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硬币相关 #Avalanche

币名 细节
Avalanche (avax)
Avalanche是一个高吞吐量的智能合约区块链平台。. 验证者通过权益证明共识协议保护网络。. 据说它速度快、成本低、环保。主网于2020年9月21日启动。从那时起,该平台已经发展到保护超过100 +个人项目,$ 1.4M +的AVAX燃烧减少供应,950 +个人区块生产验证器,以及全球超过500k +社区成员。去中心化金融DeFi应用程序可以在Avalanche上找到,如Pangolin,TraderJoe等。.
Avalanche is a high throughput smart contract blockchain platform. Validators secure the network through a proofofstake consensus protocol. It is said to be fast, low cost, and environmental friendly.Mainnet was launched in September 21, 2020. Since then, the platform has grown to secure over 100+ individual projects, $1.4M+ of AVAX burned reducing supply, 950+ individual blockproducing validators, and over 500k+ community members around the glob
Polygon (matic)
Polygon 以前 Matic Network 是第一个结构良好、易于使用的平台,用于以太坊扩展和基础设施开发。. 它的核心组件是Polygon SDK,这是一个模块化的灵活框架,支持构建多种类型的应用程序。使用多边形,可以创建乐观汇总链、ZK 汇总链、独立链或开发人员所需的任何其他类型的基础设施。. Polygon有效地将以太坊转变为一个成熟的多链系统,即区块链互联网。. 这个多链系统类似于其他系统,如Polkadot,Cosmos,Avalanche等,具有以太坊的安全性,充满活力的生态系统和开放性的优势。建立在PlasmaPOS链上的现有生态系统不会改变。. 借助 Polygon,正在围绕现有的成熟技术构建新功能,以扩展满足开发人员生态系统多样化需求的能力。. Polygon将继续开
Polygon Previously Matic Network is the first wellstructured, easytouse platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building multiple types of applications.Using Polygon, one can create Optimistic Rollup chains, ZK Rollup chains, stand alone chains or any other kind of infra required by the developer. Polygon effectively transforms Ethereum into a ful
3 C98
Coin98 (c98)
Coin98是一个allinoneDeFi平台,旨在满足行业中未开发的需求,并成为将传统金融用户连接到多个区块链上的任何DeFi服务的网关。. 它通过一整套产品完成这一使命,包括Coin98钱包,Coin98 Exchange和Space Gate跨链桥。Coin98钱包:允许用户存储,发送,接收,管理加密资产并连接到多个区块链上的众多dApp。. 它支持20多个区块链,如以太坊,币安智能链,Solana,Polygon,Avalanche,Terra等,适用于移动iOS和Android以及Chrome扩展版本。Coin98 Exchange:一个多链流动性聚合器,允许用户以最优惠的价格和低滑点交换、质押、借贷、借入、赚取加密货币。Space Gate:一种跨链桥,可以在多个网络之间交换和传
Coin98 is an allinone DeFi Platform that aims to fulfill untapped demand in the industry and become a Gateway bridging TradFi users to any DeFi services on multiple blockchains. It accomplishes this mission through a full suite of products, including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange, and Space Gate crosschain bridge.Coin98 Wallet: Allows users to store, send, receive, manage crypto assets and connect to numerous dApps on multiple blockchains. It su
eCash (xec)
源自加密货币领域最值得信赖的名称之一,曾经被称为BCHA的东西现在是eCash。. eCash是比特币现金项目的自然延续。. 为了实现传奇人物米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)的愿景,eCash兑现了创新雪崩共识层等关键承诺,同时还引入了比特币项目中从未见过的概念,如质押、无分叉网络升级和子链。. 在交易所、钱包或价格图表上寻找股票代码XEC,迈出迈向真正财务自由的第一步。.
Derived from one of the most trusted names in the cryptocurrency space, what was once known as BCHA is now eCash. eCash is the natural continuation of the Bitcoin Cash project. Realizing the vision of the legendary Milton Friedman, eCash follows through on key promises such as the innovative Avalanche consensus layer while also introducing concepts never before seen in a Bitcoin project such as staking, forkfree network upgrades, and subchains.
JOE (joe)
交易者乔是您在雪崩网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。. 我们将DEX服务与DeFi借贷相结合,提供杠杆交易。. 我们的产品是社区驱动的,这使我们能够通过我们的 JOE/xJOE 质押机制将清算和掉期收取的费用返还给用户。JOE是一种治理代币,还奖励其持有者分享交易所收入。.
Trader Joe is your onestop decentralized trading platform on the Avalanche network. We combine DEX services with DeFi lending to offer leveraged trading. Our products are community driven which allows us to give fees collected from liquidation and swaps back to the users via our JOE/xJOE staking mechanism.JOE is a governance token that also rewards its holders with a share of exchange revenues.
6 QI
BENQI (qi)
BENQI是一个去中心化的非托管流动性市场协议,建立在Avalanche之上。. 该协议使用户能够毫不费力地借出、借入并使用他们的数字资产赚取利息。. 为协议提供流动性的存款人可以获得被动收入,而借款人能够以超额抵押的方式借款。.
BENQI is a decentralized noncustodial liquidity market protocol, built on Avalanche. The protocol enables users to effortlessly lend, borrow, and earn interest with their digital assets. Depositors providing liquidity to the protocol may earn passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralized manner.
Avalox (avalox)
介绍 Avalox,Avalanche 链上 Meme 和 DeFi 的终极融合 拥抱欢笑和金融创新的力量,因为 Avalox 为加密空间带来欢乐。. 代币持有者享受值得纪念的时刻,同时受益于去中心化的金融机会。.
Introducing Avalox,the ultimate blend of Meme and DeFi on the Avalanche chain Embrace the power of laughter and financial innovation as Avalox brings joy to the crypto space. Token holders enjoy memeworthy moments while benefiting from decentralized finance opportunities.
BENQI Liquid Staked AVAX (savax)
BENQI液体质押是第一个针对Avalanche的流动质押协议。. 用户使用 BENQI 质押 AVAX,并获得 sAVAX,这是 AVAX 的计息版本。. 这使用户可以获得保护Avalanche网络和DeFi世界的奖励。.
