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硬币相关 #Proof-of-Stake

币名 细节
Solana (sol)
Solana 加密是一个基于历史证明 PoH 和权益证明 PoS 共识的高吞吐量区块链。. Solana由网络工程师团队构建,旨在成为现代互联网应用的区块链基础设施。.
Solana crypto is a high throughput blockchain based on the Proof of History PoH and Proof of Stake PoS consensus. Built by a team of networking engineers, Solana aims to become the blockchain infrastucture for modern internet applications.
Sei Network (sei)
启动AppSei是一个区块链,旨在帮助人们构建和使用数字资产。. 它是最快的区块链,具有高吞吐量和500ms的最终性。. 它也非常安全,具有权益证明女巫保护和内置的前端预防。. Sei受到世界级机构和投资者的信任,并已筹集了1.2亿美元的生态系统资金。.
Launch AppSei is a blockchain designed to help people build and use digital assets. It's the fastest blockchain with high throughput and 500ms finality. It's also highly secure,with Proof of Stake Sybil Protection and built-in frontrunning prevention. Sei is trusted by world-class institutions and investors,and has raised $120 million in ecosystem funding.
Core (core)
由新的共识机制提供支持,Satoshi Plus,Core是一个利用比特币挖矿哈希率和以太坊虚拟机EVM的图灵完备区块链。. 中本聪Plus应用协议驱动的验证者选举机制,结合工作量证明PoW和委托权益证明DPoS的最佳功能,以确保安全性,可扩展性和去中心化的最大化。.
Powered by a new consensus mechanism,Satoshi Plus,Core is a Turingcomplete blockchain leveraging the Bitcoin mining hashrate and the Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM. Satoshi Plus applies a protocoldriven validator election mechanism to combine the optimal features of Proof of Work PoW and Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS in order to ensure the maximization of security,scalability,and decentralization.
MultiversX (Elrond) (egld)
埃尔隆德是新互联网的技术生态系统。. 其智能合约执行平台能够达到15,000 TPS,5s延迟和0.001美元tx成本,专注于金融科技,DeFi和IoT.Elrond的money和DeFi应用程序Maiar提供了直观的区块链首次体验,提供渐进的安全性和游戏化方法来解锁更多有用的功能。Elrond 权益证明经济模型供应有限,其代币名为eGold,以向下一个十亿用户传达数字价值存储的概念。.
Elrond is a technology ecosystem for the new internet. Its smart contracts execution platform is capable of 15,000 TPS, 5s latency and $0.001 tx cost, focused on fintech, DeFi and IoT.Elrond’s money & DeFi app Maiar offers an intuitive firsttime experience with blockchain, offering progressive security and a gamified approach to unlocking more useful features.The Elrond Proof of Stake economic model has a limited supply; its token is named eGold
XDC Network (xdc)
XDC网络是一家企业就绪的混合区块链技术公司,针对国际贸易和金融进行了优化。. XDC网络由称为XDC的原生硬币提供支持。. XDC协议的架构支持智能合约,2000TPS,2秒交易时间,KYC到主节点验证器节点。. XDC链XinFin数字合约使用XinFin委托权益证明XDPoS,旨在创建一个“高度可扩展,安全,许可和商业级”的区块链网络。. XinFin主网代币XDC还创造了利用XinFin真实世界用例(如 TradeFinex.org)的机会,帮助中小型企业或机构以数字化,完全结构化的方式发起自己的财务需求,以便他们可以使用通用的分配标准将其分发给银行或非银行出资者自己。.
XDC Network is an enterpriseready hybrid Blockchain technology company optimized for international trade and finance. The XDC Network is powered by the native coin called XDC. The XDC protocol is architected to support smart contracts, 2000TPS, 2seconds transaction time, KYC to Masternodes Validator Nodes. The XDC Chain XinFin Digital Contract uses XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake XDPoS, with the intending to create a ‘highlyscalable, secure, perm
Gas (gas)
Gas是Neo基金会创造的两种硬币之一。. 天然气被用作Neo硬币的加工费。Neo 哈希算法是权益证明 PoS,其中区块处理能力取决于矿工持有的代币数量,而不是工作量证明方法,该方法取决于矿工创建新区块的挖矿能力。Neo持有者每月获得一定量的Gas补偿,与乙醚气体的概念类似,用作交易交易的动力。. 它是一种硬币,作为对 PoS 挖矿产生的利息概念的补偿而支付。在发布之初,每天大约支付一个 Neo 和 1000 Neo,但它的设计算法随着时间的推移逐渐减少,这被价格上涨所抵消。它是一枚与尼奥息息相关的硬币,随着尼奥的崛起沿着同伴的路径行走,它形成了运动必须以流畅的方式移动的必然关系。.
Gas is one of the two coins created by Neo Foundation. Gas is used as a processing fees for Neo coin.Neo hashing algorithm is Proof of Stake PoS, where blocks processing power depends on the amount of tokens held by miners instead of the Proof of Work method which depends on the mining power that a miner has to create a new block.Neo holders is compensated with certain amount of Gas every month, is a similar concept to the ether gas and is used a
Reef (reef)
Reef 的目标是成为 DeFi、NFT 和游戏的未来区块链。. 我们的第 1 层区块链快速、可扩展、交易成本低且不浪费挖矿。. Reef采用下一代区块链技术,利用指定权益证明,可扩展EVM,链上可升级性,libp2p网络和最先进的加密技术。.
Reef aims to be the future blockchain for DeFi, NFTs, and gaming. Our layer 1 blockchain is fast, scalable, has low transaction costs and does no wasteful mining. Reef features nextgen blockchain technology, utilizing Nominated Proof of Stake, extensible EVM, onchain upgradability, libp2p networking and state of the art cryptography.
Ark (ark)
ARK为用户、开发人员和初创公司提供创新的区块链技术。. 他们的目标是创建一个完整的链接链生态系统和一个包含无穷无尽用例的虚拟蜘蛛网,使 ARK 具有高度的灵活性、适应性和可扩展性。. ARK是一个专为大规模采用而设计的安全平台,将提供消费者和开发人员需要的服务。. 它是快速的、分散的、可扩展的、协作的、桥接的和开源的。. ARK桌面钱包是为所有主要操作系统原生构建的。. ARK钱包连接到完全同步的网络对等体,无需下载完整的区块链。ARK使用委托权益证明DPoS共识算法进行操作。.
ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. They aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless usecases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need. It is fast, decentralized, scalable, collaborative, bridging and opensource. The ARK
Nano (xno)
Nano,一种基于创新的块点数据结构构建的低延迟加密货币,提供无限的可扩展性且无交易费用。. 纳米设计是一个简单的协议,其唯一目的是成为一种高性能的加密货币。. Nano协议可以在低功耗硬件上运行,使其成为日常使用的实用,分散的加密货币。最初的Nano RailBlocks论文和第一个beta实现于2014年12月发布,使其成为第一个基于有向无环图DAG的加密货币之一[6]。. 不久之后,其他DAG加密货币开始发展,最著名的是DagCoin/Byteball和IOTA。. 这些基于DAG的加密货币打破了区块链模式,提高了系统性能和安全性。. 字节球依靠由诚实、信誉良好和用户信任的“见证人”组成的“主链”达成共识,而IOTA则通过堆叠交易的累积PoW达成共识。.
