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硬币相关 #Explore

币名 细节
The Graph (grt)
Graph 是一种索引协议和全局 API,用于组织区块链数据并使其易于使用 GraphQL 访问。. 开发人员可以使用 Graph 资源管理器来搜索、查找和发布构建去中心化应用程序所需的所有公共数据。. 图形网络使构建完全在公共基础设施上运行的无服务器dApp成为可能。GRT 是用于协调工作的网络的本机令牌。. GRT是ERC20代币。. 节点操作员(称为索引器)质押并赚取 GRT 来处理查询。. 任何人都可以将 GRT 委托给索引器,以保护网络并获得奖励。.
The Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications. The Graph Network makes it possible to build serverless dApps that run entirely on public infrastructure.GRT is the native token of the network that’s used to coordinate work. GRT is an ERC20 to
Big Time (bigtime)
Big Time 是一款免费的多人动作角色扮演游戏,结合了快速动作战斗和穿越时空的冒险。. 探索古老的奥秘和未来文明,在历史中战斗。. 在与敌人战斗和击败敌人时捡起稀有的收藏品、战利品、化妆品和代币。. 收集和交易您的收藏品来装饰您的头像和个人元宇宙,在那里您可以与朋友一起出去玩。通过SPACE扩展您的个人元宇宙和制作能力,加入我们的游戏内创作者经济。. 免费玩,收集游戏内物品和代币,制作收藏品,或与朋友一起出去玩....... 无限的环境和冒险实例为您提供无限的可能性。.
Big Time is a freetoplay,multiplayer action RPG game that combines fastaction combat and an adventure through time and space. Explore ancient mysteries and futuristic civilizations as you battle your way through history. Pick up rare collectibles Loot,Cosmetics and Tokens as you fight and defeat enemies. Collect and trade your Collectibles to decorate your avatar and personal metaverse,where you can hang out with your friends.Expand your personal
Contentos (cos)
Contentos是一个去中心化的全球内容生态系统,由币安实验室投资,币安实验室是世界上最大的交易所DHVC和各种一流基金的区块链孵化器。. Contentos TestNet推出,其实时网络状态可以在Contentos Block Explorer上查看 它旨在创建一个去中心化的内容生态系统,在这个生态系统中,资产可以自由生产、认证和分发。. 该团队由来自内容行业的专家组成,他们从事过顶级消费者应用程序和区块链项目。. Contentos不仅是未来数字内容生态系统的蓝图,而且我们有多个工作用例:Contentos正在与战略合作伙伴LiveMe和Cheetah Mobile合作,他们已经积累了超过60 +百万的月活跃用户。. 通过实时用户反馈,Contentos将成为首要的区块链项目,因为它
Contentos is a decentralized global content ecosystem invested by Binance Labs the blockchain incubator of world’s largest exchange, DHVC and various classleading funds. Contentos TestNet was launched and its realtime network status can be viewed on Contentos Block Explorer It aims to create a decentralized content ecosystem, where assets can be freely produced, authenticated, and distribut
MARS4 (mars4)
曾经想成为火星人这是你的机会...Mars4 是一个元宇宙和 P2E 游戏生态系统,您可以在其中探索地理上精确的 3D 虚拟火星,拥有和定制您的土地,甚至获得世界上第一个创收 NFT Mars4 用户购买地块的回报,他们以后可以在那里培育文明并创造经济。. 房东可以建造、出租和出售他们的地块。. 但它还有更多。. mars4 元宇宙将有多种游戏来赚取结合去中心化、星图和 Axie 无限精华的游戏。. 在VR中探索火星,并作为真正的先驱参观火星上最美丽的地方......改造你的土地并建造各种建筑,如氧气发生器、采矿设备等等,以赚取被动收入。. 进入有史以来第一个建立在真实地图和火星图像上的元宇宙,并获得游戏的回报来赚取或作为土地所有者......要快,因为土地卖得很快,价格每 10,000 块
Ever wanted to be a Martian Here is your chance…Mars4 is a Metaverse and P2E gaming ecosystem where you can explore a geographically exact 3D virtual Mars, own and customize your land and even reap the rewards of the worlds first revenuegenerating NFT Mars4 users purchase land plots where they can later cultivate civilisations and create economies. Landlords can build upon, rent and sell their lots. But there is much more to it. The mars4 metaver
Patex (patex)
Patex 提供多种产品,包括:CPatex 交易所 — 一个集中式加密货币交易所,为 CBDC 和加密货币提供监管、管理和启动功能。Patex Campus — 一个教育平台,旨在让个人熟悉 Web3 世界,并为他们提供在该领域从事职业的技能。Patex Network — 第 2 层区块链,促进中央银行数字货币、CBDC 和其他加密货币的发行和跟踪.$PATEX 代币:它在 CPatex 交易所和其他生态系统产品中提供实用性,允许用户访问独家功能并获得奖励。活动挖掘:一种经常性奖励系统,根据用户在原生链上记录的交易活动来激励用户。Patex 钱包:一个原生的非托管跨链加密钱包,可在 Patex 生态系统和其他网络中安全地存储、发送和接收加密货币。价值证明:一种支持活动挖掘的共识机制,用户
Patex offers a diverse range of products that includes:CPatex Exchange — A centralized cryptocurrency exchange that provides regulation,management,and launch capabilities for CBDCs and cryptocurrencies.Patex Campus — An educational platform designed to familiarize individuals with the world of Web3 and equip them with the skills to pursue careers within this domain.Patex Network — A Layer 2 blockchain that facilitates the issuance and tracking of
4D Twin Maps (4dmaps)
通过使用最新的地形,测量和扫描技术,我们希望将现实世界带入区块链。. 您将完全控制您的财产,铸造为 NFT,您将能够像使用您最喜欢的专业软件一样使用它们,但在网络上 GIS、CAD、BIM、3D.... 将您的财产作为 NFT 使用数据进行分析 使用 MAP 代币进行交易 与大家分享您想要的内容 探索世界并购买,出售或出租。.
Bring your properties to the Metaverse.Through the use of the latest topographic,surveying and scanning technology we want to bring the real world to the blockchain. You will have full control of your properties,minted as NFT,and you will be able to work with them like you do with your favourite professional software but on the web GIS,CAD,BIM,3D... Have your properties as NFT Work with data for analysis Use MAP token to transact Share what you w
Abelian (abel)
这个项目是关于什么的阿贝尔是一个第1层区块链系统,该系统具有抗量子性和隐私保护性。. 通过抗量子,Abelian的密码系统可以防御未来强大的量子计算机发起的攻击。. 通过隐私保护,Abelian拥有隐私币ABEL,可以完全隐私使用,隐私与责任,或匿名级别的隐私。是什么让您的项目独一无二这是世界上第一个既是后量子又保护隐私的区块链系统。. 此外,Abelian的安全和隐私保证在数学上都被证明是安全的。. 这也是世界上第一个可证明安全的区块链系统,其安全性和隐私性在数学上都简化为一些众所周知的抗量子难题。Abelian基于晶格的后量子密码系统基于CRYSTALSDilithium和Kyber,均被美国国家标准与技术研究院NIST选为首批后量子密码PQcrypto国家标准。. 这象征着联邦机构和世
What is the project aboutAbelian is a Layer 1 Blockchain system which is quantum resistant and privacy preserving. By quantum resistant,Abelian’s cryptographic systems can defend against attacks launched by the future powerful quantum computers. By privacy preserving,Abelian has the privacy coin ABEL,which can be used with full privacy,privacy with accountability,or privacy in the pseudonymous level.What makes your project uniqueThis is the world
achi (achi)
Achi:释放加密货币的乐趣 加入 Achi 社区,这是一个独特的模因项目,灵感来自 dogwifhat 中心爱的狗。. Achi 为加密领域带来了幽默和创造力,将区块链的力量与俏皮而引人入胜的吉祥物相结合。. 探索 Achi 模因的世界,交易限量版 NFT,并成为欢笑与去中心化金融相遇的充满活力的社区的一部分。. 与 Achi 一起拥抱加密货币更轻松的一面——每个模因都有一个代币经济学故事。.
