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硬币相关 #Uniswap

币名 细节
Uniswap (uni)
UNI是Uniswap的治理代币,Uniswap是以太坊区块链上的自动市场标记DEX。. UNI代币允许代币持有者参与协议的治理。. 关键决策,如国库的使用或未来的升级,可以通过治理投票来决定。.
UNI is the governance token for Uniswap, an Automated Market Marker DEX on the Ethereum blockchain. The UNI token allows token holders to participate in the governance of the protocol. Key decisions such as usage of the treasury or future upgrades can be decided through a governance vote.
Curve DAO (crv)
与Uniswap类似,Curve Finance是基于AMM的自动做市商去中心化交易所DEX。. 与Uniswap不同,它的主要重点只是在应该具有相同价值的资产之间进行交换。. 这在 DeFi 生态系统中很有用,因为有大量包装的代币和合成代币旨在模仿真实标的资产的价格。例如,最大的池之一是 3CRV,它是一个由 DAI、USDT 和 USDC 组成的稳定币池。. 他们在池中的比例将基于市场的供求关系。. 以较低的比率存入硬币将为用户提供较高比例的池。. 因此,当比率严重倾斜到其中一个硬币时,它可能是一个很好的套利机会。曲线金融还支持收益代币。.
Similar to Uniswap, Curve Finance is an Automated Market Maker AMM based Decentralised Exchange DEX. Unlike Uniswap, its main focus is only to swap between assets that are supposed to have the same value. This is useful in the DeFi ecosystem as there are plenty of wrapped tokens and synthetic tokens that aim to mimic the price of the real underlying asset. For example, one of the biggest pools is 3CRV, which is a stablecoin pool consisting of DAI
1inch (1inch)
什么是1inch Network1inch Network是一个去中心化的交易所DEX聚合器,可帮助用户发现代币的最佳交易价格。. 1inch不是从DEX的单个流动性池中交换代币,而是将聚合到不同的池中,并建议最有效的代币交易方式。为什么使用1英寸如果您是交易大量代币的交易者,您可能不知道不同DEX的所有可用性流动性,以便获得最佳报价。. DEX提供的报价在任何给定时间都会根据流动性池而波动。. 此外,当您进行大额交易时,每一笔储蓄百分比都可以通过最佳交易路径放大。. 1inch旨在在一个用户友好的界面中解决所有这些问题。什么是探路者探路者是由1inch团队开发的发现和路由算法。. 正是该算法使后端能够找到交换令牌的最有效路由。.
What is 1inch Network1inch Network is a decentralized exchange DEX aggregator to help users discover the best trade prices for tokens. Instead of swapping tokens from a single liquidity pool of a DEX,1inch will aggregate across different pools and suggest the most efficient way to trade tokens.Why use 1inchIf you are a trader trading large amount of tokens,you may not be aware of all the availability liquidity across different DEXes in order to g
Arbitrum (arb)
Arbitrum是领先的以太坊扩展解决方案之一,在与以太坊非常相似的环境中为成千上万的用户带来廉价交易。. 这是一个乐观的汇总,在TVL方面是领先的L2。. 一些最大的dApp存在于Arbitrum上,包括GMX,Radiant,Uniswap V3和Gain Network。.
Arbitrum is one of the leading Ethereum scaling solutions bringing cheap transactions to tens of thousands of users in an environment that feels very similar to Ethereum. It is an optimistic rollup and the leading L2 in terms of TVL. Some of the largest dApps live on Arbitrum include GMX,Radiant,Uniswap V3,and Gains Network.
Wrapped NXM (wnxm)
NXM令牌本身仅为Nexus Mutual协议中的内部使用而创建,其所有持有者都必须通过KYC。. 因此,创建了一个包装版本,以允许更多用户拥有令牌而无需执行 KYC。. 与此同时,它还通过在Uniswap和Binance等交易所上市来提高其在协议债券曲线之外的流动性。要使用wNXM令牌,首先需要由Nexus Mutual的注册成员将其解压缩到NXM中。. 解包后,wNXM成为NXM,可以作为Nexus Mutual平台上的普通代币使用。..
NXM token itself is created solely for internal use within the Nexus Mutual protocol and all of its holders must go through KYC. As such, a wrapped version is created to allow more users to own the token without having to do KYC. In the meantime it also improves its liquidity outside the protocol’s bonding curve by being listed on exchanges such as Uniswap and Binance. To make use of the wNXM token, it first needs to be unwrapped into NXM by a re
DODO (dodo)
DODO是一个在以太坊和币安智能链上运行的去中心化交易所DEX。主动做市商PMM由DODO团队开发,是一种具有高级定价公式的预言算法,可提供可合约的流动性。. 交易者使用 PMM 获得的滑点低于自动做市商 AMM。PMM利用价格预言机来检索资产的准确市场价格作为输入。. 然后,它的目标是为每种资产提供接近市场价格的足够流动性。. 结果是,当远离市场价格时,流动性会迅速下降。. 下图比较了DODO PMM和Uniswap AMM的价格曲线。.
DODO is a Decentralized Exchange DEX running on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Developed by the DODO team, Proactive Market Maker PMM is an oracleaided algorithm with an advanced pricing formula that provides contractfillable liquidity. Traders get lower slippage with PMM than Automated Market Maker AMM.PMM leverages price oracles to retrieve accurate market prices of assets as input. It then aims to provide sufficient liquidity near the marke
Maverick Protocol (mav)
项目内容简介Maverick Protocol是下一代DeFi基础设施,专注于提高行业效率,由Maverick AMM提供支持。是什么让您的项目独一无二Maverick AMM通过让用户选择一种移动模式来为他们移动流动性,从而消除了这种复杂性。. Maverick AMM 的其他一些创新功能包括: 定制流动性分配费用 自动复利流动性整形使用提升头寸 具有价格跟踪功能和协议支持的原生 LST 支持。您的项目历史。. Maverick筹集了3轮融资,共筹集了1800万美元。. 投资者包括Founders Fund,Pantera Capital,Coinbase Ventures,Binance Labs,Circle Ventures,Gemini等。. Maverick 于 2023 年 3
What is the project aboutMaverick Protocol is a nextgeneration DeFi infrastructure focused on increasing industry efficiency,powered by Maverick AMM.What makes your project uniqueMaverick AMM eliminates this complexity by letting users select a movement mode that will move their liquidity for them. Some other innovative features of Maverick AMM are: Customized Liquidity Distributions Fee Autocompounding Liquidity Shaping Using Boosted Positions N
Cream (cream)
Cream Finance和Cream Crypto帮助人们在线买卖商品。. 他们有一个供人们交谈的论坛,一个寻求帮助的文档页面,以及Defi Puls,Coingecko,Uniswap,Binance Coinmarketcap,Twitter,Telegram和Medium等网站,可以为您提供更多信息。.
Cream Finance and Cream Crypto help people buy and sell things online. They have a forum for people to talk,a documentation page for help,and websites like Defi Puls,Coingecko,Uniswap,Binance Coinmarketcap,Twitter,Telegram and Medium that can give you more information.
Quickswap (quick)
快速交换是多边形网络上的去中心化交易所DEX。. 它基于Uniswap V2 AMM协议,允许Polygon上的用户通过流动性池交易代币。.