Nano, a lowlatency cryptocurrency built on an innovative blocklattice data structure offering unlimited scalability and no transaction fees. Nano by design is a simple protocol with the sole purpose of being a highperformance cryptocurrency. The Nano protocol can run on lowpower hardware, allowing it to be a practical, decentralized cryptocurrency for everyday use.The original Nano RailBlocks paper and first beta implementation were published in
PIVX (pivx)
PIVX是一个面向用户数据保护的尖端区块链项目和加密货币,于2015年11月25日宣布,并于2016年1月30日发布。. 在基于夸克工作量证明算法推出时,它没有ICO,没有instamine或永久开发者预制。PIVX于2016年8月17日切换到权益证明算法,并从那时起开创了权益证明以及用户数据保护协议。. 其用户数据保护来自SHIELD,这是一种高度定制的匿名协议,基于集成到权益证明中的zkSNARKs树苗。. PIVX是一个分散的开源区块链/加密货币项目,由社区驱动的去中心化自治组织DAO管理,开发,治理和管理。. 它是一种权益证明PoS协议,使用自己定制开发的PoS共识引擎和本地加密货币,称为“PIV”。. PIVX集成了其他功能,包括通过主节点网络提供的第二层功能,该网络提供了分散的投
PIVX, a cutting edge User Data Protection oriented blockchain project and cryptocurrency, announced on November 25th 2015 and fairlaunched on January 30th 2016. Upon its launch based on the quark Proof of Work algorithm, it had no ICO, no instamine or perpetual developer premine.PIVX switched to a Proof of Stake algorithm on August 17th 2016 and has pioneered Proof of Stake as well as User Data Protection protocols ever since. Its user data prote
Vite (vite)
Vite 构建了世界上第一个基于 DAG 有向无环图的智能合约平台,采用快照链结构,促进零费用交易并优化交易速度、可靠性和安全性。. Vite 快照链利用分层委托权益证明“HDPoS”来实现网络共识。. Vite目前的产品包括一个真正去信任的DEX ViteX,一个以钱包为中心的超级应用程序Vite App和一个基于Vite的支付轨道VitePay.Vite的下一个目标是ViteBridge,一个通用的跨链解决方案,允许以分散的方式在任何两条链之间轻松转移资产。.
Vite has built the world’s first DAG Directed Acyclic Graph based smartcontract platform, with a Snapshot Chain structure to facilitate zerofee transactions and optimize transaction speed, reliability, and security. The Snapshot Chain of Vite utilizes Hierarchical Delegated Proof of Stake “HDPoS” to achieve network consensus. Vite’s current products include a truly trustless DEX ViteX, a walletcentric superapp Vite App and a Vitebased payment rai
WAX (waxp)
WAX是一种专门构建的区块链和协议令牌,旨在使所有参与者的电子商务交易更快,更轻松,更安全。. WAX区块链使用委托权益证明DPoS作为其共识机制,并与EOS完全向后兼容。. WAX开发的自定义功能和激励机制旨在优化区块链在电子商务中的可用性,并鼓励对公会和提案进行投票。WAX 创建了一套基于区块链的工具,在此基础上构建了 dApp、市场和原生不可替代代币 NFT。. 这些工具包括支持电子商务运营的服务,例如WAX云钱包,SSO和OAUTH,本机RNG服务和开发人员门户。. 据报道,由此产生的技术代表了一种具有500毫秒区块时间的区块链架构,对客户来说是免费的,并利用投票奖励来激励参与选择区块生产者和提案。.
WAX is a purposebuilt blockchain and protocol token designed to make ecommerce transactions faster, easier, and safer for all participants. The WAX Blockchain uses Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS as its consensus mechanism and is fully backward compatible with EOS. The custom features and incentive mechanisms developed by WAX are designed to optimize the blockchains usability in ecommerce, and encourage voting on guilds and proposals.WAX has create
13 ACT
Achain (act)
Achain是一个公共区块链平台,使各级开发人员能够发行代币并创建智能合约,去中心化应用程序和区块链系统。. Achain致力于构建信息交换和价值交易的全球区块链网络。. 与比特币或以太坊不同,Achain利用DPoS的修改版本——RDPoS结果委托权益证明来建立节点共识。. 不久,DPoS建议所有硬币持有者投票支持将产生下一个区块的验证者节点。在项目网站上,只列出了有关首席执行官Tony Cui的信息。. 崔永元取得了一些重大成就,包括获得中关村联盟未来之星奖,并入选著名风险投资杂志CYZONE的30位30岁以下精英。. LinkedIn,Achain有51名员工被列为员工。.
Achain is a public blockchain platform that enables developers of all levels to issue tokens and create smart contracts, decentralized applications, and blockchain systems. Achain is committed to building a global blockchain network for information exchange and value transactions. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, Achain utilizes a modified version of DPoS — RDPoS Resultdelegated Proof of Stake to establish node consensus. Shortly, DPoS suggests that a
14 FON
FONSmartChain (fon)
FON智能链是一种创新的解决方案,可为信标链带来可编程性和互操作性。. FON智能链依赖于一个由21个活跃验证者组成的系统,该系统具有质押权限证明APoS共识,可以支持较短的区块时间和更低的费用。. 质押的绑定最多的验证者候选者将成为验证者并产生区块。. 双符号检测等斜杠逻辑保证了安全性、稳定性和链的终结性。. 除了21个活跃的验证者外,FSC将引入更多的验证者,例如. 另外20个不活跃的验证器,进入验证器设置为备份,这将被称为“候选”。.
FON Smart Chain is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability to Beacon Chain. FON Smart Chain relies on a system of 21 active validators with Proof of Staked Authority APoS consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The doublesign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security,stability,and chain finality.
