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硬币相关 #Crosschain

币名 细节
FONSmartChain (fon)
FON智能链是一种创新的解决方案,可为信标链带来可编程性和互操作性。. FON智能链依赖于一个由21个活跃验证者组成的系统,该系统具有质押权限证明APoS共识,可以支持较短的区块时间和更低的费用。. 质押的绑定最多的验证者候选者将成为验证者并产生区块。. 双符号检测等斜杠逻辑保证了安全性、稳定性和链的终结性。. 除了21个活跃的验证者外,FSC将引入更多的验证者,例如. 另外20个不活跃的验证器,进入验证器设置为备份,这将被称为“候选”。.
FON Smart Chain is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability to Beacon Chain. FON Smart Chain relies on a system of 21 active validators with Proof of Staked Authority APoS consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The doublesign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security,stability,and chain finality.
SWFTCOIN (swftc)
SWFT区块链是一个跨链交换聚合器,而SWFTC是SWFT区块链的原生代币。. SWFT区块链专注于DeFi,Gamefi,元界等的跨链交换。. SWFTC的一个重要功能是用作所有SWFT区块链产品的会员资格。. 持有后,用户有权享受交易费用折扣、社区治理等权益。SWFT区块链 www.swft.pro 于2017年在硅谷成立。. 它是链上和链下 DEX/CEX/NFT 市场的跨链交换聚合器。. 结合区块链和人工智能技术,它现在支持所有主要的公链,包括BTC,ETH,Polygon,Arbitrum,Polkadot,BSC,Heco,Solana,Terra,Fantom,Tron,OkexChain,XRP和400+加密货币,以及主流NFT交易平台和NFT项目。.
SWFT Blockchain is a crosschain swap aggregator, while SWFTC is the native token of SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain focuses on crosschain swap of DeFi, Gamefi, Metaverse, etcetera. One important function of SWFTC is to be used as membership for all SWFT Blockchain products. Upon holding, users are entitled to transaction fee discounts, community governance, and other rights and interests.SWFT Blockchain www.swft.pro was established in Silicon Va
Apple Pie (pie)
ApplePies.co 彻底改变了跨链Defi矿工。. 一个有趣的旋转转折,每天产生 10% — 池即服务 PAAS。.
ApplePies.co Revolutionized Crosschain Defi Miners. A fun spin twist to generate 10%/Day — Pool as a Service PAAS
BeamSwap (glint)
什么是Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap是一个DeFi中心,也是第一个带有自动做市商AMM的去中心化交易所DEX,提供流动性和点对点交易,建立在Moonbeam网络上。为什么选择Moonbeam波卡点平行链筹集了最多资金和最高捐款将以太坊的易用性与Polkadot的强大功能相结合从其他以太坊虚拟机EVM链无缝过渡Beamswap具有先发优势与人们已经使用并熟悉Metamask,Remix,Hardhat,Truffle等的工具兼容跨链集成链上治理低gas价格可扩展性是什么使Beamswap独一无二的产品和功能经过策划 考虑到初学者和有经验的用户。. Beamswap的目标是为用户提供一套工具,直接在我们的平台上满足他们的所有需求。EVM的集成桥收益农业糖浆池DEX和AMMNFT市
What Is Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap is a DeFi Hub and the first Decentralized exchange DEX with an automated market maker AMM, providing liquidity and peertopeer transactions, built on the Moonbeam network.Why MoonbeamMost funds raised and highest number of contributions for a polkadot parachainCombines Ethereums simplicity of use with the power of PolkadotSeamless transition form other Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM chainsBeamswap has the firstmovers
Ceres (ceres)
Ceres 是 SORA XOR 区块链上首批赢得草间平行链拍卖的项目之一,将成为未来的 Polkadot 平行链。. Ceres 正在为 SORA/Polkadot 上的 Polkaswap 跨链交易所的新项目和代币开发 DeFi 服务和实用程序。. 到目前为止,我们的产品Ceres质押了像Dextools这样的储物柜工具,但对于Polkaswap储物柜治理平台产品Ceres Launchpad将使项目更容易在SORA和Demeter农业平台上启动第一个农业平台在SORA上。.
Ceres is one of the first projects on SORA XOR blockchain which won Kusama parachain auction and will be future Polkadot parachain. Ceres is developing DeFi services and utilities for new projects and tokens on Polkaswap Crosschain exchange on SORA/Polkadot. Our products so farCeres staking Locker Tools like Dextools but for Polkaswap
Crosschain IOTX (ciotx)
Crosschain Tokens, such as CIOTX, is a wrapped token that can be bridged to any networks via iotube.
CrossDEX (cdx)
跨链 DEX 基于聚合器和正在进行的建立 DEX 的工作。. 他们使用全新的多链网络技术来建立流动性池。. 通过利用智能算法,资产多样化,流动性和交易量增加,以及扩大去中心化金融市场,他们允许用户在多个区块链生态系统中进行交易。. 为了使DeFi充分受益于跨多个链的互操作性和流动性,需要跨链DEX。. 在不使用包装代币、网桥或中介网络的情况下,CrossDEX 收集流动性以促进掉期。. 在交换过程中没有第三方机构参与。.