Quickswap is a decentralized exchange DEX on the Polygon Network. It is a based on the Uniswap V2 AMM protocol and allows users on Polygon to trade tokens through a liquidity pool.
ApeX (apex)
ApeX 协议 APEX — 去中心化衍生品协议 APEX 是 ApeX 协议的原生代币,有助于为任何代币对创建永久交换市场。. ApeX 协议的主要功能包括: 无需许可的加密货币 杠杆永续合约交易 弹性自动做市商 eAMM 协议 受控价值 PCVApeX 使用户能够在 ApeX 协议上创建任何代币对,只要它们在去中心化交易所(如 Uniswap 和 SushiSwap)上得到支持。 用户可以通过参与流动性挖矿来赚取 APEX 代币, NFT 交易、AMA、漏洞赏金等。. 通过在协议上质押 APEX 代币,APEX 持有者可以参与协议治理或赚取额外的 APEX 代币、交易费用、交易费折扣和其他福利。ApeX NFT 的持有者可以玩 ApeX 游戏并获得 APEX 代币或分配、交易费现金返还和
ApeX Protocol APEX — Decentralized Derivatives ProtocolAPEX is the native token of the ApeX protocol, which facilitates the creation of perpetual swap markets for any token pair. Key features of the ApeX protocol include: Permissionless cryptocurrency perpetual contract trading with leverage Elastic Automated Market Maker eAMM Protocol Controlled Value PCVApeX enables users to create any token pairs on ApeX Protocol as long as they are supported
Dione (dione)
什么是Dione协议 DioneDione是Dione协议的原生代币,该生态系统旨在提高公众购买去中心化代币的便利性。. Dione主要关注的是弥合现实世界问题与DeFi空间之间的差距,创建一个由可再生能源驱动的系统。. 将便利性和更安全的去中心化未来结合起来,两者都有人们的共同点。. Dione协议将人放在首位,首先建立一个强大的社区,进入一个强大的去中心化未来。我在哪里可以买到Dione协议 DioneDione协议目前可以在Uniswap上购买。. Dione将很快扩展到多个交易所,以寻求尽可能多的人可以购买,作为便利的一种措施。.
What Is Dione Protocol DioneDione is the native token for the Dione Protocol; an ecosystem with the goal of improving the ease of the purchase of Decentralized tokens for the general public. Dione puts major focus on the development of bridging the gap between real world issues and the DeFi space creating a system powered by renewable energy. Combining convenience and a safer decentralized future both have the common denominator of people. Dione
iMe Lab (lime)
什么是iMe LabiMe是一个生态系统,其中包含基于电报的信使,加密钱包和DeFi工具及其原生实用代币LIME。. 该应用程序允许通过几次点击发送加密货币,使加密货币交易快速、安全和无忧。. 任何用户都可以在几秒钟内通过他们的电报句柄将他们持有的 iMe 钱包中的加密货币发送给他们的任何联系人。. 凭借集成到信使Uniswap,BNB Chain,Ethereum,PancakeSwap,Polygon中的强大DeFi功能,iMe的使命是使DeFi更容易被更广泛的人群所接受。. iMe是第一个将币安功能添加到消息传递生态系统中的公司,以在币安上交换加密货币,从iMe钱包向币安账户存款,发送请求付款并进行零费用交易等等。. iMe通过iMe LabLIME令牌ERC20,BEP20,Poly
What is iMe LabiMe is an ecosystem with the Telegrambased messenger, Crypto Wallet, and DeFi tools and its native utility token LIME. The app allows sending crypto in a few clicks, making crypto transactions fast, secure and hasslefree. Any user can send cryptocurrencies they hold in their iMe wallet to any of their contacts via their Telegram handles, in a matter of seconds. With robust DeFi capabilities integrated into the messenger Uniswap, BN
13 IZI
Izumi Finance (izi)
izumi Finance是一个提供流动性即服务LaaS的平台,具有Uniswap V3和内置的多链dex。. LiquidBox提出了创新的流动性挖矿协议,通过在特定价格范围内分配激励来帮助协议有效地吸引流动性。.
izumi Finance is a platform providing liquidity as a Service LaaS with Uniswap V3 and a builtin multichain dex. LiquidBox proposes innovative liquidity mining protocols to help protocols attract liquidity efficiently by distributing incentives in certain price ranges.
14 OLE
OpenLeverage (ole)
OpenLeverage是一种无需许可的保证金交易协议,目前部署在ETH和BNB链上。. OpenLeverage与现有的DEX集成,如Uniswap,PancakeSwap等。. 并允许用户使用杠杆交易长尾资产。. 交易者可以在我们的平台上添加任何代币对并进入多头/空头头寸,而贷方则从存入的资金中赚取收益。. 我们使用创新和压力测试的按需预言机构建了协议,并强调用户资金的安全性和完整性。.
OpenLeverage is a permissionless margin trading protocol currently deployed on ETH and BNB chains. OpenLeverage integrates with existing DEXs such as Uniswap, PancakeSwap, etc. and allows users to trade longtail assets with leverage. Traders can add any token pair on our platform and enter long/short positions while lenders earn yield on deposited funds. We have built the protocol with innovative and stress tested ondemand oracles and an emphasis
15 SIS
Symbiosis Finance (sis)
共生,一种去中心化的多链流动性协议,被称为。. 它允许用户在所有链之间交换代币,同时保持资金的唯一所有者。Symbiosis协议满足以下要求:类似Uniswap的UX,但很简单完成交换不需要额外的钱包,等待时间或额外的步骤。完全去中心化它连接任何获得足够市场关注的链。. 我们的最终目标是连接所有网络。非托管共生工作人员和其他任何个人都无法访问用户资金。无限的跨链流动性 它针对所有链上尽可能多的代币对,同时提供在任何代币对之间交换的最佳价格。.
Symbiosis, a decentralized multichain liquidity protocol, is called. It allows users to exchange tokens between all chains while remaining the sole owner of the funds.The following requirements are met by the Symbiosis protocol:Uniswaplike UX, but simpleThere are no additional wallets, waiting times, or additional steps required to complete a swap.Fully decentralizedIt connects any chain that receives enough market attention. Our ultimate goal is
Unibot (unibot)
项目简介Unibot,最快的电报Uniswap狙击手,便于闪电般的交换和狙击手,所有用户都可以使用,交易费为1%。. Unibot从竞争对手中脱颖而出,主要是由于其卓越的速度,由先进的算法和强大的基础设施驱动。. 这包括狙击手的私有节点、用于买卖代币的私人交易选项、钱包监控和代币跟踪器。是什么让您的项目与众不同在可用的UNIBOT工具中:*一个快速的买卖平台。 镜像狙击手,使用户能够复制其他钱包的交易。 令牌启动通道,提供有关新部署令牌的实时信息。 方法狙击手,允许用户在启动时输入最多3个令牌地址进行狙击。 用户持有的令牌价值的钱包管理和PNL分析。项目的历史记录。Unibot 于 2023 年 5 月 17 日在以太坊主网上推出,创世时创建了 100 万个 UNIBOT 代币。. 在发布期
What is the project aboutIntroducing Unibot,the fastest Telegram Uniswap sniper that facilitates lightningfast swaps and snipers,accessible to all users with a 1% transaction fee. Unibot stands out from its competitors primarily due to its exceptional speed,driven by advanced algorithms and robust infrastructure. This includes private nodes for snipers,a private transaction option for buying and selling tokens,wallet monitoring,and a token tracke
UniLayer (layer)
UniLayer 是建立在 Uniswap 之上的新一代去中心化交易平台,通过其 LAYER 实用代币实现专业级交易的关键功能,专注于自动掉期和流动性管理、闪电质押、图表和分析、实时订单簿等等。.
