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硬币相关 #Yield-Farming

币名 细节
Arbidex (arx)
Arbitrum Exchange是最早的去中心化交易所DEX之一,在Arbitrum上拥有自动做市商AMM。. 与竞争对手相比,Arbitrum Exchange允许以最低的费用交换加密资产 流动性挖矿的奖励是整个Arbitrum中最有利可图的奖励之一。. 此外,Arbitrum Exchange提供了一个独特的功能,允许用户质押$ARX并获得100%的协议收入。. 不仅如此,Arbitrum Exchange没有套利机器人,为您提供最优惠的价格。.
Arbitrum Exchange is one of the first decentralized exchanges DEX with an automated marketmaker AMM on the Arbitrum . Compared to its competitors,Arbitrum Exchange allows the swapping of crypto assets with the lowest fees Rewards from Yield Farming are among the most lucrative in the entire Arbitrum. Additionally,Arbitrum Exchange offers a unique feature that allows users to stake $ARX and earn 100% of the protocol revenue generated. And not only
AXL INU (axl)
Axl 是一个去中心化交易所,在 ETH 链 ETH 和币安智能链 BSC 上具有智能路由,将支持流动性提供、流动性挖矿、质押、启动 IDO、NFT 以及借贷。. 从生态系统的主代币$AXL开始,以$Axls结束作为系统的奖励代币。.
Axl is a Decentralized exchange with smart routing on ETH Chain ETH and Binance Smart Chain BSC that will supports Liquidity Providing, Yield Farming, Staking, Launching IDO, NFT and Lending & borrow. Starting with the Main token of the Eco System $AXL and Ending with $Axls as a reward token for the system.
BeamSwap (glint)
什么是Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap是一个DeFi中心,也是第一个带有自动做市商AMM的去中心化交易所DEX,提供流动性和点对点交易,建立在Moonbeam网络上。为什么选择Moonbeam波卡点平行链筹集了最多资金和最高捐款将以太坊的易用性与Polkadot的强大功能相结合从其他以太坊虚拟机EVM链无缝过渡Beamswap具有先发优势与人们已经使用并熟悉Metamask,Remix,Hardhat,Truffle等的工具兼容跨链集成链上治理低gas价格可扩展性是什么使Beamswap独一无二的产品和功能经过策划 考虑到初学者和有经验的用户。. Beamswap的目标是为用户提供一套工具,直接在我们的平台上满足他们的所有需求。EVM的集成桥收益农业糖浆池DEX和AMMNFT市
What Is Beamswap $GLINTBeamswap is a DeFi Hub and the first Decentralized exchange DEX with an automated market maker AMM, providing liquidity and peertopeer transactions, built on the Moonbeam network.Why MoonbeamMost funds raised and highest number of contributions for a polkadot parachainCombines Ethereums simplicity of use with the power of PolkadotSeamless transition form other Ethereum Virtual Machine EVM chainsBeamswap has the firstmovers
CougarSwap (cgs)
美洲狮生态系统的一部分 建立在Cronos网络基础上的未来一代流动性挖矿策略具有最高的稳定性和安全性。.
A part of the Cougar ecosystem The futuristic generation Yield Farming strategies built on Cronos network features at the highest stability and security level.
Crimson Network (crimson)
Crimson Network是一个DeFi开发组织,结合了未来的区块链技术,提供了一个完整的生态系统。. 我们的目标是建立引人注目和颠覆性的 DeFi 实用程序 DeFi 实用程序,如桥、钱包、NFT、Dapps、交换等等。. Crimson Network在这里破坏空间,成为AllInOne的一切。. $CRIMSON是Crimson Network的包装代币,为其生态系统提供动力。该项目的特点是多链桥多区块链支持去中心化桥接,以快速将硬币从一个区块链转移到另一个区块链。. 它支持基于 EVM 和非 EVM。流动性挖矿大楼 具有多区块链流动性锁定协议的流动性挖矿协议,通过安全TLSC协议以最快的速度执行交易结算 深红钱包 一个非托管的加密货币钱包,让用户控制自己的私钥,地址和资金。 深红
Crimson Network is a DeFi Development organisation combining the futuristic Blockchain Technology to provide a complete ecosystem. We aim to build compelling and disrupting DeFi utilities DeFi utilities like Bridge,Wallet,NFTs,Dapps,Swap and much more. Crimson Network is here to disrupt the space and become AllInOne stop for everything. $CRIMSON is the Wrapped token of Crimson Network to fuel it’s ecosystem.Features of the project are Multichain
DeFi Hunters DAO (ddao)
DeFi Hunters DAO 由 Pro Blockchain Media 和 nftindex.tech 提供支持。. 它建立在六大支柱之上:基金 NFT 和 META 基金游戏公会收益耕种基金加速器计划学院投资基金是 DAO 的主要关注领域。. 目标是投资于早期种子轮和私人轮次的项目。. DDAO 是 DeFi 猎人的原生实用代币,是一个用于访问私人 Discord 频道的 DAO,并作为参与所有 DAO 投资的费用。.
