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硬币相关 #blockchain-infrastructure

币名 细节
IOST (iost)
IOST正在构建超高TPS区块链基础设施,以满足去中心化经济的安全性和可扩展性需求。. IOST由一群久经考验的创始人领导,并得到包括红杉和Matrix在内的世界级投资者的4000万美元支持,旨在成为未来在线服务的底层架构。强大的共识算法“可信度证明”支持下一代交易吞吐速度,同时确保节点保持合规,使用的因素包括IOST令牌余额,基于信誉的令牌余额,网络贡献和用户行为。. 更高等级的拜占庭容错机制、微状态块、原子提交协议和动态分片协议高效的分布式分片都可确保交易得到保护、一致和闪电般的速度,同时降低验证者的存储、配置成本和处理能力。. 任何人都可以参与我们系统的每一层,从使用我们区块链上的服务到运行节点和验证交易。. 我们的规则和守则对所有人开放,没有任何先决条件会限制参与。. IOST旨在通
IOST is building an ultrahigh TPS blockchain infrastructure to meet the security and scalability needs of a decentralized economy. Led by a team of proven founders and backed by $40 million from worldclass investors, including Sequoia and Matrix, IOST aims to be the underlying architecture for the future of online services.The powerful consensus algorithm “ProofofBelievability” enables nextgen transaction throughput speeds while ensuring nodes st
IoTeX (iotx)
IoTeX 是用于物联网的可自动扩展且以隐私为中心的区块链基础设施。. IoTeX 的全球团队由密码学、分布式系统和机器学习方面的博士、顶级工程师和经验丰富的生态系统构建者组成。. IoTeX正在开发多项内部创新,以推动区块链3.0的前沿,包括用于异构计算的blockchainsinblockchain架构,闪电般的RollDPoS共识机制和轻量级隐私保护技术。. IoTeX通过“逐块连接物理世界”,将自主设备协调带给大众。查看CoinBureau以获取IoTeX的完整评论。.
IoTeX is the autoscalable and privacycentric blockchain infrastructure for the Internet of Things IoT. IoTeX’s global team is comprised of Ph.Ds in Cryptography, Distributed Systems, and Machine Learning, top tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. IoTeX is developing several inhouse innovations to push the frontier of blockchain 3.0, including a blockchainsinblockchain architecture for heterogeneous computing, lightning fast RollDPoS
3 OM
MANTRA是首个垂直整合且符合监管要求的区块链生态系统。. MANTRA OMniverse包括DAO,MANTRA节点:区块链基础设施服务业务,包括零售质押,机构委托,节点管理和白标验证者操作,MANTRA链:Cosmos生态系统受监管资产的协议,以及MANTRA Finance:一个全球监管的DeFi平台,将DeFi的速度和透明度带入传统金融世界。.
MANTRA is a first of its kind, verticallyintegrated and regulatory compliant blockchain ecosystem. The MANTRA OMniverse encompasses the DAO; MANTRA Nodes: a blockchain infrastructureasaservice business that includes retail staking, institutional delegation, node management and whitelabel validator operations; MANTRA Chain: a protocol for regulated assets for the Cosmos ecosystem; and MANTRA Finance: a globallyregulated DeFi platform that brings t
aelf (elf)
Aelf是一个多功能的商业区块链平台,由云计算和企业的中枢神经系统提供支持,改变了他们提供服务的方式。. 通过布局基本的区块链基础设施,Aelf使企业能够专注于以最小的努力在自己的链上构建自己的dapp。. 作为万能钥匙,Aelf 利用跨链效率释放了业务间通信和协作的潜力。. Aelf融合了云节点和并行处理等现代技术,是实现商业规模安全交易的区块链系统。Aelf 是在其大规模商业采用计划之后吸引加密爱好者的加密货币之一。. 该硬币似乎在技术方面处于领先地位,具有更高的区块链效率,这就是为什么它也有望成为区块链的Linux。. AELF是区块链的操作系统,可以由各自的用户定制。.
Aelf is the versatile business blockchain platform powered by cloud computing and the central nervous system for businesses, transforming the way they deliver their services. By laying out the fundamental blockchain infrastructure, Aelf enables businesses to focus on building up their own dapps on their own chains with minimum effort. Acting as the master key, Aelf unlocks the potential for interbusiness communication and collaboration using cros
Ardor (ardr)
Ardor是区块链即服务BaaS提供商不断增长的竞争者领域的最新成员。. Ardor为企业和机构提供区块链基础设施,以利用区块链技术的优势,而无需投资开发定制的区块链解决方案。. 相反,Ardor提供了一个处理区块链安全性和去中心化的主链,以及可定制的子链,这些子链开箱即用,可用于各种业务应用程序。. Ardor超越了Nxt,以解决区块链膨胀,可扩展性和定制的关键问题。Nxt是一种备受推崇,验证和成熟的区块链技术,具有相对较长的历史和经验丰富的开发团队。. 然而,随着未来几年区块链使用量的增加,Nxt和其他区块链技术将面临支付、可扩展性和定制方面的一些基本问题。. 第一个也是最直接的问题是使用原生代币支付交易费用。.
Ardor is the latest in the growing field of contenders for blockchain as a service BaaS providers. Ardor provides the blockchain infrastructure for businesses and institutions to leverage the strengths of blockchain technology without having to invest in developing custom blockchain solutions. Instead, Ardor offers a main chain that handles blockchain security and decentralization plus customizable child chains that come ready to use, right out o
Chain (xcn)
Chain是一种云区块链基础设施,使组织能够从头开始构建更好的金融服务。. Chain推出了Chain Core,这是一个许可和开源的区块链和Sequence,其分类账即服务产品。. 客户可以使用链代币XCN获得折扣和支付商业费用,并参与社区协议治理和访问高级功能。.
Chain is a cloud blockchain infrastructure that enables organizations to build better financial services from the ground up. Chain has launched Chain Core which is a permissioned and open source blockchain and Sequence, its ledger as a service product. Clients can receive discounts and pay for commercial fees with Chain Tokens XCN as well as participate in community protocol governance and access to premium features.
Komodo (kmd)
Komodo是一家端到端区块链基础设施解决方案提供商。. Komodo一直被公认为世界上最具创新性的区块链项目之一,正在开发区块链行业前沿的技术。. 实际上,今天的大多数区块链平台只是一个单一的区块链,为智能合约和去中心化应用程序提供支持。. 这种模式迫使所有项目共享相同的基础设施,导致拥堵、交易费用增加和增长受阻。. 其他区块链平台采用单一的共享区块链模型,而Komodo的联合多链架构为每个外部项目提供了独立的基础设施和专用区块链。. 这种多链设计使Komodo在区块链平台中独树一帜。.
