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硬币相关 #Community

币名 细节
EOS (eos)
由EOS社区构建和运营的区块链。. EOSIO核心开发现在掌握在社区手中: 关于EOS支持:是一个由社区成员发起的组织,作为礼宾员,为使用EOS网络的客户提供用户和技术支持.EOS支持团队提供新的服务,例如曼德尔共识升级的协调工作,知识库,技术支持,以及EOS网络的更多支持。资料来源:EOS网络基金会2022年第一季度报告:13:。.
Blockchain built and run by the EOS Community. The EOSIO core development is now in the hands of the community: About EOS Support: is an organisation started by community members that serves as a concierge for providing user and technical support for customers who use the EOS Network.EOS Support team offers new services such as coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade,knowledge base,technical support,and many more for the EOS networ
Ark (ark)
ARK为用户、开发人员和初创公司提供创新的区块链技术。. 他们的目标是创建一个完整的链接链生态系统和一个包含无穷无尽用例的虚拟蜘蛛网,使 ARK 具有高度的灵活性、适应性和可扩展性。. ARK是一个专为大规模采用而设计的安全平台,将提供消费者和开发人员需要的服务。. 它是快速的、分散的、可扩展的、协作的、桥接的和开源的。. ARK桌面钱包是为所有主要操作系统原生构建的。. ARK钱包连接到完全同步的网络对等体,无需下载完整的区块链。ARK使用委托权益证明DPoS共识算法进行操作。.
ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. They aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless usecases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need. It is fast, decentralized, scalable, collaborative, bridging and opensource. The ARK
PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (cvp)
所以作为 CVP 获得协议费用的质押代币 Cvpxcvp 持有者有权按比例收取协议费用 抛质押 xcvp 并可以对治理提案进行投票 市值 5 百万流通供应 1 百万市场 35 当前通货膨胀 500 年 Coinmarketcap Coingecko 总供应 代币分配xcvp CVP Cvp 的收益生成版本 CVP 在没有 VCFUNDING 的情况下推出,并通过初始流动性挖掘计划分发给社区贡献者,而一些代币被保留用于 其他人的团队留在未来的流动性挖掘计划或其他协议增长活动中,并且仅通过治理提案进行分发探索 Xcvp 指标 Powerpool 是一种协议,可帮助人们访问金库和智能代币篮等自动化 Defi 产品。. 它通过使用 Power Agents 根据定义的策略执行事务来工作。. 人们可以
soserves As A Staking Token For Cvp To Receive Protocol Fees Cvpxcvp Holders Are Entitled To Receive Protocol Fees In Proportion Tostaked Xcvp And Can Vote On Governance Proposals Market Cap 5 Mln Circulated Supply 1 Mln Markets 35 Current Inflation 500 Year Coinmarketcap Coingecko Total Supply Token Distributionxcvp Yieldgenerating Version Of Cvp Was Launched Without Vcfunding And Was Distributed To Community Contributors Via Initial Liquidity M
Verge (xvg)
Verge硬币于2014年开始其加密货币之旅,名为DogecoinDark。. 创建它的原因是创建一个真正的私有加密货币。. Verge的创始人认为比特币不是匿名的,所以他决定建立一个无法追踪交易的新区块链。. Verge使用多个以匿名为中心的网络,如TOR和I2P。. 用户的 IP 地址是完全模糊的。. Core QT钱包具有内置的TOR集成以及SSL加密,增加了额外的安全性。Verge是一个开源项目,拥有来自世界各地的活跃开发人员团队。.
Verge coin started its cryptocurrency journey in 2014, going by the name of DogecoinDark. The reason it was created was to create a truly private cryptocurrency. The founder of Verge felt that Bitcoin wasn’t anonymous, so he decided to build a new blockchain where transactions could not be traced. Verge uses multiple anonymitycentric networks such as TOR and I2P. The IP addresses of the users are fully obfuscated. The Core QT wallet has builtin T
AIgentX (aix)
项目简介AIgentX是一个开创性的平台,旨在彻底改变个人与加密生态系统的互动方式。. AIgentX利用自然语言作为通用和直观的界面,旨在让各行各业的人们都能使用区块链技术和加密货币。. 该平台将复杂的加密术语和区块链数据翻译成人类可理解的语言,使用户能够毫不费力地参与加密市场、合约和社区。是什么让您的项目独一无二是什么让 AIgentX 与众不同的是其以用户为中心的方法以及它致力于弥合先进技术与普通用户之间的差距。. 我们的平台提供: 个性化聊天机器人:根据您的特定数据进行训练,以获得更量身定制的体验。. 多平台集成:跨各种群聊和社交媒体平台的无缝连接。. 高级社区审核:自主识别和删除诈骗和垃圾邮件,以及禁止骗子的能力。.
What is the project aboutAIgentX is a groundbreaking platform designed to revolutionize the way individuals interact with the crypto ecosystem. Utilizing natural language as a universal and intuitive interface,AIgentX aims to make blockchain technology and cryptocurrency accessible to people from all walks of life. The platform translates complex crypto terminology and blockchain data into humanunderstandable language,allowing users to engage eff
Camelot Token (grail)
Excalibur is an innovative and highly flexible DEX built to support the Arbitrum ecosystem.Communitydriven and capital efficient.
Catman (catman)
CATMAN是由一位匿名的创始人以化名创建的,团队已经运行了“”,因此我们社区将这一切视为展示去中心化社区的潜力 - 一个由人民领导,摆脱中心化领导者的束缚。Catman 在这里成为社区愿景的继承人。.
CATMAN was created by an anonymous founder under the pseudonym and the team has been run « »,so we community take it all to show the potential in a decentralized community – one which is led by the people and free from the shackles of centralized leaders.Catman is here to be the heir of Community vision
ETGM (Ordinals) (etgm)
ETGM是一个革命性的数字货币项目,旨在探索区块链技术的新前沿。. ETGM将社区的温暖与外太空的神秘相结合,旨在创建一个既友好又充满探索精神的数字生态系统。项目特色:创新的交易工具:我们在Telegram上开发了多链铭文机器人,旨在为用户提供一个多功能平台,支持在比特币、以太坊、Polygon、Solana SOL和Cosmos Atom等主要区块链上进行铭记和聚合交易。. 该机器人旨在成为一站式解决方案,用于轻松访问和管理各种区块链平台上的资产。社区驱动:我们相信社区的力量。. ETGM通过各种互动活动和奖励机制,积极促进社区成员之间的互动和协作。探索和发现:ETGM鼓励用户探索数字货币世界的无限可能性。. 我们定期组织教育活动和研讨会,帮助社区成员了解区块链技术的最新发展。ETGM不仅
ETGM is a revolutionary digital currency project designed to explore new frontiers in blockchain technology. ETGM combines the warmth of a community with the mystery of outer space,aiming to create a digital ecosystem that is both friendly and filled with a spirit of exploration.Project Features:Innovative Trading Tools: We have developed a multichain inscription bot on Telegram,aimed at providing users with a multifunctional platform that enable
GTA Token (gta)
GTA 代币是一种模因代币,旨在将 GTA 游戏系列的粉丝团结成一个社区。. 该代币是各种社区项目的一部分,包括用于锦标赛的 GTA 锦标赛平台、用于数字资产的 GTA NFT 市场以及即将到来的秘密项目。. 该代币在以太坊和 Arbitrum 区块链上运行,是 GTA 代币社区生态系统的主要工具。. 代币经济学包括最大供应量 10,000,000 个代币。.
