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硬币相关 #climate

币名 细节
Dynex (dnx)
世界上第一个去中心化神经形态超级计算平台#Dynex是基于突破性灵活区块链协议的快速增长的下一代神经形态计算平台。. 它由参与节点组成,这些节点构成了一个分散的神经形态超级计算网络,能够以前所未有的速度和效率执行计算 - 甚至超过量子计算#Decentralised。 神经形态计算通过将传统的低效计算机转变为神经形态芯片,我们最终将能够创造新的发现。. 为了实现这一目标,每台计算机、每台笔记本电脑甚至每台可用的移动设备都需要连接。. 作为一个社区,通过合作努力,我们可以朝着可持续性和有效性迈出下一步。. 将您的手机、旧电脑或休眠的采矿设备转变为神经形态机器,赚钱并创造财富#Energy。 高效 — 绿色和可持续鉴于气候变化对我们的环境和未来的威胁越来越大,我们必须采取一切必要措施减少全球能源
The World’s First Decentralised Neuromorphic Supercomputing Platform#Dynex is a fast growing nextgeneration platform for neuromorphic computing based on a groundbreaking flexible blockchain protocol. It consists of participating nodes that constitute a decentralised neuromorphic supercomputing network which is capable of performing computations at unprecedented speed and efficiency — even exceeding quantum computing.#Decentralised Neuromorphic Co
Evadore (eva)
# 项目是关于什么的Evadore是一个再生金融ReFi项目,旨在以最好的方式为子孙后代离开世界,并找到解决世界各地环境问题的方法。要了解有关Evadore的更多信息,请阅读我们的详细白皮书: 由土耳其的一个团队于 2023 年 5 月成立,旨在开发旨在实现碳中和的区块链技术,以应对紧迫的全球气候问题。. 当前区块链技术和采矿作业消耗的能源中有很大一部分来自不可再生的化石燃料来源,因此加剧了持续的气候问题。. 向可再生能源提供援助在减少矿物燃料使用方面发挥着重要作用。. Evadore基金会现在从事可再生能源的使用,并努力举例说明人类可以采取的初始步骤,以便为改善全球做出贡献#是什么让您的项目与众不同与其他区块链相比,Evadore旨在实现碳中和。. 这是通过将再生金融原则应用于区块链技术来
# What is the project aboutEvadore is a Regenarative Finance ReFi project created to leave the world in the best way for future generations and to find solutions to environmental problems around the world.To learn more about Evadore,go and read our detailed whitepaper: was established in May 2023 by a team based in Turkey,with the objective of developing a blockchain technology aimed at achieving carbon neutrality,in response to the pressing glo
PERL.eco (perl)
代币化现实世界生态资产Perlin的最新项目PERL.eco,行星生态系统注册账本将通过代币化碳信用额和生物多样性,NFT和分散的DeFi奖励,将区块链技术用于现实世界的生态资产。PERL.eco专注于代币化,并实现生态相关资产的广泛采用,如代币化碳资产,基因组生物多样性等。PERL允许代币持有者在确定激励系统,建立广泛的利益相关者基础以及促进网络中的经济价值流动方面发挥关键作用。. PERL持有者可以对这种费用模式和分配以及其他重要决定进行投票。PERL.eco 专注于以下关键领域:1.. 碳我们正在标记碳信用额,用户可能能够抵消他们的排放并参与碳的未来增长.2.. 生物多样性我们希望创建一个将生物多样性价值的供需联系起来的市场。. 这将鼓励保护生物多样性,这是随着气候变化恶化而迫切需要的
Tokenized realworld ecological assetsPerlin’s latest project PERL.eco, the Planetary Ecosystem Registration Ledger will use blockchain technologies for realworld ecological assets through tokenizing carbon credits and biodiversity, NFTs and decentralised DeFi rewards.PERL.eco focuses on tokenization and achieving broader adoption of ecologicalrelated assets like tokenized carbon assets, genomic biodiversity and more.PERL allows token holders to p
一种新的加密货币诞生了,旨在对应对气候变化产生积极影响。这只是对地球的热爱,每笔交易的 1% 将自动分发到 www.seatrees.org.我们的 AI 系统使用先进的算法生成独特而美丽的图像,这些图像将由社区选择,并且可以作为 NFT 出售 NonFungible Tokens 在我们的官方 OpenSea Collection 上。. 加入我们的Telegram群组,您可以成为我们社区成员的一员。. 此外,获得入职帮助并熟悉 AGW AI 工具和服务。.
