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硬币相关 #privacy

币名 细节
Cardano (ada)
卡尔达诺是一个去中心化的平台,将允许以安全和可扩展的方式进行复杂的可编程价值转移。. 它是首批使用高度安全的Haskell编程语言构建的区块链之一。. 卡尔达诺正在开发一个智能合约平台,该平台旨在提供比以前开发的任何协议更先进的功能。. 它是第一个从科学哲学和研究驱动的方法演变而来的区块链平台。. 开发团队由全球专家工程师和研究人员组成的大型集体组成。卡尔达诺项目与其他区块链项目不同,因为它公开满足监管需求,同时通过创新的软件架构维护消费者隐私和保护。. 该协议具有分层区块链软件堆栈,该堆栈灵活,可扩展,并且正在采用业内最严格的学术和商业软件标准进行开发。.
Cardano is a decentralised platform that will allow complex programmable transfers of value in a secure and scalable fashion. It is one of the first blockchains to be built in the highly secure Haskell programming language. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a researchf
Worldcoin (wld)
世通元 项目的使命是建立世界上最大的身份和金融网络作为公共事业,赋予每个人所有权。. 世通元项目的一个关键组成部分是基础基础设施的开发,这对于人工智能发挥越来越大作用的世界非常重要。世通元 系统围绕 World ID,一个保护隐私的全球身份网络。. World ID使用户能够在线验证他们的人性,同时通过零知识证明保持他们的隐私。使用 World ID,个人将能够证明他们是与协议集成的任何平台的真实、独特的人类,包括 web3 系统、社交网站和政府计划。. 这将实现公平的空投或代币/NFT 销售,提供针对社交媒体上的机器人/女巫攻击的保护,并使有限的政府资源能够更公平地分配。. 此外,World ID还可以实现全球民主进程和新的治理形式,例如通过二次投票,并可能最终为AI资助的UBI指明一条道
The mission of the Worldcoin project is to build the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility,giving ownership to everyone. A key component of the Worldcoin project is the development of the foundational infrastructure that will be important for a world where AI plays an increasingly large role.The Worldcoin system revolves around World ID,a privacypreserving global identity network. World ID enables users to verify thei
Basic Attention (bat)
基本注意力令牌BAT是一个建立在以太坊平台上的开源,分散的广告交易平台。. Basic Attention Token于2017年5月31日为其同名ERC20实用代币进行了首次代币发行,当时在不到30秒的时间内筹集了约3500万美元。. 基本注意力令牌旨在修复破碎,欺诈和不透明的数字广告。. 基本注意力令牌的工作原理是让广告商向网站发布者支付 BAT 以吸引用户的注意力。. BAT令牌旨在正确评估和定价平台内的用户注意力。. 基本注意力令牌包括各种组件,包括注意力测量系统、分析仪表板和机器学习算法。.
Basic Attention Token BAT is an opensource, decentralized ad exchange platform built on Ethereum platform. Basic Attention Token held an initial coin offering on May 31, 2017 for its eponymous ERC20 utility token, raising approximately $35M USD at the time in less than 30 seconds. The Basic Attention Token aims to fix digital advertising, which is broken, fraudulent and opaque. Basic Attention Token work by having advertisers pay BAT to website p
DUSK Network (dusk)
黄昏网络是一个高吞吐量的无许可区块链,旨在提供隐私、可编程性和可审计性。Dusk Network目前处于测试网阶段,是一种区块链协议,可轻松部署可编程零知识dApp,从而成为开放,无许可和全球隐私导向的dApp生态系统的支柱。黄昏网络旨在消除破坏安全代币主流发行和交易的技术障碍。. 合规性、可审计性和隐私性内置于开放、无需许可的机密安全令牌标准 XSC 中。.
Dusk Network is a high throughput permissionless blockchain aimed at providing privacy, programmability and auditability.Dusk Network is currently in the Testnet phase and is a blockchain protocol for easy deployment of programmable zeroknowledge dApps, thus becoming the backbone of an open, permissionless and global privacyoriented dApp ecosystem.Dusk Network aims to remove technical barriers that have undermined mainstream issuance and trading
Mina Protocol (mina)
世界上最轻的区块链,由参与者提供支持。. Mina正在现实世界和加密货币之间建立一个隐私保护网关 - 以及我们所有人都应得的安全,民主未来的基础设施。.
The worlds lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Mina is building a privacypreserving gateway between the real world and crypto — and the infrastructure for the secure, democratic future we all deserve.
Ravencoin (rvn)
Ravencoin是一个专门致力于资产创建和点对点转移的区块链。. 正如门罗币只关注隐私一样,Ravencoin 专注于资产转让——仅此而已。. 虽然您可以通过其他区块链(如比特币和以太坊)交换资产,但这不是它们的预期目的。. 缺乏专业化会导致资产转移特有的问题。. Ravencoin使您能够在网络上创建和交易任何现实世界,例如金条,地契或数字,例如游戏物品,软件许可资产。Ravencoin没有一个成熟的团队。. 这是一个由核心开发人员领导的开源项目:RavoncoinDev,Tron和Chatturga不和谐用户名。.
Ravencoin is a blockchain specifically dedicated to the creation and peertopeer transfer of assets. Just as Monero is solely focused on privacy, Ravencoin specializes in asset transfer – nothing more, nothing less. Although you can exchange assets over other blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, that’s not their intended purpose. And the lack of specialization leads to problems that are specific to transferring assets. Ravencoin enables you to
IoTeX (iotx)
IoTeX 是用于物联网的可自动扩展且以隐私为中心的区块链基础设施。. IoTeX 的全球团队由密码学、分布式系统和机器学习方面的博士、顶级工程师和经验丰富的生态系统构建者组成。. IoTeX正在开发多项内部创新,以推动区块链3.0的前沿,包括用于异构计算的blockchainsinblockchain架构,闪电般的RollDPoS共识机制和轻量级隐私保护技术。. IoTeX通过“逐块连接物理世界”,将自主设备协调带给大众。查看CoinBureau以获取IoTeX的完整评论。.
IoTeX is the autoscalable and privacycentric blockchain infrastructure for the Internet of Things IoT. IoTeX’s global team is comprised of Ph.Ds in Cryptography, Distributed Systems, and Machine Learning, top tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. IoTeX is developing several inhouse innovations to push the frontier of blockchain 3.0, including a blockchainsinblockchain architecture for heterogeneous computing, lightning fast RollDPoS
Nervos Network (ckb)
Nervos是一个分层的加密经济网络。. Nervos 将加密经济的基础设施分为两层:作为信任根和智能托管人的验证层 1,以及用于高性能交易和隐私保护的生成层 2。本文档概述了 Nervos Common Knowledge Base CKB,这是一个公共的无许可区块链和 Nervos 的第 1 层。. CKB 产生信任并将这种信任扩展到上层,使 Nervos 成为一个信任网络。. 它也是Nervos网络的价值存储,为网络中创建的资产,身份和其他常识提供公共,安全和抗审查的托管服务。Nervos公共知识库Nervos CKB简称为以保存为重点的资产存储区块链。. 在架构上,它旨在最好地支持链上状态和链下计算,在经济上,它旨在提供可持续的安全性和去中心化。. Nervos CKB是整个Nerv
Nervos is a layered cryptoeconomy network. Nervos separates the infrastructure of a cryptoeconomy into two layers: a verification layer layer 1 that serves as a trust root and smart custodian, and a generation layer layer 2 for highperformance transactions and privacy protection.This document provides an overview of the Nervos Common Knowledge Base CKB, a public permissionless blockchain and layer 1 of Nervos. CKB generates trust and extends this
Oasis Network (rose)
Oasis Network是一个支持隐私的区块链平台,用于开放金融和负责任的数据经济。.
The Oasis Network is a privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy.
Secret (scrt)
秘密是秘密网络的原生硬币,秘密网络是一个用于私人/安全计算的去中心化网络。. 网络上称为秘密节点的节点可以对加密数据执行可通用的计算,这允许称为秘密合约的智能合约使用私有和敏感数据作为输入。. 我们的重点是计算隐私,而不仅仅是交易隐私。. 开发人员可以在网络上构建分散的、保护隐私的秘密应用程序。. 秘密网络的隐私功能对许多领域都至关重要,包括去中心化金融、Web3、机器学习、访问控制等等。秘密网络由许多独立的开发团队和实体支持,包括Enigma,Secret Foundation,Secretnodes.org,Chain of Secrets等。.