The GTA Token is a meme token created to unite fans of the GTA game series into a community. The token is part of various community projects,including the GTA Championship platform for tournaments,the GTA NFT Market for digital assets,and upcoming secret projects. The token operates on Ethereum and Arbitrum blockchains and serves as the primary tool for the GTA Token Community ecosystem. The tokenomics include a max supply of 10,000,000 tokens.
neversol (never)
$NEVER 是一个开创性的项目,它将模因的力量带入 Solana 网络,彻底改变了我们感知和与数字资产互动的方式。. $NEVER建立在 Solana 区块链上,利用 Solana 的速度和可扩展性来创造一个充满活力和动态的模因经济。主要特点:Solana 上的 Meme NFT:$NEVER 在 Solana 区块链上引入了一系列独特的受 meme 启发的不可替代代币 NFT。. 这些 NFT 抓住了互联网文化的精髓,使用户能够在去中心化和安全的环境中拥有、交易和展示他们最喜欢的模因。社区驱动的治理:$NEVER不仅仅是一个模因的集合,它是一个社区驱动的项目,用户积极参与治理决策。. $NEVER代币的持有者有权对平台的更改提出建议和投票,确保一个民主和包容的生态系统。流动性池和质押:用
$NEVER is a groundbreaking project that brings the power of memes to the Solana network,revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with digital assets. Built on the Solana blockchain,$NEVER leverages the speed and scalability of Solana to create a vibrant and dynamic meme economy.Key Features:Meme NFTs on Solana: $NEVER introduces a unique collection of memeinspired nonfungible tokens NFTs on the Solana blockchain. These NFTs capture the es
11 NIM
Nimiq (nim)
Nimiq旨在使加密货币易于每个人使用,而不会影响去中心化。. Nimiq是唯一一个用户默认直接参与的区块链。. 与比特币和以太坊等相比,默认是使用第三方节点连接到网络。. 了解更多:Nimiq发明了Nimiq OASIS,DeFi加密法币桥 NIM和BTC ETH等加密货币之间的原子交换即将推出,接下来是没有个人信息的欧元等法定货币,现在可以。. 赚取的掉期费将转换为NIM并持有以创造稀缺性。. 看看它是如何工作的:创建了信天翁,一种新的、超快的 ProofofStake 共识算法,将于 2021 年与 Nimiq 2.0(Nimiq 区块链的下一个版本)一起推出。.
Nimiq is designed to make cryptocurrencies easy to use for everyone without compromising decentralization. Nimiq is the only blockchain where users always participate directly by default. In comparison to the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum where the default is to use a thirdparty node to connect to the network. Learn more: Nimiq invented Nimiq OASIS, the DeFi cryptofiat bridge Atomic swaps between crypto like NIM and BTC E
SoonSwap (soon)
项目是关于什么的SoonSwap 是第一个具有限价订单和 AMM 池模型和农场的 NFT 市场,以使更多 NFT 能够实时流通。是什么让您的项目独一无二独家限价订单和 AMM 池模型和农场使更多的 NFT 能够实时流通并为 NFT 市场提供流动性。项目的历史记录。Q1 20231.. 完成所有研发工作.2.. 社区发展.3.. 伙伴关系发展.4.. 以太坊测试网上的 WL 测试.5.. 种子轮融资。您的项目Q2 20231的下一步是什么。.
What is the project aboutSoonSwap is the first NFT marketplace with Limit order & AMM pool model & Farm to enable more NFTs to circulate in realtime.What makes your project uniqueThe exclusive Limit order & AMM pool model & Farm enable more NFTs to circulate in realtime and provide liquidity to the NFT market.History of your project.Q1 20231. Complete all the R&D work.2. Community development.3. Partnership development.4. WL test on Ethereum test
13 HON
Soul Society (hon)
这个项目是关于什么的Soul Society处于创建Web3.0社交ID的最前沿,通过GrowthType Soul Bound Tokens SBTs彻底改变日常生活。. 它将日常活动转化为有益的任务,提供独特的基于区块链的社交身份,为日常行为增加价值,并将其整合到个性化的 Web3 体验中。是什么让您的项目与众不同Soul Society 提供的 GrowthType SBT 嵌入了用户的日常生活。. 通过努力和投资,用户可以根据自己的喜好和爱好有选择地增强他们的SBT。. 这种方法超越了标准 SBT 中对资产和钱包可靠性的传统关注。. 它还引入了一个独特的 Web 3.0 社交 ID,专门设计用于反映每个用户的个人爱好和偏好。项目的历史记录。. SoulSociety项目于2022年1
What is the project aboutSoul Society is at the forefront of creating a Web3.0 Social ID,revolutionizing daily life with GrowthType Soul Bound Tokens SBTs. It turns everyday activities into rewarding quests,offering a unique blockchainbased social identity that adds value to daily actions and integrates them into a personalized Web3 experience.What makes your project uniqueThe GrowthType SBTs that Soul Society offers are embedded with users daily
14 SGT
Suzuverse (sgt)
什么是Suzuverse15年前,Suzuverse团队开始了互联网业务,希望和热情使世界更紧密地联系在一起,让人们更富有。. 15 年过去了,Suzuverse 团队告诉人们互联网成为 Web3 去中心化。. 互联网、区块链、数字资产和元宇宙只是达到目的的手段。. 创造力、好奇心、想象力、自由和透明是更有价值的特质。. Suzuverse将提供非凡的MR技术和体验,以帮助您最大限度地释放虚拟世界和元宇宙的潜力。什么是SGT代币实用程序它必须基于DAO与Suzuwalk开发公司之间的协议 用于购买Suzuverse的重要权利和资产 用于质押以获得投票权xSGT 对于获得税费/费用折扣:使用$SGT付款将享受25%的税费/费用折扣 升级:用户需要与$SZT和$SGT支付一定的升级费用。. 用于
What is Suzuverse15years ago Suzuverse team started internet businesses with the hope and passion of bringing the world closer together and getting people richer. 15 year on,Suzuverse team tell people internet becomes Web3 decentralization. Internet,blockchain,digital assets and metaverse are just means to an end. Creativeness,curiosity,imagination,freedom and transparency are far more valuable traits. Suzuverse will provide an extraordinary MR t
VisionGame (vision)
对于我们VisionGame来说,区块链游戏市场的潜在增长仍然尚未开发。. 虽然已经做出了很多努力来设计和实施像play2earn机制这样的突破性创新,但与传统游戏市场相比,发布的许多产品的产值并不相同。这一点,以及区块链游戏玩家会克服任何障碍参与提供可能报酬的游戏的强烈信任,到目前为止,已经为一个拥有强大内部增长和支持的市场做出了贡献,但在吸引外部观众方面存在一些困难。VisionGame旨在塑造未来的游戏,朝着更健康的方法和更高质量的制作方向发展。. 无论平台或市场如何,游戏玩家都喜欢出色的游戏,我们将数十年为开发人员设计游戏和工具的经验为行业服务。我们通过一系列产品来做到这一点,从我们的VisionSDK来支持开发人员的技术之旅,到VisionOfferive,帮助他们与受众建立联系并
