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硬币相关 #Scalable

币名 细节
Loom Network (NEW) (loom)
以太坊的下一代区块链应用平台.Loom Network的DPoS侧链允许真正可扩展的区块链游戏和DApps,并具有以太坊主网的安全性。. 就像以太坊上的EOS一样,什么是织机网络织机网络是以太坊的第2层扩展解决方案,正在生产中。. 它是一个DPoS侧链网络,允许高度可扩展的游戏和面向用户的DApp,同时仍然由生产中 Ethereum.Live 的安全性提供支持织机网络自2018年3月以来一直在生产中。. 开发人员,今天就开始在 Loom 上构建。高度可扩展的侧链被称为“以太坊上的EOS”,Loom的DPoS侧链提供了与EOS等替代平台相同的高可扩展性和吞吐量,同时仍然完全兼容以太坊和安全。在以太坊的支持下,我们构建了世界上第一个等离子现金实施,允许基于以太坊的代币在织机侧链上使用,并具有以太
The NextGeneration Blockchain Application Platform for Ethereum.Loom Network’s DPoS sidechains allow for truly scalable blockchain games and DApps with the security of Ethereum mainnet. Like EOS on Ethereum.What is Loom NetworkLoom Network is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that is live in production. It is a network of DPoS sidechains, which allows for highlyscalable games and userfacing DApps while still being backed by the security of
Hive (hive)
Hive是一个DPoS驱动的区块链和加密货币。. 几乎。. 可 伸缩。. 强。. Hive拥有一个由dapps,社区和个人组成的蓬勃发展的生态系统。.
Hive is a DPoS powered blockchain & cryptocurrency. Fast. Scalable. Powerful. Hive has a thriving ecosystem of dapps, communities & individuals.
Bass Exchange (bass)
这个项目是关于超高效的多链稳定交换的。是什么让您的项目独一无二可扩展均衡创新覆盖率基于稳定交换机制,消除可扩展性障碍,从而实现 100% 的资金利用率,无无常损失。滑点最小化Bass采用资产负债模型,滑点在交易金额增加时被否定,在发生时减少。DeFi 的基础建立在纯单代币池设计上,支持单代币 LP 代币,非常适合借贷协议和交易平台在此基础上构建。项目的历史记录。您的项目的下一步是什么跨链您的代币可以用于治理什么。.
What is the project aboutHyper efficient multichain stableswap.What makes your project uniqueScalable EquilibriumInnovate coverageratiobased stableswap mechanism to remove scalability barriers,which allows the possibility of achieving 100% capital utilization with no impermanent loss.Slippage minimizationBass adopts the assettoliability model; slippage is negated until higher transaction amounts and reduced when it occurs.Foundation for DeFi to b
Beni (beni)
Beni是一种基于Coinbase董事宠物狗的模因币,在基础区块链上推出。. 它旨在为加密爱好者和宠物爱好者创建一个有趣、引人入胜和包容的社区,建立在坚实的基础之上,Beni 享受安全、可扩展和用户友好的区块链的好处。. 这个 PawSome 模因币旨在让每个人都可以使用,从经验丰富的加密交易员到刚刚开始数字资产世界之旅的新手。.
