数字资产基础(数字资产)- TiTdoi (TiTdoi.com)

硬币相关 #Utility-Token

币名 细节
Alium Finance (alm)
Alium 金融是一个多链 DeFi 生态系统,拥有雄心勃勃的跨链 DeFi 和 NFT 产品路线图。Alium Swap是一个多链去中心化交易所,具有跨链选项已经在币安智能链,以太坊链,Polygon Matic链,火币生态链,Fantom Opera和Metis Andromeda上运行。. DAO的治理代币和Alium金融产品的实用代币都是混合流动性模型是解决跨链DEX市场流动性问题的一个重要里程碑。. 通过将跨链掉期对流动性的需求最小化到几个关键对,Alium Finance可以实现无缝,安全和最佳的交易者体验。Alium Swap 上的第一批 EVMbridges BSCFantomPolygonMetis 已经启动并运行。在质押方面,Alium Finance开发了一种独特的替代
Alium Finance is a MultiChain DeFi ecosystem with an ambitious roadmap of CrossChain DeFi and NFT products.Alium Swap is a MultiChain Decentralized Exchange with a CrossChain option already operating on Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum Chain, Polygon Matic Chain, Huobi ECO Chain, Fantom Opera and Metis Andromeda.ALM token is a core Token of the Alium Finance Ecosystem. Both Governance token for the DAO and the Utility Token for the Alium Finance Pro
Arbitrum Charts (arcs)
ARCS是令牌跟踪器的实用令牌网站。. 将用于在其上列出和推广令牌。ARCS允许用户轻松跟踪在Arbitrum,以太坊和币安智能链区块链中构建的所有代币,很快可以添加更多区块链进行跟踪。凭借简洁的设计和易于导航,它希望成为最常用的令牌跟踪器之一,它还具有其他功能,用户可以在其中监控他们的投资组合,或直接在网站上交换令牌,完全安全和简单。.
ARCS is the Utility Token of Token Tracker Website. An will be used to list and promote token on it.ARCS allow users to easy track all tokens build in Arbitrum,Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchain,soon can be added more Blockchains to track.With a clean design and ease of navigation,it wants to be among the most used token trackers,it also has other features,where users can monitor their portfolio,or directly exchang
BiometricFinancial (biofi)
BioFi项目是一种实用代币,它解决了许多人对保护其个人数据的担忧,同时又避免被欺诈者利用。. 随着数据泄露和黑客攻击的增加,21世纪的消费者对服务提供商保护其身份和其他敏感信息的能力失去了信心。. BioFi通过将生物识别身份的速度、安全性和匿名性引入区块链和DeFi空间来帮助解决这个问题。BioFi生态系统包含几种在全球市场上运营的知名产品,并且能够为每个社区的人们提供流行的实用功能。. 使用BioFi生态系统只需要1个$BioFi令牌。. BioFi生态系统的合作伙伴可以轻松地与生物识别API集成,突出了整个服务可以带来的独特效用优势。. Biometric Financial网站展示了目前可用或正在开发的许多产品,同时为全球成千上万的用户提供服务:BioFi本质上是真正的全球性的,不
The BioFi project is a Utility Token that addresses the concerns many people have about safeguarding their personal data while being safe from exploitation by fraudsters. With data breaches and hacks on the rise, consumers in the 21st century are losing faith in the ability of service providers to protect their identity and other sensitive information. BioFi helps solve this problem by bringing the speed, security, and anonymity of biometric iden
Catge Coin (catge)
CATGE是启动令牌启动板交换项目背后的实用代币。. 它将用于支付佣金,获得奖励和交易代币化资产。STL正在与初创公司和房地产公司合作,以获得其股权/财产的百分比,并推出由其支持的代币。. 股息,收购利润和月收益率由STL逐次收集,转换为CATGE并分配给代币持有者。像这样,由于资产代币化,STL将突破风险投资行业和房地产投资行业。.