The potential growth of the blockchain gaming market is still, for us at VisionGame, mostly untapped. While a lot of strives have been made to design and implement groundbreaking innovations like play2earn mechanics, not the same can be said for the production value of many of the products released when compared to the traditional gaming market.That, and a strong trust that blockchain gamers would go through any hurdle to participate in a game of
16 2024
2024 (2024)
🐉 欢迎来到 2024 年最激动人心的模因币,我们在这里以龙的力量驾驭加密世界的浪潮 当我们步入龙年时,2024 美元将为您带来财富、乐趣和大量喷火的兴奋。为什么是 2024 年 因为 2024 年不仅仅是一年,更是庆祝龙年所拥有的神秘、传奇和无限可能性。. 我们的代币不仅仅是一种货币,它是繁荣、力量和好运的象征。 点燃您的投资组合:投资 2024 美元,加入我们充满欢笑、惊喜和难忘时刻的旅程。 🔥. 我们充满活力的社区体现了龙的精神,坚信 2024 年将是与众不同的一年。 CommunityDriven:$2024 不仅仅是一个象征,它是一场由人民推动的运动。 🌐. 与我们充满激情的社区互动,分享您的想法,让我们一起创造传奇的遗产。. 龙的力量在于团结,我们的力量也是如此。 登月和模因:当
🐉 Welcome to the most exciting meme coin of 2024,where we ride the waves of the crypto world with the power of the dragon As we step into the Year of the Dragon,$2024 is here to bring you fortune,fun,and a whole lot of firebreathing excitement.Why $2024 Because 2024 is not just a year; its a celebration A celebration of the mystical,the legendary,and the boundless possibilities that the Year of the Dragon holds. Our token is not just a currency;
Action Coin (actn)
行动币平台代表了来自200多个国家和地区的100多万行动收藏家和客户。. 它是激励驱动奖励计划的基础,其“积分”以分散的、基于区块链的数字资产的形式奖励,称为行动“ACTN”。. 行动可以兑换会员折扣,通过我们的业务网络提供的越来越多的产品和服务。供应商通过行动币平台营销和销售他们的产品和服务,以换取行动币“行动”或“ACTN”。. 由供应商决定他们准备接受多少产品或服务的行动 行动硬币平台上交易的建议汇率为每 1 美元价值 1,000 ACDN。. 他们可以选择接受行动币进行部分付款或全额付款,但他们的选择和业务条款必须在其报价描述中明确说明和解释。行动币“行动”或“ACTN”是通过加入我们的网站,将朋友和家人推荐到我们的平台以及参加社区活动来获得的。. 您也可以在“增强现实”中找到并收集
The Action Coin Platform represents over 1 Million Action collectors and customers from more than 200 countries and territories. It is the basis of an incentivedriven rewards program with “points” that are rewarded in the form of a decentralized, blockchainbased digital asset known as Action “ACTN”. Action may be redeemed for memberonly discounts on a growing list of products and services offered through our business network.Vendors market and se
AEONODEX (aeonodex)
Aeonodex 超越了典型区块链项目的范围。. 它将自己设想为一股变革力量,弥合元宇宙、去中心化金融、DeFi、Web3、PlaytoEarn P2E 和人工智能 AI 领域的碎片化格局。. 其雄心勃勃的使命是:构建涵盖整个错综复杂的生态系统的综合解决方案,推动突破性创新、强大的安全性和所有利益相关者的包容性参与。想象一下数字全景图: 可扩展性是无限的:Aeonodex 拥有高度弹性的基础设施,可以毫不费力地适应这些快速发展的领域中固有的指数级交易量和日益加剧的复杂性。. 网络拥塞和交易缓慢已成为过去的遗物。. 互操作性至高无上:Aeonodex 促进了协议、平台和应用程序之间的无缝通信。. 数据和价值自由流动,打破孤岛,打造真正互联互通的生态系统。.
Aeonodex transcends the confines of a typical blockchain project. It envisions itself as a transformative force,bridging the fragmented landscape of the Metaverse,Decentralized Finance DeFi,Web3,PlaytoEarn P2E,and Artificial Intelligence AI sectors. Its ambitious mission: to architect comprehensive solutions that encompass the entirety of this intricate ecosystem,driving groundbreaking innovation,robust security,and inclusive participation for al
19 AI
AI Community (ai)
$AI平台为金融、医疗保健、汽车、营销、运输和教育等行业提供无缝的工作流程自动化和统计分析工具。. 用户可以从人工智能推荐、数据可视化、实践课程以及访问全球用户的虚拟社区中受益。. 该平台还为电子邮件营销策略、财务流程数字化和增强数据可视化技术提供自动化。. 通过利用$AI,用户可以简化他们的工作流程,准确地做出明智的决策,并获得有效的结果。.
The $AI platform provides seamless workflow automation and statistical analysis tools for industries like finance,healthcare,automobile,marketing,transport,and education. Users can benefit from AI recommendations,data visualization,practical courses,and access to a virtual community of global users. The platform also offers automation for email marketing strategies,financial processes digitization,and enhancing data visualization techniques. By u
AICrew (aicr)
项目简介AICrew是一个创新平台,旨在通过提供全面的工具和充满活力的社交生态系统来增强内容创作者和艺术家的能力。. AICrew 专注于培养创造力和实现艺术表达,为各种媒体格式(包括图像、视频、音频和文本)提供了一系列基本工具。. 此外,AICrew 通过推出网络女武神 NFT 系列迈出了独特的一步,该系列为其所有者提供独家福利,并展示了 AIWhat 使您的项目独一无二的非凡艺术潜力1。. 在最智能的人工智能技术的帮助下,AICrew 拥有从生成、编辑到升级的图像或视频格式媒体的所有基本工具2。. 创作者的生态系统 媒体创作者制作、可视化、完善和发布其作品的无限功能、扩展和集成 样机和模板库 创作者的社交渠道 NFT 生成器 图像到打印 自动发布项目的历史。AICrew于2022年发布了
What is the project aboutAICrew is an innovative platform that aims to empower content creators and artists by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and a vibrant social ecosystem. With a focus on fostering creativity and enabling artistic expression,AICrew offers a collection of essential tools for various media formats,including images,videos,audio,and text. Moreover,AICrew has taken a unique step by introducing the Cyber Valkyries NFT Colle
AiShiba (shibai)
什么是关于AiShiba的项目是由AI通过ArbDogeAI社区的灵感创建的。. 100%代币属于社区。. SHIBAI是一种生活方式。是什么让您的项目独一无二使爱芝与众不同的是它的价值。. “人人为人人,人人为我”这句话代表了这样一种观点,即人们只有为一个共同的目标共同努力,才能充分发挥其作为一个社会的潜力。. 爱芝坚信,数量是力量,通过团结在共同的目标周围,爱芝可以取得伟大的成就。. 在 web3 社区中,信任和透明度是我们新世界建立的基本支柱。.
