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硬币相关 #Website

币名 细节
Arbitrum Charts (arcs)
ARCS是令牌跟踪器的实用令牌网站。. 将用于在其上列出和推广令牌。ARCS允许用户轻松跟踪在Arbitrum,以太坊和币安智能链区块链中构建的所有代币,很快可以添加更多区块链进行跟踪。凭借简洁的设计和易于导航,它希望成为最常用的令牌跟踪器之一,它还具有其他功能,用户可以在其中监控他们的投资组合,或直接在网站上交换令牌,完全安全和简单。.
ARCS is the Utility Token of Token Tracker Website. An will be used to list and promote token on it.ARCS allow users to easy track all tokens build in Arbitrum,Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchain,soon can be added more Blockchains to track.With a clean design and ease of navigation,it wants to be among the most used token trackers,it also has other features,where users can monitor their portfolio,or directly exchang
CoinForge (cnfrg)
CoinForge 是第一个人工智能驱动的代币和合约开发平台,可帮助您构建、启动和监控您的下一个加密项目。什么是CoinForgeCoinForge是一个最先进的平台,提供一系列工具和功能来协助数字代币的开发。. 通过利用人工智能的力量,CoinForge简化了复杂的流程,加快了开发时间,并提供有洞察力的市场分析,使其成为代币创建和管理的终极解决方案。主要特点AIDriven 代币开发:利用人工智能的力量来生成代币创意、分析市场趋势并完善您的策略。强大的网站建设者:使用我们直观的网站构建器创建令人惊叹的专业品质网站,专为代币项目设计。合同开发集成:使用我们的综合工具将合同开发无缝集成到您的工作流程中。私密和安全的通信:通过我们的加密聊天功能与您的团队讨论策略并进行协作。可定制且用户友好的界面
CoinForge is the first AI driven token and contract development platform to help you build,launch,and monitor your next crypto project.What is CoinForgeCoinForge is a stateoftheart platform that provides a range of tools and features to assist in the development of digital tokens. By leveraging the power of AI,CoinForge simplifies complex processes,accelerates development timelines,and offers insightful market analysis,making it the ultimate solu
Crust Network (cru)
什么是Crust NetworkCrust Network为Web 3.0和Web 2.0生态系统提供了一个分散的存储网络和云解决方案,并建立在Polkadot的Substrate框架之上。. 它为IPFS协议提供了独特的激励层,并利用区块链技术来增强数据的安全性,隐私性,性能和所有权。路线图是什么样的主网于 2021 年 9 月 1 日启动,目前拥有约 2,300 PB 的存储容量,由 7,000 多个单独的节点提供。Crust Network已经与许多区块链集成,并为以太坊,BSC,Polygon,Solana,Near,Elrond,Heco等提供了完全去中心化的存储层。. 未来,Crust将为更多网络实施其存储服务,以便为每个生态系统提供存储解决方案。. 一些最大的区块链项目已经使用
What is Crust NetworkCrust Network provides a decentralized storage network and cloud solutions for both, the Web 3.0 as well as Web 2.0 ecosystem and is build on Polkadot’s Substrate framework. It provides an unique incentive layer for the IPFS protocol and utilizes blockchain technology to enhancesecurity, privacy, performance and ownership of data.How does the roadmap look likeThe mainnet launched on the 1st of September 2021 and currently hol
Daikicoin (dic)
2017年,Daikicoin公司推出了一个特殊的投资平台,用于吸引资金和定期利润。. 所有应计费用均以全自动模式进行,排除了人为因素和外界干扰的可能性。. 网站具有最高级别的黑客和恶意软件保护。. 在与Daikicoin公司的金融项目合作时,您可以坚信您的资金安全,以及您的投资的高盈利能力。. 您需要做的就是填写注册表并根据投资计划的条款进行存款,这最充分地反映了您对收入结果的预期。.
In 2017 Daikicoin Inc has launched a special investment platform for attracting funds and regular profits. All accruals are made in fully automatic mode, which excludes the human factor and the possibility of interference from outside. Website has the highest level of protection from hackers and malicious software. When cooperating with financial project of Daikicoin Inc you can firmly believe in the safety of your money, and the high profitabili
DApp AI (dap)
DApp AI Technologies提供网站BOT、合约BOT、DApp BOT等多种工具,帮助用户轻松搭建网站、部署合约、快速创建DApp UI。. 该平台支持简单的 Web3 开发,并为自定义合约部署、代币站点部署、DEX UI 部署等提供 API 和库。. DApp AI 旨在简化全球金融科技公司、开发商和组织的开发流程。. 用户可以创建一个免费帐户,通过易于导航的仪表板跟踪他们的构建和部署。.