DeFi Hunters DAO powered by Pro Blockchain Media and nftindex.tech. It is built on six pillars: Fund NFT & META Fund Game Guild Yield Farming Fund Accelerator Program AcademyThe investment fund is DAOs primary area of focus. The goal is to invest in projects in the early stage seed and private rounds. DDAO is the native utility token of the DeFi Hunters is a DAO used to access private Discord channels and as a fee for participation in all DAO inv
Dypius (dyp)
为什么 DeFi 收益协议是唯一的 DeFi 收益协议:您的新 OnTheGo DeFi收益协议 DYP 将为收益挖矿带来的风险提供解决方案。. 如何 – DYP正在开发一个平台,允许任何人提供流动性并首次获得以太坊奖励。. 同时,该平台通过集成DYP反操纵功能,为最终用户保持了代币价格的稳定性以及安全性和简化性。这将如何运作DeFi Yield协议DYP正在改变您通过以太坊智能合约的流动性赚钱的方式。. 理由是鲸鱼有能力控制网络。. DeFi 收益协议 DYP 防止鲸鱼优势。. DYP反操纵功能确保所有池DYP/ETH,DYP/USDC,DYP / USDT和DYP / WBTC池奖励在00:00 UTC自动从DYP转换为ETH,并且系统自动将奖励分配给流动性提供者。.
Why is DeFi Yield Protocol Unique DeFi Yield Protocol: Your New OnTheGo DeFiDeFi Yield Protocol DYP will provide a solution to the risk Yield Farming brought in. How – The DYP is developing a platform that allows anyone to provide liquidity and to be rewarded for the first time with Ethereum. At the same time, the platform maintains both token price stability as well as secure and simplified for end users by integrating a DYP antimanipulation fea
DeSpace Protocol (des)
DeSpace 协议是 DeFi 行业的新气息,支持多层代币和 NFT 卡,将治理、重新设计的流动性挖矿和 NFT 挖矿功能结合在一个协议中。. 该项目的目标是在DeFi行业中为每个用户创建一个稳定,直观和安全的系统,并为我们的生态系统中的NFT卡创造价值。. 没有任何生态系统的 NFT 只能用于二级市场的转售。DeSpace 协议创建了一个重视我们的 NFT 卡的生态系统,您可以使用我们的 NFT 增加您的农业收入,每个 NFT 都有不同的力量,这意味着每张卡都会为您的农业增加更多兴趣。. 该系统的工作原理类似于太阳系的层。. 每个新层将补充前一层,同时揭示前一层中的未知和潜在元素,从而相互补充。. 每一层都可以被视为一个独立的宇宙,并独立于其他层运作。.
DeSpace Protocol is a new breath of the DeFi industry supporting multilayer tokens and NFT cards, combining governance, redesigned Yield Farming and NFT Mining features in one protocol. The goal of the project is to create a stable, intuitive and secure system in the DeFi industry for every user, as well as to create value for our NFT cards in our ecosystem. NFTs without any ecosystem can be only used in resale on secondary markets.DeSpace Protoc
EFLANCER,符号为 EFCR,是一种基于公用事业/治理的去中心化社区代币,在 BNB 智能链上制造,BNB 智能链是最大、强大和安全的区块链之一,用作其项目的支付代币,如游戏、质押、收益农业、NFT 等。必去了解详情...
EFLANCER,symbolized as EFCR is a Utilities/Governance decentralized Community based Token which made on BNB Smart Chain,one of the Largest,Strong and Secured Blockchain for the uses as Payment token for it’s Projects; like Games,Staking,Yield Farming,NFT’s etc.Must Visit for details.
10 ELON2024
ELON 2024 (elon2024)
ELON2024为我们的会员和商家友好平台提供保证流动性奖励在ELON2024 $ELON 2024协议中持有的资金可以根据该资产的市场需求或从我们的流动性挖矿战略合作伙伴那里获得奖励。. Vault与我们的战略合作伙伴一起保持安全,作为流动性提供者。.
ELON2024Guaranteed Liquidity Rewards for our members and merchant friendly platformFunds held within the ELON2024 $ELON2024 protocol can earn reward based on the market demand for that asset or from our Yield Farming Strategic Partner. Vault remain safe with our strategic partner as liquidity provider.