Crosschain DEXs are based on aggregators and the ongoing work to establish DEXs. They use a brandnew multichain network technology to establish a pool of liquidity. By utilizing intelligent algorithms,asset diversification,rising liquidity and trading volumes,and expanding the market for decentralized finance,they allow users to transact across several blockchain ecosystems. For DeFi to fully benefit from the strength of interoperability and liqu
Cudos (cudos)
什么是库多斯 CUDOS 为去中心化计算网络提供支持,该网络将与多个区块链生态系统互操作,以提供以下好处:1.. 基于Tendermint协议Wasm兼容性构建的可信第1层验证器网络,只要智能合约编译为WebAssembly,就可以使用下一代语言部署在CUDOS上。. Golang, Rust, Java 等2.. 由于网络的区块链间通信IBC集成,跨链或水平互操作性,允许Cudos网络智能合约与多个网络接口.3。. 与 PoW 网络相比,交易和 gas 成本降低 10 倍 可大规模扩展的网络,可促进更复杂的智能合约操作4。.
What is CUDOS CUDOS powers a decentralised compute network that will interoperate with multiple blockchain ecosystems to provide the following benefits:1. Trusted layer 1 validator network built on the Tendermint protocol Wasm compatibility, for smart contracts to be deployed on CUDOS using nextgeneration languages so long as they compile to WebAssembly. I.e. Golang, Rust, Java etc.2. Crosschain or Horizontal interoperability thanks to the netwo
Daisy Protocol (daisy)
The premier Crosschain launchpad and community that brings disruptive projects the disruptive crowdfunding they deserve
10 HLN
Ēnosys (hln)
Ēnosys 是一家 Web3 软件公司,构建一套 DeFi 和 Web3 产品和服务。. Flare Network 是 Ēnosys 主网生态系统的所在地,在 Songbird Canary 网络上有一个平行的实验金融生态系统。Ēnosys 生态系统由以下产品组成:Ēnosys Dex 交换货币并通过为链上交易提供流动性来赚取奖励,同时利用 L1 奖励。Ēnosys 农场非托管流动性挖矿和具有集成 L1 奖励的代币启动板。Ēnosys 贷款 无息贷款的去中心化借款协议,利用集成的加密货币作为无缝借款的抵押品.Ēnosys 桥跨链资产桥允许区块链之间的多样性,并通过将 Ēnosys 治理代币桥接到 .Ēnosys 画廊 NFT 画廊以及一组独特的 NFT 相关协议,将数字艺术与其物理对应物
Ēnosys is a Web3 software house,building a suite of DeFi and Web3 products and services. The Flare Network is home to the Ēnosys mainnet ecosystem with a parallel Experimental Finance ecosystem on the Songbird Canary Network.The Ēnosys ecosystem consists of the following products:Ēnosys Dex Swap currencies and earn rewards by providing liquidity for onchain trading while taking advantage of L1 rewards.Ēnosys Farm Noncustodial yield farming and to
GEMSTON (gemston)
项目是关于什么跨链零信任 DEX 和领先的 AMM DEX 在 TONWhat 使您的项目 uniqueSTON.fi 是基于报价请求 RFQ 的跨链交易所,它依赖于哈希时间锁合约 HTLC 以原子方式执行跨链交换。. 这种方法消除了对其他可信实体的需求,并提供了通常与基于 RFQ 的交易所相关的深度流动性和价格稳定性的组合,以及链内 DEX 中常见的不妥协的安全性。. 由于该协议不对参与者做出任何信任假设,因此我们将其定义为零信任跨链DEX。您的 project.STON.fi 成立于 2022 年 5 月。. 11月20日,TON上的AMM DEX启动。您的项目的下一步是什么交叉链交换,从 TONTRON 交换开始,然后是 EVM 兼容链以及 DAO 治理和电报 Web 应用程序。您的代
What is the project aboutA crosschain zerotrust DEX and leading AMM DEX on TONWhat makes your project uniqueSTON.fi is a Request For Quote RFQbased crosschain exchange that relies on HashedTimelock Contracts HTLC to atomically execute crosschain swaps. This approach eliminatesthe need for additional trusted entities and offers a combination of deep liquidity and pricestability usually associated with RFQbased exchanges,alongside uncompromising se
12 GLR
Glory Token (glr)
该项目是关于什么GloryFinance专注于区块链技术及其在整个金融行业的应用。. 我们提供集成解决方案,包括应用程序、平台、劳动力发展和咨询服务,以加快 DeFi 的采用率,并为创建无需信任和去中心化的金融系统做出贡献。GloryFi:通过跨链服务和UI创新简化DeFi。GloryFi Labs:区块链基础设施提供商和DeFi创新中心.spinUp:提升技能和区块链学院.是什么让您的项目与众不同该平台提供了广泛的产品,以满足各种DeFi用户的需求,同时通过真实而独特的可定制UI提供前所未有的用户体验。项目的历史记录。. 接下来为您的项目查看 GloryFinance 的主路线图: 您的代币可以用于GLORY GLR是GloryFinance生态系统的原生超级实用程序和治理代币,是其最终骨
What is the project aboutGloryFinance focuses on blockchain technology and its applications across the financial industry. We provide integrated solutions,including applications,platforms,workforce development,and consulting services to accelerate the rate of DeFi adoption and contribute to creating a trustless and decentralized financial system.GloryFi: Simplified DeFi with Crosschain services and UI innovation.GloryFi Labs: Blockchain infrastru
Governance xALGO (xalgo)
什么是xALGOxALGO是一种计息资产,它将Algorand治理收益带到其他链上,允许持续的治理承诺,而无需定期销毁。. 由于其利息性质,xALGO非常适合将Algorand治理与其他链连接起来。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二 xALGO用户无需投票或定期提交即可获得Algorand治理奖励,因为投票权被委托给Algo Liquid Governors,而锁定的ALGO由Folks Finance智能合约自动重新提交。. xALGO的价值由于其计息结构而随着时间的推移而增长。. 用户可以向DEX的流动性池提供流动性并获得交易费用。. 什么是民间金融 民间金融是一种非托管 DeFi 协议,为数字资产提供金融工具。.
