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硬币相关 #Network

币名 细节
Chainlink (link)
Chainlink 是一个用于构建去中心化 Oracle 网络 DON 的框架,可将现实世界的数据引入区块链网络,从而创建混合智能合约。. 这些 DON 提供分散的服务,例如价格馈送、储备证明、可验证随机性、守护者以及连接到任何 Web API 的能力。它旨在确保外部信息定价,天气数据,事件结果等。. 以及链下计算随机性、交易自动化、公平排序等。. 提供给链上智能合约是可靠且防篡改的。.
Chainlink is a framework for building Decentralized Oracle Networks DONs that bring realworld data onto blockchain networks, enabling the creation of hybrid smart contracts. These DONs provide decentralized services such as Price Feeds, Proof of Reserve, Verifiable Randomness, Keepers, and the ability to connect to any web API. It aims to ensure that the external information pricing, weather data, event outcomes, etc. and offchain computations ra
Polygon (matic)
Polygon 以前 Matic Network 是第一个结构良好、易于使用的平台,用于以太坊扩展和基础设施开发。. 它的核心组件是Polygon SDK,这是一个模块化的灵活框架,支持构建多种类型的应用程序。使用多边形,可以创建乐观汇总链、ZK 汇总链、独立链或开发人员所需的任何其他类型的基础设施。. Polygon有效地将以太坊转变为一个成熟的多链系统,即区块链互联网。. 这个多链系统类似于其他系统,如Polkadot,Cosmos,Avalanche等,具有以太坊的安全性,充满活力的生态系统和开放性的优势。建立在PlasmaPOS链上的现有生态系统不会改变。. 借助 Polygon,正在围绕现有的成熟技术构建新功能,以扩展满足开发人员生态系统多样化需求的能力。. Polygon将继续开
Polygon Previously Matic Network is the first wellstructured, easytouse platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types of applications.Using Polygon, one can create Optimistic Rollup chains, ZK Rollup chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the developer. Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a ful
The Graph (grt)
Graph 是一种索引协议和全局 API,用于组织区块链数据并使其易于使用 GraphQL 访问。. 开发人员可以使用 Graph 资源管理器来搜索、查找和发布构建去中心化应用程序所需的所有公共数据。. 图形网络使构建完全在公共基础设施上运行的无服务器dApp成为可能。GRT 是用于协调工作的网络的本机令牌。. GRT是ERC20代币。. 节点操作员(称为索引器)质押并赚取 GRT 来处理查询。. 任何人都可以将 GRT 委托给索引器,以保护网络并获得奖励。.
The Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications. The Graph Network makes it possible to build serverless dApps that run entirely on public infrastructure.GRT is the native token of the network that’s used to coordinate work. GRT is an ERC20 to
1inch (1inch)
什么是1inch Network1inch Network是一个去中心化的交易所DEX聚合器,可帮助用户发现代币的最佳交易价格。. 1inch不是从DEX的单个流动性池中交换代币,而是将聚合到不同的池中,并建议最有效的代币交易方式。为什么使用1英寸如果您是交易大量代币的交易者,您可能不知道不同DEX的所有可用性流动性,以便获得最佳报价。. DEX提供的报价在任何给定时间都会根据流动性池而波动。. 此外,当您进行大额交易时,每一笔储蓄百分比都可以通过最佳交易路径放大。. 1inch旨在在一个用户友好的界面中解决所有这些问题。什么是探路者探路者是由1inch团队开发的发现和路由算法。. 正是该算法使后端能够找到交换令牌的最有效路由。.
What is 1inch Network1inch Network is a decentralized exchange DEX aggregator to help users discover the best trade prices for tokens. Instead of swapping tokens from a single liquidity pool of a DEX,1inch will aggregate across different pools and suggest the most efficient way to trade tokens.Why use 1inchIf you are a trader trading large amount of tokens,you may not be aware of all the availability liquidity across different DEXes in order to g
Arbitrum (arb)
Arbitrum是领先的以太坊扩展解决方案之一,在与以太坊非常相似的环境中为成千上万的用户带来廉价交易。. 这是一个乐观的汇总,在TVL方面是领先的L2。. 一些最大的dApp存在于Arbitrum上,包括GMX,Radiant,Uniswap V3和Gain Network。.
Arbitrum is one of the leading Ethereum scaling solutions bringing cheap transactions to tens of thousands of users in an environment that feels very similar to Ethereum. It is an optimistic rollup and the leading L2 in terms of TVL. Some of the largest dApps live on Arbitrum include GMX,Radiant,Uniswap V3,and Gains Network.
Enjin Coin (enj)
Enjin Coin是由Enjin创建的虚拟商品的加密货币。. Enjin 是“最大的在线游戏社区平台”,拥有超过 250,000 个游戏社区和 1870 万注册游戏玩家。. Enjin团队正在完全围绕游戏设计硬币,目标是使其成为业内最有用的加密货币。. 该项目包括Enjin Coin以及一套软件开发工具包SDK,开发人员可以将其集成到他们的游戏和社区中。. 将区块链引入游戏有助于减少虚拟商品转让中普遍存在的高额费用和欺诈行为。Enjin Coin是建立在以太坊网络上的ERC20代币。. 有了这个,该项目不仅可以作为加密货币,还可以具有智能合约功能。.
Enjin Coin is a cryptocurrency for virtual goods created by Enjin. Enjin is the “largest gaming community platform online” with over 250,000 gaming communities and 18.7 million registered gamers. The Enjin team is designing the coin completely around gaming with the goal of it being the most usable cryptocurrency for the industry. The project includes the Enjin Coin as well as a suite of software development kits SDKs that developers can integrat
Synthetix Network (snx)
Synthetix总部位于澳大利亚,Synthetix于2017年9月启动了一轮种子轮融资,以开发自给自足的稳定币支付网络的概念。. 然后,他们于2018年2月28日启动了他们的公共ICO,到2018年3月7日的ICO结束时,他们已经达到了30,000,000美元的目标。. Synthetix于2018年11月30日从Havven更名,Synthetix由13人组成的多学科团队领导。. 该项目由Kain Warwick创立,他之前是澳大利亚最大的数字支付网络之一blueshyft的联合创始人。. 首席技术官是Justin Moses,他也是MongoDB的工程总监。. Synthetix旨在解决运行集中支付网络(如PayPal,信用卡网络或SWIFT银行网络)的公司“对网络内的价值具有绝对控
Synthetix is based in Australia, Synthetix launched a seed funding round in September, 2017 to develop the concept of a selfcontained stablecoin payment network. They then kicked off their public ICO on February 28, 2018 and by the end of the ICO on March 7, 2018, they had met their goal of $30,000,000 USD. Synthetix was rebranded from Havven on November 30, 2018.Synthetix is led by a multidisciplinary team of 13 individuals. The project was foun
WOO Network (woo)
WOO网络是一个深度流动性网络,连接交易者,交易所,机构和DeFi平台,以较低或零成本民主化地访问一流的流动性和交易执行。. WOO令牌用于网络的CeFi和DeFi产品,用于质押和费用折扣。.
WOO Network is a deep liquidity network connecting traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms with democratized access to the bestinclass liquidity and trading execution at lower or zero cost. WOO Token is used in the network’s CeFi and DeFi products for staking and fee discounts.
EOS (eos)
由EOS社区构建和运营的区块链。. EOSIO核心开发现在掌握在社区手中: 关于EOS支持:是一个由社区成员发起的组织,作为礼宾员,为使用EOS网络的客户提供用户和技术支持.EOS支持团队提供新的服务,例如曼德尔共识升级的协调工作,知识库,技术支持,以及EOS网络的更多支持。资料来源:EOS网络基金会2022年第一季度报告:13:。.
Blockchain built and run by the EOS Community. The EOSIO core development is now in the hands of the community: About EOS Support: is an organisation started by community members that serves as a concierge for providing user and technical support for customers who use the EOS Network.EOS Support team offers new services such as coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade,knowledge base,technical support,and many more for the EOS networ
10 ICP
Internet Computer (icp)
互联网计算机IC是世界上第一个能够以不受限制的容量以网络速度运行的区块链。. IC由DFINITY基金会构建,旨在通过支持大规模智能合约开发和改变人们使用Web服务进行交互的方式来重建网络。. 互联网计算机旨在扩展公共互联网,以便它可以以分散的方式成为世界的计算平台。. 互联网计算机将彻底改变加密经济的设计,旨在彻底改革传统的软件服务。. 该项目由Dominic Willams于2016年10月创立,已从Adreessen Horowitz,Polychain Capital,Multicoin Capital等投资者那里筹集了总计1.21亿美元。. 2021 年 5 月 10 日,DFINITY 将互联网计算机引入公共领域,标志着 ICP 的一个重要里程碑,因为这意味着互联网现在作为分散的
Internet Computer IC is the world’s first blockchain that is capable of running at web speed at unrestrictive capacities. Built by the DFINITY Foundation, IC aims to recreate the web by supporting smart contract development at scale and changing the way people can interact using web services. Internet Computer aims to extend the public internet, so that it can be the world’s computing platform, in a decentralized manner. Internet Computer sets to
11 JTO
Jito (jto)
JTO 是 Jito Network 的治理代币。. Jito Network 通过其 JitoSOL 流动性质押池及其 MEV 产品集合,是 Solana 生态系统的主要贡献者。. 用户可以将他们的 SOL 换成 JitoSOL。. 作为回报,持有者保持 SOL 的流动性和 DeFi 机会,同时从质押中赚取收益。. JitoSOL 独特地为其持有者提供与 Solana 上 MEV 提取相关的交易收入的额外奖励。. 最大可提取价值 MEV 描述了归因于特定交易执行顺序的盈利机会。.
