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硬币相关 #VR

币名 细节
Livepeer (lpt)
Livepeer 项目旨在提供一种完全去中心化、高度可扩展、加密代币激励的实时视频流网络协议,并产生一个可以作为去中心化开发 web3 堆栈中的实时媒体层的解决方案。. 此外,Livepeer旨在为任何现有广播公司提供集中广播解决方案的经济高效的替代方案。. 在本文档中,我们描述了Livepeer协议,这是一种基于委托权益的协议,用于以游戏理论上安全的方式激励实时视频广播网络中的参与者。. 我们提出了用于分散工作的可扩展验证的解决方案,以及防止无用的工作,试图在通货膨胀系统中玩弄代币分配。Livepeer Token LPT 是 Livepeer 网络的协议令牌。. 但它不是交换代币的媒介。. 广播公司使用以太坊以太币ETH在网络上广播视频。.
The Livepeer project aims to deliver a live video streaming network protocol that is fully decentralized, highly scalable, crypto token incentivized, and results in a solution which can serve as the live media layer in the decentralized development web3 stack. In addition, Livepeer is meant to provide an economically efficient alternative to centralized broadcasting solutions for any existing broadcaster. In this document we describe the Livepeer
Verasity (vra)
Verasity supports the infrastructure and tools for video publishers to serve rewarded video and loyalty programs using VRA for their viewers.
AIOZ Network (aioz)
AIOZ Network正在通过区块链从头开始重新构想流媒体,该区块链集成了内容分发和为媒体构建的代币经济学。AIOZ Network 使用全球节点网络来利用点对点邻域带宽,以传统 CDN 的一小部分成本创建无限可扩展的内容交付解决方案。AIOZ网络优势: 成本效益:最少的硬件投资使每个解决方案都成为可能,而价格却很慢。. 无限扩展:点对点网络可以容纳无限数量的节点,使我们的平台具有可扩展性。. 没有中间商:合作伙伴之间的直接关系意味着更多的股息进入口袋,流向所有利益相关者。. 交付速度:使用本地网络使速度不再是抱怨。. 是时候在一秒钟内欣赏 4K/8K 甚至 VR 视频了。. 高质量流媒体:流媒体体验从未如此出色。.
AIOZ Network is reimagining streaming from the ground up with a blockchain that integrates content distribution and tokenomics built for media.AIOZ Network uses a worldwide network of nodes to leverage peertopeer neighborhood bandwidth, creating an infinitely scalable content delivery solution at a fraction of the cost of a legacy CDN.AIOZ Network Strengths: Cost Efficiency: Minimal hardware investment makes every solutions possible with a fr
GOLCOIN (golc)
GolCoin 是推动完整生态系统的主要关键,包括投资质押平台、开创易所、革命性的元界、挖矿促进平台和下一代 NFT 市场。作为一种多链代币,GolCoin确保代币持有者可以轻松访问他们的资产,并且不会错过不同网络上的任何机会。这个生态系统的每个部分都向加密世界展示了许多创新。. Agharta,元宇宙:名为Agharta的元宇宙提供了一个伟大的元宇宙,其图形比任何其他基于区块链的元宇宙都要强大得多,以及下面提到的不同子平台。MetaGol:一款创新的VR游戏是一系列社交技术的完美进化。MetaNow:一个跨平台的消息传递和呼叫应用程序,专注于速度、隐私和安全性。. MetaNow 用户可以安全地交换具有高加密功能的消息,包括任何类型和格式的照片、视频和文档,并且与全息图技术兼容。MetaC
GolCoin is the main key powering a complete ecosystem including an investment staking platform, a pioneering exchange, a revolutionary Metaverse, a mining facilitation platform, and the next generation of NFT marketplaces.As a multichain token, GolCoin makes sure that the token holders can access their assets easily and dont miss any opportunities on different networks.Each part of this ecosystem has lots of innovations presented to the crypto wo
SpaceFalcon (fcon)
星际 SOLANA 元宇宙,以经典的太空射击游戏和来自宇宙及其他领域的优质科幻 NFT 为特色。猎鹰元宇宙:太空猎鹰通过引入行星、宇宙飞船和星系,使虚拟资产更进一步。. 游戏内物品的 NFT 意味着玩家实际上拥有并控制他们购买、赚取或制作的东西。. 这不仅仅是证明物品的稀有性,它还为无限的可扩展性打开了大门。猎鹰任务:太空猎鹰以3D形式重新创建了经典的太空射击游戏,以便在浏览器中运行,通过集成区块链奖励系统来激励玩家。. 我们各种可定制的资产集合使游戏体验极具吸引力。Falcon MetaGround:猎鹰船员聚集在一个名为MetaGround的中立星球,与其他玩家社交并交易关键任务资产猎鹰VR:完全身临其境的VR体验,带您踏上穿越星系的惊险冒险。. 玩家可以与其他玩家互动以建立和争夺资源。
Intergalactic SOLANA metaverse featuring the classic space shooter game and premium SciFi NFTs from cosmos and beyond.Falcon Metaverse: Space Falcon takes virtual assets a step further with the introduction of planets, spaceships, and galaxies. NFTs for ingame items means players literally own and control what they buy, earn, or craft. This goes beyond having to prove the item’s rarity, it opens the door to infinite scalability.Falcon Mission: Sp
6 VR
Victoria VR (vr)
Victoria VR是第一款基于区块链的虚拟现实MMORPG,其逼真的图形基于虚幻引擎构建,由用户创建和拥有。. Victoria VR旨在创建一个多维互动的新元宇宙,用户将能够沉浸在永无止境的数字内容中。整个世界被构建为所有虚拟现实、游戏和去中心化应用程序的通用平台,共同创建一个元宇宙——一个共享的虚拟领域,即 3D 互联网。. 维多利亚VR元宇宙将成为人们工作,休息,学习,娱乐并最终生活的地方。.