11 ETE
Etherempires (ete)
什么是传奇 FWCL 传奇,是一款建立在币安链上的开放世界探索、动作、战略、智力和神秘游戏和 NFT 卡收藏家,并将在个人电脑和 Mac 以及手机 iOS 和 android 上发布,直到 2025 年。. 游戏是为娱乐和获得收入而制作的传奇冒险,具有丰富的图形,新技术和刺激。. 探索 11 个令人惊叹的土地,发现使传奇之地陷入黑暗并恢复土地荣耀的灾难性事件。传奇如何运作 传奇游戏代币$FWCL是传奇游戏元界中使用的 BEP20 代币。. FWCL代币是传奇游戏经济的燃料。. 该代币可用于购买游戏内 NFT 物品、赚取 PlayToEarn 奖励和赚取质押奖励。. FWCL代币可以在PancakeSwap和CoinTiger上购买是什么让传奇独一无二 极乐传奇提供了一个蓬勃发展的游戏生态系统
What Is legends FWCL Legends,is an openworld exploratory,action,strategic,intellectual and enigmatic game and collector of NFT cards that has been built on binance chain and will be published on personal computers and Mac and mobile phones ios and android until 2025. Game has been made for entertainment and obtaining income in legendary adventure which is rich in graphic,new technologies and excitement. Explore 11 stunning lands and discover cata
Extra Finance (extra)
Extra Finance是一个基于乐观主义的杠杆流动性挖矿和借贷协议,是什么让你的项目独一无二在Extra Finance上,用户可以实施定制的挖矿策略,或存入贷款池以赚取贷款利息。项目的历史记录。2023 年 3 月 23 日 乐观测试网启动2023 年 5 月 9 日 乐观主网启动您的项目的下一步Extra Finance 的路线图如下:2023 Q3:集成 CLAMMOneclick 流动性挖矿模板流动性挖矿模拟和计算工具2023 Q4:高级策略金库发布2024 Q1:社会农业:用户对用户收益策略 以下额外融资 V2您的代币可以用来做什么Extra Finance 使用两个代币来管理其效用和治理:'$EXTRA' — 协议的ERC20实用代币'$veEXTRA' — 协议'$EXTR
What is the project aboutExtra Finance is a leveraged yield farming & lending protocol built on Optimism.What makes your project uniqueOn Extra Finance,users can implement customized farming strategies,or deposit to lending pools to earn lending interest.History of your project.Mar 23,2023 Testnet Launch on OptimismMay 9,2023 Mainnet Launch on OptimismWhat’s next for your projectExtra Finance’s roadmap is as follows:2023 Q3:Integrate CLAMMOneclic
FlexBot (flex)
FlexBot 是一个交易机器人,特别适合新手和有经验的交易者。FlexBot 旨在弥合复杂的市场动态和用户友好的解决方案之间的差距。我们设想了一个未来,任何人,无论他们的交易经验如何,都可以自信和轻松地驾驭加密市场。. FlexBot 通过提供强大的工具、直观的功能和支持性社区的组合,使个人能够控制他们的交易旅程。核心功能:基于电报的交易终端:直接在熟悉的Telegram应用程序中进行交易,无需复杂的软件或交易所。. 使用 dYdX 和 GMX 进行永续交易:通过永续合约获得市场走势敞口 代币狙击 AI 虚拟复制交易:带有 1 英寸路由密钥的安全钱包,以便资产受到行业标准安全措施的保护。与我们的社区分享收入。. 产生的收入的一部分被分配回社区CrossChain Web Terminal
FlexBot is a trading bot particularly for newcomers and experienced traders alike.FlexBot aims to bridge the gap between complex market dynamics and userfriendly solutions.We envision a future where anyone,regardless of their trading experience,can navigate the crypto market with confidence and ease. FlexBot empowers individuals to take control of their trading journey by offering a combination of powerful tools,intuitive functionalities,and a su
Gemholic (gems)
项目内容是什么Gemholic 生态系统由产品功能和机制组成,这些功能和机制相互支持,同时为生态系统中涉及的所有各方创造新的利益。. Gemholic 生态系统为整个 CoreDAO 链提供 GemLaunchpad、GemStaking、Gem Yield Farming、Gem Mining PlaytoEarn 功能和 Gem Cash Tonardo Cash。. 有了这样的主题和视觉效果,我们将吸引许多用户和投资者,因为它与具有 8 位图形的老式游戏非常相似,让我们感觉回到了我们的青春。. 感觉就像踏上了寻找宝藏和矿山资源的冒险之旅。项目的历史记录。在图像构建阶段,我们已经开发这个项目一个多月了,现在我们开始在 CoreDAO 生态系统中推广这个项目。您的项目的下一步在不久的将来,
What is the project aboutGemholic Ecosystem consists of product features and mechanisms that support each other while creating new benefits for all parties involved in the ecosystem. Gemholic Ecosystem provides GemLaunchpad,GemStaking,Gem Yield Farming,Gem Mining PlaytoEarn feature,and Gem Cash Tonardo Cash for the entire CoreDAO Chain.What makes your project uniqueThe Gemholic Ecosystem uses 8bit images as its main visual theme. With such a them
Glide Finance (glide)
Glide Finance是一个分散式交易所/自动做市商,流动性挖矿和质押平台,运行在亦来云智能链ESC上,旨在通过作为用户和基于其构建的项目的流动性来源来加速亦来云生态系统的采用。投资于建立坚实的基础,使用我们的 GLIDE 代币作为治理代币、多样化的农场、内置的桥梁以及更多功能。.
