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Pedagang Bitcoin menjangkakan Pengerusi Fed Powell mengepam beg kami dan BTC untuk menyasarkan 80K -  Bitcoin traders expect Fed Chair Powell to pump our bags and BTC to target 80K

Pedagang Bitcoin menjangkakan Pengerusi Fed Powell mengepam beg kami dan BTC untuk menyasarkan 80K
(Bitcoin traders expect Fed Chair Powell to pump our bags and BTC to target 80K)

Published: 2024-05-14

1. Jangkaan harga Bitcoin: Pedagang Bitcoin menjangkakan Kerusi Rizab Persekutuan Powell akan meningkatkan harga Bitcoin untuk mencapai $ 80,000. Sentimen bulis ini didorong oleh harapan bahawa sokongan dasar monetari Fed yang berterusan akan mendorong lebih ramai pelabur ke arah mata wang kripto terkemuka.

2. Sentimen pasaran: Artikel itu menyebut sentimen pasaran yang positif di kalangan peniaga Bitcoin, yang optimis mengenai potensi kenaikan harga selanjutnya. Dengan jangkaan campur tangan Pengerusi Fed untuk meningkatkan harga, peniaga berharap untuk meneruskan trend pasaran bull semasa.

3. Kesan dasar Rizab Persekutuan: Peniaga memantau dengan teliti tindakan dan kenyataan Rizab Persekutuan, terutamanya pengendalian dasar monetari. Sebarang petunjuk sokongan berterusan atau dasar dovish boleh meningkatkan lagi harga Bitcoin, kerana peniaga percaya tindakan bank pusat akan memberi kesan langsung kepada prestasi mata wang kripto.. .

1. Bitcoin price expectations: Bitcoin traders are expecting Federal Reserve Chair Powell to boost the price of Bitcoin to reach $80,000. This bullish sentiment is driven by hopes that the Fed's continued monetary policy support will drive more investors towards the leading cryptocurrency.

2. Market sentiment: The article mentions a positive market sentiment among Bitcoin traders,who are optimistic about the potential for further price increases. With expectations of the Fed Chair's intervention to boost prices,traders are hopeful for a continuation of the current bull market trend.

3. Impact of Federal Reserve's policies: Traders are closely monitoring the actions and statements of the Federal Reserve,particularly its handling of monetary policy. Any indications of continued support or dovish policies could further bolster Bitcoin's price,as traders believe the central bank's actions will have a direct impact on the cryptocurrency's performance.


Syiling yang paling banyak didagangkan

(Kemas kini setiap 1 jam)
di daripada ialah ($US) perolehan ($)
1 ARS title=ARS 1,291.90 3,111,106,430.20
2 BTC title=BTC 69,311.42 2,458,095,988.34
3 COP title=COP 3,861.00 1,424,578,716.00
4 ETH title=ETH 3,681.05 1,357,080,097.32
5 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 583,640,684.67
6 SOL title=SOL 162.01 574,256,601.69
7 XRP title=XRP 0.50 263,977,277.64
8 WIF title=WIF 2.82 249,850,985.72
9 DOGE title=DOGE 0.15 236,202,857.81
10 ORDI title=ORDI 59.13 217,073,200.37
11 FLOKI title=FLOKI <0.01 205,478,307.53
12 FIL title=FIL 6.34 186,591,803.27
13 BOME title=BOME 0.01 165,746,968.19
14 PEOPLE title=PEOPLE 0.11 150,816,836.16
15 JASMY title=JASMY 0.04 143,787,117.85
16 INJ title=INJ 29.78 138,700,970.43
17 BONK title=BONK <0.01 135,758,372.53
18 WLD title=WLD 4.44 121,280,294.71
19 ADA title=ADA 0.44 115,357,406.97
20 HIGH title=HIGH 7.97 114,493,319.24
21 AVAX title=AVAX 33.62 100,178,784.20
22 ENA title=ENA 0.86 96,540,041.48
23 NEAR title=NEAR 6.82 94,244,580.44
24 RNDR title=RNDR 9.48 84,292,453.31
25 OP title=OP 2.24 80,560,932.75
26 SUI title=SUI 1.11 80,366,677.48
27 MATIC title=MATIC 0.67 75,063,931.16

Syiling dengan harga yang meningkat pesat

(Kemas kini setiap 1 minit)
di daripada ialah ($US) lebih (%)
1 Highstreet title=HIGH 7.97 +9.36
2 Filecoin title=FIL 6.34 +6.84
3 Wing Finance title=WING 6.91 +5.98
4 Kyber Network Crystal title=KNC 0.72 +5.12
5 Injective title=INJ 29.78 +4.27
6 Dusk title=DUSK 0.44 +2.29
7 TrueFi title=TRU 0.20 +1.89
8 Sei title=SEI 0.53 +1.86
9 Polymesh title=POLYX 0.46 +1.46
10 BinaryX title=BNX 1.14 +0.41
11 W 0.71 +0.28

Harga syiling jatuh dengan cepat.

(Kemas kini setiap 1 minit)
di daripada ialah ($US) kurangkan (%)
1 Aevo title=AEVO 0.83 -17.54
2 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 -15.37
3 TerraClassicUSD title=USTC 0.02 -15.01
4 Streamr title=DATA 0.06 -14.60
5 RSK Infrastructure Framework title=RIF 0.15 -14.38
6 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 -14.15
7 Fusionist title=ACE 5.36 -13.96
8 dogwifhat title=WIF 2.82 -13.91
9 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.89 -13.74
10 Xai title=XAI 0.78 -13.70
11 Sleepless AI title=AI 1.05 -13.39
12 Voxies title=VOXEL 0.25 -13.03
13 NFPrompt title=NFP 0.48 -12.92
14 Vanar Chain title=VANRY 0.19 -12.88
15 Reserve Rights title=RSR <0.01 -12.85
16 BurgerCities title=BURGER 0.69 -12.84
17 Bella Protocol title=BEL 0.88 -12.74
18 Memecoin title=MEME 0.03 -12.69
19 Portal title=PORTAL 0.85 -12.65
20 Dock title=DOCK 0.03 -12.57
21 Pixels title=PIXEL 0.44 -12.46
22 Saga title=SAGA 2.45 -12.45
23 LTO Network title=LTO 0.18 -12.34
24 Contentos title=COS 0.01 -12.33
25 Shentu title=CTK 0.80 -12.33
26 Terra title=LUNA 0.58 -12.32
27 Chiliz title=CHZ 0.12 -12.24
28 GALA title=GALA 0.04 -12.17
29 PlayDapp title=PDA 0.09 -12.09
30 dYdX title=DYDX 1.92 -12.06

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


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