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硬币相关 #Utility

币名 细节
DeXe (dexe)
在生态系统中使用DeXe实用程序代币:1.1程序赎回和销毁代币以获得一定比例的交易者补偿.1.2更好地控制DeXe资金。. DeXe功能之一包括从社交交易活动中获得DeXe.network的农业奖励.1.3持有者使用代币进行投票并决定有关以下方面的选择:a.. 销毁代币百分比的时间跨度和调整.b.. 对农业报酬数量的影响增加或减少应计百分比。. 投票决定销毁代币的日期并确定以下耕作细节的奖励.1.4 通过在DEX上质押代币来确保用户存款的系统工作。.
1. Using the DeXe Utility token in the ecosystem:1.1 Programmed redemption and burning of tokens for a certain % of the traders’ compensation.1.2 Control over DeXe treasury better. One of the DeXe functionality includes farming rewards with DeXe.network from social trading activity.1.3 Use of the token by the holders for casting a ballot and settling on choices regarding:a. The timespan and adjustment of the percentage of tokens burned.b. Effect
2 PEPE2.0
Pepe 2.0 (pepe2.0)
关于Pepe 2.0s的项目旨在为所有投资者提供一个真正去中心化的平台。. 从以前的代币错误中吸取教训,并允许完全去中心化。最初作为模因代币的东西已经发展成为更多的东西,未来的公用事业正在规划和在适当的时候推出。是什么让您的项目独一无二的真正去中心化平台、放弃合同和支持项目的卓越开发团队的独特概念见证了 Pepe 2.0 的大规模增长并在短时间内取得了很大的成功。该项目于 2023 年 6 月 28 日启动,迄今为止已实现以下目标,包括多个 Exchange 列表,我们在 Twitter 上已增长到约 16.7k 名关注者,我们通过 Twitter 影响者和 Twitter 空间进行了大量好评。. 现在,每个帖子的推特浏览量/印象量为+20k。. 我们的持有者增加到+9800,还有许多其他人
What is the project about Pepe 2.0s aim is to provide a truly decentralized platform for all investors. Learning from previous tokens mistakes and allowing complete decentralization in all it does.What began as meme token has grown into something much more with future utilities in planning and rolling out in due course.What makes your project uniqueThe unique concept of truly a decentralized platform,renounced contract and exceptional development
Zeebu (zbu)
这个项目是关于Zeebu的,是世界上第一个为电信运营商业务创建的忠诚度实用代币。. Zeebu忠诚度实用代币是一种ERC 20代币,旨在激励和奖励参与Zeebu生态系统的电信运营商。. Zeebu 是一种功能强大且可兑换的忠诚度代币,通过奖励忠诚度福利和显着降低发票成本来提高电信运营商的底线。. Zeebu代币的核心价值主张是为电信运营商市场提供量身定制的忠诚度和奖励系统。2. 是什么让您的项目UniqueZeebu令牌为电信运营商行业提供端到端定制平台。唯一专为B2B交易的忠诚度奖励而设计的代币。Zeebu代币具有1200亿美元的行业现实世界的效用。3. 项目历史。电信公司通过传统的银行和服务产品利用确切的支付处理机制。. 这些产品已经过时,无法满足电信行业的需求,导致高成本支付,不断影响
1. What is the project aboutZeebu is Worlds first loyalty Utility token created for Telecom Carrier Businesses. Zeebu loyalty utility token is an ERC 20 token designed to incentivize and reward Telecom Carriers participating in the Zeebu Ecosystem. Zeebu is a powerful and redeemable loyalty token that raises telecom carriers bottom line by rewarding loyalty benefits and significantly lowering invoice costs. The core value proposition of the Zeebu
Inspect (insp)
什么是 Inspect INSPInspect 是 Web3 的基石,引入了一种创新的第 2 层解决方案,专门用于丰富 X Twitter 等广阔社交生态系统的用户体验。. 作为 X 的首个第 2 层基础架构,Inspect 无缝地允许用户访问一整套精心设计的产品和工具。. 这些资源致力于提供宝贵的见解和基本功能,使用户能够以无与伦比的轻松方式浏览加密货币和 NFT 的动态领域。通过Inspect,用户在加密领域拥有决定性的优势。. 该平台包含一系列经过精心策划的工具,旨在为个人提供增强的市场分析能力,并更深入地了解加密货币领域的社会运动。. 这个全面的工具集不仅为用户提供了实时分析和见解,还促进了明智的决策,并促进了与不断发展的加密货币和 NFT 市场的互动。Inspect 是不可或缺的工
What Is Inspect INSPInspect serves as the cornerstone of Web3,introducing an innovative layer 2 solution specifically crafted to enrich user experiences across expansive social ecosystems like X Twitter. As the inaugural layer 2 infrastructure for X,Inspect seamlessly grants users access to a comprehensive suite of meticulously designed products and tools. These resources are dedicated to offering invaluable insights and essential functionalities
Tatsu (tatsu)
项目概述:Taτsu生态系统代表了一个建立在Bittensor网络上的去中心化平台,旨在彻底改变人工智能和机器学习应用的格局。. 它利用分布式机器学习模型的集体智慧来提供广泛的服务,以满足开发人员、企业和最终用户的需求。目的:Taτsu生态系统的主要目的是使对高级人工智能和机器学习功能的访问民主化。. 通过利用去中心化技术的力量,它旨在使个人和组织能够在不依赖中心化机构或基础设施的情况下开发和部署人工智能驱动的解决方案。功能:去中心化的人工智能服务:生态系统提供了一个去中心化的平台,用户可以在其中访问各种人工智能服务,包括图像生成、文本到语音转换、翻译等。. 这些服务由在 Bittensor 网络上运行的分布式机器学习模型提供支持。API接入:Taτsu提供API接入,允许开发人员将AI功能
Project Overview:The Taτsu Ecosystem represents a decentralized platform built on the Bittensor network,aiming to revolutionize the landscape of AI and machine learning applications. It leverages the collective intelligence of distributed machine learning models to offer a wide range of services,catering to developers,businesses,and endusers.Purpose:The primary purpose of the Taτsu Ecosystem is to democratize access to advanced AI and machine lea
AesirX (aesirx)
###Project 概述AesirX项目代表了向数字生态系统未来的变革性飞跃。. 它是一个全面的基于区块链的平台,包括AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI和AesirX Single Sign On SSO。. 这四个核心组件协同工作,旨在重新定义数据处理方式、保护隐私和获得见解的方式.### 项目的独特性真正使AesirX与众不同的是其对隐私,同意和去中心化的坚定承诺。. AesirX 隐私盾牌允许个人拥有和管理他们的同意和数据,从而赋予他们权力。. AesirX Analytics是数据收集和存储的支柱,采用第一方服务器技术来实现最大的安全性。. AesirX BI为企业开辟了
###Project OverviewThe AesirX project represents a transformative leap into the future of digital ecosystems. It is a comprehensive blockchainbased platform that encompasses AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI,and AesirX Single Sign On SSO. These four core components,working in harmony,are designed to redefine the way data is handled,privacy is safeguarded,and insights are derived.### Uniqueness of the Projec
AiMalls (ait)
AiMalls 是第一个由 stateoftheart 人工智能提供支持的代币化电子商务,并由其实用代币 AIT 和现实世界用例提供支持。. AiMalls 超越了传统的购物体验,将卖家和买家统一在一个无缝的数字平台中,效率和客户满意度至高无上。. 我们的愿景是打破电子商务和消费者之间的壁垒,为 Web3 和 Web2 用户提供他们一直渴望的多功能购物平台。AiMalls 交织了无数高级功能,例如 AI 驱动的产品推荐、增强的搜索功能、用户友好的界面和安全的交易方式。. 我们的目标是创建一个有凝聚力的生态系统,其中用户AiMalls具有丰富的功能,使其成为卖家和买家的强大而有效的平台。. 该平台的一些主要功能包括:个人产品推荐、由 AI 提供支持的客户服务聊天机器人、自动产品分类、移动友好设
AiMalls is the First tokenized ECommerce powered by stateoftheart Artificial Intelligence and underpinned by its utility token AIT with Real World Usecases. AiMalls transcends traditional shopping experiences,unifying sellers and buyers in a seamless digital platform where efficiency and customer satisfaction reign supreme. Our vision is to break down barriers between ecommerce and consumers,providing both Web3 and Web2 users with a versatile sho
