数字资产基础(数字资产)- TiTdoi (TiTdoi.com)

硬币相关 #Marketing

币名 细节
SIX Network (six)
SIX起源于韩国和泰国最大的数字媒体创业集团之一OOKBEE U Company Limited和Yello Digital Marketing Global PTE Ltd。. 该联盟旨在为数字和创意经济中的所有利益相关者创建一个更加透明,公平,安全和高效的生态系统。.
SIX was originated from one of the largest digital media startup groups in Korea and Thailand, OOKBEE U Company Limited and Yello Digital Marketing Global PTE LTD. The alliance aims to create a more transparent, fair, secured, and efficient ecosystem for all stakeholders in the digital and creative economies.
ArchLoot (alt)
项目是关于什么的ArchLoot 是一款 UGC 用户生成的内容 NFT 游戏,具有战利品风格的可组合性和可玩性。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二建立在 BNB 链上,ArchLoot 提供了业内首个交互式 NFT 游戏玩法,完全实现了可升级角色/道具 NFT 的链上实现,并释放了其可玩性和用户生成内容健壮性的潜力。. 该技术是通过我们独特的协议 EIP 4985 和 BEP 129 实现的。. 这两个创新协议允许用户在链上登录游戏中的修改。在交互式 NFT 技术的支持下,所有 NFT 身体部位都不仅仅是静态的 jpeg,而是“活”的部分,它们的元数据可以通过国库合同进行更改和保护,以释放其长期价值。. 项目的历史记录。ArchLoot于2022年推出,汇集了来自世界领先游戏发行商,区块链项目和
What is the project aboutArchLoot is a UGC usergenerated content NFT game with lootstyle composability and playability. What makes your project uniqueBuilt on BNB Chain,ArchLoot provides the first interactive NFTgameplay in the industry,which fully enables onchain implementation of upgradeable characters/props NFTs and unleashes its potential for playability and usergenerated content robustness. The technology is made possible by our unique proto
MBD Financials (mbd)
Ed 首席营销官 Ahameed 女士是一位经验丰富的企业家,在业务开发和数字营销方面拥有超过 15 年的经验,她拥有沙特阿拉伯 Ofkaust 大学的计算机科学学士学位,也是谷歌广告的认证数字营销人员 Ahameed 女士凭借专注于技术创新和初创公司的博客作为在线影响者取得了成功 Mbd Financials 是一家为人们提供创建自己的工具的公司 金融生态系统。. 他们提供跨链互操作性、AI、NFT 电子商务市场、360 Defi 平台和超现实元界等服务。. 这是一个分散的逼真的商业区,拥有强大的工具和简单的界面。.
ed Chief Marketing Officer Ms Ahameed Is A Seasoned Entrepreneur With Over 15 Years Ofexperience In Business Development And Digital Marketing She Holdsa Bachelors Degree In Computer Science From The University Ofkaust In Saudi Arabia And Is Also A Certified Digital Marketerfrom Google Advertising Ms Ahameed Has Found Success As An Onlineinfluencer With Her Blog That Focuses On Technology Innovation Andstartups Mbd Financials is a company that pr
Smiley Coin (smiley)
关于Smiley的项目是什么,是代表业务的脸。. 严肃金钱的面孔。是什么让你的项目与众不同 Smiley 已被埃隆马斯克、长鹏 CZ Zhao、布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、吉米·法伦和史努比狗狗发布了你的项目历史。. 笑脸🙂 ✅审计 ✅ SAFU ✅ KYC 😊 放弃合同 😊 没有团队代币 😊 没有私人销售 😊 0% 税 😊 巨大的营销笑脸已被埃隆马斯克、布兰妮斯皮尔斯、吉米法伦、克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多、勒布朗詹姆斯和史努比狗狗发推文 笑脸是严肃金钱的面孔 不要错过这个......它会很大。您在coingecko上的项目列表的下一步是什么您的代币可以用于投资。.
What is the project about Smiley is the face that means business. The face of serious money.What makes your project unique Smiley have been tweeted by Elon Musk,Changpeng CZ Zhao,Britney spears,Jimmy Fallon and Snoop DoggHistory of your project. Smiley 🙂 ✅ Audit ✅ SAFU ✅ KYC 😊 Renounced Contract 😊 No Team Tokens 😊 No Private Sale 😊 0% Tax 😊 Huge Marketing Smiley Faces have been tweeted by Elon Musk,Britney Spears,Jimmy Fallon,Cristiano Ronaldo,Le
AcknoLedger (ack)
AcknoLedger 渴望成为一个全球联盟,在所有元界和游戏 NFT 上无缝映射、货币化和分发 Web 3.0 数字资产AcknoLedger 设想成为 WEB 3.0 数字资产的神经系统.AcknoLedger 在 M2D 模型上工作。. Mapp 货币化分布式映射资产索引来自游戏、元界和市场的所有 NFT,以便收藏家可以利用见解并做出信息丰富的决策。资产货币化 帮助现有的 WEB2.0 和 WEB3.0 内容平台通过我们的渠道和 API 将内容和 NFT 货币化通过跟踪映射互操作性在多个元界中分发资产营销和分发内容,并为企业和零售商探索交易机会。AcknoLedger是WEB3.0游戏和元界的门户。.
AcknoLedger aspires to be a Global Consortium that maps, monetize, and distributes Web 3.0 Digital Assets Seamlessly across all the Metaverses and Gaming NFTsAcknoLedger envision to be the nervous system of WEB 3.0 Digital Assets.AcknoLedger works on M2D Model. Mapp Monetize DistributeMapping Assets Index all the NFTs from Gaming, Metaverses and Marketplaces so that collectors can leverage insights and take informative decision makings.Monetiz
6 AD
ADreward (ad)
项目内容简介ADreward是一个基于WEB 3.0的平台,广告代币用作购买广告产品和广告奖励的奖励。注册广告时使用AD代币,参与广告产品的用户和影响者将获得AD代币作为奖励。广告产品购买者可以使用Adrewards AD令牌注册广告,用作用户奖励。. 广告产品的购买者也可以使用自己单独的代币作为奖励。用户可以通过完成电报频道条目、推特关注者、YouTube 订阅、Discord 频道参与和 kakaotalk 条目获得奖励。. 您还可以从广告产品购买者注册的其他广告中获得补偿。是什么让您的项目与众不同全球 SNS 营销和奖励可用.1.. 确认准确的营销活动2.. 通过B2B,B2C,C2C营销3提供给所有用户。. 具有各种奖励的营销您的项目历史。自2014年以来,我们一直为全球手机游戏提供
What is the project aboutADreward is a WEB 3.0based platform,and AD Token is used as a reward for purchasing advertising products and advertising rewards.AD tokens are used when registering advertisements,and users and influencers who participate in advertisement products receive AD tokens as rewards.Ad product purchasers can use Adrewards AD Token to register ads,which are used as user rewards. Buyers of advertising products can also use their o
AesirX (aesirx)
###Project 概述AesirX项目代表了向数字生态系统未来的变革性飞跃。. 它是一个全面的基于区块链的平台,包括AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI和AesirX Single Sign On SSO。. 这四个核心组件协同工作,旨在重新定义数据处理方式、保护隐私和获得见解的方式.### 项目的独特性真正使AesirX与众不同的是其对隐私,同意和去中心化的坚定承诺。. AesirX 隐私盾牌允许个人拥有和管理他们的同意和数据,从而赋予他们权力。. AesirX Analytics是数据收集和存储的支柱,采用第一方服务器技术来实现最大的安全性。. AesirX BI为企业开辟了
###Project OverviewThe AesirX project represents a transformative leap into the future of digital ecosystems. It is a comprehensive blockchainbased platform that encompasses AesirX Shield of Privacy,AesirX Analytics,AesirX Business Intelligence BI,and AesirX Single Sign On SSO. These four core components,working in harmony,are designed to redefine the way data is handled,privacy is safeguarded,and insights are derived.### Uniqueness of the Projec
AI DogeMini (aidogemini)
该项目是关于什么的目前GPT Chat正在非常强大地出现,因为它可以在不久的将来取代谷歌,然后我们似乎为加密世界创造了一个新的步骤,因为它可以结合AI GPT聊天和4种新的AI技术准备连接到区块链AIDOGEMINI的特别之处在于,我们运营着一个非营利性的第一阶段,就像OPEN AI公司的机制一样,由ELONMUSK所有应用程序AI将免费和试用,AI可以帮助优化计算,使我们的TRADINGBOT最有效地工作,使您获得最大的利润。. 以及更多...2023 年 AI 热潮使 AIDOGEMINI 成为加密世界的 AI 领导者之一2。. 是什么让你的项目独一无二AIDogeMiniTradingBot,AI GPT3和DALL•E2,Pinksale的审计和KYC,由社交媒体影响者和120 +
1. What is the project aboutCurrently with GPT Chat is emerging very strongly because it can replace google in the near future,then we appear to create a new step for the Crypto world because it can combine AI GPT chat and 4 new AI technology is ready to connect to the Block chain the special thing about AIDOGEMINI is that we operate a nonprofit first stage like the mechanism of OPEN AI company backed by ELONMUSK all applications AI will be free
AICrew (aicr)
项目简介AICrew是一个创新平台,旨在通过提供全面的工具和充满活力的社交生态系统来增强内容创作者和艺术家的能力。. AICrew 专注于培养创造力和实现艺术表达,为各种媒体格式(包括图像、视频、音频和文本)提供了一系列基本工具。. 此外,AICrew 通过推出网络女武神 NFT 系列迈出了独特的一步,该系列为其所有者提供独家福利,并展示了 AIWhat 使您的项目独一无二的非凡艺术潜力1。. 在最智能的人工智能技术的帮助下,AICrew 拥有从生成、编辑到升级的图像或视频格式媒体的所有基本工具2。. 创作者的生态系统 媒体创作者制作、可视化、完善和发布其作品的无限功能、扩展和集成 样机和模板库 创作者的社交渠道 NFT 生成器 图像到打印 自动发布项目的历史。AICrew于2022年发布了
What is the project aboutAICrew is an innovative platform that aims to empower content creators and artists by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and a vibrant social ecosystem. With a focus on fostering creativity and enabling artistic expression,AICrew offers a collection of essential tools for various media formats,including images,videos,audio,and text. Moreover,AICrew has taken a unique step by introducing the Cyber Valkyries NFT Colle
AISwap (aiswap)
项目内容简介欢迎来到AISwap – 通往无缝多链代币交换和无限可能性的门户。. 体验金融的未来,因为我们重新定义您在币安智能链、以太坊和多边形中的交易、连接和发展方式.通过 AISwap 释放您的潜力:创新、可访问性和社区融合的地方,引导您迈向加密探索和赋能的新时代.谁是 WeAISwap 通过引入其多链代币交换平台预示着数字资产交换领域的变革性演变。. AISwap 以一丝不苟的精度设计,迎合了跨越三大区块链网络的多元化用户社区:币安智能链、以太坊和多边形。. 这个创新平台通过在每个不同的链生态系统范围内毫不费力地参与代币交换,使个人能够超越传统界限。. 通过这样做,AISwap提供了一个前所未有的便利领域,使用户能够拥抱多元化的好处,同时拥抱快速交易的快速性,从而重新定义现代交易体验的
What is the project aboutWelcome to AISwap – Your Gateway to Seamless MultiChain Token Swapping and Limitless Possibilities. Experience the Future of Finance as We Redefine How You Trade,Connect,and Thrive Across Binance Smart Chain,Ethereum,and Polygon.Unleash Your Potential with AISwap: Where Innovation,Accessibility,and Community Converge,Guiding You Towards a New Era of Crypto Exploration and Empowerment.Who Are WeAISwap heralds a transformat
SEIYAN是SEI Network的主打品牌币,专注于用户入职、模因最大化、强化SEI。. 要购买 SEIYAN,请设置一个 Compass 钱包,桥接到 Sei,然后在 Astroport 上购买。. 代币经济学包括 600,000,000 SEIYAN 的流通供应量,以及用于初始 LP、团队、营销和业务发展以及社区使用的各种分配。. 该团队由seiyans组成,招募正在进行中。. SEIYAN的受欢迎程度和社区整合使其成为SEI链上的宝贵投资。. 该路线图包括到 2024 年第一季度整合到主要 SEI 项目和 CEX 上市。.