What is xALGOxALGO is an interestbearing asset that brings Algorand governance yield to other chains,allowing for a continuous governance commitment without periodic burning. Thanks to its interestbearing nature,xALGO is the perfect fit for bridging Algorand Governance to other chains. What makes your project unique xALGO users get Algorand Governance rewards without needing to vote or periodically commit,as the voting power is delegated to Algo
14 GED
GreenDex (ged)
关于GreenDex的项目是什么 去中心化的跨链交易所是什么让您的项目独一无二 Gdex是一个多链平台,集成了BSC,APT,ARB和其他区块链,为用户提供无缝透明的交易体验。. 该平台旨在安全可靠,因为用户受到高级安全措施的保护。. 此外,Gdex将AI技术用于市场分析,使用户能够根据实时数据和趋势做出明智的决策。项目的历史记录。. 该项目自 2019 年以来已实施您的项目的下一步该项目正在继续开发移动应用程序、功能和面向社区您的代币可用于质押和投票 DAO、启动板和共享费用。.
What is the project about GreenDex is The Decentralized Crosschain ExchangeWhat makes your project unique Gdex is a multichain platform that integrates BSC,APT,ARB,and other blockchains to provide users with a seamless and transparent trading experience. The platform is designed to be safe and secure as users are protected by advanced security measures. Additionally,Gdex incorporates AI technology for market analysis,allowing users to make inform
15 HMX
HMX (hmx)
项目简介HMX是一个去中心化的永续交易所,在Arbitrum上提供全仓保证金和多资产抵押品支持。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二HMX 为用户提供以下独特功能:1.. 杠杆交易全仓保证金和多抵押品管理支持:用户可以在许多资产类别(包括加密货币,外汇,股票和商品)上开立高达1,000倍的杠杆多头或空头头寸。. HMX还接受各种加密资产作为抵押品,并提供全仓保证金抵押品支持,允许灵活的头寸和风险管理策略。. 杠杆做市 HLP 金库:用户只需将资产存入 HLP 金库,即可成为 HMX 的做市商。.
What is the project aboutHMX is a decentralized perpetual exchange with a crossmargin and multiasset collateral support on Arbitrum. What makes your project uniqueHMX offers the following unique features to users:1. Leveraged Trading CrossMargin & MultiCollateral Management Support: Users can open up to 1,000x leveraged long or short positions on many asset classes including Cryptocurrency,Forex,Equity,and Commodities. HMX also accepts various cr
16 ICT
ICTech (ict)
关于ICTECH的项目是什么 正在构建将重新定义Web3能力的基础设施。. 我们的使命是为元宇宙和游戏等复杂应用程序提供与 Web2 对应物并驾齐驱所需的资源,并将它们置于丰富且不断扩展的生态系统中。是什么让您的项目独一无二全球首款专用于高端应用的Layer1,提供详细的SDK接口,让任何开发者都可以在ICTECH网络上快速构建应用。. 此外,ICTECH 为 NFT 提供了更广泛的协议,包括铸造、交易、销毁、借贷、借贷、拍卖、组合、基于时间的合成等。. 这可以说是该领域最深入的公共区块链网络。ICTECH利用BFT作为其PoS共识机制,使其能够以6s的最终性实现非常高的TPS。原子广播:这允许在同一块中包含多种类型的交易和命令,提供实时共识。. 请继续关注项目的进一步发展和细节历史。项目启
What is the project aboutICTECH is building the infrastructure that will redefine what Web3 is capable of. Our mission is to provide the resources that complex applications such as metaverses and games need to stand headtohead with their Web2 counterparts and place them in a rich and everexpanding ecosystem.What makes your project uniqueThe worlds first Layer1 dedicated to highend applications,providing a detailed SDK interface that will allow an
17 INK
Ink (ink)
Ink是一个分散的解决方案,利用联盟区块链,公共区块链和跨链互操作性的组合力量为全球创意产业.Ink的愿景是为不同的用例提供主权联盟区块链,重新定义行业内的角色,内容和行为,并为创意产业构建一个分散的基础设施,其中可以在一个高度集成的系统下创建各种应用程序并相互关联。基于可信稳定的公链,知识产权资产交易所被构建为内容到流动性资产转换和代币发行的可信走廊,使其成为一个集成的生态系统。. 此外,定义和开发跨链协议使价值和信息能够在公共区块链和联盟区块链之间自由流动。.
