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硬币相关 #Decentralised

币名 细节
Curve DAO (crv)
与Uniswap类似,Curve Finance是基于AMM的自动做市商去中心化交易所DEX。. 与Uniswap不同,它的主要重点只是在应该具有相同价值的资产之间进行交换。. 这在 DeFi 生态系统中很有用,因为有大量包装的代币和合成代币旨在模仿真实标的资产的价格。例如,最大的池之一是 3CRV,它是一个由 DAI、USDT 和 USDC 组成的稳定币池。. 他们在池中的比例将基于市场的供求关系。. 以较低的比率存入硬币将为用户提供较高比例的池。. 因此,当比率严重倾斜到其中一个硬币时,它可能是一个很好的套利机会。曲线金融还支持收益代币。.
Similar to Uniswap, Curve Finance is an Automated Market Maker AMM based Decentralised Exchange DEX. Unlike Uniswap, its main focus is only to swap between assets that are supposed to have the same value. This is useful in the DeFi ecosystem as there are plenty of wrapped tokens and synthetic tokens that aim to mimic the price of the real underlying asset. For example, one of the biggest pools is 3CRV, which is a stablecoin pool consisting of DAI
Dynex (dnx)
世界上第一个去中心化神经形态超级计算平台#Dynex是基于突破性灵活区块链协议的快速增长的下一代神经形态计算平台。. 它由参与节点组成,这些节点构成了一个分散的神经形态超级计算网络,能够以前所未有的速度和效率执行计算 - 甚至超过量子计算#Decentralised。 神经形态计算通过将传统的低效计算机转变为神经形态芯片,我们最终将能够创造新的发现。. 为了实现这一目标,每台计算机、每台笔记本电脑甚至每台可用的移动设备都需要连接。. 作为一个社区,通过合作努力,我们可以朝着可持续性和有效性迈出下一步。. 将您的手机、旧电脑或休眠的采矿设备转变为神经形态机器,赚钱并创造财富#Energy。 高效 — 绿色和可持续鉴于气候变化对我们的环境和未来的威胁越来越大,我们必须采取一切必要措施减少全球能源
The World’s First Decentralised Neuromorphic Supercomputing Platform#Dynex is a fast growing nextgeneration platform for neuromorphic computing based on a groundbreaking flexible blockchain protocol. It consists of participating nodes that constitute a decentralised neuromorphic supercomputing network which is capable of performing computations at unprecedented speed and efficiency — even exceeding quantum computing.#Decentralised Neuromorphic Co
Aidi Finance (aidi)
Aidi Finance是一个完整的加密资产和公用事业生态系统。. 我们正在汇集完整的去中心化金融解决方案,并将其与区块链游戏和 NFT 集成.AIDI 实施自动奖励挖矿,其中每笔买卖交易的交易价值的 2% 分配给持有者。. Aidi Finance生态系统将拥有AIDI SWAP A Swap Exchange,AIDI PlayFi游戏与NFT的集成,AIDI Craft A NFT平台和AIDI Connect 一个应用程序,持有者可以在其中跟踪$AIDI代币的增长。.
Aidi Finance is a complete ecosystem of cryptoassets and utilities. We are bringing together complete Decentralised Finance solutions and integrating them with Blockchain gaming and NFTs.AIDI implements automatic reward farming in which 2% of the transaction value for every buy or sell transaction is distributed to the holders. Aidi Finance ecosystem will have AIDI SWAP A swap exchange,AIDI PlayFi Gaming integrations with NFT,AIDI Craft An NFT pl
Anagata (aha)
Anagata $AHA是一个现实世界的资产代币化,以碳信用作为基础业务。. 碳经济技术,例如合规的去中心化标识符、可验证的碳追踪和跟踪,用于公共和工业 web3 应用的碳足迹资产。.
Anagata $AHA is a Real World Asset Tokenization,with Carbon Credits as underlying business. Carbon Economic Technologies such as compliant Decentralised Identifiers,Verifiable Carbon Tracing and Tracking to carbon footprint asset for public and industrial web3 applications.
Antfarm Token (atf)
什么是蚂蚁农场代币Antfarm Token ATF是Antfarm Finance上的实用代币,这是一个专门为流动性提供者LP构建的去中心化交易所DEX。. 它得到了去中心化自治组织DAO的支持。蚂蚁农场的使命是吸引、补偿和留住LP,在增加利润的同时降低风险。是什么让蚂蚁农场代币独一无二通货紧缩 每次交换后支付费用的 15% 被烧毁是 ATF 代币的核心属性。. 该机制旨在保护其持有者。. 随着每次燃烧,ATF的值理论上都会增加。流动性提供者可以随时索取费用,而不会对池值或交易量产生任何影响,因为这些费用是用 ATF 代币支付的。. 这有很多好处:LP可以通过决定是否应该将收取的费用再投资,分散到新的资金池中或简单地将其保留在ATF中来进一步定制其策略。. 通过引入ATF,我们赋予LP独立
What is Antfarm TokenAntfarm Token ATF is the utility token on Antfarm Finance,a Decentralized Exchange DEX built especially for Liquidity Providers LPs. It is supported by a Decentralised Autonomous Organization DAO.Antfarms mission is to attract,compensate and retain LPs,increasing their profits while reducing the risks taken.What Makes Antfarm Token uniqueBeing deflationary 15% of the paid fees are burned after every swap is a core property of
AntNetworX (antx)
AntNetworX 旨在通过为下一代提供无缝且可访问的 dApp 来帮助区块链、Web3 和 DeFi 实现大规模采用。. 我们涵盖了广泛的解决方案,例如无缝 Web3 UI、无钥匙智能钱包、去中心化通信和区块链演出。. AntNetworX拥有首创的利润分享模式,包括收入和公用事业。使命我们的使命可以提炼为三个组成部分:创建高度可扩展的去中心化应用程序,为整个加密行业提供价值。通过改进当前的 Web2.0 应用程序并将其过渡到 Web3.0 和区块链,帮助促进全球加密采用,为那些寻求适合接收加密货币付款的工作机会的人创造新的收入途径。. Vision被公认为一个全球值得信赖的品牌,负责监督一套高度可访问的去中心化应用程序——每个应用程序都旨在简化和加快加密货币的采用。帮助实现加密货币经济
AntNetworX aims to help blockchain, Web3 and DeFi achieve mass adoption by providing seamless and accessible dApps for the next generation. We cover a vast range of solutions such as seamless Web3 UI, keyless smart wallet, Decentralised communication and blockchain gigs. AntNetworX has a first of its kind profit sharing model, with revenue and utility burns.MissionOur mission can be distilled into three constituent parts:Create highly scalable de
7 AA
Astarter (aa)
该项目是关于什么的Astarter是卡尔达诺上的一个关键DeFi基础设施中心,具有四个核心应用程序:LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,货币市场和技术服务平台,并得到了卡尔达诺协议创始实体EMURGO的支持。. Astarter 旨在通过提供公平、安全和可访问的开放金融服务来提升其贡献并为卡尔达诺生态系统带来更广泛的可能性,以满足现有和未来在加速 DeFi 应用程序方面的需求,从而为卡尔达诺构建的下一代项目提供支持。 该组件允许维持流动性提供者资金的流动,从而使系统更具可扩展性和安全性。. 系统的核心合约组件由驱动程序合约初始化,这些驱动合约管理所需的交易验证、路由和计算序列。项目的历史记录。Astarter 项目成立于 2021 年初,当时创始团队发布了他们的精简版,概述了该平
What is the project aboutAstarter is a key DeFi infrastructure hub on Cardano that features four core applications: LaunchpadLaunchpool,DEX,Money Market & Tech Service Platform,with the backing of EMURGO,a founding entity of the Cardano protocol. Astarter aims to elevate its contribution and bring broader possibilities to the Cardano ecosystem by providing fair,safe,and accessible open finance services to meet existing and future demand in accele
Avocado DAO (avg)
鳄梨DAO是鳄梨协会的去中心化自治组织。. 加入我们的旅程,为元宇宙中的许多人提供更多服务。.