Achi: Unleashing the Fun in Crypto Join the Achi community,a unique meme project inspired by the beloved dog in dogwifhat. Achi brings humor and creativity to the crypto space,combining the power of blockchain with a playful and engaging mascot. Explore the world of Achi memes,trade limited edition NFTs,and be part of a vibrant community where laughter meets decentralized finance. Embrace the lighter side of crypto with Achi – where every meme ha
Acria.AI AIMARKET (aimarket)
探索 Acria AI 数据市场,这是一个促进人工智能应用高质量训练数据集交换的平台。. 该市场迎合了开发商、研究人员和企业在透明和高效的环境中寻求无缝交易的需求。值得注意的是,该平台结合了原生代币AIMARKET的使用,增强了用户的交易体验。. AIMARKET在为推进人工智能计划和完善模型释放机会方面发挥着关键作用。.
Explore the Acria AI Data Marketplace,a platform facilitating the exchange of highquality training datasets for artificial intelligence applications. This marketplace caters to developers,researchers,and businesses seeking seamless transactions within a transparent and efficient environment.Notably,the platform incorporates the use of AIMARKET,a native token,enhancing the transactional experience for users. AIMARKET plays a pivotal role in unlock
Alon Mars (alonmars)
火星上的人工智能 AIonMars是一个去中心化的虚拟世界,结合了区块链技术和人工智能,创造了独特的沉浸式体验。. 探索红色星球,与AI驱动的实体互动,并参与充满活力的社区。.
Artificial Intelligence on Mars AIonMars is a decentralized virtual world that combines blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to create a unique and immersive experience. Explore the red planet,interact with AIpowered entities,and participate in a vibrant community.
Ambra (ambr)
Ton Whales 是一家产品公司,创建与 сrytpo 和 Web3 相关的易于使用和易于理解的产品。. 鲸鱼在TON区块链上推出了第一个也是最大的采矿和质押池。. 目前,Ton Whales质押的冻结资金总额为3500万美元。. 该团队还推出了 Tonhub 钱包资源管理器最成功的 NFT 集合之一,鲸鱼俱乐部补充,Ton Whales 正在努力推出自己的非托管加密银行卡。. Ambra代币将用于筹款。. 此外,该代币将用于增加银行卡的限额。.
Ton Whales is a product company creating easytouse and easytounderstand products related to сrytpo and Web3. Whales launched the first and largest mining and staking pools on the TON blockchain. The total amount of blocked funds in Ton Whales staking is currently 35 million dollars. The team has also launched the Tonhub wallet Explorer one of the most successful NFT collections,the Whales Club addition,Ton Whales are working on launching their
12 AFC
Arsenal Fan Token (afc)
在 2021 年,现在您可以使用粉丝令牌拥有这个标志性品牌的一部分 粉丝令牌 尤文图斯足球俱乐部粉丝令牌 尤文图斯足球俱乐部球迷代币 尤文自 1897 年成立以来一直是欧洲强国,现在您可以使用官方粉丝令牌向老太太表示支持 获取应用程序 立即探索 en 美式英语 兄弟 Es fr 它??????????Tr ??????De Pt Socios 这个应用让你展示对自己喜欢的球队的支持。. 您可以获得奖励,参与民意调查以影响团队决策,以及购买或出售“粉丝代币”。. 也有很多很酷的奖品可以赢取!.
In 2021 Now You Can Own A Piece Of This Iconicbrand With Fan Tokens Fan Token Juventus Fc Fan Token Juventus Fc Juventus Fc Fan Tokens Juve Have Been A European Powerhouse Since Theirformation In 1897 Now You Can Show Your Support To The Old Lady Withthe Official Fan Tokens Get The App Explore Now En American English Br Es Fr It ?????? ???? Tr ?????? De Pt Socios is an app that lets you show your support for your favorite teams. You can earn rewa
13 AVL
Aston Villa Fan Token (avl)
Reemagi 看看我们的圣诞特别优惠,并在 2021 年大获全胜 获取应用程序 立即探索 Socios.com 是一款应用程序,您可以在其中为您喜爱的球队获得粉丝代币。. 您还可以赚取奖励和积分,与来自世界各地的其他粉丝竞争,并玩独家游戏以赢得千载难逢的体验!.
reemagi Take A Look At Our Special Christmas Offers And Win Big In 2021 Get The App Explore Now Socios.com is an app where you can get Fan Tokens for the teams you love. You can also earn rewards and points,compete with other fans from around the world,and play exclusive games to win once-in-a-lifetime experiences!
Bridged Polygon (Lightlink) (matic.e)
、社交媒体和倡导计划或在全球会议和黑客马拉松上见面。活动在全球活动中与我们见面公会立即加入您所在地区的公会生态系统 dApps探索多边形生态系统中的 dApp生态系统工作在多边形生态系统中找工作DevX 全球巡回演唱会订阅公会活动治理参与制定多边形协议 DevX 美洲黑客马拉松是一个开发人员可以加入并利用他们的技能使用计算机构建东西的活动。. 他们可以赢得超过 90,000 美元!为了帮助他们,他们有像Polygon这样的工具,可以帮助他们将互联网的不同部分连接在一起。. 他们还拥有来自公司的资源,这些资源将帮助他们了解区块链技术以及如何使用它。.
,social media,and Advocate program or meet up at conferences and hackathons worldwide.EventsMeet us at events across the globeGuilds Join NowJoin a Guild in your areaEcosystem dAppsExplore dApps in the Polygon ecosystemEcosystem JobsFind a job in the Polygon ecosystemDevX Global TourSubscribe to guild eventsGovernanceParticipate in shaping Polygon Protocols The DevX Americas Hackathon is an event where developers can join and use their skills to
15 COS
Cats Of Sol (cos)
最时尚的猫科动物现在都在 Solana 上。. 介绍 Sol 的猫 探索带有赃物的时尚猫与 Solana 区块链上的 Meme 狂野世界相遇的世界。. 有这种很酷的猫科动物,街道永远不会一样。.
The most stylish felines are now here on Solana. Introducing the Cats of Sol Explore the world where stylish cats with swag meets the wild world of Meme on solana blockchain. The streets will never be the same with this cool felines around
Chain of Legends (cleg)
《英雄链》是一款赚钱的 NFT 游戏,您可以:1 购买土地,建造 CLEG 代币矿并开始赚取游戏代币.2 直接在交易所出售代币或通过创建石矿和铁矿来扩大您的帝国,以产生您进步所需的资源.3 建造军营并训练部队。. 探索世界,寻找地牢,杀死怪物并收集宝藏。. 部队在每场战斗和冒险中获得经验和等级.4 与其他玩家一起战斗,占领金银岛并收集宝藏。. 并保卫您占领的岛屿免受其他玩家的入侵。. 战斗是自动化的。. 每个用户都可以使用策略并在战斗前设置部队的编队。.
Chain of Legends is a playtoearn NFT game that you can:1 Buy a land, build a CLEG token mine and start earning game tokens.2 Directly sell tokens in exchanges or expand your empire by creating a Stone mine and an Iron mine to generate the resources that you need for your progress.3 Build barracks and train troops. Explore the world, find dungeons, Kill monsters and collect treasuries. Troops gain experience and levels in every battle and adventur
Coco (coco)
与COCO一起释放加密货币的力量。使用 COCO 的便捷功能轻松管理您的加密货币之旅。. 探索无缝优惠券以节省更多费用,随时了解智能新闻更新,并通过适应您独特需求的强大浏览器扩展进行控制。治理Coco生态系统的核心是其用户,因此,决定哪些项目和活动将取得成果的权力传给了他们。. 根据每个用户的持股$Coco,他们的投票权将具有相应的权重。更具体地说,$Coco持有者将能够对以下事项进行投票:即将到来的优惠券Coco生态系统中将要创建的挑战/任务/活动设备和NFT设计更多即将推出。.