DApp AI Technologies offers various tools,such as Website BOT,Contract BOT,and DApp BOT,to help users effortlessly build websites,deploy contracts,and create DApp UIs quickly. The platform enables simple Web3 developments and provides APIs and libraries for custom contract deployments,token site deployment,DEX UI deployment,and more. DApp AI aims to simplify the development process for FinTech companies,developers,and organizations globally. User
DFX Finance (dfx)
DFX Finance是一种去中心化的外汇协议,针对交易法币支持的外国稳定币,CADC,欧元,XSGD等进行了优化。. 使用现实世界的外汇价格。您可以安全地赚取收益或使用DFX平台和合同为您的全球业务客户提供真正的财务本地化。一个去中心化的协议,用户可以有效地交换与各种外币挂钩的稳定币,这不仅重要,而且是必要的。DFX金融是交换外国稳定币的协议。DFX 的算法通过使用来自 ChainLink 的真实外汇价格馈送进行动态调整,以确保您获得最优惠的价格。与外国的稳定币发行人及其本地入口合作对于让大众加入 DeFi 是必要的。. DFX旨在与世界各地的稳定币发行人建立合作伙伴关系,并帮助他们引导其代币的使用走向世界。DFX Finance将把货币外汇带到链上,使数百万用户能够获得最好的汇率。立即联
DFX Finance is a decentralized foreign exchange protocol optimized for trading fiatbacked foreign stablecoins, CADC, EURS, XSGD, etc. using realworld FX prices.You can safely earn yield or use the DFX platform and contracts to provide true financial localization for the customers of your global business.A decentralized protocol where users can efficiently exchange stablecoins pegged to various foreign currencies isn’t only important, but necessar
DOGE CEO AI (dogeceo)
如果您的网站已被暂停。. 您的网站已被搁置,您需要与Hostwinds支持部门联系以使其恢复运行。.
If Your Website Has Been Suspended. Your website has been put on hold and you need to talk to the Hostwinds Support Department to get it back up and running.
Flash 3.0 (flash)
什么是关于Flash Technologies的项目创建了一个汇款生态系统。是什么让您的项目独一无二闪电转移是世界上第一个允许您通过我们的商家网络以现金购买加密货币、转账或以现金出售加密货币的平台,费用合理。. 闪电钱包,我们的非托管钱包,有一个智能合约,您可以在死亡时使用它来转移您的加密货币。. 在区块链上进行支付时,您可以使用我们的托管智能合约闪付来保护您的交易,而无需任何第三方持有您的加密货币。. 使用Flash Dex找到最优惠的费用,我们的聚合器交换和桥接您的项目历史记录。2021 年 8 月市场研究并与专业人士会面,了解项目的可行性。. 2021 年 10 月创建开发团队。创建闪存技术网站。. 2021 年 9 月项目定义和白皮书创建。.
