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硬币相关 #healthcare

币名 细节
CryptoGPT Token (gpt)
CryptoGPT是ZK Layer2区块链,为AI革命提供动力。. $GPT区块链托管的应用程序拥有2+百万活跃最终用户。CryptoGPT生态系统将数据确立为一种新兴资产类别,为万亿美元的全球数据和人工智能经济做出贡献。. 然而,由于科技行业在未来几十年经历的人工智能人工智能热潮,预计数据将变得更加有价值。. 人工智能需要先进的数据来训练更复杂的算法,提供高质量数据的公司将从这种需求激增中获益。. CryptoGPT 是以太坊第 2 层,是用于 AI 开发的专用区块链。. CryptoGPT 通过我们的 $GPT 代币将人工智能的商业应用与大规模采用证明代币化机制相结合。CryptoGPT以三种方式提供新的价值:1..
CryptoGPT is the ZK Layer2 blockchain that powers the AI revolution. $GPT blockchain hosts apps with 2+ million active end users.CryptoGPT ecosystem establishes data as an emerging asset class to contribute to a trillion dollar global data & AI economy. However,it is expected that data will become even more valuable due to the Artificial Intelligence AI boom that the tech sector is experiencing in the upcoming decades. AI requires advanced data t
DigiByte (dgb)
什么是DigiByteDigiByte不仅仅是一种更快的数字货币。. 它是一种创新的区块链,可用于数字资产、智能合约、去中心化应用程序和安全身份验证。是什么让DigiByte比其他区块链更强大DigiByte是一个快速增长的开源区块链,创建于2013年底,并于2014年初发布。. 经过6年的前瞻性思维发展,DigiByte已成为现存最安全,最快,最长和最分散的UTXO区块链之一。True Decentralized.DigiByte从未通过ICO或大量预挖硬币获得资金。. 没有首席执行官或公司控制DigiByte区块链。. 这是一个以志愿者为基础的全球社区驱动的项目。更安全。DigiByte使用5种加密算法和实时难度调整,防止恶意挖矿中心化和算力波动。. 其中之一是Odocrypt,它每10
What is DigiByteDigiByte is more than a faster digital currency. It is an innovative blockchain that can be used for digital assets, smart contracts, decentralized applications and secure authentication.What makes DigiByte stronger than othersDigiByte is a rapidly growing opensource blockchain created in late 2013 and released in early 2014. After 6 years of forward thinking development, DigiByte has become one of the safest, fastest, longest and
Kadena (kda)
Kadena正在推出世界上第一个真正可扩展的区块链之一,准备用于应用程序。. Kadena的公共区块链是一个编织的高吞吐量工作量证明系统,运行Chainweb,这是一种提供安全性和吞吐量的协议。. Kadena 网络将公共应用程序、私有区块链和其他可互操作链统一在一个地方,将流量输送到 Kadena 公共链核心的高带宽计算机。Kadena 企业软件如今已被金融、医疗保健和保险领域的大公司使用,同时允许有远见的构建者直接从想法跳到产品。. 随着Kadena公链的推出,该系统将支持区块链应用程序开发,从私有到公共以及介于两者之间的任何地方。. Kadena正在解决以太坊的问题,并且今天正在提供其他区块链才刚刚开始在其路线图中包含的功能,包括形式验证,互操作性,可扩展性等。Kadena 已上线,可
Kadena is launching one of the world’s first true scalable blockchains ready for applications. Kadena’s public blockchain is a braided, highthroughput Proof of Work system that runs Chainweb, a protocol that delivers security and throughput. The Kadena network will unite public applications, private blockchains, and other interoperable chains in one place, driving traffic to the highbandwidth computer at the heart of the Kadena public chain.Kaden
4 AI
AI Community (ai)
$AI平台为金融、医疗保健、汽车、营销、运输和教育等行业提供无缝的工作流程自动化和统计分析工具。. 用户可以从人工智能推荐、数据可视化、实践课程以及访问全球用户的虚拟社区中受益。. 该平台还为电子邮件营销策略、财务流程数字化和增强数据可视化技术提供自动化。. 通过利用$AI,用户可以简化他们的工作流程,准确地做出明智的决策,并获得有效的结果。.
The $AI platform provides seamless workflow automation and statistical analysis tools for industries like finance,healthcare,automobile,marketing,transport,and education. Users can benefit from AI recommendations,data visualization,practical courses,and access to a virtual community of global users. The platform also offers automation for email marketing strategies,financial processes digitization,and enhancing data visualization techniques. By u
Aimedis (NEW) (aimx)
Aimedis是一个基于区块链技术的电子健康平台,自2017年以来开发,并在2020年当前版本中发布,适用于Web,iOS和Android。. Aimedis 结合了电子健康应用程序,例如健康记录、与医生的视频聊天、预约、处方、第二意见、可穿戴设备、急诊记录等,以及医疗社交媒体平台、电子学习、电子教学和教育、独特的医疗和科学制药 NFT 市场,同时在私有区块链中显示所有相关操作,对患者和医疗保健专业人员可见且透明。. Aimedis构建了世界上第一个医疗元宇宙,并在元宇宙中开设了世界上第一个虚拟医院连锁店,同时为其他医院,公司,大学和个人提供空间。为平台量身定制的 Aimedis 代币不仅仅是公用事业和支付代币,它还提供质押、治理、DeFi 第一个医疗 DeFi 代币和加密货币、社交代币功能
Aimedis an eHealth platform based on blockchain technology,which has been developed since 2017 and released in the current version 2020 for web,iOS and Android. Aimedis combines eHealth applications such as health records,video chat with doctors,appointments,prescriptions,second opinions,wearables,emergency records and much more along with medical social media platform,eLearning,eTeaching and education,a unique medical and scientificpharmaceutica
ArabianChain (dubx)
作为一个最受欢迎的区块链项目之一,Dubxcoin是一个开源的、基于社区的项目,它正在推动从金融和医疗保健到身份管理和供应链物流等广泛行业的创新和变革。目标是为分布式应用构建一个去中心化的、共识驱动的、点对点的、开源的、基于区块链的平台。. ArabianChain技术将利用和改进区块链技术,并在其上构建一个功能齐全的应用平台。.