Ultima (ultima)
Ultima ULTIMA是Ultima生态系统的基础设施代币。. 这种加密货币基于易于扩展的智能区块链,该区块链在DPoS委托权益证明共识算法上运行。智能区块链网络以其独特的吞吐量而闻名——它每秒可以进行多达 2000 笔交易。. 此外,网络每三秒创建一个新区块,交易成本低。. 所有这些因素使ULTIMA成为在全球范围内进行日常交易的完美数字货币。目前,Ultima生态系统包括许多创新的区块链产品,例如DeFiU,一种允许用户在Ultima代币中获得质押奖励的技术,以及一个市场。Ultima技术团队在区块链行业拥有超过20年的经验,正在积极致力于推出实体加密借记卡,加密交换以及旅行和众筹平台。. ULTIMA 于 2023 年 3 月首次推出。. 目前,项目社区已覆盖来自120个国家的28
Ultima ULTIMA is the infrastructure token of the Ultima ecosystem. This cryptocurrency is based on an easily scalable Smart Blockchain that runs on the DPoS Delegated Proof of Stake consensus algorithm.The Smart Blockchain network is known by its unique throughput — it can conduct up to 2000 transactions per second. Moreover,the network creates a new block every three seconds and has low transaction costs. All these factors make ULTIMA a perfect
16 ZTX
Zetrix (ztx)
Zetrix 是第 1 层公共许可区块链,可促进智能合约并提供隐私、安全性和可扩展性。. Zetrix 中的加密基础设施可以引入多个行业,因为它为所有企业的采用创建了一个更加透明、安全和高效的流程。. Zetrix链使用DPOS委托权益证明和zBFT Zetrix拜占庭容错作为其共识机制来支持高速交易。. 使用此结构,它能够提供每秒 10,000 个事务的吞吐量。. 这使得链可以在不牺牲安全性的情况下保持高交易速度。欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的白皮书 zetrix.comZetrix成立于2021年,区块链作为一个公共区块链智能合约平台存在,旨在服务于中国以外的所有国际市场。. 在MYEG服务有限公司的带领下,这家东南亚公司还与中国信息通信研究院工业互联网与物联网研究所合作,实施Zetrix
Zetrix is a layer1 public permissioned blockchain that facilitates smart contracts and delivers privacy, security and scalability. The cryptographic infrastructure in Zetrix can be introduced in multiple industries as it creates a more transparent, secure and efficient process for the adoption of all enterprises. The Zetrix chain uses the DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake and zBFT Zetrix Byzantine Fault Tolerance as its consensus mechanism to support
AePos Network (aepos)
AePos 是开创性的第 2 层区块链,利用其开创性的 AI 增强权益证明 AePoS 机制重新定义区块链技术,提高效率、安全性和可扩展性,以实现智能、去中心化的未来。.
AePos stands as the pioneering Layer 2 Blockchain,leveraging its groundbreaking AIEnhanced Proof of Stake AePoS mechanism to redefine blockchain technology,enhancing efficiency,security,and scalability for an intelligent,decentralized tomorrow.
18 RIA
aRIA Currency (ria)
下一代权益证明共识 – 超快速、对等 2 对等电子现金系统,交易费用非常低。. 成为您自己的银行,完全控制您的数字资产。. 或者只是持有被动收入。. 比特币2.0。.
Next generation Proof of Stake consensus – a Super Fast, peer 2 peer Electronic Cash System with a very low transaction fee. Be your own bank with full control of your digital assets. Or just hold for passive income. Bitcoin 2.0
BEFY (befy)
Befy 是一个去中心化的桥梁,允许比特币和 EVM 兼容网络之间的跨链交易。. 它旨在为用户提供连接性、效率和安全性。. Befy 将用户账户和资金的安全放在首位,采取严格的措施,例如将资金整合到安全的冷钱包中,并使用审批系统进行提款。. 该平台还通过提供流畅可靠的跨链代币转移体验来关注用户体验,尤其是 BRC20 代币。. Befy 致力于去中心化,并使用不可变的合约运作。. 它计划通过权益证明框架引入去中心化的桥接节点,允许用户成为桥接节点并获得奖励。.
Befy is a decentralized bridge that allows for cross-chain transactions between Bitcoin and EVM-compatible networks. It aims to provide connectivity,efficiency,and security for users. Befy prioritizes the security of user accounts and funds,employing rigorous measures such as consolidating funds into secure cold wallets and using an approval system for withdrawals. The platform also focuses on user experience by offering a smooth and reliable cro
Bidao Smart Chain (bisc)
必道智能链是一个新的L1区块链。. BiSC使用像以太坊这样的权益证明共识算法。. BiSC是开放和无许可的,因此每个人都可以部署智能合约。. BiSC的目标是比以太坊更便宜,更快。.
Bidao Smart Chain is a new L1 blockchain. BiSC uses the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm like Ethereum. BiSC is open and permissionless,so that everyone can deploy smart contracts. The goal of BiSC is to be cheaper and faster than Ethereum.
21 BTC2
Bitcoin 2 (btc2)
Bitcoin 2 是一个可扩展的比特币分叉,支持通过 Zerocoin 协议进行的私人交易,并支持主节点几乎即时验证的支付.Bitcoin 2 使用权益证明系统,允许任何运行基本笔记本电脑的人在为运行区块链做出贡献的同时获得区块奖励。.
Bitcoin 2 is a scalable Bitcoin fork that supports private transactions through the Zerocoin protocol and nearly instantly verified payments by Masternodes.Bitcoin 2 uses a Proof of Stake system that allows anyone even running a basic laptop to get block rewards while contributing to running the blockchain.
BitcoinPoS (btcs)
比特币质押 真正的比特币在区块 301448 过渡到权益证明所有 BSK 都是从 2014 年开始使用真正的 BTC 密钥开采的。.
BitcoinStaking Real Bitcoin transitioned to Proof of Stake at block 301448All BSKs have been mined using real BTC keys from 2014.
23 BTS
BitShares (bts)
比特股符号BTS,以前称为ProtoShares PTS,是一种工业级“加密股权”,基于委托权益证明DPoS算法的点对点分布式账本和网络。. 它由有远见的Dan Larimer“Bytemaster”于2014年创建,他是Steemit,EOS和Cryptonomex的联合创始人。. 比特股基于Graphene,这是一种开源C++区块链实现,充当共识机制。. 石墨烯被其他几个项目使用 Steemit.com 如去中心化的Reddit,博客平台,以及 PeerPlays.com 游戏网站和令牌PPY指示现实世界的使用情况。比特股通过发行抵押的市场挂钩和稳定的比特资产(也称为智能币)与银行竞争。. 这意味着基于加密的资产跟踪现实世界的市场资产,例如以美元计价的“bitAsset”,称为bitUS
BitShares symbol BTS, formerly known as ProtoShares PTS, is an industrial grade “cryptoequity”, peer to peer distributed ledger and network based on a Delegated Proof of Stake DPoS algorithm. It was created in 2014 by visionary Dan Larimer “Bytemaster”, cofounder of Steemit, EOS and Cryptonomex. BitShares is based on Graphene, an open source C++ blockchain implementation, which acts as a consensus mechanism. Graphene is used by several other proj
24 BLK
BlackCoin (blk)
BlackCoin最初是作为工作量证明硬币,但已经发展成为独特版本的权益证明。. 钱包用户只能解锁钱包进行质押。BlackCoin具有以下规格: 极其安全:首先修复SSL心跳,交易延展性,BIP66 签署区块和区块奖励的概率不再取决于铸币。. 推荐确认:10,到期:500 最低交易费用:0.0001 BLK 定义的区块时间目标:64 秒 最大重组深度:500 块 通货膨胀:约0.95%。. PoS区块奖励:1.5 BLK+费用 累计奖励与总余额和质押时间成正比。. 以当前网络权重进行 24/7 质押导致预期回报率利率约为 5%。. BlackCoin通过持续质押来奖励支持区块链的用户。.