Alium Finance (alm)
Alium 金融是一个多链 DeFi 生态系统,拥有雄心勃勃的跨链 DeFi 和 NFT 产品路线图。Alium Swap是一个多链去中心化交易所,具有跨链选项已经在币安智能链,以太坊链,Polygon Matic链,火币生态链,Fantom Opera和Metis Andromeda上运行。. DAO的治理代币和Alium金融产品的实用代币都是混合流动性模型是解决跨链DEX市场流动性问题的一个重要里程碑。. 通过将跨链掉期对流动性的需求最小化到几个关键对,Alium Finance可以实现无缝,安全和最佳的交易者体验。Alium Swap 上的第一批 EVMbridges BSCFantomPolygonMetis 已经启动并运行。在质押方面,Alium Finance开发了一种独特的替代
Alium Finance is a MultiChain DeFi ecosystem with an ambitious roadmap of CrossChain DeFi and NFT products.Alium Swap is a MultiChain Decentralized Exchange with a CrossChain option already operating on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum Chain, Polygon Matic Chain, Huobi ECO Chain, Fantom Opera and Metis Andromeda.ALM token is a core Token of the Alium Finance Ecosystem. Both Governance token for the DAO and the Utility Token for the Alium Finance Pro
AltFi (alt)
AltFi:为去中心化金融的新时代提供动力在快速发展的去中心化金融 DeFi 领域,AltFI 项目是创新的灯塔,有望改变用户与数字资产互动和管理的方式。. 在强大的服务生态系统和对用户赋权的承诺的支持下,AltFi有能力成为金融民主化的推动力。AltFi 的核心:去中心化创新的愿景AltFI 项目由一个明确的愿景驱动:创建一个既可访问又实用的包罗万象的 DeFi 生态系统。. 这一愿景转化为弥合传统金融和DeFi之间差距的使命,使每个人都更容易参与全球经济。目的AltFI项目旨在创建一个既可访问又实用的全方位去中心化金融DeFi生态系统。. 它的使命是弥合传统金融和DeFi之间的差距,让每个人都更容易参与全球经济。功能AltFI项目提供了一套服务,满足DeFi用户的多样化需求,包括: 用于
AltFi: Powering a New Era of Decentralized FinanceIn the rapidly evolving realm of decentralized finance DeFi,the AltFI project stands as a beacon of innovation,poised to transform the way users interact with and manage their digital assets. Backed by a robust ecosystem of services and a commitment to user empowerment,AltFi is wellpositioned to become a driving force in the democratization of finance.At the Heart of AltFi: A Vision of Decentraliz
Arbitrum Charts (arcs)
ARCS是令牌跟踪器的实用令牌网站。. 将用于在其上列出和推广令牌。ARCS允许用户轻松跟踪在Arbitrum,以太坊和币安智能链区块链中构建的所有代币,很快可以添加更多区块链进行跟踪。凭借简洁的设计和易于导航,它希望成为最常用的令牌跟踪器之一,它还具有其他功能,用户可以在其中监控他们的投资组合,或直接在网站上交换令牌,完全安全和简单。.
ARCS is the Utility Token of Token Tracker Website. An will be used to list and promote token on it.ARCS allow users to easy track all tokens build in Arbitrum,Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchain,soon can be added more Blockchains to track.With a clean design and ease of navigation,it wants to be among the most used token trackers,it also has other features,where users can monitor their portfolio,or directly exchang
11 AA
Astarter (aa)
该项目是关于什么的Astarter是卡尔达诺上的一个关键DeFi基础设施中心,具有四个核心应用程序:LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,货币市场和技术服务平台,并得到了卡尔达诺协议创始实体EMURGO的支持。. Astarter 旨在通过提供公平、安全和可访问的开放金融服务来提升其贡献并为卡尔达诺生态系统带来更广泛的可能性,以满足现有和未来在加速 DeFi 应用程序方面的需求,从而为卡尔达诺构建的下一代项目提供支持。 该组件允许维持流动性提供者资金的流动,从而使系统更具可扩展性和安全性。. 系统的核心合约组件由驱动程序合约初始化,这些驱动合约管理所需的交易验证、路由和计算序列。项目的历史记录。Astarter 项目成立于 2021 年初,当时创始团队发布了他们的精简版,概述了该平
What is the project aboutAstarter is a key DeFi infrastructure hub on Cardano that features four core applications: LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,Money Market & Tech Service Platform,with the backing of EMURGO,a founding entity of the Cardano protocol. Astarter aims to elevate its contribution and bring broader possibilities to the Cardano ecosystem by providing fair,safe,and accessible open finance services to meet existing and future demand in accele
AstraAI (astra)
AstraAI是一个尖端平台,旨在将人工智能AI与区块链技术相结合。. 其主要目的是为投资者和交易者加强加密货币市场的决策。. 该平台通过提供以下功能来实现这一目标:AIDriven 项目分析:AstraAI 利用先进的 AI 算法来分析区块链项目。. 它检查网站、白皮书和智能合约等各个方面,为用户提供全面且可操作的见解。自定义 AI 聊天机器人:该平台提供针对不同行业和目的量身定制的可定制 AI 聊天机器人。. 这些聊天机器人旨在协助完成各种任务,提供简化和高效的用户交互。交易和投资工具:AstraAI提供分析市场趋势和图表的工具,帮助交易者识别潜在的交易设置和机会。. 对于投资者来说,它通过新兴项目进行筛选,以突出那些具有高潜力的项目。AstraAI增强市场分析的效用:通过将人工智能与区
AstraAI is a cuttingedge platform designed to integrate artificial intelligence AI with blockchain technology. Its primary purpose is to enhance decisionmaking in the cryptocurrency market for investors and traders. The platform achieves this by offering the following functions:AIDriven Project Analysis: AstraAI utilizes advanced AI algorithms to analyze blockchain projects. It examines various aspects such as websites,whitepapers,and smart contr
AuradX (dalle2)
项目内容简介AuraDX是一个由智能合约和人工智能驱动的去中心化以客户为中心的平台。. 没有集中的管理机构来管理论坛,治理代币将让成员决定AuraDX的路线图。. AuraDX结合了Arbitrum分布式账本和人工智能的优势,为社区成员和爱好者提供了一个面向未来的加密相关产品生态系统。是什么让您的项目独一无二我们有一个 现场工作实用程序 多管 .项目的历史记录。您的项目的下一步是什么您的代币可以用于实用程序目的,例如耕种,质押,启动板,p2p 交易。.
What is the project aboutAuraDX is a decentralized customercentric platform powered by smart contracts and Artificial Intelligence. There is no centralized governing body that governs the forum instead,the governance token will let the members decide the roadmap of AuraDX. AuraDX combines the advantages of Arbitrum distributed ledger and Artificial Intelligence to deliver a futureproof ecosystem of cryptorelated products to community members and
AXIS (axis)
AXIS 实用程序令牌用作区块链生态系统的 API 访问密钥。. 它还有助于事务处理和对数据的访问,并用作运行应用程序的工具。. 例如,如果承运人想要检查取件证明,他需要访问数据库/区块链,并将提交 AXIS 令牌的一小部分来执行此操作。. 同样,托运人将提交令牌的一小部分来验证文件和交付。.
The AXIS Utility token serves as an API access key for the blockchain ecosystem. It also facilitates transactions and access to data, and is used as a vehicle to run applications. For example, if a carrier wants to check on a proof of pickup he needs to access the database/blockchain, and will submit fractions of an AXIS Token to do so. Similarly, a Shipper would submit fractions of a token to validate documents and deliveries.