It is an open source,communitybased projectAs one of the most popular blockchain projects,Dubxcoin is driving innovation and change across a wide range of industries,from finance and healthcare to identity management and supply chain logistics.With the goal of building a decentralized,consensusdriven,peer to peer,open source,blockchainbased platform for distributed applications. ArabianChain tech will leverage and improve blockchain technology an
BHO Network (bho)
什么是BHO网络 BHO网络建立在BHO链BHC20之上,BHC20是BHO网络的基础和关键组成部分,旨在开发基于区块链技术的完整生态系统。. 我们的区块链平台的使命是不仅要从具有突破性想法的新项目中实现创新,还要支持任何将区块链视为解决方案的公司,以实现当前运营的丰厚利润。. 此外,我们的目标是将这种支持带到所有垂直领域,包括供应链、媒体和娱乐、身份和凭证、医疗保健、贸易融资、金融服务、政府、数字资产、零售等等。. 最后,BHO网络不仅包括自己的应用程序,还包括在BHO链上开发的所有其他应用程序。我们的愿景、使命和核心价值观是什么 愿景:BHO Network旨在成为一个全球开放的区块链生态系统,从东南亚市场开始。. BHO网络将是一个灵活的平台,为简单实用的区块链应用提供解决方案。. 使
What is BHO Network BHO Network is built on BHO Chain BHC20 a foundational and critical component of the BHO Network in enabling the development of a complete ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Our blockchain platform’s mission is to enable innovations from not only new projects with breakthrough ideas in this space but also support any companies who see blockchain as a solution to achieve intensive margin from current operations. Additio
CDbio (mcd)
CDBIO是一家位于塞舌尔共和国的医学基金会,提供基于先进分子物理学的分子医学/保健服务。世界上第一位商业研究合作者,Idea International首席执行官Yasama Yasuhiko Yasama正在东北大学巨分子研究和分析中心工作,目前是CDBIO基金会的首席技术官。. 基于此,它是一种未来的先进医疗技术,可以针对患者特征进行优化的定制处方和治疗。基于这项技术,CDBIO正在分子医疗与保健平台上工作,以创建世界上唯一的区块链医疗保健生态系统,将全球分子物理学和电化学学者的专业知识与专业医学界和患者社区的集体智慧相结合。基于这个分子医疗/保健平台,我们希望通过早期诊断所有疾病,为个体患者提供优化的个性化医疗服务来帮助克服疾病,并通过疾病预防和系统化医疗保健进一步为人类健康和延长做
CDBIO is a medical foundation based in the Republic of Seychelles that provides molecularmedical/healthcare services based on advanced molecular physics.The worlds first commercial research coworker, Yasama Yasuhiko Yasama, the CEO of Idea International, is working at the Tohoku Univ Research and Analytical Center for Giant Molecular Studies, currently CTO of the CDBIO Foundation.Molecular sensors using lithiumresistant fullerene are extremely hi
Collective Care (cct)
Collective Care是一家由USBased资助的医疗保健初创公司,利用区块链和AI技术为全球用户提供个性化的健康体验。. 我们的平台与您的初级保健医生建立全面和个性化的关系,并随时随地直接访问您的医疗数据,而不会延迟。. 我们为不断变化的医学世界提供替代方案,以确保您今天得到照顾,而不是明天。我们的使命很简单,通过区块链和人工智能技术的力量,让每个人都能负担得起和快速获得医疗保健,无论收入和地位水平如何。.
Collective Care is a healthcare USBased funded startup that provides a personalized wellness experience for users around the world utilizing blockchain and AI technology. Our platform offers a comprehensive and individualized relationship with your primary care physician,and direct access to your medical data when and whenever you need it without delay. We offer an alternative to the changing world of medicine to ensure that you are taken care of
10 DAV
Data Vital (dav)
Data Vital是一个数字健康管理平台,利用可穿戴技术和AI驱动的数据分析为用户提供个性化的健康监测和指导。. 通过实时数据收集和安全数据管理,Data Vital为个人,医疗保健组织和保险公司提供了一系列解决方案。. 作为数字健康行业的领导者,Data Vital致力于通过持续的研发来推进AI驱动的医疗保健领域。后疫情时代,数字经济蓬勃发展,万维网出现超级趋势。. 每天都有更多的人试图在网上谋生。. 据统计,仅在美国就有超过 5000 万人在线创建内容。每当我们凝视互联网时,我们都会被大量内容所包围,但是,很快就会意识到真正重要的核心,有价值的数据资产。. 关于这些数据资产所有权的斗争永远不会停止。.
Data Vital is a digital health management platform that utilizes wearable technology and AIpowered data analysis to provide personalized health monitoring and coaching to users. With realtime data collection and secure data management,Data Vital offers a range of solutions to individuals,healthcare organizations,and insurance companies. As a leader in the digital health industry,Data Vital is dedicated to advancing the field of AIpowered healthca
11 DFC
DefiConnect V2 (dfc)
Defi Connect旨在通过构建DeFi在支付,汇款,数字营销,医疗保健,运输和物流方面的应用程序,将现实生活和DeFi结合在一起。.
Defi Connect aims to bring reallife and DeFi together by building applications of DeFi in payment,remittance,digital marketing,healthcare,transportation,and logistics.
12 DCN
Dentacoin (dcn)
Dentacoin是一个基于以太坊的区块链平台,由智能合约监管。. 该平台通过构建和创建致力于提高全球牙科护理质量的解决方案来支持牙科社区。. 区块链赋予了Dentacoin改变世界的能力。. Dentacoin发展牙科行业,并通过加密货币奖励系统创建市场情报,激发整个社区的参与。Dentacoin是第一个使用分散审查平台的加密货币,并透明地奖励那些为社区做出贡献的患者和牙医。. Dentacoin基金会团队坚信建立一个未来的医疗保健行业,该行业将落入人们手中,从而在短期和长期内破坏现有行业并创造新行业。Dentacoin致力于通过奖励那些用加密货币提供宝贵贡献的人来创建一个牙科行业社区。. 通过这个奖励系统,基金会将看到一种能够进入广阔市场的货币的崛起,包括大量尚未参与任何加密货币经济的人
Dentacoin is an Ethereumbased blockchain platform regulated by smart contracts. The platform supports the dental community by building and creating solutions devoted to improving the quality of dental care worldwide. The blockchain gives Dentacoin the power to change the world for the better. Dentacoin develops the dental industry as well as creates market intelligence through a cryptocurrency reward system that inspires participation throughout
13 DHP
dHealth (dhp)
dHealth Health Framework for HealthtoEarndHealth Network 提供即插即用组件和共享区块链基础设施,以无缝执行全球医疗保健用例和支付系统。DHP数字健康点数是dHealth网络的原生令牌。. DHP是跨链兼容的,为全球dHealth生态系统提供动力。. 目前,DHP在dHealth Network上可作为本地DHP提供,在以太坊上作为ERC20 DHP提供。.
dHealth The Framework For HealthtoEarndHealth Network offers plugandplay components and shared blockchain infrastructure to execute global healthcare usecases and payment systems seamlessly.DHP Digital Health Points is the native token of the dHealth Network. DHP are crosschain compatible and power the global dHealth ecosystem. Currently, DHP are available as native DHP on dHealth Network and as ERC20 DHP on Ethereum.
