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硬币相关 #Decentralization

币名 细节
Collab.Land (collab)
什么是Collab.Land tokenCOLLAB令牌主要用于Collab.Land生态系统内的治理和使用。. 去中心化是我们的核心价值观之一,今天我们为您打开社区管理的大门。. 如果您选择加入我们,我们将作为Collab.Land DAO共同治理。. 我们将对功能请求进行投票,提供赏金,策划市场等等。代币索赔将于 2023 年 2 月 23 日在 wagmi.collab.land 上开始。.
What is the Collab.Land tokenCOLLAB token is primarily for governance and use within the Collab.Land ecosystem. Decentralization is one of our core values,and today we open the gates of community stewardship to you. If you choose to join us,we will govern together as the Collab.Land DAO. We will vote on feature requests,offer bounties,curate the Marketplace,and more.The token claim will begin on February 23,2023 on wagmi.collab.land.
Locus Chain (locus)
什么是LOCUS CHAIN轨迹LocusChain旨在成为使用最广泛的下一代第1层公共区块链协议,同时实现完全去中心化和可扩展性。. 作为基于专利技术的去中心化可扩展一层链,轨迹链旨在通过成为最可靠、安全、低成本和高性能的 1 层公共区块链平台,支持各种 Defi、GameFi、元界、智慧城市、CBDC 中央银行数字货币项目。. Locus Chain声称是第一个去中心化的第1层公共区块链,解决了去中心化的区块链三难困境。. 可扩展性和安全性.LOCUS代币主网之前的当前Locus代币类型是基于以太坊的ERC20代币,由Locus Chain Foundation发行智能合约。. 但是,鉴于公共以太坊网络上的代币不能直接在轨迹链上使用,我们将利用散列时间锁定合约来允许 Locus 代币从以
What Is LOCUS CHAIN LOCUSLocus Chain aims to be the most widely used Next Generation Layer 1 Public Blockchain Protocol, which achieves both full decentralization and scalability simultaneously. As a decentralized scalable layer 1 chain based on patented technologies, Locus Chain aims to support various Defi, GameFi, Metaverse, Smart City, CBDCCentral Bank Digital Currency projects by being the most reliable, secure, low cost and high performance
bitsCrunch Token (bcut)
区块链分析和取证的前景目前被集中式系统所掩盖,通常受到其财务优先事项的限制。. 这种中心化不仅限制了对新兴去中心化 Web3 项目的关键见解,而且还为创新突破制造了障碍。进入bitsCrunch网络,预示着区块链分析的新时代。. 这个去中心化的人工智能增强数据网络为公共区块链上的 NFT、钱包和其他数字资产提供无与伦比的分析和取证数据。. 该平台可通过用户友好的 API 访问,为多样化的应用程序开发奠定了基础。. bitsCrunch致力于社区驱动的生态系统,使个人能够贡献代码或内容,从而不断增强和拓宽网络功能。MultiChain 集成变得简单:利用单个 API 访问跨多个区块链的见解。. 非常适合构建多链应用程序的开发人员。高级取证数据:通过 bitsCrunch Network 对公共
The landscape of blockchain analytics and forensics is currently overshadowed by centralized systems,often limited by their financial priorities. This centralization not only restricts crucial insights for emerging decentralized Web3 projects but also creates barriers for innovative breakthroughs.Enter the bitsCrunch network,heralding a new era in blockchain analytics. This decentralized,AIenhanced data network delivers unmatched analytics and fo
BLOCKS (blocks)
BLOCKS正在为DAO铺平道路,成为有史以来第一个合法注册的怀俄明州DAO,LLC.BLOCKS致力于通过行业和区块链不可知的方法将行业和企业级技术连接到区块链。BLOCKS代币是BLOCKS DAO和Builder计划的核心,在我们的BLOCKS Builders合作伙伴关系中管理从链上治理到企业交易的所有内容。BLOCKS的基础是连接世界的目标,无论行业应用如何,通过去中心化,在BLOCKS,去中心化连接我们所有人。.