A new cryptocurrency was born to create a positive impact in the fight against climate change.It’s just simply love for our planet and 1% of every transaction will be automatically distributed towww.seatrees.org.Our AI system uses advanced algorithms to generate unique and beautiful images,that will be selected by the community,and that can be sold as NFTs NonFungible Tokens on our Official OpenSea Collection.Furthermore,were also introducing a c
Aqua Goat (aquagoat)
AquaGoat是一个去中心化的无摩擦收益生成实用程序生态代币。. 该代币在自动流动性锁定和自质押直接分配协议上运行,为所有持有者提供安全、可靠和无忧的交易和收益生成。AquaGoat是AquaGoat.Finance生态系统的原生实用代币,将用于: 网络捐赠池和质押 用于材料采购的电子商务集成 NFT 市场交易 APO收益耕作和质押 AquaGoat 加密资产交换认识到加密货币挖矿对环境的有害影响,AquaGoat 专注于生态对话工作,帮助抵消、缓解、 并有可能扭转过去人类和传统采矿过程造成的损害,同时为网络参与者创造收入。代币经济学 AquaGoat 在创世时推出的最大总供应量为 100 千万亿,其中 40% 的供应量作为代币上的通货紧缩力量发送到燃烧钱包。. 与AquaGoat的每笔交
AquaGoat is a decentralized frictionless yieldgeneration utility ecotoken. The token operates on an automated liquiditylocking and selfstaking direct distribution protocol, providing safe, secure and hasslefree transactions and yieldgeneration for all holders.AquaGoat is the native utility token of the AquaGoat.Finance ecosystem and will be used for: Network donation pooling and staking Ecommerce integration for use in material purchases NFT mark
Arkreen Token (akre)
Arkreen Network旨在为ReFi再生金融基础设施建立DePIN去中心化物理基础设施网络,并为气候行动建立全球包容性网络。.
Arkreen Network is a Web3enabled data network for distributed renewable energy resources connection and monetization towards a carbonneutral Earth. Arkreen Network aims to establish DePIN Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks for ReFi Regenerative Finance infrastructure and global inclusive network for climate action.
Bikerush (brt)
BikeRush围绕世界上最受欢迎的健康运动之一骑自行车而建立,它是第一个有效实施功能性Ride&Earn概念的项目。BikeRush融合了健身、绿色环保、游戏赚钱等多种健康理念。. 通过GameFi,BikeRush旨在推动数千万人走向更健康的生活方式,应对气候变化,鼓励低碳旅行并将健身大众与Web 3.0联系起来,同时建立一个持久的平台,促进用户生成的更多Web 3.0内容。.
BikeRush built around one of the worlds most popular healthy sports, cycling, it is the first project to effectively implement a functional Ride&Earn concept.BikeRush integrates various health concepts such as fitness, green environmental protection, and play earning. With GameFi, BikeRush aims to drive tens of millions towards healthier lifestyles, fight climate change, encourage lowcarbon travel and connect the fitness public to Web 3.0, while
Brokoli (brkl)
布罗科利是一个有影响力的 NFT 树元宇宙。. 在这里,每个 DeFi 功能都是对气候有益的,用户无需额外费用。. 用户可以通过使用Brokolis绿色DeFi产品来创造,拥有和交易他们所产生的积极影响。. Brokolis核心平台:代币交换、借贷和流动性挖矿的绿色聚合器。. 它使每笔 DeFi 交易环境都变得积极,而无需用户支付额外费用。. API:任何 GameFi 和 DeFi 平台都可以实施 Brokoli API,使其交易环境积极,为 Brokoli 带来更多收入、品牌知名度和用户。.