Beni Is A Memecoin Based On Coinbase Directors Pet Dog,Launched On The Base Blockchain. It Aims To Create A Fun,Engaging,And Inclusive Community For Crypto Enthusiasts And Pet Lovers.Built On The Solid Foundation Of Base,Beni Enjoys The Benefits Of A Secure,Scalable,And UserFriendly Blockchain. This PawSome Memecoin Is Designed To Be Accessible To Everyone,From Seasoned Crypto Traders To Newcomers Who Are Just Starting Their Journey In The World
BitcoinZ (btcz)
atum协议使其不易通货膨胀,并且从长远来看更具可持续性去中心化BTCZ是一种真正去中心化的加密货币,因为它是100个社区驱动的,没有首席执行官或所有权 治理加密货币旨在由所有参与者控制,而不是由任何单一实体控制 公平启动Bitcoinz项目为每个人提供了公平的启动 Nopremine 没有Instamine没有ICO销售,也没有开发税收不可变的最大供应量与大多数其他项目不同 Bitcoinz有一个不可变的 永远无法改变的最大供应 抗ASIC的抗ASIC挖矿算法被证明具有抗ASIC性,保证矿工不会被强大的ASIC机器取代 可扩展它使用Zhash算法,与原始比特币网络相比提供更好的可扩展性 零成本交易比特币Z提供几乎零成本的交易,即使是小额交易 快速的区块时间网络的区块时间为2分钟,使其比传统
atum Protocolsthat Make It Less Prone To Inflation And More Sustainable In The Longtermdecentralizedbtcz Is A Truly Decentralized Cryptocurrency As It Is 100 Communitydriven With No Ceo Or Ownership Governancecryptocurrencies Are Designed To Be Controlled By All Participants Andnot By Any Single Entity Fair Launchthe Bitcoinz Project Had A Fair Launch For Everyone With Nopremine No Instamine No Ico Sales And No Dev Taxesimmutable Maximum Supplyun
Cardstack (card)
Cardstack是一个开源框架和共识协议,使区块链可用于大众市场并可扩展,创建一个分散的软件生态系统,可以挑战当今的数字超级大国。. Cardstack Token CARD 是一种实用代币,允许最终用户和企业使用与多个区块链、去中心化协议、appcoin支持的 dApp 和基于云的服务交互的应用程序,同时支付单一的链上交易费用。. Cardstack ICO的主要价值主张是打破现在存在于数字世界各个层面的不同软件,云和区块链孤岛的用户体验,允许开发人员和用户参与可定制的工作流程。. 为了克服这些不同的应用程序孤岛,Cardstack提供了一个新的UI,通过Web部署或作为点对点应用程序部署,它将开源开发人员创建的每项服务都变成了一张“卡片”。. 每张卡都包含关键信息的视觉体现,然后用户可
Cardstack is an opensource framework and consensus protocol that makes blockchains usable and scalable for the mass market, creating a decentralized software ecosystem that can challenge today’s digital superpowers. Cardstack Token CARD is a utility token allowing end users and businesses to use applications that interact with multiple blockchains, decentralized protocols, appcoinbacked dApps, and cloud based services while paying a single onchai
Dynamix (dyna)
Dynamix,第一个使用基于事件的不断发展算法创建的令牌。. 增加奖励系统,降低销售费用,可扩展的回购和销毁系统。.
Dynamix, The first token created with an evolving algorithm based on events. Increases Rewards system, Decreases Sell fees, Scalable buyback and burn system.
Helium IOT (iot)
氦气网络是一个分散的、基于区块链的无线基础设施项目,允许个人和组织通过代币激励来部署和运营无线网络。. 它利用Solana区块链作为其基础。. 为网络提供动力的主要代币是 HNT, 而物联网和移动代币分别用于促进 LoRaWAN 和 5G 网络.是什么让您的项目独一无二分散的基础设施:氦气网络允许通过激励参与者贡献资源和分享利益来创建和维护分布式无线网络。可扩展且安全:该网络利用 Solana 区块链,该区块链以其高可扩展性、低延迟和强大的安全性而闻名。多用例支持: 氦气网络支持各种用例, 包括通过 LoRaWAN 网络的物联网设备和通过 5G 网络的高速移动连接.激励参与:氦气网络采用基于代币的系统来奖励参与者并鼓励网络增长。ProofofCoverage PoC:LoRaWAN和5G子网
