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硬币相关 #Polygon

币名 细节
Polygon (matic)
Polygon 以前 Matic Network 是第一个结构良好、易于使用的平台,用于以太坊扩展和基础设施开发。. 它的核心组件是Polygon SDK,这是一个模块化的灵活框架,支持构建多种类型的应用程序。使用多边形,可以创建乐观汇总链、ZK 汇总链、独立链或开发人员所需的任何其他类型的基础设施。. Polygon有效地将以太坊转变为一个成熟的多链系统,即区块链互联网。. 这个多链系统类似于其他系统,如Polkadot,Cosmos,Avalanche等,具有以太坊的安全性,充满活力的生态系统和开放性的优势。建立在PlasmaPOS链上的现有生态系统不会改变。. 借助 Polygon,正在围绕现有的成熟技术构建新功能,以扩展满足开发人员生态系统多样化需求的能力。. Polygon将继续开
Polygon Previously Matic Network is the first wellstructured, easytouse platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types of applications.Using Polygon, one can create Optimistic Rollup chains, ZK Rollup chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the developer. Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a ful
2 C98
Coin98 (c98)
Coin98是一个allinoneDeFi平台,旨在满足行业中未开发的需求,并成为将传统金融用户连接到多个区块链上的任何DeFi服务的网关。. 它通过一整套产品完成这一使命,包括Coin98钱包,Coin98 Exchange和Space Gate跨链桥。Coin98钱包:允许用户存储,发送,接收,管理加密资产并连接到多个区块链上的众多dApp。. 它支持20多个区块链,如以太坊,币安智能链,Solana,Polygon,Avalanche,Terra等,适用于移动iOS和Android以及Chrome扩展版本。Coin98 Exchange:一个多链流动性聚合器,允许用户以最优惠的价格和低滑点交换、质押、借贷、借入、赚取加密货币。Space Gate:一种跨链桥,可以在多个网络之间交换和传
Coin98 is an allinone DeFi Platform that aims to fulfill untapped demand in the industry and become a Gateway bridging TradFi users to any DeFi services on multiple blockchains. It accomplishes this mission through a full suite of products, including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange, and Space Gate crosschain bridge.Coin98 Wallet: Allows users to store, send, receive, manage crypto assets and connect to numerous dApps on multiple blockchains. It su
Manta Network (manta)
Manta Pacific 是第一个通过 Celestia DA 和 Polygon zkEVM 进行扩展且安全的 EVM 等效 ZK应用平台。.
Manta Pacific is the first EVMequivalent ZKapplication platform that is scalable and secure through Celestia DA and Polygon zkEVM.
ZetaChain (zeta)
什么是ZetaChain ZETAZetaChain是一个新颖的L1,具有内置EVMcompatible,Cosmos / IBC,比特币,狗狗币,Tron等的链不可知互操作性。. 开发人员目前使用ZetaChain的消息传递功能来发送数据和本机价值,而无需在任何链之间包装资产。. ZetaChain还将支持原生智能合约,允许开发人员构建全链dApp,从单个合约跨链协调资金。谁是ZetaChain的创始人ZetaChain的创始人是Coinbase的早期员工,也是Basic Attention Token BAT的创建者之一。. 投资者包括所有主要做市商、顶级交易所、早期的Coinbase和币安员工,包括Dan Romero、Sam Rosenblum和John Yi,以及一些业内最广泛采用
What Is ZetaChain ZETAZetaChain is a novel L1 that has chainagnostic interoperability builtin EVMcompatible, Cosmos/IBC, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Tron, etc.. Developers currently use ZetaChain’s messaging capabilities to send data and native value without wrapping assets between any chains. ZetaChain will also support native smart contracts, which let developers build omnichain dApps that orchestrate funds across chains from a single contract.Who Are t
5 ZK
Polyhedra Network (zk)
Polyhedra Network 正在通过其尖端的零知识证明系统实现互操作性和计算能力。. 他们的主要产品之一是zkBridge,它使用zkSNARKs来促进不同区块链网络之间的高效状态转换。. 他们还开发了各种证明系统,如处女座、猎户座、天秤座、双子座、马林鱼和钢琴家,以提高生成和验证证明的速度、可扩展性和效率。. 这些技术旨在实现跨不同区块链系统的 Web3 互操作性、可扩展性和模块化。. 此外,Polyhedra Network 还积极参与在比特币、以太坊、Arbitrum 和 Polygon 等各种区块链平台上构建跨链桥。.
The Polyhedra Network is empowering interoperability and computation through its cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof systems. One of their key products is zkBridge,which uses zkSNARKs to facilitate efficient state transitions between different blockchain networks. They have also developed various proof systems such as Virgo,Orion,Libra,Gemini,Marlin,and Pianist to enhance speed,scalability,and efficiency in generating and verifying proofs. These te
Seedify.fund (sfund)
Seedify 是一个区块链游戏孵化器和启动板,成立于 2021 年 2 月,旨在通过游戏赚取收入模式来重新定义区块链游戏环境,通过为游戏项目提供最好的启动板和孵化平台来赚取收入模式,并通过 IGO 初始游戏产品将这些项目推向社区。. Seedify为社区带来了在BSC,Polygon和Solana网络上开发的最令人兴奋的区块链游戏计划。. 最近,Seedify一直在加强其孵化方面,为早期的区块链游戏提供更强大的支持,并帮助他们在通过IGO进入市场时充分发挥潜力。Seedify得到了Elrond,Polygon和Chainling等主要区块链公司的大力支持,此外还有许多大型风险投资,为Seedify的增长提供了所需的基础。Seedify的生态系统基于5个支柱:Launchpad,Incuba
Seedify is a Blockchain Gaming Incubator and Launchpad founded in February 2021 that aims to redefine the blockchain gaming environment by empowering lives through playtoearn revenue models by providing the best Launchpad and Incubation platform to gaming projects and, launchings these projects to the community via the IGOs Initial Gaming Offering. Seedify brings to the community the most exciting Blockchain Games initiatives developed on BSC, Po
Paysenger EGO (ego)
Paysenger 是一个面向创作者、专家及其受众的平台,提供货币化和吸引订阅者的机会。. 创作者和专家可以通过创建定制内容、在 NFT 市场上销售帖子、在付费聊天中与粉丝联系以及按月订阅提供对优质内容的访问来产生大量稳定的收入。Paysenger正在与博士合作创建AI。. Tamay Aykut,曾任斯坦福大学教授,现任 Sureel.io 主任。. Paysenger AI将帮助创作者通过神经网络将自己独特风格的作品货币化。. Paysenger和EGO代币目前正得到Polygon,ConsenSys和许多其他行业领导者的积极支持。Paysenger是庞大的web2受众和区块链技术世界之间的桥梁。. 该平台没有强加使用加密货币,但仍吸引了大量的创作者和专家,逐渐将他们沉浸在加密世界中。.
Paysenger is a platform for creators,experts,and their audiences that provides opportunities to monetize and engage your subscribers. Creators and experts can generate a large and steady income by creating bespoke content,selling posts on NFTmarketplace,connecting with their fans in paid chats  and providing access to premium content on a monthly subscription basis. Paysenger is creating AI in collaboration with Dr. Tamay Aykut,formerly a profess
Pigcoin (pig)
Pigcoin 成为 Polygon 网络充满活力的生态系统中的开创性模因币。. 这种创新的数字货币将模因文化的俏皮精神与 Polygon 强大、可扩展的技术相结合,有望在加密货币世界中独树一帜。.