Victoria VR is the first blockchainbased MMORPG in virtual reality with realistic graphics built on the Unreal Engine, created and owned by its users. Victoria VR aims to create a new Metaverse of multidimensional interactions where users will be able to immerse themselves interactively with neverending digital content.The whole world is built to be a universal platform for all virtual realities, games, and decentralized applications, collectivel
Aardvark (ardvrk)
土豚是字典中的第一个单词。. 动物本身就是一个近乎神秘的谜。. 多年来,我们一直想知道土豚是什么。. 许多其他人也有。. 我们的目标是弄清楚这一点,并在我们这样做的同时获得很多乐趣。. 由于这些原因,我们认为它应该有自己的代币。自成立以来,我们已经建立了一个狂热的模因创作者和炒作大佬社区。.
Aardvark is the first word in the dictionary. The animal itself is a near mystery. We have wondered for years what an Aardvark is. Many others have also. We aim to figure this out,and have a lot of fun while we do it. Because of these reasons,we believe it deserves its own token.Since inception we have built a rabid community of meme creators and hype lords. Together we plan to take over the meme space,and become a bluechip meme coin that outlast
AI Waifu (wai)
想象一下,在这个世界里,你与 AI Waifus 共存,通过 Apple Vision Pro 和 AR/VR 栩栩如生。. AI Waifus会让你幸福和富有,最终取代你的女朋友。.
Imagine a world where you cohabitate with AI Waifus brought to life via Apple Vision Pro via AR/VR. AI Waifus will make you happy and wealthy,eventually replace your girlfriend.
Ante Casino (chance)
Ante Casino是一个完全去中心化的游戏中心Ante将在线游戏与区块链安全性和可证明的公平随机化联系起来。. 不要犹豫,立即尝试在快速发展的在线游戏世界中,信任和透明度至关重要。安特赌场旨在通过利用区块链技术的潜力来解决这些问题,链链可验证随机函数VRF.$CHANCE是安特赌场内部彩票的主要货币。每笔涉及$CHANCE代币的交易都会累积2.5%的买卖税,用于运营透明的彩票基金。为了保证获胜者的有效性并防止任何恶意活动,采用了链链可验证的随机函数VRF。$CHANCE代币的持有者可以质押它们并以 1:1 的比例获得$RAISE代币,从而显着增加他们赢得奖池的机会。$RAISE代币的持有者也将有资格参加我们的赌场收入分成计划通过质押$RAISE代币,用户可以赚取$STREAK代币。.
Ante Casino is a Fully Decentralized Gaming HubAnte Bridging Online Gaming with Blockchain Security and Provably Fair Randomization. Do not hesitate and try it right nowIn the rapidly evolving world of online gaming,trust and transparency are paramount.Ante Casino aims to address these concerns by harnessing the potential of blockchain technology and Chainlinks Verifiable Random Function VRF.$CHANCE is the primary currency for Ante Casinos inhous
ASIX (asix)
Asix 代币旨在邀请加密资产投资者构建我们的大型项目:P2E 游戏、Asix NFT 市场和努桑塔拉土地元界ASIX 代币也是一个基础强大的社区,拥有许多实用程序,例如 :P 2E 游戏 • Congklak 游戏• 贝克尔游戏• 拉扬甘战场游戏• 科莫多链游戏• 我们是巴布亚游戏*NFT 市场元界 / 努桑塔拉宇宙• 元界是一个虚拟世界,可让您像在现实生活中一样进行各种活动,例如会议, 使用增强现实AR和虚拟现实VR技术与其他用户进行工作,娱乐和交易。.
Asix Token is intended to invite crypto asset investors to build our big projects: P2E Games, Asix NFT Marketplace and Nusantara Land MetaverseASIX Token is also a strongbased community with a lot of utilities, such as :P2E Games • Congklak game• Bekel game• Layangan Battlefield game• Komodochain game• We Are Papua game*NFT MarketplaceMetaverse / Nusantaraverse• Metaverse is a virtual world that allows you to carry out various activities like in
11 ABB
Astro Babies (abb)
天文代币$ABB标志着阿童木宝宝 NFT 生态系统的新篇章。. 在品牌成立一周年之际,Astro Babies 开创了 Solana NFT 的实用之路,现在正在寻求在许多网络中实现多样化,以扩展平台作为区块链不可知生态系统的可访问性。. Astro 代币游戏在每个 Astro Babies 冒险中都扮演着重要角色,这些冒险围绕着最近推出的 Astro 画廊 NFT 市场和 Astro 赌场元界体验。. 在 Astro 画廊中,$ABB将用于以回扣方式向未来具有更多集成的用户购买和出售 NFT。. Astro Babies 在 NFT 领域因当前开发基于虚幻引擎 5 平台 Project Keprar 构建的 Astro Club 元界而广为人知。. Astro Galleries 集成到元
Astro Token $ABB marks a new chapter for Astro Babies NFT ecosystem. Coming up on the brands one year anniversary, Astro Babies have pioneered the path of utility for Solana NFTs and now are looking to diversify across many networks to expand the platforms accessibility as a blockchain agnostic ecosystem. Astro Token play’s a major role in each of the Astro Babies ventures which revolve around the recently launch Astro Gallery NFT marketplace and
Aurora Dimension (adtx)
优秀的虚拟现实技术仿真技术、计算机图形学、人机界面技术、多媒体技术、传感器技术、网络技术等技术是一个具有挑战性的交叉前沿学科和研究领域。. 虚拟现实技术VR主要包括模拟环境、感知、自然技能和传感设备。. 模拟环境是由计算机生成的实时动态三维逼真图像。自然技能和传感设备。. 模拟环境是由计算机生成的实时动态三维逼真图像。.