JTO is the governance token of the Jito Network. Jito Network is a major contributor to the Solana ecosystem through its JitoSOL liquid staking pool,and its collection of MEV products. Users can exchange their SOL for JitoSOL. In return,holders maintain SOL’s liquidity and DeFi opportunities while earning yield from staking. JitoSOL uniquely provides its holders with additional rewards from transaction revenue associated with MEV extraction on So
12 KNC
Kyber Network Crystal (knc)
什么是凯伯网络 KNCKyber 网络是流动性协议的中心,它聚合了来自各种来源的流动性,以在任何去中心化应用程序 DApp 上提供安全和即时的交易。. Kyber 网络的主要目标是使 DeFi DApp、去中心化交易所 DEX 和其他用户能够轻松访问提供最优惠利率的流动性池。Kyber 上的所有交易都在链上,这意味着可以使用任何以太坊区块浏览器轻松验证它们。. 项目可以建立在 Kyber 之上,以利用协议提供的所有服务,例如代币的即时结算、流动性聚合和可定制的商业模式。Kyber 希望通过允许开发人员构建产品和服务而不必担心不同需求的流动性来解决去中心化金融 DeFi 行业的流动性问题。. Kyber Network Crystal KNC 代币是一种实用代币,是连接 Kybers 生态系统
What Is Kyber Network KNCKyber Network is a hub of liquidity protocols that aggregates liquidity from various sources to provide secure and instant transactions on any decentralized application DApp. The main goal of Kyber Network is to enable DeFi DApps, decentralized exchanges DEXs and other users easy access to liquidity pools that provide the best rates.All transactions on Kyber are onchain, which means they can be easily verified using any E
Mask Network (mask)
Mask Network是Dimension的核心产品,定位于成为连接互联网用户从Web 2.0到Web 3.0的桥梁。. Mask Network的基础技术是一个点对点加密的消息传递应用程序,围绕这个基础不断创建新的功能。. 我们面具网络坚信所有权经济。. 人们应该拥有他们生产的东西,人们应该拥有他们的数据,他们的注意力和他们选择贡献的虚拟空间。Mask Network集成了去中心化的社交消息传递,无国界支付网络以及分散的文件存储和共享,为用户提供了一个安全便捷的门户,直接进入去中心化金融的大陆,然后进入Web 3.0的新世界。.
Mask Network is the core product of Dimension, which is positioned to become the bridge that connects internet users from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The foundational technology of Mask Network is a peertopeer encrypted messaging application, with new functions continuously being created around this foundation. We at Mask Network are strong believers in the ownership economy. People should own what they produce, people should own their data, their attent
14 OMG
OMG Network (omg)
Enya是OMG基金会的核心开发人员,她刚刚宣布推出Boba Network。. 波巴网络是一种使用以太坊的新方式,它将使其更快、更便宜、更强大。. 这是人们了解Enya并在Boba的基础上发展的好方法。.
Enya is a core developer of the OMG Foundation and she just announced the launch of Boba Network. Boba Network is a new way to use Ethereum that will make it faster,cheaper,and more powerful. It's a great way for people to learn about Enya and build on Boba.
Pyth Network (pyth)
Pyth Network是最大,增长最快的第一方预言机网络。. Pyth 通过 35+ 个区块链向金融 dApp 提供实时市场数据,并提供 350+ 个跨加密货币、股票、ETF、外汇对和商品的低延迟价格馈送。该网络由一些世界上最大的交易所、做市商和金融服务提供商组成,他们贡献自己的价格数据供智能合约使用。. Pyth 预言机程序将其数据聚合在链上,以防止不准确和操纵。. 最后,该协议允许用户在需要时将最新价格“拉”到他们的区块链上。自跨链拉式预言机推出以来不到一年的时间里,该网络的总价值已超过10亿美元。. Pyth 网络已被 200 多个应用程序使用,以确保交易量超过 750 亿美元。是什么让您的项目独一无二Pyth Price Feeds 是一套超过 350 个实时价格馈送,适用于加密货
What is the project aboutThe Pyth Network is the largest and fastestgrowing firstparty oracle network. Pyth delivers realtime market data to financial dApps across 35+ blockchains and provides 350+ lowlatency price feeds across cryptocurrencies,equities,ETFs,FX pairs,and commodities.The network comprises some of the world’s largest exchanges,market makers,and financial services providers who contribute their own price data for use by smart contra
16 QNT
Quant (qnt)
总部位于伦敦的Quant Network将通过开发其区块链操作系统Overledger来彻底改变区块链技术。. 经验丰富的团队决心通过为人员、机器和数据创建一个开放的可信网络来实现互联网的最初愿景,以安全可靠地运行。Overledger是第一个可互操作的区块链操作系统,可促进分散式多链应用程序的互联网规模开发。. Overledger有能力在当前和未来的区块链中解锁和分配价值和应用程序。. 它是一个不可知的平台,将世界网络连接到区块链,并确保您不局限于任何单一的供应商或技术。. Overledger是唯一促进互联网规模开发的平台,开发分散的多链应用程序。.
Londonbased Quant Network is set to revolutionise blockchain technology with the development of their blockchain operating system Overledger. The experienced team are determined to fulfil the original vision of the internet by creating an open trusted network for people, machines, and data to operate securely and safely.Overledger the first interoperable blockchain operating system that facilitates internetscale development of decentralised, mult
17 SEI
Sei Network (sei)
启动AppSei是一个区块链,旨在帮助人们构建和使用数字资产。. 它是最快的区块链,具有高吞吐量和500ms的最终性。. 它也非常安全,具有权益证明女巫保护和内置的前端预防。. Sei受到世界级机构和投资者的信任,并已筹集了1.2亿美元的生态系统资金。.
Launch AppSei is a blockchain designed to help people build and use digital assets. It's the fastest blockchain with high throughput and 500ms finality. It's also highly secure,with Proof of Stake Sybil Protection and built-in frontrunning prevention. Sei is trusted by world-class institutions and investors,and has raised $120 million in ecosystem funding.
Theta Network (theta)
Theta网络是一个由区块链技术驱动的去中心化视频流网络。. Theta允许用户观看视频内容并获得代币奖励,因为他们在点对点P2P的基础上共享他们的互联网带宽和计算资源。. 除了Node Capital和DHVC等机构投资者阵容外,Theta Network还由YouTube联合创始人Steve Chen和Twitch联合创始人Justin Kan提供建议。. Theta上的视频流服务依赖于分布式用户网络,这些用户自愿贡献他们的备用带宽和计算资源来运行Theta的系统,以换取Theta Fuel TFuel奖励。Theta运行在修改后的权益证明共识机制上,因为它具有独特的多拜占庭容错BFT,它将2030个验证者节点组成的委员会与数千个守护者节点的秒后。. 这可以加快审批速度,并且比传统的工作
Theta network is a decentralized video streaming network that is powered by blockchain technology. Theta allows users to watch video content and get rewarded with tokens as they share their internet bandwidth and computing resources on a peertopeer P2P basis. Besides a lineup of institutional investors like Node Capital and DHVC, Theta Network is advised by Steve Chen, cofounder of YouTube, and Justin Kan, cofounder of Twitch. The video streaming
19 CFX
Conflux (cfx)
什么是Conflux Conflux是一个无需许可的第1层区块链,连接跨境和协议的去中心化经济。. 最近迁移到混合PoW / PoS共识,Conflux提供了一个快速,安全和可扩展的区块链环境,具有零拥塞,低费用和更高的网络安全性。作为中国唯一符合监管标准的公有区块链,Conflux为项目建设和扩展到亚洲提供了独特的优势。. 在该地区,Conflux与全球品牌和政府实体合作开展区块链和元界计划,包括上海市、麦当劳中国和奥利奥。. 要了解有关Conflux的更多信息,请访问 confluxnetwork.org/ 什么是Conflux CFX令牌CFX是Conflux网络的本机令牌。. 它是一种硬上限的稀缺资产,用于支付费用,并通过质押来保护网络。. 每个 CFX 包含 10^18 滴。.