What is the project aboutAiShiba is created by AI through inspiration from ArbDogeAI Community. 100% tokens belongs to the community. SHIBAI is a lifestyle.What makes your project uniqueWhat makes AiShiba unique is its value. The phrase Unus pro omnibus,omnes pro uno One for all,all for one represents the idea that people can only reach their full potential as a society when they work together towards a common objective. AiShiba firmly believe th
AISwap (aiswap)
项目内容简介欢迎来到AISwap – 通往无缝多链代币交换和无限可能性的门户。. 体验金融的未来,因为我们重新定义您在币安智能链、以太坊和多边形中的交易、连接和发展方式.通过 AISwap 释放您的潜力:创新、可访问性和社区融合的地方,引导您迈向加密探索和赋能的新时代.谁是 WeAISwap 通过引入其多链代币交换平台预示着数字资产交换领域的变革性演变。. AISwap 以一丝不苟的精度设计,迎合了跨越三大区块链网络的多元化用户社区:币安智能链、以太坊和多边形。. 这个创新平台通过在每个不同的链生态系统范围内毫不费力地参与代币交换,使个人能够超越传统界限。. 通过这样做,AISwap提供了一个前所未有的便利领域,使用户能够拥抱多元化的好处,同时拥抱快速交易的快速性,从而重新定义现代交易体验的
What is the project aboutWelcome to AISwap – Your Gateway to Seamless MultiChain Token Swapping and Limitless Possibilities. Experience the Future of Finance as We Redefine How You Trade,Connect,and Thrive Across Binance Smart Chain,Ethereum,and Polygon.Unleash Your Potential with AISwap: Where Innovation,Accessibility,and Community Converge,Guiding You Towards a New Era of Crypto Exploration and Empowerment.Who Are WeAISwap heralds a transformat
Akita Inu ASA (akta)
什么是秋田犬 AKTA基塔犬AKTA是Algorand区块链上的社区建设代币,旨在推动Algorand生态系统的采用和参与。它希望通过以下方式实现这一目标:1 在 Algorand 生态系统内建立一个强大的用户和开发者社区,2 建立和促进生态系统项目和创作者之间的合作,3 为慈善机构和庇护所筹集资金,帮助有需要的动物,以及 4 创建一套开源 Web3 工具,为生态系统成员提供支持,并使他们能够更有效地与 Algorand 社区进行互动。发布后,后一个DeFi套件中的所有dApp都将以秋田犬AKTA作为其原生令牌。秋田犬还负责秋田养犬俱乐部 AKC,这是一个由一千个独特的 NFT 组成的集合,允许持有者进入秋田养犬俱乐部和一系列会员专属福利。. 初级销售收入的 10% 捐赠给动物慈善机构。流通
What is Akita Inu AKTAAkita Inu AKTA is a communitybuilding token on the Algorand blockchain that aims to drive adoption of and engagement with the Algorand ecosystem.It hopes to achieve this goal by:1 Building a strong community of users and developers within the Algorand ecosystem, 2 Forging and facilitating collaborations between ecosystem projects and creators, 3 Raising funds for charities and shelters that help animals in need, and 4 Creati
SEIYAN是SEI Network的主打品牌币,专注于用户入职、模因最大化、强化SEI。. 要购买 SEIYAN,请设置一个 Compass 钱包,桥接到 Sei,然后在 Astroport 上购买。. 代币经济学包括 600,000,000 SEIYAN 的流通供应量,以及用于初始 LP、团队、营销和业务发展以及社区使用的各种分配。. 该团队由seiyans组成,招募正在进行中。. SEIYAN的受欢迎程度和社区整合使其成为SEI链上的宝贵投资。. 该路线图包括到 2024 年第一季度整合到主要 SEI 项目和 CEX 上市。.
SEIYAN is the main brand coin of SEI Network,focused on onboarding users,maximizing memes,and strengthening SEI. To buy SEIYAN,set up a Compass Wallet,bridge to Sei,and purchase on Astroport. The tokenomics include a circulating supply of 600,000,000 SEIYAN and various allocations for Initial LP,Team,Marketing & Business Development,and Community use. The team consists of seiyans and recruitment is ongoing. SEIYAN's popularity and community integ
Alan the Alien (alan)
Alan The Alien $ALAN 是一种独特的数字资产,采用模因代币的形式,纯粹是为了娱乐目的而构思的。. 它包含了加密货币领域中通常与模因文化相关的荒谬和幽默。. $ALAN没有内在价值,也不承诺任何财务回报。. 它的存在只是为了让社区成员享受和娱乐。项目信息:代币名称:Alan The Alien符号:$ALANType:模因代币目的:仅娱乐价值:无内在价值团队:非正式,社区驱动路线图:不存在特征:外星人主题:代币的灵感来自外星人的概念,为其身份增添了古怪和富有想象力的元素。模因文化:$ALAN拥抱模因文化,利用幽默和荒谬来吸引社区。娱乐价值:$ALAN的主要目的是娱乐和娱乐其持有者,没有任何财务期望。.
Alan The Alien $ALAN is a unique digital asset in the form of a meme token,conceived purely for entertainment purposes. It embraces the absurdity and humor often associated with meme culture in the cryptocurrency space. $ALAN holds no intrinsic value nor does it promise any financial returns. It exists solely for the enjoyment and amusement of its community members.Project Info:Token Name: Alan The AlienSymbol: $ALANType: Meme TokenPurpose: Enter
AlphaCoin (alpha)
一个去中心化社区拥有的代币率先在元界内开发一个创收城市 这枚硬币将是阿尔法城所有数字货币的下一步。. 如果您是有影响力的人,您可以租用我们的阿尔法剧院,并在几分钟内聚集来自世界另一端的观众 如果您想开始以数字方式投放广告,请在全市范围内租用我们的广告牌之一,只需现实世界成本的一小部分,并拥有无限的机会。. 所有硬币持有者都可以在我们的100 +店面独家访问在线购物。. 最好的部分是,阿尔法城产生的所有剩余收入将通过回购和营销重新注入阿尔法币生态系统。.
A Decentralized Community owned token spearheading development of an incomeproducing city within the Metaverse This coin will be the next step for all digital currency in Alpha City. If you are an influencer you can rent out our Alphatheatre and gather audiences from the other side of the world in minutes If you want to start advertising digitally, rent out one of our billboards across the city for a fraction of the real world costs with endless
AltCTRL (ctrl)
AltCTRL 不仅仅是一个平台,更是朝着去中心化、包容和安全的金融未来迈进。. 我们的精神围绕着: 赋权:提供工具和资源,使我们的用户能够控制他们的财务未来。. 安全:将用户的安全和利益放在首位,采取最先进的安全措施。. 创新:不断突破DeFi的极限,确保我们的社区保持领先地位。社区:建立一个由社区塑造并为社区服务的平台,营造一个协作和共同成长的环境。在这里使加密空间可访问、安全和社区驱动,确保每个用户都有充实的旅程。.
AltCTRL is more than just a platform; its a movement towards a decentralized,inclusive,and secure financial future. Our ethos revolves around: Empowerment: Providing tools and resources that empower our users to take control of their financial future. Security: Prioritizing the safety and protection of our users interests,with stateoftheart security measures. Innovation: Continuously pushing the boundaries of whats possible in DeFi,ensuring that
28 AME
AME Chain (ame)
什么是AME链 AMEAME Chain是世界上第一个量子安全区块链,与EVM兼容,具有高性能和可扩展性。AME Chain是一个雄心勃勃的项目,致力于建立一个无条件安全的区块链,可以抵御量子计算带来的威胁。. AME Chain是一个平台,通过自己的本地货币AME促进点对点通信,智能合约和应用程序。. AME的主要目的是促进AME Chain的工作并从中获利,使开发人员能够构建和运行名为Dapps.AME Chain的分布式应用程序是一个图灵完整的区块链框架,因为它为编程语言奠定了基础,您可以使用它编写可以解决任何合理计算问题的合约。. AME 链与以太坊虚拟机 EVM 兼容,EVM 是一种基于共识的虚拟机,它以字节码解码编译的合约并在以太坊网络节点上执行它们。. 它还使用算法来防止在加密
What Is AME Chain AMEAME Chain is the world’s 1st Quantum secured Blockchain that is EVM compatible with high performance and scalability.AME Chain is an ambitious project dedicated to the establishment of an unconditionally secure blockchain that can withstand the threats arising out of Quantum computing. AME Chain is a platform that facilitates peertopeer communication, Smart contracts and applications via its own native currency called AME. Th
Andy Bsc (andy)
安迪,最好的传奇$PEPE朋友之一,已经准备好飞翔并再次 #BSC 伟大。. 特别是安迪安迪的角色,引起了全球粉丝的共鸣,他们欣赏他有趣的爱心个性和加密名声。PEPE on ETH 达到 32 亿市值BRETT on BASE 达到 2.5 亿市值Andy on BSC 将达到什么随着支持者、信徒社区的快速增长,BSC 生态系统的加速发展合作伙伴关系:ANDY 与加密领域的领先公司建立了战略合作伙伴关系,这将有助于确保项目的长期可行性和增长不断增长的生态系统:BSC Chains生态系统正在迅速扩展,平台上构建了许多项目和应用程序。. 这个不断发展的生态系统为ANDY的成功奠定了坚实的基础,因为它使平台能够利用该领域其他项目的资源和专业知识。强大的社区支持:BSC Chain 和 ANDY获
Andy,one of the best legendary $PEPE friends,is ready to fly & make #BSC great again. Whos AndyAndy’s character,in particular,has resonated with fans all across the globe who appreciate his fun loving personality and crypto fame.PEPE on ETH reached a 3.2 billion market capBRETT on BASE reached a 250 million market capWhat will Andy on BSC reach With a rapidly growing community of supporters,believers,an accelerating ecosystem in BSCStrong Partner
Aquarius (aqua)
AQUA是恒星网络上奖励和链上投票的货币。. Aquarius项目旨在增强Stellar上的交易,带来更多的流动性,并控制其在Stellar内部去中心化交易所SDEX的各个市场对中的分布方式。Aquarius允许社区通过链上投票为选定的市场设置做市奖励。. AQUA持有者可以投票支持需要更多流动性的市场对并选择可信赖的资产。. DEX交易者和LP都可以根据他们在Stellar区块链上参与做市活动,在选定的市场对上获得AQUA奖励。AQUA持有者将能够参与DAO投票,以决定社区DAO基金的方向并驾驭未来的Aquarius发展。.
