卖出订单可直接返还 13% 的$BUSD奖励。. BODA 提供了一个易于使用的仪表板,用于跟踪 BUSD 股息奖励。. 请注意:至少需要 30 亿个代币才能开始赚取$BUSD奖励,以确保代币系统不会纵或利用。. 作为股息奖励系统,您持有的代币越多,您将获得的收益就越多.每笔交易的 2% 是自动销毁的。. 使BODA V2代币成为超通货紧缩代币。.
BODA V2 is a deflationary DeFi token on the Binance Smart Chain. Allowing holders to automatically earn up to 19% in BUSD rewards just for holding BODA V2 gives 6% $BUSD rewards directly back to holders from every buy, and a huge 13% in $BUSD Rewards from every sell order. BODA offers an easytouse dashboard for tracking BUSD dividend rewards. Please Note: A Minimum of 3 Billion tokens is required to start earning $BUSD rewa
29 BBC
Boss Blockchain (bbc)
让我们来谈谈 Boss Blockchain BBC,这个项目旨在建立一个强大的社区。. 当我们深入了解这一举措的独特之处时,请分解一些重要的亮点,并用更简单的语言解释它们。社区首次发布:在启动的第一阶段,保持紧密联系。. 没有来自外部的大广告,它只是让 KryptoBoss 社区开始。开放外部广告:进入第二阶段,公开外部广告和KOL将吸引更多的人进入项目,让他们有机会尽早参与其中。发布时的额外奖励:我们希望确保每个参加发布的人都能获得一些额外的奖励。. 在第 1 阶段,它保证了三倍 x3,在第 2 阶段,它在发布时保证了双倍 x2 奖金。. Justalittle 谢谢你早点进来。安全缓慢的代币释放:所有代币在开始时都被锁定,以避免任何市场混乱。. 每天只解锁一小部分 2%,以防止代币价值
Lets talk about Boss Blockchain BBC,the project thats all about building a strongcommunity. As we get into the details of what makes this initiative unique,well break downsome of the important highlights and explain them in simpler language.Community First Launch:In the first phase of the launch,were keeping it closeknit. No big ads from outside,its justfor the KryptoBoss community to kick things off.Opening Up with External Ads:Moving on to phas
30 BRI
Brightpool (bri)
Brightpool 是一个由专有 BS 提供支持的 AI DeFi 平台。AI® 模型,提供: • 使用 AI 奖励限价单 • DEX 代币的 AI 循环价格冻结 • 没有 LP 的即时掉期 • 永恒的 96% 收入驱动回购在 AI 终止水平 • 早期 DEX 代币矿工的优惠减半奖励Brightpool 是第一个使用人工智能 AI 来管理其代币铸造过程的 DeFi 平台。. 它还包含使早期用户受益的减半机制。. AI计算每个交易者订单的价值到系统,并基于此,交易者可以获得奖励。. 这是一种挖掘加密货币的新方法,使用我们所谓的风险证明共识,这是世界上第一个这样的模型。.
Brightpool is a AI DeFi platform powered by the proprietary BS.AI® model,offering: • Limit Orders with AI Rewards • AICalculated Price Freezing for DEX Tokens • Instant Swaps Without LPs • Eternal 96% RevenueDriven Buybacks at AIDetermined Levels • Preferential Halving Rewards for Early DEX Token MinersBrightpool is the first DeFi platform that uses artificial intelligence AI to manage its token minting process. It also incorporates halving mecha
Brix Gaming (brix)
$BRIX 是 Solana 区块链上的 pvp/pve 迷你游戏生态系统。. 奖励将包括Nfts/SOL/USDC/BRIX。.