What is Conflux Conflux is a permissionless Layer 1 blockchain connecting decentralized economies across borders and protocols. Recently migrated to hybrid PoW/PoS consensus, Conflux provides a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain environment with zero congestion, low fees, and improved network security.As the only regulatory compliant public blockchain in China, Conflux provides a unique advantage for projects building and expanding into Asia.
20 CKB
Nervos Network (ckb)
Nervos是一个分层的加密经济网络。. Nervos 将加密经济的基础设施分为两层:作为信任根和智能托管人的验证层 1,以及用于高性能交易和隐私保护的生成层 2。本文档概述了 Nervos Common Knowledge Base CKB,这是一个公共的无许可区块链和 Nervos 的第 1 层。. CKB 产生信任并将这种信任扩展到上层,使 Nervos 成为一个信任网络。. 它也是Nervos网络的价值存储,为网络中创建的资产,身份和其他常识提供公共,安全和抗审查的托管服务。Nervos公共知识库Nervos CKB简称为以保存为重点的资产存储区块链。. 在架构上,它旨在最好地支持链上状态和链下计算,在经济上,它旨在提供可持续的安全性和去中心化。. Nervos CKB是整个Nerv
Nervos is a layered cryptoeconomy network. Nervos separates the infrastructure of a cryptoeconomy into two layers: a verification layer layer 1 that serves as a trust root and smart custodian, and a generation layer layer 2 for highperformance transactions and privacy protection.This document provides an overview of the Nervos Common Knowledge Base CKB, a public permissionless blockchain and layer 1 of Nervos. CKB generates trust and extends this
Astar (astr)
Astar是Polkadot上的dApp中心,支持以太坊虚拟机,WebAssembly智能合约和第2层解决方案,如ZK Rollups。. Astar的目标是成为一个多链智能合约平台,支持多个区块链和虚拟机。. Shiden Network是Astar Network的姊妹网络,也是Kusama上的dApp中心。.
Astar is a dApp hub on Polkadot that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine, WebAssembly Smart Contracts, and layer 2 solutions like ZK Rollups. Astar aims to be a multichain smart contract platform that will support multiple blockchains and virtual machines. Shiden Network is a sister network of Astar Network and a dApp hub on Kusama.
DUSK Network (dusk)
黄昏网络是一个高吞吐量的无许可区块链,旨在提供隐私、可编程性和可审计性。Dusk Network目前处于测试网阶段,是一种区块链协议,可轻松部署可编程零知识dApp,从而成为开放,无许可和全球隐私导向的dApp生态系统的支柱。黄昏网络旨在消除破坏安全代币主流发行和交易的技术障碍。. 合规性、可审计性和隐私性内置于开放、无需许可的机密安全令牌标准 XSC 中。.
Dusk Network is a high throughput permissionless blockchain aimed at providing privacy, programmability and auditability.Dusk Network is currently in the Testnet phase and is a blockchain protocol for easy deployment of programmable zeroknowledge dApps, thus becoming the backbone of an open, permissionless and global privacyoriented dApp ecosystem.Dusk Network aims to remove technical barriers that have undermined mainstream issuance and trading
Manta Network (manta)
Manta Pacific 是第一个通过 Celestia DA 和 Polygon zkEVM 进行扩展且安全的 EVM 等效 ZK应用平台。.
Manta Pacific is the first EVMequivalent ZKapplication platform that is scalable and secure through Celestia DA and Polygon zkEVM.
Secret (scrt)
秘密是秘密网络的原生硬币,秘密网络是一个用于私人/安全计算的去中心化网络。. 网络上称为秘密节点的节点可以对加密数据执行可通用的计算,这允许称为秘密合约的智能合约使用私有和敏感数据作为输入。. 我们的重点是计算隐私,而不仅仅是交易隐私。. 开发人员可以在网络上构建分散的、保护隐私的秘密应用程序。. 秘密网络的隐私功能对许多领域都至关重要,包括去中心化金融、Web3、机器学习、访问控制等等。秘密网络由许多独立的开发团队和实体支持,包括Enigma,Secret Foundation,Secretnodes.org,Chain of Secrets等。.
Secret is the native coin of the Secret Network, a decentralized network for private / secure computation. Nodes on the network known as secret nodes can perform generalizable computations over encrypted data, which allows smart contracts known as secret contracts to use private and sensitive data as inputs. Our focus is on computational privacy, not just transactional privacy. Developers can build decentralized, privacypreserving Secret Apps on
25 T
Threshold Network (t)
Threshold是一个由NuCypher和Keep网络合并的项目,致力于以完全去中心化的方式为web3社区提供不同的阈值加密解决方案。. 阈值密码学是一种使用密码学来解锁数字资产的更大效用和可用性的技术,而无需信任中心化方。. 阈值加密将敏感操作分布在多个独立实体(如网络中的节点)之间,并需要阈值或这些实体的最小数量才能合作才能使操作成功。.
Threshold is a project merged from the NuCypher and Keep networks, which strives to provide different threshold cryptography solutions in a fully decentralized manner to the web3 community. Threshold cryptography is a technology that uses cryptography to unlock greater utility and usability for digital assets without needing to trust a centralized party. Threshold cryptography distributes sensitive operations across multiple independent entities
Oasis Network (rose)
Oasis Network是一个支持隐私的区块链平台,用于开放金融和负责任的数据经济。.
The Oasis Network is a privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy.
Portal (portal)
内容是关于Portal的,它被描述为Web3游戏的通用游戏币。. 它为每个人提供游戏机会,具有轻松支付、与朋友联系以及跨不同链玩游戏等功能。. 该平台展示了 200 多种游戏和虚拟世界,包括 MMORPG、生存、策略等各种类型。. 此外,还为开发人员提供了有关如何探索$Portal代币和加入节点网络的信息。. 该平台还提供社交媒体链接和法律信息。.
The content is about Portal,which is described as the universal gaming coin for Web3 gaming. It offers gaming opportunities for everyone with features like effortless payments,connecting with friends,and playing games across different chains. The platform showcases over 200 games and virtual worlds,with various genres such as MMORPG,survival,strategy,and more. Additionally,there is information for developers on how to explore the $Portal Token an
28 SSV
SSV Network (ssv)
SSV促进了以太坊共识层的去中心化、安全性和活力,并构成了SSV.network的基础——一个完全去中心化和强大的ETH质押网络。. 对于任何想要运行以太坊验证器的人来说,使用网络将是开放和简单的,从 DIY 用户一直到质押池和大型机构质押服务。. 这适用于作为用户或服务提供商使用网络,无论质押配置如何,只要职责得到正确执行,任何人都有资格提供服务并从中获得回报。.
SSV promotes decentralization, security, and liveness across the Ethereum consensus layer and forms the foundation of SSV.network – a fully decentralized and robust ETH staking network. Using the network will be open and simple for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator; from DIY users all the way to staking pools and big institutional staking services. This applies to using the network both as a user or a service provider; regardless of s
29 TWT
Trust Wallet (twt)
信任钱包令牌TWT 511是一种实用程序令牌,只能在应用程序内使用。. 这将用于激励所有Trust Wallet用户。TWTGovernance令牌的激励措施是什么,任何想要参与添加新区块链支持,令牌和产品功能的决策的人都将使用。. 还将作为向信任钱包存储库提交的费用收取 59.DEX 服务和在应用程序内购买加密货币的折扣。收藏品市场,任何对交易、销售或购买数字收藏品感兴趣的人都可以在用户友好的环境中使用该代币。DApp 审查和推广,以激励开发人员在 DApp 上工作,这有助于在移动设备上进一步采用 Web 3.0。联盟和赏金奖励,代币可以转换为BNB或ETH,可用于网络费用,担保和用户声誉,用户将能够为他们喜欢的产品的开发人员担保,向信任生态系统的其余部分展示产品的质量。.
Trust Wallet Token TWT 511 is a utility token that can only be used within the app. This will be used to incentivize all Trust Wallet users.What are the Incentives of TWTGovernance token that will be used by anyone who wants to take part in making decisions for adding new blockchain support, tokens and product features. Will also be collected as fees for submissions to the Trust Wallet repository 59.Discounts on DEX services and purchasing crypto
30 1000SATS
1000SATS (Ordinals) (1000sats)
$SATS是一种叫做Satoshis的比特币,它是比特币的最小单位。. 它可以在不同的加密货币交易所购买,如 Binance、OKX 和 Mexc。. $SATS 是使用序数协议建立在比特币网络上的,它是使用 JavaScript Object Notion 创建的。. 它不需要像其他代币那样的任何智能合约。. 您可以在我们的网站上加入我们,了解更多关于$SATS!的信息。.
$SATS is a type of Bitcoin called Satoshis,which is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. It can be bought on different crypto exchanges like Binance,OKX and Mexc. $SATS is built on the Bitcoin Network using the ordinals protocol and it is created using JavaScript Object Notion. It does not need any smart contracts like other tokens do. You can join us on our website to learn more about $SATS!