Ink is a decentralised solution harnessing the combined power of Consortium Blockchain, Public Blockchain and Crosschain Interoperability for the global Creative Industry.The vision of Ink is to provide Sovereign Consortium Blockchain to different use cases, to redefine roles, content and behaviours within the industry, and to build for the Creative Industry a decentralised infrastructure in which various applications can be created and correlate
18 ICT
Internet Computer Technology (ict)
项目内容简介ICTECH采用BFT+POS共识机制,平均区块时间在6s以内,满足快速扩张的数字元宇宙生态系统中大容量dApp的需求。是什么让您的项目独一无二1.ICTECH的可扩展性确保开发人员和用户的交易保持在0.01美元以下.2.ICTECH注重速度,共识区块时间为6秒。. 3.ICTECH终端数据通过匿名、多身份伪装技术存储在区块链节点中。项目历史.1.. ICTECH区块浏览器发布ICT钱包发布更新ICTECH网站ICT钱包支持NFT铸造和转让2。ICT钱包支持链上NFT拍卖ICTECH测试网虚拟机发布ICT钱包支持节点、委托和投票3。. ICTECH主网发布ICTECH源码在GitHub上发布 4.分布式存储主网发布5.扩大KOL网络并建立新的网络6。Web3.0 SDK和API服
What is the project aboutICTECH adopts the BFT+POS consensus mechanism with an average block time within 6s,meeting the demands of largecapacity dApps in the rapidly expanding digital Metaverse ecosystem.What makes your project unique1.ICTECHs scalability ensures transactions remain less than $0.01 for both developers and users.2.ICTECH is all about speed,with a consensus block time of 6s. As hardware gets faster,so does the network.3.ICTECH term
Kasa Central (kasa)
$KASA是一个全栈工具箱和多功能市场,将投资者与项目联系起来,我们目前正在为ICO,IGO,NFT,GameFi,元界,彩票,高赌注收益,跨链桥聚合器,少费用交易交换等开发各种基础设施。. 我们的使命是成为全栈工具箱,帮助开发人员和用户紧紧抓住加密经济。.
$KASA is a fullstack toolbox & multifunction marketplace,Connecting Investors to Projects,We are currently developing various infrastructures for ICO,IGO,NFT,GameFi,Metaverse,Lottery,High stake Earnings,Crosschain Bridge Aggregator,less fee transaction exchange and more. Our mission is to become the fullstack toolbox to help developers and users enclasp the crypto economy.
Love.io (love)
Love.io 股票代码:LOVE,Love.io 是一个去中心化的协议,用于连接 Web3 与传统社交媒体和电子商务平台的点对点价值转移。. 该协议支持点对点小费,并通过复杂的 dApp 赚取 LOVE 忠诚度奖励。. 该协议支持在X.com,Youtube,Twitch,Instagram,Facebook等上进行微小费。. Love.io 点对点小额小费与品牌忠诚度奖励无缝集成,其次是去中心化金融 Defi。. Lovefy.com 是一个全球市场,将来自 89 个国家/地区的 100 多万影响者与 Gucci、Armani、Versace、Ray Ban 和 Dior 等知名品牌的产品联系起来。. Love.io 股票代码:LOVE通过原生LOVE桥作为跨链代币开创。.
Love.io Ticker Symbol: LOVE,Love.io is a decentralized protocol for peer to peer value transfer connecting Web3,with traditional Social Media and ECommerce platforms. The protocol enables peertopeer microtipping and to earn LOVE loyalty rewards through sophisticated dApps. The protocol enables microtipping on X.com,Youtube,Twitch,Instagram,Facebook and much more. Love.io seamlessly integrates peer to peer microtipping with brand loyalty rewards,f
Oscarswap (oscar)
该项目是关于平衡计分卡链上的中心化农业和质押。是什么让您的项目与众不同我们有移动应用程序直播,我们的质押和农业池直播,用户可以在其中获得最高收益。项目的历史记录。我们已经在Arbitrum链上成功启动,现在我们的团队更专注于BSC链。您的项目的下一步是什么跨链互操作性集成和我们社区的无缝体验。您的代币可以用于什么 Oscarswap为我们的代币持有者提供了几个实用程序,其中包括。. 农业,质押和交易。.