SEIYAN is the main brand coin of SEI Network,focused on onboarding users,maximizing memes,and strengthening SEI. To buy SEIYAN,set up a Compass Wallet,bridge to Sei,and purchase on Astroport. The tokenomics include a circulating supply of 600,000,000 SEIYAN and various allocations for Initial LP,Team,Marketing & Business Development,and Community use. The team consists of seiyans and recruitment is ongoing. SEIYAN's popularity and community integ
Aurory (aury)
什么是极光Aurory是一款基于索拉纳区块链的战术,回合制,NFT生物战斗游戏JRPG。. 玩家被邀请探索一个丰富多样的宇宙,在那里他们将穿越安提克和托卡内的世界,完成任务,发现丢失的遗物,击败敌人,并使用称为“Nefties”的生物与其他玩家竞争。这些神奇的生物可以孵化、进化、交易、用于战斗,并被设计为不可替代的代币 NFT。. 他们将陪伴玩家在这个引人入胜的 JRPG 中通过各种身临其境的游戏模式开始冒险。单人模式 PvE 具有与加密宇宙平行的史诗般的故事情节,通过美学色彩丰富的艺术讲述,并以高质量的制作价值交付。. 通过一个关于我们的英雄 Sam 和 Helios.In 多人 PvP 模式的冒险的引人入胜的故事,玩家将学习有关加密、区块链、NFT 等的所有知识,玩家将学习如何最好地利用
What Is AuroryAurory is a tactical, turnbased, NFTcreature battler JRPG built on the Solana Blockchain. Players are invited to explore a rich and diverse universe where they will travel across the worlds of Antik and Tokané as they complete quests, discover lost relics, defeat enemies, and compete against other players using creatures called “Nefties”.These magical creatures can be hatched, evolved, traded, used to battle, and have been designed
Baby Doge CEO (babyceo)
这个项目是关于Babydogeceo的,Twitter钱包是我们的主要实用程序。. 您可以使用Twitter发送和接收加密货币的地方。. 注册并将加密货币存入您的帐户后。. BabyDogeCEO x ELONMUSK开发了Twitter支付$TwitterWallet来取代Apple Pay PayPal引领全球加密趋势。. 您可以使用像@WalletCEO @ElonMusk这样的推特@id汇款,在这种情况下,它会将您的加密货币从您的帐户转移到收款人帐户#ElonMusk。. 您可以发推文@WalletCEO向@ElonMusk发送 1 BNB,在这种情况下,它会将 1 BNB 从您的帐户转移到收件人帐户#ElonMusk。.
What is the project aboutBabydogeceo,TwitterWallet is our main utility. Where you can send and receive crypto using Twitter. After signing up and depositing crypto into your account. BabyDogeCEO x ELONMUSK develops twitter payment $TwitterWallet to replace Apple Pay PAYPAL leads the Crypto trend in the world. You can able to send the money using the twitter @id like @WalletCEO @ElonMusk and it will transfer your crypto currency from your account
Baby Wall Street Memes是一个令人振奋的项目,旨在用Memes的力量重塑金融世界。. 综上所述,Baby Wall Street Memes是建立在以太坊网络上的meme加密货币代币,由华尔街memes.Baby Wall Street Memes创立,遵循同音名主项目背后的理念,这个婴儿版本在这里给投资者一个加密模因的新概念,有趣而分散,将财富重新分配到普通人手中。. 大规模营销 – KYC – 审计 – 专业先令在该代币背后工作。. 没有团队代币 – 没有私人销售 – 0% 购买税 – 放弃合同...
Baby Wall Street Memes is an exhilarating project that aims to reshape the world of finance with the power of memes. In summary Baby Wall Street Memes is a meme cryptocurrency token built on Ethereum Network,fathered by Wall Street Memes.Baby Wall Street Memes,following the idea behind the homonym main project,this baby version is here to give investors a new concept of crypto meme,funny and decentralized,redistributing wealth into the hands of t
CATCEO (catceo)
项目内容:BSC生态系统中的模因代币和被动的演变使您的项目独一无二$CATCEO是领先的稳定币奖励代币,只需持有$CATCEO您将自动收到USDT,所有交易的5%分配给持有者,无私人销售,团队无代币,审计,Liquid Lock 365天,放弃项目的所有权历史。. 这是我们的第一个项目您的项目的下一步是什么 交换,仪表板奖励和营销活动路线图第一阶段 2000 持有人营销与营销 将 AI 集成到模因中 CMC 上市 Coingecko 上市趋势 CGK,CMC 2 10000 持有人 营销和营销审计 CERTIK 上市 CEX Xs 预售价格您的代币可用于奖励、销毁、开发什么。.
What is the project about : a Meme token in the BSC ecosystem and the Evolution of PassiveWhat makes your project unique $CATCEO is the leading stablecoin rewards token,just hold $CATCEO you will receive USDT automatically,5% of all transactions is distributed to holders,No Private Sale,Team No Token,AUDIT,Liquid Lock 365 Days,Renounced Ownership History of your project. This is our first projectWhat’s next for your project Swap,Dashboard Reward
16 CX
ChartAI (cx)
关于ChartAI的项目是什么,它建立了一个Telegram Charting Bot,使用户能够通过直接私人消息或在他们所属的组中将任何加密货币代币的任何实时图表直接发送到他们的Telegram。. 所有机器人设置都可以个性化,例如哪个是首选交易所,时区,图表的肤色,甚至您更喜欢使用哪些技术分析指标。是什么让您的项目独一无二目前 Telegram 上没有其他图表机器人可以实现这种级别的自定义。. 我们的机器人可以添加到其他组中,并随时按需向该组提供其项目令牌的实时图表。项目的历史记录。ChartAI 于 2023 年 8 月底推出,此后已发展成为一种日常工具,将成为电报平台的主要内容。. 该项目开始时没有空投或营销,此后发展到拥有数百名持有者和有机支持者。您的项目的下一步ChartAI将继
What is the project about ChartAI have built a Telegram Charting Bot which enables users to get any live chart of any cryptocurrency token straight to their Telegram,either via direct private message or in a group they are apart of. All the bot settings can be personalized,like which is the preferred exchange,timezones,skin colour for charts and even which technical analysis indicators you prefer to use.What makes your project uniqueCurrently the
Chinese NY Dragon (cnyd)
随着烟花照亮天空,标志着农历新年的开始,我们很高兴地推出农历新年龙币CNYD,这是一种革命性的数字货币,其灵感来自中国新年的丰富传统和充满活力的庆祝活动。以动物龙为代表的年份,2024。. 🎮 GameFi 元素:中国 NY Dragon 项目将有一个已经准备好玩的 GameFi 元素。. 您可以在此处阅读有关 GameFi 元素和所有规则的更多信息。. 📣 营销:该项目由雷霆的顶级营销人员拥有。. 一个值得信赖的 DEV,已经有很多好的发布。. 这将不是孵化项目,但它归雷霆本人所有。 🔒 技术卓越与安全:该项目与Coinsult密切合作,进行大部分技术开发。.
As the fireworks light up the sky,marking the beginning of a new lunar year,we are thrilled to introduce the Chinese New Year Dragon Coin CNYD a revolutionary digital currency inspired by the rich traditions and vibrant festivities of the Chinese New Year.Meme projects are centered on a different hype narritive and that is why this crypto project is focused on the Chinese New Year and the Chinses Zodiac a 12year cycle with each year represented b
Combustion (fire)
减少必须为日常交易者进行的研究量。. 它还跟踪部署者钱包和/或营销钱包,看看他们现在是否为DexTools Socials Update付费,在未来,它还将跟踪影响者钱包。.
To lessen the amount of research that would have to be done for daily traders. It also tracks the Deployer Wallet and or Marketing Wallet to see whether they pay for DexTools Socials Update for now,in the future,it would also track Influencer wallets.
CORGI CEO (corgiceo)
什么是关于CORGI CEO的项目 BSC生态系统中的模因代币,$CORGICEO是一个社区项目,其目标是推进到世界各地人们的各个方面和日常生活。. CORGI首席执行官是完全去中心化的,由其有趣,充满活力的社区拥有。CORGI CEO使用户群体能够访问一个安全,可靠且完全去中心化的金融平台,该平台旨在将财富的力量带回它所属的地方 - 掌握在每个人手中。. 通过利用社区的全部潜力,去中心化和区块链的力量,是什么让您的项目与众不同* CORGI 首席执行官是完全去中心化的,由其有趣、充满活力的社区拥有。 谁不喜欢可爱的柯基犬,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)认为这很酷,并邀请我担任Twitter的首席执行官。 对于每笔活跃用户交易,持有者将获得7%$CORGICEO奖励, 仅去中心化钱包,促
What is the project aboutCORGI CEO a Meme token in the BSC ecosystem,$CORGICEO is a community project with a goal to advance into every aspect and day to day living of people all over the world. CORGI CEO is fully decentralized and owned by its fun,vibrant community.CORGI CEO enables groups of users to have access to a secure,SECURE and completely decentralized financial platform that aims to bring the power of wealth back where it belongs – In e
DeFi Pool Share (dpst)
项目简介:DeFi 池份额是以太坊上的去中心化金融 DeFi 借贷协议,使流动性提供者能够将其 Uniswap V3 LP NFT 借给借款人。. 它通过贷款费用为LP提供可预测的回报,同时允许借款人获得这些头寸索赔费用。. 该平台旨在增强DeFi借贷,利用Uniswap V3流动性和风险缓解功能。亮点: 交易者可以借用 LP NFT 来获取交易策略的流动性。. 收益农民可以使用借来的资产进行流动性挖掘。. LP 可以通过借出他们的 LP NFT 来赚取可预测的收入.是什么让您的项目独一无二当然,这里有一个简明的 DeFi 池独特功能列表 分享:1.. Uniswap V3 集成2..
What is the project aboutIntroduction:DeFi Pool Share is a decentralized finance DeFi lending protocol on Ethereum that enables liquidity providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to borrowers. It offers predictable returns for LPs through lending fees while allowing borrowers to access these positions claim fees. This platform aims to enhance DeFi lending and borrowing,leveraging Uniswap V3 liquidity with risk mitigation features.Highlights: Tr
Destiny World (deco)
VisionDestiny World基于一个简单的想法,即在多个层面上将人与技术联系起来,结合趋势并重用已经开发和工作的东西。. 我们坚信,所有这些放在一个简单的用户体验中将产生对成功至关重要的轨迹和网络效应。生态系统命运世界坚信生态系统、社区和可持续性的力量。. 我们有多少次目睹各种项目被炒作然后离开,我们有多少次目睹相同的项目被重新炒作并再次离开。我们将重现每个人都拥有的吸引力,并通过邀请每个人将他们的 dApp、协议和系统连接到一个巨大的生态系统中来提升它。只有当我们拥有整个社会的多样性和所有这些事件和行动的随机性时,我们才能真正说我们已经为每个人制定了一个公平的制度。在现实生活中使用相同的机制,当我们包括所有内容时,真实的网络效应就会变得生动起来。分配、供应和合同DECO 命运代币
VisionDestiny World is based upon a simple idea of connecting people and technology at multiple levels, combining trends and reusing what is already developed and working. We strongly believe that all this put together in a simple user experience will generate the trajectory and network effect that is so important for success.EcoSystemDestiny World has a strong belief in the power of ecosystems, communities and sustainability. How often have we a
DuckDaoDime (ddim)