ARPA (arpa)
ARPA 网络 ARPA 是一个去中心化的安全计算网络,旨在提高区块链的公平性、安全性和隐私性。. ARPA 阈值 BLS 签名网络充当可验证随机数生成器 RNG、安全钱包、跨链桥和跨多个区块链的去中心化托管的基础设施。. ARPA以前被称为ARPA链,这是一个隐私保护的多方计算MPC网络,成立于2018年。. ARPA主网在过去几年中完成了超过224,000个计算任务。. 我们在MPC和其他密码学方面的经验为我们创新的阈值BLS签名方案TSSBLS系统设计奠定了基础,并引领我们进入了今天的ARPA网络。. Randcast是一个可验证的随机数生成器RNG,是第一个利用ARPA作为基础设施的应用程序。.
ARPA Network ARPA is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator RNG, secure wallet, crosschain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacypreserving Multiparty Computation MPC network founded in 2018. ARPA M
Casper Network (cspr)
Casper Network是第一个基于Casper CBC规范构建的实时权益证明区块链。. Casper旨在加速当今企业和开发人员对区块链技术的采用,并不断发展以满足未来的用户需求。.
The Casper Network is the first live proofofstake blockchain built off the Casper CBC specification. Casper is designed to accelerate enterprise and developer adoption of blockchain technology today and evolve to meet user needs in the future.
Celer Network (celr)
Celer 网络是一种帮助人们在多个链上使用区块链、代币、游戏等的技术。. 它可以帮助人们以低成本快速安全地转移物品。. 人们可以使用 Celer 来质押 Celr 代币,以帮助保护网络并获取价值。. 他们还可以使用Celer的CBridge轻松地在30个区块链上转移资产。. 开发人员可以使用 Celer 链间消息 SDK 构建令人兴奋的链间应用程序并列出他们的代币。.
Celer Network is a technology that helps people use blockchains,tokens,games,and more on multiple chains. It helps people transfer things quickly and securely with low cost. People can use Celer to stake Celr tokens to help secure the network and capture value. They can also use Celer's CBridge to transfer assets across 30 blockchains easily. Developers can use the Celer Interchain Message SDK to build exciting interchain apps and list their toke
34 XCH
Chia (xch)
Chia Network由BitTorrent网络的发明者Bram Cohen创立,正在构建一个更好的区块链和智能交易平台,该平台更加分散,更高效,更安全。Chialisp是Chia新的智能交易编程语言,功能强大,易于审计且安全。. 区块链由自2008年比特币推出以来第一个新的中本聪风格共识算法提供支持。. 空间和时间证明通过利用未使用的磁盘空间来取代能源密集型的“工作量证明”。Chia网络支持全球Chia区块链的开发和部署。. Chia网络支持Chia开发人员,并通过软件支持和Chia贷款支持企业使用Chia。.
Founded by Bram Cohen, the inventor of the BitTorrent network, Chia Network is building a better blockchain and smart transaction platform which is more decentralized, more efficient, and more secure.Chialisp is Chia’s new smart transaction programming language that is powerful, easy to audit, and secure. The blockchain is powered by the first new Nakamoto style consensus algorithm since Bitcoin launched in 2008. Proofs of Space and Time replace
35 ERN
Ethernity Chain (ern)
Ethernity Chain 是一个面向社区的平台,生产限量版认证的 NFT 和交易卡,由您最喜欢的艺术家创建并由知名人士认可。. 它建立在以太坊网络上,旨在建立最大的ANFT图书馆,奖励其创建者并为慈善事业永远筹集资金。. 其独特的DEFI应用程序允许ERN代币持有者种植稀有的ANFT,并对修改以太坊链生态系统的提案进行投票。.
Ethernity Chain is a communityoriented platform that produces limited edition authenticated NFTs and trading cards created by your favorite artists and endorsed by notable figures. Built on the Ethereum Network, it aims to build the biggest ANFT library, reward its creators and raise funds for charitable causes forever. Its unique DEFI applications allow ERN token holders to farm rare ANFTs and vote on proposals that will amend the Ethernity Chai
First Digital USD (fdusd)
关于First Digital USD FDUSD的项目是什么,旨在彻底改变数字资产格局。. 我们的使命是为用户提供一种变革性的金融工具,将现金储备的稳定性与先进区块链技术的无缝效率相结合。. 通过提供完全抵押的数字资产,我们的稳定币确保了最大的安全性、透明度和交易可靠性。. 这种传统稳定性和尖端创新的战略融合使用户能够自信地驾驭数字经济,解锁一个充满可能性的世界,同时保持对金融互动的最大信任。是什么让您的项目独一无二可转移:FDUSD可实现无摩擦和简化的交易,使其成为各种应用和场景的便捷选择。可赎回:FDUSD由高质量的储备现金和现金等价物支持,使持有者能够将其FDUSD代币兑换成等值的美元。. 用户可以相信FDUSD始终是1:1支持的。. 低费用:FDUSD的一个显着好处是它能够以最低的
What is the project about First Digital USD FDUSD aim to revolutionize the digital asset landscape. Our mission is to empower users with a transformative financial instrument that combines the stability of cash reserves with the seamless efficiency of advanced blockchain technology. By offering a fully collateralized digital asset,our stablecoin ensures the utmost security,transparency,and transaction reliability. This strategic fusion of traditi
Loom Network (NEW) (loom)
以太坊的下一代区块链应用平台.Loom Network的DPoS侧链允许真正可扩展的区块链游戏和DApps,并具有以太坊主网的安全性。. 就像以太坊上的EOS一样,什么是织机网络织机网络是以太坊的第2层扩展解决方案,正在生产中。. 它是一个DPoS侧链网络,允许高度可扩展的游戏和面向用户的DApp,同时仍然由生产中 Ethereum.Live 的安全性提供支持织机网络自2018年3月以来一直在生产中。. 开发人员,今天就开始在 Loom 上构建。高度可扩展的侧链被称为“以太坊上的EOS”,Loom的DPoS侧链提供了与EOS等替代平台相同的高可扩展性和吞吐量,同时仍然完全兼容以太坊和安全。在以太坊的支持下,我们构建了世界上第一个等离子现金实施,允许基于以太坊的代币在织机侧链上使用,并具有以太
The NextGeneration Blockchain Application Platform for Ethereum.Loom Network’s DPoS sidechains allow for truly scalable blockchain games and DApps with the security of Ethereum mainnet. Like EOS on Ethereum.What is Loom NetworkLoom Network is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that is live in production. It is a network of DPoS sidechains, which allows for highlyscalable games and userfacing DApps while still being backed by the security of
Omni Network (omni)
Omni Network 是一个旨在联合以太坊汇总的平台。. 它允许开发人员启动跨汇总工作的全局原生应用程序。. Omni 得到了 Coinbase Ventures、Jump、Pantera 和 Spartan Group 等投资者的支持。.
Omni Network is a platform built to unite Ethereum rollups. It allows developers to launch globallynative applications that work across rollups. Omni is backed by investors like Coinbase Ventures,Jump,Pantera,and Spartan Group.
39 ZK
Polyhedra Network (zk)
Polyhedra Network 正在通过其尖端的零知识证明系统实现互操作性和计算能力。. 他们的主要产品之一是zkBridge,它使用zkSNARKs来促进不同区块链网络之间的高效状态转换。. 他们还开发了各种证明系统,如处女座、猎户座、天秤座、双子座、马林鱼和钢琴家,以提高生成和验证证明的速度、可扩展性和效率。. 这些技术旨在实现跨不同区块链系统的 Web3 互操作性、可扩展性和模块化。. 此外,Polyhedra Network 还积极参与在比特币、以太坊、Arbitrum 和 Polygon 等各种区块链平台上构建跨链桥。.
The Polyhedra Network is empowering interoperability and computation through its cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof systems. One of their key products is zkBridge,which uses zkSNARKs to facilitate efficient state transitions between different blockchain networks. They have also developed various proof systems such as Virgo,Orion,Libra,Gemini,Marlin,and Pianist to enhance speed,scalability,and efficiency in generating and verifying proofs. These te
40 REI
REI Network (rei)
REI Network was developed to better adapt to the development trend of the blockchain, and to achieve a lightweight, Ethereum compatible, higher performance, and no fee blockchain framework.
41 SIX
SIX Network (six)
SIX起源于韩国和泰国最大的数字媒体创业集团之一OOKBEE U Company Limited和Yello Digital Marketing Global PTE Ltd。. 该联盟旨在为数字和创意经济中的所有利益相关者创建一个更加透明,公平,安全和高效的生态系统。.
SIX was originated from one of the largest digital media startup groups in Korea and Thailand, OOKBEE U Company Limited and Yello Digital Marketing Global PTE LTD. The alliance aims to create a more transparent, fair, secured, and efficient ecosystem for all stakeholders in the digital and creative economies.