Excellent virtual reality technologySimulation technology, computer graphics, manmachine interface technology, multimedia technology, sensor technology, network technology and other technologies are a challenging cross cuttingedge subject and research field. Virtual reality technology VR mainly includes simulation environment, perception, natural skills and sensing equipment. Simulation environment is a realtime and dynamic threedimensional reali
Avatly (avatly)
时尚行业的第一个元宇宙新维度我们的愿望是在元宇宙中创造出色的虚拟试衣体验。. 我们相信,元宇宙和VR技术是实现这一愿景的关键。时尚体验借助元宇宙和 3D 头像,我们将购物体验带入一个全新的维度。在元宇宙中试穿、分享服装和购买衣服将令人难以置信地令人兴奋,以至于您永远不想以其他方式进行。.
THE FIRST METAVERSEFOR FASHION INDUSTRYNEW DIMENSIONOur desire is to create outstanding experience of trying on virtual clothes in the Metaverse. We are convinced that Metaverse and VR technology is the key to realising this vision.FASHION EXPERIENCEThanks to the metaverse and 3D avatars,we take the shopping experience into a completely new dimension.Trying on,sharing outfits and buying clothes in the metaverse will be so unbelievably exciting th
BlackPearl (bplc)
BlackPearl.Chain正在通过第三代公共区块链推动去中心化的未来。. 它的网络使用分片和内部构建的VRF闪电般的共识机制实现了数百万TPS的超快交易速度。通过革命性的P2P在三秒内实现最终性,其速度和安全性使其成为数字资产交易,社交媒体消息传递,支付处理,供应链跟踪和其他大规模用例等应用程序的完美平台。.
BlackPearl.Chain is pushing decentralization into the future with a thirdgeneration public blockchain. It’s network achieves blazing transaction speeds Millions TPS using Sharding and a VRF lightningfast consensus mechanism built inhouse.Finality is achieved in under three seconds with revolutionary P2P, Its speed and security make it the perfect platform for applications like digital asset trading, social media messaging, payment processing, sup
15 BBC
Bull BTC Club (bbc)
牛市BTC俱乐部的使命是将计算能力带入链上,通过NFT实现轻松的算力交易。. 公牛BTC俱乐部用户可以铸造哈希功率NFT,并在元宇宙上建立POW VR地雷。.
The mission of Bull BTC Club is to bring computing power onchain to achieve effortless hash power transactions through NFTs. Bull BTC Club users can mint hash power NFTs and build POW VR mines on the metaverse.
Cappasity (capp)
Cappasity是一个基于云的平台,可让您轻松创建并向客户提供3D,VR和AR购物体验。. Cappasity是一个完整的管道解决方案,允许企业快速轻松地创建3D内容并将其嵌入到其网站,移动应用程序和VR / AR应用程序中。. 与竞争对手相比,Cappasity解决方案的运行速度快10倍,并针对每天生产数千个SKU进行了优化。. Cappasity专有的3D格式允许从任何类型的设备以4倍的速度查看3D图像。.
Cappasity is a cloudbased platform that lets you easily create and deliver 3D, VR and AR shopping experiences to your customers. Cappasity is a full pipeline solution that allows businesses quickly and easily create and embed 3D content into their websites, mobile apps and VR/AR applications. Cappasity solution works 10 times faster compared to competitors and optimized for production of thousands SKU per day. Cappasity proprietary 3D format allo
17 CVR
Caviar (cvr)
这个项目是关于CAVIAR $CVR的,一个来自有形的液体包装纸,消除了ve3,3的复杂性和承诺,为几乎任何级别的加密投资者创建了一个简单的代币。. 每周投票,锁定,代币管理和其他一切都已完全自动化,为用户提供单一,简单,高收益的代币。是什么使您的项目独一无二上面说明您的项目的历史。今天推出 17th 8 您的项目的下一步是什么与 Pearl 和 Beefy 财务团队的整合和合作伙伴关系,他们将创建一个保险库并托管一个 AMA,致力于教他们的用户关于 CVR 您的代币可以用于 CAVIAR $CVR是一个自我维持的液体包装器,用于锁定代币 vePEARL,珍珠交易所的治理代币。. CAVIAR 的主要优势在于它简化了在稳定币$USDR中支付给选民和 CAVIAR 质押者的出色 vePEARL
What is the project aboutCAVIAR $CVR,a liquid wrapper from Tangible,removes the complexity and commitment of ve3,3,creating a simple token for nearly any level of crypto investor. Weekly voting,locking,token management and everything else have been fully automated leaving users with single,simple,highyield token to stake.What makes your project uniqueStated aboveHistory of your project.Launched today 17th AugWhat’s next for your projectIntergrati
CEEK Smart VR (ceek)
CEEK与环球音乐,Apple和TMobile等合作伙伴一起提供现有的虚拟现实平台。. CEEK使用获得专利的VR耳机和CEEK的VR平台创建,策划和分发VR内容。. СЕЕК 用户可以通过智能设备访问现场表演和其他令人兴奋的体验,包括智能电视、手机、AR 和 VR 耳机,同时在世界上任何有互联网连接的地方。. CEEK还为表演者和任何拥有优质内容的人提供了销售无限虚拟门票以及实体和数字商品的机会。.
CEEK offers an existing Virtual Reality platform with partners such as Universal Music, Apple and TMobile. CEEK creates, curates and distributes VR content using patented VR headsets and CEEK’s VR platform. СЕЕК users can access live performances and other exciting experiences via smart devices including Smart TV’s, Mobile phones, AR and VR headsets while physically being anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. CEEK also pres
Nana (nana)
黑猩猩大战是一种生成 NFT 游戏,用于赚取建立在 Solana 区块链上的游戏。. 玩家将能够自定义他们的黑猩猩战士艺术,以反映他们的策略和风格,以及装备物品,消耗特质道具并挑战他们的同伴,以永远记录在区块链上的结果进行战斗。. 战斗开发的几个阶段正在进行中,从2D文本战斗到完整的VR交互。.