Secret is the native coin of the Secret Network, a decentralized network for private / secure computation. Nodes on the network known as secret nodes can perform generalizable computations over encrypted data, which allows smart contracts known as secret contracts to use private and sensitive data as inputs. Our focus is on computational privacy, not just transactional privacy. Developers can build decentralized, privacypreserving Secret Apps on
ARPA (arpa)
ARPA 网络 ARPA 是一个去中心化的安全计算网络,旨在提高区块链的公平性、安全性和隐私性。. ARPA 阈值 BLS 签名网络充当可验证随机数生成器 RNG、安全钱包、跨链桥和跨多个区块链的去中心化托管的基础设施。. ARPA以前被称为ARPA链,这是一个隐私保护的多方计算MPC网络,成立于2018年。. ARPA主网在过去几年中完成了超过224,000个计算任务。. 我们在MPC和其他密码学方面的经验为我们创新的阈值BLS签名方案TSSBLS系统设计奠定了基础,并引领我们进入了今天的ARPA网络。. Randcast是一个可验证的随机数生成器RNG,是第一个利用ARPA作为基础设施的应用程序。.
ARPA Network ARPA is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator RNG, secure wallet, crosschain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacypreserving Multiparty Computation MPC network founded in 2018. ARPA M
Dash (dash)
达世币是一种数字现金,旨在为每个人提供财务自由。. 付款即时、简单且安全,费用几乎为零。达世币专为支持现实生活中的用例而构建,是领先的去中心化支付解决方案。. 用户可以在成千上万的商家购买商品,并在全球主要交易所和经纪人处进行交易。自2014年创建以来,达世币在创新方面表现出了领导地位,并开创了突破性功能,例如:具有激励节点和分散项目治理的双层网络主节点即时结算付款即时发送即时不可变区块链链锁可选隐私私人发送。.
Dash DASH is digital cash designed to offer financial freedom to everyone. Payments are instant, easy and secure, with nearzero fees.Built to support real life use cases, Dash is the leading decentralized payment solution. Users can purchase goods at thousands of merchants and trade it at major exchanges and brokers around the globe.Since its creation in 2014, Dash has demonstrated leadership in innovation and pioneered groundbreaking features su
13 DGB
DigiByte (dgb)
什么是DigiByteDigiByte不仅仅是一种更快的数字货币。. 它是一种创新的区块链,可用于数字资产、智能合约、去中心化应用程序和安全身份验证。是什么让DigiByte比其他区块链更强大DigiByte是一个快速增长的开源区块链,创建于2013年底,并于2014年初发布。. 经过6年的前瞻性思维发展,DigiByte已成为现存最安全,最快,最长和最分散的UTXO区块链之一。True Decentralized.DigiByte从未通过ICO或大量预挖硬币获得资金。. 没有首席执行官或公司控制DigiByte区块链。. 这是一个以志愿者为基础的全球社区驱动的项目。更安全。DigiByte使用5种加密算法和实时难度调整,防止恶意挖矿中心化和算力波动。. 其中之一是Odocrypt,它每10
What is DigiByteDigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication.What makes DigiByte stronger than othersDigiByte is a rapidly growing opensource blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and
14 ZEC
Zcash (zec)
Zcash是一种去中心化的开源加密货币,提供隐私和选择性的交易透明度。. Zcash支付发布在公共区块链上,但发送者,接收者和交易金额保持私密。Zcash基于同行评审的加密研究,由安全专业工程团队在基于Bitcoin Cores经过实战测试的代码库的开源平台上构建。. 我们对比特币的改进是增加了隐私。. Zcash使用先进的加密技术,即零知识证明,来保证交易的有效性,而不会透露有关它们的额外信息。Zcash的工作原理Zcash对屏蔽交易的内容进行加密。. 由于支付信息是加密的,因此该协议使用一种新的加密方法来验证其有效性。Zcash使用一种称为zkSNARK的零知识证明结构,由我们经验丰富的密码学家团队基于密码学的最新突破开发。. 这些结构允许网络在不披露各方或涉及的金额的情况下维护安全的余
Zcash is a decentralized and opensource cryptocurrency that offers privacy and selective transparency of transactions. Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and amount of a transaction remain private.Zcash is based on peerreviewed cryptographic research, and built by a securityspecialized engineering team on an open source platform based on Bitcoin Cores battletested codebase. Our improvement over Bitcoin
Aleph Zero (azero)
Aleph Zero是一个企业就绪的高性能区块链平台,具有新颖的,基于有向无环图DAG的共识协议,该协议已经过同行评审并在ACM会议上提出。. 迄今为止,Aleph Zero筹集了1500万美元用于继续开发,与Substrate堆栈集成并扩大团队。. 2022年,Aleph Zero计划启用基于安全多方计算研究和零知识证明的隐私增强功能。.
Aleph Zero is an enterpriseready, highperformance blockchain platform with a novel, Directed Acyclic Graph DAGbased consensus protocol that has been peerreviewed and presented at an ACM conference. To date, Aleph Zero raised $15m for continued development, integrating with the Substrate stack, and expanding the team. In 2022, Aleph Zero plans to enable privacyenhancing features based on secure multiparty computation research and zeroknowledge pro
16 ATA
Automata (ata)
Automata Network是一种去中心化的服务协议,为以太坊和Polkadot上的dApp提供类似中间件的无痕隐私服务,以实现隐私,高保证和无摩擦计算。. 有关自动机的更多信息,请访问网站或阅读轻描淡写。.
Automata Network is a decentralized service protocol that provides middlewarelike traceless privacy services for dApps on Ethereum and Polkadot to achieve privacy, high assurance and frictionless computation. For more information about Automata, visit the website or read the lightpaper.
17 CRO
Cronos (cro)
我们提出 Crypto.com Chain,下一代去中心化移动支付协议,最有效和最安全的方式,以加密货币支付和支付,任何地方,任何加密货币,不收取任何费用。. Crypto.com Chain将通过开发创新的技术组件和流程来实现其愿景。. 可扩展的加密算法,以保护用户的隐私,利用可信的执行环境,可持续的价格稳定机制,通过PoGSD保护用户,专门针对加密货币支付,同时利用经过验证的区块链技术结构设计元素。.
We propose Crypto.com Chain, the next generation decentralized mobile payment protocol, the most efficient and secure way to pay and be paid in crypto, anywhere, any cryptowithout fees. Crypto.com Chain will deliver on its vision by developing innovative technology components and processes inc. scalable encryption algorithm to protect users’ privacy, utilizing trusted execution environments, sustainable price stability mechanisms, user protection
18 LTO
LTO Network (lto)
LTO网络是一个区块链平台,用于创建分散的工作流程应用程序,同时保持数据隐私和GDPR合规性。. 开发人员和企业可以使用LTO工具包创建新的解决方案或集成现有解决方案,并以透明,安全和分散的方式运行它们。.
LTO Network is a blockchain platform for creating decentralized workflow applications, while maintaining data privacy and GDPR compliance. Developers and enterprises can use the LTO toolkit to either create new, or integrate existing solutions — and run them in a transparent, secure and decentralized way.
19 PHA
Phala Network (pha)
Phala Network是基于Substrate的Web 3.0生态系统中的隐私保护云计算服务。.
Phala Network is a privacy-preserving cloud computing service in the Web 3.0 ecosystem based on Substrate
20 REQ
Request (req)
什么是请求REQ请求REQ实用程序令牌,于2017年推出,可确保请求网络的性能和稳定性。. 请求网络本身是一个基于以太坊的去中心化支付系统,任何人都可以通过安全的方式请求付款和收款。. 它消除了对第三方的要求,以提供适用于所有全球货币的更便宜、更安全的支付解决方案。当用户创建付款请求时,他们会定义需要将付款分配到哪个地址以及金额是多少。. 用户还可以定义付款的条款和条件,将简单的请求升级为发票。. 完成此操作后,用户可以分享他们的交易对手付款请求。每个步骤都记录并存储在请求网络上,使所有相关人员都可以轻松跟踪所有发票和付款以进行会计处理。请求还与世界各地的立法相结合,以保持符合每个国家/地区的贸易法。Request的创始人是Christophe Lassuyt和Etienne Tatur.C
What Is Request REQThe Request REQ utility token, launched in 2017, ensures the performance and stability of the Request Network. The Request Network itself is an Ethereumbased decentralized payment system where anyone can request a payment and receive money through secure means. It removes the requirement for third parties in order to provide a cheaper, more secure payment solution that works with all global currencies.When a user creates a requ
21 KEY
SelfKey (key)
SelfKey为组织和个人提供了对自己数字身份的完全所有权,使他们能够发现额外的隐私和自由。. SelfKey是一种基于区块链的自我主权身份系统,可以为用户提供数字身份的控制和管理。. 此外,用户可以利用SelfKey安全地管理加密投资组合,并立即加入移民,加密货币和金融服务。. SelfKey的独特方面之一是它能够作为自我主权的allinone身份解决方案。. SelfKey利用一种新颖的身份管理方法,同时还解决了与现有集中式身份管理系统相关的问题。. 其中包括缺乏金融服务的可及性和基于纸张的繁琐的KYC流程。SelfKey的突出功能之一是自托管数据存储。.
