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硬币相关 #Web3

币名 细节
The Graph (grt)
Graph 是一种索引协议和全局 API,用于组织区块链数据并使其易于使用 GraphQL 访问。. 开发人员可以使用 Graph 资源管理器来搜索、查找和发布构建去中心化应用程序所需的所有公共数据。. 图形网络使构建完全在公共基础设施上运行的无服务器dApp成为可能。GRT 是用于协调工作的网络的本机令牌。. GRT是ERC20代币。. 节点操作员(称为索引器)质押并赚取 GRT 来处理查询。. 任何人都可以将 GRT 委托给索引器,以保护网络并获得奖励。.
The Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications. The Graph Network makes it possible to build serverless dApps that run entirely on public infrastructure.GRT is the native token of the network that’s used to coordinate work. GRT is an ERC20 to
Ankr (ankr)
Ankr正在构建去中心化基础设施和多链解决方案的未来,通过行业领先的全球节点交付系统和开发人员工具包为50多个权益证明链提供服务。. Web3 基础设施,简化...
Ankr is building the future of decentralized infrastructure and multichain solutions, servicing over 50 proofofstake chains with an industry leading global node delivery system and developer toolkit. Web3 Infrastructure, simplified.
Axelar (axl)
Axelar 提供安全的跨链通信。. 这意味着dApp用户只需单击一下即可与任何资产,任何应用程序,任何链上进行交互。. 您可以将其视为 Web3 的 Stripe.开发人员在无需许可的网络之上与一个简单的 API 进行交互,该 API 通过权益证明共识路由消息并确保网络安全。.
Axelar delivers secure crosschain communication. That means dApp users can interact with any asset, any application, on any chain, with one click. You can think of it as Stripe for Web3.Developers interact with a simple API on top of a permissionless network that routes messages and ensures network security via proofofstake consensus.
Civic (cvc)
思域是 Web3 身份管理工具的领先提供商,使人们能够通过其可重用身份的链上表示,轻松、私密地跨链管理他们的身份。. 该公司的旗舰产品Civic Pass是一种集成的许可工具,可帮助企业客户安全访问其链上资产。. 用户还可以使用仪表板管理其 Web3 身份、状态和声誉。. 思域的目标是成为世界上最值得信赖的链上 Web3 身份工具,每天有数十亿人使用。. 思域由Vinny Lingham和Jonathan Smith于2015年共同创立。.
Civic is a leading provider of identity management tools for Web3, empowering people to easily and privately manage their identities across chains with an onchain representation of their reusable identity. The companys flagship product, Civic Pass, is an integrated permissioning tool that helps business customers enable secure access to their onchain assets. Users may also manage their Web3 identity, presence and reputation with a dashboard. Civi
5 ID
SPACE ID正在构建一个通用名称服务网络,具有一站式身份平台,用于发现,注册,交易,管理web3域。. 它还包括一个Web3名称SDK和API,供跨区块链的开发人员使用,并为每个人提供多链名称服务,以轻松构建和创建web3身份。.
SPACE ID is building a universal name service network with a onestop identity platform to discover,register,trade,manage web3 domains. It also includes a Web3 Name SDK & API for developers across blockchains and provides a multichain name service for everyone to easily build and create a web3 identity.
Moonbeam (glmr)
Moonbeam不仅仅是一个EVM实现:它是一个高度专业化的第1层链,反映了以太坊的Web3 RPC,账户,密钥,订阅,日志等。. Moonbeam平台扩展了以太坊的基本功能集,增加了链上治理,质押和跨链集成等附加功能。Moonbeam结合了两全其美:以太坊熟悉且易于使用的工具以及Polkadot的可扩展,可互操作的架构.深入了解工具,集成和综合教程,以开始使用和构建Moonbeam。.
Moonbeam is much more than just an EVM implementation: it’s a highly specialized Layer 1 chain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC,accounts,keys,subscriptions,logs,and more. The Moonbeam platform extends the base Ethereum feature set with additional features such as onchain governance,staking,and crosschain integrations.Moonbeam combines the best of both worlds: the familiar and easytouse tooling of Ethereum and the scalable,interoperable architectu
STEPN (gmt)
什么是STEPN GMTGMT是STEPN的治理代币,限量供应60亿个代币。. 我应该什么时候购买 STEPN GMTPlayers 购买 GMT 在 STEPN 应用程序中刻录,以便访问 STEPN 提供的功能,例如薄荷高品质运动鞋、升级高品质宝石和参与治理投票。什么是STEPNSTEPN是一个具有SocialFi和GameFi元素的Web3生活方式应用程序。. 配备 NFT 运动鞋的用户——在户外散步、慢跑或跑步以赚取代币和 NFT。. STEPN 有一个双代币系统,用户可以赚取 GSTPlayer 可以选择在应用内市场上租赁或交易他们的 NFT 运动鞋,用户的收入存储在应用内钱包中,该钱包具有内置的交换功能。谁是STEPNSTEPN的幕后黑手,由澳大利亚金融科技工作室Find Sato
What is STEPN GMTGMT is the governance token of STEPN with a limited supply of 6 billion tokens. When should I buy STEPN GMTPlayers buy GMTs to burn in the STEPN app in order to access features provided by STEPN, such as mint highquality Sneakers, upgrade highquality Gems and participate governance voting.What is STEPNSTEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with SocialFi and GameFi elements. Users equipped with NFT Sneakers – walk, jog or run outdoors to e
Moonriver (movr)
Moonriver是Kusama上一个完全兼容以太坊的智能合约平行链。. 由于这种类似以太坊的设计和开发人员友好的方法,Moonriver吸引了数十个项目来构建它: 它通过提供完整的 EVM 实现、与 Web3 兼容的 API 以及将 Moonriver 连接到现有以太坊网络的桥梁来实现这一点。. 这允许开发人员将现有的Solidity/Vyper智能合约和DApp前端部署到Moonriver,只需进行最少的更改。它旨在成为Polkadot上Moonbeam的配套网络,在那里它将提供一个永久激励的金丝雀网络。. 新代码将首先运往Moonriver,在那里可以在实际经济条件下进行测试和验证。. 一旦被证
Moonriver is a fully Ethereumcompatible smart contract parachain on Kusama. Due to this Ethereumlike design and developerfriendly approach, Moonriver has attracted dozens of projects to build on it: It does this by providing a full EVM implementation, a Web3compatible API, and bridges that connect Moonriver to existing Ethereum networks. This allows developers to deploy existing Solidity/Vyper smart c
Secret (scrt)
秘密是秘密网络的原生硬币,秘密网络是一个用于私人/安全计算的去中心化网络。. 网络上称为秘密节点的节点可以对加密数据执行可通用的计算,这允许称为秘密合约的智能合约使用私有和敏感数据作为输入。. 我们的重点是计算隐私,而不仅仅是交易隐私。. 开发人员可以在网络上构建分散的、保护隐私的秘密应用程序。. 秘密网络的隐私功能对许多领域都至关重要,包括去中心化金融、Web3、机器学习、访问控制等等。秘密网络由许多独立的开发团队和实体支持,包括Enigma,Secret Foundation,Secretnodes.org,Chain of Secrets等。.
Secret is the native coin of the Secret Network, a decentralized network for private / secure computation. Nodes on the network known as secret nodes can perform generalizable computations over encrypted data, which allows smart contracts known as secret contracts to use private and sensitive data as inputs. Our focus is on computational privacy, not just transactional privacy. Developers can build decentralized, privacypreserving Secret Apps on
10 SKL
SKALE (skl)
SKALE 是一个模块化、多链、零 gas 费用的以太坊原生网络,是第一个针对 Web3 用户体验和安全性进行全面优化的区块链网络。.
SKALE is a modular, multichain, Ethereum native network with zero gas fees, and is the first blockchain network fully optimized for Web3 user experience and security.
tomiNet (tomi)
tomi 是一个致力于开发去中心化替代互联网网络的项目,用作 Web3 的基础设施平台。. 可治理、可管理、易于使用且不可阻止。.
tomi is a project engaged in the development of a decentralized alternative internet network to be used as the infrastructure platform for the Web3. Governable,manageable,easy to use and unblockable.
12 API3
API3 (api3)
Api3 是一个帮助人们为互联网创建应用程序的组织。. 他们有一个 Discord 论坛、文章和白皮书来帮助您了解更多信息。. 您也可以加入他们的联盟并成为下一代互联网的一部分。. 他们提供Airnode,Dapis,Oev,Qrng和Web3 API等解决方案。.
Api3 is an organization that helps people create applications for the internet. They have a Discord forum,articles,and a whitepaper to help you learn more. You can also join their Alliance and be part of the next generation of internet. They provide solutions like Airnode,Dapis,Oev,Qrng and Web3 Apis.
Heroes of Mavia (mavia)
Heroes of Mavia 是一款由 Skrice Studios 开发的移动 Web3 MMO 策略游戏。. 游戏发生在一个名为Mavia的奇幻主题岛屿上,玩家在土地上建立基地,并与邻近的基地和军队作战,以获得游戏中的资源,如Ruby。. Ruby 可用于制作和交易传奇物品 NFT,例如皮肤、雕像、消耗品等。.