Pigcoin emerges as a pioneering memecoin within the vibrant ecosystem of the Polygon network. This innovative digital currency blends the playful spirit of meme culture with the robust,scalable technology of Polygon,promising a unique proposition in the cryptocurrency world.
Quickswap (quick)
快速交换是多边形网络上的去中心化交易所DEX。. 它基于Uniswap V2 AMM协议,允许Polygon上的用户通过流动性池交易代币。.
Quickswap is a decentralized exchange DEX on the Polygon Network. It is a based on the Uniswap V2 AMM protocol and allows users on Polygon to trade tokens through a liquidity pool.
10 AWT
Abyss World (awt)
The Abyss World是Sui Network和Polygon上的一款OpenWorld Dark Fantasy ActionRPG,是Metagame Industries历时3年的独立作品,得到了Microsoft,AMD,EPIC和IGN的支持。深渊世界已经超过 100,000 名 Steam 愿望清单玩家,这是 web2 游戏世界的巨大里程碑。. 因此,作为一款有可能突破两个空间之间墙壁的游戏,我们的目标是吸引100万玩家。. 主流代表超过10亿的全球游戏玩家,他们习惯于大众市场上的集中式游戏生态系统和分销系统。. 在Microsoft、AMD、Epic Games和IGN的支持下,Abyss World将对主流营销实施类似的方法。. 作为质量最好的游戏,深渊世界将吸引数百
The Abyss World is an OpenWorld Dark Fantasy ActionRPG on Sui Network and Polygon,and is 3 years of indie work by Metagame Industries and being backed by Microsoft,AMD,EPIC & IGN.Abyss World has already surpassed 100,000 Steam wishlist players,which is a huge milestone in the web2 gaming world. Thus,as a game with the potential to break through the wall between two spaces,our goal is to attract 1 million players. Mainstream stands for more than 1
11 AMU
Amulet Protocol (amu)
护身符协议 Amulet 是为基于 Rust 的生态系统构建的去中心化风险保护协议 RPP,支持 Solana 区块链和 EVM 网络以太坊、Optimism 和 Polygon zkEVM。. Amulet设计了一种创新、开放的风险保护模式,不仅有效解决了现有去中心化RPP的共同挑战,也有效解决了整个去中心化风险保护领域的共同挑战。.
Amulet Protocol Amulet is a decentralized risk protection protocol RPP built for Rustbased ecosystems,supporting both Solana blockchain and EVM networks Ethereum,Optimism,and Polygon zkEVM. Amulet has designed an innovative and open risk protection model which not only effectively addresses the common challenges of existing decentralized RPPs,but also the whole decentralized risk protection sector.
12 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
Bridged USDC (Polygon PoS Bridge) (usdc.e)
变化 $1.7B 已发行 $1.6B 已赎回 $0.1B 流通变化 USDC 是一种数字美元或稳定币,始终可用,可以快速发送到世界各地。. 您可以上传您的美元来获得 USDC,您可以用它来支付商品和服务或为未来储蓄。. 开发人员还使用 USDC 来构建应用程序和金融服务,与以前相比,支付速度更快、费用更低、访问量更大。.
change $1.7B Issued $1.6B Redeemed $0.1B Change in Circulation                          USDC is a digital dollar,or stablecoin,that's always available and can be sent quickly around the world. You can upload your US dollars to get USDC,which you can use to pay for goods and services or save for the future. USDC is also used by developers to build apps and financial services with faster payments,lower fees and more access than before.
Bware (infra)
项目是关于什么Bware Labs是多链,可扩展解决方案的提供商,专注于基础设施和开发工具。. Bware Labs 成立于 2020 年,位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特,旨在解决 Web3 行业的效率和性能挑战。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二为区块链 API 提供无与伦比的质量、性能和易用性,Blast,Bware Labs API 平台通过引入第三方节点提供商参与平台来分散其基础设施进行创新。. 它通过成为第一个为节点运行者采用奖励模型的人来做到这一点,激励他们以增加平台的去中心化,并最终改善对支持的区块链的访问。项目的历史记录。Bware Labs的创始人着手构建一个替代基础设施平台,同时专注于高性能,去中心化,安全性和可访问性,而不依赖于集中式权威。. 这就是Blast,Bware Labs去
What is the project aboutBware Labs is a provider of multichain,scalable solutions,focused on infrastructure and dev tools. Founded in 2020,in Bucharest,Romania,Bware Labs aims to solve efficiency and performance challenges in the Web3 industry. What makes your project uniqueProviding unparalleled quality,performance,and ease of use to blockchain API,Blast,Bware Labs API platform innovates by decentralizing its infrastructure through onboarding t
Chumbi Valley (chmb)
Chumbi Valley是一款迷人的RPG PlaytoEarn区块链游戏,建立在BSC和Polygon上。. Chumbi Valley 以受口袋妖怪和吉卜力工作室启发的 NFT 生物和原创艺术为特色.Chumbi 是居住在神秘森林山谷中的可爱双足 NFT 生物。. 作为主角,您可以繁殖和收集Chumbi,与他们一起探索并战斗以获得加密奖励。. 通过与您的Chumbi合作维护农场和种植庄稼来获得额外的奖励。. 收集游戏内资源来制作 NFT 物品,甚至可以在离线时使用 Chumbi 自动化法术赚钱。. 此外,您可以在春比村拥有 NFT 地块,在那里您可以与其他玩家互动并建立社区。.
Chumbi Valley is an enchanting RPG PlaytoEarn blockchain game being built on BSC & Polygon. Chumbi Valley features NFT creatures and original art inspired by Pokemon and Studio Ghibli.Chumbi are adorable bipedal NFT creatures that inhabit a mysterious forest valley. As the main character, you can breed and collect Chumbi, explore with them and battle to earn crypto rewards. Earn additional rewards by working with your Chumbi to maintain a farm an
ETGM (Ordinals) (etgm)
ETGM是一个革命性的数字货币项目,旨在探索区块链技术的新前沿。. ETGM将社区的温暖与外太空的神秘相结合,旨在创建一个既友好又充满探索精神的数字生态系统。项目特色:创新的交易工具:我们在Telegram上开发了多链铭文机器人,旨在为用户提供一个多功能平台,支持在比特币、以太坊、Polygon、Solana SOL和Cosmos Atom等主要区块链上进行铭记和聚合交易。. 该机器人旨在成为一站式解决方案,用于轻松访问和管理各种区块链平台上的资产。社区驱动:我们相信社区的力量。. ETGM通过各种互动活动和奖励机制,积极促进社区成员之间的互动和协作。探索和发现:ETGM鼓励用户探索数字货币世界的无限可能性。. 我们定期组织教育活动和研讨会,帮助社区成员了解区块链技术的最新发展。ETGM不仅
ETGM is a revolutionary digital currency project designed to explore new frontiers in blockchain technology. ETGM combines the warmth of a community with the mystery of outer space,aiming to create a digital ecosystem that is both friendly and filled with a spirit of exploration.Project Features:Innovative Trading Tools: We have developed a multichain inscription bot on Telegram,aimed at providing users with a multifunctional platform that enable
FireStarter (flame)
FireStarter 是多边形网络上的第一个初始元界产品或 IMO 启动板,通过元宇宙孵化和启动 GameFi、社交代币、NFT 和 DeFi 项目。. FireStarter只孵化顶级项目,通常由名人和以工程为中心的团队组成,因为我们在媒体福布斯,耐克,Supreme,滚石杂志等以及加密领域的现实世界经验使我们能够弥合主流和加密之间的差距。.