SelfKey provides organizations and individuals with complete ownership over their own digital identity, empowering them to discover additional privacy and freedom. SelfKey is a selfsovereign identity system that is based on the blockchain and can provide control and management of digital identities to users. Additionally, users can utilize SelfKey to securely manage a crypto portfolio and instantly onboard immigration, cryptocurrency, and financi
AirTor Protocol (ator)
AirTor 通过链上激励为洋葱路由器 ToR 提供支持,并通过我们的产品促进安全网络中继协议的广泛采用。. AirTor 为现有的 ToR 网络贡献了以下内容:1 现有 ToR 中继的框架,通过正常运行时间证明机制,根据其累积有用正常运行时间,以我们的本国货币 ATOR 接收加密货币奖励 2 推出 AirTor 路由器热点,这是一种手持设备,使用户能够通过 WiFi 连接他们的消费设备,并通过 ToR 无脚本路由其所有网络流量 3 AirTor 中继的推出,我们自己的 ToR 中继版本。. 它专为ToR路由而设计,可立即与我们的ATOR正常运行时间证明框架互操作,允许非技术用户挖掘ATOR并通过ToR为Web匿名做出贡献。. Vision AirTor致力于完全的互联网隐私。. 虽然 To
AirTor empowers The Onion Router ToR through onchain incentives,and facilitates wider adoption of secure network relay protocols through our products. AirTor contributes the following to the existing ToR network:1 A framework for existing ToR relays to receive cryptocurrency rewards in our native currency,ATOR,in accordance with their cumulative useful uptime,through a ProofofUptime mechanism 2 The introduction of the AirTor Router Hotspot,a hand
23 ARK
Ark (ark)
ARK为用户、开发人员和初创公司提供创新的区块链技术。. 他们的目标是创建一个完整的链接链生态系统和一个包含无穷无尽用例的虚拟蜘蛛网,使 ARK 具有高度的灵活性、适应性和可扩展性。. ARK是一个专为大规模采用而设计的安全平台,将提供消费者和开发人员需要的服务。. 它是快速的、分散的、可扩展的、协作的、桥接的和开源的。. ARK桌面钱包是为所有主要操作系统原生构建的。. ARK钱包连接到完全同步的网络对等体,无需下载完整的区块链。ARK使用委托权益证明DPoS共识算法进行操作。.
ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. They aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless usecases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need. It is fast, decentralized, scalable, collaborative, bridging and opensource. The ARK
Dock (dock)
dock.io 是一种分散的数据交换协议,让人们在网络上将他们的个人资料、声誉和体验与隐私和安全联系起来。.
dock.io is a decentralized data exchange protocol that lets people connect their profiles, reputations and experiences across the web with privacy and security.
25 LAT
PlatON Network (lat)
Platon是一种新型的互联网基础设施,它使用区块链和隐私保护技术来帮助有计算需求的人和组织。. 它使开发人员能够构建分布式应用程序,数据提供者可以安全地存储数据,用户可以管理他们的资产。. Platon 还提供白皮书、技术指南等资源,以帮助人们了解它。.
Platon is a new type of internet infrastructure that uses blockchain and privacy-preserving technologies to help people and organizations with computing needs. It enables developers to build distributed applications,data providers can securely store data,and users can manage their assets. Platon also has resources like whitepapers,technology guides,and more to help people learn about it.
Stratis (strax)
Stratis是一个强大而灵活的区块链开发平台,专为现实世界的金融服务企业和其他希望在区块链上开发,测试和部署应用程序的组织的需求而设计。. Stratis大大简化了创建区块链应用程序的开发过程,并加快了区块链开发项目的生命周期。. Stratis私有链允许企业部署自己的定制区块链,而无需运行自己的区块链网络基础设施。Stratis平台的愿景是成为所有区块链事物的一站式商店,主要是成为blockchainasaservice BAAS平台。. 从技术上讲,它是比特币核心代码的克隆,具有一些增强功能,并用C#语言而不是C++语言编写。该团队总部设在英国,但有一个分散的结构,成员遍布世界各地。. 他们的管理团队中的几个人精通使用 .NET 和 C# 进行企业软件开发——考虑到这是项目的两种主要语
Stratis is a powerful and flexible Blockchain Development Platform designed for the needs of the real world financial services businesses and other organisations that want to develop, test and deploy apps on the blockchain. Stratis significantly simplifies the development process for creating Blockchain applications and accelerates the lifecycle for Blockchain development projects. Stratis private chain allows businesses to deploy their own custo
27 WAN
Wanchain (wan)
Wanchain寻求通过探索和实施区块链技术,将现在与未来联系起来。. 万链的目标是建立一个分布式的“银行”。. 正如传统银行是当前金融框架的基础设施一样,Wanchain寻求建立一个新的、分布式的数字资产基础设施,以形成一个改进的、现代的框架,这确实是一个雄心勃勃的目标。Wanchain以分布式方式在不同的区块链分类账之间连接和交换价值。. 它使用最新的密码学理论来构建非专有的跨链协议和记录跨链和链内交易的分布式账本。. 任何区块链网络,无论是公共链、私有链还是联盟链,都可以与Wanchain集成,在不同账本之间建立连接,并执行低成本的账本间资产转移。. Wanchain账本不仅支持智能合约,还支持代币交易所隐私保护。有了Wanchain,任何机构或个人都可以在“银行”中建立自己的虚拟柜员
Wanchain seeks to link the present to the future, through the exploration and implementation of blockchain technology. Wanchain aims to build a distributed “bank”. Just as traditional banks are the infrastructure of the current financial framework, Wanchain seeks to build a new, distributed infrastructure of digital assets to form an improved, modern framework an ambitious goal indeed.Wanchain connects and exchanges value between different block
Firo (firo)
Firo以前称为Zcoin,是一种以隐私为中心的加密货币,它部署零知识证明以确保完全匿名的交易。. 它的工作原理是允许用户销毁硬币,然后兑换没有交易历史的全新硬币。Firo与市场上其他以隐私为中心的硬币不同,因为它不仅混淆了支付轨迹,而且努力废除它们。它的操作由Lelantus隐私协议支持,该协议是从标准加密假设的升级版,支持高匿名集,而无需“可信设置”。Firo的操作也得到了Dandelion++的支持,它隐藏了交易的原始IP,消除了对Tor或i2P等外部服务的需求。Firo / Zcoin区块链在2018年的泰国民主党选举中使用,以超过127,000 +的选票在全国范围内选举其政党领导人,使其成为区块链技术在政治选举中的首次大规模应用。.
Firo formerly known as Zcoin, is a privacyfocused cryptocurrency that deploys zeroknowledge proofs to ensure fully anonymous transactions. It works by allowing users to destroy coins and then redeem later for brand new ones with no transaction history. Firo differs from the other privacycentric coins in the market in that it does not merely obfuscate payment trails, but rather, works to abolish them. Its operation is backed by the Lelantus priva
29 ZEN
Horizen (zen)
Horizen 是一个零知识区块链网络,由业内最大的节点基础设施提供支持。. 区块链互操作性由 Zendoo 协议实现,该协议使用 SNARKverification 并允许在侧链类型、共识、速度和隐私方面具有完全的灵活性。. 网络链的加密验证提供了巨大的规模,该网络目前支持多达 10,000 条侧链,吞吐量限制为 10,000,000 TPS。Zendoo使Horizen成为一个无需许可的区块链网络。. 开发人员可以使用各种SDK在生态系统中部署他们的区块链。. 第一套SDK,Blaze和Latus,部署基于IOHK的区块链,可证明安全的Ouroboros权益证明协议。. Blaze提供高速链,声明自己的认证者,可以运行高达1,000 TPS,而Latus使用递归SNARK组合实现完全去中
Horizen is a zeroknowledgeenabled network of blockchains powered by the largest node infrastructure in the industry. Blockchain interoperability is enabled by the Zendoo protocol, which uses SNARKverification and allows for complete flexibility in sidechain type, consensus, speed, and privacy. Cryptographic verification of networked chains offers massive scale, and the network currently supports up to 10,000 sidechains with a throughput limit of
Apeiron (aprs)
内容是关于一家名为 Apeiron 的公司专注于攀登 Godiverse。. 他们提到他们使用 cookie 和跟踪技术来改善浏览体验、显示个性化内容、分析网站流量和了解访问者人口统计数据。. 页脚还包括版权信息,隐私政策,条款和条件,媒体工具包和白皮书。.
The content is about a company named Apeiron focusing on ascending the Godiverse. They mention their use of cookies and tracking technologies for improving the browsing experience,showing personalized content,analyzing website traffic,and understanding visitor demographics. The footer also includes copyright information,privacy policy,terms & conditions,media kit,and a whitepaper.