BLOCKS is paving the way for DAOs as the firstever legally registered Wyoming DAO, LLC. BLOCKS is committed to connecting industries and enterprisegrade technologies to blockchain, with an industry and blockchain agnostic approach. The BLOCKS Token is at the heart of the BLOCKS DAO and Builder Program, stewarding everything from onchain governance to enterprise transactions in our BLOCKS Builders’ partnerships. The foundation of BLOCKS is the goa
Cavada (cavada)
为所有人赋能去中心化:Cavada 提供可扩展的去中心化基础设施,将生态系统彻底转变为 Web3 技术。.
Empowering Decentralization for All: Cavada offers scalable decentralized infrastructure,revolutionizing ecosystems into Web3 technology
Chain Mail 是一种安全且去中心化的电子邮件服务,它利用加密和区块链技术来实现 Web 3 通信。. 通过Chain Mail,用户可以直接在他们的MetaMask钱包之间发送和接收电子邮件,确保他们消息的隐私和安全。去中心化Web3 的去中心化架构确保电子邮件系统中没有单点控制或故障。. 与数据存储在单个实体拥有的服务器上的中心化电子邮件不同,Web3 电子邮件利用区块链技术在节点网络中分发数据。. 这种分散的方法通过降低与集中数据存储相关的风险来增强安全性,从而降低大规模数据泄露的可能性。不可变和防篡改记录区块链的不可变性确保了信息一旦被添加到去中心化账本中,就无法被更改或篡改。. 在电子邮件的上下文中,这意味着保持了通信的完整性,为用户提供了可验证和防篡改的交互记录。. 此功能
Chain Mail is a secure and decentralized email service that leverages encryption and blockchain technology to enable Web 3 communication. With Chain Mail,users can send and receive emails directly between their MetaMask wallets,ensuring the privacy and security of their messages.DecentralizationWeb3’s decentralized architecture ensures that there is no single point of control or failure in the email system. Unlike centralized counterparts,where d
Core Blockchain (xcb)
• 生态系统开发:构建一个由应用程序、服务和开发人员工具组成的强大生态系统。 • 第 1 层区块链:Ylem 语言支持更大的智能合约架构。 • 使用 Edwards Curve ED448,Goldilocks 密码学构建。 • 可访问的开发平台:CBC20 代币标准。 互操作性:启用跨链交易可增强流动性并促进不同生态系统之间的协作。 现代化的 PoW:专注于 CPU 挖矿的真正去中心化。治理:核心 DAO 网络• 环境可持续性:低能耗工作量证明 PoW 机制,称为 PoDE 分布式效率屋顶• 弹性基础设施• 采用和合作伙伴关系• Core Coin XCB 的一个独特功能是它与对等网格网络 Luna Mesh 的互连。. 这种创新方法旨在减少对公共互联网的依赖,加强平台对去中心化和用户主权
• Ecosystem Development: Building a robust ecosystem of applications,services,and developer tools.• Layer 1 Blockchain: Ylem language enabling larger smart contract architectures.• Built using the Edwards Curve ED448,Goldilocks cryptography.• Accessible Development Platform: CBC20 Token Standard.• Interoperability: Enabling crosschain transactions enhances liquidity and promotescollaboration between different ecosystems.• Modernized PoW: A True D
DecentraCloud (dcloud)
简介:DecentraCloud是走在去中心化存储革命前沿的开创性项目。. DecentraCloud 专注于安全性、可访问性和用户授权,旨在重新定义我们在数字时代存储、访问和管理数据的方式。愿景:我们的愿景是创建一个去中心化的存储生态系统,使个人和组织能够控制他们的数据。. 通过利用区块链技术和创新协议,DecentraCloud 寻求为传统的集中式存储解决方案提供安全、透明和以用户为中心的替代方案。主要特点:去中心化:DecentraCloud利用去中心化存储协议来确保数据分布在节点网络上,消除单点故障并增强安全性。安全性:通过端到端加密和强大的安全措施,DecentraCloud 确保您的数据始终保持安全和机密。可访问性:DecentraCloud 可以从世界任何地方无缝访问您的数据,
Introduction:DecentraCloud is a pioneering project at the forefront of the decentralized storage revolution. With a focus on security,accessibility,and user empowerment,DecentraCloud aims to redefine the way we store,access,and manage data in the digital age.Vision:Our vision is to create a decentralized storage ecosystem that empowers individuals and organizations to take control of their data. By leveraging blockchain technology and innovative