14 DGH
Digihealth (dgh)
Digipharm为医疗保健组织管理和处理基于绩效的医疗保健采购协议,这些协议可以根据医疗保健技术和服务的运作情况为其付款。. Digipharm的“Rem报销”平台是目前由政府机构,保险公司和全球十大制药商使用的B2B产品。. Digihealth是一个患者和公共生态系统,将成为一站式医疗保健应用程序,提供您管理和从健康数据中赚钱所需的一切,通过分享有关治疗效果的反馈来赚钱,通过参与健康活动赚钱,无论您身在何处,都可以获得高质量的医疗保健咨询。. Digihealth的目标是成为继苹果和三星健康之后使用最广泛的公共医疗保健应用程序.Digihealth DGH是FINMA批准的用于访问Digipharm解决方案的实用代币。. 以前称为 Terra 网络上的 Digipharm $DPH,D
Digipharm manage and process performancebased healthcare procurement agreements for healthcare organisations that enable payment for healthcare technologies and services based on how well they work. Digipharm’s ‘Reimburse’ platform is a B2B offering currently in use by governmental bodies,insurance companies and top 10 pharmaceutical manufacturers around the world. Digihealth is a patient and public ecosystem that will be a onestop healthcare app
Dotblox (dtbx)
DOTBLOX区块链作为一个革命性的技术实体出现,是区块链技术领域创新的缩影。. 该区块链在第 1 层 EVM 以太坊虚拟机链上开发,体现出稳健性,为其用户群提供了一个无缝、安全和多功能的平台。. 它交织了大量高级功能,旨在建立一个融合去中心化、可扩展性和互操作性的整体生态系统。. DOTBLOX 的原生代币 DTBX 作为生命线,推动交易,并实现网络内的交互。. 它代表了内在价值,在维持 DOTBLOX 生态系统的平衡方面具有重要意义。构建 DOTBLOX 的第 1 层 EVM 链增强了促进智能合约的网络能力,使一系列去中心化应用程序 dApp 在其生态系统中蓬勃发展。. 这些应用涵盖各个领域,包括金融、医疗保健和供应链,强调了 DOTBLOX 的多功能性。.
DOTBLOX Blockchain emerges as a revolutionary technological entity,epitomizing innovation in the realm of blockchain technology. Developed over a Layer 1 EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine chain,this blockchain manifests robustness,granting a seamless,secure,and versatile platform to its user base. It intertwines a plethora of advanced features designed to establish a holistic ecosystem that converges decentralization,scalability,and interoperability.
Epillo (epillo)
epillo.io总部位于欧洲,代表Epillo健康集团区块链垂直领域。. 在epillo.io,该公司不断使用尖端的区块链技术及其提供的各种实用程序。. 为了进一步传播他们的医疗保健消费化意识形态,他们利用了提供最高隐私和安全标准的分散技术。.
Based in Europe,epillo.io represents the Epillo health group blockchain vertical. At epillo.io,the company constantly uses cuttingedge blockchain technology and the variety of utilities it offers. To further spread their ideology of consumerization of healthcare,they have taken advantage of decentralized technologies that provide the highest standards of privacy and security.
Federal AI (fedai)
联邦人工智能的目标是开始联邦学习与区块链相结合的发展,这凸显了重新定义人工智能应用前景的潜力。. 这种创新方法不仅推动了模型训练的进步,而且非常重视保护个人数据的隐私和安全,并成为塑造人工智能未来的关键驱动力,其中进步与保护用户隐私和安全数据处理的保证错综复杂地交织在一起。目前,联邦人工智能正在努力构建各种联邦学习和区块链驱动的应用程序,以提供从医疗保健解决方案到加密洞察、预测和可视化的真实世界用例。. 其他关键举措包括利用联邦人工智能学习构建的专用 Web 应用程序,该模型擅长从照片中识别潜在的黑色素瘤癌症病例。. 这种方法受益于广泛的数据,同时维护患者隐私。联邦人工智能与竞争对手的独特品质是我们坚定不移地致力于持续的技术和生态系统发展。. 与其他人不同,我们对创新的承诺是无止境的,满意永
Federal AI is aiming to start the evolution of federated learning combined with Blockchain which highlights the potential to redefine the landscape of AI applications. This innovative approach not only propels advancements in model training but also places a paramount emphasis on safeguarding individual data privacy and security and emerges as a key driver in shaping the future of AI,where progress is intricately intertwined with the preservation
Galeon (galeon)
什么是GALEON 2016年,Galeon联合创始人决定创建下一代电子健康记录EHR作为医疗保健云,将领土范围内的医院连接到一个国家。. Galeon的起源是与数百名护理人员合作的结果,他们帮助Galeon创建了该平台。. 想象一个协作的世界,每个人都可以通过匿名安全地共享他们的医疗数据来为人类的利益做出贡献。. 在这个世界里,每个人都可以帮助根除疾病,并共同努力为新一代建设更美好的未来。. 是什么让 Galeon 独一无二 Galeon 围绕一个共同目标将患者、护理人员、医院、研究人员和创新者联系起来: 共享医疗数据以造福人类 所有与 Galeon 合作的医院都致力于构建人类最大的结构化医疗保健数据湖。. 所有参与者的医院和患者都因其对研究网络的贡献而获得奖励。.
What Is GALEON In 2016, Galeon cofounders decided to create the next generation of Electronic Health Record EHR as a healthcare cloud that links hospitals on a territorial scale, up to a country. The genesis of Galeon is the result of collaboration with several hundred caregivers who helped Galeon to create the platform. Imagine a collaborative World, where everyone can contribute by sharing their medical data anonymously and securely for the goo
19 IZE
Galvan (ize)
什么是 GalvanGalvan 是一个游戏化的 Web3 健康和保健平台,由医疗保健和区块链专家创立,其使命是“激励”人类投资于健康。这一使命是通过一个生态系统完成的,该生态系统奖励您做出健康的选择,告知您照顾自己和他人的方法,并使您能够拥有和控制您的健康数据。. 通过利用区块链技术和独特的行动证明分配算法,Galvan正在将自我护理转变为一种产生奖励的活动,并重新引入个人责任感。什么是IZEPut Galvan和IZE在一起,你会得到激励:震惊或激发某人采取行动。. IZE 是 Galvan 区块链的原生实用代币,可激励生态系统中的所有正确操作,从运行节点到运行。IZE 用于: 处理交易的费用 为新的投票提案质押 奖励活跃的节点所有者 奖励 Galvan 健康应用程序中的健康决策即将推出
What is GalvanGalvan is a gamified Web3 health and wellness platform founded by healthcare and blockchain experts with the mission to “galvanize” humanity to invest in wellness.This mission is being accomplished through an ecosystem that rewards you for making healthy choices,informs you about ways to care for yourself and others,and empowers you to own and control your health data. By leveraging blockchain technology and a unique Proof of Action
20 HNB
HNB Protocol (hnb)
H&B Project旨在以医疗保健业务为基础,利用区块链技术提供一致的服务。H&B Project目前在韩国经营13家分店,目标是在2022年内开设50家分店。. 2023年的目标是在美洲,中国,俄罗斯和东南亚市场进行海外扩张。利用区块链技术,为投资者提供保证、安全和透明度,同时提供无数服务。投资者投入的资金将用于设立新的分支机构和支持业务活动,产生的部分收入将与投资者分享。.
H&B Project aims to use a healthcare business as a basis to provide consistent services, utilizing blockchain technology to provide customer service.H&B Project currently runs 13 branches in South Korea, with an aim to have 50 branches within 2022. The aim for 2023 is for overseas expansion in the Americas, China, Russi,a and Southeast Asian markets.Utilizing blockchain technology, provides investors with assurance, security, and transparency whi
我们设想了一个世界,个人是其健康数据的合法所有者,数据隐私不受损害,协作努力导致医疗保健的重大进步。. 我们的愿景超越了技术,而是促进更健康的生活,培养社区意识,并为更大的利益做出贡献。.
We envision a world where individuals are the rightful owners of their health data,where data privacy is not compromised,and where collaborative efforts lead to significant advancements in healthcare. Our vision extends beyond technology—it’s about promoting healthier lives,fostering a sense of community,and contributing to the greater good.