Glide Finance is a Decentralized Exchange / Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform running on the Elastos Smart Chain ESC that aims to accelerate adoption of the Elastos ecosystem by acting as a source of liquidity for users and the projects built on it.Were invested in building a strong foundation with our GLIDE token as a governance token, diverse farms, a built in bridge, and more features down the line.
Grimoire Finance Token (grim)
Grimoire Finance是一个去中心化交易现货和期货交易所和收益挖矿协议,在Fantom Opera网络上推出,后来在Arbitrum网络上推出。. 作为一个交易平台,我们投资了使用我们的 Grimoire 代币 GRIM 作为 DAO 代币开发坚实的基础,以及几个农场、游泳池和独特的通货紧缩协议,其中包含一个名为 Grimoire 药水的惊人 APR。.
Grimoire Finance is a Decentralized Trading spot & futuresExchange and Yield Farming Protocol launching on the Fantom Opera network and later on Arbitrum Network. As a trading platform were invested in developing a strong foundation with our Grimoire token GRIM as a DAO token,along with several farms,pools,and a unique deflationary protocol with an amazing APR called Grimoire Potions.
Hawksight (hawk)
Hawksight 通过 Solana 和 Terra 上的 1click 自动投资和流动性挖矿让每个人都可以访问 DeFi。. 我们的收益生成指数使用户能够即时和同时在 Solana 和 Terra 上投资和赚取利润优化的收益率。. 除了DeFi应用程序之外,Hawksight还孵化了几个高需求的项目,以提高对$HAWK代币及其生态系统扩展的效用和需求,包括1个AI Crypto Chatbot,2个Twitter Analytics和3个DeFiutility NFT。.
Hawksight makes DeFi accessible to Everyone with 1click Automated Investments & Yield Farming on Solana and Terra. Our Yieldgenerating Indexes enable users to instantly and simultaneously invest and earn profitoptimized yield on both Solana and Terra. Hawksight is backed by Solana Ventures & Terraform Labs.Beyond the DeFi app, Hawksight’s has also incubated several highlydemanded projects to boost utility & demand for $HAWK tokens and its ecosys
18 KFI
KlayFi Finance (kfi)
KlayFi是一个收益优化器,为KLAYswap用户提供面向用户的流动性挖矿体验。. 除了方便的自动耕作外,还可以利用KLAYswap的治理和经济性来获得最大的收益回报。.
KlayFi is a Yield Optimizer that provides the useroriented Yield Farming experience to KLAYswap users. In addition to convenient autofarming, earn maximum yield returns by utilizing the governance and economy of KLAYswap.
KLEVA (kleva)
KLEVA协议是Klaytn中的DeFi协议,专门从事杠杆流动性挖矿。. 我们利用去中心化交易所的流动性层,充当这些交易所的放大器。. 通过与农场整合,我们触发了交易所和我们的协议的流动性流入,从而为整个生态系统带来了更高的TVL。.
KLEVA Protocol is a DeFi protocol in Klaytn that specializes in Leveraged Yield Farming. We take advantage of the liquidity layers in Decentralized Exchanges and act as the amplifier for these exchanges. By integrating with farms, we trigger an inflow of liquidity to both exchanges and our protocol, leading to a higher TVL for the entire Ecosystem.
