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硬币相关 #lending

币名 细节
Compound (comp)
复合治理代币是复合金融借贷协议上的治理代币,COMP 允许所有者将投票权委托给他们选择的地址、所有者的钱包、其他用户、应用程序或 DeFi 专家。. 任何人都可以通过接受委派来参与复合治理,而无需拥有 COMP。任何将 1% 的 COMP 委托给他们的地址的人都可以提出治理行动,这些是简单或复杂的行动集,例如添加对新资产的支持、更改资产的抵押因子、更改市场的利率模型,或更改当前管理员可以修改的协议的任何其他参数或变量。.
The Compound Governance Token is a governance token on the Compound Finance lending protocol, COMP allows the owner to delegate voting rights to the address of their choice; the owner’s wallet, another user, an application, or a DeFi expert. Anybody can participate in Compound governance by receiving delegation, without needing to own COMP.Anybody with 1% of COMP delegated to their address can propose a governance action; these are simple or comp
yearn.finance (yfi)
Yearn Finance 是去中心化金融 DeFi 中的一套产品,在以太坊区块链上提供贷款聚合、收益生成和保险。. 该协议由各种独立开发人员维护,并由YFI持有者管理。它最初是Andre Cronje的一个激情项目,旨在自动化在贷款平台之间转换资金的过程,以寻求提供的最佳收益率,因为贷款收益率是浮动利率而不是固定利率。. 随着这些协议之间的利率变化,资金会自动在 dYdX、AAVE 和复合之间转移。提供的服务包括主要的美元代币,如 DAI、USDT、USDC 和 TUSD。. 例如,如果用户将 DAI 存入 yearn.finance,则用户将收到 yDAI 代币作为回报,这是一个产生收益的 DAI 代币。后来,它与Curve Finance合作发布了一个收益率美元代币池,其中包括四个yt
Yearn Finance is a suite of products in Decentralized Finance DeFi that provides lending aggregation, yield generation, and insurance on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is maintained by various independent developers and is governed by YFI holders.It started out as a passion project by Andre Cronje to automate the process of switching capital between lending platforms in search of the best yield offered, as the lending yield is a floating r
PAX Gold (paxg)
PAX黄金PAXG是一种资产支持的代币,其中一个代币应代表一金衡盎司的伦敦合格交割金条,存储在专业金库设施中。. 任何拥有PAXG的人都拥有Paxos信托公司保管的黄金的所有权。. 由于PAXG代表实物黄金,其价值与实物黄金的实时市场价值直接相关。PAXG以数字资产的速度和移动性为客户提供特定金条的实际实物所有权的好处。. 客户可以拥有实物酒吧的部分所有权。. 在Paxos平台上,客户可以快速有效地将他们的代币转换为分配的黄金、未分配的黄金或法定货币,反之亦然,从而降低结算风险。. PAXG也可以在Paxos的itBit交易所进行交易。.
PAX Gold PAXG is an assetbacked token where one token should represent one fine troy ounce of a London Good Delivery gold bar, stored in professional vault facilities. Anyone who owns PAXG has ownership rights to that gold under the custody of Paxos Trust Company. Since PAXG represents physical gold, its value is tied directly to the realtime market value of that physical gold.PAXG gives customers the benefits of actual physical ownership of spec
Alpha Venture DAO (alpha)
阿尔法金融实验室专注于去中心化金融DeFi领域的研究和建设。. Alpha Lending是Alpha Finance Lab构建的第一个产品,是一种去中心化的借贷协议,基于币安智能链构建算法调整利率。.
Alpha Finance Lab is focused on researching and building in the Decentralized Finance DeFi space. Alpha Lending, the first product built by Alpha Finance Lab, is a decentralized lending protocol with algorithmically adjusted interest rates built on Binance Smart Chain.
JOE (joe)
交易者乔是您在雪崩网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。. 我们将DEX服务与DeFi借贷相结合,提供杠杆交易。. 我们的产品是社区驱动的,这使我们能够通过我们的 JOE/xJOE 质押机制将清算和掉期收取的费用返还给用户。JOE是一种治理代币,还奖励其持有者分享交易所收入。.
Trader Joe is your onestop decentralized trading platform on the Avalanche network. We combine DEX services with DeFi lending to offer leveraged trading. Our products are community driven which allows us to give fees collected from liquidation and swaps back to the users via our JOE/xJOE staking mechanism.JOE is a governance token that also rewards its holders with a share of exchange revenues.
Radiant Capital (rdnt)
DeFiCapital的新中央银行在DeFi中跨链极其分散,数十个不同的货币市场证明了这一点,每个货币市场都有自己的流动性。. 瑞淀的目标是成为第一个全链货币市场,用户可以在任何主要链上存入任何主要资产,并在多个链上借入各种支持的资产。向瑞淀提供流动性的贷款人将从其存入的资产中获得被动收入。借款人可以提取抵押资金,以便在不出售资产和平仓的情况下获得流动性营运资金。新的DeFi原语Radiant已经酝酿了八个月,因为我们正在努力发明一种新的但非常必要的DeFi原语。因此,鉴于alt L1的当前状态,Radiant将在我们认为最安全和去中心化的区块链上推出v1 - Arbitrum.Radiant的跨链互操作性将建立在Layer Zero之上,v1利用Stargate稳定的路由器接口。. 希望收
The New Central Bank of DeFiCapital in DeFi is extremely fragmented across chains, evidenced by the dozens of different money markets, all with their own liquidity. Radiant aims to be the first omnichain money market, where users can deposit any major asset on any major chain and borrow a variety of supported assets across multiple chains.Lenders who provide liquidity to Radiant will earn a passive income on the assets they deposit.Borrowers are
Telos (tlos)
根据独立区块链分析师Blocktivity的说法,Telos是一个为未来经济提供动力的网络生态系统,已经确立了自己作为交易量超过2年的第二大使用网络的地位。Telos自2018年以来一直在推动创新,拥有100多个不同的应用程序dApp,吸引了包括Taikai,Qudo,Qubicles,Appics,Wordproof,Seeds,Zeptagram和NewLife在内的知名公司。. 这些应用程序享受Telos为投票,情绪,分散文件存储,位置等提供的强大链上服务。TLOS 是反映 Telos 网络中所有权的令牌的名称。. TLOS 代币在链上用于质押 CPU、RAM 和 REX 借贷资源,这些资源为这个强大网络的效用提供动力。. 访问我们 Telos.net...
Telos is a networked ecosystem powering the future economy having established itself as the second most used network by transaction volume for over 2 years according to Blocktivity, an independent blockchain analyst.Telos has been driving innovation since 2018 and is home to over 100 distinct applications dApps attracting wellknown companies including Taikai, Qudo, Qubicles, Appics, Wordproof, Seeds, Zeptagram, and NewLife. These applications en
TrueFi (tru)
这是由TrustToken团队开发的DeFi无抵押借贷协议。. 贷方可以以可预测的贷款利率借入加密货币,而无需抵押Aave,Compound和Venus等抵押品。从长远来看,TrueFi的目标是成为一个市场驱动的自动化信用评级和贷款系统。. 这将要求建设超越僵化、保守的限制,如最小/最大 APY 和高 TRU 参与系数。. 它还需要用户增加责任,特别是在预先批准的白名单之外加入新借款人和批准新的贷款类型。.