DOGE-1 (doge1)
在前所未有的技术,金融和太空探索融合中,由几何能源公司GEC发起的CubeSat任务DOGE1有望彻底改变我们对月球和加密货币的看法。. 受流行的狗狗币的启发和创新的驱动,这个项目将创造历史。DOGE1DOGE1是一项开创性的任务,它将用SpaceX Falcon 9火箭将一颗40公斤的紧凑型卫星送入月球轨道。. 其主要目标是捕获月球表面的图像和数据,提高我们对月球地质和潜在资源的认识。. 使DOGE1与众不同的是其空间艺术显示,能够将机载摄像头捕获的广告图像广播回地球.DOGE1令牌的诞生DOGE1任务最迷人的方面之一是DOGE1令牌的诞生。. 这种加密货币代币的灵感来自这一开创性事件,旨在弥合加密货币世界与太空探索之间的差距。DOGE1代币:是什么让它与众不同 受到太空探索的启发:DOG
In an unprecedented fusion of technology,finance,and space exploration,DOGE1,a CubeSat mission initiated by Geometric Energy Corporation GEC,is poised to revolutionize our perception of the moon and cryptocurrencies. Inspired by the popular Dogecoin and driven by innovation,this project is set to make history.What is DOGE1DOGE1 is a groundbreaking mission that will send a compact 40kg satellite into lunar orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It
Dogz (dogz)
狗被命名是因为它想将其影响力传播到宇宙。. 去中心化、无国界、安全、匿名、便利等。. 除了这些优势之外,Dogz还增强并增加了新的优势,例如算法升级,独家所有权,无隐藏成本,以及应用程序的快速落地。.
The dogz was named because it wanted to spread its influence to the universe. Decentralization, no borders, security, anonymity, convenience, etc. In addition to these advantages, Dogz have enhanced and added new ones, such as algorithm upgrades, exclusive ownership, no hidden costs, and fast landing of applications.
11 GNT
Genit Chain (gnt)
Genit Chain 是区块链 L1,依赖于 PoA 共识系统,该系统可以支持较短的区块时间和较低的费用。. 质押最绑定的验证者候选者将成为验证者并产生区块。. 双符号检测和其他斜杠逻辑保证了安全性、稳定性和链终结性。改进系统去中心化:Genit Chain经过数千个节点的验证,这些节点彼此独立运行,确保您的数据保持安全,抗审查保证安全性和稳定性。目的:创建一个高度可扩展、节能和去中心化的区块链平台,以解决当前区块链技术的局限性。为各种应用提供安全且可持续的基础设施,包括金融、供应链、游戏等。功能:Layer 1 Blockchain:作为基础区块链网络运行,支持去中心化应用程序和服务的开发。ProofofAuthority Consensus:依靠可信验证者系统来保护网络和处理交易,确保
Genit Chain is Blockchain L1 to relies on a system of PoA consensus that can support short block time and lower fees. The most bonded validator candidates of staking will become validators and produce blocks. The doublesign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security,stability,and chain finality.Improving the SystemDecentralized: Genit Chain is validated by thousands of nodes that operate independently of each other,ensuring your data r
Host AI (hostai)
HostAI 的成立旨在为去中心化金融的用户提供对云托管、计算和游戏资源的访问。. 他们相信自由世界不受国家或国家对资源限制的影响,并相信DePIN去中心化物理基础设施网络的最新激增是去中心化的下一步加密货币。. 它是区块链应用程序的创建,使 DeFi 参与者能够不受限制地访问现实世界服务 RWS,不受管辖权限制。. HostAI 扩展了 DePIN 的概念,并通过 ServersasaService SaaS 和 HostingasaService HaaS 选项将该概念引入云托管/计算/游戏领域。. HostAI 的目标是在未来几个月内扩展服务,以整合曾经存在的加密货币 NodesasaService NaaS 和 ValidatorsasaService VaaS 行业。. 所有服务都
HostAI has been founded with the intentions of providing access to Cloud Hosting,Computing,and Gaming Resources to users of Decentralized Finance. They believe in the free world without the impact of country or national restrictions on resources and believe the most recent surge in DePIN Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks is cryptocurrencys next step in Decentralization.Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks DePIN is an emergi