Iersystems 10000 代币保留用于鸭子质押计划 10000 代币预留用于鸭岛孵化计划,10000 代币预留用于营销活动 鸭岛是一个投资项目以帮助他们取得成功的人社区。. 他们与合作伙伴合作,并通过社区的资金、建议和帮助支持项目。. 他们还奖励积极参与交易的人,在AMA(问我任何事情)期间提供项目输入,并参与社交媒体活动。.
iersystems 10000 Tokens Are Reserved To Be Used For Duckstaking Program10000 Tokens Are Reserved For Duckdao Incubation Program And 10000Tokens Are Reserved To Be Used For Marketing Activities DuckDao is a community of people who invest in projects to help them become successful. They work with partners and support projects with money,advice,and help from the community. They also give rewards to people who actively participate in deals,provide in
Echo Of The Horizon (eoth)
Echo Of The Horizon EOTH 是一款雄心勃勃的单人和多人角色扮演游戏,以迷人的宇宙为背景。. EOTH使用虚幻引擎5开发,旨在重新定义沉浸式游戏体验的边界,为玩家提供广阔的超现实探索世界,以及多链奖励系统。我们的愿景:在EOTH,我们的愿景是创造一个真正令人难忘的游戏体验,将引人入胜的故事讲述、令人惊叹的视觉效果和创新的游戏玩法无缝融合。. 我们渴望为开放世界角色扮演游戏设定新的标准,突破技术和叙事的界限,以吸引玩家并留下持久的印象。技术:EOTH利用虚幻引擎5的尖端功能,提供令人惊叹的视觉效果、逼真的物理效果和栩栩如生的角色动画。. @Beta Legend from @Legendary Marketing 帮助 利用人工智能和机器学习的最新进展,我们融入了人工智能智
Echo Of The Horizon EOTH is an ambitious singleplayer and multiplayer RPG openworld game set in a captivating universe. Developed using Unreal Engine 5,EOTH aims to redefine the boundaries of immersive gaming experiences,offering players a vast and hyperrealistic world to explore,and a multichain rewards system.Our Vision: At EOTH,our vision is to create a truly unforgettable gaming experience that seamlessly blends captivating storytelling,breat
ErgOne (ergone)
ErgOne:由社区提供支持的去中心化营销世界各地的 Ergonauts 经常告诉我们,Ergo 真正需要的是营销。. 正是考虑到这一点,我们决定创建ErgOne.我们的主要重点是以完全有机的方式突出ERGO。因此,ErgOne 自然而然地从 Ergo Fan 社区代币开始,但它也旨在成为更多......允许社区集体支持任何项目。事实上,Ergo营销问题影响了许多其他项目,这些项目需要大量的技能和精力,但缺乏资金。我们的工具将让社区参与到此类项目的推广中。ErgOne将允许你们每个人都参与GMS大质量共享。 🔹 让我们停止受全球决策领导者🔹的影响 成为你自己影响力🔹浪潮的推动者 围绕您最喜欢的内容🔹引领并建立病毒式趋势 通过获得奖励来支持您的内容创建者是时候为真正值得它的项目带来亮点了Erg
ErgOne: A Decentralised Marketing powered by CommunityAll the Ergonauts around the world have often told us that what Ergo really needs is Marketing. And this is with this concern in mind that we have decided to create ErgOne.Our primary focus is to highlight ERGO in a fully organic way.It is thus naturally that ErgOne starts as an Ergo Fan Community Token but it also aims to become much more… permitting the community to support any project colle
Flash 3.0 (flash)
什么是关于Flash Technologies的项目创建了一个汇款生态系统。是什么让您的项目独一无二闪电转移是世界上第一个允许您通过我们的商家网络以现金购买加密货币、转账或以现金出售加密货币的平台,费用合理。. 闪电钱包,我们的非托管钱包,有一个智能合约,您可以在死亡时使用它来转移您的加密货币。. 在区块链上进行支付时,您可以使用我们的托管智能合约闪付来保护您的交易,而无需任何第三方持有您的加密货币。. 使用Flash Dex找到最优惠的费用,我们的聚合器交换和桥接您的项目历史记录。2021 年 8 月市场研究并与专业人士会面,了解项目的可行性。. 2021 年 10 月创建开发团队。创建闪存技术网站。. 2021 年 9 月项目定义和白皮书创建。.
What is the project aboutFlash Technologies creates a money transfer ecosystem.What makes your project uniqueFlash Transfer is the worlds first platform that allows you to buy crypto with cash,transfer,or sell cryptocurrencies for cash through our network of merchants,with reasonable fees. Flash Wallet,our noncustodial wallet,has a smart contract that you can use to transfer your crypto in the event of death. When making payments on the blockchai
26 FAI
FlokiTer (fai)
这个项目是关于什么的FlokiTer AI 是将区块链技术与人工智能相结合以支持首席执行官建立他们令人惊叹的 NFT 图像的伟大革命.$FAI 是由社区驱动的模因币。. FlokiTer 代币是由于埃隆马斯克最近将他心爱的狗 Floki 提升为 Twitter 新首席执行官的结果.我们是一群具有 NFT 数字经验和背景的 AI 开发人员,我们的团队专注于数字 3D、视觉效果和加密营销。是什么让您的项目独一无二 FlokiTer AI 团队将帮助项目所有者、艺术家和普通用户创建令人惊叹的 NFT 图像和集合。AI Art生成通常是一个费力的过程,需要技术专长,我们使该过程简单直观。项目的历史记录。白皮书和网站开发完成合同创建完成联系审计完成KYC DoneFlokiTer 发布和营销完成NFT
What is the project aboutFlokiTer AI is a great revolution in combining blockchain technology with Artificial Intelligence to support CEOs build up their stunning NFT images.$FAI is a Memecoin driven by the community. The FlokiTer Token was created as a result of Elon Musks recent promotion of his beloved dog Floki to the position of NEW CEO of Twitter.We are a group of AI developers with NFT digital experiences and backgrounds,our team is specia
Freddy Fazbear (fred)
🐻 $FRED 弗雷迪·法兹贝尔 厌倦了变得崎岖不平 厌倦了错过 1000 倍 立即加入 safu 运动。. Fred 由一个基于团队拥有和运营,流动性消耗,不可篡改等等。DrW63uNnUuHs9n1UCbqu7xJYHg8be4mbPWcNadmr2gYw*RUG PROOF✅CMC Listing Applied Trending 💚📈Dank Meme 🐻Based Team 🏫👨 Marketing 👷 ♂️Deep Liquidity 💴由 OG dev 于周五推出,执行 10M 的月球任务。. 褪色风险自负...
$FRED 🐻 Freddy Fazbear Tired of getting rugged Tired of missing out on that 1000x Join the safu movement now. Fred is owned & ran by a based team,liquidity burnt,nonmutable,and more.DrW63uNnUuHs9n1UCbqu7xJYHg8be4mbPWcNadmr2gYw*RUG PROOF✅CMC Listing Applied 💚Trending 📈Dank Meme 🐻Based Team 👨‍🏫Marketing 👷‍♂️Deep Liquidity 💴Launched on Friday by OG dev a moon mission to 10M. Fade at your own risk.
Gangs Rabbit (rabbit)
该项目是关于什么是我们是帮派兔子黑帮兔子:进化是 7777 帮派的集合——托管在以太坊区块链上的独特头像。你的黑帮允许你进入一个由50个帮派组成的社区,每个帮派代表不同的特征。在争夺霸权的斗争中,等级制度至关重要。. GAS:进化采用双重稀有度系统。. 第一个稀有度层由你的黑帮所属的帮派决定。. 第二层是你的黑帮特征的一个因素。GangsRabbit军队已经部署了先进的装备Jetpack Air Car ,能够进行怪物杀戮活动并收集$RABBIT作为储备。. 杀死敌人和无休止奔跑的旅程 像无尽的帮派兔子 是什么让您的项目独一无二由社交媒体影响者和 600++ KOLS 支持,无令牌和无解锁开发团队,大营销钱包,放弃所有权,DIDBTOK,AMABinance,Super Burn 代币,过去
What is the project aboutWE ARE GANGS RABBIT Gangster Rabbit: Evolution is a collection of 7777 Gangs — unique avatars hosted on the Ethereum blockchain.Your Gangster grants you access to a community comprised of 50 gangs,each one representing distinct characteristics.In the fight for supremacy,hierarchy is vital. GAS: Evolution employs a dualrarity system. The first rarity layer is determined by the gang your Gangster belongs to. The second laye
29 GDX
GDX Token (gdx)
什么是项目 关于 Gridex 协议是一种无需许可且非托管的交易协议,由以太坊区块链上的持久、不可升级的智能合约组成.. 与目前主流的基于自动做市商AMM模型的去中心化交易所DEX不同,Gridex基于订单簿。是什么让您的项目独一无二GMOB模型:使用链上订单簿痛点的解决方案由于公链的性能限制和高昂的交易gas费用,在区块链上实现订单簿很困难。. 匹配引擎的算法需要在链上使用大量资源,这使得复制订单簿模型具有挑战性。Gridex协议通过引入网格制造商订单簿GMOB模型解决了在以太坊上运行基于订单簿的系统的高gas成本问题,该模型使用狭窄的价格范围而不是制造商订单的特定价格,并为提供流动性而收取负交易费用。. 这减少了资源消耗并将 gas 成本降低到与 AMM 相似的水平.您的项目历史: 20
What is the Project About Gridex Protocol is a permissionless and noncustodial trading protocol consisting of persistent,nonupgradable smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike the current mainstream decentralised exchanges DEXs based on the automated market maker AMM model,Gridex is based on order books.What makes your project uniqueGMOB model: the solution to pain points of using an onchain order bookImplementing an order book on the b
Genesys (gsys)
关于Genesys网络的项目是什么,这是一个将所有区块链服务统一在一个平台上的生态系统。我们的平台将DeFiBlockchain技术与社区驱动的解决方案相结合,为加密货币交易和NFT创建最快,最具可扩展性和低消耗的产品和服务。. 致力于为我们的客户提供无缝的用户体验,提供一套全面的去中心化特性和功能,将他们的加密市场体验提升到一个新的水平。是什么让您的项目独一无二为社区量身定制的经济实惠的 Dapp 和平台的组合,单一网络下的所有服务,Genesys 生态系统结合了以下应用程序:Genesys View 应用程序,这是一个硬币手表、启动板、P2P 交换和分析平台、蓝色 NFT 市场的创世纪,艺术家和创作者的财产权受到保护,BlueHosting 网络、域、AI 和托管服务,Genesys P
What is the project aboutGenesys Network,the ecosystem where all Blockchain services are unified on a single platform.Our platform combines DeFiBlockchain technology with communitydriven solutions to create the fastest,most scalable,and lowconsumption products and services for cryptocurrency transactions and NFT’s. Were committed to providing a seamless user experience for our customers,offering a comprehensive suite of decentralized features and
31 IUX
GeniuX (iux)
什么是GeniuX IUX 生态系统由GeniuX支撑,GeniuX是基于Polygon标准的实用代币。. 它将用于支持现实世界资产的代币化,涵盖广泛的领域,包括房地产、交通、体育和艺术。谁是GeniuX Genius Assets Marketplace的创始人 我们成立于2018年,建立了世界上第一个也是最大,最安全的数字资产市场。. 该项目归Genius Assets公司所有。. 它由克劳迪乌·布达(Claudiu Buda)创立,在此之前,在过去的13年里,他的职业生涯一直专注于销售。. Claudiu 建立了一个庞大而庞大的社区,在 17 个国家/地区拥有超过 200.000 名客户,销售额超过 7500 万欧元。. Genius Assets 于 2021 年首次推出,并于 20
What is GeniuX IUX The ecosystem is underpinned by GeniuX, a utility token based on the Polygon standard. It will be used to support the tokenization of realworld assets, with a wide range of sectors covered including real estate, transportation, sports, and arts.Who is the Founder of GeniuX Genius Assets Marketplace Founded in 2018, we built the first and biggest, secure digital assets marketplace in the world. The project is owned by the compan
GEURO (geuro)