Chimp Fight is a generative NFT play to earn game built on the Solana blockchain. Players will be able to customize their chimp fighters art to reflect their strategies & style as well equip items, consume trait powerups and challenge their peers to combat with outcomes recorded forever on the blockchain. Several stages of combat development are under way ranging from 2D text combat to full VR interactions.
20 CLV
Clevernode (clv)
Clevernodes原生代币CLV在其生态系统中充当挖矿奖励代币。. Clevernode 作为 Xahau 账本上 Evernode 去中心化应用程序 dApp 的托管平台,该账本作为 XRPL XRP 账本的侧链运行。. 用户有机会租用 Evernode 主机并获得$EVR代币奖励。.
Clevernodes native token,CLV,acts as the mining reward token within its ecosystem. Clevernode serves as the hosting platform for Evernode decentralized applications dApps on the Xahau ledger,which operates as a sidechain of the XRPL XRP Ledger. Users have the opportunity to rent an Evernode host and earn rewards in $EVR tokens.
21 CVT
concertVR (cvt)
ConcertVR将成为第一个基于区块链的市场,用于音乐和娱乐领域的高质量VR内容。. 在舒适的家中实时或按需欣赏虚拟现实中的真实音乐会 除了所有成熟的付款方式外,我们还接受多种加密货币。.
ConcertVR will be the first blockchain based marketplace for highquality VR content from the music and entertainment sector. Enjoy real concerts in Virtual Reality in realtime or on demand right from the comfort of your own home Besides all well established payment methods, we accept a multitude of crypto currencies
CORE MultiChain (cmcx)
CORE MultiChain 加密对象资源引擎是一个 PoS 区块链 3.0 框架,专注于互操作性、可扩展性、可用性和隐私性.CORE MultiChain 比现有和传统区块链具有优势,例如分片、简单的区块链创建和实现、跨链功能和高交易吞吐量。CORE 创建了一个去中心化的邻居选择协议,该协议不断努力创建最佳对等连接以减少确认延迟。. 该协议通过不断分析和学习节点如何与邻居交互来实现这一目标。CORE协议如何吸引人•轻量级•与每个对等方的自身利益兼容,或选择最佳邻居的能力•对对抗性行为具有鲁棒性:CORE对等方不需要有关候选邻居的所有详细信息来决定是否连接•激励对等方迅速中继块。 当前和未来的区块链,以实现无缝扩展和通信。. CORE 由于其分片、互操作性和中心算法,在区块链领域提供了多种
CORE MultiChain Cryptographic Object Resource Engine is a PoS blockchain 3.0 framework focused on Interoperability, Scalability, and Usability and Privacy.CORE MultiChain provides advantages over existing and legacy blockchains such as sharding, simplistic blockchain creation and implementation, crosschain capabilities, and high transaction throughput.CORE created a decentralized neighbor selection protocol that continuously strives to create opt
23 COS
Cradle of Sins (cos)
Cradle Of Sins是一款VR MOBA电子竞技游戏,允许VR和PC玩家之间的交叉游戏。. 您可以与您的朋友一起玩,组建团队并在竞技场中与他人战斗,或尝试我们的单人游戏/合作模式。. 游戏玩法旨在围绕您的个人技能和团队合作的结合。.
Cradle Of Sins is a VR MOBA ESports Game That Allows Crossplay Between VR & PC Players. You can play with your friends,form a team and battle with others in the arena or try our Singleplayer / COOP Mode. The gameplay is designed to revolve around the combination of your personal skills and teamwork.
24 CRI3X
Cri3x (cri3x)
Cri3X 正在跨元界合作伙伴平台创建虚拟体验。Cri3X 不像元界平台那样受国界限制,定位于跨多个 web3 社区进行整合,通过我们的 Cri3X 虚拟影院链、电影 IP P2E 游戏、音乐活动、放映派对和元宇宙中的 VR 第一人称头像体验提供 Web3 虚拟娱乐内容。. 我们有机会成为元宇宙的敏捷参与者,跨越边界,虚拟世界,通过娱乐体验参与社区,利用和创造独特的IP,无论是在我们的创意团队结构中开发,还是与新兴电影制作人、游戏开发人员、音乐家和艺术家合作,通过我们的生态系统将他们的原创IP带入VR中。. CRI3X令牌 CRI3X令牌是一种可替代的加密令牌。. 随着时间的推移,代币将成为RETROGRESSION GAME和Film Crib虚拟电影院以及相关票务活动的主要实用代币和游戏
Cri3X is creating virtual eXperiences across Metaverse partner platforms.Not bound by borders as Metaverse platforms are,Cri3X is positioned to integrate across multiple web3 communities,providing Web3 virtual entertainment content via our Cri3X virtual cinema chain,film IP P2E gaming,musical events,screening parties and VR first person Avatar experiences in the Metaverse. We have the opportunity to be an agile player in the Metaverse,crossing bo
CronosVerse (vrse)
CronosVerse旨在成为Cronos区块链上第一个真正的元宇宙项目。. 我们的目标是为整个Cronos社区创造终极的社交MMO游戏体验。. 您将能够作为土地所有者或被称为克罗维利亚人的克罗诺斯诗歌的日常平民参与。. 每个克罗维利亚人都会有自己独特的特征,确定他们在克罗诺斯社会中的独特角色。. 除了我们自己的可玩克罗维利亚人角色集合外,我们还将与我们的项目合作伙伴合作,在他们自己的 CronosVerse 地块中为他们的 NFT 社区提供他们自己的元界体验.目前我们已经铸造了我们的地砖,并正在开发我们的游戏将于今年夏天发布。. 我们正在努力创建一个由 Ebisus Bay 提供支持的数字资产市场,VRSE 代币将在 2022 年秋季用于买卖游戏资产中的数字资产。.