Komodo is an endtoend blockchain infrastructure solutions provider. Consistently recognized as one of the world’s most innovative blockchain projects, Komodo is developing technologies at the cuttingedge of the blockchain industry. In reality, most blockchain platforms today are but a single blockchain that offers support for smart contracts and decentralized applications. This model forces all projects to share the same infrastructure, leading t
Wanchain (wan)
Wanchain寻求通过探索和实施区块链技术,将现在与未来联系起来。. 万链的目标是建立一个分布式的“银行”。. 正如传统银行是当前金融框架的基础设施一样,Wanchain寻求建立一个新的、分布式的数字资产基础设施,以形成一个改进的、现代的框架,这确实是一个雄心勃勃的目标。Wanchain以分布式方式在不同的区块链分类账之间连接和交换价值。. 它使用最新的密码学理论来构建非专有的跨链协议和记录跨链和链内交易的分布式账本。. 任何区块链网络,无论是公共链、私有链还是联盟链,都可以与Wanchain集成,在不同账本之间建立连接,并执行低成本的账本间资产转移。. Wanchain账本不仅支持智能合约,还支持代币交易所隐私保护。有了Wanchain,任何机构或个人都可以在“银行”中建立自己的虚拟柜员
Wanchain seeks to link the present to the future, through the exploration and implementation of blockchain technology. Wanchain aims to build a distributed “bank”. Just as traditional banks are the infrastructure of the current financial framework, Wanchain seeks to build a new, distributed infrastructure of digital assets to form an improved, modern framework an ambitious goal indeed.Wanchain connects and exchanges value between different block
Bware (infra)
项目是关于什么Bware Labs是多链,可扩展解决方案的提供商,专注于基础设施和开发工具。. Bware Labs 成立于 2020 年,位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特,旨在解决 Web3 行业的效率和性能挑战。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二为区块链 API 提供无与伦比的质量、性能和易用性,Blast,Bware Labs API 平台通过引入第三方节点提供商参与平台来分散其基础设施进行创新。. 它通过成为第一个为节点运行者采用奖励模型的人来做到这一点,激励他们以增加平台的去中心化,并最终改善对支持的区块链的访问。项目的历史记录。Bware Labs的创始人着手构建一个替代基础设施平台,同时专注于高性能,去中心化,安全性和可访问性,而不依赖于集中式权威。. 这就是Blast,Bware Labs去
What is the project aboutBware Labs is a provider of multichain,scalable solutions,focused on infrastructure and dev tools. Founded in 2020,in Bucharest,Romania,Bware Labs aims to solve efficiency and performance challenges in the Web3 industry. What makes your project uniqueProviding unparalleled quality,performance,and ease of use to blockchain API,Blast,Bware Labs API platform innovates by decentralizing its infrastructure through onboarding t
Roobee (roobee)
Roobee将自己描述为一个基于区块链的投资平台,允许人们从10美元开始进行投资。. Roobee 使用人工智能和区块链为其用户提供透明的记录和个性化的投资产品选择。. Roobee区块链基础设施由以太坊区块链和基于HyperLedger的许可区块链Roobeechain提供支持,目标是在不影响透明度和安全性的情况下为用户提供数据隐私。. 有关详细信息,请参见。.
Roobee describes itself as a blockchainbased investment platform that allows people to make investments starting from $10. Roobee uses AI and blockchain to provide its users with transparent records and personalized investment product choices. Roobee blockchain infrastructure is powered by Ethereum blockchain and Roobeechain a permissioned blockchain based on HyperLedger, with the goal of providing users with data privacy without compromising t
V.SYSTEMS (vsys)
V.SYSTEMS是一家区块链基础设施提供商,专注于数据库和云服务。. 由超级节点ProofofS权益SPoS共识算法提供支持,每个超级节点根据ProofofSpoS原则在去中心化网络中选举产生,提供高性能的铸造、交易处理和智能合约功能。. VSYS是V.SYSTEMS区块链平台的本地货币,具有多种用途,包括在网络上进行交易,质押和铸造。V.SYSTEMS旨在提供具有高可扩展性,持久性和性能的分散式云数据库技术。. V.SYSTEMS以Sunny King为首席架构师,已经设计并实现了SPoS共识,这是一种超高效的分布式共识算法,对51%攻击具有最高的抵抗力。. 该网络计划作为基于模块化系统的云平台运行,可以支持各种应用程序的高效和敏捷开发,包括但不限于金融DeFi,娱乐,社交网络等等。.
V.SYSTEMS is a blockchain infrastructure provider with a focus on database and cloud services. Powered by the Supernode ProofofStake SPoS consensus algorithm, each supernode is elected in a decentralized network according to ProofofStake PoS principles, providing high performance minting, transaction processing and smart contract functions. VSYS is the native currency for the V.SYSTEMS blockchain platform with a multitude of uses including transa
12 WMT
World Mobile Token (wmt)
世界移动正在加倍努力打开一个新世界。. 由于近40亿人处于离线状态,数字排斥是一个重大问题。与传统的移动网络不同,World Mobile基于共享经济,向当地企业主出售负担得起的网络节点,因此他们有能力在分享回报的同时连接自己和他人。世界移动令牌WMT是一种数字令牌,发行的目的是允许参与者在网络上提供服务并获得相应的奖励。. WMT的主要作用是通过将其WMT股份委托给节点运营商质押者以及运营自己节点的节点运营商来激励希望支持网络运营的代币持有者。. WMT是World Mobile Chain核心的实用代币,World Mobile Chain是Input Output Global和World Mobile合作开发的解决方案,旨在使非洲的数字,金融和社会服务的访问民主化,这是第一个加倍努力
World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem.Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, andso they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards.The World Mobile Token WMT is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of
13 ZTX
Zetrix (ztx)
Zetrix 是第 1 层公共许可区块链,可促进智能合约并提供隐私、安全性和可扩展性。. Zetrix 中的加密基础设施可以引入多个行业,因为它为所有企业的采用创建了一个更加透明、安全和高效的流程。. Zetrix链使用DPOS委托权益证明和zBFT Zetrix拜占庭容错作为其共识机制来支持高速交易。. 使用此结构,它能够提供每秒 10,000 个事务的吞吐量。. 这使得链可以在不牺牲安全性的情况下保持高交易速度。欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的白皮书 zetrix.comZetrix成立于2021年,区块链作为一个公共区块链智能合约平台存在,旨在服务于中国以外的所有国际市场。. 在MYEG服务有限公司的带领下,这家东南亚公司还与中国信息通信研究院工业互联网与物联网研究所合作,实施Zetrix
Zetrix is a layer1 public permissioned blockchain that facilitates smart contracts and delivers privacy, security and scalability. The cryptographic infrastructure in Zetrix can be introduced in multiple industries as it creates a more transparent, secure and efficient process for the adoption of all enterprises. The Zetrix chain uses the DPOS Delegated Proof of Stake and zBFT Zetrix Byzantine Fault Tolerance as its consensus mechanism to support
12Ships (tshp)
12Ships的推出旨在通过区块链实现第四次工业革命的范式。. 我们开发了保持区块链中记录的数据可靠的高性能硬件及其操作所需的软件。. 我们打算开发一种电子商务服务,使普通用户能够体验并从内置的区块链平台中受益,通过开发的基于硬件/软件的区块链基础设施开展业务。. 这是12Ships将实现的未来,将该平台和服务转变为能够扩展的新业务。.