项目简介是什么GEURO是一种与欧元挂钩的稳定代币,由存储在智能合约中的币安币BNB支持。. 用户可以通过铸币功能提供 BNB 抵押品来铸造 GEURO 代币,还可以赎回他们的 GEURO 代币,而不会面临高提款最低要求。. 是什么让您的项目独一无二 GEURO 项目利用区块链技术和智能合约来创建去中心化和透明的金融工具,为用户提供稳定性、安全性和可访问性。. 其主要特点是: • 去中心化支持资产:GEUROs 抵押品存储在智能合约中,确保透明度和安全性。. • 灵活的铸造和赎回:用户可以轻松铸造和赎回 GEURO 代币,而不会面临高提款最低要求,从而更好地控制他们的资产。. • 智能合约安全:GEORO 的智能合约设计有强大的安全功能,以保护用户资金并确保平台的完整性。项目的历史记录。GE
What is the project aboutGEURO is a stabletoken pegged to the Euro and is backed by Binance Coin BNB stored in a smart contract. Users can mint GEURO tokens by providing BNB collateral through the mint function and can also redeem their GEURO tokens without facing high withdrawal minimums. What makes your project uniqueThe GEURO project leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to create a decentralized and transparent financial instrum
33 GBT
Give Back Token (gbt)
GiveBackToken或 #GBT 是一个独特的全球基金会的数字资产,其成员致力于弥合社会差距和差异。. 回馈代币GBT是一种数字货币,旨在促进社会平等和协助世界各地的慈善机构。. 我们的使命是通过支持解决社会问题的项目和倡议,使个人能够对社会产生积极影响,不仅改善我们的生活,而且改善他人的生活。项目 Tokenomics1% 购买/出售捐赠税/营销 GBT团队一直对倡导社会平等和为慈善事业提供支持有着强烈的热情。. 通过创建Give Back Token,我们的目标是建立一种数字货币,使来自世界各地的个人能够为社会带来有意义和积极的影响做出贡献。. 通过这个创新平台,我们的目标是为全球社区赋能,让他们积极参与慈善事业。. 通过利用技术的力量并将其用作向善的力量,我们相信我们可以为每个人
GiveBackToken or #GBT is a digital asset of a distinctive global FOUNDATION whose members are committed to bridging social gaps & differences. Give Back Token GBT is a digital currency created for the purpose of promoting social equality and assisting charities around the world. Our mission is to empower individuals to make a positive impact on society by supporting projects and initiatives that address social issues and improve not only our life
34 GLI
GLI (gli)
GLI是圣索菲亚大教堂教堂的传说中的猫,成为一种加密货币。. 世界上最有名的猫,GLI也有与美国总统的合影。. 总供应量仅为20万的GLI TOKEN的全部供应量也在流通中。. 这个社区项目没有团队或营销钱包,除了作为模因代币外,还在运行社会责任项目。. GLI的合同完全被设计为一个社区项目,不包含税收和奖励等令人困惑的功能。. 它也被放弃了合同所有权。.
GLI,the legendary cat of the Hagia Sophia church,became a crypto currency. The worlds most famous cat,GLI,also has photos with the US president. The entire supply of GLI TOKEN,whose total supply is only 200 thousand,is also in circulation. This community project,which does not have a team or Marketing wallet,is also running social responsibility projects apart from being a meme token. The contract of GLI,which is designed entirely as a community
35 GGH
Green Grass Hopper (ggh)
GHH描述GGH绿草蝉,一个真正的Defaltionary令牌,是 Everestgaming.io 完整的Defi赌场的实用令牌。. 它的建立是为了让我们的持有者开心并成为强大社区的一部分。. 我们超越,以便您可以超越$GGH的愿景是在安全可靠的环境中为去中心化社区创造财富,利用 DeFi 协议并永远影响全球,从而珍惜我们心爱的 Archie.Green Grass Hopper $GGH 旨在帮助我们所有的持有者实现他们的致富梦想。. 我们在创建代币之前创建了我们的实用程序,以确保每个人都从第一天起就受益。. 它是一种真正的通货紧缩代币,总供应量为1000万,每次销售都内置了回购和销毁机制。一般信息a.. UTLITY – EVERESGAMING。IO 有 24 款游戏和超过 5000
GGH DESCRIPTIONGGH GREEN GRASS HOPPER,A True Defaltionary Token,is the utility token of Everestgaming.io A complete Defi Casino. It is built to make our holders happy and be part of a strong community. We go above so that you can go beyondThe vision of $GGH is to generate wealth for a decentralized community in a safe and secure environment,leveraging DeFi protocols and impacting the globe for good,thereby cherishing the memory of our beloved Arc
Grok X Ai (grok x ai)
Grok X Ai GROK X AI 是一种以模因为主题的加密货币,灵感来自经验丰富的营销人员 Elon Musks。. 经审计并放弃5%的税收营销/回购和销毁巨大的鲸鱼支持者,没有团队令牌CMC + CG顶级KOLS,CT影响者,主要CEX列表CMC + CG,Dextools,Twitter,Avedex,4chan A.I和游戏机器人和游戏公关,广告牌和主流媒体广告。.
Grok X Ai GROK X AI is a MemeThemed Cryptocurrency Inspired by Elon Musks,Highly Experienced Marketers . Audited & Renounced 5% Tax Marketing/BuyBack&Burn Huge Whale Backers No Team Token CMC+CG Top KOLS,CT Influencers Major Cex Listings CMC+CG,Dextools,Twitter,Avedex,4chan A.I & Gaming Bot & Games PR,Billboards & Mainstream Media Ads
37 HM
Horizon Blockchain (hm)
Horizon与生态系统中的其他独立技术或应用程序类似,拥有自己的资金和运营框架。. 它的开发和部署独立于现有营销策略的广泛性。我们坚信,开展广泛的营销活动是一项关键而恰当的任务。. 这一举措预计将将现有产品提升到全球规模,获得新的合作伙伴关系,扩大应用范围,吸引大量用户群,建立熟练的营销团队,加快开发步伐,并实现其他各种成果。成功的营销策略的实施,加上多年发展所取得的成就,预计将显着增加整个生态系统的市场价值。. 预计这种价值的激增将提高网络内商业活动的营业额,从而为投资者创造利润。. 此外,生态系统的放大市场价值与投资者在固定资产中的份额价值的增加直接相关。该资产的框架旨在随着营销活动获得牵引力而升值。. 随着对Horizon Security区块链的需求激增,Horizon Marke
Horizon,similar to other independent technologies or applications within the ecosystem,possesses its own funding and operational framework. Its development and deployment are pursued independently of the extensiveness of marketing strategies in place.It is our conviction that launching an extensive marketing campaign is a critical and opportune undertaking. This initiative is projected to elevate the existing product to a global scale,procure new
Hpohs888inu (tether)
该项目是关于什么的我们是遵循 HPOHS10IWhat 炒作的模因代币,使您的项目独一无二我们计划建立合作伙伴关系并且已经获得了大量流量。. 营销不会停止,我们从电报和Twitter开始,现在正在让我们的社区不断增加我们的合作伙伴关系和曝光率。我们的LP被烧毁了,永远不会有人有机会地毯这个项目,它最初被锁定了3个月,现在锁的所有权已经转移到0xDead地址。. 您的项目的下一步是什么合作伙伴关系、营销和列表。你的代币可以用来做什么它可以用于交易,没有效用,纯粹是一个模因。.
What is the project aboutWe are a meme token following the hype of HPOHS10IWhat makes your project uniqueWe are planning to make partnerships and are getting a lot of traffic already. Marketing is going no stop,we started from Telegram and Twitter and now are getting our community to keep increasing our partnership and exposure.Our LP is burnt and there will never be a chance for someone to rug the project,it was initially locked for 3months and
39 IRT
Infinity Rocket (irt)
KE 彭博本津加财经 雅虎数字杂志和其他一些媒体宣布新的无限火箭发射台亲爱的朋友们今天我们很高兴在这里见到你 我们的启动板现已上线并准备好接受您的项目 无限火箭是一个多功能平台,可让您简化区块链上任何项目的启动和推广。. 它提供独特的IT和营销服务,例如项目创意和管理,推出任何代币NFT,品牌徽标样式和网站,钱包列表,安全隐私和匿名性。. 他们与ListingHelp Service和Cryptomax集团交易员建立了合作伙伴关系。. 他们已经完成了500万个IRT代币的销毁,并宣布了1年的伟大成就。. 他们还有一个漏洞赏金计划,奖金为 100000 irt 代币。.
ke Bloomberg Benzinga Finance Yahoo Digital Journal And Some Other Media Announced The New Infinity Rocket Launchpaddear Friends Today We Are Glad To See You Here Our Launchpad Is Nowonline And Ready To Accept Your Project Infinity Rocket Is A Multipurpose Platform That Allows You To Simplify The Launch And Promotion Of Any Projects On The Blockchain. It Provides Unique IT And Marketing Services,Such As Project Idea and Management,Launching Any T
40 JP
JP (jp)
我们正在与第一个日本硬币上市网站JPToken合作。. 因此,每次开发成本时,JPTokens广告费用的5%至10%都会回购给JP这是一种机制。. 它不仅仅是一种加密货币。. 它不仅仅是一种令牌设计。. 我们的技能共享平台将 510% 的销售额返还给持有者JP 是一种低税,因此任何人都可以轻松进入。. 税 3% 流动性 1%,团队 1%,营销 1% JPToken 的广告费用每次返还 5% 至 10%。.
We are working with the First Japanese coin listing site JPToken. As a result,5% to 10% of JPTokens advertising expenses will be repurchased to JP every time development costs It is a mechanism that is said. Its not just a cryptocurrency. It is more than a token design. Our skillshare platform gives back 510% of sales to holdersJP is a low TAX so that anyone can easily enter. Tax 3% Liquidity 1%,Team 1%,Marketing 1% Advertisi
JumpToken (jmpt)
什么是JumpToken JMPTJumpToken JMPT是一种加密代币,旨在为JumpTask提供动力 - 一个基于零工经济的市场,允许公司和组织充分利用全球分散的劳动力所拥有的集体技能。使用智能合约模板和加密支付,JumpTask将通过分散远程自由职业者并提高每个人(包括无银行账户的人)的可访问性来彻底改变远程自由职业者行业。. JumpToken JMPT是基于币安智能链BSC技术的实用代币,其中包括一个开源的,基于区块链的分布式计算平台,其加密安全的智能合约存储在BSC区块链中,并且完全能够执行性能。使用JumpToken JMPT为JumpTask平台上的交易提供动力将使世界各地的人们不仅可以以最低的交易成本远程赚钱,还可以探索加密世界,而不必冒法定储蓄的风险。在两年内,Jum
What is JumpToken JMPTJumpToken JMPT is a crypto token created to fuel JumpTask – a gig economybased marketplace that allows companies and organizations to make the most out of the collective skills possessed by a globally dispersed workforce.Using smart contract templates and crypto payments, JumpTask will revolutionize the industry of remote freelancing by decentralizing it and boosting its accessibility to everyone, including the unbanked. Jum
42 LOA
League of Ancients (loa)
什么是上古联盟LOALeague of Ancients是币安智能链中增长最快的电子竞技,免费游戏,PlaytoEarn MOBA NFT GameFi。. 受LOL和DOTA的启发,为安卓和iOS用户带来最佳的5v5 PVP元界游戏体验LOA代币可以通过以下方式获得: *玩上古联盟 *质押进入远古领域什么是上古联盟游戏玩法10玩家将被推入远古领域瓷砖设置地图,在那里他们将进行5v5 PVP团队战。. 地图分为两面,夜光和黑暗之魂。. 游戏的目标是摧毁对方队伍的基地。. 虽然听起来很简单,但这有几层复杂性。. 地图幅员辽阔,主要围绕控制车道。.
What Is League of Ancients LOALeague of Ancients is the fastest growing eSports, FreetoPlay, PlaytoEarn MOBA NFT GameFi in Binance Smart Chain. Inspired by LOL and DOTA, bringing the best 5v5 PVP Metaverse gaming experience to Android and iOS usersLOA tokens can be obtained by: * Playing League Of Ancients * Staking into Ancient RealmsWhat is the League of Ancients Gameplay10 players will be thrusted into the Ancient Realm tile set map where they