What is the project aboutFlash Technologies creates a money transfer ecosystem.What makes your project uniqueFlash Transfer is the worlds first platform that allows you to buy crypto with cash,transfer,or sell cryptocurrencies for cash through our network of merchants,with reasonable fees. Flash Wallet,our noncustodial wallet,has a smart contract that you can use to transfer your crypto in the event of death. When making payments on the blockchai
FlokiTer (fai)
这个项目是关于什么的FlokiTer AI 是将区块链技术与人工智能相结合以支持首席执行官建立他们令人惊叹的 NFT 图像的伟大革命.$FAI 是由社区驱动的模因币。. FlokiTer 代币是由于埃隆马斯克最近将他心爱的狗 Floki 提升为 Twitter 新首席执行官的结果.我们是一群具有 NFT 数字经验和背景的 AI 开发人员,我们的团队专注于数字 3D、视觉效果和加密营销。是什么让您的项目独一无二 FlokiTer AI 团队将帮助项目所有者、艺术家和普通用户创建令人惊叹的 NFT 图像和集合。AI Art生成通常是一个费力的过程,需要技术专长,我们使该过程简单直观。项目的历史记录。白皮书和网站开发完成合同创建完成联系审计完成KYC DoneFlokiTer 发布和营销完成NFT
What is the project aboutFlokiTer AI is a great revolution in combining blockchain technology with Artificial Intelligence to support CEOs build up their stunning NFT images.$FAI is a Memecoin driven by the community. The FlokiTer Token was created as a result of Elon Musks recent promotion of his beloved dog Floki to the position of NEW CEO of Twitter.We are a group of AI developers with NFT digital experiences and backgrounds,our team is specia
GoMeat (gomt)
GoMeat 是一家基于区块链的在线订购和送货服务,面向价值 1.8 万亿美元的全球清真+犹太洁食市场,自 2019 年以来已在美国运营,在 900 个州运营 26+ 家商店,迄今为止处理了 10,000+ 订单,2021 年的总交易量为 320K+。. GoMeat正在解决清真和犹太洁食日常消费者的现实问题,利用Hydra区块链为他们提供肉类,食品和杂货的可追溯性和透明度。. 他们已经证明了这一概念,并正在根据他们的路线图在美国和全球扩张。. GOMT是一种实用型代币,为所有利益相关者提供巨大的价值主张,例如客户便利性和可靠性商店数字化,增加收入和运营效率以及代币持有者交易GOMT或在GoMeat平台上使用它来享受购买折扣。. 通货紧缩代币经济学:GoMeat 代币具有精心设计的销毁机制,
GoMeat is a blockchain based online ordering and delivery services catering to $1.8 trillion global halal+ Kosher market, already in operations since 2019 in United States with 900+ stores operating in 26 States with 10,000+ orders processed todate, generating a gross volume of $320K+ in 2021. GoMeat is solving a reallife problem of everyday consumers of halal and kosher, offering them traceability and transparency of the meat, food and groceries
11 HE
Heroes & Empires (he)
什么是英雄与帝国英雄与帝国是一款Play2Earn策略游戏,结合了Idle RPG的独特元素和自动国际象棋的战术,并与区块链技术相关联。. 该游戏是在Unity引擎上开发的,具有现代游戏玩法,区块链集成和高端图形,将其与其他游戏区分开来。. Heroes & Empires將在PC和移端互聯相容,為玩家帶來最佳體驗。. 用于治理投票以确定游戏更改/更新。H&E功能包括:PvE:Campagin,Madness Tower,Quest系统。. 对战:竞技场。. 英雄升级:升级,提升NFT燃烧:融合同类型的英雄提升等级。.
What Is Heroes & EmpiresHeroes & Empires is a Play2Earn strategy game that combines the distinctive elements of Idle RPG and the tactics of auto chess, connected with blockchain technology. The game is developed on the Unity engine with modern gameplay, blockchain integrated and highend graphics, separating it from the rest. Heroes & Empires will be compatible on both PC and mobile to bring the best experience to players.HE is the native utility
12 IRT
Infinity Rocket (irt)
KE 彭博本津加财经 雅虎数字杂志和其他一些媒体宣布新的无限火箭发射台亲爱的朋友们今天我们很高兴在这里见到你 我们的启动板现已上线并准备好接受您的项目 无限火箭是一个多功能平台,可让您简化区块链上任何项目的启动和推广。. 它提供独特的IT和营销服务,例如项目创意和管理,推出任何代币NFT,品牌徽标样式和网站,钱包列表,安全隐私和匿名性。. 他们与ListingHelp Service和Cryptomax集团交易员建立了合作伙伴关系。. 他们已经完成了500万个IRT代币的销毁,并宣布了1年的伟大成就。. 他们还有一个漏洞赏金计划,奖金为 100000 irt 代币。.