Brokoli is an impacttoearn NFT tree metaverse. Here, every DeFi function is climate positive at no extra cost for the user. Users can make, own, and trade the positive impact they make by using Brokolis green DeFi products. Brokolis core platform: a green aggregator for token swaps, lending and yield farming. It makes every DeFi transaction climate positive at no extra cost for the user. API: Any GameFi and DeFi platform can implement the Brokoli
Carbon Credit (cct)
碳信用代币CCT是一种由受监管的碳信用支持的加密货币。. 每个CCT代表1公斤欧盟配额EUA——世界上交易量最大的碳信用额。. 通过购买和持有CCT,您可以对一些世界上最大的污染者开展业务的方式产生影响。. 碳配额的价格升值将有助于激励碳排放公司从更环保的来源获取能源。通过彻底改变消费者进入碳市场的方式,CCT使每个人都比以往任何时候都更容易参与应对气候变化的斗争。.
Carbon Credit Token CCT is a cryptocurrency that is backed by regulated carbon credit. Each CCT represents 1 kilogram of European Union Allowance EUA – the most traded carbon credits in the world. Through buying and holding CCTs you have an impact on how some of the worlds largest polluters do business. Price appreciation in Carbon Allowances will help incentivise Carbon Emitting firms to acquire energy from more environmentally friendly sources.
10 CMP
欢迎来到CoinMarketPrime,创新与加密货币相遇。. 我们的目标很明确:将项目转化为成功案例。. 我们是推动创意取得伟大成就的催化剂。. 我们的优势在于动态营销。. 我们掌握加密货币不断变化的本质,并相应地调整策略。. 每个上市项目都会收到一个与当前市场趋势同步的适应性强的营销包。.
Welcome to CoinMarketPrime,where innovation meets cryptocurrencies. Our goal is clear: to transform projects into success stories. We’re a catalyst driving ideas to grand achievements. Our strength lies in dynamic marketing. We grasp the everchanging nature of cryptocurrencies and adjust strategies accordingly. Each listed project receives an adaptable marketing package synchronized with current market trends. We understand there’s no onesizefits
CRISP Scored Mangroves (crisp-m)
每个人都希望看到高质量的气候行动,但融资方式具有挑战性。. 碳项目开发商,例如恢复退化红树林的组织,遇到了自愿碳市场VCM追溯给予他们碳信用额的主要障碍。. 尽管如此,前期成本仍然很高,必须来自某个地方。. 一般来说,这是通过远向融资解决的,但这个行业是不可进入和不透明的,降低了愿意参与的数量,限制了资本的获取。. 其结果是高质量的气候行动被放慢,限制了这些项目在应对气候变化方面的影响。CRISPM是Solid Worlds的代币,允许红树林恢复项目开发商以折扣价转发他们即将推出的碳信用额。. 积分离交货越远,折扣就越大。.
Everyone wants to see quality climate action but the way this is financed is challenging. Carbon project developers,such as organizations that restore degraded mangroves,run into a major roadblock the Voluntary Carbon Market VCM gives them carbon credits retroactively. Still,the upfront costs are significant and have to come from somewhere. Generally,this is solved via forward financing,but this industry is inaccessible and opaque,lowering the nu
EarthByt (ebyt)
币安智能链上的气候友好型通货紧缩代币。. 奖励持有者、流动性、减排和全球土壤恢复的代币经济学。. 通过燃烧、反鲸鱼钱包限制和创新碳费限制供应。. 社区对慈善奖进行投票。.
A climate friendly deflationary token on the Binance Smart chain. Rewarding tokenomics for holders, liquidity, emissions reductions, and global soil restoration. Capped supply with burn, antiwhale wallet limit and innovative carbon fee. Community voting on charity awards.
13 ECO
Ecochain (eco)
ECO Token是由Bitci Borsa Teknoloji Anonim Limited在Bitcichain上开发的加密资产。. Ecochain是一种采用零碳目标、推广清洁能源、支持环境可持续发展的数字资产。. 该数字资产旨在投资和支持可持续发展项目。. 生态链持有者有机会为尊重环境的项目做出贡献,并积极参与应对气候变化的斗争。. 用户可以通过ECO投资与可持续发展相关的项目和倡议。. 因此,它们可以增加清洁能源的生产,减少碳足迹,使我们的世界成为一个更美好的居住地。.