Avocado DAO is the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation for Avocado Guild. Join us on the journey to providing more to many in the Metaverse.
Aventus (avt)
一种第 2 层区块链协议,可为以太坊交易带来可扩展性、更低的成本和速度。以太坊存在可扩展性问题,使其成为自身成功的受害者。. 作为大多数企业选择的区块链网络,其最大交易吞吐量远远不足以满足需求。. 因此,供需经济学使交易费用飙升,使其昂贵得令人望而却步。Aventus网络AvN通过让企业使用Aventus的第二层协议在以太坊网络之上构建来解决这个问题。. 使用AvN,应用程序可以轻松地与任何其他有前途的区块链技术,跨链,通过插入Polkadot生态系统,建立在Substrate上.AventusScale的好处Aventus网络AvN理论上可以扩展到每秒2,000笔交易。. 这是以太坊的133倍.PriceAventus网络上的平均交易成本将从AVT支付的0.01美元开始,并随着时间的推移而
A layer2 blockchain protocol that brings scalability, lower costs, and speed to Ethereum transactions.Ethereum has scalability issues that make it a victim of its own success. As the blockchain network of choice for most businesses, its maximum transaction throughput is wildly insufficient in meeting demand. The economics of supply and demand have thus skyrocketed transaction fees making them prohibitively expensive.The Aventus Network AvN solves
basis.markets (basis)
BASIS是basis.markets的收费分享代币。. 持有者可以质押他们的BASIS代币,以获得由basis.markets去中心化基差流动性池DBLP产生的交易费用奖励的比例份额。. BASIS代币还可以获得高回报的流动性挖矿计划,以及将未来存款贴现到Basis.markets DBLP。. 基础市场是一个分散的流动性池,由您拥有,由基差交易引擎提供支持。. DBLP是一个完全管理的交叉交易所,交叉抵押的流动性池,为非定向交易提供高收益。. 在活跃的DAO的支持下,并由顶级交易团队管理,basis.markets的愿景是提供更高水平的回报,deltaneutral收益率和实时洞察力。.
BASIS is basis.markets’ feesharing token. Holders are able to stake their BASIS tokens to receive a proportional share of trading fee rewards generated by the basis.markets Decentralised Basis Liquidity Pool DBLP. BASIS tokens also give access to a highreward liquidity mining programme, as well as, discounted future deposits into the basis.markets DBLP. basis.markets is a decentralised liquidity pool, owned by you, powered by the Basis Trade Engi
Cult DAO (cult)
什么是 CULTCULT 是 CULT DAO 的可交易和流动性代币,交易 CULT 将通过缓慢填充 DAO 国库来为协议做出贡献,以资助对去中心化技术的投资。. 这是由于对所有CULT交易征收0.4%的税来实现的。什么是dCULT dCULT只是CULT的“权益证明令牌”。. 当您将您的 CULT 质押到 DAO 中时,您将获得 dCULT,这可以随时兑换回您最初质押的 CULT 数量,加上在您拥有 dCULT 的时间段内给予 DAO 的任何奖励。 我们无法改变Cult,无法访问流动性,我们无法升级或编辑智能合约或代币。. 邪教是不同的,因为它不能被阻止,不是被守护者、开发商、政府、监管部门或任何人阻止的。. 他们可以摧毁服务器,但代码仍然存在,对去中心化技术的投资仍然存在。.
What is CULTCULT is the tradable and liquid token of CULT DAO, transacting CULT will contribute to the protocol by filling the DAO treasury slowly, to fund investments into decentralised technologies. This is achieved due to a 0.4% tax on all CULT transactions.What is dCULT dCULT is just the “proof of stake token” for CULT. When you stake your CULT into the DAO, you are given dCULT, this can be swapped back at any time into the amount of CULT you
12 DBD
Day By Day (dbd)
日复一日正在用 DeFi 和 NFT 重新构想保险。. 我们的保险资产管理平台和资产登记移动应用程序将连接到我们的 Web 3 保险 DAO,并将保险的可信度和透明度提升到一个新的水平。. 我们的 Day By Day DAO 解决方案将包括一个保险市场,该市场将连接保险公司和买家,使用 NFT 为保单和资产投保现实世界的资产,而投资者将有机会利用 DeFi 类型的投资。Day By Day 平台由 DBD 代币支持和驱动,该代币将用于: 分散的保险交易 保费支付、索赔支付 为保险 DAO 治理提供动力 解决保费准确性 通过 DAO 质押和索赔池为投资者带来收入 流动性投资 保险公司和投资者风险管理 社区奖励。.