$BRIX Is a pvp/pve mini game ecosystem on the Solana blockchain. Rewards will include Nfts/SOL/USDC/BRIX
32 BLT
Bullets (blt)
项目简介子弹金融是一个去中心化金融DeFi项目,旨在为用户提供加密市场中的高级交易工具和功能。. 项目的主要重点是创建一个去中心化的交易所DEX平台,提供高性能的交易功能,用户友好的界面和创新功能。是什么让您的项目独一无二高级交易功能:该项目专注于提供先进的交易工具和功能,以增强用户的交易体验。. 这包括限价单,止损订单和图表工具等功能,这些功能并非在所有去中心化交易所DEXs上都常见.用户友好界面:BulletSwap旨在创建一个用户友好的界面,迎合新手和有经验的交易者。. 该平台将优先考虑易用性、直观的导航和无缝的交易体验,使其可供更广泛的用户使用。高性能和可扩展性:该项目旨在解决许多现有DEX面临的可扩展性问题。. 通过实施创新技术和优化智能合约架构,BulletSwap旨在提供一个高
What is the project aboutBullets Finance is a decentralized finance DeFi project that aims to provide users with advanced trading tools and features in the crypto market. The projects primary focus is to create a decentralized exchange DEX platform that offers highperformance trading capabilities,userfriendly interfaces,and innovative features.What makes your project uniqueAdvanced Trading Features: The project focuses on providing advanced tradi
BurnedFi (burn)
以下参考中使用了$burnedFi缩写为 $burn 和缩短为 $burnBuild 缩写为 $build。将您的$burn代币转换为等量的$BNB,并铸造$build代币作为证明。假设:燃烧 1000 个价值 1 $BNB的$burn代币将铸造 1 个$build代币作为您的证明。同时,将铸造额外的 1 $build代币并分发给所有 $build 持有者 [基于$build持有量]。如果您是第一个销毁价值 1 $BNB的 $burn 代币的人,您将获得 1 个$build和 1 个$build反射,共计 2 个代币。当第二次销毁时,代币价值 2 $BNB,参与者将获得 2 个$build证明和 1 个$build反思。. 当您占据 50% 的份额时,您还将获得 1 $build。以此类推领
The token symbols $burnedFi shortened as $burn and $burnBuild shortened as $build are used in the following references.Convert your $burn tokens into an equivalent amount of $BNB and mint $build tokens as proof.Assumption:Burning 1000 $burn tokens worth 1 $BNB will mint 1 $build token as your proof.Simultaneously,an additional 1 $build token will be minted and distributed to all $build holders [based on $build holdings].If you are the first to bu
Cacom (cacom)
项目是关于什么去中心化金融,金融循环的无尽循环给予和接受的力量使您的项目独一无二ALPHACOM,凭借其自动密码破译算法,正在成为一个显着的现象,并有望在未来产生重大影响。. 项目的历史记录。随着技术的进步和ALPHACOM的巨大潜力,我们可以预期去中心化金融领域的意外爆炸。. 🔵 ALPHACOM具有重塑和革新金融业的潜力,带来全面的转型,并为社区带来非凡的利益。您的项目的下一步是什么Defi 平台,支付代币,dApp您的代币可以用于交易质押奖励支付加密货币。.
What is the project aboutDECENTRALIZED FINANCE,ENDLESS CYCLE OF FINANCIAL CIRCULATION THE POWER OF GIVING AND RECEIVINGWhat makes your project uniqueALPHACOM,with its automatic codebreaking algorithm,is becoming a notable phenomenon and promising to make a significant impact in the future. History of your project.With the advancement of technology and the immense potential of ALPHACOM,we can anticipate an unexpected explosion in the decentralized
Canary Dollar (cand)
CAND是一种算法稳定币,由FlareLoans平台上的自我抵押加密贷款Nests支持。. 得益于耀斑时间序列甲骨文奖励,SGB或FAsset的持有者能够开设自付自付自抵押贷款,因为用户在持有Nest的同时获得第1层网络奖励。.
CAND is an algorithmic stablecoin backed by self collateralized crypto loans Nests on the FlareLoans platform. Thanks to the Flare Time Series Oracle Rewards, holders of SGB or FAssets are able to open self paying self collateralized loans as users earn Layer 1 network rewards while holding their Nest.