UniLayer is a new generation decentralised trading platform built on top of Uniswap that enables key features for professionallevel trading with its LAYER utility token, focusing on automated swaps and liquidity management, flash staking, charts and analytics, live order books, and a lot more.
18 ZKS
ZKSpace (zks)
L2 Labs 基于 ZKRollups 技术,推出了 ZKSpace,这是 Layer2 的全功能协议,包括 DEX、支付和 NFT 功能,并使用 ZKRollups 技术将包括协议 ERC20 和 ERC721 在内的所有代币转移到 Layer2 上。. 基于不断生成的零知识证明,保证 Layer1 和 Layer2 的一致状态,使所有代币交换、转账、NFT 铸造和交易都在 Layer 2 上进行,实现低 gas 费用的实时交易,无需等待一个区块确认。. 此外,它还具有无限的可扩展性,摆脱了TPS的限制和以太坊上的一个区块确认。. 此外,用户可以像传统电子商务平台一样享受CEX和流畅的交易体验,并可以实时保证自己的资产安全。ZKSwap 是一种基于自动做市商 AMM 的代币交换协议。.
Based on ZKRollups technology, L2 Labs has launched ZKSpace, a fullfeatured protocol of Layer2, including DEX, payment, and NFT function, and it transfers all tokens including protocols ERC20 and ERC721 onto Layer2 using ZKRollups technology. The consistent state of Layer1 and Layer2 is guaranteed based on continuously generated zeroknowledge proofs, so as to make all token swaps, transfers, and NFT minting and trading on Layer 2, realizing realt
19 0KN
0 Knowledge Network (0kn)
什么是 0 知识网络 0KN0KN 是下一代去中心化和激励元数据私有混合网络的匿名广播网络,具有加密安全保证.0KN 是一种去中心化的隐私网络基础设施,旨在面对监视整个网络的对手时保持用户匿名,同时假设所有网络服务器的一小部分是恶意的。. 它利用了下一代基于状态混合网络的元数据私有匿名广播Trellis.我在哪里可以获得有关0KNhttps://000z.gitbook.io/0/的更多信息 0KN代币的总供应量100亿000000KN在预售中筹集了多少私人销售25 ETHP转售103 ETH我在哪里可以买到0知识网络0KN0KN可以在Uniswap上交易。.
What Is 0 Knowledge Network 0KN0KN is a next generation decentralized and incentivized metadataprivate mixnetbased anonymous broadcast network with cryptographic security guarantees.0KN is a decentralized privacy network infrastructure that is designed to preserve user anonymity in the face of an adversary monitoring the entire network and while assuming a fraction of all network servers are malicious. It leverages the next generation stateofthea
404 Bakery (bake)
404 Bakery 是一个平台,允许用户无需任何编码即可部署 ERC-404 代币。. 它创造性地结合了 ERC-20 和 ERC-721 标准的元素,通过代币铸币和销毁实现部分转移。. $BAKE代币的持有者可以从收益分享中受益,并在使用平台服务时享受 0% 的费用。. 代币经济学包括 100,000,000 个代币的总供应量和对买卖交易征收 3% 的税。. 该平台提供了有关如何购买$BAKE的详细文档,其中包括创建钱包、获取以太坊并将其兑换成 Uniswap 上的$BAKE代币。.
404 Bakery is a platform that allows users to deploy ERC-404 tokens without any coding required. It creatively combines elements from the ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards,enabling fractional transfers through token mints and burns. Holders of the $BAKE token can benefit from revenue sharing and enjoy 0% fees when using the platform's services. The tokenomics include a total supply of 100,000,000 tokens and a 3% tax on both buy and sell transactions.
21 4CHAN
4Chan (4chan)
4CHAN,Arbitrum生态系统中的模因代币,4CHAN是社区驱动的,任何人都无法控制。. $4CHAN 是在 /b/ 的火焰中锻造的,并由周围最前卫的匿名者锤炼。. 它是一切的数字体现,使4chan成为叛逆精神和模因领主的终极在线游乐场.100%的流动性已经被烧毁,合同被放弃,0/0税,由OG加密鲸鱼推出在哪里可以买到$ 4CHAN可以在Uniswap V2上购买$ 4HAN...
4CHAN,the Meme token in the Arbitrum ecosystem,4CHAN is communitydriven cannot control by anyone. $4CHAN was forged in the fires of /b/ and tempered by the edgiest anons around. Its the digital embodiment of everything that makes 4chan the ultimate online playground for rebellious spirits and meme lords alike.100% of liquidity has already been burned and the contract is renounced with 0/0 taxes,Launched by OG crypto whalesWhere Can You Buy $4CHAN
agEUR (ageur)
agEUR是角度协议的稳定币,其价值与欧元挂钩。. 这种稳定币由衍生品和角度协议的保险基金支持。. 它完全可以兑换协议中持有的抵押品。为了知道 1 欧元的价值,该协议查看来自 Uniswap V3 和 Chainlink 的预言机提要。.
agEUR is a stablecoin of the Angle Protocol which value is pegged to the Euro. This stablecoin is backed by derivatives and by the insurance fund of the Angle Protocol. It is fully convertible against collateral held in the protocol.To know the value of 1 Euro, the protocol looks at oracle feeds from Uniswap V3 and Chainlink.
Akita Inu (akita)
100%去中心化的社区实验声称1/2的代币已被发送到Vitalik Buterin,另一半被锁定到Uniswap池中,密钥被烧毁。.
100% decentralized community experiment with it claims that 1/2 the tokens have been sent to Vitalik Buterin and the other half were locked to a Uniswap pool and the keys burned.
Alpha Shards (alpha)
根据法律,您可以购买一种名为$Alpha的特殊代币。. 为此,您需要获得一个像小狐狸钱包这样的钱包,并在其中包含一些 ETH。. 然后转到 Uniswap 并将 ETH 切换为 $Alpha。. 它既免费又简单!.
by Law You can buy a special token called $Alpha. To do this,you need to get a wallet like Metamask and have some ETH in it. Then go to Uniswap and switch the ETH for $Alpha. It's free and easy!