BlackCoin started of as a Proof of Work coin but has evolved to a unique version of Proof of Stake. Wallet users can unlock wallet for staking only.BlackCoin features the following specifications: Extremely secure: Among first with fix on SSL heartbeat, Transaction malleability, BIP66 The probability to sign a block and the block reward does not depend on coinage anymore. Recommended confirmations: 10, maturity: 500 Minimum transaction fee: 0.000
25 BST
BlockStar (bst)
BlockStar是一个庞大的以用户为中心的平台去中心化生态系统,重新定义了人们如何参与社交媒体,创建和共享内容,以及在全球范围内进行加密货币交易。. 凭借植根于数据隐私的理念,BlockStar引入了一个生态系统,结束了不受限制地访问用户数据的传统商业模式,并带来了一个内容货币化的钟摆转向有利于内容创作者的领域。BST令牌是BlockStar的原生令牌,符合ERC20标准,为BlockStar生态系统提供动力并为BlockStar区块链提供动力。. BlockStar的BST令牌用于交易费用,生态系统广告池,平台用户奖励,以及保护BlockStar网络。BlockStar生态系统的旗舰组件是他们的第三代区块链,它是所有BlockStar平台的基石。. 这个强大的拜占庭容错共识协议二元组是一
BlockStar is an immense decentralized ecosystem of usercentric platforms redefining how people engage in social media,create and share content,and transact in cryptocurrency worldwide. With a philosophy rooted in data privacy,BlockStar introduced an ecosystem that ends the traditional business model of unfettered access to user data,and brings about a realm where the pendulum of content monetization is shifted to favor the content originator.BST
26 BLX
BlocX (blx)
项目内容BlocX是一种第1层区块链技术,专注于速度,低汽油费和网络的安全性。. 该技术旨在满足不同EVM区块链网络之间日益增长的互操作性需求,随着区块链网络和应用程序数量的持续增长,这一点变得越来越重要。. 该机制设计为高度可扩展,允许快速有效地处理大量事务。. BlocX的主要特点之一是它能够与其他EVM区块链网络无缝集成,允许用户轻松地在不同区块链之间传输资产和数据。. 这是通过使用智能合约来实现的,智能合约允许自动透明地执行复杂的交易。. BlocX的另一个重要特征是它对安全性的关注。.
What is the project aboutBlocX is a Layer 1 blockchain technology that focuses on Speed,Low gas fee and The secureness of the network. The technology has been designed to address the growing need for interoperability between different EVM blockchain networks,which is becoming increasingly important as the number of blockchain networks and applications continues to grow. This mechanism is designed to be highly scalable,allowing for large numbers o
BYTE BSC (byte)
BYTE是一种基于区块链的尖端数字资产,旨在彻底改变去中心化生态系统中的数据交换和存储。. 利用区块链技术,BYTE为个人和组织提供了一个安全透明的平台,让他们可以自信和高效地交换数据。. BYTE作为去中心化网络中的价值单位,促进无缝交易并激励参与数据共享协议。. 其去中心化的性质确保了数据交换的发生,无需依赖传统的中介机构,从而降低了成本并消除了单点故障。. BYTE采用先进的共识机制来维护网络完整性并防止欺诈活动。. 通过利用权益证明或工作量证明等共识算法,BYTE确保了存储在区块链上的数据的可靠性和不变性。.
BYTE is a cuttingedge blockchainbased digital asset designed to revolutionize data exchange and storage within decentralized ecosystems. Leveraging blockchain technology,BYTE offers a secure and transparent platform for individuals and organizations to exchange data with confidence and efficiency. BYTE serves as a unit of value within decentralized networks,facilitating seamless transactions and incentivizing participation in datasharing protocol
Catscoin (cats)
CATScoin是一个加密货币区块链,具有权益证明POS和主节点MN功能。. 用户可以通过两种不同的方式为网络做出贡献。. 权益证明:每个区块奖励的10%归项目利益相关者所有。. 质押的个人将获得一部分 POS 奖励。. 主节点:每个博克奖励的90%都归主节点持有者所有。.
CATScoin is a cryptocurrency blockchain, with Proof of Stake POS and Masternode MN functions. Users can contribute to the network in two separate ways. Proof of Stake: 10% of every block reward goes to the stake holders of the project. Individuals that stake will receive a portion of the POS rewards. Masternodes: 90% of every bock reward goes to masternode holders.
CENNZnet (cennz)
什么是CENNZnetCENNZnet是新西兰建立的公共区块链网络,为分散的应用程序DApp和加密货币CENNZ和CPAY提供支持。. 它是一个用户优先的dapp平台,使首次构建者和最终用户可以访问基于区块链的服务,以便每个人都可以享受去中心化提供的更高的网络透明度,数据隐私和可靠性。CENNZnet如何运作双代币经济CENNZnet使用独特的双代币系统,以帮助开发人员,用户和代币持有者从网络中获得最佳收益。CENNZnet有2个代币:CENNZ是质押代币,它单独工作以阻止奖励。. 这意味着它可以在不影响使用网络成本的情况下增加价值。. 这一点很重要,因此CENNZ的价格可以继续上涨,而不会影响开发人员和用户为使用DApps而支付的金额.CPAY是网络中的gas,用于支付交易费用。. 这也是
What is CENNZnetCENNZnet is a New Zealand built public blockchain network which powers decentralised applications DApps and the crypto currency CENNZ and CPAY. Its a userfirst dapp platform which makes blockchain based services accessible for first time builders and end users so that everyone can enjoy the increased network transparency, data privacy and reliability that decentralisation offers.How does CENNZnet workThe dual token economyCENNZnet
ChessCoin 0.32% (chess)
Chescoin032是一种加密货币,它使用一种称为权益证明(POS)的特殊技术来制作新区块。. 它有8个确认,区块时间为5分钟,每个区块最多可以做21000笔交易。. 交易费用为每 Kb 00001 国际象棋。. 区块链是25 Gb大,它是实用和务实的。. 您现在可以下载您的钱包以使用您的国际象棋!.
Chesscoin 032 is a cryptocurrency that uses a special kind of technology called the Proof of Stake (POS) to make new blocks. It has 8 confirmations,a blocktime of 5 minutes,and can do up to 21000 transactions per block. Transactions cost 00001 Chess per each Kb. The blockchain is 25 Gb big and it is practical and pragmatic. You can download your wallet now to use your Chesscoins!
Coin Edelweis (edel)
受雪绒花名字和报价哲学的启发,我们创建了雪绒花币作为一种分散的加密货币与投资混合。2022 年 7 月启动的雪绒花币项目是权益证明和主节点币。. 雪绒花硬币EDEL是一种投资硬币,主要目的是成为一种分散的加密货币,与投资计划相结合,为多样化提供便利,使项目随着时间的增加而更有价值。拥有EDEL的一些好处:1。. 拥有3个Portofolio投资,将资金分配到3种市场,投资的利润可用于回购计划.2.. 主节点和质押奖励,从主节点和质押硬币中给予所有用户奖励,以便用户可以在不丢失主币的情况下出售奖励.3.. 回购计划,将投资利润分配给回购硬币,以保持项目的稳定性和流动性.4.. 市场流动性,将通过增加用户和预定回购计划来创造。.