15 AZM
AZMASK (azm)
Azmask Token是在Azmask平台上发行的数字资产代币,专注于AI交易机器人应用。. 该代币代表了 Azmask 生态系统中资产、权利和服务的价值。. 它旨在促进对Azmasks服务的访问并增强资产的流动性。效用通过使用Azmask令牌,投资者和用户可以轻松访问和使用Azmasks服务,并降低交易费用。. Azmask令牌也可以用作与Azmasks交易和运营相关的所有类型的费用的支付方式。. 此外,Azmask Token可以在二级市场上交易,增加了其流动性和价值。总体而言,Azmask Token 是 Azmask 生态系统的重要组成部分,可实现无缝访问服务并增加资产流动性。. 它是投资者和用户从 Azmask 平台产品中受益的多功能工具。此外,Azmask Token还为投资者
Azmask Token is a digital asset token issued on the Azmask platform,which focuses on AI trading bot applications. This token represents the value of assets,rights,and services within the Azmask ecosystem. It is designed to facilitate access to Azmasks services and enhance liquidity of assets.UtilityBy using Azmask Token,investors and users can easily access and use Azmasks services with reduced transaction fees. Azmask Token can also be used as a
16 BKN
Baskonia Fan Token (bkn)
Bitci Baskonia Token BKN 是一个建立在 Bitcichain.BKN 代币上的 BRC20 智能合约,为其粉丝提供参与调查和活动、享受与数字收藏品、NFT 购买、粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务的机会。BKN令牌通过在未来被纳入Bitci Baskonia的潜在生态系统来提供电子商务机会。它支持投票、捐赠、独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链框架的亮点:Bitci Baskonia代币建立在Bitcichain上,作为原生BRC20代币。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币效用:Bitci Baskonia 代币提供各种粉丝参与选项,包括有限的收藏
Bitci Baskonia Token BKN is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.BKN Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.BKN Token provides ECommerce opportunity by being included in the potential ecosystem of Bitci Baskonia in the future.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Videos and more.Bitci Fan Tokens streng
BeNFT Solutions (beai)
该项目是关于什么的BeNFT 解决方案是一个尖端平台,融合了区块链技术和人工智能人工智能的力量,以提供个性化的学习和赚钱体验。. 我们正在通过提供跨多个学科的各种资源和工具来重塑教育格局,并由我们的专有技术 Learn AI 促进。是什么让您的项目独一无二我们平台的核心是 Learn 引擎,这是一项独特的功能,可为学习者提供身临其境的教育环境,以进行协作和学习。. 但是,BeNFT 超越了传统的电子学习,将进化 NFT、NFE 和 SBT 等 DeFi 功能集成为证书,在 BeNFT DeFi 商店上独家收藏 NFT,以及支持社区驱动事业的非营利组织。项目的历史记录。成立于 2022 年 12 月并推出您的项目的下一步推出令牌门控的 SaaS AI 聊天机器人。. 7月推出学习MVP。. 令
What is the project aboutBeNFT Solutions is a cuttingedge platform that fuses the power of blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence AI to deliver personalized learning and earning experiences. We are reshaping the educational landscape by offering a diverse range of resources and tools across multiple disciplines,facilitated by our proprietary technology,Learn AI.What makes your project uniqueAt the core of our platform lies the Learn en
BetBot (bbot)
BetBot 是一个令人兴奋和创新的 web3 项目,它将投注游戏的快感直接带到您的电报应用程序中。你准备好赌赌GambleFi&TG为您带来BetBot了吗?. 革命性的加密赌场我们每天都会有乐趣和新游戏,充满奖品可以赢得 你想时不时地抓住机会,看看你能不能得分高 现在你的机会在你自己的电报与投注机器人的舒适中 您想每周参加一次大奖抽奖 只需持有$BBOT代币,您就有资格,但你寻求更高的奖金,你说我们的高级彩票条目每周一次,给0.1%或更多的持有者。. 这将是 5k 的奖金,只会随着我们增长而增长 100% 赌场利润支持的赌博服务 Betbots 将每周赚取的所有利润重新分配给赌注者。. 您质押的越多,您获得的份额就越大。. 真实收益与真实奖品$BBOT代币实用程序•持有者的每周彩票条目.
BetBot is an exciting and innovative web3 project that brings the thrill of betting games directly to your Telegram app.Are you ready to take a bet GambleFi & TG brings you BetBot. The revolutionary crypto casinoWe’ll have fun and new games every day,full of prizes to be won Do you want to take a chance every now and then,see if you can score big Nows your chance in the comfort of your own telegram with Betbot You want a lottery entry every week
BiometricFinancial (biofi)
BioFi项目是一种实用代币,它解决了许多人对保护其个人数据的担忧,同时又避免被欺诈者利用。. 随着数据泄露和黑客攻击的增加,21世纪的消费者对服务提供商保护其身份和其他敏感信息的能力失去了信心。. BioFi通过将生物识别身份的速度、安全性和匿名性引入区块链和DeFi空间来帮助解决这个问题。BioFi生态系统包含几种在全球市场上运营的知名产品,并且能够为每个社区的人们提供流行的实用功能。. 使用BioFi生态系统只需要1个$BioFi令牌。. BioFi生态系统的合作伙伴可以轻松地与生物识别API集成,突出了整个服务可以带来的独特效用优势。. Biometric Financial网站展示了目前可用或正在开发的许多产品,同时为全球成千上万的用户提供服务:BioFi本质上是真正的全球性的,不
The BioFi project is a Utility Token that addresses the concerns many people have about safeguarding their personal data while being safe from exploitation by fraudsters. With data breaches and hacks on the rise, consumers in the 21st century are losing faith in the ability of service providers to protect their identity and other sensitive information. BioFi helps solve this problem by bringing the speed, security, and anonymity of biometric iden
birdToken (birdtoken)
$birdToken 是一种建立在哈希图上的代币,用于标记我们的 NFT 集合和我们的令牌实用程序。. 我们依靠我们的 NFT 和独特的代币经济学来设计代币的发展和增长。. 用例包括多发送者,令牌侦测,投资组合跟踪器,P2E和交易统计。.
$birdToken is a token built on Hashgraph tokenizing our NFT collections and our Token Utility. We bank on our NFTs and a unique Tokenomics to engineer the development and growth of the token. Use cases include Multisender,Token Detective,Portfolio Tracker,P2E and Trading Statistics
21 BXC
Bloxies Coin (bxc)
区块链上关于10,000个具有商业权利的独特AI机器人的项目是什么。. Bloxies Coin BXC是推动Bloxies生态系统的终极模因硬币。. 持有者可以期待获得惊喜的奖励。. 随着Bloxies宇宙的发展,可能会增加更多的效用.2.. 是什么让您的项目独一无二为大众提供的有趣的 Web3 入职体验。.
1. What is the project about 10,000 unique AI robots on the blockchain with commercial rights. Bloxies Coin BXC is the ultimate meme coin that fuels the Bloxies ecosystem. Holders can look forward to receiving surprise rewards for their ownership. As the Bloxies universe grows,more utility may be added.2. What makes your project uniqueA fun onboarding experience into Web3 for the masses. Bloxies mission is to celebrate the importance of technolog
Brainers (brainers)
Brainers 社交网络什么是 BrainersBrainers 是一个社交平台。Brainers项目的主要目标是为用户提供通过简单的社交互动创收的独特机会。. 这一举措不仅为参与者提供了另一种收入来源,还旨在从根本上改变公众对社交网络的看法。. 通过促进互动和富有成效的社区,Brainers打算重新定义管理社会数字space.______________________________________________Brainers的规范和价值观 代币实用程序直接参与数字经济 Brainers代币持有者是重视和奖励在线参与的生态系统的积极参与者,为参与式数字经济的新时代铺平了道路。创新的回购机制 Brainers代币回购策略有助于价格稳定和持续价值增长,为代币持有者提供增强的财务安全性和
Brainers Social NetworkWhat is BrainersBrainers is a social platform.The main goal of the Brainers project is to offer users the unique opportunity to generate income through simple social interaction. This initiative not only proposes an alternative source of income for participants but also aims to fundamentally transform the public perception of social networks. By promoting an interactive and productive community,Brainers intends to redefine
23 BLT
Bullets (blt)
项目简介子弹金融是一个去中心化金融DeFi项目,旨在为用户提供加密市场中的高级交易工具和功能。. 项目的主要重点是创建一个去中心化的交易所DEX平台,提供高性能的交易功能,用户友好的界面和创新功能。是什么让您的项目独一无二高级交易功能:该项目专注于提供先进的交易工具和功能,以增强用户的交易体验。. 这包括限价单,止损订单和图表工具等功能,这些功能并非在所有去中心化交易所DEXs上都常见.用户友好界面:BulletSwap旨在创建一个用户友好的界面,迎合新手和有经验的交易者。. 该平台将优先考虑易用性、直观的导航和无缝的交易体验,使其可供更广泛的用户使用。高性能和可扩展性:该项目旨在解决许多现有DEX面临的可扩展性问题。. 通过实施创新技术和优化智能合约架构,BulletSwap旨在提供一个高
What is the project aboutBullets Finance is a decentralized finance DeFi project that aims to provide users with advanced trading tools and features in the crypto market. The projects primary focus is to create a decentralized exchange DEX platform that offers highperformance trading capabilities,userfriendly interfaces,and innovative features.What makes your project uniqueAdvanced Trading Features: The project focuses on providing advanced tradi
Busy (busy)
Busy DAO 是 B2C/C2C 平台的引擎,具有尖端的区块链技术、DeFi 解决方案、公用事业质押和 NFT.许多新平台可以构建在 Busy DAO 引擎上,因为区块链引擎将提供给所有通过智能合约看到优势的人——快速、可扩展,并且没有基于 BusyChain 权益证明的昂贵费用。该项目旨在创建一个全球去中心化和独家平台的生态系统,在第一阶段专注于零工经济,与当前具有排他性、提供服务质量和与去中心化相关的利益的中心化巨头竞争。.