BENQI Liquid Staking is the first liquid staking protocol for Avalanche. Users stake AVAX with BENQI, and receive sAVAX, an interest bearing version of AVAX. This allows users to earn both the rewards for securing the Avalanche network and from the world of DeFi.
Bware (infra)
项目是关于什么Bware Labs是多链,可扩展解决方案的提供商,专注于基础设施和开发工具。. Bware Labs 成立于 2020 年,位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特,旨在解决 Web3 行业的效率和性能挑战。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二为区块链 API 提供无与伦比的质量、性能和易用性,Blast,Bware Labs API 平台通过引入第三方节点提供商参与平台来分散其基础设施进行创新。. 它通过成为第一个为节点运行者采用奖励模型的人来做到这一点,激励他们以增加平台的去中心化,并最终改善对支持的区块链的访问。项目的历史记录。Bware Labs的创始人着手构建一个替代基础设施平台,同时专注于高性能,去中心化,安全性和可访问性,而不依赖于集中式权威。. 这就是Blast,Bware Labs去
What is the project aboutBware Labs is a provider of multichain,scalable solutions,focused on infrastructure and dev tools. Founded in 2020,in Bucharest,Romania,Bware Labs aims to solve efficiency and performance challenges in the Web3 industry. What makes your project uniqueProviding unparalleled quality,performance,and ease of use to blockchain API,Blast,Bware Labs API platform innovates by decentralizing its infrastructure through onboarding t
ETGM (Ordinals) (etgm)
ETGM是一个革命性的数字货币项目,旨在探索区块链技术的新前沿。. ETGM将社区的温暖与外太空的神秘相结合,旨在创建一个既友好又充满探索精神的数字生态系统。项目特色:创新的交易工具:我们在Telegram上开发了多链铭文机器人,旨在为用户提供一个多功能平台,支持在比特币、以太坊、Polygon、Solana SOL和Cosmos Atom等主要区块链上进行铭记和聚合交易。. 该机器人旨在成为一站式解决方案,用于轻松访问和管理各种区块链平台上的资产。社区驱动:我们相信社区的力量。. ETGM通过各种互动活动和奖励机制,积极促进社区成员之间的互动和协作。探索和发现:ETGM鼓励用户探索数字货币世界的无限可能性。. 我们定期组织教育活动和研讨会,帮助社区成员了解区块链技术的最新发展。ETGM不仅
ETGM is a revolutionary digital currency project designed to explore new frontiers in blockchain technology. ETGM combines the warmth of a community with the mystery of outer space,aiming to create a digital ecosystem that is both friendly and filled with a spirit of exploration.Project Features:Innovative Trading Tools: We have developed a multichain inscription bot on Telegram,aimed at providing users with a multifunctional platform that enable
iMe Lab (lime)
什么是iMe LabiMe是一个生态系统,其中包含基于电报的信使,加密钱包和DeFi工具及其原生实用代币LIME。. 该应用程序允许通过几次点击发送加密货币,使加密货币交易快速、安全和无忧。. 任何用户都可以在几秒钟内通过他们的电报句柄将他们持有的 iMe 钱包中的加密货币发送给他们的任何联系人。. 凭借集成到信使Uniswap,BNB Chain,Ethereum,PancakeSwap,Polygon中的强大DeFi功能,iMe的使命是使DeFi更容易被更广泛的人群所接受。. iMe是第一个将币安功能添加到消息传递生态系统中的公司,以在币安上交换加密货币,从iMe钱包向币安账户存款,发送请求付款并进行零费用交易等等。. iMe通过iMe LabLIME令牌ERC20,BEP20,Poly
What is iMe LabiMe is an ecosystem with the Telegrambased messenger, Crypto Wallet, and DeFi tools and its native utility token LIME. The app allows sending crypto in a few clicks, making crypto transactions fast, secure and hasslefree. Any user can send cryptocurrencies they hold in their iMe wallet to any of their contacts via their Telegram handles, in a matter of seconds. With robust DeFi capabilities integrated into the messenger Uniswap, BN
12 OAS
Oasys (oas)
在区块链游戏中,发生了大量的交易。然而,许多区块链无法处理如此多的交易,节点经常崩溃。Oasys作为游戏特定的区块链,使用的技术由于游戏引起的交易数量增加而不太可能失败。Oasys是一个多层EVM兼容的PoS公共区块链,解决了游戏开发者与其他区块链的纠葛。主要竞争对手是试图解决以太坊可扩展性、gas费用和交易速度问题的区块链。. 例如流、雪崩、多边形、波卡点等。. 对于游戏玩家1.. 零汽油费2.. 高速坦斯行动3.. 骗局更少对于游戏开发人员.1..
In the blockchain game, a huge number of transactions occur.However, many blockchains cannot handle so many Transactions, and nodes often crash.Oasys, as a gamespecific blockchain, uses technology that is less likely to fail due to the increased number of transactions caused by games.Oasys is a multilayered EVMcompatible PoS public blockchain that solves game developers’ struggles with other blockchains.The main competitors are blockchains trying
XDEFI (xdefi)
XDEFI 是一个非托管钱包,可让您在 14 个区块链上安全地交换、存储和发送 NFT 和加密货币。加入超过 100,000 名信任 XDEFI 钱包一个钱包的人,用于所有 Web3:交换、发送和存储以太坊、索尔链、雪崩、幻想、仲裁、多边形、比特币、币安链、币安智能链、狗狗、莱特币、Luna2、Luna 经典和比特币现金上的 10,000 多种资产。. 一个单一的画廊,用于您的以太坊、雪崩、幻想、仲裁、多边形、币安链和 Luna2 NFT.无需许可的交换和桥接:所有 THORChain 资产的无限交换,全部在钱包内。XDEFI钱包是非托管的:我们永远无法访问您的资金。. XDEFI钱包从不存储您的助记词,密码或任何私人信息。. 您始终可以完全控制您的资金和数据。.
