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硬币相关 #virtual-world

币名 细节
Decentraland (mana)
Decentraland是一个以太坊驱动的虚拟现实平台。. 在这个虚拟世界中,您购买了几块土地,以后可以遍历、建造和货币化。. 您可以做的事情没有限制。. 这是第一个完全由用户拥有的数字平台。. 与《天际》和《辐射》等游戏类似,Decentraland是一个全沉浸式的虚拟宇宙。. 但是,您不是在二维屏幕上播放,而是参与三维世界。.
Decentraland is an Ethereumpowered virtual reality platform. In this virtual world, you purchase plots of land that you can later traverse, build upon, and monetize. There’s no limit to what you can do. It’s the first digital platform that’s completely owned by its users. Similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout, Decentraland is an allimmersive virtual universe. However, instead of playing on a 2dimensional screen, you participate in a 3dimension
Yield Guild Games (ygg)
收益公会游戏 YGG 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,用于投资虚拟世界和基于区块链的游戏中使用的不可替代代币 NFT。. 该组织的使命是创建最大的虚拟世界经济,优化其社区拥有的资产以实现最大的效用,并与其代币持有者分享其利润。.
Yield Guild Games YGG is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO for investing in non fungible tokens NFTs used in virtual worlds and blockchainbased games. The organisation’s mission is to create the biggest virtual world economy, optimizing its communityowned assets for maximum utility and sharing its profits with its token holders.
Portal (portal)
内容是关于Portal的,它被描述为Web3游戏的通用游戏币。. 它为每个人提供游戏机会,具有轻松支付、与朋友联系以及跨不同链玩游戏等功能。. 该平台展示了 200 多种游戏和虚拟世界,包括 MMORPG、生存、策略等各种类型。. 此外,还为开发人员提供了有关如何探索$Portal代币和加入节点网络的信息。. 该平台还提供社交媒体链接和法律信息。.
The content is about Portal,which is described as the universal gaming coin for Web3 gaming. It offers gaming opportunities for everyone with features like effortless payments,connecting with friends,and playing games across different chains. The platform showcases over 200 games and virtual worlds,with various genres such as MMORPG,survival,strategy,and more. Additionally,there is information for developers on how to explore the $Portal Token an
Delysium (agi)
Delysium正在用$AGI构建AI驱动的虚拟社会。. Delysium一直在构建一个虚拟世界,其中10亿个人和1000亿AI虚拟生物在区块链上共存。.
Delysium is building AIpowered virtual society with $AGI. Delysium has been constructing a virtual world where 1 billion individuals and 100 billion AI Virtual Beings coexist on blockchain.
The Root Network (root)
无需部署智能合约即可讲解和集合。. ROOT Network是一个技术平台,帮助人们在虚拟世界中构建应用程序和游戏。. 它为开发人员提供了创建数字资产、交易它们并使其与现有标准一起使用的工具。. ROOT还具有数字收藏品的协议,因此用户无需编写代码即可创建和交易。.
lectables and collections without having to deploy smart contracts. ROOT Network is a technology platform that helps people build applications and games in the virtual world. It has tools for developers to create digital assets,trade them,and make them work with existing standards. ROOT also has protocols for digital collectibles,so users can create and trade without writing code.
BRN Metaverse (brn)
BRN 代币是在元界游戏NFT GameFi 和 Web 3.0 领域设计的代币和游戏项目。. BRN 代币通过它将创造的游戏为其投资者打开了元宇宙的大门,旨在将我们生活的世界连接到元宇宙中,并与之将要找到的科技公司联系起来。. 通过使用可穿戴技术与游戏中建立的生态系统的发展,BRN 代币投资者和玩家能够将他们在现实世界中的情感转移到他们自己创造的独特化身的虚拟世界中。. 他们可以在可穿戴技术的帮助下感受到游戏中发生的一切,也可以在现实生活中感受到。.
BRN Token is a token and game project designed in the Metaverse GameNFT GameFi and Web 3.0 areas. BRN Token, which opens the gate of the Metaverse to its investors with the game it will create, aims to connect the world we live into the Metaverse Universe with the tech company it will found. By using wearable technologies with the development of the ecosystem established in the game, BRN Token investors and players are able to transfer their e
Ovr (ovr)
OVR is the decentralized infrastructure for the spatial web, merging physical and virtual world through Augmented Reality, creating a new dimension where everything is possible.
Suzuverse (sgt)
什么是Suzuverse15年前,Suzuverse团队开始了互联网业务,希望和热情使世界更紧密地联系在一起,让人们更富有。. 15 年过去了,Suzuverse 团队告诉人们互联网成为 Web3 去中心化。. 互联网、区块链、数字资产和元宇宙只是达到目的的手段。. 创造力、好奇心、想象力、自由和透明是更有价值的特质。. Suzuverse将提供非凡的MR技术和体验,以帮助您最大限度地释放虚拟世界和元宇宙的潜力。什么是SGT代币实用程序它必须基于DAO与Suzuwalk开发公司之间的协议 用于购买Suzuverse的重要权利和资产 用于质押以获得投票权xSGT 对于获得税费/费用折扣:使用$SGT付款将享受25%的税费/费用折扣 升级:用户需要与$SZT和$SGT支付一定的升级费用。. 用于
What is Suzuverse15years ago Suzuverse team started internet businesses with the hope and passion of bringing the world closer together and getting people richer. 15 year on,Suzuverse team tell people internet becomes Web3 decentralization. Internet,blockchain,digital assets and metaverse are just means to an end. Creativeness,curiosity,imagination,freedom and transparency are far more valuable traits. Suzuverse will provide an extraordinary MR t
UBXS (ubxs)
我们这个项目的目标是通过融化在同一个房地产市场和区块链、Web 3.0、元界、代币经济学、NFT 技术中,将物理世界和虚拟世界元宇宙统一起来。.
Our goal with this project is to unite the physical world and the virtual world metaverse by melting in the same pot of real estate market which has a market volume of 100 trillion dollars and blockchain, web 3.0, metaverse, tokenomics, NFT technologies.