13 HUS
Husky.AI (hus)
什么是项目 aboutHusky.AI 是第一个人工智能模因硬币 它是一个完整的平台,提供安全钱包、快速交换和全球即时交易等高级功能。. 此外,集成的人工智能使我们能够提供有关市场的宝贵见解,并帮助用户做出更明智的决策。. 我们的使命是使每个人都可以使用加密货币,同时提供尖端的安全和隐私功能。是什么让您的项目独一无二的状态技术一种基于国家人工智能技术的加密货币。. 这确保了它的快速、高效和高度安全。去中心化去中心化加密货币,这意味着它不受全球金融市场波动的影响,不依赖于中央金融机构。有前途的投资企业和投资者对 Husky.ai 的创新技术和越来越多的采用使这种加密货币成为未来投资的有前途的选择。所有已执行交易的流动性4%将分配给流动性并保持锁定状态,以确保稳固性和稳定性。. 这项措施旨在加强
What is the project aboutHusky.AI is the first artificial intelligence meme coin It is a complete platform that offers advanced features such as secure wallets,fast exchanges,and instant transactions worldwide. Additionally,the integrated artificial intelligence allows us to provide valuable insights about the market and help users make more informed decisions. Our mission is to make cryptocurrencies accessible and easy to use for everyone,while
ICPI (icpi)
ICPI20简介:代币创建和分发的新时代概述:ICPI20代表了互联网计算机IC生态系统中数字代币领域的重大进步。. ICPI20 从互联网计算机、红十字国际委员会标准和比特币 BRC20 中汲取灵感,是一种创新的实验性代币标准,旨在促进可替代代币的创建和转移。主要特点:创新的代币标准:ICPI20结合了红十字国际委员会和BRC20标准的最佳方面,为代币的创建和管理提供了一种独特的方法。促进代币创建:该标准简化了开发和转移同质化代币的过程,使开发人员更容易访问。公平分配:ICPI20强调公平获取,确保所有参与者在代币创建和分配过程中都有公平的机会。去中心化和社区驱动:该协议符合去中心化的精神,消除了中心控制点,促进了民主透明的代币经济。社区赋能:ICPI20深深植根于社区驱动的理念,使用户能
Introducing ICPI20: A New Era in Token Creation and DistributionOverview:ICPI20 represents a significant advancement in the realm of digital tokens within the Internet Computer IC ecosystem. Drawing inspiration from the Internet Computers ICRC standards and Bitcoins BRC20,ICPI20 is an innovative and experimental token standard designed to facilitate the creation and transfer of fungible tokens.Key Features:Innovative Token Standard: ICPI20 combin
Innova DeFi (innova)
Innova开启DeFi新时代在我们的数字世界中,信任、安全和效率至关重要。我们的目标为用户和开发者开启DeFi应用的新时代链上安全:使用最先进合约的链上平台。UX/UI:简单无绒毛的平台,易于使用。去中心化:服务器上没有存储可被利用的私钥。透明度和沟通:使用INNOVASIGHT让项目所有者和开发人员承担责任。我们的安全与透明度INNOVASIGHT是一份最先进的合同,可以管理所有从税收中计入的资金。当团队提取资金时,必须提供任何聊天的原因、收件人、地址、金额、电报和 IPFS 图像。. 社区可以随时在 dapp 中查看此内容。消失的 DevsNFT 集合 一个用被动 ETH 和 INNOVA 反射烘焙的 socialFi 实验。.
Innova Starting A New Era Of DeFiIn our digital world,trust,security,and efficiency are vital.Our GoalsInitiating in a new era of DeFi applications for users and developers alikeOnchain Security:On chain platforms using state of the art contracts.UX/UI:Simple no fluff platforms for ease of use.Decentralization:No private keys stored on servers that can be exploited.Transparency & communication:Hold project owners and developers accountable using
16 L1X
Layer One X (l1x)
第一层 X L1X 是第一层区块链,可在以前不兼容的链之间实现无桥连接。. 实现代币、NFT和逻辑的无缝交换,赋能智能合约协作,跨链。. L1X在西澳大利亚大学的研究人员和同行的帮助下在西澳大利亚州珀斯成立。. 这是同类产品中第一个真正去中心化、可互操作和安全的账本解决方案。. L1X通过提供区块链四重奏打破了大规模采用的障碍:互操作性、去中心化、可扩展性、安全性,而不影响完整性。. L1X采用不同的共识机制和标准,实现区块链之间的无缝交易。.