It is a DeFi uncollateralized lending protocol developed by the TrustToken team. Lenders can borrow cryptocurrencies with predictable loan rates without the need to pledge collaterals like Aave, Compound, and Venus. In the long term, TrueFi aims to become a marketdriven, automated credit rating and lending system. This will demand building beyond the rigid, conservative constraints such as minimum/maximum APY and high TRU participation factor. It
Beta Finance (beta)
Beta Finance 是用于借贷和做空加密资产的无需许可的货币市场。. 这意味着任何人都可以在任何时候为任何加密资产创建一个货币市场。. 贷方现在不仅可以在流行资产上获得高达 1000+% 的无风险收益率,还可以在当今存在的加密资产(包括收益耕种代币)的长尾上轻松将您的代币在 Beta 上存入代币货币市场,或者如果还没有,可以自己创建。借款人可以通过提供ETH和/或稳定币作为抵押品来借入加密资产。. 这为用户提供了与其他协议交互的灵活性,这些协议需要使用他们当前没有的资产而不会失去当前位置。交易者可以使用他们的ETH和/或稳定币作为抵押品来卖空任何加密资产。. Beta 提供集成的 1Click 空头,使启动和管理空头头寸变得简单。清算人能够获得溢价赏金奖励,以监控和清算抵押不足的头寸。
Beta Finance is the permissionless money market for borrowing, lending, and shorting crypto assets. This means that anyone at anytime is able to create a money market for any crypto asset. Lenders are able to now earn riskfree yield as high as 1000+% on not only popular assets, but also the long tail of crypto assets, including yield farmed tokens, that exist today Easily deposit your tokens on Beta into the tokens money market, or create it your
10 XCH
Chia (xch)
Chia Network由BitTorrent网络的发明者Bram Cohen创立,正在构建一个更好的区块链和智能交易平台,该平台更加分散,更高效,更安全。Chialisp是Chia新的智能交易编程语言,功能强大,易于审计且安全。. 区块链由自2008年比特币推出以来第一个新的中本聪风格共识算法提供支持。. 空间和时间证明通过利用未使用的磁盘空间来取代能源密集型的“工作量证明”。Chia网络支持全球Chia区块链的开发和部署。. Chia网络支持Chia开发人员,并通过软件支持和Chia贷款支持企业使用Chia。.
Founded by Bram Cohen, the inventor of the BitTorrent network, Chia Network is building a better blockchain and smart transaction platform which is more decentralized, more efficient, and more secure.Chialisp is Chia’s new smart transaction programming language that is powerful, easy to audit, and secure. The blockchain is powered by the first new Nakamoto style consensus algorithm since Bitcoin launched in 2008. Proofs of Space and Time replace
JFIN Coin (jfin)
JFIN是由Jaymart集团创建的一种加密货币,可用作其业务生态系统中的实用代币。. 它由其第一个ICO资助,现在可用于进行点对点交易,创建分散的数字借贷平台,并在区块链上玩游戏。. JFIN也有合作伙伴帮助加强其区块链生态系统。.
JFIN is a cryptocurrency created by the Jaymart Group to be used as a utility token in their business ecosystem. It was funded by its first ICO,and now can be used to do peer-to-peer transactions,create decentralized digital lending platforms,and play games on the blockchain. JFIN also has partners who help strengthen its blockchain ecosystem.
LeverFi (lever)
Leverfi是一个帮助人们交易和借贷的在线平台。. 它们具有许多很酷的功能,例如高达 10 倍的杠杆交易、保证金借贷和闪电崩盘保护。. 人们在加入交易者激励计划时也可以获得奖励。. 他们甚至具有公共测试版功能,因此人们可以先试用一下。. Leverfi还有一个社区,交易者和Defi爱好者可以相互学习和分享想法。.
Leverfi is an online platform that helps people trade and lend money. They have a lot of cool features like up to 10X leveraged trading,margin lending,and flash crash protection. People can also earn rewards when they join their Trader Incentives Program. They even have a Public Beta feature so people can try it out first. Leverfi also has a community where traders and Defi enthusiasts can learn and share ideas with each other.
Tranchess (chess)
Tranchess是一种代币化的资产管理和衍生品交易协议。. 受迎合不同风险偏好的投资者的基金的启发,Tranchess旨在从跟踪特定标的资产(例如BTC)的单个主要基金中提供不同的风险/回报矩阵。. 主要部分可以分为两个子部分,具有自己独特的风险回报状况。Tranchess 协议不是一个独立的资产管理生态系统,但涵盖了人们在 DeFi 领域可以找到的所有功能。. 对于那些想要享受流行的DeFi功能的人来说,这是一个一站式中心,如单一资产流动性挖矿,借贷,交易等。.
Tranchess is a tokenized asset management and derivatives trading protocol. Inspired by tranche funds that cater to investors with different risk appetite, Tranchess aims to provide a different risk/return matrix out of a single main fund that tracks a specific underlying asset e.g.BTC. The main tranche can be split into two subtranches with their own distinct risk return profile.Tranchess Protocol is not a standalone asset management ecosystem,
14 CTC
Creditcoin (ctc)
Creditcoin是一个基础的L1区块链,旨在匹配和记录信用交易,并扩展交易合作伙伴的信用记录。. 通过设计,Creditcoin旨在促进区块链间借贷市场,贷款周期历史记录在Creditcoin上,但贷款支付和还款发生在其他区块链上,比特币和以太坊是目前支持的网络,并支持其他区块链。. 通过记录交易伙伴的链上信用记录,Creditcoin创建了一个客观的信用记录和贷款绩效公共分类账,使各方能够轻松验证和信任潜在贷款人/借款人的信用记录和信誉等。. 就发展中国家的贷款机构或其他合作伙伴而言,建立链上信用记录和贷款账簿绩效的客观记录将增加信任,并使资本配置更加有效和透明地进入全球发展中的信贷市场,最终目标是使散户投资者的全球信贷市场准入民主化。.
Creditcoin is a foundational L1 blockchain designed to match and record credit transactions, and by extension, the credit history of transacting partners. By design, Creditcoin is intended to facilitate an interblockchain lending market with loan cycle history recorded on Creditcoin, but with loan payments and repayments occurring on other blockchains; with Bitcoin and Ethereum being the currently supported networks, and support for other blockch
15 DF
dForce (df)
dForce 倡导构建一整套涵盖资产、借贷、交易、质押和桥接的 DeFi 协议,作为 Web3 中的 DeFi 基础设施。. dForce DAO是一个社区驱动的项目,主要协议变更由社区驱动,并由DF代币持有者通过治理共同决定。. 稳定币USXUSX是dForce协议矩阵中最重要的DeFi原语。. 作为一种去中心化和算法化的稳定币,USX实施基于池和基于金库的双模型,具有混合利率政策,使其高效灵活地孤立地支持不同风险状况的抵押品。. USX由协议控制的流动性提供支持,以促进协议到协议的集成,以及跨链桥,允许用户在支持的区块链上移动USX,零滑点和无上限限制。. dForce Lending dForce Lending 是一种基于池的多边借贷协议,通过市场驱动的动态利率模型支持多个抵押品。.
dForce is advocating for building a full suite of DeFi protocols covering assets, lending, trading, staking, and bridge, serving as DeFi infrastructure in Web3. dForce DAO is a communitydriven project, with major protocol changes driven by the community and jointly decided by DF token holders through governance. Stablecoin USXUSX is the most important DeFi primitive within dForce’s protocol matrix. As a decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin, U
16 FOR
ForTube (for)
ForTube是由The Force Protocol推出的全球领先DeFi借贷平台。. 它致力于为全球加密资产爱好者提供去中心化借贷服务,支持世界上大多数流行的资产。. ForTube基于智能合约和自动化算法技术。. 用户可以存入代币赚取利息,质押借入代币并支付利息。. ForTubes利率由市场供求关系决定。. 资产由用户控制。.
