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硬币相关 #Projects

币名 细节
THORChain (rune)
THORChain 正在构建一个与链无关的桥接协议,该协议将允许与大多数其他链(如比特币、以太坊、门罗币和所有币安链)建立无需信任和安全的价值转移连接。. 用户将能够以公平的市场价格和深度流动性即时交换任何资产。. 代币持有者将能够质押任何资产并赚取流动性费用。. 项目将能够访问抗操纵的价格馈送,并接受任何货币的付款,无论类型或流动性如何。.
THORChain is building a chainagnostic bridging protocol that will allow trustless and secure valuetransfer connections with most other chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and all of Binance Chain. Users will be able to instantly swap any asset at fair market prices and deep liquidity. Token holders will be able to stake any asset and earn on liquidity fees. Projects will be able to access manipulation resistant price feeds and accept payment
Kyber Network Crystal (knc)
什么是凯伯网络 KNCKyber 网络是流动性协议的中心,它聚合了来自各种来源的流动性,以在任何去中心化应用程序 DApp 上提供安全和即时的交易。. Kyber 网络的主要目标是使 DeFi DApp、去中心化交易所 DEX 和其他用户能够轻松访问提供最优惠利率的流动性池。Kyber 上的所有交易都在链上,这意味着可以使用任何以太坊区块浏览器轻松验证它们。. 项目可以建立在 Kyber 之上,以利用协议提供的所有服务,例如代币的即时结算、流动性聚合和可定制的商业模式。Kyber 希望通过允许开发人员构建产品和服务而不必担心不同需求的流动性来解决去中心化金融 DeFi 行业的流动性问题。. Kyber Network Crystal KNC 代币是一种实用代币,是连接 Kybers 生态系统
What Is Kyber Network KNCKyber Network is a hub of liquidity protocols that aggregates liquidity from various sources to provide secure and instant transactions on any decentralized application DApp. The main goal of Kyber Network is to enable DeFi DApps, decentralized exchanges DEXs and other users easy access to liquidity pools that provide the best rates.All transactions on Kyber are onchain, which means they can be easily verified using any E
xHashtag (xtag)
在Solana的基础上,xHashtag是FutureOfWork的DAO,通过参与Play2Earn来帮助社区发展。. 项目可以利用社区人才来加速社区发展,方法是奖励自己代币中的有价值的行为,并可选择归属以平衡销售压力。. 从用户的角度来看,xHashtag 提供了一种通过完成一系列链上和链下活动来获得加密奖励的方法,而对于该项目来说,它提供了一种通过代币化奖励每天有效增加链下和链上参与度的方法。使用xHashtag,用户可以开始以零投资和风险赚取加密货币,质押XTAG增强了用户的盈利潜力。.
Building on Solana, xHashtag is a DAO for the FutureOfWork that helps Communities grow by engaging in Play2Earn. Projects can leverage community talent to accelerate community growth by rewarding valuable actions in their own tokens with optional vesting to balance sell pressure. From a users perspective, xHashtag offers a way to earn crypto rewards for completing an array of onchain and offchain activities, while for the project, it presents a w
AISwap (aiswap)
项目内容简介欢迎来到AISwap – 通往无缝多链代币交换和无限可能性的门户。. 体验金融的未来,因为我们重新定义您在币安智能链、以太坊和多边形中的交易、连接和发展方式.通过 AISwap 释放您的潜力:创新、可访问性和社区融合的地方,引导您迈向加密探索和赋能的新时代.谁是 WeAISwap 通过引入其多链代币交换平台预示着数字资产交换领域的变革性演变。. AISwap 以一丝不苟的精度设计,迎合了跨越三大区块链网络的多元化用户社区:币安智能链、以太坊和多边形。. 这个创新平台通过在每个不同的链生态系统范围内毫不费力地参与代币交换,使个人能够超越传统界限。. 通过这样做,AISwap提供了一个前所未有的便利领域,使用户能够拥抱多元化的好处,同时拥抱快速交易的快速性,从而重新定义现代交易体验的
What is the project aboutWelcome to AISwap – Your Gateway to Seamless MultiChain Token Swapping and Limitless Possibilities. Experience the Future of Finance as We Redefine How You Trade,Connect,and Thrive Across Binance Smart Chain,Ethereum,and Polygon.Unleash Your Potential with AISwap: Where Innovation,Accessibility,and Community Converge,Guiding You Towards a New Era of Crypto Exploration and Empowerment.Who Are WeAISwap heralds a transformat
Baked (baked)
reBaked正在为DAO和Web 3.0生态系统构建一套治理,管理和运营工具,以更好地分配和管理其专注于价值创造的国库我们跨不同利基市场的项目,帮助网络将激励措施与贡献者保持一致,从而保护区块链生态系统的长期成功和财务状况。. 工具旨在提供协作机制、增长机制和治理基础设施,以帮助项目实现共同目标 我们的协议允许 Web 3.0 项目更快地获得增强的可交付成果,建立更强大的社区纽带,更快地去中心化,并为利益相关者实现更好的价值回报。我们的原生代币$BAKED由孵化项目积累的生态系统国库支持,这些金库由 RBKD DAO 积极管理。.