Unlock the Power of Cryptocurrencies with COCO.Effortlessly manage your cryptocurrency journey with COCOs convenient features. Explore seamless coupons for enhanced savings,stay informed with intelligent news updates,and take control with powerful browser extension that adapts to your unique needs.GovernanceThe heart of Coco ecosystem is its users and thus,the power to decide which projects and activities will come into fruition passes to them. D
Dall (Doginals) (dall)
该网站适用于一个名为 Dall 的项目,该项目提供 NFT。. 用户可以探索市场,参加社区活动,并与Dall社区建立联系。. 提到了 Dall 背后的团队,包括 CEO、CTO、CDO、CMO 和开发人员。. FAQ 部分回答了有关 DRC-20 铸造流程、使用哪个钱包购买、转移代币、联系客户支持、与参与相关的费用以及是否需要 NFT 专用钱包的问题。. 该项目的目的是引入去中心化的解决方案,促进无缝交易和安全数据共享,促进社区参与和刺激经济增长,并增强用户体验、可访问性和技术进步。. 该网站提供了指向 Doge Labs Wallet、OrdiFind Marketplace、Doginals Explorer、Telegram、Ordinals Wallet 和 Doll 社区 Twit
The website is for a project called Dall that offers NFTs. Users can explore the marketplace,join community events,and connect with the Dall community. The team behind Dall is mentioned,including the CEO,CTO,CDO,CMO,and a developer. The FAQ section answers questions about the DRC-20 Minting Process,which wallet to use for buying,transferring tokens,contacting customer support,fees associated with participation,and the need for a special wallet fo
Doge Protocol (dogep)
Doge 协议是一个即将推出的社区运行的量子抗拒区块链项目,具有权益证明共识,正在积极开发中。. 该项目的重要目标之一是保护三大区块链BTC,ETH,Doge免受量子计算机威胁。狗狗协议将成为比特币、以太坊、狗狗币区块链和狗狗币协议代币的独特、业界首创的多分叉,成为世界上最大的区块链,为量子抵抗锦上添花。. 该测试网使用Falcon作为保护帐户的抗量子加密方案,并使用NTRU HRSS来保护节点间通信。. 主网将基于后量子密码学世界的持续发展,包括NIST pqc计划的第3轮结果,切换到适当的量子抗性方案。. 主网正在积极开发中。狗狗协议作为以太坊 ERC20 代币相当地推出。. 该代币可用于获得相应的抗量子硬币,作为主网启动的一部分。.
Doge Protocol is an upcoming communityrun quantumresistant blockchain project with proofofstake consensus and is under active development. One of the important goal of this project is to secure the three largest blockchains BTC, ETH, Doge from quantum computer threats.Doge Protocol will be a unique, industryfirst multifork of Bitcoin, Ethereum, DogeCoin Blockchains and Doge Protocol tokens, to become the Largest Block chain in the World, added wi
20 ETE
Etherempires (ete)
什么是传奇 FWCL 传奇,是一款建立在币安链上的开放世界探索、动作、战略、智力和神秘游戏和 NFT 卡收藏家,并将在个人电脑和 Mac 以及手机 iOS 和 android 上发布,直到 2025 年。. 游戏是为娱乐和获得收入而制作的传奇冒险,具有丰富的图形,新技术和刺激。. 探索 11 个令人惊叹的土地,发现使传奇之地陷入黑暗并恢复土地荣耀的灾难性事件。传奇如何运作 传奇游戏代币$FWCL是传奇游戏元界中使用的 BEP20 代币。. FWCL代币是传奇游戏经济的燃料。. 该代币可用于购买游戏内 NFT 物品、赚取 PlayToEarn 奖励和赚取质押奖励。. FWCL代币可以在PancakeSwap和CoinTiger上购买是什么让传奇独一无二 极乐传奇提供了一个蓬勃发展的游戏生态系统
What Is legends FWCL Legends,is an openworld exploratory,action,strategic,intellectual and enigmatic game and collector of NFT cards that has been built on binance chain and will be published on personal computers and Mac and mobile phones ios and android until 2025. Game has been made for entertainment and obtaining income in legendary adventure which is rich in graphic,new technologies and excitement. Explore 11 stunning lands and discover cata
EverRise SOL (rise)
建立在 Solana 上的 Everrise 生态系统由众多实用程序组成,这些实用程序不仅可以让建设者和投资者社区聚集在一起,而且还有助于 Solana 的总体叙事,介绍 EverRise我们是谁每个团队成员都是从以前的项目中手工挑选出来的,以结合以前没有人拥有过的东西。. 一个为公开市场建立透明的团队,并与社区成员和投资者建立信任感。我们的使命和愿景探索未来。. 在一个充斥着可爱、无意义的回收水洗模因的空间中,EverRise 在这里为空间引入新鲜的元。. 一个更严肃的,那就是一起崛起 Solana 的空间。. EverRise 的使命是让宇宙飞船上的每个人都成为下一个十亿美元的项目。.
The Everrise ecosystem built on Solana is comprised of a multitude of utilities that will not only allow for a community of builders and investors to come together,but also contribute to the overarching narrative of Solana,Introducing EverRiseWho We AreEach team member has been hand selected from previous projects to combine that no one was ever had before. A team building in transparency for the open market and to build a sense of trust with the
22 GEO
Geopoly (geo)
GEOPOLY是一个地理定位经济模拟器,允许用户在世界各地出租和购买,升级和销售现实生活中的企业。. 它已经在 Android 上可用,iOS 和 Web 即将推出,它在 2 个主要的互联游戏中创造了有趣和创新的开关体验。. 探索,寻找机会,出租,购买,投资和出售世界上最大的资本主义游戏,其主要目标是产生尽可能多的收入并成倍地扩展您的业务。.
GEOPOLY is a geolocation economic simulator that allows users to rent and buy, upgrade and sell reallife businesses all around the world. Available already on Android with iOS and Web coming soon, it creates a fun and innovative on & off experience in 2 main interconnected gameplays. Explore, look for opportunities, rent, buy, invest and sell in the largest capitalist game in the world where the main goal is to generate as much revenue as possibl
GigaChadGPT (giga)
GigaChadGPT $GIGA,是著名的互联网传奇人物 GigaChad 和尖端人工智能的开创性融合。. 这种创新的代币将与GigaChad相关的阿尔法能量与强大的人工智能功能无缝融合,标志着加密货币领域的革命性发展。GigaChadGPT 的核心是一个人工智能驱动的聊天机器人,体现了广为人知的互联网模因 GigaChad 的角色。. 邀请用户与 GigaChadGPT 进行对话,提供从信息量大到彻头彻尾的搞笑的一系列互动。. GigaChads 的魅力与先进的 AI 技术相结合,提供了独特而有趣的用户体验。展望未来,GigaChadGPT 将进一步发展,并计划纳入额外的 AI 功能,包括图像生成。. 这种持续的增强确保了代币保持在技术创新的最前沿,随着时间的推移为用户提供新的和令人兴奋
GigaChadGPT $GIGA,a groundbreaking convergence of GigaChad,a celebrated internet legend,and cuttingedge Artificial Intelligence. This innovative token seamlessly blends the alpha energy associated with GigaChad with potent AI capabilities,marking a revolutionary development in the cryptocurrency realm.At its core,GigaChadGPT serves as an AIpowered chatbot,embodying the persona of the widely recognized internet meme,GigaChad. Users are invited to
24 HU
Hudex (hu)
HuDex 是一个强大的 allinone 加密货币平台,提供有关所有去中心化市场的信息。. 将区块链数据吸收到一个全面的UI中,HuDex有助于做出明智的投资决策。. 它的简单性、安全性和有用的功能使其成为加密货币动态世界中投资者和交易者的宝贵工具。HuDex 功能包括: 仪表板:为用户提供有关顶级区块链性能指标的实时分析和见解 配对浏览器:允许用户检查代币的图表和交易,同时在同一页面上可视化其所有相关指标的同时交易代币。. HuSwap:允许用户交易任何代币,我们的路由器将自动快速地找到最便宜的方式来执行您的交易。. 合约检查器:允许用户验证和审计智能合约的安全性,确保它们在与它们交互之前是安全的并且没有漏洞。. HuBridge:用户将能够通过我们的桥梁聚合器在不同的区块链网络之间无缝
HuDex is a powerful allinone cryptocurrency platform that provides info about all the decentralized markets. Assimilating blockchain data into one comprehensive UI,HuDex helps to make informed investment decisions. Its simplicity,security,and useful features make it a valuable tool for investors and traders in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.HuDex features include: Dashboard: provides users with realtime analytics and insights on the performa
Inscription DAO (icda)
铭文DAO致力于为铭文领域创建一个去中心化的自治组织DAO,旨在激发和推动多链铭文生态系统的蓬勃发展。. 通过将区块链技术与文化爱好者的热情相结合,将铭文的神奇魅力带入区块链的新时代。. 铭文DAO由社区的文化力量推动,其核心理念是通过社区的集体力量促进铭文文化和数字资产的创新发展。. 我们专注于连接全球文化爱好者,搭建一个开放包容的平台,促进铭文文化与传统区块链的多元交流。. 在这里,每个人都是铭文生态圈的建设者,追求创意和独特的文化价值。. Inscription DAO 的愿景不仅仅是将铭文融入数字世界,它旨在为铭文注入新的生命和意义。.