31 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
32 BDX
Beldex (bdx)
Beldex是一种支持隐私的硬币,赋予其持有者执行公共和私人交易的权力和控制权。. 交易的范围可以从可追溯的公开可用和可追溯的交易到不可追踪的私人交易。. BDX硬币为用户提供了完全的控制权,使他们能够选择进行可追溯和不可追踪的交易。随着许多ICO围绕选择合适的ICO成为获得稳定回报的最困难部分。. 选择ICO进行投资的最值得信赖的方式是它的实用性方面。. 当您选择硬币进行投资时,它应该充当加密空间的燃料。. ICO将持续到2018年8月15日。.
Beldex is a privacyenabled coin, giving power and control to its holders to perform public and private transactions. The transactions can range from traceable publically available and traceable transactions to untraceable private transactions. BDX coins gives total control to users, empowering them with the choice of making transaction that are traceable and untraceable.With a lot of ICOs around choosing the right one becomes the hardest part in
33 BBL
beoble (bbl)
演示视频:是一个革命性的 Web3 社交平台,旨在提供增强的去中心化钱包到钱包的通信。. 凭借一系列创新功能,例如赚取、关注、发现和为 web3 社区量身定制的基于奖励的模型,beoble 优先考虑用户隐私、安全和贡献。由于 web3 人是每个消息传递产品的核心,我们将用户体验放在首位:beoble 是社区拥有的。. beoble 提供具有 Web2 用户体验的 Web3 通信功能。. Beoble 不会在隐私和数据安全方面妥协。BBL代币允许聊天室经济的创新流通。. Beoble 允许用户从互动中获得积分,用户根据他们的活跃贡献在聊天室中积累份额。. 他们参与的越多,他们的聊天室份额就越多,确保聊天室产生的任何收入,包括入场费,在成员之间公平分配。.
demo video: is a revolutionary Web3 social platform,designed to provide enhanced decentralised wallettowallet communication. With a suite of innovative features such as earn,follow,discover and a rewardsbased model tailored for the web3 community,beoble prioritizes user privacy,security,and contribution.As web3 people are at the core of every messaging product,we are putting user experience first and foremost: beoble is communityowned. beoble de
Carbon Browser (csix)
Carbon是由Carbon X Labs开发的免费开源网络浏览器,基于Chromium SDK的自定义分支及其强大的Blink引擎。. Carbon是一个快速的隐私浏览器,它可以阻止在线广告和跟踪器。. 目前在Google Play商店上直播,即将在iOS,Mac OS和PC上推出。.
Carbon is a free and opensource web browser developed by Carbon X Labs based on a custom fork of the Chromium SDK and its powerful Blink engine. Carbon is a fast privacyfocused browser,which blocks online ads and trackers. Currently live on Google Play Store and coming soon to iOS,Mac OS and PC.
Clore.ai (clore)
Clore.ai 是一个创新平台,将寻求利用高性能 GPU 完成各种任务的个人和企业联系起来,例如人工智能培训、视频渲染和加密货币挖掘。. 通过提供用户友好的市场,Clore.ai使用户能够以具有竞争力的价格和灵活的方式访问强大的计算资源。快速的租赁启动流程和每分钟计费系统确保租户和托管商都能有效地利用他们的资源。. 作为一个突出的功能,托管商可以利用后台挖掘,让他们的设备即使在等待租户时也能产生收入。认识到环境可持续性的重要性,Clore.ai致力于通过鼓励托管商使用可再生能源来减少碳足迹。. 此外,该平台正在积极研究和实施节能解决方案,为技术行业更可持续的未来做出贡献。Clore.ai 的另一个显着特点是平台致力于安全和数据保护。. 凭借强大的加密协议和严格的数据隐私政策,Clore.a
Clore.ai is an innovative platform that connects individuals and businesses seeking to utilize highperformance GPUs for various tasks,such as artificial intelligence training,video rendering,and cryptocurrency mining. By providing a userfriendly marketplace,Clore.ai enables users to access powerful computing resources at competitive prices and on a flexible basis.The swift lease initiation process and minutebyminute billing system ensure that bot
Ternoa (caps)
记忆是我们身份的重要组成部分。. 如果记忆在塑造我们方面起着至关重要的作用,那么事实是,记忆本质上是一种部分的东西,只有图像、声音和文本等媒体才能让我们保留和记住我们的过去。. 这些支持还使我们能够将记忆传递给后代,以便他们能够继续庆祝那些离开的人的记忆。. 因此,记忆是我们必须能够这样对待的宝贵商品。. 过去几十年的悖论是,由于数字技术,内存的生产几乎以无限的方式成功实现了民主化,同时未能提供随着时间的推移保存它们的解决方案。. 事实上,以安全可靠的方式存储我们创建的所有生活数据变得越来越困难。.
Memories are an essential part of who we are. If memory plays an essential role in shaping us, then the truth is that memory is by its very nature a partial thing, and only media such as images, sound and texts enable us to keep and remember our past. These supports also allow us to transmit memories to succeeding generations so that they can continue to celebrate the memory of those who have left. Memories are therefore precious goods that we mu
37 FRA
Findora (fra)
Findora是一个具有可编程隐私的公共区块链。. Findora 最初于 2017 年被概念化为大学密码学研究项目,最终于 2021 年向公众推出,它利用零知识证明和多方计算的最新突破,允许用户具有选择性可审计性的交易隐私。. 欲了解更多信息,请访问。.
Findora is a public blockchain with programmable privacy. Originally conceptualized as a university cryptography research project in 2017, and finally launched to the public in 2021, Findora utilizes the latest breakthroughs in zeroknowledge proofs and multiparty computation, to allow users transactional privacy with selective auditability. For more information, please visit
GOLCOIN (golc)
GolCoin 是推动完整生态系统的主要关键,包括投资质押平台、开创易所、革命性的元界、挖矿促进平台和下一代 NFT 市场。作为一种多链代币,GolCoin确保代币持有者可以轻松访问他们的资产,并且不会错过不同网络上的任何机会。这个生态系统的每个部分都向加密世界展示了许多创新。. Agharta,元宇宙:名为Agharta的元宇宙提供了一个伟大的元宇宙,其图形比任何其他基于区块链的元宇宙都要强大得多,以及下面提到的不同子平台。MetaGol:一款创新的VR游戏是一系列社交技术的完美进化。MetaNow:一个跨平台的消息传递和呼叫应用程序,专注于速度、隐私和安全性。. MetaNow 用户可以安全地交换具有高加密功能的消息,包括任何类型和格式的照片、视频和文档,并且与全息图技术兼容。MetaC
GolCoin is the main key powering a complete ecosystem including an investment staking platform, a pioneering exchange, a revolutionary Metaverse, a mining facilitation platform, and the next generation of NFT marketplaces.As a multichain token, GolCoin makes sure that the token holders can access their assets easily and dont miss any opportunities on different networks.Each part of this ecosystem has lots of innovations presented to the crypto wo
39 HC
HyperCash (hc)
Hcash是一种新的加密货币,旨在允许区块链之间以及区块链与无块加密货币之间的价值转移。. 此外,Hcash将支持私人交易、DAO治理和量子抵抗。由于Hcash希望成为包括隐私币在内的许多不同加密货币的侧链,因此它需要实施隐私功能来掩盖用户如何转移资金。. 为了解决这个问题,Hcash将提供两种类型的钱包:白色和黑色。. 虽然白色地址将公开可见,但黑色地址将保持私密。. 为了实现这种隐私,Hcash将实施零知识证明。. 正如Zcash的区块链所证明的那样,该系统涉及通过使用先进的密码学来验证交易,而不与矿工共享有关交易的信息,从而掩盖发送者和接收者的身份。.
Hcash is a new cryptocurrency designed to allow value transfer among blockchains and between blockchains and blockless cryptocurrencies. In addition, Hcash will support private transactions, DAO governance, and quantum resistance.Since Hcash hopes to be a side chain for many different cryptocurrencies, including privacy coins, it will need to implement privacy features to mask how users are moving their funds. To address this issue, Hcash will co
HyperGPT (hgpt)
这个项目是关于什么的HyperGPT是一个Web3 AI市场,它使用区块链来克服传统AI应用程序中的挑战。. 它提供对多个应用程序的集中访问,节省时间并简化管理。. 开发人员可以从标准化的 API 中受益,从而降低成本并让用户轻松切换应用程序。. 用户可以通过加密货币支付安全地管理订阅。是什么让您的项目独一无二HyperGPT 结合了 AI 和区块链,提供了一个具有 AI 驱动的搜索、智能合约、用户反馈、隐私和 Web3 互操作性的去中心化市场。. 它是第一个具有用于无缝AI集成的SDK的AI市场。. SDK允许开发人员将所有AI解决方案集成到与其dApps/应用程序的单个集成中。项目的历史记录。HyperGPT 通过集成 AI 和区块链创建了一个去中心化、透明和安全的 AI 市场。.