ForTube is the leading global DeFi lending platform launched by The Force Protocol. It is committed to providing decentralized lending services for cryptoasset enthusiasts around the world, supporting most of the worlds popular assets. ForTube is based on smart contracts and automated algorithm technology. Users can deposit tokens to earn interest, pledge to borrow tokens and pay interests. ForTubes interest rate is determined by market supply a
Prom (prom)
舞会是一个游戏 NFT 市场和租赁。. 完全去中心化、保密、安全,满足玩家、元宇宙爱好者、NFT 所有者、公会和游戏的需求。. 总之,我们的项目大胆地旨在为整个行业建立一个健全的未来。为了保持安全和高效,我们探索 NFT 游戏的潜力,与专家合作,并尝试有前途的工具。. 因此,我们已经设计了一个独特的生态系统,适合贷款、租赁和一尘不染地交流想法。. 要获得说服,请查看我们的一些功能。. 在没有任何抵押的情况下租用游戏资产,或将您的资产借给其他玩家以获得额外利润。.
Prom is a gaming NFT marketplace & rental. Completely decentralized, confidential, and safe, it meets the needs of players, metaverseenthusiasts, NFT owners, guilds, and games. In a word, our project boldly aims to establish a sound future for the whole industry.To stay secure and efficient, we explore the potential of NFT gaming, work with experts, and experiment with promising tools. As a result, we already have designed a unique ecosystem that
18 UFT
UniLend Finance (uft)
UniLend是一种无需许可的DeFi协议,在同一平台内结合了现货交易服务和借贷功能。. 虽然目前的DeFi协议仅支持~30种资产,但任何人都可以在UniLend上列出任何ERC20资产以进行去中心化交易和借贷。. UFT代币是UniLends原生治理代币,UFT的持有者可以为与协议功能相关的许多因素创建提案并对其进行投票。.
UniLend is a permissionless DeFi protocol that combines spot trading services and lending/borrowing functionality within the same platform. Whereas current DeFi protocols support only ~30 assets, anyone can list any ERC20 asset on UniLend for decentralized trading and lending/borrowing. UFT token is UniLends native governance token; holders of UFT can create proposals for, and vote on, a number of factors relating to the functioning of the protoc
Wing Finance (wing)
永安金融是由本体背后的团队构建的去中心化金融DeFi平台,支持各种协议之间的跨链交互。. Wing团队创建了一个创新的信用估值方法,旨在支持其基于信用的贷款并提高透明度。. 该项目旨在通过去中心化治理和自身的风险控制机制,在借款人、债权人和担保人之间建立公平、协同的关系,为平台上可访问和实施的更多DeFi项目打开大门。. Wing 是一个去中心化的自治组织 DAO,允许用户参与决策、产品设计和运营。.
Wing Finance is a decentralized finance DeFi platform built by the team behind Ontology that supports crosschain interactions between various protocols. The Wing team created an innovative credit valuation method designed to support its creditbased lending and to increase transparency. The project aims to create a fair and synergistic relationship between borrowers, creditors, and guarantors through decentralized governance and its own risk contr
20 ADF
Art de Finance (adf)
[项目内容]Art de Finance 是一个用于数字艺术/NFT 和物理艺术的 Web 3.0 艺术平台。. Art de Finance提供NFT市场,区块链社交平台,NFT真实性证明,艺术品存储的实体艺术和艺术融资服务。[是什么让您的项目与众不同]ADF 不仅是一个 NFT 市场,而且还建立了一个 web3.0 社交策展项目、实体艺术推广和存储服务。. 每项服务都有其支持艺术家和 NFT 市场并有助于流动性的特点。ADF平台包含4个相互连接的专用平台.1ADF主平台提供DeFiNFTFi,DAO和治理.2Artiside是ADF的社交策展平台。. 艺术家可以通过平台铸造作品,通过服务与粉丝交流并形成同人圈。. Artiside支持“播种”,这是一种独特的质押系统,可以将新兴艺术家与社
[What is the project about]Art de Finance is a Web 3.0 Art Platform for Digital Arts/NFT & Physical Arts. Art de Finance Provides NFT Marketplace,Blockchain Social Platform,NFT Proof of Authenticity,Art Storage for Physical Arts & Art Financing Service.[What makes your project unique]ADF is not only an NFT marketplace but also establishing a web3.0 social curation project,physical art promotion & storage service. Each service has its characterist
BendDAO (bend)
弯曲是一种 NFT 流动性和借贷协议,具有用于 NFT 金融化的无功利率。. 本德正在为快速增长的市场带来 NFT 池贷款,为 Web3 用户提供通往 DeFi 的门户。.
Bend is an NFT liquidity and lending protocol with reactive interest rates for NFT financialization. Bend is bringing NFT pool lending to the fastgrowing market, providing a gateway to DeFi for Web3 users.
Juice Finance (juice)
Juice Finance 是建立在 Blast L2 上的领先的颠覆性 CrossMargin DeFi 协议。. Juice 的核心是以交叉保证金借贷功能进行创新,与 Blast 独特的变基代币和生态系统精神无缝集成。. 我们的平台旨在为用户提供可组合的杠杆,使他们能够最大限度地提高产量,并在 Blast 生态系统中进行点耕活动。.
Juice Finance,is a leading disruptive CrossMargin DeFi protocol built on the Blast L2. At its core,Juice innovates with crossmargin lending features,integrating seamlessly with Blast’s unique rebasing tokens and ecosystem ethos. Our platform is designed to empower users with composable leverage,enabling them to maximize their yield and point farming activities within the Blast ecosystem.
23 LIF3
Lif3 (lif3)
Lif3 是去中心化金融 DeFi 领域的新兴强大协议,它提供了一套全面的功能来管理跨多个区块链的数字资产。. 包含Lif3提供的各种产品,用户能够安全可靠地投资于最适合其财务目标,首选策略和风险状况的多种选择。可用的功能包括但不限于在不同加密货币之间交换、流动性挖矿、提供流动性以获得激励,以及参与分散的借贷市场,提供单一资产和流动性配对资产的收益,以及杠杆。. 我们还为用户提供使用信用卡获取加密货币的途径,并在我们的去中心化现货和永久交易所交易衍生品,支持低掉期费和零价格影响交易。此外,借助用于加密货币的Lif3移动钱包,用户可以在安全的移动应用程序上轻松地从手机访问和管理他们的数字资产,从而轻松掌握他们的投资,而不必担心第三方安全风险。目前,Lif3 是一种多链协议,可在以太坊、BNB
Lif3 is an emerging powerhouse protocol in the decentralized finance DeFi sector that provides a comprehensive suite of features to manage digital assets across multiple blockchains. Encompassing the various products Lif3 has to offer,users are able to safely and securely invest in a multitude of options that best fit their financial goals,preferred strategies,and risk profiles.The available features include but are not limited to swapping betwee
Trava Finance (trava)
TRAVA是世界上第一个去中心化的跨链借贷市场。. 虽然现有方法仅提供一个或几个具有自己参数的贷款池,例如借款/供应利率、清算阈值、贷款价值比率或有限的可交换加密货币列表,但 TRAVA 提供了一种灵活的机制,用户可以在其中创建和管理自己的贷款池以启动贷款业务。. TRAVA 还提供基于金融数据链上分析的信用评分功能,作为降低风险并增加所有用户利润的有用工具。.
TRAVA is the world’s first decentralized marketplace for crosschain lending. While existing approaches provide only one or a few lending pools with their own parameters such as borrow/supply interest rate, liquidation threshold, LoantoValue ratio, or a limited list of exchangeable cryptocurrencies, TRAVA offers a flexible mechanism in which users can create and manage their own lending pools to start a lending business. TRAVA also offers the cr
25 A3A
3A (a3a)
3A是一个非托管、去中心化、超额抵押的借贷平台,允许用户以自己的代币为抵押品进行无息借入。. A3A 是协议实用代币,用于协调 3A 的合作伙伴、商业客户和最终用户生态系统。.
3A is a noncustodial,decentralized,and overcollateralized lending platform that allows users to borrow interestfree against their own tokens,used as collateral. A3A is the protocol utility token which is used to orchestrate the 3A’s ecosystem of partners,business clients,and endusers.