What is the project aboutThe Helium Network is a decentralized,blockchainbased wireless infrastructure project that allows individuals and organizations to deploy and operate wireless networks through token incentivisation. It leverages the Solana Blockchain for its foundation. The primary token powering the network is HNT,while IOT and MOBILE tokens are used to facilitate the LoRaWAN and 5G networks,respectively.What makes your project uniqueDec
Helium Mobile (mobile)
氦气网络是一个分散的、基于区块链的无线基础设施项目,允许个人和组织通过代币激励来部署和运营无线网络。. 它利用Solana区块链作为其基础。. 为网络提供动力的主要代币是 HNT, 而物联网和移动代币分别用于促进 LoRaWAN 和 5G 网络.是什么让您的项目独一无二分散的基础设施:氦气网络允许通过激励参与者贡献资源和分享利益来创建和维护分布式无线网络。可扩展且安全:该网络利用 Solana 区块链,该区块链以其高可扩展性、低延迟和强大的安全性而闻名。多用例支持: 氦气网络支持各种用例, 包括通过 LoRaWAN 网络的物联网设备和通过 5G 网络的高速移动连接.激励参与:氦气网络采用基于代币的系统来奖励参与者并鼓励网络增长。ProofofCoverage PoC:LoRaWAN和5G子网
What is the project aboutThe Helium Network is a decentralized,blockchainbased wireless infrastructure project that allows individuals and organizations to deploy and operate wireless networks through token incentivization. It leverages the Solana Blockchain for its foundation. The primary token powering the network is HNT,while IOT and MOBILE tokens are used to facilitate the LoRaWAN and 5G networks,respectively.What makes your project uniqueDec
Loom Network (OLD) (loomold)
以太坊的下一代区块链应用平台.Loom Network的DPoS侧链允许真正可扩展的区块链游戏和DApps,并具有以太坊主网的安全性。. 就像以太坊上的EOS一样,什么是织机网络织机网络是以太坊的第2层扩展解决方案,正在生产中。. 它是一个DPoS侧链网络,允许高度可扩展的游戏和面向用户的DApp,同时仍然由生产中 Ethereum.Live 的安全性提供支持织机网络自2018年3月以来一直在生产中。. 开发人员,今天就开始在 Loom 上构建。高度可扩展的侧链被称为“以太坊上的EOS”,Loom的DPoS侧链提供了与EOS等替代平台相同的高可扩展性和吞吐量,同时仍然完全兼容以太坊和安全。在以太坊的支持下,我们构建了世界上第一个等离子现金实施,允许基于以太坊的代币在织机侧链上使用,并具有以太
The NextGeneration Blockchain Application Platform for Ethereum.Loom Network’s DPoS sidechains allow for truly scalable blockchain games and DApps with the security of Ethereum mainnet. Like EOS on Ethereum.What is Loom NetworkLoom Network is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that is live in production. It is a network of DPoS sidechains, which allows for highlyscalable games and userfacing DApps while still being backed by the security of
PulseBitcoin (plsb)
脉冲比特币 更快,更安全,无污染,节能,高度可扩展,与DeFi兼容的比特币。.
PulseBitcoin The Faster,More Secure,NonPolluting,Energy Efficient,Highly Scalable,DeFi Compatible; Bitcoin
12 PAD
SmartPad (pad)
是一种去中心化网络协议,用于可扩展的 Andresilient 数据存储和计算服务 它允许以安全的方式存储数据 令牌启动令牌启动 智能板即将推出自己的令牌 您将能够通过我们的平台参与发布 智能密码令牌将用于治理 The Dao 并授予对多个 Idos 应用程序的访问权限 启动应用程序启动 我们很高兴地宣布,我们应用程序的测试版现在可以上线 您可以从Google Play商店或IOSstore Smartpad下载 Smartpad是一个平台,让人们可以从不同的网络参与IDO(初始DEX产品)。. 人们可以加入矿池同时参与多个IDO,获得质押奖励,并可以访问来自不同区块链的更多IDO。. 他们还有一个令牌启动和一个可供下载的应用程序。.