FireStarter is the first Initial Metaverse Offering or IMO launchpad on the Polygon network that incubates and launches GameFi, Social Token, NFT and DeFi projects by way of the metaverse. FireStarter only incubates top tier projects, typically comprised of celebrity and engineering centric teams as our real world experience in media Forbes, Nike, Supreme, Rolling Stones Magazine etc as well as in crypto allows us to bridge the gap between the ma
18 G3
GAM3S.GG (g3)
GAM3S.GG 是一个 web3 游戏超级应用程序,它策划和创建内容以聚焦顶级游戏并展示评论、指南、新闻、任务、年度奖项等。拥有超过 180,000 名用户,GAM3S。GG的增长不言而喻。. 该平台拥有 350 多种不同类型的游戏库,确保每个人都能找到适合自己的东西。. 一个充满活力的社区在社交平台上蓬勃发展,以一年一度的 GAM3 大奖为主,自 2023 年夏季 2022.In 以来,迅速确立了自己作为首屈一指的 web3 游戏盛会的地位,GAM3S。GG 获得了由 Mechanism Capital 领投的 200 万美元种子轮融资,其他主要风险投资和天使投资人也大量参与,包括 Polygon Ventures、Double Peak、ArkStream Capital、LD Cap
GAM3S.GG is a web3 gaming superapp that curates and creates content to spotlight the top games and showcases reviews,guides,news,quests,annual awards,and more.With over 180,000 users,GAM3S.GGs growth speaks for itself. The platform boasts a library of over 350 games across various genres,ensuring theres something for everyone. A vibrant community has flourished across social platforms,anchored by the annual GAM3 Awards,quickly establishing itself
GAX Liquidity Token Reward (gltr)
GAX流动性代币奖励GLTR的主要用途是允许Gotchiverse中的玩家通过燃烧GLTR来加速其装置的制作和升级,从而使他们能够更快地达到更高的游戏水平。. 每个烧录的GLTR相当于Polygon PoS网络上的一个区块。.
The primary utility of GAX Liquidity Token Reward GLTR is allowing players in the Gotchiverse to speed up the crafting and upgrading of their Installations by burning GLTR, allowing them to reach higher levels of the game faster. Every burned GLTR is equivalent to one block on the Polygon PoS network.
Gone (gone)
社区驱动的 Polygon 模因代币由 50+ 优质个人创建,为生态系统带来乐趣。. $GONE今天$GONE明天。.
The community driven Polygon meme token created by 50+ quality individuals to bring fun back to the ecosystem. $GONE today $GONE tomorrow
iMe Lab (lime)
什么是iMe LabiMe是一个生态系统,其中包含基于电报的信使,加密钱包和DeFi工具及其原生实用代币LIME。. 该应用程序允许通过几次点击发送加密货币,使加密货币交易快速、安全和无忧。. 任何用户都可以在几秒钟内通过他们的电报句柄将他们持有的 iMe 钱包中的加密货币发送给他们的任何联系人。. 凭借集成到信使Uniswap,BNB Chain,Ethereum,PancakeSwap,Polygon中的强大DeFi功能,iMe的使命是使DeFi更容易被更广泛的人群所接受。. iMe是第一个将币安功能添加到消息传递生态系统中的公司,以在币安上交换加密货币,从iMe钱包向币安账户存款,发送请求付款并进行零费用交易等等。. iMe通过iMe LabLIME令牌ERC20,BEP20,Poly
What is iMe LabiMe is an ecosystem with the Telegrambased messenger, Crypto Wallet, and DeFi tools and its native utility token LIME. The app allows sending crypto in a few clicks, making crypto transactions fast, secure and hasslefree. Any user can send cryptocurrencies they hold in their iMe wallet to any of their contacts via their Telegram handles, in a matter of seconds. With robust DeFi capabilities integrated into the messenger Uniswap, BN
22 ISP
Ispolink (isp)
Ispolink是一个新颖的跨链平台,面向由币安智能链和多边形第2层扩展技术提供支持的开发人员。. Ispolink使区块链公司能够通过内部AI驱动的算法无缝地寻找行业领先的人才。.
Ispolink is a novel crosschain platform for developers powered by Binance Smart Chain and Polygons layer 2 scaling technology. Ispolink empowers blockchain firms to source seamlessly industryleading talents with internal AIpowered algorithms.
23 OAS
Oasys (oas)
在区块链游戏中,发生了大量的交易。然而,许多区块链无法处理如此多的交易,节点经常崩溃。Oasys作为游戏特定的区块链,使用的技术由于游戏引起的交易数量增加而不太可能失败。Oasys是一个多层EVM兼容的PoS公共区块链,解决了游戏开发者与其他区块链的纠葛。主要竞争对手是试图解决以太坊可扩展性、gas费用和交易速度问题的区块链。. 例如流、雪崩、多边形、波卡点等。. 对于游戏玩家1.. 零汽油费2.. 高速坦斯行动3.. 骗局更少对于游戏开发人员.1..
In the blockchain game, a huge number of transactions occur.However, many blockchains cannot handle so many Transactions, and nodes often crash.Oasys, as a gamespecific blockchain, uses technology that is less likely to fail due to the increased number of transactions caused by games.Oasys is a multilayered EVMcompatible PoS public blockchain that solves game developers’ struggles with other blockchains.The main competitors are blockchains trying
24 OOE
OpenOcean (ooe)
OpenOcean是世界上第一个DeFi和CeFi的完整聚合器。. OpenOceans的智能路由算法为集中式和分散式交易所的交易者找到最优惠的价格和最低的滑点,无需额外费用。. 作为一站式入口,我们将币安上的 5 条公链、以太坊、以太坊第 2 层路印、币安智能链、Solana 、Polygon、Ontology、TRON 和 CEX 聚合了 5 条公链的主要交易所 DEX。. OpenOcean将继续通过桥梁和跨链协议支持跨链交换,以及更多的跨链协议,并聚合更多的DeFi和CeFi产品,如衍生品,贷款和保险产品。OpenOcean 的愿景是为加密交易建立一个完整的聚合器,作为连接当前分散的 DeFi 和 CeFi 市场中孤岛的桥梁。. 无论是小型个人投资者还是大型机构,每个人都应该有机会以
OpenOcean is the worlds first DeFi & CeFi full aggregator. OpenOceans intelligent routing algorithm finds the best price and lowest slippage for traders across centralized and decentralized exchanges with no additional fees. As onestop entrance, we aggregate major exchanges DEXes across 5 public chains, Ethereum, Ethereum Layer 2 Loopring, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Ontology, TRON, and CEX on Binance. OpenOcean will continue to suppor
25 PRX
Parex (prx)
Parex是一个去中心化的交易所。. 它还有一个只能通过挖矿生产机制存在的代币。. 生产网络使用 DRC16 协议进行处理。. 借助互操作性证明,它还可以与许多网络建立桥梁。借助Parex Proof of Interoperability,它与其他网络建立了可互操作的网桥。. 所有网络之间都有平衡。. 流通很常见。多边形,BEP20,以太坊,波卡点,Avax等。.
Parex is a decentralized exchange. It also has a token that can only exist through the mining production mechanism. The production network is processed with the DRC16 protocol. It can also build bridges with many networks thanks to Proof of Interoperability.Thanks to Parex Proof of Interoperability, it establishes interoperable bridges with other networks. There is a balance between all networks. Circulation is common.Polygon, BEP20, Ethereum, Po
Polygon Bridged USDT (Polygon) (usdt)
Polygon Portal 是一个专门提供有关多边形的信息和资源的网站或平台。. 它可能提供教育材料、教程和交互式工具,以帮助用户理解和使用多边形。. 该平台旨在提高与几何相关的知识和技能,特别关注多边形、其属性及其在各个领域的应用。.