Day By Day is reimagining insurance with DeFi and NFTs. Our insurance asset management platform and asset registry mobile app will connect to our Web 3 insurance DAO and take insurance to a new level of trustworthiness and transparency. Our Day By Day DAO solution will consist of an insurance marketplace which will connect insurers and buyers to insure real world assets using NFTs for policies and assets, while investors will have the opportunity
EGAZ (egaz)
什么是Egaz EGAZ EGAZ是Etica区块链的基础货币。Etica 是一个 Desci 去中心化科学项目。. 它是一个没有知识产权的开源医学研究区块链。EGAZ是用于以下用途的加密货币:* 处理交易的费用。 奖励支持Etica区块链的EGAZ矿工。 价值储存:EGAZ的供应将受到尾部排放的限制,它可以成为一种价值储存。.
What is Egaz EGAZ EGAZ is the base currency of Etica blockchain.Etica is a Desci Decentralised Science project. It is a blockchain for Open Source medical research without intellectual property.EGAZ is the cyptocurrency that is used for:* Fees for processing transactions.* Reward EGAZ miners that support Etica blockchain.* Store of value: EGAZ supply will be limited by a tail emission and it can become a store of value
EnreachDAO (nrch)
Enreach 是一个去中心化自治组织 DAO,它设想在去中心化金融 DeFi 的采用、实现、发展和货币化方面发挥关键作用。.
Enreach is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation DAO that envisions to play a pivotal role in the adoption, realisation, development and monetisation of decentralised finance DeFi.
eosDAC (eosdac)
EosDAC目前是以太坊区块链上的ERC20标准代币。. 一旦EOS平台启动,ERC20代币合约将被冻结,分类账将通过发布团队定义的流程转移到EOS,该过程将在eosDAC网站和社交媒体渠道上描述。BlockMaker Ltd为eosDAC创建了1,200,000,000的总代币供应量。. 这些代币代表了eosDAC的社区成员,一旦DAC于2018年6月在EOS区块链上推出,他们将拥有和控制DAC去中心化自治社区。. EosDAC将寻求将其代币在一些主要的加密货币交易所上市.75%的eosDAC代币900,000,000已分配给EOS代币持有者进行空投。. 在 2018 年 4 月 15 日 01:00:00 UTC 的 EOS 众筹第 300 天结束时,所有持有超过 100 个代币*的 E
EosDAC is currently an ERC20 standard token on the Ethereum blockchain. Once the EOS platform launches, the ERC20 token contract will be frozen and the ledger will be transferred over to EOS through a process, defined by the launch team, that will be described on the eosDAC website and social media channels.BlockMaker Ltd has created a total token supply for eosDAC of 1,200,000,000. These tokens represent the community members of eosDAC, who will
ErgOne (ergone)
ErgOne:由社区提供支持的去中心化营销世界各地的 Ergonauts 经常告诉我们,Ergo 真正需要的是营销。. 正是考虑到这一点,我们决定创建ErgOne.我们的主要重点是以完全有机的方式突出ERGO。因此,ErgOne 自然而然地从 Ergo Fan 社区代币开始,但它也旨在成为更多......允许社区集体支持任何项目。事实上,Ergo营销问题影响了许多其他项目,这些项目需要大量的技能和精力,但缺乏资金。我们的工具将让社区参与到此类项目的推广中。ErgOne将允许你们每个人都参与GMS大质量共享。 🔹 让我们停止受全球决策领导者🔹的影响 成为你自己影响力🔹浪潮的推动者 围绕您最喜欢的内容🔹引领并建立病毒式趋势 通过获得奖励来支持您的内容创建者是时候为真正值得它的项目带来亮点了Erg
ErgOne: A Decentralised Marketing powered by CommunityAll the Ergonauts around the world have often told us that what Ergo really needs is Marketing. And this is with this concern in mind that we have decided to create ErgOne.Our primary focus is to highlight ERGO in a fully organic way.It is thus naturally that ErgOne starts as an Ergo Fan Community Token but it also aims to become much more… permitting the community to support any project colle
Espento (spent)
该项目是关于什么的Espento是一个仅在币安智能链BSC上创建的算法货币市场。该协议为去中心化金融 DeFi 生态系统带来了一个简单的加密资产交换、桥接、质押和借贷解决方案。. 允许用户以快速的速度直接以抵押品为抵押品借款,同时产生更少的交易成本。. 该协议是第一个允许用户通过桥接协议实时访问BNB,BUSD,USDTTRC20,BTC,ETH和其他加密货币的流动性池的协议.使用espento协议寻求流动性的用户不需要通过信用检查,可以通过与espento去中心化应用程序DApp交互立即获得贷款。. 用户不受限制,并且始终可以通过提供必要的抵押品来获得流动性.这些贷款是通过Espento用户提供的资金池实现的,这些资金池赚取可变的APY以换取他们的投入。. 这些贷款由借款人支持平台上的超额
What is the project aboutEspento Is An Algorithmic Money Market Created Solely On Binance Smart Chain BSC.The Protocol Brings To The Decentralized Finance DeFi Ecosystem A Simple Crypto Asset Swap,Bridge,Stake,And LendingBorrowing Solution. Allowing Users To Borrow Directly Against Collateral At Rapid Speeds While Incurring Less Transaction Costs.What makes your project uniqueThe Key Strength Of Espento Is Its Fast Speed And Incredibly Cheap Tran
18 ETI
Etica (eti)
这个项目是关于什么的Etica是一个Desci去中心化科学项目。. 它是一个没有知识产权的开源医学研究区块链。是什么让您的项目独一无二Etica是第一个用于开源医学研究的区块链。项目的历史记录。白皮书于 2019 年 10 月发布并发送到原始中本聪邮件列表 区块链于 2022 年 4 月 17 日开始.您的项目的下一步Etica的下一步是开始研究您的代币可以用于什么ETI可用于对Etica协议提案进行投票。. 它允许ETI持有者定位和指导对Etica协议进行的研究。.