reBaked is building a set of governance, management, and operations tools for DAOs and Web 3.0 ecosystems to better distribute and manage their treasuries focusing on value creationOur projects across different niche markets helping networks to align incentives with contributors safeguarding the longterm success and financial wellbeing of blockchain ecosystems. Tools are designed to offer collaboration mechanisms, growth mechanisms, and governanc
BitcoinZ (btcz)
atum协议使其不易通货膨胀,并且从长远来看更具可持续性去中心化BTCZ是一种真正去中心化的加密货币,因为它是100个社区驱动的,没有首席执行官或所有权 治理加密货币旨在由所有参与者控制,而不是由任何单一实体控制 公平启动Bitcoinz项目为每个人提供了公平的启动 Nopremine 没有Instamine没有ICO销售,也没有开发税收不可变的最大供应量与大多数其他项目不同 Bitcoinz有一个不可变的 永远无法改变的最大供应 抗ASIC的抗ASIC挖矿算法被证明具有抗ASIC性,保证矿工不会被强大的ASIC机器取代 可扩展它使用Zhash算法,与原始比特币网络相比提供更好的可扩展性 零成本交易比特币Z提供几乎零成本的交易,即使是小额交易 快速的区块时间网络的区块时间为2分钟,使其比传统
atum Protocolsthat Make It Less Prone To Inflation And More Sustainable In The Longtermdecentralizedbtcz Is A Truly Decentralized Cryptocurrency As It Is 100 Communitydriven With No Ceo Or Ownership Governancecryptocurrencies Are Designed To Be Controlled By All Participants Andnot By Any Single Entity Fair Launchthe Bitcoinz Project Had A Fair Launch For Everyone With Nopremine No Instamine No Ico Sales And No Dev Taxesimmutable Maximum Supplyun
BitValley (bitv)
什么是BitvalleyBitvalley的想法是成为加密中最大的生态系统。. 这意味着我们将开发很多产品,但所有产品都将使用相同的令牌,即BitV。. 通过投资Bitvalley,您投资了所有这些项目。. 我们将如何开始建立这个生态系统 嗯,我们已经有了。. 我们已经开发了第一个和第二个产品,即Bitdash和NFT市场,还有我们的第三个平台Bitvalley移动应用程序,这是我们的主要产品已经在进行中,它将有多个产品。我们的产品:Bitdash 已经开发 NFT 市场已经开发Bitvalley 移动应用程序开发正在进行中关于 BitdashBitvalley 仪表板是我们持有者的 allinone 仪表板。. 您需要做的就是连接您喜欢的钱包,瞧,一切都会弹出并供您使用。.
What is BitvalleyThe Bitvalley idea is to be the biggest ecosystem in Crypto. What does that mean It means that we will develop a lot of products but all the products will use the same token which is BitV. By investing in Bitvalley you invest in all of these projects. How will we start to build this ecosystem Well, we already have. We have our first and second product already developed which are Bitdash and NFT Marketplace, also our third platfor
BlocksWorkz (blkz)
我们经验丰富的团队设计、构建和交付区块链项目。. 项目范围从成功的 NFT 发布、区块链应用程序开发、代币创建到咨询.......
Our experienced team design, build and deliver blockchain projects. Projects range from successful NFT launches, blockchain app development, token creation through to consultancy.
Broovs Projects (brs)
什么是 Broovs 项目 BRSBroovs 项目 BRS 是由学者建立的面向人类和用户的项目。. Broovs Projects是一个生态系统,旨在与用户分享其收入,不与第三方共享用户信息,并与项目内的社交媒体平台集成。. 它的工作原理是将用户和广告商引导到有用的渠道和内容。Broovs Projects BRS是用于:使用Broovs搜索引擎,它以最快的方式为用户提供最有用的信息,Fanmeter TV,它对现象进行评分并提供来自最有用的用户的最准确的内容,与Swift Messenger的对话允许安全的数据传输和信息交换,而无需与第三方共享, 借助PoS算法,Broovs项目创建了一个生态系统,确保XRAY区块链的数据存储,存储,发送,备份和安全。. 项目通过CoinSwifter
What Is Broovs Project BRSBroovs Projects BRS are human and useroriented projects established by Academics. Broovs Projects is an ecosystem that aims to share its revenues with users, does not share users information with third parties, and is integrated with social media platforms within the project. It works on the mechanism of directing users and advertisers to useful channels and content.Broovs Projects BRS is the native utility token used fo
10 ATD
A2DAO (atd)
A2DAO项目加速器和投资平台。A2DAO旨在将初创公司与智能资本联系起来,同时帮助为每个项目培养一个充满激情的社区。我们的专家团队将协助营销、开发、代币经济学和其他关键增长领域的项目。. 我们重塑了旧的筹款模式,将拨款分配给我们的社区成员,而不是紧密联系的风险投资人和机构。A2DAO ATD连接有前途的加密项目和散户投资者。. 持有ATD可以有机会在早期和公共阶段投资加密初创公司。. 根据项目类型,A2DAO 社区的每个成员都将根据其当前层级获得有保证的分配。加速器计划 — A2JumpA2Jump在项目完全公开之前充当早期区块链项目和A2DAO社区之间的桥梁。. 加速器计划是早期企业的绝佳机会,但它也为ATD持有人提供了有利可图的投资机会。每个申请进入加速器计划的项目都需要购买一定数量的
A2DAO Project accelerator & Investment platform for people.A2DAO aims to connect startups with smart capital while simultaneously helping to cultivate a passionate community for each individual project.Our team of experts will assist projects in marketing, development, tokenomics, and other critical areas of growth. We have reshaped the old fundraising model by distributing allocation to our community members rather than to closeknit VCs and ins
11 CDT
CheckDot (cdt)
CheckDot平台是验证任何加密货币项目等的重要检查点。多年来,我们一直面临一些项目缺乏透明度的问题。. CheckDot的目标是成为各个领域的第一个去中心化意见平台:项目,公司,表单,代码等。. 此外,CheckDot可以创建涉及一层或两层顾问的建议或审计请求。.
The CheckDot platform is a essential checkpoint for the verification for any cryptocurrency project and more.We have been confronted with the lack of transparency of some projects for many years. CheckDot has the ambition to be the first decentralized platform of opinions in various fields: Projects, companies, forms, code and more. Furthermore, CheckDot makes it possible to create requests for advice or audits involving one or two layers of advi
CoinxPad (cxpad)
CoinxPad是第一个Cex / Dex多链IDO Launchpad.Coinxpad将使加密项目能够分发代币并提高流动性。投资者可以从安全、创新项目的独家访问权限和每个区块链上的奖励投资中受益。项目受益于我们的合作伙伴关系,由我们的区块链专家和开发人员团队以及随时准备支持它们的专门社区提供免费审计。.