Polygon Portal is a website or platform that specializes in providing information and resources about polygons. It likely offers educational materials,tutorials,and interactive tools to help users understand and work with polygons. The platform is designed to enhance knowledge and skills related to geometry and specifically focuses on the study of polygons,their properties,and their applications in various fields.
Standard Protocol (stnd)
标准协议是一个分散的储备银行,将帮助人们拥有他们借来的东西。. 它有一个门户,人们可以在其中借用USM,存入抵押品,管理他们的金库等等。. 人们还可以加入标准协议社区,参与构建下一代稳定币并提供反馈。. 目标是在 2022 年为加密货币市场提供服务,USM 在 Metis Andromeda 和多边形债券系统推出。.
Standard Protocol is a decentralized reserve bank that will help people own what they borrow. It has a portal where people can borrow USM,deposit collateral,manage their vaults,and more. People can also join the Standard Protocol community to get involved in building the next generation stablecoin and give feedback. The goal is to provide a service to the cryptocurrency market in 2022 with USM launch on Metis Andromeda and Polygon Bond System int
SWFTCOIN (swftc)
SWFT区块链是一个跨链交换聚合器,而SWFTC是SWFT区块链的原生代币。. SWFT区块链专注于DeFi,Gamefi,元界等的跨链交换。. SWFTC的一个重要功能是用作所有SWFT区块链产品的会员资格。. 持有后,用户有权享受交易费用折扣、社区治理等权益。SWFT区块链 www.swft.pro 于2017年在硅谷成立。. 它是链上和链下 DEX/CEX/NFT 市场的跨链交换聚合器。. 结合区块链和人工智能技术,它现在支持所有主要的公链,包括BTC,ETH,Polygon,Arbitrum,Polkadot,BSC,Heco,Solana,Terra,Fantom,Tron,OkexChain,XRP和400+加密货币,以及主流NFT交易平台和NFT项目。.
SWFT Blockchain is a crosschain swap aggregator, while SWFTC is the native token of SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain focuses on crosschain swap of DeFi, Gamefi, Metaverse, etcetera. One important function of SWFTC is to be used as membership for all SWFT Blockchain products. Upon holding, users are entitled to transaction fee discounts, community governance, and other rights and interests.SWFT Blockchain www.swft.pro was established in Silicon Va
Taboo (taboo)
禁忌是一个成人 NFT 和流媒体项目。. 专注于高度、独家的内容。. 对于不是严格意义上的色情明星的模特来说,他们的内容与其他成人代币不同。. 他们的市场是尖端的,由Enjin Coin市场开发人员创建。. 从超级模特到色情明星,TABOO正在有选择地策划现有最独家的内容创作者名单,提供来自内容创作者的最高质量和最独家的SFW,NSFW到XXX独家媒体。. 有一个申请流程,任何希望加入我们平台的成年表演者都必须首先获得资格并获得我们的批准。.
Taboo is an adult NFT & Streaming media project. Specializing in highly, exclusive content. With models, who aren’t strictly porn stars, their content is not like other adult tokens. Their marketplace is cuttingedge, with its creation by the Enjin Coin Marketplace Developers. From Super Models to Pornstars, TABOO is selectively curating the most exclusive content creator list in existence, providing the highest quality and most exclusive SFW, NSF
TENET (tenet)
TENET是一个专注于DeFi的EVM第1层,为LSD带来流动性和收益机会。. TENET允许LSD重新质押到其网络,并通过利用称为多元化PoS的新共识机制在TENETs的DeFi生态系统中使用。. 这允许像stEth这样的LSD参与验证,使其成为有史以来最安全的区块链。. 在LSD质押到TENET后,用户将获得LLSD,该LLSD可以在整个TENET的生态系统中使用。. LSDC流动质押美元币是TENET从LSD铸造的超额抵押稳定币,也是有史以来第一个由一篮子流动资产支持的有息稳定币。是什么让TENET独一无二它是在Cosmos上运行的唯一活动EVM第1层。. 这提供了最大的资金可组合性,同时使开发异常容易。.
TENET is a DeFifocused EVM Layer1 bringing liquidity and yield opportunities to LSDs. TENET allows LSDs to restake to its network and be used in TENETs DeFi Ecosystem by utilizing a new consensus mechanism called Diversified PoS. This allows LSDs like stEth to participate in validation,making it the most secure blockchain ever created. After an LSD is staked to TENET,users get back an LLSD,which can be used throughout TENET’s ecosystem. LSDC Liqu
Wrapped Matic (wmatic)
ains Polygon是一家技术公司,致力于使每个人都可以访问以太坊。. 他们拥有开发人员可以用来构建应用程序的解决方案、可以加入的社区、可以阅读的博客以及 Polygon Studios 和 Polygon Funds 等计划。. 他们也有工具来帮助使世界更具可持续性。.
ains Polygon is a technology company that works to make Ethereum accessible for everyone. They have solutions developers can use to build applications with,a community they can join,blogs they can read,and initiatives like Polygon Studios and Polygon Funds. They also have tools to help make the world more sustainable.
XDEFI (xdefi)
XDEFI 是一个非托管钱包,可让您在 14 个区块链上安全地交换、存储和发送 NFT 和加密货币。加入超过 100,000 名信任 XDEFI 钱包一个钱包的人,用于所有 Web3:交换、发送和存储以太坊、索尔链、雪崩、幻想、仲裁、多边形、比特币、币安链、币安智能链、狗狗、莱特币、Luna2、Luna 经典和比特币现金上的 10,000 多种资产。. 一个单一的画廊,用于您的以太坊、雪崩、幻想、仲裁、多边形、币安链和 Luna2 NFT.无需许可的交换和桥接:所有 THORChain 资产的无限交换,全部在钱包内。XDEFI钱包是非托管的:我们永远无法访问您的资金。. XDEFI钱包从不存储您的助记词,密码或任何私人信息。. 您始终可以完全控制您的资金和数据。.
XDEFI is a noncustodial wallet that allows you to securely swap, store, and send NFTs and crypto across 14 blockchains.Join more than 100,000 people who trust XDEFI WalletOne wallet for all of Web3:Swap, send and store more than 10,000 assets on Ethereum, THORChain, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum, Polygon, Bitcoin, Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Doge, Litecoin, Luna2, Luna Classic and Bitcoin Cash. A single gallery for all your NFTs:A single, c
33 ZKF
ZKFair (zkf)
ZKFair 是第一个社区驱动的 L2,利用 Polygon CDK、Celestia DA 和 Lumoz RaaS。. 它拥有 100% 公平的发布,没有外部投资者、储备或预挖——真正是一个由社区驱动的项目。.
ZKFair stands out as the first communitydriven L2,utilizing Polygon CDK,Celestia DA and Lumoz RaaS. It boasts a 100% fair launch with no external investors,reserves,or premining—truly a project driven by the community.
34 VIX
0VIX Protocol (vix)
0VIX是一种去中心化金融DeFi流动性市场协议,建立在Polygon上,0VIX协议使用户能够毫不费力地用他们的数字资产借贷和赚取利息。. 为协议提供流动性的存款人可以获得被动收入,而借款人可以使用超额抵押借款。.