CATGE is the Utility Token behind the Startup Token Launchpad exchange project. Its going to be used to pay commission, get rewards and trade against the tokenized assets.STL is partnering with startups and real estates in order to acquire a % of their equity/property and launch tokens backed by it. Dividends, acquisition profits and monthly yields are collected time by time by STL, converted in CATGE and distributed to the token holders.Like thi
Certicos (cert)
Certicos 是一种实用代币,它使用户能够创建具有多达 10 个 10 个审批者的文档,并使用 P2P 点对点星际文件存储 IPFS 保存到第一个全球加密区块链系统,成本仅为其他传统电子签名文档服务的一小部分。.
Certicos is a Utility Token which enables users to create documents with up to ten 10 approvers; and,save to the first Global Encrypted Blockchain System using P2P Peer to Peer Interplanetary File Storage IPFS for a fraction of the cost of other legacy eSignature Document services.
Gold Utility Token (agf)
Gold Utility Token AGF is a shariacompliant utility token targeting the Halal economy and based on gold assets.
GreenTrust (gnt)
GreenTrust Token “GNT” 是一个可持续的去中心化区块链应用程序,以成为第一个具有碳中和网络的实用代币而自豪。它的效用在于它允许用户通过将GNT换成“CO2抵消证书”来减少个人碳足迹的能力。GreenTrust Token的目标是对比区块链技术的碳排放,并促进加密货币流程和应用中的可持续能源使用。. GNT认为,碳中和可以通过承诺测量,减少并最终抵消碳足迹来实现。. 为了测量GNT网络的碳足迹,开发了“绿色信任令牌模型”。. 该模型动态地将 GNT 交易的数量与等效的 CO2 排放量联系起来。. 为了减少并最终抵消二氧化碳排放,GNT团队致力于沿着两条主要路线实施和加速举措:源头补偿和减少。因此,GreenTrust Token使用区块链来调整不同利益相关者,开发商和企业的
GreenTrust Token “GNT” is a sustainable decentralized blockchain application that prides itself of being the first Utility Token with a carbonneutral network.Its utility resides on its capability to allow users to reduce their individual carbon footprint by exchanging GNT for “CO2 Offset Certificates”.The goal of GreenTrust Token is to contrast the carbon emission of the blockchain technology and promote sustainable energy use in cryptocurrencies
HeartX Utility Token (hnx)
关于HeartX的项目是什么 正在努力建立一个具有高质量艺术内容的交易和社区平台。. 如果您是数字艺术的创作者,并且对进入 Web3 领域有热情和兴趣,并希望建立您的粉丝社区,请申请成为我们的认证艺术家,以便您的作品可以被更多人看到、喜欢和交易。. 您的代币可以用于什么对于收藏家和普通用户,HNX可用于升级他们的等级,投资他们喜欢的艺术品,并在应用程序中解锁不同的权利。对于艺术家来说,HNX 可以用来铸造自己的艺术品 nft。.
What is the project about HeartX is striving to build a trading and community platform with highquality art content. If you are a creator of digital art and have enthusiasm and interest in entering the Web3 field,and want to establish your fan community,please apply to become our certified artist so that your works can be seen,liked and traded by more people. What can your token be used forFor collector & normal users,HNX can be used to upgrade t
INJ BOYS (boys)
$BOYS 是 INJBOYS NFT 项目的主要实用代币。. 我们已经建立了一个高风险回报的质押游戏和$BOYS作为我们的主要游戏代币,用于奖励我们的NFT持有者的积极参与。.
$BOYS is the Main Utility Token of the INJBOYS NFT Project. We have built a High Risk Reward Staking Game & the $BOYS as our Main Gaming Token which is used to reward the active participation of our NFT Holders.