ALL.ART (aart)
都。ART 协议为不可替代代币带来了更好的 NFT 标准、适当的所有权管理和更好的流动性。. 通过在其上创建基础设施层和产品,我们的目标是使创作者、用户、收藏家和投资者能够生成、利用和交易新一代 NFT。. 我们现在正处于一个新时代的黎明——元宇宙时代。. 其背后的驱动力将不是虚拟和增强现实,而是这些虚拟世界中所有权的转变。. 我们最终将拥有我们的数据、资产、物品和遗产。.
ALL.ART Protocol brings better NFT standards, proper ownership rights management, and improved liquidity for nonfungible tokens. By creating both infrastructural layers and products on top of it, we aim to empower creators, users, collectors, and investors to generate, utilize and trade new generations of NFTs. We are now at the dawn of a new era—the era of metaverses. The driving force behind it will not be virtual and augmented realities, but t
Alon Mars (alonmars)
火星上的人工智能 AIonMars是一个去中心化的虚拟世界,结合了区块链技术和人工智能,创造了独特的沉浸式体验。. 探索红色星球,与AI驱动的实体互动,并参与充满活力的社区。.
Artificial Intelligence on Mars AIonMars is a decentralized virtual world that combines blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to create a unique and immersive experience. Explore the red planet,interact with AIpowered entities,and participate in a vibrant community.
ALTAVA (tava)
ALTAVA GROUP是一家总部位于新加坡的公司,在韩国拥有强大的运营影响力。. 我们打造定制的品牌体验,丰富元宇宙及其他领域不断发展的表达世界,跨越物理和虚拟世界,为消费者和品牌提供无缝桥梁。. 我们创建了ALTAVA World of You,这是一个面向奢侈品时尚的游戏化社交商务平台,旨在让元宇宙中的多种自我表达能够发现、策划和玩乐。. ALTAVA MARKET 是 ALTAVA World of You 的延伸,消费者可以在其中以 NFT 的形式购物、策划和收集表达世界,以用于元宇宙。ALTAVA是时尚品牌的元宇宙,作为奢侈品的社交和电子商务平台。. 它通过虚拟平台和访问他人将定义文化的品牌带入元宇宙。. ALTAVA GROUP与世界上最负盛名的时尚品牌建立了强大的合作伙伴关系
ALTAVA GROUP is a Singaporebased company with a strong operating presence in South Korea. We build bespoke brand experiences that enrich the evolving World of Expressions in the metaverse and beyond, working across physical and virtual worlds and providing a seamless bridge for both consumers and brands. We have created ALTAVA Worlds of You, a gamified social commerce platform for luxury fashion, to enable multiple expressions of self in the meta
Aniverse Metaverse (aniv)
ANIVERSE is a virtual world in which many people could have the opportunity to create their dreams in virtual reality,bringing you new experiences for living life,building a new business journey and determining your future that you have always dreamed of,and breaking the limitation in the real world.
Arcona (arcona)
Arcona生态系统创造了一个数字土地,一个增强现实层,将物理和虚拟世界统一到一个与我们的现实世界完美相连的单一信息环境中。. 它专为日常用户交互体验而设计,在现实世界的位置具有增强的、虚拟的和混合现实多媒体内容。.
The Arcona Ecosystem creates a Digital Land a layer of Augmented Reality uniting the physical and virtual worlds into a single information environment perfectly linked to our real world. It is designed for everyday user interactive experience with augmented, virtual and mixed reality multimedia content in real world locations.
Artyfact (arty)
是一个供孩子们探索的虚拟世界。. 他们可以玩游戏,创作艺术,并与来自世界各地的其他玩家交谈。. 对于孩子们来说,这是一种有趣且安全的方式来学习技术和结交新朋友。.
is a virtual world for kids to explore. They can play games,create art,and talk with other players from around the world. It is a fun and safe way for kids to learn about technology and make new friends.
ASIX (asix)
Asix 代币旨在邀请加密资产投资者构建我们的大型项目:P2E 游戏、Asix NFT 市场和努桑塔拉土地元界ASIX 代币也是一个基础强大的社区,拥有许多实用程序,例如 :P 2E 游戏 • Congklak 游戏• 贝克尔游戏• 拉扬甘战场游戏• 科莫多链游戏• 我们是巴布亚游戏*NFT 市场元界 / 努桑塔拉宇宙• 元界是一个虚拟世界,可让您像在现实生活中一样进行各种活动,例如会议, 使用增强现实AR和虚拟现实VR技术与其他用户进行工作,娱乐和交易。.
Asix Token is intended to invite crypto asset investors to build our big projects: P2E Games, Asix NFT Marketplace and Nusantara Land MetaverseASIX Token is also a strongbased community with a lot of utilities, such as :P2E Games • Congklak game• Bekel game• Layangan Battlefield game• Komodochain game• We Are Papua game*NFT MarketplaceMetaverse / Nusantaraverse• Metaverse is a virtual world that allows you to carry out various activities like in
Battle Infinity (ibat)
战斗无限 是由多个P2E Playtoearn战斗游戏组成的游戏平台。. 所有游戏都集成在一个名为 IBAT 战斗竞技场的元宇宙世界中。. 在战斗无限世界中,游戏玩家不仅可以玩和战斗,还可以享受和体验身临其境的元宇宙世界。. 在这里,他们可以相互互动,表演,观看和探索战斗竞技场虚拟世界。.
Battle Infinity is a gaming platform made up of multiple P2E Playtoearn battle games. All games are integrated within a Metaverse world called the IBAT Battle Arena. In Battle Infinity world, gamers do not only play and battle but can also enjoy and experience the immersive Metaverse world. Here they can interact with each other, perform, watch and explore the Battle Arena virtual world
18 CMP
Caduceus (cmp)
Caduceus 基金会正在构建第一个 3D 元宇宙平台。. 这是一个虚拟世界,人们可以做旅行,学习,玩游戏和看电影等事情。. 该平台为每个人提供低成本的高速创作。. 它还具有用于资产管理,去中心化交易所等的工具。. 他们还在创建工具,帮助开发人员在元宇宙中创建 3D 游戏和其他应用程序。.