0VIX is a Decentralized Finance DeFi liquidity market protocol,built on Polygon.The 0VIX protocol enables users to effortlessly lend,borrow and earn interest with their digital assets. Depositors providing liquidity to the protocol may earn passive income,while borrowers are able to borrow using overcollateralization
35 0XMR
0xMonero (0xmr)
0Xmonero是一种数字货币,可以帮助人们保持资金安全和私密。. 它有钱包,混合器,桥,游戏和Tor Defi,以确保您的资金安全。. 它有18.65亿枚硬币在流通,合法合规,快速高效。. 您可以将其与以太坊,币安链,多边形,近和XDai链一起使用。. 还有一份白皮书解释了有关0Xmonero的更多信息。. 在使用0Xmonero时,始终使用Brave Tor或VPN隐藏您的以太坊IP地址非常重要。.
0Xmonero is a digital currency that helps people keep their money safe and private. It has wallets,mixers,bridges,games and Tor Defi to make sure your money stays secure. It has 1865 million coins in circulation and it is legally compliant,fast and efficient. You can use it with Ethereum,Binance Chain,Polygon,Near and XDai Chain. There is also a whitepaper which explains more about 0Xmonero. It is important to always use Brave Tor or a VPN to hid
Aave Polygon AAVE (amaave)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon DAI (amdai)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon USDC (amusdc)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon USDT (amusdt)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon WBTC (amwbtc)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon WETH (amweth)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave Polygon WMATIC (amwmatic)
Aave是一种开源协议,用于创建非托管流动性市场,以可变或稳定的利率提供和借入资产赚取利息。. 该协议旨在轻松集成到您的产品和服务中。.
Aave is an Open Source Protocol to create Non-Custodial Liquidity Markets to earn interest on supplying and borrowing assets with a variable or stable interest rate. The protocol is designed for easy integration into your products and services.
Aave stkGHO (stkgho)
Aave 是一个开源的流动性协议,允许用户赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 它是一个由社区管理的去中心化协议,拥有超过 165,601 名代币持有者。. Aave 最初部署在以太坊网络上,但已扩展到其他网络,例如 Polygon、Avalanche、Arbitrum、Optimism、Base、Gnosis、Metis 和 Centrifuge RWABridge。. 该协议由领先的安全公司进行审计,并具有一个安全模块,以防止协议破产。. Aave 金库由 AAVE 代币和金库收集者组成,他们从各种来源赚取费用。. 用户可以通过提交提案、创建快照和对提案进行投票来参与治理。.
Aave is an open-source liquidity protocol that allows users to earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. It is a decentralized protocol governed by the community with over 165,601 token holders. Aave was first deployed on the Ethereum network but has expanded to other networks such as Polygon,Avalanche,Arbitrum,Optimism,Base,Gnosis,Metis,and Centrifuge RWABridge. The protocol is audited by leading security firms and has a safety module
Aave v3 DAI (adai)
Aave 是一种协议,可让您赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. Aave 有 8 个网络和超过 15 个市场,锁定了 8,666,501,448.67 美元的流动性。. 您可以将您的资产提供给协议并看着它们增长,或者您可以从以太坊、Polygon 等不同网络借款!它由拥有 163,092 名代币持有者的社区管理。. 为了确保安全,他们使用安全模块并有一个漏洞赏金计划来查找任何错误或漏洞。.
Aave is a protocol that allows you to earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. There are 8 networks and over 15 markets in Aave with $8,666,501,448.67 of liquidity locked in. You can supply your assets into the protocol and watch them grow or you can borrow from different networks like Ethereum,Polygon and more! It is governed by the community with 163,092 token holders. To make sure it is safe they use a Safety Module and have a Bug B
Aave v3 Metis (ametis)
Aave 是一个开源流动性协议,让人们可以赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 您可以使用 Aave 协议在以太坊、Polygon、Avalanche 等不同网络上借贷。. 想要赚钱的人可以将他们的资产提供给协议,并看着他们成长为流动性提供者。. 还有一个社区主导的赠款计划,以资助社区的想法。. Aave协议是安全的,并且有一个安全的保护支持。.
Aave is an open source liquidity protocol that lets people earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. You can use the Aave Protocol to lend or borrow money on different networks like Ethereum,Polygon,Avalanche and more. People who want to make money can supply their assets into the protocol and watch them grow as a liquidity provider. There is also a community-led grants program to fund ideas from the community. The Aave Protocol is secu
46 ACU
Acurast (acu)
Acurast 是一个去中心化的无服务器云平台,允许用户构建由去中心化云保护的 web2 和 web3 应用程序。. 该平台提供计算、爬网、数据馈送和数据按需等产品。. 用户可以申请成为处理器,只需3分钟即可用手机提供计算,并在此过程中获得奖励。. Acurast区块链作为去中心化计算的编排层,具有透明和自动化的计费功能。. 该平台旨在打破由美国大型科技巨头控制的云计算寡头垄断。. 通过利用移动硬件,Acurast将设备变成强大的计算设备,提供更具成本效益和分散的解决方案。.
Acurast is a decentralized serverless cloud platform that allows users to build web2 and web3 applications secured by a decentralized cloud. The platform offers products such as compute,crawl,data feed,and data on-demand. Users can apply to become a processor and provide compute with their mobile phones in just 3 minutes,earning rewards in the process. The Acurast Blockchain serves as the orchestration layer for decentralized compute with transpa
Adamant (addy)
Adamant 是一个收益优化器金库,由许多农民汇集他们的时间和资源来共同赚取最佳的 DeFi 收益率。. 我们的保险库为用户提供了一种简单安全的方式来在 Polygon 网络上自动复合他们的代币。Adamant目前拥有超过100个Quickswap的保险库,Quickswap是Polygon网络上最大的交易所。. 用户将快速交换LP代币存入Adamants金库合约,然后将其复合成更多的LP代币或质押以获得更多的QUICK。. 利用指数复利的力量,与普通质押相比,Adamants金库可以获得更高的收益率。. 用户还可以避免汽油费并节省时间。.
Adamant is a yield optimizer vault that consists of many farmers pooling their time and resources to collectively earn the best DeFi yields. Our vaults provide users with an easy and safe way to automatically compound their tokens on the Polygon network.Adamant currently has over 100 vaults for Quickswap, the largest exchange on the Polygon network. Users deposit Quickswap LP tokens to Adamants vault contracts, which are then compounded into more
48 ADS
Adshares (ads)
Adshares 是元界货币化空间的 Web3 协议.Adserver 平台允许用户租用元界、区块链游戏、NFT 展览和网站内部的空间。. 从2017年开始,该团队提供了一个现在高度可扩展的协议。. Adshares是一个伞形项目,维护一个分散的网络。. ADS协议背后的想法是通过DAO风格的治理将网络提供给社区。. 在Adshares中,任何人都可以通过在越来越多的领域实施开源区块链工具来制作自己的Adserver。. 这一突破性的概念使$ADS持有者可以从协议的货币化中获利。.