ECO Token is a crypto asset developed by Bitci Borsa Teknoloji Anonim Limited on Bitcichain. Ecochain is a digital asset that adopts zero carbon objectives,promotes clean energy and supports environmental sustainability. This digital asset aims to invest in and support sustainability projects. Ecochain holders have the opportunity to contribute to projects that respect the environment and actively take part in the fight against climate change. Us
14 ECO
EcoCREDIT (eco)
EcoCREDIT使个人和企业更容易获得部分碳补偿,从而使自愿碳信用市场的准入民主化。. 通过首次对自愿碳补偿进行仓储、代币化和标准化,EcoCREDIT解决了目前进入自愿碳抵消市场的障碍。. 这种方法使任何人都可以轻松应对气候变化。. 代币化碳补偿允许开发人员轻松调用代币化碳补偿的数量,从而实现可持续的软件应用。. EcoCREDIT的API允许企业在销售点向其客户提供碳补偿,从而消除了当前的资本要求,为客户提供可持续的抵消。. EcoCREDIT以这些方式使可持续生活变得更加轻松。.
EcoCREDIT democratizes access to the voluntary carbon credit market by making it easy for individuals and businesses to access fractionalized carbon offsets. By warehousing, tokenizing, and standardizing voluntary carbon offsets for the first time, EcoCREDIT solves the current barriers to entry in the voluntary carbon offset market. This approach makes it possible for anyone to fight against climate change easily. Tokenized carbon offsets allow d
Ecoterra (ecoterra)
Ecoterra是一个区块链生态系统,于4月1日在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特由一支在回收和商业方面经验丰富的团队发起。. 它集成了多种功能,使个人和企业参与支持减缓气候变化的行动。一个功能,Recycle2Earn R2E应用程序,允许用户在回收各种材料时赚取Ecoterra代币,将一定数量的Ecoterra与每个可回收物品相关联。. 这个应用程序是生态系统努力促进废物管理和环保习惯的一部分。该生态系统还包括一个碳抵消市场,这是一个平台,用户可以在其中使用Ecoterra或其他加密货币通过投资碳抵消项目来抵消其碳排放。. 此功能提供了数字货币与环境影响缓解之间的直接连接。此外,Ecoterra提供了一个回收材料市场,企业可以使用Ecoterra或其他加密货币购买塑料,玻璃和铝等回收材料。. 其目的是
Ecoterra is a blockchain ecosystem that was initiated on the 1st of April,in Bucharest,Romania,by a team experienced in recycling and business. It integrates several functionalities to engage individuals and businesses in actions that support climate change mitigation.One function,the Recycle2Earn R2E application,allows users to earn Ecoterra tokens when they recycle various materials,associating a certain amount of Ecoterra with each recyclable
Energreen (egrn)
EnerGreen的主要目标是为用户提供一种投资可再生能源发电厂的替代方式,同时促进环境保护和应对气候变化。. 该项目旨在通过使用户能够从各种能源发电设施中质押和赚取 APY 来提供安全、经济高效且环保的能源解决方案。是什么让您的项目独一无二EnerGreen是世界上第一个基于区块链的可再生能源工厂投资解决方案。项目的历史记录。您的项目的下一步是什么EnerGreen通过促进可再生能源的采用,为环境保护和应对气候变化做出了贡献。. 通过为用户提供投资可再生能源发电厂的替代方式,EnerGreen鼓励开发清洁能源项目,减少温室气体排放并帮助减轻气候变化的影响。您的代币可以用于什么EGRN代币是EnerGreen项目的原生货币,作为ERC20代币建立在以太坊网络上。. 用户可以在能源发电设施中质
What is the project aboutThe main goal of EnerGreen is to provide an alternative way for users to invest in renewable energy power plants while also promoting environmental protection and combating climate change. The project aims to offer a safe,costeffective,and environmentally friendly energy solution by enabling users to stake and earn APY from various energygenerating facilities.What makes your project uniqueEnerGreen is the world’s first bl
Enrex (enrx)
Enrex将实现:• 投资于不断增长的环境市场。. • 通过平衡一种加密货币与其他加密货币和现实世界用例的二氧化碳排放量,直接抵消您的二氧化碳排放量。. •直接使用加密货币交易强制性碳抵消和可再生能源证书。Enrex致力于:•在任何区块链上推出可持续和二氧化碳中性的ICO / IEC / IDO。. • 使任何加密货币交易和采矿、NFT、CO2 中性或基于可再生能源。. •跟踪交易和加密货币的可持续性。特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)表示,一旦确认矿工使用合理的清洁能源,该公司将恢复比特币交易。剑桥大学研究人员指出,比特币加密货币消耗的电力比荷兰全年能源消耗还要多。. 在可再生能源证书和直接来自加密货币的二氧化碳配额中。Enrex提供五种应用程序产品,让用户了解Enrex生
Enrex will enable:• Investing in a growing environmental market. • Offsetting your CO2 emissions directly by way of balancing them from one cryptocurrency for other cryptocurrencies and for real world use cases. • Trading mandatory carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates directly with cryptocurrency.Enrex is for:• Launching sustainable and CO2 neutral ICO/IEO/IDO on any blockchain. • Making any cryptocurrency transactions and mining, NFT
18 3CEO
项目是关于什么的弗洛基柴佩佩 CEO 项目诞生于 2021 年 8 月。. 我们肯定地确认,我们不是“众多项目”之一,但因为我们将立即成为“项目”,我们的目标是比我们的前身安全月亮做得更好。. Floki Shiba Pepe首席执行官是去中心化的,旨在让每个人都能接触到。. 在这个项目中,从名称选择到更雄心勃勃的目标,没有什么是偶然的。. 我们的目标是“飞越月球”。. 我们注意到近年来在发现太空方面投入了大量资金。.