What is the project aboutEtica is a Desci Decentralised Science project. It is a blockchain for Open Source medical research without intellectual property.What makes your project uniqueEtica is the first blockchain for Open Source medical research.History of your project.The whitepaper was published and sent to original Satoshi Nakomoto mailing list in October 2019 blockchain started on april 17th 2022.What’s next for your projectThe next step f
Flair Dex (fldx)
项目内容Flair Dex是一个建立在雪崩区块链上的去中心化交易所和自动化市场标记,专注于为稳定币和其他资产提供高效的代币交换和深度流动性。. Flair Dex具有使用ve3,3系统的独特治理结构,为生态系统的所有用户提供了最大化收益的可能性。是什么让您的项目与众不同支持稳定交换和 Uniswap 样式易失换。Dex的最低费用仅为sAMM的0.02%和vAMM的0.2%,是defi中最低的。支持单掉期式LP和曲线型仪表,以实现更好和分散的流动性激励。允许无许可访问以在任何 LP 池上创建贿赂。从第一天开始完全去中心化,具有代币经济学。. ve 持有者控制协议、收入和代币发行。项目的历史记录。Flair dex 于 2022 年 12 月启动,旨在成为雪崩的原生流动性层。您的项目的下一步是什
What is the project aboutFlair Dex is a decentralised exchange and automated market marker built on avalanche blockchain focusing on providing efficient token swaps and deep liquidity for stablecoins and other assets. Flair Dex comes with a unique governance structure using the ve3,3 system that provides the possibility to maximise gains for all users of the ecosystem.What makes your project uniqueSupports both Stable Swaps and Uniswap Style vola
Floop (floop)
FLOOP是Radix上CaviarNine生态系统的实用代币。. 它支撑着聚合器、形状流动性、去中心化订单簿和流动性质押池。. 它控制着与这些产品相关的FLOOP金库。.
FLOOP is the utility token for the CaviarNine ecosystem on Radix. It underpins the Aggregator,Shape Liquidity,Decentralised Order Book and Liquid Staking Pool. It controls the FLOOP treasury associated with those products.
一种去中心化的模因代币,提供世界上第一个由加密货币驱动的狗零食。. 它是Shiba启发的模因代币集合中的最新产品,具有独特的生态系统和广阔的视野。. 我们计划成为一个公认的品牌,通过销售我们的产品,不仅使我们的投资者受益,而且使全世界无家可归的狗受益。. 我们的愿景 拥有一支敬业的团队,旨在确保其投资者是4SHIBA的核心,并且所有决策都以透明和富有成效的方式做出。. 我们的愿景不仅是构建一个独特的用例,为Forever Shiba带来新的投资,而且还要使其在未来许多年保持蓬勃发展。. 永远的零食永远的零食是我们的旗舰公用事业,围绕它有一个完整的生态系统,实施回购和慈善方面,我们的目标是不仅为我们的消费者提供优质的狗零食,而且通过回购 Forever Shiba 所有利润的 25% 并将这些
A Decentralised Meme Token that provides the worlds first dog treats powered by cryptocurrency. It is the latest in the Shiba inspired collection of meme tokens,with a unique ecosystem and broad vision. We plan to become a recognised brand and benefit not only our investors in the process but homeless dogs world wide through the sale of our products. Our Vision With a dedicated team that is driven with the intention of making sure its investors a
Instadapp ETH (ieth)
Instadapp是人们使用去中心化金融的平台,这是一种管理资金的方式。. 它有一个仪表板,可以轻松访问流行的协议和策略。. 它还有一个名为Instadapp Lite的东西,可以帮助用户用他们的数字资产赚更多的钱。. 开发人员可以使用一些工具来构建自己的项目并从中获利。. 最后,有很多资源,如Twitter,Discord和Github,可以跟上最新的进展。.
Instadapp is a platform for people to use Decentralised Finance,which is a way of managing money. It has a dashboard that makes it easy to access popular protocols and strategies. It also has something called Instadapp Lite,which helps users make more money with their digital assets. There are tools for developers to build and monetize their own projects. Finally,there are lots of resources like Twitter,Discord and Github to stay up-to-date with
23 IXO
IXO (ixo)
ixo 协议定义了一个新的开放标准,用于生成有关世界状况变化的可验证声明。. 这是影响力创造者铸造不可替代的 NFT 影响力代币的基础.可持续的去中心化金融 建立在影响力互联网上的可持续 DeFi 和影响力验证应用程序有可能从根本上改变世界的状况。. 通过改变我们的融资、实施、衡量、估值和创造市场的方式,以实现可持续影响。. 这与流入社会、环境和经济发展以及气候融资和碳市场的所有形式的资本有关。通过“影响力互联网”实施的社区货币能够以包容、地方治理、低风险和可持续的方式推动实现当地社会和经济发展目标的成果。. 具有创新新用例、新经济生产形式、新型激励计划、新投资机制以及社区可持续性和当地复原力的新经济模式的巨大潜力。影响互联网网络将使世界各地的人们能够获得所需的可靠信息和金融工具,以更可持续
The ixo protocol defines a new open standard for producing verifiable claims about changes in the state of the world. Which are the basis for impact creators to mint nonfungible NFT Impact Tokens.Sustainable Decentralised Finance Sustainable DeFi and Impact Verification applications built on the Internet of Impact have the potential to fundamentally change the state of the world. By transforming how we finance, implement, measure, value and creat
Kingdom of ANTs ANT Coins (antc)
什么是 Kingdom of ANTSKingdom of ANTs KOA 是一个游戏化的 DeFi 平台,针对速度、灵活性和易用性进行了优化。. 它建立在 Solana 之上,由收益 NFT 和集成的 AI 框架提供支持。. 用户可以在 KOA 上玩各种活动并从中赚钱,此外还可以质押 $ANTC 年化收益率。. 什么是蚂蚁币$ANTCAnt币$ANTC是KOA的原生货币,基于SLP代币标准。. 它是一种实用代币,允许用户执行一系列用例。. 例如: 付款:王国生态系统中的“活动”费用以$ANTC支付。.
What is Kingdom of ANTsKingdom of ANTs KOA is a gamified DeFi platform,optimised for speed,flexibility,and easeofuse. It is built on Solana,powered by yieldbearing NFTs and an integrated AI framework. Users can play and earn from various activities on KOA,besides staking $ANTC for APYs. What is Ant Coin $ANTCAnt Coin $ANTC is KOA’s native currency,based on the SLP token standard. It’s a utility token that lets users perform a range of usecase. Fo
Klima DAO (klima)
Klima DAO是一个分散的变革自治组织。. Klima DAO 通过 KLIMA 代币等原语开发实现我们宣言的基础设施激励措施。. 当然,Klima DAO将解决碳市场的关键问题:流动性不足,不透明和效率低下。. 在实现其目标的过程中,Klima DAO将成为碳市场的最大破坏者,并为碳支持的新货币体系开创先例。.