12Ships was launched to realize the paradigm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution through blockchain. We have developed both the highperformance hardware needed to keep the data recorded in the blockchain reliable and the software needed for its operations. We intend to develop an ecommerce service that enables ordinary users to experience and benefit from the builtin blockchain platform for making business through the developed hardware / softwar
15 ASW
AdaSwap (asw)
AdaSwap是一个生态系统构建器,将在卡尔达诺网络上启动,并将帮助启动卡尔达诺网络。. 在不久的将来,将在 AdaSwap 平台上推出 4 个主要用例,随后是令人兴奋的 RnD 计划。. 该平台的核心是托管一个AMM自动做市商实用程序,为流动性提供者提供分散和非托管的做市活动,在卡尔达诺区块链基础设施之上构建和利用。. 基于我们自己的自由金融模式,这将是革命性的,不仅会改变DeFi,还会改变世界。.
AdaSwap is an ecosystem builder that will be launched on the Cardano network and will help launch the Cardano network. There will be 4 main use cases that will be launched on the AdaSwap platform within the near future followed by exciting RnD initiatives. At the core, the platform will host an AMM Automated Market Maker utility that provides decentralized and noncustodial marketmaking for liquidity providers, built and utilized on top of the Car
16 AET
AET (aet)
AET 基金会是一个独立的组织,致力于支持 AET 社区及其有远见的项目。. 他们的目标是通过其公共区块链基础设施建立一个更强大、更去中心化的经济生态系统。. 他们的愿景是引领全球法定货币数字化革命,并推动AET链的采用。. 他们有为网络做出贡献的合作伙伴和合作者。. AET基金会旨在塑造未来的金融,并邀请人们加入AET社区,探索去中心化的未来。.
The AET Foundation is an independent organization dedicated to supporting the AET community and its visionary projects. They aim to build a stronger,more decentralized economic ecosystem through their public blockchain infrastructure. Their vision is to pioneer the global revolution in fiat digitization and advance the adoption of the AET chain. They have partners and collaborators that contribute to the network. The AET Foundation aims to shape
Altitude (altd)
项目内容Altitude是一个可组合的原生资产桥,也是第一个建立在LayerZero上的dApp之一,LayerZero是一种跨链通信基础设施,旨在缓解全链活动的当前限制是什么使您的项目独一无二Altitude的愿景是通过提供转移蓝筹数字资产的解决方案来弥合差距。. 今天最大的问题之一是多链和桥接过程之间的联系。. 项目的历史记录。我们不断听到各种桥梁上的漏洞利用,这不仅是一种风险,而且是我们查看区块链基础设施时最薄弱的环节之一。. 我们都听说过虫洞和浪人桥黑客,损失了近9亿美元。您的项目的下一步将在 5 月下旬启动您的代币可以用于什么Altitude DeFi,ALTD 的原生代币是一种治理代币。. 流动性提供者能够以零无常损失质押到单边资产池中,同时从入站转账中收取费用,而不管衍生链如何
What is the project aboutAltitude is a composable native asset bridge,and one of the first dApp’s built on LayerZero,a crosschain communication infrastructure designed to ease the current constraints of omnichain activityWhat makes your project uniqueAltitude’s vision is to bridge the gap by offering a solution for transferring blue chip digital assets. One of the biggest problems today is the connection between being multichain and the bridging
18 AMO
AMO Coin (amo)
AMO是一个区块链基础设施,用于高效交换和共享所有汽车数据,为下一代汽车提供动力。. 对于汽车用户、制造商和相关服务提供商来说,这意味着数据将不再由特定公司集中控制,而是成为公共资产,允许提供有价值的服务。.
AMO is a blockchain infrastructure for the efficient exchange and sharing of all CAR DATA powering the next generation of automobiles. For car users, manufacturers, and relevant service providers, this means that data will no longer be under the centralized control of specific companies, but rather become public assets that allow for valuable services to be made available.
19 UCO
Archethic (uco)
ArchEthic是第1层,旨在创建一个新的去中心化互联网,其区块链基础设施是市场上最具可扩展性,安全性和能源效率的解决方案,这要归功于新的共识:ARCH。ArchEthic智能合约通过引入内部预言机,时间触发器,可编辑内容和解释语言来扩展开发人员的边界。通过 DeFi、NFT 和去中心化身份的原生集成,ArchEthic 为所有区块链提供了一个包容性和可互操作的生态系统。为了实现世界人口手中自治网络的长期愿景,我们开发了一种符合个人数据隐私GDPR的生物识别设备。让区块链世界用手指尖访问。.
ArchEthic is a Layer 1 aiming to create a new Decentralized Internet.Its blockchain infrastructure is the most scalable, secure & energyefficient solution on the market thanks to the implementation of a new consensus :  ARCH.ArchEthic smartcontracts expand developers boundaries by introducing internal oracle, timetriggers, editable content & interpreted language.Through native integration for DeFi, NFTs & decentralized identity ;  ArchEthic offer
20 XBN
Bantu (xbn)
班图区块链基金会是一个非营利组织,旨在支持班图区块链的发展。. 我们的使命是使用区块链技术为所有行业的人类赋能,包括公共和私人。班图区块链是一个以影响力为重点的区块链基础设施,实时统一数字资产的安全发行、转移、交易、结算、清算和保管。. 这释放了被困在非流动资产和非正规部门的资本,特别是在新兴市场。它结合了速度、安全性和可靠性,并包括公平和共享的人为因素,以增强网络上的参与者的能力,同时降低参与的门槛。XBN是班图网络的原生资产/代币。. 它是一种实用代币,可为网络上的所有操作和交易提供支持。. 在网络上进行交易的用户以XBN支付交易费用。. 班图网络代币的最小单位称为精神.1 精神 = 0.0000001 XBN。.
The Bantu Blockchain Foundation is a notforprofit organization created to support the development of the Bantu Blockchain. Our mission is to empower humanity across all industry sectors, both public and private using blockchain technology.The Bantu Blockchain is an impactfocused blockchain infrastructure that unifies the secure issuance, transfer, trading, settlement, clearing, and custody of digital assets in realtime. This unlocks the capital t
21 BLX
BlocX (blx)
项目内容BlocX是一种第1层区块链技术,专注于速度,低汽油费和网络的安全性。. 该技术旨在满足不同EVM区块链网络之间日益增长的互操作性需求,随着区块链网络和应用程序数量的持续增长,这一点变得越来越重要。. 该机制设计为高度可扩展,允许快速有效地处理大量事务。. BlocX的主要特点之一是它能够与其他EVM区块链网络无缝集成,允许用户轻松地在不同区块链之间传输资产和数据。. 这是通过使用智能合约来实现的,智能合约允许自动透明地执行复杂的交易。. BlocX的另一个重要特征是它对安全性的关注。.