Kvants AI (kvnt)
项目是什么 aboutKvants.ai 正在建立一个去中心化资产管理平台,该平台将行业领先的对冲基金开发的性能最佳的 AIDriven 交易策略代币化。. 通过完全合规且易于使用的 NFT 代币化基金认购模式为散户投资者提供机构资产管理策略。 是什么让您的项目独一无二‣ 去中心化资产管理平台平台 KYC NFT Mint Live 框架的 Alpha 版本,用于对领先的对冲基金策略进行代币化投资。 Kvants 平台上已经有 9 种 AIDriven 策略。 增强型 ETH 和 BTC 波动性策略‣ 保守,平衡和激进的风险状况 适用于每种策略,以匹配投资者的风险偏好。. 项目的历史记录。核心团队 Kvants.ai 的核心团队由风险投资家、连续创业者、华尔街投资银行家组成,打造人才的完美协
What is the project aboutKvants.ai is building a Decentralized Asset Management platform that tokenizes topperforming AIDriven trading strategies developed by industryleading hedge funds. Offering retail investors access to institutional asset management strategies via a fullycompliant and easytouse NFT Tokenised Fund Subscription Model.What makes your project unique‣ Alpha Version of the Decentralised Asset Management Platform Platform KYC NFT
Marmalade Token (mard)
Klaytn 链上的金属和 P2E 项目中的绵羊农场,自 2021 年 12 月开始,有 2 个主要内容,包括绵羊农场,玩家可以通过铸造的 NFT 牧场、绵羊、装饰和赛羊饲养绵羊,玩家可以互相比赛,并下注。MARD 代币是一种游戏内的实用代币。. 玩家可以通过出售每只羊的羊毛获得MARD代币,并将其用于其他功能,如绵羊变形和装饰升级.MARD令牌也是赛羊的基础代币,玩家可以押注其他绵羊并赢得奖励。.
Sheepfarm in Metaland P2E Project on Klaytn Chain,started since Dec,2021.There are 2 main contents including Sheep Farm,where players can raise sheep with Minted NFTsPasture,Sheep,Decoration,and Sheep Racing,where players can race with each other,and make bets on it.MARD Token is a ingame Utility Token. Players can obtain MARD Token from selling wools from each sheep,and use it for other functions such as Sheep Morphing and Decoration Upgrades.MA
Matchcup (match)
MATCH代币由美国的一个团队于2022年13月12日推出,是基于区块链的MatchCup生态系统的原生货币。. 与生态系统和生态系统内的所有交互都通过MATCH令牌进行,该令牌充当生态系统的实用令牌。.
Launched in 13/12/2022 by a team based in United States of America,MATCH token is the native currency of the blockchainbased MatchCup ecosystem. All interactions with and within the ecosystem take place via MATCH token,which serves as the ecosystems Utility Token.
13 MNI
MnICorp (mni)
关于MnI的项目是什么 是一个多方面的可交易实用代币,为社区提供真正的去中心化金融原则体验,将拥有土地支持资产的“现实世界”商业企业带入加密领域,让每个人都可以在数万亿美元的行业中获得机构般的参与、互动和指导。是什么让您的项目独一无二 现实世界的资产回报来自现实世界的资产。您的项目历史 MnI 是一种多方面的可交易实用代币,为社区提供真正的去中心化金融原则体验,将拥有土地支持资产的“现实世界”商业企业带入加密领域,让每个人都可以在数万亿美元的行业中获得机构般的参与、互动和指导。. 您不仅可以通过分散的自治组织访问实体,还可以为您提供对实体的定向控制。. 使用治理监督与 DAO 和独特的智能合约进行全球扩张。您的代币可以用于什么用途1。MnI UtilityMnI是一个社区增强的生态系统智能合
What is the project about MnI is a multifaceted tradable Utility Token giving the community a true Decentralized Finance Principled experience that brings “real world” commercial businesses with landbacked assets within reach of the crypto sphere for everyone to access institutionallike participation,interaction and direction within a multi trillion dollar industry.What makes your project unique Real world returns from real world assets.History o
14 OGY
ORIGYN Foundation (ogy)
ORIGYN令牌从此是ORIGYN平台的原生令牌。. OGY是创建ORIGYN真品证书的主要机制,并且需要与平台进行交互。. 根据瑞士监管机构FINMA提出的关于代币分类的标准,OGY代币是一种实用代币,并将公开交易。. 具体来说,OGY 代币提供了访问平台的实用程序 1,该平台是铸造、引用和交易 ORIGYN 证书的。. ORIGYN 证书是一种不可替代的代币 NFT,指的是一个独特的项目。. ORIGYN证书是独特物品的数字孪生,以及每件新的奢侈品,例如手表,包,艺术品等。.