Capybara Memecoin (bara)
该项目是关于什么水豚Memecoin项目是一种有趣且独特的加密货币,以我们最喜欢的可爱啮齿动物水豚为中心,它旨在通过将水豚的魅力与模因文化的兴奋相结合,为加密世界带来欢乐和欢笑。. 通过Capybara Memecoin,投资者可以参与一个轻松有趣的社区,同时可能获得奖励。. 加入我们,踏上充满模因、欢笑和金融探索的水豚之旅 是什么让您的项目独一无二我们的项目以其对加密世界的独特方法而脱颖而出。. 以下是水豚模因真正独特的原因:水豚粉丝圈:我们拥抱对水豚的崇拜,并利用它们的受欢迎程度围绕我们的加密货币创建一个充满活力的社区。. 没有其他项目专门关注这些可爱的生物。模因文化整合:我们将模因的力量注入到我们项目的核心中。. 通过将水豚的可爱与模因幽默相结合,我们为投资者创造了一种引人入胜和有趣的
What is the project aboutThe Capybara Memecoin project is a fun and unique cryptocurrency centered around our favorite adorable rodent,the capybara It aims to bring joy and laughter to the crypto world by combining the charm of capybaras with the excitement of meme culture. With Capybara Memecoin,investors can participate in a lighthearted and entertaining community while potentially earning rewards. Join us as we embark on a capybarafilled journ
CatoCoin (cato)
CatoCoin是下一代主节点技术,它通过区块链技术改变奖励和抵押品要求,以保证现在和未来的投资回报率。. 阅读我们的关于与创新部分和白皮书,以充分掌握CatoCoin的创新和颠覆性以及我们的使命.我们突破性的NextGenTechnology改变了计算奖励和抵押品要求的方式。. 我们确定了几个问题领域和机会,只能通过引入具有革命性区块链技术的新硬币来解决:CatoCoin,因为所有传统的主节点硬币都受到相同基本问题的困扰。.
CatoCoin is the Next Generation of Masternode Technology that transforms Rewards & Collateral Requirements with Blockchain technology to GUARANTEE ROI now and in the future. Read our About & Innovation sections and White Paper to fully grasp the innovation and disruptive nature of CatoCoin and our Mission.Our ground breaking NextGenTechnology transforms the way in which Rewards and Collateral requirements are calculated. We identified several pro
CheCoin (checoin)
CheChoin是一个反射令牌,灵感来自Ernest “Che” Chevara的传说。. 该项目背后的想法是创建一个代币,在这种情况下回馈给持有者。. $CheCoin在其合同中提供了一个创新的协议:以BNB支付的奖励。. 借助自动认领功能,您只需持有$CheCoin即可每小时获得BNB股息。. 持有$CheCoin并在每笔交易中获得报酬。.
CheChoin is a reflection token inspired by the legend of Ernest “Che” Chevara. The idea behind the project is to create a token to give back to the people in this case to the holders. $CheCoin offers an innovative protocol in its contract : Rewards paid in BNB. Thanks to the autoclaim feature, you just have to hold $CheCoin to receive every hour BNB dividends. Hold $CheCoin and get paid on every transaction.
Ciento Exchange (cnto)
西恩托交易所是一个可以交换代币并获得奖励的地方。. 您可以在几秒钟内交换任何代币,并通过提供流动性和质押您的CNTO代币而获得CNTO奖励。.
Ciento Exchange is a place where you can swap tokens and earn rewards. You can swap any tokens within seconds and earn CNTO Rewards for providing Liquidity and Staking your CNTO Tokens.
CoinGrab (grab)
基于AVAX构建的奖励令牌。. 购买并持有$GRAB即可获得$RPG奖励。. 持有$RPG以获得更多奖励...
Reward Token built on AVAX. Buy & Hold $GRAB to Receive $RPG Rewards. Hold $RPG to receive more rewards.
Coop Coin (coop)
这个项目是关于Coop币在Algorand上的社区。. 社区创建了社区奖励保管库 CRV 和池。. 所有硬币都在流通。是什么让您的项目独一无二它在 Algorand 上创建了所有流通量,而且是第一个。. 所以Coop具有公平分配,分散的性质。项目的历史记录。Coop是一种新硬币。. 您的项目的下一步是什么我们创建了测验应用程序,并在这里奖励了用户。. 打算为用户互相玩添加战斗测验,并在这里努力改进游戏。您的代币可以用于什么测验/游戏应用程序将只接受合作硬币。.