What is the project aboutBlocX is a Layer 1 blockchain technology that focuses on Speed,Low gas fee and The secureness of the network. The technology has been designed to address the growing need for interoperability between different EVM blockchain networks,which is becoming increasingly important as the number of blockchain networks and applications continues to grow. This mechanism is designed to be highly scalable,allowing for large numbers o
22 CEX
ChainEx (cex)
ChainEx是一个尖端的区块链基础设施平台,专注于通过账户抽象来改善用户体验。. 利用ERC4337和账户抽象,ChainEx提供了一个智能合约钱包解决方案,为用户简化了交易和钱包管理。. 这使得与去中心化应用程序dApp的交互更加无缝,降低了通常与区块链技术相关的复杂性和学习曲线。. ERC4337标准为以太坊网络引入了一个名为“UserOperation”的新对象,从而实现了智能钱包的功能。. 当用户发起UserOperation时,“更高层的伪交易对象”被发送到一个单独的内存池,专门用于处理ERC4337交易,这与以太坊主网络的内存池不同。EIP4337提出了一个新颖的概念,称为UserOperation,它本质上是对用户预期事务的详细描述。. 这些 UserOperations 收
ChainEx is a cuttingedge blockchain infrastructure platform that focuses on improving user experience through account abstraction. Utilizing ERC4337 and account abstraction,ChainEx provides a smart contract wallet solution that simplifies transactions and wallet management for users. This enables a more seamless interaction with decentralized applications dApps,reducing the complexity and learning curve typically associated with blockchain techno
23 BCT
Chitaverse (bct)
Chitaverse被认为是未来,并在此基础上发展。. 使用婴儿赤塔代币进行游戏内开发将来开发和娱乐元宇宙世界的承诺。将奇塔宇宙变成一个元宇宙集成的虚拟世界。. 通过其游戏和获胜项目为投资者提供有希望的收入。. 在您旁边,在玩游戏时将娱乐和收入保持在最高水平。. 在向我们尊贵的投资者展示BabyChita游戏时,我们优先考虑兴奋和利润。. 区块链平台允许用户和开发人员在现有区块链基础设施之上创建新的用途。.
Chitaverse was conceived as the future and is building on it. Ingame development with Baby Chita Token will come to develop and fun the metaverse world promises.Turning chitaverse into a metaverse integrated virtual world. Promising income to investors with its play and win project. Next to you to keep the entertainment and earnings at the highest level while playing the game. While presenting the BabyChita game to our valued investors,we priorit
24 DEG
Degis (deg)
Degis是第一个建立在雪崩上的allinone保护协议。. 最终目标是建立一个通用的加密保护平台,塑造一个去中心化的保护生态系统。. 借助区块链基础设施,Deigs可以解决传统市场中繁琐的购买和复杂的索赔问题,并通过智能合约更好地执行。为了解决现有问题,Degis专注于更广泛的覆盖区域,资本流动性聚合和即时支付。. Degis正在为加密保险建立一种新的范式。在Degis上,用户能够保护自己免受代币价格波动,无常损失,钱包风险甚至智能合约保险的影响。. 基本上,Degis将填补当前DeFi保险世界的空白。. 为了给每个用户提供更好的体验,我们构建了具有 3 个主要特征的 Degis:保护、赚钱、玩游戏。.
Degis is the 1st allinone protection protocol built on Avalanche. The ultimate goal is to build a universal crypto protection platform and shape a decentralized protection ecosystem. With blockchain infrastructures, Deigs can resolve cumbersome purchasing and complicated claims in the traditional markets and better perform via smart contracts.To tackle the existing problems, Degis focuses on wider cover areas, capital liquidity aggregation, and i
25 DHP
dHealth (dhp)
dHealth Health Framework for HealthtoEarndHealth Network 提供即插即用组件和共享区块链基础设施,以无缝执行全球医疗保健用例和支付系统。DHP数字健康点数是dHealth网络的原生令牌。. DHP是跨链兼容的,为全球dHealth生态系统提供动力。. 目前,DHP在dHealth Network上可作为本地DHP提供,在以太坊上作为ERC20 DHP提供。.
dHealth The Framework For HealthtoEarndHealth Network offers plugandplay components and shared blockchain infrastructure to execute global healthcare usecases and payment systems seamlessly.DHP Digital Health Points is the native token of the dHealth Network. DHP are crosschain compatible and power the global dHealth ecosystem. Currently, DHP are available as native DHP on dHealth Network and as ERC20 DHP on Ethereum.
Drep (drep)
去中心化声誉系统 DREP 使互联网平台能够量化、货币化和共享声誉价值。. DREP基金会旨在提供区块链基础设施和去中心化声誉协议。. 这些将赋能现有互联网平台释放其声誉价值,实现互联网社区声誉数据的互联互通。. DREP的愿景:建立一个基础设施,以加速互联网平台的社交网络,在线内容提供商,在线游戏用户增长和流量货币化 解决假新闻/内容/帐户识别和过滤问题 基于声誉支持的资产和声誉支持的货币增强代币经济学 建立代币持有者共享池,以实现更有针对性的用户获取。.
Decentralized Reputation System DREP enables Internet platforms to quantify, monetize, and share reputation value. DREP Foundation aims to provide a blockchain infrastructure and decentralized reputation protocol. These will empower existing Internet platforms to unleash their reputation value and achieve the interconnectedness of reputation data in the Internet community. DREPs vision: Build an infrastructure to accelerate internet platforms’ s
27 DUX
DUX (dux)
Dux 于 2020 年 6 月开始,专注于使用区块链基础设施提供更好的服务和产品,并为新入口提供安全 dux 生态系统的方向始终以 dux 生态系统的方向为目的:通过在用户包容和赋权的背景下产生收入来分配社会经济转型, 促进从 web 2.0 经济向 web 3.0 的过渡, 为我们所有的利益相关者实现有吸引力,安全和有利可图的商业机会。规划的重点是通过对用户群的技术赋权和Web 3.0经济的创新,在拉美产生和创造深刻的社会经济转型。. 走向一个DAO形状的Web 3.0生态系统,该生态系统将在未来10年内直接参与超过1亿人安全地登上Web 3.0生态系统。.
Dux began in June 2020,focusing on using blockchain infrastructure for better services and products and to give safety on new entrances onboardingThe direction of the dux ecosystem always has as its purpose: socioeconomic transformation through the generation of income distributed in a context of users inclusion and empowerment; Facilitation of the transition from web 2.0 economy to web 3.0; Materialization of attractive,secure and profitable bus
EUROe Stablecoin (euroe)
## 什么是欧元欧洲欧洲公司是由膜金融发行的完全法币支持的欧盟监管的欧元稳定币。. 由至少102%的欧元计价资产担保,一欧元总是可以由Membrane Finance的客户兑换成一欧元的法定货币.EUROe被监管为emoney,Membrane Finance持有芬兰金融监管局颁发的欧盟范围内的电子货币机构许可证.##流通中有多少欧元EUROe随着新的EUROe发行或Membrane Finance的客户赎回现有的EUROe而随着时间的推移而变化。. 目前,发行或赎回欧元不收取任何费用。. 公司、基金会和其他企业实体可以申请成为膜金融客户,以访问EUROe的铸造和销毁## 谁是EUROe的创始人EUROe背后的公司,膜金融,由Juha Viitala于2021年创立。. EUROe由核心区块
## What is EUROeEUROe is a fully fiatbacked EUregulated Euro stablecoin issued by Membrane Finance. Secured by at least 102% of eurodenominated assets,one EUROe is always redeemable for one fiat Euro by clients of Membrane Finance.EUROe is regulated as emoney,and Membrane Finance holds an EUwide Electronic Money Institution licence issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority.## How Many EUROe Are There in CirculationEUROe supply changes
29 GNX
Genaro Network (gnx)
Genaro Network是第一个具有去中心化存储网络的图灵完备公链,为区块链开发者提供一站式解决方案,同时部署智能合约和存储数据。. 同时,Genaro为每个人提供了一个值得信赖的互联网和一个共享社区。. 作为区块链3.0概念背后的创造者,Genaro旨在为区块链基础设施技术的发展做出贡献。. 通过Genaro Hub和加速器,我们的目标是培养成千上万的DAPPS,将应用程序从云转移到区块链“,从而创建一个全球区块链生态系统。.