Maximus (maxi)
Maximus is a new generation Yield Farming Aggregator & Optimizer for AvalancheMaximus brings a new breath to the Avalanche ecosystem with its unique features and will be providing the most lucrative financial tools to the whole ecosystem through a new token architecture that keeps its price proportional to AVAX with auto buybacks and allows the best mechanisms for people who like to earn other tokens from other projects via various compounders an
NovaX (novax)
该项目是关于什么的NovaX是您通往尖端健身体验的门户,它将区块链技术的力量与您的积极生活方式相结合。. 在挖掘区块链代币时拥抱健身的未来,与志同道合的人建立联系,并在蓬勃发展的健身爱好者社区中实现您的健康目标。使用NovaX,您不仅可以跟踪您的锻炼情况,还可以通过自己的努力获得奖励,并与充满活力的健身社区建立联系。. 发现一种保持动力的新方法,实现您的健身愿望,并释放您积极生活方式的全部潜力。是什么让您的项目独一无二NovaX体现了一个全面的健身和社交生态系统,通过游戏化元素和虚拟和真实字桥将其提升为健身元宇宙。. 我们的平台还集成了各种技术应用程序,以增强用户体验,参与度和繁荣。. 新兴技术正在重塑健康体验,需要一个统一的平台。. NovaX提供了一个区块链中心,该中心集成了创新,满足了
What is the project aboutNovaX is your gateway to a cuttingedge fitness experience that combines the power of blockchain technology with your active lifestyle. Embrace the future of fitness as you mine blockchain tokens,connect with likeminded individuals,and achieve your wellness goals in a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts.With NovaX,youre not just tracking your workouts; youre earning rewards for your efforts and connecting with a dyna
Olive Cash (olive)
OliveCash是一个在币安智能链雪崩链上运行的跨链流动性挖矿项目。OliveCash的目标是通过促进传统投资者参与加密生态系统来促进AMM,Yeild农业和DeFi市场。. 扩大潜在的市场范围需要简单流畅的界面,以及菲亚特和加密市场之间更容易的连接。. 为了提高协议经济的可持续性,我们的目标是增加燃烧费用并定义有利于持有人的其他通货紧缩策略。.
OliveCash is a cross chain Yield Farming project running on Binance Smart Chain Avalanche chain.OliveCash has the goal of fostering AMM, Yeild Farming and DeFi market by facilitating the participation of traditional investors to the Crypto Ecosystem. Expanding the potential market reach requires simple and smooth interfaces as well as easier connections between Fiat and Crypto markets. To increase protocol economical sustainability, we aim at inc
Opticash (opch)
项目内容简介Opticash是一个allinone平台,使用加密和区块链技术简化世界各地的汇款。. 您可以非常方便地交易,投资,聊天和将法定货币转移到加密货币,反之亦然。是什么让您的项目与众不同Opticash主要是一个加密汇款金融科技平台,提供银行,聊天系统,交易所,借记卡,移动应用程序和多个钱包功能,与我们的竞争对手不同,我们的产品/解决方案提供了一个社交互动平台以及使用Opticash OPCH的全球分散式银行和快速支付系统。项目的历史记录。该项目的创始人是金融行业的好地方,并将加密货币视为通往更公平的金融体系的途径,并希望使每个人都能访问开放和安全的金融系统。Opticash就是这样一座桥梁,为未来经济设定了另一种愿景,其创新的支付机制与可编程性、可组合性和代币化完全兼容,以支持更快
What is the project aboutOpticash is an allinone platform that simplifies money remittance across the world using crypto and blockchain technology. You can trade,invest,chat and transfer fiat to crypto and vice versa very conveniently.What makes your project uniqueOpticash is majorly a crypto remittance fintech platform that provides banking,chat system,exchange,debit cards,mobile app,and multiple wallet feature,Unlike our competitors,our product
24 RAM
Rambox (ram)
项目内容简介Rambox将专注于探索数字技术领域AI商业化的各个方面,以构建世界上最强大,最简化的稳定投资收益平台为使命。. 目前,它专注于NFTfi,衍生品,公链基金和其他流动性服务提供商,利用AI驱动的自动化投资策略。未来,Rambox将优先发展NFTfi和模块化公链基础设施。是什么让您的项目独一无二Rambox平台的优势包括多链收益聚合,统一的流动性桥梁,访问全球顶级生态系统以及用户友好性。. 它使能跨链通信,聚合多链收益机会,利用人工智能制定战略投资计划,提供统一的流动性桥梁,确保源链的终结性,并与全球顶级生态系统无缝集成,实现Web3生态内的互操作性。. 此外,Rambox 平台旨在用户友好,为用户和项目提供更简单、更方便的资产交互和使用体验,符合 Web3.历史的用户友好原则。在
What is the project aboutRambox will focus on exploring all aspects of AI commercialization in the digital technology domain,with the mission of building the worlds strongest,most simplified stable investment income platform. Currently,it is concentrating on NFTfi,derivatives,public chain funds,and other liquidity service providers,leveraging AIpowered automated investment strategies.In the future,Rambox will prioritize the development of NFTfi a
25 RGP
Rigel Protocol (rgp)
Rigel协议将建立在币安智能链和以太坊区块链上。. 快速、方便、安全。. Rigel协议将允许用户在使用任何平台产品时完全控制他们的资金。. 智能掉期、流动性挖矿、保证金交易等等。. 跨链操作保证了低交易费用,而无需将资金托管给第三方或通过KYC流程。.