Inspired by Edelweis flowers name, and philosophy of the quote, we created Edelweis Coin as a decentralized cryptocurrency mixed with investment.Edelweis Coin project launched on July, 2022 is a Proof of Stake and Masternode Coin. Edelweis Coin EDEL is an investment coin with main aims are to be a decentralized cryptocurrency mixed with investment program, providing convenience in diversifying, make the project even more valuable with increasing
Cudos (cudos)
什么是库多斯 CUDOS 为去中心化计算网络提供支持,该网络将与多个区块链生态系统互操作,以提供以下好处:1.. 基于Tendermint协议Wasm兼容性构建的可信第1层验证器网络,只要智能合约编译为WebAssembly,就可以使用下一代语言部署在CUDOS上。. Golang, Rust, Java 等2.. 由于网络的区块链间通信IBC集成,跨链或水平互操作性,允许Cudos网络智能合约与多个网络接口.3。. 与 PoW 网络相比,交易和 gas 成本降低 10 倍 可大规模扩展的网络,可促进更复杂的智能合约操作4。.
What is CUDOS CUDOS powers a decentralised compute network that will interoperate with multiple blockchain ecosystems to provide the following benefits:1. Trusted layer 1 validator network built on the Tendermint protocol Wasm compatibility, for smart contracts to be deployed on CUDOS using nextgeneration languages so long as they compile to WebAssembly. I.e. Golang, Rust, Java etc.2. Crosschain or Horizontal interoperability thanks to the netwo
33 D
Denarius (d)
Denarius是一种基于中本聪原始比特币核心的新加密货币。. Denarius具有许多变化,例如隐形地址,加密消息,Tribus是一种抗ASIC的新PoW哈希算法,以及在3年的混合PoW / PoS生命周期内最多创建10,000,000个DNR,然后在前3年后完全过渡到权益证明。.
Denarius is a new cryptocurrency based off the original Bitcoin Core by Satoshi Nakamoto. Denarius features many changes, such as Stealth Addresses, Encrypted Messaging, Tribus a new PoW hashing algorithm that is ASIC resistant, and a max of 10,000,000 DNR to be created during the hybrid PoW/PoS lifecycle of 3 years, which then transitions to Proof of Stake entirely after the first 3 years.
Diva Staking (diva)
** 项目是关于什么的Diva Stake是一种由分布式验证器技术提供支持的以太坊流动性质押协议 DVT使您的项目独一无二** Diva使用自己的DVT提供更好的正常运行时间和风险管理,无需集中方:Divas DVT系统提供了新颖的风险缓解机制,这要归功于其容错和共识机制,可防止单个运营商造成损害。这旨在反映以太坊坚如磐石的权益证明机制。 经济保护:Diva运营商被抵押,为质押者提供皮肤游戏和经济保证,以防止任何潜在的损失。 审查保护:Diva 运营商无需许可,可能由数千个具有不同设置和地理位置的独立实体运行。 🏦 💬 🔐 黑客保护:天后操作员无法访问验证器密钥,因此,即使它们被黑客入侵,它们也不能单方面对协议造成损害。 接管保护:Diva不是由任何单个实体运营的。 🛡️. Diva是一个去
** What is the project aboutDiva Staking is an Ethereum Liquid Staking protocol powered by Distributed Validator Technology DVTWhat makes your project unique** Diva uses its own DVT to provide better uptime and risk management with no centralized parties:Divas DVT system provides novel risk mitigation mechanisms,thanks to its fault tolerance and consensus mechanisms preventing single Operators from causing damages.This has been designed to mirror
DogeCash (dogec)
DogeCash DOGEC是一种透明的,社区管理的加密货币,旨在保留DogeCoin的独特之处,同时提供另一种参与方式。. 这是通过创建DogeNodes,利用权益证明和积极治理来完成的。.
DogeCash DOGEC is a transparent, communitygoverned cryptocurrency aimed at preserving what makes DogeCoin unique while offering an alternative way to get involved. This is done through the creation of DogeNodes, utilization of Proof of Stake, and active governance.
EgonCoin (egon)
EgonCoin项目是一项区块链计划,始于2017年,专注于提供去中心化的金融服务。. 它具有类似于以太坊的主网,提供速度和成本效益的改进。. EgonCoin采用提升的权益证明EPoS来增强安全性和可扩展性,并支持去中心化应用程序dApp。. 该生态系统包括资金转账、支付解决方案等服务,并支持 NFT、DAO 和 Metaverse。. 原生 EgonCoin 代币促进了生态系统内的交易、DeFi 服务和质押。. EgonWallet是一个关键组件,是EgonCoins去中心化金融愿景不可或缺的自我托管钱包。.
The EgonCoin project is a blockchain initiative that began in 2017,focused on providing decentralized financial services. It features a mainnet similar to Ethereum,offering speed and costeffectiveness improvements. EgonCoin employs the Elevated Proof of Stake EPoS for enhanced security and scalability and supports decentralized applications dApps. The ecosystem includes services like fund transfers,payment solutions,and supports NFTs,DAOs,and the
Elysium Royale (royal)
Elysium Royale 通过利用区块链技术提供完全去中心化的游戏体验来改变在线游戏。. 这种方法确保了更快、更具成本效益和更高效的交易,使我们有别于传统的在线游戏平台。. 除了游戏之外,我们还通过参与我们的权益证明和主节点共识机制,为我们的社区提供被动收入的机会。. 通过质押皇家币或设置主节点,用户不仅可以增强网络安全,还可以提高其整体效率,为Elysium Royale生态系统中的奖励和积极参与开辟途径。.
Elysium Royale transforms online gaming by leveraging blockchain technology to offer a fully decentralized gaming experience. This approach ensures quicker,costeffective,and more efficient transactions,setting us apart from traditional online gaming platforms. Beyond gaming,we provide our community with opportunities for passive income through participation in our Proof of Stake and Masternode consensus mechanism. By staking Royal coins or settin
38 ETH-2.0
ETH 2.0 (eth 2.0)
ETH 2.0 是一种突破性的加密货币,体现了技术创新的本质。. 它代表了数字资产领域的重大飞跃,有望重塑金融及其他领域的未来。在以太坊成功的基础上,ETH 2.0引入了区块链技术的革命性方法。. 通过实施一种称为权益证明PoS的新型共识机制,它带来了无与伦比的可扩展性,安全性和能源效率。. 这一技术突破不仅增强了整体用户体验,还为去中心化应用程序的大规模采用铺平了道路。凭借ETH 2.0,我们处于推动金融行业技术转型的最前沿。. 通过实现更快的交易处理和降低费用,我们使个人和企业能够无缝安全地进行跨境交易。. 我们的愿景是创造一个超越传统界限的去中心化经济,培育一个全球金融包容性和赋权的新时代。加入我们,用 ETH 2.0 拥抱数字金融的未来。.