XDEFI is a noncustodial wallet that allows you to securely swap, store, and send NFTs and crypto across 14 blockchains.Join more than 100,000 people who trust XDEFI WalletOne wallet for all of Web3:Swap, send and store more than 10,000 assets on Ethereum, THORChain, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum, Polygon, Bitcoin, Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Doge, Litecoin, Luna2, Luna Classic and Bitcoin Cash. A single gallery for all your NFTs:A single, c
Aave stkGHO (stkgho)
Aave 是一个开源的流动性协议,允许用户赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 它是一个由社区管理的去中心化协议,拥有超过 165,601 名代币持有者。. Aave 最初部署在以太坊网络上,但已扩展到其他网络,例如 Polygon、Avalanche、Arbitrum、Optimism、Base、Gnosis、Metis 和 Centrifuge RWABridge。. 该协议由领先的安全公司进行审计,并具有一个安全模块,以防止协议破产。. Aave 金库由 AAVE 代币和金库收集者组成,他们从各种来源赚取费用。. 用户可以通过提交提案、创建快照和对提案进行投票来参与治理。.
Aave is an open-source liquidity protocol that allows users to earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. It is a decentralized protocol governed by the community with over 165,601 token holders. Aave was first deployed on the Ethereum network but has expanded to other networks such as Polygon,Avalanche,Arbitrum,Optimism,Base,Gnosis,Metis,and Centrifuge RWABridge. The protocol is audited by leading security firms and has a safety module
Aave v3 Metis (ametis)
Aave 是一个开源流动性协议,让人们可以赚取利息、借入资产和构建应用程序。. 您可以使用 Aave 协议在以太坊、Polygon、Avalanche 等不同网络上借贷。. 想要赚钱的人可以将他们的资产提供给协议,并看着他们成长为流动性提供者。. 还有一个社区主导的赠款计划,以资助社区的想法。. Aave协议是安全的,并且有一个安全的保护支持。.
Aave is an open source liquidity protocol that lets people earn interest,borrow assets,and build applications. You can use the Aave Protocol to lend or borrow money on different networks like Ethereum,Polygon,Avalanche and more. People who want to make money can supply their assets into the protocol and watch them grow as a liquidity provider. There is also a community-led grants program to fund ideas from the community. The Aave Protocol is secu
Akitavax (akitax)
Akitavax 是一个基于社区驱动的基于模因的加密货币项目,它对其他模因币提供的技术采取了不同的方法。. Akitavax 不是作为一个常见的模因代币项目创建的,所有关于该项目的关键决定都是由创始人做出的,但它是一个社区模因代币项目,旨在让所有爱好者参与我们的社会和艺术运动。为了实施这个项目,名为$AKITAX的代币是根据社区驱动的策略铸造的。. 此令牌在 Avalanche Network 上运行。. 雪崩网络的可靠性是该代币在此网络上铸造的最重要原因。. 同时,网络快速、低成本和环保的事实被证明是一个巨大的优势。. 作为以去中心化金融DEFI时代的时代精神创建的代币,Akitavax 旨在在其界面上展示许多技术并快速适应新技术。.
Akitavax is a community driven meme based cryptocurrency project that takes different approach on technologies served from other meme coins. Akitavax is not created as a common meme token project all critical decisions about the project are made by the founders, but it is created as a community meme token project that aims to involve all the enthusiasts to contribute in our social and artistic movement.To implement this project, the token named $
Arable Protocol (acre)
Arable 协议是一种合成的流动性挖矿协议,致力于帮助产量农民访问多个区块链,例如以太坊、雪崩、Solana、Cosmos 或 Polygon 资产和单链上的收益。. 在DeFi领域获得高收益的最大挑战是需要跨链桥接资产,需要恒定的过桥费用来限制回报。. Arable通过提供第一个支持多链农业的单链平台来改变这种状况。. 该平台由激励的抵押品提供商(又名)提供支持。. 合成资产的质押者或铸造者。. 用户获得与原生链相同的奖励。许多不同的区块链现在都支持流动性矿池并提供激励机制,但不同链之间的资产转移需要时间和费用,并且需要链和桥梁特定知识。.
Arable Protocol is a synthetic yield farming protocol that is dedicated to helping yield farmers access multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, Cosmos or Polygon assets and yields on a single chain. The biggest challenge in earning high yields in the DeFi space is the need to bridge assets across chains, requiring constant bridge fees that limit returns. Arable is changing that by providing the first single chain platform that e
18 AVB
Avabot (avb)
在 Avalanche 上开创狙击和交易,通过 Telegram 毫不费力。. 快速,专注,第一。. 🔺欢迎来到 Avalanche ❄️ 上的交易革命。.
Pioneering sniping and trading on Avalanche,effortlessly via Telegram. Fast,focused,first. 🔺Welcome to the trading revolution on Avalanche ❄️
AvaDex Token (avex)
AVA DEX是Avalanche上的去中心化交易所DEX,专注于提供一流的交易体验。. $AVEX,用户被激励通过流动性挖矿在AVA DEX上投入流动性,以赚取本国货币。. 此外,用户可以使用他们赚取的$AVEX来质押和赚取其他代币并解锁独家功能。. 由DeFi开发人员构建,对于DeFi用户,我们拥有一支具有多年经验的专门团队,他们致力于DeFi社区并发展Avadex项目。.
AVA DEX is a decentralized exchange DEX on Avalanche focused on offering a premier trading experience. Users are incentivized to put liquidity on AVA DEX through yield farming to earn the native currency,$AVEX. Additionally,users can use their earned $AVEX to stake and earn other tokens and unlock exclusive features. Built by DeFi devs,for DeFi users,we have a dedicated team with years of experience who are committed to the DeFi community and gro
Avalaunch (xava)
Avalaunch是一个由Avalanche平台提供支持的启动板,允许新的和创新的项目无缝地为发布做准备,重点是公平和广泛的分发。. 凭借其深深植根于早期 Avalanche 社区的价值观,我们能够为项目提供自信、知情的用户,这些用户与快速扩展的应用程序生态系统的长期目标保持一致。利用 Avalanche 的可扩展、高吞吐量和低延迟平台,Avalaunch 由用户为团队构建,以帮助发展强大的社区。.
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the longterm goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, highthroughput, and lowlatency
AVATA Network (avat)
AVATA Network是一个全面的Defi平台,在Avalanche上集成了launchpad,AMM DEX和借贷协议。. 社区可以加入IDO,交换代币,甚至通过我们平台上的专用应用程序赚取被动收入。.
AVATA Network is a comprehensive Defi platform that integrates launchpad, AMM DEX & lending protocol on Avalanche. Community can join IDO, swap token, or even earning passive incomes through dedicated application across our platforms.