ke Bloomberg Benzinga Finance Yahoo Digital Journal And Some Other Media Announced The New Infinity Rocket Launchpaddear Friends Today We Are Glad To See You Here Our Launchpad Is Nowonline And Ready To Accept Your Project Infinity Rocket Is A Multipurpose Platform That Allows You To Simplify The Launch And Promotion Of Any Projects On The Blockchain. It Provides Unique IT And Marketing Services,Such As Project Idea and Management,Launching Any T
Jared From Subway (jared)
这个项目是关于什么的?JARED 是一个最有价值的 MEME 项目,它以多种方式奖励用户成为 JARED 社区的一部分是什么让您的项目独一无二Jared MEME 代币在这里彻底改变您享受乐趣的方式 Jared MEME 代币是一种基于以太坊的加密货币,通过独家 MEME 内容和令人兴奋的福利奖励其持有者。项目的历史记录。JARED 是属于 Jaredfromsubway.eth 的 MEME 代币,他以他的 MEV 机器人而闻名,这些机器人通过在以太坊网络上夹在前面运行的机器人每天打印数百万您的项目的下一步JARED 质押将在我们的官方网站上直播以奖励钻石手,许多奖励和乐趣正在等待 JARED 社区和支持者您的代币可以用来做什么它不仅仅是一个 MEME 代币,我们正在与多个加密支付服务提供
What is the project about$JARED Is A Most Rewarding MEME Project That Rewards Users In Multiple Ways To Became A Part Of JARED CommunityWhat makes your project uniqueJared MEME Token is here to revolutionize the way you have fun Jared MEME Token is an Ethereumbased cryptocurrency that rewards its holders with exclusive MEME content and exciting perks.History of your project.JARED Is A MEME Token Belongs To Jaredfromsubway.eth Who Is Well Known Fo
14 KRO
Krogan (kro)
克罗根是一款建立在埃尔隆德区块链上的多人游戏。. 动作发生在克罗根宇宙中,玩家是独特的 NFT 宇宙飞船。. 加入一个拥有不同物种、壮观星球和星际战斗的世界 加入霸权之战 克罗根生态系统与多人游戏高度相关,还围绕其他 3 个关键组件展开:埃尔隆德 NFT 交换市场、克罗根启动板和 10k NFT 集合。 KRO 也可以质押以获得出色的 APR,同时还可以让您参与派系去中心化自治组织派系 DAO 的投票。 了解更多信息并加入Kroganverse:
网站:Krogan is a multiplayer Play to Earn game built on the Elrond blockchain. The action takes place in the Krogan universe and the players are unique NFT spaceships. Join a world with different species, spectacular planets and interstellar battles Join the battle for supremacy Highly connected with the multiplayer game, the Krogan Ecosystem also revolves around other 3 key components: Elrond NFT Swap Marketplace, Krogan Launchpad and a collection of
Kuni (kuni)
什么是AMAKUNI The Eternal RealmAMAKUNI 是一款链上闲置 PlayToEarn 角色扮演游戏,背景设定在 AEPIRAN 的破碎世界中。. 您将指挥一群 KUNI SARU 击退邪恶势力并重建世界。该游戏有一个 10,000 个 NFT 集合,称为 Kuni Saru,作为游戏中的可玩角色。. 除了玩游戏,NFT 所有者还可以通过闪电贷他们的 NFT 获得被动收入。. NFT 闪电贷功能还允许非 NFT 所有者玩该游戏。利用玩游戏收集到的资源,玩家还可以制作新的物品NFT,可以用来增加角色的力量,让他们进一步进步,并获得更多的奖励。AMAKUNI 的主要 BRC20 代币是 $KUNI 代币,固定上限为 21M。. $KUNI代币遵循公平启动模式,以确保所有参与
What is AMAKUNI The Eternal RealmAMAKUNI is an OnChain Idle PlayToEarn Role Playing Game set in the broken world of AEPIRAN. You will command a group of KUNI SARUs to fight off the forces of evil and rebuild the world.The game has a 10,000 NFT Collection called Kuni Saru,which served as ingame playable characters. Besides playing the game,NFT Owners also can Flash Loan their NFTs for passive income. The NFT Flash Loan feature also allowed the gam
16 LSD
L7DEX (lsd)
L7 DEX LSD 代币创建于 2023 年 7 月 18 日,旨在提高交易所的生活质量L7 DEX 是一个基于 Web3 技术的去中心化永续合约交易平台。. 通过利用创新的点对点PvPAMM协议和交易辅助工具,提升用户体验,降低交易成本,培育高效公平的交易生态系统 L7DEX是一个去中心化的商业网络,致力于打造全球第一条商业公链,成为传统行业与Web3之间的桥梁。. 以下是社交媒体链接🌐官方网站: ..