Indian Shiba Inu (indshib)
印度Shiba是印度发展最快的加密社区。. 通过结合模因和慈善的力量,印度Shiba旨在成为不仅在印度,而且在世界上最知名和最常用的加密货币。. 印度Shiba令牌建立在币安智能链BSC上,具有智能代码,可以安全投资。. 印度柴犬代币没有得到印度政府和印度储备银行的帮助。该项目的目的源于医学背景,因为我们的创始人来自该行业,印度Shiba旨在为医疗保健提供财政支持。印度Shibas的核心愿景是组织和支持各种项目,包括但不限于■献血营■眼科营■血液检测■远程医疗■为弱势群体提供基本医疗保健设施。印度Shiba的功能还旨在为贫困社区提供免费和更好的教育。. 在不久的将来,我们计划致力于 NFT 市场、去中心化交易所等。.
Indian Shiba is the fastest growing crypto community in India. By combining the power of memes and charitability, Indian Shiba aims to be the most known and most used cryptocurrency not just in India, but in the world. Indian Shiba token is built on Binance Smart Chain BSC with a smart code that makes it safe to invest. Indian Shiba Inu tokens are not aided by the government of India and RBI.The purpose of the project has roots to the medical bac
KERC (kerc)
KERC 是一个 Real World Assets 加密项目,专注于医疗保健,这是世界上最大的行业。. 我们使用 Web 3 和我们的专有工具来改善患者治疗效果、提高盈利能力并改善医疗机构的运营方式。.
KERC is a Real World Assets crypto project focused on healthcare,the world’s biggest industry. We use Web 3 and our proprietary tools to enhance patient outcomes,increase profitability,and improve the way healthcare facilities operate.
24 KCT
Konnect (kct)
Konnect 将虚拟与现实联系起来。. Konnect 使用加密货币和 NFT 区块链技术将现实世界中的传统业务领域与元宇宙联系起来,这是未来变革的中心。. 这是一个会员项目,旨在更快,更方便地接近面向未来的社会的生活方式。Konnect 基于全球分销、旅行、旅游和文化基础设施完成生活方式会员资格。. 连接用户和战略合作伙伴为用户提供创新的价格和一系列优质产品和服务,并促进便捷的分销系统和虚拟资产整合以及合作伙伴在全球B2B和B2C市场的用户获取。. Konnect是虚拟和现实之间的中心点。您可以通过 KCT 代币质押加入 Konnect 会员资格,订阅者将获得每个级别的会员福利,未来还将提供会员卡和 NFT。. 会员订阅者将获得 Konnect Worlds NFT 的额外好处,以及一系
Konnect bridges virtual with reality. Konnect bridges traditional business areas in the real world with metaverse using cryptocurrency and NFTs blockchain technology at the center of future change. It is a membership project for a lifestyle that approaches a futureoriented society faster and more conveniently.Konnect completes lifestyle membership based on global distribution, travel, tourism, and cultural infrastructure. Connecting users and str
Lavita (lavita)
该项目是关于什么的Lavita项目旨在创建一个由人工智能和区块链技术驱动的隐私保护医疗保健数据市场。. 它旨在通过为个人提供对其健康数据的控制并使他们能够安全地将其贡献用于研究和分析目的来解决医疗保健行业的主要挑战。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二Lavita项目独特地整合了人工智能、区块链和隐私保护技术,以提供个性化的临床建议并增强研究能力。. 通过利用区块链,它确保了安全的数据管理和用户对医疗保健数据的控制。.
1. What is the project aboutThe Lavita project aims to create a privacypreserving healthcare data marketplace powered by AI and blockchain technologies. It aims to address key challenges in the healthcare industry by providing individuals with control over their health data and enabling them to contribute it securely for research and analysis purposes. 2. What makes your project uniqueLavita project uniquely integrates AI,blockchain,and privacypr
LemonChain (lemc)
# LEMONCHAIN简介柠檬链是一个开放数据生态系统,通过区块链技术分散EMR电子病历,增强个体患者的医疗数据权威性。. 通过LEMONCHAIN系统,个人可以访问和利用自己的医疗保健数据。. 该系统可以减少个体患者与医疗机构之间的信息不对称,使他们参与LEMONCHAIN生态系统。. # 使命和愿景LEMONCHAIN的使命是构建一个可互操作的医疗数据生态系统,使人们可靠地交换医疗数据并访问自己的EHR电子健康记录.因此,LEMONCHAIN旨在通过LEMONCHAIN生态系统成为全球医疗保健市场的标准区块链协议和平台.#LEMONCHAIN生态系统的参与者使用LEMC令牌1。 为交换、上传和下载医疗保健数据支付费用.2. 支付医疗服务费用3. 支付使用数据市场等的费用。.
# Introduction of LEMONCHAINLEMONCHAIN is an open data ecosystem enhancing the individual patients’ healthcare data authority through the decentralization of EMR electronic medical record by blockchain technology. Through the LEMONCHAIN system, individuals can access and utilize their own healthcare data. This system can reduce information asymmetry between individual patients and medical institutions and make them participate in the LEMONCHAIN
27 LTNV2
Life v2 (ltnv2)
生命代币是币安智能链上的慈善代币。. 我们的目标是帮助世界各地的自杀预防慈善机构,帮助拯救生命。. 我们是BNB再分配通货紧缩代币,为长期持有者提供每笔交易18%的BNB奖励。我们有明确的目标:确保世界上每个人都能负担得起精神卫生保健和一般医疗保健。. 我们正在通过建立世界上第一个,免费和完全在线的精神保健平台来追求这些目标,该平台拥有真正的医生和专家。. 此外,我们的目标是通过我们即将推出的分散式医疗保健计划接管健康保险和人寿保险领域。.