The Rigel Protocol will be built on both Binance Smart Chain and the Ethereum Blockchain. Fast, convenient and secure. The Rigel Protocol will allow users to have full control of their funds while using any of the platform products. Smart Swapping, Yield Farming, Margin Trade, and many more. Cross chain operations guarantee low transaction fees without the need to leave funds on custody to third parties or go through KYC process.
Simpli Finance (simpli)
流动性挖矿投资组合优化器。. 使用大数据和人工智能来制造更好的DeFi系统。.
Yield Farming Portfolio Optimizer. Using Big Data & Artificial Intelligence to make better DeFi systems.
Synthswap (synth)
项目是关于什么的首先经过全面审计和原生 DEX 在基地。. 我们还将提供 V3 和 V4 技术以及其他 DeFi 产品是什么让您的项目独一无二Synthswap 是基础生态系统中首批具有自动做市商 AMM 的去中心化交易所 DEX 之一。. 与竞争对手相比,Synthswap 将以最低的费用进行交易 质押和流动性挖矿的奖励将是最有利可图的。项目的历史记录。今天推出您的项目的下一步是什么带来更多功能,如 V3、V4、更多代币实用程序并增加 dexes 数量和用户群您的代币可用于用于真实收益平台费用分摊、治理、启动板分配的权益。.
What is the project aboutFirst fully audited and native DEX on Base. We will also offer V3 and V4 tech alongside other DeFi productsWhat makes your project uniqueSynthswap is one of the first decentralized exchanges DEX with an automated marketmaker AMM in the Base ecosystem. Compared to its competitors,Synthswap will enable trading with the lowest fees Rewards from Staking and Yield Farming will be among the most lucrative.History of your projec
28 DIS
TosDis (dis)
Tosdis金融产品是一个提供与DeFi(去中心化金融)相关的不同服务的网站。. 这些服务包括质押、流动性挖矿、液体质押和桥跨链兼容性。. EasyStake和Liquid Stake使人们可以轻松访问这些服务并在不同的网络中使用它们。. 还有审计报告,纸刻录和代币经济学股票代码DIS初始供应,有助于确保产品安全可靠。.
Tosdis Finance Products is a website that offers different services related to DeFi (Decentralized Finance). These services include Staking,Yield Farming,Liquid Staking,and Bridge Crosschain Compatibility. EasyStake and Liquid Staking make it easy for people to access these services and use them in different networks. There are also Audit Reports,Dispaper Burned,and Tokenomics Ticker DIS Initial Supply which help make sure the products are safe a
29 UMI
Umi Digital (umi)
Umi Digital是一个建立在以太坊协议上的去中心化NFT矿工和流动性挖矿平台。. 质押 NFT 以获得高 % 年收益率 APY 奖励。. UmiToken $UMI是他们的原生令牌。Umi Digital为其用户提供了许多其他跨链服务。. 这些包括但不限于 NFT 市场、NFT 空投工具、铸币服务和硬币空投工具。. Umi Digital所做的所有工作背后,是对艺术的热爱。. 他们的目标是通过为艺术家和加密货币爱好者创建一个平台来铸造、交易和空投 NFT 给他们想要的任何人,从而将艺术与金融相结合。.
Umi Digital is a decentralised NFT minter and Yield Farming Platform built on Ethereum Protocols. Stake NFTs to earn high % Annual Percentage Yield APY rewards. UmiToken $UMI is their native token.Umi Digital provides a number of other crosschain services to its users. These include but are not limited an NFT Marketplace, an NFT Airdrop Tool, a Coin Minting Service & a Coin Airdrop Tool. Underlying all of the work done by Umi Digital, is a love o
30 YOK
YokaiSwap (yok)
YokaiSwap是下一代可互操作的去中心化交易平台,也是第一个来自Nervos网络的交易平台。这个DEX去中心化交易所具有AMM自动做市商协议集成,这对于通过算法有效地交换用户到智能合约交易的定价资产至关重要。. YokaiSwap 还具有流动性挖矿和质押,因此您可以在交易后赚取被动收入。. Yokai实际上是首批获得inNervation资金支持的项目之一,inNervation是由CMB International和Nervos Network合作伙伴关系创建的基金。.