What is the project aboutA decentrlized farming & staking on BSC chain.What makes your project uniqueWe have mobile app live,our staking.& farming pools live where users can earn highest yield.History of your project.We have delivered successful launch on Arbitrum chain now our team is more focused on BSC chain.What’s next for your projectCrosschain interoperability integration and seamless experience for our community.What can your token be used
22 PMX
Primex Finance (pmx)
Primex Finance是跨链主经纪商协议,允许交易者使用分散的贷方流动性在DEX上现货保证金交易,具有完全分散的交易执行机制。. 我们的目标是弥合最大的DeFi用例借贷和去中心化交易所之间的差距,并对数字资产市场进行碎片整理。金融服务和资产最终将过渡到去中心化的环境,人们可以自由交易和投资,无需中介,无论他们的社会地位、国籍或当前位置如何。. Primex的使命是使交易和投资无限,无需信任中间商即可在全球范围内访问。主要特点:Crossdex交易 除了特定的DEX之外,Primex还允许交易者在多个DEX上建立杠杆头寸,并且该头寸可以在一个DEX上开仓并在另一个DEX上平仓,具体取决于多种因素,包括相应货币对中的可用流动性。跨链交易和借贷对于贷方来说,这是一种在一条链上借出资产并在另一
Primex Finance is the crosschain prime brokerage protocol allowing traders to use decentralized lender liquidity to spot margin trade on DEXs,with a totally decentralized trade execution mechanism. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the biggest DeFi use cases Lending and decentralized exchanges and defragment the digital asset markets.Financial services and assets will eventually transition to decentralized environments,where people trade and
Pterosaur Finance (pter)
这个项目是关于什么的翼龙结合经典的挖矿和 NFT 应用程序,以使 Pter 代币成为社区支持的、稳步增长的代币,这是我们团队的初衷和使命是什么让您的项目独一无二翼龙正在创建一个项目,将 DeFi 和 MetaUniverse 技术相结合,为用户提供高利润、轻松有趣的 Web3.项目历史体验。我们在 2022 年组建了团队并规划了项目的初始路线图,并在 2023 年打开了网站并上线了代币您的项目的下一步 ·更多营销合作伙伴 ·跨链扩展 ·更多池集成 ·模块化开发组件 ·官方游戏发布 ·合成资产和衍生品交易你的代币可以用于什么 翼龙创造了许多有趣的 NFT,不同级别的 NFT 需要不同数量的 $PTER 代币才能购买。. 通过购买和质押NFT,用户可以赚取更多的$PTER,也有助于提高代币的流通
What is the project aboutPterosaur combines classic mining and nft applications in order to make the Pter token a communitybacked,steadily growing token,which is our teams original intention and missionWhat makes your project uniquePterosaur is creating a project to combine DeFi and MetaUniverse technologies to provide users with highly profitable,easy and fun experiences on Web3.History of your project.We built the team in 2022 and planned the i
Retro Finance (retro)
关于 ve3,3 多边形上的集中流动性 AMM 的项目是什么让您的项目独一无二集中流动性,o代币经济学,ve3,3 机制,thena 分叉,开放式齐柏林飞艇审计,一伙伴关系您的项目历史。. 大约一年前开始,并一直在与专门的开发人员,智能合约开发人员和F.E工程师团队一起构建平台。. 大社区关注,推动创新极限您的项目的下一步是什么 跨链您的代币可用于投票、费用生成、贿赂生成。.
What is the project about ve3,3 concentrated liquidity AMM on polygonWhat makes your project unique Concentrated liquidity,oTokenomics,ve3,3 mechanics,fork of thena,open zeppelin audit,ichi partnershipHistory of your project. started about a year ago and have been building the platform with a dedicated team of developers,smart contract devs and f.e engineers. big community following,pushing limits of innovationWhat’s next for your project Crossch
Sharky Swap (sharky)
Sharky Swap是一个基于Arbitrum区块链的去中心化交易所,它旨在建立一个全内置的DEX,区块链用户可以在其中找到他在冒险期间需要的每个功能。. 该团队已经在研究几个独特的功能,例如: 0% 稳定滑点 跨链桥 彩票启动板 永久$SHARKY令牌是该协议上的原生令牌,实际上可以通过将您的资产堆叠在他们的农场上进行耕种,但后来,他们计划通过在永久交换和启动板上为其持有者提供巨大优势来使其更有用。.