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,366.94 2,138,541,036.93
2 ARS title=ARS 1,058.90 1,776,571,502.10
3 ETH title=ETH 3,138.40 1,093,469,369.73
4 SOL title=SOL 143.61 765,308,295.11
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 536,559,860.22
6 WIF title=WIF 3.03 303,837,010.93
7 BONK title=BONK <0.01 229,674,165.48
8 XRP title=XRP 0.52 196,276,553.03
9 NEAR title=NEAR 7.22 180,336,830.01
10 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 174,075,591.22
11 ENA title=ENA 0.84 147,024,974.43
12 BOME title=BOME 0.01 139,906,490.64
13 HBAR title=HBAR 0.12 125,088,693.45
14 RUNE title=RUNE 5.44 99,227,012.46
15 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 98,903,797.79
16 WLD title=WLD 4.78 88,351,337.91
17 FTM title=FTM 0.74 77,716,923.76
18 AVAX title=AVAX 35.33 63,258,123.30
19 LTC title=LTC 85.53 61,966,296.73
20 COS title=COS 0.02 59,033,289.03
21 SEI title=SEI 0.59 56,613,161.81
22 MATIC title=MATIC 0.72 53,042,389.18
23 RNDR title=RNDR 8.42 49,954,920.50
24 TRX title=TRX 0.12 48,922,523.34
25 ADA title=ADA 0.47 47,009,763.69
26 ORDI title=ORDI 42.14 46,985,199.86