Life Token is a charityorientated token on the Binance Smart Chain. Our goal is to aid Suicide Prevention charities all over the world, to help save lives. We are a BNBredistribution deflationary token, empowering the long term holders with a 18% BNB reward on each transaction.We have clear goals: make sure that everyone in the world can afford mental health care, and healthcare in general. We are pursuing those goals by establishing the worldfir
LINA (lina)
作为越南区块链的先驱企业,我们的旅程始于应用技术解决该国农业技术不足问题的愿望。. 我们的热情和不断的努力激励我们超越我们的期望。. Lina Network追求的使命是应用透明技术连接人类并为社会提供实用的解决方案。在Lina Network,我们相信数字化转型为生活提供了巨大的价值,因此它是当今时代不可或缺的趋势。. 我们在多个行业扩展我们的项目,如生产可追溯性、供应链、医疗保健和电子政务等......目的是为所有缺点找到正确的答案,并为我们的社会创造积极的变化。Lina网络生态系统我们开发彼此密不可分的项目,形成一个生态系统,为从不同方面处理社会中的紧迫问题提供设施。 丽娜评论 全球首个透明评论平台· 丽娜农场信托 基于区块链的生产可追溯性和农场管理。
As a pioneering Blockchain enterprise in Vietnam, our journey begins with the desire to apply technology in solving problems of technological inadequacy in the countrys agriculture. Our passion and constant efforts motivated us to rise beyond our expectations. The mission Lina Network chases after is applying transparent technology in connecting humans and providing practical solutions for the society.At Lina Network, we believe digital transform
MDsquare (tmed)
MDsquare团队将第四次工业革命的核心区块链技术与远程医疗平台相结合,将自我医疗管理工具与远程健康监测服务、AI医疗聊天机器人服务和翻译解决方案相结合,使其更加方便、安全和经济。. 它支持全球医疗服务,使患者能够在跨越时间、身体和语言障碍的远程医疗保健平台内与医疗保健提供者会面并以更低的成本接受医疗保健。还可以保持平台内注册或生成的个人健康信息数据的高度安全性,并检查健康数据的完整性,以解决伪造或黑客攻击等问题,从而提高数据的可靠性。TMED远程医疗平台将使医疗机构能够有效利用医疗资源,提供超越时间、物理距离限制的医疗服务。. 这具有扩大医疗市场的作用。. 医疗保健提供者将能够在诊所之外进行医疗活动,从而扩大其活动范围并增加其活动自由,导致当前高度集中的系统部分分散。. 它还改善了集中在
The MDsquare team combines the block chain technologies that are central to the fourth industrial revolution with the remote health care platform, and connects the selfhealthcare management tools with the remote health monitoring service, AI medical chatbot service and translation solution to make it more convenient, safe and economical. It enables Global medical services, which allow patients to meet with healthcare providers and receive health
30 MED
Medibloc (med)
MediBloc的医疗保健信息平台是一个基于区块链技术的患者,提供者和研究人员的个人数据生态系统。. 我们的使命是通过重新分配个人医疗保健数据所有权背后的价值,为患者、提供者和研究人员简化医疗流程。通过MediBloc,您可以有效地拥有您的医疗数据,提供者可以消除冗余以提供更好的护理,您的宝贵数据可以帮助研究人员比以往更快地推动医学进步。.
MediBloc’s healthcare information platform is a personal data ecosystem for patients, providers and researchers, built on blockchain technology. Our mission is to streamline medicine for patients, providers and researchers by redistributing value behind personal healthcare data ownership.Through MediBloc, you can effectively own your medical data, providers can remove redundancies to provide better care, and your valuable data can help researcher
31 MTN
Medicalchain (mtn)
医疗链使用区块链技术来安全地存储健康记录并维护单一版本的事实。. 医生、医院、实验室、药剂师和健康保险公司等不同组织可以请求访问患者记录的权限,以达到他们的目的,并在分布式账本上记录交易。. 医疗链为当今的健康记录问题提供解决方案。. 该平台旨在安全地存储和共享电子健康记录。. 通过数字化健康记录并赋予用户权力,我们可以利用无数的行业协同效应。医疗链正在建立一个平台,用于在区块链上安全存储和使用电子健康记录。. 该公司还在建立一个远程医疗平台,允许用户直接与医疗保健专业人员联系,分享他们的记录,并通过安全渠道在线获得咨询和第二意见。该公司最初成立于2016年2月,旨在为医院内部提供软件解决方案。.
Medicalchain uses blockchain technology to securely store health records and maintain a single version of the truth. The different organizations such as doctors, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacists and health insurers can request permission to access a patient’s record to serve their purpose and record transactions on the distributed ledger. Medicalchain provides solutions to today’s health record problems. The platform is built to securely stor
MedicalVeda (mveda)
通过利用 Defi 和区块链的力量来标记医疗保健。. 通过使患者能够访问、拥有其临床记录并从中获利来赋予患者权力,同时还提供用于支付基于医疗的财务义务的 Defi 协议。MedicalVeda旨在解决医疗保健行业面临的现代挑战。. 它利用区块链、Defi、人工智能和智能合约等创新技术。. Medical Veda分散了对医疗记录的访问和所有权,同时为患者提供了一个可扩展,非常兼容,安全和可互操作的平台。. 此外,它允许患者和医疗从业者获得无缝的贷款解决方案,以满足他们的医疗相关财务需求。.
Tokenizing healthcare by leveraging the power of Defi and blockchain. Empowering patients by enabling them to access, have ownership of and monetize their clinical records, while also offering a Defi protocol for covering medicalbased financial obligations.MedicalVeda seeks to address the modernday challenges faced by the health care industry. It leverages innovative technologies such as Blockchain, Defi, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Contrac
33 MDI
Medicle (mdi)
这个项目是关于什么的Medicle是世界上第一个WEB3医疗服务生态系统,目标是创建一个手掌中的区块链。. 我们希望摆脱传统的集中式医疗数据服务,创建一个基于区块链的平台,允许每个用户以各种方式开发和使用自己的个人医疗信息。是什么让您的项目独一无二Medicle利用区块链上的DNA数据库转录,使我们的客户有可能使用区块链技术的实用程序来实现自己的利益,例如惊人的速度,去中心化,存储无法复制的数据,降低某些金融操作的费用等等。项目的历史记录。随着现代社会数字技术的发展,数据管理已成为各个领域最重要的因素之一,医疗保健也不例外。目前,向客户提供许多与数据相关的服务,例如使用大量客户数据的文件签发,定制医疗服务和预订服务,但是整个过程由中心化实体处理的事实会产生一些问题。您的项目的下一步我们的目标
What is the project aboutMedicle is the worlds first WEB3 medical service ecosystem, with the goal of creating a blockchain in ones palm. We wish to move away from traditional centralized medical data services and create a blockchainbased platform that allows each user to develop and use their own personal medical information in a variety of ways.What makes your project uniqueMedicle utilizes DNA database transcription on the blockchain,giving ou
MEDIEUS (mdus)
用我的医疗数据购买世界上所有的医疗服务 MEDIEUS是韩国第一个医疗开放市场平台,也是医疗服务生态系统的创新。护理:Medius声誉系统基于患者的医疗经验,允许用户为他们寻找和寻找最好的医院,筛查中心和医务人员。赚取:住院治疗后,如果您分享我的数据,如医疗证明、医疗收据、体检结果、医疗数据,如处方、饮食习惯、运动习惯、日常健康记录,您将获得Medius Coin MDUS奖励。支付:您不仅可以根据Medius Point管理政策兑换Medius Coin MDUS,还可以通过平台内的医疗在线市场兑换医疗产品,治疗产品,诊断产品和健康相关订阅产品,运动,健康,食品等医疗产品。. 任何人都可以轻松购买各种医疗/保健产品,例如美容和购物等美容产品。.
Shop all the medical care in the world with my medical data MEDIEUS is the first medical open market platform in Korea and an innovation in the medical service ecosystem.Care : The Medius Reputation System,which is based on the patients medical experience,allows users to find and seek the best hospital,screening center,and medical staff for them.Earn : After hospital medical treatment,if you share my data such as medical certificate,medical recei
Medifakt (fakt)
Medifakt将使用IoT + Blockchain + AI的组合,这些技术的结合将通过物联网设备增强所收集数据的安全性。. 将它们馈送到建立在 Polkadot 网络上的去中心化网络。. 这将确保通过这些医疗设备收集的真实世界数据将解决药物开发,支付和保险费中医疗保健成本的透明度。. 除此之外,Medifakt将致力于使用先进的机器学习功能来支持患者的医疗保健结果,并提供更安全和合规的操作。.