Sharky Swap is a decentralized exchange based on Arbitrum blockchain,It aims to build an allbuiltin DEX where a blockchain user can find every feature he needs during his adventure. The team is already working on several unique features such as: 0% Stable Slippage Crosschain bridges Lottery Launchpad Perpetual$SHARKY token is the native token on this protocol,it can be actually farmed by stacking your assets on their farms,but later,they plan on
26 SRS
Sirius Finance (srs)
Crosschain stablecoin AMM and Farming Center on Astar Network that attracts and locks tremendous value through stablecoins with lowslippage trading costs, attractive APY for liquidity providers on Astar Network, and allows for more financial innovations or yield enhancements for Astar users.Ultimately, it serves as a lowslippage swap protocol that connects Polkadot, EVMcompatible chains, other major layer1 chains and expanding use cases from stab
SolRazr (solr)
SolRazr 旨在成为基于 Solana 构建的项目事实上的筹款和开发者平台,旨在支持可扩展的 DeFi、NFT 和 web3 应用程序的发展。SolRazr 正在解决的关键问题如今,散户投资者在支持和成为建立在增长最快的网络 Solana 上的下一代创意和项目的早期增长阶段的一部分方面面临着越来越大的挑战。. SolRazr通过公平和分散的分配提供对项目的访问来解决这个问题。对于项目和开发人员,SolRazr提供了以真正分散的方式以闪电般的速度筹集资金的能力,帮助他们建立强大的社区以获得长期支持除了帮助项目筹集资金外,SolRazr还提供对许多开发人员工具的访问,以帮助他们在Solana上快速构建并尽早进入市场。主要特点可交易分配:通过利用 Solana 上 NFT 的力量重新构想代币销
SolRazr is designed to be the defacto fundraising and developer platform for projects build on Solana, aiming to support the growth of DeFi, NFTs and web3 applications that can scale.Key problems SolRazr is solvingRetail investors today face a growing challenge when it comes to supporting and becoming a part of the early growth phase of the nextgen ideas and projects built on the fastest growing network Solana. SolRazr solves this problem by pro
Stackswap (stsw)
Stackswap STSW是跨Stackswap产品和网络的实用代币。. 通过堆栈构建在比特币上,Stackswap是唯一允许用户在比特币上启动其代币化Web 3.0项目的无许可DEX。. 像Group Farming这样的产品允许项目奖励他们的用户,以及跨链交换直接从USDC,比特币和以太坊交换到Stackswap上列出的代币.Stackswap的创始团队领导尖端人工智能研究,旨在利用其专业知识让AI在Stackswap的DAO系统中拥有更大的投入,并提高所有参与平台的人的成功和活动。Stackswap允许无许可和无代码创建SIP010令牌,SIP010令牌是堆栈上的本机令牌。. 这些代币可用于访问各种产品,例如Stackswap Launchpad,以及正在与AI开发的Stackswa
Stackswap STSW is the utility token across Stackswap products and networks. Built on Bitcoin via Stacks,Stackswap is the only permissionless DEX that allows users to launch their tokenized Web 3.0 projects on Bitcoin. Products like Group Farming to allow projects to reward their users,and crosschain swaps to directly swap from USDC,Bitcoin,and Ethereum to tokens listed on Stackswap.With a founding team that led cuttingedge artificial intelligence
Stake DAO CRV (sdcrv)
Sequity DAO为CRV代币创建了一个液体储物柜,CRV代币是Curve的治理代币,称为sdCRV。. 由于 sdCRV 是 veCRV 的流动性形式,用户可以使用 sdCRV/CRV 池直接在质押 DAO 上存款和质押或在二级市场上购买。TL,DR:液体储物柜从可锁定代币中解锁以下内容:最大化收益率退出流动性转换回底层治理代币治理权力无投票锁定贿赂出售您的选票跨链可访问性来使用 veSDT 提高您的投票权液体储物柜质押 DAO 液体储物柜允许 DeFi 用户从可锁定代币中解锁权力,例如. 角度、FXS、CRV,而不必在收益率、投票权或流动性上妥协。. 借助 Stake DAO Liquid Lockers,任何提供资产的人都可以获得最大的收益提升,同时保留其代币原生协议的全部投票权和
Stake DAO created a liquid locker for the CRV token, the governance token of Curve, called sdCRV. As sdCRV is a liquid form of veCRV, users have the possibility to deposit and stake directly on Stake DAO or buy on the secondary market, using the sdCRV/CRV pool.TL;DR: Liquid Lockers unlock the following from lockable tokens:Maximised yieldExit liquidity convert back to underlying governance tokenGovernance power no votelockBribing sell your votesC
30 TRN
t3rn (trn)
什么是项目 aboutt3rn 是一种多链协议,为 Polkadot 生态系统带来故障安全、可互操作的执行和智能合约可组合性.t3rn 的最终目标是实现区块链之间的无信任协作,并创建一个任何人都可以利用和部署可互操作智能合约的生态系统,在一个开发人员因其贡献而获得公平奖励的生态系统中。用t3rn转动多链。是什么让您的项目独一无二可互操作。. 通过我们独特的网关解决方案连接到世界上最广泛采用的区块链。故障。. 如果交易在任何时候失败,都可以恢复,从而保证成功的跨链执行。可组合。. 跨链交易可以相互组合,允许涉及多个区块链的复杂执行。链上奖励。. 任何人都可以使用存储在我们开源注册表中的智能合约,而开发人员在用户使用他们的代码时获得报酬。创建 project.t3rn 的历史是为了提供一种新的方
What is the project aboutt3rn is a multichain protocol that brings failsafe,interoperable execution and smart contract composability to the Polkadot ecosystem and beyond.t3rn’s ultimate goal is to enable trustfree collaboration between blockchains and to create an ecosystem in which anyone can utilize and deploy an interoperable smart contract,in an ecosystem where developers are fairly rewarded for their contributions.Turn multichain with t3rn.W
31 DIS
TosDis (dis)
Tosdis金融产品是一个提供与DeFi(去中心化金融)相关的不同服务的网站。. 这些服务包括质押、流动性挖矿、液体质押和桥跨链兼容性。. EasyStake和Liquid Stake使人们可以轻松访问这些服务并在不同的网络中使用它们。. 还有审计报告,纸刻录和代币经济学股票代码DIS初始供应,有助于确保产品安全可靠。.