Is A Decentralized Network Protocol For Scalable Andresilient Data Storage And Compute Services It Allows Storage Ofdata In A Secure Decentralized Way Token Launchtokenlaunch Smartpad Is Launching Its Own Token Soon You Will Be Ableto Participate In The Launch Through Our Platform The Smartpadtoken Will Be Used To Govern The Dao And Give Access To Multiple Idos App Launchapplaunch We Are Excited To Announce That The Beta Version Of Our Appis Now
SpiceUSD (usds)
香料贸易协议的核心论点是,对去中心化、链上、开源、可值、可扩展、模块化、跨链和资本高效的系统的巨大需求,用于世界人民之间的贸易。. 此外,这样的系统应该具有深度、长期和协议拥有的流动性,以减少摩擦并保持紧密挂钩。. 我们认为,建立这样一个制度使我们离为人类创造一个更加和平与繁荣的未来又近了一步。. 建立这样一个系统的第一步是根据以下原则重新思考货币:链上和去中心化:降低托管风险。. 这与可能具有重大托管风险的中心化稳定币形成鲜明对比。价值表:无摩擦交易需要使用价值没有显着波动的货币。. 值稳定是一个相对术语。.
The core thesis of the Spice Trade protocol is that, theres a massive need for a decentralized, onchain, opensource, valuestable, scalable, modular, crosschain, and capitalefficient system for trade among people of the world. Furthermore, such a system should have deep, longterm, and protocolowned liquidity to reduce friction and maintain tight pegs. It is our belief that creating such a system brings us one step closer to creating a more peacefu
14 TRU
Truebit Protocol (tru)
什么是Truebit TRU Truebit允许在区块链环境之外运行的软件为区块链内运行的智能合约和应用程序提供可信的结果。. 该平台允许以可信的方式应用几乎无限的外部计算资源,以扩展其主机区块链的性能、吞吐量和可扩展性。. 这种验证解决方案的研究始于2015年,如今该解决方案将区块链连接到链上和链下数据,同时使智能合约能够以标准,易于使用的编程语言安全地执行复杂的计算,同时显着降低gas成本。. 与分片和其他分配高事务吞吐量的方法不同,Truebit通过涉及最少冗余的共识机制处理复杂和大型事务,使其成为Web 3.0基础架构的新解决方案。. 大部分计算发生在链下资源上。. 验证者的困境 是什么让 Truebit 独一无二 Truebit 不依赖于外部加密的正确性证明,而是通过利用博弈论原理
What Is Truebit TRU Truebit allows software running outside a blockchain environment to provide trusted results to smart contracts and applications running within a blockchain. The platform allows practically unlimited external compute resources to be applied in a trusted way to extend the performance, throughput, and scalability of its host blockchain. Research began in 2015 on this verification solution which today connects blockchains to both
15 VRC
Virtual Coin (vrc)
一个可扩展和可持续的革命性区块链平台。. VRC Coin是建立在VRC区块链上的可奖励硬币。. VRC 是一个采用 Web3、Metaverse 和 Nft 平台的区块链生态系统,具有高交易速度和低交易费用。.
A Scalable & Sustainable Revolutionary Blockchain Platform. VRC Coin is a reward able coin built on VRC Blockchain. VRC is a blockchain ecosystem for adoption of Web3,Metaverse & Nft Platforms,with high transection speed and low transaction fees.
16 ZNZ
ZENZO (znz)
ZENZO是一个包罗万象的生态系统,专为游戏玩家和游戏开发者设计。. 该基金会是专用的权益证明游戏区块链,称为ZENZO区块链。. 这个网络中的多方面驱动力是ZENZO币,称为ZNZ。. 主要愿景是促进区块链和加密货币在游戏行业的采用和认识。. 在生态系统中,主要有4个不同的元素:ZENZO核心区块链,硬币,钱包,ZENZO Arcade数字市场,ZENZO Forge可扩展网状网络和ZENZO孵化场游戏孵化器。. 这些元素中的每一个都提供了一种独特且独立的方法来解决特定问题,同时支持其他元素。.