Adshares is a Web3 protocol for monetization space in the Metaverse.Adserver platforms allow users to rent space inside Metaverse, blockchain games, NFT exhibitions and websites. Starting in 2017, the team delivered a protocol that is now highly scalable. Adshares is an umbrella project, maintaining a decentralized network. The idea behind the ADS protocol is to give the network to the community with DAOstyle governance. In Adshares, anyone can m
49 AEG
Aether Games (aeg)
Aether Games 是一家创新的跨媒体开发工作室,为 web2 和 web3 受众创造身临其境的游戏和娱乐体验。. 我们的使命是建立一个全面的游戏特许经营权,无缝集成传统游戏、区块链技术和各种媒体格式的引人入胜的叙事内容。经过一年多的开发,Aether Games 有两款游戏正在筹备中:公开测试版的《以太卡》和推出 2023 年 EOY 的《以太之门》自动战斗游戏。. 我们的项目得到了受人尊敬的投资者的支持,包括Polygon Ventures,GSR,Polkastarter,Ultra,Icetea Labs,Magic Eden和Mystenlabs.我们的跨媒体产品阵容包括:Cards of Ethernity CoE:一款数字收藏的竞技卡牌游戏,为游戏玩家和收藏家提供引人入胜
Aether Games is an innovative transmedia development studio that creates immersive gaming and entertainment experiences for both web2 and web3 audiences. Our mission is to build a comprehensive gaming franchise that seamlessly integrates traditional gaming,blockchain technology,and engaging narrative content across various media formats.With over a year of development under our belt,Aether Games has two gaming titles in the pipeline: Cards of Eth
agEUR (Plenty Bridge) (egeur.e)
您的以太坊钱包连接到多边形钱包钱包连接扫描与钱包连接以连接您的多边形钱包 丰盛桥是一种工具,可帮助人们将代币从以太坊和多边形转移到Tezos。. 您选择所需的链和代币,输入金额,在完成两条链上的步骤后,您的代币将显示在另一条链的钱包中。.
your Ethereum walletConnect to Polygon walletWalletConnectScan with WalletConnect to connect your Polygon wallet Plenty bridge is a tool that helps people transfer tokens from Ethereum and Polygon to Tezos. You choose the chain and token you want,enter the amount,and after completing steps on both chains,your tokens will show up in the other chain's wallet.
AGOS (agos)
关于MetaStrikers的项目是Polygon上的P2E和PvP足球战略游戏。. 加入革命,嬉戏,为更大的事业贡献力量。. 一个追求GameFis独特性和追求解决社会问题的可能性的世界。是什么让您的项目独一无二我们正在通过最大化销售回购来制作可持续的游戏。. 游戏机制很简单,但有很多战略元素。. 此外,除了练习游戏外,还有风险但利润丰厚的官方游戏,您的项目历史。于 2023 年 5 月推出。. 生态系统已经维持了四个月。您的项目的下一步是什么MetaStrikers将桥接web2和web3,让更多的人接触到加密货币。.
What is the project aboutMetaStrikers is the P2E & PvP Football Strategic Game on Polygon with a heart. Join the revolution,play,and contribute to a greater cause. A world where pursuit of GameFis uniqueness and pursuit of the possibility of solving social issues are both achieved.What makes your project uniqueWe are making a sustainable game by maximizing buyback of sales. The game mechanics are simple,but there are many strategic elements. Also
AISwap (aiswap)
项目内容简介欢迎来到AISwap – 通往无缝多链代币交换和无限可能性的门户。. 体验金融的未来,因为我们重新定义您在币安智能链、以太坊和多边形中的交易、连接和发展方式.通过 AISwap 释放您的潜力:创新、可访问性和社区融合的地方,引导您迈向加密探索和赋能的新时代.谁是 WeAISwap 通过引入其多链代币交换平台预示着数字资产交换领域的变革性演变。. AISwap 以一丝不苟的精度设计,迎合了跨越三大区块链网络的多元化用户社区:币安智能链、以太坊和多边形。. 这个创新平台通过在每个不同的链生态系统范围内毫不费力地参与代币交换,使个人能够超越传统界限。. 通过这样做,AISwap提供了一个前所未有的便利领域,使用户能够拥抱多元化的好处,同时拥抱快速交易的快速性,从而重新定义现代交易体验的
What is the project aboutWelcome to AISwap – Your Gateway to Seamless MultiChain Token Swapping and Limitless Possibilities. Experience the Future of Finance as We Redefine How You Trade,Connect,and Thrive Across Binance Smart Chain,Ethereum,and Polygon.Unleash Your Potential with AISwap: Where Innovation,Accessibility,and Community Converge,Guiding You Towards a New Era of Crypto Exploration and Empowerment.Who Are WeAISwap heralds a transformat
53 ALM
Alium Finance (alm)
Alium 金融是一个多链 DeFi 生态系统,拥有雄心勃勃的跨链 DeFi 和 NFT 产品路线图。Alium Swap是一个多链去中心化交易所,具有跨链选项已经在币安智能链,以太坊链,Polygon Matic链,火币生态链,Fantom Opera和Metis Andromeda上运行。. DAO的治理代币和Alium金融产品的实用代币都是混合流动性模型是解决跨链DEX市场流动性问题的一个重要里程碑。. 通过将跨链掉期对流动性的需求最小化到几个关键对,Alium Finance可以实现无缝,安全和最佳的交易者体验。Alium Swap 上的第一批 EVMbridges BSCFantomPolygonMetis 已经启动并运行。在质押方面,Alium Finance开发了一种独特的替代
Alium Finance is a MultiChain DeFi ecosystem with an ambitious roadmap of CrossChain DeFi and NFT products.Alium Swap is a MultiChain Decentralized Exchange with a CrossChain option already operating on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum Chain, Polygon Matic Chain, Huobi ECO Chain, Fantom Opera and Metis Andromeda.ALM token is a core Token of the Alium Finance Ecosystem. Both Governance token for the DAO and the Utility Token for the Alium Finance Pro
ApeSwap (banana)
ApeSwap 是一个去中心化自治组织 DAO,它提供了一整套工具来探索和参与去中心化金融机会。. 使用我们DeFi Hub中的产品,用户和合作伙伴可以以安全、透明和全球可访问的方式利用这一新的金融创新浪潮。. 加入 ApeSwap 生态系统,与我们的社区互动,使用我们的 DeFi 产品,购买我们的原生代币、BANANA 和 GNANA 使用我们的去中心化交易所在 BNB 链和多边形上的不同加密货币代币之间进行交换 为加密货币代币对提供流动性,以促进交换和接收流动性提供者 赚取交易费用的LP代币 流动性挖矿 质押 BANANA 或 GNANA 在质押池中,从合作伙伴项目中赚取代币 在收益农场质押 LP 代币 赚取 BANANA 贷款并通过 ApeSwap 借贷网络借入加密资产 参与新加密项目
ApeSwap is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO that offers a full suite of tools to explore and engage with decentralized finance opportunities. Using the products within our DeFi Hub, users and partners can tap into this new wave of financial innovation in a secure, transparent, and globally accessible way. Join the ApeSwap ecosystem by interacting with our community, using our DeFi products, and purchasing our native tokens, BANANA and
Arable Protocol (acre)
Arable 协议是一种合成的流动性挖矿协议,致力于帮助产量农民访问多个区块链,例如以太坊、雪崩、Solana、Cosmos 或 Polygon 资产和单链上的收益。. 在DeFi领域获得高收益的最大挑战是需要跨链桥接资产,需要恒定的过桥费用来限制回报。. Arable通过提供第一个支持多链农业的单链平台来改变这种状况。. 该平台由激励的抵押品提供商(又名)提供支持。. 合成资产的质押者或铸造者。. 用户获得与原生链相同的奖励。许多不同的区块链现在都支持流动性矿池并提供激励机制,但不同链之间的资产转移需要时间和费用,并且需要链和桥梁特定知识。.