Busy DAO is an engine for B2C/C2C platforms with cuttingedge blockchain technology, DeFi solutions, Utility Staking, and NFTs.Many new platforms can be built on the Busy DAO Engine as Blockchain Engine will be available to everyone who will see an advantage in it through Smart Contracts – fast, scalable, and without expensive fees based on BusyChain proof of stake.The project aims to create an ecosystem of global decentralized and exclusive platf
25 BXN
BXN (bxn)
BlackFort 是一个创新的区块链平台,具有顶级区块链所需的所有属性。. 它是一个第 1 层区块链,与 EVM 兼容、快速、可扩展、安全、高效,并使用 POSA 共识算法,易于访问成为委托人。. BlackFort 还在为他们的用户开发 360 度加密经济,为名为 BXN 的原生第 1 层代币添加越来越多的实用性。. BlackFort 第 1 层区块链于 2023 年 1 月上线,出块时间为 5 秒,可以处理 100k trx/s。. 到目前为止,区块链处理了超过 660 万个区块和超过 1.000.000 笔交易,没有任何错误。Blackfort 自己的客户端钱包已从应用程序和 android 商店下载超过 110.000 次。. 首批受监管的代币化房地产项目即将启动。Blackfo
BlackFort is an innovative blockchain platform that has all the attributes needed for a top–tier blockchain. It is a Layer 1 blockchain that is EVM compatible,fast,scalable,secure,efficient,and uses the POSA consens algotithm with easy access to become a delegator. BlackFort is also developing a 360 degree crypto economy for their users to add more and more utility to the native layer 1 Token called BXN. The BlackFort layer 1 blockchain went live
CarrieVerse (cvtx)
Carrieverse正在围绕Cling Wallet,内容丰富的元宇宙“Carrieverse”,区块链游戏SuperKola Tactics和基于IP的NFT项目“来自太空的Kola”等项目建立一个生态系统。. 在Carrieverse“中,用户可以在现实但独特的元宇宙中享受游戏玩法和教育内容。. “SuperKola Tactics”是一个基于区块链的TCG。. 在这个策略和RPG融合的世界里,用户必须使用创造性的策略来获得胜利。. “Cling”是一个区块链平台,允许用户存储加密货币和游戏资产,并提供DeFi服务,如设计金钱乐高积木。. $CVTX将成为推动生态系统的治理代币,用户可以将代币用于不同的服务和内容。.
Carrieverse is building an ecosystem around projects such as Cling Wallet,contentrich metaverse “Carrieverse”,blockchain game SuperKola Tactics and the IPbased NFT project “Kola From Space”. In Carrieverse”,users can enjoy gameplay,educational content in the realistic but unique metaverse. “SuperKola Tactics” is a blockchainbased TCG. In this world of strategy and RPG convergence,users must use creative strategy to claim victory. “Cling” is a blo
Cartel Coin (cartel)
Cartel Solana 是一个资深的 SOL memecoin 交易者家族,慢慢成为新 SOL memecoin 用户的首选之地。. 在推出后的几个小时内达到 1.5M 美元的市值后,Cartel 在 twitter 上展示了增长最快的模因币之一,在一天内达到了 4K 粉丝。. $CARTEL,尽管处于模因币领域,但它是一个严肃的 DAO,持有者可以联网,交换有关其他项目的信息并赚取$CARTEL。. $CARTEL是我们生态系统的基础,您可以使用它来进入我们的私人 alpha 组,通过突袭获得它等等。. 由著名的 SOL 阿尔法调用者 Cartel Guzman 创立。实用程序:阿尔法电话,突袭平台,社交媒体增长工具...
Cartel Solana is a family of veteran SOL memecoin traders,slowly becoming the goto place for new SOL memecoin users. After reaching a market cap of 1.5M$ within hours fo launch,Cartel has shown one of the fastest growth of memecoins on twitter,reaching 4K followers within a day. $CARTEL,despite being in the memecoin scene,is a serious DAO that holders can network in,to exchange information about other projects and to earn $CARTEL. $CARTEL is the
Catge Coin (catge)
CATGE是启动令牌启动板交换项目背后的实用代币。. 它将用于支付佣金,获得奖励和交易代币化资产。STL正在与初创公司和房地产公司合作,以获得其股权/财产的百分比,并推出由其支持的代币。. 股息,收购利润和月收益率由STL逐次收集,转换为CATGE并分配给代币持有者。像这样,由于资产代币化,STL将突破风险投资行业和房地产投资行业。.
CATGE is the Utility Token behind the Startup Token Launchpad exchange project. Its going to be used to pay commission, get rewards and trade against the tokenized assets.STL is partnering with startups and real estates in order to acquire a % of their equity/property and launch tokens backed by it. Dividends, acquisition profits and monthly yields are collected time by time by STL, converted in CATGE and distributed to the token holders.Like thi
Certicos (cert)
Certicos 是一种实用代币,它使用户能够创建具有多达 10 个 10 个审批者的文档,并使用 P2P 点对点星际文件存储 IPFS 保存到第一个全球加密区块链系统,成本仅为其他传统电子签名文档服务的一小部分。.
Certicos is a Utility Token which enables users to create documents with up to ten 10 approvers; and,save to the first Global Encrypted Blockchain System using P2P Peer to Peer Interplanetary File Storage IPFS for a fraction of the cost of other legacy eSignature Document services.
30 EGG
Chikn Egg (egg)
chikn 是 Avalanches 可升级 NFT 和双代币经济的首要平台,弥合了游戏、DeFi 和元界之间的差距.chikn 也是 10k 可升级 NFT 的原创系列,它们产下了 EGG。EGG是chikn生态系统的原生治理和实用代币,是运行平台所有功能的燃料。chikn DAO管理一个国库,该国库最初持有$feed总供应量的10%,并随着时间的推移而增加。如何使用小鸡蛋:可以质押 EGG 代币来接收饲料,然后可以用来种植小鸡。EGG DAO 管理着一个国库,该国库持有 FEED 总供应量的 10%,并随着时间的推移而增加。由于与chikn平台和我们提供的许多产品的交互,EGG以多种方法燃烧。. 其中一些刻录方法是:所有质押 EGG 的 8.33% 的破损费、FEEDswaps、CNS
chikn is Avalanches premier platform for upgradable NFTs & dualtoken economies, bridging the gap between gaming, DeFi and the Metaverse.chikn are also an original series of 10k upgradable NFTs that lay EGG.EGG is the native Governance & Utility token of the chikn ecosystem, and is the fuel that runs all features of the platform.The chikn DAO governs a Treasury which originally holds 10% of the Total Supply of $feed, and increases over time.How ch
31 0NE
Civfund Stone (0ne)
Stone是文明社区的实用代币:使用CivFarm获得,这是继CivTrade之后构建的第二个产品。. 将资产存入 CivFarm 以赚取石头作为奖励,石头持有者受益于所有产品向第三方的许可,从而带来购买和烧毁石头的收入。. 股票代码 $0NE:零 N E。. 通过 DAO 投票,文明决定将以下实用程序分配给 Stone:拥有 CIV 知识产权 已经申请的第一项专利 从授权给第三方的产品收益中受益购买 CIV 游戏积分,一旦可用 按照社区的指示捐赠给慈善机构 在 CivTradeFarm 上交易在 CivFarm 上购买文明实用程序 NFT 从 civstore.com 购买物品 提供流动性投资营销和开发 作为文明生态系统和社区的额外未来效用 增长。. 最初推出的转让税随着时间的推移而减少,
Stone is the utility token of the Civilization community: earned using CivFarm, the second product built after CivTrade. Deposit assets in CivFarm to earn Stone as a reward; Stoneholders benefit from the licensing of all products to third parties, bringing in revenues to buy and burn Stone. Ticker $0NE: zero N E. Via a DAO vote, Civilization decided to assign the following utilities to Stone:Own the CIV Intellectual Property first patent alread
Utility Cjournal (ucjl)
这个项目是关于什么的CJournal,作为一个阅读赚钱的项目,旨在为加密行业创建透明和可信的链上新闻和评论。. 作为阅读和评论文章的回报,用户可以获得奖励。. CJournal提供第一手区块链新闻,帮助您了解最新的加密货币趋势.$UCJL是Cjournal奖励代币,总计10亿美元。. 用户在阅读和评论文章时赚取$UCJL。. $UCJL可以以固定速率转换为$CJL。. $UCJL可以出售,用于参加未来的社区活动,或付费查看付费文章。是什么让你的项目独一无二区块链技术智能合约使新闻业能够回归价值驱动的新闻业方法。.
What is the project aboutCJournal,as a Read to Earn project,aims to create transparent and credible onchainnewsand reviews for the crypto industry. In return for reading and reviewing articles users earnrewards. CJournal provides firsthand blockchain news to help you understand thelatestcryptocurrency trends.$UCJL is Cjournals reward token,totaling $1billion. Users earn $UCJL when readingandcommenting on article. $UCJL can be converted into $CJL
33 CHB
CoinHub是一个交易和投资平台,拥有CHB的实用代币。我们将为您提供最好的投资对和资产,我们将支持用户投资和交易加密货币的旅程.该交易所是FAJR银行的子集10年的经验由阿联酋中央银行认证地址:建筑号。. 301, 阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜勒拉希姆·卡杰街.