Genaro Network is the first Turing Complete Public Chain with Decentralized Storage Network, providing blockchain developers a onestop solution to deploy smart contracts and store data simultaneously. Meanwhile, Genaro provides everyone with a trustworthy internet and a sharing community. As the creator behind the blockchain 3.0 concept, Genaro aims to contribute to blockchain infrastructure technology development. Through the Genaro Hub and Acce
30 GFI
GroceryFi (gfi)
在充满活力的数字资产世界中,加密市场是创新与机遇相遇的繁华枢纽,提供了大量重要的实用程序,重新定义了我们参与区块链技术的方式。. 从尖端加密实用程序的安全拥抱到强大的区块链基础设施的透明分类账,这些实用程序迎合了加密爱好者和投资者不断变化的需求,加密市场成为一个蓬勃发展的市场,创新和可能性融合在一起。.
In the dynamic world of digital assets,a crypto marketplace serves as the bustling hub where innovation meets opportunity,offering a plethora of essential utilities that redefine the way we engage with blockchain technology. From the secure embrace of a cuttingedge crypto utility to the transparent ledger of a robust blockchain infrastructure,these utilities cater to the evolving needs of crypto enthusiasts and investors alike,the crypto marketpl
Grok X (grok x)
Grok X 是一种开创性的代币,成为去中心化金融领域的先驱,体现了数字交易的范式转变。. Grok X诞生于彻底改变价值交换的愿景,利用区块链技术的强大功能,为用户建立一个安全、透明和高效的平台,以应对现代金融环境的复杂性。Grok X遵循去中心化的原则,利用区块链的不可变性和透明性,在每笔交易中灌输信任和可靠性。. Grok X建立在可扩展的区块链基础设施之上,不仅促进了快速无缝的交易,而且还优先考虑了对安全性的首要需求,确保用户可以放心地进行交易,因为他们知道他们的资产和数据已经针对漏洞进行了强化。Grok X 与各种去中心化应用程序、DApp 和智能合约无缝集成,为用户提供了无数的可能性。. 从赋能点对点交易到推动去中心化金融DeFi应用的创新格局,Grok X是一种多功能的数字资产
Grok X,a trailblazing token,emerges as a pioneer in the realm of decentralized finance,embodying a paradigm shift in digital transactions. Born from a vision to revolutionize value exchange,Grok X leverages the robust capabilities of blockchain technology to establish a secure,transparent,and highly efficient platform for users navigating the complexities of the modern financial landscape.Grok X operates on the principles of decentralization,harn
Lambda (lamb)
Lambda是一个快速、安全、可扩展的区块链基础设施项目,通过Lambda链和Lambda DB的逻辑解耦和独立实现,为去中心化应用DAPP数据存储能力提供无限扩展能力,实现多链数据共存、跨链数据管理、数据隐私保护、PDP、分布式智能计算等业务。通过Lambda链和Lambda DB的逻辑解耦和分离实现,为去中心化应用提供无限可扩展的数据存储能力,实现多链数据协同存储、跨链数据管理、数据隐私保护、数据所有权证明、分布式智能计算等服务。. 此外,作为区块链的底层服务,Lambda 链通过分片技术提供每秒数百万个请求 RPS,可以随着系统规模的扩大而增长,同时也通过子链技术为未来无限扩展提供技术服务能力。我们认为,所有存储项目都遵循可证明数据完整性的核心要求。此外,数据项目将数据存储在不可行的存
Lambda is a fast, safe, and scalable blockchain infrastructure project, which provides decentralized applications DAPPs data storage capabilities with unlimited scalability and fulfills services such as multichain data costorage, crosschain data management, data privacy protection, PDP, and distributed intelligent computing through logic decoupling and independent implementation of Lambda Chain and Lambda DB.Through the logical decoupling and sep
Limestone Network (limex)
我们认为,要建设智慧城市,首先需要了解城市。. 它首先拥有一个数字生态系统,允许实时分析生活和移动数据。. 最终结果是通过优化能源生产实现更绿色的城市,通过分布式账本技术增强安全性,以及提供效率和简单性的城市文明。通过团队的专业知识及其在行业中的网络,Limestone Technology旨在为东南亚的房地产开发和基础设施建立一个智慧城市生态系统这将通过开发区块链基础设施 - Limestone Network来实现城市的数字化。 房地产开发商和物业管理服务提供商。. 当石灰石网络实施到房地产项目或现有基础设施中时,我们允许将设施管理提升到更简单但更安全的水平。. 企业、零售商店、建筑设施、消费者、游客和日常游客将能够以更智能、更有效的方式相互互动,以提供有意义的智慧城市体验。Limest
We believe that to build a smart and efficient city, the city first needs to be understood. It starts by having a digital ecosystem that allows real time analysis of living and moving data. The end result is a greener city through optimal energy production, enhanced security via distributed ledger technology and an urban civilization that provides efficiency yet with simplicity.Through the expertise of the team and their network in the industry,
Mean DAO (mean)
Mean DAO是一个去中心化的自治组织DAO,其目的只有一个:构建必要的去中心化产品和区块链基础设施,作为全球人民和企业的金融均衡器。.
Mean DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO with a single purpose: Build the decentralized products and blockchain infrastructure necessary to act as the financial equalizer for people and businesses worldwide.
MOOI Network (mooi)
MOOI 网络是 Klaytn 网络的侧链,旨在为所有人提供简单有趣的元宇宙服务。. MOOI 网络是一个不断扩展的 Web3 环境,提供各种高质量的 dapp 和游戏。. 其主要目标是成为专为游戏设计的领先生态系统,旨在吸引更多 Web2 用户迁移到 Web3 领域。MOOI网络以4,000TPS的高速处理,作为Klaytn网络的侧链。. 因此,即使网络规模扩大,它也可以避免用户延迟处理的不便。. MOOI网络的汽油费以非常低的费率收取。. MOOI被用作MOOI网络的治理代币,也是生态系统、NFT市场和DEX的关键货币。.
MOOI Network is a sidechain of the Klaytn Network and is designed to provide a metaverse service that is easy and fun for all. MOOI Network is an expanding Web3 environment that offers a variety of highquality dapps and games. Its primary objective is to become a leading ecosystem exclusively designed for gaming,with the intention of enticing more Web2 users to migrate to the Web3 realm.MOOI Network processes at a high speed of 4,000TPS as a side
36 NEW
Newton Project (new)
牛顿旨在通过建立区块链基础设施来创造一种新的经济,即社区经济,使世界上任何人都可以进行更自由、更公平的交易。基础是我们的新链区块链和相关技术,具有一个主链和多个子链,以确保高TPS。. 最重要的是,我们为智能合约、物联网、人工智能、物流、保险以及一套用于支付、零售、农业等的应用程序提供基础设施。.