What is the project aboutThe Floki Shiba Pepe CEO project was born in August 2021. We affirm with certainty that we aren’t one of the “many projects”,but since immediately we’ll aim to be “THE PROJECT” and we’ll aim to do better than our predecessor Safemoon. Floki Shiba Pepe CEO is decentralized and is meant to be within everyone’s reach. In this project,nothing is left to chance,from the name choice to more ambitious goals. Our aim will be to g
gotEM (gotem)
用于调查、私人保安和人道主义任务的去中心化众包平台 鉴于政治气候和世界的发展方向,必须有一个透明度和全球福利的出路。. 这需要一个去中心化的平台,不能被任何当局或特殊利益集团关闭。. gotEMs平台将这一需求变为现实。. 凭借其分散的众包 DeFi 平台,可以为私人调查、私人安全和人道主义任务提供众包和众筹。. 我们正处于人们如何看待政府、安全、金钱、资源和我们物种方向的全球转变的风口浪尖。. 一个完全工作的原型准备在本月推出。.
Decentralized Crowdsourcing Platform for Investigations, Private Security and Humanitarian Missions In light of the political climate and the direction the world is taking, it is imperative that there is an outlet for transparency and global welfare. This requires a decentralized platform that cannot be shut down by any authority or special interest group. gotEMs platform brings this demand to reality. With its decentralized crowdsourcing DeFi p
20 GWD
GreenWorld (gwd)
它成立于 2022 年,其理念是通过促进与保护环境和濒危物种、可持续性以及保护受污染影响最严重的地区相关的行动,使其社区能够应对气候变化。. 绿色世界通过几条行动路线领导这场斗争,始终涉及其社区,允许他们以投票和接受提案的形式参与所有决策。. 该组织专注于三个主要领域.1.. 绿色使命,领导对我们生态系统有直接影响的运动,例如有组织的塑料收集,在发展中国家或植树园安装太阳能电池板。. 在这些任务中,绿色世界社区积极参与,因为社区本身可以提出要开发的任务.2.. GWD或以太坊中的可追溯捐赠,不同类型的实体,如非政府组织,非营利组织或慈善机构,以应对气候变化,保护濒危物种或为地球做出积极贡献。.
It was founded in 2022 with the idea of enabling its community to fight climate change by promoting actions related to the protection of the environment and endangered species, sustainability, and the protection of regions most disadvantaged by pollution. GreenWorld leads this fight through several lines of action, always involving its community allowing them to participate in all decisions in the form of voting and accepting proposals. The organ
21 MAX
Maxity (max)
什么是最大代币Max Token于2021年11月推出,是世界上第一个Web20社会影响协议中使用的ERC3实用代币 – Maxity。. Maxity的目标是通过区块链技术解决非政府组织的筹款问题和慈善透明度。. 除了作为最大的慈善 NFT 市场外,Maxity 还为其用户推出了一个完整的功能生态系统,包括慈善道、艺术家道、影响者道、DEFI 平台、志愿者赚取 V2E 计划,最后是共生元界,所有这些都为实现人类实现 17 个联合国可持续发展目标的手段.2.. 谁是Max Token的创始人熊教授是Maxity的联合创始人和董事。. 他是萨里大学国际副院长,英国区块链全党议会小组的九名顾问委员会成员之一,也是区块链技术的领先专家。.