The Caduceus Foundation is building the first 3D Metaverse platform. It is a virtual world where people can do things like travel,learn,play games and watch movies. The platform offers high-speed creation with low costs for everyone. It also has tools for asset management,decentralized exchanges,and more. They are also creating tools to help developers create 3D games and other applications in the Metaverse.
19 CTP
Captain Planet (ctp)
升级MEME概念,CTP是在Elrond区块链上创建的ESDT令牌。. 在 CTP 世界中,有六个 NFT 集合支持生态系统,通过游戏来赚取和帮助。. CTP的愿景是创造和团结世界上最具吸引力的艺术家,MEME内容的创作者和玩家通过游戏来赚取和帮助。. CTP 是一个虚拟世界,人们可以在 Elrond 生态系统上构建、拥有他们的创作并从中获利,该平台旨在通过为创作者提供他们创作的真正所有权作为不可替代的代币 NFT 并奖励他们的参与来破坏现有的 MEME 制造商使用我们的实用代币 CTP。.
Upgrading the MEME concept, CTP is an ESDT token created on the Elrond blockchain. In the CTP world, there are six NFT collections supporting the ecosystem with play to earn and help. CTP’s vision is to create and unite the worlds most engaging artists ,creators of MEME content and players through play to earn and help. CTP is a virtual world where people can build, own, and monetize their creation on the Elrond ecosystem where the platform aims
Chicken Town (chickentown)
鸡镇是仲裁链中的 NFT 流动性协议,支持即时 NFT 支持贷款、抵押品上市和 NFT 首付。. 首付、借款、上市的无缝体验,为用户打造完美闭环,一站式NFT流动性解决方案。鸡镇正在为大规模 Web3 应用构建入口层,为投资者提供量身定制的 Play2Earn 产品和入职基础设施,以进入 Web3 的新世界。. Chicken Town 旨在通过促进和优化所有 Web3 探路者的入职流程,形成一个引人入胜的社区经济生态系统。. Chicken Town能够通过为投资者提供安全,有趣,身临其境和有利可图的体验的创新培养来俘获许多人的心。. 整个项目扩展路线图中有许多亮点,其中包含 NFT 持有者的多种赚钱模式。鸡镇 P2E 玩赚取游戏视频游戏和虚拟世界,玩家通过加密代币奖励来获利。. 要谈论的
Chicken Town is the NFT liquidity protocol in Arbitrum Chain supporting instant NFTbacked loans,Collateral Listing,and NFT Down Payment. The seamless experience of down payment,borrowing,and listing create a perfect closed loop for users,a onestop NFT liquidity solution.Chicken Town is building the onramp layer for massive Web3 adopition,providing tailored Play2Earn products and onboarding infrastructures for investors to enter the new world of W
21 BCT
Chitaverse (bct)
Chitaverse被认为是未来,并在此基础上发展。. 使用婴儿赤塔代币进行游戏内开发将来开发和娱乐元宇宙世界的承诺。将奇塔宇宙变成一个元宇宙集成的虚拟世界。. 通过其游戏和获胜项目为投资者提供有希望的收入。. 在您旁边,在玩游戏时将娱乐和收入保持在最高水平。. 在向我们尊贵的投资者展示BabyChita游戏时,我们优先考虑兴奋和利润。. 区块链平台允许用户和开发人员在现有区块链基础设施之上创建新的用途。.
Chitaverse was conceived as the future and is building on it. Ingame development with Baby Chita Token will come to develop and fun the metaverse world promises.Turning chitaverse into a metaverse integrated virtual world. Promising income to investors with its play and win project. Next to you to keep the entertainment and earnings at the highest level while playing the game. While presenting the BabyChita game to our valued investors,we priorit
Cicca Network (cicca)
1.Cicca Metaverse 和 web3 游戏和高质押奖励币玩家可以赚取 P2E 加密货币或其他数字代币作为其游戏内活动的奖励。. 这些奖励可能是可观的,玩家可以选择持有、交易或将这些代币转换为现实世界的货币。玩家可以通过社交、交易、竞争和协作等多种方式与虚拟世界和其他玩家互动。. 这些互动往往会塑造游戏的叙事和环境 在我们的元宇宙游戏中,玩家可以通过创建、购买、出售和交易虚拟资产来参与虚拟经济。. 这可以包括从虚拟房地产到数字服装和配饰的所有内容。为角色、物品、土地或任何其他数字收藏品等游戏内资产铸造 NFT。. 这些 NFT 代表所有权,可以在游戏和区块链技术中交易或使用。. 在我们的元宇宙游戏中,人工智能控制的游戏大师监督和调节玩家互动、事件和挑战。.
1.Cicca Metaverse and web3 Game and High staking award coinPlayers can earn P2E cryptocurrency or other digital tokens as rewards for their ingame activities. These rewards can be significant,and players can choose to hold,trade,or convert these tokens into realworld currency.Players can interact with the virtual world and other players in various ways,such as socializing,trading,competing,and collaborating. These interactions often shape the gam
Cindrum (cind)
Cindrum中的CIN代表“在网络中整合”,意思是整合现实的虚拟世界。. Cindrum不仅仅是一种增强现实AR体验。. 用户通过他们的化身,可以表达他们在现实生活中可以表达的内容,甚至可以在虚拟社交网络环境中表达更多内容。. Cindrum的虚拟空间将更接近用户的“另一个现实”。克服现实的物理边界和局限性,CINDRUM作为一种新范式将内涵为带来新一波元宇宙技术的先驱。.
The CIN in Cindrum stands for ‘consolidate in network,’ meaning a virtual world where reality is integrated. Cindrum is more than an augmented reality AR experience. Users, through their avatars, can express what they could in real life and even more in a virtual social networking environment. The virtual space of Cindrum will be closer to “another reality” for users.​Overcoming the physical boundaries and limitations of reality, CINDRUM as a new
24 COC
cocktailbar.finance (coc)
鸡尾酒吧是一个虚拟世界,有很多有趣的事情要做。. 您可以玩扑克,随着音乐跳舞等游戏,甚至可以玩老式视频游戏!您还可以购买特殊的头像,代币和通行证,这样您就可以加入所有的乐趣。.