AQUA is the currency for rewards and onchain voting on the Stellar network. The Aquarius project has been designed to supercharge trading on Stellar, bring more liquidity and give control over how it is distributed across various market pairs of Stellar’s internal Decentralized Exchange SDEX.Aquarius allows the community to set market making rewards for selected markets through onchain voting. AQUA holders can vote for market pairs that need more
ArbiPad (arbi)
## 什么是 ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Good Games Guild 的下一代基于 ArbitrumzkSync 的启动板。. ArbiPad是最好的加密项目与全球社区之间的桥梁,尤其是加密领域的投资者和社区,具有透明度和公平的分配系统。ARBI是用于以下用途的原生实用代币: 为了保护ArbiPad上的IDO分配,用户必须质押他们的$ARBI。. 参加ArbiPad特别活动 - 免费薄荷和独家团体。. 通过举办社区激励奖励计划$ARBI释放更多好处## 流通中有多少 ARBI 代币在总供应量的 10,000,000,000,000 ARBI 的流通量中将有 1,080,000,000 ARBI。. ### 谁是ARBIPAD的创始人ArbiPad由Good Games
## What Is ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Next generation ArbitrumzkSync based launchpad by Good Games Guild. ArbiPad is constructed as a bridge between the best crypto project and the global community,especially investors and community in the crypto sphere with transparency and a fair distribution system.ARBI is the native utility token that is used for: To secure the IDO Allocation on ArbiPad,users have to stake their $ARBI. Participating in ArbiPad Spe
32 AGC
Argocoin (agc)
欢迎来到您,用户拥有的AI。. 基于区块链技术,去中心化人工智能体现了信任、透明和社区治理。. 投票,获得奖励,并拥有人工智能未来的股份 - 所有这些都由Argocoin提供支持。. 通过使用去中心化的方法,我们确保我们的人工智能生态系统是透明的、安全的,最重要的是,由您管理。我们的使命是创造一个以人为本、为民的人工智能,确保共享繁荣和道德发展。. 成为这一革命性旅程的一部分。赋能社区,实现人工智能民主化我们站在革命的最前沿。. 去中心化的人工智能不仅仅是一个技术实体,它还是未来的灯塔,在这个未来,人工智能由多元化的全球社区民主地提供支持。.
Welcome to AI owned by you,the user. Built on blockchain technology,Devolved AI embodies trust,transparency,and community governance. Vote,earn rewards,and own a stake in the future of AI—all powered by Argocoin.What Drives Devolved AIWe are more than just a platform; we are a movement aimed at redefining the relationship between AI and humanity. By using a decentralized approach,we ensure that our AI ecosystem is transparent,secure,and most impo
33 ADF
Art de Finance (adf)
[项目内容]Art de Finance 是一个用于数字艺术/NFT 和物理艺术的 Web 3.0 艺术平台。. Art de Finance提供NFT市场,区块链社交平台,NFT真实性证明,艺术品存储的实体艺术和艺术融资服务。[是什么让您的项目与众不同]ADF 不仅是一个 NFT 市场,而且还建立了一个 web3.0 社交策展项目、实体艺术推广和存储服务。. 每项服务都有其支持艺术家和 NFT 市场并有助于流动性的特点。ADF平台包含4个相互连接的专用平台.1ADF主平台提供DeFiNFTFi,DAO和治理.2Artiside是ADF的社交策展平台。. 艺术家可以通过平台铸造作品,通过服务与粉丝交流并形成同人圈。. Artiside支持“播种”,这是一种独特的质押系统,可以将新兴艺术家与社
[What is the project about]Art de Finance is a Web 3.0 Art Platform for Digital Arts/NFT & Physical Arts. Art de Finance Provides NFT Marketplace,Blockchain Social Platform,NFT Proof of Authenticity,Art Storage for Physical Arts & Art Financing Service.[What makes your project unique]ADF is not only an NFT marketplace but also establishing a web3.0 social curation project,physical art promotion & storage service. Each service has its characterist
AstroSpaces.io (spaces)
AstroSpaces.ioAstroSpaces.io 是为所有加密社区构建一个 Web3 集成社交网络 该平台分为两个主要产品:硬币空间和社区平台。. 硬币空间是信息板房间,用户可以在其中实时聊天,查找有关特定硬币和这些硬币背后的团队的信息。. 社区平台持有SPACES为持有者增加的好处与任何社交网络平台一样,该平台将从广告,列表,帐户升级等方面产生收入。. 在AstroSpaces上,任何和所有交易的货币都绑定到SPACES代币,因此直接反映在代币经济学中。. 由于代币利用奖励机制来奖励BNB中的持有者,随着平台活动和参与度的增长,持有者应该会继续获得越来越多的奖励。在 Web3 兼容钱包中持有$SPACES的持有者将能够升级他们的账户、删除广告并启用独特的持有者功能,包括在硬币空间中
What is AstroSpaces.ioAstroSpaces.io is building a Web3 integrated social network for all crypto communities The platform is split into two main products: Coin spaces and community platform. Coin spaces are information board rooms where users are able to chat live with each other, find information about the specific coins and the teams behind those coins. The community platformWhat benefits does holding SPACES add to holdersAs with any social net
Aura Network (aura)
AURA 网络构建 NFT 互联网Aura Network 是一个可扩展、敏捷且轻松的 Layer1 区块链,具有全面的生态系统,旨在加速全球 NFT 的采用Aura Network 专注于解决采用 NFT 和区块链技术的问题,这目前是一个高度复杂的过程。. Aura Network肯定会为品牌,IP所有者和广大受众带来更多价值,因为他们可以使用尖端技术轻松加速业务。光环网络生态系统包括: AuraScan:为光环持有者量身定制的最简单但最强大的浏览器,现已开放公开测试: NFT 中心社区:一个社区驱动的平台,用于与 NFT 和元界互动 allinone Pyxis Safe:用于多重签名资产管理的直观解决方案。. Aura Safe应该适用于Aura网络以及其他基于Cosmos的网络。.