CoinxPad is the first Cex / Dex Multichain IDO Launchpad.Coinxpad will empower crypto projects with the ability to distribute tokens and raise liquidity.Investors benefit from exclusive access to safe, innovative projects and rewarding investments on every blockchain.Projects benefit from our partnership, providing complimentary audits by our team of blockchain experts and developers and a dedicated community ready to back them.
CrossSwap (cswap)
解决当今阻碍用户和项目体验的最大问题。项目可以预先增加流动性并安排启动时间,允许项目在上线前查看数据并进行编辑。. 不再有延迟或不正确的启动变量。项目可以在发布日之前设置每个需要代币的钱包并安排发布。. 然后,用户可以在预定的流动性增加后索赔。. 不再延迟代币分发。.
Solving the biggest issues hindering users and projects experience on current DEXs today.Projects can preadd liquidity and schedule the launch time, allowing projects to review the data and make edits before going live. No more delays or incorrect launch variables.Project can set every wallet that requires tokens before launch day and schedule the release. The users can then claim after the scheduled adding of liquidity. No more delayed token dis
DevvE (devve)
DevvE是一种加密货币,旨在通过创建财务模型来支持开发和维护ESG数据和资产的安全性和透明度的运营成本,并为支持ESG目标的绿色项目投资提供资金,并创造额外的ESG资产,从而支持应对环境和社会挑战的努力。. DevvE也是DevvX区块链的平台加密货币。DevvX区块链平台是一个符合ISO标准的绿色区块链,因为它具有超低的功耗,能耗是比特币的1/3十亿分之一。. DevvX 是一个独特的第 1 层区块链,由分片或独立区块链组成,可以通过一种新颖的交叉分片机制进行通信。. DevvE UtilityDevvE目前有三个主要的实用程序类别,但Forevver协会也将随着时间的推移评估其他实用程序领域。. DevvE代币的以下核心功能在代币生成活动中可用:通过验证节点提供信任资助有价值的ESG项
DevvE is a cryptocurrency designed to support efforts in addressing environmental and socialchallenges by creating a financial model to support the operational costs of developing andmaintaining the security and transparency of ESG data and assets,and generating funds forinvestments in green projects that support ESG goals and create additional ESG assets. DevvE isalso the platform cryptocurrency for the DevvX blockchain.The DevvX blockchain plat
DYOR (dyor)
DYOR项目的座右铭是教育,装备,授权。. DYOR项目致力于教投资者如何找到信誉良好的加密项目,同时避免诈骗。.
DYOR Projects motto is Educate, Equip, Empower. DYOR Project strives to teach investors how to find reputable crypto projects while avoiding scams.
EFLANCER,符号为 EFCR,是一种基于公用事业/治理的去中心化社区代币,在 BNB 智能链上制造,BNB 智能链是最大、强大和安全的区块链之一,用作其项目的支付代币,如游戏、质押、收益农业、NFT 等。必去了解详情...
EFLANCER,symbolized as EFCR is a Utilities/Governance decentralized Community based Token which made on BNB Smart Chain,one of the Largest,Strong and Secured Blockchain for the uses as Payment token for it’s Projects; like Games,Staking,Yield Farming,NFT’s etc.Must Visit for details.
GGTKN (ggtkn)
GGTKN旨在成为彩票和赌博项目的本地代币在推出和计数时由全球超过15 +彩票和赌博项目支持。.
GGTKN Aims to be a Native token of Lottery & Gambling ProjectsBacked By More Than 15+ Lottery & Gambling Projects Worldwide at the time of launch & Counting...
18 IRT
Infinity Rocket (irt)
KE 彭博本津加财经 雅虎数字杂志和其他一些媒体宣布新的无限火箭发射台亲爱的朋友们今天我们很高兴在这里见到你 我们的启动板现已上线并准备好接受您的项目 无限火箭是一个多功能平台,可让您简化区块链上任何项目的启动和推广。. 它提供独特的IT和营销服务,例如项目创意和管理,推出任何代币NFT,品牌徽标样式和网站,钱包列表,安全隐私和匿名性。. 他们与ListingHelp Service和Cryptomax集团交易员建立了合作伙伴关系。. 他们已经完成了500万个IRT代币的销毁,并宣布了1年的伟大成就。. 他们还有一个漏洞赏金计划,奖金为 100000 irt 代币。.
ke Bloomberg Benzinga Finance Yahoo Digital Journal And Some Other Media Announced The New Infinity Rocket Launchpaddear Friends Today We Are Glad To See You Here Our Launchpad Is Nowonline And Ready To Accept Your Project Infinity Rocket Is A Multipurpose Platform That Allows You To Simplify The Launch And Promotion Of Any Projects On The Blockchain. It Provides Unique IT And Marketing Services,Such As Project Idea and Management,Launching Any T
Kasa Central (kasa)
$KASA是一个全栈工具箱和多功能市场,将投资者与项目联系起来,我们目前正在为ICO,IGO,NFT,GameFi,元界,彩票,高赌注收益,跨链桥聚合器,少费用交易交换等开发各种基础设施。. 我们的使命是成为全栈工具箱,帮助开发人员和用户紧紧抓住加密经济。.
$KASA is a fullstack toolbox & multifunction marketplace,Connecting Investors to Projects,We are currently developing various infrastructures for ICO,IGO,NFT,GameFi,Metaverse,Lottery,High stake Earnings,Crosschain Bridge Aggregator,less fee transaction exchange and more. Our mission is to become the fullstack toolbox to help developers and users enclasp the crypto economy.