Inscription DAO is dedicated to creating a decentralized autonomous organization DAO for the inscription sector,with the goal of inspiring and driving the vibrant development of a multichain inscription ecosystem. By merging blockchain technology with the passion of cultural enthusiasts,we bring the magical charm of inscriptions into a new era of blockchain. Inscription DAO is propelled by the cultural force of the community,with the core philoso
IoTeX Bridged BUSD (IoTeX) (busd)
ioTube是一个跨链桥,允许用户在不同的网络上以1:1的比例包装和解包代币,如CIOTX。. 它提供了一种安全、快速和可靠的方式来交换 IoTeX 和其他区块链之间的资产。. ioTube Explorer帮助用户跟踪他们的资产,用户可以切换到不同的网络来访问各种代币。.
ioTube is a cross-chain bridge that allows users to wrap and unwrap tokens,such as CIOTX,in a 1:1 ratio on different networks. It provides a safe,fast,and secure way to exchange assets between IoTeX and other blockchains. The ioTube Explorer helps users track their assets,and users can switch to different networks to access various tokens.
Koakuma (kkma)
Koakuma 是一款多人在线 ARPG 游戏,在图形密集型元宇宙中具有身临其境的战斗系统和机制。. 玩家将使用专门设计的 NFT 资产在史诗般的战斗中发挥作用并战斗。从众多最适合您的角色中选择一个角色:手持巨剑的强大格莱恩、穿越森林的优雅女猎手、睿智可爱的法师、犀利狡猾的秘密刺客,以及简单诚实的熊。与朋友并肩作战拉里亚大陆充满了可怕的邪恶势力,并不是所有的地方都很容易独自前往。. 当你需要额外的人手时,打电话给你的朋友,强大的匹配系统可以轻松帮助你找到冒险家伙伴。与你的朋友一起探索神秘的地牢,挑战强大的老板,在危机时刻相互合作,拯救你垂死的伙伴,让他们重新投入战斗为天梯而战锦标赛梯子锦标赛是一个竞争系统,连接来自世界各地的冒险家并提供公平的竞争环境。. 阶梯锦标赛由赛季组成,每个赛季根据玩
Koakuma is a multiplayer online ARPG game with immersive combat systems and mechanics within a graphicsintensive metaverse. Players will play a role and fight in epic battles using specially designed NFT assets.CHOOSE A CHARACTERChoose from the many characters that suit you best: the mighty Grane with a giant sword; the graceful huntress who traverses the forest; the wise and lovely mage; the sharp and cunning secret assassin; and the simple and
LONG:东方龙的智慧与数字创新的融合,引领传统与加密的潮流。 🐉 探索 #龙Totem 的奇幻世界*——在数字化创新🚀浪潮中重现东方龙的智慧 *💲LONG 2024 龙年来自东方✨最大的水泵 将东方传统美学与现代科技相结合,我们在加密货币和 *NFT* 领域创造了新的趋势。. #LONGTOTEM 不仅仅是一个项目,更是文化与创新之间的桥梁。 #LONG:东方龙的智慧与数字世界的完美融合,引领着传统与加密的新时代。 🔮 🌟 #Totem:铭文文化的魅力、NFT的独特性、代币的流动性——加密资产的新篇章。.
LONG: a fusion of eastern dragon wisdomwith digital innovation,setting the trendin tradition meets crypto.🐉 Explore the fantasy world of #龙Totem* — recreating the wisdom of the Eastern dragon in the wave of digital innovation 🚀*💲LONG 2024 Year of the Dragon comes from the largest pump in the East✨ Combining traditional Eastern aesthetics with modern technology,we create new trends in the cryptocurrency and *NFT* fields. #LONGTOTEM is more than a
Looted Network (loot)
让我们$LOOT 加密货币头奖的未来是链上的。探索我们快速移动的“战利品箱”,与其他交易者、影响者和开发者一起试试运气.100% 的 Rake 回购到 Looted 代币中。摘要Looted 开创了去中心化游戏的先河,利用以太坊上的Chainlink VRF,提供透明和安全的赌场体验。我们的使命致力于通过在 DeFi 中提供公平和有益的头奖体验来重新定义游戏格局。. 匿名、无需信任的游戏。我们的愿景我们设想一个社区驱动的生态系统,以创新和包容性彻底改变传统游戏模式.$Loot代币推动了 Looted Network 生态系统,为用户提供无缝参与和丰厚的奖励。.
Let’s $LOOT The future of jackpots in crypto is onchain.Explore our fast moving ‘Loot Boxes’ and try your luck against fellow traders,influencers and developers alike.100% of Rake bought back into the Looted token.SummaryLooted pioneers decentralized gaming utilising Chainlink VRF on Ethereum,offering a transparent and secure casino experience.Our MissionWere committed to redefining the gaming landscape by delivering fair and rewarding jackpot ex
Luna28 (luna)
Luna28:宇宙加密货币Luna28是一个受卫星28天周期启发的加密货币项目。. 它提供了独特的功能,例如以月球为主题的 NFT、天体事件期间的定期代币销毁以及充满活力的社区。. 与 Luna28 一起探索宇宙,体验月球加密的魔力。.
Luna28: The Cosmic CryptocurrencyLuna28 is a cryptocurrency project inspired by the moons 28day cycle. It offers unique features such as lunarthemed NFTs,regular token burns during celestial events,and a vibrant community. Explore the cosmos with Luna28 and experience the magic of lunar crypto.
31 LNR
Lunar (lnr)
我们正在简化整个加密体验#x27。. 探索月球生态系统并发现月球平台、LNR 代币、月球水晶 NFT 等。.
We're streamlining the entire crypto experience. Explore the Lunar Ecosystem and discover the Lunar Platform, LNR token, Lunar Crystal NFTs, and more.
MasterDEX (mdex)
MasterDEX是终极的一站式DeFi平台,旨在帮助用户分别通过Dex Explorer,Dex聚合器和投资组合发现,交易和监控。.
MasterDEX is the ultimate onestop DeFi platform that aims to help users discover,trade,and monitor through Dex Explorer,Dex Aggregator,and Portfolio,respectively.