What is the project aboutCoop coin has communty on Algorand. Community created Community Rewards Vault CRV and pool. All coins are in circulation.What makes your project uniqueIt created with all circulation on Algorand and it was first. So Coop has fair distribution,decentralized nature.History of your project.Coop is a new coin. What’s next for your projectWe created quiz app and we rewarded users here. Were gonna add battle quiz for users play
42 CRK
Croking (crk)
CroKing是一种多方面的实用代币,它使用Cronos Chain的炒作,为许多加密投资者提供了一个新的开始,远离常规的BSC和ETH主导地位,并为持有者提供5%的Cro奖励。.
CroKing is a multifacet utility token which uses the Hype of Cronos Chain which provides a fresh start for many crypto investors away from the regular BSC and ETH dominance and gives holder 5% Cro Rewards.
Cronos ID (croid)
Cronos ID是一个建立在Cronos链上的去中心化身份和通信层。. 从广义上讲,Cronos ID将使用户能够在链上发送和接收信息,由人类可读的标识符提供支持。为了实现这一目标,Cronos ID 由 3 个关键子协议提供支持: * 从我们的域名开始,每个用户都将拥有唯一的链上身份,让您轻松找到朋友并交换加密货币 * 通知服务将帮助社区跟踪关键协议事件、警报、NFT 出价等 手动检查您的 DApp 是否有出价或抵押因素的日子已经一去不复返了。. 最后,通过利用消息传递,用户和项目将能够在安全和可验证的环境中相互连接和通信。Tokenomics & Utility$CROID是Cronos ID的原生和治理代币,用于Cronos ID更广泛的生态系统。. 域名订阅模块 用户可以利用此模块
Cronos ID is a decentralised identity and communication layer built on Cronos chain. On a broad level,Cronos ID will give users the ability to send and receive information onchain,powered by humanreadable identifiers.To achieve this,Cronos ID is powered by 3 key subprotocols: * Starting with our Domains,every user will have a unique onchain identity,allowing you to find friends and exchange crypto with ease * The Notifications service will help t
44 DBD
Day By Day (dbd)
日复一日正在用 DeFi 和 NFT 重新构想保险。. 我们的保险资产管理平台和资产登记移动应用程序将连接到我们的 Web 3 保险 DAO,并将保险的可信度和透明度提升到一个新的水平。. 我们的 Day By Day DAO 解决方案将包括一个保险市场,该市场将连接保险公司和买家,使用 NFT 为保单和资产投保现实世界的资产,而投资者将有机会利用 DeFi 类型的投资。Day By Day 平台由 DBD 代币支持和驱动,该代币将用于: 分散的保险交易 保费支付、索赔支付 为保险 DAO 治理提供动力 解决保费准确性 通过 DAO 质押和索赔池为投资者带来收入 流动性投资 保险公司和投资者风险管理 社区奖励。.
Day By Day is reimagining insurance with DeFi and NFTs. Our insurance asset management platform and asset registry mobile app will connect to our Web 3 insurance DAO and take insurance to a new level of trustworthiness and transparency. Our Day By Day DAO solution will consist of an insurance marketplace which will connect insurers and buyers to insure real world assets using NFTs for policies and assets, while investors will have the opportunity
Decentralized Community Investment Protocol (dcip)
DCIP是第一个完全由社区主导的投资平台。. 代币持有者完全决定投资和抛售。. 奖励将以BNB或BUSD的形式分发。. 损失完全与基金本身挂钩,不会反映在代币持有者身上。.
DCIP is the first, fully community led investment platform. The token holders fully decide the investments and the sell offs. Rewards will be distributed in BNB or BUSD. Losses are fully tied to the fund itself and wont be reflected on the tokenholders
DeFi Coin (defc)
社区驱动和公平发布。. 开发团队烧毁了他们所有的代币,并与其他人一起参与。自动 LPEvery 交易有助于自动生成流动性,这些流动性进入交易所使用的多个池RFI 静态奖励持有者通过静态反射获得被动奖励,因为他们看着他们的 DeFi 币余额无限增长。使用场景DeFi Coin还将提供参与平台上收藏品交换的选项。. 我们将有一个不可替代代币 NFT 的部分,用户可以用 DeFiCoin 进行交易。. 如果您在DeFiCoinSwap上拥有或交易这些NFT,您可以选择保留它们。.