AURA NETWORK BUILDING THE INTERNET OF NFTsAura Network is a scalable, agile and effortless Layer1 blockchain with a comprehensive ecosystem built to accelerate global NFTs adoptionAura Network focuses on solving the problem of adopting NFTs and blockchain technology in general, which is currently a highly complex process. Aura Network will surely bring more value to brands, IP owners, and the broad audience as they can accelerate their business
AVATA Network (avat)
AVATA Network是一个全面的Defi平台,在Avalanche上集成了launchpad,AMM DEX和借贷协议。. 社区可以加入IDO,交换代币,甚至通过我们平台上的专用应用程序赚取被动收入。.
AVATA Network is a comprehensive Defi platform that integrates launchpad, AMM DEX & lending protocol on Avalanche. Community can join IDO, swap token, or even earning passive incomes through dedicated application across our platforms.
Baby Pepe (babypepe)
项目是关于什么的这是一个基于当前$PEPE趋势的模因硬币项目。. Pepe是最近在Crypto中成功的模因硬币项目之一,我们让他自己的继承人称为BABYPEPE。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二社区和团队。. 几个小时前推出,在大型1K社区成员的帮助下触摸了1.4M MC。项目的历史记录。它刚刚推出几个小时,触及1.4M MC,900K 24H音量。. 您的项目的下一步是什么在集中式交易所上市并开始营销以获得更多曝光率。您的代币可以用于什么目前它是纯粹的模因项目,但我们将很快开发一个功能/实用程序来维持项目的增长。.
What is the project aboutIt is a meme coin project based on the $PEPE current trend. Pepe is one of the successful meme coin project in Crypto recently and we made his own heir called BABYPEPE. What makes your project uniqueCommunity and Team. Launched few hours ago,touched 1.4M MC with the help of big 1K community members.History of your project.It was just launched few hours ago and touched 1.4M MC with 900K 24H volume. What’s next for your pro
38 BAM
Bambi (bam)
小鹿斑比是关于社区的$BAM是一个去中心化的代币,具有社区运动,人们可以对此感到兴奋并分享爱 我们得到了各种在线社区的支持,这将有助于Bambi成长并在未来发光。. 正是这个令人难以置信的社区的力量将帮助火箭小鹿斑比前进。. 透明分配$BAM是通过Uniswap从ETH到$BAM或USDT到$BAM购买的——每次交易完成时,流动性池都会收取少量费用,这些费用会累积到密钥被烧毁的钱包中——这意味着总会有资金被锁定在Bambi钱包中,提供流动性。. 换句话说,所有交易费用都为小鹿斑比创造了自动复利的流动性,小鹿斑比的使命是让它有机地成长、生存和发展。. 每个人都有平等的机会拥有并帮助它成长。.
Bambi is About Community$BAM is a decentralized token with a community movement that people can get excited about and share the love We have the support from various online communities that will help make Bambi grow and shine into the future. It’s the strength of this incredible community that will help rocket Bambi forward. Transparent Allocation$BAM is purchased via Uniswap from ETH to $BAM or USDT to $BAM — every time the trades are done,the l
39 BAI
Based AI (bai)
该项目是关于什么的基于AI结合了AI和Elon Musk模因文化,以创建一种独特的加密货币。. 它利用人工智能算法来支持智能交易并最大化回报。是什么让您的项目独一无二BAI 主要特点 社区驱动和基于平衡计分卡的生态系统 我们相信平衡计分卡生态系统的力量,并相信我们的社区。. 我们将从模因代币开始,并继续作为 AI 平台。. 加入BAI社区并保持安全您的项目历史。我们的人工智能技术的灵感来自 Elon 推特您的项目的下一步我们将在几家交易所上市,并期待推动我们的用例大规模采用您的代币可以用于 Chapgpt 和交互式 AI 技术。.
What is the project aboutBased AI combines AI and Elon Musk meme culture to create a unique cryptocurrency. It utilizes AI algorithms to support smart trading and maximize returns.What makes your project uniqueBAI Main Feature Points Community Driven & BSC Based Ecosystem We trust the power of the BSC ecosystem and believe our community. We will start as a meme token and continue as a AI platform. Join BAI community and Stay SafeHistory of your p
Beni (beni)
Beni是一种基于Coinbase董事宠物狗的模因币,在基础区块链上推出。. 它旨在为加密爱好者和宠物爱好者创建一个有趣、引人入胜和包容的社区,建立在坚实的基础之上,Beni 享受安全、可扩展和用户友好的区块链的好处。. 这个 PawSome 模因币旨在让每个人都可以使用,从经验丰富的加密交易员到刚刚开始数字资产世界之旅的新手。.
Beni Is A Memecoin Based On Coinbase Directors Pet Dog,Launched On The Base Blockchain. It Aims To Create A Fun,Engaging,And Inclusive Community For Crypto Enthusiasts And Pet Lovers.Built On The Solid Foundation Of Base,Beni Enjoys The Benefits Of A Secure,Scalable,And UserFriendly Blockchain. This PawSome Memecoin Is Designed To Be Accessible To Everyone,From Seasoned Crypto Traders To Newcomers Who Are Just Starting Their Journey In The World
BetIT (betit)
BetIT 是一款创新的体育博彩应用程序,由 Azuro 和 Overtime Markets 驱动。. 它引入了用户友好的 BetIT Bot,让每个人都可以轻松下注。. BetIT Bot 专为随时随地快速无忧投注而设计,可确保无缝体验。. 无论您身在何处,都可以享受快速下注的便利,这要归功于其卓越的速度和效率。. BetIT 提供了一系列出色的特殊投注功能,并辅以利润丰厚的推荐计划,该计划不仅提供可观的收益回报,而且还为所有用户提供收入分成。BetIT 扩展了有用的新用户指南,以确保每个人都能无缝、快速地开始他们的投注之旅,不受任何干扰。如需更多帮助或对 BetIT Bot 或功能有任何疑问,请随时加入我们充满活力的 Telegram 社区。. 我们敬业的开发人员和出色的社区成员随时准
BetIT stands out as an innovative sports betting app,driven by Azuro and Overtime Markets. It introduces the userfriendly BetIT Bot,making betting easy and accessible to everyone. Designed for swift and hasslefree betting on the go,the BetIT Bot ensures a seamless experience. Enjoy the convenience of placing bets quickly wherever you are,thanks to its remarkable speed and efficiency. BetIT provides an array of fantastic special betting features,c
bHIVE (bhive)
BNB智能链HIVE [bHIVE]是建立在BNB智能链区块链上的令牌蜂巢的包装版本。. 它由Hive区块链上的原生Hive代币1:1支持,旨在提供流动性,为用户创建一个进出Hive生态系统的入口和出口解决方案,同时在此过程中以CUB代币的形式赚取收益,bHive是Leo金融社区DAO的一个分支,已经成功推出了几个具有原生代币的DeFi生态系统, 包括CUB FINANCE&POLYCUB。.
BNB Smart Chain HIVE [bHIVE] is a wrapped version of the Token Hive built on the BNB Smart Chain blockchain. It is backed 1:1 by the native Hive token on the Hive Blockchain and it’s meant to provide liquidity to create an onramp and offramp solution for users to flow in and out of the Hive Ecosystem, while earning yield in the form of CUB tokens in the process,bHive is a branch of the Leo Finance Community DAO that already successfully launched
43 BDE
Big Defi Energy (bde)
Big Defi Energy是一种面向健身房的社区硬币,旨在将Defi世界带给普通人。. 在 Solana 生态系统的基础上从头开始构建,Big Defi 社区将提供 NFT、Defi How Tos 以及一个名为 BIG Dex 的易于使用的去中心化交易所。. 这些都将以尽可能少的摩擦提供方便的用户访问,其目标是保持简单。.