Arable Protocol is a synthetic yield farming protocol that is dedicated to helping yield farmers access multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, Cosmos or Polygon assets and yields on a single chain. The biggest challenge in earning high yields in the DeFi space is the need to bridge assets across chains, requiring constant bridge fees that limit returns. Arable is changing that by providing the first single chain platform that e
Arch Aggressive Portfolio (aagg)
Arch 激进投资组合 AAGG 属于我们的投资组合系列,旨在捕捉 Web3 的长期优势,同时仍然通过收益代币提供多样化。AAGG投资组合专为长期投资者设计,优先考虑潜在的更高回报而不是风险或波动性。. 投资组合的重点是通过在 Web3 领域增加对增长导向型资产的敞口来最大化回报。使我们的投资组合构建与众不同的是我们的创新方法,其中包括子集重采样。. 这种技术提高了均值方差优化过程的效率,使我们能够在给定的风险水平下确定具有最高预期回报的最有效投资组合。. 理想情况下,我们的Arch Aggressive 投资组合每季度重新平衡一次,使我们能够根据市场状况或业绩进行调整。AAGG投资组合可在Polygon网络上交换,铸造和赎回。.
The Arch Aggressive Portfolio AAGG belongs to our family of portfolios and is aimed at capturing the longterm upside of Web3,while still providing diversification with yieldbearing tokens.AAGG portfolio is designed for longterm investors that prioritize potentially higher returns over risk or volatility. The portfolio focus is on maximizing returns through higher exposure to growthoriented assets in the Web3 space.What sets our portfolio construc
Arch Balanced Portfolio (abal)
Arch Balance Portfolio ABAL属于我们的投资组合家族,旨在在稳定和增长之间取得完美平衡。. ABAL 是精选的 Archs 资产,通过与美元挂钩的收益率策略提供稳定性,并接触主要加密货币和 Web3 协议代币。. 使我们的投资组合构建与众不同的是我们的创新方法,其中包括子集重采样。. 这种技术提高了均值方差优化过程的效率,使我们能够在给定的风险水平下确定具有最高预期回报的最有效投资组合。. 理想情况下,我们的Arch平衡投资组合每季度重新平衡一次,使我们能够根据市场状况或业绩进行调整。ABAL投资组合可以在Polygon网络上交换,铸造和赎回。.
The Arch Balanced Portfolio ABAL belongs to our family of portfolios and is aimed to strike the perfect balance between stability and growth. ABAL is a curated selection of Archs assets providing stability through USDpegged yieldbearing strategies,with exposure to major cryptocurrencies,and Web3 protocol tokens. What sets our portfolio construction apart is our innovative methodology,which includes subset resampling. This technique enhances the e
Arken Finance (arken)
我们是DeFi / DEX聚合器,拥有最优惠的利率掉期和最实时的交易视图,可帮助您从币安智能链和多边形链上的去中心化交易所中发现投资机会。.
We are DeFi/DEX aggregator with the best rates swap and the most realtime trading view to help you discover investment opportunity from decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Chain.
Armour Wallet (armour)
Armour Wallet是一个非托管的多链加密钱包,它利用尖端的AI技术为用户提供管理其各种加密资产的新便利。Armour钱包是一个革命性的多链加密钱包,为用户提供高水平的便利性,安全性和性能。. 其高级功能由尖端的人工智能技术提供支持,允许用户在单个用户友好的界面中管理各种区块链网络中的数字资产。. Armour钱包的主要优势之一是其多链支持。. 钱包支持一系列区块链网络,包括以太坊、币安智能链、多边形等。. 这意味着用户可以在一个地方管理他们持有的各种加密货币,而无需多个钱包或复杂的程序。. 钱包界面允许用户在不同的链之间轻松切换,并以清晰有序的方式查看其资产余额、交易历史和其他相关信息。.
Armour Wallet is a noncustodial,multichain crypto wallet that utilizes cuttingedge AI technology to provide users with a new level of convenience in managing their diverse crypto holdings.Armour Wallet is a revolutionary multichain crypto wallet that offers users a high level of convenience,security,and performance. Its advanced features are powered by cuttingedge AI technology,which allows users to manage their digital assets across various bloc
60 ASM
AsMatch (asm)
AsMatch 是 Manta 网络上的第一个社交 L3,由 Polygon CDK 和 Celestia DA 提供支持。. 我们正在通过社区优先的方法使 SocialFi 民主化,优先考虑您,普通用户。. 我们的理念很简单:无论你是谁,你的互动都承载着价值和回报。我们是民有、民治、民享的平台。. 与与您有共同兴趣的用户进行安全匹配、聊天和交易,同时赚取$ASM代币。.
AsMatch is the first Social L3 on Manta Network powered by Polygon CDK and Celestia DA. We’re democratizing SocialFi with a communityfirst approach by prioritizing you,the common user. Our philosophy is simple: no matter who you are,your interaction carries value and reward.We are a platform of the people,by the people,for the people. Match,chat,and trade securely with users who share your interests,all while earning $ASM tokens.
Ball (ball)
PolyPup Finance是Polygon上的一个新DeFi项目,具有通货紧缩代币模型。. 这是该项目的第三层,以BALL为特色,最大供应量为94,000个代币。.
PolyPup Finance is a new DeFi project on Polygon featuring a deflationary token model. This is the third layer of the project featuring BALL with a maximum supply of 94,000 tokens.
62 BWO
Battle World (bwo)
战斗世界是一个建立在多边形网络上的 Gamefi 大逃杀元界项目。. 一款面向大众的具有全球吸引力的中核游戏。. 玩 战利品 杀死收入玩家被放入以全球著名地点和城镇为模型的地图中,在那里他们必须掠夺并与他人作战才能成为最后一个站立的人。. Battle World有一个非常动态的核心游戏循环,玩家降落在同一张地图上,搜索枪支和战斗,并移动到安全区,但他们的体验每次都不同。. 该游戏提供了无穷无尽的重玩价值,因为每场比赛都与上一场比赛不同。. 该游戏还通过易于上手的射击机制、各种武器、生存到最后的快感以及可爱且相关的角色来加强其核心游戏循环。认证审核报告:链接:。.
Battle World is a Gamefi battle royale Metaverse project built onPolygon network. A globally appealing midcore game for the masses. Play Loot Kill EarnThe players are dropped into maps modeled after famous global locationsand towns, where they have to loot and fight against others to be thelast one standing. Battle World has a very dynamic core gameplay loop,where the player lands on the same map, searches for guns and fightothers, and moves t
Beebox (xbbc)
什么是XBBCBeebox是一个代表言论自由社区的项目,为新闻自由而战,应用区块链技术,对用户信息和数据绝对保密。XBBC代表了去中心化金融的一场革命。. 该项目完全基于Polygon网络的Dapp,这是一个由Binance和Coinbase支持的Layer 2扩展解决方案,是什么让XBBC与众不同这不仅仅是一种加密货币,它是一个完全去中心化的金融生态系统,你可以参与其中而不必担心审查或第三方的干扰。XBBC的历史。我们利用区块链技术构建分散的应用程序Dapps,旨在抵制第三方审查,确保透明度,并为所有参与者提供自由。.
What is XBBCBeebox is a project representing the free speech community,fighting for press freedom,applying Blockchain technology with absolute confidentiality of user information and data.XBBC represents a revolution in decentralized finance. The project is entirely based on the Dapp of the Polygon network,a Layer 2 scaling solution with support from Binance and Coinbase.What makes XBBC uniqueThis is not just a cryptocurrency; its a fully decentr
Betswap.gg (bsgg)
BSGG硬币是一种ERC20代币,驻留在以太坊多边形区块链上,是 Betswap.gg 平台的核心。. BSGG 代币提供多种功能,包括 DAO 治理、质押、社交投注和折扣平台费用。. BSGG硬币可用于支付您的体育交易佣金的折扣费用。. 这意味着你口袋里有更多的钱。. Betswap定期进行BSGG硬币回购。. 它将代币从流通中移除,确保代币供应持续减少,并且在设计上是通货紧缩的。.