Aada Finance (aada)
Aada是建立在卡尔达诺区块链上的借贷协议。. 人们可以使用 NFT 债券借钱或借钱,NFT 债券是可以在不同平台上转让、出售或使用的代币。. Aada还为用户提供稳定和可持续的回报,无需中间人。.
Aada is a lending and borrowing protocol built on the Cardano blockchain. People can borrow or lend money using NFT bonds,which are tokens that can be transferred,sold,or used on different platforms. Aada also provides users with stable and sustainable returns without needing a middleman.
ABEL Finance (abel)
Abel Finance是一个移动语言链的跨链借贷协议,它将在Aptos和Sui之间活跃。. 它已经部署在APTOS主网上,ABEL代币将作为ABEL金融协议的治理代币开始。. 主要功能或效用将是接受或拒绝并提出治理建议。. 后来,在代币的发行量从质押和挖矿系统中减少后,它也可以在协议中用作贷款的抵押品。.
Abel Finance is a crosschain lending protocol to move language chains,it will be active between Aptos and Sui. it has already been deploy on APTOS Mainnet.The ABEL token will start as a governance token for the ABEL Finance Protocol. the main function or utility will be to accept or reject and make governance proposals. Later,after the issuances of the token have decreased from the staking and mining system,it can also be used in the protocol as
Able Finance (able)
几年来,集中式金融一直在努力吸引公众,这导致了通过去中心化金融出现的新的交易、储蓄和贷款解决方案。然而,很明显,这些解决方案中的大多数都是昂贵的高额汽油费,能源密集且难以使用。ABLE Finance 是一种具有成本效益且节能的 DeFi 协议,旨在解决这些问题,并为中心化金融提供可靠的替代方案。.
For several years now, centralised finance has been struggling to attract the public, which has led to the emergence of new trading, savings and lending solutions through decentralised finance.​Nevertheless, it is clear that most of these solutions are expensive high gas fees, energyintensive and difficult to use.ABLE Finance is a costeffective and energyefficient DeFi protocol designed to address these issues and offer a credible alternative to
Acala Dollar (Acala) (ausd)
PolicyAkala是Polkadot网络上的去中心化金融中心。. 它提供了一种由加密货币支持的稳定币(aUSD),可用于支付、交易和赚取收益。. 阿卡拉还有Karura,这是一个创建DeFi应用程序的平台,如借贷。.
PolicyAcala is a decentralized financial hub on the Polkadot network. It provides a stablecoin (aUSD) that is backed by cryptocurrencies and can be used for payments,trading,and to earn yield. Acala also has Karura,which is a platform for creating DeFi apps such as lending and borrowing.
30 ACS
ACryptoS (acs)
BSCapelendingLoading...0%加载中...0%Loading...$0--Loading.... 加密货币是人们用来存储或汇款的数字资产。. 不同类型的加密货币,如ACryptoS,可以存储在钱包中并存入不同的项目以赚钱。.
BSCapelendingLoading...0%Loading...0%Loading...$0--Loading... Crypto is a digital asset that people use to store or send money. Different types of crypto,like ACryptoS,can be stored in wallets and deposited into different projects to earn money.
31 AGS
Aegis (ags)
Aegis 是一个可扩展的 DeFi 平台,它通过让用户根据信用评分获得贷款和无担保借款服务来解决这个问题。. 然后将宙斯盾分数分配给个人用户,允许用户解锁加密生态系统中的相应资本贷款。. 因此,Aegis扮演着资本桥梁的关键角色,它使用户能够在法定货币和加密生态系统之间无缝地利用和转移流动性。.
Aegis is a scalable DeFi platform that solves this problem by giving users access to lending and unsecured borrowing services, based on their credit scores. An Aegis Score is then assigned to the individual users, which allows users to unlock corresponding capital loans in the crypto ecosystem. Aegis therefore plays the critical role of a capital bridge that gives users the ability to leverage and move liquidity seamlessly between fiat and crypto
Agave (agve)
Agave, a decentralized noncustodial money market protocol where users can participate by borrowing or lending money through the application.
33 AGL
Agile (agl)
简而言之,我们是一个借贷平台,用户可以在这里获得丰厚的回报。. 我们正在建立去中心化的金融生态系统。. 证书审核完成,迁移器代码已删除。. 我们有 27 名全职员工,提供英语、法语、越南语、印地语和阿拉伯语 24/7 全天候管理服务。让我解释更多。敏捷金融是第一个在Cronos上使用DEX交换的defi协议。. Cronos是由 Crypto.org 构建并由 Crypto.com 支持的EVM兼容新区块链。. 敏捷金融是全球首个支持保证金贷款并与EVM兼容的贷款平台。.
In short, we are a lending and borrowing platform where users reap significant rewards. We are building the decentralized finance ecosystem. Certik audit complete, migrator code removed. We have 27 full time employees in English, French, Vietnam, Hindi and Arabic 24/7 admin coverage.Let me explain more.Agile Finance is the first defi protocol with DEX swap on Cronos. Cronos is an EVM compatible new blockchain built by Crypto.org and supported
34 AGN
Agnus AI (agn)
人工智能驱动的去中心化技术、信任、透明和无限的可能性以太坊平面矢量图标EVM COMPATIBLE通过EVM兼容性轻松提升项目,无缝融合远见卓识的愿望和兼容性。. 体验授权的、分散的领域,将您的计划推向新的成功高度。更改 IconSettings IconHYBRIDCONSENSUSH将 POA 和 PBFT 结合在一起,混合共识可以建立信任和效率。. 坚实的基础确保了去中心化加密领域的卓越性,提供无与伦比的安全性和无缝的共识机制超级AiAIAIEMPOWERED通过AI赋能自信地驾驭未来。. 每笔交易中的智能保护措施将安全与创新无缝交织在一起,定义去中心化领域。. 体验赋能、智能区块链解决方案的新时代。.
AI DRIVEN DECENTRALISATIONTechnologytrust,transparency,and limitless possibilitiesEthereum Flat Vector IconEVM COMPATIBLEEffortlessly elevate projects with EVM Compatibility,seamlessly blending visionary aspirations and compatibility. Experience empowered,decentralized realms that propel your initiatives to new heights of success.Change IconSettings IconHYBRIDCONSENSUSHarmonizing POA and PBFT,the hybrid Consensus forges trust and efficiency. A ro
Ajna Protocol (ajna)
Ajna协议促进了没有治理和外部价格馈送的点对池担保贷款。. 当前使用智能合约的借贷协议需要积极治理,例如. 设置费率并更新合同和/或依赖外部价格馈送,例如像 Chainlink 这样的预言机。. 由于抵押品的定价和贷款的参数化留给通过治理而不是市场力量进行主观决策,因此这些协议同时具有偿付能力和流动性风险。. 治理和维护开销为链上资产的借贷市场创造了进入壁垒。. Ajna以其独特的设计解决了这些问题,该设计由以下功能定义:无许可池创建:就像流行的DeFi原语,“自动做市商”AMM,Ajna池以独特的对存在:报价令牌,由贷方提供,抵押令牌,由借款人提供。.
The Ajna protocol facilitates peertopool secured loans without governance and without externalprice feeds. Current lending and borrowing protocols which utilize smart contracts require activegovernance e.g. to set rates and to update contracts and/or rely on external price feeds such as oracles like Chainlink. Because the pricing of collateral and parameterization of loans are leftto subjective decision making through governance rather than marke
ALEX Lab (alex)
我们是ALEX,我们是第一个通过堆栈在比特币上一站式DeFi服务平台。. DeFi 的巨变始于借贷比特币。. 管理这些贷款的智能合约可用于创建债券。. 使用这些分散的债券,我们可以重新创建衍生产品,杠杆和更高金融的所有其他功能,将其替换为自动流动换或ALEX的算法。.