What is the project aboutHyperGPT is a Web3 AI marketplace that uses blockchain to overcome challenges in traditional AI applications. It offers centralized access to multiple applications,saving time and simplifying management. Developers benefit from a standardized API,reducing costs and enabling easy application switching for users. Users can manage subscriptions securely with cryptocurrency payments.What makes your project uniqueHyperGPT comb
Masa Network (masa)
Masa 被描述为重视隐私的领先 ZK-Data 市场和网络。. 该平台使用 cookie 来增强浏览体验、提供个性化广告和分析流量。. Masa 旨在为 AI 时代创建一个去中心化的谷歌,促进开放、激励和注重隐私的个人数据经济。. 该网络提供增长活动、分析和开发人员工具等服务。. 用户可以通过由实用代币 MASA 提供支持的 Masa 平台获得奖励、质押个人数据并与全球社区互动。. Masa Network 具有 zkSBT、zkOracle 和 Masa 区块链等技术。.
Masa is described as the leading ZK-Data marketplace and network that values privacy. The platform uses cookies for enhancing browsing experiences,serving personalized ads,and analyzing traffic. Masa aims to create a decentralized Google for the AI era,promoting an open,incentivized,and privacy-focused economy for personal data. The network offers services such as growth campaigns,analytics,and developer tools. Users can earn rewards,stake person
42 MPC
Partisia Blockchain (mpc)
Partisia Blockchain 是一个 Web 3.0 区块链,通过结合安全的多方计算 MPC 和区块链,为信任、透明度、隐私和光速最终确定而构建。Partisia Blockchain Privacy Preservation Technologies 正在根据联合国 17 个可持续发展目标 SDG 解决世界上最大的问题使用 MPC,Partisia Blockchain 为区块链上的交易添加了一层加密,允许用户通过 ZK 计算提供对数据的受控访问。. 我们的基础设施可以在链上、链下和跨区块链执行 ZK 计算,以去中心化的方式为区块链增加隐私和机密性,没有单点信任。. 应用程序包括用户驱动的在线拍卖、秘密共享、工作采购竞标、基准指标和挖掘数据。. Partisia区块链基础设施的应
Partisia Blockchain is a web 3.0 blockchain built for trust, transparency, privacy, and speed of light finalization by combining secure multiparty computation MPC and blockchain.Partisia Blockchain Privacy Preserving Technologies is solving for the worlds largest problems in line with the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDG’sUsing MPC, Partisia Blockchain adds a layer of encryption to transactions on the blockchain, allowing users to provide
Privapp Network (bpriva)
rivapp Network由Priva Token PRIVA和通过privapp.network应用程序提供的所有服务组成,而不会损害您的安全和隐私。PRIVA是一种实用型代币,具有多种用途,可确保我们网络的安全性和增长。乍一看,PRIVA是一个多功能令牌,可以驱动最终用户和开发人员的行为。.
rivapp Network consists of Priva Token PRIVA and all the services provided over privapp.network application without compromising your safety and privacy.PRIVA is a utility token serving multiple purposes and ensures the safety and growth of our network.At first sight, PRIVA is a multifunctional token that drives behavior for both endusers & developers.
Roobee (roobee)
Roobee将自己描述为一个基于区块链的投资平台,允许人们从10美元开始进行投资。. Roobee 使用人工智能和区块链为其用户提供透明的记录和个性化的投资产品选择。. Roobee区块链基础设施由以太坊区块链和基于HyperLedger的许可区块链Roobeechain提供支持,目标是在不影响透明度和安全性的情况下为用户提供数据隐私。. 有关详细信息,请参见。.
Roobee describes itself as a blockchainbased investment platform that allows people to make investments starting from $10. Roobee uses AI and blockchain to provide its users with transparent records and personalized investment product choices. Roobee blockchain infrastructure is powered by Ethereum blockchain and Roobeechain a permissioned blockchain based on HyperLedger, with the goal of providing users with data privacy without compromising t
Shadow Node (svpn)
Shadow Node 通过去中心化 VPN 重新定义在线隐私,以实现安全、私密和不受限制的互联网访问。.
Shadow Node redefines online privacy through a decentralized VPN for secure,private,and unrestricted internet access.
SOLVE (solve)
什么是Solve.Care SOLVESolve.Care是一家医疗保健平台公司,它使用区块链来重新定义护理协调,改善获得护理的机会,降低福利管理成本,并帮助减少全球医疗保健中的欺诈和浪费。. Solve.Care平台允许根据医疗条件,经济和社会需求以及其他量身定制的资格标准构建和运行称为护理网络的数字健康网络,以实现以患者为中心的护理,从而创建一个完整的医疗保健生态系统。. 使用Solve.Care平台,企业能够在几周甚至几天内启动网络化,可互操作的医疗保健dApp。. Solve.Care平台上的Care Networks使用SOLVE令牌,这是一种用于网络间/网络内支付和交易费用的实用令牌。. 它还具有其他用途,包括开发人员权利、质押、市场支付和平台访问费。. Solve.Care的创
What Is Solve.Care SOLVESolve.Care is a healthcare platform company that uses blockchain to redefine care coordination, improves access to care, reduces benefit administration costs, and helps reduce fraud and waste in healthcare around the world. The Solve.Care platform allows for digital health networks, called Care Networks, to be built and run for patientcentric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored e
Sylo (sylo)
Sylo 协议提供机密通信作为 Sylo 机密通信应用的实用工具。. 该协议充当Sylo App的机密网络层,创建P2P连接,并为用户提供一种保密交互和交换数据的方式。Sylo协议正在开发中,以提供完全分散的机密通信,作为Sylo生态系统中所有连接应用程序的实用程序。. 该协议由区块链提供支持,并与其他去中心化技术相结合,将充当Sylo DApp和第三方连接应用程序的网络层,同时为网络上的特定通信和服务提供收费选项。完全去中心化的Sylo DApp将是第一个基于区块链的Sylo协议构建的应用程序,使用已经在Sylo应用程序中商业化的技术,目前全球有数千人使用,可在Apple Store和Google Play商店中使用。. Sylo DApp将于今年第四季度公开测试版发布。Sylo 是一个分
The Sylo Protocol provides confidential communication as a utility to the Sylo Confidential Communication App. The protocol acts as the confidential networking layer for the Sylo App, creating P2P connections and providing a way for users to interact and exchange data confidentially.The Sylo Protocol is being developed to provide fully decentralised confidential communication as a utility to all connectedapps within the Sylo ecosystem. Powered by
48 TXA
TXA (txa)
第一个支持类似CEX的交易速度的架构,同时通过不需要集中资金托管来保护用户隐私和资金。. TXA将中心化订单管理与去中心化结算相结合,打造全球首个hDEX混合去中心化交易所。.
The first architecture to support CEXlike trade speeds while also protecting user privacy and funds by not requiring centralized fund custody. TXA merges centralized order management with decentralized settlement to create the worlds first hDEX HybridDecentralized Exchange
Zephyr Protocol (zeph)
项目内容简介Zephyr协议是一个超额抵押的私人稳定币协议,灵感来自基于门罗币的原生链上的Djed协议,继承了所有资产的所有隐私功能。Zephyr协议使用三种资产模型:ZEPH,ZephUSD和ZephRSV.是什么使您的项目独一无二,Djed协议的第一个原生链实现.第一个私有超抵押稳定币协议您的项目历史。推出于 29/05/2023 草根社区没有风险投资资金您的项目的下一步是什么Djed 实施的公共测试网即将推出。2023 年第 4 季度用于 Djed 实施的主要硬分叉您的代币可以用于什么ZEPH 是基础币,用于稳定币协议中的抵押以及通过将等值的 ZEPH 值添加到储备中来铸造 ZephUSD 和 ZephRSV。ZephUSD是一种私人稳定币,在铸造时至少有400%的ZEPH等值支持。Z
What is the project aboutZephyr Protocol is an OverCollateralized Private Stablecoin Protocol inspired by Djed Protocol on a native Monero based chain,inheriting all privacy features for all assets.Zephyr Protocol uses a three asset model: ZEPH,ZephUSD and ZephRSV.What makes your project uniqueFirst Native Chain implementation of the Djed Protocol.First private OverCollateralized stablecoin protocolHistory of your project.Launched on 29/05/2023 G
50 ZTX
Zetrix (ztx)
Zetrix 是第 1 层公共许可区块链,可促进智能合约并提供隐私、安全性和可扩展性。. Zetrix 中的加密基础设施可以引入多个行业,因为它为所有企业的采用创建了一个更加透明、安全和高效的流程。. Zetrix链使用DPOS委托权益证明和zBFT Zetrix拜占庭容错作为其共识机制来支持高速交易。. 使用此结构,它能够提供每秒 10,000 个事务的吞吐量。. 这使得链可以在不牺牲安全性的情况下保持高交易速度。欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的白皮书 zetrix.comZetrix成立于2021年,区块链作为一个公共区块链智能合约平台存在,旨在服务于中国以外的所有国际市场。. 在MYEG服务有限公司的带领下,这家东南亚公司还与中国信息通信研究院工业互联网与物联网研究所合作,实施Zetrix
Zetrix is a layer1 public permissioned blockchain that facilitates smart contracts and delivers privacy, security and scalability. The cryptographic infrastructure in Zetrix can be introduced in multiple industries as it creates a more transparent, secure and efficient process for the adoption of all enterprises. The Zetrix chain uses the DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake and zBFT Zetrix Byzantine Fault Tolerance as its consensus mechanism to support
51 ZKS
ZKSpace (zks)
L2 Labs 基于 ZKRollups 技术,推出了 ZKSpace,这是 Layer2 的全功能协议,包括 DEX、支付和 NFT 功能,并使用 ZKRollups 技术将包括协议 ERC20 和 ERC721 在内的所有代币转移到 Layer2 上。. 基于不断生成的零知识证明,保证 Layer1 和 Layer2 的一致状态,使所有代币交换、转账、NFT 铸造和交易都在 Layer 2 上进行,实现低 gas 费用的实时交易,无需等待一个区块确认。. 此外,它还具有无限的可扩展性,摆脱了TPS的限制和以太坊上的一个区块确认。. 此外,用户可以像传统电子商务平台一样享受CEX和流畅的交易体验,并可以实时保证自己的资产安全。ZKSwap 是一种基于自动做市商 AMM 的代币交换协议。.