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Contentos title=COS 0.02 +36.01
2 W 0.61 +14.10
3 Orion title=ORN 1.67 +14.02
4 BTTC <0.01 +11.20
5 Civic title=CVC 0.17 +8.41
6 Bonk title=BONK <0.01 +8.37
7 Highstreet title=HIGH 3.60 +7.95
8 Arweave title=AR 33.65 +7.94
9 NEAR Protocol title=NEAR 7.22 +7.38
10 eCash title=XEC <0.01 +6.64
11 LeverFi title=LEVER <0.01 +5.63
12 Fusionist title=ACE 5.66 +5.62
13 Loom Network (NEW) title=LOOM 0.08 +5.50
14 Terra Luna Classic title=LUNC <0.01 +5.34
15 REI Network title=REI 0.09 +5.13
16 Stratis title=STRAX 0.09 +5.01
17 Theta Fuel title=TFUEL 0.12 +4.96
18 Pepe title=PEPE <0.01 +4.53
19 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.26 +4.23
20 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.04 +4.17
21 Metal DAO title=MTL 1.70 +4.11
22 MANTRA title=OM 0.69 +3.90
23 dogwifhat title=WIF 3.03 +3.90
24 Liquity title=LQTY 1.06 +3.84
25 Shentu title=CTK 0.73 +3.70
26 Sushi title=SUSHI 1.01 +3.69
27 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.91 +3.67
28 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 +3.63
29 Litecoin title=LTC 85.53 +3.60
30 Theta Network title=THETA 2.39 +3.56