CoinHub is a trading & investing platform with Utility token of CHB.We are building the Internet Of Value.We will offer you the best pairs and assets to invest in and we will support users in journey of investing and trading in Cryptocurrency.The exchange is subset of FAJR BANKWith 10 years of experienceCertified by central bank of UAEAddress: Building No. 301, Abdollah AbdolRahim Khaje St.
Cola Token (cola)
项目描述:ColaFactory是一个基于PulseChain的流动性挖矿项目,融合了智能和独特的挖矿机制。. ColaFactory专注于最大化参与者的回报,提供了一种在PulseChain网络上进行流动性挖矿的创新方法。独特功能:ColaFactory与众不同的是其智能和独特的农业机制。. 与传统的流动性挖矿项目不同,ColaFactory实施先进的算法和策略来优化挖矿奖励并最大限度地降低风险。. 这种智能方法提高了耕作过程的整体效率和盈利能力,使参与者在市场上具有竞争优势。项目历史:ColaFactory由一群区块链爱好者构思,他们对流动性挖矿和去中心化金融DeFi有深刻的理解。. 该项目于[插入起始年份]开始其开发之旅,旨在彻底改变流动性农业的格局。. 该团队进行了广泛的研究,从社区
Project Description:ColaFactory is a yield farming project built on PulseChain,incorporating intelligent and unique farming mechanisms. With a focus on maximizing returns for participants,ColaFactory provides an innovative approach to yield farming on the PulseChain network.Unique Features:What sets ColaFactory apart is its intelligent and unique farming mechanisms. Unlike traditional yield farming projects,ColaFactory implements advanced algorit
Converge Bot (converge)
目的:Converge Bot 旨在简化和保护加密货币管理过程,特别关注以太坊区块链。. 其目的是为加密爱好者提供可靠高效的工具来整合和管理他们的数字资产,增强动态加密市场的安全性和用户体验。功能:Converge Bots 的主要功能是将来自多个钱包的加密资产无缝整合到一个主钱包中。. 它利用 Flashbot 等高级协议来确保私密和安全的交易,保护用户免受抢跑等潜在威胁。. 机器人还通过私钥保持用户对交易的直接控制,强调安全性和信任性。实用性:Converge Bot 的实用性在于它能够显着降低管理加密货币投资组合所涉及的复杂性和时间。. 它提供一键合并、最小化 gas 费用和自动化流程等功能,这对于优化投资策略和投资组合管理至关重要。. Bots的可扩展性和未来与其他区块链的集成设计进
Purpose:Converge Bot is developed to simplify and secure the process of cryptocurrency management,particularly focusing on the Ethereum blockchain. Its purpose is to provide crypto enthusiasts with a reliable and efficient tool for consolidating and managing their digital assets,enhancing both security and user experience in the dynamic crypto market.Function:The Converge Bots primary function is to enable the seamless consolidation of crypto ass
Cremation Coin (cremat)
#What是[CREMAT]关于的。火葬币是一个加密项目,旨在燃烧供应量过高的硬币,如LUNC和SHIB.#What使[CREMAT]独一无二。火葬币将权力交到人民手中。. 除了我们的加密代币,我们还将提供多种方式来燃烧[CREMAT]的#History。. 我们的目标只是帮助LUNC社区恢复,#What是[CREMAT]的下一个目标。火葬币团队有很多令人兴奋的发展,包括在以太坊网络上启动代币和启动我们的第一个 NFT 项目#What该项目可以 [CREMAT] 用于 – 用例/实用程序.Cremation Coin 是一种具有预定 LUNC 销毁的代币和一个正在进行的平台,用于将其作为一种支付形式实施#谁是 [CREMAT] 的创始人和团队成员。Matthew Fitzgerald 联合创
#What is [CREMAT] about.Cremation Coin is a crypto project aimed at burning the supplies of coins with excessively high supplies,such as LUNC and SHIB.#What makes [CREMAT] unique.Cremation Coin puts the power in the hands of the people. Aside from our crypto tokens,we will offer a variety of ways to burn.#History of [CREMAT]. Our goal is simply to help the LUNC community recover.#What’s next for [CREMAT].The Cremation Coin team has a lot of excit
Cronos ID (croid)
Cronos ID是一个建立在Cronos链上的去中心化身份和通信层。. 从广义上讲,Cronos ID将使用户能够在链上发送和接收信息,由人类可读的标识符提供支持。为了实现这一目标,Cronos ID 由 3 个关键子协议提供支持: * 从我们的域名开始,每个用户都将拥有唯一的链上身份,让您轻松找到朋友并交换加密货币 * 通知服务将帮助社区跟踪关键协议事件、警报、NFT 出价等 手动检查您的 DApp 是否有出价或抵押因素的日子已经一去不复返了。. 最后,通过利用消息传递,用户和项目将能够在安全和可验证的环境中相互连接和通信。Tokenomics & Utility$CROID是Cronos ID的原生和治理代币,用于Cronos ID更广泛的生态系统。. 域名订阅模块 用户可以利用此模块
Cronos ID is a decentralised identity and communication layer built on Cronos chain. On a broad level,Cronos ID will give users the ability to send and receive information onchain,powered by humanreadable identifiers.To achieve this,Cronos ID is powered by 3 key subprotocols: * Starting with our Domains,every user will have a unique onchain identity,allowing you to find friends and exchange crypto with ease * The Notifications service will help t
38 CGU
Crypto Global United (cgu)
加密全球联合,CGU 最初是一个向区块链游戏玩家借出 NFT 的平台,帮助他们增加收入并获得更好的游戏赚钱机会。. 在仍然在他们的平台上提供此功能的同时,CGU 已经发展到为其社区提供参与去中心化经济的能力,通过游戏、学习和元宇宙工作机会创造可持续收入,同时学习新的数字技能并与充满活力的全球社区互动。CGU是CGU DAO的原生货币,采用ERC20和BEP20代币的形式,总供应量为10亿。代币实用程序 • 质押 CGU 以获得与特定活动相关的代币奖励 • 质押 CGU 以投票并参与 DAO • 使用 CGU 支付 CGU 网络内的服务 • 未来,CGU 代币还将让社区成员获得独家元界属性、NFT 资产,并参与一系列数字资产机会,参与新的和不断发展的基于区块链游戏的举措。是什么让加密全球联合
Crypto Global United, CGU began as a platform for lending NFTs to blockchain gamers, helping them increase their earnings and access better opportunities on playtoearn titles. Whilst still providing this on their platform, CGU has evolved to offer its community the ability to take part in a decentralised economy, generate sustainable income via play, learn and metaverse work opportunities, while learning new digital skills and engaging with an en
Da Pinchi (pinchi)
Da Pinchi 是一个建立在以太坊区块链上的模因币项目,其特点是其独特的加密货币和社会影响计划融合在一起。. 以下是简明扼要的描述:目的:Da Pinchi 的主要使命是通过慈善捐款支持当地渔民。. 这是通过利用其生态系统内的部分交易来实现的,包括买卖税和商品销售。功能和效用:Eat 2 Earn Program:当用户从 EZ Lobster Company 订购食物时,该计划会奖励用户 Da Pinchi 代币。. 它类似于实际 IRL 公司 EZ Lobster.cWorld Metaverse 的基于加密的现金返还系统:Da Pinchi 正在集成一个名为 cWorld 的虚拟世界,在 Unity 上开发。. 这个元宇宙为用户提供了购买、出售或租赁虚拟地块的机会,并支持各种活动,
Da Pinchi is a memecoin project built on the Ethereum blockchain,characterized by its unique blend of cryptocurrency and social impact initiatives. Heres a clear and concise description:Purpose: The primary mission of Da Pinchi is to support local fishermen through charitable contributions. This is achieved by leveraging a portion of the transactions within its ecosystem,including buy/sell taxes and merchandise sales.Function and Utility:Eat 2 Ea
40 DST
目的DAYSTARTER 是一个 Web3 生活方式 dApp,可改善您的生活方式,并通过专注于唤醒程序来帮助您灌输新习惯并实现您的目标,这是您日常生活的重要组成部分。. DAYSTARTER是METALABS将在Life3s dApp生态系统平台上开发和发布的众多dApp中的第一个。. DAYSTARTER旨在通过熟悉且易于使用的移动应用程序设计,可实现的里程碑和激励措施,将尚未采用加密货币的传统非加密移动应用程序用户无缝地桥接和包含到加密空间,从而帮助加速加密货币的主流采用。. FunctionDAYSTARTER使用用户手机上的各种传感器检测并确定用户所需的唤醒例程操作的性能。. 用户将执行指定的唤醒程序,帮助他们在好心情中醒来并获得DAYSTARTER Point DSP,其实用代币
PurposeDAYSTARTER is a Web3 Lifestyle dApp that improves your lifestyle and helps you instill new habits and reach your goals by focusing on WakeUp Routine, which is an essential part of your daily life. DAYSTARTER is the first of many dApps that will be developed and released on Life3s dApp ecosystem platform by METALABS. DAYSTARTER aims to help accelerate the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies by bridging and encompassing traditional noncr
Deeployer (deep)
tezos上的去中心化建筑平台。. 我们将提供 tezos 上不存在或不好的解决方案和开发。. 实用程序由 defi farmin 机会组成,它们可以将代币用于工具和服务。. 您可以在此处找到所有详细信息。.