Medifakt will use a combination of IoT + Blockchain + AI, the combination of these technologies will enhance the security of the collected data through IoT devices. Feeding them to a decentralized network built on the Polkadot network. This will ensure the realworld data collected through these medical devices will solve the transparency in healthcare costs in drug development, payments, and insurance premiums. Along with that, Medifakt will aim
36 MPG
Medping (mpg)
Medping是有史以来第一个利用区块链技术解决发展中国家和整个世界医疗保健系统面临的现实问题的去中心化医疗保健生态系统。. 医疗之于医学,就像Airbnb之于房地产。. 我们还没有医疗保健设施,我们可以让您只需一次ping即可获得医疗服务。. Medping 是一个医疗保健生态系统,专为标准医疗实践而构建,包括远程医疗、去中心化健康记录、去中心化金融、医疗 NFT、去中心化医疗保险、仅限健康的去中心化市场和智能医疗保健。.
Medping is the firstever decentralized healthcare ecosystem leveraging blockchain technology to solve reallife problems facing the healthcare systems in developing countries and the entire world. Medping is to Medicine what Airbnb is to real estate. We own no healthcare facility yet, we can let you access Medical Care WITH JUST ONE PING. Medping is a healthcare ecosystem built for standard medical practices with telemedicine, decentralized health
37 MZM
MetaZooMee (mzm)
项目内容简介MetaZooMee是一个尖端的元宇宙平台,旨在彻底改变个人和社区在虚拟生态系统中的互动、交易和创造方式。. 我们的平台为广泛的用户提供服务,从教育工作者和企业家到艺术家和社会名流,提供跨多个领域的丰富而身临其境的虚拟体验。是什么让您的项目独一无二MetaZooMee与众不同的是它专注于通过去中心化治理和基于代币的社区参与来增强用户的能力。. 我们的平台提供了广泛的应用程序,允许用户不仅可以社交,还可以开展业务、展示 NFT 收藏,甚至促进虚拟医疗保健互动。. 我们的架构支持快速可扩展性,我们最近在 48 小时内部署了 50 个新的虚拟房间,从而满足了全球用户群的多样化需求。您的项目历史我曾担任MetaZooMee的首席运营官,为近两年的紧张发展和战略增长做出了贡献。. 虽然我们
What is the project aboutMetaZooMee is a cuttingedge metaverse platform designed to revolutionize how individuals and communities interact,trade,and create in a virtual ecosystem. Our platform serves a broad spectrum of users,from educators and entrepreneurs to artists and socialites,offering a rich and immersive virtual experience across multiple sectors.What makes your project uniqueWhat sets MetaZooMee apart is its focus on empowering users th
38 NXL
Nexellia Network 是一个基于 Kaspa 区块链的去中心化且可扩展的 Layer-1 区块链项目。. 它旨在通过推出以 GPU 为中心的分叉来支持小规模矿工并增强网络去中心化。. 该项目利用 GHOSTDAG 协议,允许高区块率和低确认时间。. Nexellia 还计划在其 BlockDAG 结构上开发一个分布式人工智能网络,以提供效率、透明度和安全性。. 该项目的主要特点包括快速交易、即时确认、可扩展性、高效的工作量证明和安全性。. 它的目标是比其他区块链网络更快、更节能。.
Nexellia Network is a decentralized and scalable Layer-1 blockchain project based on the Kaspa blockchain. It aims to bolster small-scale miners and enhance network decentralization by launching a GPU-focused fork. The project utilizes the GHOSTDAG protocol,which allows for high block rates and low confirmation times. Nexellia also plans to develop a distributed artificial intelligence network on its BlockDAG structure,offering efficiency,transpa
39 NWS
Nodewaves (nws)
描述 Nodewaves:以投资健康为目标,区块链和医疗保健专业人士创立了 Nodewaves,一个游戏化的 Web3 健康和保健平台。一个鼓励你做出健康决定的环境,教你如何照顾他人和自己,并赋予你拥有和管理你的健康数据的能力,正在帮助实现这一目标。. 通过使用区块链技术和特殊的行动证明分发算法,Nodewaves正在恢复个人责任感,并使自我保健成为一项产生奖励的活动。描述 NWS:什么是 Nodewaves 节点节点 Nodewaves 生态系统的基础是 Nodewaves 节点,它确认交易,赚取每日 NWS 分配,并为区块链提供治理。. 社区成员可以通过购买节点许可证成为节点 NFT 所有者。. 您可以在此处了解更多信息: Nodewaves 和 NWS 导致 Nodewaverse,它
Describe Nodewaves:With the goal of investing in wellness,blockchain and healthcare professionals founded Nodewaves,a gamified Web3 health and wellness platform.An environment that encourages you to make healthy decisions,teaches you how to take care of others and yourself,and gives you the power to own and manage your health data is helping to achieve this goal. Through the use of blockchain technology and a special Proof of Action distribution
Patientory (ptoy)
Patientory是医疗保健区块链解决方案的领先提供商。. 网络安全和患者信息从一个提供商到另一个提供商的安全传输是一个主要威胁。. Patientory的使命是通过区块链网络安全和智能合约安全地协助医疗保健组织存储和传输数据来推动人口健康管理。. 这使得采用医生协调护理和点对点患者参与以改善健康结果成为可能。.
Patientory is the leading provider of blockchain solutions for healthcare. Cyber security and the secure transfer of patient information from one provider to another is a major threat. Patientory’s mission is to drive population health management by securely assisting healthcare organizations to store and transmit data via blockchain cybersecurity and smart contracts. This enables the adoption of physician coordinated care and peer to peer patien
41 UPI
Pawtocol (upi)
Pawtocol是一个由宠物爱好者组成的全球在线社区,旨在通过利用区块链技术将宠物数据货币化,改善主人的购买体验,并帮助兽医提供更好的护理,从而颠覆宠物行业。Pawtocol是世界上最先进的在线宠物社区,结合区块链,人工智能和物联网技术,改善全球400+百万宠物的生活。. 这个用户友好的多功能平台将无缝集成到普通宠物父母的日常生活中,使其具有独特的定位,可以接管这个快速增长的$ 150B +行业。. Pawtocol的区块链技术为其用户提供了尖端的隐私和安全功能,包括完全控制他们的数据以及通过安全地将其出售给数据买家而获得报酬的能力。. 在人工智能的帮助下,该平台将为宠物父母提供有用的个性化指导,从购买零食到提供医疗保健。. 该公司集成的NFC支持狗牌使与平台的交互变得简单直观,因为Pawt
Pawtocol is a global online community of pet lovers who aim to disrupt the pet industry by leveraging blockchain technology to monetize data about their pets, improve owners’ purchasing experience, and help veterinarians to deliver better care.Pawtocol is the world’s most advanced online pet community, combining blockchain, AI and IoT technologies to improve the lives of the world’s 400+ million pets. This userfriendly, multifunctional platform w
42 PRF
Proof of Anon (prf)