Tosdis Finance Products is a website that offers different services related to DeFi (Decentralized Finance). These services include Staking,Yield Farming,Liquid Staking,and Bridge Crosschain Compatibility. EasyStake and Liquid Staking make it easy for people to access these services and use them in different networks. There are also Audit Reports,Dispaper Burned,and Tokenomics Ticker DIS Initial Supply which help make sure the products are safe a
32 VDZ
Voidz (vdz)
VoidZ 为玩家提供游戏资产代币化和为游戏工作室提供 GPU 租赁将游戏内物品转换为现实世界的资产,并通过 AI 交易获得支持。. 体验一个让游戏永垂不朽的生态系统。VoidZ 可以称为用于全链跨链代币化的合成流动性协议,该协议涉及游戏现实世界资产 RWA。. VoidZ希望参与将游戏制造商锁定的传统游戏项目转变为投资和交换机会。. 我们的目标是释放这些游戏资产背后的金融潜力,使它们在区块链上作为RWAs代币进行访问和交易。. 在CS2和游戏内皮肤市场等高价值市场中,VoidZ有可能使玩家、开发者和其他利益相关者受益,他们看到了将区块链与游戏结合使用的可能性。.
VoidZ Tokenization of Gaming Assets for Players and GPU Rental for Gaming StudiosTransform ingame items into realworld assets and get support by AI trading. Experience an ecosystem where play earns its keep.VoidZ is what can be called a Synthetic Liquidity Protocol for Omnichain Crosschain Tokenization that concerns Gaming Real World Assets RWAs. VoidZ wants to be part of the development of transforming traditional gaming items locked by their ga
Voucher Ethereum 2.0 (veth)
项目是关于Bifrost的非托管液体质押解决方案将让用户质押他们的ETH,并获得vETH凭证ETH作为交换。. vETH是Bifrost vToken集合中的凭证代币之一,代表质押ETH的流动性质押衍生品。是什么让您的项目独一无二1.. 流动性和资本效率2.. 自动质押奖励捕获,无场景限制3。. 无需技术背景4.. 额外的收益产生机会5..
What is the project aboutBifrost noncustodial liquid staking solution will let users stake their ETH and receive vETH voucher ETH in exchange . vETH is one of the voucher tokens in the Bifrost vToken set,which represents the liquidstaking derivative of staked ETH .What makes your project unique1. Liquidity and capital efficiency2. Automatically Staking rewards capturing without scenario limitations3. No Technical Background Needed4. Extra yield g
34 ZFM
ZFM COIN是一种基于币安智能链的代币,具有销毁功能,高安全性,低费用,快速交易和环保。. ZFM硬币跨链资产被智能合约锁定。. 币安智能链保障数据安全。. ZFM 硬币代币具有燃烧功能,这意味着随着时间的推移,代币的数量会减少.......
ZFM COIN is a Binance Smart Chain based Token, with burn function, high security, low fees, fast transaction and eco friendly. ZFM COIN Crosschain Asset Locked by Smart Contract. Data Security Safeguarded by Binance Smart Chain. ZFM COIN Token has a burn function, which means that over time, the number of tokens will decrease..


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,047.70 1,801,387,279.40
2 BTC title=BTC 66,008.57 1,610,395,728.11
3 ETH title=ETH 3,183.87 745,478,491.99
4 SOL title=SOL 154.20 622,177,101.08
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 448,163,440.68
6 XRP title=XRP 0.54 270,520,808.24
7 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 173,914,489.27
8 ENA title=ENA 0.98 166,343,828.98
9 WIF title=WIF 2.84 157,864,584.53
10 NEAR title=NEAR 7.17 142,769,221.90
11 WLD title=WLD 5.56 105,401,034.58
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 99,733,357.20
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.51 77,085,456.36
14 ADA title=ADA 0.51 58,397,253.32
15 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.54 58,152,308.70
16 AVAX title=AVAX 38.12 56,241,836.39
17 SEI title=SEI 0.64 54,643,840.18
18 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 52,625,637.81
19 ORDI title=ORDI 47.60 50,268,874.68
20 RNDR title=RNDR 9.18 49,843,958.48
21 SUI title=SUI 1.34 47,393,218.81
22 FTM title=FTM 0.74 46,404,263.77
23 SAGA title=SAGA 4.11 45,840,687.94
24 LTC title=LTC 84.30 44,255,369.62
25 1000SATS title=1000SATS <0.01 44,031,670.80
26 TNSR title=TNSR 1.14 41,731,353.02
27 TIA title=TIA 11.28 41,146,613.98


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 BinaryX title=BNX 0.85 +19.81
2 Automata title=ATA 0.23 +18.55
3 Mobox title=MBOX 0.38 +15.85
4 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 +15.23
5 Gnosis title=GNO 407.30 +9.14
6 DODO title=DODO 0.19 +9.11
7 Ardor title=ARDR 0.12 +7.60
8 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +6.80
9 WINkLink title=WIN <0.01 +6.54
10 Phala title=PHA 0.23 +6.44
11 Bittensor title=TAO 512.90 +5.86
12 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.22 +5.39
13 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +5.03
14 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.89 +4.96
15 Cortex title=CTXC 0.35 +4.84
16 AVA title=AVA 0.73 +4.79
17 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.17 +4.76
18 Stacks title=STX 3.00 +4.46
19 IQ title=IQ <0.01 +4.22
20 Immutable title=IMX 2.37 +4.11
21 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.08 +3.69
22 OAX title=OAX 0.24 +3.64
23 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.65 +3.61
24 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.09 +3.54
25 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.11 +3.36
26 Steem title=STEEM 0.29 +3.35
27 Osmosis title=OSMO 1.01 +3.10
28 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 +3.09
29 Beefy title=BIFI 420.90 +2.81
30 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.22 +2.78


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Harvest Finance title=FARM 85.67 -9.55
2 Jito title=JTO 3.49 -7.77
3 REI Network title=REI 0.10 -7.60
4 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -7.57
5 MANTRA title=OM 0.67 -7.40
6 Ethena title=ENA 0.98 -7.39
7 Cream title=CREAM 48.43 -6.79
8 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -6.55
9 Enzyme title=MLN 23.31 -6.46
10 Omni Network title=OMNI 24.20 -6.31