The Cocktailbar is a virtual world with lots of fun things to do. You can play games like poker,dance to music,and even play old school video games! You can also buy special avatars,tokens and passes so you can join in on all the fun.
25 CRI3X
Cri3x (cri3x)
Cri3X 正在跨元界合作伙伴平台创建虚拟体验。Cri3X 不像元界平台那样受国界限制,定位于跨多个 web3 社区进行整合,通过我们的 Cri3X 虚拟影院链、电影 IP P2E 游戏、音乐活动、放映派对和元宇宙中的 VR 第一人称头像体验提供 Web3 虚拟娱乐内容。. 我们有机会成为元宇宙的敏捷参与者,跨越边界,虚拟世界,通过娱乐体验参与社区,利用和创造独特的IP,无论是在我们的创意团队结构中开发,还是与新兴电影制作人、游戏开发人员、音乐家和艺术家合作,通过我们的生态系统将他们的原创IP带入VR中。. CRI3X令牌 CRI3X令牌是一种可替代的加密令牌。. 随着时间的推移,代币将成为RETROGRESSION GAME和Film Crib虚拟电影院以及相关票务活动的主要实用代币和游戏
Cri3X is creating virtual eXperiences across Metaverse partner platforms.Not bound by borders as Metaverse platforms are,Cri3X is positioned to integrate across multiple web3 communities,providing Web3 virtual entertainment content via our Cri3X virtual cinema chain,film IP P2E gaming,musical events,screening parties and VR first person Avatar experiences in the Metaverse. We have the opportunity to be an agile player in the Metaverse,crossing bo
Cuberium (iland)
## 什么是 CuberiumCuberium 是一个基于区块链的虚拟世界,允许用户以游戏的形式创建、构建、购买和出售数字资产。. 通过结合 DeFi 和 createtoearn 模式的力量,Sandbox 为蓬勃发展的游戏社区创建了一个去中心化的平台。Cuberium平台的主要任务是将区块链技术成功引入主流游戏。. 该平台专注于促进创造性的“createtoearn”模式,允许用户同时成为创作者和游戏玩家。. Cuberium通过引入iLand实用代币来利用区块链技术的力量,该代币促进了平台上的交易.# 谁是Cuberium的创始人Cuberium是BitcoinWide的心血结晶,该公司成立于2018年,由Anton Tsekhanovskyi领导。. Anton 担任 Bitcoin
## What Is CuberiumCuberium is a blockchainbased virtual world allowing users to create,build,buy and sell digital assets in the form of a game. By combining the powers of DeFi and the createtoearn model,the Sandbox creates a decentralized platform for a thriving gaming community.The Cuberium platform’s main mission is to introduce blockchain technology in mainstream gaming successfully. The platform focuses on facilitating a creative “createtoea
Da Pinchi (pinchi)
Da Pinchi 是一个建立在以太坊区块链上的模因币项目,其特点是其独特的加密货币和社会影响计划融合在一起。. 以下是简明扼要的描述:目的:Da Pinchi 的主要使命是通过慈善捐款支持当地渔民。. 这是通过利用其生态系统内的部分交易来实现的,包括买卖税和商品销售。功能和效用:Eat 2 Earn Program:当用户从 EZ Lobster Company 订购食物时,该计划会奖励用户 Da Pinchi 代币。. 它类似于实际 IRL 公司 EZ Lobster.cWorld Metaverse 的基于加密的现金返还系统:Da Pinchi 正在集成一个名为 cWorld 的虚拟世界,在 Unity 上开发。. 这个元宇宙为用户提供了购买、出售或租赁虚拟地块的机会,并支持各种活动,
Da Pinchi is a memecoin project built on the Ethereum blockchain,characterized by its unique blend of cryptocurrency and social impact initiatives. Heres a clear and concise description:Purpose: The primary mission of Da Pinchi is to support local fishermen through charitable contributions. This is achieved by leveraging a portion of the transactions within its ecosystem,including buy/sell taxes and merchandise sales.Function and Utility:Eat 2 Ea
Decentrawood (deod)
Decentrawood 是一个元宇宙平台,它使用区块链、虚拟现实和人工智能技术来创建一个用户可以在其中生活、工作和互动的虚拟世界。. 该平台旨在模拟人类文明的演变,并允许用户通过创建建筑物,对象和动画来为世界做出贡献,这些内容被称为用户生成内容。. 此内容是Decentrawood的独特功能之一,允许用户拥有并从他们的创作中获利。Decentrawood还提供社交聚会,现场音乐会,新闻发布会和用户可以参加的大学课程。. 此外,用户可以在平台上购买土地并创建自己的结构,例如花园,森林,寺庙,会所,游戏站,甚至城市。. 该平台支持增强现实和虚拟现实,人工智能以及不同平台之间的互操作性,为用户与虚拟环境和体验的交互创造了无限的可能性。平台原生代币是DEOD,部署在Polygon区块链上,用于平台
Decentrawood is a metaverse platform that uses blockchain,virtual reality,and artificial intelligence technology to create a virtual world where users can live,work,and interact with each other. The platform is designed to simulate the evolution of human civilization and allow users to contribute to the world by creating buildings,objects,and animations,which are referred to as usergenerated content. This content is one of the unique features of
DeeLance (dlance)
这个项目是关于什么的DeeLance是一个去中心化的平台,彻底改变了自由职业者与元界潜在雇主的联系方式。. DeeLances主要关注虚拟世界,用户可以在其中社交,工作和赚钱。. 元宇宙、NFT 市场、招聘和无缝自由职业者平台为用户创造了终极生态系统。. DeeLance突破性方法的核心是将自由职业者工作产品代币化为NFT,允许安全可靠地将工作所有权转移给招聘人员使您的项目独一无二DeeLance因其在元宇宙中的微社区概念,去中心化方法以及通过NFT,元界和NFT市场的内容所有权而独一无二。. 在自由职业者平台中,佣金低,即时提款,任务大小无限制,可扩展的争议系统和简单的注册过程。项目的历史记录。最初的项目计划由迪兰斯的 Dommetti 首席执行官于 2022 年第四季度构思。. 然后白皮
What is the project aboutDeeLance is a decentralized platform revolutionizing how freelancers connect with potential employers in Metaverse. DeeLances main focus is on the virtual world where users can Socialize,Work and Earn. The Metaverse,NFT marketplace,recruitment,and seamless freelancing platform create the ultimate ecosystem for the users. At the core of DeeLances groundbreaking approach is the tokenization of freelance work products into N
DigiBunnies (dgbn)
DigiBunnies 是 Polygon 区块链上 MEME、NFT 和游戏代币的混合体。. DigiBunnies 的特别之处不仅在于我们正在开发的平台和它为用户提供的 WEB3 机会,还在于它提供的互动体验。. 用户将能够探索虚拟地图,并在不同的虚拟世界中发掘/狩猎宝藏。. 用户还可以参与有趣的测验。. 测验参与者将获得额外的Digibunnies代币和其他奖品。. 每个 DigiBunny 类都将是独特的,具有个人特征、能力和局限性。.