Answer Governance (agov)
AGOV ANSWER Governance是ClubRare Universe中的DAO治理代币,代表ClubRare生态系统。AGOV DAO代币持有者通过投票确定ClubRare Universe社区的主要运营政策,通过多重签名管理资金等等。. AGOV DAO 代币也可以在 ClubRare Universe 平台上使用:ClubRare 在线 NFT 市场、Beta、ClubRare 购物元界原型.AGOV DAO 代币随着 ClubRare Universe 产品的增长而增值:• ClubRare 数字和物理 NFT 在线市场 Beta• MPWR 实用代币 ClubRare DeFi 懒惰狮子座俱乐部 NFT 为您提供 ClubRare 宇宙内外的好处• ClubRare 购物
AGOV ANSWER Governance is a DAO governance token in the ClubRare Universe which represents the ClubRare ecosystem.AGOV DAO token holders determine the main operating policies of ClubRare Universe community through voting, manage Treasury via multisignature, and many more. AGOV DAO token also can be used on the ClubRare Universe platforms: ClubRare Online NFT marketplace, Beta, ClubRare Shopping
ArbiPad (arbi)
## 什么是 ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Good Games Guild 的下一代基于 ArbitrumzkSync 的启动板。. ArbiPad是最好的加密项目与全球社区之间的桥梁,尤其是加密领域的投资者和社区,具有透明度和公平的分配系统。ARBI是用于以下用途的原生实用代币: 为了保护ArbiPad上的IDO分配,用户必须质押他们的$ARBI。. 参加ArbiPad特别活动 - 免费薄荷和独家团体。. 通过举办社区激励奖励计划$ARBI释放更多好处## 流通中有多少 ARBI 代币在总供应量的 10,000,000,000,000 ARBI 的流通量中将有 1,080,000,000 ARBI。. ### 谁是ARBIPAD的创始人ArbiPad由Good Games
## What Is ArbiPad ARBIArbiPad — Next generation ArbitrumzkSync based launchpad by Good Games Guild. ArbiPad is constructed as a bridge between the best crypto project and the global community,especially investors and community in the crypto sphere with transparency and a fair distribution system.ARBI is the native utility token that is used for: To secure the IDO Allocation on ArbiPad,users have to stake their $ARBI. Participating in ArbiPad Spe
27 ARC
Arcadeum (arc)
Arcadeums的使命是双重的。创建世界上最透明,公平,道德的在线投注平台。创建链上投注的 Uniswap。自成立以来,在线博彩一直由邪恶的人,有组织犯罪甚至国家支持的恐怖组织主导。. 这被广泛记录,并且已经持续了多年。Arcadeum是一个社区驱动的,透明的,分散的可行替代方案。原则在线投注应该是有趣和令人兴奋的,但重点是将人们联系在一起。在线投注应尽可能安全,而不会阻止用户管理自己的风险。在线博彩平台的房子具有优势并有望盈利并没有错。在线博彩平台的房子应该是公开的,有偿付能力的,并且可供任何流动性提供者使用。. 这包括玩家本身。随机数生成必须是可证明的公平的。. 这种可证明的公平性必须是透明的,所有人都可以看到,例如在公共区块链上。Arcadeum是迈向一个人们可以享受在线博彩的世界的
Arcadeums mission is twofold.Create the most transparent,fair,and ethical online betting platform in the world.Create the Uniswap of onchain betting.Online betting has been dominated by evil people,organized crime,and even statesponsored terrorists groups since its inception. This is widely documented and has gone on for years.Arcadeum is a communitydriven,transparent,and decentralized viable alternative.PrinciplesOnline betting should be fun and
Asia Coin (asia)
Asia CoinASIA是亚洲交易所的原生代币ERC20,旨在在亚洲市场的钻石,黄金和加密交易商中广泛使用。. AsiaX 团队现在提供结合 360,000+ 裸钻股票搜索引擎的加密交易。. AsiaExinstant加密货币交易所旨在提供安全的保护级别,确保完全匿名。. 在线钻石交换加密货币到钻石解决方案允许将主要加密货币兑换成带有唯一ID的激光刻字的认证宝石.用户一旦被验证为供应商,就可以列出待售的认证钻石。. Asia Coin现在可以在几个主要交易所购买,如Uniswap,SushiSwap,P2PB2B,Coinsbit,IndoEx和Waves Exchange。. 流通总量:19,100,100 亚洲 最大供应量:100,000,000 亚洲。.
Asia CoinASIA is the native token ERC20 of Asia Exchange and aiming to be widely used in Asian markets among Diamonds,Gold and Crypto dealers. AsiaX Team is now offering crypto trading combined with 360,000+ loose diamonds stock search engine . AsiaExinstant crypto exchange designed for secure level of protection ensuring complete anonymity. Online Diamond Exchangecrypto to diamonds solution allowing major cryptocurrencies to be exchanged to cert
Astroport Classic (astroc)
Astroport是Terra链上的下一代AMM。. 它提供了多种池类型,从像 xyk 池这样的 Uniswap 到旨在容纳类似资产的稳定交换池。. Astroport还在其池中嵌入了TWAP预言机功能,并允许团队与其无缝集成,以便为交换资产和提供流动性提供惊人的用户体验。.
Astroport is a next generation AMM on Terra chain. It offers multiple pool types ranging from Uniswap like xyk pools to stableswap ones meant to accomodate like assets. Astroport also has TWAP oracle functionality embedded in its pools and allows teams to seamlessly integrate with it in order to provide amazing user experience for swapping assets and providing liquidity.
Ayin (ayin)
项目内容在AYIN,我们努力成为Alephium上的领先交易所,为代币交易提供无缝和安全的Uniswapstyle DEX。. 目前,区块增益上没有稳定币或其他代币,因此AYIN使用我们自己的原生代币$AYIN推出。. 我们的最终目标是不仅激励我们的代币持有者,而且还促进Alephium的流动性,减少对中心化交易所CEX进行交易的依赖。是什么让您的项目独一无二AYIN与AYIN质押者分享掉期交易费用的很大一部分,并且是空白L1的先行者。项目的历史记录。我们与 Alephium 的旅程始于 2021 年,当时我们的团队首次发现了这个有前途的区块链。. 创建链上流动性和交易平台的愿景点燃了AYIN的诞生。. 2023 年,我们开始履行我们的使命,将无信任、点对点的代币交换带给 Alephians
What is the project aboutAt AYIN,we strive to be the leading exchange on Alephium,providing a seamless and secure Uniswapstyle DEX for token trading. Currently,there are no stablecoins or other tokens on the blockchgain,so AYIN launched with our own native token,$AYIN. Our ultimate goal is to incentivize not only our token holders but also to foster liquidity on Alephium,reducing the reliance on centralized exchanges CEXs for trading.What makes y
31 BAM
Bambi (bam)
小鹿斑比是关于社区的$BAM是一个去中心化的代币,具有社区运动,人们可以对此感到兴奋并分享爱 我们得到了各种在线社区的支持,这将有助于Bambi成长并在未来发光。. 正是这个令人难以置信的社区的力量将帮助火箭小鹿斑比前进。. 透明分配$BAM是通过Uniswap从ETH到$BAM或USDT到$BAM购买的——每次交易完成时,流动性池都会收取少量费用,这些费用会累积到密钥被烧毁的钱包中——这意味着总会有资金被锁定在Bambi钱包中,提供流动性。. 换句话说,所有交易费用都为小鹿斑比创造了自动复利的流动性,小鹿斑比的使命是让它有机地成长、生存和发展。. 每个人都有平等的机会拥有并帮助它成长。.