In todays interconnected society,privacy is not a privilege but a basic right.However,this essential personal freedom is alarmingly under attack.Here comes Proof of Anons avantgarde toolkit for enhanced anonymity.Powered by the omnipresence of Big Data,numerous entities ranging from governments and tech giants to healthcare institutions collect,dissect,and misuse vast amounts of personal information for their advantage.Merging wellknown protocols
R-DEE Protocol (rdgx)
Radiologex凭借其旗舰产品RDEE™ Radiologex数字加密环境(发音为ahrdee),在医疗保健IT领域迈出了变革性的一步。. RDEE诞生于对简化和保护广阔的医疗保健领域的热情,是先进的区块链和人工智能技术的独特融合,所有这些都包含在一个用户友好的应用程序中,可在任何设备上使用。RDEE的设计考虑到了医疗保健领域的广泛需求,将其最先进的服务扩展到全球超过7000万医疗保健专业人员。. 通过其工具套件,它提供了增强的通信、协作和生产力功能,所有这些都优先考虑用户友好的设计和无可挑剔的安全性。. 此外,认识到患者在医疗保健生态系统中发挥的关键作用,RDEE推出了以患者为中心的解决方案,迎合了全球超过20亿用户的需求,这永远改变了个人医疗记录的安全、共享和存储方式。RDEE 在安
Radiologex,with its flagship offering,RDEE™ Radiologex Digital Encryption Environment,pronounced ahrdee,presents a transformative step in the world of healthcare IT. Born from a passion to streamline and secure the vast landscape of healthcare,RDEE is a unique meld of advanced blockchain and AI technologies,all wrapped up in a single,userfriendly app available on any device.Designed with the extensive demands of the healthcare world in mind,RDEE e
SOLVE (solve)
什么是Solve.Care SOLVESolve.Care是一家医疗保健平台公司,它使用区块链来重新定义护理协调,改善获得护理的机会,降低福利管理成本,并帮助减少全球医疗保健中的欺诈和浪费。. Solve.Care平台允许根据医疗条件,经济和社会需求以及其他量身定制的资格标准构建和运行称为护理网络的数字健康网络,以实现以患者为中心的护理,从而创建一个完整的医疗保健生态系统。. 使用Solve.Care平台,企业能够在几周甚至几天内启动网络化,可互操作的医疗保健dApp。. Solve.Care平台上的Care Networks使用SOLVE令牌,这是一种用于网络间/网络内支付和交易费用的实用令牌。. 它还具有其他用途,包括开发人员权利、质押、市场支付和平台访问费。. Solve.Care的创
What Is Solve.Care SOLVESolve.Care is a healthcare platform company that uses blockchain to redefine care coordination, improves access to care, reduces benefit administration costs, and helps reduce fraud and waste in healthcare around the world. The Solve.Care platform allows for digital health networks, called Care Networks, to be built and run for patientcentric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored e
45 SDT
Stabledoc (sdt)
StableDoc 结合了基于区块链和人工智能驱动的远程医疗、家庭健康和标准医院服务,为世界各地的患者提供循证的“Doctor Anywhere”医疗保健服务。. 集成产品的一个关键部分是我们创新和革命性地使用 NFT 不可替代代币来捕获患者数字身份的个人控制和定向医疗主患者索引 MPI,通过智能合约为医学研究机构创建对患者数据的自我主权许可访问,为我们的患者创造收入。. 我们与世界各地的医院,实验室,健康管理组织,国家健康保险计划合作。.
StableDoc combines Blockchainbased and AIdriven telemedicine, inhome health and standard hospital services to deliver evidencebased “Doctor Anywhere” healthcare services to our patients all around the world. A key part of the integrated offering is our innovative and revolutionary use of NFT NonFungible Token to capture personcontrolled and directed medical Master Patient Index MPI for patient digital identities, with smart contracts that create
TERATTO (trcon)
TERATTO是一个数字医疗保健平台,帮助人们获得健康,医疗和美容服务。. 它使用元界系统提供对注册商店的服务和产品的访问。. TERATTO还提供NFT(不可替代代币)形式的免费基本空间以及大数据和采矿功能。.
TERATTO is a digital healthcare platform that helps people access health,medical and beauty services. It uses a metaverse system to provide access to services and products from registered stores. TERATTO also provides free basic space in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) as well as big data and mining functions.
The Employment Commons Work (work)
$WORK奖励“$WORK”就业公地 “下议院”使下议院成员之间的经济激励措施保持一致,以支持独立、自主的工人的未来。. 下议院有两种类型的成员,雇员和联盟。. 员工成员是通过生态系统积极共同受雇的独立工作者 联盟成员向共享资源提供新成员推荐、技术和/或服务 最初,员工会员资格仅限于有资格在美国工作的人 下议院预计最终将在全球范围内扩张 全美. 和国际个人、组织和 DAO 有资格成为联盟成员共享资源经济模型允许利益相关者资本主义在一个集体拥有、有目的和利润的数字就业合作社中,如 Opolis Off白皮书中所述。. $WORK被设计为合作赞助奖励代币,用于激励利益相关者参与共享资源认为有价值的某些赞助活动。. $WORK代币是一个记账单位,用于确定会员在共享资源宣布时有权获得的赞助利润金额。
The $WORK Rewards “$WORK” of the Employment Commons the “Commons” aligns economic incentives between Commons Members to support the future of the independent, selfsovereign worker. There are two types of Members in the Commons; Employee and Coalition. Employee Members are independent workers actively coemployed through the ecosystem Coalition Members provide new Member referrals, technology and/or services to the Commons Initially, Employee Memb
48 TNT
Tierion (tnt)
Tierion正在推出一个大规模运行的数据验证通用平台。. 企业保护和公证重要文件,如财产所有权和合同,以确保任何人都可以证明其真实性。. 令人惊讶的是,在保护数字数据方面没有通用的等价物。. 医疗保健、保险和金融服务领域的公司被信任为保护大量关键数据。. 证明这些行业中信息的真实性目前很麻烦,很昂贵,而且在许多情况下是不可能的。.
Tierion is launching a universal platform for data verification that operates at massive scale. Businesses safeguard and notarize important documents such as property titles and contracts to ensure anyone can prove their veracity. Surprisingly, there isn’t a universal equivalent for safeguarding digital data. Companies in healthcare, insurance, and financial services are trusted with safeguarding huge volumes of critical data. Proving the authent
TypeIt (type)
项目简介Typet是一种革命性的新键盘,允许用户通过使用它进行日常打字活动来赚取被动收入。. 这种创新的键盘已将键盘主题转换为不可替代的代币或 NFT,用户可以在键入时拥有并使用它们来赚取代币。是什么让你的项目与众不同Typet是一个功能强大的应用程序,使用户能够通过打字来赚取收入。. 通过买卖 NFT 键盘主题、神秘盒子和市场等功能,用户可以参与 typetoearn 体验。. 他们可以购买独特的键盘 NFT 以开始赚取被动收入,只需打字即可。. 该应用程序还包含SocialFi活动,包括私人聊天和互动小游戏。. Typet通过端到端加密和分散式数据存储优先考虑隐私和安全。.