L7 DEX LSD token was created July 18 2023 to enhance the quality of life for the exchangeL7 DEX is a decentralized perpetual contract trading platform built on Web3 technology. It enhances user experience and minimizes transaction costs by leveraging an innovative peertopeer PvPAMM protocol and trading assistance tools,fostering a highly efficient and equitable trading ecosystem L7DEX is a decentralized business network,is committed to building t
Lumishare (lumi)
项目内容简介LumiShare是一个由$LUMI驱动的金融区块链生态系统,用于标记和分割现实世界的资产,从可再生能源资产开始。经过验证的可再生能源项目将有更多机会从个人和机构投资者那里获得资金LumiShare推出了信托代币,$LUMI,该代币由三个不相关的资产支持:实物黄金,回收基金现金储备和技术稳定算法$LUMI代币不是一种稳定的硬币,它是一种独特的代币,下行空间有限,上涨空间无限,其底价将始终与其历史最高市值相关。每创下历史新高市值,LumiShare都会增加黄金和现金储备,底价也会相应增加。$LUMI代币的主要用途将是作为LumiPlace的投资手段,并通过我们的平台从可再生能源资产投资中获得回报。. 在不久的将来,将有可能在某些网站和商店使用$LUMI付款。LumiPlace,Lu
What is the project aboutLumiShare is a financial blockchain ecosystem powered by $LUMI to tokenize and fractionalize realworld assets.starting with renewable energy assets.Verified renewable energy projects will have greater access to funding from both individual and institutional investorsLumiShare has launched the Trust token,$LUMI,which is backed by three uncorrelated assets:Physical gold,the recovery fund the cash reserve,and Technology the
Marvelous NFTs (mnft)
Bad Days是一款基于区块链的互动交易和战斗游戏。灵感来自斯坦·李(Stan Lee)在YouTube上自己的搞笑卡通系列,名为Bad Days,可以在Marvelous TV:Bad Days频道上找到,允许玩家收集,融合,战斗和交易基于代币的超级英雄.Bad Days Alpha版本包括12个超级英雄,每个季节都有新角色。坏日子角色有 5 种不同的稀有等级:普通、罕见、稀有、传奇和神话,以及 5 个属性等级,由电网测量并称为电网,每个坏日子角色都是一个自定义的 ERC1155 不可替代代币 NFT,具有不同的属性和优势,可以进入 PVP、PVE 和 3v3 战斗,每场胜利都会获得战斗点数 BP, MNFT碎片,以及用于解锁超能力和建立玩家属性的游戏物品。. 这些角色可以融合在一起,产
Bad Days is a blockchainbased interactive trading and battling game.Inspired by Stan Lee’s own hilarious cartoon series on YouTube called Bad Days which can be found on the channel Marvelous TV: Bad Days allows players to Collect, Fuse, Battle, and Trade tokenbased Superheroes.The Bad Days Alpha release includes 12 superheroes, and new characters are available each season.Bad Days Characters come in 5
MELON (melon)
什么是 MELON:Melon 是一个专注于不断发展的 MEME 和内容 NFT 领域的专业平台、协议和 DAO。. Melon 生态系统旨在为 Web2 和 Web3 的创作者创造无缝体验,以最经过身份验证的方式将社交媒体内容转化为可收藏的内容 NFT,并具有完整的出处。. 具有用户友好的工具和功能,例如与流行的 web2 社交媒体平台直接集成、简单的铸币界面、链上 IP 权利、拆分等。关于$MELON代币:$MELON 是 Melon 生态系统的原生实用代币,用于: 对 Melon 协议和生态系统做出贡献的治理和奖励机制。. 其他实用程序包括优先访问、平台功能和折扣。到目前为止的社区牵引力和里程碑:售罄 Melon Pass NFT Collection 777 供应量,0.04 薄荷价
What is MELON:Melon is a specialized platform,protocol,and DAO focused on the growing MEME and Content NFTs sector. The Melon Ecosystem has been designed to create a seamless experience for creators across Web2 and Web3 to turn social media content into collectible Content NFTs in the most authenticated way,with full provenance. With userfriendly tools and features like direct integration with popular web2 social media platforms,simple minting in
NinaPumps (nina)
随着社交媒体品牌和营销的激增,$NINA在加密货币领域将自己定位为洛根保罗和狄龙丹尼斯之间即将到来的拳击比赛和后果的大规模在线冲突中的火力。. 已建立的$NINA社区与当前的媒体活动一起参与,以大量的病毒式存在成为世界各地的头条新闻。. 针对洛根的新未婚夫尼娜·阿格达尔(Nina Agdal)有争议的关系主张,$NINA社区与狄龙·丹尼斯(Dillon Danis)并肩作战,支持他在社交媒体活动中通过病毒式营销来对抗洛根·保罗的巨大存在$NINA的努力。 目前获得以下荣誉: 德克塞尔工具得分 81 流动性锁定69年 开发者代币锁定69天,流通供应量不到5%,流动性不到5% 网站建设和已更新:ninapumps.xyz 电报链接已更新:。.