Heroes of Mavia is a mobile Web3 MMO Strategy game developed by Skrice Studios. The game takes place in a fantasythemed island called Mavia,where players build bases on plots of land and battle neighboring bases and armies to earn ingame resources,such as Ruby. Ruby can be used to craft and trade Legendary Items NFTs such as skins,statues,consumables and more.
Portal (portal)
内容是关于Portal的,它被描述为Web3游戏的通用游戏币。. 它为每个人提供游戏机会,具有轻松支付、与朋友联系以及跨不同链玩游戏等功能。. 该平台展示了 200 多种游戏和虚拟世界,包括 MMORPG、生存、策略等各种类型。. 此外,还为开发人员提供了有关如何探索$Portal代币和加入节点网络的信息。. 该平台还提供社交媒体链接和法律信息。.
The content is about Portal,which is described as the universal gaming coin for Web3 gaming. It offers gaming opportunities for everyone with features like effortless payments,connecting with friends,and playing games across different chains. The platform showcases over 200 games and virtual worlds,with various genres such as MMORPG,survival,strategy,and more. Additionally,there is information for developers on how to explore the $Portal Token an
Venom (venom)
什么是毒液毒液是一个多区块链网络,是 DeFi 和全球支付市场中可扩展 Web3 应用程序的基础。. 区块链提供了最佳的交易可扩展性解决方案和经济可扩展性。毒液架构被设计为具有动态分片的异构多区块链平台。. 毒液主链是0层区块链,负责协调工作链、分片链等所有协议实体。. 主链状态存储网络配置、有关一组验证者的信息、它们的赌注和选举轮次。. 毒液最多支持 2^32 个工作链。毒液提供了一个虚拟机,可以在毒液区块链上执行智能合约代码。. 它是图灵完备虚拟机。.
What Is VenomVenom is a multiblockchain network being a basis for scalable Web3 applications in the DeFi and Global Payments markets. Blockchain provides the best transactional scalability solution and economic scalability.Venom architecture is designed as a heterogeneous multiblockchain platform with dynamic sharding. Venom masterchain is layer0 blockchain,which is responsible for coordinating all the protocol entities such as workchains and sha
16 DIA
DIA (dia)
DIA 是一个面向 Web3 的开源、多链预言机平台,为智能合约提供完全可定制和透明的数据馈送。.
DIA is an open-source, multi-chain oracle platform for Web3, providing fully customizable and transparent data feeds for smart contracts.
17 ZK
Polyhedra Network (zk)
Polyhedra Network 正在通过其尖端的零知识证明系统实现互操作性和计算能力。. 他们的主要产品之一是zkBridge,它使用zkSNARKs来促进不同区块链网络之间的高效状态转换。. 他们还开发了各种证明系统,如处女座、猎户座、天秤座、双子座、马林鱼和钢琴家,以提高生成和验证证明的速度、可扩展性和效率。. 这些技术旨在实现跨不同区块链系统的 Web3 互操作性、可扩展性和模块化。. 此外,Polyhedra Network 还积极参与在比特币、以太坊、Arbitrum 和 Polygon 等各种区块链平台上构建跨链桥。.
The Polyhedra Network is empowering interoperability and computation through its cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof systems. One of their key products is zkBridge,which uses zkSNARKs to facilitate efficient state transitions between different blockchain networks. They have also developed various proof systems such as Virgo,Orion,Libra,Gemini,Marlin,and Pianist to enhance speed,scalability,and efficiency in generating and verifying proofs. These te
18 DF
dForce (df)
dForce 倡导构建一整套涵盖资产、借贷、交易、质押和桥接的 DeFi 协议,作为 Web3 中的 DeFi 基础设施。. dForce DAO是一个社区驱动的项目,主要协议变更由社区驱动,并由DF代币持有者通过治理共同决定。. 稳定币USXUSX是dForce协议矩阵中最重要的DeFi原语。. 作为一种去中心化和算法化的稳定币,USX实施基于池和基于金库的双模型,具有混合利率政策,使其高效灵活地孤立地支持不同风险状况的抵押品。. USX由协议控制的流动性提供支持,以促进协议到协议的集成,以及跨链桥,允许用户在支持的区块链上移动USX,零滑点和无上限限制。. dForce Lending dForce Lending 是一种基于池的多边借贷协议,通过市场驱动的动态利率模型支持多个抵押品。.
dForce is advocating for building a full suite of DeFi protocols covering assets, lending, trading, staking, and bridge, serving as DeFi infrastructure in Web3. dForce DAO is a communitydriven project, with major protocol changes driven by the community and jointly decided by DF token holders through governance. Stablecoin USXUSX is the most important DeFi primitive within dForce’s protocol matrix. As a decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin, U
Hooked Protocol (hook)
Hooked Protocol 正在为大规模采用 Web3 构建入口层,为用户和企业提供量身定制的学习和赚取产品和入门基础设施,以进入 web3 的新世界。它的第一个试点产品Wild Cash具有QuiztoEarn体验和其他游戏化学习功能,实现了每月活跃用户超过200万的惊人增长。钩子协议采用创新的单一代币HOOK导向结构,辅以非生态系统专用代币HGT挂钩黄金代币。. HOOK是生态系统的治理代币。.
Hooked Protocol is building the onramp layer for massive Web3 adoption, providing tailored Learn & Earn products and onboarding infrastructures for users & businesses to enter the new world of web3.Its first pilot product, Wild Cash, with QuiztoEarn experience and other gamified learning features, achieved an impressive growth of over 2 million monthly active users.Hooked Protocol adopts an innovative single token HOOK oriented structure, supplem
Matr1x Fire (fire)
Matri1x 是一个全球性的 Web3 娱乐平台,旨在融合多集游戏、NFT 艺术、电子竞技、在线文学和社区参与。. MATR1X FIRE是元宇宙中的第一款移动射击游戏,也是Matri1x平台上的首款游戏。. FIRE是MATR1X FIRE的实用代币。.
Matri1x is a global Web3 entertainment platform that aims to blend multiepisode games,NFT art,Esports,online literature,and community engagement. MATR1X FIRE is the first mobile shooting game in the Metaverse and the inaugural game on the Matri1x platform. FIRE serves as the utility token for MATR1X FIRE.
21 GAL
Galxe (gal)
Galxe 是全球领先的 Web3 凭证数据网络。. 协作凭证基础设施,使品牌和开发人员能够参与社区并在 Web3 中构建强大的产品。.
Galxe is the leading Web3 credential data network in the world. A collaborative credential infrastructure enabling brands and developers to engage communities and build robust products in Web3.
AGII (agii)
isness 通过高绩效的商业帖子获得更多关注者。. 制作引人入胜的信息并扩展您的网络。. AGII 是一个使用高级 AI 模型帮助人们为 Web3 创建内容的平台。. 它具有文本、图像、代码和聊天机器人生成器、语音转文本和画外音功能、支付网关、多语言功能、自定义模板和支持平台等工具。. 它还可以帮助您使用智能写作助手更好地写作,并使用图像生成器生成引人注目的图像。.
isness Get more followers with high-performing business posts. Craft compelling messages and expand your network. AGII is a platform that uses advanced AI models to help people create content for Web3. It has tools like text,image,code and chatbot generators,speech-to-text and voiceover capabilities,payment gateways,multi-lingual abilities,custom templates and a support platform. It also helps you write better with the Intelligent Writing assista
23 XAR
Arcana Network (xar)
什么是Arcana NetworkArcana正在为以太坊和其他区块链构建数据层,为任何开发人员提供隐私堆栈,以构建安全和隐私保护的应用程序。. Arcana使用DKG,Threshold密码学,代理重新加密和其他尖端密码学来构建其区块链。. Arcana 在自己的 ProofofStake 区块链上运行,目前支持以太坊和其他 EVM 兼容链,并计划在未来支持其他区块链。私人 NFT、Metaverses、DeFi 协议、游戏和社交网络是 Arcana 可以支持的一些用例。XAR是即将推出的原生实用代币,将用于激励提供计算和存储的节点和验证者。. 它还将用于与验证者进行质押并支付质押奖励。. Arcana 于 2021 年 11 月推出了 Alpha 测试网,并计划在 2022 年推出其 B
What is Arcana NetworkArcana is building the data layer for Ethereum and other blockchains,offering a privacy stack for any developer to build secure and privacy preserving apps. Arcana uses DKG,Threshold cryptography,proxy reencryption,and other cutting edge cryptography to build its blockchain . Arcana runs on its own ProofofStake Blockchain and currently supports Ethereum and other EVM compatible chains,with plans to support other blockchains
BeFi Labs (befi)
BeFi Labs 是一个允许用户以零费用交易 BRC20 代币和序数的平台。. 用户可以使用他们喜欢的钱包,体验闪电般的交易速度。. 该平台旨在提供跨 CeFi、DeFi 和 Web3 等不同网络的简单无缝的交易体验。. BeFi Labs 提供即时交易收益,并以零交易费用实现收益最大化。. 用户还可以从以太坊、币安和 Solana 转移资产以使用 BRC20 代币。. 该平台旨在成为用户交易各种加密货币的多链网关。.