Layer One X L1X is a layer one blockchain enabling bridgeless connectivity between previously incompatible chains. Enabling the seamless exchange of tokens,NFTs and logic,empowering smart contract collaboration,crosschain. L1X was founded in Perth,Western Australia with the help of researchers and peers at the University of Western Australia. The first of its kind as a truly decentralised,interoperable,and secure ledger solution. L1X has broken d
Luna Inu (linu)
Linu又名Luna Inu是100%社区拥有和分散的。. Linus的目标是将加密文化转变为社区决策,自愿提供自己的技能,并防止诈骗占据空间。去中心化社区在项目早期的逆境中团结起来,并清除了试图接管该项目的集中式不良行为者。. 社区取得了胜利,该项目得以恢复。. 权力下放赢了。代码是柴犬的 1:1 克隆。. 合同被放弃,最大限度地降低了地毯拉动或集中化的风险。Luna Inu使用模因,世界上最强大的说服工具,在玩乐的同时激发强大的盟友网络。. 模因可以改变世界。.
Linu aka Luna Inu is 100% community owned and decentralized. Linus goals are to change the culture of crypto to one of community decision making, volunteering one’s skills, and preventing scams from taking over the space.The decentralized community banded together through adversity early in the project and flushed out centralized bad actors who tried to take over the project. The community triumphed and the project was revived. Decentralization w
Luxy (luxy)
LUXY 正在成为 goto NFT 平台,成立于 2021 年 3 月,并已发展成为一支 15 人的团队。. 从下一代市场开始,该市场旨在提供新的、大大改进的 NFT 体验。. 它被构建为多链,从多边形区块链开始,使其快速、可扩展、绿色、低成本和用户友好。. 去中心化是加密货币的核心,因此在每一步,我们的市场都是围绕这一核心概念建立的。LUXY将提供您的标准市场功能以及经过数月研究策划的其他功能。. 这些将包括对GameFi,3D模型,集合启动板,用户拥有的集合,组项目的多个版税地址,直接版税,所有文件类型,白标解决方案和易于使用的UI / UX的支持。.
LUXY is becoming the goto NFT platform, established in March of 2021, and has evolved into a team of 15. Starting with a nextgen Marketplace that is designed to offer a new and much improved NFT experience. It is built to be multichain, starting with the Polygon blockchain allowing it to be fast, scalable, green, low cost, and userfriendly. Decentralization is the core of crypto, so at every step, our marketplace is built around that core concept
19 TRC
MetaTrace (trc)
## 什么是 MetaTrace MetaTrace 是世界上第一个在现实世界地图上提供免费游戏和赚取模型的 GameFi 项目。MetaTrace应用程序是一款结合了各种游戏机制的游戏,旨在结合地理位置,区块链环境和经典游戏策略。它基于增强现实技术,为用户提供独特的游戏体验,并轻松沉浸在 Web3 技术世界中。. 项目团队正在努力创建一个平台,让每个玩家都能实现他们的想法并成为自己冒险的创造者。. 该应用程序由具有顶级游戏工作室工作经验的专业人士开发:Niantic Pokemon Go,Wargaming World of Tanks,Kama Games,Game Insight等。MetaTrace的虚拟地图是现实世界的复制品,反映了我们的整个地球。. 你在现实世界中采取的每一步都会
## What is MetaTrace MetaTrace is the worlds first GameFi project featuring a Free to Play and Earn model on a realworld map.The MetaTrace application is a game incorporating a variety of game mechanics aimed at combining geolocation,blockchain environments,and classic game strategies.It is based on augmented reality technology,which offers users a unique gaming experience and an easy immersion into the world of Web3 technologies. Project team is
Neutaro (ntmpi)
Neutaro NTMPI 是 Timpi www.timpi.io 使用的治理代币,Timpi 是一家技术先驱,旨在通过去中心化、Web3 和 AI 颠覆现状。. Timpi专有的网络规模索引是为其数据驱动服务(如搜索引擎)提供动力的核心,该搜索引擎优先考虑公正的搜索结果,并且不受用户跟踪和操纵。.
Neutaro NTMPI is the governance token used by Timpi www.timpi.io,a technology pioneer set to disrupt the status quo through Decentralization,Web3 and AI. Timpi’s proprietary webscale index is the core that powers its data driven services such as their Search Engine,which prioritises unbiased search results and is free from user tracking and manipulation.