DigiBunnies is a mix of MEME,NFT and Gaming token on the Polygon blockchain. What makes DigiBunnies special is not only the platform we are developing and WEB3 opportunities it presents for the users,but also the interactive experiences it offers. Users will be able to explore the virtual maps,and unearth/hunt treasures in the different virtual worlds. Users can also engage in entertaining quizzes. Quizzes participants will be rewarded with addit
Doge Whale (dwhl)
DWHL 代币是一种 DRC20 代币,是一种加密货币,旨在集成到大型多人在线角色扮演游戏 MMORPG 的经济中。. 在这个用例中,我们探讨了DWHL代币作为MMORPG中购买游戏内工具和资产的交换媒介的应用。. DWHL代币的整合旨在通过将去中心化的金融元素引入虚拟世界来增强游戏体验。.
The DWHL token,a DRC20 token,is a cryptocurrency designed for integration into the economy of a Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game MMORPG. In this use case,we explore the application of DWHL tokens as a medium of exchange for purchasing ingame tools and assets in an MMORPG. The integration of DWHL tokens aims to enhance the gaming experience by introducing decentralized financial elements into the virtual world
32 DV
Dreamverse (dv)
Dreamverse是一个高度逼真和精致的虚拟世界,还原了许多明星,影视,动画和游戏等顶级IP世界以及现实世界。. Dreamverse致力于打造一个高保真、精致、视觉冲击力强、沉浸式强体验的元宇宙。. 用户可以销售、构建、分享、参与和与他人互动,以获得与现实中相同的存在感和体验。. 所有参与者将沉浸其中,共同创造一个新世界。.
Dreamverse is a highly realistic and refined virtual world that restores many stars, top IP worlds such as film and television, animation and games and the real world. Dreamverse is committed to creating a meta universe with high fidelity, refinement, strong visual impact and immersive strong experience. Users can sell, build, share, participate and interact with others to obtain the same sense of existence and experience as in reality. All parti
33 EFK
EFK Token (efk)
EFK平台是连接生态和区块链的桥梁。. 我们的目标是建立一个生态系统,带出现实世界和虚拟世界的最佳效果。在支持非政府组织及其保护地球的项目的同时,我们还将通过我们的游戏应用程序带来游戏化,您将能够将您的数字资产放置在不同元宇宙的绿色区域。您可以通过我们的市场购买独特的绿色 NFT,与朋友分享、繁殖它们并在元宇宙中使用它们。. 与此同时,你们正在支持崇高的事业,使我们的自然世界变得更美好。我们最早的 NFT 系列之一是独特的木棉树。. 您将能够在元宇宙中种植您的树的 3D 版本,同时我们还将在自然界中种植真正的树木。. 未来的收藏还将包括动物,我们将再次在元宇宙之外提供帮助。. 加入我们的社区,帮助我们创造一个有意义的世界。.
EFK platform is the bridge connecting ecology and blockchain. We aim to build an ecosystem that brings out the best of the real and virtual worlds.While supporting nongovernmental organizations and their projects to protect our planet, we will also bring gamification through our gaming app, and you will be able to place your digital assets in green areas in different metaverses.You can buy unique green NFTs through our marketplace, share them wit
34 EWW
EndlessWebWorlds (eww)
进入协作和探索的新方式EWW建立在微小的2.5D在线世界之上,任何人都可以单独免费创建。我们正在创建一个平台,人们可以轻松有趣地了解项目或其他人。团队/战队/持有者可以在这里见面并享受我们提供的各种工具集的乐趣。无尽的网络世界是一种与众不同的沙盒体验。. 所有内容都可以使用最常见的编程语言JavaScript立即在您的浏览器中进行自定义。. 即使您不是开发人员,您也可以从我们和社区提供的简单代码段中受益。无尽的网络世界允许您设计自己的虚拟世界并根据自己的喜好对其进行个性化设置。. 可能性是无限的,无论您是构建一个完整的大都市,游戏环境还是虚拟现实我们还将提供丰富的课程,文档和帮助,以帮助您入门。.
Enter a new way to collaborate and exploreEWW is built on an universe of tiny 2.5D online worlds that anyone can create individually and for free.We are creating a platform where people can easily and amusingly learn about projects or other people.Where teams/clans/holders can meet and have fun with various tool sets that we offer.Endless Web Worlds is a sandbox experience unlike any other. Everything may be customized immediately in your browser
35 UT
Fantaverse (ut)
FantaVerse是一个3D去中心化的虚拟世界,您可以在其中探索行星和玩游戏。. 您还可以购买称为 NFT 的特殊物品来帮助您的角色。. 立即下载测试版加入冒险!.