Newton aims to create a new kind of economy the community economy by building blockchain infrastructure to enable freer, fairer transactions by anyone in the world.At the foundation is our NewChain blockchain and related technologies, with one primary chain and multiple subchains to ensure a high TPS. On top of that we offer infrastructure for smart contracts, IoT, AI, logistics, insurance, and a suite of apps for payment, retail, agriculture,
NexusAI (nexusai)
NexusAI 将 Depin 的强大功能与先进的 AI 功能融合在一起什么是 NexusAINexusAI 站在下一代数字基础设施管理和自动化的最前沿,利用人工智能 AI 的力量彻底改变任务的执行方式。. NexusAI超越了传统的手动操作,引入了以人工智能为中心的方法,提高了区块链基础设施开发和管理的效率和可访问性。我们的愿景是使这些流程民主化,使它们能够被更广泛的受众所接受,而不仅仅是那些拥有广泛技术专长的人。NexusAI 主要功能NexusAINEXUSAI NODESNexusAI 节点是我们生态系统的核心,为用户提供对预配置了基本软件的 AI 驱动的节点的访问。NexusAINEXUSAI MARKETPLACENexusAI Marketplace是一个平台,用户可以在其中买
NexusAI merges the power of Depin with advanced AI capabilitiesWhat is NexusAINexusAI stands at the forefront of the next generation in digital infrastructure management and automation,leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence AI to revolutionize how tasks are executed. Moving beyond traditional,manual operations,NexusAI introduces an AIcentric approach that enhances efficiency and accessibility in blockchain infrastructure development and
NodifiAI (nodifi)
Nodifi.ai 是快速发展的去中心化金融DeFi领域的创新灯塔,提供了旨在重塑区块链基础设施的革命性协议。. Nodifi.ai 的核心是优先考虑两个基本原则:速度和安全性。. 通过一丝不苟的工程和最先进的技术,Nodifi.ai确保了对区块链数据和交易能力的无与伦比的访问速度,同时优先考虑用户匿名性以保护隐私和安全。. 通过将人工智能AI与区块链技术相结合,Nodifi.ai提高了效率、可扩展性和用户体验,为DeFi应用和服务开启了新的可能性。. 凭借为满足用户多样化需求而量身定制的一整套高级功能,Nodifi.ai 使开发人员、交易者和爱好者能够自信轻松地驾驭区块链技术的复杂性。此外,Nodifi.ai 培养了一个充满活力和支持性的社区,用户可以在其中协作、分享见解并推动 DeFi
Nodifi.ai stands as a beacon of innovation in the rapidly evolving realm of decentralized finance DeFi,offering a revolutionary protocol designed to reshape blockchain infrastructure. At its core,Nodifi.ai prioritizes two fundamental principles: speed and security. Through meticulous engineering and stateoftheart technology,Nodifi.ai ensures unparalleled access speed to blockchain data and transaction capabilities while prioritizing user anonymit
39 NAI
Nuklai (nai)
Nuklai 是一个第 1 层区块链基础设施,旨在容纳用于增强和赋能下一代 AI 模型的大数据基础设施。.
Nuklai is a Layer 1 blockchain infrastructure designed to accommodate big data infrastructure that is used to enhance and empower next generation AI models.
Numi Shards (numi)
Numi Ecosystem是一个彻底改变游戏和娱乐的web3ready平台,包括Numiverse,Numi Stories,Numi Club和Numi R。. 该平台通过结合 web2 和 web3 的好处,为游戏玩家、创作者和投资者提供全面的解决方案,作为流媒体服务、NFT 市场和众筹平台。是什么让你的项目独一无二Numi专注于高质量的元宇宙互动,使用虚幻引擎来增强游戏体验。. 该平台通过沉浸式传说、流媒体服务、正在进行的活动和内容驱动的经济来留住用户。. 区块链技术确保了安全性和透明度,而集成功能可实现创造性协作。项目的历史记录。Numi生态系统是一个即将到来的项目,旨在通过其创新的平台和项目彻底改变游戏和娱乐行业。您的项目的下一步是什么团队正在开发Numi Stories,一个讲
What is the project aboutThe Numi Ecosystem is a web3ready platform revolutionizing gaming and entertainment,comprising Numiverse,Numi Stories,Numi Club,and Numi R. The platform offers a comprehensive solution for gamers,creators,and investors by combining web2 and web3 benefits,serving as a streaming service,NFT marketplace,and crowdfunding platform.What makes your project uniqueNumi focuses on quality metaverse interactions,using the Unreal Eng
OpSec (opsec)
OpSec AI 和去中心化云计算释放.Elevate Your Decentralized Applications with AIPowered Security Innovations 其使命是探索、实施和指导创建安全、高效、去中心化的数字生态系统。. OpSec 解决了当前基础设施的局限性,旨在打造一个更加民主、有弹性和安全的互联网。作为去中心化的物理基础设施网络提供商,OpSec利用最先进的人工智能技术来构建、维护和运营区块链基础设施,以确保您的区块链应用程序的安全性和隐私性。.
OpSec AI and Decentralized Cloud Computing Unleashed.Elevate Your Decentralized Applications with AIPowered Security Innovations The mission is to explore,implement,and guide the creation of a secure,efficient,and decentralized digital ecosystem. OpSec addresses the limitations of current infrastructure,aiming to foster a more democratic,resilient,and secure internet.As a Decentralized physical infrastructure networks provider,OpSec utilizes the
42 PRO
Propy (pro)
Propy是一个分散的房地产市场,由卓越的区块链基础设施支持,以促进实时统一交易,以减少欺诈和冗余。. Propy是世界上第一个国际房地产市场。.
Propy is a decentralized realestate market place backed by superior blockchain infrastructure to facilitate realtime unified transaction in order to reduce fraud and redundancy. Propy is the world’s first international realestate marketplace.
Qubic Finance (qubic)
Qubic 作为部署在 Stellar 区块链基础设施上的多方面实用程序和激励代币运行。. 其主要目标是促进各种以用户可访问性为特征的去中心化应用程序dApp,目前由Qubic开发团队开发。. 这些 dApp 经过精心设计,旨在应对 web3 领域的现实挑战。Qubic 是一种双重用途代币,通过可持续的奖励机制实现用户赋权和促进生态系统增长,这对生态系统的增强和扩展至关重要。. 这将通过 qubic 开发团队开发的 dApp 产生的奖励来实现。这些 dApp 在产生奖励方面发挥着关键作用,这些奖励为生态系统提供动力,并为年收益率 APY 奖励系统做出贡献,确保其可持续性和增长。. Qubic培养的这种相互依存的关系不仅推动了其生态系统的持续发展,而且还促进了持续的创新。. 值得一提的是 Qu
Qubic operates as a multifaceted utility and incentive Token deployed on the Stellar blockchain infrastructure. Its primary objective is to facilitate a wide array of decentralized applications dApps characterized by user accessibility,presently under development by the Qubic development team. These dApps are intricately designed to tackle realworld challenges within the web3 domain.Qubic serves a dual purpose token,enabling user empowerment and
44 RPG
Rangers Protocol (rpg)
游侠协议是一个虚拟世界的区块链基础设施。. 与以太坊完全兼容,专业支持NFT和复杂应用,集成扩展跨链、NFT、EVM、分布式网络协议。.