Decentralized building platform on tezos. We will provide solutions and dev toold that dont exist or are bad on tezos. Utility is composed of defi farmin oportunities,they can use the token for the tools and services. Furthermore stsking the deep token gets users into gaming and defi icos in ojr future launchpad. You can find all the details here
DeepSouth AI (south)
DeepSouth AI 是一种创新的人工智能 AI 系统,将先进的神经形态计算原理与一系列 AI 功能相结合。目的:DeepSouth AI 旨在通过提供多功能和以用户为中心的 AI 体验来改变用户与计算设备的交互方式。功能:自主AI:使用户能够通过语音和文本命令操作计算机和设备。. 人工智能自主解释和执行指令,提高可用性和效率。视觉人工智能:利用神经形态算法对图像和视频进行实时、准确的描述,使各种应用受益,包括帮助视障人士、加强教育和提高安全性。对话式 AI:充当对话式合作伙伴,能够理解和响应各种查询和命令。. 它提供知识、帮助和定制选项。效用:项目效用围绕$SOUTH令牌展开,这是访问DeepSouth AI的核心。. 用户连接他们的数字钱包并持有$SOUTH代币以访问该应用程序。.
DeepSouth AI is an innovative artificial intelligence AI system that combines advanced neuromorphic computing principles with a range of AI functionalities.Purpose:DeepSouth AI is designed to transform how users interact with computing devices by providing a multifunctional and usercentric AI experience.Functions:Autonomous AI: Enables users to operate computers and devices through voice and text commands. The AI autonomously interprets and execu
Defina Finance (fina)
$FINA是 Defina 元界生态系统的 BEP20 治理和实用代币。. $FINA有多种用例,它在游戏和社区治理中都发挥着非常重要的作用。效用:游戏币:购买神秘盒子来铸造自己的英雄。在二级市场上买卖英雄 NFT。购买游戏内资产,如消耗品突破药水、重生水晶、体力药水。. 通过使用重生和共振来增强英雄,在PVP矿池中质押以提高产量。治理Defina团队正计划采用治理系统,使Defina Finance成为一个分散的自治组织。. $FINA将成为社区进行提案投票的治理代币。. Defina团队将首先从集中式运营开始,然后逐渐转向分散式项目,以确保项目启动强劲。Defi 奖励为了增加去中心化交易所 DEX 上$FINA的流动性,我们保留的代币的一部分将奖励给流动性提供者。.
$FINA is BEP20 governance and utility token for the Defina Metaverse ecosystem. There are multiple use cases for $FINA and it plays a very important role in both gaming and community governance.Utility: Game Currency:Buying Mystery Boxes to mint your own heroes.Buying and Selling Hero NFTs in the secondary marketplace.Purchasing ingame assets such as consumables Breakthrough Potions, Rebirth Crystals, Stamina Potions. Enhancing heroes by using Re
Delta Exchange (deto)
Delta Exchange Token DETO 是一种 ERC20 实用程序和奖励代币,将为 Delta Exchange 提供动力,并集成在交易所的整个价值链中。. 通过 DETO,我们的目标是融合 CeFi 和 DeFi 的最佳功能。. 它利用做市池获得流动性,使其类似于现有的DeFi自动做市商,但有一些重要的区别。德托的显著特点:1.. 贸易农业:交易者赚取的 DETO 与他们在 Delta.2 上的交易成正比。. 流动性挖掘 单币池BTC和USDT上的AMM最终将添加更多。.
Delta Exchange Token DETO is an ERC20 utility and rewards token that will power Delta Exchange and is integrated across the value chain of the exchange. With DETO, we aim to converge the best of features from CeFi and DeFi. It utilizes marketmaking pools for liquidity, making it similar to existing DeFi automated market makers, with some important differences.Salient features of DETO:1. Trade Farming: Traders earn DETO proportional to their trad
Derp Birds (derp)
$DERP代币将作为Derp Birds项目的实用代币。. 玩家将通过质押持有他们的 Derp NFT、解锁成就、与社区互动以及参与项目的各种路线图功能作为奖励来赚取 $DERP。NFT 社区是多样化的,每个收藏家都在寻找与他们收集的 NFT 不同的东西。. 因此,$DERP的初始和未来用途分为两大类,以确保更广泛的收藏家从赚取$DERP中受益。. $DERP用途的两类是:游戏化/路线图特定与游戏化路线图功能相关的用途,例如 PRED 军械库、派系战争、解锁新角色槽等。特定用途与 Derp Birds 项目的游戏化路线图功能没有直接关系的用途,例如抽奖系统、与我们自己的铸币技术相关的可能效用,以及与其他 Cardano NFT 项目相关的用途。.
The $DERP token will serve as the utility token for the Derp Birds project. Players will earn$DERP through staking holding their Derp NFTs,unlocking achievements,engaging withthe community,and as rewards for participating throughout the various roadmap features ofthe project.The NFT community is diverse and each collector is looking for something different from theNFTs they collect. As such,the initial and future uses for $DERP fall into two prim
DevvE (devve)
DevvE是一种加密货币,旨在通过创建财务模型来支持开发和维护ESG数据和资产的安全性和透明度的运营成本,并为支持ESG目标的绿色项目投资提供资金,并创造额外的ESG资产,从而支持应对环境和社会挑战的努力。. DevvE也是DevvX区块链的平台加密货币。DevvX区块链平台是一个符合ISO标准的绿色区块链,因为它具有超低的功耗,能耗是比特币的1/3十亿分之一。. DevvX 是一个独特的第 1 层区块链,由分片或独立区块链组成,可以通过一种新颖的交叉分片机制进行通信。. DevvE UtilityDevvE目前有三个主要的实用程序类别,但Forevver协会也将随着时间的推移评估其他实用程序领域。. DevvE代币的以下核心功能在代币生成活动中可用:通过验证节点提供信任资助有价值的ESG项
DevvE is a cryptocurrency designed to support efforts in addressing environmental and socialchallenges by creating a financial model to support the operational costs of developing andmaintaining the security and transparency of ESG data and assets,and generating funds forinvestments in green projects that support ESG goals and create additional ESG assets. DevvE isalso the platform cryptocurrency for the DevvX blockchain.The DevvX blockchain plat
Doctor Evil (evil)
关于Doctor Evil Crypto:Doctor Evil Crypto是一种革命性的模因代币,旨在重新定义去中心化生态系统中的交互。. 该项目将俏皮的恶作剧与先进的技术相结合,提供独特而有趣的加密货币体验。. 与传统代币不同,邪恶博士将自己定位为一股创造力,使去中心化金融 DeFi 领域的竞争保持警惕。关于什么的项目邪恶博士加密试图通过将模因的概念与加密货币相结合,为金融领域注入一定程度的趣味性。. 该代币旨在使用户能够拥抱他们淘气的一面,并在DeFi的黑暗面中进行令人兴奋的冒险。. 该代币专为那些希望摆脱平凡并探索激动人心的加密货币体验的人而设计。. 它不仅仅是一种象征,它是一种破坏模因经济并为金融增添一丝恶作剧的运动。您的项目历史:邪恶博士加密是一个相当新的项目,没有提供更详细的
About Doctor Evil Crypto:Doctor Evil Crypto is a revolutionary meme token aiming to redefine interactions within decentralized ecosystems. The project combines playful mischief with advanced technology to offer a unique and entertaining cryptocurrency experience. Unlike conventional tokens,Doctor Evil positions itself as an inventive force that keeps the competition in the decentralized finance DeFi sector alert.What is the project aboutDoctor Ev
48 DOGE1
DOGE-1 (doge1)
在前所未有的技术,金融和太空探索融合中,由几何能源公司GEC发起的CubeSat任务DOGE1有望彻底改变我们对月球和加密货币的看法。. 受流行的狗狗币的启发和创新的驱动,这个项目将创造历史。DOGE1DOGE1是一项开创性的任务,它将用SpaceX Falcon 9火箭将一颗40公斤的紧凑型卫星送入月球轨道。. 其主要目标是捕获月球表面的图像和数据,提高我们对月球地质和潜在资源的认识。. 使DOGE1与众不同的是其空间艺术显示,能够将机载摄像头捕获的广告图像广播回地球.DOGE1令牌的诞生DOGE1任务最迷人的方面之一是DOGE1令牌的诞生。. 这种加密货币代币的灵感来自这一开创性事件,旨在弥合加密货币世界与太空探索之间的差距。DOGE1代币:是什么让它与众不同 受到太空探索的启发:DOG
In an unprecedented fusion of technology,finance,and space exploration,DOGE1,a CubeSat mission initiated by Geometric Energy Corporation GEC,is poised to revolutionize our perception of the moon and cryptocurrencies. Inspired by the popular Dogecoin and driven by innovation,this project is set to make history.What is DOGE1DOGE1 is a groundbreaking mission that will send a compact 40kg satellite into lunar orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It
49 DPF
Dogepad Finance (dpf)
$DPF是受模因启发和效用驱动的。. 一个多样化的多链 defi 生态系统,提供多种短期和长期效用以及流行的模因概念。. 利用我们的经验来了解市场动态,我们的品牌决策是谨慎的。. 众所周知,模因硬币与独特的实用程序包混合有可能创造新记录并打破当时的正常情况。. $DPX代表了一群对成功充满热情和团结目标的人。.