Lama (lama)
$LAMA 是 Avalanche 区块链上的社区代币,没有内在价值或财务回报预期。. 它没有正式的团队或路线图,可以在Telegram等平台上购买。.
$LAMA is a community token on the Avalanche blockchain with no intrinsic value or financial return expectations. It does not have a formal team or roadmap,and can be bought on platforms like Telegram.
Avaxtars (avxt)
AVXT令牌是一种加密资产,使用ERC20令牌标准在Avalanche区块链平台上生成。. AVXT 代币是由耕种 NFT 生成的实用代币,用于加速 NFT 耕作、交易盒子、物品和新生成的第 2 代 NFT。.
AVXT Token is a cryptoasset that was generated on Avalanche Blockchain Platform using ERC20 Token standard. The AVXT token is a utility token generated by farming NFTs, used to accelerate NFT farming, trading Boxes, items and newly generated Gen2 NFTs.
AvaxTech (atech)
AvaxTech是一家为AVAX区块链开发实用产品并提供营销服务的公司。. 他们为使用 Avalanche AVAX 区块链的开发人员开发智能合约、Web 应用程序、Telegram 机器人和 API 端点。. 他们的产品旨在分析和评估 Avax 生态系统中的代币,并为 Avax 投资者提供交易优势。. 他们还为 Avalanche 区块链开发人员提供 API 端点和基于实用程序的开发人员产品。. AvaxTech还为智能合约提供审计服务,并为Avax代币提供营销支持。. 他们有自己的令牌,称为 ATECH,它提供对高级功能的访问。.
AvaxTech is a company that develops utility products and provides marketing services for the AVAX blockchain. They develop smart contracts,web applications,Telegram bots,and API endpoints for developers working with the Avalanche AVAX blockchain. Their products aim to analyze and evaluate tokens within the Avax ecosystem and provide trading advantages to Avax investors. They also offer API endpoints and utility-based developer products for Avalan
Axial Token (axial)
轴向是一个建立在Avalanche上的去中心化金融协议。. 它是一个完全去中心化和独立的应用程序,是生态系统中价值挂钩资产流动性的核心。.
Axial is a decentralized finance protocol built on Avalanche. It is a fully decentralized and selfcontained application, and is the centerpiece for liquidity of valuepegged assets in the ecosystem.
Bark AI (bark)
Bark AI是一个多链模因币,连接了模因和人工智能的世界。. Fair 在 Avalanche 上推出,它使用 LayerZero OFT 技术桥接到其他 EVM,如 Arbitrum 和 Mantle,以及未来的非 EVM 链。. 它提供了一个平台,模因社区将能够试验 AI 模型,并将成为即将到来的 BasedAI 基础设施的首批多链质押者之一。.
Bark AI is a multi chain meme coin bridging the worlds of memes & AI. Fair launched on Avalanche,it uses the LayerZero OFT tech to bridge to other EVMs like Arbitrum and Mantle and in the future nonEVM chains. It offers an platform where meme communities will be able to experiment with AI models,and will be one of the first multi chain stakers of the upcoming BasedAI infrastructure.
Bear (bear)
Bear $BEAR 是一种独特而迷人的模因币,俘获了加密货币社区的心。. 它的名字和灵感来自一个可爱的犬类伴侣,它属于著名的区块链平台Avalanche的联合创始人之一。. 没有传统的路线图使 Bear 与众不同,强调其开发方法的悠闲和有趣。与许多详细说明未来发展结构化计划的加密货币不同,Bear 依赖于其犬类缪斯女神的自发性和可爱性。. 没有正式的路线图并不意味着缺乏雄心壮志,相反,它表明致力于拥抱有机增长和社区驱动精神,这已成为模因币的代名词。.
Bear $BEAR is a unique and charming meme coin that has captured the hearts of the cryptocurrency community. It derives its name and inspiration from a lovable canine companion belonging to one of the cofounders of Avalanche,a prominent blockchain platform. The absence of a traditional roadmap sets Bear apart,emphasizing a laidback and fun approach to its development.Unlike many cryptocurrencies that detail a structured plan for future development
Bingo (bingo)
BINGO 是一种名为 The Honest Farmer's Dogcoin 的新加密货币,部署在 Avalanche 网络上。. 它是一种可以买卖的实用代币。. 该项目旨在在 Avalanche 上创建一个去中心化的金融网络。. 用户可以下载宾果游戏和农民应用程序并创建自己的宾果游戏模因。. BINGO的代币经济学包括总供应量为1亿枚硬币,对买卖交易征收0%的税。. 该项目还提到了魔兽世界和以太坊对其创作的影响。.
BINGO is a new cryptocurrency called The Honest Farmer's Dogcoin that is deployed on the Avalanche network. It is a utility token that can be bought and sold. The project aims to create a decentralized finance network on Avalanche. Users can download the Bingo and the Farmer app and create their own Bingo memes. The tokenomics of BINGO include a total supply of 100 million coins and a 0% tax on buy and sell transactions. The project also mentions
29 BTC.B
Bitcoin Avalanche Bridged (BTC.b) (btc.b)
去年八月推出的雪崩桥已经促进了雪崩和以太坊之间超过500亿美元的转账。. 今天,Ava Labs团队增加了对比特币网络的支持。. 用户现在可以以廉价、无缝的方式将比特币转移到 Avalanche CChain,而无需通过以太坊。. 我们计划在雪崩和其他生态系统中广泛采用BTC.b。. 新闻稿全文: 文章:
The Avalanche Bridge, launched last August, has facilitated over $50B in transfers between Avalanche and Ethereum. Today, the Ava Labs team has added support for the Bitcoin network. Users are now able to transfer Bitcoin to Avalanche CChain with in a cheap, seamless manner without having to go through Ethereum. We plan to enable wide adoption of BTC.b across the Avalanche and other ecosystems. Full press release:
Blocktools (tools)
什么是关于的项目 Blocktools 提供多链工具来帮助交易者的日常旅程什么使您的项目独一无二BlockTools 旨在成为具有技术意识的交易者的权威参考点,并通过策划实用和具有成本效益的方法鼓励该领域更可持续的技术创新您的项目历史。. Blocktools 于 2023 年 8 月宣布,作为弥合加密行业新进入者和专家参与者之间差距的一种方式。. Blocktools旨在带回创新智能合约,简单设计,不过分简化但不太复杂的UI / UX交互的时代,并从一开始就探索多链机会。您的项目的下一步是什么所有产品线跨其他链的扩展 雪崩,多边形,Shibarium,FTMAll 产品线增强功能,以添加符合行业要求的漂亮功能POC,以便在商店中出售其他产品。. 您的代币可以用于Blocktools购物中心
What is the project about Blocktools provides multichain tools to help traders in their day to day journeyWhat makes your project uniqueBlockTools seeks to be the authoritative reference point for technologically conscious traders and to encourage more sustainable techinnovation in the space through curating practical and cost effective approachesHistory of your project. Blocktools was announced in August 2023 as a way to bridge the gap between n
BOBS (bobs)
秉承社区搞笑的精神,$BOBS 不仅仅是 Avalanche 网络上的模因币。.