Klima DAO is a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation for change. Klima DAO develops infrastructure incentives that fulfill our manifesto, through primitives such as the KLIMA token. As a matter of course, Klima DAO will solve the critical problems of the carbon markets: illiquidity, opacity and inefficiency. In delivery of its objectives, Klima DAO will become the single biggest disruptor of the carbon markets and set a precedent for a new monet
Kvants AI (kvnt)
项目是什么 aboutKvants.ai 正在建立一个去中心化资产管理平台,该平台将行业领先的对冲基金开发的性能最佳的 AIDriven 交易策略代币化。. 通过完全合规且易于使用的 NFT 代币化基金认购模式为散户投资者提供机构资产管理策略。 是什么让您的项目独一无二‣ 去中心化资产管理平台平台 KYC NFT Mint Live 框架的 Alpha 版本,用于对领先的对冲基金策略进行代币化投资。 Kvants 平台上已经有 9 种 AIDriven 策略。 增强型 ETH 和 BTC 波动性策略‣ 保守,平衡和激进的风险状况 适用于每种策略,以匹配投资者的风险偏好。. 项目的历史记录。核心团队 Kvants.ai 的核心团队由风险投资家、连续创业者、华尔街投资银行家组成,打造人才的完美协
What is the project aboutKvants.ai is building a Decentralized Asset Management platform that tokenizes topperforming AIDriven trading strategies developed by industryleading hedge funds. Offering retail investors access to institutional asset management strategies via a fullycompliant and easytouse NFT Tokenised Fund Subscription Model.What makes your project unique‣ Alpha Version of the Decentralised Asset Management Platform Platform KYC NFT
27 LUN
Lunyr (lun)
然而,Lunyr宣布Lunar是区块链最独特的实现之一,旨在成为一个分散的点对点知识数据库,又名“基于区块链的维基百科”。. 它致力于成为网络上加密项目、技术、金融、法律、投资等领域最具创新性和最全面的知识来源。Lunyr 的联合创始人是 Arnold Pham、Andrew Tran 和 Christopher Smith。. Lunyr ICO于2017年4月26日结束,产生了约30万美元的资金。. 随后,公测版于 2018 年 1 月 30 日推出。. 它基于以太坊网络。. 同时还推出了使作家能够获得创作文章奖励的奖励系统,允许作家赚取LUN硬币以换取高质量的作品。.
Lunyr pronounced Lunar, however, is one of the most unique implementations of blockchain yet, aiming to be a decentralized, and peertopeer knowledge database, aka the “Blockchainbased Wikipedia”. It strives to be the most innovative and comprehensive source of knowledge in domains like crypto projects, technology, finance, law, investment, and more, on the web.The cofounders of Lunyr are Arnold Pham, Andrew Tran, and Christopher Smith. The Lunyr
28 MVX
Metavault Trade (mvx)
Metavault.Trade是一种新型的去中心化交易所,旨在为许多大型加密资产提供广泛的交易功能和非常深的流动性。交易者可以通过两种方式使用它:现货交易,掉期和限价单。. 永续期货交易,空头和多头头寸杠杆高达30倍。Metavault.Trade旨在成为希望始终控制其资金而不共享其个人数据的交易者的goto解决方案。. 与其他现有的DEX相比,其创新设计使其具有许多优势:非常低的交易费用。. 没有价格影响,即使对于大订单量也是如此。. 防止清算事件:在一个交易所“骗局灯芯”中经常可能发生的价格突然变化被依赖 Chainlink 预言机的定价机制设计所平滑。. Allinone平台:现货和杠杆交易。.
Metavault.Trade is a new kind of Decentralised Exchange, designed to provide a large range of trading features and very deep liquidity on many large cap crypto assets.Traders can use it in two ways:Spot trading, with swaps and limit orders. Perpetual futures trading with up to 30x leverage on short and long positions.Metavault.Trade aims to become the goto solution for traders who want to stay in control of their funds at all times without sharin
29 PI
Plian (pi)
Plian PriorPCHAIN正着手将他们通过开发企业子链来应用于各个领域所学到的知识,并将其集中到一个高度可扩展的多链智能合约平台和去中心化金融DeFi工具集中,满足公共和企业DeFi的所有要求,同时也简化了集成。. 该策略将通过开发用于简化智能合约和DApp部署的工具,添加链上预言机以及创建用于添加可编程流动性的新技术来实现,以进一步简化与这一新愿景 Plian.As 部分的集成,Plian将开发一套熟悉的工具,使用Truffle和Waffle等工具简化测试,启动和维护复杂的智能合约, 同时还发布了智能数据和预言机机制,增加了智能合约的复杂性。. Plian还将赞助一个社区管理的去中心化掉期Pizzap,以开放跨区块链流动性的平台。该工具套件和平台将把 Plian 转变为一个可大规模
Plian Previously PCHAIN is setting out to take what they have learned through developing enterprise subchains for applications in a wide variety of fields and focus it into a highly scalable, multichain smart contract platform and decentralized finance DeFi toolset that satisfies all the requirements of public and enterprise DeFi while also simplifying integration. This strategy will be accomplished by developing tools for simplifying smart contr
30 PHX
Phoenix Finance (phx)
凤凰金融是一个专门从事加密金融衍生品的DeFi平台。. 除了挖矿和质押机会外,我们的用户还可以交易期权和分散的杠杆代币。期权使用集合资产机制进行交易,该机制允许分享溢价并分散风险。. 分散的杠杆代币提供稳定的杠杆,简单性,并消除了与保证金交易相关的常见困难。.
Phoenix Finance is a DeFi platform specialised in crypto financial derivatives. Besides mining and staking opportunities, our users can trade both options and decentralised leveraged tokens.Options are traded using a pooled assets mechanism that allows for premiums to be shared and risks diversified. Decentralised leveraged tokens provide stable leverage, simplicity and do away with the usual difficulties associated with trading on margin.