Big Defi Energy is a Gym Oriented Community Coin meant to bring the Defi world to the common man. Building from the ground up on the Solana Ecosystem, The Big Defi Community will Provide NFTs, Defi How Tos, And an easy to use Decentralized exchange called The BIG Dex. These will all Provide easy user access with as little friction as possible, set with the goal to keep it simple.
BIRDIES (birds)
什么是项目关于社区项目什么使您的项目独一无二由社区运行您的项目的历史。由社区形式 birdeye.so 您的项目的下一步是什么构建 NFT 您的代币可以用于质押 Raydium 农场游戏赌场。.
What is the project aboutCommunity ProjectWhat makes your project uniqueRan by communityHistory of your project.Created by community form birdeye.soWhat’s next for your projectBuild a NFTsWhat can your token be used forStaking Raydium Farm Game Casino
45 BCF
Bitcoin Fast (bcf)
BitCoinFast是一种去中心化的加密货币,将被那些使用比特币但更喜欢更快版本的人使用。. 有时可能需要长达一个小时才能完成比特币交易。. BitCoinFast拥有60秒的区块时间,可以在眨眼间完成交易。. 没有人愿意在任何给定的交易所留下大量比特币,因为我们都看到最大和最小的交易所都折叠起来,每个人都输了。. 然而,有时机会会出现,您需要将一定数量的比特币放入交易所,以免错过优惠价格或套利,但是在等待一个小时后,您的比特币存款确认这些好的交易在大多数情况下早已消失。. 这种情况的答案是BitCoinFast。.
BitCoinFast is a Decentralized Cryptocurrency that will be used by those that use BitCoin but prefer a faster version. It can take up to an hour sometimes just to complete a BitCoin transaction. BitCoinFast with its 60 second block times can complete a transaction in a blink of the eye. Nobody wants to leave any substantial amount of BitCoin on any given exchange as we have all seen both the biggest and smallest exchanges fold up and everyone los
BitcoinZ (btcz)
atum协议使其不易通货膨胀,并且从长远来看更具可持续性去中心化BTCZ是一种真正去中心化的加密货币,因为它是100个社区驱动的,没有首席执行官或所有权 治理加密货币旨在由所有参与者控制,而不是由任何单一实体控制 公平启动Bitcoinz项目为每个人提供了公平的启动 Nopremine 没有Instamine没有ICO销售,也没有开发税收不可变的最大供应量与大多数其他项目不同 Bitcoinz有一个不可变的 永远无法改变的最大供应 抗ASIC的抗ASIC挖矿算法被证明具有抗ASIC性,保证矿工不会被强大的ASIC机器取代 可扩展它使用Zhash算法,与原始比特币网络相比提供更好的可扩展性 零成本交易比特币Z提供几乎零成本的交易,即使是小额交易 快速的区块时间网络的区块时间为2分钟,使其比传统
atum Protocolsthat Make It Less Prone To Inflation And More Sustainable In The Longtermdecentralizedbtcz Is A Truly Decentralized Cryptocurrency As It Is 100 Communitydriven With No Ceo Or Ownership Governancecryptocurrencies Are Designed To Be Controlled By All Participants Andnot By Any Single Entity Fair Launchthe Bitcoinz Project Had A Fair Launch For Everyone With Nopremine No Instamine No Ico Sales And No Dev Taxesimmutable Maximum Supplyun
BitCone (cone)
BitCone CONE 是由 Cones 为 Cones 制作的社区实用代币。. 创建了 6080 亿个代币,以与 608 个 Cone Head Reddit 收藏头像平行。. 代币是民主管理的,因此每个决定都通过Conemunity民意调查进行投票。. BitCones可以通过Avatar Airdrops,Community Events和BitCone Mining获得,BitCone Mining是一个革命性的自动化内容货币化平台,可以激励用户参与r / ConeHeads和其他参与的子Reddits.BitCones也可以用于在我们自己的NFT市场 Avatarmate.xyz 上交易和列出Reddit收藏头像NFT。.
BitCone CONE is a community utility token made by Cones,for Cones. 608 Billion tokens were created to parallel the 608 Cone Head Reddit Collectible Avatars. The token is governed democratically,so every decision is voted on via Conemunity Polls. BitCones can be earned through Avatar Airdrops,Community Events and BitCone Mining,a revolutionary automated content monetization platform,that incentivizes user engagement in r/ConeHeads and other partic
bitsCrunch Token (bcut)
区块链分析和取证的前景目前被集中式系统所掩盖,通常受到其财务优先事项的限制。. 这种中心化不仅限制了对新兴去中心化 Web3 项目的关键见解,而且还为创新突破制造了障碍。进入bitsCrunch网络,预示着区块链分析的新时代。. 这个去中心化的人工智能增强数据网络为公共区块链上的 NFT、钱包和其他数字资产提供无与伦比的分析和取证数据。. 该平台可通过用户友好的 API 访问,为多样化的应用程序开发奠定了基础。. bitsCrunch致力于社区驱动的生态系统,使个人能够贡献代码或内容,从而不断增强和拓宽网络功能。MultiChain 集成变得简单:利用单个 API 访问跨多个区块链的见解。. 非常适合构建多链应用程序的开发人员。高级取证数据:通过 bitsCrunch Network 对公共
The landscape of blockchain analytics and forensics is currently overshadowed by centralized systems,often limited by their financial priorities. This centralization not only restricts crucial insights for emerging decentralized Web3 projects but also creates barriers for innovative breakthroughs.Enter the bitsCrunch network,heralding a new era in blockchain analytics. This decentralized,AIenhanced data network delivers unmatched analytics and fo
49 BLP
BlastUP (blp)
BlastUP是第一个基于Blast的启动板。. 它使团队能够在分散、安全和用户友好的环境中筹集资金,同时通过社区激励计划奖励积极参与者。.
BlastUP is the first launchpad based on Blast. It enables teams to raise capital in a decentralized,safe,and userfriendly environment while rewarding active participants through the Community Incentives Program.
Blepe the Blue (blepe)
模因遗产:诞生于标志性的$Pepe葬礼漫画,Blepe 承载着互联网文化的火炬。. 创新:Blepe Coin 为加密世界带来了创新,以前所未有的方式将模因和货币结合在一起。. 社区驱动:受 4chan、Reddit 和全球模因爱好者的启发,Blepe Coin 是一项由社区推动的运动。. 投资未来:就像互联网在$Pepe葬礼上拥抱 Blepe 一样,现在是投资模因货币未来的时候了。. Blepe the Blue:Blepe Coin 的面孔,蓝色字符 Brett,象征着模因的变革力量。.