BeFi Labs is a platform that allows users to trade BRC20 tokens and ordinals with zero fees. Users can use their preferred wallet and experience lightning-fast transactions. The platform aims to provide an easy and seamless trading experience across different networks such as CeFi,DeFi,and Web3. BeFi Labs offers instant trade benefits and maximizes gains with zero trading fees. Users can also transfer assets from Ethereum,Binance,and Solana to en
BendDAO (bend)
弯曲是一种 NFT 流动性和借贷协议,具有用于 NFT 金融化的无功利率。. 本德正在为快速增长的市场带来 NFT 池贷款,为 Web3 用户提供通往 DeFi 的门户。.
Bend is an NFT liquidity and lending protocol with reactive interest rates for NFT financialization. Bend is bringing NFT pool lending to the fastgrowing market, providing a gateway to DeFi for Web3 users.
26 BBL
beoble (bbl)
演示视频:是一个革命性的 Web3 社交平台,旨在提供增强的去中心化钱包到钱包的通信。. 凭借一系列创新功能,例如赚取、关注、发现和为 web3 社区量身定制的基于奖励的模型,beoble 优先考虑用户隐私、安全和贡献。由于 web3 人是每个消息传递产品的核心,我们将用户体验放在首位:beoble 是社区拥有的。. beoble 提供具有 Web2 用户体验的 Web3 通信功能。. Beoble 不会在隐私和数据安全方面妥协。BBL代币允许聊天室经济的创新流通。. Beoble 允许用户从互动中获得积分,用户根据他们的活跃贡献在聊天室中积累份额。. 他们参与的越多,他们的聊天室份额就越多,确保聊天室产生的任何收入,包括入场费,在成员之间公平分配。.
demo video: is a revolutionary Web3 social platform,designed to provide enhanced decentralised wallettowallet communication. With a suite of innovative features such as earn,follow,discover and a rewardsbased model tailored for the web3 community,beoble prioritizes user privacy,security,and contribution.As web3 people are at the core of every messaging product,we are putting user experience first and foremost: beoble is communityowned. beoble de
27 CCC
CCC Protocol (ccc)
一个创新的 Web3 协作平台。. 本白皮书旨在介绍我们开发的 Web3 协作平台,这是一个新的数字生态系统,旨在改变传统协作的方式,解决 Web2 模式的局限性,并为用户和组织提供更多优势和便利。.
An Innovative Web3 Collaborative Platform. The purpose of this whitepaper is to present our development of the Web3 Collaboration Platform,a new digital ecosystem designed to change the way traditional collaboration is done,address the limitations of the Web2 model,and provide more advantages and convenience to users and organizations.
28 DGI
DGI Game (dgi)
欢迎来到DGI去中心化游戏收入代币,这是游戏公会领域的开创性项目。. 我们的重点是将奖励返还给代币持有者。. 我们的公会DGG拥有并运营着数百万美元的游戏资产,包括Big Time Game的大量股份。. 通过质押DGI代币,我们的持有者每月可以从我们的游戏公会DGG投资组合产生的收入中赚取被动收入。. 随着 Web3 游戏引领下一波牛市,我们自豪地在一些最成功和最广泛采用的游戏中拥有和管理我们 100% 的游戏资产,为我们的社区提供了一个独特的机会,通过成为 DGI 代币持有者来赚取被动收入。$DGI代币DGI代币是我们生态系统的基石,通过持有、支持和质押DGI为我们的社区提供被动收入机会。. 总供应量为 10 亿个代币,80% 用于流动性,10% 分配给中心化交易所 CEX 上市,10%
Welcome to DGI Decentralized Gaming Income Token,a pioneering project in the gaming guild space. Our focus is giving the rewards back to the token holders. Our Guild DGG owns and operates millions of dollars in gaming assets,including a significant stake in the Big Time Game. By staking DGI tokens,our holders can earn passive income monthly from the revenues generated by our gaming guild DGGs portfolio. With Web3 gaming leading the next Bull Run,
Echelon Prime (prime)
PRIME是Echelon Prime基金会的原生代币,Echelon Prime基金会是一个推动下一代游戏的Web3生态系统。. Echelon创建和分发工具,以鼓励创新并促进新型游戏模式和经济的增长。. 第一款采用和使用PRIME的游戏是Parallel,一款科幻集换式卡牌游戏。.
PRIME is the native token of the Echelon Prime Foundation,a Web3 ecosystem advancing the next generation of gaming. Echelon creates and distributes tools to encourage innovation in,and promote the growth of,novel gaming models and economies. The first game to adopt and utilize PRIME is Parallel,a scifi trading card game.
30 NGL
Entangle (ngl)
Entangle 是第一个为 Web3 和机构构建的完全可定制和可互操作的数据基础设施,为构建者和 dApps 提供通用数据通路,在任何区块链网络上执行操作时具有完全可配置性。.
Entangle is the first fully customizable & Interoperable Data Infrastructure Built for Web3 and Institutions.Entangle provides builders & dApps universal data pathways with full configurability in executing operations across any blockchain network.
Push Protocol (push)
EPNS 正在为 Web3 生态系统构建世界上第一个开放通信层,首先是以太坊,然后是 L2s 和其他区块链。. 该协议使任何智能合约、dApp 或传统服务器能够以与平台无关的方式向用户的绑定钱包地址发送通知,即:通知可以集成并显示在任何加密钱包、移动应用程序、扩展程序或 dApp 上。.
EPNS is building the world’s first open communication layer for the Web3 ecosystem, first for Ethereum and then for L2s and other blockchains. The protocol enables any smart contracts, dApps or traditional servers to send notifications to tied wallet addresses of a user in a platform agnostic fashion ie: notifs can be integrated and shown on any crypto wallet, mobile apps, extension or dApps
Fandomdao (fand)
Fandomdao 是一个创新的 Web3.0 社交平台,将艺术家和全球粉丝联合起来,促进自由交流,并通过创建和分享内容(包括俱乐部、动态和活动)产生经济价值,所有交流活动都作为报酬获得奖励。.
Fandomdao is an innovative Web3.0 social platform uniting artists and global fandoms,fostering free communication,and generating economic value through the creation and sharing of content,including clubs,feeds,and events,with all communication activities being rewarded as compensation.
HyperGPT (hgpt)
这个项目是关于什么的HyperGPT是一个Web3 AI市场,它使用区块链来克服传统AI应用程序中的挑战。. 它提供对多个应用程序的集中访问,节省时间并简化管理。. 开发人员可以从标准化的 API 中受益,从而降低成本并让用户轻松切换应用程序。. 用户可以通过加密货币支付安全地管理订阅。是什么让您的项目独一无二HyperGPT 结合了 AI 和区块链,提供了一个具有 AI 驱动的搜索、智能合约、用户反馈、隐私和 Web3 互操作性的去中心化市场。. 它是第一个具有用于无缝AI集成的SDK的AI市场。. SDK允许开发人员将所有AI解决方案集成到与其dApps/应用程序的单个集成中。项目的历史记录。HyperGPT 通过集成 AI 和区块链创建了一个去中心化、透明和安全的 AI 市场。.