Embracing the spirit of community hilarity,$BOBS is more than just a meme coin on the Avalanche network
Boo Finance (boofi)
BooFinance 是一个即将到来的#Avalanche项目,旨在开发创新的流动性挖矿策略、通货紧缩#NFTs和包罗万象的 DAO。.
BooFinance is an upcoming #Avalanche project developing innovative yield farming strategies, deflationary #NFTs, and an allencompassing DAO.
33 BRR
Brr Protocol (brr)
$BRR是BRR协议的主要货币。. $BRR 是一种用于铸造 NFT 的通货紧缩资产.Brr 协议是一种创新的 Defi 即服务 DaaS 建立在 Arbitrum 网络上。. 我们的协议允许用户铸造 NFT 并通过我们的治理代币产生被动收入印钞票。. Brr协议的灵感来自Universe,这是一个一年前在Avalanche链上推出的类似协议。. 虽然两者之间存在相似之处,但我们相信我们的协议在许多方面都是优越的,我们将在本文档中强调这些差异。在以下部分中,我们将深入研究 Brr 协议功能,并探讨用户如何从此 DaaS 中受益。. 我们将涵盖从 NFT 铸造和质押到奖励和治理的所有内容,全面概述协议的各个方面。$BRR 代币是用于铸造 NFT 的主要货币,代表质押这些 NFT 获得的奖励。.
$BRR is the main currency for the Brr Protocol. $BRR is a deflationary asset used to mint NFTs.Brr Protocol is an innovative Defi as a service DaaS built on the Arbitrum Network. Our protocol allows users to mint NFTs and generate passive income printing money through our governance token. Brr Protocol is inspired by Universe,a similar protocol that launched on the Avalanche chain a year ago. While there are similarities between the two,we believ
34 CNR
Canary (cnr)
金丝雀交易所是一个去中心化的交易所DEX,它运行在雪崩上,最有前途和最快的区块链金丝雀交易所与一个名为AMM的模型一起工作,这是一种改变游戏规则的技术。. 自动做市商AMM允许数字资产未经许可自动交易,并使用流动性池而不是传统的买家和卖家市场。金丝雀有一个代币,称为CNR代币,是金丝雀交易所和其他金丝雀生态系统dApp的官方代币。. 您可以通过使用金丝雀交易所赚取CNR代币。. 如果您愿意,您可以通过金丝雀交易所将您赚取的代币交换为另一种加密货币。. 或者,如果您愿意,您可以再次质押您的 CNR 代币并赚取更多 CNR 代币CNR 的最大供应量为 5.7 亿个代币。 前 90% 的代币 ~5.12 亿个代币专用于社区金库,它们最初将用于资助流动性挖掘。 5% ~2900 万个代币专用于社区空
Canary Exchange is a decentralized exchange DEX which runs on Avalanche, the most promising and the fastest blockchainCanary Exchange works with a model called AMM which is a game changing tech. Automated market makers AMM allow digital assets to be traded without permission and automatically by using liquidity pools instead of a traditional market of buyers and sellers.Canary features a token which is called CNR Token that is the official token
CHECK (check)
Avalanche Recruitment Agency 是具有 1950 年代 Office 主题的节点协议。. 称为 Jobs 的节点是发出$CHECK的 NFT。. 工作可以通过晋升来合并,以获得更高薪的职位。工作是 NFT,可以转移到任何钱包或在市场上出售。.
Avalanche Recruitment Agency is Node Protocol with a 1950s Office theme. Nodes called Jobs are NFTs that emit $CHECK. Jobs can be combined through promotions to gain higher paying positions.Jobs are NFTs and can be transferred to any wallet or sold on marketplaces.
36 EGG
Chikn Egg (egg)
chikn 是 Avalanches 可升级 NFT 和双代币经济的首要平台,弥合了游戏、DeFi 和元界之间的差距.chikn 也是 10k 可升级 NFT 的原创系列,它们产下了 EGG。EGG是chikn生态系统的原生治理和实用代币,是运行平台所有功能的燃料。chikn DAO管理一个国库,该国库最初持有$feed总供应量的10%,并随着时间的推移而增加。如何使用小鸡蛋:可以质押 EGG 代币来接收饲料,然后可以用来种植小鸡。EGG DAO 管理着一个国库,该国库持有 FEED 总供应量的 10%,并随着时间的推移而增加。由于与chikn平台和我们提供的许多产品的交互,EGG以多种方法燃烧。. 其中一些刻录方法是:所有质押 EGG 的 8.33% 的破损费、FEEDswaps、CNS
chikn is Avalanches premier platform for upgradable NFTs & dualtoken economies, bridging the gap between gaming, DeFi and the Metaverse.chikn are also an original series of 10k upgradable NFTs that lay EGG.EGG is the native Governance & Utility token of the chikn ecosystem, and is the fuel that runs all features of the platform.The chikn DAO governs a Treasury which originally holds 10% of the Total Supply of $feed, and increases over time.How ch
chikn feed (feed)
chikn 不仅仅是躺在 $egg.chikn 是围绕这些 NFT 构建的整个生态系统,包括新颖的 TriToken 架构.chikn 正在为雪崩上的新兴 NFT + 代币创建者扩展公共铸币、市场和农业的效用.NFT 具有将效用与模仿的力量相结合的独特能力。当你可以同时拥有两者时,为什么不同时拥有两者它很简单,真的。. 每个人都知道Chikn躺$egg...
chikn are not just NFTs that lay $egg.chikn is an entire ecosystem built around these NFTs encompassing novel TriToken Architecture.chikn is extending the utility of Public Minting, a Marketplace, and Farming for emerging NFT+token creators on Avalanche.NFTs have the unique ability to combine utility with the power of mimetism.When you can have both, why not have bothIts simple, really. Everyone knows that chikn lay $egg.