Meme AI Coin (memeai)
为了释放你的 MEME 创造力,让你的 MEMES 更上一层楼 探索 MEME AI,灵感来自 Elon Musks 最近的推文,认识到 meme 的影响。. 我们的平台提供 AI 模因生成器和 NFT 市场,使用户能够在充分利用模因的同时获得乐趣。MEME AI COIN不仅仅是一个模因生成器,它是技术和喜剧的独特交汇点,算法可以学习和玩弄人类的怪癖。. 潜入一个人工智能不仅向人类学习,还与我们一起欢笑的世界。.
To Unleash Your MEME Creativity Take Your MEMES to the Next Level Explore MEME AI,inspired by Elon Musks recent tweet recognizing the impact of memes. Our platform offers a AI meme generator and an NFT marketplace,empowering users to have fun while making the most of memes.MEME AI COIN is more than just a meme generator; it’s a unique intersection of technology and comedy,where algorithms learn and play with human quirks. Dive into a world where
34 PVP
Metalands (pvp)
Metalands 是一款惊心动魄且身临其境的游戏体验,带您进入一个传奇诞生的世界。. 它将生存、制作和基地建设的元素与大逃杀风格的游戏玩法的强度相结合。. 在Metalands中,每场战斗都是证明自己的价值和展示技能的机会。当您进入Metalands时,您将看到一个充满挑战和冒险的广阔而充满活力的世界。. 这是一个英雄诞生的地方,你有机会释放你内心的战士。. 战略在你的成功中起着至关重要的作用,但正是你的勇敢和决心会让你与众不同。探索Metalands令人叹为观止的景观,从黑暗神秘的森林到荒凉的荒地,并发现沿途隐藏的宝藏。. 你迈出的每一步,你做出的每一个决定,都将在这个充满无限可能性的王国中塑造你的命运。参与激烈的战斗,挥舞强大的武器,利用你独特的能力来战胜你的对手。.
Metalands is a thrilling and immersive gaming experience that takes you on a journey into a world where legends are forged. It combines the elements of survival,crafting,and base building with the intensity of a battle royalestyle gameplay. In Metalands,every battle is an opportunity to prove your worth and showcase your skills.As you enter Metalands,you will be greeted with a vast and dynamic world that is teeming with challenges and adventures.
MetaShooter (mhunt)
元射手是第一个去中心化的基于区块链的狩猎元宇宙。. MetaShooter加入了数百万游戏爱好者的社区,在那里他们可以体验逼真的狩猎并开发许多具有货币化机会的活动。. MetaShooter基于虚幻引擎构建,具有清晰的动态和图形。主要特点:体验真正的狩猎:参加锦标赛,多人游戏,并具有VR兼容性的惊人视觉效果狩猎和赚取:通过狩猎奖杯,赢得锦标赛等获得代币奖励。定制和升级:购买、升级狩猎装备并定制您的猎人开发:购买狩猎土地、建造塔楼、饲养 NFT 狗,赚取被动收入探索开放世界:体验各种环境、令人惊叹的视觉效果和逼真的动态我们解决的问题:无聊和重复的游戏玩法迫使加密方面进入游戏缺乏视觉效果和动态不合逻辑的生态系统没有实际利用 NFT 狩猎现代化过度承诺而不交付..
MetaShooter is the first decentralized blockchainbased hunting metaverse. MetaShooter joins millions of gaming enthusiasts in a community where they can experience realistic hunting and develop many activities with monetization opportunities. MetaShooter is built on Unreal Engine with sharp dynamics and graphics.Main Features:Experience real hunting: Play in tournaments, multiplayer, and with stunning visuals with VR compatibilityHunt & Earn: Rec
36 TRC
MetaTrace (trc)
## 什么是 MetaTrace MetaTrace 是世界上第一个在现实世界地图上提供免费游戏和赚取模型的 GameFi 项目。MetaTrace应用程序是一款结合了各种游戏机制的游戏,旨在结合地理位置,区块链环境和经典游戏策略。它基于增强现实技术,为用户提供独特的游戏体验,并轻松沉浸在 Web3 技术世界中。. 项目团队正在努力创建一个平台,让每个玩家都能实现他们的想法并成为自己冒险的创造者。. 该应用程序由具有顶级游戏工作室工作经验的专业人士开发:Niantic Pokemon Go,Wargaming World of Tanks,Kama Games,Game Insight等。MetaTrace的虚拟地图是现实世界的复制品,反映了我们的整个地球。. 你在现实世界中采取的每一步都会
## What is MetaTrace MetaTrace is the worlds first GameFi project featuring a Free to Play and Earn model on a realworld map.The MetaTrace application is a game incorporating a variety of game mechanics aimed at combining geolocation,blockchain environments,and classic game strategies.It is based on augmented reality technology,which offers users a unique gaming experience and an easy immersion into the world of Web3 technologies. Project team is
Monkecoin (monke)
Monkeverse第一眼帮助僧侣 一半的销售税直接支持灵长类动物保护慈善机构 您与Monkecoin的卖单有助于全球僧侣的福祉 MONKECOIN 生态系统Monkeverse探索Monkecoin生态系统的核心 通过参加Monke Royale比赛来赚取Monkecoin,这是一场激动人心的大逃杀游戏,僧侣们在这里决斗。. 你会取得胜利并领取你的 Monkecoin Monkeswap 在我们的去中心化交易所 Monkeswap 上发现 Monkecoin 的力量。. 无论您是加密货币专业人士还是新手,Monkeswap 都提供耕种、流动性提供和简单的代币交换,所有这些都具有更低的费用和更高的 LP 奖励 MonkeWalletHold $MONKE MonkeWallet 我们用户友好
A First Look At The MonkeverseHELP THE MONKES Half of all sell taxes directly support primate conservation charities Your sell orders with Monkecoin contribute to the wellbeing of monkes worldwide THE MONKECOIN ECOSYSTEMMonkeverseExplore the heart of the Monkecoin ecosystem Earn Monkecoin by competing in Monke Royale,a thrilling battle royale where monkes duke it out. Will you emerge victorious and claim your Monkecoin MonkeswapDiscover the power
MoonAI (moonai)
步入 MoonAI 的星际世界,这是受模因启发的加密爱好者的天体目的地 探索我们的宇宙,创新与幽默碰撞,重新定义加密货币的可能性。. 加入我们的月球和更远的恒星之旅,每一笔交易都为我们迈向更光明、更充满模因的未来提供动力。.
Step into the interstellar world of MoonAI,the celestial destination for memeinspired crypto enthusiasts Explore our cosmic universe,where innovation and humor collide to redefine the possibilities of cryptocurrency. Join us on our stellar journey to the moon and beyond,where every transaction fuels our trajectory toward a brighter,memefilled future
NeoPepe (neop)
NeoPepe 是 Solana EVM Neo 上的一个新模因。. 它是 Solana 的一个启用了元掩码的层。. 它可以在 Moraswap 上购买。. NeoPepe 有一个图表,它的代币符号是 NEOP。. NeoPepe 不征税,因为社区相信一个免税的世界。. Moraswap 拥有 90% 的霓虹灯流动性,5% 用于营销,5% 用于团队。.
NeoPepe is a new meme on Solana EVM Neo. It is a metamask-enabled layer for Solana. It is available for purchase on Moraswap. NeoPepe has a chart and its token symbol is NEOP. There are no taxes on NeoPepe as the community believes in a tax-free world. Moraswap has 90% Neon Liquidity,5% for marketing,and 5% for the team. The contract has been renounced and the LP burned. Additionally,there are other components in the NeonEVM ecosystem such as Neo
Ninja Protocol (ninja)
忍者协议是在 Solana 区块链上开发的产品生态系统,专注于游戏和 NFT。. 目前正在开发的产品是NinjaWeb,一个包罗万象的Solana个人资料页面,NinjaVision A State of the Solana区块链浏览器为用户提供了大大改进的功能和能力,最重要的是,基于Unity构建的Ninja ARPG游戏利用加密货币和NFT技术。.