$DPF is Meme Inspired and Utility Driven. A diverse multichain defi ecosystem which offers multiple short and long term utility alongside a popular meme concept. Using our experience to understand market dynamics our branding decision was made carefully. Its known that meme coins mixed with a unique utility package have the potential to set new records and shatter whats normal at that time. $DPX represents a collective of people with a passion to
DongCoin (dong)
项目是关于东币的 똥코인 是韩国第一个不包括 Luna 的 s*** 硬币。. 韩国人喜欢加密货币,但到目前为止,他们在早期的链上只有很少的存在,被亲切地称为s***硬币。. DongCoin的创建是为了给链上的韩国人自己的硬币享受。是什么让你的项目独一无二韩国第一个 s*** 硬币不包括 Luna你的项目的下一步没有正式的路线图我们确实有计划,但宁愿承诺不足和超额交付您的项目历史。您的代币可以用于实用程序,而不是代币经济学DongCoin的创建是为了给链上韩国人自己的硬币享受。..
What is the project aboutDongCoin 똥코인 is Korea’s first s***coin excluding Luna. Koreans love cryptocurrency,but up until now they have only had a small presence in early,onchainonly coins lovingly referred to as s***coins. DongCoin was created in order to give onchain Koreans their own coin to enjoy.What makes your project uniqueKoreas first s***coin excluding LunaWhat’s next for your projectNo formal roadmap we do have plans but would rather und
Drunk Skunks Drinking Club (stink)
臭味是DSDC生态系统的主要实用硬币.拥有醉酒臭鼬可以让您成为醉酒臭鼬饮酒俱乐部的会员资格,这是一个社交俱乐部,只有会员才能享受独家优惠。. 醉酒臭鼬饮酒俱乐部将包括社交聚会、商品赠品、竞赛和回馈给我们的独家持有者。质押你的臭鼬并赚取$STINKStake你的$STINK并赚取$STINKUse $STINK,以严格按照$STINK改变你的臭鼬购买额外的 NFT DSDC 版。.
STINK Is Main Utility coin of the DSDC Ecosystem.Owning a Drunk Skunk gets you membership to the Drunk Skunks Drinking Club a social club with exclusive members only benefits. The Drunk Skunk Drinking Club will include social meetups,merch giveaways,contests and givebacks to our exclusive holders.Stake your Skunks and earn $STINKStake your $STINK and earn $STINKUse $STINK to mutate your SkunkPurchase additional NFT DSDC Edition strictly with $STI
E.C. Vitoria Fan Token (vtra)
什么是维多利亚代币Esporte Clube Vitória代币 VITORIA是一个建立在Bitcichain上的BRC20智能合约.VITORIA代币为其粉丝提供了参与调查和活动的机会,享受与数字收藏品,NFT购买,粉丝奖励或精彩体验相关的游戏和任务。维多利亚代币将在未来被纳入维多利亚电子竞技俱乐部的潜在生态系统中,提供 ECommerce.It 投票、捐赠、独家视频等。Bitci粉丝代币通过为球迷提供与他们最喜欢的球队互动和成长的新方式来加强球队和球迷之间的联系。项目区块链框架的亮点:Esporte Clube Vitória代币建立在Bitcichain上,作为原生BRC20代币。. 这为粉丝提供了广泛的代币功能,具有更高的可访问性和更低的成本。. 代币效用:Esporte Club
What is VITORIA TokenEsporte Clube Vitória Token VITORIA is a BRC20 smart contract built on Bitcichain.VITORIA Token offers its fans the opportunity to participate in surveys and events, enjoy games and quests linked to digital collectibles, NFT purchases, fan rewards or great experiences.VITORIA Token will be included in the potential ecosystem of Esporte Clube Vitória in the future, providing ECommerce.It enables Voting, Donation, Exclusive Vid
ELON DRAGON (elondragon)
与 ELON DRAGON 一起踏上非凡的旅程,这是一个传奇的模因币项目,它体现了创新精神、韧性和加密宇宙🌟的无限冒险,$ELONDRAGON从炽热的想象力深处涌现出来,灵感来自神秘的埃隆马斯克和龙的神话魅力。. 在突破界限的炽热热情的推动下,我们的硬币囊括了大胆的探索精神和激动人心的、不断发展的加密货币世界。 这就是ELON DRAGON在星空中脱颖而出的原因:社区驱动:在$ELONDRAGON的核心,一个充满活力和激情的社区,因翱翔到新高度的愿景而团结在一起。 🔥. 我们一起为这个奇幻的旅程注入了活力,营造了一个让每个声音都能产生共鸣的空间。创新实用性:除了其迷人的概念之外,ELON DRAGON 不仅仅是一个模因。. 通过战略合作伙伴关系和突破性的公用事业,ELON DRAGON旨在超
Embark on an extraordinary journey with ELON DRAGON,a legendary meme coin project that encapsulates the spirit of innovation,resilience,and the boundless adventures of the crypto universe 🌟$ELONDRAGON emerges from the fiery depths of imagination,inspired by the enigmatic Elon Musk and the mythical allure of dragons. Fueled by a fiery passion for pushing the boundaries,our coin encapsulates the audacious spirit of exploration and the thrilling,eve
Eternal AI (mind)
描述:Eternal AI是一个创新项目,位于人工智能和个人数字遗产的交叉点。. 其目的是将人类意识数字化,从而能够创建体现个人个性和记忆的个性化人工智能模型。. 这项雄心勃勃的冒险旨在重新定义人工智能技术和个人连接的界限,提供一种数字永生的形式。目的数字不朽:永恒的人工智能旨在以数字形式保存人类意识,允许用户与自己或亲人的数字版本进行交互。个人遗产:它专注于创造持久的数字遗产,囊括个人的本质、记忆和个性特征。功能:个性化AI模型:该项目涉及开发反映每个用户独特特征的AI实体,超越标准AI助手的能力。意识上传:用户可以上传他们的意识、记忆和人格特征,以创建一个反映他们角色的数字实体。效用:情感连续性:为用户提供一个平台,以保持与自己或亲人的数字版本的情感联系和互动。遗产保存:提供一种独特的方
Description:Eternal AI is an innovative project at the intersection of artificial intelligence and personal digital legacy. Its purpose is to digitize human consciousness,enabling the creation of personalized AI models that embody individual personalities and memories. This ambitious venture aims to redefine the boundaries of AI technology and personal connectivity,offering a form of digital immortality.PurposeDigital Immortality: Eternal AI seek
55 EXA
Exactly Token (exa)
项目是关于什么的 Exact 是一个去中心化的开源 DeFi 协议,允许用户通过存款轻松交换其加密资产的价值,并以可变和固定利率借款。是什么让您的项目与众不同 与其他根据各种到期代币价格确定固定利率的固定利率协议不同,Exact Protocol是第一个根据具有不同到期日期的池的利用率确定固定利率的协议。. 这意味着该协议不需要自定义AMM来交易到期代币,它只需要一个可变利率池,该池始终如一地为不同的固定利率池提供流动性。您的项目历史:Exact Protocol 于 2021 年 7 月启动,于 2022 年 11 月在以太坊主网上推出,并于 2023 年 3 月由具有软件、经济、金融和数学专业知识的利益相关者团队推出至 Optimism。Exact 由长期资本合作伙伴资助,这些合作伙伴与
What is the project about Exactly is a decentralized and opensource DeFi protocol that allows users to exchange the value of their crypto assets through deposits easily and borrows with variable and fixed interest rates.What makes your project unique Unlike other fixed rate protocols that determine fixed rates based on the price of various maturity tokens,Exactly Protocol is the first to determine fixed rates based on the utilization rate of pool
Excelon (xlon)
Excelon XLON Coin是XLON Chain的原生硬币,XLON Chain是下一代公共区块链,可实现人与企业之间的即时全球交易。. Excelon XLON Coin正在成为EXCELON生态系统中支付和DeFi服务技术不可或缺的一部分。. EXCELON 生态系统使用 Excelon XLON 硬币作为其平台上所有支付和奖励的原生实用货币,从而为现成的市场贡献了一个具有高度多样性产品和服务的现成市场,例如 IBAN 钱包、万事达卡/Visa 借记卡、加密钱包和交易所、Defi Earn、质押和信用功能等。Excelon XLON Coin可以与分散的钱包一起使用,以最低的成本和安全性实时执行交易,获得质押和智能合约执行的收益以及参与采矿服务的奖励。. 同时,XLON可以在Ex
Excelon XLON Coin is the native coin of XLON Chain, a nextgeneration public blockchain that enables instant global transactions between people and businesses. Excelon XLON Coin is becoming an integral part of the EXCELON Ecosystem in terms of technology for its payment and DeFi services. The EXCELON Ecosystem uses the Excelon XLON Coin as the Native Utility Currency for all payments and rewards on its platform, thus contributin
Extra Finance (extra)
Extra Finance是一个基于乐观主义的杠杆流动性挖矿和借贷协议,是什么让你的项目独一无二在Extra Finance上,用户可以实施定制的挖矿策略,或存入贷款池以赚取贷款利息。项目的历史记录。2023 年 3 月 23 日 乐观测试网启动2023 年 5 月 9 日 乐观主网启动您的项目的下一步Extra Finance 的路线图如下:2023 Q3:集成 CLAMMOneclick 流动性挖矿模板流动性挖矿模拟和计算工具2023 Q4:高级策略金库发布2024 Q1:社会农业:用户对用户收益策略 以下额外融资 V2您的代币可以用来做什么Extra Finance 使用两个代币来管理其效用和治理:'$EXTRA' — 协议的ERC20实用代币'$veEXTRA' — 协议'$EXTR
What is the project aboutExtra Finance is a leveraged yield farming & lending protocol built on Optimism.What makes your project uniqueOn Extra Finance,users can implement customized farming strategies,or deposit to lending pools to earn lending interest.History of your project.Mar 23,2023 Testnet Launch on OptimismMay 9,2023 Mainnet Launch on OptimismWhat’s next for your projectExtra Finance’s roadmap is as follows:2023 Q3:Integrate CLAMMOneclic
58 FAN
Fanadise (fan)