Bambi is About Community$BAM is a decentralized token with a community movement that people can get excited about and share the love We have the support from various online communities that will help make Bambi grow and shine into the future. It’s the strength of this incredible community that will help rocket Bambi forward. Transparent Allocation$BAM is purchased via Uniswap from ETH to $BAM or USDT to $BAM — every time the trades are done,the l
32 BAO
Bao Finance (bao)
警告:宝财经处于alpha阶段,未经审计,最初是由一个人自学成才的团队开发的。. 虽然我们正在扩展团队,但请了解风险并相应地使用此产品。它类似于SNX + Aave,但对于Uniswap,SushiSwap和Balancer.而不是重新发明轮子,Bao为现有协议创造了新功能。BAO 代币充当完全社区运行项目的治理代币。. 它还得到了所有保费去向的保险基金的支持。.
Warning: Bao Finance is in alpha, it is unaudited and was originally developed by a oneperson selftaught team. While we are in the process of scaling the team, please understand the risks and use this product accordingly.Its like SNX + Aave, but for Uniswap, SushiSwap and Balancer.Rather than reinvent the wheel Bao creates new features for existing protocols.The BAO token acts as a governance token for the fully community run project. It is also
BaseSafe (safe)
The Base Safe $SAFE token project introduces a novel cryptocurrency ecosystem centered around the $SAFE token and the BaseSafe DApp. The purpose of the project is to provide a sustainable and potentially profitable investment opportunity for users through innovative tokenomics and arbitrage mechanisms.Key features of the project include:$SAFE Token: A cryptocurrency operating on the Base Chain with a unique approach to increasing its value over t
34 EYE
Behodler (eye)
Behodler 是一种高效、低气体、单面 AMM,具有由 MEV 捕获代币经济学提供支持的通用流动性代币。在提供比传统 AMM 更低的无常损失的同时,Behodler 作为通常在第 2 层发现的收益策略的批发商大放异彩:在 Uniswap 上,只需一半的汽油,您就可以进出您最喜欢的主网收益农场。Eye是Behodler的通货紧缩治理代币。. 虽然大多数治理代币只不过是为了投票,但Behodler一有机会就烧掉EYE,以收集要求参与者在游戏中赌注皮肤的真相。.
Behodler is an efficient, low gas, single sided AMM with a universal liquidity token powered by MEV capturing tokenomics.While offering lower impermanent loss than traditional AMMs, Behodler shines as a wholesaler of yield strategies typically found on layer 2: for half the gas of a trade on Uniswap, you can zap into and out of your favourite mainnet yield farms.Eye is the deflationary governance token for Behodler. While most governance tokens a
35 BIC
BicOnBase (bic)
The content is about a meme token called BIC,where users can buy and sell it on Base. The process involves buying Ethereum,swapping it for $BIC tokens through Uniswap,and becoming a holder of BIC. The website also mentions joining the BIC community and emphasizes that BIC is for entertainment purposes only. Users are advised that trading $BIC is at their own risk.
Bitcointry Token (btty)
这是一种加密货币 exchangeBitcointry.com 代币。. 购买并持有此代币的用户可享受高达50%的交易费用折扣。. 他们也可以通过质押来赚钱。. 在某些时期,代币将被购买并用股票市场收益燃烧。. 代币持有者将通过提高代币价格获利。我们创建了 10 亿个代币。. 在发布之前,有5亿个代币被烧毁。我们在 Uniswap 中创造了 3.5 亿单位的液体。.
This is a cryptocurrency exchangeBitcointry.com token. Users who buy and hold this token enjoy up to 50% discount on transaction fees. They can also earn by staking. In certain periods,tokens will be bought and burned with stock market earnings. Holders of the token will profit by increasing the token price.We created 1 billion tokens. And 500 million tokens were burned before the launch.We created 350 million units of liquid in Uniswap. And we l
37 BOB
BOB (bob)
BOB 是为 zkBob 优化的稳定代币。. 可以使用 Uniswap v3 将 BOB 交换为 USDC,然后通过 UI 存入 zkBob 应用程序。一旦进入zkBob应用程序,BOB就可以在用户之间匿名传输。. 更多信息: ..
BOB is a stable token optimized for zkBob. BOB can be swapped for USDC using Uniswap v3, then deposited to the zkBob application through the UI.Once in the zkBob application, BOB can be transferred anonymously between users. More info:
Boomer (boomer)
$BOOMER Coin 是一种加密货币,旨在通过将婴儿潮一代引入数字货币世界来弥合代沟。. 该代币基于基础区块链,为那些不熟悉加密货币的人提供快速的交易速度。. 提供了有关如何通过将以太坊代币桥接到基础区块链并使用 Uniswap 上的 Metamask 钱包来购买 $BOOMER Coin 的说明。. 该网站重点介绍了一种有趣而轻松的方法,让婴儿潮一代参与加密货币革命。.
$BOOMER Coin is a cryptocurrency aimed at bridging the generation gap by introducing boomers to the world of digital currency. The coin is based on the Base blockchain and offers fast transaction speeds tailored for those unfamiliar with crypto. Instructions are provided on how to purchase $BOOMER Coin by bridging Ethereum tokens to the Base blockchain and using the Metamask wallet on Uniswap. The website highlights a fun and lighthearted approac
Boost (boost)
BOOST是一个分散的应用程序平台,旨在通过增加其功能并使其更加健壮来增强当前工具的体验。. BOOST 是原生实用代币,用于解锁高级和可升级功能、治理活动中的未来投票以及未来产品功能的支付处理。. 即将推出的 BOOST 产品包括 BoostSWAP、BoostFARM 和 BoostNFT。. 这些创新产品将改进现有的DeFi基础设施,并有助于扩大去中心化的互联网社区。. BOOST Coin于2021年8月9日推出,流通量为10亿个代币。. Boost目前可以在Uniswap上交易,并将很快在BoostSwap上推出。.
BOOST is a decentralized application platform designed to enhance the experience of current tools by adding to their functionality and making them more robust. BOOST is the native utility token that is used for unlocking advanced and upgradeable features, future voting in governance activities, and payment processing for future product features. Upcoming BOOST products include BoostSWAP, BoostFARM, and BoostNFT. These innovative products will imp
40 BIF
BrettWifHat (bif)
内容是关于基础链平台上一个名为 BrettWifHat ($BIF) 的新模因币。. 该代币将自己宣传为社区模因硬币领域的下一件大事。. 它强调强大的伙伴关系、不断发展的生态系统和社区支持。. 该代币的总代币供应量为 100 亿,没有税收、锁定流动性并放弃合约所有权。. 提供了有关如何通过 Uniswap 购买硬币的说明,以及有关该项目实用性和 $BIF 作为加密领域主导力量的愿景的详细信息。.
The contents are about a new meme coin called BrettWifHat ($BIF) on the Base Chain platform. The coin promotes itself as the next big thing in the community meme coin sector. It emphasizes strong partnerships,a growing ecosystem,and community support. The coin has a total token supply of 10 billion with no taxes,locked liquidity,and renounced contract ownership. Instructions on how to buy the coin through Uniswap are provided,along with details a
41 UNI.E
Bridged Uniswap (Lightlink) (uni.e)
Uniswap是一个帮助人们买卖不同种类数字货币的网站。. 人们还可以使用特殊的代码和工具在网站上构建东西。. 有很多人用它来交易金钱和制作项目。.
Uniswap is a website that helps people buy and sell different kinds of digital money. People can also build things on the website using special codes and tools. There are lots of people who use it to trade money and make projects.