With the proliferation of social media branding and marketing,$NINA positions itself uniquely in the cryptocurrency space as a firebrand in the massive online conflict between Logan Paul and Dillon Danis for their upcoming boxing match and fallout. The established $NINA community engages alongside the current media campaign making headlines around the world with a large viral presence. Keying in on the controversial relationship claims of Logan’s
21 ROX
Roguex (rox)
RogueX 是一种创新的 AMM,旨在最大限度地利用传统流动性池中未充分利用的资产。. 我们超越了典型的现货交易,将永续交易整合到这些池中,创造了一个动态的交易环境,为用户增加了机会,并培育了一个可持续的生态系统。我们在RogueX的创新包括:无需许可的永续交易:此功能允许任何人创建永续交易对,丰富交易环境,尤其是长尾币。动态点差因子:实施以降低交易中的操纵风险。自动流动性管理:旨在提高用户的收益,简化流动性提供者的流程,从而消除他们的麻烦。Ve3,3,3,3 飞轮设计:一种独特的模型,使更多的合作伙伴协议能够参与其中。了解更多关于RogueX的信息:网站:..
RogueX is a innovative AMM designed to maximize the use of underutilized assets in traditional liquidity pools. We go beyond typical spot trading by integrating perpetual trading within these pools,creating a dynamic trading environment that enhances opportunities for users and fosters a sustainable ecosystem.Our innovations at RogueX include:Permissionless Perpetual Trading: This feature allows anyone to create perpetual trading pairs,enriching
UniX (unix)
UniX Gaming 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,它正在弥合 PlayToEarn 游戏与元宇宙最重要部分之间的差距,Players.UniX Gaming 通过其代币提供广泛的实用性,参与产生高收益回报的 DAO 金库,访问 IGO 启动板,该启动板将载入最新的 PlayToEarn 游戏。. 💰📖 光纸 |网站🤝 UniX 游戏合作伙伴 冥王星数字 |斯克莱普特 |利达资本 |赤月|AU21资本 |SL 2 Capital最大的元界公会UniX Gaming在Discord上拥有超过188,000名成员,与他们的500,000名强大追随者一起在建立UniX游戏生态系统方面发挥积极作用。. UniX Gaming 是一个 DAO V2,是最近在元宇宙中采用的 DAO 的增强型 DA
UniX Gaming is a decentralized autonomous organization DAO, which is bridging the gap between PlayToEarn games and the most essential part of the Metaverse, the Players.UniX Gaming offers a wide range of utility with it’s Token; be involved with DAO Vaults generating high yield returns, access to the IGO launchpad which will onboard the latest PlayToEarn titles. 💰📖 Lightpaper | Website🤝 UniX Gaming Partners Pluto Digital | Scrypt | LD Capital | A
Website AI (webai)
网站AI是一个革命性的人工智能驱动的Web开发平台,开创了数字设计的未来。. 它仅通过Telegram运营,使用户能够毫不费力地制作特定行业的网站。. 在先进的AI算法的支持下,网站AI简化了内容生成、设计定制和SEO优化。. 无论您是旨在建立强大在线形象的企业,还是寻求无缝网络建设体验的个人,Website AI 都能提供直观的解决方案。. 通过内部托管选项、完整的源代码访问和面向未来的功能,它重新定义了 Web 开发。.