Rangers Protocol is a virtual worlds blockchain infrastructure. It is fully compatible with Ethereum, professionally supports NFT and complex applications, and integrates and expands crosschain, NFT, EVM, and distributed network protocols.
Reel Token (reelt)
项目是关于什么媒体和娱乐行业的加密货币解决方案提供加密货币解决方案来激励和振兴整个行业什么使您的项目独一无二的项目历史。您的项目的下一步是什么您的代币可以用于多区块链基础设施上的REELT。. 它使用POLYGON MATIC和币安智能链BSC区块链,提供额外的区块链冗余和套利选项。. 这允许拥有ReelToken的个人高效,经济,安全可靠地持有REELT,将其兑换成法定货币(例如美元,印度卢比,欧元)或其他加密货币,例如BTC,ETH,XRP,并使用REELT在Reel Star App中享受折扣商品和服务。.
What is the project aboutThe Cryptocurrency Solution for the Media & Entertainment IndustryDelivering a Cryptocurrency Solution to energise and invigorate the whole industryWhat makes your project uniqueHistory of your project.What’s next for your projectWhat can your token be used forREELT is on a multiblockchain infrastructure. It uses the POLYGON MATIC and Binance Smart Chain BSC blockchains providing additional blockchain redundancy and arbit
46 OST
OST (ost)
建立区块链基础设施是一项昂贵而复杂的考验,许多人可能肯定正在寻找为他们处理这个问题的解决方案。. 简单令牌就是这种解决方案。简单代币使所有类型的企业都能对其资产进行代币化。. 它使主流应用程序能够拥有自己的品牌代币,帮助他们在以太坊网络上建立自己的基于加密的经济。Simple Token网站列出了超过35人作为其团队的一部分,其他部分列出了更多的人作为其顾问和扩展团队。. Jason Goldberg是首席执行官,在多个国家和行业拥有18年的职业生涯和经验。. 他由首席技术官的Sunil Khedar和首席区块链策略师Ben Bollen协助。. 该团队得到了投资者界和整个市场的认可。.
Setting up a blockchain infrastructure is an expensive and complicated ordeal, and many may certainly be on the lookout for a solution that handles this for them. Simple Token is that solution.Simple Token enables all types of businesses to tokenize their assets. It empowers mainstream apps to have their own branded tokens, helping them set up their own crypto based economy on the Ethereum network.The Simple Token website lists over 35 people as
Superpower Squad (squad)
Superpower Squad是一款基于区块链技术的第三人称射击游戏,由MOBA,RPG和Roguelike等游戏组成。. 游戏支持单人和团队模式,具有身临其境的游戏体验,多样化的游戏模式,以及精致的英雄和皮肤和武器合成升级系统。. 超能力小队将为所有玩家将电子竞技文化带入 web3。. 该移动应用程序集成了原生应用内钱包,以降低 web2 游戏玩家的学习成本。. 凭借创新的游戏模式和用户友好的区块链基础设施,Superpower Squad将引领web3行业的电子竞技。.
Superpower Squad is a blockchain technologybased thirdpersonshooter game consists of gameplays such as MOBA,RPG,and Roguelike. The game supports solo and team modes,with immersive gaming experience,diverse game mode,and delicate hero & skin & weapon synthesis and upgrade system. Superpower Squad is going to bring eSports culture to web3 for all players. The mobile app has integrated a native inapp wallet to lower down the learning cost of web2 ga
48 TXT
Textopia (txt)
Textopia.Ai 的区块链基础设施确保了所有生成内容的唯一性和安全性,防止被其他方复制或盗窃。. 每个生成的图像都与相关的元数据一起存储在区块链上,确保其安全性和防篡改性。. Textopia.Ai 还允许艺术家和内容创作者通过去中心化市场许可和货币化他们的内容,为独立创作者提供额外的收入来源。.
Textopia.Ai’s blockchain infrastructure ensures the uniqueness and security of all generated content,preventing replication or theft by other parties. Each generated image is stored on the blockchain with associated metadata,ensuring its security and tamperproof nature. Textopia.Ai also allows artists and content creators to license and monetize their content through a decentralized marketplace,providing an additional revenue stream for independe
Wrapped Chiliz (wchz)
Chiliz ($CHZ) 是一家专注于体育和娱乐行业的区块链提供商。. 他们提供粉丝代币和 Socios.com 等解决方案,通过数字资产提高粉丝参与度。. Chiliz Chain 是他们自己的区块链基础设施,支持 web3 产品和体验,吸引团队、粉丝和开发者。. 他们最近推出了 ChilizX Fan Token Exchange 和 Chiliz Legacy Chain 以扩展他们的生态系统。. 他们还通过 Chiliz Labs 为有兴趣在 Chiliz Chain 上构建应用程序的开发人员提供投资机会。.
Chiliz ($CHZ) is a blockchain provider focusing on sports and entertainment industries. They offer solutions like Fan Tokens and Socios.com that enhance fan engagement through digital assets. Chiliz Chain is their own blockchain infrastructure that supports web3 products and experiences,attracting teams,fans,and developers. They have recently launched ChilizX Fan Token Exchange and Chiliz Legacy Chain to expand their ecosystem. They also provide
50 XMX
XMax (xmx)
XMax是一个allinone开发生态系统,使娱乐行业开发人员更容易创建DAPP。. 我们相信区块链技术的未来,并且知道通过为开发人员提供一套易于使用的工具以及使用它们的知识,我们可以与全球用户群共享区块链应用程序。XMax是一个区块链和开发者生态系统,用于构建去中心化游戏和娱乐DAPP。. 我们的区块链通过高TPS主链和交易密集型DAPP的集成侧链为游戏开发人员提供支持。. XMax包括:游戏和娱乐DAPP SDK,API,智能合约和DAPP模板,3D游戏引擎,开发人员文档和教育.XMax开发人员可以使用WebX编写复杂的DAPP区块链应用程序.js,这是我们的团队为简化区块链编程而创建的JavaScript类型语言。. 借助 WebX.js开发人员可以更专注于创建出色的应用程序,而不是区
XMax is an allinone development ecosystem which makes it easier for entertainment industry developers to create DAPPs. We believe in the future of blockchain technology and know that by providing developers with a set of easy to use tools and the knowledge to use them we can share blockchain applications with a global user base.XMax is a blockchain and developer ecosystem for building decentralized games and entertainment DAPPs. Our blockchain su
zkSVM (zksvm)
项目是什么 关于zkSVM是一种区块链协议,它利用零知识证明技术为传统区块链解决方案提供快速,安全和低成本的替代方案。. 该项目旨在为开发人员和用户提供一个更高效、更易于访问的生态系统。是什么让您的项目独一无二zkSVM因其使用零知识证明而脱颖而出,它允许快速的交易时间和低的gas费用,同时保持强大的安全性和隐私性。. 此外,该协议旨在与现有的区块链基础设施轻松集成,使其成为开发人员灵活且通用的解决方案。您的项目历史.zkSVM 由一群经验丰富的区块链开发人员和爱好者于 2023 年创立。. 从那时起,团队一直在不知疲倦地构建和完善协议,最终在 2023 年推出主网.您的项目的下一步在短期内,zkSVM 计划通过与其他区块链解决方案和平台集成来继续扩展其生态系统。. 该团队还计划探索该协议的
What is the project aboutzkSVM is a blockchain protocol that utilizes zeroknowledge proof technology to provide a fast,secure,and lowcost alternative to traditional blockchain solutions. The project aims to provide a more efficient and accessible ecosystem for developers and users alike.What makes your project uniquezkSVM stands out for its use of zeroknowledge proofs,which allow for fast transaction times and low gas fees while maintaining stron


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,045.40 1,794,493,878.20
2 BTC title=BTC 66,124.00 1,610,761,180.04
3 ETH title=ETH 3,187.60 746,118,909.25
4 SOL title=SOL 154.55 626,987,517.15
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 448,961,770.06
6 XRP title=XRP 0.54 270,127,431.95
7 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 174,963,711.02
8 ENA title=ENA 0.99 166,799,660.51
9 WIF title=WIF 2.87 158,428,895.39
10 NEAR title=NEAR 7.25 142,173,187.36
11 WLD title=WLD 5.59 105,386,202.11
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 99,857,278.85
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.53 78,075,160.88
14 ADA title=ADA 0.51 58,826,598.74
15 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.64 58,370,969.44
16 AVAX title=AVAX 38.22 56,662,199.89
17 SEI title=SEI 0.65 54,633,944.13
18 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 52,345,013.43
19 ORDI title=ORDI 47.89 51,429,396.77
20 RNDR title=RNDR 9.18 50,008,863.79
21 SUI title=SUI 1.34 46,869,062.69
22 FTM title=FTM 0.74 46,647,810.07
23 SAGA title=SAGA 4.15 45,780,656.15
24 1000SATS title=1000SATS <0.01 45,119,118.22
25 LTC title=LTC 84.35 44,309,552.07
26 LINK title=LINK 15.32 42,434,159.97
27 TNSR title=TNSR 1.15 42,108,914.71


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Automata title=ATA 0.23 +20.45
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.83 +17.41
3 Mobox title=MBOX 0.38 +14.06
4 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 +12.63
5 DODO title=DODO 0.19 +10.00
6 Bittensor title=TAO 519.90 +7.40