Community driven & fair launch. The dev team burned all of their tokens and participated with everyone else.Automatic LPEvery trade contributes towards automatically generating liquidity that goes into multiple pools used by exchangesRFI Static RewardsHolders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of DeFi Coin grow indefinitely.Usage ScenariosDeFi Coin will also offer an option to participate in the exchange of
DeFi Pool Share (dpst)
项目简介:DeFi 池份额是以太坊上的去中心化金融 DeFi 借贷协议,使流动性提供者能够将其 Uniswap V3 LP NFT 借给借款人。. 它通过贷款费用为LP提供可预测的回报,同时允许借款人获得这些头寸索赔费用。. 该平台旨在增强DeFi借贷,利用Uniswap V3流动性和风险缓解功能。亮点: 交易者可以借用 LP NFT 来获取交易策略的流动性。. 收益农民可以使用借来的资产进行流动性挖掘。. LP 可以通过借出他们的 LP NFT 来赚取可预测的收入.是什么让您的项目独一无二当然,这里有一个简明的 DeFi 池独特功能列表 分享:1.. Uniswap V3 集成2..
What is the project aboutIntroduction:DeFi Pool Share is a decentralized finance DeFi lending protocol on Ethereum that enables liquidity providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to borrowers. It offers predictable returns for LPs through lending fees while allowing borrowers to access these positions claim fees. This platform aims to enhance DeFi lending and borrowing,leveraging Uniswap V3 liquidity with risk mitigation features.Highlights: Tr
Defina Finance (fina)
$FINA是 Defina 元界生态系统的 BEP20 治理和实用代币。. $FINA有多种用例,它在游戏和社区治理中都发挥着非常重要的作用。效用:游戏币:购买神秘盒子来铸造自己的英雄。在二级市场上买卖英雄 NFT。购买游戏内资产,如消耗品突破药水、重生水晶、体力药水。. 通过使用重生和共振来增强英雄,在PVP矿池中质押以提高产量。治理Defina团队正计划采用治理系统,使Defina Finance成为一个分散的自治组织。. $FINA将成为社区进行提案投票的治理代币。. Defina团队将首先从集中式运营开始,然后逐渐转向分散式项目,以确保项目启动强劲。Defi 奖励为了增加去中心化交易所 DEX 上$FINA的流动性,我们保留的代币的一部分将奖励给流动性提供者。.
$FINA is BEP20 governance and utility token for the Defina Metaverse ecosystem. There are multiple use cases for $FINA and it plays a very important role in both gaming and community governance.Utility: Game Currency:Buying Mystery Boxes to mint your own heroes.Buying and Selling Hero NFTs in the secondary marketplace.Purchasing ingame assets such as consumables Breakthrough Potions, Rebirth Crystals, Stamina Potions. Enhancing heroes by using Re
deFusion Staked VIC (svic)
[deFusion] 是一个 Infraliquidity 质押平台,专为 Viction 上寻求安全流畅质押体验的用户而设计。. 凭借尖端技术和对透明度的承诺,[deFusion]提供自动奖励分配解决方案ARDS,确保在不断发展的区块链环境中实现稳定性和效率的融合。.