We are ALEX and we are the first onestop DeFi services platform on Bitcoin via Stacks. The sea change of DeFi begins as simply as lending and borrowing Bitcoin. The smart contracts that govern those loans can be used to create bonds. Using these decentralized bonds we can recreate derivative products, leverage and all the other functions of higher finance, replacing it with the algorithms of an Automated Liquidity EXchange or ALEX.
37 ALF
AlfProtocol (alf)
核心是向AMM和流动性挖矿提供杠杆流动性的协议。. 与此相辅相成的是,Alfprotocol提供了两种无杠杆流动性管理协议:AlfMM是一种去中心化的交换服务和Alf是一种超额抵押借款服务。. 这两种协议的核心目的是为交易者和规避风险的投资者提供切入点,为他们提供交易和提供流动性的平台,同时通过间接提供流动性来控制额外收入。该协议将成为风险规避投资者使用其资本来遵循保本收益率的目标的有趣工具,可以通过向AMM池提供资金来降低保本收益率。. 而寻求风险的投资者将能够利用他们的资本通过向借入杠杆向外部AMM提供流动性来承担风险来获得最大收益。对于由于获得流动性而能够使用抵押品的借款人,将有机会从贷款池中借款。. 此外,套利者还将利用他们的自动化技能,短期资本访问进行清算,以便通过促进市场效率来赚
At the core lies the protocol for leveraged liquidity provision into AMMs and yield farming. Complementary to that,Alfprotocol offers two protocols for unleveraged liquidity management: AlfMM a decentralized exchange service and Alf an overcollateralized borrowing service. The core purpose of both protocols is to provide entry points for traders and riskaverse investors,offering them a platform to trade and provide liquidity,all the while reining
AlphaNova (anva)
使用 LiquidAlpha 体验富有远见的交易。. 我们的人工智能算法推动您在黄金和外汇差价合约市场中领先,并通过加密支付得到增强。. 从比特币、以太坊或USDT开始,然后选择您的持有货币。. LiquidAlpha 为领先的加密资产打开了通往卓越收益率的大门,融合了增长、稳定性和创新。.
Experience visionary trading with LiquidAlpha. Our AI algorithms propel you ahead in Gold and Forex CFD markets,enhanced with crypto payouts. Start with Bitcoin,Ethereum,or USDT,and choose your holding currency. LiquidAlpha opens the door to superior yields in the leading crypto assets,blending growth,stability,and innovation.
Ambit Finance (ambt)
Ambit Finance 是一个 DeFi 平台,为用户提供赚取、借贷和发展其数字投资组合的能力。. 该平台具有稳定币存款收益创造、货币市场借贷和以投资组合为中心的投资等功能。. 用户可以通过各种策略赚取 USDT 存款的收益,并利用他们的投资组合进行高效借贷。. Ambit Finance 得到了 Binance Labs 和 Emirates Consortium 等投资者的支持。. 该平台有一个路线图,包括种子资金、测试网启动、Paladin Security 和 Guardian Audits 的审计、主网启动和代币启动。. 安全是Ambit Finance的重中之重,他们与DeFi领域的领先审计师合作,包括Paladin Security和Guardian Audits。.
Ambit Finance is a DeFi platform that offers users the ability to earn,borrow,and grow their digital portfolios. The platform has features such as yield creation on stablecoin deposits,money market lending,and portfolio-centric investing. Users can earn a yield on their USDT deposits through various strategies and leverage their portfolios for efficient lending. Ambit Finance is backed by investors such as Binance Labs and Emirates Consortium. Th
40 ANC
Anchor Protocol (anc)
Anchor 是一种借贷协议,为加密原生代、金融科技公司和投资者提供稳定的高利率,提供高达 19.5% 的稳定币存款收益率等等!.
Anchor is a lending and borrowing protocol that provides crypto natives, fintech companies, and investors a stable high interest rate, offering up to 19.5% yield on stablecoin deposits, and much more!
Ankr Staked BNB (ankrbnb)
币安液体质押是什么以及为什么使用安克质押即时流动性是质押 BNB 的最佳方式,因为您可以以 ankrBNB 代币的形式访问即时流动性。. 避免将您的代币锁定在 BNB 链网络中是一个很大的优势——它允许您使用质押代币的价值在 DeFi 平台上赚取多层奖励并增加您的投资回报潜力。. 由于流动性质押解决了提名权益证明网络的资本效率低下问题,它提供了一种在您的质押 BNB 上赚取额外奖励的方法,使新的流动性挖矿策略、套利交易、借贷等都可以使用您的质押资产的价值.ankrBNB 是一种有回报的代币,这意味着 1 ankrBNB 代币的公允价值与. 随着质押奖励的积累,BNB 会随着时间的推移而增加。无需技术知识即可获得更轻松的质押体验,无需技术知识。. 流动性质押使质押像掉期一样简单:将您的 BNB
What and why is Binance Liquid StakingInstant Liquidity Using Ankr Staking is the best way to stake BNB as you can access instant liquidity in the form of the ankrBNB token. Avoiding locking your tokens up with the BNB Chain network is a big advantage — it allows you to use the value of your staked tokens to earn multiple layers of rewards on DeFi platforms and multiply your ROI potential. As Liquid Staking solves the capital inefficiency problem
42 BEP-20
Apis finance (bep-20)
Apis Finance 是一种帮助人们赚钱的借贷协议。. 它允许人们借钱进行流动性挖矿,这可以帮助他们获得更多的钱。. 它还采取了安全措施,以确保人们在使用它时是安全的。. 最后,它是OpBNB的最新项目,一直受到广泛关注。.
Apis Finance is a lending protocol that helps people earn money. It allows people to borrow money for yield farming,which can help them get more money. It also has security measures in place to make sure people are safe when using it. Finally,it is the newest project of OpBNB and it has been getting a lot of attention.
Apollo Token (apollo)
一种名为Apollo Token的数字资产基于以太坊区块链系统。. 在不使用首次公开募股IPO的情况下,这些代币是通过公平发布进行分配的。. 阿波罗代币是去中心化如何利用对加密货币的接受来促进特定想法或事业的光辉例证。. 在这种情况下,阿波罗代币致力于帮助SpaceX的最新创造,一只名叫阿波罗的AI狗。. SpaceX目前正在其Starbase创建的波士顿动态机器狗正在用阿波罗令牌来纪念和庆祝.阿波罗令牌的发布不仅是为了纪念SpaceX的惊人发明,也是为了筹集资金并为其进一步发展争取支持。. 投资者现在有机会通过购买阿波罗代币(一种高潜力资产)来参与这项尖端技术的创建。Apollo Token为投资者提供了一个参与蓬勃发展的加密货币行业的独特机会,同时为他们关心的事业提供支持。.
A digital asset called Apollo Token is based on the Ethereum blockchain system. Without using an initial public offering IPO,these tokens were distributed through a fair launch. The Apollo Token is a shining illustration of how decentralization may use the acceptance of cryptocurrencies to promote a specific idea or cause. The Apollo Token in this instance is committed to helping SpaceXs most recent creation,an AI dog named Apollo. The Boston Dyn
Apricot (aprt)
Apricot 是一种下一代贷款协议,支持 Solana 上的杠杆流动性挖矿。. 我们的使命是帮助用户最大限度地提高产量,同时保护他们的缺点。. 使用 Apricot,用户可以: 1 存入资产以赚取利息 杏贷款2 借入资产进行交易或杠杆流动性挖矿 杏跨农场3 预配置自动去杠杆化的时间和方式 杏助手。.