What is the project aboutHyperGPT is a Web3 AI marketplace that uses blockchain to overcome challenges in traditional AI applications. It offers centralized access to multiple applications,saving time and simplifying management. Developers benefit from a standardized API,reducing costs and enabling easy application switching for users. Users can manage subscriptions securely with cryptocurrency payments.What makes your project uniqueHyperGPT comb
Massa (massa)
项目是关于什么去中心化和扩展的 Layer1 区块链,它使用 1,000+ 以上的中本聪系数,能够达到 10,000 tx/s 是什么让您的项目独一无二完全去中心化的项目,公平分配,超过 7000+ 个节点在测试网上运行,这使得 Massa 成为世界上最去中心化的 tesnet,其核心具有 2 个独特的功能: 自主智能合约 + Web3 链上历史 您的项目。Massa 出生于 2020 年,是 3 年 2017 个朋友项目的成果。. Massa随后从加密和区块链生态系统的著名投资者那里筹集了500万欧元,其中包括BlueYard,Acecap,Numeus,Ariane Capital您的项目的下一步Massa在测试网中取得了巨大成功,并将在Q3推出主网您的代币可以用于什么Massa代币的主
What is the project aboutDecentralized and scaled Layer1 blockchain,that uses the Nakamoto coefficient over 1,000+,being able to reach 10,000 tx/sWhat makes your project uniqueFully decentralized project with a fair distribuition; Over 7000+ nodes running on the testnet,which makes Massa the most decentralized tesntet in the world,with 2 unique features at its core: Autonomous SmartContracts + Web3 OnChainHistory of your project.Massa was born in
mCoin (mcoin)
Mcoin Chain寻求建立一个新的,分布式的数字资产基础设施,以形成一个改进的现代框架。. 并且还寻求通过实施区块链技术将现在与未来联系起来。. mCoin Chain以分布式方式在不同的区块链分类账之间连接和交换价值.mCoin旨在为分散的区块链互联网(也称为Web3.mCoin)提供基础,以支持由其用户控制的去中心化网络,并简化新应用程序,机构和服务的创建。mCoin协议可以连接公共和私有链,无需许可的网络,预言机和未来技术,允许这些独立的区块链通过mCoin中继链无信任地共享信息和交易,并在下面解释.mCoin的原生mCoin令牌有三个明确的目的:运营和安全的质押,促进网络治理,以及绑定代币以连接平行链.mCoin有四个核心组件:Realy Chain:mCoin的“心脏”,有助于
Mcoin Chain seeks to build a new, distributed infrastructure of digital assets to form an improved, modern framework. And also seeks to link the present to the future, through the implementation of Blockchain technology. Mcoin Chain connects and exchanges value between different blockchain ledgers in a distributed manner.mCoin was designed to provide a foundation for a decentralized internet of blockchains, also known as Web3.mCoin provides a fou
MicroVisionChain (space)
项目是关于什么的MicroVisionChain MVC是一个解决区块链三难困境的区块链,为Web3时代而生,是什么让你的项目独一无二MVC是基于PoW共识的UTXOmodel公链。. 它旨在通过 UTXO 模型的高并发特性最终实现扩展。. 结合 Layer1 高性能智能合约和 DID 解决方案,MVC 将成为海量 Web3 应用开发的完美区块链。项目的历史记录。MVC不是凭空冒出来的新公链。. 其底层技术来自UTXO+POW模型,经过十多年的验证。. MVC Labs成员包括来自世界各地的专家和科学家。. 有些人在大块和扩展解决方案方面拥有多年的研究经验。.
What is the project aboutMicroVisionChain MVC is a blockchain that solves the blockchain trilemma and is born for the Web3 Era.What makes your project uniqueMVC is a UTXOmodel public blockchain based on PoW consensus. It aims to ultimately achieve scaling with the highconcurrency feature of the UTXO model. Combined with Layer1 highperformance smart contract and DID solution,MVC will become the perfect blockchain for massive Web3 applications to d
Mr Rabbit Coin (mrabbit)
Rabbit 是一个独特的 Web3 生态系统,结合了 DeFi 交易所 DEX、NFT 市场和在线赌博实用程序。. 其主要目标是开发一个充满活力和创新的生态系统,在这个生态系统中,所有人都能够使用 DEFI 技术并探索 Web3 文化提供的更广泛体验。虽然 Web3 正在彻底改变一切的运作方式,但. 兔子是金融市场和赌博业颠覆的一部分,挑战了历史上的中心化所有权模式。. 关注 Mr.. 兔子之旅,改变你自己的生活视角,发现自己置身于一个全新的奇迹世界网络之中。.
Mr. Rabbit is a unique Web3 ecosystem,incorporating DeFi Exchange DEX,NFT Marketplace,and an online Gambling utility. Its main objective is to develop a dynamic and innovative ecosystem,in which all the people are capable of using DEFI technologies and explore the broader experience that Web3 culture offers.While Web3 is revolutionizing how everything functions,Mr. Rabbit is part of the financial markets and gambling industry disruption,challengi
Oraichain (orai)
关于OraichainOraichain是一个数据预言机平台,它将人工智能API聚合并连接到智能合约,作为利用AI技术创建新Dapps的基础。. Oraichain是世界上第一个人工智能驱动的预言机,旨在彻底改变AI,DeFi和区块链行业。与使用原始数据的常规预言机不同,Oraichain的AI预言机独特地使用AI API通过智能合约上的虚拟机即时消费或创建数据。. 通过使用测试用例,数据质量、可靠性和安全性得到增强,这有助于避免中介,增加信任并开放前所未有的应用程序功能。. AI驱动的预言机是新一代的智能合约。除了数据预言机之外,Oraichain还互连了人工智能和区块链技术。. 以AI为基石,Oraichain生态系统包含AI API市场,数据和请求中心,发布者服务,培训服务和Dapp
About OraichainOraichain is a data oracle platform that aggregates and connects Artificial Intelligence APIs to smart contracts, serving as a foundational base for the creation of new Dapps leveraging AI technologies. Oraichain is the world’s first AIpowered oracle aiming to revolutionize the AI, DeFi, and Blockchain industries.Unlike regular oracles that use raw data, Oraichain’s AI oracle uniquely uses AI APIs to consume or create data onthefly
39 PRQ
PARSIQ (prq)
Web3应用程序的🌊Goto后端 用于为所有Web3 dApp和协议构建后端的全套数据网络。.
Goto backend for Web3 applications 🌊Fullsuite data network used to build the backend for all Web3 dApps & protocols.
Saros (saros)
Saros 是一款终极应用程序,旨在重新定义您在 Solana 上的 Web3 体验。. 它提供了对不断发展的全球去中心化经济的无缝访问,所有这些都可以方便地访问,触手可及。. Saros 生态系统包括 Saros Super App、Saros ID 和 Saros 代币$SAROS。. 使用 Saros,您可以提升您的日常财务状况,轻松浏览 Solana 网络,并体验快速安全的交易。. 采用Solanas创新,Saros在全面的应用程序中为您的财务未来打开了一个无限可能的世界。.
Saros is the ultimate app designed to redefine your Web3 experience on Solana. It provides seamless access to the evolving global,decentralized economy,all conveniently accessible,right at your fingertips. The Saros ecosystem encompasses the Saros Super App,Saros ID,and the Saros token $SAROS. With Saros,you can elevate your daily financial routine,navigate the Solana network effortlessly,and experience fast and secure transactions. Embracing Sol
Surfboard 是一个完整的 Web3 分析平台,它可以扫描您任何链上所有钱包中的所有资产,计算其净资产,并提供量身定制的 AI 建议以优化您的投资组合。. Surfboard不做任何交易,也不与用户钱包互动:SurfBoard只做分析,我们做得很好。.
Surfboard is the complete Web3 Analytics platform that scans all your assets from all your wallets on any chain,calculates their net worth,and provides tailored AI advice to optimize your investment portfolios. Surfboard does not do any transactions and does not interact with the user wallet in anyway: SurfBoard just does analytics and we does it well.
42 SGT
Suzuverse (sgt)
什么是Suzuverse15年前,Suzuverse团队开始了互联网业务,希望和热情使世界更紧密地联系在一起,让人们更富有。. 15 年过去了,Suzuverse 团队告诉人们互联网成为 Web3 去中心化。. 互联网、区块链、数字资产和元宇宙只是达到目的的手段。. 创造力、好奇心、想象力、自由和透明是更有价值的特质。. Suzuverse将提供非凡的MR技术和体验,以帮助您最大限度地释放虚拟世界和元宇宙的潜力。什么是SGT代币实用程序它必须基于DAO与Suzuwalk开发公司之间的协议 用于购买Suzuverse的重要权利和资产 用于质押以获得投票权xSGT 对于获得税费/费用折扣:使用$SGT付款将享受25%的税费/费用折扣 升级:用户需要与$SZT和$SGT支付一定的升级费用。. 用于
What is Suzuverse15years ago Suzuverse team started internet businesses with the hope and passion of bringing the world closer together and getting people richer. 15 year on,Suzuverse team tell people internet becomes Web3 decentralization. Internet,blockchain,digital assets and metaverse are just means to an end. Creativeness,curiosity,imagination,freedom and transparency are far more valuable traits. Suzuverse will provide an extraordinary MR t
VNST Stablecoin (vnst)
VNST是由一篮子稳定币BoS支持的稳定币,确保其储备,不与任何法定货币挂钩。. 这种独立性增加了VNST价值的可靠性,不受法定货币波动的影响。. VNST旨在提供安全,可靠的解决方案,为越南和全球Web3行业的用户提供多样化的选择,便利性和扩展的应用程序。.
VNST is a stablecoin backed by the Basket of Stablecoins BoS,ensuring its reserve,not tethered to any fiat currency. This independence adds reliability to the value of VNST,free from fluctuations tied to fiat currencies. VNST aims to provide a secure,reliable solution,offering diverse choices,convenience,and expanding applications for users in the Web3 industry in Vietnam and globally.
Zeus Network (zeus)
Zeus Network 的目标是让下一个 10 亿用户加入 Web3。. 在快速兴起的 Web3 生态系统中,每天都有新的区块链被部署和运营。. 其中一个关键挑战是区块链的互操作性。. Zeus Network 旨在通过利用世界上最快、最实惠、性能最高的区块链 Solana 来构建跨链基础设施。. 这是通过开发 Zeus Layer 来实现的,Zeus Layer 是 Solana 虚拟机 SVM 上的可插拔和可编程节点网络。. Zeus Network 设想了一个未来,开发人员可以在无桥跨链基础设施之上构建去中心化应用程序 dApp,无需许可。.