Ninja Protocol is an ecosystem of products being developed on the Solana blockchain with a focus on gaming and NFTs. Current products in the works are NinjaWeb, an allencompassing Solana Profile Page, NinjaVision A State of the Art Solana Blockchain Explorer giving users muchimproved functionality and capability, and most importantly, a Ninja ARPG game built on Unity that utilizes cryptocurrency and NFT technology.
41 NWT
Ninja Warriors (nwt)
Ninja Warriors 是一款独特的 NFT 游戏,基于日本武术主题,拥有丰富的 P2E 和 M2E 生态系统Ninja Warriors 的 PlaytoEarn 机制、尖端的 NFT 生态系统和以投资者为中心的策略正在彻底改变游戏行业以及玩家和投资者。. Ninja Warriors,区块链游戏的先驱探索 Ninja Warriors 的创新功能,这是一款超越传统界限的 PlaytoEarn NFT 游戏。. 其激动人心的游戏玩法、低门槛以及突破性的 P2E 和 M2E 机制使其与众不同,标志着区块链游戏领域的重大发展。从本质上讲,在 Ninja Warriors Meta 中,每一步都很重要。. 玩家只需在现实世界中保持活跃即可赚取$DBUSD代币。. 这个新颖的概念将游戏和健康
Ninja Warriors is a unique NFT game,based on Japanese martial art theme created with a rich P2E & M2E ecosystemNinja Warriors’ PlaytoEarn mechanisms,cuttingedge NFT ecosystems,and investorcentric tactics are revolutionizing the gaming industry and both players and investors. Ninja Warriors,a pioneer in blockchain gamingExplore the innovative features of Ninja Warriors,a PlaytoEarn NFT game that surpasses traditional boundaries. Its exciting gamep
Orcfax (fact)
Orcfax是一个分散的预言机服务,将有关现实世界事件的数据发布到卡尔达诺区块链。. Orcfax数据使用卡尔达诺开放甲骨文协议COOP以Cardanos eUTXO本机格式提供给链上智能合约。Orcfax 存档符合标准的审计日志,用于其所有真实世界的数据收集和验证。. 这些都可以在无需许可 Arweave.org 分散的存储网络上或通过我们自己的“事实浏览器”应用程序获得。. Orcfax发布的预言机数据使用事实检查词汇进行标记。. 这意味着它可以很容易地被验证为真实和准确,从而使它比标准预言机更值得信赖和可重新利用。.
Orcfax is a decentralized oracle service that publishes data about real world events to the Cardano blockchain. Orcfax data is made available to onchain smart contracts in Cardanos eUTXO native format using the Cardano Open Oracle Protocol COOP.Orcfax archives standardscompliant audit logs for all its real world data collection and validation. These are available on the permissionless Arweave.org decentralized storage network or via our own “Fact
Ordinal BTC (obtc)
使用比特币区块链的以太坊区块链上最初指定的聪序数。. 探索每个铭文和序数 就像你在那里一样。. 许多完全同步的比特币核心节点将在我们即将推出的Dapp上使用。. 为了响应最近围绕序数理论的热议,我们还将建立一个 NFT BTC 启动板,让以太坊用户更容易在比特币网络上获取 NFT。. 我们的计划是通过增加尚未拥有BTC的以太坊用户来增加对这个新生态系统的曝光率。. 通过使用我们的代币,用户将能够买卖存储在比特币网络上的序数,而无需购买 btc 序数 Ordinalbtc 团队由来自世界各地的数十名加密货币和 NFT 爱好者组成。.
The initial specified satoshis Ordinals on the Ethereum blockchain utilising the bitcoin blockchain. Explore each Inscription and Ordinal Exactly like you would there. Many fully synchronised Bitcoin Core nodes will be available for usage on our upcoming Dapp. In response to the recent buzz around Ordinal Theory,we will also establish an NFT BTC launchpad to make it easier for Ethereum users to acquire NFTs on the bitcoin network. Our plan is to
44 ORT
Ordinal Tools Bot BRC20s 第一个多功能工具 Ordinal Tools Bot 是一个包含多种功能的新工具。. 您可以直接在 Telegram 上使用 OrdiToolsBot,使其超级人性化。. 重点是提供想法和去中心化的解决方案来发展比特币生态系统,以及无缝的用户体验和有竞争力的费用。Ordinal Tools Bot 是一组满足您在 BRC20 上所有加密需求的机器人: 匿名桥:通过 ERC20 和 BRC20 匿名桥接资金。. OrdiToolsBot 通过其去中心化、私有和安全的平台重新定义了跨链交易,用于混合和桥接资产。. Inscribe Bot:我们将 inscribe 应用程序集成到 Telegram 中,以轻松接触用户并简化 Inscribe Bo
Ordinal Tools Bot BRC20s first multitools Ordinal Tools Bot is a new tool that include multiple functionalities. You can use OrdiToolsBot directly on Telegram,making it super userfriendly. The focus is on providing ideas and decentralized solutions to grow the Bitcoin ecosystem,along with a seamless user experience and competitive fees.Ordinal Tools Bot is a set of bots for all your crypto needs on BRC20: Anonymous Bridge: Bridge funds anonymousl
45 KEK
Pepe Prophet (kek)
关于Pepe成为Memecoin世界的先知的项目是什么,在这个熊市中照顾所有其他Memecoin从跌落到死亡,KEK得到了顶级Pepe硬币持有者的支持 参考以太坊区块链浏览器。. 我们的愿景是使KEK成为这个加密空间的下一个最大的memecoij oj,最多具有透明度和0个团队代币,0/0税。. 完全由社区驱动,但由 PEPE 鲸鱼支持以打造强大的地板什么让您的项目独一无二我们的项目从一个非常低的市值开始,没有团队代币和合同放弃透明度,由 PEPE 硬币顶级持有者支持您的项目的下一步由 PEPE 硬币创建和支持 Top @0 持有者您的代币可以用来成为下一个最大的模因币的早期。.
What is the project aboutPepe Being The Prophet Of Memecoin World Taking Care Of All other Memecoins From Falling To Its Death On This Bear Market,KEK is backed by Top Pepe coin holders Refer To The Ethereum Blockchain Explorer. Our vision is to make KEK the next biggest memecoij oj this crypto space with atmost transparency and 0 team tokens with 0/0 tax. Completely Community Driven but backed by PEPE whales for making a strong floorWhat makes y
PirateCash (pirate)
盗版现金机器人移动钱包第二阶段??移动钱包阶段2Piratecash是一种数字货币,您可以在线购买和使用。. 它的硬币供应有限,因此流通的海盗永远不会超过1.05亿。. 您可以通过购买和持有海盗币或使用它们在线购买来获得奖励。. 您还可以使用Piratecash加入Piratecash生态系统,其中包括许多很酷的东西,例如区块浏览器,电报组,甚至纪念品!.