Website AI is a revolutionary AIdriven web development platform,pioneering the future of digital design. Operating exclusively via Telegram,it offers users the ability to craft industryspecific websites effortlessly. Powered by advanced AI algorithms,Website AI streamlines content generation,design customization,and SEO optimization. Whether youre a business aiming for a robust online presence or an individual seeking a seamless webbuilding exper
24 WWE
Wrestling Shiba (wwe)
我们的目标是什么,是什么驱使我们实现这些目标摔跤芝团队希望以电子竞技比赛为理念,打造下一款轰动一时的格斗游戏。. 我们对构建 AAA 级游戏的愿望首先使我们与 NFT 游戏行业的其他人区分开来。这样的事业过去对于独立工作室来说是不可能的,但今天凭借加密货币和 NFT 的筹款能力,这是一个现实且可实现的目标。为了向我们都长大的老派格斗游戏致敬,Wrestling Shiba希望从中获得灵感,并将其应用于区块链技术的行业定义创新。Wrestling Shiba专注于打造一款免费的竞技格斗游戏,PVP和电子竞技处于开发和设计决策的最前沿。. Fight Legends是一款格斗游戏,只是通过区块链技术进行了改进,而不是在动态和有趣的游戏玩法的要求下成为关注的焦点。社交 :网站 推特电报 Reddi
What are our goals and what drives us to achieve themThe Wrestling Shiba team looks towards creating the next blockbuster fighting game with esports competition in mind. Our aspirations towards building an AAAlevel game are what first sets us apart from others in the NFT gaming industry.Such an undertaking used to be impossible for independent studios,but today with the fundraising capabilities of the crypto and NFTs this is a realistic and achie


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,065.00 2,057,346,688.70
2 BTC title=BTC 62,956.00 1,861,419,302.51
3 ETH title=ETH 3,119.49 859,076,989.02
4 SOL title=SOL 136.26 571,434,768.59
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 314,567,663.32
6 WIF title=WIF 2.66 190,622,153.71
7 XRP title=XRP 0.52 184,868,526.59
8 COS title=COS 0.02 159,856,350.94
9 BONK title=BONK <0.01 149,679,127.35
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 145,727,078.73
11 NEAR title=NEAR 7.24 145,162,512.55
12 ENA title=ENA 0.82 133,806,740.45
13 BOME title=BOME <0.01 94,067,442.95
14 LTC title=LTC 87.42 89,793,457.30
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.09 88,614,494.39
16 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 67,553,830.25
17 AVAX title=AVAX 34.25 64,087,187.46
18 WLD title=WLD 4.66 59,099,316.06
19 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 56,485,306.08
20 TRX title=TRX 0.12 50,999,887.98
21 LINK title=LINK 14.17 45,781,909.15
22 FTM title=FTM 0.70 45,675,382.42
23 ADA title=ADA 0.46 44,804,368.44
24 SEI title=SEI 0.56 43,240,868.31
25 RNDR title=RNDR 7.91 43,020,810.72
26 MATIC title=MATIC 0.70 42,623,893.73
27 FIL title=FIL 5.82 42,601,981.80
28 REI title=REI 0.09 39,399,790.64


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Golem title=GLM 0.50 +28.85
2 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +17.03
3 BinaryX title=BNX 0.98 +15.37
4 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.10 +13.21
5 aelf title=ELF 0.64 +10.65
6 Powerledger title=POWR 0.32 +8.42
7 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.70 +7.31
8 REI Network title=REI 0.09 +6.89
9 SSV Network title=SSV 45.57 +4.07
10 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.64 +3.38
11 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.18 +3.08
12 Litecoin title=LTC 87.42 +2.34
13 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.32 +2.27
14 Liquity title=LQTY 1.09 +2.25
15 Gas title=GAS 5.50 +2.21
16 EOS title=EOS 0.83 +1.81
17 Ethereum Classic title=ETC 27.07 +1.65
18 Dymension title=DYM 3.60 +1.58
19 BTTC <0.01 +1.50
20 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +1.47
21 Sun Token title=SUN 0.02 +1.36
22 IQ title=IQ <0.01 +1.08
23 Fusionist title=ACE 5.63 +0.88
24 ApeCoin title=APE 1.28 +0.79
25 Aergo title=AERGO 0.13 +0.61
26 Storj title=STORJ 0.54 +0.57
27 Galxe title=GAL 4.44 +0.52
28 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.66 +0.40
29 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,335.00 +0.34
30 NEO title=NEO 17.65 +0.23


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 -15.43
2 Automata title=ATA 0.20 -15.30
3 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.66 -12.12
4 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME <0.01 -11.59
5 Lisk title=LSK 1.62 -10.84
6 W 0.57 -10.14
7 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.16 -9.88
8 RONIN 2.72 -8.69
9 Sei title=SEI 0.56 -8.57
10 Hedera title=HBAR 0.11 -8.45
11 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.31 -8.08
12 Render title=RNDR 7.91 -7.96
13 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.25 -7.95
14 Prosper title=PROS 0.37 -7.66
15 Arweave title=AR 31.36 -7.65
16 Theta Network title=THETA 2.27 -7.61
17 Bittensor title=TAO 421.20 -7.61
18 Tensor title=TNSR 0.91 -7.57
19 Omni Network title=OMNI 19.33 -7.47
20 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 -7.44
21 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 -7.37