Apricot is a nextgen lending protocol that supports leveraged yield farming on Solana. Our mission is to help users maximize yield while protecting their downsides. With Apricot, users can: 1 Deposit assets to earn interests Apricot Lend2 Borrow assets for trading or leveraged yield farming Apricot CrossFarm3 Preconfigure when and how automated deleveraging takes place Apricot Assist
Arabic (abic)
阿拉伯现金是世界上第一个基于阿拉伯资本支持的贷款和存款的独立去中心化金融工具。. 它旨在吸引对阿拉伯世界数字经济发展的新投资。. 最近,东部地区过度的官僚主义和复杂的金融监控,就像一座巨大的水坝,阻碍了来自世界各地的投资流动。. 阿拉伯现金现在已准备好有所作为。. 现在,地球上的任何居民都可以在东部地区快速发展的国家进行投资。. 所有投资都累积在去中心化的币安智能链中,这是迄今为止最可靠和最有利可图的电子商务平台。.
Arabic Cash is the worlds first independent decentralized financial instrument based on loans and deposits backed by Arab capital. It aims to attract new investments in the development of the digital economy of the Arab world. Recently, excessive bureaucracy and complex financial monitoring of the Eastern region, like a giant dam, have blocked investment flows from all over the world. Arabic Cash is now ready to make a difference. Now any inhabit
Arch Ethereum Div. Yield (aedy)
Arch Ethereum Diversified Yield ADDY是Arch Finance DeFi Asset Management的ERC20代币产品。. 该代币由一系列协议组成,这些协议通过质押和借贷策略累积收益。. 资产的分配基于主要收益率协议中策略的总锁定价值TVL的平方比例。.
Arch Ethereum Diversified Yield ADDY is an ERC20 token product from Arch Finance DeFi Asset Management. The token is comprised of a selection of protocols that accrues yield through strategies of staking and lending. The allocation of assets is based on the proportion of the squared total locked value TVL of strategies across major yieldbearing protocols.
47 AA
Astarter (aa)
该项目是关于什么的Astarter是卡尔达诺上的一个关键DeFi基础设施中心,具有四个核心应用程序:LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,货币市场和技术服务平台,并得到了卡尔达诺协议创始实体EMURGO的支持。. Astarter 旨在通过提供公平、安全和可访问的开放金融服务来提升其贡献并为卡尔达诺生态系统带来更广泛的可能性,以满足现有和未来在加速 DeFi 应用程序方面的需求,从而为卡尔达诺构建的下一代项目提供支持。 该组件允许维持流动性提供者资金的流动,从而使系统更具可扩展性和安全性。. 系统的核心合约组件由驱动程序合约初始化,这些驱动合约管理所需的交易验证、路由和计算序列。项目的历史记录。Astarter 项目成立于 2021 年初,当时创始团队发布了他们的精简版,概述了该平
What is the project aboutAstarter is a key DeFi infrastructure hub on Cardano that features four core applications: LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,Money Market & Tech Service Platform,with the backing of EMURGO,a founding entity of the Cardano protocol. Astarter aims to elevate its contribution and bring broader possibilities to the Cardano ecosystem by providing fair,safe,and accessible open finance services to meet existing and future demand in accele
48 ATH
Athena DexFi (ath)
Athena DexFi 是一个投资平台,致力于为加密货币和投资领域经验不足的投资者提供服务。. 其显着特点在于有机会参与完全由第三方管理的投资、预售或交易合同。. 该平台专为投资基金或安全管理客户资金的交易者而设计,确保经理没有完全控制权,防止平台外的移动和未指定的购买。. 用户可以使用USDT BEP20参与,无需在其他链上创建钱包或亲自出售代币,无需进一步操作即可获得已转换为USDT BEP20的回报。. 在 Athena DexFi 上,费用完全基于用户收入,不收取参与费用,或者在没有利润的情况下,将一定比例的利润分配给经理和平台。. 这个系统只促进最优秀管理者的晋升,激励他们不断改进。.
Athena DexFi emerges as an investment platform dedicated to less experienced investors in the world of cryptocurrencies and investments. Its distinctive feature lies in the opportunity to participate in investments,presales,or trading contracts managed entirely by third parties. Designed for investment funds or traders who securely manage their clients funds,the platform ensures that managers do not have complete control,preventing movements outs
AVATA Network (avat)
AVATA Network是一个全面的Defi平台,在Avalanche上集成了launchpad,AMM DEX和借贷协议。. 社区可以加入IDO,交换代币,甚至通过我们平台上的专用应用程序赚取被动收入。.
AVATA Network is a comprehensive Defi platform that integrates launchpad, AMM DEX & lending protocol on Avalanche. Community can join IDO, swap token, or even earning passive incomes through dedicated application across our platforms.
50 AVO
Avolend (avo)
Blast Layer 2 网络上的去中心化借贷协议,结合了代币经济学的治理和收益分享机制。.
Decentralized lending protocol on Blast Layer 2 network that incorporates governance and revenue sharing mechanism for tokenomics.
Bahamas (bahamas)
巴哈马代币是一种混合模因和实用代币,将俏皮的模因元素与实用实用性无缝融合。. 该生态系统将包括虚拟赌场和P2P/P2E游戏,为用户提供超越其模因状态的多种功能。. 在巴哈马的虚拟天堂中,用户可以体验加密货币收益和游戏内战斗的快感,在这个独特的 DeFi 项目中庆祝成功。.
Bahamas Token is a hybrid meme and utility token,seamlessly blending playful meme elements with practical utility. The ecosystem will encompasses a virtual casino and P2P/P2E gaming,providing users with diverse functionalities beyond its meme status. In the virtual paradise of BAHAMAS,users can experience the thrill of crypto gains and ingame battles,celebrating success within this unique DeFi project.
52 BSL
BankSocial (bsl)
BankSocial™是建立在以太坊上的首个去中心化融资“DeFi”点对点借贷平台。. 最初,将鼓励会员通过重新分配所有代币销售来持有$BSOCIAL加密货币。. 我们的愿景是建立一个专有的BLOCKSCORE™社会信用评分系统和社会共识贷款池,以智能合约的安全性为基础,为世界提供资产支持贷款。.
BankSocial™ is a firstofitskind Decentralized Financed “DeFi” peertopeer lending platform built on Ethereum. Initially, members will be encouraged to hold $BSOCIAL crypto by redistribution of all token sales. Our vision is to build a proprietary BLOCKSCORE™ social credit scoring system and social consensus lending pool, built with the security of smart contracts, to provide asset backed lending to the world.
BaseBank (bbank)
项目简介BaseBank是一个全面的去中心化金融DeFi平台,建立在基础主网和币安智能链BSC之上。. 它提供广泛的金融服务,包括贷款、借款、流动性挖矿、质押等。. 凭借基于zkRollups的隐私保护技术,BaseBank为用户提供了一个安全和保密的生态系统来管理他们的加密资产。是什么让您的项目独一无二BaseBank因其对创新、安全和社区赋权的承诺而在 DeFi 领域脱颖而出。. 其独特的功能包括隐私保护技术、跨链功能和社区驱动的 DAO 去中心化自治组织。. 尖端技术和社区参与的结合使BaseBank与其他DeFi项目区分开来。项目的历史记录。BaseBank的成立是为了满足DeFi领域对隐私和安全日益增长的需求。. 该项目于 2023 年初开始其旅程,并因其创新方法而迅速获得牵引力。
What is the project aboutBaseBank is a comprehensive decentralized finance DeFi platform built on both the Base Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain BSC. It offers a wide range of financial services,including lending,borrowing,yield farming,staking,and more. With privacypreserving technology based on zkRollups,BaseBank provides users with a secure and confidential ecosystem for managing their crypto assets.What makes your project uniqueBaseBank stands
Bass Exchange (bass)
这个项目是关于超高效的多链稳定交换的。是什么让您的项目独一无二可扩展均衡创新覆盖率基于稳定交换机制,消除可扩展性障碍,从而实现 100% 的资金利用率,无无常损失。滑点最小化Bass采用资产负债模型,滑点在交易金额增加时被否定,在发生时减少。DeFi 的基础建立在纯单代币池设计上,支持单代币 LP 代币,非常适合借贷协议和交易平台在此基础上构建。项目的历史记录。您的项目的下一步是什么跨链您的代币可以用于治理什么。.