Chronicum (chro)
*WyndBlast Play and Earn*WyndBlast是一款基于Avalanche区块链的Playtoearn P2E多人合作游戏。. 这是将在Chronica Sola诗句中发生的第一款游戏,但是,它肯定不会是最后一款,因为我们计划在不久的将来开发更多游戏,玩家可以使用他们以前游戏中的资产。. *团队建设和游戏玩法*在WyndBlast中,玩家将能够繁殖和饲养被称为Wynds的神奇龙,招募和训练雇佣兵,将他们在战场上找到的材料锻造成强大的武器,并将它们带入与NPC PVE和其他玩家PVP的战斗中。. 玩家还可以参加日常活动,这些活动将奖励他们游戏内货币和CHRO,以及商城中的交易单位和武器。.
*WyndBlast Play and Earn*WyndBlast is a playtoearn P2E multiplayer cooperative game built on the Avalanche blockchain. This is the first game that will be taking place in the Chronica Sola verse, however, it will certainly not be the last as we plan to develop more games in the near future where players can use their assets from the previous games. *Team Building and Gameplay*In WyndBlast, players will be able to breed and raise fantastic dragons
39 CVL
Civilization Network (cvl)
CVL网络是一个多链生态系统,拥有包括CVL钱包,CVL交易所和CVL P2P在内的全套产品。. CVL钱包是一个非托管的多链加密钱包和网关,是作为多链未来的基础设施而构建的。CVL钱包为用户提供一站式平台访问去中心化金融DeFi生态系统,如去中心化交易所、借贷协议、通过快照进行链上治理以及基于区块链的游戏。. 用户还可以通过移动应用程序进行跨链迁移,该应用程序支持以太坊,币安智能链,乐观,雪崩等14个网络。CVL钱包集成了所有最流行的去中心化协议,以及p2p系统和自己的交易所。. CVLSwap 是一种加密货币和代币化资产交易所,如法定货币、股票、金属。. 它的佣金是世界上最低的,等于0.01%。CVL令牌是平台的原生实用令牌。. CVL代币当前和计划的用例包括:生态系统发展:来自交易费用
CVL Network is a multichain ecosystem with a full suite of products including CVL Wallet,CVL Exchange and CVL P2P. CVL Wallet is a noncustodial,multichain crypto wallet and gateway,built as an infrastructure to the multichain future.CVL wallet provides a onestop platform for users to access the Decentralized Finance DeFi ecosystem,such as decentralized exchanges,lending protocols,onchain governance via Snapshot,and blockchain based games. Users m
40 CLY
Colony (cly)
Colony’s vision is rethinking outmoded systems by imagining brand new ones in order to bring the structural integrity of traditional finance to DeFi, specifically the Avalanche ecosystem.
41 CAI
Colony Avalanche Index (cai)
殖民地雪崩指数,投资CLY雪崩生态系统的最简单方法。. CAI是希望接触雪崩生态系统的投资者的基准指数。它由原生代币AVAX和生态系统中最突出的项目组成。. 该指数通过产生标的资产收益率来提高投资者的回报。. 这些资产经过严格挑选和加权,以按其市值比例分散风险和波动性。.
Colony avalanche index, The easiest way to invest in the CLY Avalanche ecosystem. CAI is the benchmark index for investors wanting to get exposure to the Avalanche ecosystem.It is composed of the native token AVAX and the most prominent projects in the ecosystem. The index improves returns for investors by generating yield on the underlying assets. These assets are rigorously selected and weighted to spread the risk and volatility in proportion t
Cross Chain Degen DAO (degen)
Cross Chain Degens DAO 是一个以 Avalanche 区块链上的 DEGEN Coin 为中心的加密货币项目。. 该项目旨在将冒险者和寻求刺激的人聚集在一起,探索加密领域的机会,重点是计算策略。. DEGEN Coin 拥有一支由经验丰富的投资者和加密专家组成的团队,强调冒险精神、战略合作伙伴关系和黑色幽默,以重新定义堕落文化。. 通过合作和倡议,该项目旨在重振堕落文化的本质,并激励其他人在加密货币世界中拥抱他们内心的堕落。.
Cross Chain Degens DAO is a cryptocurrency project centered around DEGEN Coin on the Avalanche blockchain. The project aims to bring together risk-takers and thrill-seekers to explore opportunities in the crypto space with a focus on calculated strategies. With a team of seasoned investors and crypto experts,DEGEN Coin emphasizes on adventurous spirit,strategic partnerships,and dark humor to redefine degenerate culture. Through collaborations and
43 WTR
Deepwaters (wtr)
深水交易所将DeFi的无信任性带入中心化金融,提供可证明的公平和安全的操作。. 在深水区,通过代码和保密计算,无法实现资产托管和优先获取订单流。WTR是深水交易所的原生平台代币。. 它可用于:深水平台上的费用,以0.70美元的固定赎回率接受。. 对网络、DAO 和 DAO 金库的治理 访问附加功能 对新的交易所功能、代币添加和其他功能进行投票WTR 是 Avalanche Cchain 上的 ERC20 代币。.
Deepwaters is an exchange which brings the trustlessness of DeFi to centralized finance,providing provably fair and secure operations. On Deepwaters,violations of asset custody and preferential access to order flow are rendered impossible by means of code and confidential computing.WTR is the native platform token of the Deepwaters exchange. It can be used for: Fees on the Deepwaters platform,where it is accepted at a fixed redemption rate of $0.
DegenX (dgnx)
DGNX是DegenX生态系统的去中心化和治理代币,它是为DegenX生态系统中的所有持有者提供权力并使其受益的加密货币代币。它由其基础资产支持,为代币提供不断增长的内在基线价值。持有DGNX,您有权提出或投票提案,使用DGNX LockR锁定令牌,这是区块链上最先进的多链令牌储物柜,或使用StakeX智能合约质押DGNX或其他令牌。DGNX部署在Avalanche Cchain上,最大供应量为21,000,000,将来将迁移到其他区块链,而无需铸造新代币。.