PaladinAI (palai)
PaladinAI 是通往无限可能性的门户,融合了去中心化和先进的 AIPowered 审计解决方案。.
PaladinAI is a Gateway to Infinite Possibilities Blending Decentralization and Advanced AIPowered Audit Solutions.
22 RAM
Ramses Exchange (ram)
RAMSES是一款ve3,3 DEX,巧妙地改编了Andre Cronjes对Solidly的最初愿景。. 最初的Solidly基本原理早已被遗忘,RAMSES旨在振兴三个核心原则:社区,去中心化和功能。.
RAMSES is a ve3,3 DEX that masterfully adapts Andre Cronjes initial vision of Solidly. The original Solidly fundamentals have been long forgotten,and RAMSES aims to revitalize three core tenets: Community,Decentralization,and Functionality.
23 SPO
Spores Network (spo)
Spors Network 正在为创意产业构建一个多链可互操作的 NFT 市场和 DeFi 协议:动画、收藏品、数字艺术品、时尚、游戏、体育卡。. 孢子网络创始人深信,今天正在建立一个数字“元宇宙”,它将彻底改变我们在生活、拥有、分享我们的物质和数字生活方面的思想和行为。. 加密实现了两条令人兴奋且最终的两条道路:所有权的分散化,资本的无摩擦再分配.S孢子旨在使创作者能够创造,交换和交流他们一生的工作。. 我们的核心价值观被定义为:以创作者为中心,无摩擦,无边界,社区.原生数字加密安全的可替代,即. 孢子平台股票代码SPO的ERC20 / BEP20令牌是S孢子平台协议/代码中指定的属性治理和实用程序功能的可转让表示,旨在仅用作平台上可互操作的实用程序令牌。. SPO 旨在以 NFT 创建者
Spores Network is building a multichain interoperable NFT marketplace and DeFi protocols for Creative Industries: Animation, Collectibles, Digital Artworks, Fashion, Gaming, Sport Cards. Spores Network founders deeply believe that a digital “metaverse” is being built today that will revolutionize our thoughts and behavior with respect to living, owning, sharing our physical and digital lives. Crypto enables two exciting and eventual two paths: De
24 1RUS
TonMiner (1rus)
1RUS TonMiner是一家活跃的矿业公司初创公司,他们拥有超过1.5兆瓦的电力。. 他们是区块链项目的验证者。. 他们的任务是启动去中心化数据中心,用于处理数据库,挖掘比特币和其他加密货币。. 增加支持区块链、去中心化和人工智能技术发展的爱好者和活跃用户的数量。. 增加人工智能所需的计算能力的产生。. 增加社区支持者的数量。.
1RUS TonMiner,an active mining company startup,they have over 1.5 megawatts of electricity at their disposal. They are validators of blockchain projects. Their task is to launch Decentralized Data Centers for processing databases,for mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. To increase the number of enthusiasts and active users supporting the development of Blockchain,Decentralization and artificial intelligence technologies. Increase the produ


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 61,421.21 3,133,376,437.52
2 ARS title=ARS 1,057.80 1,764,596,670.30
3 ETH title=ETH 2,998.35 1,507,186,829.49
4 SOL title=SOL 132.06 1,304,320,798.97
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 332,240,767.29
6 OMNI title=OMNI 25.76 321,050,108.68
7 ENA title=ENA 0.94 299,366,006.19
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 255,840,308.13
9 XRP title=XRP 0.49 246,164,153.64
10 BOME title=BOME <0.01 224,606,540.49
11 WIF title=WIF 2.41 212,088,407.84
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.44 122,462,581.30
13 WLD title=WLD 4.78 121,492,708.78
14 RUNE title=RUNE 4.62 112,826,043.25
15 AVAX title=AVAX 33.72 104,568,208.06
16 SUI title=SUI 1.24 101,463,378.01
17 ORDI title=ORDI 42.48 98,484,447.14
18 RNDR title=RNDR 7.71 91,029,321.02
19 ADA title=ADA 0.45 84,815,667.13
20 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.54 77,173,396.36
21 INJ title=INJ 25.78 70,576,398.98
22 TIA title=TIA 9.91 68,959,287.66
23 FTM title=FTM 0.67 67,249,827.66
24 LINK title=LINK 13.19 65,673,965.94
25 FIL title=FIL 5.88 60,855,320.50
26 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.07 59,732,003.37
27 BCH title=BCH 464.30 59,508,835.78
28 MATIC title=MATIC 0.67 59,406,539.03


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Omni Network title=OMNI 25.76
2 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.40 +16.78
3 Waves title=WAVES 2.53 +9.94
4 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME <0.01 +9.90
5 Jito title=JTO 2.82 +8.37
6 NULS title=NULS 0.69 +7.79
7 Mobox title=MBOX 0.30 +5.98
8 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.30 +5.32
9 Unifi Protocol DAO title=UNFI 3.54 +5.05
10 SKALE title=SKL 0.09 +4.87