What is the project aboutHyper efficient multichain stableswap.What makes your project uniqueScalable EquilibriumInnovate coverageratiobased stableswap mechanism to remove scalability barriers,which allows the possibility of achieving 100% capital utilization with no impermanent loss.Slippage minimizationBass adopts the assettoliability model; slippage is negated until higher transaction amounts and reduced when it occurs.Foundation for DeFi to b
BendDAO BDIN (Ordinals) (bdin)
BendDAO 是以太坊上领先的 NFT 流动性协议,现在正在将其视野拓宽到比特币生态系统,增强借贷和桥接,并为 BTC 资产整合 DeFi 流动性。.
BendDAO,the leading NFT liquidity protocol on Ethereum,is now broadening its horizons to the Bitcoin ecosystem,enhancing lending and bridge,and integrating DeFi liquidity for BTC assets.
56 BYN
Beyondfi (byn)
BeyondFi是一个数字资产平台,提供多样化的产品和服务,使任何人都可以无限制地访问,创建和交易无限的市场。BeyondFi的关键使命无疑是明确的:释放去中心化金融的真正价值,为其用户提供全方位的数字资产敞口。. 随着零售和机构对去中心化金融的兴趣日益浓厚,我们将努力实现BeyondFi的基本愿景,即使数百万用户能够访问NFT,合成品,衍生品,基金/资产管理以及访问领先的贷款协议,孵化协议等。.
BeyondFi is a digital asset platform that offer a diverse range of products and services enabling anyone to access, create and trade unlimited markets without limit.BeyondFi’s key mission is undoubtedly clear: unlock the true value of decentralized finance, providing its users with the full spectrum exposure to digital assets. Amid growing retail & institutional interest for decentralized finance, we shall strive to achieve BeyondFi’s foundationa
57 BHO
BHO Network (bho)
什么是BHO网络 BHO网络建立在BHO链BHC20之上,BHC20是BHO网络的基础和关键组成部分,旨在开发基于区块链技术的完整生态系统。. 我们的区块链平台的使命是不仅要从具有突破性想法的新项目中实现创新,还要支持任何将区块链视为解决方案的公司,以实现当前运营的丰厚利润。. 此外,我们的目标是将这种支持带到所有垂直领域,包括供应链、媒体和娱乐、身份和凭证、医疗保健、贸易融资、金融服务、政府、数字资产、零售等等。. 最后,BHO网络不仅包括自己的应用程序,还包括在BHO链上开发的所有其他应用程序。我们的愿景、使命和核心价值观是什么 愿景:BHO Network旨在成为一个全球开放的区块链生态系统,从东南亚市场开始。. BHO网络将是一个灵活的平台,为简单实用的区块链应用提供解决方案。. 使
What is BHO Network BHO Network is built on BHO Chain BHC20 a foundational and critical component of the BHO Network in enabling the development of a complete ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Our blockchain platform’s mission is to enable innovations from not only new projects with breakthrough ideas in this space but also support any companies who see blockchain as a solution to achieve intensive margin from current operations. Additio
Bird.Money (bird)
Bird.Money 正在开发数据驱动的解决方案,用于分析去中心化金融的风险,方法是安全地将其区块链个性化违约风险 BIRD 评分(DeFi 对传统金融系统信用评分的改进)交付给贷款平台和协议。. BIRD 评分是第一个基于贷款违约统计预测的 DeFi 信用评分,使用先进的机器学习方法创建,并作为简单易用的评级提供给贷款协议。. 这是下一代信用评分。凭借其借贷平台、去中心化分析预言机和 API,Bird.Money 在赋能 DeFi 产品创新方面处于领先地位。. Bird.Money 的分析产品和服务套件使真正个性化的 DeFi 解决方案能够为每个用户量身定制。.
Bird.Money is developing datadriven solutions used to analyze risk in Decentralized Finance by securely delivering their Blockchain Individualized Risk of Default BIRD Score — DeFi’s improvement on the legacy financial system’s credit score — to lending platforms and protocols. The BIRD Score is the first DeFi credit score based on the statistical prediction of loan default, created using advanced machine learning methods and made available to le


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,042.30 1,609,853,472.60
2 BTC title=BTC 66,387.58 1,463,113,548.65
3 ETH title=ETH 3,259.61 868,725,813.31
4 HBAR title=HBAR 0.13 860,754,973.99
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 770,871,192.77
6 SOL title=SOL 157.47 719,497,025.67
7 WIF title=WIF 3.38 300,277,925.89
8 XRP title=XRP 0.54 214,836,666.11
9 BOME title=BOME 0.01 210,459,921.33
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 202,559,312.87
11 ENA title=ENA 0.95 183,359,528.96
12 BONK title=BONK <0.01 173,945,609.48
13 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 167,141,375.82
14 NEAR title=NEAR 7.03 100,963,502.26
15 RUNE title=RUNE 5.78 84,470,644.81
16 WLD title=WLD 5.46 75,276,275.70
17 ALGO title=ALGO 0.22 73,883,587.51
18 AVAX title=AVAX 39.11 62,018,837.50
19 RNDR title=RNDR 9.20 58,126,413.79
20 BNX title=BNX 1.00 56,495,519.34
21 ADA title=ADA 0.50 55,280,151.05
22 ONG title=ONG 0.69 48,480,720.27
23 GALA title=GALA 0.05 47,202,622.61
24 FTM title=FTM 0.75 46,250,516.81
25 LTC title=LTC 87.30 44,127,761.23
26 TIA title=TIA 11.81 44,123,878.02
27 SEI title=SEI 0.64 43,624,377.00


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Hedera title=HBAR 0.13 +43.49
2 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +30.65
3 BinaryX title=BNX 1.00 +22.84
4 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.38 +19.99
5 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.26 +16.55
6 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +16.46
7 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 +15.19
8 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +14.62
9 Algorand title=ALGO 0.22 +13.96
10 Steem title=STEEM 0.32 +13.66
11 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +11.86
12 WOO title=WOO 0.35 +7.69
13 ConstitutionDAO title=PEOPLE 0.03 +7.62
14 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 1.00 +7.61
15 IOTA title=IOTA 0.26 +7.57
16 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +6.91
17 Mina Protocol title=MINA 0.94 +6.79
18 NEM title=XEM 0.04 +6.69
19 Sun Token title=SUN 0.02 +6.60
20 SSV Network title=SSV 46.90 +6.57
21 Ravencoin title=RVN 0.04 +6.51
22 Astar title=ASTR 0.12 +6.38
23 Mdex (BSC) title=MDX 0.07 +6.34
24 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.12 +6.22
25 Ren title=REN 0.07 +6.16
26 Spell title=SPELL <0.01 +6.10
27 Memecoin title=MEME 0.03 +6.00
28 Axie Infinity title=AXS 8.09 +5.94
29 Flow title=FLOW 1.00 +5.91
30 ICON title=ICX 0.26 +5.86


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.69 -8.25
2 Gnosis title=GNO 365.80 -6.99
3 Kusama title=KSM 30.91 -6.19
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.72 -6.13
5 NEO title=NEO 18.48 -6.00
6 REI Network title=REI 0.09 -6.00
7 Omni Network title=OMNI 23.05 -5.84
8 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.44 -5.29
9 AVA title=AVA 0.69 -5.23
10 Lisk title=LSK 1.75 -5.00
11 Pendle title=PENDLE 6.26 -4.71
12 Stacks title=STX 2.89 -4.59
13 Ethena title=ENA 0.95 -4.32
14 Arweave title=AR 33.94 -4.25
15 Arkham title=ARKM 2.19 -4.14
16 Cardano title=ADA 0.50 -4.11
17 WINkLink title=WIN <0.01 -3.95
18 Harvest Finance title=FARM 82.67 -3.81
19 Jito title=JTO 3.37 -3.72
20 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.51 -3.47