ETH 2.0 is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency that embodies the essence of technological innovation. It represents a significant leap forward in the world of digital assets,promising to reshape the future of finance and beyond.Building upon the success of Ethereum,ETH 2.0 introduces a revolutionary approach to blockchain technology. By implementing a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of Stake PoS,it brings forth unparalleled scalability,securit
39 GC
Globel Community (gc)
Globel 社区区块链代表了区块链技术领域的范式转变,体现了 Layer1 架构、以太坊虚拟机 EVM 兼容性和权益证明 PoS 共识机制的变革性综合。. 这种独特的技术融合成为分布式账本领域的创新灯塔,旨在为全球用户和开发人员提供可扩展、高效和多功能的解决方案。. Layer1 是 Globel 社区区块链的基础,是交易不仅被记录,而且被处理和保护的基石。. 它是支撑整个区块链架构的关键层,确保网络的无缝运行。. 在 Globel 社区区块链中包含 EVM 兼容性是一个标志性功能,可提升其实用性。. 它使区块链能够完美地执行智能合约和最初为以太坊区块链开发的去中心化应用程序。.
The Globel Community Blockchain represents a paradigm shift in the realm of blockchain technology,embodying a transformative synthesis of Layer1 architecture,Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM compatibility,and a Proof of Stake PoS consensus mechanism. This unique confluence of technology emerges as a beacon of innovation in the distributed ledger landscape,aiming to provide scalable,efficient,and versatile solutions to users and developers across the
Goricher (goricher)
GORICHER,它是一个公共区块链平台,旨在成为一个具有多资产账本和可变智能合约的去中心化应用程序DApp开发平台。. GORICHER运行在权益证明共识协议上,GORICHER的主要加密货币被称为“GORICHER” GORICHER拥有可扩展的解决方案,单侧链最高交易容量为70,000 TPS,未来团队将添加更多侧链,让百万交易在一秒钟内变得更容易。. 它创建了自己的第 1 层 PoW 和第 2 层 PoS 解决方案,以加快交易速度并永远降低费用。.
GORICHER,it’s a Public Blockchain platform,that is aimed to be a decentralized application DApp development platform with a multi asset ledger and variable smart contract. GORICHER run on Proof of Stake Consensus protocol,the primary cryptocurrency of GORICHER is called “GORICHER” GORICHER has scalable solution with the highest transaction capacity of 70,000 TPS in single sidechain,in future team will add more sidechain,so that millions transacti
41 GNT
GreenTrust (gnt)
GreenTrust Token “GNT” 是一个可持续的去中心化区块链应用程序,以成为第一个具有碳中和网络的实用代币而自豪。它的效用在于它允许用户通过将GNT换成“CO2抵消证书”来减少个人碳足迹的能力。GreenTrust Token的目标是对比区块链技术的碳排放,并促进加密货币流程和应用中的可持续能源使用。. GNT认为,碳中和可以通过承诺测量,减少并最终抵消碳足迹来实现。. 为了测量GNT网络的碳足迹,开发了“绿色信任令牌模型”。. 该模型动态地将 GNT 交易的数量与等效的 CO2 排放量联系起来。. 为了减少并最终抵消二氧化碳排放,GNT团队致力于沿着两条主要路线实施和加速举措:源头补偿和减少。因此,GreenTrust Token使用区块链来调整不同利益相关者,开发商和企业的
GreenTrust Token “GNT” is a sustainable decentralized blockchain application that prides itself of being the first Utility Token with a carbonneutral network.Its utility resides on its capability to allow users to reduce their individual carbon footprint by exchanging GNT for “CO2 Offset Certificates”.The goal of GreenTrust Token is to contrast the carbon emission of the blockchain technology and promote sustainable energy use in cryptocurrencies
42 GRC
Gridcoin (grc)
Gridcoin is a cryptocurrency which rewards volunteer distributed computation performed on the BOINC platform on top of Proof of Stake.
43 G
GRN Grid (g)
GRN是GRID Blockchain的原生代币,主要用作EXNode的链上治理,交易费用支付和链上流动性.The Grid是一个第1层区块链,其构建重点是五个支柱:安全性,可持续性,速度,可扩展性和稳定性.Grid旨在在安全性和可扩展性方面树立榜样,同时采取可持续性优先的方法。. 网格是利用一种新的权益证明方法构建的,具有对数加权股权投票权和锁定的安全池。. 加权导致验证奖励的累进支付,是行业首创。. 选择这些方法来抵消基于PoS共识的两个主要缺点,即权力下放和顶级持有者积累财富。网格与区块链行业中的现有库广泛互操作,同时还实现了关键功能,以便更轻松地从其他去中心化技术过渡。. 这些功能包括集成的支付和托管系统、交换池和加密通信。. 下面列出了这些功能:.
GRN is the indigenous token of the GRID Blockchain and serves primarily as onchain governance, payment for transaction fees and onchain liquidity for EXNode.The Grid is a layer 1 blockchain that is built with focus on five pillars: Security, Sustainability, Speed, Scalability and Stability.Grid aims to set an example in safety and scalability while taking a sustainability first approach. The Grid is built utilising a novel approach to Proof of St
44 HAL
Halcyon (hal)
Halcyon Coin是一种去中心化的数字货币,于2014年8月16日推出,工作量证明PoW期持续约9天。. Halcyon的开发是为了让PoW期与权益证明阶段PoS同时运行,最终接管区块链作为确认交易的一种手段。. Halcyon在没有Premine或IPO的情况下推出。. 利益相关者因持有他们的硬币而获得奖励,每年 9% 的比率。. 这个比率本身也是复合的,质押者将获得奖励交易费用作为额外的激励。. 钱包余额超过2000个硬币的Halcyon用户将很快能够作为主节点参与,这将提供另一个剩余收入来源。.
Halcyon Coin is a decentralized digital currency, launching August 16th 2014 with a Proof of Work PoW period lasting approximately 9 days. Halcyon was developed so the PoW period would run simulataneously with the Proof of Stake phase PoS, which eventually took over the blockchain as a means to confirm transactions. Halcyon was launched with no Premine or IPO. Stake holders are rewarded for holding their coins, at a rate of 9% annually. This
HTMLCOIN是驱动Althash混合区块链的基础硬币和气体。. HTMLCOIN环境将自己描述为一个分散的工作量证明/权益证明混合区块链,具有快速和安全的交易。. 虽然它使用哈希函数和比特币的基础层来创建安全的区块链和不可逆的地址映射,但它集成了以太坊 EVM(又名 HVM),将多个 Dapps/程序作为全球分散、故障安全和安全的计算机系统运行,此外,还可以创建基于以太坊的智能合约。. Althash区块链允许人们在其平台上有效地建立生态系统,并通过HTMLCOIN为它们提供动力,这意味着Althash / HTMLCOIN可以拥有自己的各种代币生态系统,从HRC20 ERC20简单的可替代代币,HRC721 ERC721,例如与NFT一起使用,到允许铸造可调节新代币的专用复杂程序,这些
HTMLCOIN is the base coin and gas that powers the Althash hybrid blockchain. The HTMLCOIN environment describes itself as a decentralized ProofofWork/ProofofStake hybrid blockchain with fast and secure transactions. While it uses the hashing function and the base layer of Bitcoin to create a secure blockchain and irreversible address mapping, it integrates Ethereum EVM, aka HVM, to run multiple Dapps/programs as a worldwide decentralised, failsaf
46 KEK
KeKChain (kek)
Kekchain是DeFiKekChain的PoAWR区块链,与以太坊一样,允许各方使用代码创建智能合约,以指定执行合约功能的虚拟机的行为。. KekChain致力于解决可扩展性和可用性问题,同时不影响去中心化。. KekChain依赖于具有权益证明和权威PoSA共识的系统,该系统可以支持较短的区块时间和较低的费用。. 该团队还创建了符合erc721标准的.kek域名,类似于ENS域名。.