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 NULS title=NULS 0.69 -11.82
2 Cream title=CREAM 43.91 -10.39
3 BinaryX title=BNX 0.90 -8.96
4 BENQI title=QI 0.02 -8.68
5 Atletico Madrid Fan Token title=ATM 3.07 -8.21
6 RONIN 2.93 -8.07
7 Axelar title=AXL 1.07 -7.34
8 FC Barcelona Fan Token title=BAR 2.73 -7.04
9 Galxe title=GAL 4.27 -6.31
10 Harvest Finance title=FARM 84.22 -5.98
11 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.19 -5.92
12 Immutable title=IMX 2.05 -5.60
13 Lazio Fan Token title=LAZIO 3.04 -5.47
14 Saga title=SAGA 3.63 -5.24
15 TrueFi title=TRU 0.11 -5.23
16 Hive title=HIVE 0.33 -4.94
17 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.63 -4.93
18 FC Porto title=PORTO 2.60 -4.84
19 Dusk title=DUSK 0.33 -4.55
20 AS Roma Fan Token title=ASR 4.17 -4.51
21 EOS title=EOS 0.82 -4.42
22 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.75 -4.17
23 DeXe title=DEXE 12.61 -4.12
24 Astar title=ASTR 0.10 -4.04
25 xMoney title=UTK 0.09 -4.04
26 Juventus Fan Token title=JUV 2.58 -4.02
27 Phala title=PHA 0.20 -3.92
28 Stacks title=STX 2.63 -3.78
29 Keep3rV1 title=KP3R 73.25 -3.63
30 Aevo title=AEVO 1.46 -3.62