Based on ZKRollups technology, L2 Labs has launched ZKSpace, a fullfeatured protocol of Layer2, including DEX, payment, and NFT function, and it transfers all tokens including protocols ERC20 and ERC721 onto Layer2 using ZKRollups technology. The consistent state of Layer1 and Layer2 is guaranteed based on continuously generated zeroknowledge proofs, so as to make all token swaps, transfers, and NFT minting and trading on Layer 2, realizing realt
52 0KN
0 Knowledge Network (0kn)
什么是 0 知识网络 0KN0KN 是下一代去中心化和激励元数据私有混合网络的匿名广播网络,具有加密安全保证.0KN 是一种去中心化的隐私网络基础设施,旨在面对监视整个网络的对手时保持用户匿名,同时假设所有网络服务器的一小部分是恶意的。. 它利用了下一代基于状态混合网络的元数据私有匿名广播Trellis.我在哪里可以获得有关0KNhttps://000z.gitbook.io/0/的更多信息 0KN代币的总供应量100亿000000KN在预售中筹集了多少私人销售25 ETHP转售103 ETH我在哪里可以买到0知识网络0KN0KN可以在Uniswap上交易。.
What Is 0 Knowledge Network 0KN0KN is a next generation decentralized and incentivized metadataprivate mixnetbased anonymous broadcast network with cryptographic security guarantees.0KN is a decentralized privacy network infrastructure that is designed to preserve user anonymity in the face of an adversary monitoring the entire network and while assuming a fraction of all network servers are malicious. It leverages the next generation stateofthea
53 ZCN
Zus (zcn)
0Chain是一个高性能的去中心化存储网络,旨在消除审查、隐私责任和数据泄露等业务威胁。. 0Chain 帮助实体实现 GDPR 合规性、本地化、标记化,并将私有数据共享货币化。. 我们的去中心化平台提供高性能、高质量的服务、协作、本地化和流媒体,以满足广泛的应用需求。.
0Chain is a high performance decentralized storage network designed to eliminate business threats such as censorship, privacy liability and data breach. 0Chain helps entities achieve GDPR compliance, localization, tokenization and monetizes private data sharing. Our decentralized platform offers high performance, high quality of service, collaboration, localization, and streaming to address a broad spectrum of applications.
54 0XGAS
0xGasless (0xgas)
xGasless是一个无气生态系统,旨在完全消除天然气交易。. 它是解决gas费用问题的新解决方案,使用户能够在以太坊虚拟机兼容的网络上进行交易,而不会产生gas成本。该生态系统将拥有以下应用程序:MEV免费无气掉期 这些掉期利用中继器或协议钱包的概念来促进用户之间的交易。. 中继器充当中介,代表用户执行交易并吸收与交易相关的汽油费。. 这种方法允许用户与去中心化交易所DEX进行交互或无缝执行智能合约操作,而无需担心gas费用。无气桥 它是一种技术解决方案,允许用户在不同的区块链网络之间传输资产或数据,而不会产生gas费用。. 这里的方法称为元事务。. 元交易涉及代表用户支付汽油费的中继器或受信任的第三方。.
xGasless is a gasless ecosystem that seek to eliminate gas transaction completely. Its a novel solution to the gas fee problem,enabling users to conduct transactions on the Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible networks without incurring gas costs.The ecosystem will boast of the following applications:MEV free Gasless swap These swaps leverage the concept of relayers or protocol wallets to facilitate trades between users. Relayers act as intermedia
55 0XG
0xGPU.ai (0xg)
0xGPU:人工智能和加密货币融合的平台0xGPU是一个促进人工智能人工智能和加密货币交叉创新的平台。. 它通过利用图形处理单元、GPU 的巨大计算能力并集成来自加密货币世界的激励机制来实现这一目标。. 这种共生关系使用户能够加速人工智能的进步,同时受益于去中心化的治理结构。0xGPU 的核心功能: GPUCentric AI 加速: 0xGPU 利用 GPU 的并行处理能力显著加快 AI 训练和推理过程。. 这种促进可以更快地产生人工智能研究和开发的见解和突破。. 通过质押分享收入:该平台实施了激励参与的收入分享模式。. 用户可以通过质押代币来赚取被动收入,为 0xGPU 生态系统的整体计算能力做出贡献。.
0xGPU : A Platform for AI and Cryptocurrency Convergence0xGPU is a platform that fosters innovation at the intersection of artificial intelligence AI and cryptocurrency. It achieves this by harnessing the immense computational power of graphics processing units GPUs and integrating incentive mechanisms from the world of cryptocurrency. This symbiotic relationship empowers users to accelerate AI advancements while benefiting from a decentralized g
56 OXN
0xNumber (oxn)
自己的号码,不需要KYC。. 轻松获取加密号码,保持匿名。. 与我们一起加入所有权革命——隐私和简单性在这里相遇。. 投资于安全性。. 欢迎来到号码所有权的未来。.
Own numbers,no KYC needed. Get crypto numbers easily,stay anonymous. Join the ownership revolution with us—where privacy and simplicity meet. Invest in security. Welcome to the future of number ownership.
57 2FAI
2FAI (2fai)
通过 Web3 2FA 增强功能提升隐私和安全性,2FAi 成为 Web3 的开创性解决方案,利用 BASE 区块链和人工智能 AI 的力量重新定义 2FA 的实施和管理方式。.
Boosting privacy and security with Web3 2FA enhancements,2FAi emerges as a pioneering solution in Web3,leveraging the power of the BASE blockchain and Artificial Intelligence AI to redefine how 2FA is implemented and managed
58 VGC
5G-CASH (vgc)
5GCASH VGC是一种实验性的数字货币,可以向世界上任何地方的任何人进行即时支付。. 它使用不同的关键功能技术在没有中央机构的情况下进行操作,允许每个人使用使用Sigma和Dandelion++协议以及TOR的最先进的新型隐私硬币以他们想要的方式进行操作。.
5GCASH VGC is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. It uses different key features technology to operate with no central authority allowing everyone to operate the way they want to with new state of the art privacy coin that uses Sigma and Dandelion++ Protocol along with TOR.