STP (stpt)
STP 是一个针对 DAO 优化的生态系统。. 它推出了 Verse Network,这是一整套原生工具和基础设施,为用户、社区和组织提供高效的去中心化决策,以简化 DAO 的创建和管理。. 通过Verse Network,用户可以访问一套nocode DAO工具,在一系列区块链上启动和管理他们的DAO。.
STP is an ecosystem optimzed for DAOs. It launched Verse Network, a full suite of native tools and infrastructures facilitating efficient decentralized decisionmaking for users, communities and organizations to streamline the creation and management of DAOs. Through Verse Network, users can access a suite of nocode DAO tools to launch and manage their DAOs on a range of blockchains.
VeThor (vtho)
VeChain也是一个双令牌系统,由VeChain Token VET和VeThor Token THOR组成。. 网络用户持有前者时会获得后者的奖励,NEO & GAS 也是如此。. 唯链代币可用于在平台上部署应用程序,因为VeThor可用于支付网络上的应用程序和其他交易。. VeChain声称,这种经济模式比其他区块链(如以太坊和比特币)更适合企业,后者更高的使用率推动了实用代币的成本,从而推动了协议中的部署和运营成本。在今年早些时候的一篇官方博客文章中,该基金会宣布其“宏伟的愿望是使金融服务业成为我们发展计划的主要重点之一”。. 他们还宣布与北京百盛科技有限公司的子公司房地产抵押贷款提供商 Fanghuwang.com 合作。. 他们还报告了与宝马,雷诺集团和DNV GL的合作伙伴关系
VeChain is also a dual token system consisting of VeChain Token VET and VeThor Token THOR. Network users are rewarded with the latter when they hold the former, which is also the case with NEO & GAS. The VeChain Token can be used to deploy applications on the platform where as VeThor can be used to pay for applications and other transactions over the network. VeChain claims that this economic model is better suited for enterprises than the one in
44 XDC
XDC Network (xdc)
XDC网络是一家企业就绪的混合区块链技术公司,针对国际贸易和金融进行了优化。. XDC网络由称为XDC的原生硬币提供支持。. XDC协议的架构支持智能合约,2000TPS,2秒交易时间,KYC到主节点验证器节点。. XDC链XinFin数字合约使用XinFin委托权益证明XDPoS,旨在创建一个“高度可扩展,安全,许可和商业级”的区块链网络。. XinFin主网代币XDC还创造了利用XinFin真实世界用例(如 TradeFinex.org)的机会,帮助中小型企业或机构以数字化,完全结构化的方式发起自己的财务需求,以便他们可以使用通用的分配标准将其分发给银行或非银行出资者自己。.
XDC Network is an enterpriseready hybrid Blockchain technology company optimized for international trade and finance. The XDC Network is powered by the native coin called XDC. The XDC protocol is architected to support smart contracts, 2000TPS, 2seconds transaction time, KYC to Masternodes Validator Nodes. The XDC Chain XinFin Digital Contract uses XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake XDPoS, with the intending to create a ‘highlyscalable, secure, perm
45 ADX
Ambire AdEx (adx)
Ambire AdEx ADX,以前称为AdEx Network,开发新一代数字广告解决方案和DeFifocus加密钱包。. 在2017年成功的众筹活动之后,Ambire是第一家在2018年发布去中心化广告开源协议的初创公司,也是第一个在以太坊区块链上处理支付的广告网络。. 通过使用支付渠道,Ambire AdEx确保所有相关方的完全透明。. 此外,Ambire 正在使用自己的名为 OUTPACE 的第 2 层扩展解决方案来促进其广告商和发布商之间的每次展示小额支付,每天处理超过 250 万笔交易。. 在成功的 beta 测试之后,该团队于 2020 年发布了 Ambire AdEx 平台,并将其扩展到 16,000 家注册广告商和发布商,每月产生超过 8000 万次展示。. 2020 年
Ambire AdEx ADX, previously known as AdEx Network, developing a newgeneration solution for digital advertising and a DeFifocused crypto wallet. After a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2017, Ambire was the first startup to release an opensource protocol for decentralized advertising in 2018 and the first ad network processing payments on the Ethereum blockchain. By using payment channels, Ambire AdEx ensures full transparency for all involved
AIOZ Network (aioz)
AIOZ Network正在通过区块链从头开始重新构想流媒体,该区块链集成了内容分发和为媒体构建的代币经济学。AIOZ Network 使用全球节点网络来利用点对点邻域带宽,以传统 CDN 的一小部分成本创建无限可扩展的内容交付解决方案。AIOZ网络优势: 成本效益:最少的硬件投资使每个解决方案都成为可能,而价格却很慢。. 无限扩展:点对点网络可以容纳无限数量的节点,使我们的平台具有可扩展性。. 没有中间商:合作伙伴之间的直接关系意味着更多的股息进入口袋,流向所有利益相关者。. 交付速度:使用本地网络使速度不再是抱怨。. 是时候在一秒钟内欣赏 4K/8K 甚至 VR 视频了。. 高质量流媒体:流媒体体验从未如此出色。.
AIOZ Network is reimagining streaming from the ground up with a blockchain that integrates content distribution and tokenomics built for media.AIOZ Network uses a worldwide network of nodes to leverage peertopeer neighborhood bandwidth, creating an infinitely scalable content delivery solution at a fraction of the cost of a legacy CDN.AIOZ Network Strengths: Cost Efficiency: Minimal hardware investment makes every solutions possible with a fr
47 ARK
Ark (ark)
ARK为用户、开发人员和初创公司提供创新的区块链技术。. 他们的目标是创建一个完整的链接链生态系统和一个包含无穷无尽用例的虚拟蜘蛛网,使 ARK 具有高度的灵活性、适应性和可扩展性。. ARK是一个专为大规模采用而设计的安全平台,将提供消费者和开发人员需要的服务。. 它是快速的、分散的、可扩展的、协作的、桥接的和开源的。. ARK桌面钱包是为所有主要操作系统原生构建的。. ARK钱包连接到完全同步的网络对等体,无需下载完整的区块链。ARK使用委托权益证明DPoS共识算法进行操作。.
ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. They aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless usecases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need. It is fast, decentralized, scalable, collaborative, bridging and opensource. The ARK
48 ATA
Automata (ata)
Automata Network是一种去中心化的服务协议,为以太坊和Polkadot上的dApp提供类似中间件的无痕隐私服务,以实现隐私,高保证和无摩擦计算。. 有关自动机的更多信息,请访问网站或阅读轻描淡写。.
Automata Network is a decentralized service protocol that provides middlewarelike traceless privacy services for dApps on Ethereum and Polkadot to achieve privacy, high assurance and frictionless computation. For more information about Automata, visit the website or read the lightpaper.
Boba Network (boba)
Boba是一个L2以太坊扩展和增强解决方案,由Enya团队作为OMG基金会的核心贡献者构建。. Boba 是下一代以太坊第 2 层乐观汇总扩展解决方案,可降低 gas 费用、提高交易吞吐量并扩展智能合约的功能。. Boba提供由社区驱动的流动性池支持的快速退出,将乐观汇总退出期从7天缩短到几分钟,同时为LP提供激励性的流动性挖矿机会。Boba的可扩展智能合约将使以太坊生态系统中的开发人员能够构建dApp,这些应用程序调用在AWS Lambda等网络规模基础设施上执行的代码,从而可以使用过于昂贵或无法在链上执行的算法。我们构建 Boba 的方式将用户和开发人员放在首位。. 我们的目标是建立一个务实的L2,这是向下一个十亿用户开放以太坊的第一步。. 加入我们的使命,帮助发展社区。.
Boba is an L2 Ethereum scaling & augmenting solution built by the Enya team as core contributors to the OMG Foundation. Boba is a nextgeneration Ethereum Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup scaling solution that reduces gas fees, improves transaction throughput, and extends the capabilities of smart contracts. Boba offers fast exits backed by communitydriven liquidity pools, shrinking the Optimistic Rollup exit period from seven days to only a few minutes,
50 GNS
Gains Network (gns)
Gtrade是一个交易平台,让您无需注册即可交易股票和外汇。. 它的总交易量为50亿美元。. 它还以最低的汽油费和最高的杠杆提供快速交易订单。. 它已经过单元测试并经过了许多独立审核,以确保其使用安全。.
Gtrade is a trading platform that lets you trade stocks and forex without signing up. It has 5 billion dollars in total volume. It also offers fast trading orders with minimal gas fees and the highest leverage available. It has been unit tested and undergone many independent audits to make sure it is safe to use.
51 KP3R
Keep3rV1 (kp3r)
Keep3R网络是一个帮助人们通过运行分散式基础设施获得报酬的项目。. 饲养员加入网络,他们可以选择做哪些工作。. 当他们完成工作时,他们会得到代币或金钱的奖励。. 人们可以找到工作,注册他们并善意地采取行动,没有任何恶意。.