ZENZO is a allencompassing ecosystem designed specifically for gamers and game developers. The foundation is the dedicated Proof of Stake gaming blockchain, known as ZENZO Blockchain. The multifaceted driving force within this network is the ZENZO Coin, known as ZNZ. The primary vision is to facilitate adoption and awareness of both blockchain and cryptocurrency in the gaming industry. Within the Ecosystem, there are primarily 4 different element


是 ($US) 周转 ($)
1 BTC title=BTC 64,119.14 3,084,471,111.38
2 ARS title=ARS 1,045.80 2,107,316,917.90
3 ETH title=ETH 3,066.00 1,200,452,496.77
4 SOL title=SOL 144.30 1,051,664,909.08
5 ENA title=ENA 1.03 291,657,422.81
6 DOGE title=DOGE 0.16 278,932,498.39
7 WIF title=WIF 2.85 265,641,115.22
8 PEPE title=PEPE <0.01 247,161,008.86
9 XRP title=XRP 0.51 232,995,434.63
10 BOME title=BOME 0.01 196,197,183.85
11 RUNE title=RUNE 5.40 160,357,646.36
12 SAGA title=SAGA 4.21 128,568,431.08
13 ORDI title=ORDI 46.14 106,200,102.07
14 WLD title=WLD 5.05 102,029,601.94
15 NEAR title=NEAR 5.84 92,395,403.01
16 ADA title=ADA 0.50 85,405,129.23
17 AVAX title=AVAX 35.72 82,968,172.44
18 SUI title=SUI 1.36 80,148,664.49
19 OMNI title=OMNI 27.02 68,404,570.30
20 TIA title=TIA 11.57 63,136,631.91
21 MATIC title=MATIC 0.68 61,794,133.28
22 LINK title=LINK 13.98 61,401,502.31
23 JTO title=JTO 3.68 60,482,058.10
24 ICP title=ICP 14.43 54,412,551.03
25 FIL title=FIL 6.28 54,085,487.37
26 ETHFI title=ETHFI 3.79 53,925,941.54
27 FTM title=FTM 0.71 53,700,389.50


是 ($US) 更多的 (%)
1 Saga title=SAGA 4.21 +23.29
2 Syscoin title=SYS 0.26 +20.94
3 Orion title=ORN 1.63 +16.89
4 Pundi X title=PUNDIX 0.72 +13.89
5 Alchemy Pay title=ACH 0.03 +12.41
6 Arweave title=AR 28.92 +12.20
7 Omni Network title=OMNI 27.02 +11.01
8 Tokocrypto title=TKO 0.46 +10.97
9 SPACE ID title=ID 0.80 +10.86
10 Ethena title=ENA 1.03 +9.93
11 BOOK OF MEME title=BOME 0.01 +9.78
12 iExec RLC title=RLC 2.81 +9.73
13 Dymension title=DYM 4.06 +9.54
14 Galxe title=GAL 3.80 +9.15
15 Ampleforth Governance title=FORTH 4.67 +9.05
16 Cardano title=ADA 0.50 +8.45
17 Marlin title=POND 0.02 +8.40
18 Internet Computer title=ICP 14.43 +8.34
19 Sei title=SEI 0.58 +8.25
20 Sui title=SUI 1.36 +7.85
21 Ankr Network title=ANKR 0.05 +7.66
22 1000SATS (Ordinals) title=1000SATS <0.01 +7.51
23 THORChain title=RUNE 5.40 +7.44
24 Prom title=PROM 10.13 +7.34
25 Portal title=PORTAL 1.03 +6.87
26 Jito title=JTO 3.68 +6.86
27 Highstreet title=HIGH 2.43 +6.81
28 Enzyme title=MLN 22.89 +6.66
29 Tensor title=TNSR 0.90 +6.65
30 Pixels title=PIXEL 0.44 +6.62


是 ($US) 减少 (%)
1 TrueFi title=TRU 0.11 -6.14
2 NEO title=NEO 18.33 -5.95
3 Ontology Gas title=ONG 0.65 -5.10
4 Harvest Finance title=FARM 70.52 -4.32