FantaVerse is a 3D decentralized virtual world where you can explore planets and play games. You can also buy special items called NFTs to help your character. Download the Beta version now to join the adventure!
36 GIF
GIF DAO (gif)
跨越 NFT 和 Dapps,制作有趣和互动的世界,用户可以在其中收集、赚取和构建新的虚拟世界。.
crossing NFTs and Dapps to make fun and interactive worlds where users can collect, earn, and build new virtual worlds
GoNFTY (gnfty)
GoNFTY 是一个 web3 游戏平台。. 专为游戏玩家和创作者打造,提供精选的 web3 游戏库和 AI 驱动的工具包,使任何人都可以创建自己的游戏和与 web3 技术集成的虚拟世界。. 如需了解更多信息,请访问。.
GoNFTY is a web3 gaming platform. Built for gamers and creators; providing a curated library of web3 games and an AIpowered toolkit to enable anyone to create their own games and virtual worlds integrated with web3 technologies. Learn more at
38 GGG
Good Games Guild (ggg)
Good Games Guild 是一个游戏中心,旨在通过赞助数百万 playtoearn 游戏玩家、投资 playtoearn 游戏及其游戏内资产以及构建将增强游戏和元界未来的工具来创建最大的虚拟世界经济。.
Good Games Guild is a Gaming Hub that aims to create the largest virtual world economy by sponsoring millions of playtoearn gamers, investing in playtoearn games along with their ingame assets, and building tools that will enhance the future of gaming and metaverse.
IndiGG (indi)
IndiGG是Yield Guild Games YGG的SubDAO,与Polygon联合建立,在印度创建一个PlaytoEarn游戏中心。. IndiGG正在建立一个平台,游戏玩家将发现游戏的未来,并开始进入虚拟世界的旅程,为所有参与者创造经济机会。.
IndiGG is a SubDAO of Yield Guild Games YGG being built in association with Polygon to create a PlaytoEarn gaming hub within India. IndiGG is building a platform where gamers will discover the future of gaming and embark on a journey into virtual worlds to create economic opportunities for all participants.
InfiniTORR (torr)
InfiniTORR是一款在线游戏,您可以在其中探索虚拟世界并结交朋友。. 你可以收集硬币,建造自己的家,并自定义你的角色。. 这是一种令人兴奋的娱乐方式,可以结交新朋友!.
InfiniTORR is an online game where you can explore a virtual world and make friends. You can collect coins,build your own home,and customize your character. It's an exciting way to have fun and make new friends!
41 JAB
Jable (jab)
AIMVerse 是一个足球元宇宙,现实世界与虚拟世界相交,为用户提供他们在现实世界中很少体验的数字体验。. 它是通往数字足球生态系统的门户,对于没有专业分析知识的用户来说,进行胜利预测变得直观简单,用户可以将此类预测作为数字资产进行交易。. AIMVerse的一个关键任务是确保透明的数字足球经济生态系统。. 这种透明度对于确保每个与足球相关的数字资产的实际所有权以及用户使用AIMVerse的实用代币JABLE参与经济活动至关重要。.
AIMVerse is a football metaverse where the real world intersects with the virtual world,offering users digital experiences they seldom experience in the real world. It is a gateway to a digital football ecosystem where making win predictions becomes intuitively simple for users without professional analytical knowledge and where users can make such predictions into and trade as digital assets. A critical mission for AIMVerse is to ensure a transp
42 ORB
Orbcity (orb)
KlayCity 元界是第一个在 Klaytn 上构建并由 Kakao 区块链子公司 Krust 支持的官方元界土地项目。. KlayCity 将 NFT 游戏和 DeFi 融合在一起,创建了一个生态系统,玩家可以选择他们的 NFT 收集或耕种路径。. KlayCity通过创建一个生态系统来扩展您的虚拟世界,用户可以拥有世界各地他们最喜欢的城市的一部分并赚取$ORB。. 社区被邀请从一开始就管理KlayCity的世界,允许玩家提交最有创意的想法来补充和发展他们的土地。.
KlayCity metaverse is the first official metaverse land project built on Klaytn and backed by Krust, Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary. KlayCity blends NFT Gaming and DeFi together to create an ecosystem where players can choose their paths of NFT collecting or farming. KlayCity expands your virtual world by creating an ecosystem where users can own a part of their favourite cities around the world and earn $ORB. The community is invited to govern th
Klaydice (dice)
KLAYDICE是一个基于Klaytn的DICEtoEarn项目。. DICE是各种KLAYDICE游戏生态系统中的关键货币。KLAYDICE为全球用户提供了最简单,最方便的访问区块链的机会。在第四工业时代,虚拟世界是另一个现实和另一个机会。. 世界各地的用户都在使用他们的化身参与信使、游戏和元宇宙上各种生态系统的制作。. 这意味着全球将有78亿人在虚拟世界中创建自己的化身,并将在其中形成新的业务。. KLAYDICE是一个D2E平台,为在虚拟世界中使用区块链提供奖励。.
KLAYDICE is a DICEtoEarn project based on Klaytn. DICE serves as a key currency within the various KLAYDICE game ecosystems.KLAYDICE provides global users with easiest and the most convenient opportunity to access to the blockchain.In the 4th industrial age, the virtual world is another reality and another opportunity. Users all over the world are participating in the production of various ecosystems on the messenger, in the game, and on the meta
MegaWorld (mega)
自 3 年以来的大型多人 Web2018 城市建设者策略游戏。. 玩家建造建筑物,生产其他建筑物运营所需的资源。. 通过现实经济学探索,构建,制作和交易以太坊,BNB链和TRON网络上的虚拟房地产,探索,建造,制作和交易虚拟世界。. 由玩家拥有,由玩家管理。.
Massively multiplayer Web3 city builder strategy game since 2018. Players construct buildings producing resources required by other buildings to operate. Discover vibrant virtual world with real economics explore,build,craft and trade virtual real estate on Ethereum,BNB Chain and TRON Network. Owned by players,governed by players.