Keep3R Network is a project that helps people get paid for running decentralized infrastructures. Keepers join the network and they can choose which jobs to do. They are rewarded with tokens or money when they complete a job. People can find jobs,register them and perform actions in good will without any malicious intent.
52 LIT
Litentry (lit)
Litentry是一个支持DID聚合协议和去中心化移动应用程序的网络。Litentry 网络建立在 Substrate 框架之上,旨在实现 DID 聚合、验证和信用计算。. 它旨在通过将 DID 标准集成到模块化身份服务中来简化解析与我无关的 DID 机制的过程。Litentry 移动应用程序是用户收集其去中心化身份并在一个地方管理它们的安全工具。. LIT代币持有者还能够以高效和安全的方式参与链上治理。.
Litentry is a network that supports DID aggregation protocol and a decentralized mobile application.Litentry Network is built on top of the Substrate framework with the objective of enabling DID aggregation, verification, and credit calculation. It aims to simplify the process of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms by integrating DID standards into a modularized identity service.The Litentry mobile application serves as a secure vehicle for users t
53 LTO
LTO Network (lto)
LTO网络是一个区块链平台,用于创建分散的工作流程应用程序,同时保持数据隐私和GDPR合规性。. 开发人员和企业可以使用LTO工具包创建新的解决方案或集成现有解决方案,并以透明,安全和分散的方式运行它们。.
LTO Network is a blockchain platform for creating decentralized workflow applications, while maintaining data privacy and GDPR compliance. Developers and enterprises can use the LTO toolkit to either create new, or integrate existing solutions — and run them in a transparent, secure and decentralized way.
Masa Network (masa)
Masa 被描述为重视隐私的领先 ZK-Data 市场和网络。. 该平台使用 cookie 来增强浏览体验、提供个性化广告和分析流量。. Masa 旨在为 AI 时代创建一个去中心化的谷歌,促进开放、激励和注重隐私的个人数据经济。. 该网络提供增长活动、分析和开发人员工具等服务。. 用户可以通过由实用代币 MASA 提供支持的 Masa 平台获得奖励、质押个人数据并与全球社区互动。. Masa Network 具有 zkSBT、zkOracle 和 Masa 区块链等技术。.
Masa is described as the leading ZK-Data marketplace and network that values privacy. The platform uses cookies for enhancing browsing experiences,serving personalized ads,and analyzing traffic. Masa aims to create a decentralized Google for the AI era,promoting an open,incentivized,and privacy-focused economy for personal data. The network offers services such as growth campaigns,analytics,and developer tools. Users can earn rewards,stake person
55 NOS
Nosana (nos)
Nosana 网络将成为基于 CPU 的去中心化 DevOps 解决方案的领先提供商,彻底改变元界项目的开发过程。. 我们的众筹平台将帮助开源项目更快、更具成本效益和更安全地构建软件。. Nosana是第一个由Solana网络提供支持的去中心化计算平台。.
The Nosana Network will be the leading provider of decentralized CPUbased DevOps solutions, revolutionizing the development process of Metaverse projects. Our crowdcomputing platform will help open source projects to build software faster, more costeffective and secure. Nosana is the first decentralized computation platform powered by the Solana Network.
56 PHA
Phala Network (pha)
Phala Network是基于Substrate的Web 3.0生态系统中的隐私保护云计算服务。.
Phala Network is a privacy-preserving cloud computing service in the Web 3.0 ecosystem based on Substrate
57 LAT
PlatON Network (lat)
Platon是一种新型的互联网基础设施,它使用区块链和隐私保护技术来帮助有计算需求的人和组织。. 它使开发人员能够构建分布式应用程序,数据提供者可以安全地存储数据,用户可以管理他们的资产。. Platon 还提供白皮书、技术指南等资源,以帮助人们了解它。.
Platon is a new type of internet infrastructure that uses blockchain and privacy-preserving technologies to help people and organizations with computing needs. It enables developers to build distributed applications,data providers can securely store data,and users can manage their assets. Platon also has resources like whitepapers,technology guides,and more to help people learn about it.
Quickswap (quick)
快速交换是多边形网络上的去中心化交易所DEX。. 它基于Uniswap V2 AMM协议,允许Polygon上的用户通过流动性池交易代币。.
Quickswap is a decentralized exchange DEX on the Polygon Network. It is a based on the Uniswap V2 AMM protocol and allows users on Polygon to trade tokens through a liquidity pool.
59 RIO
Realio Network (rio)
Realio是一个数字发行,投资和点对点交易平台,利用专有的分布式网络来发行和互连分散的生态系统。. 该平台利用许可和无许可架构来满足严格的证券监管需求,同时允许对通常为特定机构投资者保留的投资产品进行独特的民主化访问。. 我们在许多资产类别中寻找投资机会,重点是房地产私募股权,我们还为第三方发行人提供工具,以数字化其资产并在网络内筹集资金,或使用我们的技术堆栈作为私人白标解决方案。我们的网络架构是模块化的,可扩展的,并支持内置的流动性,同时在私人和安全的独立参与者网络中分配以前高度集中的活动,例如发行和监管合规。.
Realio is a digital issuance, investment and peertopeer trading platform that utilizes a proprietary distributed network for issuingon and interconnecting decentralized ecosystems. The platform leverages both a permissioned and permissionless architecture to satisfy the need for stringent securities regulations while allowing uniquely democratized access to investment products normally reserved for a select subset of institutional investors. We s
60 REQ
Request (req)
什么是请求REQ请求REQ实用程序令牌,于2017年推出,可确保请求网络的性能和稳定性。. 请求网络本身是一个基于以太坊的去中心化支付系统,任何人都可以通过安全的方式请求付款和收款。. 它消除了对第三方的要求,以提供适用于所有全球货币的更便宜、更安全的支付解决方案。当用户创建付款请求时,他们会定义需要将付款分配到哪个地址以及金额是多少。. 用户还可以定义付款的条款和条件,将简单的请求升级为发票。. 完成此操作后,用户可以分享他们的交易对手付款请求。每个步骤都记录并存储在请求网络上,使所有相关人员都可以轻松跟踪所有发票和付款以进行会计处理。请求还与世界各地的立法相结合,以保持符合每个国家/地区的贸易法。Request的创始人是Christophe Lassuyt和Etienne Tatur.C
What Is Request REQThe Request REQ utility token, launched in 2017, ensures the performance and stability of the Request Network. The Request Network itself is an Ethereumbased decentralized payment system where anyone can request a payment and receive money through secure means. It removes the requirement for third parties in order to provide a cheaper, more secure payment solution that works with all global currencies.When a user creates a requ
The Root Network (root)
无需部署智能合约即可讲解和集合。. ROOT Network是一个技术平台,帮助人们在虚拟世界中构建应用程序和游戏。. 它为开发人员提供了创建数字资产、交易它们并使其与现有标准一起使用的工具。. ROOT还具有数字收藏品的协议,因此用户无需编写代码即可创建和交易。.
lectables and collections without having to deploy smart contracts. ROOT Network is a technology platform that helps people build applications and games in the virtual world. It has tools for developers to create digital assets,trade them,and make them work with existing standards. ROOT also has protocols for digital collectibles,so users can create and trade without writing code.
62 AKT
Akash Network (akt)
Akash Network 是一个去中心化的云计算市场,允许开发人员快速轻松地启动网站、游戏、数据可视化、区块链节点和其他去中心化项目等应用程序。. 它快速且安全,为人们使用互联网提供了一种经济高效的方式。.
Akash Network is a decentralized cloud computing marketplace that allows developers to quickly and easily launch applications such as websites,games,data visualizations,blockchain nodes,and other decentralized projects. It is fast and secure and provides a cost-effective way for people to use the internet.
63 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
Avive (avive)
Avive 是世界上最大的地缘社会协议,将来自 130 多个国家/地区的数百万用户联合在 Avive L2 上,并具有网络证明共识。.
Avive is the worlds largest geosocial protocol,uniting millions of users from over 130 countries on Avive L2 with Proof of Networking consensus
65 CEL
Celsius Network (cel)
为了使加密货币继续传播并获得牵引力,我们必须将下一个1亿人带入加密社区。. 为了做到这一点,由真实团队构建的真实产品必须向公众提供真正的效用。. 我们正在建立Celsius,以将新一波的金融产品推向市场,首次设计为始终做符合其成员最佳利益的事情,而不是试图赚取尽可能多的利润。. 会员将能够用钱包中的加密资产借入美元,这些美元将用作抵押品。. 我们的目标是让任何需要现金的人都可以轻松地从 Celsius 平台借款,而无需出售他们的加密货币。. 未来,通过摄氏网络,会员存入其摄氏钱包的加密货币将在网络上可用,以便立即借入和做空。.