YokaiSwap is a next generation interoperable, decentralized trading platform and the first to come from the Nervos network.This DEX Decentralized Exchange have AMM Automated Market Maker protocol integration which would be essential for priced assets to be algorithmically and efficiently swapped for user to smart contract transactions. YokaiSwap also have Yield Farming and Staking so you can earn passive income after trading. Yokai is actually on
ZakumiFi (zafi)
ZakumiFi 是一个 DeFi 第 1 层生态系统,支持用户以最直接的方式全面访问 Dapps、NFT 世界、GameFi 项目、质押、流动性挖矿服务、掉期和钱包协议。愿景 ― 在ZakumiFi,我们专注于构建下一波替代L1区块链。. 主要目的是创建一个廉价、快速和高效的区块链,这对于为商业客户和加密交易者构建完整的 Web3 工具生态系统至关重要。使命 - 我们的使命是建立一个生态系统,让项目和用户都可以拥有良好的体验,并以最便宜的费用进行最快的交易。. Allinone 生态系统中的 GameFi、NFT、DeFi 和 Web3 服务。.
ZakumiFi is a DeFi Layer 1 Ecosystem that supports users comprehensive access to Dapps, NFT World, GameFi projects, Staking, Yield Farming services, Swap and Wallet protocols in the most straightforward way.Vision ― In ZakumiFi, we are focused on building the next wave of alternative L1 blockchains. The main aim is to create a cheap, fast, and efficient blockchain that will be fundamental to building a complete ecosystem of Web3 tools for busines
32 ZSP
ZenithSwap (zsp)
这个项目是关于什么的ZenithSwap是一个蓬勃发展的去中心化交易所,在加密货币社区引起了极大的关注。. 随着市值的增长,ZenithSwap已成为在Arbitrum区块链上交易各种加密货币的可靠平台。. ZenithSwap旨在为希望在Arbitrum网络上买卖代币的用户提供无缝体验。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二通过利用 Arbitrum 区块链的力量,ZenithSwap 使用户能够快速、经济地进行交易,同时还为 $ZSP 代币的长期持有者提供质押福利和其他激励措施。. 作为Arbitrum区块链上值得信赖的DEX,ZenithSwap只为其用户列出最高质量的项目,确保投资者可以自信地交易Arbitrum去中心化金融DeFi领域最有前途的项目。项目的历史记录。ZenithSwap的AI
What is the project aboutZenithSwap is a thriving decentralized exchange that has garnered significant attention in the cryptocurrency community. With a growing market capitalization,ZenithSwap has established itself as a reliable platform for trading a wide variety of cryptocurrencies on the Arbitrum blockchain. ZenithSwap is designed to provide a seamless experience for users looking to buy and sell tokens on the Arbitrum network. What makes yo
33 ZYB
Zyberswap (zyb)
Zyberswap是最早在Arbitrum区块链上拥有自动做市商AMM的去中心化交易所DEX之一。. 与竞争对手相比,Zyberswap允许以最低的费用交换加密资产。. 质押和流动性挖矿的奖励是整个Arbitrum生态系统中最有利可图的。. 此外,Zyberswap旨在使其用户充分参与决策。. 所有重大变更均通过治理投票决定。. Zyberswap还为其代币提供了一个独特的实用程序,用户可以锁定和质押$ZYB代币,并每周在以太坊中获得奖励。.