5 Bluzelle title=BLZ 0.40 -4.03
6 MANTRA title=OM 0.70 -3.88
7 Qtum title=QTUM 4.05 -3.57
8 Gas title=GAS 5.45 -3.42
9 BinaryX title=BNX 0.72 -3.31
10 Pendle title=PENDLE 5.78 -3.28
11 Liquity title=LQTY 1.04 -3.09
12 GMX title=GMX 28.74 -2.81
13 GALA title=GALA 0.05 -2.66
14 Bittensor title=TAO 451.50 -2.32
15 Cream title=CREAM 48.34 -2.25
16 ICON title=ICX 0.23 -2.14
17 Hedera title=HBAR 0.08 -1.92
18 Aevo title=AEVO 1.56 -1.89
19 aelf title=ELF 0.56 -1.81
20 Synapse title=SYN 1.09 -1.61
21 Dego Finance title=DEGO 2.29 -1.38
22 Balancer title=BAL 3.87 -1.28
23 Bounce title=AUCTION 17.64 -1.23
24 Polkastarter title=POLS 0.80 -1.23
25 Linear title=LINA <0.01 -1.22
26 Gitcoin title=GTC 1.21 -1.15
27 Lido DAO title=LDO 2.00 -1.09
28 Fantom title=FTM 0.71 -1.05
29 Yield Guild Games title=YGG 0.87 -0.97
30 Curve DAO title=CRV 0.44 -0.93

Bitcoin's Greed and Fear Index.


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12 诈骗者利用谷歌平台推广网络钓鱼网站
(Scammers exploit Google platform to promote phishing site)
13 USDT 旨在为受通胀影响的国家提供生命线 Tether 首席执行官
(USDT aims to offer a lifeline to inflation stricken nations Tether CEO)
14 加密社区战胜 Token2049 与会者勇敢地度过迪拜风暴
(Crypto community triumphs Token2049 attendees brave Dubai storms)
15 DeFi 平台 Hedgey Finance 受到 4400 万漏洞利用的打击
(DeFi platform Hedgey Finance hit by 44 million exploit)
16 比特币减半将重点放在加密教育计划上
(Bitcoin halving puts focus on crypto education initiatives)
17 Telegram 承诺 TON 区块链计划支持代币化表情符号和贴纸 NFT
(Telegram commits to TON blockchain plans to support tokenized emojis and stickers NFTs)
18 什么是 EigenLayer 以太坊质押协议解释
(What is EigenLayer Ethereums restaking protocol explained)
19 加密货币的历史:加密货币交易所的未来:监管斗争和治理
(History of Crypto The future of crypto exchanges regulatory battles and governance)
20 Runes 协议将在减半后点燃比特币的新赛季
(The Runes protocol will ignite a new season for Bitcoin after the halving)
21 OneCoin律师获得保释,等待定罪和10年徒刑的上诉
(OneCoin lawyer gets bail pending appeal for conviction and 10 year sentence)
22 比特币负期货融资利率是即将到来的BTC价格崩盘的迹象吗
(Is Bitcoins negative futures funding rate a sign of an upcoming BTC price crash)
23 中国和加密 ETF 泰国 NFT 音乐节 KuCoins 13M 新机器人 亚洲快车
(China and the crypto ETFs Thai NFT music fest KuCoins 13M new bots Asia Express)
24 随着减半的临近,比特币费用连续 3 天位居以太坊之首
(Bitcoin fees top Ethereum for 3 days in a row as halving approaches)
25 比特币持有者在 BTC 下跌期间将 17B 转移到积累钱包中
(Bitcoin hodlers moved 17B into accumulation wallets during the BTC dip)
26 在中东危机恶化的报道中,比特币短暂跌破 60K
(Bitcoin briefly dips under 60K amid reports of worsening Middle East crisis)
27 以太坊流动性质押在第一季度推动 DeFi TVL 达到 100B
(Ethereum liquid restaking drove DeFi TVL to 100B in first quarter)
28 Degen Chain L3 现在在以太坊生态系统的 TPS 排行榜上名列前茅
(Degen Chain L3 now tops the TPS charts within the Ethereum ecosystem)