20 TRC
MetaTrace (trc)
## 什么是 MetaTrace MetaTrace 是世界上第一个在现实世界地图上提供免费游戏和赚取模型的 GameFi 项目。MetaTrace应用程序是一款结合了各种游戏机制的游戏,旨在结合地理位置,区块链环境和经典游戏策略。它基于增强现实技术,为用户提供独特的游戏体验,并轻松沉浸在 Web3 技术世界中。. 项目团队正在努力创建一个平台,让每个玩家都能实现他们的想法并成为自己冒险的创造者。. 该应用程序由具有顶级游戏工作室工作经验的专业人士开发:Niantic Pokemon Go,Wargaming World of Tanks,Kama Games,Game Insight等。MetaTrace的虚拟地图是现实世界的复制品,反映了我们的整个地球。. 你在现实世界中采取的每一步都会
## What is MetaTrace MetaTrace is the worlds first GameFi project featuring a Free to Play and Earn model on a realworld map.The MetaTrace application is a game incorporating a variety of game mechanics aimed at combining geolocation,blockchain environments,and classic game strategies.It is based on augmented reality technology,which offers users a unique gaming experience and an easy immersion into the world of Web3 technologies. Project team is
MonoX (mono)
MonoX 是一个多层、多链 DEX,使用单一代币池模型解决流动性对造成的资本效率低下问题。. 我们通过创建带有vCASH指数代币的虚拟货币对来使用单侧流动性。. 这种新的协议设计降低了交易费用,降低了流动性提供者的存款资本要求,减少了孤立的资本等。. 项目还可以以零资本要求启动其代币。它还为其他 DeFi 产品/服务(如贷款和衍生品市场)创造了机会,并提供最具资本效率的方式来交易“价值支持代币”VBT,例如 NFT 碎片、合成品、游戏代币和保险代币。.
MonoX is a multilayer, multichain DEX that solves the capital inefficiencies created by liquidity pairs, using a single token pool model. We use singlesided liquidity by creating a virtual pair with vCASH index tokens. This new protocol design results in lower trading fees, lower capital requirements to deposit for Liquidity Providers, less siloed capital, etc. Projects can also launch their tokens with zero capital required.It also creates oppor
MoonEdge (mooned)
MoonEdge是第一个完全致力于在Polygon正式MATIC上启动项目的去中心化发射台。. MoonEdge的目标是为Polygonbuilt项目提供一条无缝的途径,使其进入市场。. 通过这种方式,我们正在降低所有多边形爱好者的进入门槛。MoonEdge分配系统涉及所有投资类别的保证分配。. 我们的层级结构旨在确保各种规模和类型的投资者都有机会参与Polygon平台最早项目的成长和发展。我们希望将用户和项目加入 Polygon 生态系统。. 通过更多的筹款渠道,我们努力保护所有参与者免受诈骗和不良行为者的侵害。. 在MoonEdge上列出的项目将经过彻底的审查过程,并经过详细的审查。.
MoonEdge is the first decentralized launch pad fully dedicated to project launches on Polygon formally MATIC. MoonEdge’s goal is to provide a seamless path for Polygonbuilt projects to make it to market. Through this,we are lowering the barrier to entry for all Polygon enthusiasts.The MoonEdge allocation system involved guaranteed allocation for all investment classes. Our tiers are structured to ensure every size and type of investor has the opp
23 NGY
NAGAYA (ngy)
什么是长谷NGY 长谷NGY是一种革命性的混合数字资产,既有LBMAGrade Gold的支持,也有我们实物项目收益的所有权证明。. 我们的愿景是成为所有人首选的可靠和安全的支付选项。. 2018年在新加坡注册为Nagaya Technologies Pte Ltd,我们的座右铭没有改变。. 我们通过合法性和透明度建立信任和价值。.
What is Nagaya NGY Nagaya NGY is a revolutionary Hybrid Digital Asset that is both backed by LBMAGrade Gold and also a ProofofOwnership of benefits from our Physical Projects. Our Vision is to be a reliable and secure payment option,preferred by all. Registered in Singapore as Nagaya Technologies Pte Ltd in 2018,our motto has not changed. We Build Trust and Value through Legality and Transparency.
Optimus (optcm)
Optimus 是一个加密生态系统,旨在为加密用户和项目提供自动化工具并帮助他们以更安全的方式连接和投资,从而成为加密用户和项目的最佳环境。Optimus 有一个由智能合约支持的跨链、半自动、2 路归属启动板。项目资金和投资者代币被锁定在智能合约中,并根据投资者多数投票在预定的里程碑进行分配。. Optimus有一个动态分配系统,旨在通过给予Hodlers更高的分配来奖励良好的投资者行为,从而进一步保护项目筹集资金和投资它的投资者。.
Optimus is a crypto ecosystem designed to be an optimal environment for crypto users and projects, by providing them automated tools and helping them connect and invest in a safer way.Optimus has a crosschain, semi automatic, 2 way vesting launchpad backed by smart contracts.Projects funds and investors tokens are locked in smart contract, and are distributed at the predetermined milestones, based on investor majority voting. Optimus has a dynami
Orca (orca)
Orca是Solana上最人性化的DEX.Orca是在Solana上推出的首批通用AMM之一。. 用户可以通过易于使用的界面交换资产、提供流动性并赚取收益。. 项目可以使用 Orca 作为金钱乐,轻松地将交换、耕种或链上数据集成到他们的 dApp 中.Orca 致力于为每个人提供简单有效的金融工具,将 DeFi 带给大众。.
Orca is the most userfriendly DEX on Solana.Orca is one of the first generalpurpose AMMs launched on Solana. Users can swap assets, provide liquidity, and earn yield through an easytouse interface. Projects can use Orca as a moneylego to easily integrate swapping, farming, or onchain data into their dApp.Orca strives to provide easy and effective financial tools for everyone, bringing DeFi to the masses.