ORIGYN token henceforth OGY is the native token of the ORIGYN platform. OGY is the principal mechanism for the creation of ORIGYN certificates of authenticity and are required to interact with the platform. The OGY token is a Utility Token by the standards put forward by the Swiss Regulators FINMA regarding token classification and will be publicly traded. Specifically, the OGY token provides the utility 1 of access to a platform where ORIGYN Cer
Unique Utility (unqt)
独特的实用代币UNQT是一种ERC20代币,用于与无国界交易所合作。. 独特的实用代币组的基本目标是通过加入先进的资源和全球市场,使世界每个边缘的每个人都能够利用加密形式的货币。.
Unique Utility Token UNQT is an ERC20 token made to work with borderless exchanges. The Unique Utility Token groups essential objective is to empower everybody in each edge of the world to utilize cryptographic forms of money by joining advanced resources and global marketplaces.
16 WCA
WCAPES (wca)
第1步 创建一个独特而独家的5000个三维人物集合,以类人生物为幌子让人想起世界足球的主角。. 这些数字显示了世界主要足球队的制服,每个球队都有独特的角色,使他们在其中或多或少地很少见。. 这些数字通过 ERC721 智能合约 STEP 2 复制 ERC20 智能合约,生成 WCA 实用代币,该代币将用于 NFT 质押过程并参与 DAO 平台,该平台将赋予 WCA 数字投资基金决策的投票权。. 总供应量将为 100,000,000 个代币。. 第3步 创建数字投资基金,负责收购和管理世界足球舞台上新兴球员的形象权。. 这个过程将在已经在世界足球舞台上工作的专业人士的帮助下进行。.
STEP 1 The creation of a unique and exclusive collection of 5000 threedimensional figures that recall the protagonists of world football under the guise of humanoids. The figures show the uniform of the main world football teams and each have unique characters that make them more or less rare among them. The figures are reproduced through an ERC721 Smart Contract STEP 2 An ERC20 smart contract that generates the WCA Utility Token that will be use
17 XV
XV (xv)
XV 代币是所有 Web3 事物的实用代币。. 从游戏、SocialFi 和 Web3 生态系统到带有 RevShare 的 Telegram 交易机器人。.
XV Token is the Utility Token for all things Web3. From Gaming,SocialFi and Web3 ecosystem to Telegram Trading Bot with RevShare.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 63,125.67 3,350,868,736.96
2 ARS title=ARS 1,066.90 1,726,229,751.50
3 ETH title=ETH 3,077.71 1,654,062,556.90
4 SOL title=SOL 134.78 1,309,850,458.86
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 459,205,326.50
6 ENA title=ENA 0.97 365,987,800.50
7 WIF title=WIF 2.63 288,751,969.82
8 XRP title=XRP 0.50 272,554,947.82
9 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 271,154,398.72
10 RUNE title=RUNE 5.05 133,609,940.01
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 124,331,289.47
12 ORDI title=ORDI 42.98 122,521,080.92
13 NEAR title=NEAR 5.38 114,322,232.25
14 AVAX title=AVAX 34.45 114,313,098.28
15 WLD title=WLD 4.97 107,557,916.81
16 BCH title=BCH 485.20 98,691,128.51
17 TIA title=TIA 10.93 97,382,613.34
18 SAGA title=SAGA 3.95 86,719,801.63
19 RNDR title=RNDR 8.20 85,047,133.02
20 FTM title=FTM 0.68 82,077,940.71
21 ADA title=ADA 0.46 79,427,598.34
22 FIL title=FIL 6.04 76,846,737.08
23 SUI title=SUI 1.21 71,310,464.57
24 TRX title=TRX 0.11 71,095,733.18
25 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.83 70,498,823.37
26 PENDLE title=PENDLE 5.95 67,535,670.65
27 LINK title=LINK 13.39 65,060,250.39
28 OP title=OP 2.24 64,445,318.23


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.54 +28.43
2 Contentos title=COS 0.01 +20.16
3 Amp title=AMP <0.01 +16.24
4 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.54 +16.04
5 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 4.77 +15.64
6 Celestia title=TIA 10.93 +15.54
7 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.36 +11.28
8 BinaryX title=BNX 0.75 +11.11
9 Manchester City Fan Token title=CITY 3.92 +10.46
10 Komodo title=KMD 0.42 +10.13
11 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.58 +9.23
12 Ooki title=OOKI <0.01 +9.13