7 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.23 +7.29
8 WINkLink title=WIN <0.01 +7.26
9 Phala title=PHA 0.23 +6.95
10 Gnosis title=GNO 396.50 +6.87
11 Ardor title=ARDR 0.12 +6.54
12 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +5.87
13 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +5.86
14 AVA title=AVA 0.73 +5.59
15 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.25 +5.53
16 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.89 +5.44
17 Immutable title=IMX 2.39 +5.35
18 Stacks title=STX 3.01 +5.23
19 Cortex title=CTXC 0.35 +5.20
20 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 +4.81
21 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.09 +4.78
22 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.64 +4.77
23 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.08 +4.10
24 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.11 +4.03
25 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.68 +3.99
26 OAX title=OAX 0.24 +3.86
27 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.99 +3.61
28 Osmosis title=OSMO 1.01 +3.55
29 Streamr title=DATA 0.07 +3.33
30 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.07 +3.29


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Harvest Finance title=FARM 85.71 -8.88
2 Jito title=JTO 3.50 -6.77
3 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -6.36
4 Cream title=CREAM 48.66 -6.35
5 Ethena title=ENA 0.99 -6.35
6 Enzyme title=MLN 23.37 -6.30
7 REI Network title=REI 0.10 -5.79
8 Omni Network title=OMNI 24.29 -5.78
9 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -5.61
10 Pyth Network title=PYTH 0.67 -5.54
11 MANTRA title=OM 0.67 -5.52
12 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 -5.42
13 W 0.60 -5.38
14 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.37 -5.02
15 Sui title=SUI 1.34 -4.92
16 Alchemix title=ALCX 27.62 -4.59
17 Akropolis title=AKRO <0.01 -4.55
18 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -4.51
19 THORChain title=RUNE 5.53 -4.49
20 ORDI title=ORDI 47.89 -4.49
21 Portal title=PORTAL 1.02 -4.47
22 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.94 -4.30
23 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.20 -4.24
24 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.45 -4.14
25 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.91 -4.05
26 Syscoin title=SYS 0.24 -3.88
27 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -3.58
28 Maker title=MKR 2,828.00 -3.51
29 SPACE ID title=ID 0.82 -3.48
30 Frax Share title=FXS 4.94 -3.41

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
2 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
3 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
4 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
5 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
6 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
7 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
8 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
9 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
10 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
11 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
12 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
13 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
14 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
15 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
16 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
17 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
18 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
19 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
20 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
21 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
22 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
23 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
24 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
25 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
26 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
27 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
28 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
29 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
30 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)
31 比特币减半炒作打破了长达一周的 ETF 流出连胜
(Bitcoin halving hype breaks week long ETFs outflow streak)
32 Pro XRP 律师要求成为 Coinbase 客户的法庭之友
(Pro XRP lawyer requests to be amicus curiae for Coinbase customers)
33 尼日利亚在非洲推出首个多语言大型语言模型
(Nigeria launches first multilingual large language model in Africa)
34 比特币减半 2024 这次有 5 种不同之处
(Bitcoin halving 2024 5 ways its different this time)
35 比特币减半:为什么它对BTC稀缺性很重要
(Bitcoin halving Why its important for BTC scarcity)
36 美国将与尼日利亚建立人工智能伙伴关系,促进经济增长
(USA to forge AI partnership with Nigeria for economic growth)
37 2024 年比特币减半是 BTC 价格最看涨的设置
(The 2024 Bitcoin halving is the most bullish setup for BTC price)
38 币安逃税案审判移至5月17日在尼日利亚举行
(Binance tax evasion trial moved to May 17 in Nigeria)
39 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
40 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)
41 以下是加密游戏Notcoin如何吸引超过3000万用户的创始人
(Heres how crypto game Notcoin onboarded over 30M users founder)
42 美国国税局发布2025年美国纳税人数字资产报告表草案
(IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for US taxpayers)
43 加密货币用户提议放弃对 Sam Bankman Fried 的诉讼,以追捕 FTX 影响者
(Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman Fried to pursue FTX influencers)
44 在这里,您可以实时观看比特币减半
(Heres where you can catch the Bitcoin halving live)
45 比特币减半 2024 完成并尘埃落定
(Bitcoin halving 2024 Done and dusted)
46 比特币用户在减半区块上花费了创纪录的2400万费用
(Bitcoin users spend record 24M in fees on halving block)
47 比特币矿业股在减半事件之前全面飙升
(Bitcoin mining stocks saw spikes across the board ahead of halving event)
48 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
49 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
50 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美国商品的估计产量 (Flash Manufacturing PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
2 美国服务估计 (Flash Services PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
3 美国新屋销售报告 (New Home Sales) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
4 里士满制造业指数报告 (Richmond Manufacturing Index) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
5 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
6 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
7 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
8 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
10 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
11 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
12 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
13 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
14 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
15 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
16 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
17 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
18 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
19 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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