22 Request title=REQ 0.13 -7.16
23 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -7.11
24 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -7.09
25 Fantom title=FTM 0.70 -6.93
26 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.19 -6.87
27 THORChain title=RUNE 5.09 -6.83
28 FUNToken title=FUN <0.01 -6.82
29 Synapse title=SYN 0.96 -6.81
30 Conflux title=CFX 0.24 -6.76

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 John Deaton files amicus brief in support of Coinbase appeal against SEC 2024-04-27
2 Crypto Biz X payment system Block moves into Bitcoin mining and more 2024-04-27
3 Lost Yuga Labs restructures again with layoffs new executive 2024-04-27
4 Republic First Bank closed by US regulators crypto community reacts 2024-04-27
5 CryptoQuant 首席执行官表示,加密货币混合不是犯罪
(Crypto mixing is not a crime says CryptoQuant CEO)
6 英伟达支持的人工智能初创公司发布表达人类情感的头像
(Nvidia backed AI startup releases avatars that express human emotion)
7 元宇宙是否需要在区块链上 高管们的权衡
(Does the metaverse need to be on the blockchain Execs weigh in)
8 比特币每日交易量创历史新高
(Bitcoins daily transactions reach new record high)
9 英国警方有权在不逮捕的情况下扣押犯罪加密货币
(UK police authorized to seize criminal crypto holdings without arrests)
10 Q Day 临近:以太坊能否在量子紧急情况下幸存下来
(Q Day approaching Can Ethereum survive a quantum emergency)
11 中国大陆投资者将无法购买香港比特币ETF
(Mainland China investors wont be able to buy Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs)
12 欧盟吹捧元宇宙中儿童的健康益处,尽管存在风险
(EU touts health benefits for children in the metaverse despite risks)
13 财富眷顾某些东西 Eminem 从 Matt Damon 手中接过 Cryptocom 的衣钵
(Fortune favors something Eminem takes Cryptocom mantle from Matt Damon)
14 比特币图表牛市旗帜是 039 强势看涨设置039 分析师
(Bitcoin chart bull flag is a 039strong bullish setup039 Analyst)
15 狗狗币会在比特币减半 7 个月后再次飙升吗
(Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again)
16 Stripe 这次用稳定币带回了加密支付
(Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin)
17 即使比特币价格下跌,BONK POPCAT 和 Solana 模因币也保持绿色
(BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops)
18 反加密 SEC 委员任期还有 41 天 她会被取代吗
(Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced)
19 6B骗局在法庭上被指控香港比特币ETF亚洲快车的中国漏洞
(6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express)
20 039Epic sat039 从第四个比特币减半区块开采,售价为 21M
(039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M)
21 戈登·戈纳 (Gordon Goner) 谈他戏剧性的健康斗争和无聊猿 3 岁
(Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3)
22 比特币矿商 Marathon 将 2024 年的哈希率目标提高到 50 EH
(Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs)
23 美国联邦调查局(FBI)对加密货币发送器的警告似乎是针对混合器的
(FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers)
24 Solana 看到机构投资组合 CoinShares 大幅增加
(Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares)
25 巨型买入信号加密鲸鱼将 13B 转移到 Coinbase
(Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase)
26 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
27 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
28 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
29 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
30 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
31 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
32 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
33 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
34 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
35 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
36 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
37 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
38 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
39 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
40 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
41 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
42 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
43 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
44 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
45 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
46 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
47 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
48 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
49 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
50 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)


Virtue (virtue) MarhabaDeFi (mrhb) RichAI (richai) Artificial Intelligence (ai) BattleFly (gfly) Lyzi (lyzi) Quantum Chaos (chaos) Y2B (y2b) APF coin (apfc) Internet Computer (icp)


Digital Fitness (defit)T.I.M.E. Dividend (time)EURA (eura)Wrapped HBAR (SaucerSwap) (whbar)KaleidoCube (kalei)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#virtual world #lending #medicine #cloud #VR #domain #digital currency #financial services #solar energy #green energy


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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