Kekchain is A PoAWR Blockchain for DeFiKekChain, like Ethereum, allows parties to create smart contracts using code to specify the behavior of the virtual machine VM that executes the contracts function. KekChain strives to solve scalability and usability, without compromising decentralization. KekChain relies on a system with Proof of Stake and Authority PoSA consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The team has also created .
47 MAG
Magnus (mag)
Magnus 是一个融合了 Masternode MN 和权益证明 PoS 协议的创新网络,促进了积极的社区参与。. 通过质押MAG币和设置主节点,用户可以在我们的生态系统中解锁各种机会。. 我们的平台还具有独特的 NFT 收藏,为持有者提供独家奖励。Magnus的核心是通过质押和主节点部署来激励用户,促进去中心化网络不受中心化治理的影响。. 通过Magnus,用户可以享受快速,无费用的交易,确保所有参与者的最佳利益。.
Magnus is an innovative network amalgamating Masternode MN and Proof of Stake PoS protocols,fostering active community engagement. By staking MAG coins and setting up masternodes,users unlock diverse opportunities within our ecosystem. Our platform also features unique NFT collections,granting exclusive rewards to holders.At its core,Magnus incentivizes users through staking and masternode deployment,promoting a decentralized network free from ce
Maria (maria)
玛丽亚币是一种权益证明加密货币硬币,用于玛丽亚生态系统以及所有使用 Maria Pay 并通过它激活玛丽亚硬币支付的平台/企业。玛丽亚硬币详细信息:PoW:区块 1 199PoS:从区块 200 ∞Premine:8,888,888 区块时间:60 秒到期:100 确认MN 抵押品:100,000前缀:玛丽亚地址以大写字母开头 MPorts:47773奖励和减半:块从和到奖励200 500000 888 玛丽亚500000 1000000 444 玛丽亚1000001 1500000 222 玛丽亚1500001 2000000 111 玛丽亚2000001 2500000 55.5 玛丽亚2500001 无限制 27.75 玛丽亚细分:10% 国库, 60%主节点奖励,30%质押者奖励使用
Maria Coin is a Proof of Stake cryptocurrency coin to be used at the Maria ecosystem and all the platforms/businesses that use Maria Pay and activate Maria coin payments via it.Maria Coin details:PoW: blocks 1 199PoS: from the block 200 ∞Premine: 8,888,888Block Time: 60 SecondsMaturity: 100 ConfirmationsMN Collateral: 100,000Prefix: Maria addresses start with the capital letter MPorts: 47773Rewards and Halving:Block from & to Reward200 5000
Meter Governance (mtrg)
MTRG是仪表系统的治理令牌。. Meter是最分散和最快的以太坊侧链网络,具有本地亚稳态气体货币。. MTRG用于通过HotStuff风格的权益证明共识验证交易,并参与Meter网络的治理。. 港铁是仪表网络的汽油代币。.
MTRG is the governance token of the Meter system. Meter is the most decentralized and fastest Ethereum sidechain network with a native metastable gas currency. MTRG is used to validate transactions via HotStuff Style Proof of Stake consensus and participate in the governance of the Meter network. MTR is the gas token for the Meter network.
Movo Smart Chain (movo)
Movo智能链是一个去中心化的权益证明区块链,由MOVO币提供支持。. Movo Chain 是最快的第 2 层区块链:速度、安全性和以用户为中心。.
Movo Smart Chain functions as a decentralized Proof of Stake blockchain,powered by the MOVO coin. Movo Chain is the fastest Layer 2 blockchain: Speed,Security,and UserCentricity.
51 NAV
Navcoin (nav)
什么是导航币 NAVNavcoin于2014年推出,是一种开源数字货币,提供快速可靠的支付,具有创新的技术和隐私功能。. 将硬币存储在 Navcoin 钱包上允许进行公共或私人交易,通过质押进行网络验证或混合硬币以增强隐私来获得奖励,并在项目提案中进行投票。 Navcoin密码系统的独特之处在于,公共NAV硬币可以1:1转换为xNAV,这是一种革命性的隐私硬币,可确保无法追踪的交易。. 此外,Navcoin还推出了wNAV,这是NAV的包装表示,可用于以太坊和币安智能链BSC等生态系统。 Navcoin在没有预挖矿或ICO的情况下推出,以实现公平透明的供应初始分配。. 该项目作为一个完全去中心化的自治组织DAO运作,与大多数其他项目不同,没有中央决策权。. 任何人都可以通过简单地将资产净值质
What is Navcoin NAVNavcoin, launched in 2014, is an opensourced digital currency offering fast and reliable payments with innovative technological and privacy features. Storing coins on a Navcoin wallet allows for making public or private transactions, earning rewards through staking for network validation or mixing coins for privacy enhancement, and having a vote in project proposals.
Unique to Navcoin’s cryptosystem is that public NAV coins can
52 NXD
Nexus Dubai (nxd)
Nexus 令牌是一种桥接多网络令牌,支持各种网络。Nexus代币最初由Polygon发行,Polygon是以太坊网络的第二层,它基于下一代权益证明共识算法,允许快速处理和去中心化。. Polygon有望解决以太坊的高费用和交易问题,允许比其他链更便宜,更快的交易。. 此外,Polygons 第二层侧链充当与以太坊主区块链一起运行的快速区块链。Polygon是以太坊未来的潜在替代品,也与ERC高度兼容,可用于各种以太坊区块链上的应用程序。发行的Nexus令牌总数是固定的,如果支持更多网络,则Polygon网络中新发行的Nexus令牌数量将被锁定。.