13 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +8.91
14 Alpine F1 Team Fan Token title=ALPINE 2.04 +8.69
15 Streamr title=DATA 0.06 +8.69
16 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 2.84 +8.56
17 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 +8.53
18 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.97 +7.74
19 Viction title=VIC 0.74 +7.57
20 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.18 +7.55
21 Fusionist title=ACE 5.39 +7.45
22 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.20 +7.08
23 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.07 +6.92
24 OG Fan Token title=OG 4.69 +6.84
25 Fantom title=FTM 0.68 +6.60
26 Hifi Finance title=HIFI 0.81 +6.49
27 Cortex title=CTXC 0.30 +6.41
28 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.86 +6.40
29 SKALE title=SKL 0.10 +5.80
30 Stratis title=STRAX 0.08 +5.79


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 SafePal title=SFP 0.72 -10.54
2 MANTRA title=OM 0.78 -10.27
3 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.95 -8.63
4 Ethena title=ENA 0.97 -7.17
5 Bittensor title=TAO 486.80 -6.89
6 Arweave title=AR 24.38 -6.53
7 Stacks title=STX 2.38 -5.14
8 Immutable title=IMX 1.89 -4.49
9 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.32 -4.40
10 W 0.60 -4.00
11 Synapse title=SYN 1.01 -3.74
12 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -3.39
13 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 485.20 -3.37
14 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.55 -3.25
15 Automata title=ATA 0.13 -3.10
16 Starknet title=STRK 1.28 -2.96
17 QuarkChain title=QKC 0.01 -2.95
18 Orion title=ORN 1.53 -2.86
19 Illuvium title=ILV 93.74 -2.78
20 Jito title=JTO 2.61 -2.75
21 Qtum title=QTUM 3.96 -2.68
22 Prom title=PROM 9.61 -2.53
23 Dogecoin title=DOGE 0.15 -2.51
24 REI Network title=REI 0.07 -2.48
25 IQ title=IQ <0.01 -2.20
26 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,406.00 -2.20
27 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.89 -2.14
28 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 3.05 -2.09
29 Lido DAO title=LDO 2.00 -2.06
30 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.09 -1.95

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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(OKX launches Ethereum layer 2 network for lower fees amp interoperability)
18 马斯克向新的 X 用户收取发帖费用,但有人说它不会 039 阻止机器人
(Musk to charge new X users to post but some say it won039t stop the bots)
19 贝莱德比特币ETF是自上周五以来唯一有资金流入的基金
(BlackRocks Bitcoin ETF is the only fund with inflows since Friday)
20 美国国家安全局接管互联网几天后警告爱德华·斯诺登
(NSA just days from taking over the internet warns Edward Snowden)
21 Bored Ape NFT 底价触及两年半以来的最低点
(Bored Ape NFT floor price hits lowest point in over two and a half years)
22 香港批准首批比特币和以太币ETF
(Hong Kong approves first Bitcoin and Ether ETFs)
23 挪威通过数据中心立法,标志着对比特币矿工的更多审查
(Norway passes data center legislation signaling more scrutiny for Bitcoin miners)
24 南非交易所 VALR 赢得双重加密牌照
(South African exchange VALR wins dual crypto licenses)
25 加密 NFT 狂热和数字所有权的历史
(History of Crypto NFT mania and digital ownership)
26 比特币吞噬了新的出价流动性,因为 BTC 价格争夺 65K
(Bitcoin eats up fresh bid liquidity as BTC price fights for 65K)
27 ETH 价格接近 3 年低点与比特币 以太坊 ETF 能否阻止潮流
(ETH price nears 3 year lows vs Bitcoin Will an Ethereum ETF stem the tide)
28 购买比特币,因为你的财富正在消失 Unchained 报告
(Buy Bitcoin because your wealth is melting away Unchained report)
29 基础资产代币化协议因私钥泄露而损失 17M
(Base asset tokenization protocol loses 17M due to private key leak)
30 Meta 宣布推出面向 13 岁及以上人群的 VR 教育元宇宙
(Meta announces VR education metaverse for ages 13 and up)
31 风险投资综述:资本流动和另类融资模式为加密初创公司提供动力