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


Global CryptoCurrency News

(See more news ...)
消息 日期
1 Will Dogecoin skyrocket 7 months after the Bitcoin halving again 2024-04-26
2 Stripe bringing back crypto payments this time with a stablecoin 2024-04-26
3 BONK POPCAT and Solana memecoins stay green even as Bitcoin price drops 2024-04-26
4 Anti crypto SEC commissioners term is up in 41 days Will she be replaced 2024-04-26
5 6B scam accused in court China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs Asia Express 2024-04-26
6 039Epic sat039 mined from fourth Bitcoin halving block sells for 21M 2024-04-26
7 Gordon Goner on his dramatic health battles and Bored Apes turning 3 2024-04-26
8 Bitcoin miner Marathon increases 2024 hash rate target to 50 EHs 2024-04-26
9 FBI warning against crypto money transmitters appears to be aimed at mixers 2024-04-26
10 Solana sees dramatic increase in institutional portfolios CoinShares 2024-04-26
11 Giant buy signal Crypto whales transfer 13B to Coinbase 2024-04-26
12 土耳其在稳定币购买份额占GDP方面位居世界首位
(Turkey tops the world in stablecoin buying share vs GDP)
13 DeFi 牛市通过 RWA 和递归空投混淆了预期
(DeFi bull market confounds expectations with RWAs and recursive airdrops)
14 Avail 集成了领先的第 2 层网络,以创建更具成本效益的链
(Avail integrates leading layer 2 networks to create more cost efficient chains)
15 去中心化 AI 是更公正的 AI 算法的关键 Masa 联合创始人
(Decentralized AI is key to more unbiased AI algorithms Masa co founder)
16 以下是 2024 年第一季度和 2023 年底的 6 笔最大的加密货币风险投资交易
(Heres the 6 biggest crypto VC deals in Q1 2024 and late 2023)
17 比特币价格面临 1 周低点的风险,因为美国 GDP 引发滞胀困境
(Bitcoin price risks 1 week lows as US GDP sparks stagflation woes)
18 以太坊 L2 Movement Labs 为 Move EVM 的采用筹集了 3800 万
(Ethereum L2 Movement Labs raises 38M for Move EVM adoption)
19 a16z Crypto 建议初创公司创始人永远不要在美国公开出售代币
(a16z Crypto recommends startup founders never publicly sell tokens in US)
20 众议院委员会排名成员表示,稳定币法案可能很快就会出台
(House committee ranking member says a stablecoin bill could be coming soon)
21 美国证券交易委员会审查比特币期权交易的新规则
(SEC reviews new rules for Bitcoin options trading)
22 Do Kwon对黑山法院的判决提出上诉,声称没有根据和非法的解释
(Do Kwon appeals Montenegrin court decision claiming unfounded and illegal interpretation)
23 曼城将通过与Quidd的多年合作发布数字收藏品
(Manchester City to release digital collectibles through multi year partnership with Quidd)
24 赵长鹏可以与加密无政府主义者吉姆·贝尔(Jim Bell)在同一设施中服刑
(Changpeng Zhao could serve time in the same facility as crypto anarchist Jim Bell)
25 Samourai Wallet mixer 联合创始人因反洗钱许可指控被捕
(Samourai Wallet mixer co founders arrested on AML licensing charges)
26 比特币分析师一致认为,BTC还有很长的路要走
(Bitcoin analysts agree that BTC has a lot further to run)
27 比特币憎恨欧洲央行039在阻止诈骗者方面做得不多
(Bitcoin hating European Central Bank isn039t doing much to stop scammers)
28 Meta 因前景疲软以及人工智能和元宇宙支出高企而下跌 15 分
(Meta drops 15 on weak outlook and high AI and metaverse spending)
29 39 名加拿大机构投资者对加密货币毕马威有敞口
(39 of Canadas institutional investors have exposure to crypto KPMG)
30 如果新法案通过,银行可能会涌入稳定币 SampP Global
(Banks could flood into stablecoins if new bill passes SampP Global)
31 贝莱德与Hedera HBAR水槽32没有商业关系
(BlackRock has no commercial relationship with Hedera HBAR sinks 32)
32 加密货币市场因 Samourai Wallet 创始人被捕而跌跌撞撞
(Crypto market stumbles amid arrest of Samourai Wallet founders)
33 比特币上的Linux 开源框架 BitVMX 设想 BTC 驱动的程序
(Linux on Bitcoin Open source framework BitVMX envisions BTC powered programs)
34 DeFis 未知和不可预测的风险遏制了机构使用 Fireblocks 副总裁
(DeFis unknown and unpredictable risks curb institutional use Fireblocks VP)
35 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)针对Uniswap Labs,引发了对开源代码责任的担忧
(SEC targets Uniswap Labs raising concerns over open source code liability)
36 英国监管机构审查大型科技公司039在人工智能行业中的作用
(UK regulator scrutinizes Big Tech039s role in AI industry)
37 Renzos ezETH 在空投挖矿窗口结束后跌至 688
(Renzos ezETH depegs to 688 following end of airdrop farming window)
38 区块链筹款的 7 种 ICO 替代方案 加密空投 IDO 放大更多
(7 ICO alternatives for blockchain fundraising Crypto airdrops IDOs amp more)
39 Chainlink推出旨在提高跨链互操作性的新协议
(Chainlink debuts new protocol aimed at boosting cross chain interoperability)
40 1M 比特币价格在宏观流动性激增中仍在发挥作用 Arthur Hayes
(1M Bitcoin price still in play amid macro liquidity surge Arthur Hayes)
41 美国当局逮捕并指控OneCoin计划中的新人物威廉·莫罗(William Morro)
(US authorities arrest and charge new figure in OneCoin scheme who is William Morro)
42 香港比特币以太ETF结构在4月30日发布前公布
(Hong Kong Bitcoin Ether ETF structures revealed ahead of April 30 launch)
43 农场账户和女巫攻击针对的代币空投
(Token airdrops targeted by farm accounts and Sybil attacks)
44 Jack Dorseys Block宣布开发完整的比特币挖矿系统
(Jack Dorseys Block announces development of full Bitcoin mining system)
45 我继续做其他事情 中本聪 13 年后重新审视最后一封电子邮件
(Ive moved on to other things Satoshi Nakamotos final email revisited after 13 years)
46 贝莱德意识到风险加权资产是数万亿美元的机遇 Kinto 联合创始人
(BlackRock aware that RWAs are multitrillion dollar opportunity Kinto co founder)
47 币安高管将继续被尼日利亚拘留,直到 5 月 17 日保释听证会报告
(Binance exec will remain in Nigerian custody until May 17 bail hearing Report)
48 贝莱德灰度必须等待美国证券交易委员会现货 ETH ETF 的决定
(BlackRock Grayscale have to wait for SECs spot ETH ETF decisions)
49 Cosmos 修补了关键的 IBC 协议错误,节省了 126M
(Cosmos patches critical IBC protocol bug saving 126M)
50 Mt Goxs 9B 悬垂可能会吓到市场压力比特币 K33
(Mt Goxs 9B overhang could spook the market pressure Bitcoin K33)

美国新闻 对市场有重大影响的

消息 日期 时间
1 每月基本个人消费支出价格指数报告 (Core PCE Price Index m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
2 月度个人收入指数报告 (Personal Income m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
3 月度个人消费指数报告 (Personal Spending m/m) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 20:30
4 提高消费者信心指数 (Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00
5 预期通胀报告 来自密歇根大学 (Revised UoM Inflation Expectations) 星期五 (Fri) 26-04-2024 22:00


Soup Finance (soup) Heavenland HTO (hto) FoxGirl (foxgirl) Electronero Pulse (etnxp) Ape In (apein) XDEFI Governance (xdex) The Crypto You (milk) MBD Financials (mbd) NSUR Coin (nsur) DeFi Franc (dchf)


Degen (d三g三n)Napoli Fan Token (nap)Black Sats (Ordinals) (bsat)Aave USDT (ausdt)BitStarters (bits)

Hashtags 与世界潮流有关的钱币

#Web3 #DeFi #sport #carbon-credit #DEX #pegged #digital economy #financial services #green energy #blockchain infrastructure


Metaverse 什么是比特币区块链是什么比特币价格如何确定比特币的市场前景如何
TiTdoi.com TiTdoi.com 000-000-0000