Bully (bully)
第一个使用两个标准的 Meme Fungible Token。. ERC69 和 404,BULLY 是一个社区驱动的项目,社区将决定未来并管理未来的决策。该代币于 2 月 12 日在 Uniswap 上成功推出,并正在执行其路线图,以有机方式增加持有者并启动营销、提交上市和连接其社区。. 除了营销之外,开发也在进行中。BULLY由一支经验丰富的加密货币投资者、开发人员和营销人员团队开发,他们在区块链领域拥有丰富的经验。该团队目前保持匿名,但在工作和投资其他项目时遇到了。.
First Meme Fungible Token using two standards. ERC69 and 404,BULLY is a community driven project and the community will decide the future and govern future decisions.The token successfully launched on Uniswap on February 12th and is executing on it’s roadmap in terms of growing holders organically and initiating marketing,submitting for listings,and connecting its community. In addition to marketing,development is underway.BULLY was developed by
Burning Circle (circle)
Circle 是一个实验性代币,探索 Uniswap v3 流动性机制的可能性。. 它是一种通货紧缩的代币。.
Circle is an experimental token exploring the possibilities around Uniswap v3 liquidity mechanism. It is a deflationary token.
Chad Coin (chad)
该项目是关于什么的乍得项目是一个类似于乍得文化并体现CT模因文化的项目。. 我们想建立一个有趣的模因项目,背后有有趣的技术。是什么让您的项目独一无二我们团队中有几位开发人员和设计师,他们正在努力在我们的网站上构建 Uniswap 分叉。项目的历史记录。我们最近推出并希望在我们的主网站上建立一个 Uniswap 分叉,允许用户将乍得交换为 ETH 和其他 EVM 兼容代币。您的项目的下一步可能是上面我们建立网站的地方,然后看看是什么导致我们的社区希望我们追求您的代币可以用于什么将用于交换网站上的 DEX。.
What is the project aboutThe Chad project is one that resembles the culture of the chad and embodies CT meme culture. We want to build a fun meme project that has interesting tech behind it.What makes your project uniqueWe have several developers and designers on our team who are working to build the Uniswap fork on our website.History of your project.We recently launched and want to build a Uniswap fork on our main website that allows users to s
Chaintools (ctls)
我们正在通过提供有史以来第一个无息流动性奖励协议来彻底改变 DeFi 格局。. 我们的平台旨在为LP提供设定新标准,提供无缝和用户友好的体验,激励流动性提供者和用户释放Uniswap V3的全部潜力。. 我们的LP奖励来自八个不同的收入来源,包括ChainTools提供的各种服务的费用。. 我们期待您的加入。生态系统:ChainSwap在主网上使用ETH在Arbitrum上购买任何代币,只需24秒 我们定制的中继器允许在gas成本交易方面最快,最便宜。. 这使得从以太坊到Arbitrum.ChainForge的交易非常方便,允许没有经验的用户部署自己的完全定制的代币合约。. 包括烧毁,交换和自定义税收等功能。.
We are revolutionizing the DeFi landscape by offering the firstever nostaking liquidity rewards protocol. Designed to set a new standard in LP provision,our platform offers a seamless and userfriendly experience that incentivizes both liquidity providers and users to unlock the full potential of Uniswap V3. Our LP rewards come from eight different revenue streams,including fees from the variety of services ChainTools offers. We look forward to ha
46 NOW
ChangeNOW (now)
NOW是由即时交易平台ChangeNOW推出的原生数字资产。. 它作为NOW产品的内部货币。. NOW 代币被用作 ChangeNOW 上资产上市费用的支付手段,它也是平台自己的可质押代币。. 可以将NOW代币质押在NOW钱包中 - 由ChangeNOW团队创建的非托管加密钱包 - 并获得高达25%的投资回报率。. NOW生态系统产品的用户可以从NOW代币的每笔交易中获得0.1%的现金返还。. NOW也已集成到NOW支付中:该服务允许用户和企业在其网站,在线商店和社交媒体帐户上接受NOW的付款。.
NOW is a native digital asset introduced by ChangeNOW, an instant exchange platform. It serves as an internal currency for NOW products. NOW Token is used as a means of payment for asset listing fees on ChangeNOW, and it’s also the platform’s own stakeable token. It is possible to stake NOW Token in NOW Wallet – a noncustodial crypto wallet, created by the ChangeNOW team – and get up to 25% ROI. Users of NOW ecosystem products can receive 0.1% ca
47 CCY
ChoccySwap (ccy)
ChoccySwap是Chromia上第一个去中心化交易所。. 基于Uniswap V2,ChoccySwap允许您在Chromia区块链上交换任何FT3资产。. 您可以使用CCY代币在我们的治理平台上投票。.
ChoccySwap is the first decentralized exchange on Chromia. Based on Uniswap V2, ChoccySwap lets you exchange any FT3 asset on the Chromia blockchain. You can vote on our governance platform using the CCY token.
48 CLA
ClaimSwap (cla)
ClaimSwap是基于AMMAutomated Market Maker的Klaytn DEX。. 已经提供类似服务的KLAYswap为扩展Klaytn Defi生态系统做出了贡献。. 然而,生态系统中没有其他DEX成熟,用户选择有限。ClaimSwap团队旨在提供更加用户友好的协议。. 就像UniswapSushiswap案例一样,我们期待通过ClaimSwap的发布来推动整个生态系统的发展。.
ClaimSwap is a Klaytn DEX based on AMMAutomated Market Maker. KLAYswap, which already provides a similar service, has contributed to expanding the Klaytn Defi ecosystem. However, no other DEX had matured in the ecosystem, leaving users with limited options.The ClaimSwap team aims to provide a more userfriendly protocol. Just as the UniswapSushiswap case, we look forward to boosting the overall ecosystem with the release of ClaimSwap.
ClosedAI (closedai)
本文讨论了 ClosedAI,这是一项旨在保持 AI 开放和去中心化的运动。. 它被描述为对 OpenAI 等科技巨头的模仿,这些巨头被视为集中化 AI 并可能危害社会。. ClosedAI 被描绘成一个诙谐的计划,对经济利益没有现实世界的价值,可在 Uniswap 上使用并提供空投的可能性。.
The text discusses ClosedAI,a movement that aims to keep AI open and decentralized. It is presented as a parody against tech giants like OpenAI who are seen as centralizing AI and potentially harming society. ClosedAI is portrayed as a tongue-in-cheek initiative with no real-world value for financial gain,available on Uniswap and offering the possibility of an airdrop.