The CronosVerse aims to be the first true metaverse project on the Cronos blockchain. Our goal is to create the ultimate social MMO gaming experience for the entire Cronos community. You will be able to participate as either land owners or as everyday civilians of the CronosVerse, known as the Crovilians. Each Crovilian will have their own unique set of traits, identifying their unique role within the CronosVerse society. Along with our own col
26 CAT
Cyber Arena (cat)
CyberArena AR/VR是一个整合了AR/VR功能和加密经济学的项目。. 它为帝国生态系统中的 3000 多万游戏玩家和全球 2+ 亿游戏玩家提供了一个独特的机会,可以在流媒体之外通过他们的技能获利。. 通过超越web2游戏的限制,CyberArena为沉浸式体验和有价值的技能游戏开辟了新的可能性。. 这是游戏行业的一场革命。是什么让您的项目独一无二虽然其他 web3 工作室仅针对 web3 受众,但 CyberArena 是帝国现有 web2 游戏玩家群的首创产品。. 最后,CyberArena产品组合的游戏质量要先进得多,经济以技能为导向。. 高品质的产品与惊人的视觉效果,令人上瘾的游戏玩法,多人竞争。.
What is the project aboutCyberArena AR/VR is a project that integrates AR/VR features and crypto economics. It provides over 30 million gamers in Imperiums ecosystem and 2+ billion gamers worldwide with a unique opportunity to monetize their skills beyond streaming. By transcending the limitations of web2 gaming,CyberArena opens up new possibilities for immersive experiences and valuestaked skill games. Its a revolution in the gaming industry.Wha
DFS Mafia V2 (dfsm)
我们的代币和保护旨在为梦幻体育带来加密创新和集成我们计划推出我们自己的每日梦幻体育平台,并将我们的DFSM代币集成到网站中。. 我们的创新包括许多不同的加密用例,这些用例正在实施到梦幻体育中。. 比赛报名和奖金可以用DFSM代币支付。. 平台上将有一个交换功能,其中交换费用的一部分将用于回购和销毁代币供应。. 此外,我们还将使用每场比赛利润的一定百分比来为代币销毁做出贡献。. 该平台将包含一个质押功能,允许玩家在比赛之间质押他们的奖金。.
Our token and protect seeks to bring crypto innovation and integration to fantasy sports We plan to launch our own daily fantasy sports platform and integrate our DFSM token into the site. Our innovation consists of a number of different crypto use cases being implemented into fantasy sports. Contest entries and winnings can be paid in DFSM token. There will be a swap feature on the platform in which a percentage of the swap fee will go towards b
28 XDN
DigitalNote (xdn)
DigitalNote将自己描述为一个分散的ProofofWorkbmw512 / ProofofStakeecho512混合区块链,具有快速,不可追踪的交易和加密的消息传递功能。. 据报道,该网络通过其VRX v3.0技术抵抗了51%的攻击,并且具有轻量级钱包功能,可以移动使用。. 据报道,主节点网络增强了不可追踪性,并激励用户保护网络,同时实现难以追踪或审查的快速私人交易和P2P消息传递。. 鼓励矿工和质押者通过网络费用支付参与,促进一致的区块生成和快速的网络。DigitalNote最初由一个匿名个人或一群人以化名dNote于2014年作为duckNote发布。. 多年来,协议增加了更多的进步,每次重大升级都首先将协议名称重新命名为DarkNote,然后最终为DigitalNote。.
DigitalNote describes itself as a decentralized ProofofWorkbmw512/ProofofStakeecho512 hybrid blockchain with fast, untraceable transactions and encrypted messaging features. The network is reportedly resistant to 51% attacks via its VRX v3.0 technology and it is mobileready with lightweight wallet functionality. A masternode network reportedly enhances untraceability and provides incentive for users to secure the network, whilst enabling fast pri
Digiverse是世界上第一个也是唯一一个创造虚拟现实感知的数字元宇宙。. 它是实例化元宇宙环境的最成功和获得专利的例子。Digiverse是一个创新的区块链项目,它将虚拟世界和现实世界融合在一起,安全、快速地将其实施到物理世界中。. 这不仅仅是一个概念,更是一个现实,在传奇之地占地5000平方米,在参观后受到世界知名人士的称赞。Digiverse 的核心由几个主要组件组成,包括 Metaverse、数字身份、加密交易所中心化和 DigiTravel。. 它通过支持功能补充了这些主要组件,例如 NFT 市场、数字 NFT 拍卖、项目孵化器、Launchpad、质押功能和去中心化加密交易所 DEX。Digiverses Metaverse 是一个平台,为不同地区的人们提供身临其境的体验,每个
Digiverse is the worlds first and only digital metaverse that creates the perception of virtual reality. It is the single most successful and patented example of instantiating Metaverse environments.Digiverse is an innovative blockchain project that merges virtual and real world,implementing it into the physical world securely and expeditiously. It is not just a concept; its a reality,occupying 5000 square meters in the Land of Legends and commen
30 DVI
Dvision Network (dvi)
Dvision Network 本质上是一个基于区块链的 VR 内容生态系统,它也为虚拟现实中的 NFT 市场提供动力。. Dvision Network在基于ICT的第四次工业革命的中心提出了一个新的虚拟现实世界,人类可以过上富裕的生活。. 事实上,更准确地说,Dvision 有 3 个重要的平台支柱,可以简要解释为 NFT 市场 VRMarket,您还可以在其中创建和交易独特的物品,量身定制的虚拟现实 VRSpace,您可以在其中自定义和获取虚拟空间,VRSpaces VRCity 集合,这是一个公共 VR 世界,您可以在其中与其他用户一起享受元宇宙。.