Pack (pack)
$PACK是一个加密营销和教育平台,向投资者介绍该领域的其他项目,同时通过被动奖励使其持有者投资组合多样化.$PACK是一种旨在弥合以太坊链和Shibarium之间差距的代币。. 随着声称是“下一个最好的事情”的新项目的轰炸,我们相信谁在$PACK我们将邀请您,社区,参与这个决策过程,并因您的洞察力而获得回报。. 项目将进入巢穴,并在VC上向Pack领导者推销他们的项目。. 反过来,这些领导人将编制一张选票供投票。. 每周,将选择三个项目作为The Pack的战争进行投资,并作为奖励分发给社区。. 这样做将为The Pack提供多样化的代币和工具组合,以成功过渡到Shibarium。.
$PACK is a crypto marketing and educational platform introducing investors to other projects in the space while diversifying their holders portfolio through passive rewards.$PACK is a token intended to bridge the gap between the Ethereum chain,and Shibarium. With the bombardment of new projects claiming to be “the next best thing”,who are we to believe At $PACK we will be inviting you,the community,to take part in this decision making process,and
Polygen (pgen)
Polygen 是社区的启动板,是第一个真正去中心化的启动板,项目可以自由创新、试验和启动他们的企业,没有看门人、没有白名单和鲸鱼。. 项目可以完全自由地决定他们想要筹集多少资金,他们想要使用什么拍卖机制,他们如何进行分层,他们可以操作任何项目轮次种子,私人,公共或连接轮次。在Polygen,我们为一个丰富多样的社区创造了一个巨大的机会,专注于项目的长期成功。. 要参与加薪,只需完成我们的 KYC 流程,您就可以为您喜欢的项目提供资金。.
Polygen is the Community’s Launchpad, the first truly decentralized launchpad where projects are free to innovate, experiment and launch their ventures with no gatekeepers, no whitelist and no whales. Projects have complete freedom to decide how much they want to raise, what auction mechanism they want to use, how they do their tiering, and they can operate any Project round seed, private, public, or connect rounds.At Polygen, we have created a h
28 RAB
Rabbit Wallet (rab)
项目是关于什么的Rabbit钱包是一个多效用去中心化钱包应用程序Defi钱包,它有助于用户存储和管理加密资产,让他们完全控制自己的资产。. 包含安全字符 此外,Rabbit钱包允许用户连接DApps,钱包集成实用程序帮助用户在Defi世界中体验和赚钱。是什么让您的项目独一无二Rabbit钱包旨在成为下一代去中心化多效用钱包应用程序。. 旨在为用户提供出色的体验,具有简单直观的用户界面,用户友好。. 旨在为用户提供所需的一切的实用程序: *使用私钥存储资产可确保高水平的安全性和声誉。. *随时随地轻松访问和匿名交易。. *在十四个领先的区块链上交易超过一百万个代币。.
What is the project aboutRabbit Wallet is a multiutility decentralized wallet application Defi Wallet that facilitates the storage and management of cryptoassets for users,granting them complete control over their assets. containing security characters In addition,the Rabbit wallet allows users to connect DApps,and the wallets integrated utilities help users experience and earn money in the Defi world.What makes your project uniqueRabbit Wallet i
redFireAnts (rants)
什么是红火蚁火蚁生活在有多个殖民地的部落中,所有蚁群都相互联系。. 每只火蚁都与邻居分享它的知识。. 火蚁是优秀的招募者——如果火蚁面临无法独自完成的任务,信息会传遍整个蚁群,其他火蚁也会争相协助。. 火蚁可以一起解决看似不可能的任务。. 火蚁将成为不可阻挡的力量,因为它们将继续建立自己的家庭并建立殖民地以支持火蚁加密生态系统。. FireANTS 项目通过创建 NFT 和元界来帮助捍卫自由、自决和文化保护的权利。.
What is redFireANTSThe fire ants live in tribes with multiple colonies, all connected. Each fire ant shares its knowledge with its neighbors. Fire ants are excellent recruiters – if a fire ant is faced with a task that cannot be accomplished alone, the message will be spread throughout the entire colonies, and other fire ants will rush to assist. Fire ants can solve tasks together that seem to be impossible. Fire ants will be unstoppable power as
Regen (regen)
我们将经历一些最令人兴奋的项目 Inregen Network阅读更多 Regen网络是一个帮助人们保护环境的平台。. 它将土地管理者与区块链技术相匹配,以激励再生土地使用实践并恢复生态系统。. 人们可以在区块链上购买、出售、退休和转让数字碳资产,以实现碳抵消目的。. Regen网络还提供工具,帮助人们更多地了解生态资产和扭转气候变化。.
isseries We?ll Go Through Some Of The Most Exciting Projects Inregen Networkread More Regen Network is a platform that helps people protect the environment. It matches land stewards with blockchain technology to incentivize regenerative land use practices and restore ecosystems. People can buy,sell,retire,and transfer digital carbon assets on the blockchain for carbon offsetting purposes. Regen Network also provides tools to help people learn mor
Sentinel Chain (senc)
哨兵链是一个B2B市场,专门为没有银行账户的人提供负担得起的安全金融服务。哨兵链旨在解决以下问题1。. 保险2.. 贷款3.. 抵押品4.. 众筹 5.. 社区项目6..
The Sentinel Chain is a B2B marketplace specifically designed to provide affordable and secure financial services to the unbanked.Sentinel Chain aims to solve the following1. Insurance2. Loans3. Collateral4. Crowdfunding 5. Community Projects6. EPaymentsThe project sees 2 major investors namely Fenbushi Capital and iGlobe Partners. There are also partnerships formed with Maybank, Medishares, Crowdo, and Vechain.