Crescentswap Moonlight (mnlt)
项目是关于什么的CrescentSwap是一个基于Arbitrum的生态系统,基于Uniswap v3模型的基于社区驱动的DEX。是什么让您的项目独一无二,CrescentSwap 旨在成为一种高效且适应性强的协议,允许建筑商和用户利用我们的定制基础设施来实现深度、持续和自适应的流动性。. Moonlight超越了传统的DEX设计,提供了一种有利于可组合性的定制方法。项目的历史记录。CrescentSwap刚刚在Arbitrum上推出,超过1.5M TVL,并发布了基于原始Uniswap模型的v3框架DEX,具有一整套DeFi工具,以帮助加速去中心化多元化的基础。. 您的项目的下一步是什么CrescentSwap有一个广泛的路线图来发布启动板,索引库,借贷协议等。. 您的代币可以用于什么$M
What is the project aboutCrescentSwap is an Arbitrumbased ecosystemfocused and communitydriven DEX based off the Uniswap v3 model.What makes your project uniqueCrescentSwap was designed to be a highly efficient and adaptable protocol that allows both builders and users to harness our bespoke infrastructure for deep,sustained,and adaptive liquidity. Moonlight goes beyond the conventional DEX design to provide a tailored approach that favors compos
Cross-Chain Bridge (bridge)
桥接可替代或不可替代的代币是一个相当费力的过程。. 有多种桥专注于连接选定的网络或仅支持选定的令牌。. 作为用户,您需要知道要通过哪个网桥移动到另一个网络的令牌。. CrossChain Bridge v2.0有一个雄心勃勃的目标:应该可以将尽可能多的代币转移到几乎任何网络。跨链桥将吸引和激励所有参与者参与生态系统。. 与在 Uniswap 或 DEX 上推出代币的项目类似,社区和/或创建者将能够通过跨链桥直观且无需许可地添加自己的代币,从而受益于更高的可访问性和安全性。. 同时,将激励流动性农民和项目提供流动性,包括收费参与和流动性挖矿。.
Bridging fungible or nonfungible tokens is quite a laborious process. There are a variety of bridges that focus on connecting selected networks or support only selected tokens. As a user, you need to know which token you want to move over which bridge to another network. The CrossChain Bridge v2.0 has an ambitious goal: It should be possible to move as many tokens as possible to almost any network.The CrossChain Bridge will attract and incentiviz
52 CRU
Crust Network (cru)
什么是Crust NetworkCrust Network为Web 3.0和Web 2.0生态系统提供了一个分散的存储网络和云解决方案,并建立在Polkadot的Substrate框架之上。. 它为IPFS协议提供了独特的激励层,并利用区块链技术来增强数据的安全性,隐私性,性能和所有权。路线图是什么样的主网于 2021 年 9 月 1 日启动,目前拥有约 2,300 PB 的存储容量,由 7,000 多个单独的节点提供。Crust Network已经与许多区块链集成,并为以太坊,BSC,Polygon,Solana,Near,Elrond,Heco等提供了完全去中心化的存储层。. 未来,Crust将为更多网络实施其存储服务,以便为每个生态系统提供存储解决方案。. 一些最大的区块链项目已经使用
What is Crust NetworkCrust Network provides a decentralized storage network and cloud solutions for both, the Web 3.0 as well as Web 2.0 ecosystem and is build on Polkadot’s Substrate framework. It provides an unique incentive layer for the IPFS protocol and utilizes blockchain technology to enhancesecurity, privacy, performance and ownership of data.How does the roadmap look likeThe mainnet launched on the 1st of September 2021 and currently hol
Cudos (cudos)
什么是库多斯 CUDOS 为去中心化计算网络提供支持,该网络将与多个区块链生态系统互操作,以提供以下好处:1.. 基于Tendermint协议Wasm兼容性构建的可信第1层验证器网络,只要智能合约编译为WebAssembly,就可以使用下一代语言部署在CUDOS上。. Golang, Rust, Java 等2.. 由于网络的区块链间通信IBC集成,跨链或水平互操作性,允许Cudos网络智能合约与多个网络接口.3。. 与 PoW 网络相比,交易和 gas 成本降低 10 倍 可大规模扩展的网络,可促进更复杂的智能合约操作4。.
What is CUDOS CUDOS powers a decentralised compute network that will interoperate with multiple blockchain ecosystems to provide the following benefits:1. Trusted layer 1 validator network built on the Tendermint protocol Wasm compatibility, for smart contracts to be deployed on CUDOS using nextgeneration languages so long as they compile to WebAssembly. I.e. Golang, Rust, Java etc.2. Crosschain or Horizontal interoperability thanks to the netwo
Cybertruck (truck)
Cybertruck $TRUCK是一种加密货币,反映了埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musks)企业的创新本质。. 它是一种去中心化的模因币,利用了特斯拉电动皮卡的流行和马斯克的在线幽默。. 这枚硬币象征着面向未来的车辆和投资方式,与特斯拉品牌在电动交通方面的突破相一致。. 它以零税收交易的愿景推出,通过不可变的智能合约优先考虑安全性,并放弃其创建者的控制权。. $TRUCK拥有 10 亿个代币的总供应量,由一个完全销毁的流动性池支撑,以加强信任。. 采用自动燃烧技术,每小时供应量不断减少,有望实现增长和排他性。.
Cybertruck $TRUCK is a cryptocurrency that reflects the innovative essence of Elon Musks ventures. Its a decentralized memecoin,tapping into the popularity of Teslas electric pickup and Musks online humor. The coin symbolizes a futureforward approach to vehicles and investment,aligning with the Tesla brands breakthroughs in electric transport. Launched with a vision of zerotax transactions,it prioritizes security with immutable smart contracts an
DeFi Pool Share (dpst)
项目简介:DeFi 池份额是以太坊上的去中心化金融 DeFi 借贷协议,使流动性提供者能够将其 Uniswap V3 LP NFT 借给借款人。. 它通过贷款费用为LP提供可预测的回报,同时允许借款人获得这些头寸索赔费用。. 该平台旨在增强DeFi借贷,利用Uniswap V3流动性和风险缓解功能。亮点: 交易者可以借用 LP NFT 来获取交易策略的流动性。. 收益农民可以使用借来的资产进行流动性挖掘。. LP 可以通过借出他们的 LP NFT 来赚取可预测的收入.是什么让您的项目独一无二当然,这里有一个简明的 DeFi 池独特功能列表 分享:1.. Uniswap V3 集成2..
What is the project aboutIntroduction:DeFi Pool Share is a decentralized finance DeFi lending protocol on Ethereum that enables liquidity providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to borrowers. It offers predictable returns for LPs through lending fees while allowing borrowers to access these positions claim fees. This platform aims to enhance DeFi lending and borrowing,leveraging Uniswap V3 liquidity with risk mitigation features.Highlights: Tr
56 DFP2
DefiPlaza (dfp2)
👉 交换代币比 Uniswap 便宜 65%。. 👉 赚取 250% 的质押 APR,同时被动投资一篮子 16 个 ERC-20 代币!.
👉 65% cheaper than Uniswap to swap tokens. 👉 Earn a 250% staking APR while passively investing in a basket of 16 ERC-20 tokens!
DeFrogs (defrogs)
用户正在讨论与 defrogs 相关的话题。. 他们提到拒绝进化,想回到青蛙身边。. 他们还提到在 OpenSea 和 Uniswap 等平台上购买 defrogs。.
The user is discussing a topic related to defrogs. They mention rejecting evolution and wanting to return to frogs. They also mention buying defrogs on platforms like OpenSea and Uniswap.
58 KIT
DexKit (kit)
DexKit KIT 是下一代 DEX。. 它使用基于ZRX协议,Uniswap和Kyber等的技术来创建先进的交易,交换,原子交换,做市和分散的erc20和erc721白标解决方案。.
DexKit KIT is the next generation DEX. It uses technology based on ZRX protocol, Uniswap and Kyber, among others, to create an advanced trading, swapping, atomic swap, market making and decentralized erc20 and erc721 whitelabel solutions.