法纳迪斯是世界上第一个影响者实用 NFT 平台。. 使用 Fanadise 您可以从您最喜欢的创作者那里收集、质押、购买和出售 NFT、体验和服务。.
Fanadise is the worlds first influencer Utility NFTs platform. With Fanadise you can collect, stake, buy and sell NFTs, experiences and services from your favourite creators.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 63,704.00 4,164,650,161.40
2 ARS title=ARS 1,045.20 2,151,102,756.20
3 ETH title=ETH 3,053.84 1,725,167,036.77
4 SOL title=SOL 142.37 1,494,721,727.23
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 375,866,137.76
6 WIF title=WIF 2.88 321,417,166.10
7 ENA title=ENA 0.99 308,269,750.82
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 304,515,276.47
9 XRP title=XRP 0.51 297,308,341.84
10 BOME title=BOME 0.01 217,543,841.53
11 RUNE title=RUNE 5.32 189,700,659.83
12 ORDI title=ORDI 45.44 123,597,721.14
13 SAGA title=SAGA 4.26 121,710,879.82
14 WLD title=WLD 4.96 121,167,267.77
15 NEAR title=NEAR 5.68 115,617,761.52
16 AVAX title=AVAX 34.93 106,542,343.04
17 ADA title=ADA 0.48 94,643,675.99
18 SUI title=SUI 1.32 89,690,096.22
19 TIA title=TIA 11.02 88,323,794.43
20 MATIC title=MATIC 0.68 78,090,177.77
21 LINK title=LINK 14.09 77,680,410.01
22 JTO title=JTO 3.62 72,827,967.61
23 FTM title=FTM 0.69 70,917,147.84
24 OMNI title=OMNI 25.65 70,032,644.50
25 FIL title=FIL 6.22 68,105,280.85
26 RNDR title=RNDR 7.99 66,696,954.16
27 TRX title=TRX 0.11 64,169,992.79


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Saga title=SAGA 4.26 +35.06
2 Syscoin title=SYS 0.28 +31.24
3 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.88 +24.10
4 Arweave title=AR 28.85 +22.59
5 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +20.41
6 Jito title=JTO 3.62 +19.57
7 SPACE ID title=ID 0.81 +18.40
8 Tensor title=TNSR 0.93 +17.07
9 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.69 +16.55
10 Dymension title=DYM 4.04 +16.02
11 THORChain title=RUNE 5.32 +15.99
12 Internet Computer title=ICP 14.10 +15.95
13 Ethena title=ENA 0.99 +15.50
14 Galxe title=GAL 3.68 +14.78
15 Celestia title=TIA 11.02 +14.67
16 Automata title=ATA 0.16 +14.47
17 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +14.34
18 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.42 +14.09
19 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.73 +14.02
20 Sei title=SEI 0.56 +13.82
21 Orion title=ORN 1.49 +13.22
22 Vite title=VITE 0.02 +13.05
23 Portal title=PORTAL 1.01 +12.80
24 MANTRA title=OM 0.70 +12.68
25 Sui title=SUI 1.32 +12.46
26 Celer Network title=CELR 0.03 +11.84
27 ORDI title=ORDI 45.44 +11.84
28 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.98 +11.81
29 SingularityNET title=AGIX 0.88 +11.58
30 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 +11.56

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
2 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
3 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)
4 USDT 旨在为受通胀影响的国家提供生命线 Tether 首席执行官
(USDT aims to offer a lifeline to inflation stricken nations Tether CEO)
5 加密社区战胜 Token2049 与会者勇敢地度过迪拜风暴
(Crypto community triumphs Token2049 attendees brave Dubai storms)
6 DeFi 平台 Hedgey Finance 受到 4400 万漏洞利用的打击
(DeFi platform Hedgey Finance hit by 44 million exploit)
7 比特币减半将重点放在加密教育计划上
(Bitcoin halving puts focus on crypto education initiatives)
8 Telegram 承诺 TON 区块链计划支持代币化表情符号和贴纸 NFT
(Telegram commits to TON blockchain plans to support tokenized emojis and stickers NFTs)
9 什么是 EigenLayer 以太坊质押协议解释
(What is EigenLayer Ethereums restaking protocol explained)
10 加密货币的历史:加密货币交易所的未来:监管斗争和治理
(History of Crypto The future of crypto exchanges regulatory battles and governance)
11 Runes 协议将在减半后点燃比特币的新赛季
(The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving)
12 OneCoin律师获得保释,等待定罪和10年徒刑的上诉
(OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence)
13 比特币负期货融资利率是即将到来的BTC价格崩盘的迹象吗
(Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash)
14 中国和加密 ETF 泰国 NFT 音乐节 KuCoins 13M 新机器人 亚洲快车
(China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express)
15 随着减半的临近,比特币费用连续 3 天位居以太坊之首
(Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches)
16 比特币持有者在 BTC 下跌期间将 17B 转移到积累钱包中
(Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip)
17 在中东危机恶化的报道中,比特币短暂跌破 60K
(Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis)
18 以太坊流动性质押在第一季度推动 DeFi TVL 达到 100B
(Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter)
19 Degen Chain L3 现在在以太坊生态系统的 TPS 排行榜上名列前茅
(Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem)
20 随着 DeFi 推动第一季度收入,以太坊有望实现 1B 年度利润
(Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue)
21 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
22 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
23 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
24 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
25 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
26 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
27 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
28 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
29 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
30 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
31 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
32 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
33 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
34 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
35 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
36 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
37 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
38 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
39 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
40 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
41 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
42 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
43 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
44 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
45 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
46 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
47 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
48 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
49 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
50 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)


Gold Secured Currency (gsx) Aladdin cvxCRV (acrv) DiamondQ (diq) Qtum (qtum) Winterdog (wdog) AICHAIN (ait) VoldemortTrumpRobotnik-10Neko (ethereum) Göztepe S.K. Fan Token (goz) Pearl Finance (pearl) SW DAO (swd)


INSTAR (instar)SKOLANA (skol)KinetixFi (kfi)DropCoin (drop)RIKEZA (rik)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#climate #CeFi #lending #smart contract #carbon emission #wellness #VR #DAO #green energy #blockchain infrastructure


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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