Metable (mtbl)
该项目是关于Metable的,这是一个开创性的元宇宙,旨在创建一个基于区块链的虚拟世界,旨在改变在线教育的格局。. 通过融合虚拟现实、区块链和教育,Metable 为教师、学生和创作者提供了商业、教学、学习、社交互动和收入的新机会。Metable 是一个采用图形技术开发的元宇宙,它将允许人们通过使用观众在 3D 和虚拟现实 VR 模式下探索和体验元宇宙。. 技术开发将分为两个阶段: ● 第 1 步:3D 探索。. 在第一阶段,世界将使用任何PC,平板电脑或智能手机在3D中探索和宜居。. ●步骤2:VR探索。. 在第二阶段,世界也将通过使用观众来利用虚拟现实来探索,使体验完全身临其境。.
What is the project aboutMetable,a groundbreaking metaverse that aims to create a virtual world based on blockchain,is set to transform the landscape of online education. By merging virtual reality,blockchain,and education,Metable empowers teachers,students,and creators with new opportunities for business,teaching,learning,social interaction,and earning.Metable is a metaverse developed with graphics technology that will allow people to explore an
Metajuice (vcoin)
Metajuice正在构建帮助人们在虚拟世界中创造,赚取和拥有东西的东西。. 他们正在使用 Vcore、Vcoin 和 NFT 之类的东西来实现这一目标。. 他们还为Imvu提供动力,Imvu是世界上最大的3D社交头像平台。. 人们可以使用这些工具在元宇宙中建立自己的未来!.
Metajuice is building things that help people create,earn and own things in virtual worlds. They are using things like Vcore,Vcoin and NFTs to make this work. They are also powering Imvu,which is the world's biggest 3D social avatar platform. People can use these tools to build their future in the Metaverse!
MetaniaGames (metania)
METANIA 正在通过虚拟现实 VR、绘图空间和有趣的市场构建元宇宙。. 一个虚拟世界,游戏与虚拟现实技术相结合,由令人兴奋的互连场地和适合现场的 NFT 组成,由币安智能合约提供支持,并受区块链保护。. METANIA允许用户在世界任何地方时几乎在那里。. METANIA 旨在通过将加密货币与元宇宙相结合来预测这场即将到来的革命,创建一个道德、去中心化、有趣、创新的项目。与大多数其他加密货币项目相比,METANIA更加绿色,有远见,支持年轻的想法天使投资,并且在其领域独一无二,并使用区块链来提供安全性。METANIA 令牌符合 BEP20 标准,但在 METANIA 中集成了另一个扩展令牌功能的自定义协议。. 虚拟现实环境和个人可以使用 METANIA 代币购买他们想要的任何 NFT、情
METANIA is building the Metaverse with Virtual reality VR, plotted spaces and a fun marketplace. A virtual world with games combined with virtual reality technology, made up of exciting interconnected venues and siteappropriate NFTs, powered by Binance smart contracts and protected by the blockchain. METANIA allows users to be virtually there when they are physically anywhere in the world. METANIA aims to anticipate this upcoming revolution by co
Metapolitans (maps)
什么是大都会地图Metropolitans是一个游戏虚拟世界和加密货币项目。. Metropolitans的首要目标是创建一个虚拟环境,用户可以在其中使用专有令牌MAPS创建,共享和交易独特的数字资产。. 去中心化自治组织DAO将管理MAPS的使用并促进虚拟世界中的交易,创造一个公平透明的经济。. 通过参与平台内的各种活动,用户可以赚取MAPS,并为虚拟环境的成长和成功做出贡献。.
What is MetropolitansMAPSMetropolitans is a playtomint virtual world and cryptocurrency project. Metropolitans first aim is to create a virtual environment where users can create,share,and trade unique digital assets using the proprietary token,MAPS. The decentralized autonomous organization DAO will govern the use of MAPS and facilitate transactions within the virtual world,creating a fair and transparent economy. By participating in various act
49 MTP
MetaPuss (mtp)
什么是 MetapussMetaPuss 是一个令人兴奋的新项目,它汇集了 AI、NFT 和爱猫人士的世界。. MetaPuss 背后的团队认为,NFT 的未来在于人工智能和元宇宙的融合,他们正在努力使这一愿景成为现实。. 想象一下,探索一个充满各种形状和大小的猫的充满活力的虚拟世界。. 当您探索时,您偶然发现了一个 NFT,它可以解锁秘密区域或在游戏中赋予您特殊能力。. 这就是MetaPuss旨在为其用户创造的体验。. 但 MetaPuss 不仅仅是游戏和收集 NFT。.