Nexus Token is a bridging multinetwork token that supports various networks.The Nexus Token is being initially issued by Polygon, the touted second layer of the Ethereum network, which is based on the nextgeneration Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, allowing for fast processing and decentralization. Polygon is expected to solve Ethereums high fees and transaction problems, allowing for cheaper and faster transactions than other chains. In addit


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 63,695.33 2,255,251,529.01
2 ARS title=ARS 1,046.90 2,008,243,016.60
3 ETH title=ETH 3,048.39 902,330,161.28
4 SOL title=SOL 141.52 825,907,924.53
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 252,146,711.46
6 ENA title=ENA 0.98 227,067,395.49
7 XRP title=XRP 0.52 210,823,218.25
8 WIF title=WIF 2.75 210,270,580.70
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 195,165,463.29
10 BOME title=BOME <0.01 161,864,834.78
11 RUNE title=RUNE 5.33 126,496,544.34
12 SAGA title=SAGA 4.31 111,372,241.49
13 ORDI title=ORDI 45.48 92,755,326.26
14 ADA title=ADA 0.48 86,375,387.71
15 WLD title=WLD 5.01 85,445,289.64
16 NEAR title=NEAR 5.65 73,356,072.01
17 SUI title=SUI 1.32 70,111,739.39
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.04 61,986,207.74
19 ICP title=ICP 14.39 56,396,439.36
20 JTO title=JTO 3.86 55,689,575.09
21 TIA title=TIA 11.19 54,571,377.64
22 LINK title=LINK 14.12 52,009,194.94
23 OMNI title=OMNI 25.61 49,959,227.17
24 MATIC title=MATIC 0.68 47,010,885.96
25 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.75 44,583,390.83
26 TRX title=TRX 0.11 40,221,181.70
27 FTM title=FTM 0.70 40,008,881.51
28 RNDR title=RNDR 8.07 39,759,051.31


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 REI Network title=REI 0.09 +23.13
2 Syscoin title=SYS 0.27 +19.35
3 Jito title=JTO 3.86 +9.88
4 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +9.05
5 Contentos title=COS 0.01 +8.49
6 Saga title=SAGA 4.31 +8.34
7 Arweave title=AR 29.39 +8.18
8 SPACE ID title=ID 0.81 +7.37
9 Orion title=ORN 1.58 +7.25
10 Internet Computer title=ICP 14.39 +5.79
11 Tokocrypto title=TKO 0.45 +5.46
12 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.43 +5.03
13 Galxe title=GAL 3.84 +4.64
14 TROY title=TROY <0.01 +4.47
15 Pyth Network title=PYTH 0.65 +4.39
16 VeThor title=VTHO <0.01 +4.35
17 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.09 +4.30
18 DeXe title=DEXE 13.45 +4.16
19 AVA title=AVA 0.68 +3.90
20 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.81 +3.85
21 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 +3.73
22 Nano title=XNO 1.12 +3.72
23 Automata title=ATA 0.16 +3.64
24 XRP title=XRP 0.52 +3.40
25 Prom title=PROM 10.23 +3.37
26 ORDI title=ORDI 45.48 +3.27
27 Voyager VGX title=VGX 0.08 +3.21
28 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.70 +3.12
29 Arkham title=ARKM 1.77 +3.07
30 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.53 +3.05


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Bittensor title=TAO 440.00 -7.66
2 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.75 -6.71
3 Gains Network title=GNS 3.37 -5.25
4 NEO title=NEO 17.97 -5.12
5 MANTRA title=OM 0.69 -5.05
6 Harvest Finance title=FARM 68.79 -4.99
7 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.63 -4.87
8 Starknet title=STRK 1.21 -4.87
9 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.66 -4.81
10 W 0.59 -4.69
11 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -4.57
12 Request title=REQ 0.13 -4.55
13 SelfKey title=KEY <0.01 -4.32
14 Liquity title=LQTY 1.02 -4.30
15 Ethena title=ENA 0.98 -4.10
16 Dusk title=DUSK 0.38 -3.99
17 Stafi title=FIS 0.58 -3.93
18 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.20 -3.92
19 1inch title=1INCH 0.42 -3.90
20 Aevo title=AEVO 1.53 -3.77
21 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.45 -3.75
22 SKALE title=SKL 0.09 -3.65
23 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -3.57
24 GMX title=GMX 28.10 -3.37
25 dForce title=DF 0.05 -3.34
26 Injective title=INJ 27.53 -3.34
27 AdEx title=ADX 0.21 -3.32
28 Lido DAO title=LDO 1.97 -3.28
29 Mines of Dalarnia title=DAR 0.15 -3.27
30 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.79 -3.26

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
2 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)
3 以下是加密游戏Notcoin如何吸引超过3000万用户的创始人
(Heres how crypto game Notcoin onboarded over 30M users founder)
4 美国国税局发布2025年美国纳税人数字资产报告表草案
(IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for US taxpayers)
5 加密货币用户提议放弃对 Sam Bankman Fried 的诉讼,以追捕 FTX 影响者
(Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman Fried to pursue FTX influencers)
6 在这里,您可以实时观看比特币减半
(Heres where you can catch the Bitcoin halving live)
7 比特币减半 2024 完成并尘埃落定
(Bitcoin halving 2024 Done and dusted)
8 比特币用户在减半区块上花费了创纪录的2400万费用
(Bitcoin users spend record 24M in fees on halving block)
9 比特币矿业股在减半事件之前全面飙升
(Bitcoin mining stocks saw spikes across the board ahead of halving event)
10 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
11 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
12 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)
13 USDT 旨在为受通胀影响的国家提供生命线 Tether 首席执行官
(USDT aims to offer a lifeline to inflation stricken nations Tether CEO)
14 加密社区战胜 Token2049 与会者勇敢地度过迪拜风暴
(Crypto community triumphs Token2049 attendees brave Dubai storms)
15 DeFi 平台 Hedgey Finance 受到 4400 万漏洞利用的打击
(DeFi platform Hedgey Finance hit by 44 million exploit)
16 比特币减半将重点放在加密教育计划上
(Bitcoin halving puts focus on crypto education initiatives)
17 Telegram 承诺 TON 区块链计划支持代币化表情符号和贴纸 NFT
(Telegram commits to TON blockchain plans to support tokenized emojis and stickers NFTs)
18 什么是 EigenLayer 以太坊质押协议解释
(What is EigenLayer Ethereums restaking protocol explained)
19 加密货币的历史:加密货币交易所的未来:监管斗争和治理
(History of Crypto The future of crypto exchanges regulatory battles and governance)
20 Runes 协议将在减半后点燃比特币的新赛季
(The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving)
21 OneCoin律师获得保释,等待定罪和10年徒刑的上诉
(OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence)
22 比特币负期货融资利率是即将到来的BTC价格崩盘的迹象吗
(Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash)
23 中国和加密 ETF 泰国 NFT 音乐节 KuCoins 13M 新机器人 亚洲快车
(China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express)
24 随着减半的临近,比特币费用连续 3 天位居以太坊之首
(Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches)
25 比特币持有者在 BTC 下跌期间将 17B 转移到积累钱包中
(Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip)
26 在中东危机恶化的报道中,比特币短暂跌破 60K
(Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis)
27 以太坊流动性质押在第一季度推动 DeFi TVL 达到 100B
(Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter)
28 Degen Chain L3 现在在以太坊生态系统的 TPS 排行榜上名列前茅
(Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem)
29 随着 DeFi 推动第一季度收入,以太坊有望实现 1B 年度利润
(Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue)
30 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
31 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
32 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
33 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
34 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
35 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
36 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
37 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
38 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
39 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
40 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
41 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
42 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
43 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
44 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
45 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
46 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
47 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
48 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
49 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
50 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)


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Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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