PunkCity (punk)
项目是关于什么去中心化的游戏生态系统是什么让你的项目独一无二的电报在电报中直接电报集成你的项目的历史。于 2022 年推出,成功收集 NFT,总交易量约为 300 万美元。. 从这一刻起,团队开始构建gamefi生态系统。. 在获得牵引力和测试模型后,推出了代币$punk。. 它作为通用的生态系统代币。. 您的项目的下一步计划在我们的生态系统中推出新游戏。. 您的代币可以用于什么对于PVP战斗,用于购买游戏web 3资产并修复它们。.
What is the project aboutDecentralised gaming ecosystem What makes your project uniqueDirect telegram integration of gamefi products in TelegramHistory of your project.Launched in 2022 with successful NFT collection with total volume arround 3 million usd. From this moment team started building gamefi ecosystem. After gaining traction and testing models,token $punk was launched. It’s serves as universal ecosystem token. What’s next for your proje
HaloDAO (rnbw)
HaloDAO通过建立稳定币优化的AMM和以稳定币为重点的借贷市场以及与全球现有钱包和交易所的联系,推动区域性资产支持的稳定币的流动性。. 随着特定地区稳定币供应量的增加,用户将能够访问无需许可的去中心化金融DeFi经济,从而降低世界上具有高增长潜力和影响力的地区个人参与金融的障碍。.
HaloDAO is driving liquidity to regional, asset backed stablecoins by building a stablecoin optimized AMM and stablecoin focused Lending Market and linkages with existing wallets and exchanges around the world. With a greater supply of region specific stablecoins, users will be able to access the permissionless Decentralised Finance DeFi economy, thereby lowering the barrier to individual financial participation in a region of the world with a hi
33 RVF
RocketX exchange (rvf)
我们正在构建CEX和DEX聚合器协议。. RocketX 交易所聚合了集中式和分散式加密交易所,使用户可以轻松找到以最低的 gas 费在不同交易所交易代币的最佳价格。. 我们是第一个通过CrossChain Swaps & Bridges支持多链交易的公司。.
We are building CEX & DEX Aggregator Protocol. RocketX exchange aggregates both the Centralised and Decentralised Crypto Exchanges and makes it easy for the user to find the best rates to trade tokens across different exchanges with the lowest gas fee. We are the first to support Multi Chain Trade via CrossChain Swaps & Bridges b/w the leading chains.
Salad (sald)
项目是关于什么的沙拉是一个致力于创造可以改善人们生活的经济机会的组织。. 该项目一直是去中心化 web3 劳动力领域的开拓者。. 他们的目标是促进一个更公平的世界,让个人可以参与未来的工作。是什么让您的项目独一无二Salad致力于通过Play2Earn,Learn2Earn和Decentralized Labor Exchange等各种平台赋予社区权力,从而在区块链上创造赚钱机会。. 该项目还旨在支持其他 web3 项目的增长和市场渗透,同时继续致力于为所有人建立一个更可持续和公平的工作未来。项目的历史记录。Salad筹集了由Multicoin Capital领投的种子轮融资,随后进行了私人融资,投资者包括C Squared Ventures,Brevan Howard基金,Gemini F
What is the project aboutSalad is an organization dedicated to creating economic opportunities that can improve peoples lives. The project has been a trailblazer in the field of decentralised web3 labor. Their objective is to promote a more equitable world where individuals can participate in the future of work.What makes your project uniqueSalad is dedicated to creating earning opportunities on the blockchain by empowering their community throug
35 SBX
SOBAX (sbx)
Decentralised Perpetual Exchange. Trade BTC,ETH,MATIC and more with up to 100x leverage directly from your wallet at SobaX opensource ecosystem
Speculate DAO (spec)
SpeculateDAO 是一个社区拥有的项目,帮助人们从 DeFi 协议、加密资产指数基金和 Super Boosts 中赚取收益。. 它们使使用加密货币变得更加容易,并具有 3 个支柱:简单性、可持续收益率和去中心化治理。. 人们可以向 DAO 提出建议,并通过持有$SPEC代币获得奖励。.
SpeculateDAO is a community-owned project that helps people earn yield from DeFi protocols,an index fund of crypto assets,and Super Boosts. They make it easier to use cryptocurrency and have 3 pillars: Simplicity,Sustainable Yield,and Decentralised Governance. People can make proposals with the DAO and receive rewards for holding $SPEC tokens.
Spherium (sphri)
Spherium提供一整套金融服务,包括通用钱包,代币交换平台,货币市场和区块链间流动性转移。. Spherium将作为全球金融服务提供商,将基础金融服务扩展到没有银行账户的人。HyperSwap:基于自动做市机制的去中心化资产交换SphereComp:去中心化货币市场,投资者可以借出或借入数字资产,利率由供求规律决定Spherium钱包:Spherium产品和服务的去中心化和安全钱包Spherium为多资产,跨链交换,加密融资解决方案和跨链可操作性提供了单一平台。. Spherium为DeFi世界引入了用户友好的界面,先进的金融服务.Spherium是去中心化金融领域领先的金融科技平台。. Spherium 通过为全球受众创建一套金融服务来统一当前分散的 DeFi 格局。.
Spherium offers a complete suite of financial services comprising of a universal wallet, token swap platform, money markets, and interblockchain liquidity transfer. Spherium will function as a global financial service provider, extending fundamental financial services to the unbanked.HyperSwap: Decentralized Asset Swap based on an automated marketmaking mechanismSphereComp: Decentralized money markets where investors can lend or borrow digital as
Staked Metis Token (artmetis)
Artemis Finance 是专为 Metis 去中心化 Sequencer 池设计的流动性质押协议。. 用户可以在Artemis Finance上质押他们的METIS代币,并获得流动性代币artMETIS.Artemis为METIS持有者提供了一个简化的机会,让他们参与去中心化Sequencer并赚取利润。. 同时,参与的用户将获得一个名为artMETIS的液体包装纸,该包装纸会自动累积收益。. 这种单一包装机制提供了更简单、更统一的用户体验,无需额外成本来激励跨多个包装器的流动性。. 这种方法可以更轻松地构建强大的 DeFi 使用场景。.