[deFusion] is an Infraliquidity staking platform,designed exclusively for users on Viction seeking a secure and smooth staking experience. With cuttingedge technology and a commitment to transparency,[deFusion] provides Automated Rewards Distribution Solution ARDS,ensuring a fusion of stability and efficiency in the everevolving blockchain landscape.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,220.52 2,168,412,202.88
2 ARS title=ARS 1,045.40 1,511,720,657.10
3 ETH title=ETH 3,147.53 1,271,080,834.73
4 SOL title=SOL 147.22 930,896,053.36
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 519,448,413.31
6 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 398,150,914.39
7 WIF title=WIF 2.93 366,088,994.31
8 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 259,053,247.80
9 XRP title=XRP 0.52 226,280,656.12
10 BONK title=BONK <0.01 176,330,494.46
11 ENA title=ENA 0.85 172,789,460.34
12 NEAR title=NEAR 6.80 165,562,216.39
13 BOME title=BOME 0.01 162,759,116.13
14 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 103,713,266.53
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.38 99,415,415.64
16 AVAX title=AVAX 35.63 95,000,715.15
17 COS title=COS 0.02 90,737,919.87
18 WLD title=WLD 4.78 87,437,058.46
19 LTC title=LTC 83.53 82,925,099.83
20 ADA title=ADA 0.48 76,636,485.56
21 LINK title=LINK 14.77 68,614,002.29
22 ORDI title=ORDI 43.49 67,392,174.02
23 EOS title=EOS 0.87 65,305,437.09
24 RNDR title=RNDR 8.45 61,009,776.97
25 MATIC title=MATIC 0.71 60,718,817.02
26 FTM title=FTM 0.73 58,118,416.98
27 YGG title=YGG 0.91 57,990,650.27


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +12.39
2 NULS title=NULS 0.75 +11.45
3 Galxe title=GAL 4.68 +4.05
4 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.29 +3.69
5 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.25 +3.67
6 Lisk title=LSK 1.79 +3.22
7 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +2.27
8 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.79 +2.09
9 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.58 +1.40
10 EOS title=EOS 0.87 +1.10
11 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.67 +0.89
12 TRON title=TRX 0.11 +0.33
13 Harvest Finance title=FARM 82.10 +0.06
14 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.03


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Hedera title=HBAR 0.11 -18.80
2 Algorand title=ALGO 0.20 -15.76
3 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.93 -14.35
4 Reserve Rights title=RSR <0.01 -14.09
5 Tensor title=TNSR 1.00 -13.89
6 Portal title=PORTAL 0.93 -13.28
7 Starknet title=STRK 1.17 -13.27
8 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.78 -13.07
9 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.79 -13.05
10 Celo title=CELO 0.82 -12.67
11 Pixels title=PIXEL 0.44 -12.57
12 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.80 -12.26
13 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.16 -12.24
14 Spell title=SPELL <0.01 -12.02
15 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -11.99
16 LTO Network title=LTO 0.19 -11.60
17 JOE title=JOE 0.53 -11.57
18 Bonfida title=FIDA 0.32 -11.41
19 Clover Finance title=CLV 0.08 -11.18
20 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -11.11
21 Aevo title=AEVO 1.52 -11.03
22 Sleepless AI title=AI 0.99 -10.94
23 Ethena title=ENA 0.85 -10.88
24 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.91 -10.77
25 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -10.64
26 REI Network title=REI 0.08 -10.55
27 Cartesi title=CTSI 0.20 -10.54
28 Biconomy title=BICO 0.51 -10.53
29 Pyth Network title=PYTH 0.61 -10.47
30 Cortex title=CTXC 0.32 -10.46

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation 2024-04-25
2 Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd 2024-04-25
3 Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell 2024-04-25
4 Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges 2024-04-25
5 Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run 2024-04-25
6 Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers 2024-04-25
7 Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending 2024-04-25
8 39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG 2024-04-25
9 Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global 2024-04-25
10 BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32 2024-04-25
11 Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders 2024-04-25
12 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
13 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
14 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
15 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
16 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
17 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
18 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
19 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
20 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
21 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
22 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
23 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
24 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
25 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
26 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
27 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
28 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
29 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
30 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
31 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
32 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
33 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
34 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
35 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
36 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
37 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
38 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
39 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
40 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
41 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
42 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
43 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
44 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
45 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
46 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
47 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
48 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
49 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
50 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
2 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
3 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
4 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
7 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
8 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
9 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
10 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
11 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
12 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#CeFi #privacy #sport #healthcare #big data #carbon-credit #pegged #domain #multichain #digital currency


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
TiTdoi.com TiTdoi.com 000-000-0000