Abelian (abel)
这个项目是关于什么的阿贝尔是一个第1层区块链系统,该系统具有抗量子性和隐私保护性。. 通过抗量子,Abelian的密码系统可以防御未来强大的量子计算机发起的攻击。. 通过隐私保护,Abelian拥有隐私币ABEL,可以完全隐私使用,隐私与责任,或匿名级别的隐私。是什么让您的项目独一无二这是世界上第一个既是后量子又保护隐私的区块链系统。. 此外,Abelian的安全和隐私保证在数学上都被证明是安全的。. 这也是世界上第一个可证明安全的区块链系统,其安全性和隐私性在数学上都简化为一些众所周知的抗量子难题。Abelian基于晶格的后量子密码系统基于CRYSTALSDilithium和Kyber,均被美国国家标准与技术研究院NIST选为首批后量子密码PQcrypto国家标准。. 这象征着联邦机构和世
What is the project aboutAbelian is a Layer 1 Blockchain system which is quantum resistant and privacy preserving. By quantum resistant,Abelian’s cryptographic systems can defend against attacks launched by the future powerful quantum computers. By privacy preserving,Abelian has the privacy coin ABEL,which can be used with full privacy,privacy with accountability,or privacy in the pseudonymous level.What makes your project uniqueThis is the world
60 ADM
ADAMANT Messenger (adm)
ADAMANT是一个真正的区块链信使,独立于政府,公司甚至开发人员。. 这是可能的,因为分散的网络基础设施,完全开源并由用户运行。ADM是一种支持去中心化ADAMANT Messenger基础设施的实用代币。区块链提供卓越的安全性和隐私性,不适用于典型的P2P和集中式信使。. 此外,区块链提供了新的可能性。. 用户可以在完全控制私钥的情况下存储和传输加密货币InChat,使用ADAMANT作为2FA等。在ADAMANT中,没有人可以控制,阻止,停用,限制或审查帐户。. 用户对内容,消息,媒体以及使用Messenger.ADAMANT的目标和意图承担全部责任,利用2018年中期开发的公平委托权益证明共识。. 最初的开发步骤是由在爱尔兰注册的ADAMANT TECH LABS LP进行的。.
ADAMANT is a true Blockchain messenger, independent from governments, corporations and even developers. It is possible due to a decentralized network infrastructure, fully open source and run by users.ADM is a utilitytoken supporting decentralized ADAMANT Messenger infrastructure.Blockchain offers superior security and privacy, not available for typical P2P and centralized messengers. Also, Blockchain provides new possibilities. Users can store a
Aeon (aeon)
永旺是一个移动友好,轻量级的隐私硬币。. 类似于莱特币是比特币的较轻补充,您可以将永旺视为门罗币的弟弟。. 门罗币社区完全专注于最终用户的隐私和匿名性。. 这种关注有其好处,但从可用性的角度来看,这导致硬币落后。. Aeon建立在门罗币的CryptoNote哈希之上,同时增加了一些自己的轻量级功能。Aeon是门罗币的更轻,更快的版本。. 尽管这两个项目共享相同的底层隐私协议CryptoNote,但Aeon正在努力使其更易于访问。.
Aeon is a mobilefriendly, lightweight privacy coin. Similar to the way that Litecoin is a lighter supplement to Bitcoin, you can look at Aeon as Monero’s little brother. The Monero community is wholly focused on privacy and anonymity for the enduser. This focus has its perks but has caused the coin to fall behind from a usability standpoint. Aeon builds upon Monero’s CryptoNote hash while adding some lightweight functionality of its own.Aeon is t
AesirX (aesirx)
###Project 概述AesirX项目代表了向数字生态系统未来的变革性飞跃。. 它是一个全面的基于区块链的平台,包括AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI和AesirX Single Sign On SSO。. 这四个核心组件协同工作,旨在重新定义数据处理方式、保护隐私和获得见解的方式.### 项目的独特性真正使AesirX与众不同的是其对隐私,同意和去中心化的坚定承诺。. AesirX 隐私盾牌允许个人拥有和管理他们的同意和数据,从而赋予他们权力。. AesirX Analytics是数据收集和存储的支柱,采用第一方服务器技术来实现最大的安全性。. AesirX BI为企业开辟了
###Project OverviewThe AesirX project represents a transformative leap into the future of digital ecosystems. It is a comprehensive blockchainbased platform that encompasses AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI,and AesirX Single Sign On SSO. These four core components,working in harmony,are designed to redefine the way data is handled,privacy is safeguarded,and insights are derived.### Uniqueness of the Projec
AICB (aicb)
AICB致力于为认证实体用户提供一条公链,在充分保护个人隐私的前提下,链上所有信息公开透明,链上地址背后有社会自然人。. 许多区块链网络和系统可以连接到它,让去中心化的中心化系统与它融合并相互渗透,最终高效、轻松地连接链上和链下世界。. 这将使区块链成为一种包容性技术,使基于该技术开发应用程序变得更加容易,并最终连接区块链世界。.
AICB is committed to providing a public chain for authenticated entity users,under the condition of fully protecting personal privacy,all information on the chain is open and transparent,and there are social natural persons behind the address on the chain. Many blockchain networks and systems can be connected to it,allowing decentralized centralized systems to merge with it and penetrate each other,and ultimately connect the onchain and offchain
64 ATP
Alaya (atp)
Alaya 是 PlatON 下一代金融基础设施的商业沙盒和测试场,PlatON 是具有尖端隐私保护架构的全球数据资产计算基础设施。. 虽然 Alaya 和 PlatON 共享几乎相同的底层技术,但它们保持了各自程度的开放性和独立活动。. Alaya定位为创新技术和分布式金融的试验场,PlatON将更加专注于服务全球金融机构,最终建立多层次的金融商业模式。.
Alaya is a business sandbox and testing field for the nextgeneration of financial infrastructure of PlatON, a global data asset computing infrastructure with cuttingedge privacypreserving architecture. While Alaya and PlatON share the almost identical underlying technology, they maintain their respective degrees of openness and independent activities. Alaya is positioned as a testing ground for innovative technology and distributed finance, and P
65 ALT
Alitas (alt)
Alitas是新一代价值网络的底层基础设施,致力于构建新一代底层可信网络协议,为全球客户提供高效、便捷、安全、稳定的开发和部署环境。打破传统链条结构,在阿里塔斯设计新的共识机制。. 在实现完全去中心化和绝对安全的同时,突破性能瓶颈,TPS可以达到每秒30,000+。. Alitas 开创了容差算法和星落效应。. 利用容差算法代替共识求解数据一致性。. 通过原有的Alitas结构,所包含的节点可以获得合法的交易参考,实现完全去中心化。. 随机性就像星落一样,引入节点来获得交易的合法性。.
Alitas is the underlying infrastructure of a new generation of value networks, dedicated to building a new generation of underlying trusted network protocols, and providing efficient, convenient, secure, and stable development and deployment environments to customers worldwide.Break the traditional chain structure and design a new consensus mechanism on Alitas. While achieving complete decentralization and absolute security, it breaks through per
66 ALY
Ally (aly)
ALLY Eco利用区块链的力量,专注于隐私进行通信和快速安全的金融交易。. 利用专有的权威证明PoA共识,它将提供一个未来的独立激励协议层,可以扩展到所有区块链项目。. ALLY拥有超过200,000名用户,已成为那些希望自由发言和聚集在一起的人的中心。.
The ALLY Eco leverages the power of blockchain focusing specifically on privacy for communication and fast and secure financial transactions. Utilizing a proprietary Proof of Authority PoA consensus, it will offer a future independent incentivization protocol layer that can be scaled to all blockchain projects. With over 200,000 users, ALLY has become the hub for those looking to freely speak and come together.
Alphabyte 是以太坊第 2 层扩展创新,利用先进的零知识以太坊虚拟机 ZKEVM 和 ZeroKnowledge Rollup zkrollup 技术。. 这种创新方法使 Alphabyte 能够在以太坊框架内顺利处理智能合约交易,同时结合零知识证明计算。. 通过协调这些元素,Alphabyte 显着放大了交易吞吐量,降低了运营成本,并加强了隐私保护。. 通过其复杂的架构,Alphabyte 彻底改变了以太坊的可扩展性格局,提供了一个强大的框架,可以优化性能,同时优先考虑用户的机密性和成本。.
Alphabyte stands as an Ethereum layer 2 scaling innovation leveraging advanced Zero Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine ZKEVM and ZeroKnowledge Rollup zkrollup technology. This innovative method allows Alphabyte to smoothly process smart contract transactions within the Ethereum framework while incorporating zeroknowledge proof computations. By harmonizing these elements,Alphabyte significantly amplifies transaction throughput,reduces operational
68 ALP
Alpine (alp)
Alpine是一个全面的区块链生态系统,将尖端技术与隐私相结合。. Alpine Layer 2 解决方案旨在增强区块链的可扩展性,确保网络能够应对日益增长的全球采用。.
Alpine is a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem that combine cuttingedge technology with privacy. Alpine layer 2 solutions are crafted to enhance blockchain scalability,ensuring networks can handle increased global adoption.
AmpereChain (ampere)
AmpereChain是全球公认的最快的区块链,由去中心化社区支持。. 它由尖端的去中心化QBFT DQBFT共识算法推动,提升了AmpereChain AMPERE加密货币。. AmpereChain作为具有隐私保护节点的开创性EVM公链,为各种去中心化应用提供了一个弹性平台。. 凭借无与伦比的速度、效率、隐私和区块链世界中最高的每秒交易 TPS,它引领了去中心化技术的发展。.