Artemis Finance is a liquid staking protocol designed exclusively for Metis Decentralised Sequencer Pools. Users can stake their METIS token on Artemis Finance and receive the liquid token artMETIS.Artemis offers METIS holders a streamlined opportunity to participate in the Decentralized Sequencer and earn profits. Simultaneously,participating users will receive a liquid wrapper called artMETIS,which automatically accumulates earnings. This singl
XIDR (xidr)
什么是XIDRXIDR是完全抵押的印度尼西亚盾稳定币,由开源区块链协议提供支持。. XIDR的目标是成为最具成本效益的IDR支持的稳定币,通过SstraX平台可以免费铸造和赎回带有IDR的XIDR,并且出站链上交易费用有上限。哪些区块链支持XIDRXIDR令牌可在两种不同的区块链协议上使用。XIDR ERC20 代币可在以太坊区块链上使用,并且可以与任何与 ERC20 兼容的钱包一起存储。XIDR ZRC2代币作为ZRC2代币在Zilliqa区块链上运行,可以与任何ZRC2兼容钱包一起存储。谁发行XIDRXIDR由新加坡Fazz Financial Group Pte Ltd的印度尼西亚子公司PT Xfers SstraX Indonesia发行,我如何使用XIDRUse XIDR作为数字资
What is XIDRXIDR is the fully collateralised Indonesian Rupiah stablecoin, powered by opensource blockchain protocols. XIDR aims to be the most costeffective IDRbacked stablecoin, where minting and redemption of XIDR with IDR is available via the StraitsX platform for free, and where outbound onchain transaction fees are capped.Which blockchains support XIDRXIDR tokens are available on two distinct blockchain protocols.XIDR ERC20 tokens are avail
40 SCY
Synchrony (scy)
由人工智能提供支持的去中心化资产管理. 和分析,包括:链上复制交易,可组合指数和友好的Defi农贸市场。.
Decentralised Asset Management Powered by A.I. and Analytics, Featuring: OnChain CopyTrading, Composable Indices, and a Friendly Defi Farmers Market.
41 TRB
Tr8bit (trb)
Tr8bit,由智能合约技术提供支持。. DeFi 去中心化金融随着时间的推移不断获得牵引力,大多数人选择它作为集中式解决方案的一种选择。. 然而,无信任操作是困难的。. 对于管理大型资金且无法信任第三方的 DAO 和金融机构来说,这变得更加困难。. 在过去的几年里,DAO 的增长非常出色。. 随着 DAO 越来越受欢迎,他们中的许多人开始思考如何最大限度地利用他们的资金,同时为他们的代币建立健康和可持续的流动性。创始人史蒂夫很快意识到这是一件大事的开始,并开始研究他的想法。.
Tr8bit,powered by smart contract technology. DeFi Decentralised Finance keepsgaining traction over time and most people are choosing it as an option tocentralized solutions. However,operating trustlessly is hard. It becomes evenharder for DAOs and financial institutions that manage large funds and cannottrust third parties with them. The growth of DAOs has been exceptional over thelast few years. With DAOs gaining popularity,many of them started
WHALE (whale)
WHALE是原生数字的全能会员俱乐部,专注于让我们的WHALE会员沉浸在数字艺术和文化的复兴中。WHALE由俱乐部原生社交代币$WHALE和俱乐部宝库WHALE Vault提供支持,为新一代数字爱好者提供物理和元内容,信息和体验。WHALE 由化名 WhaleShark 于 2020 年成立,在全球拥有超过 25,000 名成员,所有成员都专注于 Web 3 的长期讨论和沉浸以及真正的数字资产稀缺性、所有权和管理的革命。WHALE 已成为世界上最大的社交代币社区,由世界上最有价值的 NFT 集合资助。重点领域包括:1.. 数字艺术2.. 数码摄影3.. 数字音乐4.. 去中心化游戏5.. 元界加入我们的社交媒体渠道上关于 WHALE 的更好和更长期的讨论:Discord.gg/WHALETw
WHALE is the omniversal membership club for the natively digital, focused on immersing our WHALE Members in the renaissance of digital art and culture.Powered by the clubs native social token, $WHALE, and the club treasury, the WHALE Vault, WHALE delivers physical and metaversal content, information and experiences for a new generation of digital enthusiasts.Established in 2020 by the pseudonymous WhaleShark, WHALE boasts over 25,000 members wor
zkSync id (zkid)
项目是关于什么建立在zkSync Era之上的去中心化ID和访问协议是什么让你的项目独一无二zkSync ID是第一个身份协议,它提供了一个选项,允许用户和项目拥有并向去中心化ID持有者提供对其dapp特定功能的门控访问。项目的历史记录。第一个在zkSync时代区块链上具有实时dapp的协议,具有.zksync和.era数字id您的项目的下一步启动板和市场启动以交易这些数字ID您的代币可以用于治理,市场交易,质押和铸造去中心化ID。.