Zeus Network aims to onboard the next billion users to Web3. In the rapidly emerging Web3 ecosystem,new blockchains are deployed and operated everyday. One of the key challenges is the interoperability of blockchains. Zeus Network seeks to build a crosschain infrastructure by utilizing the worlds fastest,most affordable,and highestperforming blockchain,Solana. This is achieved by developing Zeus Layer,a pluggable and programmable network of nodes
45 OME
O-MEE (ome)
我们正在进入一个新时代,一个不断变化的时代。. 从元宇宙到 NFT,一切都是新的,而且它正在迅速向我们袭来。. Web 2.0 开始看起来像一个遥远的记忆,我们仍然在为心灵和喜欢的人提供艺术。. 是时候重塑了。. 与阴暗的算法不同,取消关注广告,与典型的社交提要解除好友关系。. OMEE 正在归还您的独立性和公平性,以便您可以进行实验、创作和创新什么是 OMEE OME OMEE 是一个社交网络和 NFT 市场,通过为品牌、企业和用户创造免费和独家内容铺平道路来促进创作者经济。.
We’re entering a new era, an everchanging era. From the metaverse to NFTs, everything is new and it’s coming at us fast. Web 2.0 is starting to seem like a distant memory where we’re still giving away art for hearts and likes. It’s time to reinvent. Unfriend the typical social feeds, unlike shady algorithms, unfollow ads. OMEE are giving you your independence and equity back so you can experiment, compose and innovateWhat is OMEE OME OMEE is a so
46 0XLSD
0xLSD (0xlsd)
0xLSD是一个去中心化的流动性提供协议,支持多链聚合。. 0xLSD建立在币安智能链 #BSC、Arbitrum #ARB 和以太坊 #ETH 公链之上,旨在为Web3世界创造稳定、可持续的流动性,同时在此基础上构建一个全面的金融服务体系。是什么让你的项目独一无二0xLSD引入了一个去中心化的流动性提供协议,支持多链聚合,解决了LSD行业面临的各种挑战。. 该协议是 0xLSD 生态系统的核心组件。通过利用人工智能数据分析和智能算法,去中心化的流动性提供协议使用户能够使用LSD进行广泛的衍生品交易活动。. 通过流动性挖矿聚合池,用户可以在获得质押奖励的同时,通过LSD实现风险管理和稳定回报。. 0xLSD为各种LST资产提供广泛的支持,并为这些资产提供流动性。. 持有LST资产的用户可以通
0xLSD is a decentralized liquidity provision protocol that supports multichain aggregation. 0xLSD is built on the Binance Smart Chain #BSC,Arbitrum #ARB and Ethereum #ETH public chains,with the aim of creating stable and sustainable liquidity for the Web3 world,while also constructing a comprehensive financial service system on top of it.What makes your project unique0xLSD has introduced a decentralized liquidity provision protocol that supports
47 16DAO
16DAO (16dao)
$16DAO 是 DZ Labs 的治理代币。. DZ Labs 是一家以 Web3 组织结构运营的 IP 运营和管理集团。. 业务涵盖知识产权储备、加密支付、内容IP化、投资等,以小说为知识产权储备的起点。.
$16DAO is the governance token of DZ Labs. DZ Labs is an IP operation and management group that operates on a Web3 organizational structure. Its business covers IP reserves,encrypted payments,content IPification,and investment,with novels as the starting point of its IP reserve.
48 2049
2049 (2049)
什么是关于 TOKEN2049 的项目是首屈一指的加密活动,每年在新加坡举办一次,领先的 Web3 公司和项目的创始人和高管分享他们对行业的看法。. 我们关注全球发展,同时对生态系统及其巨大机遇采取独特而广阔的视角。是什么让您的项目独一无二TOKEN2049汇集了全球加密行业,将企业家,投资者,开发人员,行业爱好者和全球媒体联合起来,并创造了无与伦比的交流机会。. 这个社区将定义该领域的下一步。项目的历史记录。TOKEN2049 是首屈一指的加密活动,每年在新加坡举办一次,领先的 Web3 公司和项目的创始人和高管分享他们对行业的看法。. 我们关注全球发展,同时对生态系统及其巨大机遇采取独特而广阔的视角。TOKEN2049汇集了全球加密行业,将企业家,投资者,开发人员,行业爱好者和全球媒体联
What is the project aboutTOKEN2049 is the premier crypto event,organised annually in Singapore,where founders and executives of the leading Web3 companies and projects share their view on the industry. We shine a light on the global developments,while taking a unique and widening perspective on the ecosystem and its vast opportunities.​What makes your project uniqueTOKEN2049 brings together the global crypto industry,uniting entrepreneurs,investo
49 2FAI
2FAI (2fai)
通过 Web3 2FA 增强功能提升隐私和安全性,2FAi 成为 Web3 的开创性解决方案,利用 BASE 区块链和人工智能 AI 的力量重新定义 2FA 的实施和管理方式。.
Boosting privacy and security with Web3 2FA enhancements,2FAi emerges as a pioneering solution in Web3,leveraging the power of the BASE blockchain and Artificial Intelligence AI to redefine how 2FA is implemented and managed
50 P3D
3DPass (p3d)
项目内容 关于3DPass是一个开源的去中心化第1层区块链的WEB 3.0平台,用于真实物理和虚拟对象的代币化及其转化为数字资产。. 自 2019 年初以来,我们一直致力于解决现实世界对象的数字化转型挑战。. Michael Co 在 2020 年提出了第一种名为 Grid2d 的算法,现在已经作为 pass3d 识别工具包实施,服务于 3DPass 网络共识的基础,称为扫描证明。. 3DPass的主要思想是使人们能够在智能合约和交易中以数字方式使用现实世界的对象,并利用它的所有优势。. 通过在我们的网络中创建和实施新的识别算法,我们正在去中心化的区块链数字空间和全球数万亿笔交易之间架起这座桥梁。. 是什么让你的项目独一无二每个被 3DPass 转换的 3D 对象都有自己唯一且稳定的身份,称
What is the project about3DPass is an OpenSource decentralized Layer 1 blockchainbased WEB 3.0 platform for the tokenization of real physical and virtual objects and its transformation into digital assets. Since the early days of 2019 we have put our mind on solving the Real world objects digital transformation challenge. The very first algorithm called Grid2d was suggested by Michael Co in 2020 and has been implemented now as pass3d recognition
51 AWT
Abyss World (awt)
The Abyss World是Sui Network和Polygon上的一款OpenWorld Dark Fantasy ActionRPG,是Metagame Industries历时3年的独立作品,得到了Microsoft,AMD,EPIC和IGN的支持。深渊世界已经超过 100,000 名 Steam 愿望清单玩家,这是 web2 游戏世界的巨大里程碑。. 因此,作为一款有可能突破两个空间之间墙壁的游戏,我们的目标是吸引100万玩家。. 主流代表超过10亿的全球游戏玩家,他们习惯于大众市场上的集中式游戏生态系统和分销系统。. 在Microsoft、AMD、Epic Games和IGN的支持下,Abyss World将对主流营销实施类似的方法。. 作为质量最好的游戏,深渊世界将吸引数百
The Abyss World is an OpenWorld Dark Fantasy ActionRPG on Sui Network and Polygon,and is 3 years of indie work by Metagame Industries and being backed by Microsoft,AMD,EPIC & IGN.Abyss World has already surpassed 100,000 Steam wishlist players,which is a huge milestone in the web2 gaming world. Thus,as a game with the potential to break through the wall between two spaces,our goal is to attract 1 million players. Mainstream stands for more than 1
52 ACQ
Acquire.Fi (acq)
世界上第一个加密,区块链和Web3公司和IP的并购市场。通过 NFT 引入众筹收购和部分所有权,以及基于智能合约的完全去中心化的收购生态系统,开创并购的新时代。.
The Worlds FIRST M&A Marketplace for Crypto, Blockchain and Web3 companies and IP.Ushering in a new era of M&A by introducing crowdfunded acquisitions and fractionalized ownership through NFTization, plus a fullydecentralized acquisitions ecosystem based on smart contracts.
53 ACU
Acurast (acu)
Acurast 是一个去中心化的无服务器云平台,允许用户构建由去中心化云保护的 web2 和 web3 应用程序。. 该平台提供计算、爬网、数据馈送和数据按需等产品。. 用户可以申请成为处理器,只需3分钟即可用手机提供计算,并在此过程中获得奖励。. Acurast区块链作为去中心化计算的编排层,具有透明和自动化的计费功能。. 该平台旨在打破由美国大型科技巨头控制的云计算寡头垄断。. 通过利用移动硬件,Acurast将设备变成强大的计算设备,提供更具成本效益和分散的解决方案。.