1. What Is Max TokenLaunched in Nov 2021, Max Token is the ERC20 utility token used within the world first Web3 social impact protocol – Maxity. The aims of Maxity are to solve NGOs fundraising issues and charity transparency through blockchain technology. Aside being the largest charity NFT Marketplace, Maxity has launched a whole ecosystem of functionalities for its users including Charity Dao, Artists Dao, Influencer Dao, DEFI platform, Volunt
Mintera (mnte)
##What is MinteraMintera是一个由区块链驱动的气候积极金融生态系统。Mintera 为具有气候意识的投资者提供了一个可持续的 web3 投资产品和服务中心,所有这些都通过生态系统的实用代币 MNTE 连接。. Mintera的创建是为了在全球范围内为投资者提供具有净积极影响的数字投资服务.##What是Mintera令牌Mintera令牌MNTE是Mintera生态系统的实用令牌。. 它是在以太坊区块链上发布的ERC20。. 持有人可以使用它来: 访问明特拉斯绿色投资产品 加入社区并获得独家福利 资助气候积极行动 参与治理投票##How是明特拉绿色明特拉斯致力于对环境产生积极影响,这基于三大支柱: 绿色投资方法:尽量减少产品和服务的碳排放。. 强有力的财务承诺:Mint
##What is MinteraMintera is a climatepositive financial ecosystem powered by blockchain.Mintera proposes a sustainable hub of web3 investment products and services for climateconscious investors all connected by MNTE,the utility token of the ecosystem. Mintera was created to provide digital investment services with a net positive environmental impact for investors on a global scale.##What is the Mintera TokenThe Mintera Token MNTE is the utility
NerveFlux (nerve)
NerveFlux的想法是建立一个生态系统,每个人都可以投资房地产买卖,而无需将加密货币转换为法定货币。NerveFlux 还有其他用例,如元界、NFT、PSE 游戏,以及旨在应对气候变化的慈善计划创新植树计划。. 每个钱包地址都有条件的树,除了其创新市场。. NerveFlux旨在解决现实生活中的问题。. NerveFlux是一个创新项目,旨在解决包括NerveFlux团队在内的所有人面临的现实技术问题。. NerveFlux不像往常那样是加密货币,也不是利润驱动的投资。功能齐全的NerveFlux市场将消除将加密货币转换为法定货币的需求。. 在NerveFlux,我们的目标是建设未来,我们的目标是使加密货币更容易被采用、接受和监管。.
The Idea of NerveFlux is to build an ecosystem where everyone will be able to invest buy and sell in real estate properties without converting cryptocurrency to fiat.NerveFlux has other use cases like Metaverse, NFT, PSE game, and its Charity Program innovative Tree Planting Program aimed at fighting climate change. A Tree for every wallet address conditionally aside from its innovative marketplace. NerveFlux is designed to solve reallife problem
OPEN GPU (ogpu)
OPEN GPU Network pioneers the oGPU Chain,a custom blockchain ecosystem designed for decentralized,shared GPU computing. It supports scalable AI research,realtime processing,and sustainable tech initiatives,fostering advancements in climate research and beyond.
25 OWN
OWN Token (own)
拥有代币为慈善机构,社会事业,气候变化,自然灾害,疾病,新发明筹集资金。. Own Token筹集的资金首先用于初创公司,这些初创公司是第一个可持续的慈善机构,同时在初创公司中创造了新的就业机会。现在这对你、慈善机构、初创企业和世界都是一件好事。.
Own Token to raise funds for Charities, Social cause, climate change,natural disastrous, diseases, new inventions . The funds raised by Own Token go to startups first, who inturn It is the first sustainable charity, and it creates new jobs in startups at the same time.Now that is a good thing for you, for charities, for startups and for the world.
Raptor Finance (rptr)
猛禽金融是一个去中心化的金融生态系统,由持有者为持有者设计。. 我们的使命是通过允许我们的持有者质押他们的代币为自己和生态项目创造收益来治愈地球并阻止气候变化。.
Raptor finance is a decentralized, financial ecosystem designed by holders for holders. Our mission is to heal planet earth and stop climate change by allowing our holders to stake their tokens to generate yield for themselves and ecological projects.