BSGG coin is an ERC20 token that resides on the Ethereum Polygon blockchain and is the centerpiece of the Betswap.gg platform. The BSGG token provides several features including DAO governance, staking, social betting, and discounted platform fees. The BSGG coin can be used to pay discounted fees on your sports trading commissions. Meaning you keep more money in your pocket. Betswap regularly performs BSGG coin buybacks. It removes tokens from c


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 61,232.35 3,193,675,920.16
2 ARS title=ARS 1,069.20 1,749,006,111.50
3 ETH title=ETH 2,978.28 1,533,085,733.25
4 SOL title=SOL 130.07 1,226,775,346.83
5 OMNI title=OMNI 24.23 362,253,336.93
6 DOGE title=DOGE 0.14 347,614,374.91
7 ENA title=ENA 0.84 296,201,820.29
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 260,869,502.52
9 XRP title=XRP 0.49 258,093,374.16
10 BOME title=BOME <0.01 251,192,298.15
11 WIF title=WIF 2.29 210,513,139.33
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.37 131,798,709.41
13 RUNE title=RUNE 4.41 128,542,363.16
14 WLD title=WLD 4.71 116,852,849.43
15 SUI title=SUI 1.22 110,230,388.36
16 AVAX title=AVAX 33.41 103,096,617.42
17 ORDI title=ORDI 41.35 91,946,229.89
18 ADA title=ADA 0.44 87,857,076.24
19 RNDR title=RNDR 7.53 83,668,728.93
20 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.37 76,632,059.82
21 INJ title=INJ 25.04 75,105,068.19
22 LINK title=LINK 12.98 71,983,875.57
23 FTM title=FTM 0.65 68,065,784.24
24 TIA title=TIA 9.45 67,010,132.07
25 MATIC title=MATIC 0.66 65,333,897.74
26 FIL title=FIL 5.80 64,111,143.96
27 LTC title=LTC 79.31 60,623,497.01
28 TRX title=TRX 0.11 58,580,289.10


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Omni Network title=OMNI 24.23
2 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.41 +19.55
3 Acala title=ACA 0.12 +10.47
4 Waves title=WAVES 2.54 +7.00
5 BinaryX title=BNX 0.74 +6.14
6 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.21 +4.08
7 Mobox title=MBOX 0.30 +4.02
8 WazirX title=WRX 0.22 +3.13
9 Venus title=XVS 9.95 +2.68
10 Jito title=JTO 2.73 +2.13
11 Nano title=XNO 1.04 +2.06
12 AVA title=AVA 0.64 +1.64
13 League of Kingdoms title=LOKA 0.26 +1.44
14 PIVX title=PIVX 0.35 +1.32
15 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME <0.01 +1.26
16 Dock title=DOCK 0.03 +0.64
17 Litecoin title=LTC 79.31 +0.57
18 dForce title=DF 0.05 +0.15
19 ForTube title=FOR 0.02 +0.10
20 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.07


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.44 -21.96
2 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.31 -20.36
3 Saga title=SAGA 3.14 -20.15
4 Ethena title=ENA 0.84 -16.45
5 Galxe title=GAL 3.39 -15.52
6 TrueFi title=TRU 0.10 -14.91
7 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.01 -13.92
8 THORChain title=RUNE 4.41 -13.71
9 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.29 -13.46
10 Orion title=ORN 1.35 -12.36
11 Celestia title=TIA 9.45 -11.10
12 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 2.77 -11.07
13 NEO title=NEO 16.50 -10.86
14 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.07 -10.61
15 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.37 -10.50
16 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 -10.38
17 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.48 -10.16
18 Bittensor title=TAO 443.40 -10.13
19 Aevo title=AEVO 1.46 -9.88
20 W 0.54 -9.48
21 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -9.35
22 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.84 -9.23
23 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.41 -9.19
24 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.61 -9.19
25 MANTRA title=OM 0.67 -9.05
26 Memecoin title=MEME 0.02 -8.97
27 SSV Network title=SSV 34.64 -8.94
28 Manta Network title=MANTA 1.75 -8.79
29 Cream title=CREAM 47.86 -8.79
30 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.30 -8.28

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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1 Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet 2024-04-18
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(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
29 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
30 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)
31 为什么零流量的比特币ETF并不意味着你的想法
(Why Bitcoin ETFs with zero flows dont mean what you think)
32 分析师:比特币矿商股因利润减半后未经证实而下跌
(Bitcoin miner stocks drop on unsubstantiated post halving profit fears Analyst)
33 比特币下跌,因为美元在预期降息的情况下创下 14 个月来的最佳 5 天涨势
(Bitcoin drops as dollar eyes best 5 day run in 14 months on expected rate cut hold)
34 韩元成为全球加密货币交易商交易量最大的法定货币 报告
(Korean won becomes worlds most traded fiat for crypto traders Report)
35 ICPs Schnorr 集成迎来了比特币 DeFi 时代
(ICPs Schnorr integration ushers in Bitcoin DeFi era)
36 比特币供应将在 9 个月内耗尽 Bybit
(Bitcoin supply to run out on exchanges in 9 months Bybit)
37 加密货币的历史:严重的通货膨胀、不断上升的债务和不断发展的加密货币格局
(History of Crypto Crippling inflation rising debt and the evolving crypto landscape)
38 比特币鲸鱼拒绝出售,而 BTC 价格放弃了 70K 的欣快感
(Bitcoin whales refuse to sell while BTC price ditches 70K euphoria)
39 揭示减半对比特币通胀率和价值储存主张的影响
(Uncovering the halvings impact on Bitcoins inflation rate and store of value proposition)
40 前纽约联储主席加入币安美国董事会
(Former NY Fed chief joins BinanceUS board)
41 Avalanche 住房贷款代币化协议在 A 轮融资中筹集了 1000 万
(Avalanche home loan tokenization protocol raises 10M in Series A)
42 比特币供应减半冲击将撼动采矿业
(Bitcoin halving supply shock set to shake up mining sector)
43 以太坊价格数据对 3K 对 ETH 的支持强度产生怀疑
(Ethereum price data casts doubt on the strength of ETHs support at 3K)
44 比特币现货价格走势对BTC期权交易者几乎没有什么影响
(Bitcoins spot price action does little to spook BTC options traders)
45 Ethenas 稳定币模型的真正风险不是你想象的
(The real risks to Ethenas stablecoin model are not the ones you think)
46 给 Kieren James Lubin 的 6 个问题,他希望我们对奶奶达成共识
(6 Questions for Kieren James Lubin who wants us to get on the same page about grandma)
47 尽快禁用 iMessages 以避免加密零日漏洞利用 Trust Wallet
(Disable iMessages ASAP to avoid crypto zero day exploit Trust Wallet)
48 香港以太币ETF将幸运获得5亿
(Hong Kongs Ether Bitcoin ETFs will be lucky to get 500m)
49 加密劫持者从云公司骗取了 3500 万美元来挖掘加密货币联邦调查局声称
(Cryptojacker conned 35M from cloud firms to mine crypto feds allege)
50 欧易交易所推出以太坊第 2 层网络,以降低费用和互操作性
(OKX launches Ethereum layer 2 network for lower fees amp interoperability)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
2 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
3 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
4 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
5 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
6 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
7 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
8 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
9 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
10 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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