DGNX is a decentralized and the governance token of the DegenX ecosystem, it is the cryptocurrency token that powers and benefits all holders in the DegenX ecosystem.It is backed by its base asset, providing token with an everincreasing intrinsic baseline value.Hold DGNX and you have the right to propose or vote on proposals, lock token with the DGNX LockR which is the most advanced multichain token Locker on the Blockchain or stake DGNX or other
45 DEG
Degis (deg)
Degis是第一个建立在雪崩上的allinone保护协议。. 最终目标是建立一个通用的加密保护平台,塑造一个去中心化的保护生态系统。. 借助区块链基础设施,Deigs可以解决传统市场中繁琐的购买和复杂的索赔问题,并通过智能合约更好地执行。为了解决现有问题,Degis专注于更广泛的覆盖区域,资本流动性聚合和即时支付。. Degis正在为加密保险建立一种新的范式。在Degis上,用户能够保护自己免受代币价格波动,无常损失,钱包风险甚至智能合约保险的影响。. 基本上,Degis将填补当前DeFi保险世界的空白。. 为了给每个用户提供更好的体验,我们构建了具有 3 个主要特征的 Degis:保护、赚钱、玩游戏。.
Degis is the 1st allinone protection protocol built on Avalanche. The ultimate goal is to build a universal crypto protection platform and shape a decentralized protection ecosystem. With blockchain infrastructures, Deigs can resolve cumbersome purchasing and complicated claims in the traditional markets and better perform via smart contracts.To tackle the existing problems, Degis focuses on wider cover areas, capital liquidity aggregation, and i
46 DLQ
Deliq (dlq)
Deliq是一种协议,通过使用资本高效和分散的流动性质押模型,在Avalanche上实现协议拥有的流动性。. 流动性提供者LP可以为Deliq流动性池DLP提供单侧流动性,并为此赚取收益。. 池中的流动性在部署到交易所之前进行汇总。. 独特的三层无常损失IL缓解机制确保LP获得100%的IL保护,以提供流动性。. 流动性总监 LD 可以质押$DLQ将 DLP 的流动性引导到 Avalanche 上的各个交易所,并拥有他们的流动性,同时使其资金多样化并为协议创造新的收入来源。.
Deliq is a protocol that enables protocolowned liquidity on Avalanche by using a capital efficient and decentralized LiquiditybyStaking model. Liquidity Providers LPs can provide singlesided liquidity to Deliq liquidity pools DLPs and earn yields for doing so. Liquidity in the pools is aggregated before deploying on exchanges. A unique threelayered impermanent loss IL mitigation mechanism ensures that LPs get 100% protection from IL for providing
Dexalot (alot)
Dexalot是一个去中心化的交易所,它带来了传统中心化交易所的外观和感觉,而不会影响去中心化和透明度。. Dexalot在Avalanche平台上为其交易对实施了链上中央限价订单簿。. Dexalot允许用户将CChain上支持的ERC20代币与区块链原生货币AVAX或其他支持的ERC20代币进行交易。.
Dexalot is a decentralized exchange that brings the look and feel of traditional centralized exchanges without compromising on decentralization and transparency. Dexalot implements an onchain central limit order book for its trade pairs on the Avalanche platform. Dexalot allows for users to trade ERC20 tokens supported on the CChain against the blockchain native currency AVAX or against other supported ERC20 tokens.
48 DIQ
DIQINU (diq)
你到底是怎么回事 名字叫理查德,但你可以叫我DIQ.$DIQ是雪崩上最脾气暴躁的三角形。.
How the hell are ya The name is Richard but you can call me DIQ.$DIQ is the grumpiest triangle on Avalanche.
DOG COQ (dogcoq)
Avalanche CChain 上的模因币,利用合同链上预售系统。. 目的是为了好玩,它的功能是出于娱乐目的,没有真正的实用性。.
A memecoin on the Avalanche CChain utilizing an incontract onchain presale system. The purpose is for fun,its function is for entertainment purposes and no real utility.


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,044.10 1,775,259,052.90
2 BTC title=BTC 66,130.00 1,609,256,014.52
3 ETH title=ETH 3,157.63 771,402,647.79
4 SOL title=SOL 153.38 641,440,174.49
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 455,396,193.88
6 XRP title=XRP 0.55 249,719,083.25
7 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 194,332,624.88
8 ENA title=ENA 0.98 169,298,588.09
9 WIF title=WIF 2.76 165,367,396.26
10 NEAR title=NEAR 6.86 127,533,123.57
11 BOME title=BOME 0.01 99,869,721.98
12 WLD title=WLD 5.56 99,104,329.48
13 RUNE title=RUNE 5.52 82,681,330.71
14 AVAX title=AVAX 38.23 64,917,687.44
15 SEI title=SEI 0.65 62,017,922.54
16 PENDLE title=PENDLE 6.40 61,756,658.23
17 ORDI title=ORDI 47.48 55,967,673.42
18 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 55,880,585.08
19 ADA title=ADA 0.51 53,648,962.56
20 1000SATS title=1000SATS <0.01 52,654,397.26
21 RNDR title=RNDR 9.02 49,680,781.02
22 SUI title=SUI 1.35 49,602,234.95
23 LINK title=LINK 15.28 46,851,892.25
24 FTM title=FTM 0.73 46,287,163.48
25 BONK title=BONK <0.01 45,901,101.47
26 TNSR title=TNSR 1.11 45,896,095.39
27 LTC title=LTC 84.44 45,036,388.04


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Automata title=ATA 0.22 +14.98
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.81 +14.51
3 DODO title=DODO 0.20 +13.66
4 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 +10.90
5 Mobox title=MBOX 0.36 +10.55
6 Phala title=PHA 0.23 +7.83
7 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.40 +7.06
8 WINkLink title=WIN <0.01 +6.34
9 Gnosis title=GNO 390.20 +5.77
10 Immutable title=IMX 2.37 +5.73
11 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +5.73
12 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +5.21
13 Stacks title=STX 3.02 +4.79
14 Ardor title=ARDR 0.11 +4.41
15 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +4.36
16 Bittensor title=TAO 503.40 +3.88
17 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 4.88 +3.70
18 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +3.60
19 Osmosis title=OSMO 1.01 +3.55
20 Cortex title=CTXC 0.35 +3.53
21 Beta Finance title=BETA 0.08 +3.09
22 IQ title=IQ <0.01 +2.78
23 Ethereum Name Service title=ENS 15.68 +2.75
24 XRP title=XRP 0.55 +2.70
25 AVA title=AVA 0.71 +2.48
26 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.74 +2.28
27 Ellipsis X title=EPX <0.01 +2.21
28 Terra title=LUNA 0.68 +2.14
29 yearn.finance title=YFI 7,404.00 +2.12
30 SSV Network title=SSV 43.20 +2.06


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 COTI title=COTI 0.13 -11.76
2 Ethena title=ENA 0.98 -8.32
3 W 0.60 -8.12
4 Omni Network title=OMNI 24.18 -8.03
5 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.76 -7.56
6 Jito title=JTO 3.49 -7.48
7 REI Network title=REI 0.10 -6.98
8 Harvest Finance title=FARM 84.70 -6.90
9 MANTRA title=OM 0.69 -6.75
10 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -6.48
11 Fantom title=FTM 0.73 -6.34
12 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 -6.06
13 THORChain title=RUNE 5.52 -6.03
14 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.75 -5.96