Regen (regen)
我们将经历一些最令人兴奋的项目 Inregen Network阅读更多 Regen网络是一个帮助人们保护环境的平台。. 它将土地管理者与区块链技术相匹配,以激励再生土地使用实践并恢复生态系统。. 人们可以在区块链上购买、出售、退休和转让数字碳资产,以实现碳抵消目的。. Regen网络还提供工具,帮助人们更多地了解生态资产和扭转气候变化。.
isseries We?ll Go Through Some Of The Most Exciting Projects Inregen Networkread More Regen Network is a platform that helps people protect the environment. It matches land stewards with blockchain technology to incentivize regenerative land use practices and restore ecosystems. People can buy,sell,retire,and transfer digital carbon assets on the blockchain for carbon offsetting purposes. Regen Network also provides tools to help people learn mor
28 REV
REVEPE (rev)
Revepe 项目通过在全球范围内复制和推广太阳能、风能、电动汽车、植树造林和素食主义来采取气候行动。.
The Revepe project takes climate action by replicating and popularizing solar energy,wind power,electric vehicles,afforestation,and vegetarianism worldwide.
29 ALL
Sallar (all)
Sallar是一个代币化的生态系统,与旨在应对气候变化的生物技术项目有关。. 这些项目的主要目标是提出有助于更可持续的环境的科学解决方案。. 除了对环境的关注外,Sallar 生态系统还整合了全民基本收入 UBI 计划,以 Sallar 代币为基础。SallarSallars的宗旨和愿景将生物技术与切实的生态解决方案交织在一起。. 通过利用科学研究,Sallar 旗下的项目旨在缓解气候变化带来的挑战。. 同时,生态系统UBI计划提供经济支持,确保数字空间的可访问性和包容性。项目独特性Sallar在数字代币领域的与众不同之处在于它将生物技术与生态解决方案相结合。. 它对应对气候变化的承诺得到了提供全民基本收入倡议的补充。.
Sallar is a tokenized ecosystem connected to biotechnological projects aimed at addressing climate change. The primary goal of these projects is to derive scientific solutions that contribute to a more sustainable environment. In addition to its environmental focus,the Sallar ecosystem has integrated a Universal Basic Income UBI program,using the Sallar token as its foundation.Purpose and Vision of SallarSallars design intertwines biotechnology w
30 SFC
Solar Full Cycle (sfc)
Solar Full Cycle SFC是一个面向投资者和行业的代币化公用事业平台,致力于在太阳能行业建立面板废物的回收利用。. 虽然目前安装的太阳能电池板数量是对抗全球变暖和气候变化的可喜举措,但太阳能趋势也将看到太阳能电池板废物的产生,这将构成最大的可预测环境灾难之一。在这种背景下,SFC通过区块链流程带来了系统的网络存在,这将迫使太阳能电池板生产商和发电厂所有者负责任地回收他们的太阳能电池板,这一驱动力也将看到新一代回收太阳能电池板出现在市场上。此外,Solar Full Cycle将因其回收太阳能电池板的工作而获得碳信用额,并将通过区块链技术以可验证和透明的方式提供给消费者。. 该团队在他们之间有几十年的经验。.