29 随着 DeFi 推动第一季度收入,以太坊有望实现 1B 年度利润
(Ethereum on track for 1B annual profit as DeFi drives Q1 revenue)
30 贝莱德 ETF 接近超越 Grayscale,尽管每日流入量第二低
(BlackRock ETF close to overtaking Grayscale despite second lowest daily inflows)
31 尽管最近遭遇挫折,尼日利亚的加密货币声誉仍将占上风 交易所高管
(Nigerias crypto reputation will prevail despite recent setbacks Exchange exec)
32 山寨币触底 比特币价格从 5K 低点反弹 5
(Have altcoins hit the bottom Bitcoin price bounces 5 from 597K low)
33 欢迎来到链上机器人提供咖啡和加密货币奖励的未来
(Welcome to the future where on chain robots serve coffee and crypto rewards)
34 模因币行业的持续增长取决于长期效用
(Memecoin sectors continued growth hinges on long term utility)
35 病毒视频:维基百科在美国大选和 Covid 期间审查数据
(Viral video Wikipedia censored data during US elections and Covid)
36 比特币减半的数学 破解方程式和公式
(The mathematics of Bitcoin halvings Cracking the equations and formulas)
37 BRC 20 代币在比特币减半之前流血,因为交易员的注意力转移到 Runes
(BRC 20 tokens bleed ahead of Bitcoin halving as trader focus shifts to Runes)
38 加拿大将开始实施国际加密税务报告标准
(Canada to begin implementing international crypto tax reporting standard)
39 BTC 价格在支撑位反弹,推动了 2023 年的牛市
(BTC price bounces at support that fueled 2023 bull market)
40 比特币跌破 60K,但一些交易员尚未看跌 BTC
(Bitcoin slips below 60K but some traders arent turning bearish on BTC just yet)
41 下一次ICO热潮即将到来,它将比2018年更好
(The next ICO boom is coming and it will be better than 2018)
42 芒果市场剥削者审判进入陪审团
(Mango Markets exploiter trial heads to jury)
43 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)支持加强美国对稳定币的制裁选项
(Elizabeth Warren supports enhanced US sanction options for stablecoins)
44 Magic Eden 在 3 月份超越 Blur 成为领先的 NFT 市场 CoinGecko
(Magic Eden passed Blur as leading NFT marketplace in March CoinGecko)
45 比特币在谷歌上的搜索量减半是有史以来的最高点
(Bitcoin halving searches on Google is at its highest point ever)
46 Solana 价格再次暴跌 SOL 能否保持在 130 以上
(Solana price takes another tumble Can SOL hold above 130)
47 Ernst amp Young 利用以太坊上的 ZK 证明来自动化合约
(Ernst amp Young taps ZK proofs on Ethereum to automate contracts)
48 Gary Genslers 辞职巨魔帖子让 Crypto X 失望
(Gary Genslers resignation troll post disappoints Crypto X)
49 前以太坊开发者维吉尔·格里菲斯(Virgil Griffith)要求对朝鲜案进行重新判决
(Former Ethereum dev Virgil Griffith asks for resentencing in North Korea case)
50 Yuga Labs 在努力卸载 2 款 NFT 游戏的过程中 039unshackle039 BAYC 团队
(Yuga Labs offloads 2 NFT games amid effort to 039unshackle039 BAYC team)


Ecowatt (ewt) The Path Of Light (yori) Twinci (twin) Flourishing AI (ai) FireStarter (flame) AI INU (aiinu) Solv BTC (solvbtc) ConstitutionDAO (people) Maza (mzc) CryptoDrop (juice)


Qrolli (qr)CFX Quantum (cfxq)TLifeCoin (tlife)DEV SMASHED HIS KEYBOARD (hixokdkekjcjdksicndnaiaihsbznnxnxnduje)Hokkaido Inu (hoka)

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