AmpereChain is globally acknowledged as the fastest blockchain,backed by a decentralized community. Its fueled by the cuttingedge Decentralized QBFT DQBFT consensus algorithm,elevating the AmpereChain AMPERE cryptocurrency. As the pioneering EVM public chain with privacyprotected nodes,AmpereChain serves as a resilient platform for diverse decentralized applications. With unparalleled speed,efficiency,privacy,and the highest Transactions Per Seco
Anonbot (anonbot)
Anonbot 是一种独特的新型桥接和混合工具,建立在 Telegram 之上,利用现有的跨链技术为用户提供一流且易于使用的桥接和混合工具。. 只需点击几下,即可轻松交换、桥接、混合或同时交换、桥接和混合代币,并收取具有市场竞争力的交易费用。. 利用基于 Telegram 的 DeFi 工具的发展势头,以及对隐私增强产品日益增长的需求,Anonbot 旨在创建 goto 混合和桥接工具。. 我们的机器人和平台提供有竞争力的价格和一组优越的选项,使投资者能够在几秒钟内同时交换、桥接和混合代币,而无需计算机。.
Anonbot is a unique new bridging and mixing tool built on Telegram and leveraging existing crosschain technology to give users a bestinclass and easytouse bridging and mixing tool. With just a few clicks,one can easily swap,bridge,mix or simultaneously swap,bridge and mix tokens at market competitive transaction fees. Leveraging both the momentum of Telegrambased DeFi tools,as well as the growing need for privacyenhancing products,Anonbot aims to
AnonTech (atec)
AnonTech brings tools to Web3 that help you stay anonymous and secure. Access the latest decentralized tools through our Telegram bot. Providing SMS,Email and VPN services to help keep holders privacy secure. With tiered memberships which require burning tokens,our services also benefit holders in more than just privacy. New features in development and upgrades to existing are always keeping the team busy and active as we strive to be your #1 DeP


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 61,685.86 3,492,649,007.13
2 ARS title=ARS 1,055.10 1,753,299,354.80
3 ETH title=ETH 2,976.47 1,546,005,847.33
4 SOL title=SOL 134.52 1,288,179,954.17
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 409,832,896.62
6 ENA title=ENA 0.86 281,515,631.48
7 XRP title=XRP 0.48 256,147,579.92
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 241,962,851.15
9 WIF title=WIF 2.41 227,007,288.98
10 BOME title=BOME <0.01 152,764,468.02
11 RUNE title=RUNE 4.63 151,160,641.03
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.46 123,496,833.26
13 OMNI title=OMNI 22.85 107,661,855.27
14 AVAX title=AVAX 33.45 106,821,068.94
15 ORDI title=ORDI 40.89 90,374,218.73
16 WLD title=WLD 4.70 79,656,414.77
17 LTC title=LTC 78.86 74,831,555.84
18 ADA title=ADA 0.44 74,621,749.06
19 SUI title=SUI 1.21 74,442,101.72
20 MATIC title=MATIC 0.65 67,731,775.23
21 LINK title=LINK 13.36 65,724,562.99
22 INJ title=INJ 26.56 63,294,474.56
23 TRX title=TRX 0.11 62,616,776.34
24 FTM title=FTM 0.64 61,220,938.60
25 RNDR title=RNDR 7.54 59,000,225.92
26 FIL title=FIL 5.78 58,632,450.72
27 TIA title=TIA 9.98 52,410,741.93


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.62 +33.18
2 Lisk title=LSK 1.64 +13.18
3 Jito title=JTO 3.14 +11.58
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.60 +9.98
5 Synapse title=SYN 1.07 +7.85
6 OAX title=OAX 0.21 +7.84
7 Gas title=GAS 5.48 +7.67
8 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 +7.59
9 Automata title=ATA 0.14 +6.12
10 NEO title=NEO 18.05 +4.46
11 Bounce title=AUCTION 16.57 +3.89
12 GALA title=GALA 0.04 +3.47
13 Arkham title=ARKM 1.62 +3.36
14 Qtum title=QTUM 3.92 +3.35
15 Injective title=INJ 26.56 +2.87
16 Immutable title=IMX 1.97 +2.47
17 Dusk title=DUSK 0.36 +2.38
18 IRISnet title=IRIS 0.03 +2.13
19 Internet Computer title=ICP 12.45 +1.93
20 Prosper title=PROS 0.37 +1.80
21 Venus title=XVS 9.94 +1.74
22 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.04 +1.72
23 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 +1.54
24 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.45 +1.54
25 DIA title=DIA 0.47 +1.39
26 SafePal title=SFP 0.81 +1.33
27 PIVX title=PIVX 0.35 +1.30
28 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,428.00 +1.25
29 Celer Network title=CELR 0.03 +1.24
30 Unifi Protocol DAO title=UNFI 3.61 +1.15


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Omni Network title=OMNI 22.85 -13.35
2 Convex Finance title=CVX 2.34 -10.28
3 MANTRA title=OM 0.62 -9.58
4 Maker title=MKR 2,916.00 -9.44
5 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 5.78 -9.00
6 Galxe title=GAL 3.27 -8.94
7 Saga title=SAGA 3.15 -8.87
8 Sushi title=SUSHI 0.89 -8.21
9 Orion title=ORN 1.30 -8.16
10 Fusionist title=ACE 5.18 -7.81
11 Ethena title=ENA 0.86 -7.75
12 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.70 -7.49
13 Maverick Protocol title=MAV 0.36 -7.41
14 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.10 -7.23
15 Conflux title=CFX 0.22 -7.22
16 AVA title=AVA 0.61 -7.03
17 Portal title=PORTAL 0.91 -6.76
18 Verge title=XVG <0.01 -6.67
19 LTO Network title=LTO 0.19 -6.57
20 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.14 -6.51
21 Chromia title=CHR 0.29 -6.08
22 Tensor title=TNSR 0.79 -5.94
23 SKALE title=SKL 0.09 -5.91
24 Sui title=SUI 1.21 -5.83
25 ORDI title=ORDI 40.89 -5.58
26 Cortex title=CTXC 0.29 -5.55
27 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.14 -5.43
28 Fantom title=FTM 0.64 -5.36
29 Amp title=AMP <0.01 -5.34
30 ConstitutionDAO title=PEOPLE 0.02 -5.27

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
2 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
3 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
4 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
5 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
6 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
7 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
8 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
9 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
10 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
11 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
12 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
13 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
14 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
15 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
16 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
17 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
18 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
19 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
20 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
21 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
22 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
23 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
24 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
25 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
26 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
27 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
28 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
29 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
30 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
31 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
32 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
(Bitcoin drops below 60K as analyst says zero spot Bitcoin ETF inflows very normal)
33 以色列央行官员表示,CBDC与银行的竞争有利于经济
(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
34 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
35 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
36 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
37 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
38 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
39 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
40 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)
41 为什么零流量的比特币ETF并不意味着你的想法
(Why Bitcoin ETFs with zero flows dont mean what you think)
42 分析师:比特币矿商股因利润减半后未经证实而下跌
(Bitcoin miner stocks drop on unsubstantiated post halving profit fears Analyst)
43 比特币下跌,因为美元在预期降息的情况下创下 14 个月来的最佳 5 天涨势
(Bitcoin drops as dollar eyes best 5 day run in 14 months on expected rate cut hold)
44 韩元成为全球加密货币交易商交易量最大的法定货币 报告
(Korean won becomes worlds most traded fiat for crypto traders Report)
45 ICPs Schnorr 集成迎来了比特币 DeFi 时代
(ICPs Schnorr integration ushers in Bitcoin DeFi era)
46 比特币供应将在 9 个月内耗尽 Bybit
(Bitcoin supply to run out on exchanges in 9 months Bybit)
47 加密货币的历史:严重的通货膨胀、不断上升的债务和不断发展的加密货币格局
(History of Crypto Crippling inflation rising debt and the evolving crypto landscape)
48 比特币鲸鱼拒绝出售,而 BTC 价格放弃了 70K 的欣快感
(Bitcoin whales refuse to sell while BTC price ditches 70K euphoria)
49 揭示减半对比特币通胀率和价值储存主张的影响
(Uncovering the halvings impact on Bitcoins inflation rate and store of value proposition)
50 前纽约联储主席加入币安美国董事会
(Former NY Fed chief joins BinanceUS board)


GreenTrust (gnt) Theca (theca) Wrapped Platform (wrap) BaaSid (baas) Swinca (swi) IOST (iost) NUTS Gaming (nutsg) Electrum Dark (eld) Swift Bot (swift) Bitbar (btb)


Bridged Wrapped Ether (Scroll) (weth)Happy Birthday Coin (hbdc)Uniform Fiscal Object (ufo)NiiFi (niifi)Aave v3 SUSHI (asushi)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Metaverse #privacy #GameFi #virtual world #carbon emission #sport #healthcare #big data #pegged #domain


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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