What is MetapussMetaPuss is an exciting new project that brings together the worlds of AI,NFTs,and cat lovers. The team behind MetaPuss believes that the future of NFTs lies in the integration of AI and the metaverse,and they are working to make this vision a reality. Imagine exploring a vibrant virtual world filled with cats of all shapes and sizes. As you explore,you stumble upon an NFT that unlocks a secret area or grants you special abilities


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,045.50 1,780,559,833.80
2 BTC title=BTC 66,099.58 1,601,344,828.11
3 ETH title=ETH 3,172.01 740,884,440.02
4 SOL title=SOL 154.25 624,656,913.07
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 456,459,447.58
6 XRP title=XRP 0.55 258,877,662.67
7 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 182,182,587.40
8 ENA title=ENA 0.99 166,246,665.27
9 WIF title=WIF 2.82 161,385,967.94
10 NEAR title=NEAR 7.15 135,587,940.08
11 WLD title=WLD 5.60 101,724,124.88
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 100,125,113.95
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.53 78,913,103.34
14 SEI title=SEI 0.65 62,748,810.00
15 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.52 62,530,283.96
16 AVAX title=AVAX 38.33 61,009,304.99
17 ADA title=ADA 0.52 58,745,881.54
18 ORDI title=ORDI 47.79 53,699,318.68
19 RNDR title=RNDR 9.12 53,178,465.44
20 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 52,378,296.61
21 1000SATS title=1000SATS <0.01 51,266,944.60
22 SUI title=SUI 1.35 50,350,574.25
23 FTM title=FTM 0.74 47,188,059.47
24 SAGA title=SAGA 4.10 45,524,392.05
25 LTC title=LTC 84.58 45,148,418.27
26 TNSR title=TNSR 1.14 44,635,875.75
27 LINK title=LINK 15.38 44,350,004.03


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Automata title=ATA 0.23 +24.53
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.81 +15.30
3 Mobox title=MBOX 0.37 +14.13
4 DODO title=DODO 0.20 +13.23
5 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.33 +12.29
6 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 +11.38
7 WINkLink title=WIN <0.01 +8.17
8 Phala title=PHA 0.23 +6.80
9 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.67 +6.32
10 Gnosis title=GNO 393.60 +6.21
11 Arweave title=AR 35.08 +5.95
12 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +5.86
13 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +5.60
14 Cortex title=CTXC 0.36 +5.60
15 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.11 +5.07
16 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.52 +5.01
17 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 +4.72
18 Ardor title=ARDR 0.11 +4.48
19 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.78 +4.33
20 Immutable title=IMX 2.38 +4.28
21 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.15 +4.03
22 AVA title=AVA 0.73 +3.97
23 Stacks title=STX 2.99 +3.94
24 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.88 +3.88
25 SSV Network title=SSV 43.99 +3.87
26 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.22 +3.86
27 Bittensor title=TAO 500.90 +3.62
28 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.38 +3.51
29 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.99 +3.06
30 Streamr title=DATA 0.07 +2.99


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Jito title=JTO 3.49 -6.91
2 Ethena title=ENA 0.99 -6.85
3 Galxe title=GAL 4.60 -6.79
4 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -6.64
5 Omni Network title=OMNI 24.41 -6.55
6 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 -6.42
7 W 0.60 -6.23
8 Harvest Finance title=FARM 86.14 -6.19
9 Portal title=PORTAL 1.01 -6.17
10 THORChain title=RUNE 5.53 -6.00
11 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.89 -5.35
12 REI Network title=REI 0.10 -5.33
13 Enzyme title=MLN 23.48 -5.21
14 Saga title=SAGA 4.10 -5.16
15 Cream title=CREAM 48.54 -5.10
16 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -5.03
17 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -4.81
18 Alchemix title=ALCX 27.68 -4.78
19 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.82 -4.66
20 ORDI title=ORDI 47.79 -4.52
21 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.45 -4.51
22 Pyth Network title=PYTH 0.67 -4.48
23 Frax Share title=FXS 4.97 -4.32
24 Fantom title=FTM 0.74 -4.29
25 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.94 -4.23
26 Maker title=MKR 2,824.00 -4.17
27 Lisk title=LSK 1.83 -4.09
28 Prom title=PROM 11.36 -4.09
29 Akropolis title=AKRO <0.01 -3.84
30 Mdex (BSC) title=MDX 0.06 -3.75

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
2 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
3 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
4 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
5 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
6 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
7 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
8 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
9 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
10 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
11 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
12 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
13 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
14 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
15 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
16 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
17 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
18 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
19 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
20 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
21 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
22 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
23 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
24 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
25 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
26 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
27 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
28 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
29 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
30 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)
31 比特币减半炒作打破了长达一周的 ETF 流出连胜
(Bitcoin halving hype breaks week long ETFs outflow streak)
32 Pro XRP 律师要求成为 Coinbase 客户的法庭之友
(Pro XRP lawyer requests to be amicus curiae for Coinbase customers)
33 尼日利亚在非洲推出首个多语言大型语言模型
(Nigeria launches first multilingual large language model in Africa)
34 比特币减半 2024 这次有 5 种不同之处
(Bitcoin halving 2024 5 ways its different this time)
35 比特币减半:为什么它对BTC稀缺性很重要
(Bitcoin halving Why its important for BTC scarcity)
36 美国将与尼日利亚建立人工智能伙伴关系,促进经济增长
(USA to forge AI partnership with Nigeria for economic growth)
37 2024 年比特币减半是 BTC 价格最看涨的设置
(The 2024 Bitcoin halving is the most bullish setup for BTC price)
38 币安逃税案审判移至5月17日在尼日利亚举行
(Binance tax evasion trial moved to May 17 in Nigeria)
39 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
40 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)
41 以下是加密游戏Notcoin如何吸引超过3000万用户的创始人
(Heres how crypto game Notcoin onboarded over 30M users founder)
42 美国国税局发布2025年美国纳税人数字资产报告表草案
(IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for US taxpayers)
43 加密货币用户提议放弃对 Sam Bankman Fried 的诉讼,以追捕 FTX 影响者
(Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman Fried to pursue FTX influencers)
44 在这里,您可以实时观看比特币减半
(Heres where you can catch the Bitcoin halving live)
45 比特币减半 2024 完成并尘埃落定
(Bitcoin halving 2024 Done and dusted)
46 比特币用户在减半区块上花费了创纪录的2400万费用
(Bitcoin users spend record 24M in fees on halving block)
47 比特币矿业股在减半事件之前全面飙升
(Bitcoin mining stocks saw spikes across the board ahead of halving event)
48 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
49 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
50 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美国商品的估计产量 (Flash Manufacturing PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
2 美国服务估计 (Flash Services PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
3 美国新屋销售报告 (New Home Sales) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
4 里士满制造业指数报告 (Richmond Manufacturing Index) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
5 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
6 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
7 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
8 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
10 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
11 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
12 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
13 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
14 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
15 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
16 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
17 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
18 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
19 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


MindVerse (mverse) Frax Price Index Share (fpis) BnkToTheFuture (bft) Maxwell The Cat (maxcat) Lido Staked Ether (steth) Game Tournament Trophy (gtt) Staked FX (stfx) Bluzelle (blz) Ludena Protocol (ldn) Koinon (koin)


FP μJeerGirl (μjeergirl)Indigo Protocol iETH (ieth)Bistroo (bist)Paideia (pai)Verso (vso)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Metaverse #DeFi #GameFi #smart contract #carbon emission #sport #medicine #DAO #real estate #decentralized application


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