Acurast is a decentralized serverless cloud platform that allows users to build web2 and web3 applications secured by a decentralized cloud. The platform offers products such as compute,crawl,data feed,and data on-demand. Users can apply to become a processor and provide compute with their mobile phones in just 3 minutes,earning rewards in the process. The Acurast Blockchain serves as the orchestration layer for decentralized compute with transpa
Adonis (adon)
Adonis Network JSC 是一个基于 Web3.0 的加密货币启动板,具有完整的区块链结构,包括硬币、代币、元界、游戏平台、DeFi、NFT 和交易所。.
Adonis Network JSC is a Cryptocurrency Launchpad that is Web3.0-based and has a complete blockchain structure that includes Coin, Token, Metaverse, Gaming Platforms, DeFi, NFT, and Exchange.
55 ADS
Adshares (ads)
Adshares 是元界货币化空间的 Web3 协议.Adserver 平台允许用户租用元界、区块链游戏、NFT 展览和网站内部的空间。. 从2017年开始,该团队提供了一个现在高度可扩展的协议。. Adshares是一个伞形项目,维护一个分散的网络。. ADS协议背后的想法是通过DAO风格的治理将网络提供给社区。. 在Adshares中,任何人都可以通过在越来越多的领域实施开源区块链工具来制作自己的Adserver。. 这一突破性的概念使$ADS持有者可以从协议的货币化中获利。.
Adshares is a Web3 protocol for monetization space in the Metaverse.Adserver platforms allow users to rent space inside Metaverse, blockchain games, NFT exhibitions and websites. Starting in 2017, the team delivered a protocol that is now highly scalable. Adshares is an umbrella project, maintaining a decentralized network. The idea behind the ADS protocol is to give the network to the community with DAOstyle governance. In Adshares, anyone can m
AEONODEX (aeonodex)
Aeonodex 超越了典型区块链项目的范围。. 它将自己设想为一股变革力量,弥合元宇宙、去中心化金融、DeFi、Web3、PlaytoEarn P2E 和人工智能 AI 领域的碎片化格局。. 其雄心勃勃的使命是:构建涵盖整个错综复杂的生态系统的综合解决方案,推动突破性创新、强大的安全性和所有利益相关者的包容性参与。想象一下数字全景图: 可扩展性是无限的:Aeonodex 拥有高度弹性的基础设施,可以毫不费力地适应这些快速发展的领域中固有的指数级交易量和日益加剧的复杂性。. 网络拥塞和交易缓慢已成为过去的遗物。. 互操作性至高无上:Aeonodex 促进了协议、平台和应用程序之间的无缝通信。. 数据和价值自由流动,打破孤岛,打造真正互联互通的生态系统。.
Aeonodex transcends the confines of a typical blockchain project. It envisions itself as a transformative force,bridging the fragmented landscape of the Metaverse,Decentralized Finance DeFi,Web3,PlaytoEarn P2E,and Artificial Intelligence AI sectors. Its ambitious mission: to architect comprehensive solutions that encompass the entirety of this intricate ecosystem,driving groundbreaking innovation,robust security,and inclusive participation for al
57 AGG
AGG (agg)
作为 Web3 工具箱提供商,AGG 的主要目的是连接从日本开始的基于 IP 的游戏,促进游戏行业的创新。.
As a Web3 toolbox provider,AGGs primary purpose is to connect IPbased game titles starting from Japanese,facilitating innovation within the gaming industry.
58 AGT
Agritech (agt)
项目是关于什么AGRITECH是一个区块链项目,旨在解决15万亿美元农业部门的全球粮食安全问题。. 它将农业、区块链、Web3 和 AI 技术集成到一个平台中。. 该项目使用专有的可追溯性和点对点市场技术将生产商和供应商与全球客户联系起来,确保可持续和可扩展的供应线,同时减少欺诈和诈骗。是什么让您的项目独一无二农业科技是独一无二的,因为它结合了区块链、Web3 和人工智能来解决全球粮食安全问题。. 该项目遵循去中心化财富模式,允许社区参与股权和净收入100%的收入份额。. 这种方法得到了项目旨在帮助的社区政府和居民的支持和接受。项目的历史记录。AGRITECH的出现是为了应对COVID19大流行对食品供应链的影响。. 它实施了专有的可追溯性、农业人工智能和点对点市场,直接将生产者与买家联系起
What is the project aboutAGRITECH is a blockchain project aimed at addressing the global food security problem in the $15 trillion agriculture sector. It integrates agriculture,blockchain,Web3,and AI technology in a single platform. The project uses proprietary traceability and peertopeer marketplace technology to connect producers and suppliers with customers globally,ensuring sustainable and scalable supply lines while mitigating fraud and scam
项目内容简介AIEnglish是世界上第一个结合人工智能和Web3技术的语言学习平台,旨在帮助非英语国家的用户更方便地学习英语并融入全球社区。. 是什么让您的项目与众不同 它也是您的英语学习伴侣,您可以随时在 AIEnglish 上召唤机器人来练习一对一的口语、纠正语法并提高您的英语技能。项目历史.1.. 我们知道,不是母语的初学者在用英语与人交谈时往往会有一种羞耻感,而与艾氏交谈可以消除这种感觉.2.. 语言是一个非常灵活和多变的东西。. 表达意义的方式有很多种。. 传统的英语教学比较死板,有既定的套路。.
What is the project aboutAIEnglish is the worlds first language learning platform that combines artificial intelligence and Web3 technology,designed to help users from nonEnglish speaking countries learn English more conveniently and integrate into the global community. What makes your project unique It is also your English learning companion,where you can summon a bot on AIEnglish anytime to practice speaking oneonone,correct your grammar,and im
60 AIT
AiMalls (ait)
AiMalls 是第一个由 stateoftheart 人工智能提供支持的代币化电子商务,并由其实用代币 AIT 和现实世界用例提供支持。. AiMalls 超越了传统的购物体验,将卖家和买家统一在一个无缝的数字平台中,效率和客户满意度至高无上。. 我们的愿景是打破电子商务和消费者之间的壁垒,为 Web3 和 Web2 用户提供他们一直渴望的多功能购物平台。AiMalls 交织了无数高级功能,例如 AI 驱动的产品推荐、增强的搜索功能、用户友好的界面和安全的交易方式。. 我们的目标是创建一个有凝聚力的生态系统,其中用户AiMalls具有丰富的功能,使其成为卖家和买家的强大而有效的平台。. 该平台的一些主要功能包括:个人产品推荐、由 AI 提供支持的客户服务聊天机器人、自动产品分类、移动友好设
AiMalls is the First tokenized ECommerce powered by stateoftheart Artificial Intelligence and underpinned by its utility token AIT with Real World Usecases. AiMalls transcends traditional shopping experiences,unifying sellers and buyers in a seamless digital platform where efficiency and customer satisfaction reign supreme. Our vision is to break down barriers between ecommerce and consumers,providing both Web3 and Web2 users with a versatile sho
AiShiba (shibai)
什么是关于AiShiba的项目是由AI通过ArbDogeAI社区的灵感创建的。. 100%代币属于社区。. SHIBAI是一种生活方式。是什么让您的项目独一无二使爱芝与众不同的是它的价值。. “人人为人人,人人为我”这句话代表了这样一种观点,即人们只有为一个共同的目标共同努力,才能充分发挥其作为一个社会的潜力。. 爱芝坚信,数量是力量,通过团结在共同的目标周围,爱芝可以取得伟大的成就。. 在 web3 社区中,信任和透明度是我们新世界建立的基本支柱。.
What is the project aboutAiShiba is created by AI through inspiration from ArbDogeAI Community. 100% tokens belongs to the community. SHIBAI is a lifestyle.What makes your project uniqueWhat makes AiShiba unique is its value. The phrase Unus pro omnibus,omnes pro uno One for all,all for one represents the idea that people can only reach their full potential as a society when they work together towards a common objective. AiShiba firmly believe th
62 AIT
AIT Protocol (ait)
全球首个 AI 数据基础设施。. 提供 #Web3 人工智能解决方案,并通过TrainToEarn模型创造数百万个就业机会。.
Worlds first AI data infrastructure. Providing #Web3 AI solutions & creating millions of jobs with the TrainToEarn model
AITK (aitk)
AITK 是一个植根于 Web3 的区块链 AI 平台,提供 AI 驱动的加密交易策略。. 该平台利用先进的人工智能集成,增强的安全措施,并提供对交易者社区的独家访问。. AITK 代币利用最先进的人工智能来分析市场走势,并为交易者提供高级工具等功能。. 它旨在通过其创新算法塑造人工智能驱动的加密交易的未来。.
AITK is a blockchain AI platform rooted in Web3 that offers AI-driven crypto trading strategies. The platform utilizes advanced AI integration,enhanced security measures,and provides exclusive access to a community of traders. The AITK Token leverages state-of-the-art AI to analyze market movements and offers features like premium tools for traders. It aims to shape the future of AI-driven crypto trading through its innovative algorithms.