32 SMT
Smart Marketing (smt)
智能营销代币SMT是第一个想要去中心化的代币化营销机构。. 其目的是充当代理服务和客户之间的桥梁,从而制定有效的营销策略并支持新想法。. 项目需要直接从支持的交易所购买SMT,并将其转移到SMT服务平台,以访问广告和营销服务。.
Smart Marketing Token SMT is the first tokenized marketing agency that wants to decentralize. The purpose of it is to serve as a bridge between the agencys services and clients, leading to an effective marketing strategy and supporting new ideas. Projects will need to buy SMT directly from supported exchange and transfer it to the SMT services platform to access advertising and marketing services.
33 SCT
SolClout (sct)
SolClout正在设想一个平台来建立一个由Solana提供支持的强大社区,这是一个高吞吐量,可扩展的公共区块链项目。. SolClout将允许加密货币项目和用户创建和引导Clout驱动的社区,旨在建立快速和可持续的社交存在SolClout是一个应用程序生态系统。. 每个应用程序的简要说明如下: SolClout World是元宇宙,虚拟现实和区块链的完美实现,允许区块链项目建立虚拟生态系统,与其他项目,投资者和影响者互动。. 这类似于在 Covid 之前大规模发生的区块链会议/博览会。. 项目可以出租展台来展示他们的项目,参观者可以虚拟参观这些展台。. SolClout Social是嵌入在应用程序中的一个简单的基于区块链的社交网络功能。.
SolClout is envisioning a platform to build a formidable community powered by Solana, a high throughput, scalable public blockchain project. SolClout will allow for cryptocurrency projects and users to create and bootstrap Cloutdriven communities geared towards building fast and sustainable social presencesSolClout is an ecosystem of Apps. The brief description of each app is shared below: SolClout World is the perfect Implementation of metaverse
Stake Together (stpeth)
Stake Together 于 2023 年 2 月 12 日由巴西和西班牙的团队推出,是一个以太坊质押协议,将质押奖励重新分配给公益项目、创作者和 DAO。. 利用DVT技术并提供最低的市场费用。.
Launched on February 12,2023,by a team based in Brazil and Spain,Stake Together is an Ethereum Staking Protocol that redistributes staking rewards to Public Good Projects,creators,and DAOs. Utilizing DVT Technology and offering the lowest market fees.
SuiPad (suip)
项目是关于什么Sui网络上一级项目的首要启动板是什么让您的项目独一无二SuiPad是Sui网络上创新区块链初创公司的首要启动板。. 我们的旗舰产品是SuiPad launchpad,这是一个IDO启动板,允许社区参与严格审查的Tier1项目的早期代币销售。. 通过与MystenLabs的官方合作伙伴关系,我们独特的策展流程和行业准入使我们能够在Sui区块链中提供最好的新项目。项目的历史记录。2023 年第一季度 Tesnet 上的 SuiPad 多个钱包集成 Tesnet IDO 用于 Sui 上的多个项目 持续营销推送和社区建设2023 年第二季度 主网上的 SuiPad,$SUIP IDO 质押池和 SuiPad 盾 第一批 IDO 4 项目下一步您的项目下一步 2023 年第 3 季度
What is the project aboutThe Premier Launchpad for Tier 1 Projects on Sui NetworkWhat makes your project uniqueSuiPad is a premier launchpad for innovative blockchain startups on Sui network. Our flagship product is the SuiPad launchpad,an IDO launchpad that allows community to participate in earlystage token sales for stringently vetted Tier1 projects. With the official partnership with MystenLabs,our unique curation process and industry access
Sync Network (sync)
去中心化金融领域的项目开始利用股权和流动性证明机制来发展无信任经济,但根本性的缺陷使这些项目落后。. SYNC 网络解决了这些问题,并通过可交易的股份将 Uniswap 流动性对与完全无需信任的 ERC20 代币 SYNC 绑定,从而提供了可行的解决方案。SYNC 使用户能够通过将密码债券质押到 Uniswap 流动性对代币加密债券来赚取利息.加密债券是一种 NFT ERC721 代币,具有可收藏属性、应计利率以及在二级市场中单独交易和投机它们的能力。SYNC Network致力于通过巩固长期持有流动性对的保证,为去中心化金融带来稳定性和风险缓解。. 同步网络可以帮助为 DeFi 空间建立一个需要的、稳定的基础,以及一个功能齐全、更强大的无信任经济。SYNC网络由两个主要合约组成:SYNC
Projects in the decentralized finance space started utilizing stake and proofofliquidity mechanics to develop a trustless economy but fundamental flaws have held these projects behind. The SYNC Network addresses these problems and offers a workable solution through tradeable stakes bonding Uniswap liquidity pairs with a fully trustless ERC20 token SYNC.SYNC enables users to earn interest by staking a cyptographic bond to Uniswap liquidity pair to
ToshiPad (tshx)
ToshiPad 旨在填补 BRC20 中一个未解决的利基市场:一个专注于已启动项目的孵化和长期成功的启动板。ToshiPad专门推出具有长期上升潜力的项目,我们通过专门、专业的孵化和支持服务确保它们的成功。此外,每个启动的项目都成为理事会生态系统不可或缺的一部分,与生态系统中的其他项目建立链接的价值流。. 这创造了滚动势头,将价值推向先前生态系统项目的所有持有者,同时有助于稳定新项目的底价。. 这些“螺旋价值机制”创造了巨大的激励,让我们参与和持有我们生态系统中的代币。核心实用程序:启动板上 BRC20 项目的入门令牌 超过 50% 的代币用于向建设者发放赠款,以增加 TSHX TSHX 代币的额外价值和实用程序,使您可以访问在 Toshipad 启动板上启动的项目。.