piratecashbot Mobile Wallet Stage 2 ?? Mobile Wallet Stage 2Piratecash is a digital currency that you can buy and use online. It has a limited supply of coins,so there will never be more than 105 million Pirates in circulation. You can earn rewards by buying and holding your Piratecoins,or by using them to make purchases online. You can also use Piratecash to join the Piratecash Ecosystem,which includes lots of cool things like a Block Explorer,T
47 PQX
PQX (pqx)
PlanetQuest是一款跨越探索,生存和发现的多元宇宙游戏,由好莱坞和游戏人才以及顶级投资者支持,其中主要关注的是不断增长的PQ社区。. 他们与开创性的合作伙伴一起,旨在通过革命性的数字资产所有权和玩家影响力来撼动游戏行业。. 该代币将用于购买装备、行星、公会和其他游戏物品有关详细用例,请参阅我们白皮书的第 13 页:PlanetQuestWhitepaper.pdf pqspaces.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com星球特卖向下滚动到“本次特卖中的星球价格”和“常规星球价格”:第一次社区友好型 NFT 星球特卖正在进行中 |作者:星球探索 |MediumGear 销售向下滚动到“概述这些 NFT 装备包与装备销售定价相关的估计价值的表格”:护照奖励更新。. 欢迎,
PlanetQuest is a multiversespanning game of exploration,survival and discovery backed by Hollywood and gaming talent,as well as top tier investors,the main focus of whom is the evergrowing PQ community. Together with their groundbreaking partners they aim to shake the gaming industry through revolutionary digital asset ownership and player influence. The token will be used to buy gear,planets,guilds and other in game itemsFor detailed use cases,p
Qawalla (qwla)
Qawalla 由遍布全球的团队于 2021 年 5 月推出,是一个去中心化金融平台,为下一代交易所交易基金提供治理智能合约和透明的浏览器工具。. Qawalla利用智能合约的力量和区块链的透明度,提供了一套独特的工具,使迁移到去中心化市场的传统市场ETF受益。. **交易所交易基金代币** ETFT将提供比传统开放式基金更低的运营成本,灵活的控制,更高的透明度和更好的钱包/账户成本效率。. 与一次建立一个证券的投资组合相比,传统的市场共同基金提供了许多优势。. QWLA在区块链,加密和去中心化市场中看到了同样的潜在好处。ETF是一种传统的市场功能,允许ETFT的所有相同优势,但集中式。 交易所交易基金代币:*** 传统ETF的好处* 没有市场时间* 可以在交易所之间自由移动* 可以从钱包自
Launched in May 2021, by the team located all around the world, Qawalla is a decentralized finance platform providing Governance Smart Contracts and transparent Explorer tools for the next generation of Exchange Traded Funds. Qawalla uses the power of smart contracts and the transparency of the blockchain to provide a unique set of tools that benefit Traditional market ETFs migrating to decentralized markets. **Exchange Traded Fund Token** ETFT w
Qubic Network (qubic)
Qubic 是一个数字社区,帮助人们了解和使用新技术。. 它提供 AI Training、Escrow、Block Explorer 和 Network Statistics 等服务来帮助 Qubic 社区的人们。. 要加入 Qubic,请在 Qubic.li 上创建一个帐户并阅读文档以了解其工作原理。. 加入我们的 Discord 以获取更多信息!.
Qubic is a digital community that helps people learn about and use new technologies. It provides services such as AI Training,Escrow,Block Explorer,and Network Statistics to help people in the Qubic community. To join Qubic,create an account on Qubic.li and read the docs to understand how it works. Join us on Discord for more information!
RADA Foundation (rada)
这个项目是关于什么的RADA旨在通过利用区块链技术来改变传统的体育和娱乐行业。. RADA 基金会推动 RADA 加密货币作为治理代币投入运营,并将 RADA NFT 用于公用事业目标。. 此外,该基金会打算推出一个致力于 RADA DAO 社区的 Web3 平台,DAO 成员通过对各种 RADA 项目提出、投票和做出关键决策来行使权力。. RADA背后的愿景是在体育和娱乐领域开创一种变革性的方法。. RADA基金会已指定其第一个项目,该项目的重点是收购和管理低级别联赛的欧洲职业足球俱乐部,并辅以足球人才发展计划。是什么让您的项目独一无二RADA 基金会的主要使命是重塑足球产业的传统格局,将其转变为一个超越国界和打破障碍的民主、球迷包容性生态系统。. RADA旨在创建一个平台,让粉丝不仅仅是
What is the project aboutRADA seeks to transform the traditional sports and entertainment industries by leveraging blockchain technology. The RADA Foundation propels the RADA cryptocurrency into operation as a governance token and employs RADA NFTs for utility objectives. In addition,the foundation intends to launch a Web3 platform dedicated to the RADA DAO community,where DAO members exercise authority by proposing,voting,and making pivotal deci
51 GTN
RelictumPro Genesis Token (gtn)
Relictum Pro是一个无穷无尽的分布式注册表,具有发达的智能合约系统,描述了人类生活中的任何事件,从买卖商品和服务,记录物流事件到跟踪版权和与法律实体的交互,包括任何活动领域的许多自动执行交易智能合约。强大的应用程序套件探索去中心化机会的新世界。. 在证券交易所进行交易,在秘密聊天中进行交流,存储文件,管理您的财务和节点。.
Relictum Pro is an endless distributed registry with a developed system of smart contracts, describing formalizing any event in human life, ranging from buying and selling goods and services, recording logistic events, to tracking copyright and interacting with legal entities, including a number of selfexecuting transactions smart contracts in any field of activity.Powerful application suiteExplore a new world of decentralized opportunities. Trad
52 TOR
Resistor AI (tor)
Resistor AI是一个区块链平台,提供链上AI服务,允许用户在自己的AI市场进行交易,提供或消费AI基础设施,运行节点,访问AI代理和AI语音代理等各种AI产品。. 该平台具有具有相关 RPC URL、链 ID 和区块浏览器 URL 的测试网。. Resistor AI 还概述了其路线图,其中包括开发阶段和未来计划。. 他们提供 AI 服务,例如用于不同功能的 Resistor AI Agent 和 Nara Voice Agent。. 总体而言,Resistor AI旨在彻底改变业务通信,并为AI开发提供一个去中心化的生态系统。.
Resistor AI is a blockchain platform that offers AI services on-chain,allowing users to trade in their AI marketplace,provide or consume AI infrastructure,run nodes,and access various AI products such as AI agents and AI voice agents. The platform features a Testnet with relevant RPC URL,Chain ID,and Block Explorer URL. Resistor AI also provides an overview of its roadmap,which includes stages of development and future plans. They offer AI servic
Sagas Of Destiny (sage)
探索命运之旅:挑战、成就和成长。. 🧙🏽 在《命运传奇》中释放你的想象力。. 🦹 ♂️🕯️在Aetheria中旋转冒险和神秘的故事。. 🔮ETH 奖励会随机波动,通常在 0.005 ETH 到 0.05 ETH 的范围内。一旦你战胜了旅途中的考验和磨难,就该领取你应得的奖励了。. 用你来之不易的成就换取宝贵的宝藏,包括ETH、以太坊和$SAGE代币。. 无论是加密货币财富还是独家游戏内货币,您的努力都将在荣耀的殿堂中得到应有的回报。.
Explore the Sagas Of Destiny Journey: Challenges,Achievements,and Growth. 🧙🏽 Unleash your imagination in the Sagas of Destiny. 🦹‍♂️🕯️Spin tales of adventure and mystery in Aetheria. 🔮The ETH reward will fluctuate randomly,typically falling within the range of 0.005 ETH to 0.05 ETH.Once youve triumphed over the trials and tribulations of your journey,its time to claim your welldeserved rewards. Redeem your hardearned achievements for valuable trea
Seidow (seidow)
SEIDOW 是 SEI 区块链的杰出领导者,随着 SEI 治理代币的推出,预示着转型的新时代。. SEI代币的所有权现在完全属于社区,象征着创始人对去中心化的承诺。. 该合约已被放弃,所有流动性代币已被销毁,确保社区拥有权力和责任,这一决定以创始人对公平治理的愿景为指导。详细的主要目标:1.. Advanced RugChecker:集成预测分析以识别新出现的风险。构建具有实时安全报告的动态数据库。. Secure Launchpad:扩展选择标准,集成用于评估项目成熟度的模型。集成自主智能审计以进行持续评估.2.. Secure Launchpad:扩展选择标准,集成评估项目成熟度的模型,符合创始人的战略愿景。集成自主智能审计进行持续评估,体现创始人在金融风险管理方面的专业知识.3..
SEIDOW,a prominent leader in the SEI blockchain,heralds a new era of transformation with the launch of the SEI governance token on September 31,2023. Ownership of the SEI token now fully belongs to the community,symbolizing the founder’s commitment to decentralization. The contract has been renounced,and all liquidity tokens have been burned,ensuring that the community holds power and responsibility,a decision guided by the founder’s vision for f
Shiva Inu (shiv)
不是 SHIBA INU,而是相反的,更暗、更酷的版本。. SHIVA INUS进入一个权力转移和统治统治的世界,因为湿婆控制了这座城市。. 浏览我们的网站,并遵循引人入胜的路线图,进行一场史诗般的对决,城市的命运悬而未决。. 准备好迎接充满悬念、阴谋和终极霸权之战的令人振奋的旅程。湿婆犬,我们深入探讨了湿婆接管这座城市的迷人故事以及等待的惊心动魄的旅程。. 加入我们,踏上充满曲折和终极霸权之战的路线图。.