Diffusion (diff)
DIFF是Diffusion Finance的治理代币,Diffusion Finance是一个Uniswap v2分叉,也是Evmos的第一个去中心化交易所。.
DIFF is the governance token for Diffusion Finance, a Uniswap v2 fork and the first decentralized exchange for Evmos.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,732.83 4,123,903,847.95
2 ETH title=ETH 3,117.26 1,782,491,988.83
3 ARS title=ARS 1,052.40 1,767,759,452.50
4 SOL title=SOL 145.08 1,580,827,637.02
5 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 455,438,561.80
6 XRP title=XRP 0.50 282,384,443.71
7 ENA title=ENA 0.95 281,803,947.83
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 271,143,161.80
9 WIF title=WIF 2.76 269,516,750.54
10 RUNE title=RUNE 5.21 167,444,781.50
11 BOME title=BOME <0.01 158,897,983.38
12 NEAR title=NEAR 5.82 132,539,605.65
13 AVAX title=AVAX 35.97 121,185,983.89
14 ORDI title=ORDI 43.77 101,055,877.31
15 OMNI title=OMNI 25.15 93,553,103.67
16 WLD title=WLD 4.96 88,135,863.02
17 ADA title=ADA 0.46 86,139,614.54
18 MATIC title=MATIC 0.68 76,101,927.47
19 SUI title=SUI 1.27 75,483,578.91
20 LTC title=LTC 81.67 74,301,916.04
21 TRX title=TRX 0.11 74,209,456.78
22 LINK title=LINK 13.93 72,865,286.75
23 FTM title=FTM 0.71 72,262,278.00
24 TIA title=TIA 11.14 71,218,662.63
25 FIL title=FIL 6.16 68,548,860.09
26 INJ title=INJ 28.14 67,253,168.52
27 RNDR title=RNDR 8.07 64,821,265.80


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.68
2 Jito title=JTO 3.54 +28.95
3 Lisk title=LSK 1.74 +23.63
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.63 +19.94
5 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 +18.18
6 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.76 +17.71
7 THORChain title=RUNE 5.21 +17.39
8 Celestia title=TIA 11.14 +16.65
9 Automata title=ATA 0.15 +16.64
10 NEO title=NEO 19.28 +16.08
11 Bounce title=AUCTION 17.88 +15.95
12 Qtum title=QTUM 4.17 +15.11
13 Synapse title=SYN 1.12 +14.74
14 Gas title=GAS 5.63 +14.61
15 GALA title=GALA 0.05 +14.55
16 Arkham title=ARKM 1.74 +14.08
17 OAX title=OAX 0.22 +13.58
18 Dusk title=DUSK 0.38 +13.46
19 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +12.00
20 Celer Network title=CELR 0.03 +11.74
21 Flamingo Finance title=FLM 0.10 +11.68
22 Ethena title=ENA 0.95 +11.59
23 1inch title=1INCH 0.43 +11.57
24 Internet Computer title=ICP 13.24 +11.53
25 Immutable title=IMX 2.09 +11.29
26 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +11.14
27 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +10.92
28 Injective title=INJ 28.14 +10.83
29 Solana title=SOL 145.08 +10.81
30 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.60 +10.40


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Maker title=MKR 3,030.00 -3.26
2 AVA title=AVA 0.64 -2.03
3 Acala title=ACA 0.11 -1.98
4 Sun Token title=SUN 0.01 -1.12
5 WazirX title=WRX 0.22 -1.08
6 Convex Finance title=CVX 2.51 -1.03
7 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.01 -1.02
8 Waves title=WAVES 2.53 -0.67
9 TRON title=TRX 0.11 -0.61
10 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.11 -0.31
11 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.29 -0.19

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

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1 The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving 2024-04-19
2 OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence 2024-04-19
3 Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash 2024-04-19
4 China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express 2024-04-19
5 Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches 2024-04-19
6 Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip 2024-04-19
7 Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis 2024-04-19
8 Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter 2024-04-19
9 Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem 2024-04-19
10 Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue 2024-04-19
11 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
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(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
13 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
14 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
15 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
16 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
17 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
18 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
19 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
20 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
21 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
22 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
23 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
24 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
25 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
26 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
27 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
28 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
29 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
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30 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
31 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)
32 Web3 健康戒指让用户拥有自己的健康数据并佩戴它
(Web3 wellness ring lets users own their health data and wear it too)
33 尽管比特币减半,但前五名 BTC 矿工仍未出售
(Top five BTC miners not selling despite Bitcoin halving)
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(On chain data The missing link in Web3 advertising)
35 白帽黑客组织海豹突击队推出加密威胁共享中心
(White hat hacker group SEAL launches crypto threat sharing center)
36 塞浦路斯暂停 FTX Europe 许可证至 9 月
(Cyprus keeps FTX Europe license suspended until September)
37 Worldcoin推出自己的以人为本的区块链网络
(Worldcoin launches its own human centric blockchain network)
38 比特币 039 需要清算039 57K 流动性用于减半后反弹 交易者
(Bitcoin 039needs to clear039 57K liquidity for post halving rally Trader)
39 香港现货比特币ETF获批受到业内人士的称赞和警惕
(Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF approval draws praise and caution from industry players)
40 Solana 网络远未达到我们期望的 Solana 基金会执行官
(Solana network nowhere near where we expect it to be Solana Foundation exec)
41 美国参议员提出新的稳定币法案
(US senators introduce new stablecoin bill)
42 比特币跌破 60K,分析师称零现货比特币 ETF 流入非常正常
(Bitcoin drops below 60K as analyst says zero spot Bitcoin ETF inflows very normal)
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(Israeli central bank official says CBDC competition with banks is good for economy)
44 比特币价格跌破 62K,现货 BTC ETF 需求摇摆不定
(Bitcoin price falls under 62K amid wavering spot BTC ETF demand)
45 比特币将在 WebSummit Rio 上达到超过 100 万 Animoca 创始人
(Bitcoin will reach over 1M Animoca founder at WebSummit Rio)
46 参议院银行委员会主席希望结合稳定币法案以提高通过的机会
(Senate Banking Committee chair wants to combine stablecoin bill to boost chance of passage)
47 SEC 对 Uniswap Crypto 律师的胜诉几率为 039非常低 039
(SEC has 039very low039 odds of winning against Uniswap Crypto lawyer)
48 FOMO曾经推动了GameFi的融资,但风险投资人说这次不同
(FOMO once drove GameFi funding but VCs say its different this time)
49 安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)为新风险基金筹集了72B
(Andreessen Horowitz raises 72B for new venture funds)
50 轨道炮否认被朝鲜使用,因为它的总体积接近10亿
(Railgun denies being used by North Korea as it nears 1B total volume)


Inception rETH (inreth) Sheesha Finance (BEP20) (sheesha) 0xDAO (oxd) Ankr Staked FTM (ankrftm) Dragon Crypto Aurum (dcau) Rake.in (rake) Oggy Inu (oggy) Trips Community (trips) Save Elon Coin (sec) NinjaPepe (ninjapepe)


Hey Reborn [NEW] (rb)AI DogeMini (aidogemini)Ultron Vault (ultron)Onmax (omp)OBI Real Estate (obicoin)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#DeFi #CeFi #smart contract #wellness #pegged #real estate #digital money #multichain #digital currency #decentralized application


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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