Meme Heritage: Born out of the iconic $Pepe funeral comic,Blepe carries the torch of internet culture. Innovation: Blepe Coin brings innovation to the crypto world,marrying memes and currency like never before. CommunityDriven: Inspired by 4chan,Reddit,and meme enthusiasts worldwide,Blepe Coin is a movement fueled by the community. Invest in the Future: Just as the internet embraced Blepe during the $Pepe funeral,now is the time to invest in the
BlockchainSpace (guild)
BlockchainSpace是开放元宇宙中PlayToEarn公会的领先数据和基础设施提供商,为超过2,500+公会和560,000 +玩家提供服务。BlockchainSpace 很自豪能够得到行业领导者 Animoca Brands、Yield Guild Games YGG、Crypto.com、Alameda Research FTX、Coingecko、CMS、Arca、MechanismCapital、Kingsway Capital 和 Sfermion 的支持,以及 NFT 游戏的先驱 Aleksander Larsen、CoFounder、Axie Infinity、Jeff Jihoz Zirlin、Axie Infinity 的联合创始人和 The Sandbox.B
BlockchainSpace is the leading data and infrastructure provider for PlayToEarn Guilds in the Open Metaverse serving over 2,500+ Guilds and 560,000+ players.BlockchainSpace is proud to be backed by industry leaders Animoca Brands, Yield Guild Games YGG, Crypto.com, Alameda Research FTX, Coingecko, CMS, Arca, Mechanism Capital, Kingsway Capital, and Sfermion, as well as pioneers in NFT Games Aleksander Larsen, CoFounder, Axie Infinity, Jeff Jihoz
52 BXR
Blockster (bxr)
BXR代币是一种广告代币,为Blockster生态系统及其高流量平台提供支持。. 代币的价值与Blockster不断增长的广告商和用户群直接相关。BXR 代币有许多用例,包括:市场商业 — BXR 是 Blockster 生态系统中唯一接受的购买 NFT 代币、游戏和服务的广告支付 — BXR 是唯一接受的在平台上购买广告的货币小费 — 它可用于通过 BXR 提示支持内容创作者收入分享 — 质押 BXR 允许用户参与广告收入分享社区治理 — BXR 代币持有者可以对 平台及其生态系统代币销毁 — Blockster 每月销毁用于广告的 BXR 金额的 5%P2P 交易 — BXR 可以立即在个人用户之间发送和接收,无需任何费用。.
BXR token is an advertising token that powers the Blockster ecosystem and its hightraffic platform. The token’s value directly correlates with Blockster’s growing advertiser and user base.BXR Token has a number of use cases, including:Marketplace commerce — BXR is the only accepted currency to purchase NFT tokens, games, and services in the Blockster ecosystemAdvertising payments — BXR is the only accepted currency for buying ads on the platformT
53 BLS
BlueSale (bls)
这个项目是关于BlueSale的:一个分散的启动板,允许用户毫不费力地启动他们的代币并托管初始代币销售。. 使用BlueSale,你不需要知道如何编码。. 转到我们的终端,只需点击几下即可设计您的代币.2.. 是什么让您的项目独一无二BlueSale具有许多功能,可以更轻松地启动代币,例如在任何DEX,LP锁定选项上自动上市,并为您的代币提供归属期。BlueSale与其他去中心化启动板的不同之处在于投资者的安全。. 严格的KYC流程确保任何可疑行为都无法进入BlueSale生态系统。.
1. What is the project aboutBlueSale: a decentralized launchpad that allows users to launch their tokens and host initial token sales effortlessly. With BlueSale,you dont need to know how to code. Go to our terminal and design your token with a few clicks.2. What makes your project uniqueBlueSale has many features that make it easier to launch a token,such as automatic listing on any DEX,LP lock options,and giving your tokens a vesting period.Wha


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,657.50 2,035,706,035.03
2 ARS title=ARS 1,053.90 1,684,476,101.90
3 ETH title=ETH 3,164.39 1,141,672,556.62
4 SOL title=SOL 146.48 809,327,181.03
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 527,480,625.44
6 WIF title=WIF 3.20 351,544,679.71
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 198,809,468.37
8 XRP title=XRP 0.53 196,391,226.26
9 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 184,327,618.61
10 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 156,254,193.52
11 BOME title=BOME 0.01 151,114,342.80
12 NEAR title=NEAR 7.16 145,221,417.72
13 ENA title=ENA 0.88 143,950,064.77
14 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 105,699,198.17
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.53 102,968,556.57
16 WLD title=WLD 4.90 93,911,763.44
17 AVAX title=AVAX 35.79 78,823,926.91
18 EOS title=EOS 0.85 75,859,516.13
19 FTM title=FTM 0.76 73,521,072.96
20 LTC title=LTC 84.16 62,035,071.71
21 COS title=COS 0.02 60,423,080.93
22 LINK title=LINK 14.65 53,705,492.11
23 TRX title=TRX 0.12 51,880,083.17
24 SEI title=SEI 0.64 51,239,108.57
25 RNDR title=RNDR 8.77 50,045,283.70
26 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 49,771,082.60


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 W 0.66 +19.31
2 Orion title=ORN 1.75 +17.34
3 Lisk title=LSK 1.96 +16.94
4 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.65 +14.54
5 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +13.62
6 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +10.35
7 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.18 +8.70
8 Arweave title=AR 36.23 +8.54
9 Harvest Finance title=FARM 84.72 +8.17
10 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +7.60
11 MANTRA title=OM 0.72 +7.48
12 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +7.28
13 Sei title=SEI 0.64 +6.96
14 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +6.90
15 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +6.63
16 Liquity title=LQTY 1.11 +5.62
17 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.09 +5.46
18 Theta Network title=THETA 2.44 +5.40
19 Fantom title=FTM 0.76 +5.20
20 Request title=REQ 0.14 +5.00
21 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.27 +4.81
22 Conflux title=CFX 0.26 +4.80
23 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.16 +4.28
24 Mobox title=MBOX 0.37 +4.22
25 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +4.03
26 Arkham title=ARKM 2.18 +3.99
27 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +3.94
28 MultiversX title=EGLD 43.36 +3.73
29 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +3.70
30 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.93 +3.54


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 BinaryX title=BNX 0.85 -14.61
2 Automata title=ATA 0.23 -12.82
3 Contentos title=COS 0.02 -9.17
4 Axelar title=AXL 1.11 -7.29
5 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.11 -6.89
6 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 74.90 -6.85
7 Galxe title=GAL 4.33 -6.63
8 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -6.38
9 RONIN 3.03 -6.25
10 Immutable title=IMX 2.11 -5.53
11 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.81 -5.52
12 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.65 -5.46
13 Algorand title=ALGO 0.20 -5.24
14 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.91 -4.43
15 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.02 -4.37
16 PancakeSwap title=CAKE 2.82 -3.93
17 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.20 -3.48
18 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 -3.47
19 Cream title=CREAM 46.27 -3.32
20 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -3.18
21 ORDI title=ORDI 43.43 -3.10
22 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.67 -3.07
23 Tensor title=TNSR 1.02 -3.06
24 Phala title=PHA 0.21 -3.02
25 Portal title=PORTAL 0.94 -3.02
26 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.41 -2.98
27 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.65 -2.94
28 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 -2.94
29 Biconomy title=BICO 0.51 -2.85
30 LTO Network title=LTO 0.19 -2.81

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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7 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
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8 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
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11 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
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12 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
13 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
14 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
15 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
16 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
17 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
18 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
19 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
20 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
21 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
22 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
23 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
24 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
25 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
26 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
27 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
28 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
29 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
30 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
31 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
32 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
33 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
34 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
35 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
36 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
37 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
38 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
39 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
40 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
41 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
42 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
43 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
44 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
45 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
46 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
47 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
48 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
49 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
50 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


BoringDAO (boring) RSK Infrastructure Framework (rif) WaykiChain Governance Coin (wgrt) DecaSwap (deca) Bitcoin Gold (btg) ReadON (read) Bridged uniETH (Manta Pacific) (unieth) MECHA (mec) XDB CHAIN (xdb) CRAZY FROG (frog)


UltraNote Infinity (BSC) (bxuni)Baby Meme Coin (babymeme)Bagholder (bag)Bitget Token (bgb)ENCRYPT (encr)

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