Not SHIBA INU but the reversed one the darker and cooler version. SHIVA INUStep into a world where power shifts and dominance reigns as Shiva takes control of the city. Explore our website and follow the captivating road map that leads to an epic showdown,where the fate of the city hangs in the balance. Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey of suspense,intrigue,and a battle for ultimate supremacy.Shiva inu,where we delve into the captivating
SolBroe (solbroe)
受到我们集体记忆中根深蒂固的角色的影响,SOLBROE作为一种独特的加密货币脱颖而出,仅限于10,000,000个代币,并锚定在币安区块链上,以实现快速和低成本的交易。. 我们的使命是培养一个致力于 SOLBROE 的充满活力和繁荣的社区。探索我们的代币经济学深入研究我们独特的代币经济模式在这个快速发展的数字世界中,代币经济学是我们项目成功的核心驱动力。. 我们精心设计的代币经济学旨在为我们的用户和投资者提供最大的价值和安全性。我们的代币模型不仅确保了项目的长期可持续性,还激励了社区的积极参与。. 通过精心设计的流通机制、奖励计划以及确保透明度和公平的措施,我们致力于构建健康的经济生态系统。请仔细检查我们的代币经济学图表,因为它详细说明了代币的分布、流通和预期用途。. 无论您是项目的早期支持
Influenced by a character deeply ingrained in our collective memory,SOLBROE stands out as a unique cryptocurrency,limited to 10,000,000 tokens and anchored on the binance blockchain for swift and lowcost transactions. We are on a mission to cultivate a lively and thriving community devoted to SOLBROE.Explore Our TokenomicsDelve into our unique token economy modelIn this rapidly evolving digital world,tokenomics is the core driver of our projects
Solordi (solo)
Solana 上世界上第一个序数铭文狗币 Solordi 是 Solana 区块链上的旗舰模因代币,它将比特币序数技术与模因代币的乐趣融合在一起。. 与 solordi 一起探索快速、廉价和令人兴奋的道路Solana 上的 Solordi 比特币铭文与 NFT 类似,序数铭文是刻在聪上的数字资产,聪是比特币的最低面额。. 然而,与 NFT 不同的是,序数铭文是不可变的,不能通过智能合约进行修改。. 像纯金一样,这个原始的狗币序数铭文永远在比特币区块链上。.
Solordi the world’s first ordinal inscription dog coin on Solana is a flagship meme token on Solana blockchain that melds Bitcoin ordinal technology with meme token fun. Explore fast,cheap and exciting path with solordiThe Solordi Bitcoin Inscriptionon SolanaSimilar to NFTs,Ordinal Inscriptions are digital assets inscribed on a satoshi,the lowest denomination of a Bitcoin. However,and unlike NFTs,Ordinal Inscriptions are immutable and can not be


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,397.26 2,151,483,254.55
2 ARS title=ARS 1,058.80 1,773,530,051.40
3 ETH title=ETH 3,142.40 1,096,417,900.88
4 SOL title=SOL 144.12 769,797,238.47
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 534,445,735.55
6 WIF title=WIF 3.03 310,478,120.36
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 229,100,305.64
8 XRP title=XRP 0.53 198,381,554.06
9 NEAR title=NEAR 7.36 179,616,562.11
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 172,029,641.64
11 ENA title=ENA 0.84 148,025,153.49
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 142,340,487.90
13 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 126,107,762.59
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.45 100,015,548.45
15 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 98,218,347.57
16 WLD title=WLD 4.83 88,489,433.42
17 FTM title=FTM 0.74 78,663,447.79
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.57 63,156,328.83
19 LTC title=LTC 85.32 62,294,604.49
20 COS title=COS 0.02 56,968,785.57
21 SEI title=SEI 0.60 56,811,282.91
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 53,207,269.14
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.49 50,206,758.24
24 TRX title=TRX 0.12 48,711,728.31
25 ORDI title=ORDI 42.47 47,369,561.40
26 ADA title=ADA 0.47 46,881,450.04


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +33.90
2 Orion title=ORN 1.72 +17.71
3 W 0.62 +16.32
4 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.69 +12.97
5 Civic title=CVC 0.17 +9.89
6 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.36 +9.64
7 Arweave title=AR 33.99 +8.20
8 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +7.86
9 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +7.71
10 BTTC <0.01 +7.14
11 Fusionist title=ACE 5.68 +6.03
12 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +6.02
13 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.09 +6.01
14 Theta Network title=THETA 2.43 +5.66
15 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +5.47
16 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +5.46
17 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +5.25
18 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.73 +5.11
19 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +4.87
20 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.17 +4.52
21 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.03 +4.49
22 Lisk title=LSK 1.84 +4.48
23 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.91 +4.37
24 Liquity title=LQTY 1.06 +4.32
25 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.26 +4.24
26 Mobox title=MBOX 0.36 +4.12
27 Synthetix Network title=SNX 2.92 +3.92
28 Hifi Finance title=HIFI 0.79 +3.86
29 Ethereum Classic title=ETC 27.00 +3.77
30 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 +3.68


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 BinaryX title=BNX 0.88 -11.43
2 Cream title=CREAM 44.13 -10.07
3 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -8.98
4 NULS title=NULS 0.70 -8.51
5 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.09 -8.01
6 RONIN 2.95 -7.73
7 Axelar title=AXL 1.07 -7.18
8 Harvest Finance title=FARM 84.52 -7.12
9 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.72 -6.97
10 Galxe title=GAL 4.32 -6.23
11 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.63 -5.93
12 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 73.52 -5.49
13 EOS title=EOS 0.82 -5.42
14 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.23 -5.37
15 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.19 -5.36
16 Immutable title=IMX 2.06 -4.95
17 Phala title=PHA 0.20 -4.91
18 TrueFi title=TRU 0.11 -4.87
19 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.59 -4.57
20 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.75 -4.47
21 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.06 -4.29
22 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.61 -4.28
23 DeXe title=DEXE 12.57 -4.24
24 Hive title=HIVE 0.33 -3.89
25 Astar title=ASTR 0.11 -3.85
26 Saga title=SAGA 3.62 -3.72
27 Dusk title=DUSK 0.34 -3.70
28 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -3.70
29 Bittensor title=TAO 446.90 -3.54
30 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.33 -3.33

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again 2024-04-26
2 Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin 2024-04-26
3 BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops 2024-04-26
4 Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced 2024-04-26
5 6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express 2024-04-26
6 039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M 2024-04-26
7 Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3 2024-04-26
8 Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs 2024-04-26
9 FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers 2024-04-26
10 Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares 2024-04-26
11 Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase 2024-04-26
12 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
13 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
14 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
15 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
16 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
17 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
18 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
19 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
20 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
21 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
22 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
23 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
24 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
25 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
26 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
27 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
28 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
29 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
30 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
31 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
32 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
33 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
34 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
35 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
36 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
37 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
38 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
39 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
40 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
41 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
42 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
43 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
44 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
45 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
46 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
47 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
48 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
49 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
50 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


Arable Protocol (acre) Monero (xmr) UTU Coin (utu) Mei Flex (mf) Redux Protocol (rdx) Derp Coin (derp) Ripio Credit Network (rcn) KaraStar (kara) La Coin (lac) Mainframe (mft)


X42 Protocol (x42)Tigres Fan Token (tigres)Fooday (food)Skibidi Toilet (toilet)Mini Metis (minime)

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#NFTs #Web3 #climate #GameFi #lending #smart contract #DAO #domain #digital money #multichain


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