11 W 0.59 -6.31
12 Akropolis title=AKRO <0.01 -6.19
13 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 -5.99
14 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.75 -5.72
15 ORDI title=ORDI 47.60 -5.52
16 THORChain title=RUNE 5.51 -5.37
17 Sui title=SUI 1.34 -5.28
18 Alchemix title=ALCX 27.59 -5.12
19 Portal title=PORTAL 1.01 -5.01
20 Pyth Network title=PYTH 0.67 -5.00
21 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.88 -4.95
22 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -4.85
23 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.94 -4.70
24 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.45 -4.58
25 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.20 -4.44
26 SPACE ID title=ID 0.82 -4.44
27 Synthetix Network title=SNX 3.02 -4.32
28 Aevo title=AEVO 1.72 -4.29
29 Saga title=SAGA 4.11 -4.26
30 Syscoin title=SYS 0.24 -4.15

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
2 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
3 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
4 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
5 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
6 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
7 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
8 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
9 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
10 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
11 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
12 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
13 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
14 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
15 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
16 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
17 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
18 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
19 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
20 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
21 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
22 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
23 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
24 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
25 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
26 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
27 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
28 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
29 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
30 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)
31 比特币减半炒作打破了长达一周的 ETF 流出连胜
(Bitcoin halving hype breaks week long ETFs outflow streak)
32 Pro XRP 律师要求成为 Coinbase 客户的法庭之友
(Pro XRP lawyer requests to be amicus curiae for Coinbase customers)
33 尼日利亚在非洲推出首个多语言大型语言模型
(Nigeria launches first multilingual large language model in Africa)
34 比特币减半 2024 这次有 5 种不同之处
(Bitcoin halving 2024 5 ways its different this time)
35 比特币减半:为什么它对BTC稀缺性很重要
(Bitcoin halving Why its important for BTC scarcity)
36 美国将与尼日利亚建立人工智能伙伴关系,促进经济增长
(USA to forge AI partnership with Nigeria for economic growth)
37 2024 年比特币减半是 BTC 价格最看涨的设置
(The 2024 Bitcoin halving is the most bullish setup for BTC price)
38 币安逃税案审判移至5月17日在尼日利亚举行
(Binance tax evasion trial moved to May 17 in Nigeria)
39 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
40 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)
41 以下是加密游戏Notcoin如何吸引超过3000万用户的创始人
(Heres how crypto game Notcoin onboarded over 30M users founder)
42 美国国税局发布2025年美国纳税人数字资产报告表草案
(IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for US taxpayers)
43 加密货币用户提议放弃对 Sam Bankman Fried 的诉讼,以追捕 FTX 影响者
(Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman Fried to pursue FTX influencers)
44 在这里,您可以实时观看比特币减半
(Heres where you can catch the Bitcoin halving live)
45 比特币减半 2024 完成并尘埃落定
(Bitcoin halving 2024 Done and dusted)
46 比特币用户在减半区块上花费了创纪录的2400万费用
(Bitcoin users spend record 24M in fees on halving block)
47 比特币矿业股在减半事件之前全面飙升
(Bitcoin mining stocks saw spikes across the board ahead of halving event)
48 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
49 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
50 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美国商品的估计产量 (Flash Manufacturing PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
2 美国服务估计 (Flash Services PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
3 美国新屋销售报告 (New Home Sales) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
4 里士满制造业指数报告 (Richmond Manufacturing Index) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
5 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
6 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
7 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
8 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
10 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
11 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
12 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
13 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
14 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
15 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
16 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
17 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
18 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
19 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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