15 Saga title=SAGA 4.11 -5.79
16 Reef title=REEF <0.01 -5.54
17 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -5.51
18 Ether.fi title=ETHFI 3.86 -5.51
19 Alchemix title=ALCX 27.17 -5.46
20 Portal title=PORTAL 1.02 -5.40
21 Akropolis title=AKRO <0.01 -5.25
22 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -5.16
23 Mdex (BSC) title=MDX 0.06 -5.11
24 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.71 -5.04
25 ORDI title=ORDI 47.48 -5.00
26 Maker title=MKR 2,814.00 -5.00
27 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.44 -4.92
28 Celestia title=TIA 10.92 -4.88
29 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.94 -4.78
30 Prom title=PROM 11.20 -4.66

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry 2024-04-23
2 SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon 2024-04-23
3 Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces 2024-04-23
4 NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report 2024-04-23
5 US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving 2024-04-23
6 Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark 2024-04-23
7 GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs 2024-04-23
8 Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC 2024-04-23
9 PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners 2024-04-23
10 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
11 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
12 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
13 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
14 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
15 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
16 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
17 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
18 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
19 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
20 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
21 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
22 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
23 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
24 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
25 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
26 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
27 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
28 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
29 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
30 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)
31 比特币减半炒作打破了长达一周的 ETF 流出连胜
(Bitcoin halving hype breaks week long ETFs outflow streak)
32 Pro XRP 律师要求成为 Coinbase 客户的法庭之友
(Pro XRP lawyer requests to be amicus curiae for Coinbase customers)
33 尼日利亚在非洲推出首个多语言大型语言模型
(Nigeria launches first multilingual large language model in Africa)
34 比特币减半 2024 这次有 5 种不同之处
(Bitcoin halving 2024 5 ways its different this time)
35 比特币减半:为什么它对BTC稀缺性很重要
(Bitcoin halving Why its important for BTC scarcity)
36 美国将与尼日利亚建立人工智能伙伴关系,促进经济增长
(USA to forge AI partnership with Nigeria for economic growth)
37 2024 年比特币减半是 BTC 价格最看涨的设置
(The 2024 Bitcoin halving is the most bullish setup for BTC price)
38 币安逃税案审判移至5月17日在尼日利亚举行
(Binance tax evasion trial moved to May 17 in Nigeria)
39 BlockDaemon策略师表示,区块链和加密货币的机构采用率处于最高点
(Institutional adoption in blockchain and crypto at its highest point says BlockDaemon strategist)
40 Chainlink 联合创始人预计更多代币将拥有 ETF Token2049
(Chainlink co founder expects more coins to have ETFs Token2049)
41 以下是加密游戏Notcoin如何吸引超过3000万用户的创始人
(Heres how crypto game Notcoin onboarded over 30M users founder)
42 美国国税局发布2025年美国纳税人数字资产报告表草案
(IRS releases draft of 2025 digital asset reporting form for US taxpayers)
43 加密货币用户提议放弃对 Sam Bankman Fried 的诉讼,以追捕 FTX 影响者
(Crypto users propose dropping lawsuit against Sam Bankman Fried to pursue FTX influencers)
44 在这里,您可以实时观看比特币减半
(Heres where you can catch the Bitcoin halving live)
45 比特币减半 2024 完成并尘埃落定
(Bitcoin halving 2024 Done and dusted)
46 比特币用户在减半区块上花费了创纪录的2400万费用
(Bitcoin users spend record 24M in fees on halving block)
47 比特币矿业股在减半事件之前全面飙升
(Bitcoin mining stocks saw spikes across the board ahead of halving event)
48 Avalanche 创始人说,模因币对社交信号有什么好处
(What are memecoins good for Social signaling says Avalanche founder)
49 新的比特币鲸鱼 ETF 在未实现利润中仅上涨 16 美元 BTC 是否触底
(New Bitcoin whales ETFs are up only 16 in unrealized profit Is the BTC bottom in)
50 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 美国商品的估计产量 (Flash Manufacturing PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
2 美国服务估计 (Flash Services PMI) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 21:45
3 美国新屋销售报告 (New Home Sales) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
4 里士满制造业指数报告 (Richmond Manufacturing Index) 周二 (Tue) 23-04-2024 22:00
5 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
6 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
7 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
8 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
10 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
11 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
12 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
13 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
14 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
15 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
16 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
17 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
18 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
19 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


PolkaBridge (pbr) Grape Finance (grape) DomRaider (drt) Carbon Neutrality Blockchain (cnb) Bart Simpson Coin (bart) Excelon (xlon) UGOLD Inc. (ugold) Hero Essence (hes) HMX (hmx) Sphere Finance (sphere)


Angola (agla)Trackers Token (trt)LOONG (long)Nexum (nexm)Sentinel (dvpn)

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#climate #CeFi #GameFi #lending #medicine #cloud #big data #DAO #real estate #financial services


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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