Akita Inu ASA (akta)
什么是秋田犬 AKTA基塔犬AKTA是Algorand区块链上的社区建设代币,旨在推动Algorand生态系统的采用和参与。它希望通过以下方式实现这一目标:1 在 Algorand 生态系统内建立一个强大的用户和开发者社区,2 建立和促进生态系统项目和创作者之间的合作,3 为慈善机构和庇护所筹集资金,帮助有需要的动物,以及 4 创建一套开源 Web3 工具,为生态系统成员提供支持,并使他们能够更有效地与 Algorand 社区进行互动。发布后,后一个DeFi套件中的所有dApp都将以秋田犬AKTA作为其原生令牌。秋田犬还负责秋田养犬俱乐部 AKC,这是一个由一千个独特的 NFT 组成的集合,允许持有者进入秋田养犬俱乐部和一系列会员专属福利。. 初级销售收入的 10% 捐赠给动物慈善机构。流通
What is Akita Inu AKTAAkita Inu AKTA is a communitybuilding token on the Algorand blockchain that aims to drive adoption of and engagement with the Algorand ecosystem.It hopes to achieve this goal by:1 Building a strong community of users and developers within the Algorand ecosystem, 2 Forging and facilitating collaborations between ecosystem projects and creators, 3 Raising funds for charities and shelters that help animals in need, and 4 Creati
AliceNet (alca)
项目是关于什么的AliceNet是一个第2层区块链,旨在实现跨Web3的可信交易和可验证的数据证明.是什么使您的项目独一无二AliceNet是具有UTXO模型的第2层权益证明区块链。项目的历史记录。AliceNet最初是为了解决广告技术领域的长期问题而构建的。. 您的项目的下一步是什么我们相信 AliceNet 可以成为底层实用程序层,为从投票协议到状态通道、支付通道到桥梁的所有内容提供支持。您的代币可以用于ALCA的是AliceNet的治理代币。.
What is the project aboutAliceNet is a Layer 2 blockchain designed to enable trusted transactions and verifiable proofs of data across Web3.What makes your project uniqueAliceNet is a layer 2 ProofofStake blockchain with a UTXO model.History of your project.AliceNet was originally built to solve longstanding issues in the AdTech space. What’s next for your projectWe believe AliceNet can become the underlying utility layer to power everything from
66 ALL
AllDomains (all)
$ALL代币是AllDomains的原生货币,在塑造项目的未来方面具有重要意义。. 它通过授予用户对AllDomain的决策过程和方向的影响力来赋予用户权力。. 通过积极参与该平台并为其成功做出贡献,用户将获得$ALL代币奖励,从而加强AllDomains生态系统的增长和可持续性。. 该令牌在将AllDomains建立为Web3行业的领先实体方面发挥着至关重要的作用,为用户提供了一个全面的平台来管理他们的数字身份。.
The $ALL Token,the native currency of AllDomains,holds significant importance in shaping the future of the project. It empowers users by granting them influence over the decisionmaking process and direction of AllDomains. By actively engaging with the platform and contributing to its success,users are rewarded with $ALL tokens,reinforcing the growth and sustainability of the AllDomains ecosystem. This token plays a crucial role in establishing Al
Alpha Ai (alpha ai)
在当今快节奏的数字领域,人工智能是游戏规则的改变者,以其变革性的力量颠覆了各行各业。. 然而,人工智能和区块链审计的结合仍然是一个尚未开发的前沿领域。. 进入Web3,区块链重新定义信任和去中心化的时代。随着数字环境的快速发展,区块链生态系统中对强大安全措施的需求从未像现在这样迫切。. 进入Alpha AI,这是一个创新项目,旨在通过人工智能算法和加密代币的无缝集成来彻底改变智能合约审计。通过利用先进技术和去中心化框架,Alpha AI 着手在区块链生态系统内建立安全性、透明度和可访问性方面的卓越新标准。.
In todays fastpaced digital realm,AI stands as a gamechanger,disrupting industries with its transformative prowess. Yet,the marriage of AI and blockchain auditing remains an untapped frontier. Enter Web3,the era where blockchain redefines trust and decentralization.As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace,the need for robust security measures within the blockchain ecosystem has never been more pressing. Enter Alpha AI,an innov
AlphaKEK.AI (aikek)
AlphaKEK 是一个用于加密市场和传统金融的人工智能分析平台。. 我们开发用于分析 Web2 和 Web3 论坛、新闻网站、DEX 交易、智能合约代码等市场数据的工具。. 代币持有者现在可以通过网络应用程序或 Telegram 机器人访问我们的 AI 应用程序。. 我们的平台依赖于我们自定义的自托管 AI 模型 LLM、聚类模型、文本嵌入模型等。. 我们的代币经济学基于三件事:1 用户应该持有代币才能访问我们的 AI 服务,您持有的代币越多,您获得的福利就越多.2 代币合约包括对买卖征收少量税.3 收取的税款的 33% 用于回购和销毁代币,从而使代币通货紧缩.. 在撰写本文时,总供应量的 2.99% 被烧毁。以下 AI 服务目前可供持有者使用:* Private AI Report:对
AlphaKEK is an AIpowered analytics platform for crypto markets and TradFi. We develop tools for analyzing market data across Web2 and Web3 forums,news sites,DEX trades,smart contract code,etc. Token holders can access our AI Apps now via a web app or a Telegram bot. Our platform relies on our custom selfhosted AI models LLMs,clustering models,text embedding models,and more. Our tokenomics is based on three things:1 Users should hold tokens to acc
Ambra (ambr)
Ton Whales 是一家产品公司,创建与 сrytpo 和 Web3 相关的易于使用和易于理解的产品。. 鲸鱼在TON区块链上推出了第一个也是最大的采矿和质押池。. 目前,Ton Whales质押的冻结资金总额为3500万美元。. 该团队还推出了 Tonhub 钱包资源管理器最成功的 NFT 集合之一,鲸鱼俱乐部补充,Ton Whales 正在努力推出自己的非托管加密银行卡。. Ambra代币将用于筹款。. 此外,该代币将用于增加银行卡的限额。.
Ton Whales is a product company creating easytouse and easytounderstand products related to сrytpo and Web3. Whales launched the first and largest mining and staking pools on the TON blockchain. The total amount of blocked funds in Ton Whales staking is currently 35 million dollars. The team has also launched the Tonhub wallet Explorer one of the most successful NFT collections,the Whales Club addition,Ton Whales are working on launching their
70 AGG
AmpliFi DAO (agg)
CRYPTO NATIVE PERFORMANCE MARKETINGAGG 是 AmpliFi DAO 的 AmpliFis 治理和奖励代币。. AmpliFi DAO 是 AmpliFi 的建设者,这是一个 Web3 联盟营销平台。AmpliFi 平台为 DeFi、Web3 和 NFT 项目举办推荐计划和市场活动。. AmpliFi与众不同的两件事是,活动支出是基于链上操作的,而会员根据他们所引用的行为获得DAO的所有权。. AmpliFi DAO是zkCOOKIES stealthmode和amplifi的研究者,构建者和维护者.js zkCOOKIES是一个支持链上事件归因的开源项目。. 我们的推荐和联盟营销平台AmpliFi是我们的第一个产品。. 与CRE8R DAO一起,我们作为
CRYPTO NATIVE PERFORMANCE MARKETINGAGG is AmpliFis Governance & reward token for AmpliFi DAO. AmpliFi DAO are the builders of AmpliFi a Web3 affiliate marketing platform.The AmpliFi platform hosts referral programs & market campaigns for DeFi,Web3 & NFT projects. Two things that set AmpliFi apart is that campaign payouts are based on onchain actions,and affiliates earn ownership of the DAO based on the actions they refer. AmpliFi DAO are research
Amulet Staked SOL (amtsol)
护身符协议 护身符是为基于 Rust 的生态系统构建的去中心化风险保护协议 RPP,从 Solana 区块链开始。. Amulet设计了一种创新开放的风险保护模型,不仅有效地解决了现有去中心化RPP的共同挑战,而且为整个风险保护行业创造了新的范式转变。. 护身符的愿景是为 Web3 中的每个人提供简单、可靠的封面。.
Amulet Protocol Amulet is a decentralized risk protection protocol RPP built for Rustbased ecosystems, starting with the Solana blockchain. Amulet has designed an innovative and open risk protection model which not only effectively addresses the common challenges of existing decentralized RPPs, but also creates a new paradigm shift for the whole risk protection sector. Amulets vision is to offer Simple, Reliable Cover for everyone in Web3
72 TAI
Ancient World (tai)
Ancient World 是一款基于 Web3 构建的奇幻 MMORPG 游戏,由 GameFi 平台 GameVerse 提供支持。. 在这种身临其境的游戏体验中,玩家将进行任务,以解锁古代力量的隐藏潜力并遇到传奇生物。. $TAI 代币是游戏生态系统中重要的实用代币,提供一系列游戏内和游戏外功能。. 其中包括增强装备、获取化妆品和访问游戏中其他功能的能力。. 此外,玩家可以使用$TAI代币参与质押活动并参与游戏外的社区活动。.