11 Mines of Dalarnia title=DAR 0.15 +4.59
12 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 2.90 +4.43
13 Open Campus title=EDU 0.57 +4.27
14 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.11 +4.22
15 Cream title=CREAM 49.71 +4.19
16 Injective title=INJ 25.78 +4.12
17 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +3.90
18 Nano title=XNO 1.06 +3.62
19 Axelar title=AXL 1.13 +3.47
20 Fusionist title=ACE 5.53 +3.08
21 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.91 +2.83
22 Hooked Protocol title=HOOK 0.91 +2.80
23 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.04 +2.73
24 BakerySwap title=BAKE 0.23 +2.18
25 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.07 +2.16
26 Sui title=SUI 1.24 +2.15
27 Venus title=XVS 9.67 +2.11
28 Sei title=SEI 0.49 +1.77
29 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.42 +1.66
30 Astar title=ASTR 0.10 +1.66


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.46 -15.95
2 Saga title=SAGA 3.46 -12.57
3 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.37 -12.49
4 Streamr title=DATA 0.05 -11.99
5 Contentos title=COS 0.01 -11.37
6 Celestia title=TIA 9.91 -11.20
7 MANTRA title=OM 0.68 -10.66
8 THORChain title=RUNE 4.62 -8.81
9 NEO title=NEO 17.11 -8.65
10 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 -8.24
11 Galxe title=GAL 3.59 -8.14
12 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.41 -7.90
13 Bittensor title=TAO 461.40 -7.89
14 Orion title=ORN 1.40 -7.70
15 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.08 -7.60
16 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -7.55
17 LTO Network title=LTO 0.20 -7.16
18 BinaryX title=BNX 0.69 -6.89
19 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.41 -6.61
20 Amp title=AMP <0.01 -6.57
21 Manta Network title=MANTA 1.82 -6.24
22 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.54 -6.22
23 Vite title=VITE 0.02 -6.00
24 Illuvium title=ILV 87.47 -5.66
25 W 0.57 -5.64
26 Dogecoin title=DOGE 0.15 -5.46
27 Ethena title=ENA 0.94 -5.25
28 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.28 -5.23
29 SSV Network title=SSV 36.14 -5.14
30 Render title=RNDR 7.71 -5.05

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
2 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
3 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
4 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
5 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
6 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
7 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
8 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
9 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
10 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
11 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
(Bitcoin drops below 60K as analyst says zero spot Bitcoin ETF inflows very normal)
12 以色列央行官员表示,CBDC与银行的竞争有利于经济
(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
13 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
14 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
15 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
16 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
17 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
18 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
19 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)
20 为什么零流量的比特币ETF并不意味着你的想法
(Why Bitcoin ETFs with zero flows dont mean what you think)
21 分析师:比特币矿商股因利润减半后未经证实而下跌
(Bitcoin miner stocks drop on unsubstantiated post halving profit fears Analyst)
22 比特币下跌,因为美元在预期降息的情况下创下 14 个月来的最佳 5 天涨势
(Bitcoin drops as dollar eyes best 5 day run in 14 months on expected rate cut hold)
23 韩元成为全球加密货币交易商交易量最大的法定货币 报告
(Korean won becomes worlds most traded fiat for crypto traders Report)
24 ICPs Schnorr 集成迎来了比特币 DeFi 时代