Dvision Network is essentially a blockchainbased VR content ecosystem, which also powers the NFT marketplace within virtual reality. Dvision Network presents a new virtual reality world, where humanity can lead an affluent life, at the very center of the ICT based fourth industrial revolution. In fact, to be more precise, Dvision has 3 important platform pillars, which can be explained briefly as an NFT marketplace VRMarket, where you can also c
Edoverse Zeni (zeni)
Edoverse是一个独特的元宇宙,旨在重建虚拟的江户市,用户以浪人或失业武士的化身开始他们的旅程,或者在江户市开始他们的旅程,其规则,法规和社会习俗由德川幕府设计。ZENI是Edoverse的原生代币,Edoverse是一个令人兴奋的GameFi平台,以武士和忍者为特色。. ZENI可以质押以获得增强的奖励。我们的网络体验即将经历最彻底的转变,可能与互联网本身的诞生相提并论,随着元界的出现,元界是一个用 stateoftheart VR 和 3DCG 技术构建的虚拟空间,将同时作为一个超级用户友好的门户、游戏平台、电子商务网站和一个虚拟社会通过化身体验。.
Edoverse is a unique metaverse which aims to recreate the virtual city of Edo where users begin their journey with an avatar as a ronin,or unemployed samurai,or in Edo city with its rules,regulation and social mores designed by the Tokugawa shogunate.ZENI is the native token of Edoverse,an exciting GameFi platform featuring samurai and ninjas. ZENI can be staked for enhanced rewards.Our web experience is about to go through a most radical transfo
32 VIS
Envision Labs (vis)
Envision Labs is the future of media distribution.Connecting tomorrows creators with brands and builders today. Envision gives creators of 2D and 3D media,a platform to market and sell the use of their work directly to those building games,metaverses,VR/AR,architectural renders,plus many more.Bridging a familiar experience with the latest technology,Envisions mission is to build a collaborative and thriving community that empowers platform users
Epiko (epiko)
项目简介EPIKO是一个在区块链上运行的开创性的GameFi平台,彻底改变了Web3.0游戏生态系统。. 其主要目标是通过将区块链技术、playtoearn 机制和不可替代代币 NFT 无缝集成到其游戏世界中来提供无与伦比的游戏体验。是什么让您的项目与众不同让 EPIKO 与众不同的是它能够无缝结合游戏、去中心化金融 DeFi 和区块链技术。. 通过实施Playtoearn模型,玩家可以通过参与游戏和比赛获得奖励,从而培养引人入胜且身临其境的游戏体验。. NFT 的整合通过使玩家能够拥有和交易游戏内资产,赋予他们在游戏世界中真正的所有权和价值,从而进一步增强了生态系统。项目的历史记录。Epiko项目开始了它的旅程,其愿景是通过将迷人的游戏世界与区块链技术的变革潜力相结合来重新定义游戏格局。.
What is the project aboutEPIKO is a groundbreaking GameFi platform that operates on the blockchain,revolutionizing the Web3.0 gaming ecosystem. Its primary objective is to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience by seamlessly integrating blockchain technology,playtoearn mechanics,and nonfungible tokens NFTs into its gaming universe.What makes your project uniqueWhat sets EPIKO apart is its ability to combine gaming,decentralized finance DeFi,an
34 ES
Era Swap (es)
Era Swap Token ES是一种目前基于以太坊区块链ERC20的去中心化实用代币,将在多个平台上用于交换服务P2P,享受折扣,获得奖励和更多效用。. Era Swap ES是一种ER20代币,由Era Swap生态系统支持。. ES可以在此生态系统中用于为用户提供折扣和奖励。. Era Swap Ecosystem ESE由多个日常生活实用平台组成,如P2P社交市场,教育,慈善,预测,多交换解决方案,P2P借贷,去中心化钱包,联盟计划,代币归属,商家和购物者等。. 有关详细的路线图,请参阅白皮书 ES的实用性是因为易于访问和智能合约驱动的奖励分配,以实现透明度。. 此外,这些奖励可以由生态系统中的用户兑换回。.
Era Swap Token ES a decentralized utility token currently based on Ethereum blockchain ERC20 will be used on multiple platforms for exchange of services P2P, avail discounts, get rewards and many more utility. Era Swap ES is an ER20 token which is supported by Era Swap Ecosystem. ES can be used within this ecosystem for discounts and rewards to users. Era Swap Ecosystem ESE consists of multiple utility platforms for day to day life such as P2P So
Everdome (dome)
Everdome将为Metahero的卓越技术提供一个生活,互动和繁荣的目的地。. 将 Metahero 从门户带入元宇宙,与 Everdome 一起,获得完全无处不在的 web3 体验,以至于当您摘下 VR 耳机时,您将无法分辨什么是真实的,什么不是。.
Everdome will provide a destination for Metahero’s remarkable tech to live, interact and flourish. Taking Metahero from the gateway into the metaverse, together with Everdome, to a fully ubiquitous web3 experience to the point when you take off your VR headset you won’t be able to tell what’s real and what’s not.
EverReflect (evrf)
EverReflect是一种超反射实用代币,具有减税和延迟开发销毁功能。. EVRF 持有者每买入/卖出分钟将获得 15% 的币安挂钩 BUSD 反射奖励。. 1,000,000 个代币。.
EverReflect is a hyper reflection utility token with tax reduction & delayed dev burn. EVRF holders will earn a 15% Reward in BinancePeg BUSD reflections for every BUY/SELL Min. 1,000,000 Tokens
Exgoland (exgo)
EXGO 代币是 EXGOLAND 的关键,这是一个由 AI 驱动的元宇宙,通过利用最新的 AI 和 VR 技术彻底改变了元宇宙行业。.
EXGO token is the key to EXGOLAND a metaverse powered by AI,revolutionizing the metaverse industry by levering the latest AI and VR technology.