ToshiPad is built to fill an unanswered niche in BRC20s: A launchpad that focuses on the incubation and longterm success of launched projects.ToshiPad exclusively launches projects with longterm upwards potential and we ensure their success through dedicated,professional incubation and support services.Additionally,each launched project becomes an integral part of The Council Ecosystem,establishing linked valueflows with the other projects in the


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 62,438.77 3,652,915,408.03
2 ETH title=ETH 3,042.80 1,974,420,889.13
3 ARS title=ARS 1,056.90 1,746,673,300.30
4 SOL title=SOL 132.59 1,341,082,710.47
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 627,014,944.22
6 ENA title=ENA 1.01 432,580,208.24
7 WIF title=WIF 2.53 341,719,559.77
8 XRP title=XRP 0.49 337,247,096.27
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 300,905,070.59
10 AVAX title=AVAX 34.49 161,151,878.76
11 ORDI title=ORDI 41.88 144,353,784.77
12 BOME title=BOME <0.01 144,234,550.14
13 BCH title=BCH 477.60 137,512,327.31
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.05 137,007,033.99
15 NEAR title=NEAR 5.08 131,902,370.72
16 WLD title=WLD 4.88 116,559,322.53
17 ADA title=ADA 0.46 111,351,758.63
18 RNDR title=RNDR 8.24 111,036,166.55
19 FTM title=FTM 0.67 107,064,839.27
20 FIL title=FIL 5.93 104,476,381.43
21 LINK title=LINK 13.36 96,537,831.83
22 PENDLE title=PENDLE 5.99 93,345,521.08
23 SAGA title=SAGA 3.96 91,193,274.18
24 LTC title=LTC 78.24 88,748,203.46
25 SUI title=SUI 1.17 87,600,854.47
26 TRX title=TRX 0.11 84,445,078.29
27 OP title=OP 2.19 84,089,302.84
28 TIA title=TIA 10.14 79,867,238.38


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 3.03 +17.59
2 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.08 +16.27
3 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.62 +5.85
4 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 5.71 +5.68
5 Ooki title=OOKI <0.01 +3.74
6 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 4.30 +2.80
7 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 3.28 +2.05
8 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,400.00 +1.65
9 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.54 +1.50
10 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.67 +1.10
11 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.35 +0.56
12 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.25
13 GMX title=GMX 29.04 +0.21


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 NEO title=NEO 18.92 -16.98
2 Jito title=JTO 2.54 -16.79
3 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.53 -16.77
4 Harvest Finance title=FARM 72.46 -16.47
5 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.32 -16.42
6 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -15.84
7 Immutable title=IMX 1.92 -15.79
8 Synapse title=SYN 1.02 -15.53
9 Prom title=PROM 9.55 -15.44
10 ORDI title=ORDI 41.88 -15.37
11 Ethena title=ENA 1.01 -14.76
12 Aevo title=AEVO 1.59 -14.52
13 Sei title=SEI 0.48 -14.43
14 Chromia title=CHR 0.31 -14.42
15 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 477.60 -14.41
16 Bittensor title=TAO 491.10 -14.34
17 Qtum title=QTUM 3.91 -14.31
18 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -14.26
19 Starknet title=STRK 1.29 -13.97
20 Phala title=PHA 0.21 -13.81
21 Solana title=SOL 132.59 -13.79
22 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.54 -13.76
23 BurgerCities title=BURGER 0.51 -13.32
24 VeThor title=VTHO <0.01 -13.07
25 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 -12.99
26 Stacks title=STX 2.43 -12.89
27 Automata title=ATA 0.14 -12.88
28 Waves title=WAVES 2.30 -12.85
29 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.23 -12.70
30 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.09 -12.37

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 比特币现货价格走势对BTC期权交易者几乎没有什么影响
(Bitcoins spot price action does little to spook BTC options traders)
2 Ethenas 稳定币模型的真正风险不是你想象的
(The real risks to Ethenas stablecoin model are not the ones you think)
3 给 Kieren James Lubin 的 6 个问题,他希望我们对奶奶达成共识
(6 Questions for Kieren James Lubin who wants us to get on the same page about grandma)
4 尽快禁用 iMessages 以避免加密零日漏洞利用 Trust Wallet
(Disable iMessages ASAP to avoid crypto zero day exploit Trust Wallet)
5 香港以太币ETF将幸运获得5亿
(Hong Kongs Ether Bitcoin ETFs will be lucky to get 500m)
6 加密劫持者从云公司骗取了 3500 万美元来挖掘加密货币联邦调查局声称
(Cryptojacker conned 35M from cloud firms to mine crypto feds allege)
7 欧易交易所推出以太坊第 2 层网络,以降低费用和互操作性
(OKX launches Ethereum layer 2 network for lower fees amp interoperability)
8 马斯克向新的 X 用户收取发帖费用,但有人说它不会 039 阻止机器人
(Musk to charge new X users to post but some say it won039t stop the bots)
9 贝莱德比特币ETF是自上周五以来唯一有资金流入的基金
(BlackRocks Bitcoin ETF is the only fund with inflows since Friday)
10 美国国家安全局接管互联网几天后警告爱德华·斯诺登
(NSA just days from taking over the internet warns Edward Snowden)
11 Bored Ape NFT 底价触及两年半以来的最低点
(Bored Ape NFT floor price hits lowest point in over two and a half years)
12 香港批准首批比特币和以太币ETF
(Hong Kong approves first Bitcoin and Ether ETFs)
13 挪威通过数据中心立法,标志着对比特币矿工的更多审查
(Norway passes data center legislation signaling more scrutiny for Bitcoin miners)
14 南非交易所 VALR 赢得双重加密牌照
(South African exchange VALR wins dual crypto licenses)
15 加密 NFT 狂热和数字所有权的历史
(History of Crypto NFT mania and digital ownership)
16 比特币吞噬了新的出价流动性,因为 BTC 价格争夺 65K