Ancient World is a fantasy MMORPG game built on Web3 powered by GameFi platform GameVerse. Within this immersive gaming experience,players undertake quests to unlock the hidden potential of ancient powers and encounter legendary creatures. The $TAI token serves as a vital utility token within the gaming ecosystem,offering a range of ingame and outofgame functionalities. These include the ability to enhance equipment,acquire cosmetic items,and acc
Angola (agla)
安哥拉项目是一个建立在基于区块链的 Web3 创作者经济上的社交 NFT 系统。. 其目标是成为一个主流的NFT平台,使用户能够根据自己的日常生活创建NFT,确保创作者对其作品拥有完全所有权,并纠正传统数字资产市场中不合理的利润分配。.
The Angola Project, is a social NFT system built upon the blockchainbased Web3 creator economy. Its aim is to become a mainstream NFT platform that enables users to create NFTs based on their every day lives, ensures creators have full ownership of their works, and corrects unreasonable profit distribution in the conventional digital asset market.
ANIMA (anima)
这个项目是关于什么的Realm是一款植根于GameFi的世界建设和探索游戏。. Realmers通过战略规划和资源管理来建立和维持Realmverse的经济。. 冒险者们在王国宇宙中漫游,寻找他们的起源故事。. 每月赚取战利品箱,与其他冒险者战斗,完成任务并超越到全新的变体。是什么让你的项目独一无二Realm建立在三个原则之上:创建一个强大的基础社区,为玩家提供所有权,并为其用户提供现实世界的价值。我们热衷于将项目整合在一起,为 Web3 空间中的所有用户创造可互操作的体验。我们的重点是与精美的艺术品和引人入胜的故事相结合的GameFi元素。项目的历史记录。我们从 2021 年 9 月开始,对 Web3 中的游戏体验的愿景。. 随着时间的推移,我们的愿景不断发展,并与宝藏生态系统合作,因为我
What is the project aboutRealm is a WorldBuilding and Exploration game rooted in GameFi. Realmers build and sustain the economy of the Realmverse through strategic planning and resource management. Adventurers roam the Realmverse in search of their Origin story. Earn LootBoxes,Battle other Adventurers,complete Missions and Transcend into brand new Variants every month.What makes your project uniqueRealm is founded on three principles: Creating a
75 AW3
Anon Web3 (aw3)
Anon Web3 AW3 项目致力于打击加密货币领域的不公正现象,特别是通过揭露诈骗者和帮助诈骗受害者。. 代币持有者积极参与去中心化自治组织 DAO,该组织对关键项目决策进行投票。. AW3代币主要用于资助研究人员,区块链分析师,诈骗赏金和情报收集工作,以发现欺诈活动。这个项目的独特之处在于它对透明度和道德的承诺。. 与许多其他项目不同,它避免使用可能参与抽水倾倒计划的影响者。. Anon Web3 为加密社区中渴望改革和改进行业实践的个人提供了一个安全的避风港。该项目的历史包括成功揭露多个诈骗者,并建立一个致力于纠正加密空间内错误的繁荣社区。就未来而言,该项目旨在继续其打击加密诈骗和促进公平的使命。. 它可能会探索其他倡议或伙伴关系,以推进其目标。AW3可用于项目内的各种目的,包括对D
Anon Web3 AW3 project is dedicated to combating injustices in the cryptocurrency space,particularly by exposing scammers and assisting victims of scams. The token holders actively participate in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization DAO that votes on crucial project decisions. AW3 tokens are primarily used to fund researchers,blockchain analysts,scam bounties,and intelligence gathering efforts to uncover fraudulent activities.What makes this pr
AnonTech (atec)
AnonTech 为 Web3 带来了帮助您保持匿名和安全的工具。. 通过我们的 Telegram 机器人访问最新的去中心化工具。. 提供短信、电子邮件和VPN服务,帮助确保持有人的隐私安全。. 通过需要燃烧代币的分层会员资格,我们的服务不仅使持有者受益,还为隐私服务。. 开发中的新功能和对现有功能的升级始终使团队保持忙碌和活跃,因为我们努力成为您的#1 DePIN解决方案。.
AnonTech brings tools to Web3 that help you stay anonymous and secure. Access the latest decentralized tools through our Telegram bot. Providing SMS,Email and VPN services to help keep holders privacy secure. With tiered memberships which require burning tokens,our services also benefit holders in more than just privacy. New features in development and upgrades to existing are always keeping the team busy and active as we strive to be your #1 DeP


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,486.13 2,204,244,686.10
2 ARS title=ARS 1,044.50 1,578,403,326.40
3 ETH title=ETH 3,164.80 1,289,625,148.33
4 SOL title=SOL 148.47 999,768,186.31
5 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 646,733,941.23
6 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 601,096,436.67
7 WIF title=WIF 3.04 425,027,811.41
8 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 288,529,163.24
9 XRP title=XRP 0.53 230,560,631.72
10 BOME title=BOME 0.01 206,624,158.73
11 BONK title=BONK <0.01 205,267,320.87
12 ENA title=ENA 0.87 185,402,861.86
13 NEAR title=NEAR 6.95 157,758,543.92
14 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 120,907,177.56
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.41 98,885,321.53
16 ALGO title=ALGO 0.21 95,913,234.74
17 WLD title=WLD 4.93 89,495,881.62
18 AVAX title=AVAX 36.53 86,262,861.67
19 LTC title=LTC 83.46 82,276,242.71
20 COS title=COS 0.02 80,295,253.38
21 ADA title=ADA 0.48 77,107,080.81
22 ORDI title=ORDI 45.00 68,927,958.63
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.56 64,935,788.32
24 LINK title=LINK 14.61 61,735,412.78
25 MATIC title=MATIC 0.71 61,545,110.28
26 YGG title=YGG 0.94 60,687,090.37
27 FTM title=FTM 0.74 58,850,171.74


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +26.54
2 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.32 +13.37
3 NULS title=NULS 0.73 +9.94
4 Automata title=ATA 0.25 +7.53
5 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +6.70
6 SSV Network title=SSV 47.05 +6.64
7 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.33 +5.35
8 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +2.82
9 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +2.25
10 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.78 +1.94
11 EOS title=EOS 0.86 +1.91
12 Algorand title=ALGO 0.21 +1.36
13 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.32 +1.28
14 TRON title=TRX 0.11 +1.21
15 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.56 +0.91
16 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.04 +0.50
17 BinaryX title=BNX 0.98 +0.33
18 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.29 +0.07
19 SafePal title=SFP 0.84 +0.04


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 -21.97
2 Marlin title=POND 0.02 -11.86
3 Gnosis title=GNO 339.30 -10.92
4 Voyager title=VGX 0.08 -10.70
5 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.17 -10.48
6 QuarkChain title=QKC 0.01 -10.35
7 Worldcoin title=WLD 4.93 -10.25
8 FIO Protocol title=FIO 0.04 -10.13
9 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.41 -9.93
10 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -9.86
11 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -9.84
12 Tensor title=TNSR 1.04 -9.81
13 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.81 -9.72
14 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -9.59
15 Bittensor title=TAO 457.10 -9.52
16 Bonfida title=FIDA 0.33 -9.50
17 Celestia title=TIA 11.03 -9.37
18 Mobox title=MBOX 0.35 -9.26
19 TrueFi title=TRU 0.12 -9.23
20 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.09 -9.14
21 Portal title=PORTAL 0.96 -8.97
22 W 0.55 -8.82
23 Ethena title=ENA 0.87 -8.74
24 Memecoin title=MEME 0.03 -8.68
25 Kusama title=KSM 29.56 -8.60
26 AdEx title=ADX 0.21 -8.54
27 Vite title=VITE 0.03 -8.54
28 Starknet title=STRK 1.21 -8.47
29 Clover Finance title=CLV 0.08 -8.46
30 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -8.46

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
2 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
3 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
4 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
5 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
6 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
7 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
8 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
9 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
10 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
11 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
12 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
13 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
14 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
15 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
16 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
17 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
18 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
19 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
20 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
21 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
22 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
23 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
24 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
25 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
26 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
27 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
28 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
29 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
30 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
31 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
32 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
33 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
34 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
35 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
36 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
37 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
38 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
39 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
40 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
41 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
42 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
43 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
44 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
45 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
46 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
47 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
48 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
49 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
50 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
2 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
3 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
4 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
7 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
8 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
9 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
10 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
11 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
12 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


Concentrator (ctr) FoxGirl (foxgirl) Bayesian (baye) PearDAO (pex) Mars Token (mrst) Landwolf (wolf) AMAUROT (ama) Aave v3 AAVE (aaave) YOLO (yolo) ONUS (onus)


ZetaChain (zeta)Refinable (fine)HashCoin (hsc)GATEWAY TO MARS (mars)IUCN Coin (iucn)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#GameFi #healthcare #medicine #big data #carbon-credit #VR #clean energy #multichain #solar energy #decentralized application


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
TiTdoi.com TiTdoi.com 000-000-0000