For crypto to continue to spread and gain traction we’ve got to bring the next 100m people into the crypto community. In order to do that, real products built by real teams have to provide real utility to the public. We’re building Celsius to bring a new wave of financial products to the market designed, for the first time, to always do what’s in the best interest of its members instead of trying to make as much profit as possible. Members will b
Dmail Network (dmail)
Dmail Network 正在构建一个 AI 驱动的去中心化通信基础设施,提供跨多个链和应用程序的加密电子邮件、整合通知和精准营销服务,以满足用户、开发人员和营销人员的需求。.
Dmail Network is building an AIpowered decentralized communication infrastructure,offering encrypted emails,consolidated notifications,and precise marketing services across multiple chains and applications,catering to users,developers,and marketers.
67 ICE
Ice Network (ice)
Ice 是最新的数字货币,您可以使用手机免费挖掘 Ice 项目旨在恢复对数字资产的信任,并为没有财力开采比特币或为时已晚的用户提供真正的社区感。.
Ice is the newest digital currency that you can mine for free using your phoneThe Ice project has been imagined to bring back trust in digital assets and deliver a true sense of community for users who don’t have the financial resources to mine Bitcoin or are simply too late to enter the game.
68 KCS
KuCoin (kcs)
KuCoin是一家位于塞舌尔的国际加密货币交易所,目前支持250种数字资产的交易。. KuCoin 的独特之处在于,它们与持有基于交易所的代币的用户分享其总交易费用收入的 50%。. 与币安类似,KuCoin 为持有或交易其原生加密货币提供相对较低的交易费用和激励措施。. 早在2011年,创始人就开始研究区块链技术,并在2013年进一步构建了KuCoin的技术架构。. 4年后,该交易所的最终目标是“成为全球十大最热门的交易平台之一”,2019.As 在其官方网站上列出了12个核心成员,“Kucoin旨在为用户提供更加安全和便捷的数字资产交易和交换服务,整合全球优质资产, 并构建最先进的交易平台”。. 首席执行官兼创始人迈克尔·甘(Michael Gam)是中国阿里巴巴集团的附属公司蚂蚁金服的
KuCoin is an international cryptocurrency exchange based out of Seychelle that currently supports the trading of 250 digital assets. What’s unique about KuCoin is that they share 50% of their overall trading fee revenue with users holding their exchangebased token. In a similar fashion to Binance, KuCoin offers relatively low tradings fees and incentives for holding or trading its native cryptocurrency. Back in 2011, the founders started research
69 MXC
MXC (mxc)
MXC极域的愿景是引入一个系统化的流程来简化和增加物联网数据交易MXC极域系统所基于的分散式基础设施是低功耗宽接入网络LPWAN和机器交换协议MXProtocol的未来。. 利用这一坚实的设备网络基础,MXC极域推出了一种非常独特的硬币产品,即Machine eXchange Coin MXC,它可以在庞大的数据市场中增加数据交易和特殊的数据流货币化。. MXProtocol专注于减少网络之间的冲突,构建链间数据市场,开发网络覆盖市场,并为数据提供者和接收者引入独立的服务质量QoS框架。. 有史以来第一次,个人网络用户、企业和企业都可以参与到去中心化、无处不在、安全的LPWAN建设中来。. 只需将“任何东西”连接到网络,采用者将能够获利并交易MXC。. 交易网络建立在“共享经济”的前提之上。
The MXC vision is to introduce a systematic process to both simplify and increase IoT data transactionsThe decentralized infrastructure upon which MXC’s system is based is the future of Low Power Wide Access Network LPWAN and the Machine eXchange Protocol MXProtocol. Utilizing this solid device network foundation, MXC is introducing an extraordinarily unique coin offering, Machine eXchange Coin MXC, which allows for increased data transactions an
70 OAS
Oasys (oas)
在区块链游戏中,发生了大量的交易。然而,许多区块链无法处理如此多的交易,节点经常崩溃。Oasys作为游戏特定的区块链,使用的技术由于游戏引起的交易数量增加而不太可能失败。Oasys是一个多层EVM兼容的PoS公共区块链,解决了游戏开发者与其他区块链的纠葛。主要竞争对手是试图解决以太坊可扩展性、gas费用和交易速度问题的区块链。. 例如流、雪崩、多边形、波卡点等。. 对于游戏玩家1.. 零汽油费2.. 高速坦斯行动3.. 骗局更少对于游戏开发人员.1..
In the blockchain game, a huge number of transactions occur.However, many blockchains cannot handle so many Transactions, and nodes often crash.Oasys, as a gamespecific blockchain, uses technology that is less likely to fail due to the increased number of transactions caused by games.Oasys is a multilayered EVMcompatible PoS public blockchain that solves game developers’ struggles with other blockchains.The main competitors are blockchains trying
Omax (omax)
什么是 OMAX 代币 OMAXOMAX 是一种社区驱动的代币,于 2021 年 11 月 3 日在币安网络中推出,旨在拥有自己的区块链来教育下一代投资者,并使加密货币对每个人来说都简单和安全。OMAX是增长最快的项目之一,它正在从BEP20转移到他们自己的网络区块链OMX20,这也是EVM兼容的。. 它远远领先于路线图,区块链已经在测试网上,并以67K TPS开放公开测试,主网上估计为85K + TPS。. Omax 测试网于 2022 年 4 月 3 日启动。. OMAX主网计划于7月底推出,2022.It 进一步计划在Twitter上开展营销活动,以提高知名度并覆盖100,000名持有者。. 这可能会与他们的区块链的推出齐头并进。OMAX在纽约时代广场刊登广告,名人在全球范围内推广。.
What Is OMAX TOKEN OMAXOMAX is a communitydriven token which was launched on 3rd of November 2021 in binance network with theintention to have its own blockchain to educate the nextgeneration of investors and make crypto simple and safe for everyone.OMAX is one of the fastest growing projects which ismoving from BEP20 to their own network blockchainOMX20 which is also a EVM compatible. It is way ahead of the roadmaps and the blockchain is alread
Pocket Network (pokt)
Pocket Network是为应用程序构建的区块链数据平台,它使用具有成本效益的经济性来大规模协调和分发数据,从而实现区块链和应用程序之间的无缝交互。. 借助Pocket,区块链的使用可以简单地集成到网站,移动应用程序,物联网等中,使开发人员可以自由地将支持区块链的应用程序放入每个主流消费者的“口袋”。.
Pocket Network is a blockchain data platform built for applications that uses costefficient economics to coordinate and distribute data at scale, enabling seamless interactions between blockchains and applications. With Pocket, the use of blockchains can be simply integrated into websites, mobile apps, IoT and more, giving developers the freedom to put blockchainenabled applications into the “pocket” of every mainstream consumer.
Privapp Network (bpriva)
rivapp Network由Priva Token PRIVA和通过privapp.network应用程序提供的所有服务组成,而不会损害您的安全和隐私。PRIVA是一种实用型代币,具有多种用途,可确保我们网络的安全性和增长。乍一看,PRIVA是一个多功能令牌,可以驱动最终用户和开发人员的行为。.
rivapp Network consists of Priva Token PRIVA and all the services provided over privapp.network application without compromising your safety and privacy.PRIVA is a utility token serving multiple purposes and ensures the safety and growth of our network.At first sight, PRIVA is a multifunctional token that drives behavior for both endusers & developers.
74 SLN
Smart Layer Network (sln)
内容提供了有关Smart Layer的信息,Smart Layer是一个通过代币前端引入代币效用和流动性新范式的平台。. 该平台旨在将网络代币化,并由一个由经验丰富的创始人和开发人员组成的团队开发。. 该路线图包括网络代币化的整合、可执行代币的引入、与各种公司的合作伙伴关系以及未来几年的进一步发展。. Smart Layer 生态系统包括 Launchpad、Network Testnet 和 Mainnet,所有这些都旨在为最终消费者开启数字资产和实用程序的新时代。.
The contents provide information about Smart Layer,a platform that introduces a new paradigm in token utility and liquidity through token front-ends. The platform aims to tokenize the web and has been developed by a team consisting of experienced founders and developers. The roadmap includes the integration of web tokenization,the introduction of Executable Tokens,partnerships with various companies,and further developments in the years to come.
75 STT
Statter Network (stt)
Statter Network is a metaverse blockchain platform incubated by Holo Metaverse Group Inc. Its aims to promote the development of the Holo metaverse industry,while also offering a range of services to support the wider metaverse ecosystem,including technology,applications,and governance. It is widely regarded as the most comprehensive metaverse infrastructure available.
Truflation (truf)
Truflation Stream Network TSN 使用真实世界的数据来增强原生缺乏这些数据的兼容区块链的用例。. 因此,它负责协议的网络层、计算层和存储层。. TSN 是一个独立的拜占庭容错 BFT 网络,旨在促进创新数据驱动的 web3 应用程序的开发。. 数据的可用性由我们的节点运营商网络以及个人客户和资产管理公司保证。. TRUF 代币管理和保护 Truflation 协议,并奖励其用户的参与。.