(VC Roundup Capital flows and alternative funding models fuel crypto startups)
32 比特币价格反弹给 BNB TON VET 和 BGB 提振 它会持续下去吗
(Bitcoin price bounce gives BNB TON VET and BGB a boost Will it last)
33 加密侦探警告 DeFi 协议背后的骗子
(Crypto sleuth warns of scammers behind DeFi protocol)
34 传统金融公司现在更喜欢公共区块链 Ex Grayscale exec
(TradFi firms now prefer public blockchains Ex Grayscale exec)
35 美国国税局调查负责人预计今年加密货币逃税将会增加
(IRS investigation chief expects uptick in crypto tax evasion this year)
36 约翰·迪顿(John Deatons)加密货币支持者帮助在参议院竞选中胜过沃伦
(John Deatons crypto backers help outraise Warren in Senate race)
37 今年前 50 名中只有 6 种山寨币的表现优于比特币
(Only 6 altcoins in the top 50 have outperformed Bitcoin this year)
38 比特币矿工可以在减半 10 倍研究后抛售 5B 的 BTC
(Bitcoin miners could dump 5B in BTC after halving 10x Research)
39 GBTC看到16600万资金流出,尽管CEO们都表示平衡
(GBTC sees 166M outflows despite CEOs equilibrium remark)
40 随着中东政治紧张局势升级,比特币暴跌
(Bitcoin nosedives as political tensions escalate in the Middle East)
41 比特币正常下跌导致256M多头被清算分析师
(Bitcoins normal drop leads to 256M longs liquidated Analysts)
42 随着价格暴跌,Solana 未平仓合约减少近 440M 11
(Solana open interest sheds nearly 440M as price slumps 11)
43 币安高管追踪到肯尼亚的引渡正在进行中
(Binance executive tracked to Kenya extradition underway)
44 区块链欺诈集团将 1M 转移到 Blast 进行新计划
(Blockchain fraud group shifts 1M to Blast for new schemes)
45 尼日利亚币安的打击威胁到 Web3 行业
(Nigerias Binance crackdown threatens Web3 industry)
46 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)在Uniswap打击中打破了过去的政策准则
(SEC breaks from past policy guidelines in Uniswap crackdown)
47 随着中东政治紧张局势升级,比特币暴跌
(Bitcoin nose dive as political tensions escalate in the Middle East)
48 Bitcoin039s 039正常下跌039导致256M多头清算分析师
(Bitcoin039s 039normal drop039 leads to 256M longs liquidated analysts)
49 Winklevoss双胞胎成为比特币足球俱乐部的共同所有者,注入4500万BTC
(Winklevoss twins become co owners of Bitcoin soccer club inject 45M of BTC)
50 Coinbase要求就SEC的控制问题提出中间上诉
(Coinbase requests interlocutory appeal over SECs controlling question)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美联储主席(杰罗姆鲍威尔)声明 (Fed Chair Powell Speaks) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 01:15
2 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 17-04-2024 22:30
3 报告概述了美国各地区的经济和金融状况。 (Beige Book) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 02:00
4 投资流向国外和美国以外 (TIC Long-Term Purchases) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 04:00
5 美联储成员 (Loretta J. Mester) 声明 (FOMC Member Mester Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 05:30
6 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 06:30
7 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
8 费城联储制造业指数报告 (Philly Fed Manufacturing Index) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 20:30
9 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:05
10 美联储成员(鲍曼)声明 (FOMC Member Bowman Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
11 美联储成员(威廉姆斯)声明 (FOMC Member Williams Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 21:15
12 美国房屋销售报告 (Existing Home Sales) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
13 月度经济状况领先指数报告 (CB Leading Index m/m) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:00
14 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 22:30
15 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 周四 (Thur) 18-04-2024 23:00
16 FOMC Member Bostic Speaks (FOMC Member Bostic Speaks) 星期五 (Fri) 19-04-2024 05:45


Vikky (vikky) Illuvium (ilv) Nafter (naft) FISCO Coin (fscc) CyberHarbor (cht) OctopusWallet (ocw) Celo (celo) X7101 (x7101) indaHash (idh) GICTrade (gict)


MarbleVerse (rlm)MindVerse (mverse)Bitcoin E-wallet (bitwallet)Fanzee Token (fnz)Elysian ELS (els)

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