(ICPs Schnorr integration ushers in Bitcoin DeFi era)
25 比特币供应将在 9 个月内耗尽 Bybit
(Bitcoin supply to run out on exchanges in 9 months Bybit)
26 加密货币的历史:严重的通货膨胀、不断上升的债务和不断发展的加密货币格局
(History of Crypto Crippling inflation rising debt and the evolving crypto landscape)
27 比特币鲸鱼拒绝出售,而 BTC 价格放弃了 70K 的欣快感
(Bitcoin whales refuse to sell while BTC price ditches 70K euphoria)
28 揭示减半对比特币通胀率和价值储存主张的影响
(Uncovering the halvings impact on Bitcoins inflation rate and store of value proposition)
29 前纽约联储主席加入币安美国董事会
(Former NY Fed chief joins BinanceUS board)
30 Avalanche 住房贷款代币化协议在 A 轮融资中筹集了 1000 万
(Avalanche home loan tokenization protocol raises 10M in Series A)
31 比特币供应减半冲击将撼动采矿业
(Bitcoin halving supply shock set to shake up mining sector)
32 以太坊价格数据对 3K 对 ETH 的支持强度产生怀疑
(Ethereum price data casts doubt on the strength of ETHs support at 3K)
33 比特币现货价格走势对BTC期权交易者几乎没有什么影响
(Bitcoins spot price action does little to spook BTC options traders)
34 Ethenas 稳定币模型的真正风险不是你想象的
(The real risks to Ethenas stablecoin model are not the ones you think)
35 给 Kieren James Lubin 的 6 个问题,他希望我们对奶奶达成共识
(6 Questions for Kieren James Lubin who wants us to get on the same page about grandma)
36 尽快禁用 iMessages 以避免加密零日漏洞利用 Trust Wallet
(Disable iMessages ASAP to avoid crypto zero day exploit Trust Wallet)
37 香港以太币ETF将幸运获得5亿
(Hong Kongs Ether Bitcoin ETFs will be lucky to get 500m)
38 加密劫持者从云公司骗取了 3500 万美元来挖掘加密货币联邦调查局声称
(Cryptojacker conned 35M from cloud firms to mine crypto feds allege)
39 欧易交易所推出以太坊第 2 层网络,以降低费用和互操作性
(OKX launches Ethereum layer 2 network for lower fees amp interoperability)
40 马斯克向新的 X 用户收取发帖费用,但有人说它不会 039 阻止机器人
(Musk to charge new X users to post but some say it won039t stop the bots)
41 贝莱德比特币ETF是自上周五以来唯一有资金流入的基金
(BlackRocks Bitcoin ETF is the only fund with inflows since Friday)
42 美国国家安全局接管互联网几天后警告爱德华·斯诺登
(NSA just days from taking over the internet warns Edward Snowden)
43 Bored Ape NFT 底价触及两年半以来的最低点
(Bored Ape NFT floor price hits lowest point in over two and a half years)
44 香港批准首批比特币和以太币ETF
(Hong Kong approves first Bitcoin and Ether ETFs)
45 挪威通过数据中心立法,标志着对比特币矿工的更多审查
(Norway passes data center legislation signaling more scrutiny for Bitcoin miners)
46 南非交易所 VALR 赢得双重加密牌照
(South African exchange VALR wins dual crypto licenses)
47 加密 NFT 狂热和数字所有权的历史
(History of Crypto NFT mania and digital ownership)
48 比特币吞噬了新的出价流动性,因为 BTC 价格争夺 65K
(Bitcoin eats up fresh bid liquidity as BTC price fights for 65K)
49 ETH 价格接近 3 年低点与比特币 以太坊 ETF 能否阻止潮流
(ETH price nears 3 year lows vs Bitcoin Will an Ethereum ETF stem the tide)
50 购买比特币,因为你的财富正在消失 Unchained 报告
(Buy Bitcoin because your wealth is melting away Unchained report)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 报告概述了美国各地区的经济和金融状况。 (Beige Book) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 02:00
2 投资流向国外和美国以外 (TIC Long-Term Purchases) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 04:00
3 美联储成员 (Loretta J. Mester) 声明 (FOMC Member Mester Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 05:30
4 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
5 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
6 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
7 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
8 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
9 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
10 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
11 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
12 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
13 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
14 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#lending #medicine #cloud #carbon-credit #pegged #real estate #digital economy #solar energy #green energy #decentralized application


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
TiTdoi.com TiTdoi.com 000-000-0000