38 FRY
Forestry (fry)
林业是一个基于 DAO 的绿色社区,致力于减少碳排放和减缓全球气温上升。. 通过NFT和DEFI将真正的种植林场和WEB3.0元宇宙通过区块链链接起来。. 我们的产品包括:南联盟治理代币,FRYNFT,DEFI中心,林场游戏,林场VR遥看,品牌衍生品等。南联盟应用:购买NFT或游戏道具,是唯一的生态治理代币,也是唯一的游戏代币。南联盟消费:烧掉交易,定期回购,游戏道具收益。NFT玩法&秘剧本说明:整体玩法相当于支付宝的蚂蚁森林。. 购买NFT其实是一棵树,树也会被映射在亚马逊森林中,然后质押你的NFT,然后每天收集能量收入。. 收入是南联盟,您可以实时收到,提取后可以进行交易。.
Forestry is a DAObased green community dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and slowing global temperature rise. Through NFT and DEFI,the real planting forest farm and the WEB3.0 metaverse are linked through the blockchain. Our products include: FRY governance tokens,FRYNFT,DEFI center,forest farm games,VR remote viewing of forest farms,brand derivatives,etc.FRY application: buy NFT or game props,is the only ecological governance token,and also
39 F2C
Ftribe Fighters (f2c)
Ftribe Fighters是一款多人在线战斗竞技场MOBA游戏,专为移动平台开发,免费游戏赚取代币经济并支持AR / VR耳机用于交互式元宇宙。. Ftribe Fighters由一支由20多名在游戏行业拥有多年工作经验的软件工程师和数字艺术家组成的经验丰富的团队开发,将在Unity引擎上制作,并将具有精美的控制台质量图形。.
Ftribe Fighters is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena MOBA game developed for mobile platforms, freetoplaytoearn token economics and support of AR/VR headsets for an interactive metaverse. Developed by an experienced team of over 20 software engineers and digital artists that have years working experience in the game industry, Ftribe Fighters will be made on the Unity engine and will feature polished, consolequality graphics.
Gami (gami)
什么是 GAMI #GAMIGAMI 是一个基于 PLAYTOEARN 区块链的游戏工作室,利用 AR、VR 和 NFT 技术为游戏玩家提供终极游戏体验并奖励他们的享受。. 这个新的游戏世界始于两款史诗般的游戏。最后的勇士™在快节奏的近战格斗游戏中#GAMIEnter进入擂台,使用您使用 AR 选择的武器。. 与世界各地的玩家战斗,参加锦标赛,并在赢得胜利时品尝胜利,并为您的 Empirehttps://www.youtube.com/watchv=J6gUdWcnFYwWHY 带来荣耀 选择GAMI #GAMIWe将平台的增长和可持续性作为我们的核心焦点,确保每个利益相关者都能享受该平台并从中受益。游戏游戏将于 2022 年发布。. 首款游戏《淘汰赛大战》将于 3 月底上线,供社区进行 B
WHAT IS GAMI #GAMIGAMI is a playtoearn blockchainbased gaming studio, leveraging AR, VR, and NFT technologies to give gamers the ultimate playing experiences and reward them for their enjoyment. This new gaming world begins with two epic games.LAST WARRIORS™ #GAMIEnter into the ring in a fastpaced close combat fighting game with weapons of your choice using AR. Battle against players around the world, enter tournaments, and taste victory as you e
Golden Paws (gpaws)
Golden Paws Token是一个加密货币项目,专注于帮助流浪动物并为用户创造收入。. 该项目包括一个具有 VR 功能和增强现实的移动应用程序、一个动物爱好者社区、慈善计划以及 NFT 收藏等实用程序。. 该路线图概述了到 2024 年的各个发展阶段。. 该项目旨在提高人们对动物福利和区块链技术的认识,并计划在交易所建立合作伙伴关系、活动和上市。. 代币经济学包括有关代币销售、平台和供应的详细信息。. 常见问题解答部分提供有关项目目标和产品的信息。.
Golden Paws Token is a cryptocurrency project focused on aiding stray animals and generating income for users. The project includes a mobile app with VR features and augmented reality,a community of animal lovers,charity initiatives,and utility programs like NFT collections. The roadmap outlines various development stages until 2024. The project aims to create awareness about animal welfare and blockchain technology,with plans for partnerships,ev
42 GOO
Gooeys (goo)
GOO是游戏中使用的主要代币 Gooeys Gooeys 是 Dogira Studios 团队的一款 PlayToEarn 游戏,具有完全代币化的经济——从游戏内角色到任务奖励的所有内容都完全在链上,并且可以在 OpenSea 等流行平台上进行交易。. Gooeys 由 Chainlink VRF 保护,确保所有随机滚动,例如角色/NFT 生成和任务奖励都是链上的,并且可以证明是公平的。.
GOO is the primary token used in the game Gooeys Gooeys is a PlayToEarn game from the Dogira Studios team, featuring a fully tokenized economy – where everything from your ingame characters to quest rewards are fully onchain, and tradable on popular platforms such as OpenSea. Gooeys is secured by Chainlink VRF, ensuring that all random rolls such as character/NFT Generation and Quest Rewards are onchain, and provably fair.
43 BO
gumBOvile (bo)
Gumbovile 是一个虚拟岛屿,位于永无止境的海洋中间,它结合了 playtoearn 和 learntoearn 机制。. 它旨在通过为用户和创作者提供其游戏内物品的直接所有权,彻底改变传统的商业、教育和游戏世界,所有这些都在一个透明且防篡改的生态系统中。Gumbovile 是一种跨平台体验,可以通过 PC 和 VR 访问,使游戏玩家和投资者能够玩、学习、探索和体验其身临其境的互动环境。.