Solar Full Cycle SFC is a tokenized utility platform for investors and the industry, dedicated to establishing the recycling of panel waste in the solar industry. While the number of solar panels currently being installed is a welcome move in the battle against global warming and climate change, the solar trend shall also see solar panel waste being generated that will pose one of the largest predictable environmental disasters.In this backdrop,
ValleyDAO (grow)
ValleyDAO 是一个由研究人员、企业家和建设者组成的协作社区,致力于资助和孵化旨在应对紧迫气候挑战的合成生物学研究。. 与传统的融资模式不同,ValleyDAO 以社区为中心的方式运作,成员既是贡献者又是部分所有者,促进对项目成功的深度投资。. 这种独特的协议允许个人资助合成生物学的大规模、多年研究和开发项目。GROW代币的引入增强了社区对项目资金和治理的参与。. GROW代币的持有者可以参与决策过程,影响哪些合成生物学项目获得资助,以及由此产生的知识产权如何获得许可和商业化。. 此外,他们有机会通过知识产权获得新兴技术的部分所有权.ValleyDAO的使命延伸到使合成生物学进步民主化,使关键创新能够超越学术环境。. 这种包容性的方法邀请了不同的观点和专业知识,加强了应对重大环境挑战的
ValleyDAO is a collaborative community of researchers,entrepreneurs,and builders dedicated to funding and incubating synthetic biology research aimed at addressing pressing climate challenges. Unlike traditional funding models,ValleyDAO operates on a communitycentric approach where members are both contributors and partowners,fostering deep investment in the success of projects. This unique protocol allows individuals to fund largescale,multiyear


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 63,192.49 3,551,463,813.39
2 ETH title=ETH 3,084.12 1,886,665,432.68
3 ARS title=ARS 1,058.80 1,728,562,105.30
4 SOL title=SOL 135.90 1,310,139,751.49
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 631,565,844.15
6 ENA title=ENA 1.03 420,775,533.62
7 WIF title=WIF 2.68 339,202,258.13
8 XRP title=XRP 0.49 329,980,536.53
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 297,599,319.66
10 AVAX title=AVAX 35.15 163,777,151.90
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 155,521,458.18
12 ORDI title=ORDI 43.01 152,899,567.28
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.16 138,644,236.75
14 BCH title=BCH 491.10 138,246,407.36
15 NEAR title=NEAR 5.14 132,022,624.53
16 ADA title=ADA 0.47 113,446,861.39
17 RNDR title=RNDR 8.45 111,253,831.80
18 WLD title=WLD 4.85 111,068,554.56
19 FIL title=FIL 6.02 103,644,509.43
20 FTM title=FTM 0.68 103,641,289.71
21 LINK title=LINK 13.56 97,819,355.29
22 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.40 91,588,572.35
23 LTC title=LTC 78.28 91,349,511.41
24 SUI title=SUI 1.16 86,627,892.99
25 SAGA title=SAGA 4.29 86,318,066.13
26 TRX title=TRX 0.11 85,987,913.19
27 OP title=OP 2.22 84,510,037.15
28 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.88 79,748,446.32


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 MANTRA title=OM 0.88 +14.76
2 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.08 +12.95
3 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.84 +9.91
4 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.64 +5.38
5 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.56 +3.85
6 QuarkChain title=QKC 0.01 +3.33
7 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.54 +2.51
8 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,418.00 +2.07
9 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 3.24 +1.63
10 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 4.27 +1.43
11 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.66 +1.02
12 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.34 +0.65
13 Pax Dollar title=USDP 1.00 +0.08


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.32 -20.99
2 Harvest Finance title=FARM 74.34 -14.56
3 Jito title=JTO 2.60 -14.54
4 Prom title=PROM 9.68 -14.45
5 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -14.05
6 Immutable title=IMX 1.97 -13.54
7 Biconomy title=BICO 0.50 -12.67
8 NEO title=NEO 20.13 -12.59
9 ORDI title=ORDI 43.01 -12.49
10 Aevo title=AEVO 1.62 -12.43
11 Pixels title=PIXEL 0.41 -12.33
12 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 -12.24
13 Clover Finance title=CLV 0.07 -12.20
14 Qtum title=QTUM 4.12 -12.19
15 Solana title=SOL 135.90 -12.19
16 BurgerCities title=BURGER 0.51 -11.93
17 Ethena title=ENA 1.03 -11.89
18 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 -11.78
19 IRISnet title=IRIS 0.03 -11.77
20 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.09 -11.75
21 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 -11.69
22 Starknet title=STRK 1.32 -11.63
23 Synapse title=SYN 1.04 -11.61
24 Reserve Rights title=RSR <0.01 -11.54
25 VeThor title=VTHO <0.01 -11.52
26 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.68 -11.51
27 Sei title=SEI 0.49 -11.39
28 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 5.14 -11.13
29 Coin98 title=C98 0.28 -11.11
30 Chromia title=CHR 0.31 -11.11

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

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1 房屋建筑许可报告 (Building Permits) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
2 报告房屋开工数量。 (Housing Starts) 周二 (Tue) 16-04-2024 20:30
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6 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 00:30
7 FOMC Member Barkin Speaks (FOMC Member Barkin Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:00
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13 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
14 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
15 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
16 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
17 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
18 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
19 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
20 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
21 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
22 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
23 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


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