Zyberswap is one of the first decentralized exchanges DEX with an automated marketmaker AMM on the Arbitrum blockchain. Compared to its competitors,Zyberswap allows the swapping of crypto assets with the lowest fees. Rewards from Staking and Yield Farming are among the most lucrative in the entire Arbitrum ecosystem. Additionally,Zyberswap aims to fully involve its users in decisionmaking. All major changes are decided via Governance Voting. Zybe


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,560.57 4,193,936,387.94
2 ETH title=ETH 3,081.04 1,817,674,572.42
3 ARS title=ARS 1,051.00 1,771,603,379.40
4 SOL title=SOL 143.13 1,613,838,959.12
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 464,958,875.38
6 XRP title=XRP 0.50 285,641,410.69
7 ENA title=ENA 0.94 284,537,767.32
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 278,219,279.09
9 WIF title=WIF 2.71 275,907,586.34
10 RUNE title=RUNE 5.08 171,497,778.75
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 162,320,010.99
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.72 134,197,663.21
13 AVAX title=AVAX 35.22 124,248,521.61
14 ORDI title=ORDI 42.94 104,709,306.94
15 OMNI title=OMNI 24.86 93,997,636.29
16 WLD title=WLD 4.88 91,504,433.58
17 ADA title=ADA 0.46 87,059,419.70
18 SUI title=SUI 1.25 76,627,670.02
19 MATIC title=MATIC 0.67 76,045,907.72
20 TIA title=TIA 11.25 74,874,091.66
21 LTC title=LTC 80.65 74,786,375.78
22 TRX title=TRX 0.11 74,524,287.13
23 LINK title=LINK 13.71 73,954,608.67
24 FTM title=FTM 0.70 73,566,650.25
25 FIL title=FIL 6.07 70,446,973.12
26 INJ title=INJ 27.61 67,962,160.38
27 RNDR title=RNDR 7.90 65,784,238.29


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.67
2 Jito title=JTO 3.48 +26.36
3 Lisk title=LSK 1.72 +21.63
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.64 +20.60
5 Celestia title=TIA 11.25 +18.05
6 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 +16.05
7 NEO title=NEO 19.16 +15.63
8 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.71 +15.43
9 Automata title=ATA 0.15 +15.37
10 Bounce title=AUCTION 17.74 +14.82
11 THORChain title=RUNE 5.08 +14.39
12 Qtum title=QTUM 4.15 +13.80
13 Gas title=GAS 5.60 +13.52
14 OAX title=OAX 0.22 +12.59
15 GALA title=GALA 0.05 +12.39
16 Synapse title=SYN 1.09 +11.98
17 Dusk title=DUSK 0.38 +11.72
18 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +11.03
19 Tensor title=TNSR 0.87 +10.58
20 Internet Computer title=ICP 13.13 +10.44
21 Saga title=SAGA 3.48 +10.38
22 Arkham title=ARKM 1.69 +10.16
23 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.10 +10.14
24 Ethena title=ENA 0.94 +10.09
25 1inch title=1INCH 0.42 +9.86
26 Immutable title=IMX 2.06 +9.64
27 Celer Network title=CELR 0.03 +9.18
28 Solana title=SOL 143.13 +9.13
29 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.59 +8.78
30 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +8.73


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Acala title=ACA 0.11 -5.73
2 Maker title=MKR 3,007.00 -3.90
3 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 5.91 -3.49
4 Tranchess title=CHESS 0.21 -3.10
5 Convex Finance title=CVX 2.48 -2.40
6 Sun Token title=SUN 0.01 -1.96
7 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.11 -1.76
8 BinaryX title=BNX 0.75 -1.74
9 Waves title=WAVES 2.50 -1.61
10 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.23 -1.56
11 TRON title=TRX 0.11 -1.21
12 AVA title=AVA 0.64 -0.81
13 Sushi title=SUSHI 0.95 -0.73
14 Fusionist title=ACE 5.40 -0.72
15 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.41 -0.68
16 LTO Network title=LTO 0.20 -0.30
17 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.37 -0.21
18 WazirX title=WRX 0.22 -0.18
19 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.95 -0.07

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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消息 日期
1 The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving 2024-04-19
2 OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence 2024-04-19
3 Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash 2024-04-19
4 China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express 2024-04-19
5 Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches 2024-04-19
6 Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip 2024-04-19
7 Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis 2024-04-19
8 Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter 2024-04-19
9 Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem 2024-04-19
10 Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue 2024-04-19
11 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
12 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
13 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
14 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
15 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
16 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
17 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
18 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
19 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
20 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
21 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
22 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
23 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
24 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
25 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
26 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
27 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
28 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
29 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
30 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
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31 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
32 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
33 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
34 链上数据:Web3广告中缺失的一环
(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
35 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
36 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
37 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
38 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
39 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
40 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
41 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
42 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
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43 以色列央行官员表示,CBDC与银行的竞争有利于经济
(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
44 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
45 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
46 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
47 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
48 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
49 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
50 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
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ColossusXT (colx) KuCoin (kcs) 0x Protocol (zrx) Snetwork (snet) Pumptopia (ptpa) DragonKing (dragonking) Orbit Chain (orc) SwirlTokenX (swirlx) CryptoDrop (juice) THORChain (rune)


Altered State Machine (asto)Rizo (rizo)Web AI (webai)Kroma (kro)Doge Floki Coin [OLD] (dofi)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#climate #DeFi #virtual world #lending #healthcare #wellness #DAO #pegged #clean energy #decentralized application


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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