What is the project aboutTypet is a revolutionary new keyboard that allows users to earn a passive income simply by using it to conduct their daytoday typing activities. This innovative keyboard has converted keyboard themes into nonfungible tokens,or NFTs,which users can own and use to earn tokens as they type.What makes your project uniqueTypet is a powerful app that enables users to earn income by typing. With features like buying and selling
50 WMT
World Mobile Token (wmt)
世界移动正在加倍努力打开一个新世界。. 由于近40亿人处于离线状态,数字排斥是一个重大问题。与传统的移动网络不同,World Mobile基于共享经济,向当地企业主出售负担得起的网络节点,因此他们有能力在分享回报的同时连接自己和他人。世界移动令牌WMT是一种数字令牌,发行的目的是允许参与者在网络上提供服务并获得相应的奖励。. WMT的主要作用是通过将其WMT股份委托给节点运营商质押者以及运营自己节点的节点运营商来激励希望支持网络运营的代币持有者。. WMT是World Mobile Chain核心的实用代币,World Mobile Chain是Input Output Global和World Mobile合作开发的解决方案,旨在使非洲的数字,金融和社会服务的访问民主化,这是第一个加倍努力
World Mobile is going the extra mile to open a new world. With nearly 4 billion people left offline, digital exclusion is a significant problem.Unlike traditional mobile networks, World Mobile is based on the sharing economy, selling affordable network nodes to local business owners, andso they have the power to connect themselves and others while sharing the rewards.The World Mobile Token WMT is a digital token that is issued with the purpose of
XRP Healthcare (xrph)
XRP 医疗保健 XRPH 是一家 Web3 可扩展解决方案提供商,专注于制药和医疗保健行业。. XRPH打算通过简化和创建市场参与者之间的快速支付/交易来做到这一点,并通过跟踪药品从“开始到消费者”来打击数十亿美元的假药行业,并通过我们的移动和网络应用程序在消费者和医疗保健服务提供商之间进行互动的界面。是什么让 XRP 医疗保健独一无二• 第一个建立在 XRP 分类账上的制药和医疗保健平台• 制药和医疗保健服务的去中心化市场• 消费者和医疗保健提供者之间的互动互动• 跟踪药品从开始到消费者XRP 医疗保健的历史:XRP 医疗保健项目由创始人兼董事 Kain Roomes 于 2022 年 9 月 13 日构思,旨在让所有人都能负担得起医疗保健产品和服务,并帮助支持我们所知道的失败的制药和医
XRP Healthcare XRPH is a Web3 scalable solutions provider,focused on the Pharma and Healthcare industry. XRPH intends to do this by simplifying and creating fast payments/transactions between market participants,and by bringing transparency by way of tracking pharmaceuticals from “inception to the consumer” combating the multibillion dollar counterfeit medicine industry,with an interface for interactive engagement between consumers and healthcare


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,117.91 2,215,227,072.41
2 ARS title=ARS 1,050.00 1,453,003,078.90
3 ETH title=ETH 3,158.60 1,260,786,988.70
4 SOL title=SOL 147.84 877,013,884.41
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 523,191,555.89
6 WIF title=WIF 3.19 334,860,189.14
7 XRP title=XRP 0.52 218,366,268.58
8 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 204,371,222.58
9 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 202,550,837.10
10 NEAR title=NEAR 7.17 172,914,569.68
11 BONK title=BONK <0.01 167,747,257.95
12 ENA title=ENA 0.89 148,393,731.46
13 BOME title=BOME 0.01 147,130,409.60
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.53 109,437,069.29
15 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 104,729,461.59
16 COS title=COS 0.02 103,056,614.75
17 WLD title=WLD 4.99 94,899,952.71
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.60 83,662,110.29
19 LTC title=LTC 83.78 76,173,065.02
20 EOS title=EOS 0.86 74,559,085.90
21 LINK title=LINK 14.74 67,020,817.55
22 FTM title=FTM 0.76 64,994,904.34
23 TRX title=TRX 0.12 56,316,654.74
24 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 55,040,203.37
25 ADA title=ADA 0.47 53,608,916.72
26 ORDI title=ORDI 43.74 52,996,248.53
27 ATA title=ATA 0.21 52,568,745.13


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +18.58
2 W 0.64 +15.50
3 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +13.25
4 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.48 +11.27
5 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +10.99
6 Lisk title=LSK 1.84 +10.29
7 NULS title=NULS 0.70 +9.73
8 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +8.83
9 Harvest Finance title=FARM 83.86 +8.05
10 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +7.11
11 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 +6.17
12 BinaryX title=BNX 1.03 +5.97
13 Arkham title=ARKM 2.24 +5.42
14 Sei title=SEI 0.63 +5.30
15 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +5.06
16 Mobox title=MBOX 0.37 +4.98
17 Conflux title=CFX 0.26 +4.63
18 aelf title=ELF 0.62 +4.54
19 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.09 +4.43
20 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.65 +4.33
21 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +4.07
22 Ethernity Chain title=ERN 4.87 +4.06
23 Uniswap title=UNI 8.06 +4.01
24 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.05 +3.96
25 Theta Network title=THETA 2.43 +3.75
26 Linear title=LINA <0.01 +3.41
27 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +3.26
28 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.71 +3.24
29 Syscoin title=SYS 0.23 +3.22
30 EOS title=EOS 0.86 +3.20


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Automata title=ATA 0.21 -21.96
2 Galxe title=GAL 4.26 -15.10
3 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 75.37 -7.70
4 Immutable title=IMX 2.12 -6.42
5 LTO Network title=LTO 0.19 -6.31
6 Axelar title=AXL 1.13 -6.25
7 WOO title=WOO 0.32 -6.05
8 RONIN 3.11 -5.61
9 Phala title=PHA 0.20 -5.36
10 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.94 -5.13
11 Venus title=XVS 10.63 -5.09
12 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.79 -4.99
13 IQ title=IQ <0.01 -4.95
14 Portal title=PORTAL 0.96 -4.81
15 Rocket Pool title=RPL 22.08 -4.79
16 Starknet title=STRK 1.20 -4.77
17 Astar title=ASTR 0.11 -4.76
18 DODO title=DODO 0.19 -4.70
19 Hedera title=HBAR 0.12 -4.53
20 Biconomy title=BICO 0.51 -4.52
21 SingularityNET title=AGIX 0.96 -4.48
22 Ardor title=ARDR 0.11 -4.14
23 Gnosis title=GNO 333.80 -4.08
24 Axie Infinity title=AXS 7.40 -4.03
25 Ocean Protocol title=OCEAN 0.98 -3.88
26 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -3.87
27 Algorand title=ALGO 0.21 -3.80
28 NEM title=XEM 0.04 -3.78
29 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -3.75
30 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.82 -3.69

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
2 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
3 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
4 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
5 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
6 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
7 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
8 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
9 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
10 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
11 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
12 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
13 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
14 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
15 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
16 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
17 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
18 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
19 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
20 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
21 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
22 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
23 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
24 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
25 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
26 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
27 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
28 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
29 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
30 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
31 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
32 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
33 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
34 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
35 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
36 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
37 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
38 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
39 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
40 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
41 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
42 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
43 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
44 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
45 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
46 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
47 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
48 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
49 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
50 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
2 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
3 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
4 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
7 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
8 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
9 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
10 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
11 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
12 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


Bitkub Coin (kub) sETH2 (seth2) PaisaPad (ppd) Seedify.fund (sfund) WINkLink (win) Frankencoin (zchf) Stargate Bridged ASTR (Astar zkEVM) (astr) Succession (sccn) Liquid Staked Canto (scanto) Zoomer (zoomer)


Daylight Protocol (dayl)SORA Synthetic XAG (xstxag)Frax Ether (frxeth)PLAYA3ULL GAMES (3ull)Bridge Oracle (brg)

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