What is the project aboutDecentralised id and access protocol built on top of zkSync EraWhat makes your project uniquezkSync id is the first identity protocol providing an option to allow users and projects have and deliver gated access to specific features of their dapps to decentralised id holders.History of your project.The first protocol having live dapp on zkSync era blockchain with .zksync and .era digital idWhat’s next for your projectLaun


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,065.40 2,018,799,540.40
2 BTC title=BTC 63,170.02 1,752,934,809.39
3 ETH title=ETH 3,096.52 798,286,330.81
4 SOL title=SOL 136.61 526,306,600.78
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 352,568,324.67
6 WIF title=WIF 2.78 184,712,105.09
7 XRP title=XRP 0.52 184,473,687.45
8 BONK title=BONK <0.01 161,402,897.50
9 NEAR title=NEAR 6.93 151,937,473.44
10 COS title=COS 0.03 149,578,810.78
11 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 133,462,793.46
12 ENA title=ENA 0.83 122,962,623.68
13 LTC title=LTC 87.01 91,502,794.74
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.25 83,174,705.07
15 BOME title=BOME 0.01 82,467,663.87
16 HBAR title=HBAR 0.11 67,131,313.02
17 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 66,844,542.99
18 AVAX title=AVAX 34.04 57,892,835.37
19 WLD title=WLD 4.67 55,773,944.88
20 TRX title=TRX 0.12 50,285,238.38
21 FTM title=FTM 0.71 49,507,851.46
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.69 45,717,484.67
23 SEI title=SEI 0.56 43,871,318.91
24 LINK title=LINK 14.32 39,696,956.18
25 ADA title=ADA 0.46 39,406,667.62
26 RNDR title=RNDR 8.04 39,087,784.88
27 FIL title=FIL 5.91 37,939,124.09


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.03 +39.03
2 BinaryX title=BNX 0.98 +14.78
3 aelf title=ELF 0.65 +11.98
4 REI Network title=REI 0.09 +10.27
5 Golem title=GLM 0.42 +8.39
6 BTTC <0.01 +7.14
7 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +6.80
8 ApeCoin title=APE 1.34 +6.61
9 Civic title=CVC 0.18 +6.58
10 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.91 +6.47
11 Galxe title=GAL 4.46 +6.20
12 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.09 +5.43
13 Santos FC Fan Token title=SANTOS 6.62 +3.75
14 Ethereum Classic title=ETC 27.11 +3.39
15 NULS title=NULS 0.69 +3.31
16 Dymension title=DYM 3.65 +3.25
17 Litecoin title=LTC 87.01 +3.23
18 NEO title=NEO 17.85 +2.76
19 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.68 +2.75
20 Sun Token title=SUN 0.02 +2.67
21 Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token title=PSG 5.32 +2.66
22 Fusionist title=ACE 5.65 +2.26
23 IQ title=IQ <0.01 +2.09
24 TRON title=TRX 0.12 +1.98
25 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.09 +1.65
26 Algorand title=ALGO 0.20 +1.50
27 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +1.27
28 Maker title=MKR 2,847.00 +1.10
29 Bitcoin Cash title=BCH 478.70 +1.01
30 PAX Gold title=PAXG 2,340.00 +0.65


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 Orion title=ORN 1.56 -13.90
2 Arweave title=AR 30.30 -13.00
3 Hedera title=HBAR 0.11 -11.28
4 Sei title=SEI 0.56 -10.30
5 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.11 -10.29
6 Automata title=ATA 0.20 -9.96
7 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.78 -9.73
8 Lisk title=LSK 1.68 -9.41
9 Phala title=PHA 0.19 -9.30
10 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.19 -8.64
11 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.16 -8.31
12 W 0.58 -8.12
13 RONIN 2.76 -7.95
14 PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power title=CVP 0.40 -7.86
15 Prosper title=PROS 0.37 -7.79
16 Wanchain title=WAN 0.26 -7.52
17 Omni Network title=OMNI 20.13 -7.49
18 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -7.46
19 Bittensor title=TAO 418.90 -7.43
20 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -7.10
21 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.25 -7.01
22 DeXe title=DEXE 12.44 -6.57
23 Prom title=PROM 9.79 -6.52
24 Kava Lend title=HARD 0.19 -6.45
25 Synapse title=SYN 0.96 -6.41
26 FUNToken title=FUN <0.01 -6.36
27 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.41 -6.35
28 Decred title=DCR 20.85 -6.29
29 Request title=REQ 0.13 -6.18
30 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.08 -6.17

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 CryptoQuant 首席执行官表示,加密货币混合不是犯罪
(Crypto mixing is not a crime says CryptoQuant CEO)
2 英伟达支持的人工智能初创公司发布表达人类情感的头像
(Nvidia backed AI startup releases avatars that express human emotion)
3 元宇宙是否需要在区块链上 高管们的权衡
(Does the metaverse need to be on the blockchain Execs weigh in)
4 比特币每日交易量创历史新高
(Bitcoins daily transactions reach new record high)
5 英国警方有权在不逮捕的情况下扣押犯罪加密货币
(UK police authorized to seize criminal crypto holdings without arrests)
6 Q Day 临近:以太坊能否在量子紧急情况下幸存下来
(Q Day approaching Can Ethereum survive a quantum emergency)
7 中国大陆投资者将无法购买香港比特币ETF
(Mainland China investors wont be able to buy Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs)
8 欧盟吹捧元宇宙中儿童的健康益处,尽管存在风险
(EU touts health benefits for children in the metaverse despite risks)
9 财富眷顾某些东西 Eminem 从 Matt Damon 手中接过 Cryptocom 的衣钵
(Fortune favors something Eminem takes Cryptocom mantle from Matt Damon)
10 比特币图表牛市旗帜是 039 强势看涨设置039 分析师
(Bitcoin chart bull flag is a 039strong bullish setup039 Analyst)
11 狗狗币会在比特币减半 7 个月后再次飙升吗
(Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again)
12 Stripe 这次用稳定币带回了加密支付
(Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin)
13 即使比特币价格下跌,BONK POPCAT 和 Solana 模因币也保持绿色
(BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops)
14 反加密 SEC 委员任期还有 41 天 她会被取代吗
(Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced)
15 6B骗局在法庭上被指控香港比特币ETF亚洲快车的中国漏洞
(6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express)
16 039Epic sat039 从第四个比特币减半区块开采,售价为 21M
(039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M)
17 戈登·戈纳 (Gordon Goner) 谈他戏剧性的健康斗争和无聊猿 3 岁
(Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3)
18 比特币矿商 Marathon 将 2024 年的哈希率目标提高到 50 EH
(Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs)
19 美国联邦调查局(FBI)对加密货币发送器的警告似乎是针对混合器的
(FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers)
20 Solana 看到机构投资组合 CoinShares 大幅增加
(Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares)
21 巨型买入信号加密鲸鱼将 13B 转移到 Coinbase
(Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase)
22 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
23 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
24 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
25 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
26 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
27 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
28 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
29 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
30 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
31 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
32 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
33 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
34 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
35 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
36 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
37 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
38 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
39 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
40 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
41 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
42 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
43 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
44 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
45 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
46 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
47 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
48 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
49 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
50 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)


Blocktanium (bkt) SiaClassic (scc) Baby KShark (bks) Numeraire (nmr) Corsac v2 (csct) Klaytn (klay) WORLD CUP INU (wci) Nest Protocol (nest) MOVN (mov) StaFi Staked SWTH (rswth)


Particles Money xETH (xeth)Year of the Dragon (yod)Glint Coin (glint)ZURRENCY (zurr)Fluid (fluid)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#NFTs #privacy #GameFi #healthcare #carbon-credit #DEX #domain #clean energy #digital economy #solar energy


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
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