The Truflation Stream Network TSN uses realworld data to enhance the use cases of compatible blockchains that lack this data natively. As such,it is responsible for the network,computation and storage layers of the protocol. TSN is a standalone byzantine fault tolerant BFT network designed to facilitate the development of innovative datadriven web3 applications. The availability of data is guaranteed by our network of node operators,as well as in
77 UP
UP (up)
TonUP是一个在开放网络TON上运行的启动板,TON是一个高性能的ProofofStake PoS公共区块链,最初由Telegram团队提出。. TonUP旨在弥合TON的资产缺口,为新项目的蓬勃发展提供培育环境。. 平台决定在TON上构建源于其潜力和独特的产品,例如其技术结构,其中包括低级FunC编程语言和先进的分片技术。. 这一基础使 TonUP 能够受益于 TON 令人印象深刻的每秒事务数 TPS 功能,支持大规模应用程序并培养去中心化生态系统。.
TonUP is a launchpad operating on The Open Network TON,a highperformance ProofofStake PoS public blockchain initially proposed by the Telegram team. Designed to bridge the asset gap in TON,TonUP provides a nurturing environment for new projects to thrive. The platforms decision to build on TON stems from its potential and unique offerings,such as its technical structure,which includes the lowlevel FunC programming language and advanced sharding t
WETH (weth)
WETH 是包装的 ETH,但让我们从介绍玩家开始。. 首先,有以太币。. 以太币或ETH是建立在以太坊区块链上的原生货币。其次,有替代令牌。. 当dApp去中心化应用程序建立在以太坊区块链之上时,它通常会实现自己的代币形式。. 想想Augur的REP代币,或Bancors BNT代币。. 最后是ERC20标准。.
WETH is wrapped ETH but lets start by introducing the players. First, theres Ether token. Ether or ETH is the native currency built on the Ethereum blockchain.Second, there are alt tokens. When a dApp decentralized app is built off of the Ethereum Blockchain it usually implements it’s own form of Token. Think Augur’s REP Token, or Bancors BNT Token. Finally the ERC20 standard. ERC20 is a standard developed after the release of ETH that defines ho
XCAD Network (xcad)
标记化YouTubers,一种用于创作者货币化的DeFi解决方案。. Xcademy计划通过创建代币化经济和市场来彻底改变创作者货币化。.
Tokenizing YouTubers, a DeFi solution to creator monetization. Xcademy plans to revolutionize creator monetization by creating a tokenized economy and marketplace.
Zebec Network (zbcn)
Zebecs integrated products real time payroll apps,onchain payments infrastructure and networked DePIN serve companies of all sizes,merchants and individuals and help transcend the boundaries of traditional banking and diminish the role of financial intermediaries.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,041.80 1,662,470,199.40
2 BTC title=BTC 66,806.26 1,492,878,168.75
3 ETH title=ETH 3,242.00 815,805,653.71
4 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 705,070,463.53
5 SOL title=SOL 158.34 651,869,716.72
6 HBAR title=HBAR 0.15 499,177,287.93
7 XRP title=XRP 0.55 223,816,304.84
8 WIF title=WIF 3.13 202,031,593.69
9 ENA title=ENA 0.95 201,371,668.41
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 175,683,695.68
11 BOME title=BOME 0.01 164,932,467.31
12 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 146,172,184.37
13 BONK title=BONK <0.01 125,902,972.29
14 NEAR title=NEAR 7.08 118,311,383.45
15 WLD title=WLD 5.53 102,294,082.20
16 RUNE title=RUNE 5.85 82,110,432.46
17 RNDR title=RNDR 9.15 59,850,388.05
18 ADA title=ADA 0.50 58,624,900.86
19 AVAX title=AVAX 39.10 57,519,071.64
20 BNX title=BNX 0.97 53,211,238.97
21 SEI title=SEI 0.65 52,949,867.89
22 FTM title=FTM 0.75 52,428,632.33
23 TIA title=TIA 12.06 51,315,217.88
24 GALA title=GALA 0.05 45,640,905.40
25 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.86 44,458,068.51
26 SUI title=SUI 1.34 43,351,370.72
27 ONG title=ONG 0.68 43,241,231.42


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Hedera title=HBAR 0.15
2 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +33.74
3 BinaryX title=BNX 0.97 +22.60
4 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +17.30
5 Automata title=ATA 0.23 +14.66
6 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 +13.07
7 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +9.71
8 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +9.15
9 Memecoin title=MEME 0.03 +9.03
10 Steem title=STEEM 0.30 +6.37
11 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.13 +6.32
12 Sun Token title=SUN 0.01 +6.28
13 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.16 +6.11
14 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.22 +5.74
15 Algorand title=ALGO 0.21 +5.33
16 Mobox title=MBOX 0.39 +5.06
17 Request title=REQ 0.14 +4.84
18 xMoney title=UTK 0.10 +4.61
19 Beefy title=BIFI 433.60 +4.38
20 AC Milan Fan Token title=ACM 2.52 +4.25
21 ConstitutionDAO title=PEOPLE 0.03 +4.05
22 QuarkChain title=QKC 0.01 +3.91
23 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.90 +3.84
24 Celestia title=TIA 12.06 +3.79
25 Mina Protocol title=MINA 0.93 +3.79
26 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.18 +3.74
27 IDEX title=IDEX 0.07 +3.70
28 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.92 +3.62
29 Zilliqa title=ZIL 0.03 +3.47
30 DIA title=DIA 0.54 +3.41


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 REI Network title=REI 0.09 -11.10
2 Ethena title=ENA 0.95 -9.92
3 Omni Network title=OMNI 23.35 -9.36
4 Harvest Finance title=FARM 80.91 -8.43
5 Worldcoin title=WLD 5.53 -8.17
6 Jito title=JTO 3.39 -7.71
7 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -7.42
8 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.68 -7.35
9 NEO title=NEO 18.80 -7.07
10 W 0.60 -6.96
11 Aevo title=AEVO 1.69 -6.84
12 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.86 -6.75
13 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.74 -6.52
14 Saga title=SAGA 4.07 -5.78
15 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.20 -5.45
16 Aergo title=AERGO 0.14 -5.40
17 Stacks title=STX 2.94 -5.12
18 Sui title=SUI 1.34 -4.85
19 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.46 -4.85
20 MANTRA title=OM 0.68 -4.83
21 Lisk title=LSK 1.78 -4.67
22 Syscoin title=SYS 0.24 -4.61
23 Alchemix title=ALCX 26.98 -4.56
24 NFPrompt title=NFP 0.49 -4.39
25 Dymension title=DYM 3.95 -4.34
26 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.50 -4.22
27 Sei title=SEI 0.65 -4.20
28 Arkham title=ARKM 2.26 -4.14
29 GMX title=GMX 29.09 -3.96
30 Frax Share title=FXS 4.87 -3.95

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
2 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
3 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
4 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
5 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
6 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
7 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
8 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
9 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
10 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
11 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
12 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
13 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
14 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
15 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
16 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
17 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
18 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
19 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
20 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
21 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
22 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
23 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
24 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
25 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
26 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
27 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
28 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
29 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
30 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
31 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
32 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
33 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
34 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
35 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
36 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
37 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
38 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
39 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
40 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)
41 比特币减半炒作打破了长达一周的 ETF 流出连胜
(Bitcoin halving hype breaks week long ETFs outflow streak)
42 Pro XRP 律师要求成为 Coinbase 客户的法庭之友
(Pro XRP lawyer requests to be amicus curiae for Coinbase customers)
43 尼日利亚在非洲推出首个多语言大型语言模型
(Nigeria launches first multilingual large language model in Africa)
44 比特币减半 2024 这次有 5 种不同之处
(Bitcoin halving 2024 5 ways its different this time)
45 比特币减半:为什么它对BTC稀缺性很重要
(Bitcoin halving Why its important for BTC scarcity)
46 美国将与尼日利亚建立人工智能伙伴关系,促进经济增长
(USA to forge AI partnership with Nigeria for economic growth)
47 2024 年比特币减半是 BTC 价格最看涨的设置
(The 2024 Bitcoin halving is the most bullish setup for BTC price)
48 币安逃税案审判移至5月17日在尼日利亚举行
(Binance tax evasion trial moved to May 17 in Nigeria)
49 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
50 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
2 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
3 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
4 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
7 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
8 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
10 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
11 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
12 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
13 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
14 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
15 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


MileVerse (mvc) Plutonium (pln) Devikins (dvk) Inscribe (ins) Simpli Finance (simpli) TombPlus TSHARE+ (tshare+) CryptoZOON ARB (zoon) ZkTsunami (:zkt:) MarxCoin (marx) Battleground (battle)


Dawkoins (daw)Work Quest (wqt)Sanshu Inu (OLD) (sanshu)SentimentAI (sent)Panther Protocol (zkp)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Metaverse #privacy #lending #carbon emission #medicine #cloud #real estate #digital money #multichain #decentralized application


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
TiTdoi.com TiTdoi.com 000-000-0000