(Bitcoin eats up fresh bid liquidity as BTC price fights for 65K)
17 ETH 价格接近 3 年低点与比特币 以太坊 ETF 能否阻止潮流
(ETH price nears 3 year lows vs Bitcoin Will an Ethereum ETF stem the tide)
18 购买比特币,因为你的财富正在消失 Unchained 报告
(Buy Bitcoin because your wealth is melting away Unchained report)
19 基础资产代币化协议因私钥泄露而损失 17M
(Base asset tokenization protocol loses 17M due to private key leak)
20 Meta 宣布推出面向 13 岁及以上人群的 VR 教育元宇宙
(Meta announces VR education metaverse for ages 13 and up)
21 风险投资综述:资本流动和另类融资模式为加密初创公司提供动力
(VC Roundup Capital flows and alternative funding models fuel crypto startups)
22 比特币价格反弹给 BNB TON VET 和 BGB 提振 它会持续下去吗
(Bitcoin price bounce gives BNB TON VET and BGB a boost Will it last)
23 加密侦探警告 DeFi 协议背后的骗子
(Crypto sleuth warns of scammers behind DeFi protocol)
24 传统金融公司现在更喜欢公共区块链 Ex Grayscale exec
(TradFi firms now prefer public blockchains Ex Grayscale exec)
25 美国国税局调查负责人预计今年加密货币逃税将会增加
(IRS investigation chief expects uptick in crypto tax evasion this year)
26 约翰·迪顿(John Deatons)加密货币支持者帮助在参议院竞选中胜过沃伦
(John Deatons crypto backers help outraise Warren in Senate race)
27 今年前 50 名中只有 6 种山寨币的表现优于比特币
(Only 6 altcoins in the top 50 have outperformed Bitcoin this year)
28 比特币矿工可以在减半 10 倍研究后抛售 5B 的 BTC
(Bitcoin miners could dump 5B in BTC after halving 10x Research)
29 GBTC看到16600万资金流出,尽管CEO们都表示平衡
(GBTC sees 166M outflows despite CEOs equilibrium remark)
30 随着中东政治紧张局势升级,比特币暴跌
(Bitcoin nosedives as political tensions escalate in the Middle East)
31 比特币正常下跌导致256M多头被清算分析师
(Bitcoins normal drop leads to 256M longs liquidated Analysts)
32 随着价格暴跌,Solana 未平仓合约减少近 440M 11
(Solana open interest sheds nearly 440M as price slumps 11)
33 币安高管追踪到肯尼亚的引渡正在进行中
(Binance executive tracked to Kenya extradition underway)
34 区块链欺诈集团将 1M 转移到 Blast 进行新计划
(Blockchain fraud group shifts 1M to Blast for new schemes)
35 尼日利亚币安的打击威胁到 Web3 行业
(Nigerias Binance crackdown threatens Web3 industry)
36 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)在Uniswap打击中打破了过去的政策准则
(SEC breaks from past policy guidelines in Uniswap crackdown)
37 随着中东政治紧张局势升级,比特币暴跌
(Bitcoin nose dive as political tensions escalate in the Middle East)
38 Bitcoin039s 039正常下跌039导致256M多头清算分析师
(Bitcoin039s 039normal drop039 leads to 256M longs liquidated analysts)
39 Winklevoss双胞胎成为比特币足球俱乐部的共同所有者,注入4500万BTC
(Winklevoss twins become co owners of Bitcoin soccer club inject 45M of BTC)
40 Coinbase要求就SEC的控制问题提出中间上诉
(Coinbase requests interlocutory appeal over SECs controlling question)
41 好莱坞工会与音乐巨头达成协议,防止人工智能的使用
(Hollywood union deal with music giants guards against AI use)
42 什么是重新质押以及如何重新质押以太坊以提高奖励
(What is restaking and how to restake Ethereum to boost rewards)
43 GBTC看到16600万资金流出,尽管CEO们都表示平衡
(GBTC sees 166M outflow despite CEOs equilibrium remark)
44 比特币主导地位创下 3 年新高,因为 BTC 价格下跌给山寨币带来压力
(Bitcoin dominance hits 3 year high as BTC price dip pressures altcoins)
45 Binance Labs 将重点转移到比特币 DeFi MarginFi 看到 2 亿资金流出 重新定义金融
(Binance Labs shifts focus to Bitcoin DeFi MarginFi sees 200M of outflows Finance Redefined)
46 BingX交易所公开支持伊朗用户藐视制裁
(BingX exchange openly supports Iranian users defying sanctions)
47 比特币跌至新低,股市修正 有什么东西坏了吗
(Bitcoin falls to new lows as stock markets correct Did something break)
48 比特币价格跌至 65K,因为 400M 加密市场清算震撼了 BTC 和山寨币
(Bitcoin price falls to 65K as 400M crypto market liquidation rocks BTC and altcoins)
49 Crypto Biz 代币化飙升、SEC 延迟、比特币 ETF 期权等
(Crypto Biz Tokenization spikes SEC delays Bitcoin ETF options and more)
50 VeChain宣布与UFC社区合作推出代币化手套
(VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC community responds)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 房屋建筑许可报告 (Building Permits) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
2 报告房屋开工数量。 (Housing Starts) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
3 美联储成员(杰斐逊)声明 (FOMC Member Jefferson Speaks) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:00
4 工业生产报告 (Industrial Production m/m) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:15
5 利用率 (Capacity Utilization Rate) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 21:15
6 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 00:30
7 FOMC Member Barkin Speaks (FOMC Member Barkin Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:00
8 美联储主席(杰罗姆鲍威尔)声明 (Fed Chair Powell Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:15
9 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 22:30
10 报告概述了美国各地区的经济和金融状况。 (Beige Book) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 02:00
11 投资流向国外和美国以外 (TIC Long-Term Purchases) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 04:00
12 美联储成员 (Loretta J. Mester) 声明 (FOMC Member Mester Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 05:30
13 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
14 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
15 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
16 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
17 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
18 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
19 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
20 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
21 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
22 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
23 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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