21 Alchemix title=ALCX 26.73 -3.36
22 TrueFi title=TRU 0.13 -3.25
23 BEAMX title=BEAMX 0.03 -3.21
24 Marlin title=POND 0.03 -3.13
25 Sei title=SEI 0.64 -3.12
26 Worldcoin title=WLD 5.46 -3.11
27 Frax Share title=FXS 4.82 -3.04
28 Aevo title=AEVO 1.68 -3.00
29 SuperRare title=RARE 0.13 -2.93
30 Alpaca Finance title=ALPACA 0.20 -2.88

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
2 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
3 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
4 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
5 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
6 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
7 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
8 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)
9 Worldcoin将在未来6个月内将WLD供应量增加至19个
(Worldcoin will increase WLD supply by up to 19 in the next 6 months)
10 分析师说,DOGE 会在这个周期达到 1 吗 It039s a 039crapshoot039
(Will DOGE reach 1 this cycle It039s a 039crapshoot039 say analysts)
11 从长远来看,渴望金钱的风投对代币的发行不利
(Money hungry VCs are bad for token launches in the long term Analyst)
12 DAO Maker 黑客受害者 3 年后仍在等待报销
(DAO Maker hack victims still await reimbursement 3 years later)
13 区块链协会和加密活动家组织就交易商规则起诉美国证券交易委员会
(Blockchain Association and crypto activist group sue SEC over Dealer Rule)
14 萨尔瓦多黑客泄露国家比特币钱包代码
(El Salvador Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet)
15 父子团队表示,他们已经找回了丢失的600万加密货币
(Father son team says theyve recovered 6M in lost crypto)
16 在委内瑞拉寻求加密货币绕过石油制裁后,Tether 发誓要冻结资产
(Tether vows to freeze assets after Venezuela looks to crypto to bypass oil sanctions)
17 ChainLinkGod在开设X Hall of Flame账户时还是个十几岁的孩子
(ChainLinkGod was a teenager when he started the account X Hall of Flame)
18 比特币自 2019 年以来首次跑赢特斯拉股票
(Bitcoin outperforms Tesla stock for the first time since 2019)
19 比特币不仅仅是减半 为什么做多 BTC 是值得的
(Theres more to Bitcoin than just the halving Why it pays to be long on BTC)
20 美国证券交易委员会推动对富兰克林邓普顿现货以太币 ETF 的决定
(SEC pushes decision on Franklin Templeton spot Ether ETF)
21 拜登要求国会扼杀美国比特币采矿业
(Biden is asking Congress to kill the American Bitcoin mining industry)
22 SEC 寻求对 Terraform Labs 和 Do Kwon 的 53B 判决
(SEC seeks 53B judgment against Terraform Labs and Do Kwon)
23 加密矿工在加拿大各省面临能源拒绝限制
(Crypto miners face energy refusal restriction in Canadian provinces)
24 纽约证券交易所衡量对 247 只股票交易的兴趣,如加密货币报告
(NYSE gauges interest in 247 stock trading like crypto Report)
25 美国加密货币股在比特币减半后的第一个交易日反弹
(US crypto stocks rally on first trading day after Bitcoin halving)
26 Hut 8 自挖矿计划使其在减半后具有竞争力 基准
(Hut 8 self mining plans make it competitive post halving Benchmark)
27 GameFi 空投将继续存在,但不会拯救糟糕的游戏 高管们
(GameFi airdrops are here to stay but wont save a bad game Execs)
28 比特币不再便宜 富达修正了BTC的中期前景
(Bitcoin no longer cheap Fidelity revises medium term outlook for BTC)
29 PayPal提议为可持续的比特币矿工提供加密经济奖励
(PayPal proposes cryptoeconomic rewards for sustainable Bitcoin miners)
30 Woo X 交易所推出全球首款用于零售的代币化 T 钞票
(Woo X exchange launches worlds first tokenized T bills for retail)
31 Mt Gox 受托人更新比特币和法定还款时间表
(Mt Gox trustee updates Bitcoin and fiat repayment timetable)
32 ApplePay是加密移动支付推动采用的基准
(ApplePay is the benchmark as crypto mobile payments push for adoption)
33 比特币ETF需求在BTC减半后转为负值
(Bitcoin ETF demand turns negative around BTC halving)
34 Shiba Inu memecoin 从机构投资者那里筹集了 1200 万
(Shiba Inu memecoin raises 12M from institutional investors)
35 Lazarus Groups最喜欢的漏洞揭示了加密黑客分析
(Lazarus Groups favorite exploit revealed Crypto hacks analysis)
36 币安高管在肯尼亚被捕可能面临被引渡到尼日利亚的报告
(Binance exec arrested in Kenya could face extradition to Nigeria Report)
37 香港官员建议该市加密行业自我监管
(Hong Kong officials recommend the citys crypto industry self regulates)
38 比特币算法在华尔街开盘时卖出,因为 BTC 价格在 66K 处挣扎
(Bitcoin algos sell at Wall Street open as BTC price struggles at 66K)
39 比特币在减半后转为看涨 BNB 将在 MNT 和 RNDR 附近跟进
(Bitcoin turns bullish after the halving Will BNB NEAR MNT and RNDR follow)
40 Penny 没有为澳大利亚的下一个加密独角兽 Coinbase APAC MD 而下降
(Penny hasnt dropped for Australias next crypto unicorns Coinbase APAC MD)
41 比特币费用在减半日创纪录的日均 128 美元后暴跌
(Bitcoin fees crash after record daily average of 128 on halving day)
42 12 个 Solana 预售模因币在短短一个月后就被放弃了
(12 Solana presale memecoins abandoned after just a month)
43 Tether 在 TON 区块链上发行的良好开端表示,首席执行官现在在 60M
(Tether issued on TON blockchain at a great start says CEO now at 60M)
44 瑞士比特币人重新努力为该国央行提供橙色药丸
(Swiss Bitcoiners renew efforts to orange pill the countrys central bank)
45 香港投资公司Victory Securities披露比特币和以太币ETF费用
(Hong Kong investment firm Victory Securities reveals Bitcoin and Ether ETF fees)
46 财富管理公司将增加比特币ETF的持有量 Bitwise首席执行官
(Wealth management firms to boost Bitcoin ETF holdings Bitwise CEO)
47 贝莱德比特币 ETF 在减半日创下 69 天039420039流入
(BlackRock Bitcoin ETF hits 69 days of inflows on 039420039 halving day)
48 什么是以太币期货ETF,它们是如何运作的
(What are Ether futures ETFs and how do they work)
49 灰度迷你比特币 ETF 低费用是假设的分析师
(Grayscales Mini Bitcoin ETF cheap fees are hypothetical analysts)
50 2028 年,Bitcoin039 的价格将在哪里减半
(Where will Bitcoin039s price be at the next halving in 2028)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月耐用品订单报告 (Core Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
2 耐用品月度订单 (Durable Goods Orders m/m) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 20:30
3 原油库存报告 (Crude Oil Inventories) 周三 (Wed) 24-04-2024 22:30
4 Advance GDP q/q (Advance GDP q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
5 美国失业人数 (Unemployment Claims) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
6 Advance GDP Price Index q/q (Advance GDP Price Index q/q) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
7 会计报告显示该国进出口商品价值之间的净差额。 (Goods Trade Balance) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
8 月度批发贸易库存报告 (Prelim Wholesale Inventories m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 20:30
9 订房指数 (Pending Home Sales m/m) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:00
10 天然气储量报告 (Natural Gas Storage) 周四 (Thur) 25-04-2024 22:30
11 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
12 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
13 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
14 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
15 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


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