Gumbovile is a virtual island located in the middle of Never ending Ocean,it that combines playtoearn and learntoearn mechanics. It aims to revolutionize the traditional world of business,education,and gaming by providing users and creators with direct ownership of their ingame items,all within a transparent and tamperproof ecosystem.Gumbovile is a crossplatform experience that can be accessed via PC and VR,enabling gamers and investors to play,l
44 HDV
Hydraverse (hdv)
在驯龙师之地海德拉兰,和平由范思泰山顶上的七颗龙珠守护。. 据说如果你拥有这些宝石,你的力量将是无限的,你将是不朽的。. 这个谣言远远超出了它的土地,每个人都渴望拥有这些珍贵的龙珠。有一天,邪恶潜入九头蛇试图偷走宝石,但幸运的是,他被守护者抓住了。. 一场战斗爆发了。. 邪恶故意吞下宝石。. 九头蛇守护者别无他法,只能用最强大的力量击倒敌人,最终让龙珠破碎,散落各处。从此,九头蛇遭受了洪水、台风、干旱等自然灾害.......
In Hydraland, the land of dragon trainers, peace is guarded by seven dragon balls on the top of Mount Versa. It is said that if you have these gems, your strength will be boundless and you will be immortal. This rumor spreads far beyond its land, and everyone desires to own these precious dragon balls.One day, evil was infiltrating Hydra trying to steal the gems, but fortunately, he was caught by the guardian. A fight broke out. The evil intentio
45 KBC
Kabuni (kbc)
什么是Kabuni KBCKabuni是一个创新平台,其使命是有目的的教育,以释放每个人的设计潜力并提升生活。. 我们的使命是在学习体验中创造前所未有的变化,从而增强课程并塑造工作的未来。. Kabuni 相信基于证据的微学习可以赋予个人权力,并为他们提供在生活的各个方面脱颖而出的工具。KBC Kabuni Coin 是 Kabuni 生态系统中的原生实用代币。. 它有多种用途,包括访问优质内容 平台内购买 治理 NFT 市场 跨平台集成 学习奖励 创作者奖励Kabuni 工具和服务 概述:Kabuni 提供一系列工具和服务来支持其使命: Kabuni WIZARD:一个先进的人工智能驱动平台,使教育工作者能够根据个人学习风格和需求制定课程。. 它将个性化放在首位,确保每个学生都能找到自己独
What Is Kabuni KBCKabuni is an innovative platform with a mission to educate with purpose to unlock the design potential of every human being and elevate life. We are on a mission to create unprecedented change in the learning experience that enhances curricula and shapes the future of work. Kabuni believes in evidencebased microlearning to empower individuals and provide them with the tools to excel in various aspects of life.KBC Kabuni Coin is


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,377.56 2,105,292,413.69
2 ARS title=ARS 1,059.00 1,769,080,217.00
3 ETH title=ETH 3,139.93 1,078,409,463.08
4 SOL title=SOL 143.65 770,690,132.14
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 528,212,755.18
6 WIF title=WIF 2.99 317,474,622.98
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 227,521,221.82
8 XRP title=XRP 0.53 197,635,062.19
9 NEAR title=NEAR 7.37 176,187,316.54
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 172,803,524.81
11 ENA title=ENA 0.84 143,863,822.66
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 142,648,179.71
13 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 126,993,387.30
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.45 97,923,650.58
15 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 97,521,258.09
16 WLD title=WLD 4.80 89,267,888.60
17 FTM title=FTM 0.75 77,314,086.07
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.43 63,567,382.02
19 LTC title=LTC 85.86 61,245,024.09
20 SEI title=SEI 0.60 55,772,646.35
21 COS title=COS 0.02 53,385,720.59
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 51,906,028.90
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.45 49,932,256.81
24 TRX title=TRX 0.12 48,584,951.30
25 ORDI title=ORDI 41.97 47,613,724.27
26 LINK title=LINK 14.82 46,854,507.59


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +26.13
2 Orion title=ORN 1.72 +16.56
3 W 0.62 +14.63
4 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.59 +9.48
5 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.37 +9.30
6 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +8.84
7 Civic title=CVC 0.17 +7.56
8 Arweave title=AR 34.21 +6.88
9 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +6.52
10 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +6.34
11 Harvest Finance title=FARM 83.58 +5.97
12 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +5.49
13 Theta Network title=THETA 2.42 +4.85
14 BTTC <0.01 +4.76
15 Lisk title=LSK 1.86 +4.68
16 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.17 +4.51
17 Algorand title=ALGO 0.21 +4.50
18 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +4.44
19 Fusionist title=ACE 5.61 +4.10
20 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.26 +4.05
21 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +4.00
22 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.02 +3.85
23 Terra title=LUNA 0.64 +3.60
24 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +3.56
25 Synthetix Network title=SNX 2.92 +3.48
26 Steem title=STEEM 0.30 +3.46
27 Liquity title=LQTY 1.06 +3.41
28 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.08 +3.30
29 TerraClassicUSD title=USTC 0.02 +3.19
30 Hifi Finance title=HIFI 0.79 +3.15


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Cream title=CREAM 44.34 -13.09
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.86 -13.06
3 NULS title=NULS 0.69 -10.70
4 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -10.08
5 RONIN 2.95 -8.04
6 Axelar title=AXL 1.07 -7.82
7 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.73 -7.56
8 Galxe title=GAL 4.37 -6.91
9 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.61 -6.62
10 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.62 -6.33
11 Phala title=PHA 0.20 -6.25
12 EOS title=EOS 0.82 -6.25
13 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.73 -6.12
14 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.10 -6.04
15 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 73.76 -5.92
16 Immutable title=IMX 2.06 -5.77
17 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.05 -5.45
18 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.19 -5.37
19 TrueFi title=TRU 0.11 -4.98
20 Astar title=ASTR 0.10 -4.72
21 Saga title=SAGA 3.59 -4.43
22 NEM title=XEM 0.04 -4.32
23 Marlin title=POND 0.02 -4.29
24 Stacks title=STX 2.64 -4.28
25 Hive title=HIVE 0.33 -4.26
26 WOO title=WOO 0.31 -4.25
27 Dusk title=DUSK 0.34 -4.15
28 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -4.10
29 Tensor title=TNSR 0.97 -4.02
30 Sui title=SUI 1.18 -3.99

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


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美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

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1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
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